#listen guys im just fixated on this movie right now and idk why
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owenhcrper · 2 years ago
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The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
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poems-of-a-lover · 3 years ago
i love doing these so much they're so fun
1. disagreeing on political things about peoples basic rights
2. confidence/kinda cocky but not in a mean way
3. not really, at least i don't think so but i haven't thought about it a lot
4. i think i was like 5-6
5. i haven't :]
6. i haven't :]
7. i was about 13 and it. it was some random dude in my band. i barely knew him but he had really nice hair and i wanted to look like him
8. the fact that there's slight orange in my eyes that make them look like gold, i freaked out so much that i told my mom
9. i haven't :]
10. uhhhh im not sure, i don't really tell big lies, but once i told my mom that i hadn't gotten my report card but i actually took it from the mail and threw it away bc i got a c
11. yeah, i do
12. no, but i do wanna get my helix pierced soon
13. no again, but im planning out my first one rn
14. kinda, i miss what i could've had with my dad if he didn't SUCK lol
15. no, even just a little perfume smell gives me a migraine. my mom smokes and each time it gives me a little headache
16. yeah, it wasn't fun to find out about
17. no, im too much of a coward to make someone angry enough to fight me
18. yeah i have
19. im not really sure, i think so
20. yeah :[
21. ,,,,,,,y e a h :[[
22. a few times, and it never stops hurting
23. no, thats just mean imo
24. yeah quite a few times actually
25. nah, ive slow danced with someone and that's it
26. yeah, almost all of my relationships were online
27. no
28. NO??? IS THAT??? HUH.
29. nope, i haven't had my first kiss yet
30. nope
31. nah
32 (well 33 bc the numbers are off). i don't think so, at least not intentionally
34. yeah quite a few times
35. for a little bit, yeah
37 (again the numbers are messed up). no, i would probably get really uncomfortable
38. again, not intentionally, but idk
39. absolutely, a few times
40. im not really sure, ive definitely lied before tho
41. quite a few, i think seven??? idk
42. about 96-97 lbs, last time i knew
43. i was incorrect in how tall i thought i was before, im about 5'3-5'4 without boots
44. i havent
45. my friend that i lost in 8th grade. miss u joe, u would've loved splatoon 3 </3
47. uhhhhh rapunzel ig
48. im not sure tbh, idk a lot of celebrities my age
49. i would like to have had it by now
50. squid game 😃 im rewatching
51. i playfully insult my friends so friday i think
52. yeah friday
53. tasm 2, the gwen scene gets me every single time
54. oh dear lord uhhhh about a 5 or 6 ig
55. waking up to the aftermath of my mom being in a motorcycle crash, she was already home from the hospital and in bed when i got up for school that morning
56. hot pink i think
57. whatever im fixated on in the moment, so marvel rn
58. chewing on my nails or the insides of my cheeks
59. lack of communication
60. i love crooked/discolored teeth so much, i think they're so cute
61. i don't think about it bc im gay but i love confidence in women
62. my relationships with multiple different people
63. watching my comfort movies with people i really care about
64. the fact that my dad is a great dad to every kid he has except his biological ones
65. i sit in such weird positions when im alone and have the space to do so
66. i listen to music really loud and just space out until i forget why im upset
67. the guy i consider my step-dad got me a necklace from mother's day once bc he thought that i contributed enough to the household to get it for me
68. i wrote my friend a really detailed document of all the things ive noticed and loved about him throughout the time we've known each other
69. idk im afraid of a lot of things
70. about a week i think
71. i really. really love nice hands. OH OH AND i love noses with the cute little bump on them, not saying this bc i have it but i think it's really cute
72. i once gave my friend a shoebox lined eith bars of soap with an onion inside as a gag gift
73. uhhhhh idk ill update this if i remember anything
74. home invasion 100%
75. my friends house, we celebrate almost every holiday together with my friend group but we're all starting to go to college so idk what we're gonna do now
76. my mom is a nice lady and we're really close, i really love her. we both have very similar mentalities, so we struggle with a bunch of the same things, but she's great. my dad is completely absent, he sucks
77. no im 17 and gay i haven't even been kissed
78. im a scorpio
79. a response to a rp i think
80. my pizza rolls didn't cook right and i just spiraled
81. a funny tiktok
82. oct 25, '04
83. yesterday i think???? idk but recently
84. idk what that means
85. finn wolfhard but idk if i want to be him or be with him
86. i have so many i can't pick a favorite tbh
87. idk, i can't really pinpoint what love is to me so i couldn't say
88. my friend i rp with
89. y e s im trans id change a lot about myself
90. no i think that's just cruel
91. nope ive never gotten in trouble. like not even in school.
92. no, and i don't really plan on it
there u go here's that <3
Questions to ask
1. What is your biggest turn off in a person?
2. What is your biggest turn on in a person?
3. Are you like your zodiac sign suggests that you should be?
4. At what age did you realize Santa was not real?
5. At what age did you have your first sexual experience?
6. At what age did you have your first kiss?
7. At what age did you have your first crush? Who was it?
8. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
9. What is the best sex you’ve ever had?
10. What is the biggest lie you ever told?
11. Do you hate anyone right now?
12. Do you have any hiding piercing’s? If yes, where?
13. Do you have any tattoos? If yes what do they mean?
14. Do you miss anyone right now?
15. Do you smoke?
16. To your knowledge, have you ever been cheated on?
17. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
18. Have you ever been in a relationship?
19. Have you ever been in love?
20. Have you ever been loved by someone you didn’t love back?
21. Have you ever loved someone that didn’t love you back?
22. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you care about?
23. Have you ever catfished anyone?
24. Have you ever cried over a lover?
25. Have you ever danced without leaving room for Jesus?
26. Have you ever dated someone you met online?
27. Have you ever given or received a hickey?
28. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
29. Have you ever kissed a non-family member on the lips?
30. Have you ever kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
31. Have you ever kissed or been kissed on the breast?
33. Have you ever lead a person on?
34. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
35. Have you ever liked a person your friend was dating?
37. Have you ever played a game involving stripping?
38. Have you ever used somebody for your personal gain?
39. Have your ever been heart-broken?
40. How far have you gone to get something you desired?
41. How many relationships have you had?
42. What do you weight?
43. How tall are you?
44. If applicable, when did you lose your virginity?
45. If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back?
46. If you could choose one Disney prince to marry who would you choose?
47. If you could choose one Disney princess to be your best friend who would you chose?
48. If you could get married to any celebrity who would it be?
49. If you could, what would you change about your first kiss?
50. If you had to live in the world of the last T.V show you watched where would you be living?
51. When was the last time you insulted someone?
52. When was the last time you were insulted?
53. Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
54. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how horny are you?
55. What is the scariest thing you have ever experienced?
56. What color of underwear are you wearing right now?
57. What do you think about the most?
58. What is a disgusting habit you have?
59. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
60. What is a weird thing you love?
61. What is the sexiest feature you love in the opposite gender?
62. Mention something that is currently bothering you?
63. Mention something that makes you happy?
64. Mention something that makes you sad?
65. Mention something you do when no one is watching?
66. What is something you like to do when you are sad?
67. What is the best gift you ever received
68. What is the best gift you have ever given?
69. What is the biggest fear you have overcome?
70. What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower?
71. What is the major physical trait you look for in a partner?
72. What is the worst gift you have ever given?
73. What is the worst gift you have ever received?
74. What is your biggest fear?
75. What is your favorite holiday destination?
76. What is your relationship with your parents like?
77. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
78. What is your zodiac sign?
79. What was the last text you sent?
80. What was the last thing that made you cry?
81. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
82. When is your birthday?
83. When was the last time you cried?
84. Which celebrity would be your hall pass?
85. Who is your celebrity crush?
86. Who is your favorite fictional couple?
87. Who was the first person you ever fell in love with?
88. Who was the last person you texted?
89. Would you ever change anything about yourself and if so what would it be?
90. Have you ever cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
91. Have you ever been arrested?
92. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years ago
SPN 2X18 Hollywood Babylon
Well howdy y’all, I just said “Good Omens, written by Neil Pratchett and Terry Gaiman” and it took me a solid MINUTE to realize why it felt not good. Those names have ring to them, but of course...they’re wrong
Also, I used this show(the shifter episode) and Umbrella Academy (also season 2, episode 4 i believe) to explain needle drops a la patrick willems. Renegade by Styx showed up T W I C E 
Ooo Hollywood episode
also the director guy is from a disney channel show, I think dog with a blog?
potentially good bait and switch tbh also, I liked that it was a bit ambiguous at first
ohhh NICE with the body and the camera angles, yes they were dumb, but they were funny dumb so it’s ok
now that’s what I’m talking about, yes dark comedy, let’s go
Aw Dean just wants a vacation and Sam is just Panic Mode
Dean fucking fixated on this, he has so much info on it oh my god
This feels self-inserty but it’s also just...kinda funny 
“what’s a PA” “I think they’re kinda like slaves” pfffttt
don’t tell me it’s because they use actual rituals in the show, that would be so good oh my god
Aw he’s fanboying
“My big break” I am Enjoying this way too much, why is this so funny to me
The guy with the snapple....feels....pointed? idk
lmao she takes “polaroids” of course
“no one around here knew the guy” is that a lead in or....is it true?
My god, Dean just like....encyclopedic knowledge of this set I love it
I wonder how much is based on them, seriously
no but like, the amount of little details here, it’s so different. I can’t tell if it’s because of my mood, but the side characters get more Light things to work with
Listen, it’s just fun ok
Damn that was a dramatic death scene awww yeah
Dean’s kinda played more asshole-y but tbh, i don’t really care man, this is fun
“Salt doesn’t make Sense” GAHAHAHAHAHA
him in the merch t shirt and the craft food: ah yes, salt
This man looks good in green and red dammit
“I like being part of a team” aww
ooo cool headphone shot
and Dean’s still working the case through that enjoyment! I like that!
Dean ingratiated himself SO WELL DAMN
wait? fake praise? and he dies? ahaahah
if we get a “we kill the ghost that tells us our movie is trash” I’m gonna lose it
ok i can’t tell if this is a “fuck hollywood” or “we’re the best” thing and IT’S HILARIOUS
and of course, the movie was Secretly Good before the studio wrecked it
“in this whorehouse of a town” oh my god
he’s gonna be a sympathetic villain isn’t he. isn’t he, I’m gonna cry ahahaah
“we could have gotten it right for the first time ever” kripke please stop kinning this man what the hell
“you are one HELL of a PA” “yeah i know” I love you Dean
“they take it and they crap all over it” if you listen closely, you can hear kripke liTERALLY COMMANDING THIS MAN TO SPEAK AHAHAHA
*imitating Bruce Willis* DEAN YOU N E R D 
the invisible wounds, the bringing up the phone to see the mauling, ok i liked that
lmao and he took that scene
also turned it romantic, it’s coded bahahaah
“you find out there’s an afterlife and this is what you do with it” you snarky bastard
“god i love this town” PFFT
Wrap up:
1. the lore with the ghosts was absolutely great, I loved how they flickered, how it was the incarnations, how they appeared as they would in film. That part was just 10/10
2. Look. I’m not entirely sure if this was supposed to be self congratulatory or a way to shit on Hollywoood. Mark got a bad end, but was treated as justified so....Whatever one it was, It was SO FUCKING FUNNY
3. Dean having the Total Asshole Moments, but still clearly working the case only helped endear him. Sam being sassy helped too. It was just like...solid fun time.
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possibilistfanfiction · 8 years ago
hey jude!!! just read ur last anon abt being nb and wondered if u could talk abt ur own gender experience?
well basically i didnt grow up in a very open household, like rly Zero discussion of gender, so i know i Experienced gender entirely but i played almost exclusively with the boys in my class until probably grade 6 or 7, & at puberty, even tho i was a better athlete than most boys in my class still, i started hanging out with girls more, at recess, etc. i was always into androgyny, even if i had no idea (& i didn’t) what that was—i liked some femme things, absolutely, but i wanted nothing to do w skirts or pretty shoes. i wanted to be in adidas running sneakers 24/7 if i could help it, & i wore a uniform to school w the option of a skirt/pants, & im p sure i always wore pants. at the time this, to me, seemed more functional, & it was, but it was also, as i can understand now, something that made me feel Less like a girl, although not at all like a boy.
when i was older, 12, 13, 14, my parents wanted me to dress nicer, & i was v much into like american eagle shit, although by mid hs i was into some vintage stuff. one rly big odd style influence for me was mia wasikowksa in this weird movie called restless bc it was this v soft femme androgyny & i think for me this kind of gender expression became very important to see & understand. it wasn’t that she didn’t look like a girl, or that she wasn’t a girl, but she also sometimes looked like a boy, or wore boys clothes, but she wasn’t butch. idk this movie sent me for a loop honestly lol. 
& obviously my understanding of gender expression didn’t correlate (& doesn’t correlate!) w so many gender identities, & “passing” is extremely harmful as a notion, etc. but when i was younger my understanding of gender & sexuality was very limited & began to expand when i saw very femme but still andro ppl, even tho i couldn’t articulate it at the time. 
when i was a teenager i knew i didnt want to rly have a single thing to do w any boy, which made me sure i was a lesbian bc thats the only narrative i’d rly known abt queerness, or queer women, or even queer ppl who presented as femme. there werent any out lesbians at my school (no fucking way), & the only out queer kid at all was a white gay guy a year older than me, who was popular in the way white gay boys can be popular in high school. but i read voraciously, was fascinated by the crossdressing in shakespeare (paris in the merchant of venice was a particular fixation of mine?) & anyway. i knew i was queer, i knew i liked girls, & i knew i was outrageously uncomfortable w my body, particularly my breasts. for a long time i thought this was because i was ashamed of my sexuality, when i came to sort of understand that, but ofc now i know abt dysmorphia & dysphoria, so yknow. knowledge.
when i went to college i came out big time, & it became very important to me to both be queer & look sort of queer but not queer enough to be Queer—i wanted ppl to be like ‘maybe into girls, but maybe straight.’ as im sure many of us know, this was a lot of internalized shame abt a lot of things, so that sucks. however, i cut my hair which was like the first comfortable thing i had done for my appearance in a v long time, & also smth which my parents hated & i did anyway. i wore a Lot of rly femme stuff bc they hated it tho? so this was all v confusing for me bc my parents are v homophobic, & here i was in college starting to read queer theory & gender theory & falling in love w like. the most beautiful, brilliant girl, & also spiraling into a mixed episode after i got diagnosed w bipolar I, which sort of put everything else on the backburner for a year. 
eventually tho i sorted that out (as much as u can sort smth like that out) & i started to rly pay attention to androgyny. i went to europe & i think theres a whole bunch of nuances to fashion that exist there that certainly arent here, & i spent a winter in warsaw so there were aspects to fashion & expression there that were entirely abt functionality, which i was v attracted to. in college, as well, & especially after college, gender became smth i was v much invested in bc i was (& absolutely am) a feminist, so my place in the canon & zeitgeist was one as a queer female writer. it was so so central to who i was, & what i was writing abt. every single thing i wrote in college was in some way a balm, some sort of piece abt myself, learning abt trauma & the body. sorting through a lot of hurt. i could write a theory piece abt elizabeth bishop & reading it back now i know it was also abt me, that kinda stuff.
when i went to toronto i rly rly started being invested in looking critically at gender & my experience of it bc being read as a woman was smth that was grating on me, even tho i had identified as woman for so long, & had no desire at all to transition. i know 100% i am not a trans man, so that was confusing for a long time because i sort of knew there was a space between but it was very hard to conceptualize. eventually i sort of came to understand gender is a color wheel where cis boys are blue & cis women are pink & then theres literally a ton of other colors out there, so yknow. lots of different experiences of gender. some days i feel much more strongly like i identify w women (in mostly political situations, it matters to me to be read as “female” sometimes bc rights for ppl w vaginas AND trans women are FUCKED UP in so many places). some days i hate the idea of identifying as a woman. i also never want to identify as a man. so when i was in toronto i rly started to know a LOT of queer ppl w so many different expressions of gender. & we were all young & lovely & open & fucked up & we would get fucked up but we would also go read together in the park & wander around alleys in the snow & like. there’s a Muchness to toronto that i experienced that helped me, personally, understand these intersections between my own sexuality & gender & expression as much more than just a gay woman who isn’t butch & isn’t femme. i was rly lucky to become part of a community that identified as Queer, & so i became v much understanding of these different aspects of my own identity that fell outside of binary—my sexuality, my gender. Queerness is a vital & profound thing to me & i was rly able (& so fortunate) to have a close friend group of mostly queer ppl & then a few of the actual literally most incredible allies i’ve ever known & will ever know. 
so then from there i just rly kinda thought abt things & like i got a binder & stuff in TO but rly started to evaluate my dysmorphia & dysphoria (i had struggled really badly w an eating disorder in/post college) & was able to sort out that so much of it had to do w feeling uncomfortable in the way my body was read in the world. & that will always happen bc i LOVE makeup & i have a “feminine” voice & sometimes i love skirts & i shave my legs bc i like how it feels sometimes & i dont ever want to go on T—none of these things make anyone ANY gender, but ofc theyre coded as “female.” but i’m learning to just yknow educate where i can & take a lot of solace in the community of ppl i have fostered who support & understand my Being. i’ve also allowed myself to be invested in aesthetics & fashion & how much a role that plays bc like. yah fuck Yah i look cool shit bc my friends love it & absolutely i wanna wear the same vans maia mitchell has & i want a melodrama hoodie & i LOVE local toronto designers & their angsty patches abt sad songs & whiskey but i love fashion born out of histories that is connected to smth i can understand, like queer punk movements, or smth my friends & i share, like blundstones (which are gender neutral, which is cool). i’m fascinated in how ppl express their Selves, & we are so unfortunately Finite in our bodies in the sense that that’s rly how the world, in our day to day interactions, processes who & what we are. so i invest in the care of mine by trying to listen to it, trying to make it comfortable—& clothing is a huge thing that can do that. also its fun so anyone who thinks loving (ethical, cool) fashion is vain can eat my ass
anyway lmao now i have a p decent sense, atm at least, of what makes my body its most comfortable (even if that is v far from Comfortable at times). i love my tattoos, & i basically never rly want long hair again i’m p sure, & i love makeup, & if i could wear vans or blundstones every day for the entirety of my life at this point that would be incredible. those are easy things, & i try to allow my body, in its cultural place, to have access to them as much as possible, which is so important to me in a sense of having access to a physical space that matches my mental space of gender identity. politically sometimes i feel v v much a “woman” in terms of my lived experience, & i allow that of myself as well. sometimes when i write it’s important to me that my poetry be read as a queer person but also someone who is culturally coded as a woman, bc those are still always central concerns of my work—the trauma, the power there. but day to day i’m mostly happy spending my time obsessing over other things, like what to call this new genre of music halsey & lorde are making, or why my dog stevie is a Fanatic when it comes to ice cubes. ive come to enough terms w my gender, & my sexuality—& the expression thereof—that unless someone is talking abt gender, or someone asks me a question, it’s not smth that is constantly on my mind, which is. Nice. its so nice lol. 
also i would like to point out that i know my experience being non binary is rly rly white & western in so many ways & i get that. my cultural experience of non binary gender is also v much this like. ive felt frustrated before but never in my life have i felt scared to be non-binary while i was like out & abt in the world, bc i still pass as a cis white woman literally everywhere all the time (which has its pros & cons but like, still, a lot of privilege). so i do try to keep all of that in mind as well when i try to center myself & all that jazz
& who tf knows where all of that will take me. i feel like, bc ive learned to listen to my body & my brain so much better than i did when i was younger—even when they might hate themselves—i am so much better at filling up a space in the world that occupies smth healthy. which is not smth i take lightly, & i’m also so open to changes, as long as they feel good & beneficial & true. which is sort of new for me. who knows man ur mid twenties are a wild ride 
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zukoandtheoc · 8 years ago
tag meme thing
rules: you answer the questions and tag some blogs you’d like to get to know better tagged by: @fa-ee im lov u nicknames: moony is practically My Name now, moon moon, moody moony, kalli, kal, butterfly, kallima bean, tia star sign: leo height: idk fam time right now: like noonish at the time of typing this sentence last thing i googled: sensory bottle space theme fav music artist(s): rn im fixating on Starset NEW ALBUM OUT IN FIVE DAYS YALL song stuck in my head: uh im listening to Spotify rn so probably the song that is playing? last movie i watched: Hidden Figures yall if you haven’t seen it GO SEE IT ITS SO GOOD last tv show i watched: star trek voyager what i’m wearing right now: a shirt with an owl on it its cute when i created this blog: like August of 2015?? but i didn’t start being active til like December of that year I think the kind of stuff i post: *gestures vaguely* do i have any other blogs: yeah I have a star trek blog and two (2) kin blogs and a witchcraft blog and like 3 silly URLs saved and none of those blogs are very active do i get asks regularly: not really why did i choose my url: ok so like. i wrote a self-insert ATLA fanfic one time and then i gained a headmate from said fanfic and this was originally supposed to be zuko’s blog but then it was supposed to be a system blog and now it’s mostly mine bc im the only one who ever fronts and anyway. OC stands for original character but we also have this joke that it stands for original consciousness and so zuko and kallima = zukoandtheoc and that just kinda stuck hogwarts house: *distressed noises* I identify with all the houses but i just say im gryffindor bc im remus but I’m actually probably like, ravenpuff pokémon team: idk probably instinct or mystic fav color: why you gotta ask me this… i like a lot of colors ok all the colors are good leave me alone average hours of sleep: i need an absolute minimum of 6 hours to function and even that is pushing it lucky number: 18 favorite character: i rly love Jonathan Phaedrus, there are like twelve billion more i love a lot of characters number of blankets i sleep with: uh, one two three.. 7. 7 and one of those is a weighted blanket dream job: hogwarts defense against the dark arts teacher following: oh boy uh like… 194 number of posts: a lot my dude im tagging @lazuluna @mayyafey @otabek-kz @quillpls @wolfcat-hybrid @bisoxbisox @lilalilan @geordi @cloudiie @ca5eydesigns @jonphaedrus and anyone else who wants to, if I could tag all of my followers I would but there are like 200 of you guys im sorry and ofc if i have tagged u and u don’t want to u don’t have to
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