#listened to les mis and abc cafe always reminds me of this
pelideswhore · 1 year
during the excavations of Troy they found a pub right next to the city gates. it had a bar, tables, dispensers, a storage and everything. they gave out rations from this very pub.
how would you feel if i told you that soldiers went to this pub to heal their wounds, to chat, to gossip, to get drunk, to get to know the man that saved their life? how would you feel if i told you that they felt the loss of their every companion like a black hole in their hearts every time a chair went empty? how would you feel if i told you that they were likely the first to hear the screams when their prince was killed? how would you feel if i told you that this would have been the very bar they celebrated and got drunk in the night the Trojan Horse was pulled in?
how would you feel if i told you that after the Siege the pub remained empty forever? no one would ever know of the love they shared. hmm? how would you feel?
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