#liquid lanolin
writing-waves-26 · 26 days
The best formula to protect your hands from dryness and irritation | Rolex Lanolin
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The widespread advice of washing our hands made us overcautious, and the overuse of different sanitizing products can lead to dry or cracked skin. That’s enough reason to make us aware of the importance of moisturizing our hands.
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intelligence365 · 11 months
Lanolin Manufacturers | Lanolin oil | Anhydrous Lanolin | Lanolin Manufacturers in India | Rolex Lanolin
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Rolex Lanolin manufactures pharmaceutical grade lanolin, lanolin oil, lanolin products, lanolin wax, and Lanolin Suppliers.
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faker-aus · 5 months
Starline finally feels up to talking more with Team Remnant, so he caves. He admits his knowledge of the Metal Virus and the events that followed and preceded it- he saw the tests Eggman ran, he saw nearly each time a city was coated in the liquid metal, he brought the Zeti to Mobius, and the Zeti had kidnapped him to torture him for a full year before abandoning him back on his desolate planet to die a slow death. You would almost pity him. However, he reveals to the team that he has no knowledge of how Eggman created the virus in the first place. The only way to find out how to stop it was to find exactly how it began, so he suggests breaking into Eggman's base.
Lanolin immediately shuts this idea down. The route there is swarming with zombots, so there's no way they could make it there alive. But then Blaze realizes... There are two people on the team who COULD make it there. It's life or death. Belle and Metal could still get badly broken trying to get there, but they can't get infected. There has to be a chance. While Belle mulls this over and debates it with Metal, someone tears down the tent. Lanolin recognizes her immediately, and her blood runs cold.
She's here.
An all too familiar face turned metallic and murderous.
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mirthlxss · 1 year
Off to the races
Chapter 8: He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me
It was claustrophobic, even the air did not know how to dispense of his sighs and smoke. 
master list
price x oc, series.
a03: pricescigar, Off to the races is posted in full.
taglist:  @deadbranch , @jxvipike, @smoggyfogbottom
warnings: distress?? toxic conversation?
a/n: their relationship gives me bloody whiplash.
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Heavy limbs drowned in the stupor of an alcohol-induced sleep and the stress of the situation. Amalgamating into something rather inescapable, sinking further and further into the bowels of the sofa, she surfed the waves of unconsciousness, tumbling about the drowsing deep. She’d surpassed the morning stir, the heavy footing of polished boots on lanolin floors, the clanking of utensils and the bubbling rumble of the kettle. Life moved on around her, left to sail out into her dreamscapes unperturbed, the hours snuck by and soon morning turned to afternoon, but she remained unaware. 
Long arms bare, the hairs raising to attention with his focus. Stained ceramic clutched carefully between calloused fingers, steam wafting from the cup with each measured huff of air that left his person, almost blowing the aroma over to the snoring stowaway as he loomed about the rec room. Circling the permitter armed with the cup, already disappointed that his pointed rustling hadn’t woken the girl. He’d clanged dirty washing about the sink and boiled the kettle about three times for one cup of bloody coffee. She remained. The Captain ruminated on the fact. She remained. Asleep until one in the afternoon, she remained. Here for nearly a month, she remained. Polluting his agendas, she remained. Poisoning his judgements. 
She remained tucked under his jumper, head atop the arm of the couch. Drool, previously dribbled onto the chest of said jumper, now smudged into the already damaged soft furnishing. By a miracle or the infringing temptations brought wordlessly with the scent of coffee, she stirred. Cream diluting the inky black, clutching onto the fabric that blanketed her torso, elongated yawn that slowly tore into a croaking groan. 
“Was starting to think the curry killed you off there, love.” 
She stirred more, leaning up toward the sound of him stalking over, already teasing despite her barely becoming acquainted with consciousness. Adjusting to the room, hands nestled deeper into their grip of the jumper, tugging it closer to her body as she sat upright and watched as Price placed a cup of coffee beside her, the tan liquid shined up at her. 
“It was a…” She took the time to clutch at the warm cup, both hands bringing it to herself for a grateful sip “a challenge” film-coated vocals, still barely just in the realms of reality. 
A gruff chuckle left him as he sat across from her, taking up the other side of the sofa. It was strangely disarming watching Lilith within the first throws of her morning, nothing like the wounded creature in the hospital. Some aspects remained, her eyes flitted about with a sense of caution, her body naturally wanted to curl up, pushing herself into the corner of the sofa instinctively, nestling under the cover of the jumper. She was careful, tricky despite having been catered to, service beyond what most 'captives' would get, a warm coffee and a smile.
Christ. He’d forgotten the smile. 
“I’m glad you slept well.” He took the opportunity to mention at the dried drool on her visage, raising a digit to his cheek and tapping with a smug look, watching her stall momentarily before catching on and wiping away at her face with an awkward roll of her eyes. 
“I blame it on you, you gave me beer” Lilith huffed, obstinate and slightly embarrassed. She felt less and less like herself, unaccustomed to falling asleep on strangers’ shared sofas and staying in slumber for long past reasonable hours. Having no real direction, no control. Being overly grateful for a beer, or a coffee, at least she wasn’t scrambled enough to be avidly praising the Captain for his subtle acts of charity that came in the form of beverages. 
“A sip, Lilith, I expected you to take a sip or two, not down the whole chuffin’ pint.” 
“Nope, I won’t hear it, especially after you succeeded in commandeering another two after the first.” 
Maybe charity was the wrong sentiment. 
She snorted at his pointed disbelief, simpering humorously behind the cup as she raised it to drink more. He’d just shake his head, hand pressing into the scruff of his beard, smothering down a smile that tickled his lips. 
“And now you’ve drunk my coffee” Unable to help himself, he chastised her once more, enjoying the flare of her features as he so clearly perplexed her. 
“You put it next to me!” 
“And so you just took it? Bad manners lil’ miss.” 
She glowered at him, thrusting out the half-empty cup with a sarcastic smile “It was bad coffee anyhow.”
He scoffed at this, raising a brow as he leant back further into the cushions, shrugging at the offering of his ‘bad’ coffee. Lily retracted the cup and haphazardly down the rest, taking loud, pained gasps between each hot gulp before she unceremoniously slapped the cup back down onto the table. 
“You’re too stubborn for your own good.” 
The residual pain of the scalding liquid throbbed lightly around her mouth, his opinion only another hot gulp to swallow. “Is this like the prisoner experience here? Do I get awoken by you every day or is this a punishment of some sort, thought we moved past the torture and interrogate Lily stage.” She sassed. 
Now, it was John's turn to roll his eyes. “I’m so deliriously happy you feel my presence is akin to torture.” 
“Oh, so this is a strange, torturous alarm system! Do I get requests? Tomorrow I should like to be risen by a rendition of baby got back.” Lily continued to rebuke the Captain, absentmindedly threading her arms through the jumper as she did so, tugging it over her frame and crossing her arms over as she stood up from the sofa, ready to take in his reaction, finding the aggravation she’d carried with her during this month to slowly beginning to mount itself back onto her shoulders. 
“I’d actually come to check on sleeping beauty and see if she’d be ready to have a little chat about your previous requests… cigarettes, your things in general, but yanno’ if you want me to sing baby got back instead that’s fine too.” 
She stilled, he smirked. 
“Can I have all three?” 
“Nope. Go freshen up Lilith, I’ll be in my office.”
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Minty, rough bristles scraped against her teeth as she furiously scrubbed at their surface, eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she listened to Gaz chat over the sound of the running water. 
“You should come to early morning training, it’s just exercise, might give you some routine.” Kyle spoke between swift swipes of his razor, carefully dragging the blade down his chin as they talked to one another’s reflection in the mirror. 
“Price wants to chat about things, reckon you’ll be dragging my dead body out of here before I’d have a chance at morning training” She huffed angrily, toothpaste foaming at the mouth as she said so. The shared bathroom was less of an intrusion upon her privacy and more of an assault on the senses, the lingering potency of four grown men definitely elicited a less than overjoyed reaction from the woman, now desperate to add air freshener to her list of demands. The violent scrubbing of her teeth only helped to cover the smell temporarily, washing out her mouth and splashing some cold water on her face soon after. Kyle soon followed, somehow creating tidal waves with the amount of water he required to wash the shaving foam from his features, great expanses of liquid spilling over from the elongated sink and splashing onto the floor. 
“You’ll be fine.” He shrugged her off, used to hearing dramatics from Soap, this routine of pre-Price nerves wasn’t anything new. He shot a quick glance in her direction, something brewing in his look, a slither of worry even, as he cautiously contemplated the news that the team received this morning. Soon blinking the feeling away before he dabbed his face on a towel. “Fancy coming with me to butter up the hot nurse in medical? I’ll carry you in all heroic n’ that, say you fainted or some shit and wham bam thank you mam’ I’ll be in” 
“You really think anyone’s gonna fall for that ugly mug?” She scooped up a handful of water and hurled it toward Gaz, letting out a loud laugh as he veered away from the assault, nearly slipping in his own puddles as he yelled out in struggle. “You fucking twat!” He scorned, grasping onto the side of the long sink as he took in his soaked shirt. 
“Ah, ah! No, you can’t do it back” She warned, chortling evilly as he slammed the tap back on, ready for revenge. “Or I won’t help you with hot nurse, whose name by the way, is Ella.” She spoke pointedly as she took her leave of the putrid gas chamber that happened to house some bathroom facilities.
“I knew that!” Gaz yelled out after her. 
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The atmosphere that carried from the shared bathroom and the dorms seemed to die at the Captain’s door. Starkly different in colour, the dark cherry wood distinct in consuming the light around it, eating from the spirit of the shared spaces. Hesitant hand hovered, her digits so cold that the metal of the door handle felt familiar, an extension of self. She’d only just grasped it, delicate touch barely wrapped around its length when-
“Lilith, come in.” 
Through the door, a loud rasping timbre, she’d been transported back to her early days in college, standing outside the headmaster's door, shuffling feet and nervous hands. Only, this was Captain Price. He’d sensed her lingering long before, awaited her arrival. 
The mood from this morning was scarcely traceable, she struggled to push open the heavy door, its weight certain in trying to keep her out, gatekeeper swinging mightily at the crowd. She was never one to settle, dark wood gave way but swung shut so quickly behind her that the woman barely had time to remove her fingers from its grip, cursing softly as the edge caught her skin. Her discomfort mixed headily with the thick smoke in the air, it hung lowly within the room, catching the afternoon rays as they mingled with the sooty particles. 
“Did it bite you?” Barely acknowledged by the Captain, his eyes cast downward toward a landscape of papers, rivers of files and mountains of cases. She held the offending digit, a small red slit pulsing. Something she’d ignore usually yet the weight of the room wrangled it open, prying the skin apart, smoke and tension settling where the blood should clot. 
“Sit, Lilith.” Finally, the great expanse of his eyes, a momentarily flicker to her figure then back down at the map of work. She moved forward, felt like running in a dream, a desperate flinging of limbs to find she’d barely taken a step, everything felt slow, the smoke was near to choking as she propelled herself into the seat awaiting her. Her hands found themselves grasping onto the jumper, wrenching the fabric and clutching desperately, hoping to squeeze some semblance of clarity from the threads, a touch of clean air it’d soaked from the rec, anything. She fretted, he worked. 
“Let me see then.” Another demand pulsed through with an exhale of smoke, rich and woody. She sat dumbfounded, hazy with the second-hand fog, not totally convinced she wasn’t still asleep. Maybe, she’d wake soon and find herself still on the couch. Parted mouth, she took her time licking her lips, tasting the mint of her toothpaste, actualising her existence. 
“Your hand, Lilith.” It darted out, readily presented to him, things felt strangely out of touch here. A resounding sense of fantasy, the smokey planes of hell, sharp-toothed drawbridge and his majesty himself. Gently, he took hold, large hand encircled her wrist, drawing her closer, surveying the damage she’d taken tumbling down to his stratum. A scratch. With his searing heat, an unsurvivable wound. 
“I’m alright.” Finally, she gasped out, the hazy laddered sun now strung across her features, dancing through the blinds and the smoke to illuminate the concern in her eyes. He huffed, thumb moving to her pulse, happily letting the vein push against his cracked skin, the feeling of it thrumming somewhat comforting. With his measured hold, she’d managed to avert her eyes and let them take in the room around them. At first, it seemed like John had tried to shove his life into this small office, crammed full of wooden trinkets, books and files. Little space was available, everything loomed inward, aching with the weight of his world. It was claustrophobic, even the air did not know how to dispense of his sighs and smoke. 
“The reason-“ His voice startled her, base trembling through the flitter of her asphyxiating thoughts. Price paused, earnestly he watched her, the pad of his thumb now carefully brushing against her skin in circles, half expecting to feel the welts of handcuffs, momentarily happy to find the sensation missing. “-we need to talk, is because the situation has escalated somewhat.” 
Lily nodded, gaze returning to find him, squinting as the sun shone right into her eyes, shifting nervously in the seat as she tried to adjust, leaning forward toward the desk to evade its scorning gleam. “I want to speak to my family.” Her lungs adjusted to the fumes, eyes evaded the light, heart had steadied, hand wretched from his observing embrace. Now, clearer. The room caved toward Captain Price, not her. She was a visitor here, Lilith would not let herself stay long, she had an overwrought feeling that if she did, the walls would start to reach for her too. 
“You will, soon.” Careful, calculating, he sits back. 
“No, Price, your situation has escalated, mine remains the same, I want to speak to my family.” She persists, the familiarity of herself seeping back to her, fortifying in her bones with a cooling chill that felt like power. 
He exhales, fingers drummed along the hardwood in a solemn tune. “Negative, your situation is mine, and it seems, ours is now complicated.” With a kiss of his stained teeth, the Captain put down his cigar, arms crossed over one another as he leant forward to emphasise himself. 
“Known targets of ours have come to the understanding that you are of some importance, an unfortunate conclusion drawn from skewed intel and fleeting perspective.” The blue has drained from his eyes, darkened pits of smoking coal swallowing the ocean that once was. “They see a blood-covered woman fleeing a brawl with our team, and think, other operatives are on the scene.” Dancing around the detail, twirling her to the point, entangled with the team on a mission they’d thought was finished long ago. “It’s messy.” 
“I’m not a part of this.” Lilith pleaded, grasping the desk with both hands and surging herself forward with a sneer. 
“You are now sweetheart.” Unflinching, coal captured the sparks of fury in her glare. “Want you to write a list of what you need to be comfortable.” 
“Want you to listen to me.” Her voice lowers to match the tone he gives her, mocking him with a sharp laugh, grip so hard her knuckles start to pale. 
“I have.”
“Listen again then, Captain, I’m not part of this.” Spat with venom, the honorific clawed up from the bowels of her rage, erupting with menace. It drove him to stand, fist slammed to the table, three long strides and he was so close that whatever air she’d reconciled for herself had been sucked into his damned inferno. “No Lilith, you have no real idea, the danger you’ve caused for yourself, is insurmountable. You want your family? Huh? Sure, should we go see mum and dad in the safe house, lead everyone to em’, shake things up?” It's inescapable, the heat that radiates from him, Icarus had flown too far and she could feel the wax melting her in place, seeping into her pores, cementing her to him. 
“Safe house?” She’s barely audible, quivering in his flaming shadow.
“I know this isn’t your fault.” A whisper of a breeze, something cooler, it coaxes her closer, the potential of reprieve. And yet, he answers nothing. Smoke and mirrors. “They’re in danger?” Searching eyes claw up at him, furrowed brow digging deeper toward her core, trying to emulate her frustration. He shakes his head lightly, hand slowly raising to settle on her shoulder, an attempt at grounding, it seared against her. 
“Not if we’re clever about this. Bad people think you know things, got intel, that they want. Seen you shoutin’ bloody murder and fighting your way past Ghost and got things wrong, like we did.” 
Her stunned silence makes things worse, he prefers when she’s alive and kicking, harking back at him with vigour. It made his emotions easier to understand, the irritation and general indignation seemed like something palatable compared to the deep-seated guilt she could stir up in him. “The people who tried to kill Ghost, saw me running and thought I did it?” Lilith’s question was more pointed than he’d expected, the catch she’d dug out quite quickly elicited another deep sigh from the man. 
“No, another group.” Pinched, unwilling to divulge much more. She had already stumbled into a mess and the Captain was desperately trying to sift her out of this pile, letting the rot fall away, hoping to keep her alive and well on top. “Who?” 
John screwed his eyes shut, unwilling to peer down at her as she tried to piece things together. He’d do better stepping back, lighting another cigar, let the smoke obscure her from him. Lilith took the opportunity, sensing the small waver in his stoic nature, striking. Her hand chased up his outstretched arm, resting atop his own, squeezing lightly as she took his hand within her own, pressing a small kiss to his palm. It was brazen, demoralised in the sanctum of his keep, disillusioned by the small kindness he’d shown her previously despite the brawling words often pitted between them. 
“Lilith-“ A dark warning, something worse than anger resonated from him, sticky tar-covered timbre lacquered her name like it was going to escape him forever, now forcibly stuck to his tongue he chewed out the syllables as it pained him, Lilith fixed to his teeth and pulled at his cavities, it was far worse than anger as it was anguish that adhered to it like death. 
Heated bumps fevered her arms, prickling at her skin as he uttered her name, she continued to push despite his scorch. “You can’t say I’m trapped in this and still keep me in the dark.” Pleading whispers, she continued to squeeze his hand, tentatively pressing a kiss to each knuckle, dry skin scratching against the soft plump of her lips. 
“Please, John.” 
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plangentia · 25 days
PY Un 267
.1 o-do-ke , a-ko-so-ta
.2 tu-we-ta , a-re-pa-zo-o
.3 tu-we-a , a-re-pa-te ‚
.4 ze-so-me-no ‚
.5 ko-ri-a2-da-na a ro m 6
.6 ku-pa-ro2 a ro m 6 *1̣5̣7̣ 1̣6
.7 KAPO 2T 5 VIN 20 ME 2
.8 LANA 2 VINb 2
Thus Alksoitas gave: To Thyestes, the unguent boiler aromatic substances for unguent to (be) boil(ed): coriander SPICE 6 cyperus SPICE 6 *157 16 FENUGREEK 2T5 WINEA 20 ME 2 WOOL 2 WINEB 2
This tablet contains more than 2000 litres of aromatic materials – likely for restocking rather than one particular perfume.
o-do-ke – ho doke – “thus X gave.” Introductory particle o/jo and the unaugmented aorist of δίδωμι. This is more likely to be a delivery than a gift.
a-ko-so-ta – Alksoitas. Believed to be one of the chief officials at Pylos. It has been suggested that this might be the identity of Hand 1.
tu-we-ta – Thuestai – “to Thyestes”. Dative singular of a personal name. This seems to be an aptonym fitting the man’s profession, since tu-we-a means “aromatics.”
a-re-pa-zo-o – aleiphazoos - “unguent boiler”. Compound of two stems: ἄλειφαρ  – “unguent” and ζέω “boil.” Unguent boiling was the technique of boiling olive oil with spices and other materials to infuse it with their scents and properties.
tu-we-a – theuha – “aromatic substances” – accusative plural of an s-stem neuter plural. Oldest alphabetic instance of θύος means “burnt offering,” but Homer uses it to qualify ‘perfumed’ oil.
a-re-pa-te – aleiphatei – “for unguent.” Dative singular of purpose.
ze-so-me-no – zessomenoi – “to (be) boil(ed).” Dative future middle participle. Originally -ss- because the s survives between vowels. This is middle in form, but likely passive in meaning. The -θη- element of the future and aorist passive is a post-Mycenaean innovation and thus we cannot differentiate middle and passive participles in these tenses.
ko-ri-a2-da-na – korihadna - “coriander.” Also written ko-ri-ja.
AROM – generic ideogram for commodities measured by dry units and do not have their own ideogram.
ku-pa-ro2 – kuparyos – cyperus. Cf. κύπαριος, κύπειρον. A reed related to papyrus. Used for banquets, perfume, and animal fodder in Linear B tablets.
*157 – unknown ideogram.
KAPO – monogram of the two syllabogram KA+PO or PO+KA. This sometimes means karpos – “fruit,” but seems unlikely here. Here Killen interprets KAPO as karphos – “fenugreek@ Could also mean “bark.” Classical Greek κάρφος.
VIN – wine. Used in unguents according to Greek authors. Two different ideograms differing in their number of vertical lines and represent two different products. WINEB must be a liquid akin to wine, but hard to identify. WINEB is described as sweet on some tablets, so maybe this is wine that has only partially fermented. Perhabs WINEA is fully fermented then?
LANA – wool. Unusual for making unguent? But raw wool is rich in grease (lanolin), which Greek authors describe as one of the ingredients used for the making of unguents. (Killen) ME – honey. Abbreviation for me-ri (μέλι).
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forgondor · 1 year
HELLO, I’ve been in this eczema situation- taking vitamin d with vitamin k helps THE MOST (a good brand with a USP seal or look at Labdoor) -When having a night alone, moisturize heavily and put on cheap knit winter gloves before bed (A&D ointment from the baby aisle is good, but smells & has fish oil) -Avoid washing hands or dishes in super hot water, do warm water -Spray hand sanitizer instead of gel -Get gentle hand soap (any gentle bar soap or ethique liquid hand soap concentrate) -Gold bond eczema lotion after showering or washing hands -Before chores or anything that might irritate hands, apply a thin layer of lanolin, vaseline, coconut oil, etc. (don’t do this before sex if it will be bad for your partner, or damage toys or condoms/barriers) IF ANY ECZEMA REMAINS, YOU EARNED IT, BE PROUD
Im -- i don't know what to do with all this -- thank you?? None of this applies to me as i am neither a slut nor eczema-having but with the amount of new followers ive gotten due to that eczema fingering post im sure that'll help someone. Medical advice from a kind anon. For free on this blog
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hubeijinlong · 3 months
Leather sofas are quite durable and last for many years provided they are well taken care of
Leather sofas are quite durable and last for many years provided they are well taken care of. Cleaning is an important aspect of leather sofa care. While cleaning leather sofas you have to be extra careful so that no damage is caused to the material.Leather Sofa Cleaning TipsLeather sofas become dirty due to regular exposure to skin oils and perspiration. They attract more dirt and grime if you have pets and children at home. Your leather sofas look ugly because dirt and grime get accumulated on its surface which makes it lose its natural shine. If you notice any such signs on the sofa, it is time to clean it up. Before that, just take a look at the following tips for cleaning leather sofas:Tip #1: Select the right kind of leather cleaner for sofas. Read the label of the cleaner carefully before purchasing them. Those with olive oil or lanolin as a component are most suitable. Any solvent based cleaner should be avoided as it can have a damaging effect on the leather. Castile soap is a water based cleaner that can be safely used on leather sofas.Tip #2: Before using any leather cleaning product on the main area of the sofa, do not forget to perform a patch test. Apply it on the bottom of the sofa to check whether it causes any harm to the color or texture of the leather. Once you are positive that it is safe for the leather, use it on the rest of the sofa as per the instructions provided by the manufacturers.Tip #3: While cleaning the leather sofa, you must give special attention to areas like the armrest and the back rest. As these areas are exposed to maximum body contact and more dirt and grease are found here.Tip #4: Do not use too much of water for cleaning leather sofas. This is because water leaves behind ugly water stains which is quite difficult to remove. Therefore, use only a damp cloth and not a water soaked cloth on leather sofas. Do not use a blow dryer to dry up the moisture residues as cracks may develop on the leather surface. Rather, wipe off the extra moisture and let it air dry.Tip #5: Leather has the natural ability to repel liquids provided you do not allow it to get absorbed into the leather. Therefore, if there are accidental liquid spills on your leather sofa, you must take quick action and blot it out with a sponge or soft cloth immediately. Just soak up the liquid and do not wipe it.Tip #6: If your leather sofa was left unused for a long time, there are chances of mold and mildew growth on its surface. For this, you have to prepare a solution by mixing up one part of rubbing alcohol with one part of water. Put this mixture on a spray bottle and apply it on the mold infested part of the sofa. Then rub a white lint free cloth gently over it in small circular motions. Then turn on the fan and let it air dry.Tip #7: Occasionally, leather sofas require a thorough cleaning. For this, you can prepare a homemade leather cleaner with white vinegar and linseed oil. Take one part of white vinegar and two parts of linseed oil in a bottle and shake the mixture vigorously. Pour a little mixture into a soft piece of pvc flex banner cloth and then rub this cloth in circular motions over all the surfaces of the sofa. Let the cleaning solution settle on the leather surface. Next morning, buff the leather surface with a dry rag. This will bring back the natural shine of the leather sofa.
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writing-waves-26 · 26 days
What can you use to rub on your baseball glove to break it in? | Rolex Lanolin
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Here are the best items you can use to soften your baseball gloves in order to develop a good pocket to grip the ball easily. Read more.
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meathead34 · 5 months
Lanolin Manufacturers | Lanolin oil | Anhydrous Lanolin | Lanolin Manufacturers in India | Rolex Lanolin
Rolex Lanolin manufactures pharmaceutical grade lanolin, lanolin oil, lanolin products, lanolin wax, and Lanolin Suppliers.
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intelligence365 · 11 months
Lanolin Oil | Anhydrous Lanolin | Liquid Lanolin | Rolex Lanolin
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Rolex Lanolin manufactures pharmaceutical grade lanolin, anhydrous lanolin, liquid lanolin, lanolin oil and other lanolin products.
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Energetix Vitamin d3-k2 Spray - royalstrongincenses.com
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Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray has gained popularity in recent years as a convenient and effective way to boost essential nutrients in the body. In this article, we explore what Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray is, its benefits, ingredients, usage, safety, and more.
Understanding Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
What is the D3-K2 spray?
D3-K2 Spray is a dietary supplement that combines two vital nutrients: K2 and. These nutrients are essential for various bodily functions, including bone health, heart health, and immune system support.
Benefits of Vitamin D3 and K2
Vitamin D3 is crucial for calcium absorption, which is necessary for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, helps regulate calcium deposition in the bones and prevents it from accumulating in the arteries, thus supporting heart health.
Ingredients and Composition
Key Ingredients
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray typically contains high-quality D3 (cholecalciferol) sourced from lanolin and K2 (menaquinone-7) derived from fermented soybeans. These ingredients are combined in a convenient spray form for easy absorption.
How It Works
When taken orally, the spray delivers a precise dosage of vitamin D3 and K2 directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth. This allows for faster absorption and better bioavailability compared to traditional pill or capsule forms.
Health Benefits
Bone Health
Vitamin D3 and K2 work synergistically to support bone health by promoting calcium absorption and utilization. Adequate levels of these vitamins help maintain bone density and strength, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Heart Health
Vitamin K2 plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health by preventing calcium buildup in the arteries, which can lead to arterial stiffness and cardiovascular disease. Combined with vitamin D3, it helps maintain healthy blood vessel function and circulation.
Immune System Support
Vitamin D3 is known for its immune-modulating effects, helping to regulate immune cell function and enhance the body's defense against infections and diseases. Vitamin K2 also contributes to immune system health by supporting proper immune cell activation and response.
How to Use Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
Recommended Dosage
The recommended dosage of Energetix Vitamin may vary depending on individual needs and health conditions. It is generally recommended to take one or two sprays daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional.
To use the spray, simply shake the bottle well and then spray directly into the mouth, preferably under the tongue, for optimal absorption. Swish the liquid around the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided on the product label.
Efficacy and Safety
Clinical Evidence
Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of vitamin D3 and K2 supplementation in promoting bone health, cardiovascular health, and immune function. However, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term benefits and potential risks of Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray.
Potential Side Effects
While Energetix Vitamin is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, stomach upset, or allergic reactions. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement regimen.
Where to Find D3-K2 Spray
Online Retailers
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray is available for purchase from various online retailers, including the official website, as well as popular health and wellness stores.
Local Health Stores
Some local health food stores, pharmacies, and supplement shops may also carry Energetix Vitamin. It is advisable to check with your nearest store for availability.
Comparison with Other Supplements
Advantages of Spray Form
The spray form of Energetix offers several advantages over traditional pill or capsule forms, including faster absorption, better bioavailability, and convenience of administration, especially for those who have difficulty swallowing pills.
Comparison with Pills and Capsules
While pills and capsules are the most common forms of vitamin supplements, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with digestive issues or swallowing difficulties. Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray provides a convenient alternative for individuals looking to optimize their intake.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Many users of Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray have reported positive experiences and noticeable improvements in their overall health and well-being. Customer reviews often highlight the ease of use, effectiveness, and pleasant taste of the spray.
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray offers a convenient and effective way to boost essential nutrients for bone health, heart health, and immune system support. With its unique combination of vitamin D3 and K2 in a convenient spray form, it is becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious individuals looking to optimize their vitamin intake.
What are the main ingredients in D3-K2 Spray?
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray typically contains D3 (cholecalciferol) sourced from lanolin and K2 (menaquinone-7) derived from fermented soybeans.
How does it benefit bone health?
Vitamin D3 and K2 work synergistically to support bone health by promoting calcium absorption and utilization, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Is it safe for long-term use?
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement regimen.
Can children use D3-K2 spray?
While Energetix D3-K2 Spray is generally safe for adults, it is advisable to consult with a pediatrician before giving it to children, as the dosage may need to be adjusted based on age and weight.
Where can I purchase Energetix D3-K2 Spray?
Energetix Vitamin D3-K2 Spray is available for purchase online from various retailers, as well as local health food stores and pharmacies.
Tel/WhatsApp: +1 (947) 886-3178 | Email: [email protected]
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blufashionbangladeshs · 6 months
Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream Price in BD
Sudocrem can be used to treat various skin conditions, like diaper rash, napkin rash, Eczema, Psoriasis, dermatitis, skin irritations, minor burns, and cuts. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream has a water-repellent base. This formula is a protective barrier that helps to stop any irritants in urine and stools from coming into contact with the skin. Its gentle yet potent formula creates a protective barrier that guards the baby’s delicate skin against moisture, friction, and irritants found in diapers. It is renowned for its effectiveness in preventing and treating diaper rash. By using it, parents can ensure their little ones stay comfortable and free from the discomfort associated with diaper rash.
Eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis are chronic skin conditions that can cause persistent discomfort and irritation. Sudocrem has been widely recognized for its therapeutic benefits in managing these conditions. It helps soothe itchiness, reduce inflammation, and alleviate redness. One of the standout features of this cream is its versatility. It is suitable for all age groups, from newborns to adults, making it a household favorite for addressing various skin irritations. Sudo Crem is the ultimate choice for those seeking a trusted treatment for these common skin conditions.
Effective Barrier Protection
Soothing Relief
Fast Healing
Trusted Formula
Net Weight: 125g
Manufacturer reference : USI-SAI-F20732
Brand: Sudocrem
Format: Cream
Pattern: Solid
Color: White
Imported From UK
Diaper Rash Cream
Occasionally, irritation may occur. If irritation worsens, stop using.
If symptoms persist or if accidentally swallowed, seek medical help. Do not use if hypersensitive (allergic) to any of the ingredients.
Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes.
No known case of overdose.
You should read carefully all the product packaging and labels before use.
Directions Apply a thin layer as need. Do not use in eyes, nose, and mouth and keep out of near to these places. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY
Ingredients Zinc Oxide Ph. Eur. 15.25% Benzyl Alcohol B.P. 0.39% Benzyl Benzoate B.P. 1.01% Benzyl Cinnamate 0.15% Lanolin (Hypo-Allergenic) 4% (W/W) Also contains: Purified Water, Liquid Paraffin, Paraffin Wax, Beeswax, Microcrystalline Wax, Sodium Benzoate, Linalyl Acetate Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Lavender Fragrance
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seoworkssss · 9 months
Incomplete Freund’s adjuvant
Incomplete Freund's adjuvant is usually prepared with a mixture of 2 parts of liquid paraffin and one part of lanolin, but the ratio may be 1-5:1, according to the need. An incomplete adjuvant can be transformed into a complete Freund's adjuvant with the final concentration of 2-20 mg/ml of BCG or killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
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nationalnutritionca · 10 months
Natural Factors Vitamin D3 1000IU Caps with Dr.Michael T. Murray: Vitamin D Supplements & Deficiency
Most Canadians WILL become Vitamin D deficient, and that can be detrimental to our overall health and wellness. Here, Dr. Michael T. Murray gives us the NEED TO KNOW on Vitamin D deficiency, and the benefits associated with taking a D supplement. Michael T. Murray N.D. is a naturopathic physician regarded as one of the world's top authorities on natural medicine. In this segment, Dr. Murray recommends you start absorbing some of that “sunshine vitamin” with his innovative Vitamin D3 drops from Natural Factors.
View this product at: 15ml:
180 softgels:
180 tabs:
210 tabs:
360 softgels:
500 softgels:
90 tabs:
180 softgels x 2:
90 tabs:
Natural Factors Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 plays a dual role as both a vitamin and a hormone that stimulates the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D3, calcium, and phosphorus are needed to keep bones strong. The "sunshine vitamin" assists in the absorption of calcium, helps strengthen bones and promotes cardiovascular health.
Visit us at: https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/
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7 Tips to Clean Sheepskin Rugs
Sheepskin is an extremely delicate material, so it is crucial that you treat it with great care when caring for a sheepskin rug. A typical sheepskin product features natural suede pelt on one side and wool fibres on the other, each reacting differently when exposed to different washing methods. To avoid damage to your sheepskin and keep its beauty, always follow its washing instructions; in most cases a gentle hand-wash with cool water is the ideal method; machine washing, harsh chemicals and hot water may harm its pelt and lanolin, stiffening its structure and diminishing its beauty over time.
Regular vacuuming of your rug will help eliminate dirt and dust that has collected over time, as well as any trapped odours. A plain hose or crevice tool works better here; using a brush head attachment could damage fibres by pulling them. Shaking it outdoors periodically will also refresh its look by clearing away dust and debris accumulated between fibers as well as help re-tangle any knots or kinks that have formed.
Spills and stains must be addressed as soon as they occur to prevent permanent staining from taking hold. In the case of liquid spills, use a clean cloth to blot up as much liquid as possible with one swipe, while solid spills should be scraped off using spoon edge scraper or scraping tool. For oily stains diluted laundry detergent in cold water should be applied directly onto affected area before using another clean cloth to blot and rinse until all oily spots have vanished completely.
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If your sheepskin is particularly dirty or has stubborn stains, you can use cold water in either the bath or basin to wash it. Avoid hot water as this may cause the pelt and leather to shrink or become brittle and could harm a shearing in particular. Before placing it into the water, give it a good hard brushing with a wire pet brush to rid any tangles and reduce matting.
Once the rug has been washed and rinsed, it should be placed in a warm, airy environment to dry without direct sunlight. Be wary not to allow too much dampness as this will encourage black mould growth on its hide or fleece material; furthermore do not leave in moist environments such as bathrooms or on damp floors within your house - otherwise mold growth will occur quickly!
Sheepskin does not appreciate being exposed to extreme temperatures, and should be stored away from radiators or placed on a cool shelf that does not drought. Too much exposure to direct sunlight will fade its colors and dry out its pelt and suede; regular brushing with wide tooth metal rug brushes such as those used on dogs will help ensure that it remains soft and shiny.
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Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight.
Cholecalciferol is also commonly found in foods such as fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products.
However, cholecalciferol used in supplements and pharmaceuticals is often synthesized from lanolin, a waxy substance derived from sheep's wool.
The production process of cholecalciferol from lanolin involves several steps, including purification, saponification, and isomerization.
Impurities can arise at each of these steps, leading to variations in the purity and quality of the final product.
Some common sources of cholecalciferol impurities include residual solvents, heavy metals, and organic compounds such as cholesterol and lanosterol.
Testing methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) can be used to detect and quantify impurities in cholecalciferol products.
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