svensklangblr · 6 years
I den tredje meningen: "Hon är en gudinna." "Vem då?" "Tjejen som läser det här." Är "den tjej" bättre än "tjejen"? Vad är det bästa sättet att uttrycka det där?
det första sättet låter bäst “tjejen som läser det här”
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dagenssvenska · 7 years
linneadenvarg replied to your photo “Han såg en möjlighet för ett liv tillsammans med henom / He saw a...”
@lufia4 I think that's because "henom"is obviously based on the masculine "honom", which the gender-neutral "hen" is trying to avoid.
Sure, there are those that are uncomfortable with using ‘henom’ because it is similar to ‘honom’ and instead only use ‘hen’ in place of it.
But there are plenty of nonbinary people (including me, hello) who use henom and are perfectly comfortable with it and who really don’t appreciate seeing people trying to suggest that it’s not gender neutral.
Some people use hen/hens/henom. Some use hen/hens/hen. Both are fine. Both are gender neutral. Neither is inherently better than the other.
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extradiol · 6 years
The problem with being the morning person in a polycule that shares a bed is waking up hours before everyone else and being torn between getting up and doing stuff and staying in bed cuddling sleepy @linneadenvarg and @gargoame
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catincootes · 7 years
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@notkilroy @gargoame @linneadenvarg
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quomododragon · 6 years
Ego quoque ocd habeō! (also wanted an excuse to say something in Latin heh)
I swear there’s something about Latin that appeals to my OCD. It’s like solving a puzzle!
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deafgaming · 7 years
I have a question about your thoughts on captions as a Deaf person. I'm hearing but have central auditory processing disorder. I can make by without captions, with varying difficulty, but captions help me a lot. I almost always use the autogenerated captions on Youtube. They work pretty good for me, because I can combine the words I hear and the words I see to be able to understand better than I would without captions, or only using the imperfect autogenerated captions and no audio. (1/2)
How effective do you find the autogenerated captions, being Deaf? Are you able to understand decently with them or do human-made captions help you a lot more? (2/2)
Captions are helpful for all types of abilities and disabilities, that’s for sure! Autogenerated captions are definitely not as good as manual captions. The technology is unfortunately not there yet. I sometimes find myself not understanding the context if the captions stray too far or I miss a joke because of tone or sound effects (aka if someone is being sarcastic, manual captions will say *sarcastically*). However, it’s better than nothing.
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autspoon · 6 years
Hej Lykke. Could I ask you to explain your hearing more please? I have CAPD, or at least have thought I do, but am currently questioning if I have minor hearing loss and possibly tinnitus instead. And I don't know any others really that have hearing problems. I'm going to try getting to an audiologist but I dunno how long that'll take and I wanted to try and get more of an idea in the meantime. Tusen takk ❤️ and you can answer this privately if you prefer.
When you hear less than the average, one still can actually struggle in the same way to process sound. One just simply gets less to work with! But honestly, I feel like if you only look at how it is on surface, it might be indistinguishable between people who are hoh vs have apd.
But anyway, I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that when you lose hearing... It’s not that things are necessarily “quieter”. It’s that you hear less pitches, or certain pitches get muffled and muted more.. I hear less of higher frequencies.
So like, that means that higher stuff being louder changes nothing. This translates too with literally everything else.. Being louder doesn’t make me hear thing better, if anything it needs to be clearer.. So I’m more likely to catch as much as possible from what I’m given.
Higher voices are harder for me to hear, and I probably don’t hear most of what people say when they have higher voices.. But this also translates to like.. everything. I find it hard to listen to music, because not enough of it really is something I can hear clearly. I need bassy music.
Bassy music is in the ranges I can hear: They are deep... But also there is more “physical” vibration.. I can physically feel bass.
I think most things of hoh and capd overlaps.. For example struggling a lot to process or understand what people say. Which is namely the definition stuff of both the things. You struggle to process stuff in the speaking range with capd, and you struggle to hear frequencies in the speaking range with being hoh.
So in a sense.. They are in a way the same. One is physically in your ear, the other is just a physical processing of sound in your brain.. In practice I’d say they amount to mostly the same sort of experiences though.
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svensklangblr · 6 years
Hej, vet du nåra HBTQ musikartister som sjunger på svenska?
hej, nej inte specifikt hbtq på rak arm
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svensklangblr · 7 years
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@psysomatics i think it’s beautiful too! i have nothing against it in anyway don’t get me wrong, but i don’t think it’s a language... fit for erotica hahaha. i think a lot of people don’t find their native languages sexy lol
@linneadenvarg well... yes i know i’ve actually had one plus (1+) sex
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svensklangblr · 7 years
Hi! I've been trying to find a list of the pronunciation of the letters of the Swedish alphabet, like if someone is spelling a word or acronym, like English "ay, bee, cee, dee" etc. Do you know of a a site that has it? Thanks!
hey! :)
a - aa
b - bee
c - cee
d - dee
e - ee
f - eff
g - ge
h - hå
i - ii
j - ji
k - kå
l - ell
m - em
n - en
o - o
p - pe 
q - ku
r - err
s - ess
t - te
v - ve
w - dubbel ve
x - eks
y - y
z - zäta
å - å
ä - ä
ö - ö
here’s a video source i found 
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svensklangblr · 7 years
Hej! Vet du vad betyder "smygfläskig"? Hittar det där ordet ingenstans :(
hej! jag tror inte att det är ett riktigt ord, bara två ord sammansatta, smyg, och fläskig. “smyg” betyder ungefär att någonting är gjort i hemlighet eller diskret. fläskig kommer från ordet “fläsk”, (pork) och beskriver ungefär att någonting är tjockt. antar att smygfläskig betyder att någonting är lite tjockt? jag har i alla fall aldrig hört det. vilken kontext stod det i? 
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extradiol · 6 years
My girlfriend: *walks out of the room for all of ten seconds*
Me: I miss you!
I'm too gay to exist TBH
@gargoame @linneadenvarg
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autspoon · 6 years
I'm sorry if my ask from like a week ago was weird or rude.. I don't know how to talk to people and I'm bad at getting my thoughts across too :/
it’s ok... it’s more that i take time to respond to stuff... and i find a lot of questions and asks i get from this post to be hard to respond to.. because i need a lot of inspiration, motivation and thought to write about these topics. i’ll try to respond to it, yeah? but it cool.
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quomododragon · 6 years
For awhile now I've been wanting to learn Latin again. I've started and stopped so many times in the last decade. I found your blog today, maybe this is a sign I should 😁
YES! :D It’s definitely a sign! Certainly more reliable than augury...
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autspoon · 7 years
What's your langblr???
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