#ling chen
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modelsof-color · 24 days ago
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Ling Chen by Myrthe Giesbers for Issue South America Magazine July 2023
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aestheticjunkyard · 7 months ago
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Ling Chen by Damien Krisl for Número Magazine April 2024
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dragonzair · 2 months ago
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Sketched this back in 2021 and never posted it. I couldn't figure out where to go with it, colouring wise so I kinda gave up. Maybe I'll get around to it, maybe I'll revamp- not sure 😩 but there isn't enough Mothra/Chen twins content on this forsaken website even if they're literally THE mothra twins so I might as well post it.
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modely-way · 9 months ago
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ling chen for nume fw21 campaign
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sweetness-pop · 6 months ago
What if for of one of the upcoming Monsterverse films (most likely not the confirmed 2027 next one), there will be a plot that will unexpectedly blow our minds away?!
Mothra had laid a mysterious, beautiful, radiant, and colorful egg. The egg is looks like a huge oval-sized precious gem with such lit, sparkling and rotating pastel rainbow colors (8 colors: red, pink, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue & purple) everywhere. The egg becomes very important that it is not only the Kaiju hero gang, but also Monarch must protect that egg from upcoming antagonists, both kaijus and humans, at all cost!
Monarch also suspects that there may be more to the symbolic relationship between Godzilla and Mothra, the King and Queen of the monsters than it seems...... Which could also lead to the result of why Mothra had laid this exotic egg....
Lots of good characters would return for this movie. Including surprising ones. Characters include Monarch members: Mark, Jackson, Rick, Sam, and the Chen Twins, Mark's now young adult Madison who'd be a new member of Monarch, a high school teenage Jia, and the Brodys from the first Monsterverse film Godzilla (2014): Ford, his wife Elle, his son Sam who'd be either in his late teens or early 20s, and even a young second child of Ford and Elle, like a daughter.
Then imagine at the end of the official trailer, there will be a scene of the egg HATCHING, and the next scenes are of the reactions of the kaijus and humans as they watch the egg HATCH! Then the title of this future Monsterverse film pops up on screen!
And this will be the name of the new-hatched hybrid kaiju:
Name in the Japanese kanji:
桜: Cherry Blossoms
由: Reason, Cause, Origin
輝: Radiance
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doumekiss · 9 months ago
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Episode 9
My girls *_* At this point Qiao Yi is mostly focused on trying to woo Ling Chen, but for now it is enough for me to see her get cute moments with the girl she has no idea one day will be her future wife
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beautifulphantomsandwich · 11 months ago
Rereading villain initialization and it all goes back to this. Past Ye Mizu did the "right" thing because that was what the rules told him to do. Current Ye Mizu does the right thing out of his own free will.
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Also season 2 is so much angst like what is this
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They sound like exes lol
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Also Ling Chen's barely hidden suicidal tendacies never get resolved
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greatrunner · 1 month ago
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An End Has a Start (MonsterVerse, Godzilla: King of the Monsters)
COSMOS - [4/4] - G AU. Post-KOTM. The COSMOS is a call for aid, not control. The very idea means giving up on the world of human supremacy.
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kdram-chjh · 21 days ago
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Cdrama: Snow Eagle Lord (2023)
❣Title : SNOW EAGLE LORD ( 雪鹰领主 ) WeTV Network ~ Dongbo Xue Ying played by XU KAI
Watch this video on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFHaXHgzie4/
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adm-starblitzsteel-4305 · 11 months ago
Vote wisely (cuz I'm working with Gijinka Shimo RN)
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modelsof-color · 9 months ago
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Ling Chen by Gosia Nowak for Vogue Philippines October 2023
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currently-not-studying · 2 years ago
What stuck with me from reading Villain initialization is how well it shows this bitter feeling of seeing your parents change.
As a middle child I've been both at the end of "our father is way too latiennt with you, he used to be so much strict" And also seeing said father change and grow and treat my younger sibling better than he treated me. And I've seen it in others. This regret and anger and "why not me? Why you want to become a father now and not 10 years ago?"
And I can see it when older Ye Mu is in our timeline. How he tries to push his younger version to abide by their father standards. And how bittersweet it is to see someone younger finally getting that validation you've been denied your whole life. "Why not me?" And being tasked with carrying a loving message from their father to a younger version of himself? He finally heard what he wished to hear. But also he didn't because it wasn't for him.
And there's more, there's this "my father needed to hear from someone outside of our family that he was harming me to finally notice. Even after I begged and pleaded it wasn't enough for him to care.." which the older Ye Mu doesn't know. No, this one is a thing that the younger version of him will carry. Just like older siblings can just brush away the pain of those who get the 'better version' of their parents.
Or how when their father is absent the older Ye Mu tries to install the same rules he had been tough. Without any thought about their sense if reason he followed them. This sunk cost fallacy that haunts the whole story is also right here "I've suffered so much because of those rules so they have to make sense. And you also have to suffer for them to make sense."
The older Ye Mu blames his younger self for wanting Ling Chen to stay, for not being a "real hero". But it feels so much like a child screaming "why not me?" Not seeing how much the other has sacrificed to get where they are. Just like my siblings don't or how I won't know how much my younger sister does
And all we can do is let them enjoy this slightly less shitty version of our parents. Because it's not their fault and they have suffered their own wounds. Maybe after seeing their mothers message Ye Mu will try to see his younger self as a brother that can use help and guidance. Instead of just someone who got love instead of him
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hrodvitnon · 2 years ago
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Careful, Vivienne, your dragon is showing.
Based on this Vine!
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abigail-sweetorchid · 1 year ago
Qiao Yi: *about Small Ye Zimu and Ling Chen* They make a cute couple, huh?
Big Ye Zimu: HELL NO!!
Qiao Yi: Why not? They look like they came from a drama Series.
Big Ye Zimu: If my Ling Chen didn't like me then my younger version doesn't deserve his love. Give it to me. I'm the one who suffered not him.
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doumekiss · 9 months ago
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Villain Initialization - Episode 6
Cute! Look how proud Ye Zimu is for making his crush laugh (while they're both being held as hostages)
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lollipencil · 1 year ago
SuperMoon: Part 5
This might be my favourite story I've thought of.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
Jake was staring down the barrel of a very big problem. One composed of various little problems.
The first had cuddled them inside their own head, and possibly changed them in whatever they were now. Second was that Steven was awake in Headspace, eyes wide with curiosity and confusion. Third, his neck itched like crazy.
"So, what's this place anyway?" Steven asked when the silence dragged on. "Headspace," Jake opted for honesty, given the situation. "Ok, and where's Headspace?" Steven frowned slightly. "Um, well, it's...it's like the inside of a wardrobe." "Ok?" "Yeah, you take something out when you want to wear it, and put it back when not, but it's ready for the next time you want to," Jake said frantically, hoping it made sence, "Everything has the 'owner' in common and-, and each piece of clothing is taken care of and is safe and real and I'm fucking this up, aren't I?" "No, no you're not," Steven soothed as Jake grit his teeth tightly, "It's ok. I don't really get what you're trying to say, do you think you can simplify it a bit?"
Oh, how Jake wished he could. He wished that a few simple words could smooth this whole thing out. But, he supposed, Steven was bound to eventually find out.
So Jake clenched everything he had and just said it: "We're inside the head of our shared body."
Dr Ilene Chen sighed internally, "So the deaths at the temple of Khonshu were caused by humans?" "Yes," the G-Team leader stated, "All have wounds consistant with bullet holes. Additionally, all members of the 'security detail' are absent. Although, we have yet to find a body for a Dr Abdallah El-Faouly, but we have found human-sized footprints leading to titan-sized ones." Ilene rolled this fact around her head. "Khonshu is associated with vengence and justice," her sister Ling replied, "It's possible that he saw these events or otherwise sensed them, and chose to save at least one member of the expedition."
Ilene nodded, "Maybe. Do we know where Khonshu is now?" "Drones have the titan on camera digging further out," G-Team Leader explained, "Looks almost like he's searching for something." Suddenly, a victorious cry split the night air. "Shit, the titan's on the move!" "Can you tell why their behaviour changed?" Ilene asked as Ling began to gather documents together. "Negative, sending in a spare drone to his previous location now." "Keep following Khonshu and see if you can get us the contact details of any living relatives of the doctor."
When the communication channel was cut off, Ilene turned to her sister. "I'll get the equipment ready," Ling said as they both left the room.
Abdallah couldn't sleep. The only time he tried, he was greeted with the fear-frozen, bloody faces of his colleagues and Marc's shrill screams. So he didn't.
Thankfully, Layla had opted to sleep in the living room as well.
Walking back in after getting a drink, he stopped and looked at them both. At Layla's calm and peacefullness. How Marc radiated the air of a cat lying in a sunbeam, even as his brow furrowed slightly. It was amazing, how he could be so at pease about the whole thing.
Unless it was because of the situation. The creature was clearly affectionate towards Marc, it took Abdallah promising to take care of him for the creature to reluctantly leave. Looking at Marc's feathers, it suddenly hit him.
That creature had adopted Marc. And Abdallah was babysitting.
He had to choke down a giggle. Of cource, why not? Tears of supressed laughter and cresting grief poured down his cheeks as Abdallah sat next to Marc's nest. A shaking hand settled into Marc's curls. He made no sound, but his head tilted to push into the warmth of his hand. Marc's brow relaxed minutely.
A wobbly smile worked its way onto Abdallah's face. And there he stayed, until a dreamless sleep finally claimed him.
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