#list of herbal formulations
foodresearchlab · 1 year
Guires Global Contract Food Research lab (FRL) uses its years of research & herbal product development, positioning itself as a reliable worldwide herbal supplement and herbal-based food product development partner, assisting customers in reducing project risk and accelerating time to market. We offer Herbal based products that include dietary supplements in the form of food and beverages.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Having the Hard Conversations… ~Mentor!Soft!Jeri Hogarth xFem Plutonic!CollegeStudent!Reader
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Summary— Established plutonic relationship between Jeri and Reader, the two have tea and fancy pastry cakes together every Sunday. Reader is in college, Jeri took Reader under her wing and is a kind of mentor/aunt/mother to Reader. Then Jeri was diagnosed with ALS, and now Reader does her best to take care of Jeri…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: talk of death, talk of ALS, denial, angst, little fluff, plutonic relationship, soft relationships, comforting, caring and loving, ignorance, deflection, unhappy ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
You poured the herbal tea in the two respective tea cups for herself and for Jeri. As she did so, the older woman pulled out her fancy bag of ordered pastries. It was tradition for the two of them to have tea and cakes every Sunday at 2pm at Jeri’s classy apartment. You sat down at the dining table with a light sigh, handing the other woman her hot tea cup.
“So… How was your week…?”
“Oh it was… the usual…”
“Mmmmm… How did you spend it…? Get enough rest…?”
“Spent the better portion of it cleaning and meal prepping, when I wasn’t working that is... What about you, sweetheart?”
You smiled. You always appreciated her little pet names, but that’s not what you had meant. You wanted to know how Jeri was feeling, how she was doing healthwise. Jeri had recently been under the weather, more than was expected. But you would never outright call the older woman out for evading your question like that. Jeri took a sip of her tea, her eyes and nose crinkling lightly as she gave you a tight and slightly warm smile, a smile that was only reserved to those closest to the ruthless lawyer.
“That is good to hear. I’m alright…”
“Busy with college I’d imagine, you busy bee…!”
You smiled lightly, sipping her hot tea a little.
“Mmmmmm busy busy… But really, you’re doing well…? Not overworking yourself? You’ve got your birthday coming up…”
“Yes, next weekend… And I am just thriving…!” Jeri exclaimed with a sarcastic smile.
“That’s good.” You chuckled dryly.
You eyed Jeri, then took a sip of your tea and a small bite of a cake. The lengthened gaze spoke volumes, the said unsaid. So much so that Jeri sighed, finally getting to the topic which you had been prompting the older woman to discuss.
“Wel…l I had my three month check in with the doctor this past Monday…”
You sat up fully at these words, putting your tea cup down on the lavish, stone table. Your eyes and ears were wide open.
“He said… I’m doing well considering…”
Yeah, you’re alive, obviously… you thought but chose not to say.
“but he didn’t say anything timewise…”
“He didn’t say anything…?” You breathed out slowly, trying to remain calm and gentle in your expression and tone, as the lump in your throat and the pit in your stomach grew.
“Yea, I didn’t want to hear it. All that negative energy and stuff… Oh and we got the results of the bloodwork and the scans… He said that it spread… to a couple places, I won’t bore you with the details…” the older woman rambled, while waving off the last as if it were nothing.
Silence took the room for a beat. Jeri couldn’t meet your gaze. Suddenly the deep purple walls of her apartment and the intricate designs on her tea cup looked particularly fascinating to the older woman. It had been two years since Jeri had been disgnosed… Honestly, it was a miracle that the older woman was alive at all, let alone sitting with you in her lavish and expansive apartment, having tea and cakes. You drew a breath, trying to stuff down the nausea and unease, and asked the dreaded question,
“But he didn’t tell you how long you have…?”
“Well no… But he did say that I’d have bloodwork and more x-rays soon…!”Jeri chirped, glossing over her answer as her face swiftly and lightly brightened at the positive note.
You couldn’t stop the sigh which erupted from her chest, but she did stop and formulate her next words carefully.
“That’s good… It’s nice to have a plan forward. More bloodwork and x-rays sound good. What are the x-rays supposed to help see exactly…? Did your doctor mention when you’ll have your next scan…?”
“Yea! So I get bloodwork done in another two weeks, and then the x-rays in a month… The blood results should show how the new treatment that he’s gonna put me on is gonna work… and the x-rays…” Jeri took a pause, “the x-rays are kinda useless… but he said that they will determine whether I get any future scans.”
You couldn’t understand how Jeri was saying all of this with such a positive disposition. The older woman was not a naturally positive person… This new disposition felt forced, and that broke your heart. Jeri was just babbling along about her impending death, giggling and eating cakes as if she was planning a party. You fidgeted with her tea cup, taking an anxious sip.
“I see… and he mentioned a new treatment plan…? That makes sense, if the chemo didn’t do enough to stop it, exploring new avenues and treatments could be fruitful…” You breathed out, not even bothering to attempt to touch upon the absurdity of the x-rays being useless yet also determining any future scans.
You took a sip of her tea, nodding with a hum in response. A shaky sigh slipped past your lips as you were having to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes.
“Mhmmmm yes. He said that he’s going to take me off of chemo and on this new, experimental gene treatment therapy”
You visibly cringed a little too much for your liking at the sound of new and experimental.
“Well I am glad to hear that you are putting such a positive spin on this. I think that’s very mature of you, and I support you no matter what.” You partially lied through her teeth, except for the last statement, That was a fundamental truth.
Jeri smiled, her eyes twinkling in the afternoon sun with a shimmer of vulnerability, and reached out to lovingly squeeze your shoulder.
“And this is why I told you. Everyone else whom I attempt to talk to about this… All they do is freak out… or they get all emotional on me or they cry…or all of the above…” Jeri breathed out, her loving gaze meeting your faltering one.
You bit her tongue and merely nodded lightly.
“Of course…” you said through gritted teeth.
Jeri really appreciated how you were always so supportive, while remaining reserved and neutral. She didn’t have the energy for those who constantly reminded her of the sadness and of her impending death. Hell, she reminded herself of that enough already.
Jeri Hogarth Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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humanhelth · 5 months
Relief Through Nature: My Positive Experience with Prostadine Supplements
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For years, I'd been experiencing what many men face as they age: frustrating urinary issues. Frequent night-time trips to the bathroom, a weakened stream, and that constant feeling of urgency were taking a toll on my sleep and overall well-being. I knew it was time to take action, but I was hesitant to jump on medications with potentially harsh side effects.
Embracing a Natural Approach
That's when I came across Prostadine supplements. The idea of a natural solution formulated with herbal extracts appealed to me greatly. After researching the ingredients and reading positive reviews from other men, I decided to give Prostadine a try.
A Blend of Powerful Ingredients
What truly impressed me about Prostadine was the list of ingredients. It included Saw Palmetto, a well-known herb for prostate health, along with Pomegranate, rich in antioxidants, and other natural extracts like Neem and Yohimbine. This combination offered a comprehensive approach to prostate health, targeting inflammation, promoting urinary flow, and even boosting overall well-being.
A Noticeable Difference
Within a few weeks of taking Prostadine daily, I started noticing a positive change. The nighttime bathroom visits became less frequent, and my sleep improved significantly. The urgency lessened, and my urinary flow felt stronger. These improvements were subtle at first but became more pronounced over time.
Beyond Urinary Relief
Prostadine's benefits seemed to extend beyond just urinary health. I felt a renewed sense of vitality and a boost in my overall energy levels. While I can't definitively attribute this solely to Prostadine, the timing of the change certainly suggests it played a role.
A Safe and Effective Option
Overall, my experience with Prostadine has been overwhelmingly positive. It provided a safe and effective way to address my prostate concerns without the worry of harsh side effects. The natural formula appealed to me, and the results spoke for themselves. If you're a man looking for a natural approach to prostate health, I highly recommend giving Prostadine a try. Remember, it's always wise to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, but Prostadine could be the key to regaining control of your urinary health and overall well-being.
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A Reinvigorated Spirit: My Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
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A Spot of Vigour Returned: My Positive Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
A Lifelong Athlete's Lament
As a man who has always prized himself on an active lifestyle, entering my late forties came with a certain trepidation. The subtle niggles and strains that had never before impeded my exercise routine began to manifest more frequently. Recovery times lengthened, and that ever-present spring in my step seemed to be slowly diminishing. I tried various common remedies – a change in diet, increased sleep, even a stint with yoga – but nothing seemed to truly address the underlying issue. It was at this point that I stumbled upon Emperor's Vigor Tonic.
Seeking a Natural Solution
While I'm not one to shy away from modern medicine, I've always preferred a more natural approach to health whenever possible. Emperor's Vigor Tonic, with its blend of Ayurvedic herbs, appealed to this preference. The ingredient list boasted Ashwagandha, known as a natural energizer, and Safed Musli, reputed to improve vitality. These, alongside other beneficial herbs, promised a holistic approach to regaining my lost vigour.
A Pleasant Surprise
I began taking Emperor's Vigor Tonic twice a day, as directed. Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a positive shift. My mornings were greeted with a renewed sense of energy, that initial lethargy replaced by a welcome eagerness to start the day. Workouts, once a chore, became enjoyable again. I pushed myself further, yet recovered significantly faster. The aches and stiffness that had become a constant companion began to subside.
Beyond Physical Benefits
The benefits extended beyond the physical realm as well. The improved sleep quality I experienced can likely be attributed to the tonic's calming properties. This, in turn, had a positive impact on my mental clarity and focus throughout the day. I felt sharper, more decisive, and able to tackle tasks with renewed enthusiasm.
A Reliable Stamina Booster
Emperor's Vigor Tonic quickly became an indispensable part of my daily routine. It wasn't a magic potion, but a reliable and natural way to enhance my overall well-being. Whether it was a weekend hike with friends or a long day at the office, the tonic ensured I had the stamina and focus to power through.
A Word on Sustainability
I'm particularly impressed with the sustainable practices the company behind Emperor's Vigor Tonic adheres to. Their commitment to ethically sourced, organic ingredients resonates with my values. It's a comfort knowing that the product I'm using is not only good for me but also kind to the environment.
A Recommendation for the Active Man
If you're a man over forty experiencing a decline in energy or a loss of vigour, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It's a natural, safe, and effective way to reclaim your zest for life. It has certainly given me back the spring in my step, and for that, I'm incredibly grateful. Remember, consult your physician before starting any new supplement, but for me, Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been a game-changer.
A Reinvigorated Spirit: My Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
For years, I felt a nagging lack of energy. The fire I once possessed seemed to dampen, leaving me sluggish and unenthusiastic. I struggled to keep up with my daily tasks, and even simple activities felt like a chore. It wasn't until I discovered Emperor's Vigor Tonic that I began to reclaim my zest for life.
A Natural Solution
Having grown wary of chemical-laden medications, I sought a natural approach to regaining my vitality. After much research, I came across Emperor's Vigor Tonic, an herbal blend specifically formulated to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being. The tonic's reliance on natural ingredients like Ashwagandha, Ginseng, and Maca Root resonated with me, offering a safe and effective alternative to conventional remedies.
Improved Energy Levels
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Emperor's Vigor Tonic into my daily routine, I noticed a significant shift in my energy levels. The morning fogginess that had plagued me for so long began to dissipate. I found myself waking up feeling more alert and refreshed, ready to tackle the day with renewed enthusiasm. Throughout the day, I experienced a sustained sense of energy, allowing me to power through my workload without feeling drained.
Enhanced Stamina and Focus
The benefits of Emperor's Vigor Tonic extended beyond just increased energy levels. I noticed a remarkable improvement in my stamina as well. Tasks that once left me feeling depleted no longer seemed daunting. I could push myself further, both physically and mentally, without experiencing the usual fatigue. Additionally, the tonic seemed to sharpen my focus and concentration. I found myself getting lost in work for extended periods without succumbing to mental fatigue. This newfound clarity significantly enhanced my productivity.
A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic's impact wasn't solely limited to physical invigoration. I also observed a positive change in my overall mood and well-being. The tonic appeared to have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety that often contributed to my sluggishness. I felt more optimistic and motivated, approaching challenges with a newfound sense of determination. This holistic approach to wellness was a welcome change, addressing the root causes of my fatigue rather than simply masking the symptoms.
Safe and Easy to Use
One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about Emperor's Vigor Tonic is its ease of use. The daily dosage is convenient, and the tonic itself has a pleasant, earthy taste that blends well with water or juice. I haven't experienced any unwanted side effects, and the natural ingredients give me peace of mind knowing I'm not putting any harsh chemicals into my body.
A Life Regained
Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me reclaim the energy and vitality I thought were lost forever. I now approach each day with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm, tackling challenges with renewed confidence. If you're seeking a natural solution to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more invigorated and fulfilling life.
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Seeking a Natural Solution
After consulting with a healthcare professional, I embarked on a quest to find a natural solution to combat my fatigue. I was wary of resorting to chemical-laden medications, and I preferred a more holistic approach. Through my research, I stumbled upon Emperor's Vigor Tonic, an all-natural herbal supplement that promised to enhance energy levels and promote overall vitality. The ingredients list, boasting of well-known invigorating herbs like Ashwagandha and Ginseng, piqued my curiosity. Intrigued by the prospect of a natural remedy, I decided to give Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try.
A Noteworthy Shift in Energy Levels
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Emperor's Vigor Tonic into my daily routine, I began to notice a significant shift in my energy levels. The fatigue that had become a constant companion started to subside. I woke up feeling more refreshed, and the sluggishness that had plagued me throughout the day seemed to dissipate. A renewed sense of vigour coursed through me, allowing me to tackle my tasks with newfound enthusiasm. I found myself getting more done in a shorter amount of time, and I was even able to squeeze in some extra activities that I had previously neglected due to exhaustion.
Enhanced Focus and Concentration
But the benefits of Emperor's Vigor Tonic extended beyond just increased energy. I also noticed a remarkable improvement in my focus and concentration. The brain fog that used to cloud my thinking seemed to lift, replaced by a clarity that I hadn't experienced in years. I was able to concentrate better on my work, absorb information more efficiently, and think more creatively. This newfound mental sharpness significantly improved my productivity and allowed me to approach my work with a renewed sense of purpose.
A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic did more than just energise my body and mind; it also seemed to have a positive impact on my overall well-being. I felt more optimistic and resilient, better equipped to handle daily challenges. The nagging sense of fatigue that had been weighing me down for so long had finally lifted, replaced by a newfound zest for life. I found myself sleeping better at night, waking up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. This holistic approach to wellness was exactly what I needed to get back on track and live life to the fullest.
A Remarkable Transformation
In conclusion, my experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been nothing short of remarkable. This natural supplement has helped me reclaim my energy, sharpen my focus, and improve my overall well-being. It has empowered me to live a more active and fulfilling life. If you're looking for a natural solution to combat fatigue and enhance your vitality, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more energetic and fulfilling you.refresh Regenerate drafts volume_up
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A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic's impact wasn't solely limited to physical invigoration. I also observed a positive change in my overall mood and well-being. The tonic appeared to have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety that often contributed to my sluggishness. I felt more optimistic and motivated, approaching challenges with a newfound sense of determination. This holistic approach to wellness was a welcome change, addressing the root causes of my fatigue rather than simply masking the symptoms.
Safe and Easy to Use
One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about Emperor's Vigor Tonic is its ease of use. The daily dosage is convenient, and the tonic itself has a pleasant, earthy taste that blends well with water or juice. I haven't experienced any unwanted side effects, and the natural ingredients give me peace of mind knowing I'm not putting any harsh chemicals into my body.
If you're seeking a natural solution to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more invigorated and fulfilling life.
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healthcare-kart · 5 months
A Renewed Spring in My Step: A Review of Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable
I've always been a fairly active person, but as I've gotten older, I've noticed a natural decline in my energy levels. It wasn't anything debilitating, but that get-up-and-go feeling I used to have just wasn't there anymore. I started looking for a natural supplement to give me a bit of a boost, and after some research, I decided to try Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable.
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Easy to Take and Fuss-Free
The first thing that impressed me about Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable was how easy it was to take. It comes in a convenient liquid form, with a pleasant, slightly herbal taste. I simply take a spoonful once a day, in the morning before breakfast. It blends easily into a glass of juice or a smoothie, so it doesn't require any drastic changes to my routine.
Gradual But Noticeable Improvement
I didn't experience any overnight miracles with Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable. However, after about two weeks of consistent use, I started to notice a gradual improvement in my energy levels. I felt more awake in the mornings, and I had the stamina to last throughout the day without that afternoon slump I used to get.
Increased Stamina and Focus
The increased energy wasn't just physical either. I found that I could focus better mentally as well. Whether I was working on a complex task at the office or reading a book at home, I could concentrate for longer periods without getting easily distracted. This newfound mental clarity has been a welcome addition to my daily life.
Natural Ingredients and Peace of Mind
One of the things I truly appreciate about Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable is that it's formulated with all-natural ingredients. As someone who tries to avoid harsh chemicals whenever possible, this was a major selling point for me. The product description lists a variety of herbs and extracts known for their invigorating properties, and I feel confident that I'm putting something good into my body.
A Reliable and Trustworthy Product
Overall, I've been very pleased with my experience using Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable. It's a reliable and trustworthy product that has delivered on its promises. If you're looking for a natural way to boost your energy levels, improve your focus, and feel more revitalized, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic Deliverable a try. It's given me a renewed spring in my step, and I'm sure it can do the same for you!
To purchase the product, please click here
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reviewgirl · 5 months
Boost the “metabolic respiration" process, in order to dismantle and vaporize fat cells by using "AEROSLIM"
What Is AeroSlim?
AeroSlim emerges as a weight loss supplement meticulously engineered to booster metabolic respiration rates within the body. Formulated in capsule form, it comprises organic ingredients sourced from natural origins, carefully selected to optimize metabolic functions. According to the manufacturer, AeroSlim operates on the principle that breathing patterns directly impact weight management. Each tablet contains a blend of natural ingredients aimed at facilitating the reduction of body fat. Through synergistic interactions, these ingredients work in tandem to maximize metabolic respiration rates, thereby aiding in weight loss efforts. The AeroSlim weight management formula prides itself on being 100% natural, devoid of GMOs, stimulants, or any other toxic additives. Manufactured in the United States within an FDA-approved facility and certified by GMP, this supplement adheres to stringent quality and safety standards. Furthermore, all AeroSlim ingredients undergo rigorous testing and clinical trials to ensure their safety and efficacy, providing consumers with confidence in their weight loss journey.
AeroSlim's weight loss supplement is crafted around a unique "Metabolic Respiration Accelerator," designed to expedite the metabolic respiration rate and target stubborn fat. Recent research suggests a direct correlation between breathing patterns and weight gain, with metabolic and respiratory rates intricately linked at the cellular level. This innovative formula harnesses powerful compounds that synergistically collaborate with the body to eliminate stubborn fat. AeroSlim's fat-burning pills work to maximize metabolic rates, ensuring the body receives optimal oxygen levels for enhanced functionality. With AeroSlim, weight loss becomes achievable through the simple act of respiration, eliminating the need for strict diets or rigorous exercise regimens. The carefully selected ingredients in AeroSlim provide essential nutritional support for safe and effective weight loss, offering a convenient and sustainable approach to achieving your fitness goals.
AeroSlim Ingredients –
What Are The Key Components? AeroSlim fat burner contains a perfectly dosed proprietary blend of carefully selected plant extracts and minerals. The manufacturer has carefully mixed in the right proportion to manage weight naturally. In this section, let’s have a clear look at the list of AeroSlim ingredients.
Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is associated with obesity. This ingredient increases body fat and limits weight gain. It prevents respiratory disorders and supports several bodily processes.
Umckaloabo Extract Umckaloabo is a medicinal plant that is native to South Africa. It is used to treat several health issues in the body. It kills harmful bacteria in the body and supports overall health.
Ivy Extract Ivy Extract is rich in medicinal properties that improve respiratory problems. The antioxidant properties of Ivy Extract help fight against oxidative stress and free radicals. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body.
Mullein Extract Mullein Extract is one of the important AeroSlim ingredients that contain chemicals that are useful in maintaining optimal health. This flowering plant is used as medicine to treat several health conditions in different parts of the world.
Coltsfoot Extract Coltsfoot Extract is used as an herbal tea that helps treat respiratory infections and related health issues. It reduces inflammation, and fat formation, and supports overall health.
Serratiopeptidase Serratiopeptidase reduces inflammation and binds to the plasma. It also helps in weight loss.
Peppermint Essential Oil Peppermint Essential oil is an AeroSlim ingredient that supports a healthy digestive system. It aids in weight loss and detoxifies the entire body. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of this essential oil protect the body from disease-causing organisms.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Herbal Language Best Practices 👌 (to avoid potential legal issues!)
Did you know that language on product labels has been used as *incriminating evidence* against herbalists under investigation for practicing medicine without a license?
The Herbalist Language is a *critical skill* you really can’t afford to mess up in business, so it’s a good thing we cover the important guidelines for maintaining a legal herbalism practice very well in our Business Herbal Course + Entrepreneur Herbalist Path!
👍  When we share general information about a concern and discuss possible herbal approaches for that concern, this is is considered teaching.
👎 When we give this same information for a specific person, this can cross the line into practicing medicine.
We have formulated an Avoid and Use List to help: 
❌ Prevent
❌ Cure
❌ Diagnose
❌ Heal
❌ Relieve
❌ Prescribe
❌ Treat
❌ Treatment
❌ Medicine
❌ Medicinal
❌ Patient
Flip through the images for more info!
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
The Sidewalk Chemistry Guide to: Herbs for Emotional Support
Herbs can be our allies for our emotions, not only illness & imbalances in the physical body. Develop a relationship with an herb or a few through your holistic healing journey. Suitable especially alongside our free online emotional healing intensive (running Oct 23rd thru Nov 23rd 2022).
If you're not exactly sure how to work with herbs, there's a post available for patrons on different herbal formulations and applications & we also have a "basics of the herbal arts" mini-course on Patreon. And you can also message me for your short queries.
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((MUST READ)) some of the herbs I listed will not be safe for some people, and can negatively interact with pharmaceutical medications. it is always prudent to research any herb before you use it and even consult with your medical practitioner, to prevent damage or distress to the body. research especially for "contraindications" and "harmful herb-drug interactions." generally, topical herb-infused oils and flower essences will be able to be used without altering the effects of internally-ingested pharmaceuticals.
DISCLAIMER: this information has not been written by a licensed physician, but an herbalist, and therefore can not be considered "health advice." there are also no claims made that the mentioned plants are cures or treatments for any particular illnesses or diagnoses.
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Make Your Selection Based on Your Current Mood or Common Emotion:
"I feel so small and helpless. It's making me feel like crying." -> chamomile or catnip
"I'm not angry...I'm just...frustrated." -> dandelion root or turmeric
"My heart is feeling two sizes too small. I need a bit more love and gentleness in my life" -> cacao, rose, basil, or vanilla
"I feel stuck and stagnant." -> cayenne, citrus, dandelion root, or rosemary
"I'm trying to welcome new things and make new changes in life, but I need a little help." -> burdock root, tulsi, or cilantro
"Everyone's emotions and my daily tasks are becoming a burden on me. I have too much on my shoulders." -> yarrow or oats
"I need to go with the flow a bit more. All the structure/anxiety in my life is literally making my muscles tense." -> seaweed, marshmallow, or skullcap
"I've been feeling gloomy. I lost my childlike bliss." -> goldenrod, lemon balm, calendula, mint, or thyme
"I'm uninspired and lost my creative flow." -> cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, or damiana
"I feel clueless of what I'm doing in life and like I don't know who I am. Maybe I'm in a transitional period?" -> red clover, tulsi, or coconut
"I'm feeling weary and like I lack the support I need." -> sprouts, beets, or medicinal mushrooms
"I can't tell what I'm feeling and my brain is foggy :/" -> rosemary, tulsi, or gotu kola
"My predominant feeling is unsafe/insecurity. I just don't feel safe." -> yarrow, nettles, rose, or pine
"I am a ball of anxiety. I am plagued with self-doubt." -> passionflower, blue vervain, reishi, mugwort, chamomile, or motherwort
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yadavhewrote · 1 year
7 natural alternatives to commercial soaps?
Here are some options:
Castile Soap: Castile soap is a vegetable-based soap traditionally made from olive oil. It is gentle on the skin and can be used for both body and household cleaning purposes. Castile soaps are available in liquid or bar form and often come in various natural fragrances or unscented options.
Coconut Oil Soap: Soap made from coconut oil is another natural alternative. Coconut oil has moisturizing properties and produces a rich lather. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used for body and facial cleansing.
Glycerin Soap: Glycerin soap is made from vegetable oils and contains glycerin, a natural humectant that helps retain moisture in the skin. It is mild and suitable for sensitive skin. Glycerin soaps are available in various formulations and can be scented or unscented.
Herbal or Botanical Soaps: Herbal or botanical soaps are made by infusing natural ingredients like herbs, flowers, or essential oils into the soap base. These soaps can offer additional benefits based on the specific herbs or botanicals used. For example, lavender soap may have a calming effect, while tea tree soap may have antibacterial properties.
Oatmeal Soap: Oatmeal soap is gentle and soothing to the skin, making it suitable for sensitive or dry skin. It can help relieve itching and inflammation. Oatmeal soaps often contain finely ground oatmeal or oat extract.
Aleppo Soap: Aleppo soap is a traditional soap originating from Syria. It is typically made from olive oil and laurel oil, which gives it antibacterial and antifungal properties. Aleppo soap is known for being gentle and moisturizing.
DIY Soap: If you enjoy crafting, you can make your own natural soap using ingredients like natural oils (coconut, olive, almond, etc.), essential oils for fragrance, and natural additives like herbs, clays, or exfoliants. Making soap at home allows you to have full control over the ingredients and customize the soap to your preferences.
When opting for natural alternatives, it's essential to check the ingredient list and choose products that are truly natural and free from harmful additives. Additionally, keep in mind that natural soaps may have different textures, scents, or cleansing properties compared to commercial soaps, as they lack synthetic ingredients.
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rainierelixirs · 11 months
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Starting your first Apothecary! It’s hard to know where to start when creating your first herbal collection, and can be overwhelming looking through all the herbs in any herbal book or website or apothecary. By the time you’ve got a list made, you’ve probably got 50+ herbs to learn about and hundreds of dollars to spend getting there :(
Let’s simplify that experience! You don’t need to start with all the herbs, and you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars. The best way to start is slow & small - get to know a handful of herbs really well! This is where a lot of people go wrong in the beginning - they try to cram in learning as many herbs as possible in as short a time as possible and end up only skimming the surface of each herb’s potential & not really knowing any of them deeply. You’ll have a one up on a lot of us if you take it slow and get to know a small handful of herbs very well before moving on.
To start - Where are some good places to buy herbs? Okay honestly - Mountain Rose Herbs is just the best - their quality just can’t be beat, they grow a lot of their own herbs (I’ve visited their farm and it’s amazing), they have SO many herbs to choose from that are usually always in stock, they are very reliable & their customer service/returns policy is just amazing. Their downfall is that you can only buy in bulk, so only in amounts of 4oz or more. But really, if you’re trying to get to know an herb, you’ll want at least 4oz. I went through a whole pound of calendula when I was learning it, so I promise that you’re going to want at least 4oz of your herbs. 
If 4oz is too much (which I get it, the cost can add up when you’re buying 10 herbs) a secondary option is to buy Mountain Rose Herbs herbs through an independent apothecary - any good apothecary will carry a ton of Mountain Rose herbs! You can do a quick search to find an apothecary near you to check out, or if you don’t have one nearby, you can order online from lots of apothecaries (my favorite is @moonriseHerbs in Arcata, CA where I first started my formal herbal training!). 
There are of course a good amount of smaller farms/suppliers that have great quality herbs (like @fosterfarmsherbs), but for simplicities sake we will leave that exhaustive list for another time. 
Ok second - let’s start with a well-rounded apothecary of 10 dry herbs for tea that can be formulated together to work with to address a ton of different imbalances. Trade out wherever you want, this is just a starting point! But if you want to just take a load off your shoulders & are feeling overwhelmed with all the herbal choices, just shoot for this list. This list is seriously well-rounded enough to work with for your first year of herbal studies.
Chamomile - affinities for digestion, cold & flu care, emotional health, pain management, & sleep issues
Ginger - affinities for digestion, pain management, cold & flu care, reproductive health, & cardiovascular health
Marshmallow - affinities for digestion, urinary health, respiratory support & moistening mucous membranes everywhere
Passionflower or skullcap - affinities for emotional/nervous system health & sleep issues (skullcap & passionflower are a power duo!)
Valerian - affinities for emotional/nervous system health, pain management, reproductive health & sleep issues
Elecampane - affinities for cold & flu care & lung support
Motherwort - affinities for emotional/nervous system health, cardiovascular health & reproductive support
Poppy - affinities for pain management, sleep issues & emotional/nervous system health 
Yarrow - affinities for digestion, emotional/nervous system health, reproductive health, urinary support & cold & flu care
Stinging nettle - affinities for urinary support, emotional/nervous system health, allergy support, cold & flu care, & cardiovascular health
These 10 herbs will get you & your loved ones so far when it comes to so many common imbalances as you can see. And this is absolutely not an exhaustive list, these are just the most common use cases for working with these herbs!
Third - you can simply store all of these herbs in the bags they come in, in a dark area, or you can move them all into airtight glass jars if you’d like! Just make sure they’re not exposed to sunlight - I like to keep mine hidden under a throw blankie just to be extra cautious about light damage. The internet has some pretty cool & affordable airtight glass jars, but mason jars totally do the trick & can be found at most grocery stores. 
Remember to label your jars with the plant name, latin name, where you bought it & when you bought it! If you don’t do this, I promise you will forget (I speak from experience!).
Lastly - You can learn about these common herbs from just about anywhere, pretty reliably since they are so well known. The internet is absolutely full of bullshit about a lot of herbs, but I will say that these 10 are so common that most of the information out there about them is legit. But if you’re looking for a great starter herbal book to learn from, my favorite is still @RosemaryGladtar’s family herbal. It is basic & simple, and I really think that’s best to start. 
Side note which I will elaborate on in a future post - there are actually a lot of crap herbal books out there. Like a LOT. And just because you recognize an herbalist’s name because they’re famous in the community does not mean they know wtf they’re talking about. Just proceed with caution and question anything that doesn’t seem quite right. 
And VIOLA, you’ve got yourself an apothecary! Practice drinking infusions of these herbs alone, and combining them together for different effects! You can really use this set of herbs to help with almost any common imbalance that might come up, and they also make for some delicious teas :) 
I’m slowly rolling out herbal spotlight/materia medical graphics on each of these herbs in much more depth, so check back here & on my IG for more info!
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cortexiinfo · 1 year
Cortexi - Ear Solution, Results, Reviews, Price And Ingredients?
Products Name ==== Cortexi Drops
Main Benefits === Ear Problems
Side-Effects == NA
Rating == ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop which claims to restore hearing and memory capacity.
It is well known that memory and hearing are closely related. Maintaining both in good condition will help you maintain a healthy life. There are many people with hearing loss problems. These include mental fuzziness and memory loss, as well as an inability to concentrate. As we age, we experience a worsening of the condition. We have difficulty hearing sounds clearly and hear ringing sounds called tinnitus. Cortexi, the advanced hearing support drops that are all-natural and designed to restore balance between hearing ability and mental health.
The device is designed to improve the user's auditory system while maintaining the balance between the brain and the ear, resulting in a clear and healthy sound.
Improves clarity of hearing
Memory aids
Memory development is boosted by this product
Cognitive skills and abilities are improved
Solves the issue of ringing in the ears
Optimizing the health of your auditory system
Cortexi users can reap many benefits from its regular use. This is a natural formula that contains a proprietary blend of healthy ingredients. It will not have any adverse effects on your health.
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What is Cortexi
Cortexi Drops a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop, claims to restore hearing and memory capacity. The plant-based formula was designed by experts, and has no side effects on your health because it's enriched with healthy and natural substances. The formula is 100% natural and claims to improve hearing, memory and mental clarity. Cortexi, the breakthrough in herbal science, claims to restore hearing health while protecting ear cells and improving cognitive wellbeing.
Researchers have developed a formula that uses natural substances to enhance auditory systems and reduce ringing bell sounds, which are common with aging. Jonathan Miller is the creator of Cortexi and has developed the formula through years of research and experimentation. The manufacturer claims the healthy drops support 360-degree hearing and provide a healthy ear for listening to sounds clearly. It improves mental sharpness and prevents insomnia.
What Can You Expect From Cortexi?
Many people want to learn more about Cortexi, and what benefits they can expect from using it regularly. To make people aware of the formula and what it delivers, here's a list.
Cortexi reduces interference with the hearing system
The earwax that is excessive can interfere with hearing.
The auditory system is optimized to hear sounds clearly
Improves memory and cognitive function
Memory sharpness and cognitive abilities are improved.
Cortexi contains a proprietary blend of organic ingredients. It is therefore natural and will not cause adverse effects. The unique blend ensures that you will experience a healthy cognitive health and hearing health.
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Learn about the Working Process
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated, all-natural dietary supplement that comes in oral drops. Oral drops are a fast-acting formula that uses plant based ingredients and substances to enhance auditory health. Cortexi reduces the inflammation in the ear cell which can interfere with hearing. When the person uses Cortexi regularly, the substances within the formula try to reduce the inflammations in the ear cell membranes.
Cortexi provides the body with the antioxidants and nutrients it needs to prevent oxidative damage and harmful effects. The drops also help to fight inflammation, which prevents users from feeling pain or hearing a ringing in their ears. The drops also remove excessive earwax that can prevent users from being able to hear clearly. It helps to maintain a healthy level earwax, which is essential for preventing environmental germs from entering your ears. Cortexi works by increasing blood circulation across the ear-cells and optimizing the auditory system. It enhances the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties of the body, which support the enhancement of the auditory system.
Cortexi can help improve your focus and concentration. It promotes 360-degree hearing aids and helps to deal with age-related hearing loss. It improves cognitive functioning and wellbeing, and gives users a higher level of alertness and efficiency. It also maintains the connection between hearing ability and memory. It prevents neurodegenerative diseases by developing a link between brain and ear cells. It is a healthy method to restore hearing health.
Cortex: A Closer Look
Grape Seed Extract is a natural substance with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance is responsible for promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, skin and immune health. The formula contains antioxidants that protect cells and reduce cell damage while promoting healthy growth. It helps to protect the brain and ear cells and improves cognitive and hearing health.
Green Tea Extract: It is a healthy extract that contains antioxidants. It benefits users by increasing blood circulation across the ear cells. It reduces the chance of hearing loss due to the aging process in people and helps optimize the auditory system.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a substance believed to have multiple health benefits. It is an anti-inflammation agent that reduces chronic body inflammation. It addresses the root causes of inflammation and restores cognitive wellbeing and hearing.
Astragalus is a herbal substance which strengthens immunity, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. It helps to improve ear health, and reduces the risk of hearing loss and tinnitus. It also contains antioxidants which strengthen your immunity and fight free radical damage.
Maca Root is a healthy herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to address the root cause of inflammation. It promotes healthy auditory and hearing systems and reduces inflammation. It can reduce the risk of hearing loss and cognitive decline due to inflammation and aging. It improves blood circulation in the brain and throughout the body. It also maintains a healthy link between brain and ear cells. It helps to prevent cognitive decline and hearing impairment by increasing the supply of nutrients.
Chromium Picolinate is the last ingredient on the list. It has been clinically proven to reduce the damage in ear cells due to loud noises. It targets the damage in the hair cells of the ear canal, detects sound waves, and maintains only healthy levels to protect the ear cell from damaging. It prevents people from experiencing noise-induced hearing loss.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Cortexi has many health benefits.
Cortexi can help you overcome issues with hearing loss without impacting your wellbeing. The formula has many health benefits.
Healthy haring: Supports and Aids
The auditory system is affected by inflammatory conditions
The brain and memory are sharpened.
Memory retention capacity is improved
Restores energy and reduces fatigue and lack of focus
Keep a healthy mental acuity
Increases blood circulation in the ear and provides essential nutrients
How do you consume Cortexi?
Cortexi Drops Reviews you will find a dropper. The liquid is to be placed on the tongue by the consumer and consumed every morning. Users can also mix Cortexi liquid with water and drink it every day for results within 2-3 months.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Where can I order Cortexi?
Ordering the Cortexi monthly pack can be done on the official website.
Read More===>https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/cortexi-review-buyer-beware-7-days-customers-examine-report-exposes-scam-23282679
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prodentbeenfit · 1 year
ProDentim - Price, Reviews, Results, Uses & Where To Buy?
Product Name - ProDentim
➾ Main Benefits – Dental SoluTion
➾ Side-Effects—NA
➾ Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➾ Dosage - 2 Pills per day
This 100% natural product boosts the immune system in the nose, throat, and ear while providing you with a fresh, clean breath. It helps expand beneficial bacteria to support your dental health. ProDentim has been rated as effective and safe by thousands of users from the UK, Australia,
Does ProDentim Work?
ProDentim is a natural probiotic that protects your gums and teeth. This dental supplement will give you a fresher breath and prevent your teeth from yellowing.
ProDentim, a probiotic treatment that also protects the gums, will improve your teeth. This product was created by Dr. Drew Sutton in order to maintain dental health. It stops the growth of harmful bacteria and reduces their negative effects.
The organic blend helps reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums. ProDentim Reviews can help you detoxify your mouth and support your immune system.
This product continues to eliminate bad odours from your mouth while also reducing harmful germs. It protects dental health by reducing salivation around the mouth. This book provides practical ways to treat gum disease and cavities. This ProDentim supplement is made in the USA and contains soft-flavored capsules that help maintain your health.
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Prodentim Canada & USA Reviews
ProDentim Reviews is a front-line oral supplement that contains a unique blend nutrient and bacterial strains, which have been proven by clinical trials to enhance the growth of gums and teeth.
ProDentim is not a toothpaste or mouthwash, but it does contain essential dental components. ProDentim is a solution that you have never experienced before. It is the only supplement that replenishes the beneficial bacteria in your mouth with billions probiotic strains.
It is a blend of mineral and botanical extracts with anti-inflammatory properties.
ProDentim products are regularly tested for purity, resistance to pollutants and poisons, and have been thoroughly verified as safe.
Effective as ProDentim
ProDentim Ingredients List ProDentim is a doctor-formulated blend that combines five powerful strains of bacteria with 3.5 billion beneficial ones.
ProDentim contains only pure herbal probiotic strains. Each ProDentim also contains five clinically tested substances unique to each ProDentim, which together with over one billion probiotics strains, improves the health of your gums and teeth. The following active ingredients are listed for your reference.
* Lactobacillus ParacaseiA lactobacillus paracasei probiotic helps maintain healthy gums and nasal openness. The ProDentim cap helps turn your food into energy-dense fuel, supports a healthy digestion system and protects against bacterial infections.
* Lactobacillus Reuteri This probiotic organic guarantees healthy teeth, fresh breath and helps reduce inflammation. This probiotic promotes intestinal health, and helps treat both acute and chronic periodsontitis. ProDentim helps reduce harmful factors which contribute to diarrhoea and irritable intestinal syndrome.
* Lactis BL-04Your oral microbes and intestinal bacteria's balance is in part maintained by B.lactis. ProDentim aims to improve the respiratory system. A healthy mouth cavity preserves the ability to boost immunity. It reduces the amount infection caused by gut bacteria.
BLIS K-12 These strains of probiotics help maintain healthy respiratory and dental health. It boosts your immune system and reduces the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria on your mouth. Streptococcus salirius, the probiotic strain in Pro Dentim is made by bacteria.
BLIS M-18 The BLIS M-18 strain helps maintain a healthy smile and the color of your teeth. These strains are naturally found in your mouth and throat. It helps to keep them clean. ProDentim oral tablets help maintain a healthy mouth, reduce bad breath and promote fresh breath.
Inulin: It helps eliminate bad breath and promotes oral flora growth. It helps to maintain healthy teeth, gums and mouth. ProDentim promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system, and helps to boost beneficial oral flora.
How to take ProDentim pills? Each ProDentim capsule contains 30 capsules. The composition of each capsule has been scientifically tested and is designed to support healthy gums and teeth, as well as fresh, strong breath.
Take one tablet with a glass of water to keep your digestive tract and system in good shape. Each capsule contains a probiotic strain that is great for your oral hygiene.
ProDentim is easy to use and all-natural. Your body will absorb it quickly. It does not contain stimulants or form habits. Take one capsule per day to strengthen your immune system and improve health in the ears, throat and nose. The recommended dosage is for maximum results. Please do not increase the dosage above.
Is ProDentim a Scam or Real? ProDentim, a real and 100% legitimate dental health program that strengthens your gums and teeth health. This product cannot be purchased online or offline at Amazon, e-Bay Walmart, Chemist Warehouse etc. There may be a cheap product or a duplicate. Please keep a good distance from these sites if you see this product.
ProDentim should only be purchased from the official website to ensure that you receive an original product and money-back guarantee. ProDentim can be used by both women and men of all ages.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
What are the benefits of using ProDentim tablets? ProDentim is a daily supplement that provides the following benefits to everyone: The health of the teeth and gums is improved. It also promotes the growth and development of healthy bacteria in your mouth Fresh breath that lasts for a long time * Boost immunity It is good for the ear, nose and throat. The microbiome in your mouth can be balanced by using this product * Natural and safe * Zero side effects Men and women can both benefit from this product It is easy to use
Where can I buy ProDentim Supplements in Canada and USA? ProDentim is only available through the official website of their supplier in Canada and USA. This legal oral product is delivered to all major regions in Canada and USA (United States Of America). The product is also available for express shipping to New Zealand and Australia. The manufacturer offers a variety of payment options, including credit cards and paypal. No other charges or automatic debit systems are applied. You can buy your bottle without wasting time today!
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
ProDentim Final Verdict ProDentim was designed specifically to protect the health of teeth and gums. Even the beneficial microorganisms can help improve your dental hygiene. As you chew it, the probiotics reduce gum irritation, and help maintain your teeth and gum health.
There are several additional ingredients that can support better dental health, including those that promote whiter smiles, healthy gut bacteria, fresh breath and natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Each purchase could include a bonus that strengthens your teeth and gums organically. Each ProDentim package includes a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to loose, so try it risk-free!
More Info ===>https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/prodentim-official-website-price-update-2023-prodentim-truth-surprise-you-must-read-this-news-272517
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calendulacraft · 2 years
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One of the reasons for changing the name or this page and business to Calendula Craft was to feature more of the herbalism products my mom & I make. 
The Yerba Mate Mix started out as a gift idea. Every year I travel from Argentina to the States with a backpack full of new sewing kits and little gifts tucked in too. I had tried to introduce family & friends to the traditional way of drinking Yerba Mate ... but most found it way too bitter. Even in Argentina there are some that can't handle the intensity of this tea and add in other herbs or sweeteners, so I formulated this tea mix inspired by the herbs I grow here on the farm where I live  as well as some organically grown Yerba Mate + Stevia leaves. And thus the mild and floral Yerba Mate Mix was formulated & was a hit with my people and it seemed right to make it available to my people of the internet too 💜🍵 The entire list of ingredients include : Orange peel, Hawthorn flowers & leaves, Lemon Verbena leaves, Yerba Mate & Stevia. Besides sharing our latest herbal offerings, I also hope to share more information about herbalism in general! So, I am going to be posting about the herbs in this formula during this upcoming week! Stay tuned for that.
The Yerba Mate Mix is available in the 3tsy shop! You can check out the profile to learn more about this mix + more offerings. We just transitioned to this new name and shop so, even just clicking on the link and checking it out would help greatly.
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Top 4 Breast Enlargement Pill Brands Today
Women in search of an alternative to breast enlargement surgery are trying herbal pills today, often without realizing that there may be little-to-no evidence about the safety of breast enhancement pills.
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Most websites selling natural breast enhancement pills do not list any potential risks. Natural breast enlargement pills are sold on the Internet, on television, and in women's magazines. Some of the products focus on women's insecurities about their breasts, particularly after childbirth, weight loss, and the removal of breast implants.
Bigger, Beautifully-Shaped Breasts Make Women Feel More Attractive
It is no secret today that enhanced, and beautifully-shaped breasts help make women feel more attractive and confident. The art of breast enhancement at present can be done naturally and also through surgery.
However, due to concerns about the side effects that are caused by surgical breast enlargement procedures and breast augmentation, women are starting to prefer natural breast enhancement methods. Among these methods include increasing breast sizes with breast-enhancing creams, pills, and exercises.
The present trend also shows that more and more women are benefiting from breast enhancement pills & creams to enlarge and enhance their breasts. The pill and cream combinations work wonders in increasing breast size without going through risky surgeries or using hormonal methods.
Are Breast Enlargement Pills Safe?
However, if natural breast enlargement pills do work, there is little, or no evidence, that they're 100% safe. If breast enlargement pills do have estrogen-like effects on the body, there are still some safety concerns left to ponder upon. Estrogen given on its own stimulates the growth of tissue in the uterus and is believed to promote uterine cancer, which is why birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy normally contain progesterone to counter estrogen's effects on the uterus.
While studies are still incomplete, there are questions about whether natural breast enhancement pills stimulate the growth of uterine tissue. There is also no evidence about whether natural breast enlargement pills interfere with fertility, menstruation, or the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Top 4 Breast Enhancement Supplements
Here are among the top breast enlargement supplements sold in pharmacies and online stores.
1. Bustmaxx Breast Enhancement Pills
Bustmaxx is one of the most trusted brands in natural breast enhancement. The manufacturers are known for a pharmaceutical-grade formula. The pills are made in an FDA-registered facility which ensures that strict US manufacturing standards have been complied with.
The formula includes powder made with saw palmetto berries, Fennel Seed, Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek Seed, Atlantic Kelp, and Don Quai root. These pills do not contain hormones, which makes them generally safer to use. However, these ingredients have an estrogen-like effect and can therefore help regulate female hormone levels and function.
The ingredients list is detailed and the extract rations are indicated so you know just how much of the active ingredients were utilized in the formulation. Unlike shady brands, Bustmaxx does not hide behind the “proprietary formula” excuse.
Things We Liked
Does not contain allergens such as gluten, dairy, soy
No artificial flavors and preservatives
Won’t cause unwanted weight gain
Transparent labeling
Things We Didn’t Like
Results can take a while to manifest for some people
Missing key ingredient Pueraria Mirifica
2. Total Curve
The total curve typically offers breast enhancement products as a package. Total curve capsules are meant to be used with the brand’s firming gel.
The capsules’ primary ingredient is rutin which is sourced from buckwheat flowers. This substance helps boost collagen production, which results in firmer and in some cases, larger breasts. However, it should be noted that when you stop taking this, which therefore stops the boost in collagen production, your breasts will eventually go back to the way they were.
For better results, Total Curve recommends their firming gel which contains sarsasapogenin, a compound that boosts the formation of fatty tissue, which is the kind of tissue needed for bigger and firmer breasts.
Things We Liked
Promotes overall breast health
Makes breasts look and feel firmer
Things We Didn’t Like
The results are temporary so continuous usage is needed
Missing key ingredient Pueraria Mirifica
3. Breast Actives
This brand is actually more like a system than a single product. It makes use of a three-step system – a pill, a cream, and toning exercises. The manufacturer claims to offer the best results and considering the list of ingredients, it’s not surprising.
The pill’s active ingredients include fenugreek seed, fennel seed, Dong Quai root, blessed thistle, Dandelion root, Kelp, and watercress.
The cream’s active ingredient is P Mirifica but if you’re looking to just get the pill, you won’t be able to benefit from it.
Things We Liked
Boosts overall breast health
Combats sagging
Things We Didn’t Like
Needs multiple doses per day
Needs toning exercises
Takes 2 months for results to be noticeable
4. Breast Max Plus
This is a high-strength all-natural breast enhancement pill that the brand claims to help make breasts look and feel fuller. The main active ingredient for Breast Max Plus’ formulation is Fenugreek extract, which is known for its estrogenic effects. This is why it’s traditionally used to support female reproductive function, manage menopause, enhance milk production, and enlarge breasts.
This pill also contains another phytoestrogen source – dandelion root. Other ingredients include Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and powder from kelp, Dong Quai root, blessed thistle, and watercress.
Things We Liked
The formula boosts overall health
Anti-aging properties brought by other ingredients work together to maintain vitality
Things We Didn’t Like
Multiple products needed
Takes a while to see the results
Missing a dose could negate weeks of use
Keep in mind that all of these pills should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Always consult your doctor before taking anything.
CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this
We all have enough “Estrogen” in our bodies to make our breasts grow 10 cup sizes if we wanted.
What makes breasts grow are your hormones (not just estrogen) which means you can grow your breasts naturally by eating certain types of foods which increases hormone levels in your body.
But for this to be successful, don’t just raise your hormone levels. Raise certain hormones at a certain time of your menstrual cycle.
Let me explain:
When you go through your menstrual cycle, your body raises certain hormones during the cycle.
So when your body raises estrogen, you need to eat foods that increase estrogen levels in your body and when your body raises progesterone levels, then eat foods that increase progesterone in your body.
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Here is a video that explains it better than I can.
It can take at least 2 months to show results by doing it this way. It’s like going to the gym, changing your body takes time as your body needs to process all the changes.    
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magicpotions123 · 1 day
The Best Weight Gain Capsules for Women and Their Advantages
Understanding the Benefits of Weight Gain Capsules and How They Can Support Your Wellness Journey
In a world where weight loss often takes center stage, it's important to acknowledge that gaining weight can be just as challenging for some women. Whether due to a fast metabolism, medical conditions, or other factors, being underweight can lead to health issues like weakened immunity, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies. This is where weight gain capsules come into play. In this blog, we'll explore the best weight gain capsules for women and delve into their numerous advantages.
Understanding the Benefits of Weight Gain Capsules
1. Nutrient-Dense Formulations
Benefit: Weight gain capsules are typically packed with essential nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are crucial for healthy weight gain.
Advantage: They provide a concentrated source of calories and nutrients without the need to consume large volumes of food, making it easier to meet your daily caloric needs.
2. Appetite Stimulation
Benefit: Some weight gain supplements contain natural ingredients that help stimulate appetite.
Advantage: Increased appetite can make it easier to consume more calories throughout the day, aiding in gradual and healthy weight gain.
3. Enhanced Muscle Growth
Benefit: Many weight gain capsules include amino acids and proteins that support muscle synthesis.
Advantage: Promotes lean muscle mass development rather than just fat accumulation, leading to a healthier body composition.
4. Improved Energy Levels
Benefit: The added nutrients can boost overall energy levels.
Advantage: Increased energy can enhance workout performance and daily activities, contributing to muscle growth and weight gain.
5. Convenience
Benefit: Capsules are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
Advantage: They offer a hassle-free supplement option for busy individuals who may not have time for multiple meals or shakes.
Top Weight Gain Capsules for Women
When choosing weight gain capsules, it's important to opt for high-quality products from reputable sources. Here are some top picks:
1. Apetamin Vitamin Syrup
Features: Contains cyproheptadine, lysine, and vitamins.
Advantages: Known for stimulating appetite and promoting weight gain effectively.
2. CB-1 Weight Gainer
Features: Natural formula with vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts.
Advantages: Increases appetite and supports muscle growth without adverse side effects.
3. Endura Mass Capsules
Features: Enriched with carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients.
Advantages: Helps in gaining weight by providing balanced nutrition.
How to Choose the Right Weight Gain Capsule
Consult a Professional: Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
Check Ingredients: Look for natural ingredients and avoid products with harmful additives.
Read Reviews: Customer feedback can provide insights into a product's effectiveness.
Consider Your Goals: Choose a supplement that aligns with your specific weight gain objectives.
Incorporating Weight Gain Capsules into Your Routine
Balanced Diet: Supplements should accompany a nutritious diet rich in whole foods.
Regular Exercise: Engage in strength training to promote muscle growth.
Consistency: Take the capsules as directed to achieve the best results.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
Allergies: Check for any potential allergens in the ingredient list.
Dosage: Do not exceed the recommended dosage to avoid adverse effects.
Medical Conditions: Individuals with existing health issues should seek medical advice beforehand.
Weight gain capsules can be a valuable addition to your wellness journey, offering numerous benefits like nutrient supplementation, appetite stimulation, and muscle growth support. Remember, the key to healthy weight gain lies in a balanced approach that includes proper nutrition, exercise, and possibly the right supplements.
For a curated selection of effective weight gain capsules, visit Magic Potions' Weight Gain Capsules. Their range of products is designed to help you achieve your weight goals safely and efficiently.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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thedeoproject · 3 days
Best Deodorants Without Harmful Chemicals: The Deo Project's Must-Have List
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When it comes to selecting deodorants, people are choosing those that lack harmful components such as aluminium, parabens, and phthalates as a priority. The Deo Project has created natural deodorants with ingredients that are both gentle and effective for all skin types. We offer several different options for everyone from an unscented roll-on without any aluminium in it, or even a vegan one.
Here’s a list of must-have deodorants from our collection:
1. Coconut & Vanilla Underarm Roll-On
If you’re someone who enjoys the tropical sweetness of vanilla and coconut, then this roll-on for underarms should be part of your collection. The fragrance is delicate yet lasting making it suitable for all-day freshness. This roll-on control reduces bacteria, corrects uneven skin tone, and leaves no residue. If you want to buy a coconut vanilla natural roll-on online, then here is one of the best picks.
Why it’s great:
Natural coconut and vanilla scent
Long-lasting freshness
2. Citrus Lemon Underarm Roll-On
Refresh your senses with our Citrus Lemon Underarm Roll-On, an all-natural deodorant that offers freshness that lasts. It combines a bright lemon scent with up to 72 hours of odour protection, giving you confidence and staying fresh throughout the day. Suitable for daily use and sensitive skin because this gentle formulation has no Parabens, Phthalates or Aluminium.
Why it’s great:
Refreshing citrus lemon fragrance
Aluminium, paraben, and phthalate-free
Gentle and ideal for sensitive skin
3. Unscented Underarm Roll-On
This unscented underarm roll-on is an excellent option for those who are extremely sensitive to fragrances. This deodorant is free from harmful substances like phthalates and parabens and keeps you fresh all day long without compromising on safety. It’s among the most effective unscented deodorants online that provide odour control while looking after your skin. Therefore, this deodorant suits individuals who want nothing but simplicity in their lives and freedom from smell without any fragrance.
Why it’s great:
Completely fragrance-free
Free from parabens, aluminium, and phthalates
Vegan and cruelty-free
4. Cucumber and Mint Underarm Roll-On
A top choice for a cool and refreshing experience is the cucumber and mint underarm roll-on. This deodorant allows you to feel fresh all day long due to the soothing properties of cucumbers and the cooling sensation provided by mint. Its lightweight formula smoothly glides on the skin leaving no trace of stickiness while offering protection against body odour. This deodorant is designed to smell excellent and give natural protection against odour at the same time.
Why it’s great:
Cooling and refreshing cucumber-mint scent
Non-sticky and lightweight formula
5. Citrus & Herbal Musk Underarm Roll-On
With zesty citrus and earthy herbal tones, the citrus and herbal musk deodorant offers a more stimulating scent. This deodorant suits those who prefer lively and energizing fragrances. Moreover, it is filled with natural components that kill odour-causing bacteria, making it a better choice than traditional deodorants.
Why it’s great:
Energetic citrus and herbal scent
Free from aluminium, parabens, and phthalates
Long-lasting odour protection
When choosing the appropriate deodorant it is necessary to consider safety or effectiveness. At The Deo Project, we’ve developed the best deodorants that don’t have any harmful chemicals in them so that you can remain fresh and self-assured throughout the day. Our collection has something for everyone that is not just good for your skin but also promotes good health. Keep smelling great always by choosing natural deodorants offered by us!
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