#lipoma causes
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dratefahmed1 · 2 years ago
Short medical and Surgical Notes/ lipoma/Medical Lecture/Medical Video/Medical Students/no1doctor
#lipoma #lecture #surgery #MCQs #Exam #medical #doctor #medical_exam #medical_student #no1doctor #dratef #Mrcs #frcs #usmle Please Subscribe to our Channel Like ,Share our Videos Press Alarm Button Free Medical Android applications http://apk.dratef.net/?cat=23 Follow Us At Social Media…
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seonghwasblr-moved · 2 years ago
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l3irdl3rain · 4 months ago
Okay. Joey vet update. It’s long so I’ll put it under a cut.
They agree that the lump appears to be a lipoma (benign fatty tumor). And they agree that removing it would be best to keep it from getting any bigger. They’ll send it out for pathology to make sure it’s nothing to worry about.
They also mentioned that he seems to have fat deposits on the cheeks. Meanwhile his body has little to no body fat at all. They suspect his pectoral muscles are atrophied, leading to his fat depositing in weird places like his face. So all these years I thought Joey was a skinny boy he may have not been as skinny as I thought.
He just had bloodwork done and it looked good so they’re not worried about that. They did want to do some presurgical radiographs though. Those all looked pretty good, except they noticed what they believe to be aspergillosis. Aspergillosis is a respiratory disease caused by fungal spores. It is very possible he has had this for many years. He has never shown any symptoms and it might be many more years before he becomes symptomatic. But obviously it’s best to take care of it now.
He’s going to get some meds for the next few weeks and then have recheck radiographs on October 1st. If those look improved we’ll go ahead and schedule his surgery
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soft--dogs · 4 months ago
i'm back from the vet, the good news is the vet thinks boomer's tummy bump is just a benign lipoma. buuuuuut she's worried about where it's located, and how fast it's growing. since it's right above his peanus, if it gets any bigger it could impact how he pees and cause problems :/ she's also worried about that cluster of bumps on his hip, where that big floof patch is. she wants to remove it and send to be tested for cancer cells. they already tested it at the vet clinic and said it seemed like just fat cells (like a lipoma), but she's still concerned about it. she said i can wait and monitor both spots for growth, but that i should probably consider getting them removed soon :s
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shingekinomyfeelings · 2 months ago
Taurus is not doing great today. Obviously hurting a lot, and not as enthusiastic about food as he's always been. I've been pretty worried, but we're at the vet right now and literally just as I started to make this post, the vet came in to show us his x ray results. It looks like his spleen is being pressed out of place by something, which would definitely explain the pain. The blood test results should be in tomorrow and let us know if he needs an emergency splenectomy - if they're normal, we're probably looking at something like an internal lipoma causing compression, which would be a lot less scary. So, it really depends on what we see in the next 24 hours. I'm trying not to anticipate the worst. Keep your fingers crossed for him, please.
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leo-fie · 4 months ago
Over on a german language leftist subreddit I just had some guy tell me that fat people whose thighs are touching to the point where it causes health problems are so super rare that we shouldn't consider them in our politics, specifically with regard to cis-hetero society's insistence on pants.
They of course also said that it's not hard to loose enough weight to where your thighs aren't touching anymore and completely disregarded my argument that it's still oppressive to want fat people to conform to their standards, just because they think it's easy to be thin.
As if lipomas on the inner thighs aren't such a widespread thing that we literally have a word for it: Reiterhosen.
Anyway, I'm tired.
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setnet · 8 months ago
fun medical times general don't look warning if such things gross you out/you get angry about misdiagnosis etc
when I was a kid I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Great, fine, explained why my knees (and hips though that wasn't picked up for another couple years) didn't bend past right angles and were approximately the shape of a pufferfish. With a bit of treatment I got most of the range of motion back and the puffiness reduced a bit.
there were a few things that never quite gelled like how my blood tests never showed inflammation, x-rays showed no damage in the joints, and anti rheumatic drugs were markedly less useful than simple pain medication and anti inflammatories. But those my GP could manage so the rheumatologists shuffled me off their books.
last year my GP said, well, it's been a decade since you saw a specialist and your pain seems to be getting worse but I don't want you on some of these pain meds forever so let's get someone to look at you. public system said no, there's no inflammation in the blood tests, she's not high priority. GP said, hm, still not happy, want to try private? Me with health insurance and in chronic pain etc said, sure, why not.
specialist says, well, I'm not sure there's much I can do, but let's get you an MRI of one of your knees so we can check what's going on in there.
ever had a medical appointment start with the words, 'your scan results were very interesting'?
turns out I do not have and have have had rheumatoid arthritis.
turns out I have something so rare that I couldn't find a single layperson language resource about it
he got a scan of the other knee and fished out one done of my hips age about fourteen and turns out not only do I have this extremely rare condition; where most people who get it only ever get it in one joint, I have it in four joints: both knees and both hips
this thing is called lipoma arborescens and it's basically just gunk. It limits range of motion and caused pain through purely mechanical obstruction. It can basically only be diagnosed through MRI imaging or cutting open the joint to look, and even MRI has become much better over time: looking at the fuzzy, low-res 15-year-old MRI of my hips, even through my thwarted fury about e misdiagnosis I can kind of see why they didn't catch it.
other key things about lipoma arborescens that distinguish it from rheumatoid arthritis: it doesn't damage bone; it doesn't cause inflammation; and it doesn't respond to anti rheumatic drugs.
recommended treatment is just to go into the joint and cut it out: 'early synovectomy'.
that caused me to choke on a laugh and tell the specialist, you're twenty years too late for early.
but it's one knee down now. Today a knee surgeon went in there and did his thing. In his exacting medical terminology he told me 'there was quite a bit of the stuff in there, but I got most of it out'.
So I'll have a bunch of physiotherapy to do and an exciting new scar across my knee cap. and if it helps, I guess we line up for rounds 2-4.
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sleepytoycollection · 2 years ago
ya sleepy friendo here is having a lipoma removed wednesday because it turns out it's been causing a good chunk of my shoulder pain. here's to hoping it helps and I'll be able to do more projects now
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mediend2 · 8 months ago
Lipoma Causes, Symptoms, And Effective Prevention Methods
Lipoma is a common benign tumor that forms under the skin. It is composed of fat cells and can occur in any part of the body, but is most commonly found on the neck, shoulders, arms, and torso. Lipomas are non-cancerous and do not usually cause any harm, but they can be concerning due to their appearance and potential growth. There are different types of lipomas, such as superficial and deep-seated, which may vary in size and location. Lipomas are prevalent in the population, with about 1 in 100 people having them. Despite being harmless, addressing lipoma is important for overall health and wellness. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive understanding of lipoma, covering its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and effective prevention methods.
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Symptoms of Lipoma
· Lipoma typically presents as a soft, painless lump under the skin.
· It is commonly found on the neck, shoulders, back, arms, and thighs.
· The size of lipoma can range from small pea-sized to large grapefruit-sized.
· In rare cases, lipoma may cause pressure or discomfort if it grows near nerves or organs.
· Some people may experience multiple lipomas on their body.
It is important to note that lipoma symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the lump. For example, a lipoma on the neck may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing, while a lipoma on the thigh may cause discomfort when walking or sitting for long periods.
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year ago
I'm about to have to make one of the hardest decisions of my life and I don't know if I can do it.
I love my dog. She's the best dog in the world (as all dogs are). We just celebrated her 10th Gotcha Day and she was 2-3 years old when I got her. She's a Doberman, so she is well past her life expectancy.
She does have some quality of life. I think she's still happy. She still hops around like a puppy when we grab her leash to take her on a walk. But I know that quality of life is declining. She used to sleep in my bed almost every night. Now she can barely get up there, and she won't stay. She spends most of her day asleep. She's absolutely covered in lipomas, and more of them keep popping up. I can't even keep track anymore. She has some kind of hip issue that's causing nerve problems. She opened up a massive lick granuloma on her leg because of the nerve sensation, and it's been continually open for years. We can't get her to stop, even with medication, spinal manipulation, and laser therapy. She's having a harder time walking. The back yard is down a high set of stairs and she slips on them almost every day.
She was just diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis and she's not a good candidate for tie-back surgery.
As much as I wish it weren't a factor, the cost of her vet bills has gotten out of hand. We've already spent about $4,000 (USD) on her medical treatments this year. It'll be over $5,000 by the end of the year. We can't afford that. We absolutely can't afford it.
I know I'm going to have to euthanize her. I don't know if I'm keeping her alive when I should have already let her go because I can't bear it. I don't know if I'm trying to euthanize her prematurely. She has good days and bad days. If it were me (and I have a severe degenerative disability, so one day it will be) I would want to pass peacefully while the good days still outnumbered the bad.
I don't know what to do and there isn't a single choice I can make that I won't hate myself for later.
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dissociacrip · 1 year ago
I know you probably were thinking of people who have POTS and orthostatic hypotension when you said compression stockings aren't a mobility aid but on rare occasions it can be, because there are people with lymphedema and lipedema bad enough that they can't walk well unless they're wearing compression stockings (I would know, I have lymphedema though mine isn't severe enough to count as a visible disability). It's not in like. A mad way but I'm just sad everyone in the disability community forgets lymphedema or lipedema exist and just assume it's a fat person disease (which is part of the often fatphobic stigma caused by the only representation the disorders get being my 600 pound life lmao). Tbh I wish people remembered fat storage diseases (not sure what to call them but like. Diseases that cause your body to deposit abnormal amounts of fat in certain places) are visible disabilities (like lipomas, lipedema, adiposis dolorosum, epidural lipomatosis, and I'm sure there's plenty more because I'm 99 percent sure I have the "apple shaped" equivalent of lipedema with a huge painful fat deposit on my neck that burns when you touch it, as well as a huge fat deposit inside my spine that I've probably had since my teens. Yeah fat disorders are not fun) existed like I try to search lymphedema and epidural lipomatosis on Tumblr and it's like nobody has it but me and people who have since deactivated
i know what you're talking about because i'm pretty sure my ex's father had lymphedema in both of his legs which severely limited his mobility, although he used crutches to get around and not compression wear.
the thing is, i wasn't saying that compression stockings don't help people get around. they do even in the case of people who have POTS or orthostatic hypotension (or autonomic failure.) bug mobility aids are designed with the purpose of assisting in movement. it's not contextual usage. canes (including white canes and not including decorative ones for casual use, which aren't supposed to support weight anyways), crutches, various types of scooters, wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, leg prosthetics, and guide dogs are all examples of things designed for the purpose of assisting in movement. some mobility aids that have both "mobile" and not mobile forms are standing aids and transfer aids (such as sling lifts and lift chairs.) technically stair lifts, ramps, and bars to help you stand up in handicap stalls are also mobility aids, although the way most people use the term probably doesn't suggest that. what unites all of the above is that they're intentionally and explicitly designed for mobility assistance. certain types of orthoses/braces are arguably mobility aids, but not all of them.
basically, all mobility aids help people move around, but not everything that can help someone move around is considered a mobility aid. i think this is an important distinction to make because mobility aid usage comes with a certain stigma all on their own, including mobility aids that you don't carry around with you (although the stigma when it comes to things like stair lifts or hand bars or ramps usually present as exclusion of access when it's needed, or those things not even being present.) mobility aids aren't exclusively designed or used by physically disabled people because we all know able-bodied people with temporary injuries use them, but the stigma around their usage, of course, stems from physical disability.
something like compression wear isn't inherently subject to the same stigma, although it definitely could be stigmatized in relation to certain body types and forms of disability, as you mentioned here. pain medications that contextually help people physically get around are certainly stigmatized and that stigma may overlap in some superficial ways to, say, getting around with a cane or chair or whatever, but overall it's a different type of stigma. you can personally consider something in your disability situation as a mobility aid, but that doesn't mean it is socially or medically recognized as such, which makes general claims like "compression stockings are a mobility aid" untrue, while "compression stockings help me walk" certainly can be true if that's the case. it's the difference between something explicitly meant to assist mobility vs. something that sometimes can.
generally, certain things can be thought of as a "mobility aid" in certain circumstances if you use the term very literally, but in a broader sense of the term, they aren't. it's more a matter of the stigma around mobility aid usage than semantics though. i hope all of that makes sense. no one has to agree with me, but that's the logic behind my thoughts.
also, this makes me wish i mentioned lymphedema and similar conditions in my post about people who "move wrong" due to their disabilities 'cause i tried to go out of my way to include conditions that are seldom talked about. i'm sorry that you don't have anyone to share your experiences with on tumblr. it must be painfully isolating and no one deserves that.
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greenokapi · 1 year ago
When it’s almost 9am and you haven’t slept cause you couldn’t stop watching pimple popping and lipoma removal videos while eating laufabrauð and now you have a headache and are probably gonna have weird fuckin dreams…
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the-firebird69 · 4 days ago
We have a few things to go over here one of them is this place seems to be uncomfortable to our son gets here early doesn't feel comfortable. And leaving the seats in his legs and things like that it's true like walking or something is causing it every time and he had potassium here once and then left and felt a little better but it's still painful.
We looked at it and there's electromagnetic activity and it's not from the boats or the marina
-have a couple other things to say it's not many places to go around here and he's sitting in a half decent spot but still whole place that gets electrified it's weird
-couple things to note he's got a full suit and that would be a two-piece suit a tie white button down t-shirt belt dress shoes dress socks as soon as charcoal gray with a hint of brown it's a light pinstripe we can barely see the pinstripe it is a very nice suit I have two very nice suits I used to be his they were at I have a time for the community for a long time just sitting there and yeah it's weird there are some ceremonies already celebrating Jimmy Carter and eventually every one of them saying that it's very strange trying to see what it is. Some people think they got to the bottom of it didn't really have any approved and they don't really know who's saying it or why and it's most likely people who want to use a suit and they're trying to take it and all this stuff and they're ae're fighting sometime pretty hard over it and ongoing. Today we have several things to report. They're pretty big too.
--one of them is not leaving him alone and then don't know what happens what's happening to a lot of them both sides. Michael too was holding the suits hostage. And stannis will nervous but on Sunnyside by the time you find someone you have to make the pants from scratch and they would be like a tailor you have to find the particular material it'll cost twice as much as it costs the suit and he can get a new one not that much it's wool for real fun Newsies and the suit is top is too small and it's just going to get smaller. Speaking of wish and Hera's ears perked up.. he's going down no the Prilosec percent is going down and it's going down 7.4% 5 days ago two about 5.9% this morning he's been in two cycles outside. Setting for a third and it is about 20 minutes. Those three cycles are about starting with 12 rad the second one this afternoon was 12.5 Grand this third one is going to be about 16 rad it's combining and he's closer to it in less than 20 minutes he's around 23 minutes from now it's actually high. We had several spikes last night a oxygen up to about 25 and he started to heal rapidly it's also because of three cycles at 12:00 and 2 at about 13 and it was making sure that the Prilosec was ⁹ going on now it started out doing that and the lower doses worked the lipoma was smaller. Trump is not very high level of mutant he's actually around a two Tommy a it's about a five and it's still not very high. They are lower level mutants to our son very low they don't classify is not true and you can see them changing they're getting an assist from seven different sources that are very dangerous and they're illegal because of that believe it or not in the fourth source that is most certainly always terminal that they think that they're high level mutants because of what's happening with when they're breaking their own laws and it's disgusting so we don't think they're wise and they're not more shortly
Thor Freya
People are strange if that I mean wow this girl is a size of 13 year old child commenting and all like nuts it's a mental hospital
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ramadoodles · 11 days ago
My Skincare Routine:
When I was younger, I had damn good skin which seemed to be allergic to skincare. I remember trying facewash because all my friends were doing it, and it somehow gave me my first pimple. So for a long time, my skincare routine was just washing my face with soap (yes, for real).
Nowadays, with my hectic job and travel, my skin's needs have grown. In addition, it's become sensitive to the changing seasons- a moderate change in humidity will cause dry patches and pimples.
So my skincare is a bunch of extremely basic oils and creams- I try only age-old ingredients which have been tried by a bunch of people in my family, and I slowly iterate them in a month-long process to confirm that they're not causing any harm to my skin.
It's quite literally just:
Coconut oil: The ultimate do-everything oil. Works for moisturizing everything, but be cautious with using it on your face. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone, because it's supposed to be comedogenic and can cause pimples. But I've grown up in a very coconut-heavy household, and I have a feeling it's given me some kind of immunity to coconut oil; I've yet to see any side effects from using it.
Bhringaraj oil: will make your hair grow like a weed. I had bhringaraj oil-soaked braids for every single day of my school years, and I personally think they made up for a lot of genetic deficiencies I had in my hair. I still regularly oil my hair whenever it looks dry, varying between once a week in the monsoon and once in two days in the dry seasons.
Castor oil: I'm not a doctor, but this is amazing for removing bumps and moles inside the skin. I've had multiple relatives recommend this to me because after massaging it into their skin daily, their lipomas reduced and their moles just fell out. (I swear to god, they just fell out. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself.)
Almond oil: I got it for giving my hair an extra shine, but I found it's best used for stubborn dry spots on my skin, like elbows. Also it's been really good for skin irritations and eczema, and I like how it absorbs faster into my skin compared to the other oils.
Kailas Jeevan: Very cool ointment which is supposed to heal ailments caused by excess heat in the body. It has a comically long list of problems it can solve; I can personally vouch for it fixing burns, rashes, mosquito bites, and even a cyst which I was worried I'd have to remove surgically.
Boroline: Top tier lip moisturiser. Also works great for dry elbows. I haven't used this one much though.
Aveeno moisturiser: I think this is the only traditional skincare product I use lmao. I add a little water to it and just use it on my face at night, after I've washed it with water.
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drcare4u · 15 days ago
Patanjali Ayurvedic Medicine for Lipoma
Lipomas, the most common form of benign soft tissue tumors, consist of fatty tissue that grows slowly and typically presents as small, movable lumps beneath the skin. While they are generally harmless, their presence can cause discomfort or aesthetic concerns.While traditional treatments often involve surgical removal, many people seek natural remedies, including Ayurvedic medicine, for managing…
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breastdoctor25 · 17 days ago
Specialized armpit lump treatment in Pune by Dr. Shilpy Dolas. Effective solutions for your breast health. Schedule your appointment today.
Discovering a lump in the armpit can be concerning, and it is crucial to seek expert medical care for timely diagnosis and treatment. If you are looking for armpit lump treatment in Pune, Dr. Shilpy Dolas is a trusted breast surgeon with years of experience in diagnosing and managing armpit lumps. With a patient-first approach, she ensures accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and compassionate care. Schedule your appointment today through convenient online booking or video consultations.
Understanding Armpit Lumps
An armpit lump, also called an axillary lump, is a localized swelling under the arm. These lumps can vary in size, texture, and severity. While most lumps are benign and harmless, they can sometimes indicate infections, cysts, swollen lymph nodes, or, in rare cases, more serious conditions like breast cancer.
Early detection and diagnosis are key to addressing the underlying cause and ensuring effective treatment. Dr. Shilpy Dolas, a seasoned breast surgeon, specializes in armpit lump treatment in Pune, offering expert care and solutions for all breast health concerns.
Common Causes of Armpit Lumps
Armpit lumps can arise from various causes, including:
Swollen Lymph NodesLymph nodes may swell due to infections, inflammation, or underlying medical conditions.
InfectionsBacterial, viral, or fungal infections can cause painful lumps in the armpit.
Cysts and LipomasBenign cysts or fatty growths (lipomas) are common, harmless lumps that may require removal if they cause discomfort.
Breast CancerIn some cases, armpit lumps may be linked to breast cancer, as lymph nodes in this area can become swollen. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective management.
Hormonal ChangesHormonal changes, especially during menstruation or pregnancy, can sometimes lead to temporary swelling or lumps.
Other Medical ConditionsAutoimmune diseases, allergies, or side effects from medications can also cause lumps under the arm.
Why Choose Dr. Shilpy Dolas for Armpit Lump Treatment in Pune?
Dr. Shilpy Dolas is a leading breast surgeon specializing in breast and axillary (armpit) concerns. Her extensive experience and patient-focused approach make her the ideal choice for those seeking armpit lump treatment in Pune.
Here’s why patients trust Dr. Dolas:
20+ Years of ExperienceWith decades of experience in breast health care, Dr. Dolas has successfully diagnosed and treated countless patients with armpit lumps and related conditions.
Accurate DiagnosisDr. Dolas uses advanced diagnostic tools, such as clinical breast examinations, imaging tests (mammograms or ultrasounds), and biopsies, to identify the exact cause of the lump.
Patient-Centered CareDr. Dolas understands that discovering a lump can be stressful. Her compassionate, patient-first approach ensures that you feel informed, reassured, and cared for throughout the process.
Comprehensive Treatment PlansWhether the lump is benign or requires advanced care, Dr. Dolas provides tailored treatment options to address your specific condition.
Convenient Online ConsultationsAccessing expert care has never been easier. With online appointment booking and video consultations, you can connect with Dr. Dolas from the comfort of your home.
Diagnosis and Treatment Process
At Dr. Shilpy Dolas’s clinic, the process of diagnosing and treating armpit lumps involves the following steps:
Consultation and Clinical ExaminationDr. Dolas will carefully evaluate the lump through a physical examination and discuss any symptoms or medical history.
Diagnostic TestsTo determine the cause of the armpit lump, additional diagnostic tests may be recommended, such as:
Ultrasound or Mammogram for imaging the lump.
Biopsy to check for any abnormal cells or conditions.
Personalized Treatment PlanBased on the diagnosis, Dr. Dolas will design a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatment options may include:
Medications for infections or inflammation.
Cyst or Lump Removal for benign conditions causing discomfort.
Advanced Treatments in case of breast cancer or other complex issues.
Follow-Up CareAfter treatment, regular follow-ups ensure that your recovery is smooth, and any concerns are addressed promptly.
When Should You Seek Treatment for an Armpit Lump?
If you notice any of the following symptoms, it’s essential to consult an expert like Dr. Shilpy Dolas without delay:
A lump that persists or grows in size.
Pain, tenderness, or redness in the armpit area.
Swelling in or around the lymph nodes.
Changes in breast shape, size, or skin texture.
Unexplained weight loss, fever, or fatigue.
Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve outcomes, especially in cases where the lump indicates a more serious condition.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
If you are searching for reliable armpit lump treatment in Pune, Dr. Shilpy Dolas offers expert solutions with a compassionate touch. With her vast experience and modern diagnostic techniques, she ensures that you receive the highest standard of care.
Booking an appointment is simple – schedule a consultation online or connect via video call for convenient and accessible care.
When it comes to your breast and armpit health, expert care matters. Dr. Shilpy Dolas, one of the most trusted names for armpit lump treatment in Pune, specializes in diagnosing and treating armpit lumps with precision and care. From routine screenings to advanced treatments, Dr. Dolas provides effective, patient-focused solutions to address your concerns.
Don’t wait to get the care you deserve. Book your appointment with Dr. Shilpy Dolas today and take the first step toward better breast health.
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