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wolfboy88 · 5 months ago
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Rated Explicit - Teen Wolf - One Shot - MMM - Thiam/Thiaac - 4.7k
Summary: In a daring challenge to prove himself, Liam, feeling overshadowed by his fraternity brother Stiles, agrees to spend a night alone in a cemetery. But he unexpectedly encounters his rival, Theo, who is also there for the same reason.
Tension between the two quickly escalates as they bicker, revealing underlying attraction and competition. But as the night unfolds, their rivalry turns into a steamy encounter…
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outcastpack · 1 year ago
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For @transdunbar Thiaac slayer au since the brainrot never stops for these three together.
The vampires and their slayer. He shouldn't want them, but he does.
Vampire Theo/Slayer Liam/Vampire Isaac.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 years ago
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Taylor Swift Edits ✤ Luna Hale x Isaac Lahey
Folklore ✤ The 1: And if my wishes came true, it would have been you
Forever Tag List: @themildestofwriters-ocs​​​​ @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz​​​​ @perhapspearl​​​​ @seaweedhufflepuffocs​​​​ @the-october-reviewer​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​ @perfectlystiles​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​ @peacheydelanhoes​​​​ @darkwolf76​​​​ @randomfandomingwrites​​​​ @ocfairygodmother​​​​ @villain-connoisseur​​​​ @witchofinterest​​​​ @neutralomens​​​​ @ultraocfury​​​​ @guardiansofheroes​​​​ @malice1329​​​​ @ochub​​​​ @cas-writesocs​​​​​ @eddysocs​​​​ @ocappreciationtag​​​​ @fiercefray​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​ @farfallasunicas​​​​​ @amixedwitch​​​​ @ocs-supporting-ocs​​​ @stanshollaand​​​​ @decennia​​​​ @darth-caillic​​​​ @ironverseocs​​​ — want to be added? shoot me an ask
Luna Tag: @megdonnellys
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tabbytabbytabby · 5 years ago
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Got my Teen Wolf Bingo card if anyone wants to send me some prompts! I'm open to most pairings. I'm tagging some but there are a lot more.
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argcntangel · 7 years ago
[[ ...is it weird that I only ship a/lisaac as friends
but lowkey ship Ja/lison? ]]
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mercheswan · 5 years ago
The Pack’s Quarantine Video Chat.
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AlphaMcCall, AArgent, KiraYuki, AlphaTwins, MStilinski, CoraH, LiDunbar, JacksonLacrosse, MasonHew, LydMartin, MaliaTH, LIsaac, ReinaErika, DannyTech are conected to the chat.
“OMG is that the sourwolf that my eyes are seeing?!” Stiles asks surprised
“Yes, I forced him to say hi” Cora says
“Why are you wearing Glasses?” Scott asks
“It’s his disguise” Cora snorts teasing his brother.
“No wonder I have to protect you from the FBI if that’s your definition of disguise...” Stiles mutters while the rest are laughing.
“I can see that some of you are spending the quarantine together” Allison says.
“Yeah my parents were Ok with Corey staying with us” Mason explained
“Boyd and I are using for the first time our new apartment” Erika says proudly.
“Why is Theo with you Stiles?” Kira asks
Stiles looks at the Chimera with an annoyed face while Theo smiles brightly.
“I don’t have a house, I had to stay somewhere” Theo says.
“But I offered you to stay with my family” Liam says.
“What!?” Stiles asks turning his face to the chimera.
“Ohh they got you!” Isaac teased. Theo didn’t look guilty at all.
“It seems the chimera wanted to stay with you Stiles...” Ethan says and Aiden laughs.
Stiles then realised. “Did you put the car in a place you knew my father will patrol so he would be morally forced to invite you to our house!?” Stiles asked knowing very well that Theo was capable of coming with such plan. The little schemer.
“Are you Ok Stiles? I can go to your house and take care of him” Malia proposes
“Malia! You said you were going to give Theo a chance!” Scott claims white the werecoyote sighs.
They talked for some time before saying goodbye promising to do another video call tomorrow.
“Ok see you tomorrow guys!” Stiles says. Then he disconnects the call and looks angrily at the Chimera.
“Why did you lie!? What are you planning!?” Stiles asks Theo.
“Nothing really!” Theo responds. “I just wanted to be with you... I thought that If you were forced to be with me we will get along... we could bond a little bit...” Theo admits.
“Why?” Stiles asks confused.
“Don’t make me say it” Theo whispers.
What is he hidding Stiles thinks.
Theo huffs our loud. “You know what you can kick me afterwards” Theo proclaims taking Stiles’s face in his hands and kissing full on the lips.
Oh. Oh. Now it makes sense. Stiles kisses back. He couldn’t deny that he liked the stupid Chimera.
“Please tell me someone is recording this” someone says from Stiles computer starling both he and Theo.
“Oh I am” Stiles recognises that voice. Jackson.
“Jackson send it to me immediately” Lydia!
Stiles unlocks his computer and to his mortification some of his friends are still watching. OMG I didn’t disconnet the call correctly!!
“Congratulations!” Mason says happily with Corey clapping in the back. Liam is also giving thumbs up.
“Dude! Theo’s crush on was kinda obvious, but I didn’t know you were interested too! I’m happy for you guys” Scott says. And he is not Stiles best friend anymore.
“Wait w-what crush!?” Stiles says looking at Theo who is blushing!?!
“Oh Stiles it was so obvious” Lydia claims
“Yeah, you can’t smell him when you come near but it’s disturbing” Malia says and Theo glares at her with an angry expression.
He smells aroused!?
“Ok we are going to disconnet now for real” Stiles says
“Have fun” Danny says with a mischievous smirk.
“Use protection” Jackson shouts.
“Bye” Stiles and Theo says unison.
Stiles closes the computer this time. Theo is not saying a word.
“So crush huh?” Stiles teases the Chimera.
“Shut up!” Theo responds, but is Stiles the one who shuts Theo up with a kiss.
PD: I hope everyone is safe. If you live in an area affected by the virus, stay home. It’s the only way to not collapse the sanitary system. We’ll win this.
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bubbybot · 6 years ago
I think you mean original charecter SaRo somdoK, daughter to the monster genius Lisaac somdoK, in a shocking S8 plot twist she is actually found to be part monster mixed with some dad dna
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so im watching Scooby Doo Mystery Incorperated and… SARI!????!?!!?
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maliasass · 8 years ago
C and K :)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Oh man. That’s easy. M@leo. M@rrish. M@lisaac. L@yden. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Imma let you finish but Lydia Martin has the best development arc of all time… seriously lydia’s character development is like the best thing teen wolf has written and it’s part of what makes her such a great character and I’m so proud of her
send me a letter and ill answer the thing!
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Lisaac is a statically typed prototype-based language conceived by Benoît Sonntag, in which the Isaac operating system is being written. The developers of Lisaac also included features such as dynamic inheritance from Self and contract programming from Eiffel. Despite being statically typed, it also shows homoiconic properties. The Lisaac transpiler produces optimized ANSI C code. Compiling results show that it is possible to obtain executables from a high-level prototype-based language that are as fast as C programs. More details Android, Windows
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farklelucas · 8 years ago
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 years ago
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Luna Hale x Isaac Lahey ✤ Beautiful Ghosts
It would have been fun if you would have been the one
Forever Tag List: @themildestofwriters @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @perhapspearl @seaweedhufflepuffocs @bravelittleflower @the-october-reviewer @foxesandmagic @perfectlystiles @tessasocs @anotherunreadblog @peacheydelanhoes @darkwolf76 @randomfandomingwrites @ocfairygodmother @itsjustgracy @witchofinterest @neutralomens @ultraocfury @guardiansofheroes @malice1329 @ochub @zoeliemyers @butcherofblackwater @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @fiercefray @stareyedplanet @farfallasunicas @jewelswrites-ish @amixedwitch @raith-way @stilynskii — want to be added? shoot me an ask!
Luna Tag: @farklelucas​@megdonnellys
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tabbytabbytabby · 6 years ago
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Got a new card since I finished my old one if anyone wants to send me some prompts. My fandoms and ships can be found on my Tumblr. The tags are just scratching the surface. I’ll also do gen. I do ask that you let me know if you’re okay with major character death because things do happen and my fingers tend to slip. 
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frenchxwolf · 9 years ago
continued from here
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“That would sort of defeat the purpose of stalking, now wouldn’t it? Though I suppose I could be stealing your things for a shrine and you would have no idea, since I’m around you so often. I could perform some ritual in your honor.”
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”Are you sacrificing virgins? Or your soul? Wait, you don’t  have one. But I appreciate that you would. Makes me kind  of a God - don’t you think? I’d like that.” Isaac smirked. “I  bet you stole some of my underwear.”
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equallyloyalandlethal · 1 year ago
I cannot wait for this. I'm so excited.
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For @transdunbar Thiaac slayer au since the brainrot never stops for these three together.
The vampires and their slayer. He shouldn't want them, but he does.
Vampire Theo/Slayer Liam/Vampire Isaac.
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