#listen parents gotta make kids somehow right
forever-rogue · 1 year
We’re Magic
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AN | Here we have an early morning shower idea come to fruition. Basically - friends to one time lovers to co-parents to ?? Enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language, Mentions of Sex and Pregnancy
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 4.2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Come on Ducky, we’ve gotta go!” you grabbed your young son’s backpack and tried to herd him towards the door. He came bounding the hall, his dark mop of curls bouncing with each step. He quickly flopped himself down onto the floor by the front door, and pulled on his small sneakers. You couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm for…well, everything. He was such a sweet, happy kid that it served to make you happy as well, “did you put everything you need in your backpack?”
“Yes,” he nodded, slowly creating bunny ears to tie his laces. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he hopped to his feet and took the backpack from your hands, “come on, mama! We gotta go!”
You snorted in amusement as he echoed your words, opening the door so you both could go to the car. You got him all settled and buckled in before going to the driver’s seat and taking a moment to breathe. Herding around a five-year-old with the energy of ten kids was a lot at times. 
“Ready to go?” 
“Mhmm,” he was already staring out of the window at the passing scenery, “do you think daddy will read my new book to me tonight?”
“I don’t think, I know he will,” you imagined the two of them would be equally enthused, “daddy loves reading and I happen to know that the book you picked out is one of his favorites. He’s going to be so excited.”
“That’s good,” you caught his eye in the rearview mirror and gave him a smile, “I wish you could be there too.”
You heart twanged at that and you hesitated for a moment so you didn’t blurt out me too. You tried to keep your expression and tone as even as possible before nodding, “we’ll see, baby. Maybe one day soon we can both put you to bed together.”
“Okay,” the smile on his face reminded you so much of his father. You’d make it happen somehow - the idea of disappointing your son was too much to bear.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Emery held onto your hand as you knocked on the apartment door. A rush of nerves washed over you as you listened for his familiar footsteps. A few moments of silence passed before the door slowly opened.
“Daddy!” the boy immediately dropped your hand and ran and jumped into his father’s arms.
“Emery!” he held onto him tightly, giving him a tight squeeze as the boy threw his arms around his neck, “I missed you, baby.”
“‘missed you too,” he giggled as his father placed giant, sloppy kisses to his cheeks before setting him back down, “did you make pancakes?”
“Blueberry and chocolate chip,” he confirmed as Emery cheered, “why don’t you go to the kitchen and I’ll be right there. I want to talk to mama for a moment.”
“Okay,” Emery turned back to you and hugged your legs tightly as you ran a hand through his soft curls, “bye mama, I love you!”
“I love you too, Ducky,” you kneeled to give him a kiss, “remember your manners and don’t forget about your new book.”
“I won’t!” he took his backpack from you before taking off towards the kitchen. You watched him go, shaking your head in amusement. 
You let out an amused sigh before standing back up, “hey Eddie.”
“Hey,” he leaned against the doorframe, calm and confident as always as he offered a soft smile, “anything important I missed or need to know?”
“Nah,” you shook your head, “you would have known already, trust me. Although he did get a new book he’s super excited to have you read to him, so be prepared.”
“Consider me equally excited,” he grinned as a moment of silence fell over the two of you, “how are you doing?”
“I’m alright,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “just, you know, same old same old. How about you, Eddie?”
“Same, good, yeah,” you could both tell there was more you both wanted to say but neither of you was able to take that to the next step, “it’s good to see you.”
“You see me every other week and or more,” you laughed softly as he just shrugged, “we share a child after all.”
“But we were friends before that,” he reminded you gently, “and I’d like to think we’re still friends. Even now.”
“We are,” you promised, blinking back the few tears that had started to well up, “of course we are…”
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly, reaching over to brush a few rogue locks of hair out of your face, “everything all right?”
“No - I-I mean yes,” you insisted gently, “I have to go…I, umm, I’ll see you in a few days. Have fun and let me know if you need anything.”
“Of course,” he watched as you turned around to start walking back to your car, “hey - you let me know too, okay? Anything.”
“I will, Eddie,” you held up your hand in a small wave before slowly walking away. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d ever fully be over your feelings for him. 
It had been years and it hadn’t happened…but maybe one day. Maybe.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few weeks had passed since your…interesting interaction with Eddie. You wouldn’t have called it bad or anything, just…different. The two of you both seemed to keep your distance a little more than normal coming solely about your son. Despite the fact that two of you didn’t hang out or talk a ton anymore, you were missing him. What he had said was right - you’d been friends first for years before you had Emery and you were still friends. Things were just different - complicated. 
This weekend however it would be impossible to avoid Eddie and that worried you just a little bit. It was Steve’s daughter’s eighth birthday and the entire gang and then some were going to be at the Harrington household to celebrate. Naturally, you and Eddie would be there with Emery. It would be fine…right? Right. It was just hanging out with your friends and having your kids hang out and play. What could possibly go wrong?
And it was fine, really, until you volunteered to help clean up the backyard when the majority of everyone else had gone home. You and Eddie were still there along with Robin and Dustin, Steve and wife Samantha and the kids. It was getting late and you didn’t want to leave them to clean up the entire mess so you’d offered to help contain some of the chaos out back. 
You just hadn’t heard Eddie come out back with you. Until you heard a noise behind you, causing you to startle, “Eddie! Jesus, you scared me!”
“Sorry sweetheart,” he smiled sheepishly as you tried to ignore how your heart practically skipped a few beats at the little pet name, “can I help?”
“Of course,” you handed him one of the trash bags and the two of you fell into silence as you worked to clean up the mess. With the two of you working together, it didn’t take long for some order to come back and you sat down on the deck with a small plop, “let’s have Emery’s next birthday party at some other place we’re not responsible for cleanup.”
“I’m sure he’d love that,” Eddie agreed as he sat down next to you. He gently bumped his shoulder into yours causing you to laugh softly at him. You’d missed this, getting along so effortlessly and easily with him. He cleared his throat softly causing you to look at him curiously, “hey, what’s been going on, huh? Is everything okay with us?”
“Of course,” but your answer came too quickly to be entirely true. He waited for you to go and you knew he wouldn’t just let it go, “we’re okay, Eddie. I’ve just been thinking…I guess.”
“Emery…us,” you swallowed thickly, “I…were….did you hate me when I got pregnant?”
“What!?” he barked with laughter for a moment, unable to tell if you were joking or not. Judging from the serious expression on your face, he could tell you weren’t, “w-wait, what do you mean? Of course I didn’t hate you…I could never hate you.”
“But we were best friends,” the corner of your mouth pulled up as you shrugged, “and we just…it was one time and I got pregnant and now we have a son.”
“First of all, you’re still my best friend,” he promised and that set your heart at ease, “and yeah, it was a one time thing that happened when we were both going through it, but in case you forgot, it takes two to get pregnant. It was just as much on me, if not more so. And the son we have? He’s the best fuckin’ kid ever and he’s the best thing that ever happened to me, along with you.”
“Eddie,” you couldn’t help the teary-eyed smile that crossed your features, “that’s really…I feel the same way. There have been times when I wondered if the right thing to do would have been to get an abortion, and if you wanted me to and just never said anything.”
“I would have supported you with whatever you wanted to do,” he reached for your hand and tenderly took it in yours and gave it a squeeze, “and I never secretly hoped you’d get an abortion. I was scared shitless when you found you were pregnant and I never thought I could handle it, but at the same time the idea of being a dad and having that kid with you made it not nearly as scary. It made me excited and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“You’re an amazing dad Eddie,” you squeezed his hand in return, “and an excellent co-parent.”
“So I’ve been told!”
“Oh? By who? Got some other kids I don’t know about?”
“Nah,” he shook his head fervently, “just ours. You’ve told me that before, you know.”
“Well, it’s still true,” you turned your body and angled yourself so you were closer to him.
“And you’re an excellent mother,” he leaned in so your faces were only a few inches away from each other, “and the best co-parent too.”
“Thank you…”
“But tell me,” he reached over and gently brushed his knuckles along your cheek, “what’s still going on? I know there’s more you’re not telling me everything…”
“Ummm…” you leaned in closer and you were almost positive that he did the same thing. The tips of your noses brushed and oh my god you were sure he was going to kiss you. And you wanted him to…just as desperately as you wanted to kiss him. 
But then -
“Mama! Daddy!” the sliding glass door and Emery ran out, causing the two of you to quickly pull apart. Eddie’s cheeks were a bright pink as your own face felt incredibly hot and you felt so flustered. Meanwhile, your son didn’t seem to realize that he’d interrupted anything at all, “Uncle Steve said we can have some cream! Can I have ice cream?”
“Sure Ducky,” Eddie beamed at him, “go and get some, we’ll be right inside.”
“Who am I going home with tonight?” he asked, those big brown eyes wide and innocent as ever. You exchanged a look with Eddie and both of you seemed panicked.
“You can go with whoever you want, baby,” you gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. There wasn’t really a strict schedule with the two of you, and he usually ended up spending equal time with both of you.
“I wanna go with you and daddy,” he pouted, the expression on his face so similar to his father’s, “can we all go home together?”
Alright, now you weren’t sure what to say. You decided to make a decision and if Eddie didn’t agree or like it, he would have to speak up. But you hated seeing the upset look on Emery’s face, “sure, baby. Maybe daddy can come home and stay with us at the house tonight?”
Eddie looked at you to make sure you were fully sure of what you were saying. You gave him a slight nod before he practically beamed at you, “of course I can! I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”
“Yay!” he hugged the two of you before turning back to run inside, “I’m gonna get ice cream and tell Uncle Steve!”
You watched him disappear back into the house and the two of you exchanged a nervous laugh, “you really sure, sweetheart?”
“It’s like you said, Eddie. We’re still friends and he’s our kid. And I hate seeing him upset.”
“Me too,” he agreed, “it’s the worst. He’s got this little…baby cow eyed thing going on and I can’t handle it. He’s just so…adorable and I’m not biased just because he’s ours.”
“His expression is the exact same as yours,” you pointed out, “why do you think I’ve never been able to say no to you?”
“Ahh,” he slowly stood up and held his hand out to help you up, “we’ll figure it out when we get home, yeah?”
“Of course,” a million things were running through your mind and all of them landed back to how much you loved the two of them, “we always do.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time the three of you got to your small house in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Emery was already halfway to sleep. Eddie gingerly took him out of the car and carried him inside.
"'m tired," the small boy said through a yawn, "will you tuck me in?"
"Duh," Eddie teased as he started walking to his room. You nodded when he glanced back to make sure he wasn't overstepping any boundaries, which he wasn't of course, "come on, Ducky. Let's get you to dreamland."
It didn't take long to get his teeth brushed and into pajamas and Eddie tucked him just how he liked. Before he left the room, Emery called out to him, "daddy?”
"Yes, bud?"
"Will you be here in the morning?" His voice sounded so small and unsure that it made Eddie’s heart break slightly. He knew that all his son wanted was for his parents to be together. He’d expressed that very same thing to him multiple times before. Eddie wondered if he’d ever told you the same thing, “we can all make breakfast together and watch cartoons!”
And if he was being completely honest - Eddie wanted the exact same thing. He’d been in love with since you were fuckin’ children. That had never changed, even when your one night hookup resulted in you getting pregnant. Back then he wanted to tell you that he was in love with you, and that he wanted to be a family together. But he could never tell if you felt the same way so he brushed it all to the side and decided to work on himself and be the best father he could be. He’d always have you in his life and that was the best thing of all - you and Emery. 
“Yeah, Ducky,” Eddie promised him, “I’ll be right here. Get some sleep, okay? I love you lots and lots.”
“Lots and lots,” he yawned before reaching for his stuffed puppy dog, “goodnight, daddy.”
He turned off the light and gently closed the door, before taking a moment to compose himself. The kitchen light was still on so he padded down the hall towards, trying to figure out how to even convey everything that was buzzing around in his head. 
“Hey,” you were drinking a glass of wine and had already pulled another glass for him, “fancy a drink?”
“Sure,” he watched as you poured him a glass and handed it towards him, leaning against the counter, “Emery asked if I’d be here in the morning. He wants all of us to make breakfast together and watch cartoons. I-I can just head out in a little bit and come back around seven…if that’s okay with you.”
“You don’t have to leave,” you scoffed at even the mere suggestion of him having to make the same trips for no reason, “there’s the guest room. And of course we can do all that tomorrow, it sounds fun! Maybe we can take him to the zoo later on or something. He’s been asking to go.”
“Y-yeah,” his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest at the idea of spending all that time together as a family, “that sounds great!” 
“He’s been asking for this a lot,” you admitted after taking a big gulp of the sweet wine in your hand, “to spend more time together as a family.”
“I think it’s hard for him to understand,” Eddie said softly, “that we’re not together. It’ll get easier as he gets older…hopefully.”
“Yeah,” you swallowed the lump that welled up in your throat, “but I think that could be fun too…and good for him. He knows we care about each other.”
“We do…” it was so much more than just caring for each other. So much more, “listen-”
“Were you going to kiss me earlier?” and there it was. You couldn’t hold it back any longer - you had to know. 
“I…” he could have lied…but that wasn’t him and honestly? He was so tired of hiding all of his true feelings, “yes. I was going to kiss you.”
“Oh okay,” your mind was reeling as you processed what he had just said and your lack of response caused Eddie to panic and think he said the wrong thing, “I was going to kiss you too. I wanted to.”
“You…you wanted to?”
“Yeah,” you glanced at him for a brief moment and him smiling with a light pink flush creeping into his cheeks, “I’ve been thinking and…fuck, I probably shouldn’t say this but I just, I want to get it out there. Eddie, I’m…I’ve…love. I-I love you.”
“I love you too…” he was trying to figure out if you meant you loved him as your best friend or as the father of your child or if you meant the third option which was that you were in love with him and loved him in all the ways. 
“No, you don’t understand…I’m in love with you,” that was almost two decades of stress removed from your shoulders and you felt so much lighter. It was out in the open now and whether or not anything came of it, the secret was out, “and yeah…now you know.”
“How long?” his response didn’t give you a lot of hope, but then again, you weren’t totally sure what you’d been expecting, “honestly.”
“Since we were like twelve,” your voice was so gentle that he almost didn’t hear it but he did - he’d always heard you, “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever for, sweetheart?”
“I don’t want to make things weird between us,” you shrugged nervously, “but it’s just…that sometimes I can’t think about anything else, especially when Emery’s asking why we don’t live together and why we’re not like the other parents. I just think about it all the time and then think about how much I fucked it all up!”
“What did you fuck up? You haven’t done anything wrong,” he set his glass down and shuffled so he was standing in front of you and looking at you curiously, “tell me.”
“When we had sex,” you hadn’t even realized tears had run down your cheeks until he wiped them away, “and I got pregnant - I should have told you then. And maybe things would be different now.”
“You’re telling me that you’ve never noticed that I’m in love with you too?” he put a finger under your chin and turned your face up to his, “I think I was fourteen when I realized…took me a little bit to catch up.”
“Mhmm,” he trailed his fingers along your jaw, “I just didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way. When you told me you were pregnant, it was the scariest day of my life…but then I realized things would be okay. There’s no one else I’d rather have a kid with. It was never just sex for me, and it never would have been. Not with you, not with the girl of my dreams. And I thought maybe that would have been the start of our own family. But I never knew if you felt the same way so-”
“I never said anything,” you finished for him and he nodded in agreement. Your mind was reeling with everything he had just said but also stuck on girl of my dreams, “so…have we just been idiots this whole time?”
“I guess so,” he let out a nervous breath as you giggled, “I don’t think our son was so oblivious though. Somehow I think he’s always known.”
“Smart kid.”
“He takes after you,” Eddie joked as you snorted in amusement.
“Well, he looks just like you,” you teased, “imagine being pregnant for nine months and giving birth to your best friend slash baby daddy’s clone.”
“At least you don’t hate me,” he offered as you playfully rolled your eyes, “I have a comment I could make right now but I’m not sure how well it’ll go over.”
“Try me.”
“We’ll make sure the next one looks like you,” he seemed hesitant but when you started laughing he relaxed and laughed too. You ended up looking at him with wide, gentle eyes, “may I kiss you now?”
“For real this time?”
“For real,” he took your face in his hands and studied you for a few, long moments before he pressed his lips to yours. His large, strangely soft and rough hands settled on your waist as you looped your arms around his neck. You let him pull you closer, and found it so easy to kiss him. It was even better than you remembered, and it felt like everything. 
Neither of you wanted to pull apart and refused to do so until you both needed a breath of air. Shy smiles and nervous laughs were exchanged as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“So, ugh…” you took one of his long curls and wrapped it around your finger, gently playing with it, “umm…we have a lot of stuff to talk about, I think.”
“We do,” he took your hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “we do.”
“But, if you don’t want to spend the night in the guest room,” you bit your lip, “you can stay with me in my room.”
“Yeah?” he perked up at the idea. It wasn’t even that his mind immediately went to sex - he wanted to spend every and any bit of time with you that you’d allowed. The sheer intimacy of being together was something so special, “I-I’d like that.”
“C’mon,” you took his hand and started to pull him down the hall to your own room, “it’s late and I’m honestly just tired. And if you want to change, I’ve, ugh, still got some of your clothes.”
“Little thief,” but in reality he was touched that you still held onto them, like you’d always wanted a bit of him around. You shrugged innocently as you pulled him inside and shut the door, “I love you, you know.”
“I know,” you leaned up and kissed him, “and I like hearing it. And now being able to say it freely, “I love you too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next morning you woke up to a small knocking before the bedroom door slowly opened, “mama?”
You sat up slightly and found Emery in the doorway, halfway to looking upset. 
“Hey Ducky,” you motioned for him to come over, “what’s wrong?”
“I can’t find daddy,” he pouted, “he said he’d be here.”
“‘m right here, buddy,” Eddie popped up next to you, causing Emery’s entire face to light up, “I promised you I wasn’t going anywhere.”
“Can I come in and lay with you?” he was already crawling into bed as you nodded, sliding his way in between you and Eddie. He got under the covers and made himself comfortable before grinning at the two of you, “I like being with both of you. Can we do this all the time?”
“I like it too,” Eddie brushed his hair off his forehead, “I don’t know about all the time but mama and I can talk about it.”
“Maybe we’ll stick to weekends,” you raised an eyebrow at the two of them but they both just started giggling. It wasn’t hard to understand why these two were the lives of your life, “but we’ll see.”
“I love you, mama,” he pretended to squirm away as you kissed him, “I love you, daddy.”
“We love you too,” Eddie looked at you before mouthing the same sentiment to you. You mouthed it right back, without hesitation, “now - let’s get some sleep before we make breakfast and watch cartoons.”
You weren’t sure exactly how things were going to end up or turn out, but you knew that it would be something wonderful. 
You finally had everything you had ever wanted, all in one bed.
 Everything else would fall into place as it was meant to.
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ddamm · 3 months
‘Goodbye’ | What if Y/N died? - Daryl Dixon x reader - TWD imagine fic
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(Image found in Pinterest, so, credits to rightful owner)
Warnings: angst definitely, death of a loved one, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth, mild Daryl swearing, might cry so have some tissues at hand
Word counts: 1399 words (I think it´s the shortest I´ve done for now)
Era: at least after S3 Prison era, but no era in particular
A/N: Sincerely I'm not sure how or why I came up with this. I made a draft of this after my evening prayer session. I stayed on the ground for like half an hour after singing worship and crying and then this song came to me… and all I could picture was this very sad moment of the death of a loved one, and Daryl… Somehow I always end up crying when I listen to this song. It has something so emotional about it, something that feels like a goodbye… well, enjoy it and try not to cry haha.
Song: Je te laisserai des most - Patrick Watson
(listen during the whole thing over and over again 👍🏿)
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Original banner (without the ‘goodbye’ phrase) from @kimjiho1, in this post
Daryl promised himself he would not shed more tears after Merle's death, but how would he not if she was now the one vanishing in his arms?
Y/N was the love of his life and had become his motive to live. But now, because of them, time was ticking for her, and she'd depart for somewhere he couldn't reach. Somewhere, he couldn't follow her.
Daryl cursed beneath his breath, angry at the situation before him and at the helplessness he felt. His face went pale in fright as he scanned the multiple bite and tear marks bleeding out over her torso and body.
“Shit, shit, shit… Huh… Y-ya dun have to worry, angel. I'll take ya to the doc and they'll… they'll fix ya up. We'll find a way,” he said, trying to stay positive and evading the cruel reality.
“Is everyone— safe?” Daryl's throat dried, and he found it difficult to speak, but he replied.
“Ye... Ye, everyone's… safe, thanks to ya,” he nodded his head slowly as he held Y/N close, parting her messy and scattered hair out of your face.
“I'm– sorry, Dar Dar… I'm always– giving you trouble, am I not?” Her breathing was difficult and slow, and this was scaring the man further as he tried to laugh out what she said.
“Ya ain't gotta be sorry 'bout nuthin', angel... C'mon, we gotta fix yer mess before ya start stinkin' like a skunk.” Daryl tried picking her up from the dusty ground, but she couldn't even feel your legs anymore.
He halted his actions when he felt her grasp on his shirt. Her trembling, blood-stained hand was holding onto him with the few strengths she had left. “I can't… this is it, Daryl,” she said, knowing it was too late for her, but he hushed her words.
“Dun say that. Yer gonna be jus' fine,” he insisted, wishing to remain in his delusion.
“Daryl, please... Take care of Allie...” she had solicited as her last wish.
“I can't.” “Yes, you can; I know you can.” “Y'all can do tha' when ya recover.” He kept bickering. “Dary, you're not liste—” “She's gonna need her mama, I ain't no good with 'em kids; she'll—”
“DARYL DIXON!” She exclaimed, making the man at her side hush.
“It has to be you. You're the—cough, cough, cough.” She spluttered blood over her chin, staining Daryl's face too. But he could only care about her, and with all the care in the world, he wiped her stained face for her.
Once she stabilised her breathing, she resumed. “You're the only one. The only one I can trust this to.” Daryl shook his head, going against her statement. “I-I can't... I wun be able to do tha' stuff on ma own... Being a parent, tha' stuff ain't somethin' someone fucked up like me can do.” His hands trembled in hers while he explained his twisted reasoning on why he wasn't the right person to fulfil her last request, taking care of her baby.
“Daryl, you won't be alone... You've got Rick, Michonne, Carol—” “Ain't the same damn thing,” he replied with a stern, upset voice.
Just a few weeks ago, you successfully gave birth to your precious daughter, Alison, and now, you were vanishing in his arms? Daryl couldn't accept it.
“Yer... different. Different from 'em, different from all, dammit,” he cursed under his breath, frustrated about not being able to word out how he felt about her.
“Yer... ma damn reason to survive! I can't— I can't do nothin' without ya. She needs ya here; she needs her mama. What in tarnation am I gonna tell her when she's old enough to bother my ass with questions 'bout her old hag?” He questioned her with a hint of dread. “You tell her the truth.” “That I let her mama get killed 'cause I was dilly-dallyin' too dang long?” he pressed on a little aggressively.
“Daryl.” She called his name with a serious stare, not liking that he was already blaming himself, but her gaze softened when she saw the look on his face. “I've lost too much stuff, too many folks... I can't lose ya too; I... I need ya, Y/N...”
She quieted down for a while as thoughts invaded her mind, and Y/N felt bad for passing on her role, her responsibility to Daryl as a burden on his shoulders.
He always took care of her (in his own Dixon way). Back in the quarry camp, Daryl had defended her and her late husband many times (more like her) when Shane and Carol's husband crossed the line. She still remembers how his arrow saved her, just in time, from getting bitten by a walker the night before they left.
She remembered how he had comforted her (tried) after the CDC Lab incident and even when they discovered what happened to Sofia. He was the most upset about that, yet he still came to apologise to her too for not trying well enough, because he knew Sofia and she had a great relationship (just like you and Carol).
Now that she thought of it, the number of times Daryl silently protected, shielded, or cared for her without her full acknowledgement was overwhelming. He had constantly been there for her for so long, always stepping in to save or defend her, even before her husband turned. He became twice as protective of her when he learned there was a new life growing inside her.
All that evidence... Yet she continued to deny any attraction to the lone archer, even if deep down she knew exactly what she felt. Her late husband was long lost and gone, but why could she never seem to leave the sense of guilt away? Why did she feel it was wrong to correspond to Daryl's ways of affection?
If she could have, she would have sighed, pitting herself and her way of disrespecting him and his feelings. But nothing can be done now.
“I know you are afraid... Afraid of parenting alone... Afraid of hurting her... But Daryl, that girl adores you already... Even just as a baby, you're the only person she doesn't cry with besides me. The only one I could leave her with when I needed to rest.”
Y/N stretched her weakened hand to meet his cheek, gently caressing his skin, and he placed his on top of hers as his tears and sniffs became more prominent.
“I'm sorry, I can't stay... I have to rest forever now,” she chuckled, trying to ease him, but seeing her faking strength only hurt him more. “You are awesome, Daryl. The fact that you always took care of me proves it. And she knows that you cared for her mama and that you'll do the same for her. That's why she smiles the most when you're around.”
His sobs became more audible. Your words of support and cheering burned in his skin like fire on a wood chunk. And he looked away in shame, not wanting your last vision of him to be his pathetic sadness, proof of his inner weakness.
“Can you, please, care for her while I'm gone?” She asked him one last time. Despite his sorrow, he nodded in silence, granting her peace of mind, as she knew she didn't have to worry no more.
“Thank you, Dar Dar...” “No need for tha', angel.” She assented, agreeing with his comment. She sought his gaze, wishing to speak her mind but found herself troubled, struggling to find the right terms and considering twice whether to fully express them before she eventually resolved to say her final words to him.
“Oh, and Daryl?” He hummed, asking what she wanted. “I love you,” she professed. And that was his breaking point.
His heart was filled with regret for not being there in time, for not staying by her side, for not being truthful with his feelings and telling her how much she meant to him whenever he could...
“I... I love ya too, Y/N,” he replied, dropping a kiss on her forehead.
A final smile came to her lips as her eyes closed and her hand dropped to her side, signifying the end.
Daryl held her body against his, weeping the death of his beloved, as the third time someone he cared for died in his presence, without him being able to stop it.
“Goodbye, angel...”
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star divider found in @anitalenia pink dividers post
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A/N: So, here comes this that I had been planning for some time but never found enough time to finish (my laptop wasn't cooperating). I don't really have much to say about it but I think I don't like it as much. Maybe I need to re-listen to the song to see if I feel the same way as when I wrote down the idea but idk, it doesn't look good (not satisfied with the ending).
But anws, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
Take care and God bless!~
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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support divider from @cafekitsune, in this post
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taking transfem stevie at a metal concert into my own hands yall gotta see the potential
also on ao3 here
This isn't Eddie's first rodeo. When he sees the pretty girl standing at the side of the concert, looking out of place in her baby pink sweater and light-wash jeans, he wonders what the hell a girl like this is doing at a metal concert, clutching a bottle of coke and watching the crowd like a hawk. And more importantly, as a red-blooded American male, he wonders what he can do to make her look at him that intensely. 
So he sidles up to her, gives his best winning smile that shows off his dimples, and introduces himself. 
“Hey,” he says. “Hope you don't mind the cliché, but I gotta ask: what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
The girl gives him a sideways look. She's got pretty eyes, droopy and a lovely warm brown, and her face seems to go through a wild array of emotions before settling on something lightly amused, huffing out a laugh. 
“Babysitting,” she says. She's got a nice voice too, a little husky but musical. Eddie’d love to hear her sing. “Some kids I used to watch in middle school wanted to come, but their parents wouldn't let them unless I came to make sure they stay out of- what's that thing called where everyone makes a big circle and beats the shit out of each other? The mash pit?”
She says it with an adorable tilt to her head, her shoulder length brown hair bouncing a little as she does, and Eddie swears he falls in love right then. Mash pit. That's hilarious. 
“The mosh pit, yeah, good call. Not the best place for little kiddies.”
The girl snorts. “Not that little. They're seniors in high school, I’m only like five years older than them. Doesn't stop them calling me mom though, little shits.”
Eddie laughs. He likes this girl. “Well, I’m Eddie,” he says, holding out his hand. The girl gives it a slightly bemused look, and shakes it. “Can I get momma bear a drink? Another coke?”
She looks at him for a second, assessing him somehow, then shrugs. “Sure, as long as you promise never to call me that again. I’m Stevie.”
“Stevie,” he says, rolling the name over his tongue. It suits her. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Be right back!”
Stevie blushes a pretty pink as he leaves, practically the same shade as her sweater, and as much as Eddie’d like to stay to see what else he can say to put that colour on her face, he's made a promise. 
He makes his way over to the little bar at the back of the concert and orders a coke for her and a beer for him. As he's waiting for the bartender to pass him the drinks, he hears someone call his name. 
“Henderson!” he yells, immediately pulling the kid into a hug and obligatory noogie. “Been too long man, look at you! Almost human sized!”
It's been three years since he'd last seen any of his little sheepies, since he'd put Hawkins in his rear view mirror and gotten the hell out of dodge. He'd missed them. And Dustin had shot up in those years, as tall as Eddie now. If Eddie's not careful he'll start to tear up. 
“Fuck off man,” Dustin says, goofy grin spread wide across his face. “Come on, you gotta say hi to everyone! Mike and Will are here too- Lucas didn't wanna come he'll be so pissed-”
As Dustin says it, the bartender returns, setting down the beer and the coke. Dustin clocks it immediately, little genius that he is. 
“Oh are you with someone?” he gasps dramatically. “Does Eddie the Banished finally have a girlfriend?”
Eddie rolls his eyes as he grabs the drinks. “No, but I was working on that before I was so rudely accosted by a child-” pause for outrage- “but don't worry man, I'll be right over, it's been way too long, gotta see how my babies have been doing navigating the hell that is high school without me! Just lemme drop her drink off, I don't wanna be rude.”
Dustin nods, following behind Eddie as he weaves through the crowd, talking a mile a minute about Hellfire and all the campaigns they've been running the past few years. Eddie half listens, but honestly kind of tunes him out. The crowd is thick and loud, he's trying not to spill the drinks, and honestly, while he loves the kid, Dustin kind of sucks at re-telling stories. He'll get the rundown from Will later. 
All this means he doesn't notice when Dustin falls silent, just as they reach Stevie. Her eyes are wide as she sees them, blankly taking the coke from Eddie and staring at Dustin with a weirdly panicked look on her face. 
“Sorry, baby, really wanted to get to know you better but I ran into-”
“The girl you were flirting with is Stevie????” Dustin shrieks, and god, Eddie’d forgotten how loud he could get. 
He looks back and forth between the two of them. “You two know each other?”
Stevie sighs, looking up to the sky as if begging god to strike her down. “Yeah, this is one of the kids I’m babysitting.”
Something niggles at the back of Eddie's mind, even as Dustin and Stevie get into a heated back-and-forth about the use of the term ‘babysitting’ which ends up in Stevie getting Dustin in a loving sisterly headlock. Something about how Stevie said she’d babysat the kids since middle school, about how she kind of looks familiar if he tilts his head just right, about how when Eddie first met these kids they'd never shut up about-
“So yeah, sorry about this, and thanks for the coke,” Stevie says, avoiding eye contact even as she maintains her grip on Dustin. He seems to have given up fighting now and has resigned himself to his position tucked up against her side. Eddie's never been more jealous in his life. “Uh, last I saw Mike and Will were over by the stage, if you wanna catch up with-”
“Wait, Harrington?” The cogs in Eddie's brain have finally stopped turning, and arrived at the inevitable conclusion. Because yeah, looking at her again, this girl is definitely Harrington. Same hair, if a little longer, same golden skin spattered with moles, same bedroom eyes. The only major difference is the boobs (and the hips and the thighs and the lip gloss and good god, those boobs- Eddie's gotta stop that train of thought. Dustin’s right there).
Eddie's still pretty sure the reason he failed his second senior year was because of Harrington. He'd just figured out he was bisexual, and as a man with working eyes he'd immediately developed an unhealthy infatuation with the prettiest boy in school. They had like every other class together, and Eddie had not absorbed a single word any of their teachers had said during them. 
At his words, Stevie's face shuts down. She drops Dustin, who immediately places himself between her and Eddie, eyes flitting back and forth between them as he shuffles uncomfortably. 
“Uh, yeah. Well, it's Henderson now, my parents didn't exactly love-” she waves a hand vaguely up and down her body- “this. But Mrs. Henderson took me in, so…”
She's tense, and so is Dustin, and it breaks Eddie’s heart a little bit. He knows it never really came up during Hellfire, although he'd tried his best to let them, Will especially, know that everyone was welcome there, no matter what flavour of freak they were. But Stevie doesn't know that, and Dustin doesn't know it for sure, so he does his best to look non-threatening. 
“That's cool. Not the parents kicking you out thing- that sucks obviously- but I bet Dustin’s psyched you're officially his sister. Kid never shut up about you during school.”
And watching Stevie relax at that, the little smile that paints her lips, it's intoxicating. She's so beautiful when she smiles. Eddie never wants her to stop. 
“Thanks,” she says, quiet. If Eddie wasn't paying probably the most attention he's ever paid in his life to this woman, he might not have caught it over the sound of the music and the crowd. “And hey, I’m sorry about how I was during school, if I ever-”
Eddie waves her off. “Honestly you weren't that bad. It was mostly your friends. And I mean, benefit of hindsight, I can see why you wouldn't wanna speak up, draw attention to yourself.”
“Still,” she says with a little shrug. “Not cool.”
Eddie grins. “And heaven forbid the queen of Hawkins High do anything uncool.”
Stevie laughs, a beautiful bubbling sound that seems to surprise her as much as it does him. “Yeah, I guess.”
And the night goes on. Stevie waves over Mike and Will and they spend the rest of the concert barely listening to the music, just reminiscing and catching up. Eddie insists on buying all of Stevie's cokes and she insists on buying all of his beers. And at the end of the night, Stevie piles the kids into her beemer, the same one she had all of high school, and turns to look at Eddie. She's got that look in her eyes again, sharp, assessing, and Eddie has to fight off a blush. 
“Here,” she says, pulling a pen out of her purse and pulling Eddie's hand close. She writes a number on it. “Call me sometime. And Henderson I guess, we do live together. So you know, don't open up with anything too weird, he could answer.”
“No accidentally flirting with your little brother, got it,” Eddie replies with a giggle. He's so happy he feels high. This is embarrassing, he's pathetic. 
“Good,” she laughs. Gives his hand a little squeeze before she pulls back and gets into her car. 
He watches her go with a little wave, and makes sure she's definitely gone before he does a dumb little jump and punches the air. He looks down at the number on the back of his hand. There's a little heart next to it. He's never washing his hand again. 
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gddancefloor · 2 months
kasane teto headcanons since i have a very specific portrayal of her
for context, chimera (in the way im going for here) are a type of japanese demons that take a form similar to humans (with the exception of wings and a tail) and are known for their mischeviousness. teto is part chimera from her father's side.
teto x miku is used in here, and ted and teto are siblings, ted being the older one by 6 years.
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Text HCs below the cut [warning, long!]:
UTAU Teto (15):
Sapphic. Likes girls. A lot.
She was a kid with an attitude and never smiled in photos if she was asked to, only if she wanted to. She also usually can’t look straight into a camera and looks away.
Teto developed a crush on Miku when she quietly sang for her for the first time, and was completely mesmerized by her voice. Miku was her inspiration to pursue singing.
Speaks English very, very badly and has an extremely strong Japanese accent. She usually has Miku translate things for her, but not even Miku is that great either.
Has a bit of a “chubby”/round face. Didn’t grow out of her baby-face.
Her hair naturally curled into a drill-like shape once she put her hair into ponytails, and now she chooses to exaggerate their shape by using a curling iron.
Despite not liking stereotypical pop music, she secretly likes girls who listen to it as she is into girly girls. (ahem, miku)
She doesn’t like to have her hair down, she’s embarrassed by how she looks with it and was forced by her parents to wear it down as a kid. 
Cusses a lot when comfortable to. She is often horrible with manners and being “proper”, unless in a traditional Japanese setting. Otherwise, she gives zero fucks.
She has one of the most impressive singing voices and very beautiful control over her pitch, but doesn't like to sing in front of people due to stage fright.
Avoids eye contact. A LOT.
Her birth certificate lists “Chimera” as a sex by mistake from the issuer, and she is actually female. She sometimes identifies with it to mess with people and make them confused/frustrated.
As full chimeras age slower, Teto is often called a “31 year-old” despite being alive only 15 years. This is not true, as she ages normally due to being half human, and mistaking her to be older makes her angry. Unfortunately, she’s often called 31, or a “held back student” by her classmates.
She camouflages her tail as a belt, but it is very much so a real tail. She hates it being touched. In general, Teto hides any of her chimera features as much as possible in fear of being seen as a monster. If comfortable, or angry enough, they tend to come out on accident.
Miku is the only outsider that has ever seen Teto's chimera form because she trusts her. (Miku thought her wings were the coolest thing ever!)
She believes she's extremely unlucky, considering she was born on April Fool's Day, and has had nothing really go right in her life, especially in regards to bullying as a kid.
Definitely has sharp teeth. Gotta tear into that bread somehow!
Used to pull on Ted's hair and scream at him when she was a kid. To this day, she doesn't know why. He has nicknamed her "demon" for a while because of this.
Ted is quite overprotective of Teto and encouraged her to try her best to sing, even if Teto's singing was... quite bad as a kid.
She and Miku split up when they were kids due to a major argument and didn't speak again until Teto saw Miku on social media performing on stage. This is what drove Teto to become an "Online Idol" on niconico to regain the attention of her and hopefully get back in contact with her. It was just Teto made it very obvious she was being a Miku ripoff (hence the outfit).
Family doesn't like singers. They encourage every member of the Kasane family to pursue an instrumentalist career, but they never made it big, and so they had to resort to the "shameful" career of making ramen. Teto is the only successful musician AND singer in the family.
Synthesizer V Teto (late 20s):
MUCH more mature. Rarely curses, and tries to stay mannerable and quiet. She also has better control of her chimera form.
Doesn't mean she won't be bratty or snooty at times. That's just Teto naturally.
Hair reddened with age as any older Teto iterations prior to SV had her with pink hair. It's a chimera trait to have red hair and red eyes.
Is the one that handles all of Miku's (30-ish, NT) events and concerts, and likes to make sure that she's not overworking herself.
Now underneath a professional talent agency, Teto left behind her "copping Miku's style" thing behind and now dresses in something more like her style. She likes the military-chic look a lot.
Her and Miku don't get much time to hang out anymore, but they still keep in contact despite their hectic music careers.
Her and Miku are a married couple. You know how celebrity marriages are, except this one has no drama and they aren't public about it.
Teto's English is much better now and she can hold a conversation. Her accent is still quite thick though.
Just an older, more mature version of UTAU Teto. (I'll make a seperate post for her because this is getting LONG.)
I'll probably edit this a lot — it was copy-pasted from a google doc. Bear with any mistakes!!
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milogreer · 3 months
sneak peeks for shaw pack scaredy cats, a fic about the shaw pack as teenagers where the focus is (supposed to be) milo and tank torturing themselves and each other with horror movies :) takes place around 2009 when they're about 16/in 11th grade
Milo and Tank are hardly three feet out the door when Asher barrels out after them, squeezing his way between two freshmen and nearly taking one of them out with his backpack as he goes. He offers them an embarrassed apology, brightening up when he whirls back around to his pack members.
“I’m glad I caught you guys. Guess what?”
“What?” they ask in unison. Tank sounds far less interested than Milo, not that it’s a high bar - it’s surprising that they even answered Asher at all.
“I talked David into going to see Saw VI with me next weekend.”
“What?” Just Milo this time, incredulous. “That gore-fest? How the hell’d you manage that?”
“Hey, the Saw franchise is more than blood and guts! It’s psychological horror, and the plot is, you know, it’s intricate-”
Tank, who’s turned a little green at this point, says bluntly, “It’s gross.”
And Asher can’t really argue with that. Especially considering the gore is mostly why he watches them, contrasting David’s preference for plot-driven movies.
“So, I can assume you don’t wanna go with us to see it?”
“No way,” Tank says firmly, nose scrunching up in disgust, at the same time Milo scoffs, “In your dreams!”
Asher lets out a rather pitiful whine, his shoulders dropping and head lolling to the side. “Come on, you guys never wanna go to the movies. You’re so boring.”
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The door opens to reveal Gabriel, and Tank can feel the phantom way their wolf ears flatten against their head. They blink up at him with wide, surprised eyes before quickly looking away, clearing their throat nervously.
“Afternoon, Mr. Shaw.”
To be the Alpha, Gabe really isn’t an intimidating man. Tall, broad, and grizzled, sure - but he’s also standing before them in a faded old apron and holding a sauce-covered pasta fork. So, not exactly the scariest guy around, but Tank’s only been part of the pack for two years. Despite making friends with a handful of the other kids, some of the adults still watch them warily. It makes Tank nervous. The entire pack shuts their mouths whenever Gabe speaks; with authority like that, one wrong move could send them and their parents back to Washington.
“Hey, kiddo. What brings you by?”
“I, uh-,” They shift their weight from one foot to the other. "I told David I was coming over to get a movie. I figured he told you.” They falter for a second before awkwardly adding, “Sorry,” almost as a question rather than a statement.
Gabe waves his pasta fork dismissively. “No problem. He’s got this project he’s been working on for school, he’s been locked up all afternoon.” He steps backwards into the house, opening up the doorway, and gestures for them to come in. “You know the way.”
Tank hums affirmatively, head down as they skirt past Gabe into the house, only remembering their manners after they’ve made it halfway down the hall.
“Thank you.”
“Good luck,” Gabe calls jokingly after them as he disappears into the kitchen.
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“Do you wanna stay for dinner, Tank?”
No fuckin’ way. They open their mouth to decline as politely as possible, but David cuts in before they can.
“Yeah.” He pins them with a look that effectively quiets any argument they would’ve tried to make. They think he’s a lot like Gabriel that way, sharing that authoritative spirit that demands to be listened to. “We’ve still gotta pick a movie, but we can do it after, right?”
Keeping their expression neutral, they say, “Sure, we can do that.” They chance a look at Gabe, that same out-of-character deference shining through. “If that’s okay?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” He has a warm smile, entirely different from what Tank’s used to at home. It somehow serves to both put them at ease and make them uncomfortable. “The more the merrier. It’ll be another five minutes max.”
“Cool. Thanks, Dad.”
The second the door closes, Tank picks up the nearest object - a baseball - and chucks it at David, who catches it with ease. “You suck.”
He rolls his eyes. “Whatever. I can basically hear your stomach growling.” He tosses the baseball back at them. “And this way, you don’t have a choice but to spend time with Gabe the dad instead of Gabe the Alpha.”
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“You’re crazy. If anything, Tank likes you the least."
“Aw, c’mon, we’re best buds!” Asher slings an arm around Tank, dragging them in close. “Isn’t that right, T?”
If looks could kill, the side-eye/scowl combination Tank hits Asher with would’ve dropped him like a sack of potatoes. They tamp down the urge to shove him off of them; they’ve been trying to get better about putting hands on people.
“Get. Off.”
Asher complies without complaint, his hands in the air and the most shit-eating grin on his face even as Tank bares their teeth at him.
“See?” He winks at Milo. “Besties.”
“Whatever. All I'm saying is, I don’t care if you’re dying - If I catch you sniffin’ around my house this weekend during this movie you won’t have to worry about Dee’s test because I’ll beat your ass into next week.”
Asher perks up, eyes sparkling. “Ooh-”
“That is not a promise, you freak,” Milo cuts in with a finger pointed threateningly at Asher. “Don’t you got a class to go to?”
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
More random ships with our beautiful queen Sora -> Hancock x Sora, Makino x Sora, Corazon x Sora
Hancock and Sora propaly has a age gap like Mihawk x Boa, but hear me out: I hc that Sora had Reiju when she was between 19-22, so makes her having the 1234ji with 22-25, and when Sanji and her are saved by a eighteen Boa, she would have 30-33, more pra less the same age as Mihawk (and also, the DYNAMIC!)
Makino x Sora? Perfect. Sora ran away from Germa with Sanji and stop at Dawn to hide, Sanji finds the ASL+Makino while he is stealing some food and they go help him and his mother (bc Makino is worried about the boy). So both womens just start to live near in case Sora needs help and thry fall in love <3
Corazon x Sora? Pair of sweet blondes who LOVES their children. Sora run away with Sanji and finds Cora (who is with Law) decides to help them and end up falling in love with her. Later on he almost dies bc of Doflamingo but survives and lives with his wife in a small island.
Okay so Hancock x Sora. They are saved and brought to lesbian island. Sora has gotta be teasing Boa like Mihawk does but she makes good on her promises and absolutely flusters Boa. Boa absolutely claims Sanji as her baby as well again and they're a happy little family. Boa using her royal status to spoil them but this is the SASSIEST family. If Boa is still swooning for Luffy, Sora HAS to be looking at her wife with the most unimpressed look. When Boa comes back and whines to her wife their kid is dating Luffy and Sora has to remind her that age gaps can be weird and the way she was doing it was making it weird. Boa looks at her with confusion and Sora explains that Boa flirted with her first. They are absolutely those lesbians that uhaul'd and then got married, and grew old together, they are THE dykes of the pirating world. They have to have the best sex life too tbh.
Makino x Sora. Could you also imagine if this when Shanks is there? Like Luffy and Makino find this Sanji stealing food and then finds Sora after the second or third time. Shanks somehow hasn't lost his arm yet but absolutely plays THE WORST wingman to those women. Sora is somehow the biggest help to Luffy after he eats the devil fruit and then Shanks loses his arm and leaves. Makino and Sora are doing their best to mother these kids but then Luffy disappears and comes back with more??? In the interim the women have gotten together. Sabo knows the queen of Germa when he sees her because he's been to several Reveries but Sora tells him it's a secret or they will all die. She's not even joking and then pats Sabo on the head. When ASL see her kiss Makino for the first time they ask Sanji about it and he's like 'idk, she's better than my dad' which Ace says Makino is better than his dad too.
Sora x Corazon. This man and his lead poisoned son find Sora and Sanji, her sick and dying as well and Sanji starved and matted. Fuck it, they could all band together and survive. Right? Right. They're traveling and Law is getting sicker and Sora is plateaued in her illness so that's probably a good thing. Cora is carrying both of them as Sanji follows as fast as his little legs will carry him. They bond over the kids and the kids bond over death. Listen, their fucked up, all of them. They save Law and Corazon from Doflamingo and death. Sora manages to stop the bleeding and asks where the boys are. So when he is propped and set to live and hidden somewhere she goes and finds the boys. They settle on an island until the boys set off, even if they don't think Sanji is quite old enough to be a pirate. It's fine, Law keeps Sanji on ship duties only until he's like fifteen and now he's Law's left hand. Cora and Sora(fuck i love that) display their sons proudly and the kids hang new photos their parents send them regularly. Cora is usually holding his much smaller wife with a cigarette in his mouth while on fire and Sora smiling widely while dumping water on her husband's flaming coat.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Family Plans
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Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader
Summary: Wanda has never had a big family. You promise to make up for that lack by inviting her into your own.
Warnings: all fluffy family shit, mentions of loved ones passing away
Word Count: 1.6k
navigation  marvel masterlist
Wanda never thought that she would ever be truly happy again after everything that she had been through. She had lost her parents, her brother, her country. She thought that her childhood dream of a big wonderful family was completely gone. That was, until she met you. 
You were there for her when Pietro passed away, and you supported her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. Every step of the way, there you were. You were the first person she fully trusted, and she was the first person that you fully opened up to. It was clear as day to anyone that the two of you were in love, so no one was surprised when you started dating.
A couple months later, you asked her to marry you. She didn’t hesitate to say yes. Sometimes she couldn’t help but think that this was all a dream, and that she was going to wake up and alone, or worse, in HYDRA’s grasp once again. Somehow you always knew when she was feeling like this, and you reassured her that all of it was real and that you were right there for her, no matter what.
Now you were in the car, on the way to your hometown for Thanksgiving so that Wanda could meet your family for the first time. She had met your parents and siblings, sure, but she had yet to meet your loads and loads of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 
Wanda looks over at you from the passenger seat, watching you turn up the country radio station that you were listening to. You start to sing along to a song that comes on, bopping your head and tapping the steering wheel to the beat. “You're all alone at a party, You want to dance with somebody, But you ain't got a clue how to ask, You and your girl had a fight, And now she's saying goodbye, She ran upstairs and packed her bags.”
As you sing, Wanda can hear your country accent come out, just like it does when you get worked up or excited about something. You glance over at her, making sure to catch her eye before you dance sporadically in your seat while singing the pre-chorus. “It could be raining' on your perfect vacation, You could be stressed about your work situation, Ain't gotta listen to me but all I'm sayin'.” You pause for a second before jumping into the chorus and clenching your hand pretending that you are holding a microphone.
“Ain't nothin' that a beer can't fix, Ain't no pain it can't wash away, From the moment that it hits your lips, Makes those clouds look a little less grey! Oh you could be lonely, or heartbroken, Or hungover from the night before, Turn that frown into a smile real quick, There ain't nothin' that a beer can't fix.” Wanda laughs out loud at the sight of you bouncing around. She then just stares at you, wondering how she got so lucky.
You catch her looking, taking your eyes off of the road for a second. “What? You don’t like my dancing?” Still catching her breath, Wanda shakes her head in disagreement. “No, no, I love your dancing. I love you.” You smile at her while grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it. “I love you too, baby.”
As you pull into your parent’s driveway, you give Wanda’s hand a comforting squeeze. She can’t help but feel nervous, knowing how people have reacted to her and her powers in the past. But knowing you, she should have known not to worry.
As soon as you step onto the porch, the door swings open and a horde of kids come running out, closely followed by multiple dogs. The children immediately attach themselves to your legs, and you have to quickly grab onto something so that they don’t knock you over. Your frazzled brother runs to the door, trying to get the kids to let go while apologizing, but you wave him off.
You take the kids off of you and herd them inside with an amused Wanda following closely behind. As you get further into the house, the sound of multiple conversations and children screaming gets louder. You finally get into the kitchen and spot your mother. 
“Hey, Mom! Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry we’re late, traffic was a mess on the way out of New York.” You pull her into a hug before turning around to say something to Wanda, but she isn’t behind you anymore. You look around the kitchen before glancing into the living room. There you spot her talking to your favorite uncle. 
As you approach them, you can hear him say, “Hey. You make Y/N so damn happy, which puts you in a great place in my books. If you’re their family, then you’re our family.” You can see Wanda tear up slightly and excuse herself out onto the back deck. You follow her out and sit down next to her on a bench.
“What’s up, Wands?” She glances up at you, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s stupid.” You kneel down in front of her and grab both of her hands while shaking your head. “No, no it’s not. What is it?” She looks up at the sky, sighing. “I’ve just- I’ve just never had a big family before. Honestly, for a long time it was just me and Pietro. Then it was just me. But now I have you, and your family. I never thought that I would get this.”
You smile up at her. “You will never have to experience that ever again. I will always be your family, and even if my family isn’t always there, we can start our own. Whatever you want, I’m here for you.” She pulls you up and into a hug and you quickly reciprocate. 
Suddenly, you hear the glass sliding door open and the quiet footsteps of a small child on the deck floor. You turn around and spot your youngest nephew, James, shyly making his way towards the two of you. You wave him over, and he quickly comes and hugs your leg. You lift him up so that he is at eye level with both you and Wanda, and he hides his face in your neck when Wanda waves at him.
You tickle his sides which makes him giggle and squirm in your arms. Wanda watches the whole interaction, realizing that she really does want to start a family with you. James then glances over at Wanda before quietly asking, “Are you really an Avenger?” Wanda nods, and it’s like James becomes a whole new person.
His face lights up, and he quickly climbs over to Wanda, who is slightly shocked at how fast he got into her arms. He doesn’t even notice her surprise as he enthusiastically rants about how impressed his friends are going to be that he met an actual Avenger. You look at him, playfully hurt. “You do know that I’m also an Avenger, right?” 
James nods before saying, “But like, she’s one of the super powerful ones that all of my friends love.” You gap at the boy, slightly wounded by his words, but as soon as you see the elated look on your fianceè’s face, any of the offense that you had taken melted away. 
Instead of teasing him for basically saying that you're not a cool Avenger, you tell him, “You know that she’s going to be your Auntie soon, right?” James gasps in excitement before wrapping his little arms around Wanda’s neck and squealing, “I can’t wait!” He then hops out of her arms and runs inside, wanting to tell all the other kids about their cool soon-to-be aunt.
You look at Wanda’s happy face, pulling her into your arms. She looks like she is thinking about something before she blurts out, “I want kids.” She pauses for a second before processing what she had said, and she immediately starts apologizing. You quickly interrupt her with a short, “Me too.” She pauses, slightly thrown off. “You do?” You nod, grinning down at her. “I do. I want a boy. I think he should be named Thomas.”
Wanda shakes her head, quickly rebutting, “I like William more.” You laugh, starting to walk the two of you back inside. “Well, whatever their name is, they’ll be ours, and that’s all that matters.” Wanda rests her head on your shoulder, silently agreeing with you, and imagining your own little family.
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unpopularvivian · 27 days
Can you do one with Engine Swap! Tom and Classicly Modern swap Thomas? Or your swap au Gordon?
Yeah sure thing
CM/Swap Thomas: Hey Gordon, have you seen my new laser gun?-
*CM/Swap Thomas then sees EngineSwap! Tom*
Engine Swap! Tom: Ugh, bother! Gordie hasn't gotten my coaches yet! I'm on a strict schedule with the Express! And- *Sees CM/Swap Thomas* Oh, and who is this?
CM/Swap Thomas: *Starts fucking hyperventilating as he tries to ask Engine Swap! Tom where his laser gun is* Sir, how can I help you? Wait no, damnit! I mean: Sir, Percy's bullying me again-WAIT CRAP. What I was supposed to say is: Can you be my dad?-NO DAMN IT-
*Just then, CM/Swap Gordon appears*
CM/Swap Gordon: *Holding CM/Swap Thomas' laser gun* Oh Thomas! I forgot! I just found your new laser gun! Here it is- *Spots Engine Swap! Tom* Oh! And who's this? What's your name newcomer?
Engine Swap! Tom: Tom.... But that is none of your business- *Gets hugged from behind by CM/Swap Gordon and somehow gets lifted into the air as CM/Swap Gordon starts spinning in circles* HEY!!!!! PUT ME DOWN YOU IMBECILE!!!!! I AM A VERY IMPORTANT EXPRESS ENGINE!!!!! YOU'RE EMBARASSING ME-
CM/Swap Gordon: *Hugging Engine Swap! Tom and swinging him around like a parent swinging their kid in the air* Oh! Welcome to the railway! It's so excited to meet you! I'll make sure your stay on the North Western Railway will be enjoyable!-
CM/Swap James: Listen Gordon, you gotta stop hugging random strangers.
CM/Swap Gordon: Well, I want to. But I can't! I mean, we gotta make them feel welcome, right?
CM/Swap James: *Slaps his face*
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womaninwinter · 11 months
Met as little kids AU?
Ooooh this is super good, but I’m going to have to work very hard not plagiarise the fic I’ve read with this exact premise lol. Here goes:
1. After Lucy’s dad died, a relative of her mum’s offered to care for one of the kids to like ease the burden on her, and her mum was like “great yes, save me some money” but then the relative took a shine to Lucy and insisted on taking her. Mrs Carlyle wanted to keep Lucy as a cash cow but that was a few years down the line, so her impatience gets the better of her and she lets the aunt or whoever take her
2. The aunt or cousin or what have you lived in London and she’s a Catholic convert (you know I gotta make it catholic) so they go to the same church as the Lockwoods
3. Lucy gets to know little Lockwood through Sunday school and little Lockwood takes a shine to her. They become friends and when his parents die, Lucy is his lifeline
4. Shortly before Jess dies, Lucy’s relative passes away unexpectedly and Lucy has to go back to the north. Being young, Lockwood doesn’t exactly understand that she didn’t choose to leave
5. Lucy works as with Jacobs back home just as in canon and leaves just as in canon, but when she gets back to London, she visits St James to remember her aunt and her friend. And who should she run into but Lockwood?? And then there’s this whole thing of him knowing she’s an excellent listener but also resenting the fact she left, plus Jess died right afterwards which she doesn’t know and it’s a mess!!
It all ends happily somehow, idk
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themculibrary · 5 months
Firefighter AU Masterlist
9-1-1 (ao3) - amoree999 steve/bucky N/R, 7k
Summary: Sirens
“Firefighter fell through a two story burning building, unconscious possible concussion and internal bleeding” Paramedic Chi tells the attending nurses who flock the gurney being wheeled into the ER.
“What do We got?” Steve asks jumping into action, “Firefighter hurt on the job fell through a two story burning building Medics said possible concussion and internal bleeding” Danvers says, “Danvers run a line of blood, plasma, vitamin K and platelets” Rogers says, “Jones help me with his uniform” Steve says cutting the turn outs off the firefighter and taking his helmet along with the rest of his gear off. Rogers listens to his heart, lungs, and checks his airways before pressing around on his stomach looking for the source of his internal bleed. “Abdominal bleed left side” He says, “Jacques! Page the attending tell ‘em to open an OR now!” He checks the fireman’s pupillary response, “Both left and right pupils responding normal, CAT scan after he comes out of surgery. Airways are clear but treat him for smoke inhalation anyway, his mask was cracked. MOVE PEOPLE!”
45 minutes earlier….
Burnt Sand (ao3) - maikurosaki steve/bucky E, 30k
Summary: Steve Rogers thinks he's completely fine: he's a great firefighter, he has awesome friends, and his occasional interactions with Bucky Barnes always put a smile on his face. But, in between a rescue mission at work that leaves him shaken and a blast from the past that leaves him reeling, Steve comes to the realization that he needs to be brave and go after what he wants. The problem is he's not sure he can follow this through.
Or: Steve Rogers is a firefighter with commitment issues. Bucky Barnes is an army veteran turned bartender with a different set of issues. Somehow, they make it work.
Engine 12 (ao3) - bethy_277 pepper/tony, hope/scott N/R, 41k
Summary: Tony Stark is a 30something firefighter in New York City, when he saves 6 year old Peter Parker from a fire. The kid loses his parents in the fire, and for some reason, he takes a place in Tony's heart.
Eternal Flame (ao3) - 74days steve/bucky, pepper/tony T, 14k
Summary: There's a bet at the Firehouse that Barton'll go for more than anyone else at the Charity Auction - and Bucky finds himself roped into the whole thing against his will.
It's all fun and games until a mystery phone bidder pays waaaaay to much to get Bucky alone.
He's gonna end up dead in an alleyway because of Barton and his stupid bet.
Everything Happens For A Riesling (ao3) - TaraSoleil G, 1k
Summary: A fire at Stark's mansion leaves firefighters Steve & Bucky trapped.
Gotta Have Some Hot Stuff, Gotta Have Some Love Tonight (ao3) - OriginalCeenote bucky/clint, steve/sam M, 5k
Summary: “We’ve got another call, Barton.”
“Get back in the rig. Stop staring at Barnes’ ass.” Nat’s voice sounded more amused than impatient, and Clint realized that he was staring. Wasn’t his damned fault that Barnes was wearing those khaki Dickies pants, was it?
I Stare Into the Fire (It Signifies My Desire) (ao3) - laudatenium steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: They keep telling Tony to evacuate. The smoke's too thick, he'll suffocate.
But who's gonna force him to leave? Not the fire captain, no sir.
More than Friends (ao3) - Neverever steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: Deputy Police Chief Tony Stark wonders if there is more to his flirting with the new Fire Chief Steve Rogers. After all, everyone treats them like they come as a matched set. Meanwhile Steve wants to find the serial arsonist in town.
not shy of a spark (ao3) - burning_brighter art (burning_brighter), cable-knit-sweater (cable_knit_sweater) steve/bucky, wanda/sam E, 5k
Summary: EMT Steve doesn't like firefighters. They're arrogant, more muscle than brains, and everyone falls over themselves for these supposed heroes. He really can't stand them, and doesn't understand how his friend and colleague Wanda can be attracted to any of them.
Firefighter Bucky going into an unsafe building with an oxygen tank that's low is just more proof of their stupidity. But when Bucky comes out of the building cradling a tiny cat to his chest, Steve can't help but be a little endeared.
It doesn't change anything though; firefighters are still the worst.
Or that's what he tells himself, even as he goes to check up on the cat later that week.
Definitely to check on the cat, not because he wants to see Bucky again. He certainly isn't disappointed to hear Bucky has transferred to another firehouse.
It's also what he tells himself when Bucky shows up to work at Steve's firehouse the next week. Steve doesn't do firefighters. No matter how cute. Right?
Unfortunately, Bucky turning out to not be as bad as he initially thought - and maybe also his tendency to walking around half naked at work - makes it a little harder for Steve to stick to his story.
Playing with Fire (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint E, 5k
Summary: “Three o’clock,” Natasha says and Clint looks automatically, not registering the glint of mischief in her eyes until he’s already looking.
“Why is he stripping,” Clint whispers, outraged.
Bucky Barnes is standing a few meters away from them, tugging his shirt over his head. He doesn’t wax his chest during the winter months, apparently, because there’s a trail of dark hair that Clint really, really wants to get his mouth on. He’s stuck staring like an idiot as Bucky throws his shirt over the door of the firetruck, every inch of his ridiculously hot upper half on display. He can almost feel the brain cells in his head frying just from the sight.
Stoke This Fire In My Heart (ao3) - JustAnotherMarvelGirl wanda/vision T, 1k
Summary: When Wanda gets injured on the job, Vision can't deny his feelings for her anymore.
The best view comes after the hardest climb (ao3) - hopelessly_me bucky/clint T, 1k
Summary: On the ten year anniversary of 9/11, Bucky finally joined his support group in participating in the 911 Tower Challenge.
The Hazards Of Falling In Love (Rescue Me) (ao3) - EmmaLostInWonderland T, 4k
“So that’s your name?” Rogers hasn't looked away from him once. His eyes are a piercing blue, and Tony barely manages to keep from squirming under his gaze.
“Yeah. Or Telecommunications Operator Stark, if we’re getting technical about it.”
“Are we?”
Tony tilts his head slightly. “Depends. Can I call you Steve?”
The man grins. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Tony.”
// Tony Stark doesn't date firemen. But he'll make an exception for Battalion Chief Steve Rogers.
The heat of you (ao3) - queerastronaut sam/bucky, background carol/maria M, 15k
Summary: Sam's a paramedic. Bucky's a firefighter. They hate each other's gut but somehow, they keep saving each other's lives. Until one day, the fire gets too big too fast and Sam realizes that he may not hate James Barnes as much as he thought.
the new romeo and juliet (ao3) - imposterhuman bucky/tony G, 2k
Summary: Bucky and Tony weren’t dating, because a firefighter and a detective couldn’t date (never mind that Tony hadn’t slept with anyone else since their thing had started, and he and Bucky hung out with an alarming frequency, and the whole precinct thought that they were an item). It didn't matter how many nights they spent together, how Bucky had a drawer of Tony's things and vice versa, they just couldn't.
It was a classic Romeo and Juliet situation, if Romeo and Juliet actively disliked each other on top of everything.
Trying to Stay Warm (ao3) - freedvmrouge G, 2k
Summary: After waking up from the ice, what if Steve became a firefighter-paramedic instead?
Wildfire (ao3) - 70SecretKinks steve/bucky T, 1k
Summary: No amount of training in the world could prepare rookie firefighter Steve Rogers for the force and fury of a California wildfire. But even a sea of fiery flames paled in comparison to hot-as-hell fellow fireman, Bucky Barnes.
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knigaworm-dot-com · 7 days
Rambling Review: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
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Where was the girl keeping the gun?... Let's just assume it was somehow tied to her inner thigh and leave it at that. The scene is horrific enough as it is. I like that the premise of them not going to the police about this is believable - they have pot stashed in the car so they can't go to the cops or they'll get arrested.
In a way, it's good that I watched the prequel first. Now I know what it's all about - who the Sheriff is, who the clerk lady is, why the guys are supposed to head to the Crawford Mill, etc. I guess Sheriff Hoyt learned his lesson from the prequel - instead of going and fetching the prey himself, he makes the prey come to him. Also, remember that Cousin Hewitt got his legs blown/sawed off in the prequel so he can't help with fetching.
oh Jessica... your intentions are pure and your heart is in the right place, but it's also what will get you all killed. - in fact, her good-heartedness is what got them in this mess in the first place. If she didn't insist on stopping to help the messed up girl, none of this would have happened. Also, this is kind of a twist on the old premise - now we have five able-bodied unhurt young people altogether in a group. How are they gonna get separated and taken down? That's interesting. Cause before it was either people separating and being differently abled, or starting off with being injured. But this is a new set-up. I suppose the kid will act as bait. And them being kind of stupid - you should have listened to the nerd. And while I kind of in a way get it about getting the girl's body back to her parents (how they're gonna find them is another question) but also, they are essentially all getting killed because of some weird honouring of an already dead body. So, I get it but I also really don't get it. And now they got separated into two different locations, that's just great.
I wonder, even without seeing the prequel, who would believe that R. Lee Ermey is the actual Sheriff? Just look at him. And listen to him, such sass. I know I'm not supposed to like him even a little bit, but again, thanks to the prequel, I appreciate this character. He is a great horror movie villain, the demented mastermind of the whole Hewitt operation.
LEATHERFACE! Don't judge me, I'm a fan.
Is this proper police procedure to wrap up suicide victims in Saran wrap? I know that the guys are traumatised and not thinking clearly, but they should be really suspicious of this Sheriff. And yet, you have to admire Ermey's commitment to this character, complete with anecdotes from "his patrol days". Wait... is he actually letting the other kids go? Not forcing them into his car to go and testify or something? That's interesting. So far, they only have one captured victim, and while that's the arguably biggest and strongest guy, there are still four capable young people running around unattended. Alright, I'm invested now.
So, the collection of abandoned rusted cars, people's teeth, and the suicide girl's photo in a jar don't raise suspicion? You still wanna stick around and investigate? Okay, fine, now you can't abandon your friend, but why are you separating again? 
Meanwhile, Leatherface is just out here, minding his business, working on his new catch. I bet he doesn't even question how the guy got in the house, who he may have been with, etc. He's just happy to have a new body to dissect and possibly a face to take.
Ms Leather The Face is at it again! Keeping it pushing. Gotta love the determination and the trek skills. Also, why so many sheets hung out to dry? Makes for a cool visual, but what is the practical purpose and explanation?
Yay, Ermey is back! And now we're getting closer to the climactic third act with all the kids now in "custody" in one way or another and taken back to the Hewitt house. Ms Face treating the second guy like literally a piece of meat is dementedly brilliant. He treats the cut-off limb with salt so as to preserve it. He is preparing the meat for conservation. And yes, here he goes, working on his new face. And oh wow, his old face is... gross. I suppose that disease they mentioned in the prequel took parts of his face along with it. Rotting from the outside, so to speak. Also, I love the juxtaposition of Leatherface's physical horror and Ermey's psychological horror. Leatherface is a brutal executioner while Ermey goes for psychological torture and making people inflict physical pain on themselves, like with the poor nerd. This whole scene is fantastic! So well acted, so tense. This is how you do it!
The poor dude trying to get himself off the meat hook is... too much. It's making me physically sick and I can stomach a lot of horror. I'm not even joking, my breakfast is starting to repeat on me from all this carnage.
How does this movie have such a low rating on IMDB? What's wrong with people? This is such a solid horror film, especially for a remake.
I tell you... when Ms Face slashed the girl open and then turned around and looked at Jessica with her boyfriend's face... that is the perfect blend of physical and psychological horror right there. Visceral is also the word we could use here. We could use all the words, really. This is seriously one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while! And now Jessica has encountered the Tea Lady and shit is about to get even more demented. And I already feel sick as it is. Honestly, I'm having Tick-Tacks and black sugared tea cause my stomach can't take this, and I usually eat along with stuff like Saw and Hostel, but this is some next-level shit... I am actually taking a break because I can't take it anymore. Wow...
Oh no, the Tea Lady is gonna drug Jessica, right? And I'm guessing that baby came from the suicide girl? Oh yeah, I guessed it!
Oh look, Ms Face changed his face. I guess the new one didn't fit him well enough. Maybe he should try the other dude, he had a broader jawline.
This is morbid. Poor guy can't get off the meat hook although they keep trying, and he's just hanging there, playing the piano with his one leg. Asking Jessica to finish him - and she actually did, wow. They can never do it, but Jessica is special. 
JESUS! The nerd was in the bathtub and I thought it was the boyfriend who even without a face was somehow still alive. And I screamed, sorry neighbours! I actually screamed which again, never happens. What a movie!
Okay, hiding in some house is kinda stupid, but where else are they gonna go? I kind of get it. I'm guessing the nerd is still gonna die and Jessica might make it. 
This movie is a never-ending torture parade. Jessica somehow escaped the abandoned house (only because Ms Face got caught in the barbed wire and sliced his leg open.) But he caught up quickly at the meat-packing plant which again is operational and looks legit (remember the horror show from the prequel?)
Wow... that was a lot. I now need a sedative in the form of One Fine Day which I can finally watch. But this movie, this fucking movie... was fantastic! It is a testament to how truly gruesome a horror movie is if it made me scream and feel physically sick. Bravo, cast and crew!
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
okay, listen up! my idea is absolutely genius and none can tell me otherwise! cliche, yes, but genius i say!
it’s an otome, BUT you can choose the “darling” you play as, which could increase/decrease the chances of a certain darling falling for you
i.e big bad, sensitive, girly yan have a high chance of falling for a more motherly darling while the chances of rival and f-boy yan falling for motherly darling is decreased (reminds them of their parents 🗿)
cryptid darling/worshipper yan is an easter egg. you gotta go in the source code of the game, change the player’s name to “cryptid,” and bam. this otome game has suddenly become a horror — not for you, of course, but for the people who come into the forest. worshipper yan only appears in this route, and you can find a lotta lore and character backstory like this
of course, there’s also the option to have a poly relationship with some. didn’t i mention an alliance with f-boy yan? who was it, sensitive, maybe?? that might only happen with a specific type of darling, though
i wonder just how many you could get, who you could get, before something real bad happens…
and some relationships would be completely blocked out if you chose some yans over others. chose girly yan? stoic yan’s now locked (i hc that they’re twins because why not and i feel like stoic yan’s not ok with kissing their twin’s lover)
oh, can’t forget about the outside world! you heard that a dog hybrid’s been attacking some townsfolk and some poor cat hybrid, might wanna be careful unless you get caught in one of the fights
and you gotta make money SOMEHOW, right?? there’s this real big company who needs employees. might be worth a shot (would get promos faster if in a relationship with f-boy yan)
choosing either f-boy or CEO locks out the other, for obvious reasons. you can only get CEO yan if you choose your darling to be older, which locks a LOT of options
or, you could choose to play in a different time period. since girly yan is younger housewife yan and i made them twins with stoic yan, those two and CEO yan are around the same age. i’ll… work on the timeline later
anyway yeah might make a fanfic outta this later idk
-poised darling
and imagine you have your classic friends too and later on, depending on the route you take, you find out they were hired to befriend you and stalk you!!!!!! or, if you, the character, decide to be rude to them but only nice to your childhood friend, you become stalker darling and can see other playthroughs through that stalker perspective !!!!!
i also think certain darlings would be at disadvantages, like you said! motherly/nicer darlings would be avoided by rival yan and others but have a charisma buff, allowing them to get away with a lot more and be more likely to land their yanderes in prison if they so wish.
i also think like, if you flirt a lot with one yandere but then officially date another, there could be fights! physical, emotional, anything! rival yan would be more likely to drive someone to financial ruin, sensitive yan would be more likely to kill them brutally and decrease their sanity greatly, big bad would fight them, we all know what girly yan would do...
I also think itd be so cute if big bad and girly yan were related too! and they were raised by housewife yan, who taught them everything they know! i think that would give em a buff of some sort too, making it harder to escape them. i also think playboy yan would be CEO's kid! they gotta get all that money SOMEWHERE and i also like the idea of like, seeing some of the yanderes before they become, well, who they are now! like a young CEO yan being so young and like rude and mean cause theyre a spoiled kid (not actually) and then they just meet you and melt
and watching housewife yan slowly grow out of her more.. violent tendencies would be such a treat!!!
aaaaa this is such an amazing idea, i adore it!!!!!
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 10, "The Bracebridge Dinner" Part 1
You can read my previous reviews here.
Brace-Bridge Din-Ner Brace-Bridge Din-ner Brace-Bridge Din-Ner YEAH!!!
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Motivational Plaque: In a Sea of Run Away Little Boy's, be a Bracebridge Dinner. This is my third favorite episode after "They Shoot Gilmores Don't They"?" and "Lorelai's Graduation Day"! (I know I said it was #2 in my previous post but I somehow forgot about LGD). I can watch it over and over!
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It's a beautiful winter's day in Star Hollow. There's a crisp chill in the air, the unemployed townies are hard at work building snowmen, Taylor Doose has assembled yet another front for his financial crimes ("The Stars Hollow Winter Festival", not to be confused with "The Stars Hollow Winter Carnival") and somewhere in North Carolina, Diet Logan is getting hazed at Military School. Ahhhhh. *breathes in* All is right in the world. For now. Lorelai and Rory are complaining that Snow's mouth is crooked and Rory says she has "stroke mouth" which is not a very nice thing to say, and all I could think about is poor Milo.
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Me when Dean shows up in a few minutes (but at least he mostly stays in his lane and manages to not completely ruin this episode for once).
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No, no, no, no. CHRISTOPHER is in this flawless episode? How did I black him out of my memory?
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Jackson's like, "Uh, come again Sookie?"
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Uh oh is right. Of course he has a sign that says OBEY. with a giant creepy eye. GTFO out of my 3rd Favorite Episode, what are you doing here you fucklenut? "I know Rory has a school break coming up and I'd like her to come and visit for a few days." How CONVENIENT. Summary: Crusty:Ask Rory if she wants to visit me. Lorelai: Okay will do. ANNYWAAAY Does anyone else wonder where Jess is whenever he isn't around? Just me? Okay..
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Have I ever mentioned how fascinated I am by the offscreen, unseen world of the Rory-less life at Stars Hollow High School? Yeah, I know, several times. I admit it's kind of weird that I'm obsssed with an imaginary world where Dean would be a main character.
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I am Jess Mariano's defense lawyer, and whatever this Chuck Presby did, I'm sure he deserved it.
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Those curly curls. "You saw it was me Jess, why did you keep punching?" *shrugs* "I had momentum." Valid defense. Free my client he is innocent.
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Thiiiin lips! Oh he mad. "Luke's coming to the dinner with Jess." "I'll put Jess in a room with Miss Patty." "There will be no Jess left in the morning." I'm starting to think Miss Patty is on a sex offender registry.
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Me to anyone who doesn't like my commentary.
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Who let Crustypher have a dog? Where is the dog? Should I call the ASPCA?
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An appearance by Babette makes any episode better.
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Clara is me. I am Clara.
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Is this the debut of Jess' Ugly Oversized Vomit Brown Coat? What wretched church donation bin did Liz find this thing in? The only inanimate object I despise more than the Stars Hollow Bridge is this coat.
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Dean: He better not do that all night. Do what all night? Wave at people? Shut the fuck up.
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(portrait of the author watching this scene)
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Jess & Luke reacting to "there are horse drawn sleighs outside and everyone gets a ride." Lorelai: There's something so magical about Stars Hollow this time of year. Luke: Yeah, there's the magical plumbing supply store where I bought a magical toilet float last year. Listen up everybody! Luke Danes has learned the secret of parenting and he's going to tell us what it is! Luke: I learned that sometimes you gotta lie to your kid to spare them a lot of hurt. Liz knew that Jess had some time off from school, but she never called, so I lied to him and told him his Mom wanted him to come home but since he was still adjusting here that I thought he should stay, and that his Mom was really upset by that but I insisted he stay here. He bought it hook, line and sinker. Heh heh. What?
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Also. Like Liz Danes would be sober enough to know or care that he was on winter break.
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Jess, sweetheart, my love, my darling traumatized baby boy, my little cupcake sweetymuffin cutiecookie with precious sprinkles on top, here's my credit card, go buy yourself a new coat. You deserve a treat after all you've been through. #BurnThatCoat
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I just think it's reaaaal shifty that they bought Liz into the show as a regular character and they made her surface level cute and quirky! Look at the goofy hippy making bracelets for the renaissance faire! Teehee! Did they think I would forget shit like this? NO. I HATE HER.
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Now, I think I should get something important out of the way in regards to these reviews. If it seems like I'm not saying much about Jess or Jess&Rory, it's not beacuse I don't absolutely adore the ever loving shit out of him. But everything that can ever be said about Jess and Rory has been said at this point. They have been analyzed, dramatized, scrutinized, gificized, lyricized, TaylorSwifticzed, FanficiSized and picked apart like a herd of hyenas going to town on an antelope. i don't think any other couple in the history of television whose tenuous and let's face it, quite unhappy relationship only lasted less than one season has been dissected as much as Literati. So if I don't put every little interaction, every line, every breath they take under a microscope and gloss over some things, don't hold it against me. Never you fret. Jess Mariano is always on my mind. Besides, my style is more about cynical mockery, searching for Millennial references, picking apart the things no one else cares about, coming up with new and creative ways for Dean Forrester to die, searching the background for misspelled signs, and begging Jess to buy a new coat. So yes I am intently watching the cute scene with Jess and Rory in the sleigh. I promise. With that out of the way...let's continue.
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'The gang's all here. So nice. Ran out of room, part 2 in another post, you know the drill.
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miloformula123fan · 6 months
Hello there👋 , I‘d would like to request (gotta be a reason) - send in a description and i will pair you with a driver
Personally: 25 years old guy, Austrian with Vietnamese roots, adhd 🥲, 178 cm, mostly "against authority except for my mum" vibes,history lover, penguin & panda obsession, law student bc math sucks and I like to be right, introvert, lost cause when it comes to cooking, sarcastic, stubborn, sleepy, sassy, thinking about becoming a cop, dislike sports, I only exercise if I have to, travel lover, music obsession, grumpy mostly, comfort food is flammkuchen and kaiserschmarn :), cat personality, I care but I have difficulties at expressing feelings, lazy perfectionist, cannot function unless at work, forgetful and messy at home but one of the most organised people at work and college, part-time waiter, violin player and skier (bc of Asian parents and being an Austrian), LOVES origami and Lego, Disney child, runs on coke and tea 24/7 because I literally can’t handle coffee, loves video games, good with kids & pets, bullies loved ones bc why the heck not, wants to be a hufflepuff but somehow always gets anything but that, ISTP, I speak German English French a bit Italian and Vietnamese, dislike suits, have never watched and refuse to watch sound of music, god pls have mercy on me and send me someone who can motivate me bc coke and money clearly isn’t enough, really need someone to reassure me and tell me that I‘m at least good enough for something
Looks: black hair, dark brown eyes, light eyebags, wardrobe only consists of hoodies and jackets
+ congrats on 200 followers :D 👏🏼and sorry for pressuring you because of my last ask because of the Mick fics 😓, I didn’t meant to.
all good, all good darling
i have paired you with...
carlos sainz
would love listening to you rant about history
would buy you all the panda and penguin plushies you want (i would also love panda and penguin plushies)
would love to listen to all the cases
would make sure (if you were down) that you double checked all his contracts
would cook for you
would love dealing with your stubbonness
would take you anywhere you want
listen to all your music
would train Pinon to handle a cat
would love listening to your violin playing
would go skiing any time you want
would help you make origami and lego you want
watches all the disney movies with you
plays so much fifa with you
helps you learn spanish and italian
he would tell you that you were good enough
(can y'all tell that I'm in my darling phase)
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I hope this night never ends pt.1
Rodrick x y/n fluff
I swear- get some headphones and listen to the song extasy by 187 strassenbande- while listening to this song this idea plopped into my mind, I usually don't listen to that typa music but it's somehow a banger?
(btw in this fic y/n is german- just cuz this song is german, so it's actually not that important for the plot, but I still really wanted to include this specific song hehe)
It all started with an invitation to a party from one of your classmates. Being the 'new girl' at Crossland High School wasn't easy at all. But luckily, you had made friends over the past month and were more than glad to finally be able to sit with people during the lunch break, rather than sitting all alone.
So, when the invitation made its way into your hands, you were more or less excited to go. Even if the party sucks, what do you have to lose? You haven't even built a school reputation yet and could just leave at any given moment if you felt uncomfortable. A win-win situation.
Even your parents were comfortable letting you go and "make new friends." Furthermore, they even encouraged it by driving you there. Not sure if your dad's old Nissan approaching the Heffley's mansion was a good thing, you went through your small purse one last time before waving goodbye to your dad and making your way up to the porch.
The loud music could easily be heard from two blocks away, and the heavy smell of weed and liquor didn't surprise you. Entering the house, you were greeted by dozens of teenagers dancing, making out, drinking, or secretly throwing up in one of the few plant vases in the living room.
"Heyyy y/n, we're over here, babe," Brittany, one of your few new friends, waved at you. She clearly wasn't sober anymore, according to the four red cups decently stacked in her right hand.
Making your way through the sea of teenagers, your heart skipped a beat as you accidentally tripped over God knows what and started falling face first to the ground. Luckily, just before you hit the ground, two strong arms pulled you back up to your feet. You were met with two brown eyes carefully eyeing you up and down.
"You're the new girl, right?" the stranger asked you, now locking eyes with you. "Yeah," was all you could manage to say, still in shock. "Well, I'm Rodrick, Rodrick Heffley. I guess I've seen you in the hallways a couple of times. And how's the hellhole of a school?" he questioned. He genuinely seemed interested in you, as you had seen him walk past you in school a couple of times, his eyes never leaving you.
"It's alright, I guess. I've seen worse, and besides, I'm already kinda getting used to it."
"Good to hear- y/n, right? Did you know I'm part of a band? You could come see us play sometime." The amount of confidence within his randomness and his smug smirk made you giggle. You already knew he must be in some kind of band or gang since he was practically only wearing his 'loaded diaper' tee, and his van was hard to overlook.
"Sure thing, Rodrick," you smirked back, playing it cool. Even though he was pretty handsome and his eyeliner really spoke to you, you wouldn't let him win you over that easily. "Sorry, but I think I've gotta go now. My friends are waiting. See you around." Without waiting for an answer, you stormed over to Brittany, now with her fifth cup of liquor in hand.
After she handed you her half-empty cup, she greeted you with a 'don't tell me you've fallen for the weird kid' look. Not giving you a second glance, she made her way to one of the empty rooms with some random guy, leaving you alone again.
She was really a loyal friend you could count on at all times. (Hope you get the joke.) Not even ten seconds later, the tall boy with the messed-up hair from earlier reappeared and smoothly placed himself next to you...
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kelwelmelspell · 2 years
Things I will be changing and keeping in me rewriting fnafhs top tennnn.
Number five. Springtraps entire character. He is based otf someone who is a child murderer aka william afton, Why was he like the most chilliest guy I don't get it at all, he was like super friendly half the time though even though hes like based off a child murderer, wtf eddo (69th time I've said that). Making him to be obsessed with shadows and the shadow realm.
Number four. Anns personality and character arc. She was superrrrrr basic for someone who got the entire band together foremost (she started the idea), and I'm pretty sure it was said she was like bipolar???? Idk but i remember hearing someone say that. So i would show more symptoms of that but also giving her personality that isnt including that. Showing her struggle through sp said disorder. Her character src is something I'm still working on right now and thinking of what to do.
Number three. The ENTIRE plot of season two and season three also the ending of season one. Season two was ass and I dont have to explain why it was terrible. Season 3 was confusing but the art style was drop dead gorgeous. Season 1 ending will be done a bit different some things will stay the same like them singing ed sharren will be the same but have different impacts. something like that.
Number two. BxB. It was so awkward half the time Im sorry plus I dont really like it. Like there's no real chemistry between them from what I remember just Bon having the biggest crush ever on Bonnie. Probably make another ship eith Bon cannon and Bonnie aroace. Never making it BxB cannon bevause it was also seemingly basic for me.
Number one. The names. Who in their utter right mind would name their baby "fox" or like "bonnie" IT JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE💀💀💀. Instead those will be nicknames that they were given and they they barley use their actual names except for freddy, ann, and aiden. Those names are fine but not golden for fucks sake. I get that your parents are rich and famous dawg but they wouldnt go out their way and name you that.
Extra!! What the shadow realm does to people aka no shadows if you enter it and stay there for a long time. Shit goes bad quickly. You start seeing things, You become paralyzed, Parts of your body changes into something more non human, You start going crazy oer say. Going mad even. You start having a low temper, Limps become longer or shorter, Bones change, It feels like your entire head is splitting apart. Not going into full detail due to it being mostly body horror. This doesn't happen if shadows go to like the human realm or whatever.
theres a lot more other stuff Im changing but these are the things I am 100 percent changing.
Things that are staying the same.
Number four. The band singing shape of you at the end. Best part of the camp arc fr. It was such a beautiful sence how can I not add it.
Number 3. The way the animatronics meet. I love the idea of meeting all these people in detention and becoming friends with them. Golden will also get into detention too with them. He cries like a little bitch.
Number 2. All the cannon back stories we see will stay the same. Sorry meg and aiden, you gotta suffer, esp meg she deserves suffering when you are having that big ass forehead. (megamind kinnie)
Number 1. I really do not know.
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