#link and Zelda would drive each other insane
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lynelsscareme · 2 months ago
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When your stupid sister makes you go to a stupid fancy party in stupid fancy clothes
[it's your party]
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slaingelo · 10 months ago
pride headcanons and boy do I have a fuckin lot so take your pic ig, (oh yea they’re all transmasc hcs ofc so I’ll just list it)
transmasc Ruto, Botw paya and Zelda, Cia
oh also Botw Zelda and Link are Transmasc for Transmasc, they are very gay and very in love
feel free to draw which one you wanna or not one at all you don’t have to answer this!
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this might've made me go a bit insane ok. first thoughts upon seeing this; LACE UP BINDERS T4T BOTW ZELINK HELPING EACH OTHER LACE THEM UP PROPERLY. gotta draw that, might come back to do those other ones though bc boy do I have thoughts about those also !
second thoughts. holy Fucking shit this gives me an excuse to go off about trans masc zelda and how inherently interesting that can be to the entire narrative. and then realizing how amazingly it could mesh with botw zelda's story specifically into a queer retelling.
zelda's role is to take up the powers of hylia. zelda has always been a girl, a woman. of course all of them would be. hylia is a goddess. the first zelda was hylia's personal vessel.
botw zelda [ going to call him zel here on out in this post for clarity lol ] would have to come to terms with how his feelings don't align with his self-perceived role. at first, he thinks his yearning to be a boy is more to do with hating his responsibilities. i think his relationship with both his gender and his role in destiny is an incredible complicated one because of all of this.
meeting link, the other destined one, probably really fucks him up more. link being a trans boy himself, on a surface level, one might think would bring zel relief; someone like him, so close to him. but it does the opposite. link has always been a boy. this link, being assigned female at birth, is a boy as well. to zel, this reaffirms his thoughts that destiny has locked their genders into place.
in general, i don't think transphobia is a huge thing in the loz universe. it's like, a very niche kind of bigotry thankfully. it's MY childhood fantasy games and i get to mostly poof it out. i think the big exception to this would be those associated with destiny, prophecies, and of course, the reincarnation cycle.
zel is pressured to not only be a good daughter and princess, but to take on the powers that should be blessed to him by the goddess herself. everything just drives him further into hating everything, including link early on.
a big part of zel being able to actually unlock his powers would be both what i think happens in game [ desperation to protect ] as well as acceptance of himself. zel's inner turmoil over his own identity, where his duty as holder of the triforce of wisdom starts and right to be himself ends.
of course, there's no actual reason for the holder of wisdom to be a woman; as there is none for the holder of courage or power to be a man. it just so happens that it tends to be like that.
i think a retelling like this could add such a strong layer onto zel's character arc. it's so good. augh. thank yuo i hope any of this is somewhat coherent. they kiss in the end
btw i think generally trans masc zeldas go for the name sheik [ thank you OOT sheik you walked so the other tran masc zeldas could run ] but botw zelda specifically would take the scientific name of like, a small critter or plant, and alter it so it sounds kind of like a hylian name. OR just go by 'zel'. or both ! idk.
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skyward-floored · 4 months ago
Whumptober day 11 is driving me insane /pos
There’s so many things I’m thinking about them learning about each other
Wild’s amnesia and memory attacks
The fact that that aoc link pulled the master sword after being appointed as Zelda’s guard and getting to know her, rather than at around 12 like wild.
And therefore never had to really face a Zelda who resented him bc of her preconception of what the hero would be like
And while still quiet, never really got deep into that emotionally numb dissociative headspace wild did pre calamity—
because unlike him, aoc link had an established social circle/outlet with the other soldiers (as seen in several cutscenes)— bc he hadn’t spent years building up the persona of an unshakable hero
(Sorry I’m rambling lol)
I already had thought about aoc link vs botw link a lot, but I had never thought about them meeting before now!!!!
I would love to hear more about your thoughts on them!!!
(Also love the name Tyde !! 10/10)
AH tysm!!! I had a blast writing that fic, I'm glad people like it :)
I have many thoughts on them >:) It would take the two of them so long to figure out how to coexist I think, because?? For Wild, meeting an alternate version of yourself who seems to be everything you were supposed to be? Who's what he could have been if he hadn't failed?? Ouch. And for aoc Link, meeting a version of yourself who's what could have happened? Who he would be if he hadn't succeeded? Living proof of what the Calamity could have done to him and Hyrule as a whole??? ougghghg
Not to mention the complicated stuff surrounding their differing childhoods like you mentioned, how Wild had all that pressure heaped on him, how aoc Link (I'm going to start calling him Age it's easier), while still dealing with some stuff, didn't have it NEARLY that bad.
And Wild's amnesia/memory attack things would be a disaster, especially if he spent any amount of time in aoc Hyrule. Age mentions something about visiting his family in Hateno and Wild. Freezes. Age realizes pretty quick that that's a touchy subject, but when Wild does finally go to see them he's immediately sucked into a memory. It's so rough. I feel like everything everywhere would send him into one, it would be so, so rough.
They'd be a little like long-lost brothers who just have no idea how to act around each other. Wild is jealous, but also he's really happy for Age?? Age is horrified at what Wild's had to go through, but he also seems so free, is there something he knows that Age doesn't? They probably get into at least one fight. They probably cry in each other's arms. They're the only ones who might have any semblance of a clue of how the other feels and yet not at all and they're both disasters trying to figure it out. It's crazy.
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cyberrat · 20 hours ago
Link and Zelda with the ultimate siscon/brocon sibling relationship where they are not related but still feel about each other like it. They share everything. It is only right that they would share Link‘s new soon-to-be husband.
Unendingly tormenting Ganondorf until he‘s overstimulated and feral, flinching away from every touch because he doesn‘t know if it‘s going to be a simple handshake or if his tits are going to be groped. He‘s so virginal and sensitive everywhere 🥵
These two perverts are enough to drive a man insane. Maybe make him want to become a blight upon the world. As a treat.
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tallytals · 1 year ago
actually I need to know how that playlist is going for you just in general any thoughts
ok so i was listening to the playlist all day in school so i wasnt thinking too deep on the songs besides “wtf wtf this is SICK” but!!!!
im on a pearl by mitski and here’s some other songs that stood out to me
everyone by mitski. rori you are fucked up for putting this. botw zelda. shaking sobbing on my knees jumping out a WINDOW. SHE HELD BACK THE CALAMITY FOR A CENTURY WHAT IF I DUCKINF LOST IT. “but it didnt want me yet” THE GODDESS. IM DEAD
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i want you by mitski.
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im ignoring garden song bc you already know how insane it makes me an i cant hit the image limit yet
FROM EDEN BY HOZIER OH MY GOODDDDD i will never shut up abt pre-botw link and zelda they’re so fun (awful terrible im going to cry) to think abt
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wasteland baby by hozier. botw zelda is playing this as she pulls up at the castle me thinks
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sunlight by hozier (NOTE: there is so much in like all these songs that drive me crazy but im just pulling my fav lines) OUGGGGGG. i could say so much.
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i bet on losing dogs by mitski. you didnt have to do this
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we’ll never have sex by leith ross. shaky thumbs up
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like real people do by hozier MY GOOODDDDD THIS LINE THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. CRAZY. hateno house 💥🔫
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about you by the 1975 THIS ENTIRE SONG MESSED ME UP. SHE DIDNT THINK HE WOULD REMEMBER HER BUT HE DID AND I JUST KNOW HE COULDNT WAIT TO TELL HER I JUST OUGOUGHHHHHH AND ME PERSONALLY. i love the hc where the sheika slate can replay the memories like holograms in game so. that hurts me.
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seven by taylor swift. SERIOUSLY WHATT. “passed down like folk songs the love lasts so long” HELP ME.
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kiss goodnight by idk how but they found me. genuinely dont ever send me links again
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shrike by hozier. ough. “i was housed by your warmth thus transformed” “remember me love when i am reborn” ok. totk. i jump in a lake
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carefully steps over forth of july like its a landmine
line without a hook by ricky montgomery. I CANNOT ESCAPE THIS GUY. pre botw they were both so messy im gonna die i cant DO THIS
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cosmic love by florence + the machine. im literally so sorry jjk fucking stole this song you im SORRY. thinking abt fake zelda so hard i might fuck around and write something
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punisher by phoebe bridgers. i just think its crazy how everyone know them through each other. im soooooo normal abt this
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gold rush by taylor swift. I ACTUALLY DIDNT GET THIS SONF UNTIL THE END??? i seriously cannot think of anything but fake zelda here. i really might just write the fic. like. he followed her ALL OVER THE KINGDOM AND IT WASNT FUCKING HERE. “so inviting i almost jump in” WHAATTTTTTTTT. “cause it will never be gleaming twinkling eyes like sinking ships on the water” WHAATTTTTTTTTT (PLEASE YELL AT ME ABT THE SONGS TOO)
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i guess by mitski. ngl. jjk also got this one. apologies. im in the trenches. BUT. how often to you think they’ve sat somewhere thinking about the second chances they’ve both offered each other. casually slides this to notes app
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francis forever by mitski. need i say more. once again i think its fucking insane how tied to each other they are like. oh my god. don’t think abt them in hateno don’t think hateno
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first love late spring by mitski. ough
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iris by the goo goo dolls. THIS RUINS ME
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a pearl by mitski RORI WHEN I CATCH YOU
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cookie-waffle · 2 years ago
Oh god this scene drives me CRAZY because when she strokes Link’s face, it’s so brief that it feels like considering this a zelink interaction is really grasping at straws.
But at the same time, why the hell else would she be stroking his face like that? In what context would a touch like that not be an expression of love? People don’t usually gently caress their casual buddy or co-worker’s faces like that. And, it also may be important to note, that loz is a Japanese franchise. Romantic PDA is not as socially acceptable in Japanese culture as it is in the US. Meaning this touch was likely a genuine heartfelt moment of love between them.
But…. again…. the shot is SO BRIEF. And it also seems too good to be true? Even in totk and ss, where their relationship is more heavily implied to be canon, Nintendo (almost) never lets Link and Zelda interact in such an obviously romantic way. The last time they did anything like this in a Zelda game was all the way back in Zelda II, where Link and Zelda kiss each other behind a curtain at the end. So, showing Zelda caressing Link for 0.2 miliseconds seems like it must be us seeing things.
But…. AGAIN- ITS THERE. She’s very clearly showing him physical affection. Even if it’s just for that one shot, I can’t think of what else the animation could be of. Is it a glitch? Is she actually just explaining something with her hands like some people tend to do? Or did an animator at Nintendo slip in a little zelink as a treat for themselves, not intending for it to show for more than a very brief moment?
I really want Nintendo to actually come out and confirm or deny this because it has been driving me up the wall insane ever since I saw it.
So, a YouTuber named NebulAce made a lovely video called Breath of the Wild Theory - Link and Zelda are DATING.
In the video she mentions a cutscene where it looks like Zelda is brushing her fingers through Link's hair or touching his face, although with his sleeve rolled up and the later cutscene with Mipha healing him, it seems that it's his arm that is injured and we see nothing of a cut or injury to Link's head.
Now, I had to look into this for myself in my usual obsessive, extra fashion. Whether she is just checking him for a cut or lovingly caressing his face, I like it. I just like it and I like that it was specifically animated and yay for me that I get to see it.
Anyway, here is the fruit of my psychotic labor:
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st-hedge · 2 years ago
been watching so many zelda lore videos lately and it's made me realize ganondorf isn't even that bad he's just some guy who's people were oppressed and he wants the best for them as their king but he is destined to corruption because of demise. the same way zelda is destined to stop him because of hylia. the darkness and light cannot exist without each other. he doesn't have a choice any more than zelda and link do.
sorry adding on to that last ask abt ganondorf.... imagine knowing your entire life's purpose is to be the perceived evil and you don't have a choice. this is your destiny. you just want the best for your people but you will always be seen as evil thieves. eventually this would make it so your male descendants are cast out in fear of them becoming you, because all you are good for is destruction and evil. wouldn't you go a little apeshit? wouldn't you hate the goddesses who cursed you so? wouldnt you seek out their power in spite? wouldnt you turn into a big giant pig monster?
I am glad that u have been getting into his lore!! While he did girlboss his way thru some war crimes I gotta argue that it was after stealing the Triforce of power which is bound to drive any desperate person insane but on top of that he is also cursed by demise—- which really puts into perspective how one dimensional Ganon’s lore is in botw SO FAR. But man if he doesn’t want to have any reconciliation with the hylians and fucking hylia who can blame the dude
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high-functioning-lokipath · 4 years ago
Midnight In Paris - Scott x Reader (Surprise Character x Reader) - Words: 2418
You sat down at your computer with a sigh. You really needed to edit your post for today and reply to a few asks that had backed up on your Tumblr page. But instead you decided to work on a new project. You looked at your desk and nodded approvingly. "Ok! Coffee, music, blank document, photos from when I was 7, and photos from last summer. Ready!"
And that's why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Y/N took a deep breath as she stepped off the plane in Paris. She'd been here once before as a little girl but those memories had faded and the magic of Paris had been lost. "This I do remember," She muttered, crinkling her nose as the pungent smell of jet fuel filled her nostrils. She rushed through the airport wanting to get to her sightseeing plans as soon as possible. The hotel she'd made reservations at was small but quant. After checking out the room, dropping off her luggage, and freshening up a bit, she headed out into the city just in time to catch the golden sunset reflecting across the elegant architecture.
As she walked up and down cafe lined streets and avenues dotted with interesting shops, she couldn't help but wish she could have seen Paris in what's been called its heyday. Y/N laughed at her own line of thought, remembering the lesson of the movie she'd watched not 3 nights before. Midnight In Paris was one of her favorite movies. And it had one of her favorite actors too. Even if his screen time in it totalled only about 5 minutes and 34 seconds. https://youtu.be/yIcTbQj4bZw
Eventually, dinner time came so she stopped in a small cafe/bar to order a meal. "Mercí," She told the waiter after being seated. She decided to order some wine too, of course.
"Bonne nuit, Mademoiselle," Someone called out to her as she left the restaurant hours later. The wine had left Y/N substantially more tipsy than she expected after only a few glasses.
As she made her way back to the hotel, she giggled, thinking of the movie once again as a nearby clock struck twelve and marked a new day. Shaking her head, she told herself, "It's just a movie. Things like that don't happen in real life."
"Pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle," A gentleman exclaimed, stumbling out of what seemed to be a small nightclub and bumping into her, knocking her to the ground.
"No problem," She replied, dusting herself off and standing. Glancing inside the bar, she saw it had an oddly warm and inviting atmosphere for such a loud place. Deciding that the night was still young, she walked in.
"Hello!" A young lady with a heavy southern American accent exclaimed, walking up to her. The air was smokey and there was an old song playing that Y/N knew she recognized but couldn't quite place. "Well don't you look different! Wearin' pants to a party like this! Don't worry, darlin'! You look just fine!" Y/N nodded silently, shocked at the woman's reaction.
"Women have been wearing pants for decades now!" Y/N thought to herself.
"Are you alright, darlin'?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Y/N replied quickly. She suddenly realized who the young woman was. Or at least looked like. "Pardon my confusion, but I'm afraid I had a bit more wine with my dinner than I had planned." She chuckled lightly and shook her head, trying to clear her mind.
"Nothing to apologize for," a man spoke up from behind her. "Zelda has a way about her that does that to people regardless of their sobriety." Y/N turned around and fought the urge to gasp in surprise. "Scott Fitzgerald," He said, holding out his hand. "A pleasure to meet you!" She reached out and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you too," She replied with a grin, seemingly unable to look away. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. It was just like the movie! "I'm Y/N," she finally said, still smiling at Scott.
"Well, I'll be off then. I've spotted quite a few interesting pursuits for the night, so," Zelda said with a smirk. "I'll be off!"
"Just be home at a reasonable-and she's gone," Scott sighed. He chuckled awkwardly and took a slow drag from his already lit cigarette. "My sister is bound to drive me to insanity one day!"
"Your sister?" Y/N exclaimed. Scott nodded, eyes lit up with amusement. They both laughed loudly and Y/N shook her head. "You do know most everyone else thinks you're married!"
"I have noticed people tend to assume that," He chuckled, leading her towards another group of people. "I'd like you to meet some friends of mine," He said. As Y/N followed him around the room, she found herself mostly stunned into silence at seeing each face that she'd come to know from rewatching Midnight In Paris a million times. She took a sip from the drink that had somehow found its way into her hands and glanced around the room as Scott was busy talking with someone she couldn't remember the name of.
"There's no way this is happening," She muttered to herself hours later. Laughing quietly, she shook her head. "I probably hit my head on the pavement and am having a concussion-induced/Paris-induced dream. And the wine probably didn't help. That's got to be it! Well, perhaps I should wake myself up now," She reasoned. Squinting at a clock, she figured the sun should be rising soon so she started making her way to the door.
"Leaving so soon?" Scott asked, grabbing her arm before she walked out.
"Yes," She sighed. "It was wonderful meeting you, Scott. Thank you for a lovely evening."
"Will you be around tomorrow? There's another party."
"I'll try to make it," Y/N replied, not wanting to disappoint him even if it was a dream. "Goodbye, Scott," She smiled. Gathering her courage, she stood on her tip-toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She turned away quickly and ran out the door. In her rush, she stumbled on an uneven part of the sidewalk and fell down.
"Are you ok?" A young lady asked a few moments later. Y/N looked up at the stranger and nodded embarrassedly.
"Yes, I just," she stopped mid-sentence when she turned and saw the bar she'd just walked out of was completely empty. "I just tripped," she said slowly. "Um, thank you."
"No problem," The girl smiled. "Au revoir!" She called out, continuing on her way.
Y/N went back to her hotel and took a brief nap to refresh herself for the day. Eventually, she put the night's events aside mentally and moved on with her plans. That is until she found 'the dress'. She was passing a line of boutiques and in the window of the last one was a Y/F/C 1920's style drop waist dress. It even had a matching hat and purse. Half an hour later, Y/N found herself back in the hotel room trying to get her makeup just right to match the outfit.
"I don't know what I'm doing," She told herself as she walked back to where she'd been the night before. Sitting on a bench across the street, she waited. For what exactly, she was not sure, but she knew she had to wait. Soon enough, the clock struck 12 midnight and, just like in the movie, an old car made its way down the street. Y/N was so distracted trying to look inside the vehicle that she didn't notice the change across the street.
"Y/N! Y/N, you came back!" Scott yelled as he and a few others came out of the bar. She ran across the street now that the car had passed to meet up with him, grinning like mad.
"Scott! I didn't-" she paused, chuckling lightly. "I didn't think I would see you again."
"Didn't I tell you there was another party tonight?" He asked, slightly confused. Y/N nodded, still grinning, and decided not to explain for now.
"Where are we off to?" She asked, linking arms with him. He smiled and they headed to one of the cars parked nearby. The night went by in a flash. Near morning, the group found themselves at a small cafe/bar. A few had already gone home and the rest were preparing to leave. Soon it was just Y/N and Scott left. She stared at him for a moment before shaking her head and laughing lightly.
"What's so funny?" He asked. "You know, you get the oddest look on your face sometimes. Like you've gone somewhere else," He commented.
"I have," she replied, taking a sip of her drink. "You know, I've always wondered what it would be like to be here," she said, gesturing around her. "Or even somewhere else, another time. And it's been wonderful! But you were right! A person really can't live in the past. It's just not possible."
"I'm not sure what I said to help you," He chuckled. "But it's funny, I have a character that should learn that lesson," Scott commented. "I'm working on the book right now but I think I've just gotten an idea from you. Thank you," He smiled.
"Oh! That's right!" Y/N said, realizing her favorite F. Scott Fitzgerald writing wasn't even released, and apparently not even finished yet.
"Perhaps we should be making our way home," He said, glancing outside at the rising sun. He stood and held his arm out for Y/N to hold. "Let me walk you?" She nodded and they headed outside into the crisp morning air. She pointed in the general direction of her hotel, wondering somewhat what would happen when they arrived. "Are you cold?" He asked her.
"No, I'm fi-" But before she could finish, he had already draped his jacket over her shoulders. "Thank you," Y/N replied, blushing brightly. She pulled the charcoal suit jacket around her, genuinely glad for it's warmth. When they were about a block away, she stopped, turning to look at him. "Scott," She sighed. "I can't come back. I'm afraid if I do-" she paused again, looking around at the beautiful city just starting to wake up. "I guess I should thank you. You've been so kind to me and I appreciate it. It made my visit to Paris so much better."
"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N," He replied. "I will miss you. But I am, at the very least, happy to have had the pleasure of meeting you." He leaned forward and kissed her gently, surprising Y/N. She closed her eyes and sighed into the kiss, trying to commit every feeling to memory. "Goodbye," She heard him say, one they separated. She didn't have the courage to open her eyes and watch him go however.
"Goodbye," Y/N finally whispered to herself when she opened her eyes and saw the city, modern and bustling all around her. Y/N wiped away the few stray tears and broke out into a run, wanting to get back to her hotel as fast as possible. As she rounded the last corner before the building, though, she collided with someone walking around the same corner. Y/N lost her balance, the person she ran into being much taller, and fell down. "I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. She was rushing to pick up the items she dropped when she saw a hand held out to her.
"It's alright," The man said. "No harm done. Now can I help you up?" He asked, smiling sweetly.
"I-uh, well, yes. Thank you," She stuttered. He helped her gather her things and handed them to her.
"Were you heading to the hotel?" He asked. Silently, she nodded, not trusting her own voice at this point. "Well, then, let me walk you back. I was heading there myself." He smiled at her as they started walking down the sidewalk. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Tom."
"Done!" You exclaimed. Letting out a sigh of relief. You had been needing to write that for a long time but you never quite felt up to it. "Holy crap!" You yelled, looking at the clock. It had taken much longer than you expected to write it. You knew your husband would be home shortly so you rushed out to start dinner.
"Honey! I'm home!" He called out, walking through the door. He was grinning like mad, obviously in a good mood if he was using such a cliche line on you.
"Hello, Tom," You smiled, as he came up behind you, giving you a hug. He peppered your neck with small kisses, making you giggle loudly. "Tom! Stop that!" You exclaimed, wriggling out of his arms. "I need to finish dinner."
"Alright, darling. I'll change then," He relented. A while later, once dinner was safely cooking in the oven, you heard him call out to you from the bedroom.
"What's wrong?" You asked, walking to the doorway. Then it hit you. You'd left the document open on your laptop which was on your desk in the bedroom.
"What's this?" He asked, pointing to your new writing.
"It's for the blog," You said honestly. He knew you had a Tumblr page, although he still refused to see what was posted about him on there. Just one mention of the site could still get him embarrassed.
"Yes but," He glanced at it again, brows furrowed. "That's not how it actually happened, is it?" He asked, quite confused. You chuckled and shook your head.
"Well now, I can't very well ask Scott to verify my story, can I?" You smirked.
"Of course not," He chuckled. "Although I must say you did an excellent job of adapting the story of how we first met!"
"Thank you, dear," You smirked, walking away to the walk-in closet you shared.
"What are you not telling me?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh, nothing," You replied innocently. When you walked out of the closet you completely ignored Tom, whistling as you headed back to the kitchen.
"What is that you're wearing?" He called out, running after you. You laughed as he caught up with you in the living room. "Is that a new charcoal suit jacket?"
"It's not new, Tom, not new at all."
(my apologies if you didn't want to be tagged for this but I'm going to include all my Loki, Marvel, and RPF lists on here since you may enjoy this)
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years ago
Honesty Part 7 (Last One)
Part One here
Part Two here
Part Three here
Part Four here
Part Five here
Part Six here
Zelda supposed it was the adventurous spirit in both of them that led them to sit upon the roof, gazing at the stars and yet very aware of the person next to them. Sometimes they shared words, small talk about this or that. Sometimes they shared silence, just as comfortable, just as safe. Either way, Zelda found herself forgetting about her troubles in the company of Link.
“It’s hard to believe that it’s been a week already,” Link remarked, obviously attempting to strike up another bout of conversation. Zelda turned her head. “I feel like I just got here and now we are journeying to rendezvous with Urbosa early tomorrow morning.”
Zelda smiled to herself.
“You did sleep through a pretty big chunk of it,” she jived, Link offering a slight chuckle in reply.
“Damn mushrooms,” he said before their words faded again, Zelda listening to the chirps of crickets and the rattles of cicadas. 
She thought of the words of Link’s mother, the advice that the line between a deep friendship and a romantic relationship was farther away than she thought. Zelda knew she could cross over at any time, but it was that trepidation, that hesitation that seemed to drive them both to pure flustered anxiety when around each other, like one move would cross a line they could never come back from, that they would fall so deep in love that they would fall from a great height, and thus so would Hyrule.
Link’s mother reminded her that shutting him out because of that fear may be just as detrimental. There had to be a balance.
“Hey, Link?” Zelda prompted, keeping her gaze on the stars and her weight on the hands behind her.
Zelda didn’t know that Link had taken the opportunity to look over to her, to admire the way the pale light of the stars and the moon made her completely ethereal, the way she outshined them, captured their light and proved herself the better conduit for it.
“I just wanted to thank you,” Zelda said. “For this week...tolerating me, you know, the spoiled princess I am.”
“You’re not spoiled,” Link said quickly. Zelda smiled to herself and was glad the darkness of the night sky hid any blush. “I mean...you deserve a break just as much as I do. I’m glad I got to give that to you, and...well I like having you around.”
Zelda kept smiling. This felt more normal, and even better, it felt more natural.
“I like having you around too,” Zelda said in reply. “I think you...”
Zelda stopped herself. She had to temper her honesty, balance telling him how she felt without pouring out her entire heart and drowning them both in their dangerous love.
“I think you may be the best friend I’ve ever had,” Zelda said, Link hiding his surprise well. “I know you are under orders to protect me, but you were never under orders to forgive me for my prior immaturity, nor were you under orders to befriend me and support me like you have. No one has ever had my back like you do, no knight assigned to me, not even Urbosa or my father...oh gosh this is probably sounding horribly strange...I think I just want to let you know that I have your back too, no matter what. I...uhmm...I care about you a lot.”
She finally overcame her anxiety and looked over to Link, who was looking so intently at the night sky that it seemed quite the oddity.
“What are you doing?!” Zelda asked with a resummoned petulance. “Are you even listening to me?!”
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m looking for flying pigs.”
“Goddesses,” Zelda said, playfully shoving him, which made him laugh. “I was trying to be sincere and you turn it into a joke! I can’t believe I li...”
Link looked over to her immediately as her intended word cut short and slowed down, hanging on the syllable as she tried to save it. Her heart burned with panic and embarrassment and somehow the brain she was often praised for failed her, Zelda forgetting every word she had ever learned.
“...ke...you,” she finally finished, closing her eyes filled with regret, and scampering off the roof quickly.
“Princess, wait!” Link said with an outstretched hand, coming to a kneel to watching her run across the bridge towards the center of town.
Link sighed as he followed suit, hopping down to the roof of the stable, as if it was a stepping stone downwards, soon meeting his feet to grass. 
He bursted through the door to his house, nearly scaring his mother half to death where she stood cooking.
“Link!” She said breathlessly with a hand on her chest. “What in Hyrule are you--”
“Do you remember where I put the sword?” Link asked, frantically looking everywhere.
“For goodness sake, Link, I’m sure it’s here somewhere,” Ruth said as Link ran upstairs. She furrowed her brow, looking up at the loft. “Would you calm down?!”
“Can’t,” Link replied, sword in hand and running back down the stairs. “I’ll be back for dinner.” Link slammed the the door behind him with as much haste as he had opened it. Ruth rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Hylia, help that boy.”
Link knew exactly where she would run, and thus, his legs burned as he ran up the hill to Purah’s laboratory as fast as he could.
Knocking on the door, he panicked with worry. She could have been in danger and even if she wasn’t, she was likely ashamed for something she simply shouldn’t be. Link always assumed she didn’t like him back but now his mind overflowed with possibility that was once a fantasy. Most of all, however, he just wanted to see her okay.
“Linky!” He heard as soon as the door opened, the young Purah standing there with excited red eyes. Link gave a nervous and forced smile before return to his concerned expression.
“Is the princess here?” Link asked.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this serious Link,” Purah observed like she was studying him. “And your face is completely flushed. Tell me, do you have any other symptoms?”
Link sighed.
“Just answer my question,” Link demanded.
“She’s around back,” Purah said, Link immediately walking to find his Princess. “Wait,” Purah said, stopping him and prompting him to turn back around. “I thought you two were past her running from you.”
“We are,” Link said. “Well, we were...there was just a misunderstanding. I’ll fix it.”
“Well then I wish you the best of luck, young knight,” Purah said before closing the door.
Link tread around the lab, finding Zelda hugging her knees and staring out at the vast sea, lit by the moonlight. Link questioned whether or not she knew he was here, whether she would have run and whether he had the courage to make himself known.
“I was trying to bridge the gap without letting that out,” Zelda said suddenly, alerting Link to the fact that she did in fact know. He leaned casually on the outside wall of the lab, his ears penned for her next words. “I don’t want to lose you because of the distance I have to keep to not...get too close. I was trying to follow your mother’s advice to not let this get in the way of still being there for each other.” Zelda laughed at herself. “I did a great job.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Link said. “Besides, I get where you are coming from. When we talked about focusing only on defeating the calamity, I think we both had this in mind...of course thinking that the other person didn’t. And yes, Your Highness, that means I like you back, for better or worse.”
Zelda tried not to let her heart flutter with joy, not to jump up and into his arms. She tried to look at the ocean and forget that his eyes were the same, beautiful color.
“I can’t erase my feelings,” Link said. “Can you?”
Zelda shook her head.
“No,” she replied.
Link finally stepped forward and knelt next to her to match her eye line, Zelda looked over to him once he did. They couldn’t but smile at the sight of the other.
“This is insane,” Link said. “I mean you of all people like like me.”
“The irony is not lost on me,” Zelda said with a slight laugh. Link moved to sit on his heels and took her hands into his. Zelda reveled in the feeling, in the moments, in his touch, in everything about this.
“This is still a bit bizarre for me,” Link said. “And new and scary, but...I’m willing to wait for you until after the calamity is defeated...to wait to truly pursue this. I will support you and care about you sincerely until then but if you feel I’m not worth the wait--”
“You are,” Zelda said quickly with a smile. “You are.”
Link blushed, his head hanging down as he chuckled, filled with disbelief. He was almost tearing up at what he had found in her, how lucky he was. He raised his hand, pinkie outstretched.
“Let’s make a promise then, to pause this budding romance until we defeat the calamity once and for all, to still be there for each other with the same love, care, and support, but not risk our common sense because of it.”
Zelda eyed his outstretched pinkie.
“A pinkie promise?” Zelda asked with a raised brow. “That’s how we are going to seal this?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
Zelda smiled as she brought her hands to his, clasping his pinkie back into his fisted hand and holding it.
“How about a kiss?” She asked. “Just this once...for now at least.”
“What?” Link asked, his smile fading and his face reddening as much as Zelda had ever seen it. Zelda laughed.
“Link,” she said. “It’s okay.”
“Are you sure,” Link asked. “I mean you’re royalty and I’m just--”
Zelda surged forward and met her lips to his, Link soon giving in, placing his hand on her cheek as something stoked with their very souls, their silent promise continuing. The passion of their blooming love was balanced by the hesitation of their first kiss.
“You better remember this,” Zelda said as she withdrew.
“Like I could forget,” Link said jokingly.
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rowdeyclown · 4 years ago
ever since I played Link's Awakening for the switch the thought of a Zelda anime has been crossing my mind every once in a while and each time I think about it the more I really want it to happen because there is so much POTENTIAL like the animated cutscenes in la were so good and if a full series were to be made with that same quality of animation? I'd go batshit.
Nintendo isn't exactly keen on adaptations of their works, especially Zelda, ever since.... the incident(s). I think the biggest problem with the Forbidden Media is that they were created and written by a group not involved with the official Zelda team at all but like an anime adaptation would be so much easier to figure out if there was writers/consultations with the Zelda team
I mean there are already several Zelda mangas which are really good! Big shout-out to Akira Himekawa for her great contributions to the franchise! An adaptation of one of her mangas would be a perfect base for an anime adaptation. Basically what I'm saying is that we have plenty of material to work with
I'd say for an anime it should have multiple seasons, but each season adapts a specific game/manga just so we can get that sweet sweet variety. I think the most wise decision for a first season to adapt would be ocarina of time as it's the most famous game aside from breath of the wild, but honestly simply because of the existence of the animated cutscenes of la my dream adaptation would be a three season series of the adventures of the hero of legend adapted from a link to the past, the oracle games, and the aforementioned link's awakening. But honestly I would be satisfied with any kinda loz anime
Honestly the chances of a Zelda anime ever happening are pretty slim unfortunately, but I can dream right? There is so much potential for a series and I think the Zelda team really should take the plunge and greenlight an anime! Yeah there's some... bad history. With adaptations. But that's all in the past! There is plenty of material to work with and I'm sure several other fans of the series would be very excited for an anime.
please Nintendo I can't keep watching the la cutscenes over and over yearning for a full series it's driving me insane please make a show it will be good I promise I am BEGGI-
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the-unknown-storyteller · 6 years ago
We are Four (pt.1)
(Loosely based on this discord message by @cassandrasdreamworld)
(Also, this request by anon came in just in time for this fic)
(Universe by @linkeduniverse)
Warning: Gender (?) Dysphoria, Probably Inaccurate Depictions of what could be described as dysphoria (I'm sorry in advance)
Summary: The Four Sword is a most peculiar sword with most peculiar side effects. Four is not amused.
They step up onto the podest, each raising their swords to the sky. Woeful expressions bid the last goodbyes in silence, before they simultaneously drive the Four Swords into the stone below them. Their bodies tremble, shake, merge back into one. A quiet “goodbye” leaves his lips as he opens his eyes to see that everyone is truly gone. They’re- He's alone now.
He steps down from the sacred stone and shoots Zelda, who's standing behind him, an unsteady smile. “It is done, we've won”, he says, glancing towards the sword one more time as they leave.
The first few days show how much he needs to adjust. Link makes his usual remarks, but looks and laughs in the wrong direction, expecting to see someone there. Only to then realize that, no, there is no one. Of course, why would there be? Link’s alone. As he has always been… before.
Still, there are always a few too many bowls on the table, a few too many spoons and forks and knives. He buys too much bread for one person to eat, too many arrows for him to carry around alone. His eyes are always magically drawn to the purple of certain lilies, the deep red of especially sweet and ripe apples and the vibrant blue of sapphires along the market stalls. The constant green of his tunic in his peripheral doesn't help. Neither does the shadow that seems to swirl and dance at his feet as the sun goes down.
To top it all off, he realises how wrong the name “Link” feels on his tongue and in his ears. It leaves a bad aftertaste in his mouth and makes his fingertips itch.
He tries out different names to look and see if the hollow feeling in his chest goes away or lessens in any way. But normal Hylian names won't do the trick, so he tries ones from other cultures, from other regions.
One day, on his way to the library to get a book on names from other lands because this is driving him insane and he's desperate enough to just find something that will remotely work, an old lady stops him on his way. “Would you reach over and give me some of those apples, my dear?”
Ripped from his thoughts he turns around, looks at the old lady, then at the apples behind him that are too far away for the small woman to reach.
She smiles at him sweetly and adds: “Four of them, please.”
Link carefully puts them in her basket with a distracted nod.
When he was talking to her, the empty feeling in his chest had dissipated for just a moment.
He takes a few steps away from the small fruit stall, while quietly repeating what the lady had said. Excruciatingly slow, word by word. It could be anything the small lady’s said, but he wouldn't reject it.
His lips slowly form the word “four” and he immediately knows that this is it. He's found it. Four, Four holds back from voicing his joy too loudly. The name is quite odd, since it is but a number, but it somehow feels right and soothes the strange feeling in his chest enough to be bearable.
Shortly after that, he notices the bitter taste of “me” and “I”. His mind, which had been occupied with the issue of his name before, can redirect its thought towards the next one. This time it's pronouns. It gives him that same tingling sensation he felt back then. Whenever he refers to himself as a singular, it leaves a growing ache in his chest that makes itself noticeable again each time he says “I”. So he switches over to the most logical one he can think of.
And to them, it feels just right.
Days go by and the news have spread of the hero who doesn't want to carry the legendary name of “Link”, who vehemently refuses the implications of being just one.
But nobody dare say a word against it, you hear? How can we deny them this simple request of expressing who they are when we're the ones who caused this. We just don't have the right to be this arrogant.
While everyone did say and think that, the reality of it looks much different. People keep calling them Link by accident, refer to them with singular pronouns and the conversations that sometimes follow afterwards are tiring. In some instances they make Four wish they were “normal”.
Fed up by the constant confusion surrounding them and their name, they sit down one evening and think. They think about how they could make this easier. How they could show everyone that they're not the Hero “Link” anymore.
They let their eyes wander through the room until they land on the green tunic that's hanging over their chair across the room. It is one monotone singular shade of green.
As they are looking at it, they can't help but feel annoyance towards it, before it makes way to confusion, then hesitation and lastly satisfaction. They frown. They think some more.
Four then gets up and walks over to the chest beneath the footboard of their bed. Pieces of clothing and tools like a small hammer, nails and a few broken arrows go flying through the room. With a smile on their face they finally pull out three more tunics in blue, purple and red. A big pair of fabric scissors follow shortly after. They open and close them a few times, listening to the satisfying clicks, and get to work.
Soon enough each tunic, including the green one that was hanging over the chair, is cut apart into four separate, equally big pieces that slot together nicely. Four lays it down flat on the ground, making sure the edges aline, before they pin it down carefully. Excitement and waves of approvement rush through their brain and they slowly start to stitch the fabric back together. Each stitch puts them more at ease, makes them feel more like themselves and when they're done, they proudly pick it up, smoothing down some of the rougher edges.
“This will do”, Four whispers, puts it on and goes in a small circle to see every inch of their new tunic, that describes them perfectly, in the mirror. Yes, this will certainly do.
“Do you think that's him?”
“It must be. All the other boys around don't have the right characteristics.”
“You mean the golden hair? Twi and I don't have golden hair and there are actual a lot of boys here with that kind of hair colo-”
“Yes-, I mean, No! I'm talking about his face, you idiots.”
“Hm, yeah. I guess, he does have our faces.”
“I'm still the handsomest, though.”
“Sure, whatever.”
“Everyone, just shut up. Wind, you go and talk to him.”
“Why me?!”
“Because you're the least threatening since you’re small and all.”
“But-! Ugh, fine.”
“Hey there. Sorry to interrupt your… uhm, walking”, a boy with golden hair and a blue tunic approaches them with a waving hand. Four raises an eyebrow, but does stand still and wait for the boy to catch up. It's not unusual for them to be spoken to out of the blue.
“Are you Link?”, the boy continues, lowering his hand and wiping both of them on his tunic. Four ignores the uncomfortable feeling in their chest He's probably new around here, never seen him around. and nods with a pinched smile. “Yes, that's me.”
“I know this probably sounds crazy, but I'm Link too! Everyone calls me Wind, though, since it would be confusing because, you see, in that bush behind me, there are seven others whose names are also Link, we're incantations of each other, you know, an-”
Wind’s rambling is suddenly interrupted when a hand comes up from behind him and stops his river of words.
“How could we forget that Wind is really really bad at talking in high stress situations,” the boy groans. He’s wearing some kind of animal fur around his shoulders and there are strange markings on his face. He’s keeping a strong grip around Wind’s mouth who looks less than thrilled. “You can come out now, you guys. I don't think we can ‘ease’ him into the current situation anymore.
“We should have sent in Hyrule. He's way better with words. Also, look at his face and tell me you can say no to that.” The one in blue tunic and with a hooded cloak around his shoulders is squishing the face probably of the one called Hyrule.
“Whatever. We can't change how we've approached him and I don't think that discussing how we could've done it better in front of him is doing any good.”
“Legend’s right. We're achieving nothing with all of this blabbering going on.”
While the group of people in front of Four are discussing… something, they can do nothing but stare. At their faces and their clothes and the way they look like the same person, just slightly changed.
And it reminds them so much of Green, Blue, Red and Vio. The way they bicker and jab at each other. The aching feeling grows into something else. Tiredness and confusion make Four’s chest constrict in an all too familiar way, but it's different. The reason behind it is different. They're jealous. Jealous and hurt and stricken with grief that they have lost this and can't have it any more.
They are all so absorb in what they're doing, saying, thinking that nobody notices how the place around them warps and changes and takes all of them somewhere else.
When they all, except Four who was still very much confused and didn’t know what to do, had noticed that they've changed dimensions again, they began to set up camp. They collected wood and pulled up small tent-like constructions, various maps were pulled out and spread across the ground.
After a quick round of introductions from the group’s side, they all go back to planning and checking on supplies or just leaning back and taking it easy.
“I am so sorry about this”, Hyrule says, sitting down next to Four who's staring into the flames of the campfire. They don't know what's going on, but after having gone through that kind of adventure back then where they were also thrown all over the place, they learned to just not question, but rather find out what to do. Even though they don't know what to do right now.
“Usually, we're fast enough with the explanations and all”, Hyrule continues. “But then, Wind kind of failed to do it and everyone started panicking a bit and now we're here.” An apologetic smile is sent Four’s way. “Since I can't really offer you a way home, I can at least give you an explanation, alright?”
Four still feels overwhelmed, but more so tired, so they just nod and listen to Hyrule, as he talks on and on about the Legend of the Hero and how he incarnates and passes on his name, his tunic and his piece of the triforce.
“A few months back, old man Time”, he gestures towards the one across the camp with the scar who looks the oldest out of the bunch, “was ripped from his universe and into Sky’s. He was incredibly confused. When he met the “Hero” of that dimension, they both barely had enough time to find out what was happening before they were thrust into the next world."
He pauses and looks down at his hands, then into the fire and then back to Four.
“Since then, they've been slowly collecting Links from all kinds of timelines and worlds. Time usually tries to give a short and precise explanation. That way the current Link won't be too overwhelmed when we change dimensions... Ah, but some time ago, in Wild’s Hyrule, the old man barely avoided getting stabbed. Wild wasn't too fond of the scar over his eye and the amor. To him, Time looked like an enemy. So then, we changed things up and sent me to explain instead since I look less threatening. We just met Wind a few dimensions over and thought it would be a good idea to send him, but you saw how that went.”
Four gives him a blank stare which makes Hyrule give a nervous laugh in response.
“Anyway, I can already see your head spinning. Let's just… lay back for a minute.” He lays down his hands on his lap and looks up towards the darker growing sky. First stars are starting to twinkle and sparkle faintly. The silence is the most comfortable one, but Four doesn't really know how to initiate a new topic or what to talk about for that matter. So they just let it be for now.
Four averts his gaze and awkwardly looks around. There's nothing they can really do, but wait for something to happen. They lean closer to the fire, hunching in a bit.
Different incarnations of them, huh?
“Hey, Link?” An unpleasant feeling crawls up their left arm. They turn their head back to Hyrule. A displeased expression on their face which the other doesn't see since he's facing forward. “This is kind of a strange question, but are you the hero of something? Like, Twi is the hero of Twilight which is why we call him that and Wild is the hero of the wild and so on, ya know. It's kind of confusing to call you Link because everyone will swivel their heads around out of habit.”
“Oh, uhm, of course. Just call me Four.” They would love to add on their preferred pronouns, but something is holding them back. It could be that everyone else goes by he/him and aren't they supposed to do that, too? Being another incantation and all.
All of this is giving them a headache and the Four Sword they can spot leaning on a tree across the clearing is making things even more complicated.
The days pass in a blur and the matters weighs down on their mind, their body and their heart. It gnaws and eats away at them and just reminds them so much more of how different they are to all the other Link incarnations.
Not only that, but there's also this sharp, stinging feeling whenever they overhear someone talking about them. They also feel an uncomfortable tingle shoots up their back whenever they have to talk.
“Four, could you take over the first shift?”, Hyrule asks. He's the one, Four been primarily talking to. The others are nice and friendly, too, of course, but something about Hyrule’s familiar brown hair and his soft way of talking reassured them.
“Yeah, w- I can do that,” they catch themselves and swallow down the ‘we’. They're back to being singular. They have to remind themselves a few times a day, even after having gone through with it for at least a week.
It's fine. It's okay. They can do it.
They sit down at the fire, while everyone else hits the hay, and throw in a few more sticks for good measure. Their gaze wanders around before it falls on the Four Sword. So far, they didn't dare use it properly, scared that someone might see them. All of them.
But tonight, for the first time, they're truly alone. He's the only one keeping watch. Everyone's gone to sleep already. This is the perfect opportunity to maybe, just maybe, try…
They pick up their sword and slowly get up. For a few moment, they don't move a muscle and wait for a reaction from the sleeping group a bit away from them. When there is none, they tiptoe away from the camp until they can be seen no more. With shaky hands they raise their sword up to the sky.
Deep breaths. Concentration. On the feeling of the glimmer within the sword. Pull it out, let it engulf you. They can feel their body changing, moving, splitting into four.
They keep their eyes closed and hold onto the sword for dear life. They're scared. What if...
Right then and there, they could have all cried, seeing each other again. Red throws himself into the arms of Green and Blue who are standing the closest together. A few heartfelt hugs are exchanged, accompanied by the sobbing words of Red and the embarrassed ones of Blue. They sit down in a circle. None of them can wipe the grin off of their face.
As they are talking and laughing and bursting with relief and happiness, no one notices how all of the Four Swords give off a faint glow that were growing weaker by the second.
“But guys, it's really not okay for Four to deny themselves. Because if they are, they're hurting themselves and the body,” Red cries out, when Green explains why everyone has this weird feeling in their chest.
“It's probably because they used the Four Sword for so long,” Vio contemplates. He takes out his journal and his pen and draws a quick sketch of a person. “Usually, when a person uses the Four Sword, they've received a lot of training beforehand, so that they won't lose themselves. They have to precisely know who they are, what they want and how to center themselves, since they're literally getting ripped apart into pieces. Four didn't have that training, but used the Sword anyway.” He draws two crooked lines across the person's body, parting it into fourths.
“Not only is Four really young, compared to past wielders of the Four Sword, but we also got separated on our journey. Now their center isn't in the right place and the power starts to weaken and crack every time Four is unsure or denies themselves. They're unstable and so are we as a result. It's not unexpected that something is going to happen to us if we're like this for too lon-”
Vio’s words are cut off by a sudden tightness in his chest. He grips his tunic tight with his left hand and supports his body on the ground with his right. He's heaving and coughing for air that doesn't want to fill his lungs.
He looks around with hectic motions and sees that everyone else seems to be fighting with that very same tightness in their chest.
“Crap, it's happening, ugh, sooner than I e-expected,” Vio gasps out. His left hand is shaking so badly and is feeling kind of numb. He watches on in terrified fascination when he suddenly notices that his hand is turning gray. So is his shirt. The bangs in front of his eyes are losing their golden glow. “G-Green?!” He can barely feel his left arm now.
“I got it!”, Green suddenly yells and lunches for his sword on the ground. Both of his legs look like the color is slowly melting off of them. His trembling hands grab the sword before he thrust it upwards, face pinched with pain and exhaustion.
The others understand immediately. Each takes their sword in hand and weakly lifts them up into the sky. They can feel their body changing, merging, moving back into one.
Four falls down to their knees, gasping for air. Beads of sweat cover their forehead. The sword falls from their grasp.
Read more
A/N: Dammit, indeed. I've just edited this crap on the desktop version on mobile because of that stupid 100 word block limit and it didn't frickin work. I'm so sorry but I'll have to split it.
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katedoesfics · 5 years ago
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 24
“Link, get the… the door…” Mipha tiredly hit Link. She meant to tap his shoulder, but it turned out to be a slap in the face instead.
Link groaned loudly and blinked in the darkness. “The… door?”
“I mean…” Mipha yawned and turned over in the bed.
Link turned his gaze to his phone. The ringer was off, but it was vibrating loudly against the nightstand. His eyes squinted in the light of the screen, and his brows furrowed. Why was Teba calling him at two in the morning?
His fingers fumbled in the dark as he reached for the phone. He answered it and brought it to his ear with a yawn. “What?”
“Get up.” Teba’s voice was fierce. “I’m outside. Let’s go.”
The call ended. Link stared blankly at his phone in confusion. “Teba?” he said out loud to no one in particular.
“What… what’s he want?” Mipha asked.
Link sat up in bed, and his heart began to race. Something was wrong. He quickly got out of bed and made his way downstairs, pulling his pants on in the process. He stumbled through the darkened kitchen and opened the door.
Teba regarded him with a fierce expression at first, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he looked Link over. “Are those Mipha’s pants?”
Link looked down at the pink, plaid, fuzzy pants that he managed to squeeze into. He cursed under his breath and rubbed at his eyes. “The fuck is going on?”
Teba’s face grew serious once more. It was only then that Link noticed the weapon on his side. His brows furrowed as he met Teba’s gaze.
“We don’t have time,” Teba said quickly. “Roham’s got a warrant out for your arrest. A few of my guys, a few of Dorian’s. He’s not fucking around.”
Link blinked at him. “Arrest?” he sneered. “What fucking for?”
“For being a threat to Hyrule,” he said frankly. “Are you going to keep asking stupid questions or are you going to get moving? My ass is on the line too, you know.”
“Fuck,” Link spat. “Zelda -”
“Zelda is powerless right now,” Teba said. “Roham went behind her back. Besides… she’s preoccupied elsewhere.”
“Doing what?” he snapped.
“Can we do this later?” Teba said in an exhausted tone. “You need to get out of the city, now. ”
“If they’re looking for me, they’ll find me,” Link said. “You can’t possibly hold them off by yourself.”
Teba stepped aside, and Link looked around him. There, standing in the dark, were several other soldiers under Teba’s command. They were dressed in dark clothing, making them appear to be just dark figures in the night, though he could tell that they all carried various weapons and even wore their bullet proof vests.
“This is insane,” Link muttered.
“You’re lucky you have this many supporters right now,” Teba hissed. “You’re on thin ice. Would you like to keep pushing it? You’re wasting our time.”
“Alright,” Link growled. “Give me five minutes.”
“You have two,” Teba called as Link left them alone outside.
Mipha was waiting in the kitchen. She had pulled on one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. She regarded him with a worried gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“Roham,” Link muttered. “We need to leave the city.”
She nodded quickly, not once questioning him. “I’ll wake up Aryll.”
Mipha hurried to Aryll’s room to wake her, and Aryll jumped suddenly. She sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes.
“What? What’s - what’s wrong? Is Link okay?”
“He’s fine,” she quickly assured her. “But we need to leave.”
Aryll blinked at her. “Leave? Why? Where are we going?”
“I don’t know,” Mipha said. “But we need to hurry.”
Aryll nodded sleepily and got out of bed. “Is this a ‘pack everything I love ‘cuz we’re blowing up the house and faking our deaths’ kind of thing? Or, should I just pack a toothbrush?”
Mipha sighed. “You’ve been around Link for too long,” she said. “Just grab the essentials, alright?”
Aryll frowned. “I was looking forward to faking my death,” she said dryly. “But I guess being on the lam is just as fun.” She started to grab various items, throwing them on her bed. “Maybe we can take the train across the kingdom like hobos.”
Mipha rolled her eyes and left Aryll alone. It seemed she had just gotten unpacked, and now she seemed to be moving again. Hopefully it was only temporary.
Within ten minutes, Link was packed, though most of the items he grabbed consisted of the various weapons his father had kept in the safe in his closet. The three of them moved through the darkened house and outside where Teba impatiently waited. He tapped at his foot, then pointed at his wrist, though there was no watch on it. Link rolled his eyes and threw their things into the car.
“Girls are with me,” Teba said. “They’ll be looking for your car.”
Link didn’t argue. It made sense, but still, he didn’t like the idea of being split up from them. And it seemed they didn’t appreciate it, either.
“Who will?” Aryll asked, her gaze narrowed on Teba. “And what happens if they do find him?”
“Link can handle himself,” Teba said. “Let’s go.”
Link winked at his sister before sliding into his car. Aryll rolled her eyes, but followed Teba and Mipha into one of the other vehicles.
One by one, they pulled out onto the empty road and drove through the sleepy city. After a moment, Mipha called, but it was Teba’s voice that greeted him. “Where do you want to go?”
Link hesitated. “How the hell should I know?”
“Think of something, then split from the convoy. One of my guys will follow you.”
Link searched his brain quickly. “The ranch. Aryll can get you there.”
The call ended, and Link did as he was instructed. He stopped following Teba and took a different route out of the city. As Teba had said, another vehicle broke away to follow him. A few of the vehicles split from the convoy, each one taking a different route out of the city, and he quickly lost track of them as they disappeared down other roads. He didn’t like being out of sight of Teba, but even without any extraordinary powers, he trusted Mipha and Aryll with him. As long as their escape went smoothly, he knew he’d seen them within the hour.
Zelda and Paya stood in the empty office, their search rendering the same results as it did in Impa’s office. If Purah had anything of use, it was secured elsewhere. They quickly found, however, that they were not alone. They spun on their heels at Purah’s voice to find her leaning against the frame of the door, her arms crossed.
“My sister warned me you would be stopping by,” she said with a sly grin. She inspected her nails as if their presence disinterested her. “You can hide your face all you want, Paya, but I can see right through Zelda’s disguise.”
Zelda met Paya’s gaze, hesitant. Her red eyes turned to narrow on the Sheikah that stood before them.
“Relax,” she said, dismissing them with a wave of her hand. “Unlike Impa, I don’t believe in keeping you in the dark. Just don’t tell her you heard anything from me.” She stepped into the room and moved around her desk, letting her fingers slide across the wood as she did so. “You’ve done well to hide the queen’s identity, though. The Yiga are hunting her. They shouldn’t see through the spell like I can.”
“What do you want?” Paya asked coolly.
“I want to help,” Purah said. “You were right to come here. You want to know about the shrine. Let me save you the trouble; it won’t fix Link.” She sighed heavily. “Unfortunately, there is a small problem in regards to the shrine. The Yiga Clan robbed us just the other day. They got their hands on the Sheikah Slate - the only item that will allow the shrine to work.”
“What can you tell us about the shrine?” Zelda asked.
“The shrine was created several thousand years ago by the Sheikah,” Purah said. “It works with the Sheikah Slate to secure anyone inside and puts them into a stasis to allow them heal from fatal wounds. It has been used on heroes past before they had a chance to defeat Ganondorf.”
“A healing shrine?” Zelda asked.
“Of course,” Paya said. “With the Sheikah Slate, the Yiga Clan can use it for Ganondorf.”
Purah nodded. “Yes. I should have left it with Impa. It would have been safer in the protection of the city.” She smiled sheepishly. “But, you know how am I with these things, Paya.” She sighed and sat behind her desk. “I had been trying to get it to work for our own purposes, should history repeat itself.”
“History did repeat itself,” Zelda said through gritted teeth. “Link died.”
“But, he didn’t,” Purah offered cheerily. She put a hand on her chin. “Regardless. We must get the slate back.”
Zelda sighed and rubbed her temple. “Add it to our to-do list,” she said. “But we still need to figure out how we can fix Link.”
Purah frowned. “I’m sorry, but I cannot help you there.” She clasped her hands together. “If I knew anything, I would gladly help you. Impa and I have discussed it at length. It weighs heavily on her mind, you know. I do not believe the shrine will be able to help him. However, I won’t dismiss it entirely. I cannot know for sure until we test it ourselves. But to do that, we will need to get the slate back.”
“Alright,” Zelda said. She turned to leave the office, but Purah’s voice stopped her.
“I’d like to be able to tell Impa that she won’t need to worry about the slate,” Purah said. “That we have someone trustworthy looking for it. She will inquire. Surely I can’t tell her Hyrule’s queen is on her own rescue mission. How should I call you?”
Zelda glanced over her shoulder. “Sheik.”
It was nearing four in the morning when the caravan reunited at the ranch. Link was not surprised to see one of the front windows cast aglow by a lamp inside. He knew Talon was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his usual cup of coffee. When the sun rose enough to warm the cool air of the night, he would be enjoying his second cup on the front porch in his old chair before finally shuffling over to the barn to answer hungry calls.
The headlights of the vehicles flashed over the window as they pulled into the long, dirt drive, likely alerting Talon to their presence. When they stepped out of their respected vehicles, Talon was standing on the top step, his coffee in hand, peering curiously at him. He visibly relaxed when he saw Link move toward him, but his brows were still knit in question.
“I know I tease ya ‘bout bein’ lazy,” Talon started, “but did ya really need to bring a whole crew to help ya much a couple of stalls?”
Link offered him a tired smile. Talon sipped at his coffee, peering at him over the brim of his mug. His eyes moved to Mipha and Aryll, then looked over the heavily armed soldiers as they stood around cautiously.
“I guess yer not here to get a head start on the day,” Talon muttered.
“Not exactly,” he said. He turned his gaze toward Mipha and Aryll, hesitant.
“Ah’right,” Talon said with a great sigh. He straightened and adjusted his worn jeans. “Whatever ya need, kid.”
Link’s lips pressed together. “I just need them somewhere safe.”
Talon grinned. “Well, ya came to the right place. Ain’t nobody gettin’ passed me or the dogs.”
Link frowned. He moved his gaze to the open door. Talon’s three dogs were sprawled out lazily on the wood floor. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
Talon whistled sharply and the three dogs sprang to their feet. Their tails wagged as they regarded Link before trotting over to him, then immediately passed him to greet Aryll and Mipha and their other visitors.
“Well, screw you, too,” Link said to the dogs as they ignored him.
“I’m not gonna get thrown in jail for harboring some fugitives, am I?” Talon asked, narrowing his gaze on Link.
Link shrugged. “Maybe.”
Talon smiled. “Ah, well. I s’pose there’s a first time for everythin’.” He whistled again and the dogs returned to him in a lazy lope. He turned away from Link, making his way back inside and speaking loudly over his shoulder. “More than ‘nuff room s’long as Aryll pulls her weight.”
Aryll yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Yeah, alright, man. But let me catch a couple more hours of sleep.” She grabbed her bag out of the car, saluted the soldiers playfully, and made her way toward the house.
“Next time we need to make a late night escape,” she started when she reached her brother’s side, “you can just leave me home.”
“I’ll remember that.”
Aryll grabbed Mipha’s wrist. “Come on,” she muttered. When Mipha tried to argue with her, she cut her off. “You know Link won’t have it any other way.”
Mipha sighed and met Link’s gaze before letting Aryll pull her into the house.
Link stood on the front porch as the door closed. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to look down the dirt drive. The sun was just starting to peak above the distant mountains, casting hues of dark purples and pinks across the sky. The soldiers had gathered together, talking amongst themselves, and Teba parted from the group to join Link on the porch. He lit a cigarette, then pulled his phone out to text as the cigarette sat between his lips. He paused to hold it with one hand and he exhaled a puff of smoke with a heavy sigh.
“When Paya gets back,” he started, “she’ll be able to put a ward up. That should help keep you out of the eyes of the Yiga.”
“What is she doing?”
“She’s doing her part,” Teba said simply. “Don’t worry about it.” He put the cigarette out on the railing. “You need as many people on your side as you can get right now.”
Link turned away from Teba. “You don’t need to be a part of this,” he muttered.
“Well, that’s not your call,” he said frankly. “I work for the queen. And right now, I’m the only guy in her own army that she can trust.”
Link frowned. “You have a kid, man.”
“All he cares about is eating and sleeping. He won’t even notice I’m gone.”
“He’ll notice if he has to grow up without you.”
“Guess I’m sticking around, then.” He let a hand rest on Link’s shoulder before trotting down the steps. “I’ve got appearances to keep up with,” he said over his shoulder. “If you get scared, I’ll send Revali over to protect you.” He grinned at Link before slipping into his car, his face hidden behind the tinted front windows, then pulled out of the driveway.
Link watched until the car disappeared, then pulled out his phone and dialed Kit.
“Do you know what time it is?” Kit snarled in greeting.
“Figured you’d just be getting home.”
The line was silent for a moment. “Yeah, alright. What’s up, Mr. Hero?”
“You said you could get me things,” Link started. “What kinda things?”
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skyward-floored · 2 months ago
*slides a yap pass across the table* OCs you say 👀
- hero-of-the-wolf
@hero-of-the-wolf you may regret enabling me XD
SO I’ve been thinking a lot about swamp Link lately, just him and his Zelda and how they get along and personalities and stuff. Been trying to figure out story for him too but I still haven’t gotten anywhere with that so I’ve been focusing on characters XD especially Zelda :]
So Zelda is an artist, she love painting, especially natural scenes. But she doesn’t often get out to anywhere truly natural, since she’s sort of a delicate person. She was really sick as a child, and the effects of that still follow her— she gets tired pretty easily, and a lot of activity really wears her down. Some sort of chronic fatigue? I don’t know if I want to label it since that might limit what I do, but it’s something like that. But anyway she doesn’t get out much, and is often stuck painting in the gardens (which she loves, but... variety) and rarely is able to leave the castle.
Eventually there’s some sort of thing where she has to go to these three springs/temples, since it’s tradition for princesses at her age or something like that. And on the literal first trip she meets Link. Who just treats her... normally. It’s really refreshing. So much so that she tries to hide her condition, and I think probably collapses in front of him at some point. hehe.
And while Link can hardly fathom not having endless boundless energy when she admits to her issues, he doesn’t really change the way he treats her. Like, he’s more intent on checking that she isn’t pushing herself too much, and does make sure to keep an eye on her, but he isn’t suddenly acting like she’s going to break if he looks at her wrong. And Zelda appreciates that SO much, and I think somewhere in there is when she realizes “wow I’m in love with this crazy swamp guy who refuses to wear a shirt ever”
And Link, who would already have done anything for her, is now like “okay, how can I help her with this”. And while he’s not obviously doing much he’s actually constantly helping her with all these little things that she notices and appreciates even if nobody else does and they just love each other so much hdbdhdjdbdjdj
So yeah. Still no real game plot or anything useful like that apart from vague ideas in my brain, but I’ve got Link and Zelda like 95% all worked out.
and I’ve been thinking about them all day and driving myself insane because if I want anything done with them I have to do it myself nghdbdhdbdhddg
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marvel-and-more-fandoms · 6 years ago
Romeo oh Romeo
*modern day AU*
      "Romeo and Juliet is a cautionary tale about the stupidity of youth and shallow lust!" Shouted Zelda Hyrule in her High School English class.
      "Is not! It's a beautiful tragedy about poisonous hatred conquered by love!" Responded Link, just as loud as Zelda had been.
      The English class was in the middle of reading Romeo and Juliet, and the class was currently split half and half about the correct interpretation of Shakespeare's famous play.
      Link and Zelda just happened to be on opposite sides.
      The two had never gotten along, so it was no wonder they were once again on opposite sides. They each had their own little fan club for them, which was the people who followed them around all the time.
"Now now class," said the teacher, Ms. Buliara. "Sit down."
Link and Zelda glared at each other as they obeyed, sitting down in their assigned seats.
Zelda has had a crush on Link for as long as she can remember, but she knows Link doesn't feel the same.
A girl who was part of Link's little fan club had his attention, a girl named Mipha. Mipha liked Link, too.
Zelda and Mipha weren't the only ones who were crushing on the boy, other people in their classes like Paya, Sidon, and Riju also liked him.
So there was a lot of competition for Zelda.
She was lucky the boy is so oblivious, or else he and Mipha would have been a couple by now.
"We need to assign parts in order to actually read the play." said Ms. Buliara.
"Juliet!" Shouted Zelda.
She didn't notice that Link had said "Romeo!" at the exact same time.
The two slowly turned to look at each other, as Ms. Buliara wrote their names on the board.
All but a couple in the class started snickering, and the ones that didn't snicker were the ones that were crushing on one of the two.
For Zelda, that included Robbie, Revali, Ganondorf, and pretty much every other popular boy in the class.
The stares quickly turned into glares as they realized they had to act like they were in love.
Whatever, they both thought. I can just change my part tomorrow.
"Okay class," said Ms. Buliara. "These parts will stay the same for the rest of the book, so I hope you like your parts. If you didn't get one this time, you can always read in the next play."
Shit. Thought Link.
Oh well, it's only for one class. Thought Zelda.
Zelda's POV
I walked into science and sat down by my best friend, Urbosa. (Just pretend Urbosa is Zelda's age)
"Looks like we're starting a new project today. Mr. Dorephan has already assigned parts..." She trailed off at the end of her sentence, which made me nervous.
"What? What is it Urbosa? Who'd you get? Who'd I get? Oh I really hope it's not Link-"
I was cut off by her snicker. "Are you sure you hope that? Considering you've had a crush on him ever since he moved here?"
I hit her arm playfully as I blushed. "Shut up! Who'd I get anyway? I'm assuming you've already checked."
"Well I got Riju. But you, you got the hero himself."
"Ugh." I groaned. "Why does this always happen?"
Just then, Link walked in and checked the sheet. He looked over at me and I sneered, which earned a sneer right back from him.
"I'm guessing you have already checked your partners, so I'm not going to bother reading them out loud." Said Mr. Dorephan, as he continued to explain the project. Once he was done, the class started scrambling to go sit by their partners. Link slowly walked over to me.
I looked up at him and squinted my eyes as he made a face of disgust.
"Okay. I know we don't get along, but if we're going to be doing this project together, can we at least pretend like we like each other?" He said.
I shrugged. "I can try."
"Fine then. Let's get to work."
As we started working, we started a conversation too. It started off as just us making a sad attempt to be nice, but eventually it turned into a genuine conversation.
"Mr. Dorephan drives me practically insane." Link said with an exaggerated sigh.
"I know. He's a crappy teacher, and he always gives Sidon, Mipha and I good grades. Just because he knows us outside of school. I mean, I like having good grades, but I feel like I'm cheating."
"Right? And he's actually trying to set Mipha and I up. Like, he'll go on and on and on about her to me, and he even told me how she has made some special shirt for me. It's part of their religion or something, a girl making a shirt for a guy when she wants to marry him. Weird, huh?"
Oh my gosh, I thought. So he doesn't like Mipha?
"Yeah," I snickered. "That's kinda weird. And he looks like a shark that got so fat, people started mistaking it for a fish!"
We erupted into laughter, and Mr. Dorephan shouted at us.
"Hey! I don't see much work going on over there! Do I need to make a new partner arrangement?"
"No Mr. Dorephan!" We shouted together.
"Ya know," He said. "You're not so bad after all, princess."
"I could say the same to you, wonder boy."
We smiled at each other as we started actually working on the project, and before I knew it the bell had rang.
Link's POV
It's the next day, and almost English class again. I actually wasn't dreading it. After I started getting to know Zelda, I realized she's really not that bad. I was actually looking forward to it. Not to the arguments, but for...
      No Link, I thought to myself. You are NOT excited to be playing the part of Romeo with Zelda being Juliet!!
      I'm such an idiot. I really do like Mipha and Sidon, and while it's true their parents were trying to set Mipha and I up, I don't care that much. But when I was rambling off to Zelda, I just started saying how much I hate them.
      But the thing is, I like Mipha, but... not like that. She's a great person, an even better friend, and she's really beautiful, but all she is is a friend to me. She's just not my romantic type.
      The bell rang, marking the end of Spanish class, and now we had five minutes to get to the next class.
      I go to my locker, got my English stuff out, and headed on into the classroom.
      Here we go.
                            Zelda's POV
      Oh great, English. Where Link and I get to pretend to be lovers. If only it wasn't pretend...
      I walked into the class and took my seat.
      Ms. Buliara was passing out the books, and outfits to the people who would be acting it out.
Great, I thought. I get to wear some ugly costume.
      But when she put something on my table, it wasn't a ugly costume, it was a beautiful dress. It was all white, with a gold belt just below my chest. There were lines going down the middle of the dress, from the belt to the bottom. The back was completely white, and would look good against my hair. She gave me some brown sandals and a gold necklace to go with it.
      I changed into it, and then looked at what link was wearing. It was a darkish blue tunic, with white lines all around the border. At the top, dipping down his chest, was what looked like the border of a sword. He had a brown belt and sword sheath going across his chest and below his waist. On one arm was a wooden board over his gloves, and on the other was just a glove. He had what looked like a phone with a weird case and a handle hanging off the belt on his waist. He was wearing beige colored pants with boots that went up just below his knees. He looked... good.
      We made eye contact and he looked me up and down. He smiled at me, and them turned around to face Ms. Buliara.
      "Okay class," She said. "Here are the costumes we are going to be wearing during this play. Let's get started."
       Everyone picked up the scripts, either to read along or to act it out.
      The kid who was going to be the narrator started the book. "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
      We got through the first two acts that day, and we all know that the next one is the one where everything falls apart.
                          Link's POV
      Lunch is over, which means it's time for science. Hooray.
       When I get to the class, Zelda's already in there and sitting at our desk.
       She looks up, and I smile at her. She blushed as she smiled back.
       "Hey." She said as I sat down.
       "The costumes in English are soooo lame, right?"
        I laughed. "Yeah, they are. Why do we even need to wear a costume anyway?" I actually thought that the costumes were cool. Zelda looked absolutely amazing in that dress. But then again, she looks good in anything.
       "Exactly! They're just uncomfortable, and take forever to change into!"
       "You did good on the 'wherefore art thou Romeo' part, by the way."
      She really did. Most people think that "wherefore" is just a fancy way to say "where." But it's not, it means why. In that line, Juliet isn't saying "where are you Romeo" she's saying "why are you Romeo." It has a lot of meaning behind it, because she's saying why do you have to be Romeo? Why do you have to be the enemy of my father? Why can't you just be part of my side, and then we could announce our love to the whole world?
       She blushed and looked down. "Thanks. Most people don't understand what that sentence actually means."
      "I'm glad I'm getting to know you better, Zelda." Oh stupid, stupid, stupid! Why would I say that! "I'm glad I'm getting to know you better!?" What the heck!
      She looked a little surprised at first, but then she looked up at me. "Me too." Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked back down at the project. "Okay," She said with a laugh. "We actually need to work on this now."
                            Zelda's POV
      Oh my gosh, he said that? He actually said that? "I'm glad I'm getting to know you better"!?!?!?!? Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!
      Zelda, calm the freak down.
      "Me too."
       After we had worked for a little bit, the bell finally rang which meant it was time for orchestra. I played the harp.
       I went to class, and couldn't focus the whole time. Ugh, get some stupid boy out of your head and focus! I screamed at myself. Stupid Link, stupid science, and stupid Shakespeare.
                         One week later
                            Zelda's POV
       Finally, the last day of school. The day we go over Romeo and Juliet, and get our grades back from the science projects. I walked into English class, and sat down. Link was already there. Stop thinking about him! I yelled at myself.
       The bell rang, marking the start of class.
       "Okay class," said Ms. Buliara. "Remember at the very start of Romeo and Juliet, when you guys were fighting over the meaning of the book? I'd like you guys to get into those groups again, please."
       Dang it. I have to fight Link.
       "After reading the book, how many of you have changed your opinions? If you've changed it, go to the opposite side."
      None of the kids moved.
      "Okay then." Said Ms. Buliara. "Back up your opinions."
       "Actually, Ms. Buliara," I said. "I have changed mine. Shakespeare wrote this play a long time ago, and all he gave us was the words. He didn't give us how to say it, or what mood/tone it is. He left deciding all that stuff up to us. That's why every single movie that was made out of a Shakespeare play is completely different, because each person sees it in a different way." I looked at Link. "For example, the line 'wherefore art thou Rome." When I read it, I read like it was 'why are you Romeo,' but some people could read it like it's 'where are you Romeo.' Shakespeare left that up to us. Which is why-"
      Link cut me off. "Which is why none of this argument really matters. We shouldn't  be fighting over it, because everyone sees it in a different way. It doesn't really matter what the 'hidden meaning' is, because everyone is going to see it differently. Shakespeare gives us the line, and we decide how to deliver it. We decide if it's going to be happy or sad, quiet or loud, or if we're going to say it at all. It's all up to us."
      We smiled at each other. For once, we were on the same page.
       Ms. Buliara smiled, too. "Exactly! That's exactly what I wanted you guys to get from this discussion, and you got it in the first five minutes! Thank you, Zelda and Link!"
      The rest of class was just free time. Every now and then, Link and I would look up at each other, and blush.
      I was dreading science, and excited for science at the exact same time.
      When I got to science, Link was there before me. That's unusual, I thought. I'm usually here before him.
      "Hey princess," he said. I loved that nickname, it was like a couple one. Too bad it's not. "Ready to get our scores back?"
      "I don't know," I said with a sigh and a smile as I sat down. "I want to know what we got, but I'm nervous that we failed."
      He laughed. "Me too."
      The bell rang, and Mr. Dorephan walked in. He immediately started passing out papers, which I assumed were the test scores. He started talking too, but I was too busy day dreaming to notice.
A piece of paper was put down on our desk, face down. Oh no, I though. Face down...
Link flipped it over, and smiled. Then he handed it to me.
100%! Wow!
"Only one group got a 100 in this entire project," said Mr. Dorephan. "So don't feel too bad if you didn't."
Our smiles got even wider.
The rest of class was a free period, and Link and I talked the whole time.
Link's POV
Finally, the last bell rang. Kids immediately started screaming. Ugh, I thought. Immature, much?
Only one thing was on my mind. Zelda. I needed to find her, to tell her how I really feel.
Then I saw her, walking out with her best friend, Urbosa. I had talked to Urbosa earlier, and she had convinced me that I had to tell her.
She turned around, and made eye contact with me. "Now." She mouthed.
She walked away from a confused Zelda.
Everything went in slow motion after that. I ran up to her.
"Zelda, I-I," I thought for a second. "Oh screw it."
I tilted my head down and shoved my lips into hers. She was shocked at first, but then she started kissing back. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever had. Our lips moved together perfectly. We both pulled away for air.
"Princess," I said. "Do you wanna, er, maybe, uh, go to a movie sometime, or something?"
She smiled. "I'd love to."
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wolfgabe · 6 years ago
Nintendo E3 2019 Thoughts  Part 1The Direct
ce Okay so with yesterday behind us I felt I might as well offer my own opinions on the main event of the day the Nintendo Direct.
To start off I like how rapid fire a lot of Nintendo’s Directs have become. While it’s not as flashy as a full blown conference it pretty much cuts out most of the padding and helps make things arguably more focused. I wasn’t expecting them to cram so much in within 40 minutes and I admit I thought at times they would do a Smash Ultimate and spend a bunch of time on one title which of course never happened now then onto the games themselves
Dragon Quest Hero or should I say Dragon Quest Gang for Smash. Pretty much something most of us expected. Personally I have nothing against Erdrick and Pals and it was inevtiable really that we got Dragon Quest representation in Smash considering how in Japan DQ is pretty much on the same level as Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Minecraft here in the States. As easy as it is to complain about more anime sword boys when you look at it DQ was pretty much one of our only options for an additional SE rep considering how stingy SE is with Final Fantasy as well as the fact that Sora is pretty much a massive legal minefield for obvious reasons. I kinda find it clever really that rather than just represent 1 game they instead use the Hero as a means to represent the entire Dragon Quest series as whole.
Following that up fittingly is another trailer for Dragon Quest 11
Doug Bowser makes his E3/Direct debut and already the memes are out in full force
H̶o̶t̶e̶l̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶i̶o̶ ̶2̶/Luigis Mansion 3 is looking great. Seriously I just love how clean everything looks. It’s almost like the Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Artwork come to life/ Too bad we didn’t an actual release date but really for a game like this I would be surprised if they don’t go for  an October release.
A Dark Crystal Game That was unexpected
Link’s Awakening now with Dungeon Maker. Seriously I can’t help but keep imagining a Zelda spinoff that’s basically a Zelda themed Dungeon Keeper
Trials of Mana and Collection of Mana Not exactly my cup of tea but it’s cool seeing The Mana Collection available on Switch right away
Witcher III for Switch. Another rumor that  turned out true. Bring on all the oerformance jokes and PC master race trolls. Panic Button doesn’t appear to be handling this one but I can’t help but wonder what sorcery they used to get this game running on Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses Not really big on FE myself. I get why some people are complaining they basically spoiled the big twist but I figure that Nintendo may have did it on purpose to show fans that it’s not just Harry Potter with a Fire Emblem Skin
More Resident Evil love for Switch which is nice although I can’t help but wonder why they chose a port of RE6 over the remake of RE2
No More Heroes III another bit of a surprise. I admit for a second I thought I was looking at some new Power Rangers mech game. Great to see after Travis Strikes Again
That new Contra game looks eggghhhh but its cool we are getting the Contra collection too
Daemon x Machina. I actually did get some enjoyment out of the demo and what I saw with the mech customization looks interesting but I seriously hope they fixed the framerate in the final release.
Panzer Dragoon Another one that came out of nowhere. Switch has been seeing quite the amount of Sega love. Now if only we could get a Sega Ages port of Daytona USA
Pokemon Sword and Shield get a brief shoutout. Figured they wouldn’t spend too much time on it considering how it just got a direct last week. And like that the R34 crowd has already abandoned Sonia for Nessa go figure.
Astral Chain got a new trailer. Pretty interesting game and no doubt it will probably have an insanely over the top final boss as with fine Platinum tradition
Empire of Sin pretty interesting management/strategy game looks like it might be worth a shot when it comes out.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Not a big Marvel person but personally I think its a bit funny really that UA3 has better models than the SE Avengers game.
Cadence of Hyrule Finally have a release date and its right at the end of E3 which is cool
Mario and Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Figured they would give a shoutout to this game.  Eggman looks surprisingly hot in shorts.  Why is nobody talking about the majesty of Barefoot Wario?
Animal Crossing New Horizons Finally the game pretty much everybody was waiting for. So it would appear Animal Crossing has now transformed into Minecraft. Jokes aside I can’t help but love the idea that you are pretty much now building the town yourself and populating the island from scratch. Okay actual path creation tools and the ability to place furniture outside this is too much. It’s kind of a bummer the game won’t be out till next March but its understandable really considering how packed Switches release schedule looks for the rest of 2019.  Also Tom Nook being a greedy little shit as usual and where is Isabelle please don’t tell me Nintendo you forgot our precious doggo girl.
The obligatory switch game/port sizzle reel. Nice recap of things to come. Another MS game confirmed with Super Lucky’s Tale. Also the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has finally been confirmed for Switch and PC which is great.  Alien Isolation? didn’t expect to see that game get ported. Still no release date for A Hat in Time Switch though
Now for what is arguably the two biggest bombshells to come out of this presentation
First off, Banjo Kazooie in Smash. I cannot freaking believe it a character where the Grinch Leak actually ended up turning out to be right!!! I admit even I had my doubts that we would actually see this come to fruition since I never thought MS would be that chill about letting Banjo show up in a game hosted by one of their own competitors. Of course competitor may not be the right word here considering how surprisingly chummy MS and Nintendo have gotten with each other as of late. I can’t help but find a sense of inner happiness and satisfaction when my own theories and hunches end up being proven correct. I just knew there had to be a reason why Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini spirits were found in the game files for Smash Ultimate never mind the fact that MS in their E3 schedule clearly suggested we should watch Nintendo’s own E3 presentation. I admit when I first saw that Jiggy bounce by I kinda started to lose my collective shit. The whole reveal was just so brilliant from the way they basically parodied their own trailer to how happy the DK crew was to see Banjo again. Its almost like Sakurai and Nintendo were reading everyone’s mind. I am really liking Banjo’s Smash design and how they basically went for more updated version of his classic look rather than just settle for the Nuts and Bolts design. A perfect way really to drive home the point that Banjo has pretty much come home. And I cannot believe it they actually got Grant Kirkhope himself on board to compose new music for Smash. I admit I am loving that Spiral Mountain remix and you can even make out bits and pieces from other Banjo levels too. I can’t wait to hear what else there is with Banjo. While I am mainly a Nintendo person I would just like to give thanks to Phil Spencer for helping make so many Nintendo and Smash fans wildest dreams finally come true. Now perhaps see if you get the original Banjo games as well as maybe a Nintendofied version of Rare Replay perhaps on Switch
And finally capping off the direct was the reveal that an actual follow up to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is now in development. When we will see this title in full I am not sure but the brief teaser looks like they are hinting that Ganondorf himself could be back from the grave. Now I am hearing how the devs say they were inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 does that mean more detailed horse mechanics?
All in all I would rate Nintendo’s E3 Direct an 8/out of 10. A few points were docked from the Animal Crossing delay but there was still a lot of games that I am interested in due out in the near future as well as some wonderful surprises to boot. I would personally say Nintendo was probably the best part of E3 this year and they made me a very happy gamer
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shi-away · 2 years ago
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I posted 379 times in 2022
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#every time i am reminded about this i am shocked then proceed to forget about it because there’s absolutely no way this is an actual thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Completely insane TotK theory
first off, hi im running on like 6 hours of sleep and two slices of toast so please take everything I'm going to say with like five mouthfuls of salt.
What If Link Just Dies
We know that the logo is an ouroboros, and the broken master sword is included in the logo as well. Nintendo has also said that this sequel will be really dark, comparing it to Majora's mask. Well, what if Zelda and Link journey to face Ganondorf's corpse, wake up Revenge Corpse Ganon, and can't beat the source of the malice plaguing Hyrule? What if the new hair-down Link that we see is a new incarnation or some sort of incarnation saved from the dead? Since the logo is an ouroboros, it's safe to assume that this new game will have something to do with cycles. And what's a more classic cycle in the Zelda franchise than the cycles of chosen heroes? on top of that, getting our hero out of commission for a bit would be a great way for the newest of demise's battle buddies for our hero to have an even bigger, cooler party at Hyrule with his super dope new Evil Tendril Powers.
anyway im going to go eat, come back, and decide if this is sane or not so enjoy.
5 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
To the probably five people who have the same brain i do:
You do not need to figure it all out. Life is hard and complicated and there is no one solution. You are literally not out of school yet. You cannot live on your own yet legally.  You cannot drive a car on your own or drink.  It is ok if you struggle with making friends and don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life. It’s ok if you can’t figure out and pin down every single feeling you have. It’s ok of you need help healing from things, or arent in a place where you can heal from them completely right now.  Healing takes time, it is painful. It is good, but you need a support system and if you do not have that it is ok.  All you need to do is your best, whatever that looks like each day.  Add the simple little tasks to your checklists.  Buying that fancy cookie is ok as long as you have the money.  Just keep living and caring for other people, that’s the most you can do right now. And honestly, that’s the best thing you can do. 
6 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
ok ok so i am hype for the new trailer and I'm sure this has gotten pointed out but...
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do you see that flying thing??? do you see it???? do you think there is any possibility there are going to be some sort of mutated loft wing or smth????
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See the full post
8 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
me 2019: oh, well I’m ace, so i dont like having sex but i can still love like a normal straight cisgender person!! i can’t wait to get a boyfriend :)
me now: i am a loveless aro(ace) and a lesbian on some level not really sure also I'm full of gender however that gender tends to change anyway l-ve is not required to be human, to be human is to live and enjoy life
8 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Clancy is a vessel theory
With the update of dmaorg.info and the release of the outside mv, I’ve seen a new theory going around that Clancy is not a person, but rather the name of a vessel that the bishops are using to spread vialism. This makes a lot of sense to me actually, and as far as my casual lore knowledge goes it clears up some stuff! Iirc, in an interview, Tyler stated that Clancy is his way of giving fans a look into the world of Trench and DEMA. We’ve never known much about (the old) Clancy, besides that he resided in DEMA with Keons as his bishop. If Clancy is simply the name of a vessel that the bishops exploit, it would first off, help tie the incorporation of Vessel music, lyrics, references, etc into the music video and Vøldsoy. It would also explain why on dmaorg.info Clancy details his first-hand account of events that we have seen Tyler doing/performing (the Livestream show, the outside, and Saturday mvs) while previously we had received secondhand accounts of Clancy watching Tyler from a cave, possibly the one seen in the video, during the jumpsuit mv. When I read the letters detailing the show and the events of the mvs I was confused as to how Clancy would have recorded these things if Tyler was the one doing them, and why Tyler chose to show himself in the events detailed by Clancy's letters when as far as I was aware the two were separate people. But if Clancy is not one person and is instead a vessel, Tyler becoming Clancy makes his appearing in both the Livestream and the MV(s) much more logical and sensical. And while Tyler’s role in the MV(s) and Livestream is the most concrete evidence I have, there are also a couple little things I want to bring up. One thing that Tyler started doing during the SAI era is covering/obscuring his face. This seems like an odd detail to bring up, but we've seen one other person who covered their face in lore, the unidentified child from one of the images on dmainfo.org. 
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[ID= a grayscale image of a child, presumably a young boy. the child has a hand over their face. /end ID] This image's filename is "se__elf" which I assume means that it is a picture of the old Clancy as a child. Tyler only began covering his face in scaled and icy era appearances, and if 'clancy is dead' and Tyler is now the new Clancy, the new vessel that the bishops have chosen to exploit, this would explain the covering of his face. The recent updates to dmaorg.info detail how Clancy was forced to create the Good Day DEMA show, his constant surveillance by the bishops, and how in his words "...they wouldn't let me write anything down. Well, at least not without them present" Surely, if Clancy is now Tyler we would have some evidence or hint at their watching of Tyler, their constant surveillance hinted somehow. And sure enough, there is. This evidence is none other than Trash the dragon. Trash is the dragon that appeared on the cover of SAI and is featured on nearly every single promotional image or merch since then. Tyler has stated in an interview that "trash dragon" is slang for vultures in DEMA. Vultures, symbolically, are practically joined at the hip to the bishops and vialism. During his Christmas Livestream, a tiny trash could be seen on his desk, as if watching what he did during the stream. This very well could be Tyler trying to show the ever-watching eyes of the bishops, their constant surveillance of Tyler. Is this true? I have absolutely zero clue. But if it is it's a fascinating turn in the events of the story and one that I really hope we get to delve into more soon!
38 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
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