#link in finnish
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badhockeymom · 7 months ago
Cup Besties talking
It's about this ⤵
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And this ⤴
Can't recommend this enough if you know any Finnish. They were veteran dad and rookie son, winning the most coveted prize in the hockey world, one to start off his NHL career, one to finally get the crown on his before retiring.
This is just the beginning of the roughly 1,5 hour conversation of Teuvo as a guest on Kimmo Timonen's and Antti Mäkinen's podcast. Teuvo's deadpan sarcasm and his subtle chuckles that soften his wry chirps and self-mockery work like a charm, sending his forty-something hosts into fits of laughter.
May be continued but let me put this out there first.
Kimmo: Our next guest hails from Helsinki. He's full 29 years old, but still has the face of a child. He goes by the nickname Turbo, which I don't understand, because he isn't that fast. A produce of the Jokerit, he has got, among other accolades, the Finnish rookie of the year award. From Jokerit, he went to Chicago, where we won the Stanley Cup together in 2015. Nowadays he plays for the Carolina Hurricanes alongside Sebastian Aho. Welcome, my good friend, Teuvo Teukka Teräväinen, to the Kimanttia podcast!
Teuvo: Thanks a lot, (chuckle) nice to be here even though you forced me to come.
Kimmo: (laugs) For your information, listeners, I've tried to goad Teukka for a guest appearance for two or three years, but he has always, always declined before now. It's good, it's great to hear your voice, man.
Antti (co-host Antti Mäkinen): I was so sure that Teuvo has been on the show but it's great that you're there now.
Teuvo: Yes, I always say to Kime that someday I'll come, and now I felt it's time.
Kimmo: Are you in Finland, Teukka?
Teuvo: Yes, a few days ago. I came straight to the cottage, it's nice to wind down for a few days here. Nothing special.
(They go on asking if Teuvo has watched the Worlds, he reminds the hosts that Canes were still playing when the games started.)
Kimmo: I wanted to ask, before we start going through your career, how long are you staying in Finland, and will you spend time at the cottage or do you have plans?
Teuvo: I usually head back to the States in the beginning of September, to settle down a little before the camp starts. In Finland, this summer will be quite busy, all my weekends are pretty much locked down, I have so many weddings and bachelor parties this summer.
Kimmo: Oh, you're getting married? I haven't got an invitation.
Teuvo: Yeah, multiple times. (Antti and Kimmo laugh) No, fortunately it isn't my wedding. They're nice events, but they do take up your time.
Kimmo: Yes they do, weekends come and go.
(Antti tells a story about a golf live stream during the covid lockdown, where Teuvo played against Patrik Laine. Both played well but in the end, Teuvo lost. He left the course with very few words, and after an half an hour, posted a pic of his golf bag on his Instagram story, captioned "Clubs for sale")
Teuvo: I remember that. It's what it is, it's never nice to lose.
Kimmo: (laughs) That sounds familiar because I've also sometimes played golf with Teukka, and the round has gone fine, and he says, I'm quitting this game.
Teuvo: Yeah... We've played tennis, too.
Antti: How do you do against him in tennis, can you hold your own?
Teuvo: Well, I don't think i've yet won Kime, at least on his home court.
Kimmo: Well now, there we heard the truth.
Teuvo: But now i have my own homecourt here at the cottage, you're welcome to challenge me here.
Kimmo: (softly) I must come over.
Teuvo: On my own court I haven't lost to anyone else but Henkka Kontinen who's a pretty good player. (Pro tennis player, doubles specialist, career high rank 1 in doubles)
Kimmo: Oh. I'll have to come and challenge you this summer.
Teuvo: You'll have to.
Antti: Hey, that guy is a professional at that tennis hobby of his, he does have an advance.
Teuvo: Or used to be, he hadn't been playing for a full year when he defeated me.
So, that's just the first five minutes.
A little extra treat from the next segment:
Kimmo: I did some research about your junior years, and it said you started on Helsingin Kojootit (Helsinki Coyotes). Where's Helsingin Kojootit?
Teuvo: It's -- in Helsinki. (chuckles.) Like it says, Helsingin Kojootit, how didn't you pick it up from the name?
(Laughter, Antti is dying)
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fyeahfinnishmusicaltheatre · 2 months ago
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Sakset seis! -kulttuuriadressi kerää parhaillaan nimiä hallituksen ajamia kulttuurin rahoituksen leikkauksia vastaan. Adressi luovutetaan päättäjille itsenäisyyspäivän aattona 5.12.2024.
Jos olet yhtä mieltä adressin viestistä eli pähkinänkuoressa siitä, että hallituksen kulttuurileikkaukset uhkaavat suomalaisten oikeutta kulttuuriin ja hyvinvointiin, että leikkaukset pitäisi perua ja että kulttuurin perusrahoitus tulisi turvata, käy lisäämässä nimesi adressiin täällä.
Suomalaisilla musikaalifaneilla on syytä seisoa tämän adressin takana, sillä käytännössä kaikki Suomessa ammattivoimin toteutetut musikaalituotannot on tehty vos-teattereissa eli valtion rahallista tukea nauttivissa teattereissa. Rahoituksen leikkaukset saattavat tulevina vuosina johtaa esimerkiksi entistä korkeampiin lipunhintoihin, pienimuotoisempiin ja harvalukuisempiin tuotantoihin ja pahimmillaan jopa pienten teatterien konkursseihin.
Lisätietoja Sakset seis! -kampanjasta: klik
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because-its-eurovision · 1 year ago
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Anna magazine has created a recipe for Käärijä Christmas pastries and is predicting they'll be the greatest hit delicacy of the holidays
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littlemaple · 1 year ago
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at Taidepappila in Kuhmahlati, a hidden treasure?
"Sisällä Taidepappilassa maskikavalkadi jatkuu. Myös vierailevien taiteilijoiden kesänäyttely on avoinna 31.8.2023 saakka. Kymmenen taiteilijan värikkäät teokset täyttävät seinät. Sieltä joukosta löytyy myös Katariina Sourin tekemä maalaus Käärijästä, joka pääsi esille valtakunnan mediassa Eurovision laulukilpailujen kohinassa."
Inside the Art Chapel, the masked cavalcade continues. The summer exhibition of visiting artists is also open until August 31, 2023. The colorful works of ten artists fill the walls. There is also a painting of Käärijä by Katariina Souri, which was featured in the national media amid the noise of the Eurovision song contests.
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ahappyphjl · 3 months ago
1 week until TIT helsinki!! if you see me there and feel like saying hi pls do! i’m bringing some bracelets so i can give u one or we can just chat, it’d be so fun to meet some of u there 💙
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foreverinthesun · 8 months ago
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inariedwards · 4 months ago
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Suuret suomalaisyritykset eivät puutu ihmisoikeusriskien juurisyihin
Yritysten ihmisoikeuksia koskeva vastuullisuustyö ei ole tavoitteellista eikä vaikutusten kohteena olevia sidosryhmiä kuulla, kertoo Finnwatchin uusi raporttisarja.
Linkki uutiseen
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koskela-knights · 1 year ago
Ilmo and the Sampo
I've been talking to @veikkoalen & @zephyrone01 about Ilmo and Jaakko's names and got some interesting insights that I wanna share with the rest of yall 👀
Initially, I knew that his name was derived from the name Ilmarinen, a mythological figure appearing in the Kalevala epic as a blacksmith. And even though I read (on Wikipedia, my knowledge in Finnish mythology is basically limited to that) Ilmarinen is the creator of the Sampo, the connection didn't click until Veikkoalen said Ilmo is trying to bring Sampo to Watery.
The Sampo is a magical device that was said to bring fortune (sometimes gold or other resources) to the holder. (This is just a very condensed description btw)
In that regard, Ilmo also tries to bring fortune to Watery which has been struck with poverty & decline in population after their main income resource (lumber mills) closed down. 🥺
And finally, Zephyrone01's comment on Jaakko's name and possible meanings/interpretations. Jaakko's name has ties to the name Jacob, which means "supplanter". "The name is traditionally thought to mean "heel grabber" because in the Bible, Jacob was born holding his brother Esau's heel." And their interpretation that Jaakko might feel like he was in Ilmo's shadow.
Though I think Jaakko might not always mind being on the background. But maybe during difficult, low moments he might experience a sort of jealousy?
But yeah, the Koskelas invoke many deep thoughts and sad thoughts too.
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sparklingdwarf · 7 months ago
think i've been spoiled with good knitting and crocheting tutorials now that i found a mediocre one my brain is exploding
i'm literally having to write down cause the video goes "and into next, and next and next" one by one instead of saying at ANY point "repeat for 6 times" and it's horrendous to follow
on top of this i'm already translating cause doubles and halves in english and finnish are NOT THE SAME CAUSE WHY WOULD THEY BE
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kuningaskunta-sielut · 1 year ago
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fyeahfinnishmusicaltheatre · 3 months ago
Helsingin Sanomien mukaan ammattiteatterien musikaalien lapsiesiintyjille maksetaan huomattavasti pienempää palkkaa kuin alan työehtosopimuksessa määritelty minimipalkka: HS:n näkemissä sopimuksissa lapsiesiintyjien palkka on ollut vain n. 30 prosenttia tesin minimipalkasta.
Tällä hetkellä esitettäviä musikaaleja, joissa lapset esiintyvät keskeisissä osissa, ovat mm. Svenska Teaternissa esitettävä Matilda ja Tampereen Työväen Teatterissa esitettävä School of Rock.
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badhockeymom · 2 years ago
No voi vittu!!! Joutuu päivittää NHLWAMin etusivuu sormi rakoilla ja mittää uutta ei näjy!!
Jee, MIro!
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caixxa · 1 year ago
She apologized for the inconvenience and hurt feelings and basically said she wouldn't use those words anymore
The bulk of the posts were discussion on an extremely influential and extremely racist blog, "Scripta" of Jussi Halla-Aho. Halla-Aho is former leader of Purra's party, now their presidential candidate, and Speaker of the parliament. He has refused to call the parliament in session to discuss Purra's position after her past writings have surfaced.
In nutshell, Purra's past writings are full-on hate. Racial slurs, Islamophobia, queerphobia, antifeminism, with a side of fatphobia.
She was active in the discussion in 2008, when she was 30 or 31, post-grad, mother. The reason there isn't more is probably just the migration of the community from Jussi's blog to a different platform, mainly homma forum, a right-wing message board founded by active commenters of Jussi's blog.
She subs our prime minister during his vacation. Right now in fact. What a proud country.
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pikkukarvinen · 1 year ago
the fact i cant see käärijä at ruisrock which is 20 minutes from my fucking house but im gonna get tickets for his fucking glasgow date when im in the UK is fucking crazy
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pipariperho · 2 years ago
HS Turku | Millimetrin mittainen sukkulamato paljastaa hometalot hätkähdyttävän tarkasti: https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/turku/art-2000009366939.html?share=e9fb168e123dbd43f91c77a3a29bd95e
In Finland scientists have come up with a new way to find out if for example a house has mould or some other dangerous things in the air by making tiny worms glow when they smell or eat such things and the more there is the stuff the more they glow.
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raikkonenvettels · 2 months ago
ok so i have made a discovery i guess??? new lore incoming!
so basically this (https://www.iltalehti.fi/formulat/a/2012041615456409) finnish article from 2012, seb says this:
“Pyrin olemaan Kimin kanssa niin paljon kuin vain pystyn. Pelasimme sulkapalloa viime vuonna. Olemme molemmat hyvin kiireisiä, joten pystyimme pelaamaan vain kerran. Hävisin silloin, Vettel kertoo.”
which is:
“I try to be with Kimi as much as I can. We played badminton last year. We are both really busy so we had time to play just once. I lost then”, Vettel says.
(let’s all thank @kuolonsyoja for the translation!!! you are a real one 🛐)
not only does this confirm that kimi and seb most definitely saw each other in 2010-2011, but also that seb has the biggest crush on kimi bc wdym “i try to he with kimi as much as i can”????? DOESNT THAT SCREAM BOYFRIENDS????
so yeah anyway i am insane about them and they are in love. vote for always trying to find time for each other and wanting to spend as much time together as you can!!! VOTE SIMI!!!
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