ankalimes-trash · 5 years
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “:(”
At least we have one semi good Lannister dad
yeah and he like also kissed tyrion on the cheek after he recovered from the blackwater battle and told him he was glad to see him and like my heart swelled
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sare11aa11eras · 5 years
Do you think Sansa will be married in the end of the series.
No, I don’t think Sansa will be married at the end of the series, unless it is in the context that she’s still technically married to Tyrion. I do think it likely that she will marry Harry the Heir during winds and then LF kills him/Harry dies in battle and Sansa may be forced to marry LF at some point during Winds depending on when LF gets killed. Point is, I am 10000000% positive that Sansa won’t be married to anyone unless there’s a new romantic contender, which I find doubtful. 
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
Since you finished the first 2 books. What is your favorite chapter from each book.
Omg just one chapter?? Mmm.. I have a feeling I’m not gonna make it lmao.. So yeah… Here’s an extremely long answer to your question 
Game: For book 1 it’s always a never ending struggle between Bran and Cat.. If I had to chose, maybe Bran 3 (the 3 eyed raven sends Bran his first dream and teaches him how to fly), it’s my first gut response. It really made an impression on me, so fascinating and ominous but also somehow heartwarming at the same time? When Bran FLIES oh the CHILLS.
But there are so many good ones: the prologue, Bran 2 (Jaime pushes Bran, because that moment is just shocking to read regardless) and 4 (Old Nan tells some stories about the last hero or something?) and 7 (he finds Rickon in the crypts and then Luwin tells the story of the children of the forest and then they get the news about Ned and I cry forever…), Cat 3 (she and Summer defend Bran from the catspaw assassin) and 6 (the climb to the Eyrie!! That was amazing) and 10 (the battle of the Whispering Wood, probably my fave battle from the books for now - come fight me), Arya 2 (she has a heart to heart with Ned and then her first lesson with Syrio) and 5 (for OBVIOUS reasons), Jon 6 (when they swear their oath omg) and then 9 (he tries to desert but his new brothers come to bring him back my heart), Tyrion 3 (he talks with Mormont about the Watch and then one the Wall with Jon and they call each other friends N I C E), Ned 12 when he confronts Cersei in the godswood… 
Clash: I feel like for book 2 I can identify maybe fave moments or storylines rather than chapters, cause they do feel a little less… focused at times? they are much less distinguishable in my mind? That’s probably why tbh my fave chapter in itself is the prologue… Let me tell you it took me completely by surprise, the way George got me to care SO MUCH about Crassen in SO LITTLE, and his inner turmoil and decision, the description of Stannis’ court from his eyes and the danger that Mel represented in his eyes… and then the scene of his death, with him falling down with the foul’s hat that the man he was so devoted to made him put on, hearing its bells as he was dying… man it really did things to me, I think it was a little masterpiece in itself!
But I also really loved Cat 2 (Brienne’s introduction duh) and 3 (RENLY’S PEACH COME ON) and 7 (her grieving over Bran and Rickon + the conversation with Jaime in the dungeons *chef’s kiss*), Theon 5 (for the psychological trip of him being tormented by his demons… really haunting and effective), Dany 4 (The House of the Undying), Arya 10 (escaping Harrenhall - but generally her storyline was prob my favorite?), all of Sansa’s chapters about the battle of the Blackwater, Bran 3 (the feast at WF + introduction of the Reeds) and 4 (where he talks with the Reeds about the dreams) and 7 (the ending of the book, when he and rickon escape the crypts and Bran think he is not dead just broken like Winterfell UGH)
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post ““ Across the city, thousands had jammed into the Great Sept of Baelor...”
What a queen for getting up as soon as they pray for Joffrey.
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “This is the most dramatic breakup scene I have ever witnessed in my...”
All I see is Davos breaking up with his boyfriend for the new hot guy
That’s exactly what it is 🥺That’s not even subtext, that’s just text 
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@book-sansa ha risposto al tuo post “Damn what Hoster did to Lysa…………………. ”
Yeah, it was never brought up in the show. And Hoster knew it was Petyr; that's who he was talking about when he referred to "that stripling/wretched boy."
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “Damn what Hoster did to Lysa…………………. ”
They didn't put it in the show
Thank you guys!! 
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “Damn Ramin really peaked when he scored ASOS Jon IV”
How dare you
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “Ok so this has nothing to do...”
They are known for their hate for cat
i mean can’t relate
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
@liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “Ok so this has nothing to do with this chapter, but reading of Edmure...”
It's the order of the green hand isn't it.
I just checked it out cause I didn’t even remember but yes lol
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
liornamikaze ha risposto al tuo post “Jon Snow vs. Stannis "The Mannis" Baratheon. Who has the sickest burns...”
Dude you don't know about jon snow sick bruns yet.
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coffereadsasoiaf · 5 years
Rule : answer 21 questions then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better
I was tagged by the lovely @this-is-not-what-i-expect ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you!!!
Nickname(s) : Coffe:) (with one e cause i can’t spell)
Zodiac sign : Pisces
Height : 163cm i think?
Last movie I saw : Coco (loved it!)
Last thing I googled : “aemon targaryen” cause i couldn’t remember the targ family tree
Favourite musician : this is an impossible question but the artist I admire the most it’s probably Fabrizio De André
Other blogs : my main @whilehavingcoffe, but i’m not very active there tbh… which is getting kinda annoying because now i’m really enjoying making this side blog but i can’t follow/like/send asks/reply to people :/
Following : 304
Followers : here 28
Do I get ask : i got one really sweet anon the other day, but generally nope.. but i’d love to!! Please come talk to me;)
Amount of sleep : varies a lot through the year, but never enough
Lucky numbers : it’s not lucky in any way, but i like number 7
What I’m wearing : light grey gym shorts and black top - standard home attire for a boiling summer in Italy
Dream job : eh currently trying to figure it out (i’m not stressed!! at all!!!! ahah i’m fine-)
Dream trip : probably Japan? but i would be happy to go anywhere, i don’t travel much:(
Favorite food : pasta
Instruments : studied violin for a year as a kid it was the worst… then a couple of years of piano but i stopped… i can’t play anything other than the pieces i used to study and even those are kinda tragic
Languages : Italian and English. I can understand written French with a dictionary close by but speaking/writing is a no no. At a certain point I tried to follow youtube lessons on ASL and Korean but it didn’t last long lmao
Favourite song : currently mmmmm maybe Hold out by Mas Ysa
Random fact : i’m currently being more consistent with my work out than with my thesis, which is scary
Aesthetic :
in my mind: romantic, jaw-drapping natural sights, long gowns + hair flowing in the wind, horse riding warrior princess
in reality: only black clothes are valid, couch queen, glasses constantly misplaced, can’t wash my coffee mug until I’ve used all of them, tired™
Tagging: i don’t really know anyone, so i’ll tag some blogs i like :) (feel free to ignore me tho!)
@contrasinfonia, @loyalannister, @ircnfromice, @smolbeanee, @pattarainn, @caffeinatemedaily, @reloha, @tardisshield221b, @rachelagnes24, @wicked-books-101, @liornamikaze, @strsinthesky
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