#listen...titles are important...unless your a dick.....
o-holynight · 1 year
Tight Quarters - Joel Miller x fem!Reader
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title: Tight Quarters pairing: Joel Miller x fem!Reader summary: On your way out of the QZ on a mission, you and Joel need to hide from the patrolling officers, and quickly. Your best option? To hole up in a large metal pipe for the night. How ever will you pass the time until morning...? word count: ~3K rating: R (nothing too explicit just yet. this is my first post in like years.) content and warnings: fingering, hand-job, mentions of spit, claustrophobia?? (I tried to make it seem roomy), I think that’s all. let me know if there’s anything I missed. author’s note: HI I’VE RETURNED BY SHEER FORCE OF AN OLD FANDOM AWAKENING DEEP INSIDE ME. But really, I just have always had so much love for this game, and even more-so the amazing way they are telling the story through this series, so I am back and better than ever. Please let me know your thoughts, no matter how long or short. I’d love to discuss any and every detail with you! ♡
“Quick, into that pipe, think we can make it?” Joel rasped, low enough for you to hear from your crouched position, but not much above a whisper. 
You eyed the rusting building material, which certainly looked big enough for the two of you to squeeze into, yet unassuming enough to where the soldiers wouldn’t think twice to look into for fugitives. A split decision caused you to nod and slowly stand up from your spot behind an abandoned pickup truck’s large tire. Joel’s now-silent communication affirmed your plans, as he pointed to the pipe and gave you a hang back sign. He shuffled his way to the metal tube in record time as you could just barely hear the shouts of the QZ officers in the distance. A beam of light shone through the blank space between your truck’s tires as you froze, waiting for the lighthouse-like search beam to circle back in the opposite direction before you made a break to join Joel in your hiding spot. 
“Scoot.” you breathed, as you crawled into the pipe behind Joel, and removed your backpack to make more room.
“I am. Now shush.” he responded gruffly, taking his position, curled up with one knee on the floor of the tube, the other pressed into his chest as he crouched, listening for any sign of soldiers nearby. 
“Never seen ‘em out in droves like this. Must be slow in the QZ.” you whispered, laying back against the pipe’s walls, getting as comfortable as you could at your new post.
“Yeah…or busy on the outskirts.” Joel rebutted, ever the pessimist. “The fuckers probably won’t head back ‘til morning. They’ll just be standing around with their dicks in their hands, waiting to shoot anything that moves.” he rolled his eyes, finally lowering his gun for the first time in about an hour. 
You snorted a laugh, crossing your arms at the thought. “So what, we’re stuck in this hidey-hole until the sun comes up?” 
“Yes, unless you keep running your mouth, then surely they’ll kill us before the first bird opens its goddamn beak.” Joel breathed, holding a finger up to his lips as a punctuation to his threat. 
You just smirked and leaned your head back against the roughened metal, running your finger over the rusty surface about two feet in front of you. “How cozy.” you mouthed, feeling Joel’s eyes on you, ready to put you back in your place if need be. 
The two of you worked well together. Well, when you weren’t bickering. It was all out of love, to be sure. What started out as a mentor-mentee relationship quickly turned on its head when he realized you could keep up with the best of them. He became a lot more relaxed around you once he realized you’d keep him safe just as easily and readily as he’d keep you safe. Which you’d proved ten times over by now, at least. Ever since then you paired up quite often to take on cases in parts beyond the QZ boundaries. This time, you were making a run that would land you enough rations to last you at least two weeks; and that’s before you factor in your own allotment. So it was important to make it through the night alive.
After what seemed like an eternity but probably was only about half an hour, there were no more FEDRA voices to be heard, but the search light was still sweeping, illuminating your safe haven every other minute or so. If you were paying enough attention, you could probably use it to keep track of time, but you were more intrigued at the way Joel was still kneeling uncomfortably, crouched in an awkward position inside the tube. 
“C’mon. Take a breather. We’re good in here ‘til morning. You said it yourself.” you pleaded for Joel to take a seat and relax. Probably one of the only people in the QZ who could give an order to Joel without a gun to his head and have him actually take it. 
He in fact took a breath and grunted as he eased himself down onto the cold curved metal. “Guess we can sleep in shifts if you wanna catch a few hours.” Joel said in low tones, still not willing to speak up for fear of giving away your location. 
“Thanks but I’m not really tired. Just bored I guess. I’m not very good at being patient. And waiting for the sun to rise is like watching grass grow.” you said, tying one of your boots that had come loose during your trek. 
Joel chuckled, and you turned your head to see what he could possibly be laughing at. His hand rubbed at a patch of grass that had creeped its way into the large pipe the two of you were sitting in, as most things near the QZ boundaries have been overtaken by nature. “Looks like you might just get to do both.”
His fingers running softly through the grass made you smile, and wish that you could be laying in the grass with Joel under any circumstances other than hiding from law enforcement. Wishful thinking doesn’t get you very far, though sometimes you had dreams of a normal life with Joel. But then you woke up, and found yourself in his small stuffy apartment with unreliable electricity and Joel had already left for his shift where it was his turn to shovel the ashes of the recently deceased and disposed of.
You let your hand slowly brush against the grass between you, mirroring Joel, until you landed on his hand, grabbing onto his fingers, and lacing yours in between. His breath hitched, as he sighed quietly, finally relaxing, knowing you two were safe for the night. Joel turned his hand over in yours, and squeezed it tightly, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a kiss against the back of your knuckles. You knew this was his way of saying what he couldn’t—or didn’t know how to. Thank you, for being here, for being competent, for being reliable, for being my— It was at that point you realized that you didn’t really know what you were to him either. He was just your…Joel. Did you spend most nights at his place rather than your own? Yes, but that’s only because he had a working bed frame and yours broke two months ago. Which Joel took full blame for, as he should. 
But what did that make you to him? A new roommate just as payment for a shitty bed that collapsed after years of sitting unused and one too many good nights of great thrusting? Or worse yet, a mere squatter that he was just housing as a favor—
“Hmm?” you were snapped from your spiral as Joel turned your head to face his, with an index finger resting against the length of your jaw.
“Where’d you go? What’s got you so occupied?” Joel asked, curious to know the meaning behind your silence and far-off gaze. 
“Just thinking about when you’re gonna build me a new bed frame.” you smirked, dropping your hand from his and scooting closer to him in the pipe. “You were in construction, right? What’s taken so long?”
“Listen I don’t got those kinda supplies right now. Maybe—maybe—if we can score some lumber from Bill, I can get you set up, but do you really want to lug all that shit back with us—“ 
You started laughing, covering your mouth to keep quiet, when Joel finally stopped and caught onto your scheme.
“Yeah…okay. You ever think that I just don’t want you to go back to your brand new hand crafted bed and leave me in my squeaky, creaky one?” Joel revealed, slinging his arm around your shoulders against the metal walls. 
“I knew it. You’re holding me prisoner for warmth on cold nights. You probably broke my bed on purpose, you son of a bitch.” you poked Joel’s side, knowing exactly where he was most ticklish. He jerked his arm back, curling away from you, but still holding his palm firm on your far shoulder. 
“I did not!” Joel whispered through a chuckle. “I’d never broken a bed before then, no matter how many times I’ve had the chance. That thing was probably on its last leg long before The Infection. I just gave it…one last hoorah.” he smirked, remembering the night that you both collapsed into a fit of uncharacteristic but much needed giggles when the wooden boards below your mattress snapped, bending your bed into a V shape, with the two of you at its lowest point. 
“Yeah. What a way to go out.” the words came out more wistfully than you had meant them to. But as soon as you said it, you noticed Joel’s hand drifting from your shoulder to the collar of your shirt, and dip below the fabric, his rough hands sweeping against your less rough skin. Especially when he reached down lower into the fabric of your tank top, where his fingertips just barely grazed your nipple. Your toes curled in your boots as you bit your lip, knowing this was not the time nor the place that you should be getting turned on by your—your Joel. But when you looked back up at him just as the beam of light passed over your pipe, you could see that Joel’s eyes were drowsy, and not from sleepiness, but rather equally with arousal. “Are you really trying to feel me up while we’re practically fugitives?” you breathed, arching your chest even more with the deep breath you took in. 
Joel just pursed his lips, as you knew the answer to your own question, though he punctuated it with a light squeeze, as he managed to get a full palm over your breast, pulling you in slightly closer. You let your knees fall towards him, and he pulled one over his own leg, hooking his free hand behind your thigh. “Gotta be so quiet though, you hear me?” he rasped, and you could tell his throat was tight with arousal just by the tone. 
You nodded hastily, leaning towards him, mouth falling open but not daring to make a sound. Joel leaned in too, his nose crushing against your cheek even before you felt his mouth on yours. His lips covered yours as if he didn’t trust you to stay quiet; he would drink all of your noises down like fresh water and not let a drop of sound escape. But you stayed silent, save for your hot breath against his cheek, ragged at this point, in anticipation. 
The hand that rested on your thigh moved upwards, towards the heat coming off of your jeans. Joel’s thumb searched the seam between your legs, pressing firmer and firmer, as though he had your body memorized—clothed or not. It was cramped in the tube, not enough room to shed any clothes. Even if there were, it’d be too risky. Hell, this was probably too risky. But your choices were calculated, and the pros far outweighed the cons in this moment. And Joel did have you memorized, because once he reached the spot where your clit would be, he dug his thumb down deeper, circling you there as his tongue circled your own. 
That’s when a single whimper escaped your throat and was transferred right into Joel’s mouth. He made no noise in response other than a swift exhale onto your cheekbone, pulling back after another second. “Shh, baby.” he said, almost condescendingly, as if you could have had zero reaction to the knowledge he was putting on display right now. 
As much as it impressed you, it was still a dull sensation compared to what you were used to from Joel, so you followed his forearm up in the darkness, and landed on the button and fly of your own jeans—taking the long way just to feel the tendons in his wrist moving to try and pleasure you. You popped open the button and tugged down your fly before grabbing Joel’s wrist and leading his hand down the front of your pants. He worked his hand down between the layers of denim and cotton, finally reaching your damp center, fully slick and ready for his fingers. 
You spread your legs a little further, giving him more room to do his thing, when your kneecap brushed against Joel’s own crotch, and that’s when he released his own stifled grunt. You smiled against his mouth, and muttered a “Shh, baby” back to him, as you reached your arms out, finding his big Texan belt buckle that you found so endearing yet incredibly gaudy in the daylight, but were so thankful for as a beacon of where your hands longed to be in the pitch black night. 
You tore open his buckle, and made quick work of his own fly, trying to stay angled perfectly for his hand whose fingers were beginning to slide in and out of you at an achingly slow pace. Joel used the hand that was not in your underwear to help push down his own, allowing you to free his cock and wrap your hand practicedly around it. You gave about two strokes before you pulled away from Joel’s mouth in the middle of a wet kiss, and let a mix of both of your salivas drip down into your hand, slicking it up so your pace could quicken on his shaft. 
This time, you could actually hear the groan that was stifled in Joel’s throat, manifesting itself as a much softer throat clear, and a hard swallow, before he dove back in at your neck, biting and kissing the skin that was most exposed to the world without a care. This meant you had to keep your own mouth shut, which was getting increasingly hard because Joel had added a second finger inside of you, and resumed his thumb-work on your clit, with no fabric barrier this time. 
Chasing after your orgasm was much harder than usual in such tight quarters and at such an angle, it was almost agony waiting for the snap of muscles inside of you to release against Joel’s hard-working hand. You wanted to whisper words of encouragement, to let him know how fucking good he was making you feel, but in place of verbal affirmation, you pulled at the base of Joel’s hair with your unoccupied hand, and tugged his head up to meet your gaze once again. Your foreheads touched, leaning against one another for stability, and he looked into your eyes, nodding slightly before his eyebrows knit together and pulled his eyes shut involuntarily. He was close, and you were determined to meet him there. 
You pulled your knees together and ground against Joel’s hand as he curved his fingers to scratch just the right itch inside of you that you were aiming for, and you fell apart in silent sobs. He never stopped stroking you through your orgasm, making it just that much more intense. You bit down on your lip, nearly turning your bottom lip blue in the process, and stilling your motions on Joel’s cock entirely. Once you regained an ounce of composure, the fire in you reignited your muscles and you added a second hand to Joel’s length, swiping your thumb across his leaking head, sure that this would send him over the edge. 
Sure enough, Joel’s hand left your jeans to brace himself on the ceiling of the tunnel you were squeezed into; one damp hand on the cool metal, the other gripping onto your thigh. His mouth fell open for a brief moment before he snapped it shut, swallowing a moan as he came, painting the wall of the pipe in front of you, rather than his usual go-to spot; your stomach. 
You held him as he twitched in your hand, super sensitive to any movement, sudden or drawn out. Finally, after a moment Joel took himself back into his own hand and tucked himself into his jeans once again, zipping up. The only sounds to be heard were the jingling of Joel’s belt buckle as he fastened it together again. 
You let your knees fall together against Joel’s thighs, as the two of you turned to look from each other’s eyes to the mess you created on the wall in front of you, snickering a bit in spite of yourselves. “At least that will dry. I’m fucking soaked down here.” you admitted, squirming beside him, whispering lowly into his ear. 
“Hmm, you talkin’ like that is gonna get me all riled up again if you don’t watch it.” Joel chuckled darkly, running the hand that was behind you through your hair at the nape of your neck. 
“Well, we’ve only got—“ you picked up the wrist that Joel wore a watch on, though the thing hadn’t worked since before the two of you met— “a bazillion hours left to kill. I wouldn’t mind a round two.”
“Now, now. I ain’t no spring chicken anymore. Gimme a minute, Jesus.” he breathed, chest heaving up and down dramatically. 
“Yeah, now that I think about it, you take first shift.” you yawned a quiet yawn, resting your head on Joel’s chest, taking note of how fast his heart was beating after all of this. “I need my beauty sleep.”
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murdcck · 2 years
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#  OF  SPOKEN  LANGUAGES    :   2 1/2? English, Spanish, and some Russian. TONE  OF  VOICE    :    low, soothing. even when he’s angry, Matt’s voice has an alluring quality to it, which he makes use of frequently.  ACCENT    :   a little big of a New Yorker accent in there.    soft.   DEMEANOUR    :    confident, charming, and relaxed ( though it’s clear his posture displays awareness as he IS blind, and they’re extra cautious). POSTURE    :    straight, head held high. he walks with confidence. when he’s sitting, he’s still sits fairly straight since he only needs his hand for braille.  HABITS    :    a lot of minute head movements, akin to a bird. it’s not something people focus on too much unless they’re around him often, in which case he’ll just say he tries to pay attention to the sounds around him to stay aware, when really he’s listening to EVERYTHING. Swings his jaw a lot in frustration, chews on his tongue or the inside of his cheek. Sometimes, when he’s very focused on something during work, his tongue will poke out. With his cane, he’ll squeeze it often or twist his fingers around the hilt. When he’s restless, he’ll bounce his leg.
VOCABULARY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼      EMOTION    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼  ◼ SENTENCE  STRUCTURE    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼  ( this depends on whether he’s in court or in a normal setting, otherwise he tends to cut himself off a lot, says a lot of ‘ums or uhs,’ laughs a lot.
FREQUENCY    :     ◼ ◼ ◼  ◼ ◻    ( again, depends on the setting )  CREATIVITY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼  ◻ ◻ ( though he comes up with some creative situations as DD, and as a lawyer )
BOLD  ALL  THAT  APPLY    :    arse.    ass.    asshole.    bastard.    bitch.    bloody.    bugger.    bollocks.    chicken  shit.    crap.    cunt.    dick    dickhead.    frick.    fuck.  horseshit.    motherfucker.    piss.    prick.    screw.    shit.    shitass.    son  of  a  bitch.    twat.    wanker.    pussy.    dipshit.
GIVEN  PROPER  RELIGIOUS  CONTEXT    :  christ.  christ  on  a  bike.    christ  on  a  cracker.  christ on a crutch.  damn.    goddamn.    godsdamn.    hell.    holy  shit.    jesus.   jesus  christ.    jesus  h  christ.    jesus  h.    roosevelt  christ.    lord  sithis  have  mercy.    jesus,  mary  and  joseph.    sweet  jesus.    seven  hells.
THIS  OR  THAT    :    contractions  or  enunciation    ?    straightforward  or  cryptic    ?    jargon  or  toned    ?    complexity  or  simplicity    ?    finding  the  right  word or  using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind    ?    masculinity,  neutrality,  or  femininity    ?    formalities  or  abrasiveness    ?    praise  or  equivocation    ?    frankness  or  lies    ?    excessive  or  minimal  hand  gestures    ?    name - calling  or  magnanimity    ?    friendly  or  blunt  nicknames    ? ( AGAIN THIS HIGHLY DEPENDS ON THE SETTING, but i’m gonna go off matt outside court )
DO  PEOPLE  HAVE  A  HARD  TIME  UNDERSTANDING  OR  HEARING  YOUR  CHARACTER    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    rarely.    never.
DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER’S  POINT  COME  ACROSS  EASILY  WHEN  THEY  SPEAK    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  INITIATE  CONVERSATIONS    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  BE  THE  ONE  TO  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  USE    ‘  WHOM  ’    IN  A  SENTENCE    ?    yes.    no.    only  ironically.
YOUR  CHARACTER  WANTS  TO  MAKE  A  COUNTERPOINT,    WHAT  WORD  DO  THEY  USE    ?    but.    though.    although.    however.    perhaps.    mayhaps.
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?    walk  away.    ask  if  that’s  everything.    say  that  that’s  everything.    give  a  proper  goodbye.    tell  their  company  they’re  done  here.    remain  quiet.    they  don’t.
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  ADDRESS  OTHERS    ?    titles.    first  names.   surnames.    full  names.    nicknames.
IN  WHAT  WAYS  DOES  THE  WAY  YOUR  CHARACTER  SPEAK  STAND  OUT  TO  OTHERS    ?    accent.    vocabulary.    tone.    level.    politeness.    brusqueness.    it  doesn’t.
TAGGED  BY    :  @twistedwit thank youuu!! <3
TAGGING: anyone.
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou HCs: NSFW.
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Summary: By the title you can already tell what's going on. The long awaited NSFW part of Hybrid!Bakugou. [ 3k words ]
Warnings: NSFW; dom!bakugou, impregnation kink, praise kink, filthy mouthed Baku; also some sub!Bakugou because why not;
Notes: It's important to point put this is a F!Reader. The first 2 parts of the series [sfw] + any ask involving hybrid!bakugou were as gender neutral as possible though. [ Part 1 and Part 2 here, Masterlist here for more ]
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× believe it or not, he's a respectful guy
× shy with physical contact at the beginning
× learns incredibly fast though
× feels, listens, smells you, notes what you enjoyed, what you didn't
× you would have to take the first few steps
× lead his hands, put a peace, encourage him and he will surely get the drill
× Bakugou will be eager and curious, and trust me, your moans will drive him insane
× naturally, as you share a bed, one thing will lead to another, soft kisses will turn into a full blown make-out session and his hands will be everywhere on you;
He grunted, grindind his body into you, lips capturing your own in a heated kiss. It just started with a peck after he caressed your features gingerly, catching him in one of those tender moments you oh so loved. He returned it harder, moaning into your mouth. Breath fanned your face when he retreated, his somewhat cloudy eyes made you squirm under his frame and you had to pull him by the shoulders back into you.
From there you lost yourselves into each other. Your touches drove him to the edge and slowly clothes started coming off until you found yourself under an Adonis of a man. He looked mesmerized for a second, drinking you in with a hungry gaze.
Lips clashed, the tension between you, specially in the past few weeks built up and none could take it longer. His calloused hands touched your neck, your shoulders, going further down and making you shiver. He was a little bit rough but you could feel his excitement, both on his face and poking your tights.
Katsuki waited though, slowing down his movements until you whispered "Are you sure about this?" into his ear. A shiver took over him as he lifted his face to yours, lips feathered over your own yet again.
"*Are you?*" his voice just as soft.
"I want you, Katsuki." He had to close his eyes for a second and take a deep breath in at your confession.
"You're fucking perfect." He growled back, the intensity of his words formed a bolt of energy that ran through your whole body. "I just— I've never—"
"We'll take it slow."
× again, he is a fast learner, but needs instructions
× can be a bit selfish at first, this new feeling, this heat driving him insane
× but once he smelled your arousal he almost lost all strength in his body, his mouth watering
× and I bet you almost lost all strength in your body when you saw what he's packing
× big, thick and veiny, curved just enough to know he'd reach the best spots for you
"Fuck, fuck, fuck—" he'd growl out into your ear as you moaned under him, nails clenching his shoulders as he held into the bed-frame. He was going insane, he thought. The feeling of your cunt clenching around his dick erased anything else in his brain and your moans— Delicious. Your smell was intoxicating, addictive.
He'd rail you eagerly, getting drunk in the feeling when he noted you move your hand to rub yourself under him, moans increasing. He'd guide his hand towards yours, breathing heavy, anticipating.
"Show me." He'd order.
× clit, you say, huh?
× the moment he understood you could become undone under him because of that little button, you're a goner
× which takes me to my next point
× he's a giver
× once he does his homework and finds out ways to drive you crazy, he'll demand to go down on you
× will dominate in bed, it's natural in him
× so when he tells you to spread your legs and to be a good girl, mischief in his eyes, heat filled your guts
× to which he almost rolled his eyes into the back of his head because holy shit your scent
× loves having his tongue lapping into your sex; he'd suck, he'd lick and thrive because of your reactions
× just having your tights trembling by his ears as he gripped them to keep you in place made his cock hard
× but what he really loved was knowing he could get you off just with his tongue; he'd even smile into your cunt as you'd moan louder and louder, the only thing left in your vocabulary being his name;
"Katsu—" you'd say, out of breath, back arched as you couldn't focus your vision. You struggled to keep your composture as he licked over your clit brutally, two digits inside of you.
"Look at me when I fuck you with my tongue." He said, stopping and earning a groan from you. With a deep breath you settled back, opening your legs a little bit more, not even realizing you were almost choking him with your tights, not that he really cared. He gave you a grin as you locked eyes and proceeded, slowing his peace and pumping his fingers inside of you.
"Good girl." He growled, not breaking eye contact. He felt it too, the shiver running through your body as you knew you got even wetter, and he got to work, proud of his accomplishment.
And as he sucked slowly and made you see stars, he resumed his brutal rhythm until you were a blabbering mess.
× doesn't mean he does not like to receive
× seeing you between his legs sucking him off is a treat to his eyes
× very much into power-play and dominating; he'd tell you how good you look with his cock in your mouth, very vulgar, loving your reactions;
× he grunts, but isn't very vocal so don't expect loud moans for him unless;;
× spread his legs slightly, suck on the tip, pump his cock, milk it into your mouth and with another hand play with his balls
× his leg will start shaking as he'd throw his head back, and if you suck on them while pumping him he'll let out such sinful growls that will reach your core
× that is when you can amp it up by scratching his tights and he'll cum like a fountain under you
You hollowed your cheeks, tongue running on the tip of his hard dick, watching him try to maintain his self-control. He was stubborn, gritting his teeth and acting tough yet he fisted the sheets, that giving him away.
It was always a pleasure to see him like this but it was never enough for you.
"Look at you, hmm?" He said between his teeth. "Such a good little slut for me." You moaned, taking him deeper in your mouth as you rubbed your legs together. "You love my dick in your mouth, hah?"
Little did he expect for you to start playing with his balls gently, your orbs sparkling while watching him almost choke on his own spit.
"Fuck, baby—" he'd growl, tensing up, almost moving his hips forward to fuck your mouth. You took as much of his hardness as you could and sucked, attentive of his balls and whatever you couldn't take in your mouth you pumped slowly, your cunt getting soaked just by hearing him swear to no end.
"Shit, [Y/N], so fucking good—"
With a last good suck, you kissed his tip them smirked at him, getting a confused and desperate look, begging you to continue, but you just lowered yourself and started licking his balls, his head fell back and the most lewd groan left his mouth.
"God, fuck me—" he said breathless as he started moving his hips upwards, fucking into the hand that still had his cock in a grip. It was a little hard to do so, but you licked in circular motions as he stumbled on his words until you felt them tighten and throb, cue for you to put the tip back in your mouth and await your treat, one last choked moan before he came everywhere.
× fucks you hard, will drill into your body, and you'd think fucking hard means fucking fast but he can still fuck you slowly and shake you to the core
× skin slapping skin can be heard all around the apartment and the dude has stamina
× bioengineered as he is, he will make you cum a few times before he comes too
× when you both have enough experience with each other that's when he realizes making you cum beforehand is the best way to fuck you, so yes, you will cum and you will cum hard
× favorite place to cum into? your mouth, so if you don't really dig it, he's okay with you spitting it out or cumming over your body
× his favorite position is doggy [ no duh ], with your ass up and face down, but don't get me wrong, it doesn't matter as long as he fucks you good and long
× he's also more into longer sessions, quickies are fine but not enough for him;
× might also be into praise-kink yet still with his dominant side on
× of course he has to tell you how good you look stuffed up with his cock, from any position
× marking
× oh, yes, he loves marking you
× before you got this intimate he liked to scent you but now that you're lovers expect to have marks all over you and you better not hide them
× definitely bites, sorry, absolutely not sorry, babe;;
× but nothing, nothing compares to his ruts
× just as wolves, it happens between
× hear me out and prepare yourself
× mating season happens between January and March;;;;; 💀
× it has different stages, yet the most fascinating one to you has to be the first weeks because it shifts his behaviour so much
× he goes from cocky, confident, dominant and territorial to whiny, needy, easily made jealous and kinda submissive
Katsuki started acting weird, something that at first you linked to the time you were apart. Maybe he missed you, who knows? The blond started touching you more, asking you to pet him, giving you blushing side glances and seeking your approval even more than normally. You caught on quickly as you once praised him for his amazing cooking, his chest puffed and cheeks burned without shame, contrary to normality, where he'd try to adorably hide it. He started to be really honest through his body.
The biggest difference was, without doubt in mind, when you got intimate. He'd whine for your touch so much, actual whines, gutural, deep from within would even shock you whenever you decided to tease him.
"Please, baby, please..." he'd beg but wait patiently for you to get on top of him and ride his cock until he couldn't take it any longer. You'd test the waters, of course, starting to praise him for being so good for you and he'd melt in your arms.
"You feel so good inside of me, baby." You'd say, slowly raising and falling over him repeatedly, a much calmer rhythm compared to your normal sessions. His hands would be gentler, just feeling you up and enjoying being taken care of, absolutely enamored with the sight of you.
Even if he was on top, he'd go gentler, whispering how incredible he feels, calling you all sorts of praises.
× when the actual rut finally hits, he turns territorial yet again, and the roughness comes with it
× now you're marked with hickeys and bruises from being manhandled by him
× of course he'd still be careful not to hurt you and if ever crosses any line with you and you'd tell him, he'd whine like a wounded animal
× because he would never want to hurt his mate
× but again, doubt it would ever happen
× although be prepared to have sex everywhere inside the house
× he'd pound on you unexpectedly, knowing to perfection how to touch and where to touch to get you in the perfect mood for him
× sometimes he watches, a filthy promise in his eyes to break you so good, just the way only he knows how
× he is hyper-aware of everything about you, the way you breathe, the way your heart pounds in your chest, the way your pupils dilate, how you clench your tights together, every single thing
× one thing that doesn't change from his pre-rut attitude is the honesty, now more verbal
× his first rut is where he learns just how much his words affect you
You were on the edge, just as the past few weeks. He told you a few nights ago that his mating season came to a high this week, so you suggested taking a week off work to help, and he eagerly agreed but not without teasing you about how much you loved being railed by him.
Sure, he teased, but it was so true and both of you knew. Katsuki was watching you silently from the couch. He spent all morning just watching you, walking without making any sound around you, sizing you up while licking his lips. These past weeks you were all over each other every night and now that you finally took a whole week off, he didn't touch you the first day at all? Strange. You definitely felt something was coming though. You were excited, nervous, you felt his eyes all over your body that left a trail of warm in your body. Acting occupied, as if you really had something to do even if the house was impecable, just so you could calm yourself to no avail.
He felt you and he liked seeing you nervous, anticipating his next move. How fucking amazing you looked, how delicious you smelled, his hunger grew and grew for you, excitement to have you for a full week to pleasure each other...
A growl froze you in place making you drop whatever you had in your hands. You turned slowly towards him only to almost collide with his chest.
A rough hand pulled you into him as he burried his nose in your hair.
"Mine." He grinded into you, hand on your ass. "My fucking mate." He breathed you in. "Mine."
He lifted you up without any struggle, just moving a little to press your back against the wall.
"So fucking perfect." He grinned at you then leaned to kiss your neck. "Fuck, you smell ready for me already..." he'd whine, spreading more your legs to adjust himself between them, tights gripped hard. "My sweet little mate..." he'd bite down the same spot he kissed. "I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't remember your own name." He promised and be sure to not wear many clothes because he'd rip them off you.
× impregnation kink; if you don't want pups right away [ ye, he calls em pups ] it's no problem, but you should definitely consider any sort of birth control, condoms...
× beg him to fill you up and he's done, he'll lose himself into you completely
× praise kink would hit again but this time telling you how sexy you'd look with his pups inside of you
× if you did find a method of birth control early on and you're safe, he's gonna fill you up and then finger you while you still had his cum inside, keeping it there while you rode through another orgasm
× mother-fucking filthy about it too
You were exhausted, your bones felt like jelly as you stood in place in bed, legs now opened for him as he admired his hard work. His cock stood proud as he jerked it off to the sight of you, cunt in his face stuffed with his semen, his fingers pushing any drop that dared to come out back inside.
"You took me so good, baby, look at you stuffed like the slut you are." He said after licking his lips. Precum ran over his hand as he pumped himself, head red and needy and both of you knew it wasn't over. "You're gonna take me one last time, understood?" He moved to your face, placing the fingers that were inside of you on your lips for you to lick, and did not need verbal confirmation since you took them in your mouth and sucked hard. He swore silently then grabbed you by the neck, getting close to your face. "So I've fucked you stupid, hah? Can't even say a word back? Can't fucking tell me how much you want me to break that cunt of yours until you see the stars, baby?" He mocked through a grin.
Even as exhausted as you were, you knew he'd take care of you, so when you finally regained the strength to touch his cheek, just the way you learned he liked, tenderly even when he fucked you like a pornstar, you threw him over the edge again... with a few simple words.
"Fill me up, daddy, give me your pups..." you begged in a whisper, curving your body to meet his, rubbing yourself into him.
The maniacal way his face contorted made you regain all your energy back in an instant.
He'd lift your lower part up and trust into you like a mad beast after opening your pussy up and spreading his cum over it to lube you up.
"I'm— gonna— fill— you— up—" he'd say between hard trusts, watching with lust as your tits bounced and you threw your head back.
The bed was a mess, cum leaked from inside of you, you were covered in hickeys and bite-marks, you begged his name like a broken record. He'd lose himself in the moment, falling into your body, hugging you tightly while rutting into you, reaching both of your releases.
× after the rut he's more laid back, both of you would need some time to just rest
× but he'd be very attentive, much like a prolonged aftercare
× he'd take care of you, do everything for you and even feel bad thinking he might've hurt you, even if it wasn't the case
× will hold you close in silence, enjoying your presence, will kiss your temple and just havung you in his arms
× has considered you as his mate from very early, even before you actually got together as a couple officially but after this, you're bonded together, since mating is very important for his species and as I clarified in the sfw version, wolves [ and wolves hybrids ] mate for life;
× will whisper how much he loves you into your neck as he holds you.
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Tags: @bakugous-mamas @tspice283 so sorry to a couple of people that reblogged and asked to be tagged too, I've been searchin but I can't find you 😭😭
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darthmaulification · 3 years
savage opress NSFW alphabet
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A/N: finally! i got this finished!!
*pounds chest* me love big zabrak man!!! and i am in 100% support for soft!savage so y’all are gonna see a ton of that here. 💀 
also, i had to do so much mental math with this one because savage is so darn tootin’ tall (7ft 1in, from what i’ve read) that relating his you-know-what’s size relative to him was ✨challenging✨ but also 😳🥴🥵💦 if ya know what i mean.
and i mention the maul nsfw alphabet i wrote a couple of times in here, so go check that one out for more clarification on a few points if you feel so inclined. 😊💕
nfsw below the cut! 😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Savage is always a bit unsure of himself in how he cares for others, but his aftercare is immaculate. Every time, there’s this brief window of Post Coital Cuddles where he just holds you in his arms and purrs like there’s no tomorrow, and I mean like near full body vibrations, he’s purring so damn hard and loud. More often than not, this is usually the part where Savage passes out, usually he’s too darn sleepy to finish the rest of the aftercare. However, if he does manage to keep his eyes moment for a few minutes longer, Savage kisses you all over, asks you what you need, and will get the job done in the most tender and sweet way possible.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Savage is a sap and would say that all of you is his favorite, and honestly mean it. He thinks that you and your body are nothing but perfect, all of it. He’ll compliment you with the utmost sincerity, telling you just how beautiful you are whenever and wherever. Savage loves to look at you, to feel you, to worship you. He enjoys all of the squishier parts of you especially, whether that be your thighs, tummy, ass, breasts, etc etc. He loves that you’re so soft compared to him.
However, for as much as he’s able to see the beauty in others, Savage has trouble seeing the beauty in himself. He feels like a monster most of the time, feels like he’s been deformed by his enhancements. It’s not easy for him to choose a favorite part of his body, because he honestly doesn’t like his body. So, you’ll have to coax him into learning to love himself, which isn’t and won’t be easy, but Savage needs to learn that he is allowed and has earned the right to treat himself with love. This will lead to whatever your favorite part of him to be his favorite, whatever that may be.
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Savage cums buckets. Like... an ungodly amount of nut. It’s thick, white, and Maker, it is virile. His sperm count is off the fucking charts, and he knows it. Savage makes sure to cum inside you every time, unless you specifically ask him not to. He pushes balls deep, up to the hilt, and lets loose inside you, absolutely coating your walls in sticky, creamy white. It’s usually so much that the moment he pulls out, it literally spills out of you, and something about that sight has Savage genuinely horny all over again. If it’s okay with you, because he always asks before he does anything, Savage will push it back in with a couple fingers.
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
... Okay, so be nice to him... Savage has a Mommy kink. It’s nothing too crazy, but it’s definitely there. He wants to call you to Mommy, listen to everything you say and tell him to do, be your “Good boy”. Honestly, it’s enough if you just call him the name, if you’re not comfortable with the title, and if you’re his gentle femdom (he would literally worship you). 
Thing is, he might never tell you this because it embarrasses him beyond belief, like cripplingly embarrassing, and he doesn’t know how you’ll react if he told you.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
To be honest, Savage has had no experience. Mostly, it’s because he was raised in an environment where he was taught that his purpose in life was only fighting, so he was never given/had the opportunity of sex. He never had the chance to explore that avenue with another person, because there was no one to explore it with and he was being trained half to death most of the time. Of course, he’s picked up things throughout his life from others, so he’s not clueless and has a semi-idea of how to please someone. So when you and him do the do for the first time, Savage is unsure of himself, a bit clumsy, and kinda self-deprecating. You’ll need to talk to him, tell him that he’s welcome to your body and that you want him, and walk him through some of the actions. So while your first time with Savage may be a bit... disorganized to put it gently, it is also so full of mutual love and respect and care that it is perfect.
And, fortunately for you and him, Savage is a very quick learner.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
Savage is a big guy and he knows this, so most of the positions you and him have to take is honestly a lot more for your safety than anything else. Especially at the beginning, Savage will want to be as safe as possible, so it’s most likely going to involve you on top of him, but as he gets more confident in his abilities, he’ll be more open to topping you. When it gets to that point of mutual trust, his favorite positions include:
Missionary. This position is just super personal and intimate for him. It allows Savage to see your every reaction, every gasp and moan you let out. He likes being face-to-face with you, being able to kiss you all over the whole time is especially important to him. Savage also likes missionary for being able to indulge on his size kink a bit, seeing you small and beneath him with his dick bulging inside you makes him so horny.
Cowgirl. Savage loves it when you ride him! He loves being able to watch you bounce on his dick, watching your breasts and anywhere else soft jiggle, being able to feel you up. Savage also likes when you top, being under you is just as nice as being above you (though he will admit the view from below is something real special).
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Savage isn’t goofy, but he also isn’t serious. He doesn’t do a whole lot of teasing, preferring to give you exactly what you ask of him, but he isn’t so stoic as to be overly focused. He is in that warm middleground where he’s just an utter sap, just making sure he’s doing the best job he can just for you.
Sometimes though, if Savage is in a particularly playful mood, and especially if you both are, he’ll have you smiling and giggling from silly antics that he’ll do to please you. One of his go-to’s is flirtatiously flexing his muscles for you, which is a very nice sight.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Like I mentioned in my Maul NSFW alphabet, male Zabrak don’t have hair anywhere on their bodies. So Savage is completely smooth below the belt. He also doesn’t have a preference towards the hair you do or don’t have, Savage believes it isn’t his place to tell you what to do with your body.
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Very. Savage has never been as close to someone as he is with you, so he wears his heart on his sleeve. Sex with Savage is overwhelming in its kindness, he indulges on the closeness that he’s never really had before with another person in this way. Savage practically melts into your arms, wanting so badly to show you how much he adores you, he opens his very soul to you. Intimacy, despite his cold upbringing, comes naturally to him, if not a bit surprising, but Savage wouldn’t have it any other way.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
Mm... not really, to be honest. He did “more” in his youth, when he could, but even then it was very secretive and few and far between. So yeah, Savage has indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, but he really doesn’t find the time nor motivation to yank it. Especially with you in his life, Savage is set.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Savage does indeed have quite a few kinks, but he’s also a bit sheepish about them. He’ll tell you if you ask, but he’ll get all fidgety and awkward, so please be nice to him. Here’s his main ones:
Size kink. Savage is often self-conscious about his daunting height and bulk, but if there’s one area where he’s not, it’d be when he’s balls deep inside you, watching your pussy stretch to accommodate his length and the bulge that appears under your tummy. Something about it drives him near feral and makes him weak in the knees. He also loves how big his hands look as the travel your body, engulfing your skin with his palms and splayed fingers.
Breeding/pregnancy kink. He’s always liked kids, he would like kids with you, so Savage has a near crippling breeding kink. There isn’t a day where he doesn’t think about fucking you full of his seed and starting a family with you. He wants it so badly, to see you pregnant with his child, but he isn’t sure how to raise it to you. So, it’ll be a lot of very specific dirty talk and passing comments until he finally gathers the courage to tell you that he really really wants kids (and seeing you swollen with his baby and milk is just a bonus).
Praise kink. Savage loves to give praise and he loves to receive it! He’ll be complimenting and encouraging you the whole time, telling you how sexy your body is, how pretty you are to look at, how soft you are, how much he loves you, etc etc. His mouth gives only the most sincere, loving praise that’ll have you holding back tears with how kind it is. And if you say nice things back??? Savage is putty in your hands. Words cannot describe how much it means to him if you tell him how good he’s making you feel, how he’s doing so well, that he’s also sexy and that you love his body... or if you call him a “Good boy”.
Predator/prey. Despite his overall kind decorum, Savage really has a predator/prey kink, like more so than Maul, which is saying something. He really likes a good chase before doing the do, gets the blood pumping to all the right places. And while he never wants you scared of him, he does toy around and give you a good spook during the hunt to catch you off guard. Savage enjoys the startled shrieks that he’s able to smother with kisses until he has you panting and giggling.
Scent kink. Honestly, this is his Monkey Brain Zabrak mind rearing it’s head. Savage really just likes sniffing you all over, taking in your scent and committing it to memory. He especially loves smelling your hair and, more vulgarly, your pussy. To him, the aroma that is you is something he gets drunk on.
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
Savage is most comfortable and secure in the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean it’s his favorite. He finds (after a while, of course, and gaining more experience) that he really really likes to fuck in the precarious spot that is the fucking throne room. It’s scandalous and dirty and bold, especially for Savage, but Maker, if he doesn’t love dragging you there in the dead of night and rawing you behind the throne.
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
There are two sure fire ways to get Savage hard in his pants that are completely opposite. One, Savage has a thing for you playing all cute with him. If you give him puppy dog eyes and act coy and helpless and needy, he’s on you as soon as he can be. Two, you act bold. Savage will get hot around the collar if you get get firm with him in public and whisper to him exactly what you want. He finds it very hard to say no to you if you give him such a compelling order.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Sadism. Savage just can’t do it. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He ties pain to the bouts of frustrated rage he’s prone to, pain that he inflicts on others that really hurt, or even kill them. Savage gets nightmares about laying his hands on you like that.
Also, Savage would not like being physically restrained in any way. That is a huge turn off for him, because it makes a lot of bad memories bubble to the surface.
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
Savage wants nothing more than to eat you out. From the first time he ever tasted you, he was hooked. He’s addicted to your unique taste, sweet and perfect on his tongue, your warm, velvety pussy, that cute clit. Savage would spend hours with his head between your legs, mindful of his horns, if he could. He’ll lap at you like a dog, licking and kissing like he’s savoring a fine wine. Savage will have you cumming over and over again until your sobbing for him to stop.
His love for giving head honestly impedes his love for receiving head. He likes it when you do, mostly because it amuses and arouses him to see you struggle to take as much of him as you can, but it just doesn’t compare to eating you like a dessert. But if you do wish to go down on him, feel free to. Savage loves to see your tiny mouth work on his massive cock.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
SOFTIE ALERT SOFTIE ALERT!! Savage is so fucking sweet when he fucks because he puts so much thought and energy into it, he is the definition of making love. Savage fucks you hard and intensely, but it’s so careful and generous, because he doesn’t want to hurt you and just wants to treat you right. Savage literally could be blowing out your back, but it still feels like he’s worshipping your body like he’s at a temple.
Now PDA... Savage blushes if you hold his hand. He’s fairly alright with displaying the relationship, but if you do he’s a flustered, lovesick mess. He likes having a hand on you, especially holding yours, but if he has one on your lower back, he’s so awkward and sweet about it, but deep down it makes him feel really proud. Like, no one else gets to say that your his, and that has him so happy! PDA with Savage may be small, but it’s very cute.
Though if you kiss him in public, his brain shuts down and he swoons.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Yes. Once you two have been at it for a while, Savage grows more and more fond of the appeal of quickies. He likes a good, quick release, though it doesn’t compare to having hours alone with you, but it’s fun nonetheless. Savage will most likely seek a quickie from you if there’s a lull in the day, when his and your schedules slow down enough to run back to your bedroom all giggly and flirty just to go a quick round or two.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
Savage is so-so on experimenting. He’s very nervous about trying stuff that’s a bit more... drastic, so it’ll really depend on what you’re asking him to try. Though, if you coax him just enough and assure him that your with him on this, Savage will be a bit more sure of the situation and more likely to try stuff out.
As for taking risks though, like genuine risks, the only one he kinda allows himself is that rare throne room fuck that happens once in a blue moon when the climate’s right for it. Other than that, Savage doesn’t like doing too much risky stuff in the bedroom.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
A damn long time. Maybe it’s because he’s Zabrak, or maybe it’s because of his enhancements, but Savage has stamina for days. He’s easily able to last 4-5 rounds before his cock starts to protest, but even then he’ll push himself if you ask him to (though you probably will be too far gone by that point). Savage makes you cockdumb nearly every time you have sex, simply because he can just keep fucking. Like his dick stays hard even through the refractory period, and he stays just horny from when it all started. Savage, though he is embarrassed to admit this, is insatiable.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Savage has literally never even seen a toy in person. He has no idea how they work, what they’re used for, why people use them, what’s the appeal... He is painfully clueless. So if you want to bring toys into the mix, you’ll have to thoroughly run them down to Savage or he might get put off. Depending on the toy, he might get a little iffy around it and unsure.
The only toy that’s blacklisted for sure is any type of restraint. He does not like those.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
Savage is... kinda bad at teasing. He’s just too darn sweet to tease!! He can’t find it in his heart to have you begging... for too long, that is. He may be a softie, but that doesn’t mean he’s a pushover. Savage with lightly tease throughout, toying with you a little bit before he gives in to both yours and his desires, and ravishes you.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Loud. Savage, when he isn’t very sweetly teasing you, he will be grunting and groaning and moaning your name like there’s no tomorrow. He sounds like a wild animal, all growls and snarls, rumbling deep in his throat like thunder on the horizon. It’s near constant too, and very very sexy. And, if it’s during his heat or your squeezing his cock just right, Savage won’t even be able to talk, and he’ll be reduced to a moaning, panting mess until he’s able to gather himself again.
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
I follow the headcanon that Zabrak go through heat/rut cycles, but I expand more on it here in Maul’s NSFW alphabet. Basically, it’s about the same for Savage; he had an upbringing where his sexuality was suppressed, which severely jacked up his heat cycle’s circadian rhythm, that led to years of feelings of inadequacy and shame, which then eventually led to Savage having a mini sexual resurgence once he was free from his main oppressors and oppression.
That being said, Savage’s heat cycle doesn’t come often, as it and he is still healing, but when it does he gets a bit more riled up and snippy. He’s just generally more grumpy and gets hypersensitive to smells/sounds which will make him snap at people. But he’s still Savage, so he’s still a sweetheart in his soul, if not a gruff one.
But Savage still suffers a bit from the whole shame surrounding his biology, so at first he won’t want you around when he goes into heat. It is shame, he doesn’t want you to see him like that. But you’re smart enough to catch on eventually, and you’ll really have to wriggle yourself in and pull him out of his comfort zone at the same time. Savage needs to be let known that his physiology is normal and fine, and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of it. You’ll meet a bit of push back at first, because you are trying to undo years of abuse, but eventually Savage comes around.
He still gives you the option if you want to stay with him or not, because he’s thoughtful like that. If you decide to stay with him and “help him out” so to say... expect long, fun nights.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Savage is literally just 7 feet of pure muscle. He already towers over most others, but his burly figure also has the tendency to intimidate. Savage is positively stacked, with the physique of an Olympic bodybuilder. He’s got shoulders wide enough to sit a person on either side of his head, strong arms to match, and an absolutely exquisite pair of brawny chest muscles. Savage doesn’t have washboard abs like Maul, but he isn’t exactly dad bod either, he sits in the middleground of some definition of his muscles and a light brushing of pudge. His long, beefy legs are also particularly fun to enjoy, especially those thighs of his... and his nice ass.
And of course, Savage’s inky black tattoos paint him delectably everywhere else on his body, engraving sharp patterns all over his canary yellow skin. He also has scars scattered over his body, mostly on his hands and arms, but there are a few long ones on his back from, ones that have silvered in age, that bring about very bad memories. Savage doesn’t like talking about them.
Now his schlong... Maker you are in for it. Savage has a really, really big cock between his legs that you can thank to the enhancements his body received. Savage’s penis is 11 inches (27.94 cm) when fully erect and is just under 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) in diameter, so he is positively hung. Like all Zabrak penises, it’s ridged down the shaft and he is uncut. His balls are also fairly big, due to his size, and they sit lower from their weight.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before Savage met you, his sex drive was relatively low. He was focused entirely on other things, most of which he didn’t really have a say in the matter, that drew a lot of his time and energy. Often, he was so exhausted that sex, and even sexual urges, literally never crossed his mind. Now after he’s met you, and has caught feelings nearly instantly, Savage finds himself thinking about fucking you a lot. Before you officially started a relationship, he spent many nights indulging himself with the thought of you and his hand. And when you both started dating, Savage damn near gets horny every time he looks at you. He realizes that he really likes sex, specifically he really likes it with you.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Savage already has the tendency to sleep like a log after strenuous activities, so after you and him have done the Devil’s dance a couple times, he passes out almost instantly. Albeit, you’ll probably pass out just as fast too, so you both tend to fall asleep all sticky and messy and stupid happy. He does try though, to remain awake to give you solid aftercare, but listen, this mans is tired and he was wants to fall asleep with you in his arms. Though, he does sometimes stay aware enough to clean you up, just in case you don’t wanna go to bed sticky.
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too (3)
Kinda sad I can’t make a pun with this title, but oh well. This is the third part and perhaps the final (unless someone wants like a funny/crack part four with the members pressing Yunho and San about why they spent the night). I hope y’all enjoy, ya filthy animals.
Part One // Part Two
Disclaimers/CW:  mommy kink, fem!reader, dom!reader, dom!Yunho, sub!San, tall!reader, plussize!reader, daddy kink, anal, pussy eating, masturbation, nipple play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), riding, ass eating, hair pulling, choking, fingering, communication is important (everything discussed beforehand), consent is sexy
Requested: NO
Group: ATEEZ -- San, Yunho
Word Count: 3,110
You cracked your eyes open, awoken by gentle ministrations on your clit. You sighed, not gaining any sexual pleasure from it, but it was certainly relaxing. You craned your neck to the right, locking eyes with Yunho who was responsible for the hand on your pussy. 
“Good morning, sleepy head, how you doin’?” he asked, ending the question with a sleepy smile full of mischief. You lifted your hand from San’s shoulder, who was still sound asleep, and gently smacked Yunho, who dipped a couple of fingers into your pussy as a response.
A soft moan left your lips, and he curled his fingers, not quite hitting your g-spot, but it still felt good nonetheless. 
You felt more than heard San mumble against your chest, head buried in your chest. “What’d you say, Sannie?” you whispered.
He lifted his head and looked at you, then sort of turned his head towards Yunho, squinting his eyes in the gentle yellow light of the sun. “I said,” he began, yawning a little before continuing, “why are you playing without me? It’s my birthday, not yours.”
Yunho chuckled softly and removed his fingers from your pussy and moved them to message San’s asshole. San mewled, opening his eyes further and sucking in a breath. You scooted out of the bed as Yunho rolled San onto his stomach, sticking a finger in and San moaning into the sheets. 
As Yunho worked San’s hole open, you took off your dress, feeling awkward that you were the only one with clothes on; you felt a wet spot on the front where San presumably drooled in his sleep.
You made your way to the nightstand and opened the drawer where you always had condoms stored and fished one out, checking the date to make sure it was still good. You also grabbed the lube and tapped Yunho on the shoulder, handing both to him.
When Yunho took his hands away from San’s ass, San turned around, leaning on his arm and watched Yunho roll the condom down on his cock that was standing upright and slightly red at the top. San’s mouth started to water thinking about Yunho pounding him into the mattress as he’s done before, but this time you were watching, and the thought sent a pleasant shiver up his spine and let out a low whine.
“Aw, is our cumslut so impatient for his hole to be filled?” you drawl sweetly, seated on the chair he occupied just last night and spread your legs, showing him your pussy that gleamed slightly, wet thanks to Yunho’s morning fingers.
Yunho took San by the shoulders and pulled him to his knees, San facing you and Yunho at his back. Slowly, Yunho slipped a couple of lubed fingers into San’s asshole, earning a small “fuck” from the male in question and grabbed his hair to force his eyes on you.
“Look at how pretty mommy’s pussy is. Looks delicious, right?” Yunho taunted San, biting his ear in the process. You were slowly circling your clit and playing with one of your nipples, making intense eye contact with San as if to say you will listen to me, you’re at my mercy, not his.
“Ngghh Sannie, baby, I need your mouth,” you moan out, continuing to play with yourself. San leaned forward but Yunho’s hand in his hair yanked him back, a moan falling from San’s mouth.
“Daddyyyyyyyy, I want mommy’s cunt, look at it,” San whined, desperately trying to get to you, cock an angry red that indicates you and Yunho are getting to him.
You dip two of your fingers in your cunt, exaggerating a moan to get a rise out of San, which worked. “The only way you get this,” you started, dragging your fingers out of you and licking them, making a show for San, “is if you take Yunho’s cock like a good whore, letting him use you as he pleases.”
San gasped as Yunho pushed his cock into San’s hole, both boys moaning as Yunho’s entire dick was swallowed by San. You watched intently, leaning on your knees and resisting to touch yourself, wanting to drink in San in all his glory from a new point of view.
Yunho slowly dragged himself out and then quickly thrusted back in, hand moving from San’s hair to his throat, squeezing lightly and the other hand splayed across San’s midsection, dragging out a long “daddy.” 
Yunho repeated this rhythm a few more times, San’s cock leaking profusely and getting some precum on the bed sheets. “Please just fuck me, master, please, I can’t take it,” San whined out when the pressure on his throat lessened.
“Daddy” was Yunho’s preferred title most of the time, but every once in a blue moon, San would let the title “master” slip in fits of desperation which snapped something in Yunho every time and made him borderline feral.
Yunho looked at you for permission and you nodded your head. Yunho took his head from San’s throat and grabbed his hair, shoving his face into the bed and picking up speed as he grabbed San’s other arm and pulled it back, half of San’s face visible and half on the bed.
“Is this what my prince wanted, hmm? Face down, ass up, completely at my mercy?” Yunho grunted out. You cleared your throat at the last part of his question, shooting daggers at him.
“I’m the one in charge, not you, jackass, keep that in mind,” you spat, leaving no room for being challenged. San let out a moan that reverberated through the room at the tension between you and Yunho, fueling his submissiveness and the feeling going straight to his cock.
Yunho picked up on your tone, but instead of heading it as a warning, he decided to challenge you back. He slowed down his thrusts to an agonizing speed that had San trying to back up, getting any sense of the previous fast friction.
“You better fuck him like the doll he is, master, or I’ll get out my cock and do it myself,” you warned, tensions between you and Yunho doing wonders to the sexual atmosphere, injecting it with a sense of danger and apprehension. The strap-on you had in mind to bring out was bigger than Yunho, so that would double the humiliation.
“Fine, mistress, he’ll be screaming in no time.”
Yunho took the bottle of lube from the bed, squirted some more onto San’s asshole, squirted some more on his own dick when he took himself out of San, then threw it back into the sheets. He reentered San, gave a couple of experimental thrusts, placed his hands on San’s hips, then set a brutal pace, locking eyes with you as San could do nothing but grip the sheets in front of him and whine and pant, closing his eyes at the sensation.
Your pussy was throbbing and you reached down to feel how wet you were; a string of wetness connected your pussy to your fingers and, keeping eye contact with Yunho, once again licked your fingers clean and it was Yunho’s turn to moan loudly. 
Your attention was turned back to San, taking in the beauty of his scrunched up nose, furrowed eyebrows, mouth making a beautifully imperfect “o” shape, and light hitting one of his hands, showing off his tanned skin and catching his veins nicely.You could see the sheen of sweat on his arm muscles and beads of sweat running down his brow; you could’ve sworn some sweat made its way into his mouth but he didn’t seem to care at all, lost in the pleasure of being pounded by Yunho and the knowledge that you were watching.
“Pl-please, nghgh, fuck, dad--mommy, I’m----” he cut himself off with a load moan, cum leaking from his cock to the bed, body twitching in response to the intensity of the orgasm and Yunho’s brutal pace not letting up, fucking him into overstimulation and all San could do was pant and whine.
You got up and made your way over to the boys, cupping San’s face in your hands. “Slow down, Yunho, I want you to come in me, not him,” you demanded, looking up at the male in question. Yunho slowed down then eventually pulled out, drawing a shiver from San as he did so. 
Yunho got off the bed, taking the condom off and making his way to the bathroom to throw it in the trash. You took the opportunity to push San onto his back, straddling him and rubbing your clit across his spent dick, making the male under you mewl in sensitivity.
Your hands were on his shoulders to steady yourself as you did so. “What do you want, whore? This pussy? Do you deserve it? Does your mouth belong on my cunt, suffocating you with my juices?” you ask, teasing him further.
San gave a small moan of indignation, trying to gain his focus back after the brutal beating his asshole just took. He looked up at you with post-orgasm haziness, nodding slowly as he absentmindedly stroked your thighs and running his hands across your chubby stomach as he always liked doing to help him ground himself.
“I didn’t hear you, slut,” you tut, forcing yourself to not give in immediately. Yunho took your place in the chair, watching the scene as you did previously.
“Yes, mommy, I’ve been good. I wanna eat you out, please,” San begged, finally gaining back most of his focus, looking up at you with hope.
You held back the urge to chastise him because your aching cunt won out. You get up and slowly guide yourself to hover over his mouth, teasing him. You couldn’t take your own teasing and sat yourself on his face. He moaned into your cunt and gripped your thighs, fingers feeling the thick flesh that made it so fun to sit on his face and squish his head.
He set to work, doing everything in his arsenal to make you feel the best, eating like a man starved. “Just like that, baby, fuck, it feels so good,” you praise, rocking back and forth for more pleasure.
Yunho was leaned back in the chair, cock now an angry red and leaking precum as he had a difficult time not to come in San’s ass and now struggling to not touch himself, saving that for when you gets a chance at felling your cunt around him, remembering how you took his entire length and girth with no problem, something he had trouble with with other female hookups.
One of your hands made work of one of your nipples while the other one gripped San’s hair, losing yourself in the pleasure that San gave you. Soon enough, he had you cumming on his face, lapping up everything he could before you pulled yourself away. 
You leaned down to smother San’s mouth, the taste of you overpowering the taste of morning breath for both parties. You felt Yunho kissing your shoulder, something you interpreted to mean that he had a question.
He made his way to your ear when you pulled away from San and asked, “You think you can ride me? I’ve been thinking about it non-stop since last night.”
You take a moment, pretending to ponder his question. “You think your dick is up for the job?” you jab as your hand reaches down to brush the organ in question. Yunho hissed at the contact, his dick twitching in your hand.
“Try me,” he responded.
You crawled off San and pulled him up off the bed as Yunho got in and settled down, smile playing on his lips and hands linked behind his head, his cock sitting perfectly against his abdomen, waiting to be used.
Before you sent San off to the chair, Yunho spoke up. “C’mere, our sweet birthday boy, I know you have another orgasm in you.” He used his fingers to motion for San to come to him; the boy in question looked at Yunho in interest, wondering what Yunho would suggest. “Let me eat your ass, baby.”
San quickly got into position and Yunho forced him down on his face by his hips. You took the opportunity to straddle Yunho and slowly plunged on his dick, relishing in the feeling of being stretched out perfectly, the tip of his dick brushing your cervix, a mix of slight pain and immense pleasure, bottoming out completely. Yunho couldn’t help but moan at the contact, San feeling the vibrations and whimpering and the sensation.
As you bounced, rocked, and moved on Yunho’s cock, you pulled San’s head towards yours as he was facing you, making out with him and him enthusiastically reciprocating. Muffled moans filled the air as your other hand went to pump San’s dick and the hand not steadying himself went to your clit, circling it in time with Yunho’s ass eating and your dick bouncing. 
It wasn’t long before Yunho busted inside of you, dick twitching and his moans muffled by San, who felt every small noise coming from Yunho’s lips. You felt Yunho’s hips stutter in an attempt to give up, but he pushed through, fucking his cum further into you as you followed after him, the sensation of his cock and the nerves of your clit being stimulated almost too much. San himself held out a little longer and it took you death-gripping his hair and kissing his neck to make him finally cum a second time.
You and San fell into each other after Yunho moved San’s ass away to catch his breath. The three of you stayed that way for a few minutes, catching your breath and basking in the fun that each of you had. 
You were the first to move, gently lifting San away from you and slowly slipping Yunho’s dick out from your pussy, letting out a satisfied sigh in the process. You gently guided San to sit beside Yunho, who took San in his arms with no hesitation and cuddled him, kissing the top of his head. 
“How about a bath, hmm? Does that sound nice, sweetheart?” you asked San gently, getting a small nod in response. You put on your bathrobe and start running the water and filling the tub with San’s favorite scent. 
Meanwhile, Yunho was petting San’s hair, telling him how well he did, San just giggling in response. “How late is it?” San wondered, turning around in Yunho’s arms and looking at the phone on the nightstand. 
“It’s only 11am. I thought it would be later,” San mused.
“Well, we did go to bed fairly early last night, so I guess we got up fairly early, too,” Yunho answered. He sat up, stretching and yawning, deciding that he’d take the responsibility of changing the sheets and general clean up as you were running the bath.
You came out of the bathroom, taking San by the arm. “Yah, Yunho, are you going to join us in the bathroom?” you said, taking in the sight of Yunho putting his underwear on and a pair of your sweatpants after cleaning San’s cum off his stomach.
“In a little bit! I’m gonna clean San’s cum off this blanket then change the sheets,” he responded, not wanting anything to crust over. You shrugged your shoulders, about to drag San into the bathroom until he stopped you.
“Y/N, can we eat some snacks in the bath? I’m starving,” he told you with his puppy-dog eyes. You didn’t see way not as this was his aftercare and there would be no further shenanigans in the tub. You nodded your head with a smile on your face and he burst into a big smile, grabbing one of the bags and dragging you to the bathroom, the smell of his favorite bubble bath already making him feel better and loved.
You got into the tub first and then San followed, leaning against your chest and then tearing open a bag of mini rice cakes outside the tub, shoving a couple in his mouth before offering one to you. You open your mouth and he puts it in, sitting in front of you so you could wash his back.
“I need to wash your hair sweetie, it’s dirty with sweat,” you said, letting him know before you dump water on his head that could accidentally get his snacks wet, which would be fun for no one. 
Yunho took care of first cleaning the blanket off with a baby wipe then throwing it in your hamper. Afterward, he took off the sheets and made his way to the cabinet where you kept your bed sheets in the living room and stepped on something hard and slightly sticky. He looked down and saw the minute leftovers of the lollipop San had in his mouth that he must’ve dropped when you took him by surprise last night. 
He took a pair of scissors off the counter and cut it from the carpet, throwing it away and proceeding with the bed sheets. When he was done and went to the bathroom, you and San were talking about an anime that you too were watching as he, at his stubborn insistence, fed you food as he fed himself, leaning against your chest and tummy. Yunho decided that at you took care of that, he’d set about putting out changes of clothes for you and San and went to the fridge to see what food you had to cook up a late breakfast, though he wasn’t sure if you and San would be hungry enough after the snacks.
After the bath, you and San got dressed and made way to the living room/kitchen hybrid area where Yunho was, looking at your fridge. “Why do you have so little food in here, Y/N? I see you eating all the time! You need to learn how to cook instead of spending money on take out.”
“Well,” you said, “take out tastes better.” Yunho closed the fridge and cocked an eyebrow at you, sighing in defeat.
“Can we go back to the cafe for brunch?” San asked, making his way to Yunho and hanging off his arm. 
“It would have to be light because of dinner at 3 with the others,” Yunho pointed out. San hummed in response, kissing Yunho on the cheek and then making his way back to you. 
“Join us for that, at least, please,” he asked you, leaning on you and sticking his chin on your shoulder.
“Alright, I can do that,” you answered, loving the way San’s face lit up and your agreement.
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fangroyal · 3 years
#3 What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Fun Meta Asks for Writers
Adding the link to the ask game at the start this time, 'cause this is gonna be a long one, y'all. 😂
Where do I even begin? First of all, @angie-leena​, thank you so SO much for sending me this ask! It was the kick in the ass I needed to get me to actually write this scene, and for that I’m extremely grateful. I still don’t know if I’m entirely happy with the finished product, but it exists now, and that’s something.
So some of you may remember (if anyone actually follows my ramblings, haha!) that I’ve been simultaneously complaining about and obsessing over this gigantic WIP I’ve had since fucking March 2019. Nearly two and a half years have passed since I put the first word to paper, and oh how I’ve loved to cry out in frustration about how I have about 12k written on the stupid thing and yet not a single scene finished.
YES, I’VE DONE IT. I’ve finished a scene on this amazing, wonderful, and incredibly stupid WIP, and I could just cry.
FYI for anyone who doesn’t know what the fuck I’m talking about (which I’m sure is everyone, ‘cause I don’t expect anybody to remember this insane thing I’ve been shouting about all this time, LOL): this is the Slytherin My Gryffindor WIP. Yes, that is a working title. 😅 I will find a better one.....some day.......Ron/Draco is the main pair, but there will also be plenty of others sprinkled in the background.
Anyway, about this ask and that context I haven’t been arsed to write yet...
Context required in order to understand this scene 😂:
Fred Lives AU
The Muggle world and the Wixen world has kind of mixed in recent years, and it’s very common for magical people to be using Muggle technology
The Weasley twins have opened a second shop in Diagon Alley...selling sex toys (yes, really)
Their first original product line issssssss..........dildoes shaped like the Weasley brothers’ own dicks (and a fleshlight kind of thing for Ginny)
Yes this is crack!fic (but, like, also not???)
Ron has been made general manager of the shop and is there all the time, as they’re incredibly busy
Draco wants 👏 that 👏 D 👏, but is worried about Ron finding out, so keeps coming into the shop randomly hoping he won’t be there (and of course he always is)
Eventually there’s a day where Ron’s in the backroom, Charlie’s visiting and helping out at the register, and when Ron emerges, Charlie informs him that Draco Malfoy has just run in and bought Ron’s dildo
Cue Ron being incredibly turned on by this notion
So that pretty much brings us up-to-speed for this scene - it’s been a few days now, and Ron’s been trying to figure out a way to contact Draco to talk to him about the whole thing, since they never became friends or anything after the war and don’t regularly talk unless they’re just seeing each other around
The fic is meant to touch on, like...fame in the aftermath of the war (i.e. why anyone would be interested in sex toys modelled after the Weasley siblings in the first place)
Ron has evolved from his teenage self and grown to hate the fame - it prevents him from being able to date, because the press can never let him keep anything private
After this scene, the fic will focus on Ron and Draco developing a sexual - and eventually romantic - relationship (originally under the guise of “testing out” other products from the shop together)
They will try their best to keep their relationship a secret, but, like...everyone knows 😘😘😘
Also Draco is a model in this one (not important for this scene, but just thought you might want to know 😂)
In addition, some warnings/content to make note of before reading:
NC-17 (smut incoming!)
Technology circa 2005
Phone sex
Semi-public sex
Sex toys
Both Ron and Draco are a little drunk (but very consenting!)
Crack taken way too seriously
Of course, this hasn't been betaed or Britpicked, so I apologize for how very rough it is right now, lol. It will likely be a little (or a lot!) different if I ever actually finish this whole fucking fic and post it later on. I am treating this scene like a “sneak peek” of the fic, because I definitely do still want to try to finish it someday...
HOLY SHIT, I had a LOT more to say about it than I thought. 😅 So anyway. Scene under the cut.
Friday night at the Dragon's Head was packed. It took a bit of initiative, but Ron, Seamus, and Dean finally managed to snag them all a table in the back corner, hoarding the extra seats till Harry and Neville finally arrived, trailed closely by Ginny and Parkinson ― who were curiously short one blond wizard.
Ron tried not to think about it. He bought the first round with Harry, listening to him chat about the recent Puddlemere match against the Magpies. They ordered nibbles for the table. Ron munched on chips, his heart skipping every time the door opened across the room and another few patrons trickled in.
He was on his third pint of the evening when he started getting antsy. He sipped his Simison, using the light smoke curling around the rim of the glass to discreetly glance around the pub, hoping to spot a familiar head of blond hair in the crowd. His foot tapped impatiently on the floor.
"Is he coming, then?"
Ron's head snapped to attention. Ginny checked the door as well before turning back to Parkinson.
"Who?" Neville asked, snagging a vinegar-soaked chip from the bowl in the center of the table.
"Malfoy," Ginny said, craning her neck to see her girlfriend's screen.
Parkinson tapped away on her mobile, shaking her head. "No. Says he's already curled up with a bottle of wine and a good book, and doesn't fancy getting all done up."
Fucking hell. Ron drained the dregs at the bottom of his glass. It wasn't often Malfoy joined them on a mostly-Gryffindor outing ― not unless Parkinson could convince him. Somehow, Ron felt he should've known it wouldn't be in the cards tonight. Conversation pivoted again, and Ron ran his fingers up the sides of his empty pint, thinking.
At some point, Seamus and Harry set off to get another round, and Ginny hurried away with them after a quick peck to Parkinson's cheek. Neville and Dean had gotten into a chat about proper Mimbulus mimbletonia care, and Ron saw his chance. He could feel his heart start to thud in his chest as he cleared his throat, raising his voice to catch her attention.
She turned back from watching Ginny leave, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Yes?"
"Think you could give me Malfoy's number?"
The smirk she gave him in response made his hands shake a little as they drummed against the tabletop.
"Whatever for?"
Ron stared her down, knowing full well any excuse he told her would never be enough. Parkinson's expression was predatory ― as if she already knew the answer anyway. He waited for her to comment, bracing himself.
To his surprise, she instead dug her mobile back out of her handbag.
She turned the screen towards him, and he typed the number directly into the dialer on his phone. He waited a few minutes until everyone ― Parkinson included ― had moved on to other things and forgotten about him, and then slipped from the table.
Ron shouldered his way through the crowd to the loo, pushing inside and locking the door behind him. It was a small room, hardly bigger than a broom closet. There was a toilet and a sink, a grimy mirror hanging above it, and a dim ceiling lamp that barely lit the space.
Ron backed up to one side of the room and slumped against the wall. He gripped the phone in clammy hands. Those pints had picked a perfect moment to hit him all at once. Ron blinked away the creeping dizziness, staring down at the numbers glowing dauntingly on the tiny screen. He'd been unable to get it out of his mind for days ― the image of Malfoy riding his dildo ― and now that he had a way to contact him, he was frozen. The leaky faucet dripped, the sound maddening as it mingled with the rush of blood in his ears. This was stupid. This was so bloody stupid.
He hit call.
Ron held his breath, cupping the phone to his ear. The line rang and rang, until he started to realize he didn't have a plan B. What if Malfoy didn't answer? What if he had to leave a voicemail? What would he even say? He should've just texted him, damn it.
Then, suddenly, the ringing stopped. There was rustling and a mumbled, "Bloody useless thing." Then, louder, "Yes?"
"Yes, this is ― Weasley?"
Malfoy sounded surprised. Ron breathed out gradually, his heartbeat slowing with it. Malfoy's voice was clear and present on the other end. No looking back. He tried to think of something to say, and only came up with one thing.
"Haven't seen you round the shop yet this week."
"Don't tell me that's really why you called." Malfoy sighed, trying to sound put-upon, but Ron could hear the hint of nerves underneath. "If you must know, that would be because I found what I'd been looking for."
"I know."
There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end. For a moment, Ron thought Malfoy might hang up. But then he cursed quietly. "Damn that brother of yours. Incorrigible."
So it really was true. Charlie hadn't just been taking the piss. Ron felt a warmth flare up in his belly, spreading down to the tops of his thighs.
"Try growing up with him. And the twins? Now that's a real nightmare."
"I was trying for discreet, but you were always there."
Ron leaned further back against the wall, staring up at the dark ceiling above. He thought of all those times Malfoy had dropped in at the shop, only to hurry out again if Ron ever came too close. Malfoy had jumped at the chance when Ron had been called away to the back that day.
Malfoy cleared his throat. "Well. You know. So what, then? Looking to mock me for it?"
"You always assume the worst with me. Why is that?" Although Ron couldn't exactly blame him. He hadn't given Malfoy much else to go on in years past. Neither of them had. "No. No, I was calling because…" Why had he been calling? It had seemed such a natural thing when he'd asked Parkinson for Malfoy's number not five minutes ago. "I was curious. If there was, er." He waved his free hand, searching for the words. Nothing sounded right. "Any particular reason for it."
Malfoy laughed ― a short bark of a sound. "I mean, obviously yes. It's a sex toy, Weasley."
Ron snorted, taken aback. "That's not ―"
"Actually, I thought it'd make a nice statement in the middle of my dining table. It would be an excellent conversation piece for dinner parties."
"For fuck's sake, Malfoy, I didn't ―"
A chuckle rumbled through from the other end of the line. There was that snark again. Merlin, it made Ron hot, his skin blooming from his collar up to his ears. He chewed his lip, pulling back the grin that threatened to spread across his face.
"I only meant ― was there a reason? That you'd picked mine?"
The line suddenly went quiet. Ron had to check his phone just to make sure the call hadn't dropped.
When Malfoy finally replied, his voice was soft, uncertain. "What would possess you to call and ask me that?"
Ron breathed in slowly, his hand tapping an incoherent rhythm on his thigh. "Well, I'm a bit pissed, to be honest," he admitted, still feeling the slight burn the Simison had left in his throat.
Malfoy didn't say anything more at first. The lamp above buzzed as the faucet continued to drip. Ron could hear the noise from the pub pressing up against the other side of the door.
Then, Malfoy said, "Maybe there was."
Ron felt his heart jump into his throat. "Was what?"
"A reason why I bought it," Malfoy said slowly, deliberately. "Figure it out, Weasel."
Oh, bloody hell. Ron took a shaky breath. Every nerve felt like it was on fire.
"And...how was it?" Ron heard himself ask as if from very far away.
Even over the din of the music beyond the bathroom door, he could hear Malfoy swallow. "It was good."
"Oh, ta." Ron chuckled despite himself.
"No, I mean...Bugger." It was nice hearing Malfoy so flustered. A rare occurrence, and one that the little fluttering pixie in Ron's stomach very much wanted to repeat. "It was brilliant, alright? Happy?"
Brilliant. The word tingled down Ron's spine. For some reason, he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. Bloody hell, was this really happening? He thought of fleeting insults thrown in the school corridors all those years ago ― then he thought of a night just a few months ago, the look in Malfoy's eyes as Ron told him about the shop.
"You wrote a song about me once, if I remember correctly," Ron said, feeling deliriously happy.
"I suppose I did." Malfoy sighed.
Ron's eyes flicked to the door, to the noise of the crowd beyond. "Why didn't you want me to know?"
"Oh, please, Weasley," Malfoy said bitterly. "Pick a reason."
"I know, but ―" Ron tried to argue, but Malfoy cut him off.
"You don't owe me anything. It would be incredibly unfair for me to expect you to be interested in return."
Ron supposed that was fair enough. He'd had similar feelings towards Malfoy until very recently.
"I would be, though. I mean ― I am."
Saying the words out loud gave them a weight Ron hadn't felt before. He let them roll off his tongue, flattened the tip of it along his lips as he thought about flashes of icy blond hair, high cheekbones, and long fingers swirling around the rim of a glass. He thought of the moment he'd finally realized Malfoy had been looking back.
"Oh." Malfoy paused, seeming surprised by that revelation. "Good to know."
Malfoy fidgeted. Ron listened intently, hearing the breath he released and the scrape of his fingers against his mobile.
"You wouldn't ― ah." Malfoy caught himself, and Ron waited for him to continue, his ears ringing. "Would you want to…?" Malfoy trailed off, finishing his thought with a scoff.
"Would I want to what ― oh."
Ron swallowed hard. He wanted to believe Malfoy was asking him what he thought he was asking him, but even after everything, it was almost too good to be true. The long stretch of awkward silence on the other end told him he was right, though, and that made him jittery, his hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck.
"I could be reading too much into this," Malfoy muttered.
"No, no, definitely not. I mean." Ron licked his lips, his mouth suddenly feeling far too dry. "I just don't want you to think I expect this."
Malfoy made a sound, and Ron could practically feel him rolling his eyes on the other end of the line.
"Oh, so you don't ring up every person who buys a model of your cock and ask them how they enjoyed it?"
"What? No, of course not!" Ron stopped, realizing, and laughed at himself. "You're joking. That was a joke."
"Terribly clever, this one."
A sudden jiggling of the door handle made Ron jump, almost dropping his mobile in the process.
He fumbled with the phone, his heart thudding wildly. When he put it back to his ear, Malfoy was laughing. The sound made Ron feel weak in the knees.
"Where are you?" Malfoy asked, still snickering.
"In the loo at the Dragon's Head."
"Oh, of course." Malfoy sucked his teeth contemplatively. "Hang on. Is there anyone in there with you?"
Another frustrated turn of the door handle.
"It's a single."
"Good." Malfoy lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Do you want me to use it?"
Ron pressed his hand flat against the door, waiting until he heard the bloke give a huff and storm off. "Use what?"
"Your dildo, Weasley."
The silken drawl of Malfoy's voice spread like gooseflesh across Ron's skin. "Right now?" he asked incredulously, although he was already half hard at the thought.
"I could give you an exclusive product review. Unless you don't want to."
"No, I do!" Ron replied quickly, and Malfoy laughed again, making him blush.
"Eager, are we?"
"Yes." Ron passed a hand over his face, trying to laugh as well, but it came out shaky. Merlin, it had been all he could think about for the past few days. Still, he'd never imagined Malfoy would offer it outright. "Just didn't take you for the phone sex type."
Malfoy hummed. "You caught me in a randy mood. Now how do I ― ah, right."
Ron assumed he'd been put on speakerphone, as there was now an echo. He dug out his wand for a moment and cast a quick Silencio on the bathroom. It was a wonder how he had the brain power to spare, when all the blood in his body was suddenly rushing to his cock. He could hear Malfoy fumbling for something on the other end.
"Where are you?" Ron asked in return, trying to distract himself from the heady thrum of anticipation.
"In bed. Naked," Malfoy added with a hint of a smirk in his voice. Ron groaned, shutting his eyes against the image of Malfoy stretched out on soft sheets, hard and waiting for him. Merlin, had he been naked the whole time they were talking? Ron pressed the heel of his palm to the crotch of his jeans.
Malfoy went silent for a moment, until there was a faint intake of breath. His bed creaked distantly in the background.
Ron licked his lips, cupping his hand around the solid, hot line of his cock under his trousers. "Are you prepping yourself?"
"Of course." Malfoy breathed out steadily, the bed creaking again. "You're bigger than I thought you'd be. Although I'd always wondered."
Fucking hell. Ron arched against his hand. Was he really going to get his cock out in a pub toilet? The last shred of his resolve melted away when he heard Malfoy moan, low and guttural, a sound that shot straight through Ron, all the way to his toes. He imagined Malfoy laying back, his knees bent up, and slick fingers down between his legs, pressing in and out of his puckered hole. Ron was switching the phone to his left hand before he could give it a second thought. He flicked open the button on his jeans and pushed his pants down to hook under his balls, taking himself in hand.
Ron rolled his hand down over his length. Malfoy's breath hitched, and he cursed, the bed shifting with him. Ron caught his lip between his teeth, wondering how many fingers he had in him. He imagined himself leaning over Malfoy on the bed, licking a hot stripe along his neck as his hand worked him open, his thighs falling open as he settled between them.
"Fuck, I needed this," Malfoy breathed. Ron moaned, pulling his foreskin back and rubbing over the weeping head of his cock.
Malfoy muttered a Cleansing charm, and then a drawer was pulled roughly open nearby. Ron heard Malfoy pick up the phone, moving and setting it down again as he bounced on the bed, adjusting himself.
"Are you ―?" Ron wanted to ask, but he couldn't finish the thought, left hand gripping the phone hard as he tried to steady himself.
"Yes, gods."
Ron paused, listening as Malfoy shifted and panted on the other end. He didn't have to ask when it was fully in. He knew the moment Malfoy's breath faltered, the gasp he gave sending shivers down Ron's spine.
Malfoy huffed, the sound so loud to Ron's ears as the whole world funneled down to a point, to this moment as he listened to Malfoy move the toy inside of himself. He moaned, and Ron thought he could hear the squelch of lube on the other end of the line as it entered him.
"Talk to me, Weasley."
Malfoy sounded wrecked. It was enough to make Ron's toes curl just to hear it. It was almost too much to handle ― the idea of Draco Malfoy being thoroughly fucked out by a dildo modelled after Ron's own cock. Ron's head thunked back against the wall. His hand trembled a little as he began stroking himself again.
"Get on your knees for me," he said softly.
Malfoy swore. Ron heard him flip over, his panting breaths suddenly closer to the receiver. In his mind, he could see Malfoy bent over the bed, arse in the air and cheek pressed against the mattress, lips rosy and parted. He imagined himself knelt behind Malfoy, hands gripping his slender hips.
"There's, uh." Ron swallowed. "There's a self-shagging feature. If you want. The spell's ―"
"Oh, we're well acquainted."
"Fuck," Ron moaned. No way he was going to last like this. He rocked his hips, thrusting into the tight circle of his fist. Malfoy sounded like he was trying to collect himself, even as his voice broke on the last word. Ron couldn't begin to explain why that aroused him so much, but he didn't care, already speeding up his hand as it flew over his cock.
Malfoy cast the spell, and Ron felt his cry as the toy began to move on its own. The bed gave a jolt under Malfoy's weight. He gasped again, and Ron heard his fingers scrambling across the sheets.
Ron could almost see it. He imagined Malfoy's bowed back, his knees slipping and spreading apart, his toes curling. The bed creaked with each movement. A dildo of Ron's own making, Malfoy arching back onto it as it fucked him down onto the mattress. Merlin, he should've known Malfoy would take it so well, his eyes rolling back as he listened to the sounds Malfoy made as it thrust into him.
Ron closed his eyes and felt like he was sitting in the room, watching the whole show, watching a copy of his cock pound into Malfoy again and again. The pub outside the bathroom door fell away from him, and all he could focus on was Malfoy's voice and his hand on his own cock.
"Tell me how it feels," Ron choked out, wanting to hear it, see it, touch it, to watch Malfoy unravel under Ron's hands and cock, to capture each cry with his tongue.
Malfoy groaned. "So ― good ―"
"Tell me," Ron rasped again, thrusting his hips forward into his hand. "Tell me ― ah ― how good it is."
"It's so ―" Malfoy cried out, his hands skittering over the sheets. "So good ― so big ― I ―"
"Fucking hell, Malfoy."
At that point, Ron didn't know if he wanted to be watching the toy fuck Malfoy or if he wanted to take over for it. Was he really getting jealous of a dildo? He wished he was there. He wanted to tell Malfoy as much, but he couldn't manage it, instead moaning loudly as he felt his balls begin to draw up against him.
"Fuck, Weasley, you're gonna make me come," Malfoy whined, his posh accent slipping. 
Holy shit, and that was what did it. Ron made a gut-punched sound, his wrist flicking over the head of his cock. He was coming almost before he'd even realized. He barely had the presence of mind to do anything about it before the first spurt had dribbled onto the floor. He pushed off the wall and lent forward, pumping the remainder into the sink. He heard Malfoy swear, and Ron slumped back against the wall again, listening as he came apart with a shuddering cry.
The line went quiet once more. Ron rested his head on the tiles behind him, closing his eyes, holding his softening cock. For a long time, all he could hear was Malfoy breathing on the other end, his own heartbeat equally loud in his ears.
"I liked that. A lot."
Eloquent as always. Ron half expected for Malfoy to say just that, but instead he heard a very soft chuckle ― and then, quietly, "So did I."
Now that his heart rate was gradually slowing, the noise of the club outside wormed its way back in, reminding Ron of where he was, and what he'd just done. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably, glancing at the door when he heard a chatty couple pass by. How long had he been in there? Were the others looking for him?
Another person suddenly banged on the door, and Ron started, pushing off from the wall and quickly withdrawing his wand, disabling his Silencio and spelling himself clean.
"Right." He wanted to say more. Merlin, he did. But instead all he said just then was, "Well, I should probably, er, get back to it. You know?"
"Of course." There was rustling on the line, and then Ron was off speakerphone, Malfoy's voice close and intimate again in a way that made him shiver. "Have a good night, Weasley."
"You too, Malfoy."
Ron exited the bathroom, ignoring the irritated look the other patron gave him as he slipped past.
The entire way back to their table, he felt like he was floating on a cloud. Harry gave him an odd look when he slid into his seat, pulling the fresh pint they'd bought him an indeterminable amount of time ago towards him. Ron couldn't even begin to catch up with what they were all talking about, his mind drifting to thoughts of Malfoy, his mobile a leaden weight in his pocket as the night wound on.
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Dad Tim & Uncle Rhys Part 10
I can’t believe this self-indulgent little writing has hit 10 parts already! This particular entry...didn’t go to plan at all, but that’s writing for ya. Thanks for following this little project into the double digits!
Tim was getting overwhelmed, and Rhys knew it.
He tried to ease Tim’s workload subtly, splitting up some of his assignments where he could to give him a break. He took on more meetings to cut Tim a break. He extended whatever deadlines he could.
But Tim was still struggling, and Rhys suspected it had to do with Phoenix. The boy had been absolutely exhausted lately, often clinging to Tim and falling asleep on him. Tim tried to casually dismiss it as him having a fit of nightmares, something that apparently happened from time to time. 
Even as Phoenix seemed to improve, though, Tim didn’t. He just looked increasingly exhausted and stressed, his patience thin most days. Rhys could see him making a visible effort to control his temper during meetings. 
The office door opened and Rhys looked up as Tim came in, Phoenix trailing behind him. Tim had dark bags under his eyes, but he nodded a greeting to Rhys as he sat down across the desk from him.
Phoenix was focused on a bag of snacks, struggling to tear the package open. He didn’t ask for help, so Rhys left him to it.
“Here,” Tim said, passing Rhys a report of his latest meeting. “Negotiations went terribly, but we secured the key areas of the deal. We scheduled a follow-up meeting for next week.” He rubbed his temples. “Shit, it went terribly. Every time I think I’ve met the douchiest businessman, another one comes along to claim the title. Fuckin’ headaches, all of them.”
“Dad, the ‘f’ word,” Phoenix said without looking up.
“Your ears didn’t burn up and fall off in horror. It’s fine,” Tim said. “Seriously, though, that guy was a dick. And the woman with him? I thought she might slit my throat with her damn heels when I wouldn’t budge on the price.”
Rhys flipped through the report, scanning it for the key points. “Good work, Timothy. Thank you. Why not take a break? Head home early. This was a big win.”
“Can’t,” Tim said. “Got a smaller meeting with the development team in an hour.”
Shit, Rhys forgot about that. “I can go.”
“My life isn’t that simple. You don’t have the information from the last two meetings with them. Gotta be me,” Tim said. He looked ready to collapse at the thought of more arguing and stubborn businessmen. 
“Well, take a break until then,” Rhys suggested. “Go take Phoenix out for lunch somewhere. If you’re running a bit late getting back, I’ll cover for you.” 
“That’s alright. I can use the time to prep for the meeting so it doesn’t drag as much,” Tim said. “Maybe I can-”
“Dad!” Phoenix tugged at Tim’s arm, holding up his snack bag. “Can’t get it. Help.”
“I was talking, Phoenix!” Tim snapped. “You don’t interrupt people when they’re talking. Your stupid snacks aren’t important enough to forget your damn manners.”
Phoenix shrank back. At the sight of his surprised fear, Tim’s anger faded.
“Oh- no, hey, no. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry,” Tim said. “Here, let me see. Let me help you get them open. I’m sorry I yelled. Guess we both have to work on our manners, huh, pal? You shouldn’t interrupt people, and I shouldn’t yell. Start over?”
Phoenix shook his head, backing away. “I’m not hungry no more. Sorry.”
He retreated to the corner, bear clutched to his chest. Tim put his face in his hands for a moment, taking a deep breath before lifting it.
He got up and slowly approached Phoenix, kneeling down in front of him. “Hey, I really am sorry I yelled at you. That wasn’t fair. Can I help you open your snack?”
“Don’t want it,” Phoenix mumbled.
“Well...I’ll go get your lunch. How about that? You’ve got to be hungry,” Tim said, getting up. “I’ll be right back.” He passed Rhys’ desk, pausing to look at Rhys and mutter, “I’m so shit at being a dad. I don’t even think I remembered to bring his lunch. Buy me time while I run to the cafeteria.”
He hurried out of the office. Phoenix waited a minute before getting up and sheepishly going up to Rhys, holding up his snack bag.
“Can you help me, boss guy?” he said. “Um, please.”
“Tim offered to help you,” Rhys said, but took the bag. He tugged at it, but the damn thing wouldn’t rip, so he saved his dignity by cutting it open with scissors and passing it back to the kid.
“Thanks,” he said. “Dad’s been mean lately. He yells a lot. And then he says sorry, but he always yells again.” His shoulders hunched, making him look even smaller than usual. “I don’t like when dad yells at me.” 
“He’s been stressed lately,” Rhys said. “I don’t think he means to yell. He yells at people around work, too. He’s not actually mad at you.”
“Mom says he can’t help it,” Phoenix said. “She said he’s got that asshole’s DNA so sometimes he can’t control his temper. But I still don’t like when he yells at me.”
The door opened and Phoenix froze, but eased up a little as Lorelei came in. She brightened at the sight of him.
“Phoenix!” she said. Then she frowned. “What’s got you looking so sad, little guy?”
“Dad yelled at me again ‘cause I forgot my manners,” he mumbled, grip tightening on his snack.
“He yelled at you?” Lorelei said in surprise. “I’ll kick his ass. Of course you forgot your manners. You’re only...um…” She paused, furrowing her brow. “Well, if he was in that casino for seven years, and you were cookin’ in the womb for nine months...Whatever, you’re younger than seven. I’m a lot older than that and I forget my manners.”
“As shown by you not knocking on the door,” Rhys said.
“Tim wasn’t in his office, so I figured I’d find him and the kid here,” Lorelei said, holding up a soda. “I brought Phoenix a present.”
Phoenix was staring at her nervously. “Don’t hurt my dad! He didn’t mean to yell!” 
“I’m not really kickin’ his ass, kid,” she said, handing him the soda. 
“You won’t hurt him? You won’t hurt my dad?” Phoenix said anxiously.
“Not a scratch on him, you have my word,” she assured, taking Tim’s abandoned seat at the desk. “Where is the big idiot anyways?”
“He went to get lunch for Phoenix,” Rhys said. “I’ve been trying to cut back his workload to give him a break, but it’s been tough. His position gives him a lot of work, no matter what I try to do to help. And I think he…” He paused, glancing at Phoenix. “I think he’s struggling a bit with the whole single parent thing.”
“I made dad mean?” Phoenix said, voice small. 
“No!” Rhys said hastily. “Just that being a parent is a lot of work. Uh, probably. I don’t actually have kids.”
“Not helping,” Lorelei said. “Listen kid, what he means is that your dad is dealing with a lot. He’s got his work, he’s got to take care of you, and he’s got to take care of himself. That’s a whole lot on his plate.”
“I can take care of myself!” Phoenix insisted.
“Nope, you can’t. And that’s fine. You’re a kid. Kids aren’t supposed to take care of themselves. It’s a parent’s job to take care of their kid,” Lorelei said. “And if he’s struggling to do that on top of everything else? Then it’s his responsibility as an adult to ask for help. It’s got nothin’ to do with you, and he shouldn’t take it out on you.” 
“He’s been taking it out on everyone,” Rhys said. “Uh, not that that’s really a defense in his favor, but still.”
“It’s no wonder the guy’s breaking down. He’s been out of that casino how long now and still hasn’t dealt with the trauma of it?” Lorelei said, kicking back in the chair. “I think he’s just using the kid as an excuse not to deal with his own trauma. It’s not fair to either of them.” 
“I was thinking that too,” Rhys admitted. Tim poured all his time and energy into work and Phoenix. Anytime someone tried to talk about how the casino had affected him, he’d dodge the topic. 
The office door opened and Tim came in, a to-go bag from the cafeteria in his hands. “Hey, Phoenix. Sorry I took so long. Oh, hey, Lorelei. Spoiling my kid again?”
“Someone’s gotta cheer him up after you brought his mood down,” she said.
Tim winced. “Ah, right. That.” He went over to the desk, setting the bag down and kneeling in front of Phoenix. “Want to head back to my office to eat lunch? I grabbed food for both of us.”
Lorelei lightly kicked Tim in the thigh. “He can stay here if he wants. You both can. I’ll grab ya a coffee.”
“It’s my office!” Rhys argued.
“You pretend you mind, but we all know you don’t,” Lorelei said dismissively.
Phoenix looked scared as he tentatively reached out and touched Tim’s knee. “Dad? Can I talk?”
Tim looked pained for a moment. “Of course you can. I’m sorry I yelled at you, Phoenix. You shouldn’t interrupt someone’s conversation, but god knows I’ve got poor manners and social skills too. We’re working on it. So I shouldn’t have yelled over it. Please, talk to me.”
Phoenix threw his arms around Tim’s neck, hugging him tightly. “Dad, ask for help! Boss guy and Lorelei will help you! Then you don’t gotta yell all the time. And I’ll take care of myself so you don’t gotta be stressed.”
Tim hugged him back, looking between Rhys and Lorelei. “Oh, jeez, what did you tell my kid while I was gone?”
“That you need to ask for help,” Lorelei said. “Because we can all see you need it.”
“I don’t!” Tim snapped.
“Exhibit A,” she said.
“Daddy, don’t yell at them! They wanna help!” Phoenix said.
“Oh, god, he never calls me that unless he’s really sad or scared,” Tim groaned, hugging him tighter. 
“I don’t want you to yell anymore,” Phoenix said quietly. “You need help.”
“I...guess I do,” Tim said reluctantly. His eyes widened. “I mean, no, I can handle this. I really can.”
“Tim, you’re dealing with a stressful job, your son’s trauma, your own trauma, and trying to raise a little kid by yourself,” Rhys said. “I know Ember’s in his life. But you’re the one raising him right now.”
“But-” Tim said weakly. “He needs me.”
“That’s the excuse you’ve been using,” Rhys said. “He does need you, but not at the cost of your own health and sanity. Let us help you.”
“You said you want to help his separation anxiety, but I think you’ve got a case of it yourself,” Lorelei said. “You’re afraid to be away from him.”
Tim’s hold on Phoenix became protective, his expression scared and defensive at the accusation. But now that it was out there, Rhys realized it was true.
Tim was just as afraid to be away from Phoenix as Phoenix was afraid to be away from Tim. Rhys hadn’t realized just how unhealthy them constantly being together actually was for both of them.
“Timothy, let us help you,” he said. “Let me take Phoenix for an afternoon. I’ll take him somewhere fun.”
Tim looked like he was going to yell again. Lorelei shot him a glare.
“Rhys and I will both take him. He’ll be perfectly safe,” she said.
“Some of the employees you work with are going to the bar for drinks and trivia. Go with them while we take Phoenix.” Rhys sighed. “You both need it. If you actually care about him getting better, you’ll let us help. At this rate, his separation anxiety will be so ingrained in him, he’ll never make it in the world on his own.”
That seemed to break Tim down. He pressed a kiss to Phoenix’s head, rocking with him a little.
“Okay,” he said at last, voice strained. “Yea, okay. But...But you have to check in with me. And if he gets too upset, you bring him back to me.”
“You won’t yell anymore if I go with boss guy?” Phoenix said, looking afraid.
“You and your good ol’ Uncle Rhys will have a day doing...something. Something safe,” Tim said. 
“Without you?” His hold on Tim tightened.
“You’re the one who wanted me to ask for help,” Tim said, brushing Phoenix’s hair away from his face. “I guess this is the help. Life’s a cruel mistress, huh?”
“It’ll be fun, Phoenix! We’ll do something fun, I promise,” Lorelei said. “And at the end of the day, you can go home and tell your dad all about it and he’ll be so happy you had fun.”
“You will?” Phoenix said.
Tim forced a shaky smile. “Yea, pal. I just want...I just want you to be happy.” He pulled him in for another tight hug. “Sorry I yelled. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Phoenix said, resting his head on Tim’s shoulder. “I knew boss guy and Lorelei would help you, dad.”
“You’re smarter than me,” Tim said with a weak laugh. “Get your brains from your mom and your mouth from your dad.”
Rhys watched the pair, worried about them. Phoenix was doing better in a lot of areas, but the two still hated to be away from each other. Tim was fine in the office because he knew Phoenix was with Rhys. But outside of work?
No, they even slept together. Tim was never away from his son. He had grown just as dependent on Phoenix and Rhys felt terrible he hadn’t realized it until Lorelei said it.
“We’ll get them on track,” Lorelei assured him with a wink, seeming to pick up on his thoughts. “Better start finding safe, fun things around the area. Something tells me we’ll need Timothy’s approval before we can kick this off.”
Rhys had absolutely no idea what to do around here that was both safe and fun for a kid. But he’d find something. He might pretend he hated the title of Uncle Rhys that they’d granted him, but he knew he did care about Tim and Phoenix.
He’d find something that would make Phoenix have so much fun he wouldn’t even miss his dad that much. Rhys would give the boy that and help the pair.
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vowel-in-thug · 3 years
Tagged by the stunning @jadedbirch and the effervescent @old-long-john ❤️❤️
This will be depressing lol
What is your name?
Gemma/vowelinthug on ao3
What are your fandoms?
Black Sails Rules Everything Around Me. I also have a singular fic written for MCU, IT Ch 2, Good Omens, the Magicians, and the Magnus Archives
Where do you post your fanfiction?
Ao3 and then some stuff is under my “hey look it’s my suffering” tag but there’s also a lot of suffering under there too
Going by kudos, what is your most popular one-shot?
tezeta (nostalgia) - the stucky version of my “old men who deserve a break do nothing in a house somewhere and Are Tender With Each Other”
Going by kudos, what is your most popular multi-chapter?
orange you glad - which, i really should have titled this better
What is your personal favourite story, out of your current content?
For Black Sails hmmmm either god wrote that, too, my pirate!Miranda ot3 or the second smallpox fic ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space for, among other reasons, getting to rewrite the sex scene for y tu mama tambien
For non-BS, probably my Reddie fic first love / late spring because it’s got the most jokes lol
What work were you most nervous to post?
Definitely my TMA fic sense of home because it’s based off something that is JUST VOICE so it was important to me to be as in character as possible
Also i - the mute silver fic, because i knew everyone would be angry and i was RIGHT
Is there a method to how you title your work?
it’s either a quote from the source material or whatever song/musician i was listening to a lot at the time
Do you outline your works or just wing it?
Oh we’re mostly just vibing over here, unless it was something epic like the cowboy au in which case i outlined until i died
Are you excited about any of your up-coming works?
I....have none 😰 i started writing a Destiel fic but i wasn’t feeling it lmao the fervor left me. technically i’m working on a original book atm but 🤧
What are your AO3 statistics?
this feels like a dick measuring contest but here we go
Total history (2016-2020):
User Subscriptions: 444
Kudos: 27118
Comment Threads: 2202
Bookmarks: 6956
Subscriptions: 343
Word Count: 508902
Hits: 236428
That word count smh. think of all the money i could have made if any of those words were publishable 
Tagging @lennythepope @marsza @hotniatheron @karategirl448 @storiesabouthestars @reluming any other writerly friends who feel like reminiscing !
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petrichoravellichor · 4 years
Written for Day 19 of the Supernatural Deserved Better Creative Challenge (prompt: angels and demons).
Title: An Angel and a Demon Walk Into a Bar
Characters: Gabriel & Meg
Rating: T
Warnings: mild alcohol consumption (by angel/demon standards, at least; no one drinks enough to get drunk)
Summary: After escaping from the Empty, Gabriel wanders into a bar, where it turns out he’s not the only one back from the dead.
(Read on Ao3)
Gabriel needed a drink.
A real one, not just something he could conjure up himself. It’d been a little under a week since he’d woken up in the middle of a field, dazed as all get-out and weaker than he’d ever been, but somehow alive. He’d done it. He’d actually gotten out of the Empty.
At first, Gabriel hadn’t known exactly how he’d managed it. He remembered dying—getting stabbed by an alternate version of your brother in a parallel universe wasn’t exactly a forgettable experience—and then he was waking up to some sort of explosion somewhere he’d quickly realized had to be the Empty, because hellooo, he was dead. There’d been a lot of commotion then, with Gabriel and literally thousands of other angels and demons clambering and fighting at once as a loud, pained voice screamed for them to BE QUIET, and the next thing he knew, he was lying face-down in a puddle of mud, alone except for a nearby cow. Gabriel had stumbled along until he’d found a small motel in the middle of nowhere, where he’d used what little power he could muster to charm a free room off the oblivious owner and then collapsed into bed the minute he’d locked the door behind him.
A few days later, he’d jolted awake when angel radio had all but exploded in his head. Word on the wire was that his nephew, Jack, had replaced Gabriel’s dad as Heaven’s new big kahuna, and apparently the entire world had been gone for a while but Gabriel had slept through it, and wait, Dean Winchester had finally pulled his head out of his repressed bisexual ass and was last seen kissing the shit out of Gabriel’s younger brother Castiel, who was also back from the Empty?! Whaaat???
Needless to say, it had been a lot to take in. Gabriel had spent the better part of the day listening intently and muttering “holy shit” as he caught himself up on all that had happened while he’d been out of the picture. When at last it seemed that there was no more new information, he’d dialed down the volume and decided that yeah, he was long overdue for a drink. He vaguely remembered seeing a bar on the other side of the motel parking lot, so he headed in that direction, opting to walk the short distance instead of flying—he was feeling much better after a few days of rest but still nowhere near full power, and there was no sense wasting energy.
As he drew near the bar, however, he noticed that although the lights were on and country music was drifting out into the night, the front window had been shattered; a few pieces of jagged glass were still hanging in place, but the rest was nothing but shining shards on the ground outside. Gabriel paused; then, feeling more curious than concerned, he crept up to the sill and peered inside.
The place looked pretty much like what Gabriel had been expecting, with bad lighting and wood-paneled walls and a couple of old pool tables off to one side. At first, he thought it was deserted; then he noticed a lone figure at the bar.
It was a demon, but not a particularly powerful-looking one. She was sitting on a barstool, a bottle of Jack in front of her and a glass in her hand as she gazed off into space, nursing her drink. Gabriel reached out with his mind, quickly scanning the premises for any potential friends the demon might have brought with her, but no, she was the only one of her kind anywhere in the area. If push came to shove, Gabriel had no doubts that even in his current state, he could still best her in combat; however, he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. After all, it had been a hell of a day in a hell of a week, and he’d come wanting a drink, not a fight. He headed over to the door and walked inside.
The demon must have sensed his presence, because she looked up the moment he crossed the threshold. Her eyes flashed black momentarily before snapping back to her vessel’s natural brown; however, when she addressed Gabriel, she sounded more annoyed than afraid. “If you’re here to kill me,” she said, fixing him with a glare, “at least let me finish my drink first.”
Gabriel arched a brow: she might not have been more than a run-of-the-mill black-eyed demon, but she had spunk; he’d give her that. “Simmer down, kiddo,” he drawled, “I’m not here to kill you, just looking for a drink.” He gestured toward the bar. “Mind if I join you?”
The demon raised a brow of her own, apparently surprised by his response, but eventually, she shrugged and turned back to her whiskey. “Knock yourself out.”
“Thanks.” Gabriel headed behind the counter, rummaging around until he found a clean glass; he plopped in two ice cubes and poured himself a drink. “Where’s the bartender, anyway?”
The demon waved dismissively in the direction of the restrooms. “Knocked out and tied up. He’ll be fine.”
“Mm, and the front window?”
“There was a biker gang when I first got here. They got handsy and didn’t want to leave.” She smiled darkly, adding, “That is, until I threw the biggest one out the window. They got the hell out pretty fast after that.”
Gabriel snorted. “Nice.”
“‘Nice’?” the demon repeated, then scoffed. “Thought you were an angel.”
Gabriel snapped his fingers, manifesting a stool on his side of the bar; he sat down across from her, drink in hand. “I am. So?”
“So, last I checked, your kind and my kind didn’t exactly see eye to eye on what constitutes nice.”
Gabriel shrugged. “I don’t see eye to eye with lots of people, especially not when they’re dicks. Sounds like the biker guys were, so yeah, nice. Besides,” he added, leaning forward with a conspiratorial smile, “I’ve done way worse.”
The demon regarded him, then smirked. “Nice.”
“So,” Gabriel said, taking a sip of his drink. “You got a name?”
“Meg. You?”
For a moment, Gabriel considered inventing an alias; after all, it was in his best interest to keep a low profile until he decided just how involved he wanted to be in this whole post-Dad Heaven business. Still, he wasn’t really in the mood for lying, and besides, he could always erase himself from Meg’s memory if he had second thoughts. “Gabriel.”
Meg narrowed her eyes. “As in the archangel?”
“Oh, so you’ve heard of me?” Gabriel said, flashing a grin; then, noting the wariness in Meg’s expression, he added, “Hey, I’m just here for a drink, remember? You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Easy for you to say: I can’t kill you just by thinking about it.”
Gabriel snorted. “No offense, kiddo, but if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it before I even walked in. Suffice to say, I’m not thinking about it.” Then, seeing that she was still eying him suspiciously, he lowered his drink and looked at her frankly. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Would you?”
“Sure. I’m not one to stay where I’m not wanted, and last I checked, whiskey bottles are pretty portable. Just say the words, and I’ll get out of that pretty blonde hair of yours.” He smirked, adding, “That is, unless you’d rather throw me out the window.”
Meg was silent for a moment, apparently weighing her options; eventually, however, she shook her head. “Whatever. Like you said, if you were gonna kill me, I’d already be dead. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Gabriel cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
"I mean that up until a few days ago, I’d been dead for years.”
Gabriel sat back on his stool. “No shit. You were there too?”
Meg gave him a confused look. “The hell do you mean?”
“In the Empty,” Gabriel clarified. “It’s where we go when we die. Whole bunch of black goo and eternal nothingness. That is, up till about a week ago, when the whole place went Chernobyl. Sound familiar?”
Slowly, Meg nodded. “Yeah. It does.”
“From what I’ve heard,” Gabriel continued, tapping his temple, “at least a couple of us got out, on your side and mine. Seems like the place stabilized eventually, though.”
“Any word on what caused it?”
Gabriel snorted; he reached for the whiskey and refilled both their glasses. “You ever hear of the Winchesters?”
One hour and three-fourths of a bottle of whiskey later, and Gabriel had discovered that not only had Meg had close dealings with the Winchesters during the years leading up to her death, but she’d also apparently known his younger brother Castiel—and that, Gabriel gathered from the way Meg’s eyes softened when she asked about him, Castiel had been important to her, although she never explicitly said as much. Gabriel filled her in on everything she’d missed from the time Crowley had stabbed her up to the most recent updates he’d heard from angel radio, and by the time he was done, Meg was shaking her head in disbelief.
“Damn,” she said at last. “So, this Jack kid—Lucifer’s son—he’s the new God?”
“Tell me about it,” said Gabriel, swirling his drink. “Should be interesting, seeing as how he’s only three.”
“And Castiel.” Meg met Gabriel’s gaze. “He’s...with Dean now?”
“Yeah. Seems like it.”
Meg nodded, looking down at the bar. “Huh. And here I was thinking they’d just keep dancing around each other like a couple of idiots.” She let out a hollow sort of laugh and reached for the bottle of whiskey. “Serves me right for getting my hopes up.”
Gabriel studied her, the pieces clicking into place. “You had a thing for my brother.”
Meg’s jaw clenched, and she filled her glass all the way to the rim. “Not one I ever got to do much about,” she muttered, “thanks to Crowley.”
“I’m sorry,” said Gabriel, a little surprised by just how much he meant it.
Meg shrugged him off. “Yeah, well,” she replied, not meeting Gabriel’s gaze. “It’s not like it was ever gonna work out between us. He was always so caught up in whatever Dean was involved in, it wasn’t even funny. Besides, the hell would an angel want with a demon, anway.”
Gabriel found himself frowning; damn if there wasn’t a part of him that wanted to kick Castiel’s ass right about now. “For what it’s worth,” he said, leaning forward onto his forearms, “my brother never was the brightest bulb in the lamp; and regarding Dean, I once killed him over a hundred times just for kicks.”
That got Meg’s attention. “Really.”
“Yep, time loop, back before the whole Apocalypse thing went down. Took Sam forever to figure out what was going on and get them both out of it.” Gabriel smirked, adding, “And in the meantime, I got to play quirky death bingo with his older bro. Oh, and a few years later, I zapped them into TV Land for a bit. They looked like absolute idiots; it was fun.”
Meg looked at him for a moment, then scoffed and shook her head. “You’re really something, you know that?”
Gabriel shrugged. “Eh, I have my moments.”
And Meg, to his surprise, actually gave him a slight smile. “Apparently. So, feathers,” she said, raising her glass, “you going back to Heaven after this?”
Gabriel shook his head. “No way: too messy, and I’m not in the mood to help clean up. Figure I’ll keep lying low for a bit, then maybe see what things look like in a year or so. What about you? Hellward-bound?”
Meg scoffed. “Yeah, because I’m just dying to get stabbed the minute I walk in the door. No thanks. Thinking of just keeping to myself for now.”
Gabriel thought for a moment, then decided aw, the hell with it. “Need a place to stay?”
Meg shot him a look of what might have been amusement. “Why? You offering?”
“As a matter of fact, yes, yes I am." He nodded toward the front door. "I’ve got a good thing going on at that motel. If you want, I can set you up with a room while you figure out your next move.”
“What’s the catch?”
“No catch. All I ask in return is that you keep the fact I’m alive to your smoking little self, because like I said, I’m looking to keep a low profile. So, what do you say?” Gabriel raised his drink as though to toast. “Deal?”
Meg studied him for a moment, then smiled. “Deal,” she said, and clinked their glasses together.
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xmalereader · 5 years
Bruce Wayne X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader meets Damian and doesn’t get a good impression.
Warnings: Slight Angst
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Y/n paced back and forth as he waits inside the batcave, sighing softly as he kept his arms crossed over his chest. “Y/n you got relax, bruce’ll be back soon.” Said Dick as he leans against the staircase and watched y/n worry about his boyfriend.
“How Can I Be Calm when Bruce just called saying that he’s bringing company? What if it’s an enemy he’s Bringing here?” He asks, walking over to Dick. “Y/n, Bruce would never bring an enemy here.”
“Your right, your right, I’m sorry I’m just worried about him.” He mumbled under his breath, sitting down in a chair as he waited. It didn’t take long for the batmobile to arrive, quickly standing up he walks over to dick and watched as a young boy jumps out. Y/n tilts his head in confusion. “Um...hello?” He says to the young boy who only glared at him.
“Who’s this?” The boy asks as he turns to Bruce.
Bruce frowns. “Damian this is y/n,” he looks up to the other male. “Y/n this is Damian my son.”
“Your son?!?” Y/n exclaimed in shock as his eyes widen. “Since when?” He opens his mouth again to ask another questions.
“Since today, I just found out about him.” Bruce answers as he removed his mask and sighs softly. Y/n bites his lips as he stared down at Damian. “Before or after?” He randomly asks. Damian of course was confused as he looks up to his father. Bruce frowns, “Before.” He answers.
Y/n slowly nods. “Well, it was nice knowing Damian. But I um, got stuff to do.” He turns around and quickly leaves the batcave. He just couldn’t believe that Bruce had a kid, I mean Dick was like a son to Bruce but he was adopted and this kid is actually his own blood. Reaching his room he steps inside and looks down, making his way towards his bed he lied down and stared at the ceiling. “Why am I feeling this way..” he asks himself as he grips his chest gently and shakes off the feeling quickly.
The rest of the day was either spent in his own room, library, or kitchen. He would usually keep himself distract in the library as he read different books and would write down things that he found interesting. He was so close to finishing all of the books in the library, that was like a small goal for him. When him and Bruce start dating he told him about his love for books and how Bruce sort of challenged him to read every book that he had in this mansion and of course y/n agrees to the challenge. That was a year ago.
Turns out that Bruce had more than one room to store books away, but y/n liked taking his time when it came to reading. So far he has half of the books memorized from the title.
Placing down his new book he stands up and stretched his body.
“At first I thought you were a friend of my father, turns out that your just his bedwarmer.”
Y/n turns around to see Damian standing behind him. “What?”
Damian glares as he takes a few steps closer. “I could say that my father and mother are perfectly fine together but your in the way.” Y/n’s eyes widen in shock. “Listen kid, I don’t know much about you or Bruce’s old love life but Thay doesn’t matter to me. I trust Bruce and I know him more than you.” He grabs his notebook and reading book.
He heads out of the library and shudders. “Creepy basterd.” He whispered as he heads to his room. Entering the room he sees Bruce getting ready for work, putting on his tie as he glanced over to see y/n.
“Heading out again?” Y/n asks as he sits on the bed trying to ignore the same feeling he and this morning. Bruce chuckled, “You know I’m a busy man.” He walks over to him and bends down, kissing his head softly. “I’ll be back for dinner. Alfred said that you’ll be coming, also do you think you can watch over Damian? Unless your busy.”
“No, don’t worry I can handle him. Besides I’ve got sick to help me out in case I can’t handle the brat.” He puts his notebook away and groans. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just stressed.”
“From reading?”
Y/n laughs. “No.” He replied back before standing up and walks over it Bruce. “Don’t be gone for long or else you don’t get my special cooking.” Bruce smirks down at the younger male, pulling him close he leans down and kissed him softly. “I’ll be back.”
Y/n nods as he watched Bruce leave. Waving slowly he gently lowered down his hand and sighs, “guess I have to spend the whole day with his son.” He slips on some slippers and takes a wake around the manor to see if he could find either Damian or Dick. Searching the backyard and living room he frowns. “Alfred have you seen dick or Damian?” He asks.
“Their in the batcave training.”
Y/n quickly heads down towards the batcave, hearing grunting and groaning he moved his legs faster hopping that Damian wasn’t killing Dick. Reaching the end of the stairs he yelps as a sword swings right in front of him. He falls back and breaths heavily.
“Hey watch it!!” Dick shouts as he shoved Damian away and bends down to help y/n up. “You could’ve killed him!!”
“Like I care,” Damian answers. “No one wants a faggot around.” Y/n flinched at his words. Slowly standing up he Thanks dick and avoids Damian’s eyes. “Damian, it’s dangerous to be swinging that thing around. What if I was Alfred? How do you think Bruce would feel?”
“Alfred is a good butler, but since it was you I don’t think he would really care. Your just extra luggage for him. Your weak and pathetic.”
Y/n bites his lip.
He was always considered as the weak one, he wasn’t strong like Bruce or talented like Dick. He was just a burden to everyone, he can’t help when batman or nightwing are in trouble, the only thing he’s good at is nothing...really.
“I said enoug! Y/n is family you should treat him with a little bit of respect.” Dick defends him as he sent the boy a glare. “Trainings Over.” Turning back to y/n he gently touched his back. “Come on let’s head upstairs.” He whispered.
Y/n slowly nods and followed him up.
Y/n isn’t the kind of person who would get easily affect by words. He would sometimes brush them off or ignore them but the words Damian said hurt the most. He began to think about all those times he was just a burden to Bruce. Maybe bruce was better off with a women? He could start his own family and have kids, y/n can’t give him a family he’s a guy.
He sometimes wonders why Bruce is going out with him. They’ve been together for a year now but was it really worth it? Did he waste 12 months of Bruce’s life?
Sitting on the couch all he does is think. “Am I really useless?” He asks out loud which caught dicks attention. “What?” He walks over to the couch, “Why would you think about yourself like that? Your not useless, you’ve helped me and Bruce through a lot of tough times, hell! You even raised me. We’ve known each other for years now.”
Y/n chuckled. “That was before Bruce and I got together. I was just his best friend when I raised you, I wasn’t really important...”
“Y/n you are important to us. You’ve helped us through missions, you’ve made us new weapons. YOU even hacked into lex Luther’s company files.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh.
It was true he did help sometimes.
“So, your not useless.” Said dick.
“Who’s not useless?”
Y/n jumps when he hears Bruce, turning around to see him standing in front of him with a deep frown. “Umm...” y/n hums out softly as he bites his lip. “Dick can you leave us.”
Dick quickly got up and left the two alone.
“Traitor.” Y/n mumbled out as he turns back to face Bruce.
“How much did you hear..?”
Bruce crossed his arms and tapped his foot, waiting for an explanation. Y/n looks down nervously as he opens his mouth. “I’m sorry for thinking like that again...it’s just...I didn’t want this problem to get in the way!-I mean it’s mostly family business and I shouldn’t get involved!”
Bruce quickly cuts him off. “Y/n, just tell me what’s wrong.”
“Damian hates me because we’re dating, and he’s saying that we shouldn’t.” He explains, rubbing his shoulder as he continued to avoid his gaze.
Hearing a sigh from Bruce he bites his lip. “You shouldn’t let Damian get to you like that, your important to me and I can’t risk losing you over something like that, we’ve talked about this before you know that right?” Y/n nods. “Damian’s a hot head I’m still getting used to his aggressive personality,” he chuckled out, walking over to y/n he pulls him into a hug and softly kissed his head. “I love you, y/n. Remember that.”
Y/n Smiled as he hugs Bruce back and giggled. “I love you too.” He whispered back.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Toons for Our Times: Star Vs: Demoncism
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Halloween Havoc BEGINS! And with Tomtober this same month, i’m taking another of my on and off looks at Tom! Tom tries to tackle his literla nd figurative  personal demons the natural way: by having a creepy anti-demon cult that’s never explained suck them out of his body. For some reason Star has a problem with this. We also get Ponyhead in a robe, the wonders of reflectcor and free toys from the toychest for being such a good boy. Face your demons under the cut. 
Welcome boys, ghouls and that bootiful technicolor rainbow inbetween, to halloween havoc! MUAHAHHAHA.  You might be wondering a few things. What the hell that is, isn’t that also the title of a bunch of old wcw pay per views, and have I gone insane. In order it’s usually my catchy term the past two years and this current one for my binging of halloween films and logging and reviewing them on my leterboxd account, but I decided to expand it to here since while it’s not my first halloween on here it’s the first both reviewing animation and planning ahead, I decided why not reuse a good title here.  As for the wcw thing.. well yeah. It’s a great title, neither WWE, who I think still owns the copyright, nor WCW”s Heir Apparent AEW are using it right now despite being one of the best recurring Pay-Per-View titles either promotions had. Maybe not in actualy MATCH QUALITy but that name.. it just sings to me so i’m using it for my weird blog. I’m not making any money of this so why not. And as for my sanity that left a long time ago. So prepare for a month of ghouls, ghosts, goblins, lichs, scooby doo parodies, long forgotten characters, and some suprises and pies of all sizes. THIS... IS....
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So to start us off, every year my pal @jess-the-vampire​ does a monthly event known as tomtober, a celebration of all things tom lucitor. And since I started hte tomtropsective for that and still am behind, I figured why not celebrate that, and the fact I can’t draw so I can’t do day 1 as a chat or anything, by continuing the tale of everyone’s faviorite teen demon.  Thankfully unlike last time, or next time wink wonk, there’s not a TON of other plot stuff to fill in. There is one important bit not to this episode but to the series as a whole: Eclipsa is here, since Moon trying to screw her out of the deal she made backried once toffee actually died... as did you know keepiung him alive instead of dealing with eclipsa being free and having the comissoin to back her on it. Nice job moon. Real nice. So yeah Eclipsa’s around.. dosen’t effect this episode but given tom’s involved in two of the biggest plot important episodes in the show, AND one deals with the direct fallout of one of those episodes i’m probably going to have to cover her soon to get to more tom anyway so might as well prepare for that now. 
So yeah this episode’s entreily a straight line from last time and opens picking up on the end of that episode: Star is calling tom wondering when their gonna get that Cornshake. Thankfully she gets an answer. Unthankfully.. it’s from a VERY sweaty ponyhead. 
So that was my own personal hell. Anyways she’s so.. sweaty.. GAHHHHHHH, because she’s keeping a secret and much like me she can’t keep her mouth shut about something she wants to talk about for very long, so we find out what she knows: SHe ran into tom who swore her not to tell Star he was getting a Demoncisim. Which suprises me.. not the demoncism thing the fact Pony would actually listen to anyone else.. Star included. LIke it’s the one thing about this episode that dosen’t quite fit: She’s such a selfish, toxic asshole, though Jenny Slate bless her makes her at least entertaining at times but even she has limits, it just dosen’t track she’d care what Tom thought unless we saw it for ourselves. Pony is ONLY capable of carring about star so while I could see tom framing it as for her own good, it’d be nice if the episode just came out and said that. It’d also be nice if we didn’t get sweaty ponyhead because that’s probably someone’s fetish and I.. OH GOD. 
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Okay now i’ve mentally snapped from that revelation, Star lasso’s pony when she tries to escape, and we find out the demoncism is pretty self explanatory: A cermony that removes demons from one’s body.. and given tom is you know, a demon, this could end bad. So with no idea where it’s being held and it going on now, giving them little if any time to figure it out, Star suggests going to pony’s ex.. she dosen’t remember which one and apologizes for how bitchy that sounded, but we find out it’s Seahorse, Pony’s love intrest for the rest of the series and a hardcore emo rocker who even made her a song.. which is just him destroying everything and screaming. Eh i’ve seen people in emowear do far dumber. 
If those are m and m’s their pretzel. Trust me I’m a professional lardass, I know my delcious candy coated choclates. Anyways our dynamic-ish duo head to Seahorse at his job at a relfectcor store, basically a phone store, and is basically a hollowed out shell of a human being with no real personality or free will of his own.. so THAT’S how we got Ted Cruz. Ponyhead natrually breaks down when he dosen’t recognize her at all, which is one of the few time’s i’ve actually cared about her feelings: I mean having your ex just.. forget you exist.. tha’ts rough buddy. I feel bad for her.. I didn’t know she had emotions. I thought her heart and brain were both a black hole.. mostly becasue I thought ponyhead’s hearts and brains were the same organ. Star does however manage to get the map they need to Tom. 
Our heroines find the Demonicsim site and a bunch of creepy guys in robes iwth red glowing eyes.. who are never explained honestly. More on that in a minute. So ponyhead distracts them with one of the greatest  gags in the series history
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I mean just.. look at it. The way the robe drapes, the way her nose sticks out much like a certain penguins, the way she decides to distract everyone with petty minute like voting on robes.. it’s fucking great. I may not like pony a LOT but she can be really damn funny> The issues that she often isn’t funny enough to ofset her jackassery. Here though even with my jabs at her.. she works and I like it.  So Star confronts Tom, wondering AGAIN if this is another half assed tactic to win her back.. and her flip flop attitude with tom is starting to annoy me. It fits her personality, and don’t get me wrong as i’ve made abudnatnly clear in past reviews his actions in blood moon ball and ESPECIALLY mr.candle cares were super not okay, so i’ts okay NOT to forget how badly things went last time when your considering getting back together with someone. It’s NOT okay however to hold it over someone’s head forever like any moment their going to snap back into being a manipulative doucheweasel when they’ve left you alone for around 8 months.. and Id id my calcualtion. The timeline of the show is pretty solid up to season 4: Season 1 was star’s 1st semister at echo creek academy, season 2 was her second and as it turned out final one, and season 3 covers Summer , fall and part of next spring. Though again how another summer dosen’t happen until towards the end of season 4 is dumb and I’ll probably rant about that at a later point. Point is since MCC was at the start of season 2, that means it happened around say january or feburary, with Demonicsim probably happening around say march. So he’s left you alone for around 8 months, silver bell ball included. It’s unfair to assume he’s still schemeing when he let you go months ago. H’es made it obvious via his .. everything he’d take you back in an instant, he’s just being patient and not pushing it because he’s no longer as big an asshole, and trying to be respectful. Cut him a break.  Thankfully this gets put down quick with Tom explaning he wants to be better for himself: Like last time he was inspired by her trying to be better herself, and wants to.. but as we’ve established.. he dosen’t know HOW to be nice or a better person. He wasn’t raised in an enviroment that was really condusive to that as nice as his own parents are. Their the exception to the underworld being mostly dicks not the rule, as we’ll see next time. I.. can relate with my own issues with anxiety , depression and, yes, anger. I too have trouble keeping it in and hate feeling bitchy all the time or depressed and just want it to stop. I think anyone with a mental ilness just wants it to STOP to be gone and to be able to live a happy life. But there’s no magic button that fixes your issues, your traumas or your mental health like that. No pill that can fix it just ones that help ease it down to managable. And as i’ve learned the hard way YOU have to work at it, YOU have to make the effort. There’s no easy way out. And while Tom thinks htere is here, it’s very clear it’s a huge risk, and Star’s right that he shoudlnt’ go thorugh with it and that he could seriously hurt himself. But Tom’s in pain and just wants to be happy, to be normal, to be not angry anymore and I gotta tell you if , even if it was risky, there was a way to cure my depression or anger issues or anxiety, not my atuisim tha’ts part of me and not something that needs a fucking cure just more understanding and awarness, but if I could cure those other three things? I would. It’s paart of me sure but it’s a part of me I HATE. So I understand why tom’s doing this even despite the danger: because he’s at his wits end, desperate and this will help he hopes.. it can’t get WORSE, so why not? Evne if he’s wrong here i’ts hard not to understand why he’s so stubborn about it , for me at least.  Star leaves, and takes Ponycloak with her and they go to punch trees: Both to relive and because Pony hates tree. Probably because she went to tree court once and they tried to send her to tree jail. 
I mean she’ll probably get thrown back in there for this but still. Anyways the exerocisim comes. And NOW we can talk about this cult and.. while I understand why they never came back, they were really only necessary for this, I wish they had. I mean a mysterious cult with the power to restrain someone as strong as tom, acess to anti-magic chains the ONLY time we see something like this outside of the comission, and a hatred of demons includign referring to Tom as “Son of the blight” meaning they clearly hate and would destroy Wrathmelor if they could, yet also function as a perfectly legal orginzation the comission or the lucitors themselves haven’t swatted yet. There’s a LOT to unpack here they never did. The leader is also hliarious alteranting between creepy overlord and your dentist after a long apointment as a kid. But the ritual begins and it .. dosen’t go well with tom getting glowy blue lines and thrashing about.. just like me when i watched Ridciulous 6. I also felt my soul was leaving my body but that was just wishful thinking. The cultists run and star runs back to Tom and we get a truly powerful and romantic scene. Unable to free him, Star just.. holds him and is there for him as he goes through this. If she can’t help him she’ll be there for him. And it’s really touching.  We then cut to the hosptial tent at the cult, where the leader goes back to dad mode. Tom feels .. well worse, he just had surgery, as someone who had a tooth yanked out last month I can relate, and is suprised to see only one tiny soul demon as the sum of his anger. But it turns out, NOPE, being you know, the son of a rather powerful demon with a rather pwoerful b loodline, he’s FULL of them, and it woudl take 13 years to do this.. and tom’s naturally bummed because no one wants the equipvlent of having a wisdom tooth pulled a week for over a decade. Also because he now can’t get better.. but Star gently reassures him he’s already on the right track just by wanting to. As I said with most mental issues.. there’s no easy way out but it can get better if you put the work in and tom realizes.. there’s no quick way out after all. Just a long road.. but h’es not alone on it anyomore. But he at least gets a tiny demon in a jar and a toy out of the toychest for being a good boy.. and that’s nto me making shit up that’s the actual episode with him and star taking pinwheels and holding hands to Ponyhead’s annoyance. Which okay yeah they had a bad time last time I get tat Pony.. but your the last person to question ANYONE’S life decisions. Still I wish we’d had ane pisode of pony growing to accept them so we at least know WHY she’s so against it but oh well. 
Final Thoughts: This was a good one. Is it hte best the show’s put out? Probably not as the first part drags slightly but the second half at the demoncisim is just good character stuff, good comedy, and has a good payoff. I honestly like this way more on the second watch.  Though part of that is the context of the time: I admitted to being a starco shipper and having her get back with tom just felt like your standard “put a character in a relationship to complicate the main pairing” bullshit I always hate at this stage. Before anyone relaizes they like each other? Sure but at this point it was clearly just to drag things out. However with Marco getting progressivley worse and the two having good chemsitry.. I grew to like em.. and by the season finale, I just shipped all three together, before pivoting to marco and kelly. This couple grew on me for reasons w’ell geti nto as we go, even if it ended bad for reasons we’ll again get into. Oh we’ll get into them. With a knife. But yeah overall a great episode with a great concept, good character stuff, and some REALLY fucking funny gags. The show is damn good at comedy and I forget it sometimes. Next time we look at Tom, he’ll be in the background as Marco tries to help Kelly with a breakup. And sometime this month we’ll be looking at the halloween special which i’ll be watching for the very first time! So stay tuned, stay safe and Happy Halloween. 
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Title: Rumor Has It {4}
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Chris Evans x Famous Reader Uriah “Riah” Tyler
Warning: Nah.
Word Count: 2.9K
Summary: You and Chris have been married for four years after a whirlwind romance. You are both happy and trying to navigate marriage in the public eye while balancing your successful careers. In the entertainment industry, not everything is as it seems, the flash of a camera lens impairs vision. As scandal and flashing lights put a strain on your once fairytale marriage is it possible your Hollywood marriage can stand the test of the rumor mill?
**Inspired by a video seen of Chris and his co-star Ana De Armas on their press tour for Knives Out at TIFF where she kept touching his chest and face standing about five inches apart.
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After using your travel day to recoup in Miami, you landed in Boston for the fifth annual Evans Fall Get Together. This was the time everyone decided to head over to the house and watch sports, eat good food, drink some even better beer and just hangout. Since Chris was still going to be doing TIFF and a few other engagements he’d planned you said you’d go for the both of them. At the time it had been almost a month since you’d seen his family thanks to your equally busy schedules.
  A few days ago, you didn’t think twice about still making an appearance. Just because Chris was acting like a dick didn’t mean it was the rest of his family’s fault. Now after Miami and the tabloid shots you did think about skipping it. You looked back to your phone and at the images that were snapped of you at The White Party. There was a series of twelve pictures. They started tame, you arriving, getting snapped with other guests, laughing with Kizzy, Zo, Christina and Christiano, then you and Christiano at the bar, him leaning into your ear, you kissing his cheek, the two of you staring into each other’s eyes, the two of you dancing with one hand on your waist and the other your hip, then the two of you standing by a car in the early morning hours once again staring at each other. You didn’t even know someone was snapping that.
  Hitting your head back onto the headrest you groaned. They looked questionable. To those who knew you it would look like a reach but to him—he’d be pissed. He knew your history with Christiano, well most of it. You knew it was a sore spot for him and his male ego. You knew it, and part of you decided on Miami because you knew the chance of running into him in your circle was high.
  “Shit, Riah.” Your phone rang in your hands; it was your mother. Taking a deep breath, you answered.
  “Hi, mom.” Before you could say anymore her voice overpowered yours.
“Uriah Marie Tyler. What am I hearing about you cheating on Chris with that tanned gigolo that I told you was not right for you? You rolled your eyes and bit into your bottom lip to prevent yourself from saying something brash. “Tell me you wouldn’t be that dumb to give up your marriage, a husband who loves you and treats you like a queen and would do anything for you. Tell me I raised you better than that. Marriage is for two people Uriah, the two who stood before God and made those vows. They are not vows to mean one day and then the next shrug off.”
  “I know mom. There was no cheating.”
  “Then what are these stories about?”
  “Which stories exactly? The ones about Chris and his costar?” You blurted it out without thinking it through. She didn’t speak, but you heard a sigh on the other end of the line.
  “Uriah,” she began, then paused. You closed your eyes and tried to fight off the tears. The last thing you needed was to show up with evidence things were strained between you and Chris.
  “Do you know how many women wanted your father when we were younger? No need to answer. I’ll tell you--a lot. When we started dating I had a different girl giving me the stink eye every time they saw us out together. Almost every weekend I had to beat someone’s ass.”
  “Roxxi don’t go telling her that mess,” your father’s voice called out from the background. You snorted and shook your head. It was common knowledge between you and your father that your mother was crazy. She cleared her throat.
  “Anyway, there were plenty of women who thought they could steal my man, a few even tried. Here we are going on forty-two years of marriage where are those tramps now?” You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself thinking they were probably dead cause she killed them. She was that crazy.
  “I say that to say your husband is a handsome man, a good stand up man, one that is talented and comes off as a great catch, women will want that for themselves. You’re not to worry yourself about that.”
  “Mom, how can I not when he doesn’t put them in their place? For her to touch him like that says she’s comfortable. Why is she so comfortable with my husband? What have they been doing?”
  “Calm down Uriah.” Your father interrupted her; his voice overpowering hers. “Rainbow, did he step out? Tell me now.” You didn’t even realize you were crying. Wiping the tears, you tried your best to get a hold of your emotions.
  “I don’t know dad. I brought it up, and all he said was it was nothing, and I should trust him.”
  “Well Uriah I’m going to tell you something, and you’re not going to like it.” Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself, whenever he said that he was about to play devil’s advocate. “It is the responsibility of every man to not only treat his wife right and to love her in the perfect way that suits her but to also do his part in taking care of the marriage by doing whatever is necessary.” He paused for a few long moments, and you knew some right between the eyes truth was coming. “It is also the responsibility of every woman to trust her husband explicitly and completely. That means unless you have visual, verbal or written proof you trust him. You will always have outside interference, always. There will never go a day especially in your marriage where you won’t encounter some interference from others who don’t belong in your marriage. This is your test. Your mother and I had plenty of tests.”
  “We sure did honey, I had to pray for the strength not to commit murder,” your mother interjected. “Roxxi--,” was all the warning your dad gave her.  He sighed again before he continued.
  “Both of you have fallen short, and neither one is more to blame than the other. We all fall victim to outside forces. The two of you need to hear what the other is saying, not listen, but hear. You need to come to a middle ground. Yes, there should be no middle ground with him being friendly with other women--.”
  “Uriah, I had to get on your daddy about the same thing a few times early in our marriage. He didn’t get it. His common sense said I’m with you; I love you, I’m committed to you and not paying them any mind what does it matter,” your mother added.
  “I didn’t hear her hurt over it. I listened to her nagging--.” You heard a hit over the phone and knew your mom probably hit him in the head. Pinching your lips you shook your head. “I listened to her words, but I didn’t hear them, not fully. I was used to life the way it had always been and the fact that I wasn’t checking for anyone other than your mother I dismissed what she said by not hearing it. Do you understand the difference babygirl?” You nodded and cleared your throat to let him know you were still there.
  “Your marriage is young baby; four years is nothing. You have a lot more learning to do, a lot more battles to fight, a lot more storms to weather. You have to figure out if you want to do more learning, fight more battles, and weather more storms. Hopefully, that is something already figured out from how we taught you and stressed the importance of marriage is though.” You took another deep breath and dried your tears.
  “Now, if you have actual proof that he’s a lying piece of shit, call me. Me and your uncles will pick him up, take him out to the lake for some fishing then beat his ass real good. His white pretty boy ass will be unrecognizable then, and no woman will want him.” You laughed loudly but knew he meant it.
  “Babygirl, I shook his hand and looked into his eyes, and I mean really looked. My grandfather told me if you looked hard enough you could see everything about a man right through his eyes. I did, he’s a good man, he wouldn’t do that to you,” your father finished. You took a deep breath and said a silent prayer that he was right. Glancing around you realized the car was parked on the perfect tree aligned street of the Evans’ home.
  “I gotta go, dad.”
  “Okay, remember, talk to each other, don’t yell. Talk.” You didn’t know if that was possible at all.
  “All right dad. Thank you. Thanks, mom.” You ended the call and took a few deep breaths trying to prepare yourself.
  After you’d dropped a few drops of Clear Eyes into your eyes and reapplied some of your makeup you made your way to the house after confirming with your driver where to drop off your bags. At the door, you took one final breath and went for the doorbell. Before you could touch it, the door flew open.
  “Uriah!” You smiled as Lisa hurled herself at you, wrapping you into a hug only a mother could give. You sighed feeling the comfort and love of her embrace. “Oh my goodness, it’s been too long. Let me look at you.” She pulled back and looked you over before she physically turned you around so she could get a good look. “You look amazing as always honey.”
 You smiled. She’d always treated you with respect and love, from the first day you’d met. “You look just as amazing Ms. Lisa.”
  “I’ve told you, drop the Ms, we’re family.” You smiled and allowed her to pull you into the busy interior of the house. She took your jacket while calling out to everyone that you’d arrived. In a matter of seconds, you were swarmed by almost every member of the Evans family. They all talked at once each asking you how you were, what was new, how long you were staying, and a bunch of other questions. Carly and Shanna were on you quickly hugging you and complimenting you on how good you looked, and it felt like no time had passed at all.
  After everyone had somewhat gotten their fill of you, Carly and Shanna held each of your hands as they led you to a semi-quiet part of the house—the back enclosed deck. You looked out to the acres of foliage that had already begun turning into the perfect fall wonderland. You loved Massachusetts in the fall; nothing beat it. The colors alone were enough to make you want to stay for weeks.
   “Beer, wine, or hard apple cider?”
  You looked at Carly and gave her a look asking if she knew you. She laughed and handed you an oversized glass of white wine. Thanking her, you took a hearty sip and moaned. “Things are going that great huh.” You snorted and laughed at Shanna’s sarcasm. You loved sarcasm; it was hands down your best personality trait.
  “What gave me away?”
  “Let’s take a walk,” Carly suggested, you nodded.
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Shanna held out two shawls, you took one, wrapped yourself and led the way out the back. Once outside you took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrant apple trees that decorated the property it would soon be time to pick some of them. The three of you walked in silence for almost ten minutes, just sipping from your glasses of wine. Your mind drifted away on the dozens of memories this place held for you and Chris. Since you were an only child, Chris’ siblings quickly brought you into the fold and made you feel like one of them. You always had someone to talk to, always had someone who understood whatever was happening.
  Carly was the one you spoke to when Chris did something that pissed you off. She always was ready with some story from their childhood about your husband that showcased what an ass he could be sometimes. Usually, at the end of your talks, you always felt better and ended up loving your husband even more. Shanna was the one who always offered gentle advice, she pleaded to your mushy heart by telling you the sweetest stories about him that always made you miss him. Scott was Chris’s twin, he offered you another perspective and usually, it was one you hadn’t considered before. After your talks, you always came away with a more in-depth insight into Chris and how he acted. Together they worked well in your marriage, and you loved them all.
  “Do you think he cheated on me?”
  “Not a chance,” Shanna said. “Never in a million years,” came Carly’s response. You don’t know why you felt relieved. Maybe it was because they were the ones who knew Chris better than most everyone. They’d grown up with him seen his morals on display for years. Their adamant dismissal of the allegations made you breathe somewhat easier.
  “How long has it been?”
  You scoffed. They knew your guys’ routine. “Today is day three. He hasn’t called. It’s as if he sees he’s done nothing wrong. He thinks his behavior is acceptable like I’m crazy or some jealous wife. I’ve never played the jealous wife.”
  “Are you jealous?” You thought about it honestly. You knew he loved you, but people break what they love all the time. You were not a stranger to the entertainment industry. You knew that nothing was as it seemed, and you knew working with someone in close proximity could breed true feeling. You’d never been scared of the possibility before. You’d never had any thought that you were envious of the women he worked with. You knew he’d be home to you. You grinned and bore it.
  “Maybe I am. She’s pretty has a great body and from what I hear is a sweet girl. I wouldn’t be insane to be a little jealous—maybe.”
  You groaned and took several gulps from your wine glass.
  “Jealousy is a normal emotion Uriah; it doesn’t make you any less of a woman or a wife. It makes you human,” Shanna gently phrased.
  “Listening to you describe her though all I heard were physical attributes, nothing about who she really is. So, what if she’s pretty and has a nice body. You are gorgeous and have a hot body too. Chris might like beauty, but he’s too picky to just settle on it. He loves you. He married you. You can’t lose sight of why you fell in love and chose each other,” Carly advised. You took a deep breath and nodded. You knew what she said was right. It was good advice.
  “Getting even is fine and dandy also but always trying to one-up each other is messy work and will be the downfall of your marriage. I get wanting to teach him a lesson, sometimes it’s necessary, but there is teaching a lesson and being--,” Shanna began before bobbing her head from side to side trying to find the right word.
  “Petty,” Carly filled in. You smiled. You knew you’d been petty. It didn’t start off with wanting to one-up him. You really just wanted to get away from your problems and let loose. You guessed that subconsciously it all rose to the surface.
  “On a scale from Captain Hook, Prince John, Gaston, Hans, Jaffar, Mother Gothel, The evil Queen, Maleficent, Ursula, to Scar how mad do you think he is?” Shanna and Carly laughed. The three of you had a code of ranking Chris’ levels of anger with Disney villains. It was a hilarious game; one he’d gotten wind of and resented with a passion.  
  “Scar? Murderous, traitor Scar? Wow, pulling out the real bad ones this time, huh.” You laughed at Shanna’s comment.
  “I’m going to go and say he’s between Jaffar and Mother Gothel,” Carly guessed. You make a yikes face because Jaffar was a magical asshole, and Mother Gothel was sick enough to kidnap a kid and hold them to brainwash them to think she was their mother.
  “I’m gonna say Evil Queen. You were pictured with your ex Riah; you know Chris has to be the fairest of them all.” You laughed loudly and finished the glass of wine. You felt less stress over it and the tension headache that was worsening an hour ago had broken up a little.
  “Thank you for never picking sides.”
  “There are no sides in a marriage; it’s you and him versus the world.” You smiled and remembered the night you and Chris made that pact—your wedding night.
  The three of you made your way back to the house. You were lost in your thoughts of just how to approach this situation with him. You’d already calmly explained your views, and he bypassed it choosing to play the trust card. If he refused to even acknowledge any wrongdoing how could anything be resolved? When you stepped back inside, loud cheering erupted from the game room. When you made it to the door you nearly fell flat on your face.
  Chris was laughing along with some of the other men before he took the bottle of beer and slugged it down without so much as a breath. God, he looked good. When he finished the beer, he slammed the bottle on the table to everyone’s delight. He held his hands up when they began chanting his name. The moment, he saw you his smile faded, and his eyes darkened. Your belly dropped when you saw the tight clench of his jaw. Shanna might be right after all—Evil Queen it is.
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napofamikrokosmos · 5 years
Episode One: That Girl
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Never did you imagine you’d be going to the most expensive and extremely prestigious school. Never did you imagine you’d be standing in the midst of the country’s elite. And never did you imagine you’d have the two of the most important bachelor’s in Seoul fighting to impress you.
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❥ Title Credit: That Girl - All Time Low 
❥ Pairings: RichBoy!Hoseok × Commoner!Reader, RichBoy!Namjoon × Commoner!Reader.
❥ Word Count: 3.3k
❥ Genre: Boys Over Flowers AU, Meteor Garden AU, Angst
❥ Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Hoseok is a dick
❥ A/N: This is pretty shit towards the end cause I just wanted to get it done to post it so. If you want to be in the taglist send me a message or something so I can add you.
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You were balancing a tray of drinks in one hand and clutching a pile of books in the other as you weaved your way through the somewhat crowded cafe. The five boys were seated in their usual seats at the back corner. You stood awkwardly at the end of their table mentally shifting your weight between your arms, trying to decide what to put down first. Luckily Yeonjun and Taehyun noticed your struggle and were quick to take the stack of books from your arm. You gave them a nod of thanks as you placed their drinks down in front of them. "Thank you noona!" they chorused "If I was actually your sister I would be telling you guys to stop drinking this junk every day." You said with a laugh "If you guys need anything you know where to find me" You ruffled Yeonjun's hair and he groaned swatting your hand away while the others laughed.
You quickly made your way back to the front of the cafe, dropping the tray onto the counter. Leaning on it with a tired sigh, You rubbed your hands over your face. The phone rang, You and Jungkook looked at each other before shoving each other to get there first. He stuck his tongue out at you as he answered it “Bomnal Cafe, may I take your order?” he brought his attention to whoever was on the other side. You leaned against the counter watching as he messily wrote down the order, before hanging up. Ripping the paper from the pad, he waved it in front of your face as he walked past you, to Seokjin to give him the order. "Hey Y/N, you better not ditch us for those rich people now that you’re going to Huimang” Kook jabbed his finger toward you.
“Oh trust me, if I ever choose them over you guys you have every right to pour that over my head” You nodded toward the coffee that Jin was making. He gave you a look of concern before continuing with his work. "If anyone messes with you, I swear I'll fight them" Kook jokingly assured you. Yoongi and You both looked at each other before laughing "Thanks I'll keep that in mind" You patted his back hard as you walked past, to serve one of the customers. "Seriously though, you should be careful, I heard that B4 literally rule that school" Jin warned "I’ve heard they're dangerous. They've done things to drive people to drop out just to get away from them."
Kook tilted his head curiously at Jin's words, pulling out his phone, most likely to search up who they were. The older boy stopped working and you and Yoongi leaned in to listen to him  "Apparently everyone at that school will do anything to kiss ass to B4. Anyone who gets a red card becomes a target for the whole school and it doesn't stop unless they leave, die, or B4 themselves declare an end, which is yet to happen" You couldn't help but shake your head at how nonsense that sounded. Obviously, a school as prestigious as Huimang wouldn't let even their most powerful students treat people like that. “You think I’m joking?” Jin asked, noticing your reaction. You simply nodded with an amused expression at how serious he was about this. 
“The members of the well-known B4, who are currently students at Huimang Highschool are, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, and Jung Hoseok” Kook read off his phone. You rushed over to him grabbing his arm to look at his phone screen “Park Jimin is the only son and heir of Yojeong Tech. Kim Taehyung is a young artist and photographer, the son of the former president of The Teugiseong Group. Not much is known of Kim Namjoon after the car accident that killed his parents, the founders of The Kim Corporation, he was hidden away from the public eye.” Jungkook scrolled to the bottom “Last but not least we have Jung Hoseok. The heir to Jung Industries, one of the biggest companies in Asia." Jin groaned "Stop that" it was his turn to shake his head, taking the phone from Kook's hand and stuffing it into his pocket. “Seriously, Y/N, Please just promise me you’ll be careful. Especially of Hoseok, who knows what could happen if you get on his bad side”, he held out his pinky to you. Sighing in defeat you linked your finger with his. After that, the topic of your new school was forgotten as you all went back to work. 
The flow of customers started to wind down as the afternoon turned into evening and soon after your shift had ended. Kook offered to walk you home, not that it was far, but because his parents weren’t home and he knew your mom would invite him for dinner. You shake your head in amusement at his request but gladly agreed. Linking your arm with his, walking down the street to your family's flower shop together. The lights were still on as your mom was just closing up shop. The bell above the door rang as you and Kook entered, catching your mother's attention. "Ah, Y/N, Jungkook!" she greeted you both "Just in time" She quickly rushed past both of you to lock the doors of the shop. "Your dad should be almost done cooking dinner. Jungkook, since you're already here, why don't you stay for dinner" Jungkook glanced over at you with a huge smile on his face, nodding at her offer. You rolled your eyes, punching his arm playfully. Taking his hand you quickly dragged him up the stairs to your family's apartment, directly above the shop. As soon as you entered you were hit with the strong smell of food. "Hi Dad, I'm home. Jungkook's here too" you pointed toward your friend who you had literally dragged into the house. You all gathered around the small table that was covered in food. Kook didn’t even wait before he started stuffing his face. You laughed at him, you and your parents suddenly focused more on watching him eat than actually eating yourselves. 
After dinner, Jungkook left, satisfied with freeloading off your parents’ cooking. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” your mother asked as you were busy washing the dishes. All you could do was shrug earning a sigh “You don’t have to go. It’s not like we’re paying for it” she nudged your arm, half-joking. “I’m not going to throw away a scholarship to a school like Huimang just because I’m nervous,” You told her, just as you finished cleaning the dishes. “I’m going to sleep, Jin’s driving me to school tomorrow” You quickly excused yourself from the conversation, disappearing into your room. The more you thought about it the more nervous you were about Huimang. Especially after what Jin had told you. That night you went to sleep despite the anxiety.
The next morning wasn’t any better. The heavy, weight of nervousness hung over you as you got up. Your hand gently touched the fabric of your uniform, as if you were scared to ruin it. The sound of a message on your phone was the only thing that snapped you out of your trance. Jin’s name flashed across the screen and you sighed finally finding the energy to get dressed. As soon as you’d put on the uniform it felt foreign. Sighing once more you looked at yourself in the mirror, straightening out your clothes, despite it not being out of place. Your anxiety was already getting the best of you and you were starting to fidget to try to calm yourself. Jin’s name flashed across your phone screen with another message. Grabbing your bag you rushed down the stairs of your apartment, shyly and discreetly saying goodbye to your parents as you ducked out through the flower shop.
Jin was already waiting in his car outside. “Before you ask, yes I am positive I’m doing this. And No, I’m not going to let you talk me out of it” You said before he could even get a word out. He quickly closed his mouth and started driving without another word. Both of you sat in silence the entire drive there, which was unusual for either of you, as when you were together nothing could stop you from talking. But now it was nothing but a tense silence, thick enough to cut with a knife. Jin was obviously worried for you, you could feel his overprotectiveness radiating off of him. You, on the other hand, were extremely nervous, and your best friend could tell even before you got into his car. After what felt like an eternity you finally spoke up. “I already promised you I’ll be careful.” you reminded him. “I know” he sighed, “It’s not you that I’m worried about-” He started “It’s B4” you finished his sentence earning a small nod in response as he pulled up in front of Huimang.
Jin grabbed your arm before you could open the door and you looked at him “I’ll be ok Jinnie” you spoke softly, trying to reassure him and now, yourself. He gave you a look and you laughed shyly “You know I love you right? But sometimes you worry too much” you teased smiling at him, finally getting him to drop his worried expression, instead, a soft smile spread across his face. “I love you, too” he kissed your forehead and smiled wider at you, before finally letting you get out of the car. You watched him drive away before spinning around and taking in the school building in front of you. It suddenly felt like you were in another world, the fact that you were standing in front of Huimang Highschool, about to start your first day as a student was unbelievable. Letting out a nervous breath you walked up the stairs into the building. You felt extremely out of place as you wandered, somewhat aimlessly, through the corridor trying to find your locker. 
You ended up stumbling upon the school’s massive, and impressive library which was empty, other than the boy who sat at a table in the back corner, alone. His attention completely focused on the book in front of him, concentration spread across his features. You must’ve been staring for a bit too long cause his attention shifted from the book to you, looking up at you. You gasped quietly and quickly turned away as he looked at you. Literally running out to save yourself from embarrassment. 
After a few more minutes of wandering, you finally managed to find your locker. As you were putting your stuff away someone shouted from downstairs and everyone started running down the steps, some bumping you as they did. A crowd forming by the stairs and around the door. Curious and confused you leaned over the railing to see what was going on. Four boys were walking into the building, silence fell upon the building, the crowd parting in the middle for them to walk through. You didn't even need to look for very long to figure out who they were. It was B4 the very group Jin had warned you to be wary of. A quiet gasp echoed through the room when they all suddenly stopped walking. 
The one at the front, who you recognized from the article Kook showed you as Jung Hoseok, looked at one of the male students and everyone nearby backed away from him. The poor kid was literally shaking just from B4’s stares. Hoseok reached out for the bottle in the boy’s hand, which he quickly surrendered. He then began to slowly pour it over the boy’s head, you couldn’t help but feel shocked at what was unfolding in front of you. No one was trying to stop Hoseok and no one was trying to help the other boy. The sound of the empty bottle clattering onto the floor was almost deafening from the silence that had fallen upon the crowd again. Then just like that, the four boys walked away like it was nothing and the crowd quickly dispersed.
"Jin was right, they are insane," You said mostly to yourself. Someone clears their throat behind you making you turn around. The three girls were all looking at you with disgust "You're not talking about B4 are you?" the one at the centre scoffed "You shouldn't disrespect them like that" the other girls nodded at her statement. "Who are you supposed to be?" You shot back in the same mocking tone. The girl stepped closer to you and you were able to read the name on her ID. Cho Narae, the other two you still had to figure out. "You don't know us, but we know everything about you" Narae jabbed her finger at you "And if you keep talking about B4 like that, we'll make sure to make your life hell" she threatened, shoving your shoulder.
You didn't say anything as they walked away, only scoffing and crossing your arms at how obnoxious you found them. Clearly, they were just overzealous fangirls of the four boys, who seem to have the entire school wrapped around their fingers. It frustrated you, so much. That's how you ended up on the roof screaming your thoughts at the sky. "Damn it! Jin was right! I’ve barely been here for twenty minutes. Everyone sucks! Everyone at this school thinks they can do whatever they want." You slammed your hand against the concrete ledge. "You know, you really shouldn't be talking shit about other people" you searched for the source of the voice only to see the boy from the library, leaning against the wall reading the same book from earlier. He shut the book and pushed himself off the wall. Now that he was in front of you, without his glasses, you recognised him. "I- You're- It's-" you stumbled over your words and struggled to speak, cringing at yourself. Namjoon smiled slightly at how flustered you got before disappearing down the stairs. You sighed loudly before heading back inside.
You managed to survive the first half of your day. It went by without any other incident, other than Narae and her friends constantly watching you like a hawk. Lunch came around and you were lost once again. You were sitting alone at a table in the back of the cafeteria knowing no one wanted you at their table. "Is this seat taken?" A voice asked softly, pointing at the chair across from you. Surprised and unable to speak from the food in your mouth you nodded slowly. She smiled at you and happily sat down "I'm Ko Byeol" she introduced herself "I saw you wandering around this morning. And you didn't talk to anyone in class. I felt bad seeing you all by yourself" She explained still with a smile on her face.
You swallowed your food before smiling shyly at her with a nod "Thank you" you mumbled "I'm Hwang Y/N" you introduced yourself. Narae and her friends strutted by your table purposely trying to catch your attention. A sigh of annoyance followed as you watched them take a seat nearby, near enough for you to hear them talking. “Hey, ignore them” Byeol placed her hand on your arm, prying your attention away from the three girls. “The food here isn’t that good anyway, I know a better place. Come on” She didn’t give you a chance to argue before dragging you from your seat and out of the cafeteria. Before we could even get out of the cafeteria she ran into someone, spilling whatever they were holding all over their shirt “What the fuck!”. Byeol stepped backwards away from Hoseok. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. It was an accident.” she bowed. 
A crowd had now gathered nearby. They were all clearly ready to watch another person’s social standing get ripped to shreds. Hoseok stepped toward Byeol but you stepped in front of her. “She knows what you can do to her. She knows that it was her fault. She already apologised.” You defended “If apologies worked, why would we need the police?” Hoseok stepped toward you but you didn’t move. “I wish I could say it’s so that people like you could learn right from wrong. But clearly, you’re hopeless,” you replied without a second thought. A gasp echoed through the crowd at your lightning fast comeback. His expression didn’t change but you could tell he was fuming. “Who are you to talk to me like that?” he spat. You huffed “A nobody with nothing for you to destroy” you bumped his shoulder as you walked past him. You didn’t see it but Namjoon was watching you walk away, covering his mouth as he laughed quietly.
Byeol ran after you as you stormed out of the cafeteria. “Do you have any idea what you just did?” She practically screamed at you. “Yeah. I was standing up against an asshole with an over-inflated ego. Thanks for asking” You simply shrugged. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.” She checked over her shoulder before dragging you into the bathroom. She quickly shut the door and locked it. “You’re shitting me right?” she literally grabbed you by your shoulders, shaking you. “They are going to destroy you!”. You rolled your eyes and pushed her off. “I’d love to see them try. I’m not afraid of a bunch of rich boys with nothing else to do with their lives”
Byeol didn’t try to stop you from leaving, she just stood there scared for you. You went outside to clear your head before your next class. It was only your first day and it was already a mess. You had to push through a bunch of people to reach your locker. It was hard to ignore the whispers as they all watched you. Thinking nothing of it you opened your locker, everyone gasping and whispering. The red card fell to the floor, landing at your feet. You simply shrugged it off and grabbed what you needed before slamming your locker shut. You kicked the card across the floor as you left. You could feel people staring at you as you walked the halls, pointing and talking in hushed whispers. Everyone would fall silent when you entered a classroom, all of them watching you intently.
When you reached your desk you noticed it was covered in snack wrappers and garbage. Rolling your eyes you simply dragged the garbage by your desk and cleaned it up, without making a fuss. The room was still silent, and everyone’s attention was still on you. You slowly sat down in your seat, instantly regretting as a cold sticky liquid started soaking through your skirt. There was barely any time for you to process that as something was poured over your head. “We told you not to mess with B4. This is what you get” Narae and her two minions surrounded your desk, dropping a now empty can of soda into your lap. Everyone burst out laughing as you quickly stood up. You ran out of the classroom running into the nearest bathroom. You could feel tears in your eyes, but it wasn’t because you were upset or sad, you were pissed. Jin was right and you were dumb for not listening to him. Who knew your first day of school could go this wrong? 
The sound of the faucet as you attempted to wipe the stickiness off your skin drowned out the sound of other people entering the bathroom. Sighing in defeat you gave up staring at yourself in the mirror. Only then did you realise you weren’t alone anymore. “You’re not allowed to be in here,” You said while looking at the two boys through the mirror. “The rules don’t matter when you got the red card” one of them mocked, tilting his head at you.
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Taglist: @naipi-world​ @taezeus​ @jayhoee​ @fruityloopsxoxo3​ @illuminss​ @mygukandonly​
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sweetheart90210 · 4 years
Thoughts on Jikook
So, I have been lurking for the past 2 months on anything/everything jikook related and when I tell you I have never ship ever in my life ever, especially when it’s two people not even cartoon characters. OMG ok before I get into my thoughts here a Disclaimer: I have never done this before so excuse me if there’s any grammar errors also, this just my thoughts and opinions on everything that i have consumed  so whoever reads this your a god and I don’t blame anyone if just you scroll past this lol.
. What’s funny is that this started out of boredom lol, ok so since October, I have fallen into the rabbit hole that this ship is. So I was on youtube just doing usual stuff and I don’t know why till this day, but I search BTS funny videos so as i watched some vids, and  I see my recommended list and there’s this shipping video about Jikook on this youtube call black&white couple, and at first I’m like “uhh ok well lets just see what this is” it was jikook lowkey exposing themselves i think that’s the title so after watching i wasn’t convinced 100%, but I had questions that needed to be answer.
So the first thing that stood out to me was the GCF thing in the video cause it said it was a by an openly-gay artist( I didn’t know who Troye was) and in my head i was like that’s impossible like a korean idol using an openly gay artist’s song in what world considering how south korea is with the LGBT community and as a gay person who finds fanservice not so enjoyable because to me, it's like “ooh looks at us we almost kiss hehehe” you know its cringy and it's obvious the idols don’t like but do it anyway, I’m probably on the minority but I digress. My point is majority are not so open about the gays or even touch on the subject or even acknowledge a gay artist, so when I lookup Troye sivan and his boyfriend all up on instagram and how JK openly admires him and did a cover with Namjoon, rainbow flags, rainbow flags everywhere. And to add more fuel to the fire, I come to find out JK planned the whole thing without any managers, or staff an actually took JM on trip just by themselves.
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Now what really bothers me is how a lot of the fandom likes to turn a blind eye for Jikook and Jikook only. it’s the only pair that gets the most hate. and I honestly think it's because it’ has the most probability of being real and a lot of people aren’t ready to accept that maybe your oppa likes dick. I have a twitter and I only follow 5 jikook accounts and they have a lot of followers but it’s crazy how nasty and ugly the replies/quotes are when they post a Jikook moment, the one that really took me out was the Ice block gift. OMG i have never seen so many people try to disprove something that’s literally in there face with no subtly what so ever like why are people so triggered, and ready to pop a vein, and foam out the mouth lol. I don’t get it. Also recently with the new GCF that dropped there was a post about Namkook with 20k likes pointing out how the video got warmer when Namjoon smiled and basically celebrating the editing, however the same can’t be said when the black border turned white when JM’s scene came on, because a lot people where like “it’s not about ships”, but yet the Namkook post can get 20k likes and everyone can go goo goo gaga gaga over it.....OK. My point Jikook is a threat to these people and unless they come out which I highly doubt they will, no one is gonna want to see the how JK and JM are subtle yet obvious and are showing us to there best to their ability. Speaking of coming out If they were too I would honestly love it if they did after their enlistment cause I don’t want them to ge treated over there differently just because of their sexual orientation. you know how the military is over there the hyper masculinity and don’t ask don’t tell BS. safety is the most important.
Ok Last thing cause this is getting too long and messy. The video was my catalyst( lol I had to) into diving deep into this, so the second thing that caught my eye was the member’s reaction when Jikook did something or where in there own world. Basically Jikook have the ability to turn people into third wheels. like the awkwardness that oozes from the other members when these two start. I’ll never forget the Japan interview like WTF was that shit and the “arrest me”......*sigh* I can’t. there’s so much more and don’t get me started when I found MMA 2018 and Rose Bowl, especially Rose bowl, like my man really gonna suck his ear like that in front 50-60k people like.... do you have no shame at all lol. Season’s greeting, Bon Voyage( all seasons), the winter package preview. like y’all don’t understand these two are ruining my life(in a fun way). What makes this more interesting is not only the dynamics Jikook had in the beginning but also the consistency, and they have extra loud this year as well. so yea these are my thoughts I wanted to share I’m not an analytical person but this not rocket science,  I think JK is the main reason why is so obvious lol bless his heart he truly wears his heart on his sleeve, JM is hard to read but he has his caught of guard moment too. OOHH and the TATTOO!!. THE FUVkcing tattoo
OK listen I don’t know who came up with that OT7 bullcrap about “representing all the members bs, but let me tell you something if you have to explain something that is so obvious, you might as well agree that you see what we see, cause the reach in that idea has to many inconsistencies, So he got the A an upside down V to represent Tae, RM for Rm, Y for Yoongi????, PAUSE THE MUSIC. where his stage name at? where’s Suga also J is for Jimin, Jin, J-hope, and JK....???? you mean to tell me that one J on his ring finger is suppose to represent the rest of the members???
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He might as well tattoo “BTS” on a different section of his hand cause the way this theory reaches beyond the great wall of China is sending me lol. Ok I’m ending this now cause I’m turning this into a rant and I don’t want this to be rant so yea based on what I have seen not only from the past and recently Jikook are 99.9% a couple, leaving that 1 percent cause you never know, maybe they really are just close bros, but the probability is high for sure. Thank you for reading if you made it this far, it’s long and messy, but these are my thoughts I’ve had for a while.
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persephonescat · 5 years
Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons
Hiiii! This is… long. Probably the longest chapter I’m going to have, but it’s all only one scene and I just couldn’t cut it in half. Thank you for your comments! They make my whole week! Some of you pointed out a few mistakes in the last chapter, I hope it’s all good now! ^^ And please tell me if there are any weird sentences or typos or anything. Multiple people told me that the last chapter’s storm came very suddenly, so I re-read the sixth chapter and as it turns out, the sentence about the weather was lost in the editing. It all looked very dark and moody in my head, so I didn’t notice there was no description of it. Thank you for telling me, I’m definitely going to correct that.
(I think we should call this fic BaOSP in the future when we’re just talking about it in the comments or on Discord or just in general, bc this title is really long… The title and the tags will stay the same of course, it’s just that from now on, BaOSP is the official (???) shortened version of it.)
Ch. 1    Previous    Masterpost    AO3 
Ch. 8: Lord Annoyance
It was Monday night and Damian Wayne already hated the week.
Tim finally passed out on Saturday and did nothing but sleep all weekend, so on one hand, now he was capable of speaking in full sentences. On the other hand, all of his sentences were about the process of etching and nobody knew why, so it wasn’t any less problematic.
Dick came home with several holes in his shoe and refused to speak about it.
Jason didn’t eat anything but pork for a week straight and this morning he swore to go vegetarian.
Bruce was in the process of finding new hobbies - Tim said it was midlife crisis, Jason said the old man was finally going crazy and Cass was out of town, so she just yelled at them via video chat. Barbara and Steph laughing their asses off every time the topic came up didn’t help either, but after seeing the anvil in the living room while going to get breakfast, Damian was starting to agree with Jason.
On top of it all, some idiot under the name of Dark Nomad killed a chicken, painted obscene pictures on the walls of one of Bruce’s apartments with its blood, then for some reason, they stole some garden interior and part of the fence. Just fantastic.
And guess who had to track him down and arrest him? Robin. Because his family was a bunch of freaking sadists.
On top of it all, when he finally arrived on the rooftop where the petty villain was spotted two days in a row, the idiot wasn’t alone.
Robin landed quietly, hid behind a metal staircase leading the upper parts of the building and stopped to listen to the conversation going down between the two shadowy forms. He was already planning revenge in the back of his mind - it would’ve been ridiculously easy to poison at least two out of his three brothers. Not too badly but enough for them to have an unpleasant couple of days.
“Did you manage to sleep during the day, or should I be worried about you suddenly falling down from here because of exhaustion?” one of the forms asked flatly, a young girl sitting on the edge of the roof. She looked tiny compared to the Nomad sitting beside her, but she didn’t seem to be afraid at all. Her body language was taunting and open, her dark hair shimmered in the light coming from the streets below as she turned her head towards the boy. She had a slight French accent.
“Nah, I had double English in the afternoon, so I’m good,” the Nomad said, playing with a stray thread on his hoodie. “You?”
“I slept on the bus…” the girl started, trailing off. She tilted her head, concentrating on something. “Could you give me a minute?” she asked, standing up. For a moment, Damian felt relieved. She was already leaving.
Then she turned towards him.
She could’ve just heard something. She could’ve just checked out the area. It could’ve been a coincidence, but she was staring right at him, even though he was sure he wasn’t visible in the dark.
She walked towards his hiding place with no hesitation or fear. He was standing there motionlessly as she got closer. He studied her form, looking for weapons and weak points. She was wearing a warm cardigan with jeans and dark boots. He eyed her scarf and gloves suspiciously. It wasn’t that cold, but he didn’t see anything hidden in them.
Her red lipstick matched her scarf, her hair was tied into a loose braid coming forward at the side of her neck, dancing gracefully when a light breeze caught it. Her body language was still way too open and she foolishly grabbed the railing of the staircase before peeking behind it, leaving her torso even more vulnerable.
If he was ever planning on confronting her, he would’ve changed his mind after that. She was clearly harmless when it came to physical combat.
What the hell was she doing here, then?
“Can I help you?” she asked, looking at where his mask covered his eyes. Her voice was toneless and her accent was gone. Robin wondered if he was just imagining it earlier. Maybe he was too deep in his thoughts to pay attention.
It happened a lot nowadays. Him, getting lost in his thoughts and not paying attention. At first, it annoyed him - and scared the living daylight out of him, not as if he was about to tell that to anyone. Now he knew it was part of being human. It meant he was getting healthier, as Alfred put it. Making mistakes was part of life and he wanted to have a life, right?
Yes, he did.
Sometimes he looked at Bruce and his sorry brothers and realized that he already had a one. It made him feel weird. Happy, probably, but it was a new kind of happy. It made him want to smile at the most random times and help Alfred with chores. It made him have this… desire to go after Bruce when he disappeared to his garden to calm down, to bring home some donuts for Dick every time he passed that shop he liked, to take Jason to Disneyland on his birthday, to make Cass smile more often, to pull up the security footages from the Cave on his computer, so he could check on Tim without him knowing.
It was terrifying and he wouldn’t have changed it for anything in the world.
“Robin?” the girl asked impatiently. Damn, he zoned out. He cleared his throat, trying to find the right thing to say.
“Errm… do you realize you are sitting with a criminal?” Good job, Damian, your brothers would be proud. Why not ask her her favorite color too, maybe that will help. He was prepared to hear Jason’s amused words through the comms, but surprisingly, his brother stayed quiet.
“Are you concerned about my safety?” The girl narrowed her eyes.
He straightened his back and cleared his mind.
“Actually, I’m here to arrest the Dark Nomad,” he told her, trying to sound professional. Not as if it mattered anymore.
“Damaging private property, theft, and vandalism.”
“Could you elaborate? Picking flowers in a park could be considered all three of those.” Her voice was mocking now.
Damian stared at her. She was at least a head shorter than him, with no weapons. He was Robin. She was either incredibly dangerous or very stupid, and he had a hard time believing in the first scenario.
“He killed an animal, draw obscene pictures on the street with its blood, did damage that’s repairing will take hundreds of dollars, stole garden interior… should I continue?”
“When did he do all that?” the girl asked. She didn’t seem surprised at all.
“Why would I tell you?” frowned Robin. “I’m here to arrest him, that’s the only important thing.” Harmless or not, she was getting annoying.
“Well, you can’t legally make arrests given that you’re not a police officer, which means that you have absolutely no reason to be here. You might as well go home,” she explained simply. Her voice was toneless again, she spoke as if she was just stating facts, - which she did, after all.
Damian’s blood was starting to boil. Did the psychopaths roaming this city have a right to murder people? No. Did they have any right to hurt civilians? No. Was any of the things they did legal? No.
Who was this kid to come and tell him about rights, when his family seemed to be the only ones protecting them?
The girl was looking at him as if she was staring into his soul, then suddenly, she smirked.
“Not as if that would stop you,” she said, and Robin looked at her quizzically. “But I have a feeling that you’re after the wrong guy, so if you told me when he did all that, it would clear a few things.”
He was lost. What did this girl want? She was too weird to be stupid. She let the railing go now and was standing with her arms at her sides, her head slightly tilted.
“Today, between two and three AM,” he told her finally, curious about her reaction.
She stared right into his eyes, even though his mask was hiding them and said, “He was with me.”
Robin didn’t see anything about her body language betraying her, but she must’ve noticed he didn’t believe her because she continued.
“We were talking about Tamás Vekerdy and Bruno Bettelheim. They’re psychologists who often write about children. He arrived around midnight, and when he left it was already past five in the morning, so there is no way he could’ve done anything unless he has an evil twin.”
He scoffed angrily. When he spoke again, he was hissing the words from behind his clenched teeth.
“These things don’t take long. He might’ve just slipped away for a few minutes and came back, unless of course if you were in the same position for five hours.” He might’ve also growled a little. He was standing only inches from her now, looming over her.
“That’s not too hard to check, your Highness.” She cocked her head and held his gaze fearlessly. “Where did all this happen?”
He was about to bite back but he stopped abruptly.
Okay, so he might’ve been a little wrong. If the girl was telling the truth, the guy should’ve disappeared for at least one and a half hours to get to the scene from here. Not as if that meant anything, she could’ve easily lied. He just didn’t notice it.
A voice saved him from having to answer.
“Marinette? Is everything okay?” The Dark Nomad was walking towards them. When he noticed Robin, a terrified expression took over his confused one. He was about to go and stand between the girl and the vigilante when she lifted her arm to stop him, not moving her gaze away from Robin. The Nomad looked like a caged animal but didn’t try to fight her.
“Lord Annoyance here states that last night, you cloned yourself between The Book of Diaries and NurtureShock, and went to draw booties and steal a bunch of garden gnomes.”
The Nomad opened his mouth to say something but Robin beat him to it.
“Okay, so first of all, it wasn’t just "booties” and they were drawn with blood, which makes it considerably worse.“ Jason, who was listening to everything he said trough the comms the whole time, chose that moment to burst out laughing. He did his best to ignore him.
"Second of all, a lot of things were stolen, not just…” yep, that sentence was a bad idea, “Garden gnomes.”
“Why do you think he did it in the first place?” the girl, - Marinette cut back.
“It was private property. There was a camera.”
He took a second to consider the possible fallback of the answer. The existence of Bruce Wayne wasn’t a secret. Neither was the fact that he owned multiple buildings around the city. Maybe it was going to scare the villain enough that he confesses.
“Bruce Wayne’s,” he said finally. The girl’s undisturbed expression made him feel uneasy. “Have you heard of him?”
“Oh, you mean that’s who the big ass tower in the middle of the city is named after? I thought it was the ship name of watery rain or way of pain or something.” Her words were dripping from sarcasm.
‘Who are you talking to? What did they say?’ asked Jason like an excited child but Damian once again ignored him.
“Well, I’m sorry, but his alibi is pretty shaky, you know. Villains can be very convincing here, in case you didn’t notice.” He didn’t think this guy could convince anyone, but it was possible.
“Yeah, his ski mask really makes me shake in fear,” Marinette said flatly.
The villain finally got a chance to say something but his moment didn’t last long.
“It’s not a-”
“Yes, it is. Shut up.” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “He is wearing a hoodie and a mask ever since… birth, probably. How did anyone recognize him?”
“He left his signature,” Robin told her. He wasn’t even angry anymore, he was just very annoyed.
Marinette froze. She almost seemed to forget about Robin as she finally broke eye contact and turned around.
“You… have a signature?” she asked the Dark Nomad, who was still standing behind her, ready to jump at any moment.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times. It reminded Robin of a distressed duck.
“Kinda,” he said quietly.
“Why would you do that?” asked Marinette, gesticulating wildly.
“It’s part of the aesthetic, okay?” he explained with a hurt expression.
“Hey, I’m accusing you of a crime here!” reminded them Robin. This was taking way longer than he wanted it to.
Marinette once again turned to him, let out a deep breath and arranged her face into a more professional expression.
“Right,” she started seriously. She gave him a second to compose himself, then continued. “Boobs.”
The Dark Nomad snorted, but Marinette just gave him an unimpressed look and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Okay, so tell Mr. Wayne, that he should be looking for another idiot because I was looking after this one at the time.”
Before he could answer, he heard Jason’s voice in his ear.
'There is a robbery going down at Chucko’s. I’m going in.’
Damian cursed quietly.
“Don’t. Wait for me. I’ll be there in two,” he told him, placing his fingers on the comm so the two people standing in front of him knew he wasn’t speaking to them.
“I have to go,” he told them quickly, then took off before they could do as much as blink.
Marinette ran after the vigilante but stopped at the edge of the roof. She saw a dark form jumping over rooftops. After a few seconds, it disappeared and relief rushed over her body.
She was way too tired to think about how she just got into an argument with one of Gotham’s heroes.
She closed her eyes and turned to go back to her room. She needed to sleep. A lot.
“You’re kinda terrifying when you’re sleep-deprived, did you know that?” said Jeremy, coming out from behind the metal staircase.
“I always am,” answered Marinette, still not opening her eyes.
“Do you mean terrifying or sleep-deprived?” asked Jeremy confusedly.
Marinette gave him a small wave, then climbed back to the hotel without a word.
*Quiet chanting* comments, comments, comments
*Chanting intensifies* comMEnts, COMments, coMMENTS
*The flattering of wings and the sounds of scared birds*
  Ch. 1    Previous   Masterpost    AO3
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@northernbluetongue @vgirl-10123 @theatreandcomicfreak @interobanginyourmom @crazylittlemunchkin @zerotosiki @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @my-name-is-michell @shreky-boi@coltaire @7-sage-7 @kris-pines04 @winter-gardenflower
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heyktula · 4 years
Closer, Chapter Three: Consensual - Bonus Features
Chapter three of Closer, the first installment in Somewhere in Canada (the Terror kink AU)... is now up! It's a long one again! The author continues to not be sorry!
Same deal as last week--technical notes first, story notes after, line notes to finish it all up.
Alright, here we go.
Technical Considerations:
Language: Phew, okay. So, I've written plenty of "hard kink written hard" (and arguably some "soft kink written hard"), but with this piece, I specifically wanted to do "hard kink written soft" so, uh, language is a thing! Ie, the sentence "Edward curled his hand into a fist and punched Jopson" does not belong in this fic, because there is nothing soft about that sentence no matter how much Edward loves him positive regard Edward is feeling toward his play partner.
So in order to make this fly the way I wanted to (ie, softly), I tried to avoid over-use of words like "fist", "hit", "punch", and that type of thing. I ended up in a really interesting rabbit hole that I think helped me get further into Edward's head, because the narrative had to become more focused on the technical aspects of what he's doing, and the physical results it's having on Jopson. It also emphasizes the continual assessment of how things are going that's necessary to do this kind of play safely--especially when it's the first time doing this type of play with a partner. And, it's in-character--Edward is an over-thinker anyway.
(I think the scene would have been softer, and probably more romantic, in Jopson's POV, but it would have been far blurrier as well, because he's pretty deep in subspace.)
While I'm talking about language, I'll just mention one other thing--Edward's knowledge of trans men has been academic up to this point, and he's approaching it the same way he approaches everything else, which is listening, learning as fast as he can, and taking Jopson's lead. It also means he's using--and will continue to use--the same language for Jopson as he would for any other man.
Capitalization of Sir: There's a whole entire thing in some subsets of BDSM about capitalization. At the extreme end, all references to the dominant are capitalized, all references to the submissive are lower case, and all references to both are split-capped (is that how it's referred to? I have no idea, but it describes what I mean, so I'm going with it.). It can lead to sentences like "In the dungeon, My pet, michael, always follows the rules W/we have agreed on".
I can't see either Jopson or Little going for that, so we have the more casual version of it going on here--"Sir" is capitalized, but everything else is conventionally capitalized. In a (hypothetical) situation where Jopson was collared to Edward, but referred to someone else in a casual "yes, sir" way, "sir" would be lower case. But then, for extra confusion, for someone like Sir John, where the sir is part of his scene name, it'd stay capitalized, even though Jopson's not collared to him.
(For some reason, I can't picture Sir John not using Sir John as a scene name. James Clark Ross, on the other hand, I feel can take or leave the title unless he's entered into a formal arrangement with someone, in which case that's between him and Ann and whoever else to sort something out.)
Hard Cuts: That's right, I put a hard cut in the middle of the dungeon scene. In my defense, it takes a while to bruise someone whose skin is resistant to bruising, and it's a very repetitive process. Jopson and Edward had a perfectly nice time without us, and I documented most of the good bits for you. (I do feel a bit bad for skipping the majority of the aftercare, but imo, the story arc is fine as it is, and we see enough to know that Jopson has his jacket around his shoulders the way he wanted it, so we can assume Edward bossed it out for the rest of the aftercare too.)
Story Considerations:
Bootblacking: I am not a bootblack. Ideally, this isn't obvious, because I did Online Research, but for people who do bootblack, I'm sorry if I fucked it up.
Also, one thing that I learned in the course of my research is that there's two different kinds of boots--regular boots, which need to be polished, and then oil-tanned boots, which need to be conditioned instead. I gave Edward oil-tanned boots, because that involves a hell of a lot of leg massage via rubbing conditioner into the boot, and I wanted Edward to have a nice tactile experience. (Okay, fine, I also wanted Jopson to be able to show off his skillset.)
Consent Negotiation: I love consent negotiation. I think it's great foreplay, a great way to build hype for a scene, and I think it gives you a sense of a person before you go in and do intimate and/or dangerous stuff with them. I think Edward's initial plan for having the consent negotiation once they'd moved over to the mats was good. I think Jopson's plan of doing the consent negotiation while Edward was a captive audience getting his boots conditioned was better.
There's so many bits and pieces to consent negotiation as well--there's the physical bit (like medical conditions and whether you've had food/water recently--after all, you're putting your body through something challenging, and if you're dehydrated or fasting, that's not ideal conditions), there's the mental bit (like not liking to be humiliated, and any trigger words or actions that should be avoided), and then there's the actual activities that you're going to plan on doing. Typically, there would be an additional bit, and that would be the sharing of STI results. Edward skipped that during this negotiation for two reasons--firstly, he generally just does dry play, ie, no body fluids exchanged. And, secondly, no sex in this particular dungeon. As it turned out, it wouldn't have hurt to have done that.
(Jopson clearly did his own risk assessment on the barrier-free blowjob, and was fine with his chances--but, then, I suspect if you read between the lines on Edward's blog, the lack of a fluid-bonded partner, or an intimate partner of any kind, would have been apparent.)
Dungeon Monitors: Dungeon monitors (DMs) are present in most dungeons, except the play-at-your-own-risk-in-someone's-basement type (and sometimes even those have them). Their general function is to make sure that people are safe, that equipment is being cleaned properly after use, that medical treatment is provided if it's needed, and that type of thing. I figured the medical team was a good translation, so between Goodsir and McDonald, they're splitting the dungeon between themselves for the first chunk of the night. (Presumably Peddie and Stanley are on the later shift, or maybe Bridgens is assisting, but either way, Edward was not paying attention and did not care.)
(I bet Stanley hates dungeon shifts.)
DMs generally wear vests or some sort of gear that makes them easy to spot, which is especially important when they're almost always members of the community as well, meaning that they need to distinguish between when they're on duty, and when they're playing. The radios are handy in case an ambulance needs to be called, which does sometimes happen, but it's also good to allow them to communicate with each other.
For the majority of play, it's not necessary to talk to a DM beforehand. (YMMV, consult your dungeon rules, etc.) In Edward and Jopson's case, since they're going fairly hard, it's a good idea to give a heads-up to your DM to let them know that the scene is happening. McDonald would have been watching them pretty sharply as the play got going, and then probably less so once they settled into it.
Edward noticed exactly zero of this, because he didn't care.
(I guess an additional note there is that sometimes there's a "fear factor" involved in physical play, where the dominant/top partner is specifically and consensually trying to instigate a fear reaction in the submissive/bottom partner. So in that case, having a DM aware of what's happening and what the safewords are is real important to make sure that everything is above-board, ie, the safewords aren't being deliberately ignored.)
Dungeon Rules: They totally would have fucked if they hadn't been in Canada.
Sorry to both of them, but sorry to Jopson in particular.
Subspace: So subspace is basically an altered state of consciousness that can be dropped into during BDSM play. Every submissive/bottom gets there at different speeds and through different methods. Jopson is a masochist, so pain will get him there--but he's deeply into ritual as well, and so just the act of bootblacking for an hour prior to Edward getting there has already gotten him started on that path--though, as he notes, not far enough that he can't pull himself back out of it if it's no longer appropriate to be in it. It's sort of like a hot bath, in that way--if you've just dipped your toes in it, fine, you can go answer the doorbell. But if you've been submerged in the tub for an hour, you're not getting out unless something really pressing happens.
The general, uh, fuzzy nature of subspace means that Edward's call not to discuss facefucking was a good one, because Jopson would have just said yes, and Edward would have derailed himself wondering if it was an honest yes. As it was, Edward got the unprompted deepthroating, and I don't think he has any regrets whatsoever about that one.
Line Notes:
There’s no way for Jopson to know that Edward purchased two collars for him, but he’s showing off his neck like he’s trying to make a point of it, like he’s trying to bring out all the possessive bits that Edward is trying to keep tamped down.
That's exactly what he's doing, Edward. He's trying to gently coax you into going feral on him.
He should have adjusted his dick before he sat down, but it’s too late to do that now without being territorial about it.
Tozer wouldn't hesitate for one moment. He adjusts his dick when he feels like it. Just as an aside.
I don’t see you, Edward wants to say. How have I lived my entire fucking life without ever having seen you?
It's because you and Tozer go to the shittier clubs with louder music and younger people, and I don't think Jopson has been to a club like that in his entire life.
(God, I have, like, an entire essay worth of headcanons about Jopson and his Terror and Erebus experiences.)
“Safeword,” Edward says, after some time has passed.
Jopson looks up at him, eyes wide, and says nothing.
So, we were talking about Jopson's risk assessments earlier, re: the blowjob, and here's another point where Jopson is flirting with the possibility of playing with Edward irresponsibly.  I think there's a couple different things to observe here--and the first is that the ideal response is the one that Edward gives, which is essentially "absolutely fuck that, we'll play with a safeword that you're going to use when you need it, or we won't play at all". The other responses are...less than ideal, but Jopson might have still played with Edward under those circumstances anyways, and that's on Joppie to justify, cuz I'm not gonna bend over backwards to justify that for him. I do think, though, that there's a couple points that happen over the course of the weekend where nobody would blame Jopson if he was doing an assessment and figuring out--is there the possibility of a long-term thing here, or is this a one-weekend-only thing? And in every case, Edward is coming down solidly into the long-term possibility category.
Jopson frees the laces, runs them between his fingers. “I’ll get chatty before I get quiet. When I stop responding verbally when you speak to me, pull me back out, please—speak to me, get me something to drink. Drape my jacket back over my shoulders.” His mouth twists a moment. “I may get…affectionate, but you shouldn’t—”
There's so much here that I want to talk about! First of all, Jopson is highly comfortable with and cognizant of his own response to this type of play, and he's able to articulate that response very clearly--which is something that comes with experience. He's communicating to Edward the point where he wants the play to stop--ie, when he no longer responds verbally--and he's also clear about what needs to be done to gently tug him back out of it. (Coming back out of it isn't always required, but in this case, since they're sleeping separately and working in the morning, it's for the best.)
If Jopson had finished his last sentence, it would have been along the lines of "I may get affectionate, but you shouldn't take it seriously if I do". I pulled directly from Jopson's abandonment issues in canon for that one, and it hurts my feelings to put it here, but it's here so that Edward can respond appropriately this time. I think any feelings that Jopson has during scenes are legitimate--but I also suspect, based on this, that Jopson has been affectionate during scenes before, and had that affection rebuffed, or had it indicated to him that the affection wasn't welcome or needed, so he's used to disclaiming it. Which, ouch.
“Good job,” he says, voice low and right next to Jopson’s ear. “Pack your things. I’m coming back for you.”
Speaking of AU!Edward Littles that didn't fuck up their decisions, here's one right here.
His hand is pleasantly tingling, his mind starting to fuzz out with endorphins, and he wants Jopson to feel the same—
So Edward puts literally zero thought into his own headspace throughout this scene, because that's the kind of POV character he is, but you can see the beginning of his...actually, I don't even know the word for it. Whatever the equivalent of subspace is for doms, Edward is getting into it.
I like symmetry
Says the man with the tattoo on one arm. Alright, Ned. Alright.
"Mrf." Jopson swallows, the movement of his neck something Edward can actually feel, now that he's carrying Jopson fully. "Don’t want to derail the scene—I just—a minute—your cock is quite distracting."
I love that all the physical play was just fine, but it's being nestled against Edward's hardon that makes Jopson need a minute. (Which, fair.)
“Yeah,” Edward manages. “I can—I can do that. You, uh, the safewords?”
One of the things I really love about Edward here is that when he gets overwhelmed with how awesome something is, he reverts back to safety and checking in with his partner. (I'm pretty sure you could contrast that with Tozer, who I'm pretty sure would just talk filth until he'd gotten a grip on things again, and Crozier, who I see as pretty unflappable during play considering that he hasn't met a certain "online guy" yet.)
“I can’t believe we can’t fuck in here,” Jopson mutters grouchily.
Couldn't get ploughed in the dungeon the way I wanted, 0/10 on TripAdvisor.
Edward puts his hands behind his head, tugs at his own hair a moment to ground himself, and then curls his hands into fists where Jopson can’t see them, brings them down and around, quick and sudden, thumping the sides of his hands into Jopson’s ribs.
The very first time I was in a rough play workshop, this move was demonstrated. The demo bottom was facing the audience, and the presenter was sitting on a table behind him. They had him put his hands behind his neck and just stand there and wait while they was talking about something else, but from our position in the audience, we could see them raise their hands above their head, and knew what they were going to do, because they mimed it out for us first. I think that's where I fell in love with this kind of play, because they made it fun.
“I’ll go faster for the rest,” Edward promises. “Keep counting, and you’ll get your reward on five.”
Or, you know, on six, because one of you wanted five hits in a row and restarted the count on purpose, and the other one of you stuck to your promise of going with a verbal command of five because there wasn’t enough time to go through the whole ‘what is the correct response here’ and muscle memory won out over anxiety domming. (You can save your “oops”, Jopson, we all know it’s insincere.) 
Jopson doesn’t scream. His entire body goes stiff, breath sucking quick into his lungs and his fingernails digging sharply into Edward’s bare back, legs clenching around Edward’s thigh, and it’s like time just fucking stops for one ecstatic moment until Jopson goes limp, his hands patting randomly on Edward’s back, over the scratches he’s just left in Edward’s skin that Edward is going to treasure forever, because he did that to Jopson and he’s going to wear these scratches with fucking pride.
Y'all, Edward "so excited about the part where he scratched me that I completely missed the part where he came" Little. He'll be here all weekend.
Jopson blinks, slow and easy. “Quite lovely, thank you. Everything cleaned up?”
I'm deeply in favour of doms who look after cleaning up the space while their subs recover. I'm not convinced that Little and Jopson will fall into that pattern permanently, but I think it's a sweet gesture on Edward's part that he looks after everything for their first time. It's also a very encouraging thing for Jopson--because, say, if he was trying to make sure that he wasn't going to have his service taken for granted, this is a good indication that it won't be.
Edward feels vaguely like he should demur, out of manners, or, uh. Concern for Jopson’s knees, or—or his, um. Aftercare. Or. Or something.
I love deep POV.
Edward raises his eyebrows, deliberately puts his hands flat on the wall behind him. He’s suddenly very, very hard. “I’m not gonna stop you if you want to do it yourself,” he says, voice rough. “That’s hot as fuck.”
*eyeballs emoji*
(And we can make a note of that particular detail for the next chapter, when Edward awkwardly discloses something that Jopson already suspects--or, at least, would suspect if he weren't currently high as fuck on happy endorphins.)
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” Edward says. He swallows. “I—uh. Sorry, this is stupid, I forgot they were there—I generally do, you know, warn people in advance, this isn’t how I normally—I, uh.”
I suspect the actual issue here is that the last time Edward had his dick sucked, there wasn't nearly as much metal in it, so "hey my dick is heavily pierced" isn't a conversation that he's used to having, but Edward can excuse this however he likes.
...it’s just—he’s just—he’s never—not without his partner gagging, and there were always other things they could do, there were always—fuck—this was never a priority...
Little refuses to think of his own dick as big, because it's the dick he's always had, so unfortunately, this is the closest we're gonna get to confirmation of his dick size in his POV.
Edward can feel—oh, fuck, no, that’s not just his cock, he can feel his own piercings in Jopson’s throat, the hard balls of the barbells firm under his fingertips, and Edward’s balls tighten.
I don't want to admit how much time I spent trying to figure out if this was a legitimate thing, but it was more than an hour, I couldn't find an answer, I have no one to ask, and I liked the mental image too much to let it go, so now we're all stuck with it.
I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not.
Edward takes a deep breath, steps into the hotel room, and shoulders his responsibilities.
Edward, sweetie. Sol would be the first one to tell you that he can handle himself.
I mean, we can all agree that he clearly didn’t handle himself particularly well tonight.
But he’d be the first one to tell you to fuck off.
Phew. That's it for this week! Chapter four, Kink, goes up next Friday, and we'll touch on Solomon Tozer's no-good very-bad day then.
And if you have questions or anything in the meantime, you can always drop me an ask on tumblr or Curious Cat. I know I didn't cover everything, even in this long-ass entry, cuz there's a fuck of a lot of stuff going on in the foreground, much less the background. I honestly don't mind if you ask, it's totally cool. :)
See you next week!
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