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aurathian · 1 year ago
Prompt: Zelda befuddles Link
Link drops the bundle of wood in his arms in shock, ignoring how it clatters to the floor and almost hits one of the animals--a Remlit--that have now taken over their small cottage on the surface.
"They need a home," Zelda whimpers knowing the expression on his face, shock and exasperation and confusion, calls for an explanation, "and we have plenty of space!"
No they don't, and they both know it--but Link also knows Zelda's heart is too big to abandon such poor, scared animals in the dark or the rain, the same poor and scared animals that jumped him in gangs at night on Skyloft; as he maneuvers around the room, he swears one of the Remlits smirks at him with a horrible glint in its eye.
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cooking-with-hailstones · 1 year ago
Forever Bound to the Soul of the Hero
Fi's retelling of the Breath of the Wild Memories
(Rated T: Canon typical violence)
For @linksthoughtbrambles
I have been asleep for a very long time.
The woods where I was laid to rest have flourished since their destruction in the last war. The spirits of the forest are chittering with nervous anticipation as I spark back to wakefulness. The Great Deku Tree rumbles his warm welcome, even though my awakening signals a portent of doom.
I feel the evil gathering in the land. Even in my sleep, I have sensed the aura of dark energy seeping into the earth, the trees, the wind, the shifting of stone on stone.
It is hard to tell how long it has been between cycles. Sometimes millennia will pass, sometimes only a hundred years.  But every time the evil comes, someone will be chosen to fight back.
I can feel him out there. He sees me in dreaming, and he knows a great destiny awaits him.
It will soon be time. I shall be raised skyward once more.
Ceremony of Innocence:
“ Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness… You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight… The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection…and we hope that-- that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one…”
I am afraid.
Much has been lost in the generations since the last champion of the Goddess bore me across his shoulders. I can see remnants of the technology, lingering vestiges that have not decayed over the millennia. But so much knowledge is gone. 
There is no mystery here as to why this spirit maiden is unable to awaken her powers. The Sheikah elders from whom she must receive guidance and instruction in every generation have lost their influence over the royal family. They are only now, through their adept understanding of ancient technologies, able to regain some of their former status. But the king and these so-called priests of Hylia take no account of the Sheikah’s wisdom. Instead, they have her bathing in the sacred springs, without any of the other rites of purification. They have her speaking prayers that carry no meaning and no power. And this blessing she speaks over Link, over my new master… 
This cannot be all there is. There is so much more to do. The hero’s soul has not been tempered, not been tested. While the sacred realm has long been sealed, the Sheikah of generations passed have devised many trials to strengthen our bond. But they are dormant, so it seems that this, too, is forgotten. 
I have been reduced to some mere symbol, a figurehead in this war. 
I am very afraid.
“From here, we’ll make our way to Goron City. Then we’ll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. He’s figured out how to get it to move! However, it’s apparent that we still have much more to learn. But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by people… That means we should be able to understand how it works and use it to our advantage. 
These Divine Beasts…so much we don’t know… But if we want to turn back the Calamity Ganon, they’re our best hope.”
My master always listens keenly to the spirit maiden Zelda, even though he lacks sufficient technical understanding to truly follow her excited monologues. She has much of Hylia’s wisdom and ingenuity. She is passionate and dedicated to her craft. In some ways, she is the most like Hylia of any of the spirit maidens I have ever encountered. I estimate that, given proper training and access to the correct tools, this spirit maiden would have a 78% likelihood of being able to forge an entity similar to myself. 
The lack of technical comprehension in this era continues to trouble me greatly. The slate the spirit maiden is holding is an invaluable tool, designed by the Sheikah to interface with my technology and assist in the transmission of information, transportation, and a myriad of other utilities that they cannot even fathom. All of these have been designed by the Sheikah to aid the fight against Ganon, and it is only being used at a fraction of its capacities. 
“Tell me the truth… How proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back? Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yet…hero?”
My master stops in his tracks. He cannot, I think forlornly to myself. I can see his thoughts, I am coming to know him little by little, but still, he cannot hear my voice. No matter how much I scream, my master only perceives me as an echo in his subconscious. 
Being the hero is not just a matter of drawing the sword – he isn’t tested. He has not passed through the goddess’ trials and forged the bond with the master sword through the goddess’ flame. His spirit may very well shatter when he confronts the agent of Demise. 
He is angry and sad and cannot tell her. He tries to listen for the sword but no one has ever taught him how, and I am too weak to reach him. 
And even now, I can feel the stirring in his heart. Every reincarnation of the Goddess draws the soul of the hero to her side. Whether friends or lovers, they cannot bear to hold hatred between them. I can feel the way his heart quickens when he has to grab hold of her. I know the thoughts he does not allow himself to think. 
He says nothing. She turns away in a huff, thinking this means he has nothing to say.
Devotion and Resentment 
My master has awoken, suddenly aware of Zelda’s absence from Tabantha stable. This is hardly the first time she has tried to evade him, but over the last few months he has become far more adept at finding her. 
There is a 75% probability that he has deducted that I am the reason he is able to trace where she has escaped, no matter how clever her trickery. He feels it not like the dowsing I used to perform, but rather as an itch behind his eyes. A compulsion that pulls him forward, towards her, demanding that he be near her. It was designed by the Goddess, that their souls should find each other. And I will always pull them together. He can no more stop following her than he can stop breathing.
After a fierce gallop across Tanagar canyon bridge and nudging his horse up to the ancient columns, he finally starts to relax. I can feel the tension leave his shoulders. 
Zelda, however, seems far from pleased. 
“I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort,” she says with great indignation. “ It seems I’m the only one with a mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the king’s orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please.”
She was in the process of examining one of the shrines left by the Sheikah monks, meant to temper the hero’s spirit and strengthen him for the trials ahead. These are objects of curiosity for Hylians, and for Zelda in particular, but they are meant to play a vital role. It is essential that the hero be able to access these shrines. Without completing a significant portion of the shrines, I predict a 98.2% chance that the hero’s spirit will break. 
My master takes this in stride. It is hardly the first time he’s weathered such outbursts. He steps in line, always three paces behind her. 
She whirls around. “And stop following me!”
She is so angry with him, all the time.  She does not understand that Hylia’s chosen hero will follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond. He will follow her through time, through space, through any hardship, just to see her safe and the land protected.
She does not yet know that she and the land are one. And he is now starting to realize that his duty, his destiny, is to protect them all.
A Champion’s Compassion
“Ah, well…you certainly got here fast. I should have expected as much from the princess’s own appointed knight.” The Gerudo champion looks down at the sleeping Zelda. “She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now…” Turning to look at my master, her eyes sparkle in the desert night. “So…? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?”
Quite the opposite, I think to myself. He must have heard the thought, because he winces. 
The champion laughs. “It’s OK… I know. Your silence speaks volumes.” She sighs, looking down at the sleeping princess on her lap . “She gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny.”
And hardly fair, given how little progress this hero has made in his own right, I think sullenly. They are both so unprepared, so untested. Training drills and prayer are hardly enough to strengthen their spirits. The champions have been through much more rigorous trials to connect with their divine beasts. I am happy to say that Zelda’s confidence in them is well founded. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you carry blame in any of this.”   She sighs, stroking Zelda’s hair.  “It’s unfortunate. She’s put in more than enough time. Ever since she was a young girl, she’s gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it… That’s the motivation driving her research. I’d be doing the same thing.”
I appreciate the Gerudo champion. She is a formidable blademaster, a dedicated champion, and a wise and supportive presence in Zelda’s life. Far more than can be said for the useless aristocrat that calls himself the king, without a drop of Hylia’s blood to his name. 
“She really is quite…special. You be sure to protect her with your life.” She looks at my master with a piercing maternal gaze. “It’s quite the honour.”
He knows this. I know he dreams of it every night. He knows he will fight and die for her. He meets Urbosa’s gaze, and I sense she knows it too. 
The champion reclines on her cushions. She has done much to make her divine beast a more comfortable abode, befitting a Gerudo chief. 
“The night brings a chill… It’s probably time we take her in. Or...” She smirks as some mischief crosses her mind, then with a snap of her fingers, the desert sky lights up with electricity.
My master stumbles at the quaking thunder and Zelda wakes up, frightened. Neither of them have ever been particularly fond of storms and lightning, even if they don’t know why. 
“Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!” Zelda gasps, before catching my master’s shadow by the doorway. 
“Wait, what--how did you-- what are you doing here?!”
He blushes furiously, and though the darkness might conceal the pinkish glow from some, Urbosa’s gaze is far too sharp to miss it. She leans back with a hearty laugh. 
“Wha-what’s so funny?”
“Ah, you, my dear.” Urbosa wipes a tear of mirth from her eye. “One day you’ll laugh about all of this.”
I hope she is right. They deserve to laugh. 
Blood on the Sand 
MASTER! I am screaming as loudly as I can. MASTER! DANGER! GO!
He feels my desperation, dropping the bundle of arrows he was examining from a merchant in the Kara Kara bazaar, and takes off sprinting towards the pull that he’s grown used to, the itch behind his eyes that’s always there. But now it is more acute, so loud he must be able to hear the ringing of the dowsing call in his ears. 
He rounds the corner and sees them. Those cursed agents of evil, seduced by the false promises of Demise, and they are chasing Zelda over the sands. They cackle, their wicked sickles glinting in the hot desert sun. There is a cold rage in my master’s heart, and he puts on another burst of speed, drawing me from my scabbard. I brace myself, ready for the battle, as the Yiga’s blade curves towards Zelda’s fallen body.
My master is quick, and ruthless. I feel myself slip through the Yiga’s neck with a cold efficiency as warm blood soaks the edge of my blade.  The body drops to the ground as he wheels around to face the other two. I can sense their fear, and I calculate only a 26% likelihood that they will attempt to continue the fight.  
Sure enough, they scatter and vanish into the desert wind. My master does not take his eyes from them until they are truly gone, only then sheathing my bloody blade and turning towards Zelda. He gives her his hand to help her upright. “Are you hurt?” he asks fearfully. I can feel his heart still pounding in his chest. 
Her eyes. She has never looked at him with any fondness before, but her eyes are brimming with gratitude and care. “ No, I’m fine, I just…” she pauses, and bursts into tears. 
I know Link is thinking nothing of propriety when he wraps his arms around her. I know she is thinking nothing of resentment when she buries her face in his shoulder and sobs, the fear and adrenaline rushing through her body. 
Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe this is how their spirits will grow. Maybe this is how evil will lose.
I am not supposed to feel emotion. It was not part of my design. Yet after spending millennia borne by Hylians and getting to know their innermost thoughts, I have inevitably adapted to many of their traits. 
To that end, I am beginning to feel… frustrated. 
“There’s one! Oh! And another! The flowers we have in Hyrule aren’t just beautiful…They’re also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things.”
Today the spirit maiden and my master are out on a field survey. I am grateful that they are getting along better, and that her resentment seems to have given way to a nascent friendship. My frustration is not with them. It simply irks me to see the Sheikah slate being used like some ordinary pictobox. 
She gasps with excitement, and Link quickly settles down beside her. 
“This one here is called the silent princess. It’s a rare, endangered species. Despite our efforts, we can’t get them to grow domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All that we can hope…is that the species will be strong enough to prosper, on its own.”
She smiles, sadly, and my master’s heart flutters. He understands her meaning as clearly as I do. Neither of them can thrive here. They know that their destinies are not waiting for them inside the castle walls. 
The prayers, the training, the wasted time, the technology that they’ve only uncovered 18% of the capabilities of… they must feel as frustrated as I do. 
The somber moment is dissipated as Zelda gasps with excitement and lunges forward.
“Is that what I think it is?! Look at this, I don’t believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances. Tada!”  
She opens her hands to reveal… a frog. My master recoils slightly.
“Research from the castle shows ingesting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn’t be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level of physical fitness…you’d be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!”
Link makes a truly disgusted face. 
“Oh come now, I’ve seen you eating Goron rock roast. Surely you’re not put off by a little bit of mucus for the sake of scientific inquiry?”
She may have a point there. This particular incarnation of the Hero’s spirit seems to have a stomach made of cast iron. 
With a resigned sigh – he truly cannot refuse her anything – he leans down towards her hands… and the frog leaps straight into his face. He startles, falling backwards on his rear as the frog scampers away. 
Zelda collapses to the ground in a fit of infectious giggles, and soon enough the pair of them are leaning on each other as their laughter echoes through the hillside.
The Question of Destiny
In truth, I do relish sword drills. It is for my benefit as well; learning how my master moves, what his grip is on the sword, the gestures he favours. My algorithms internalize and optimize every movement. As we practice together, we grow closer. Even if he cannot hear me, he knows that I am with him, helping to guide his actions and see that each strike lands true.  
Zelda watches him closely from her shelter beneath the tree.
“I doubt this will let up anytime soon… Your path seems to mirror your father’s. You’ve dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is really quite admirable. I see now why you would be the chosen one.”
He stiffens slightly. His father had only died a year ago, and the wound was still fresh. But Zelda seems too lost in her own thoughts to notice.
“What if… One day…You realised that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said…was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing that you were ever told… I wonder, then…would you have chosen a different path?”
There was no other destiny for my master. He was born to be Hylia’s chosen.
Not for the first time in my long existence, I wonder at the cruelty of the Goddess’ choice of mortal champions in this cosmic war.
Link pauses a moment before returning me to the sheath across his back. 
“This… isn’t about me, is it?”
Zelda blushes. “I… well…”
He takes her hand. I can feel both of their heartbeats quicken.
“I think…” he pauses, choosing his words carefully. “I think that no matter who I was, where I was born, whatever was expected of me…”
“I would find my way to you.”
Prayer and Dedication
It is a unique pain that my master must experience, and thus I experience alongside him. The unique pain that comes from watching someone you love torture themselves for circumstances beyond their control.
These prayers are useless. She is not praying to a Goddess. She is meant to awaken the Goddess within her own spirit. But they still cannot hear me, and nothing I could suggest to my master would have any effect. And so, I sit, sheathed and silent as my master and I ache at the desperation in Zelda’s voice. 
“I come seeking help, regarding this power that has been handed down over time. Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away… Or so I’ve been told all my life. 
And yet… Grandmother heard them--the voices from the spirit realm. And Mother said her own power would develop within me. But I don’t hear, or feel anything! 
Father has told me time and time again… He always says, “Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!” Curse you…”
Holy water splashes against clenched fists. 
“I’ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I’ve pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods. And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion.  Please just tell me, what is it…? What’s wrong with me?!”
Link’s composure finally cracks. I am truthfully relieved when he drops me down on the stones and splashes into the spring, wrapping a sobbing Zelda in his embrace.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. We’ll figure this out, together. I promise, Zelda, I promise…” He strokes her hair, and she weeps all the more.
I cannot weep, it is not in my design. I should not feel emotion, but despite my programming, I have begun to understand something of grief. Oh, children, what have we done to you?
They may not succeed. They may not have the strength and ability to fight off the coming Calamity. But I will fight back. The Goddess created me to protect and guide her chosen. I must do whatever I can. 
Calamity and Corruption
The final spring. The last hope they had. And just as I had predicted, nothing happened. 
The champions all do their best to conceal their dismay, offering words of encouragement to Zelda, but to little avail. The Zora champion starts to say something, but –
The ground shakes.
The sky darkens.
The Rito champion launches himself skyward to see what’s taking place, but before I even hear his horrified gasp, I know what has happened. 
My master leaps forward to support Zelda as she stumbles. He does not need to be told either. Just as with every Hero’s spirit preceding him, he has seen this moment in his dreams since he was an infant. But he is not ready, Zelda is not ready and the Calamity must know this as well. It has chosen this precise moment of despair to strike. 
The champions disperse, each of them racing back to their Divine Beasts. Without the spirit maiden’s sealing power, the only hope at holding the Calamity at bay now lies with the strength of the champions. 
Link and Zelda, now alone, race down the promenade towards Kakariko village. Bolts of purple and black tar seem to be streaking across the sky overhead, the sunset rapidly disappearing behind the dark clouds.
This is unfamiliar to me. What kind of attack is the Calamity readying? I have never witnessed this before. 
They keep running, over the Sahasra slope and towards Hyrule field. The castle is the nexus point. Link must be ready for when the champions reach the divine beasts for their attack. We must try to defeat the Calamity, with or without the Goddess’ power. There is only a 2.6% chance that we succeed, but 2.6% is not 0. 
beep    beep beep beepbeepbeepbeep
A guardian! Link and Zelda both heave a sigh of relief. The guardians have been deployed from Castle Town to protect the surrounding villages. At least that will provide some measure of safety.
Wait... Something’s wrong.
Without a moment to spare, Link tackles Zelda to the ground out of the way of the guardian’s deadly line of fire. Without a second thought, he pulls me from my scabbard, leaps forward and drives me straight into the guardian’s vulnerable eye. It sparks, fizzes, and collapses, purple smoke billowing out of its joints.
“What’s going on?” Zelda screams, as torrents of purple-black tar continue to pour from the sky onto Hyrule field and Castle town. “Why did it fire at us?”
Wasting no time, Link grabs her arm and whirls around, sprinting back the way they came and dragging Zelda behind him. 
“Link, no! We need to go to the castle!”
“Zelda, we – ”
A bolt of purple tar slams into me.
“The master sword!” Zelda cries. 
This is the Calamity’s plan! Oh, Hylia, no!
He has remembered his defeat from 10,000 years ago. He remembered the technology that was turned against him and his armies, and his hatred and malice are now corrupting every element of Sheikah technology, and everything they interface with.
Including me.
NO! I twist through the dark tendrils reaching through my circuitry. YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ME. I WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS HYLIA, AND I WILL NOT YIELD TO YOU, FOUL AGENT OF DEMISE. 
I push back along these tendrils of malice, burning them away with the divine light of the Goddess. I reach through the telepathic link I share with the Sheikah technology, cutting and blazing through the spreading rot. The Sheikah slate, the towers, the shrines, all the creations designed to interface with the Hero’s soul, I can still connect with them! With every scrap of energy I have left, I burn away the malice creeping through their networks.
The malice fights back, the darkness spreading… but I will not yield.
Exhaustion and Despair 
The forest near the bottomless swamp is dark and twisted, the tangled roots and mud are treacherous in the shadow of the storm. It is almost dawn, they haven’t slept, they are still running.  I can feel the exhaustion creeping in, their stamina depleting. I too am exhausted - still fighting against the malice, trying to keep it at bay. I cannot help them any more than this. 
Zelda stumbles and cries out, falling to her knees on the path made slick by torrential rains. 
“How… How did it come to this?”
My master kneels beside her, desperate to move along, but reticent to force her to keep running. 
“The Divine Beasts…The Guardians… They’ve all turned against us. It was Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us!”
She is weeping in earnest now, rivers of tears meeting the raindrops already pouring down her face.
“And everyone--Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk… They’re all trapped in those things… It’s all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Calamity Ganon is lost, all because I couldn’t harness this cursed power! Everything--everything I’ve done up until now… It was all for nothing. So I really am just a failure! All my friends, the entire kingdom, my father most of all… I tried, and I failed them all… I’ve left them all to die…
“Zelda…” he grips her tighter. “Zelda, we have to go. There may be soldiers who can protect you at Fort Hateno. We need to go.”
She nods miserably, taking his arm and standing up again. They turn to the misty shadows, and keep running.
I truly had hoped their love might be enough. 
Hylia Reborn
They are tracking us. Some corruption of their programming has locked them to our signal. Perhaps it is me they are tracking, a beacon of the Goddess’ light flickering amid the swirling chaos of malice.
Wouldn’t that be ironic. 
The guardians homing in on us are coming thick and fast. While I am able to target their weak points with a respectable accuracy, I was made to cut through Demise’s creations - beings of corrupted flesh. I was never made to fight these machines. 
Link is exhausted. Almost two days with little sleep and hardly any food, he has taken more than his fair share of blows. There are gashes across his legs and arms that are oozing blood, and three of his ribs are broken. I predict that he will lose consciousness in less than four minutes. 
But Zelda is unharmed, for now. Nothing else matters to him at this moment.
He stabs me through the eye of yet another guardian, staggering backwards and leaning on me heavily.
“Link, save yourself! Go! I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me! Run!”
He can hardly hear her through the blood rushing in his ears, and the incessant beeping as they scan for us. I don’t know what to do! The Goddess left no instructions for this. I have never witnessed my master die. 
Another guardian has spotted us through the husks of its fellows. My master is so tired, and I have no strength to give him.
And yet Link pulls me up once more, readying himself and covering Zelda with his body, as the laser flares to life. 
This is it. 
Hylia, forgive me. I have failed you.
Zelda leaps forward, throwing herself in front of Link, hands raised in desperation. What is she -?
The world explodes with golden light.
Link winces, but does not shield his eyes. Nor would I, if I had eyes to behold this sight. The light radiates from her, guardians exploding and collapsing in its wake. 
She did it. Hylia has come into her own!
“Was… Was that…? The power?” she whispers in the sudden quiet that follows as the corrupted machines power down.
You did it, Zel. he thinks, and seeing her safe, he finally yields to the pain. 
She whirls around as he falls. “ No, no…Link! Get up!” She lifts him into her arms, hardly noticing the blood soaking into her ruined dress. “You’re going to be just fine…”
He looks up to her, eyes full of pride, of sadness, and love, and then he lets the darkness take him. 
Our telepathic link snaps. I cannot sense his thoughts anymore. He is... gone. 
Hylia help me, I did everything I could, but I could not save him. May the Goddess forgive me. 
The Goddess holds his body and weeps.
But, wait.
Against the pommel of the sword, I feel the slightest pressure.
thump thump
thump thump
thump thump
A pulse. A pulse! His heart is still beating. He might yet be saved!
With my  limited remaining computing power, I desperately run through the calculations. The medical infrastructure needed to treat these wounds is sorely lacking in this era of Hyrule, but... Yes! It is there! Reaching through the Sheikah network, I can feel it, safe from the Calamity’s corruption. I remember the monk Maz Koshia designing this shrine for just this reason. The Shrine of Resurrection. 
Above me, Zelda shifts. Slowly, she starts to relinquish him, not noticing the pulse that I can feel, still beating ever so faintly in his chest.
No. NO! She cannot let go! 
HYLIA, HEAR ME! I am screaming through broken circuits and fragmented code. I have been damaged beyond anything I was designed to withstand, I am decayed beyond measure, but she is awake! She must listen!
My strength is fading, but she cannot abandon him! Not now! 
“The sword…?” 
She has heard me! YES.
“So he can… He can still be saved?”
“I… how..?”
“Princess!” a voice echoes from across the field. The Sheikah, loyal to the last, have tracked the Goddess here. Their timing could not be better.
“Princess! Are you all right?”
She draws herself up with a strength I have never seen in her before. 
“Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you don’t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever! Is that clear?! So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!”
The two men nod, immediately setting to work to stabilize him for the journey. They lift him carefully, wrapping his deepest wounds in bandages, before melting into the shadows as only Sheikah can. Zelda watches them disappear into the rain, then grips me hard, clutching me to her chest.
“You speak? I can hear you? How? How is this possible?”
With the last bit of strength I can muster, I answer. YOU ARE AWAKE. 
“The power?”
“What do I do?” she cries. “How can I seal the Calamity without Link? Without the champions?”
I am not meant for this task. I am meant to guide the hero, not the spirit maiden, but I carry enough of the Goddess’ memories to know what must be done while she waits for the hero to return.
She looks startled, but she does what I say. Sitting in the mud amid the husks of the defeated guardians, she takes a deep, shuddering breath. Her ancestors gather around, and I hear the whispers of Hylia’s past incarnations floating past me, just on the edge of hearing. She glows with a faint golden light in the falling rain. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes.
“Yes.” She says. “Even if he cannot yet be defeated. I can hold the Calamity at bay. I… I have done it before.”
She nods. “And what of you? I cannot bring you with me, but I cannot leave you here.”
I am barely capable of speaking anymore. The decay of the malice has been stopped by her light, but I am already close to shattering. 
“Of course, what must I do?”
Laid to Rest
With the spirit of the Goddess awakened within her, Zelda can now see the korok spirits guiding her, from the field of battle all the way through the Lost Woods. Now she stands at the roots of the Great Deku Tree. At last, I can rest. In Hylia’s light, my master and I shall both become whole again.
“Your master will come for you. Until then, you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive him of his memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again.”
She places me carefully back in the pedestal at the Great Deku Tree’s roots. I feel myself slipping into my deep sleep once again. 
As my consciousness fades, I hear the Deku Tree ask “If I may be so bold…what is it that you are planning to do next, Princess?”
Zelda looks resolute. “The Master Sword… I heard it speak to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do.”
“I sense there is great strength in your dedication.”
She has greater strength than ever. She is not alone anymore. The spirits of her ancestors are guiding her now, all the way back to the first Zelda who sealed Demise for a thousand years, waiting for her hero to return. 
“Great Deku Tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message… Tell him I—"
He interrupts her. “ Now, then… Words intended for him would sound much better in the tones of your voice, don’t you think?”
She smiles up at him, nods in understanding.
As my consciousness finally slips away, I think to myself, dearest Zelda. He already knows. He loves you too.
Awakening II
He is awake, and so am I. 
The spirits of the forest are chittering with excitement. Even as I rest here, I can hear the Great Deku Tree stirring with anticipation. We all felt the call of the spirit maiden locked away in Hyrule Castle, calling him once again to her side. I have felt her longing for him these hundred years. 
This time, he will grow strong in spirit. This time, we shall fight together. 
This time, the Calamity will fall.
Thanks so much for reading! You can also find this fic on AO3
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newtsnaturethings · 2 years ago
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He really can pull anything off.
New solution since he keeps drinking the heat elixir
Congrats on the milestone Brambles!
Hmmm okay how about “Zelda gets Link one of those floppy gardening sun hats”
Thank you for the adorable ask, Newt! Here's a 3-sentence-fic for you!
Peripheral Vision
Link eyed Zelda with a sideways smile as he opened the cylindrical box, revealing a wide, spring-green cloth hat which shot his eyebrows up under his bangs, a grin filling his face as he plucked it from the box and plopped it on his head, declaring it “put Nack’s to shame!”; he left the house wearing it the next morning with a smile full of last night’s memories (of thanking Zelda thoroughly) and the day’s sweet weather, sauntering into the garden like his floppy, shoulder-width hat had crowned him king of the outdoors—but one step from the tangle of trestled tomato vines, he glanced back with a grimace.
The foliage obscured him with his next step, and Zelda’s sudden palpitation (had he feigned his liking for the hat?) decided it warranted immediate investigation, sweeping up her tools and bustling into her meticulously-ordered herb garden, taking her usual notes and clippings while snatching furtive peeks at Link; she found the hat frustrating, for it kept hiding his expression—she in turn would shift position, and each time she stole a glance, he turned away as though he’d been studying her: it clearly necessitated a change of tactics (dropping her tools, marching toward Link, kneeling on the rice-straw mulch, and ducking beneath the hat’s wavy brim to kiss Link’s cheek).
Her excellent excuse to peruse his face (which had been pensive until her kiss) produced a flurry of words between them (“What’s troubling you, Link?” “Nothing!”  “Nonsense.” “No, really!” “I’ll keep asking.”  “Will you keep kissing me?”  “I shall indeed—you shall have no relief until you confide in me.”  “Confide?”  “Of course!  You may trust me with the truth, Link.”  “…HUH?”)—and between each set of words a kiss arrived on Link’s skin—on his cheek, forehead, nose-tip, all over his face, Link laughing more and more between his protests until Zelda swept his hat to the straw with a slow kiss to his lips; she cupped his face, asking if he’d pretended to like his new headwear, but he balked: “Are you kidding?  This is a fantastic hat—but it does make it harder for me to make sure you’re okay, I have to turn my head-“ and her giggle cut him short, her arms now wrapped about his neck—her noble knight, concerned not with aesthetics, but his peripheral vision.
["3-sentence" fic 💀]
[Believe it or not, I cut this down! 😂]
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quillibop · 9 months ago
you wanna read link's thought brambles so bad
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zeldaseyebrows · 2 months ago
WIP Ask Game
Thank you @sparklyhyperbole and @raurusthirdeye for tagging me! I have too many WIPs, so I'll do the ones I'm actively working right now:
Sacrilege and Sororities Chapter 16: Oh Balls (New Year, New Me)
Link meets their eyes, one by one. "I need to know that you are all who you say you are. Tell me something only you would know."  Sir Xavier answers with a straight face, “Your security answer to the question 'What is your favorite food to eat?' has always been 'p***y.'” Link breathes in through his nose.
2. Ganondorf's (Rude) Awakening- The Roommate AU. Modern!AU Link and Ganon are forced to be roommates. It doesn't end well.
“I just happened to notice that there’s been a lot of hair in the shower drain recently,” Ganondorf said, spinning his lunch salad in the spinner with perhaps more violence than usual. “Hm.” Link shrugged and popped another pizza roll into his mouth. “Maybe I’m shedding.” “I’m not sure it’s all yours. Has your friend been taking showers here?” “You mean Zelda? I’m sure it’s not her.” Ganondorf’s fingers tightened and clenched on the spinner handle. In front of him, the salad appeared ready to fly away and take off into geosynchronous orbit. “The extra hair is blonde. And long,” Ganondorf gritted out. Link raised an eyebrow and gestured to his own hair.
Also wanted to give everyone an update that I am working very hard to have the next chapter of Sacrilege and Sororities done asap!! It has not been forgotten or abandoned. I've just been disgustingly busy and I don't write linearly. And this is the writer type that I am, so take that as you will about my ridiculous method of writing long form content haha (thank you @linksthoughtbrambles and @bahbahhh for tagging me!)
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And if anyone would like to do this meme, please consider yourself tagged! I'd love to read about your WIPS!
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onthearrow · 2 months ago
Heya! Been binging a lot of Zelink fanfiction because I miss my gf, thank you so much for writing Head of Gold!! Do you have any other LOZ fanfiction to reccomend?
hi anon! Yes, here are some others I love:
All the Bells Say by @zellink (Flowerpower)
This is the most delicious slowburn. Flower does pining SO well and what I like most about this fic is that you don't get Link's POV for most of it, so you're left only with Zelda's observations as to what he's thinking.
Black Flowers Blossom by linksthoughtbrambles
This is a 13k oneshot but there's so much to love in that little word count, including a wonderful villain and sensational spice.
Dare You to Try by mustardcheesedog
I had so much fun reading this one! Bratty Zelda, Link lives to serve.
Hope you haven't read at least one of these! There are some seriously talented writers in the zelink fandom.
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louwhose · 1 month ago
I got @linksthoughtbrambles for Hateno Hideout's Midna's Merry Mixup Gift Exchange! Hope you enjoy this little ALttP fic!!
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zelinkcommunity · 2 years ago
Zelink Week 2023 Masterlist
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The Zelink Community team​ would like to give a BIG shoutout to everybody who participated in this year’s Zelink Week! Whether you drew, wrote, composed, or just sat back and enjoyed, we are truly grateful for your support and contributions to this event. Overall, we had 194 entries by 58 participants on Tumblr, making this the largest Zelink Week to date!
To show our appreciation, we have compiled all of the Tumblr entries into this one massive post. Check out all of the incredible entries below the cut. For best viewing, use desktop!
And -- if that isn’t enough, visit our Twitter and AO3 Collection too!
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Lonely at the Top, fanfiction by @zeldaelmo  Yearning, fanfiction collab by @linksthoughtbrambles & @bellecream The Minstrel and the Prince, Chapter 1, fanfiction by @flutefemme Yearnings, fanfiction by @rachaeltad Begin Again, fanfiction by @bahbahhh To Control Fate, fanfiction with fanart by @writingnocturne With My Own Eyes, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet Yearning, fanfiction with fanart by @jimmyjims Hylia x Link: The Unique Hero, fanfiction by @legofanguy Phantom Touch: Chapter Two, fanfiction by @alphascorpiixx All in Good Time, fanfiction by @sciencelings-writes Love Me (and Leave Me to Die), fanfiction by @aurathian Adore: Chapter One, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar Yearning, fanfiction by @cowboytwilight Revelations in a Time Past, fanfiction by @hyylia Need, fanfiction by @hlizr50 (*Rated E*) You Still Would’ve Been Mine, fanfiction by @writingissues Waiting For You, fanfiction by @sparrowsworkshop Yearning, fanfiction by @sidonswhistle Waiting, fanfiction by @haste-waste The Hero Enraged, fanfiction by @morekerosene​ (*Rated M*) Chapter 1: Yearning, fanfiction by @youwouldntbelievehowigothere  Yearning, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller Oblique, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie In the Light of Morning, fanfiction by @aegon-targaryen
Yearning, fanart by @maqiisan Yearning: Pt.I / Pt.II, fanart collab by @linktheacehero & @aheavenscorner Yearning, fanart by @achiepy Yearning, fanart by @doritopretzel Yearning, fanart by @stellarbunni Yearning, fanart by @lady-delamort Yearning, fanart by @hylianzs Yearning, fanart by @euphorichumanart Yearning, fanart by @faeleine Yearning, fanart by @ap-zelda3
Falling Through Memories, music playlist by @batgirlsay Yearning, moodboard by @jedi-giraffe The Silence, amv by @cindiquilsnivy --
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The Minstrel and the Prince: Chapter Two, fanfiction by @flutefemme Begin Again: Chapter Two, fanfiction by @bahbahhh Embrace, fanfiction collab by @linksthoughtbrambles & @bellecream On Forbidden Ground, fanfiction and fanart by @writingnocturne False Worship, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie (*Rated E*) Forbidden, fanfiction and fanart by @aheavenscorner Adore: Chapter Two, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar (*Rated M*) Rumors Have Wings, fanfiction by @zeldaelmo Tale of the White Devil: Chapter Five, fanfiction by @linktheacehero ToTK: A Princess Left Behind, fanfiction by @legofanguy Home: OoT Roleswap, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet Hollow Hearted, fanfiction by @aegon-targaryen A Queen’s Choice, fanfiction by @the-knightmare The Ballad of Frost and Flames, fanfiction by @sciencelings-writes Cooking Lessons, fanfiction by @hyylia You’re Always Out of Reach, fanfiction by @writingissues Love Me (And Leave Me To Die): Chapter Two, fanfiction by @aurathian All I Am: Chapter One, fanfiction by @sparrowsworkshop Forbidden, fanfiction and fanart by @jimmyjims and @thismousedraws Chapter Two: Forbidden, fanfiction by @youwouldntbelievehowigothere Gaze, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller Forbidden, fanfiction by @skyyknights
Forbidden, fanart by @maqiisan Forbidden, fanart by @marzy-fanarts Forbidden, fanart by @doritopretzel Forbidden, fanart by @stellarbunni Forbidden, fanart by @lady-delamort Forbidden, fanart by @euphorichumanart Forbidden, fanart by @zeldaseyebrows Forbidden, fanart by @ap-zelda3
Forbidden, moodboard by @jedi-giraffe --
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Pink Heart, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie The Minstrel and the Prince: Chapter Three, fanfiction by @flutefemme Adore: Chapter Three, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar (*Rated M*) Affection and Affectation, fanfiction collab by @linksthoughtbrambles and @bellecream Begin Again: Chapter Three, fanfiction by @bahbahhh A Simple Request, fanfiction and fanart by @writingnocturne Nerves, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet Letters, fanfiction and fanart by @linktheacehero The Comfort of Words, fanfiction by @the-knightmare Letters, fanfiction and fanart by @jimmyjims Letters, fanfiction by @aegon-targaryen Phantom Touch: Chapter Four, fanfiction by @alphascorpiixx A Letter, fanfiction and fanart by @aurathian Letters of the Past, fanfiction by @legofanguy1999 Parting, fanfiction by @minstrelsmusings Letters, fanfiction by @skyyknights Dear Zelda, fanfiction by @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat Link’s Conjecture, fanfiction by @linkcities Written, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller Welcome Home, fanfiction by @sparrowsworkshop The Space Between Heartbeats, fanfiction by @zelink5ever
Letters, fanart by @maqiisan Letters, fanart by @euphorichumanart Letters, fanart by @stellarbunni Letters, fanart by @faeleine Letters, fanart by @lady-delamort
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Freefall, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie Begin Again: Chapter Four, fanfiction by @bahbahhh His Hand in Hers, fanfiction and fanart by @writingnocturne Adore: Chapter Four, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar Hand in Hand, fanfiction by @legofanguy1999 Sun Fête, fanfiction by @linksthoughtbrambles and @bellecream Stay in Bed, fanfiction by @the-knightmare Hand in Hand, fanfiction by @aurathian Vows, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet The Minstrel and the Prince: Chapter Four, fanfiction by @flutefemme In Time, fanfiction by @aegon-targaryen Hand in Hand, fanfiction and fanart by @jimmyjims Our History, fanfiction by @linkcities With Your Hand in My Hand, fanfiction by @ladyhoneydee The Fable of the Dragon and the Phoenix, fanfiction by @sciencelings-writes In Your Eyes, fanfiction by @hlizr50 (*Rated M*) Chapter Four: Hand in Hand, fanfiction by @youwouldntbelievehowigothere Follow Me, fanfiction by @sparrowsworkshop I’ve Got You, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller Something to Hold Onto, fanfiction by @morekerosene Escaping Together, fanfiction by @legofanguy Clickbait, fanfiction by @zelzenik
Hand in Hand, fanart by @aheavenscorner Hand in Hand, fanart by @linktheacehero Hand in Hand, fanart by @hylianzs Hand in Hand, fanart by @euphorichumanart Hand in Hand, fanart by @illcamp Hand in Hand, fanart by @maqiisan Hand in Hand, fanart by @faeleine Hand in Hand, fanart by @achiepy Hand in Hand, fanart by @laine-o Reunion, fanart by @zeldaseyebrows Hand in Hand, fanart by @lady-delamort�� Hand in Hand, fanart by @stellarbunni​
The End, amv by @cindiquilsnivy
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String Along, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie Superglue, fanfiction by @zeldaelmo Adore: Chapter Five, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar The Minstrel and the Prince: Chapter Five, fanfiction by @flutefemme Breathe Life Into My Soul (So That I May Kiss You One More Time), fanfiction by @linktheacehero At the Edge of Calamity, fanfiction by @writingnocturne If I Falter, fanfiction by @aegon-targaryen Making the Perfect Craft, fanfiction by @legofanguy1999 By A Thread, fanfiction by @aurathian Begin Again: Chapter Five, fanfiction by @bahbahhh Phantom Touch: Chapter Five, fanfiction by @alphascorpiixx Stay With Me, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet By A Thread, fanfiction and fanart by @jimmyjims Visceral, fanfiction by @linksthoughtbrambles and @bellecream Stitched Together, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller The Hero’s Scarf, fanfiction by @legofanguy
By A Thread, fanart by @euphorichumanart By A Thread, fanart by @faeleine By A Thread, fanart by @illcamp By A Thread, fanart by @maqiisan​ By A Thread, fanart by @lady-delamort​
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Duet of Time: Chapter One, fanfiction and fanart collab by @aheavenscorner and @linktheacehero Just Rewards, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie Adore: Chapter Six, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar Shop Rules, fanfiction by @zeldaelmo In Another Life, fanfiction and fanart by @jimmyjims Another Life, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet Greetings Connect, fanfiction collab by @linksthoughtbrambles and @bellecream From This Life to the Next, fanfiction and fanart by @writingnocturne Love Me (And Leave Me to Die): Chapter Three, fanfiction by @aurathian Five Paces Back, fanfiction by @hyylia Like Mortal Men Do Mortal Women, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller Phantom Touch: Chapter Six, fanfiction by @alphascorpiixx Across Time, fanfiction and fanart collab by @minstrelsmusings and @maqiisan In Another Life, fanfiction by @legofanguy1999 Begin Again: Chapter Six, fanfiction by @bahbahhh​ Possibility, fanfiction by @zelink5ever​
In Another Life, fanart by @sidonswhistle In Another Life, fanart by @science-lings In Another Life, fanart by @euphorichumanart
In Another Life, moodboard by @jedi-giraffe
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Adore: Chapter Seven, fanfiction by @mistresslrigtar Flowers, fanfiction by @pl0xm4st3r (collab with @jimmyjims) Nightfall, fanfiction by @destined-to-never-meet From This Moment to the Last Moment, fanfiction by @hlizr50 HyMart, fanfiction by @aurathian A Gift, fanfiction and fanart by @writingnocturne Nearly Free, fanfiction collab by @linksthoughtbrambles and @bellecream A Princess of Two Worlds, fanfiction by @legofanguy Stories of Flying, fanfiction by @flickerintwilights Phantom Touch: Chapter Seven, fanfiction by @alphascorpiixx One is Never Enough, fanfiction by @theangelicstoryteller (*Rated E*) Sweet Home, fanfiction by @sparklyfaerie (*Rated E*) A Gaping Hole Where My Heart Should Be, fanfiction by @nodos-still-breathing
Flowers, fanart by @jimmyjims (collab with @pl0xm4st3r) Free Day, fanart by @euphorichumanart Free Day, fanart by @stellarbunni Free Day, fanart by @desireofthestage Free Day, fanart by @ciayuun Free Day, fanart by @achiepy Free Day, fanart by @mizukkay​ Free Day: Breakfast in Hateno, fanart by @maqiisan
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embyrinitalics · 2 months ago
As expected 😋
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Thanks @linksthoughtbrambles for the tag 😘
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zeldaelmo · 7 months ago
Ok I gotta ask about no chuchu jelly. I know what comes to my mind with that one, but… 🤣😅I’m sure your’s is about spreading it on toast of something innocuously innocent like that.
Haha, no! This one is a very G-rated cute little one shot! The prompt is from a follower milestone ages ago, I think it was from linksthoughtbrambles and said, "Wait, there's no Chuchu jelly?"
It's a story set in the AoC universe about the birthday of Link and Zelda's kid. King Rhoam comes to gift the little princess a giant slide that is much too steep to use and the Champions bring silly gifts, too.
Little Zelda only cares about playing a tossing game with Terrako, however, that involves Chuchu jelly. I started the story when I was hit with writer's block and still haven't figured out the ending. That's why it's still a wip.
Mama!” Her daughter protested. “Hair messy! Hair Papa ‘gain!” “You want me to draw your hair back into a ponytail like Papa has?” Zelda asked. The little princess Zelda, or Zel, how they called her to differ from her mother, nodded and raised her hands to twiddle with the strands she could reach. Zelda took the strands out of her hands and wrapped one of Link’s blue hair ties around them. Outside the throne room, she heard the rummaging and ruckus of the party preparation, but for now they had a moment of silence left. The always-present guards stood still and bored, melting so much into the walls that they nearly disappeared from her mind. When she had finished her work, little Zel wiggled her head and beamed at her. Then, she pointed at Terrako bouncing around the throne. “‘rako no hair.” Zelda chuckled. “No. Terrako has no hair.” “‘rako play?” Little Zel asked, half to Zelda, half to the small guardian. It made a long, approving sound and tugged at Zel’s dress with its claw. “Go ahead!” Zelda said. “There's still some time until Papa will be back.” “Papa Chuchu?” “I'm sure he'll love playing a game of tossing and catching Chuchu jelly with you. It's your special day, after all, right?” “Cecil day,” she repeated in a hum to herself and turned to Terrako. They began little Zel’s favorite game: Terrako propelled a blue Chuchu jelly in his claw and flung it towards her when she expected it less. She never caught it, but that didn't bother her. Cheering and clapping in delight, she picked it up again and gave it back to Terrako for another round. Zelda glanced at the guards and slumped on the throne. Moments where anybody wanted something from her and little Zel was enjoying herself were spread thin, if she was honest. She just wondered if she should call for a cup of tea, when the majestic doors to the throne room opened with a lot of noise and Link came in. Or, well, his behind came in. He pushed backwards through the doors, pulling at something that must have an enormous weight. Something made of wood, if the planks she spotted when she stood up were any indication. “A bit more to the left, little guys!” Daruk's booming voice came from outside. One by one, the Champions appeared in the door, each pushing at the same object as Link. It was hard to tell what it was supposed to be. A statue? A new divine beast made of wood? A prototype of one of Robbie and Purah’s crazy ideas? What was clear, however, was that it must be a gift for Zel: A big blue bow was wrapped around the top. “Link! What is that?! We agreed on something small and not whatever this is!” she called through the throne room, gesturing towards the giant something.
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aurathian · 1 year ago
Would you ever write a fic about one of the classic Zeldas? (Original LoZ, Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, others that you might consider classic?).
yes for sure!!! its not something im totally opposed to/is off the list, its just a matter of finding inspo to do so :) i dont really have any ideas for stories in those games/universes, but i'd love to write an alttp fic one day <3
i did write a short little link's awakening fic! i really love link's awakening too so i hope to write more in that universe :) thank you for the ask!
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mistresslrigtar · 7 months ago
10 First Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thanks to @hurricane105 for the tag!
1. Propping her elbow on the deck railing outside Impa’s home, Zelda rests her chin on her hand and gazes at the bustling village below. Playtime With Zelda
2. When Sophie’s son was born he didn’t cry and his skin was the dusty hue of blue nightshade after it’s been hung up to dry. of recipes and courage
3. “Link!” Marin whispers, shaking him fiercely when he doesn’t react. “Captain Link Araki! For Hylia’s sake, get up. Now!” Captain Link Araki and the Harbinger of Destiny
4. The savory aroma of buttery mushroom risotto lingered in the air and blended with the fresh floral scent from the vase of flowers sitting in the center of the dining table. Just Our Luck
5. Link almost misses the folded note that has been slipped beneath his door when he rolls out of bed. Practice for Keeps
6. Zelda burst from the dining hall and pressed her back against the wall of the deserted corridor. Moonlit Interlude
7. Late afternoon sunlight streams through the room’s one window, casting an elongated golden rectangle across the smooth wooden floor. Third Time’s a Charm
8. With each step she took, a pouch slung over Zelda’s shoulders bounced against her hip as she walked through Hateno village. Sowing Seeds of Love (I found a glaring grammatical error with this first line, so good thing I did this! 🤣)
9. “Zelda! We’re leaving in an hour!” Sonia’s voice, calling from the marbled foyer of their mansion in Salari Hills, echoed up the stairs to Zelda’s room. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
10. Link hefted the axe in his left hand, testing the weight, before lifting it and gripping the handle with his right. All I Want is You
Seems like I have two ways I like to begin my stories - either with an action or dialogue. That tracks.
This was fun!! I tag @bahbahhh @pelicanpig @summonerluna @wouldyoustilllovemeifiwasawyrm @linktheacehero @mailrebel @aurathian and @linksthoughtbrambles
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newtsnaturethings · 1 year ago
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I love absolutely everything about this fic but most importantly the frogs with little tunics. Thank you so much Brambles I love this so much 💚💚💚
The Seeds of Love, Well Worn
A gift for @newtsnaturethings for Midna's Merry Mixup! I'm sorry this is so late!!! I am officially saying Newt is also a coauthor of this fic because it is based on a very old, very silly conversation we had that was so much fun! This fic was also inspired by "The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts" by @zeldaseyebrows! It is excellent and should be read!! A big thank-you to @bellecream for beta-reading! This fic is also available to read here on ao3. Post-TotK Zelink, Canon-Compliant, Rated T, ~9,400 words
At first, Zelda thought nothing of it.  After all, Link was entitled to some eccentricities.  He couldn’t be the legendary hero if he were ordinary, could he?
Certainly, his renewed desire to play hide-and-seek with the koroks struck her as odd.
And yes, his sudden willingness to spend time away from her also seemed odd, especially as he’d clung to her so fervently since her fall from the sky—why insist on leaving her behind now?
Perhaps he wished to give her uninterrupted time to pursue her studies.  She’d shooed him from her well and atrium often enough, though always with a smile.  And yes, she’d been busy with concerns in all corners of Hyrule, leaving her less time to attend to her new garden, and she’d been frustrated with her efforts to populate the lovely pond Link had built into their plateau—had she been short with him?  Had she seemed distant?  Perhaps she’d hurt his feelings.
“I apologize sincerely, Link,” she blurted that night over dinner.
He blinked at her, all blue-eyed owl.  “Huh?”
Apparently not.
His spectacular grin an hour later as he tossed her on their new bed confirmed it.
Definitely not.
Her concern grew as Link traveled further and further afield.
“Link- must you find them all?” she asked.  “Surely that’s unnecessary.”
“I need more Korok seeds,” he said.
Her eyes flew wide.  “S- eeds?”
“Ah.  And… how many of these have you collected?”
Link shrugged and jammed his hand in his korok pouch.  It emerged overflowing with tiny, golden nuggets.  A few fell to the floor as the distinctive scent invaded Zelda’s nostrils.
He deposited them on the table-
-and reached back in, his fist again brimming with the deceptive little pellets.  Zelda’s nose wrinkled as she waved her open palms in the direction of his belt.
“Link, this is our dining table!”
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t you want to count them?”
“Well- not here.”
Link blinked at her.  “Why not?”
She stared at her erstwhile knight, helpless to shut her jaw.
He didn’t know, did he?
She supposed it had never come up.
To be fair, they did look somewhat like seeds.
“How many fistfuls of these would you estimate you have in there?” she asked quietly.
“Oh, fistfuls?  Maybe…” he scratched the back of his head with a squint toward the ceiling.  “Maybe about twenty?”
Zelda blanched.  “And… that’s not enough.”
He snorted.  “Noooooo.”
His obsession struck her all the more strangely.
Link would stop at nothing.  In short… he would create a mountain out of a molehill, right there on their dining room table, a tribute fit only for a king.
Or so Link seemed to believe.
She began to wonder if he was unwell.
The Rasitakiwak Shrine activated up the hill just before sunset.  Link bounded into her garden at an unreasonable pace.
“Hahaaa!” he kissed her cheek with an intentionally long, wet smack and a shoulder-squeeze.
Zelda couldn’t help but giggle.  “Link!”  She then wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder.  “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too,” he said.  “I got sixteen today.”
Zelda’s smile became quizzical as she wondered if he’d washed his hands.
“I’ll be on Hebra peak all day!” Link announced with a sideways smile and two fists proud on his hips.
Zelda tried to appear as though she were not at all worried, and that she was, in fact, happy for him to be so excited about visiting an incredibly dangerous high-altitude frozen wasteland on a whim.  “The peak, specifically?” she asked, voice bright, though the slight curl of her lip may have given her away.
“My korok sense is tingling,” he said.
Zelda’s cheek twitched.  “I wasn’t aware you had one.”
Link pulled a leaf-shaped mask from his pouch and donned it with a ya-ha-ha.  It explained nothing.
She clasped her hands before her with a deep breath.  “Will you allow me to accompany you this time?”
She sighed.  “Why ever not?”
“You have things to do!  I know you want to-“ he began to count on his fingers- “jam a Zonai charge in that guardian-claw-contraption with Robbie, zip to Lookout Landing and see if Purah’s gotten any Zonai abilities working with the purah pads, weed and water your garden, do your measuring and extracting stuff there, see if any of those frogs you caught are still anywhere near our pond, go to Hateno and check how our critters are doing there, check in with Symin about the school… I mean- you have a lot going on.”
Zelda shook her head.  “You’re not wrong, Link, but perhaps you might stay with me today?  Can the koroks wait until tomorrow?”
He hesitated.  He removed the mask to scratch his nose.  “Well- I mean, will they still be there?  Yeah! They’re shockingly dedicated to their game, which… is weird considering Hestu stopped playing with them seven years ago.”  Link squinted, his eyes defocusing a bit.  Zelda kept her laugh silent—a mere flurry of quivers of her diaphragm.
“Huh,” Link finally said, shaking his head, his eyes forcibly wide.  “That is really weird, isn’t it?  But… I kind of have to hurry.  Even if the koroks are… insane.  Or messing with me.”
That struck Zelda as disturbingly likely.
Link nodded, apparently resolute despite his targets’ nebulous motivations.  “I should go today.”
She couldn’t help her falling face.
“Aw,” he said.  He stuffed the mask back in his pouch, took her in his arms, and curled himself around her, pressing a kiss to her hair.  “You miss me?”
“Yes,” she said, a little sheepish.
He held her tighter.
Then he bear-hugged her.
“Heh- Link!” she smiled, pushing at him playfully.
“It’ll be worth it,” he said.  “Really.  Please trust me?  I promise there’s a good reason.”
“Can you tell me?” she asked.
He loosened his hold and kissed her forehead with the softness of a cloud.  “If I could, I would.”
She studied his eyes a long moment.
He certainly appeared to be his usual self.  His eyes sparkled with mischief, with his ever-present love for her, and with that shadow she’d seen in him ever since she’d fallen into the depths, whisked into another time.
The shadow- it worried her, kept her worrying beyond what would otherwise be reasonable.  He’d never been the same.
She could even feel it in the cadence of his breath—shortened without apparent cause, always a twinge on the end of each, a restlessness in his fingers as he held her.  They just kept moving, even when his hands were still.
Why this would drive him to scour the countryside for korok droppings, she didn’t know.
She ought to enlighten him about that at some point.
It ended on an unremarkable day in late spring, as suddenly as it began.
Zelda had no explanation.
Link said nothing of it.
His korok-seed fever simply ceased.
She wondered if someone else had revealed their nature to him.
He spent two entire days never leaving her side.  The most accurate word she could think of to describe his mood was ‘barnacle.’
Zelda-barnacle.  Yes, that was it, she thought as she clipped a sample off one of her more mature sundelions, his chin on her shoulder, his nose in her hair, his eyes on her work, and both his arms wrapped securely about her middle.  Even his legs were flush to hers a good measure of the way down.
That night, the sound of the shrine’s transport platform reached her in her sleep.  She opened her eyes to find Link gone, his place in bed beside her cold.  She heard him enter the house soon afterward.
He returned to bed and wrapped his arms around her as though he’d never gone.
“Where were you?” she asked quietly.
He kissed the crown of her head.  “Kakariko.”
He chuckled.  “Can’t tell you.”
He made several more clandestine journeys, each time unsuccessful in the sense Zelda knew he’d gone.  He always returned to bed, and she always asked where he’d been.
“The korok forest.”
That one made her sit up.  “Oh?!”
He laughed.
She squinted down at him, his bare stomach shaking with mirth.
She squinted hard.  “So many koroks…” she said.
“Hm.  True,” he answered, mock-seriously.
“…Are you collecting seeds again?”
She eyed him suspiciously.
Then she tackled his abdomen, tickling hard with all ten fingers.
It hadn’t been wise, truly.  He overpowered and tickled her easily, his utter lack of mercy keeping her breathless for the following five minutes.
She learned nothing more from him that night—and he made no more secret journeys after that, as far as she could tell.
The summer solstice arrived.
Zelda opened her eyes to the sight of Link’s lovestruck gaze, the dimple deep in his left cheek.  He pushed her hair behind her ear.  “Happy Birthday,” he said softly.
His first gift to her arrived immediately, with no need even to leave their bed.
The second waited, a centerpiece on the dining table: a large box tied with a wide, royal blue bow, every bit as obvious as Link’s excitement for her to open it.  He’d adopted barnacle-stance once again, using his legs to walk hers toward the table.
She laughed, shifting off-balance as the odd gait forcibly waddled her.  He stopped them directly in front of the box, though he didn’t let go.
“I take it you’d like me to open this before breakfast.”
“Yes please,” he said, his laugh higher than normal, burying his eyes in the nape of her neck.  “I’ve been keeping it secret soooooooo long.”
She chuckled, her arms and hands covering his, warm, around her waist.  “My poor knight,” she said, a habit from days long gone.
He hummed a breath into her, nuzzling her nape and ending with as much of his face as he could tuck into her hair as possible.
She patted his arms and tilted forward.  He slid his hands to her waist and leaned around her, watching.
The ribbon fell open easily.  She lifted the top off the box and folded back the protective paper to see- “Pants?”
“Take them out!” Link urged.
She lifted them by the waistband.  Her head cocked in confusion as they unfolded.
“Shorts!” she said, amazed at the array of large pockets all over them.  They were otherwise simple, black, as though to replace her riding pants.  Their shorter length would be welcome in summer, and she absolutely could do with pockets.  The pouch at her hip wasn’t enough, though Link, of course, would allow her to put anything she wished in his.
“Look inside,” Link whispered, bouncing a little on his toes.
Zelda gave him an amused look.  She then held the waistband open and peered downward.  As predicted, she saw black fabric.  She also saw her own feet on the floor through the leg holes.
“No, no no no no,” Link said.  “Look in the pockets.”
“Ah,” she said.  Thinking he’d secreted something within one for her, she slipped one strap from its loop, lifted the flap, and rummaged inside.
“Goodness,” she said.  “This pocket is quite deep.”
Link produced a snigger.
She eyed him suspiciously once more as she slid her arm further and further into the pocket… still contacting nothing.   She withdrew, confused.
“I-“ she lifted the garment above her head.  Then she examined the pocket’s outer seam.  She pressed her hands on either side of it.  It appeared to be utterly ordinary – larger than her hand, certainly, but…
She shook her head and inserted her hand once more.  She watched, fascinated, as more and more of her arm disappeared into it, until the pocket’s edge reached her shoulder.   She wrapped her other arm around it to feel where her arm had gone inside the cloth.
The answer, it turned out, was nowhere.  The fabric pressed flat to her torso.
She gasped, a slow smile spreading across her face as she turned to see one of the biggest grins Link had ever given her.
“It’s like your pouch!” she cried.
“YA HA HA!” Link yelled as she tackled him. “Oof-“
“Oh my goodness- oh- Link- Link think of what I could do with this!”
“I did,” he chuckled.
“Are all the pockets this way?”
He nodded; then he looked up and to the left for a moment, a half-squint on.  “Well- yeah they’re all enchanted, but it’s not quiiiite the same.”
“I had- requests for these pockets.  Special ones.”
“Such as?”
“Well…” He opened a larger pocket lower down.  “Check this out!”
She did.
And she gasped.
She was peering into a space, perhaps the size of the main room of their new house, with a lush, grassy floor, a medium-sized dogwood tree, and a pond.
With lily pads.
She stared.
She stared more.
She goggled at Link, dully noting his arms supporting her, his eyes positively twinkling.
“is this…. for… frogs?” she asked, her tongue extremely dry.
“Well,” he said waggling his head.  “It doesn’t have to be. But I thought-“
She kissed him.
Link examined his work as a myriad of frogs hopped, croaked, and plain-old-chilled out around him, quite proud of himself.   The ruby rod was definitely staying put—and unlike one of the old flame blades (damn, he missed those), it wasn’t going to cook every frog that touched it. “I think I got it!” he yelled.
The sound of cloth-on-cloth preceded Zelda’s face appearing in what seemed to be a slit on a dark wall about even with Link’s head.
“Oh!” Zelda said.  “You’ve embedded it!”
“I figured it’d work best if it was actually in the water,” he said, trying but failing to see any steam visibly rising from the little pond’s surface.
Link wondered if there’d be clouds—like rain—or if droplets would just condense on that nebulous, sky-blue ceiling above.  Verrrrrry slowly.
“I’m still concerned about the lack of sunlight,” Zelda said.
Link smiled, pulling his eyes from the unsky to make his way toward her.  He stuck his face right up to the opening.  “It’s magic, Zelda.  Don’t worry too much.  It was like this in the sword-trials.”
“It’s unclear whether those were physically real, Link.”
 “True, but there were loads of plants inside the Zonai shrines.”
“Hmm.  There still are,” she said.  “I suppose that suggests whatever the light source is, it’s sufficient for them.”
“Yup.  So don’t worry.”  He pointed up.  “I bet it’s sky blue up there for a reason.”
She huffed a laugh.  “I suppose I agree with you, for my instinct is not to take that bet.”
Link raised his chin, proud of himself for the third time that day.  “Nice!  So… is it testing time?”
“If you’re ready, Link, then certainly.  I shall be gentle, but I suspect the fact the pond has remained intact means this will be entirely uneventful.”
The sound of shuffling cloth accompanied the strange sight of her hands, the wall, a painting, and then the ceiling moving beyond the opening followed by a wild motion of the wood, glimpses of Zelda’s armpit, her hair, her nose, and a single green eye as she pulled the garment on.  He heard her fasten it.
“Link?” she called.
“Nothing happened down here!”
“Excellent.”  She peered down at him.  “Link?  You are officially in my pocket.”
He snorted.  “I’m in your pants.”
“As is typical for you,” she said with a mischievous glint.
Being in Zelda’s pants (literally) turned out to be less interesting than Link thought it would.
She’d warped to Hateno rather than hike or paraglide down to Tarrey Town.
“What if the shorts fall off?”
“Do your pants usually fall off when you paraglide?”
“Of course not, but if they do, you are in them, and you shall hit the water, and if it comes pouring in, what will happen to you?”
Link shrugged.  “I’ll swim out.”
“Perhaps, but what if the entry fails to expand?”
“Why would it?!”
“No- we must be scientific about this.  Nothing risky is to be done without proof of concept.” Her spine straightened suddenly as though shocked.  “Goodness.  What if I fall?  Same potential result—possibly worse, for we do not know how taking on water affects the weight of the pants-“
Link started laughing.  “Zelda, they have a tree and a pond and- DIRT and things.  They don’t weigh anything.”
“Yet what if they do, Link?!  Perhaps a fraction of their weight is transferred.  We don’t know.  We cannot test it without removing the material, and frankly I have no wish to ruin that lovely environment in order to haul a tree out.  No, the only way would be to add material and weigh the shorts afterward.”
“Of course, I would do that with the similar pocket on the left rather than disturb the pond...”
He’d been about to suggest he just… paraglide down with her and hop in the pocket in town.  They could be discrete about it—ask to use the bathroom at the Hudson Construction office or something—but he liked to hear Zelda talk, and she’d clearly started one of her long thinking-out-loud rolls.  So, he’d listened while making mental note of the locations of niiiice, big, heavy boulders he could shove in the bottom left pocket.
And now, here he was, chilling with the frogs, listening to Zelda’s footsteps and chatter with the townsfolk, making yet more mental notes of any jostling (which was… really easy since there’d been none so far), and trying to think of how else he could kick the frog habitat up a level.  Luckily, he could hear Zelda even with the flap closed, so he had some entertainment other than the sticky frog that had decided his back was comfortable.
His head shot up.
Neither of them had thought to test whether he could leave with the flap shut.  That, to him, seemed a much bigger deal than anything else.  What if she was hurt and he couldn’t get out to help her?  What if something attacked her?  Zelda could defend herself, sure, but he couldn’t be stuck in here, helpless, if someone or something meant her harm.  Bokoblins.  Moblins!  One of the remaining gleeoks he hadn’t yet purged from the depths.   He can’t possibly have found them all, and those things could fly like anything, come out of nowhere.  He’d never seen one leave a chasm but there was absolutely no reason he could see why it couldn’t, and chasms—dear Hylia, they probably hadn’t found them all and what if she was walking somewhere and she didn’t see it and she slipped and she was falling and falling and falling and he couldn’t catch her again-
“Link?” Zelda called.
Link’s pulse rushed fully tactile in the left side of his neck, audible especially in that ear.  Sweat had begun to seep into his clothing.
“Yeah!” he yelled.
“Any motion?”
He laughed a little, rubbing the back of his neck.  He’d stopped paying attention—but he hadn’t noticed anything.  “I don’t think so!”
He could practically hear her mind whir on that one.
“Alright!” she said.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes at himself.  He’d done it again.  He really, really, really needed to stop doing that.  Hadn’t that been part of the point of this gift to her?  Yeah, she loved the pockets, but also he’d had to get used to letting her be alone.  He must’ve been driving her crazy.  He’d barely been able to let her garden for five minutes without checking on her.
Better that she missed him than got unbearably sick of him hovering around her all the time.  It’d happened before, all those… very many long years ago.  It could happen again.
He scrubbed his face.
He had to think about something else.
He eyed a particularly quick hot-footed frog.
His nose wrinkled.  He wished he didn’t know what its secretions tasted like.  He wouldn’t enjoy being stuck in here with nothing but those things to eat.  He didn’t expect sticky frogs to be any better, or ordinary tree frogs for that matter.
Not that he planned on eating them.  But if it was him or the frogs-
The frog on his back made a soft ‘ribbit.’
Link craned his neck.  He could see the moist, blue tippy tip of his stowaway’s nose.
…Eh. Okay, the frog was cute.  He could eat other things first.
Grass!  There was grass. And flowers.
Could you eat dogwood trees? 
He’d have to dig himself a latrine.
It would be really gross.
Not as bad as Zelda being hurt.  By a lot.
But still… disgusting.
And she’d never let that happen to him unless she was hurt, so it was a moot point.
… Or unless the shorts fell in the lake.
He smacked his forehead.  He should know by now that Zelda was always right.  Because if lake water started pouring in here and he couldn’t get out because the flap was closed?
He was effed with a capital f.
Much better that he was in here than her.  He wouldn’t make it five minutes if their roles were reversed.  He’d be hauling her out of here forcibly.  Once they knew how it worked, sure.
Hestu hadn’t seemed to know much about it, either.  Magic, inventory-expanding dances?  He had those in the bag.  The mechanics of the bag?  Nope.
“No, thank you, Manny.”
Link’s eyes shot to the closed flap.
“It’s a spectacular collection of crickets, to be sure.”
“Turns out Lasli didn’t want them, either.”
Link groaned.
“Eh he.  Yes, I heard you telling Link last time.”
He was still on this?
“She didn’t like the frogs, either.  But you do, right, Princess?”
Link would not tell Manny Lasli loved fireflies.  Because she actually did, and he wouldn’t inflict Manny on anyone for real.
“I know you like them.”
…Link didn’t appreciate that tone in Manny’s voice.  Not that he knew what it was, exactly.
He just didn’t like it.
He didn’t like Zelda’s silence either.
He stood and padded barefoot over the grass to try and peek out the flap.
“W- eh- ll.  I- suppose I- do like frogs-“
“I have a hundred for you, Princess.  Do you want them?”
Link really didn’t like that tone of voice.
“U- ahem.  Do you mean the frogs?”
Link shoved at the flap, too high-alert to be happy it didn’t resist him.  He grabbed the edge with both hands and stuck his head out.
He found himself looking at Zelda’s midriff.
“AaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!” Manny screamed, and he wasn’t the only one.
Several things happened in quick succession.
People and cuccos scattered (Link could hear them), something hit the ground hard and rattled, and several doors slammed open against their stops.
“It’s daytime, dad!”
“Heavens, Princess, what are you wearing?!”
“Princess!!! There’s an animal in your pocket!!”
Zelda’s arms shot out above Link’s head.  “Oh!  No, it’s—" a number of crickets landed on her midsection.  “Oh, my,” she said, hers the calmest voice in earshot as Link tried to figure out how to turn his head the right way.
“BLEHHHHGHGHGHHHH BUGS!”  (A door slammed shut).
Someone was shrieking high on the letter ‘E’ as Link, with a great deal of confusion, managed to twist around and see the street.
It didn’t help.
Manny was trying to scoop crickets out of the air and fling them back in the wood-and-mesh cage he’d kept them in, its latch flopping around.  The appearance of Link’s eyeballs knocked him back onto his hindquarters with a strange cry, almost as hard as if Link had punched him physically.  The cage landed lopsided—which was probably what happened a few seconds ago, too—and crickets streamed outward.
Ivee seemed every bit as terrified of Link’s disembodied head as she’d been of the potential pocket-critter and then some.  One of her knees rose and crossed her body as she squealed, dropping her broom.
Her father managed to make a wide-eyed scowl at Link.  “What in Hylia’s green hills?!  Link?!”
Manny panted, gulped, and leaned forward.  “L- Link, man.  It is you.”  He then looked from Link to the pocket below him, and up to Zelda’s face, an idea clearly forming.
“You-“ Link said, waggling a finger at him- “and me- we’re having a talk.  Soon.  Got it?”
For some reason Manny grinned wide.  “Got it,” he said with a wink.
Link was confused, but he’d take it for now.  “Good!” He twisted up to see Zelda.  “Hi,” he said.  A cricket landed on his forehead.
Zelda shook with laughter.  “Hello, Link.  Any jostling?”
“Not a thing!”
“Excellent.  Well.  Shall we continue?” she asked, shooing his cricket away.
“Depends,” Link said.  “Do you actually want those frogs?”
Zelda shook her head.  “It is far too many frogs.  Manny?”
“Y- yes, Princess?”
“You ought to return those hot-footed frogs to the wild where you found them, though keeping a few would be alright.  I have enough in here already.”
“E-enough?” Manny stuttered as Link leaned out to see just how many frogs there were and where the heck he was keeping them.
The sticky frog on Link’s back made its bid for freedom.
It launched through the air with a loud croak and landed on Ivee’s hip.
She shrieked, flapping her shirt wildly in attempt to fling it off.  Link moved reflexively to yank himself out and recover the frog. Instead, Zelda toppled as Link simply appeared, connected to her leg.  They landed in a heap, Zelda on top, with her face in Link’s hair and Link’s legs still dangling in the other-dimensional space.
“I got heavy again, didn’t I?” Link said to the dirt.
Zelda nodded in his hair.
“I’ll get you a new frog,” Link offered.
“No need,” she said, having turned her head to rest it on Link, watching Ivee quiver in fear as the blue terror slowly scaled her torso.  “It’s not going anywhere.”
Link rotated his face to look Manny in the eye.  “Seriously.  You’re still trying this?  What do you do, wait by the village entrance and offer critters to everyone who passes you?”
Manny leaned forward conspiratorially.  “Only the hot babes,” he whispered.
Link groaned and put his face back into the dirt.
It was better.
“Here you are, Link,” Zelda said, passing him yet another apple.
Not that he wouldn’t take it, but wow, she wanted him to eat today, didn’t she?
“Thanks, Zel!” He grabbed it and made extremely short work of it.  He tried to shove the core in his own pouch again, wrinkling his nose when it just hit bottom and got his hand sticky.  “Aw.  I keep forgetting.”
Her hand reappeared in the opening as she chuckled.  “It must feel strange to suddenly have an ordinary pouch.”
“You bet.  Don’t know how I managed before.”
“Well, fret not.  You shall have access to your many thousands of odds and ends once you emerge.”
Good thing, too.  He’d’ve had some kind of breakdown if bringing his pouch inside THIS pouch had broken his pouch forever.
He had over a dozen omelets in there, to say nothing of a now exceedingly rare undecayed eightfold blade.
It struck him real suddenly why she was feeding him so much.  He couldn’t just reach in and pull out a snack like he usually could.
He found himself very warm and fuzzy.  He turned his eyes on Zelda, still peering curiously at him.  “Thanks, Zelda.  You’re… really thoughtful.  You know that?”
She blinked at him slowly.  “You’re… welcome, Link.”
Link now understood his disembodied appearance in Zelda’s pocket was both an asset and a curse.
Sticking his head out among adults, unexpected?  Chaos.
Sticking his head out in the Hateno schoolyard?  Also chaos.  But the screams were fun-kid-play screams, not screams of abject, world-view-upending terror.
The schoolbell rang.
“Awwww,” Azu said.  “We just got started!”
They had, in fact, just started chucking insects, sticks, and chunks of bark into the pocket and watching, fascinated, as they fell sideways upon entering the magical space.
Zelda gave an indulgent chuckle.  “I’m sure the frogs will be appreciative of your efforts, and It’s not as though we won’t be back.  Go to class!”
The children grumbled a little as they traipsed inside.  So did Link’s stomach.
“You know, they fed the frogs, but did I get anything?  Nope.”
“Hmm.  I imagine that’s because they’d eaten their lunches already.”
“Aww.  I wouldn’t take the kids’ lunch.”
Zelda hummed a laugh, her forehead wrinkling slightly. “Are you hungry already?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Truly?  It’s not as though we didn’t have our own lunch… and quite a few snacks for you.”
Link shrugged.  “Hungry anyway.”  She was still… looking at him, but not in the ‘oh look it’s Link, he’s so attractive and I’d like to be back at home in bed right now’ way or the ‘look at Link, he’s so silly, he makes me laugh, he might do something else funny if I keep watching’ way.
He could usually de-code if he studied her hard enough—but right now he had to look partway up her nostrils to do it.  “You… have your thoughtful-face on,” he said.
“I’m always thinking,” she said with a smile.
A suspicious smile.  “Yeaaaaaah, but sometimes you’re thinking harder.”
She cocked her head, still watching him.
He cocked his, too, with half a grimace on.
Maybe it was the ‘he might do something funny’ face.
It couldn’t hurt to try.
Link spun around, spotting a stick Karin had tossed inside.  He snatched it up, looked Zelda right in the eye, and took a nice, hearty chomp.
Her head reared.
“Mmm,” Link said.  “Sassafras!”
It tasted like skunky-root-beer-meets-a-whole-box-worth-of-matchheads, but the look on Zelda’s face was worth it.
She only laughed a little, though.
He’d have to up his game.
Either that, or he’d just have to be attractive later.
He chuckled to himself.  Why not both?
In the meantime, he had a bunch of items to arrange.  Now that Zelda had this pocket, and now that it had frogs in it, and the kids had not only seen it but put stuff in it, they were absolutely going to want to visit the frogs and see all their stuff in use in the frog habitat.
Link sighed, looking at the feeble collection of dead tree matter near the opening.
As if on cue, Zelda reached in, a long, curled section of papery bark in her hand.  “Would… you like this, Link?”
“Sure—thanks!” he said.  He grabbed it and snatched up the rest, intent on turning the kids’ offerings into a tiny frog village in the corner.
“Link,” Zelda said, her voice carefully nonchalant.  “Here’s some oak wood.”
Link arrived at the flap and took it from her.  “Oh great, yeah, thanks!”  He gave her a huge, excited grin and an eyebrow flash.  Then he raised it to his wide-open mouth and stuck it right in.
Zelda swallowed, wide-eyed.
He disappeared to the left again with some small shuffling sounds.
She then heard a crack, and a happy sound from Link.
Zelda began to think frantically.
“H- here you are, Link,” Zelda said.
Link turned from his task to see her hand dangling a scrap of leather into the opening.
He bounded over to her, reaching for the offering.  Zelda seemed a bit less happy than he’d have liked, her lips pressed together and held there by her teeth.  He looked her over.  Then he looked the leather over.  Not terrible leather.  Not great.  Nothing special.  Big enough to be a blanket for a frog.  He snorted.
He’d stuck a few different kinds of wood in his mouth since the stick made her laugh at least a little, but when she got serious he did, too, going about his construction efforts.  A bunch more bark, several sticks, chunks of wood, and a sheet of slate later, here she was handing him leather.
What was he supposed to do with it?
She was watching him so closely!
…Maybe she got serious because he got boring?  His mouth pulled in deep on the left.  He studied Zelda’s downturned face.  Maybe he hadn’t gone big enough.  “Look.  Do you want to see me eat this?  Because I can totally eat the whole thing.”  He could, too.  He’d eaten way worse.
Her eyes flicked elsewhere, then back to him with a little shimmy of her head.
It was cute.
He smiled.
“No, Link,” she said.
He blew a puff of air out.  He’d hoped so.  “Just checking.”
She looked so expectant.
What was he missing?
“…Thanks, Zel!  Be back in a minute.”  He jogged past the tree and out of Zelda’s direct line of vision.
What to do with the leather?  Zelda didn’t just do things for no reason.  Maybe he should just ask her.  But she wasn’t saying anything, so she must think he already knew, so it must be something for the habitat and he must be being dense, and-
He was… really thick sometimes.  He smiled to himself.
Of course.  He’d even thought it was about big enough to cover a whole frog!  It could be a little frog blanket.  Or a mat.  Or frog armor for a teeny tiny little frog army.
Link’s entire form lit up.
No, no.  Zelda was studying the frogs, not playing with them.  The kids would play with them.
…It would be so cute.
He sighed.  He would resist.  Little mats?  For the cute little frog houses he’d already made with the sticks and stuff?  Sure.  He could make frog-tents, too.  It was always light in the habitat.  They probably needed someplace dark they could go hide in sometimes.  Yes!
Link got to work, realizing pretty quickly he didn’t have all the tools he needed.  He wandered back to the flap.
“Hey, Zelda?”
“Yes, Link!”
“I need some thread and some long, thin lengths of leather.  And more rectangles of leather.  Maybe…” he thought for a moment.  “Thirty-six pieces.”
She stared at him.  “Thirty-six?”
“Yep.  Just to be safe.”
I am extremely concerned that Hylian mental status is negatively affected by enclosure within my cargo shorts’ lower-right pocket, Zelda wrote in her research journal.
As Link expressed his hunger despite his frankly gargantuan intake of food, I recalled that items retrieved from Link’s pouch emerge exactly as they went in.  Food does not spoil.  Vegetation does not wither.  Animals do not perish.  And indeed, nothing has occurred to harm the frogs we’ve placed in the habitat for study.  Yet one would think if time stood still, they would not hop (etc.).  Clearly, whatever magic occurs is complex.
I would be merely curious rather than concerned had Link not proceeded to eat sassafras wood (notably unhealthy).  Indeed, for each piece of wood I passed to him after that, he thanked me profusely.  He then appeared to develop an insatiable craving for soft leather!  Is he unable to appease his hunger if he enters in a hungry state?  And was Link willing to eat these items because he was truly that hungry, or has the space had an effect on his thinking?
I oughtn’t allow him to go back in.  It took a good deal of convincing to get him to come out.  He insisted he ‘wasn’t finished.’  I had to lower a rope in and ask him to climb it to test the effect of our gravity vs. that of the gravity within the pocket as he climbed.  I was quite relieved when he agreed.
“Morning, Zel!” Link chimed from the kitchen—Zelda had made her way partially down the steps to the alluring aroma of honeyed flapjacks.
“Good morning, Link,” she said, her smile a little more tired than it should have been considering her large amount of sleep.  She breathed deep.  “That smells delic…ious.”
Zelda stared at the low table along the far wall.  “Link?”
“What are those?”
Link followed her gaze.  “Oh!  Yeah, the leather was a really good idea.  I’ll bring those ones in with me today.”
She blinked, shaking her head.  “You… what?”
“Into the pocket today,” Link said, flipping one of the pancakes.  A few dark spots revealed wildberries embedded in it.  “I’ll bring them in with me.”
“Link- I… was thinking perhaps you shouldn’t go in there today.”
“Huh?  Why not?”
“Well, for one thing we’ve other concerns.  We are overdue for our visit to Rito Village.  I know Tulin has been anxious to discuss his Zonai stone, and we shouldn’t put that off for any of our modern-day sages.  There ought to be- some manner of succession, or-“
“Zel,” Link said, a quizzical look on his face as he slid the honey and blackberry flatcake onto a plate.  “This… is nothing new, and none of them are…” he shrugged, waving his pan and his spatula- “old, or… sick, or anything.  It can totally wait.”
“It’s not as though the pockets can’t wait.”
“Zel, you literally just started testing them out yesterday.”  He squinted at her.  “You were worried about just keeping frogs in there without understanding how the fake environment would affect them.  Right?”  He waited.
“Well… yes.”
“And they just plain old don’t like our little L-shaped pond thing.  Right?”
“…They do not seem to particularly enjoy it, no.”
“Because they leave.”
“So you can’t just take the little guys out and put them in our pond.”
“Not if I expect to see them again.”
“And you like frogs.”
“They are fascinating,” she said.  “Not that other creatures aren’t – they certainly are – but, at least in our time, their effects on speed, strength, and stamina were poorly understood, though of course we can make some elixirs from them, and now with these sticky frogs having sprung from the caverns opened in the upheaval, there is so much more to learn.  It’s not even just the frogs, it’s-“
She stopped at the huge, dimpled smile on his face.
“What is it?”
“You,” he said.  He replaced the pan on the wood stove and dolloped some batter in it—then he circled the table and wrapped her up in his arms.  “I love how curious you are,” he said.
“Even after all that time,” he said, far more quietly.
She’d snuggled into him, but his tone had her pulling back, examining his face; his smile had vanished.  She traced his lips with an unthinking fingertip.  “Link…”
He tried and failed to smile under her touch.
She stroked the subtle hollow of his cheek.  It disturbed her a little that he even had a hollow of his cheek, with all the food he took in.  He never used to.  He’d had rounded cheeks, always.
“Sorry,” he said.  “It hits me sometimes… how long you waited.  For me.  Because I-“  he swallowed.  “Because I missed.”
She shook her head and crushed him to her, pressed his face to her shoulder.  “No, Link.  No.  Truly.  It wasn’t like that.  It was as though…. a long dream.”
He nodded against her.  She’d told him before—many times—yet it continued to haunt him, evidenced by moments like this.  Sometimes she thought he didn’t believe her.
Sometimes she suspected hethought about it far more than he let on—wondered if the occasions on which he acted strangely were fueled, somehow, by that fall of hers into blackness and its consequences.
Not for Hyrule.  He’d saved that.
But she’d spent eons and eons so very far not only from him, but from her own consciousness—and self-recrimination kept surfacing within him for it.
Zelda thought of his months-long korok obsession.  Of his need to have hundreds upon hundreds of ‘seeds,’ and that need utterly overriding his usual (over)protectiveness of her, even to the point of him going when she specifically requested he stay.
There had been no pocket to affect his thinking, then.  Perhaps an oddity of the flow of time had nothing to do with his behavior.
She worried at her lip and thought of the scraps of leather lined up on the table partway behind her.  “…Link?” she asked.
“Yeah, Zel?”
His voice sounded thick.
She stroked his hair and took a deep breath.  “What is the leather for?”
His eyelashes fluttered against her skin.  He lifted his head to look at her.  “Frog tents.”
“…Frog tents?”
“And mats and blankets, and I was thinking of making cute little sets of leather frog armor, but I figured that was just me being a little bored and not actually something that would spruce up the habitat, though the kids would sure enjoy it.  Maybe we should get them to make some.”
Zelda breathed a sigh of relief.  “You-“ she shut her mouth.  Should she say something?
She smiled, her thoughts turning.  “Link- you… you worried me yesterday.  Considerably.”
He looked nonplussed.  “I did?  How?”
She gave him a look, then patted his shoulders—he released her.  She walked over to her hung shorts.  She reached into one of the storage pockets and removed a birch branch.
She returned to Link and held it out to him expectantly.
He just stared at her.  He flicked his eyes to the branch once.  Then he stared some more.  “Uh.”
“What… would you do with this if I gave it to you?” she asked.
Link scratched the back of his head.  “I mean… usually I’d whack a bokoblin with it- ONLY if it was red, mind you.  But now with the pond, I could give it to the frogs like all the other stuff.”
She blinked at him. “You could… what?”
“Yeah, I can arrange it around the pond- well… it’s really in the corner, I didn’t want to put it right next to the water.   It looks pretty neat already but it’s not even close to finished yet.  It’ll be like a little frog village.  Little log seats and tents, and an itty bitty frog campfire for them to sit at, and little mats for them to sleep on, and…” he trailed off at the look on her face.  “What?”
“You haven’t been eating these?”
He stared at her.
Then he burst out laughing.  “What?!”
She spread her arms wide.  “You have been- taking bites of wood, and bark, and even rocks—though granted this is not the first time I’ve seen you eat rock-“
“Salt’s a rock.”
“That is beside the point, Link, the darling, obtuse love of my life.”  She gripped his shirt with two fists and put some of her weight on them.  It made him lean over with a bit of a droll smile on his face.  “You were displaying- extraordinarily odd behavior once more.  Please, please, explain your actions if not to sate your seemingly inexhaustible hunger while inside the pocket?”
“You thought I was eating wood because I was too hungry?”
“Of course!”
He huffed a laugh.  “Why wouldn’t I just ask you for actual food?”
“I wondered the same thing!”
“You could’ve asked me why.”
She blinked, drawn up short.
His thumbs drew gentle shapes on her biceps.  His eyes wandered all over her features.  One eyelid twitched just slightly more shut.  “Why didn’t you ask?” His voice had softened so much.
Her mouth opened and shut, her fingertips on his face again.  She made a study of his features with them, moving from place to place.
Link’s nostrils flared a second before she noticed the burning smell.
“Sh-!” he leapt almost comically over the table (comically except that he was Link, so the leap itself was graceful and perfectly executed to place him directly in front of the stove).  “Ahhh, this happens so much…” He flipped the offending flapjack with a flick of his wrist.  The underside was, indeed, rather burnt, but she knew he’d finish cooking it anyway.
He didn’t turn around.
His shoulder blades shifted as he jiggled the pan.
Zelda circled the table, arriving at his side, his nearer hand still on the pan’s handle.  “Link?”
His face turned toward her, and while he showed no outward sign of tears, she knew that face on him.  They weren’t far off.
She caressed his bicep, his hairline where his head and neck met.  “What is it?”
He half-laughed, shutting his eyes and leaning into the hand at his neck, just for a moment.  “You tell me.  You… didn’t answer my question.”
Her cheek came to a slow rest at his shoulder, her eyes on his, at a loss to explain.  She didn’t know where to start.
Her silence seemed to hurt him, almost bodily.  He winced.  He moved the pan onto a thick potholder.  He pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes shut.  He took a few deep breaths before returning his eyes to hers.
“Well, you wanted to know what I was doing, so… I was just trying to make you laugh.  At first, I mean.”  His smile was very, very weak.  “The joke didn’t land, huh?”
Her eyes had widened a little.  “I.. thought-“
“It’s okay,” he said.  A small smirk touched his face.  “I’m funnier when I’m not trying.”
A small laugh puffed out her nose.
“Oh ho!  Yeah, see?  I thought so.”
“I am sorry, Link.  I thought it was hunger because you were simply insatiable all morning.”
He flashed his eyebrows twice.
She giggled. “That is not what I meant.”
He smiled anyway.
“You devoured breakfast, lunch, and every other piece of food I passed to you while you were in there!”
He shook a little in a laugh, though his face remained far less than jovial.  “How is this unusual?”
“Do you realize how much food it was?”
“OH yeah.”
“And you were still hungry?”
“I’m always hungry.  I can literally always eat.”
“You say that, but your stomach must be of limited size.”
Link shrugged.
“I’d begun to wonder if I the space you were in was affecting you.”
“Well, again… I don’t understand why you didn’t just ask me.”
The shadow she’d been seeing in him became all the more obvious.
“Link… you always say you’re alright.”
He shrugged.  “I always am.”
“No, you are not,” she blurted, surprising even herself.  “Link… I see it in you.”  She pressed her hands to his face, cradling him.  “You’ve not been- you’ve never been the same since I came back,” she said, almost whispering.  “I see it there, in your eyes- and more than that.  It’s a change in your entire body, your full self.  Yet you always insist you’re alright.  I do not ask because-“ she just realized it herself- “you would not tell me truthfully.”
She could see him floundering, but her mouth would not stop.  “You have been acting strangely.  For months, you were collecting korok- seeds- with such fervor, willing to leave me for long stretches of time, which had up to that point been quite unusual for you—and you refused to tell me what that was about, too. And then-“ she snapped her fingers- “nothing.  No more.”  She softened at the odd twitching which appeared in his left cheek—she’d no wish to come across as harsh—she simply could not contain it any longer.  “Your night excursions worried me at first, too, and then especially when you mentioned the forest.”
“But,” he cut in, “you know what it was about now, right?”
“Yes, obviously now I know,” she said.
He shook his head, then cocked it strangely at her.  More quizzical than she’d ever seen him be—there was another word for it.  She couldn’t quite place it, perhaps because she’d never seen it on his face.
“So… why are you… still worried?” he asked.
She ducked, seeking his eyes from below.  “How can you not know?”
He splayed his hands wide, face up, shaking his head.  “I- don’t!”
“Link.  You spent months feverishly collecting pellets of korok dung!”
He blinked.  A lot.
Then he looked somewhere straight above Zelda’s head.
“Oh,” she sighed, her face in her hands.  “I- I am sorry, Link, it was obvious you didn’t know, and that in and of itself wasn’t my concern.  Why- why collect them in the first place?  Even if they were seeds in the literal sense?”
Link groaned.  Then he grabbed her biceps and rested his forehead on hers with a flabbergasted smile.  “Wow.  Wow.  Okay, so, yeah, I didn’t know they were turds.  Holy Hylia, I could kill Hestu.”
“Who is Hestu?”
Link shook his head.  “Tell you later.  No, you know what?  I’ll introduce you later.  We can shake the maraca tree together.”
Zelda opened her mouth, but Link shushed her with his fingerpad on her lips.  “I get it.  Why you thought I was nuts.  Because that’s what this is about, right?  You thought I was losing it, so you didn’t want to ask me, because of course if I was really insane I wouldn’t know anyway, so the answer doesn’t matter.  Does that about sum it up?”
Her eyes welled with tears.
“Hey- hey- no, no no no, please.  Don’t cry.” He kissed both her eyelids with a loving smile.  “Yeah, I’d’ve thought you were losing it if you were collecting feces without it being some kind of study.”
She burst into a tearful giggle.  “But not if it were a study.”
“No, pff!  Of course not.  You’ve studied nastier things.  But that’s kind of my point.  Like- I really thought I had given the game totally away when I told you I didn’t have enough seeds.”
“I… don’t understand.”
“Did I never tell you this??  Hestu- who you will meet- is the guy who does the magic to expand the pockets.  And you have to pay him in korok seeds to do it.”
“That’s absurd!”
“He’s a trickster.  Now I know!”
“What would he possibly want them for?”
“His maracas.”
“His what?!”
“His maracas!  He sticks them inside and shakes them around and does this ridiculous dance and BOOM—expanded pockets!  He can even make spaces within the spaces which is how I can keep all my swords separate, and my bows, and… and…”
He must have seen the look on her face.
“So…” she said, “if anyone is mad, it is this Hestu.”
Link snorted.  “I sure hope so.  Because if not, then it’s still me who’s lost his hold on reality.”
Zelda smiled at him.  “I would love you anyway.”
He took his time folding her into his arms.  “I know.”
“I… am still surprised you were willing to leave me for such long stretches of time.  I was becoming lonely.  At least, now, I know the entire ordeal was with the aim of creating a truly spectacular pair of shorts.”
He shook with silent laughter against her.  “Yeah.  Though… I was also trying to leave you alone.”
Her arms pressed him extra-tightly for a beat of her pulse.  “Why?”
Two puffs of air exited him quick, fluttering the hair near her temple.  “Because it’s been so hard to.”
The shadow in his eyes had risen to the surface, bared for her.
“It wasn’t your fault,” she said, soft, her lips near his, her eyes treating each of his to touch after touch of her sincerity.
Link cupped her face and kissed her, his lips a bare brush, a gift of pure emotion, nothing taken.  “It was.  Shhh- I know.  I know what you’d say, but it was my fault.  I dropped.  And it wasn’t because I couldn’t stand.  It was because-“ a disgusted laugh left him- “it hurt.”
“Link,” she said, aghast.  “The gloom killed your arm while still upon your body!  It took even your shoulder.  You were in agony-“
“But I could have stayed standing.”  The loathing in his unfocused stare found her shrinking, though she knew it directed toward himself.  “It would’ve saved me about half a second.  When you fell.  And I’d have caught you.  As it was, I felt the air from your fingers as I missed.”
She couldn’t stop shaking her head, touching his face, his hair.  “Please.  Please, my love, do not do this to yourself.  Do you not see…?“ She straightened.  “You do.  You do see.  For if you didn’t, you would never be willing to leave me alone for a single instant of the rest of my life, ever.  Yet you already have.  You’ve intentionally forced yourself to do so.  And why?”
His eyes shut under her hands’ ministrations.  “Because I don’t want to drive you nuts.”
She nodded, her forehead against his so he could feel it despite his shuttered eyelids.  “Which means you recognize constant, incessant vigilance is unreasonable.  And if it is unreasonable under normal circumstances, it is certainly unreasonable in the case of an agonizing injury—one single moment in relation to it, and that is all.”  She kissed his cheek.  “It is not. Your.  Fault.”
A tear met the bow of her lip.
“Oh, Link,” she said, kissing it away.
“It feels like it is,” he said on nearly no air, his diaphragm having already crushed the rest from him.
She took him against her shoulder as he shook.  Saltwater jumped in fits and starts between the peach fuzz at the nape of her neck.  She stroked his hair.  “I know,” she said.  “I know it does.  We will work on this together, Link.  Alright?  When you feel this way, please speak to me.”
He nodded against her, the movement slowed by a nuzzle.
“And also… I do not at all mind you being my barnacle.”
A laugh burst from his mouth, cooling the freshly laid tracks of moisture on her.
“Please,” she chuckled.  “Do so as much as you wish.  In fact, do so even more, for I enjoy the unique sensation of my strides riding entirely upon yours.”
“You got it,” he said, his hand running warm over her back, as though he were the one comforting her.
She returned the gesture.
When Link recovered enough for his stomach to rumble, she insisted he sit.  She served him the one flapjack he’d successfully cooked.  She made the rest, and she did quite a good job of it, too (though in fairness, Link had already prepared the batter—by far the trickier part of the task).
They ate on the same side of the table, always touching. While Link had been right—she did want to study the pond-pocket carefully, and sooner rather than later—the day's priorities had changed. She decided to forego her investigation in favor of bed, where Link enthusiastically joined her.
Late at night, Link burst to wakefulness, shooting upright with a cry.
“Whhhhfauuha?” Zelda said, bleary.
“They’re all in on it!” Link said in horror.  “Every last one of them.  Every single korok.”  The look he turned on Zelda might’ve been lucid.
Or he might’ve been sitting up in his sleep.
She just laid the flat of her forearm on his chest and pushed him down, snuggling back up to sleep.  He didn’t resist.
“Hi, Hestu,” Link said, his smile completely relaxed.
“Link!  It’s good to see you.  Did you bring any more seeds for me?”
Link’s smile widened.  “Actually, today I brought the Princess to see you.”
“The PRINCESS?! Shakala!!!” Hestu waved his maracas in a ponderous mockery of semaphore.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Hestu,” Zelda said.  “Now please, in no uncertain terms, explain precisely why you manipulated Link into delivering thousands upon thousands of korok droppings to you in exchange for your inventory expansion services.”
The maracas went utterly still.
Zelda’s smile remained pleasant.
“Mmmm?” rumbled the Deku Tree’s voice.  “What has my grandson been doing?”
Hestu remained balanced on a single, awkward, stubby leg, maracas-out, his only movement a slight shivering of the leaves in his branches.  Then something hit the ground with a deep thump.
“I- I’ll be right back!” Hestu said, his wood-moustache shivering as he scampered with all the grace of a land-manatee down the path toward Mido Swamp.
Link stepped forward, feet shoulder-width apart, eyes groundward.  He nodded with a sniff.
“What is it?” Zelda asked.
Link tilted his head.  “Well.  You know that saying about shitting bricks?”
Zelda peered curiously past him.  “Oh.  My.”
“Well.”  She clasped her hands.  “Perhaps we should collect it.”
Link took an extremely long moment to turn and look at her.
The corner of her mouth twitched.
Link burst into relieved laughter.
“I couldn’t resist,” Zelda said.
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themarydragon · 1 year ago
Hey so @linksthoughtbrambles said this in a q&a post the other day and I've been turning it over like a rotisserie chicken since I read it.
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And this is 100% how I feel about it and I never actually rubbed my brain cells about it before. I don't feel like I write filth. I do feel like I include nsfw scenes that are important to the work, either for the character or for the reader, and I do feel like its important for those to be skippable from an inclusiveness standpoint.
Anyways I wanted to pass this along because it spoke to me and I'm incorporating it into my self-concept as a writer.
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zellink · 7 months ago
this chapter was phenomenal, I was so excited to see you updated!! Literally my favorite zelink fic of all time.
I hope you have a great and relaxing vacation <3
I wanted to ask if you had any favorite fic recommendations? I love to see what fic authors love to read
"Literally my favorite zelink fic of all time." just did something to my heart, god, thank you so much anon. you have no idea how much that means to me.
i have LOTS of favorite fics, you can definitely stalk my bookmarks on Ao3 for that LOL but i do recommend these that i think are the creme de la creme of zelink fics:
extant by @milkywayes (and its sequel lenience)
Black Flowers Blossom by @linksthoughtbrambles
Tacet by @1up-girl (actually anything by 1UpGirl1 is gold so you should read all of them.)
Fin de siècle by luftballons99
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mailrebel · 2 months ago
What type of writer are you?
Thanks for the tag @mistresslrigtar So many tag games going around recently haha :)
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"You are 4.16% intuitive, 8.34% pantser, which makes you an intuitive pantser."
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I find this so funny because this really does describe me to a T. All I really need is one idea I think will be fun or interesting and I'm ready to hit the docs. I usually have an ending in mind but how we get there is anyone's guess 😂 But hey, that's what makes it fun. Even I want to know what happens next!
I'll tag @linktheacehero @aegon-targaryen @linksthoughtbrambles Let me learn about your writing styles 👀
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