catincootes · 11 hours
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catincootes · 13 hours
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catincootes · 22 hours
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catincootes · 22 hours
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I felt like I needed to clarify some things before we could continue any more conversations on this godforsaken website.
I’m very proud of the European Robin, I think I really captured it.
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catincootes · 1 day
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The 90's Hot Topic Goth Kid Movie Starter Pack™
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catincootes · 1 day
1950's rainbow tulle formal gown with a flower and rhinestone studded bodice. Xtabay Vintage.
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catincootes · 1 day
Something I wish more gentiles understood, especially Christians, is that "supercessionism" is just a fancy academic term for "colonialism of the soul."
It's cultural appropriation. It's taking our sacred texts and saying "we know your history, your faith, and your G-d better than you do." It's twisting the deeply Jewish meanings of the Tanakh into somehow being about things that wouldn't happen for hundreds or thousands of years. It's taking the history of our people and egotistically making it all about you, somehow. It's trying to split the spiritual atom. It's trying to sever the self from the soul.
It's assuming you know anything about us because your holy texts talk about us, and because you read our stolen texts through a lens that flatters you. You take our practices and denigrate them, and you take our holy sites and bar us from them with violence. And when we protest this, or even simply try to practice our religion and culture in peace, you try to silence us and stop us. Why? Because you can't stand the sight of the people you hurt and stole from. And the longer the violence continues, the more our ongoing survival becomes loathsome to you. You can't face your people's history and you can't face what you took from us, so you would rather we were dead. But our living ghosts haunt your steps and your prayers. You see us everywhere in the things you took from us and your desperate efforts to write us out of our own story and it drives you insane.
But it didn't, and doesn't, have to be like this.
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catincootes · 1 day
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You don't even know about Cammy's little rat feets. Embarrassing. But there is always room for growth. 💚
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catincootes · 1 day
After brain uploading is invented, besides the obvious it-runs-doom mimicry ("this guy ran their brain on a blender!") there's probably gonna be people transferring their mind around in silly ways.
Like the first person to copy themselves into a new robot body over dial-up.
YouTube video: "Copying my mind onto a new server using only 3.5" floppy disks". The thumbnail is a grey metallic android holding up a big pile of colorful floppy disks.
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catincootes · 1 day
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i would die for them 🥺
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catincootes · 1 day
Posting this iconic piece of media that I just NEVER found online isolated except in an archived reddit thread
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catincootes · 1 day
At the start of one of my many attempts at uni (we're no joke on number seven) I took an anthropology class because it seemed cool. This was at the absolute height of the popularity of Bones so the first lecture was literally standing room only, fire hazard levels of packed.
So the professor comes in and I cannot express enough how much this man was actually round, not tall, greying, balding, and literally wearing a three-piece tweed suit with a little red bow tie. He was the most perfect human being I've ever met.
Anyway the look on his face when he saw an actually packed lecture theatre was one of sheer unbridled glee. Natural, right? His dinky little subject is suddenly unbelievably popular.
Which gave him the perfect opportunity to talk about pissing for a solid hour. Because that was his specialist subject. Comparative urination etiquette.
This man who was the Platonic ideal of a humanities professor stood there and talked enthusiastically about piss to a packed to the rafters lecture theatre full of bright-eyed first years, and as this was a Monday morning it was almost certainly many people's first ever university lecture of their whole life. His eyes were glittering with joy the whole hour. He was having the time of his life.
There were absolutely no questions at the end of the lecture. He, apparently having fully understood what he was doing, clearly expected this and instructed us to have a lovely day and wished us good luck on our higher education journey.
You could sit anywhere you wanted in the lecture theatre the next week and the lecture was intro to methods in anthropology.
I don't think I could ever love a man more than I still love him.
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catincootes · 1 day
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original post
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catincootes · 1 day
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catincootes · 2 days
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catincootes · 2 days
One of those retellings of Batman as a fairy tale things but instead of a fairy tale it’s Talmud
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catincootes · 2 days
Thanks, Anon!
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