#liner bag container
pelinerbag · 2 days
How Container Liners Can Save You Money in the Long Run?
Businesses are continuously looking for methods to save expenses and increase efficiency in the cutthroat market of today. One often-overlooked solution that can significantly impact your bottom line is the use of container liners. These protective barriers serve multiple purposes in shipping and storage, and they can lead to substantial long-term savings. This article explores how container liners can save you money, focusing on their benefits and the insights from leading Container liners manufacturer.
Understanding Container Liners
Container liners are specialized bags made from durable materials such as polyethylene or polypropylene, designed to fit inside shipping containers or bulk transport vessels. Their primary purpose is to protect the cargo from moisture, contaminants, and physical damage. By creating a barrier between the cargo and the container walls, these liners help maintain product integrity, making them essential for various industries, including agriculture, chemicals, and food production.
Reducing Product Loss and Damage
One of the most significant ways container liners save money is by minimizing product loss and damage during transport. When goods are exposed to moisture or contaminants, the risk of spoilage increases dramatically. For instance, agricultural products like grains or seeds can deteriorate if not properly protected. A high-quality Liner bag container acts as a moisture barrier, ensuring that products remain in optimal condition from the moment they are loaded until they reach their final destination.
Case Study: Agricultural Shipping
Consider a company that ships grains without using container liners. If even a small amount of moisture enters the container during transport, it can lead to significant losses due to spoilage or mold. By investing in quality container liners, the same company can protect its goods, ultimately saving thousands of dollars in lost revenue.
Lowering Cleaning and Maintenance Costs
Using container liners also reduces cleaning and maintenance expenses associated with shipping containers. Contaminants such as dust, dirt, and moisture can build up in containers over time, requiring costly cleaning efforts before the next load. With a liner in place, the container’s interior remains clean and dry, reducing the frequency of cleaning and prolonging the lifespan of the container itself.
Long-Term Savings on Container Lifespan
By protecting containers from the wear and tear associated with various cargo, container liners help extend the life of shipping containers. This means businesses can avoid the cost of premature replacements and maintenance, leading to additional savings.
Streamlining Loading and Unloading Processes
Container liners facilitate smoother loading and unloading operations. Since they are designed to fit the container precisely, they allow for easy access to the cargo, making the process quicker and more efficient. This reduction in handling time can significantly lower labor costs, especially in high-volume shipping operations.
Improving Operational Efficiency
When workers can load and unload cargo more quickly, it reduces the time containers spend in port or at distribution centers. This efficiency not only leads to cost savings but also improves overall operational performance, allowing businesses to handle more shipments in the same timeframe.
Enhancing Safety and Compliance
Safety is a crucial consideration in the shipping industry, and container liners can contribute to a safer working environment. By preventing spills and leaks, they help mitigate risks associated with transporting hazardous materials. This is particularly important for companies that deal with chemicals or other potentially dangerous substances.
Avoiding Regulatory Fines
Using container liners can also help businesses comply with industry regulations regarding safety and contamination. A company's reputation may suffer, substantial fines may result, and legal problems may arise from noncompliance. By investing in quality liners, businesses can avoid these costs and ensure they meet all necessary safety standards.
Customization Options for Specific Needs
Many container liners manufacturers offer customization options to meet specific business needs. Businesses can choose from various sizes, materials, and features, allowing them to optimize their packaging solutions. Custom liners can be tailored to protect specific types of cargo, further reducing the risk of damage and loss.
Increased Versatility in Applications
The versatility of container liners means that they can be used across multiple sectors, from food and agriculture to chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This adaptability allows companies to standardize their packaging solutions, reducing the complexity and cost associated with managing multiple types of packaging.
Environmental Benefits Leading to Cost Savings
Using container liners can also contribute to sustainability efforts, which can yield long-term cost savings. Many manufacturers produce eco-friendly liners made from recyclable materials, allowing companies to reduce their environmental footprint. Implementing sustainable practices can enhance a company's reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Reducing Waste Management Costs
By minimizing product loss and spoilage, container liners help reduce waste management costs associated with disposing of damaged goods. This reduction not only saves money but also contributes to a more sustainable business model.
The Importance of Quality in Container Liners
Investing in high-quality container liners is crucial for maximizing savings. While it may be tempting to choose cheaper options, low-quality liners may fail to provide the necessary protection, leading to increased losses and costs down the line. Working with reputable container liners manufacturers ensures that you receive durable, reliable products tailored to your needs.
Building Long-Term Relationships with Suppliers
Establishing relationships with trusted suppliers can also lead to better pricing and terms. As businesses build loyalty with their container liners supplier, they may benefit from bulk discounts or early access to new products, further enhancing cost savings.
Incorporating container liners into your shipping and storage operations is a smart investment that can yield significant long-term savings. By reducing product loss and damage, lowering cleaning and maintenance costs, streamlining loading processes, and enhancing safety, container liners offer a comprehensive solution for businesses across various industries. Collaborating with reputable container liners manufacturers and suppliers ensures that you select high-quality liners that meet your specific needs, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and profitability.
If you’re looking to maximize your savings and improve your operational efficiency, consider implementing container liners in your logistics strategy. The benefits are clear: by protecting your products, minimizing costs, and ensuring compliance, container liners are an essential component of a successful and sustainable business model.
FAQs About Container Liners
1. What are container liners?
Container liners are protective bags made from materials like polyethylene or polypropylene, designed to fit inside shipping containers. They safeguard cargo from moisture, contaminants, and physical damage.
2. What industries benefit from using container liners?
Container liners are widely used in agriculture, food production, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. They are ideal for packaging grains, powders, and bulk liquids.
3. How do container liners help reduce product loss?
By creating a moisture barrier, container liners prevent spoilage and contamination, ensuring that products remain intact and usable throughout transport.
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alpinefibcsblog · 6 months
FIBC Liners Bags
Alpine FIBC PVT.LTD. is a best manufacturer, exporters and suppliers of high quality FIBC Liners & Container FIBC Liners Bags in India, USA, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Canada, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Argentina, Chile, Poland. A bulk bag can be fitted with an inner bag, which we call a liner. This liner provides additional protective properties against air and water vapor migration and the effect of light. Alpine FIBC can manufacture liners in the following materials: LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, HDPE, PA, EVOH or aluminum. Loose, Glued, Tabbed, Stitched Liners, EVOH Liner, Baffle Liner, Aluminum, Foil liner, Conductive, Antistatic liner.
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tundrakatiebean · 2 years
Ok bright side of having to stay in the hotel: I really like their body wash so I’m gonna buy some to replace the one I have been using that just changed it’s formula (again) so that I don’t like it anymore
I have also realized how horrible this hotel is for people who are menstruating so I’m gonna write and email the company about it with my extra time today.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
berry sweet on your lips
TW: Period-typical homophobia, Some Internalized homophobia, Implied abuse (Steve's dad is a pos)
When Steve was seven, his Mama caught him in her makeup.
He was sitting up on the bathroom counter, sloppily drawn eyeliner over his eyelids and trying to apply bright cherry red lipstick to his lips without smearing. The application process required so much focus he hadn't realized when the front door opened downstairs, or when his mom called repeatedly for him to come down to dinner. He did hear the surprised little yelp from her though, and the sigh once she realized which eyeliner he'd accidentally broken.
"Honey, those aren't toys to play with." His Mama's voice was tight like she was barely containing her frustration at the lost products. Dad always made her upset, and Steve didn't want to add to it. So it didn't seem like a good time to correct her, that no, he wasn't trying to play. He'd seen how pretty makeup could make people, and he wanted it. He wanted to be pretty.
Instead, he sighed and nodded, hopping down from the counter. "Sorry, Mama."
"It's okay, baby, that stuff just isn't for kids to play with. C'mon, let's get you washed up and we can get some dinner."
It wasn't the last time he'd thought about makeup, though it took years until Steve found the courage to try again.
It happened when he was fourteen in Carol Perkins's basement. He, Tommy, and Carol spent most nights together anymore. The Perkins' always volunteered to babysit Steve when he was younger and his Mama started going on business trips with his dad, and they always let Tommy come over so he wouldn't be left out. That basement with its bright tie-dyed blankets scattered around and posters of every attractive celebrity you could imagine felt more like home than his own house.
Maybe that was why he felt so comfortable suggesting it in the first place.
"Ugh, I need more girl friends, honestly," Carol groaned, flopping back onto the pile of pillows and blankets she'd acquired.
"What now? We're not entertaining enough?" Tommy teased from where he and Steve were playing air hockey. Steve's knuckles were sure to bruise tomorrow from the speed with which they were knocking the puck at each other but they hadn't stopped laughing yet. "Need to go braid Tina's hair and talk about boys?"
"You're not boring," Carol clarified, "but it'd be nice to do someone's makeup and talk about boys every once in awhile. A girl needs some gossip."
Tommy laughed, so Steve laughed too because it seemed the right thing to do. But really...it didn't sound so bad, did it? So when the laughter died down, he spoke up. "You could put makeup on me, I don't care," Steve shrugged.
He did. He did care so much. Even the thought of it made his heart flutter, threatening to fly away at any second.
"Really?" Carol raise one eyebrow, sitting all the way up and twisting around to face him. "You'd let me put makeup on you? The whole thing, I don't do boring makeup."
"C'mon, man, don't let her do that to you," Tommy groaned, but Steve just shrugged again and abandoned the air hockey table, coming over to sit down on the floor with Carol.
"It washes off, right?" As if he hadn't known how easy it was to swipe off red lipstick, though it would always leave a deep tint to his lips like he'd been eating berries. "It can't hurt."
It at least made Carol happy, and seeing her smile as she rushed off to retrieve her makeup bag made Tommy's grumbles about ditching the game worth it.
And you know, it was fun. Carol was actually gentle, and seemed to know what she was doing. Steve had his eyes closed most of the time while she brushed powder and liner on them, as she swiped mascara on and tried to perfect whatever glamorous look she'd seen in her latest magazine. She did talk about boys too, all about which girl had crushes on each boy that they knew, and why Eric Thompson was the most crushed on boy in Hawkins Middle.
"Eric Thompson? Get a grip, Perkins, you can do so much better than him," Steve told her, laughing at her indignant shout.
"Seriously. The guy's a total meathead," Tommy called from where he was sprawled out across one of the couches, idly watching whatever movie the Perkins' decided to rent for the night.
"You're a total meathead," Carol shot back in return. "Not Stevie here, though. No, I think after I tell all the girls about what a good guy you are, you'll be the new king of Hawkins Middle."
"Screw Hawkins Middle, I better be king of Hawkins High for this," Steve laughed, only because he had no idea how to thank her for it. By the time he'd left the Perkins' house the next morning, the bright eyeshadow and tacky lip gloss had been washed away but the feeling of pure peace it had brought him persisted.
Steve hadn't dared try again, not until he was sixteen and saw a guy wearing nail polish. It was one of the Seniors, the one who wore all black and who the whole basketball team called The Freak. And maybe he was a freak, Steve didn't really ever have a reason to talk to him and find out, but the sight of the swath of black over his nails left Steve breathless.
"You taking photography this semester, Harrington?" The guy—something Munson, Steve thinks—asked when Steve hadn't stopped staring in the hallway.
"Huh?" Steve startled, looking down both sides of the hallway as if to check if any of his friends were seeing who he was talking to. "No?"
"Shame," Munson let out a little 'tsk' noise, the way Steve's dad always did when he was disappointed. "You could've taken a picture and made it last longer."
Oh, oh. Steve's face flushed red, and the second he saw a flash of another green and orange letterman he panicked. They would know, oh God they'd see him with The Freak and it would all be over, they would figure out that he wanted to paint his nails too and—
Steve wasn't proud of the words spoken after that. They lingered far after he'd said them, swirling in his head until it sounded a little more like his dad was repeating them over and over again, reminding Steve of just what kind of person he was to stay clear away from.
It was that guilt that finally convinced him to go to Melvald's, where the kind woman at the counter didn't question why he was buying the cheapest makeup products he could find. He didn't even know if any of it would look good together, he just knew he needed it. He needed a way to see himself like this before he messed up again where someone could see, where someone could figure him out.
And so began the careful ritual. Every night he'd rush home from practice, lock his bedroom door even though he knew his parents were away on another trip, and swipe the makeup over his eyes, cheeks, lips. He got better at it with every attempt, until the liner wasn't shaky and his lipstick didn't look like it had already been kissed off (and now, wasn't that a thought).
Except that was the trouble with secrets, wasn't it? They couldn't stay buried for long, not when Hawkins was so small and this felt so much larger than the town, than the state, than anything Steve had ever been apart of.
It was only a matter of time until his dad found out.
That night he'd been sloppy, unprepared for his parents to come home early. The light in the upstairs bathroom had gone out and instead of changing it he'd moved downstairs, where the lights had already been switched out to a cooler white that made it easier to see what colors he was painting his skin with.
Steve Harrington was pretty sure he would die that night, all over deep red lipstick and perfectly-drawn eyeliner.
He didn't know where he was running to, all he knew was that he couldn't stay in Loch Nora. He ran until he was near the edge of town, nothing but trees and the one road leading out surrounded him. Steve hadn't had his car keys on him, and there was no way he could go back for them without facing his dad's righteous anger. Steve let out a painful cry, finding nothing left to do but lay down on the pavement and stare at the stars. He was barely eighteen, no car, no money except whatever bills were stuffed in his pocket, no plan. Just himself and that damned red lipstick still lingering like berry-stained evidence on his lips.
He didn't move for anything. Not when the night grew chilly enough to freeze his joints and prick up goosebumps on his arms. Not when the rumble of an old car engine came roaring in the distance, or for the subsequent squeal of brakes and a loud horn.
"Shit, Harrington, I know you have air for a brain but what the fuck are you do—" The person cut themselves off, like from seeing the state of him. They'd probably hit him too, kick at him while he was down because why the fuck did he think he could get away with this shit in the middle of nowhere Indiana?
"Shit, Harrington," the voice hissed again, sounding as pained as Steve thought he should feel.
"Get on with it," Steve voiced, voice rough with tears and the violent yells his dad had hit out of him.
"Get on with what?"
Steve rolled his eyes, turning his head to meet Eddie Munson's gaze. He wondered if he still painted his nails. He wondered if it even mattered, because even Eddie Munson didn't do what Steve did. "I'm tired, man. If you're gonna get your revenge on me make it quick."
That startled Eddie, reminding Steve of just how expressive the guy was. It was almost humorous, the way his head reeled back and his eyes widened impossibly far.
"Get in the van, Harrington."
Right, if Eddie was gonna murder him he couldn't do it out in the open, not where anyone could be driving by.
So Steve picked himself up from the ground, not bothering to brush off his jeans before sliding into the passenger seat. They didn't talk the whole drive. No music played. They just sat in complete and total silence, punctuated only by the nervous taps of Eddie's hand on the steering wheel.
Eddie Munson must be stupider than he was. Most murderers wouldn't drive their victim to their own trailer before finishing the job. Though, Steve supposed all Eddie had to say was that he saw Steve Harrington wearing lipstick and it'd all be waved away. Upstanding citizen, that Eddie Munson was.
"Shower's back there, there's a first aid kit on the shelf," Eddie spoke, unable to stand still once they got inside the trailer.
And that, well that was just downright weird. Steve tilted his head to the side, eyeing the little hallway Eddie waved his hand at like it might jump at him. "What's happening?"
"What do you mean?" Eddie sounded tired, like he hadn't slept in weeks. Steve felt like he'd never slept at all, like he might never again.
"You...aren't you gonna...?"
"I mean, I could if you think you're gonna fall," Eddie said nervously, eyes also watching the hallway. "Just tryin' to protect your modesty, man."
"What?" Nothing was making sense, and Steve was beginning to wonder if maybe his head had hit the tile floor one too many times because this was supposed to be simple, cut and dry.
"Can you just go clean up, Harrington?"
"Because I hate seeing all that damn blood on you, okay?" Eddie snapped out, voice raising in pitch the more worked up he got. "I don't know what the hell happened, but I hate it."
"You're not...you're not gonna...?" Steve repeated, including a lackluster air punch.
That seemed to make everything click in place for Eddie. He sucked in a breath and both hands flew to the top of his head, scraping through his unruly curls. "Shit, you think? Nah, man, I'm not a piece of shit like whoever did that to you. C'mon."
Eddie started walking down the hallway, and honestly this all felt so vaguely dreamlike Steve couldn't do anything but follow, wordlessly sitting on the toilet lid where Eddie waved for him to be. The other man was knelt between his legs, wiping off his face with a wet washcloth. His touch was gentle, experienced as he wiped away the blood and set to work rubbing antibiotic onto each open cut.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Steve whispered out, eyes focused on the barest hint of eyeliner on Eddie's eyes. The other man clearly wasn't wearing it to be pretty though. No, this was drawn on with intentional haste, and made Eddie look so fucking badass that Steve didn't know what to do about it. "I sucked in school. I was awful to you."
Eddie's hands didn't stop, brown eyes focused on Steve's lips as he wiped at the split in the lower one. He could see the breath hitch in the other man's chest though, a quick collapse of Eddie's chest before his breath restarted at a normal rhythm. "You did suck, but that doesn't mean you deserve this."
Steve didn't say anything else, couldn't really. Not when the lump in his throat grew until he was sure he would never be able to breathe again, and the tears began to spill without inhibition. And Eddie, well Eddie let him. He just kept patching him up, never saying anything, never berating him or looking disgusted by the tears. He just sat with Steve while he let it out, eyes looking to Steve's every so often as if to check he was okay.
"I think something's wrong with me." The whisper sounded so loud in the tiny bathroom, echoing around and around and smacking into Steve's chest repeatedly.
"No." It was the first time Eddie seemed bothered by anything Steve said all night, fingers gripping tightly around the corner of the counter he was holding to keep himself steady. "There's nothing wrong with you."
Steve opened his mouth to say something, but Eddie cut him off. He looked Steve right in the eyes, a kind of fire lighting up in those dark brown eyes of his. "Steve Harrington, there is nothing wrong or broken or shameful about you. So you like to wear makeup, lots of guys do."
"I've never met anyone who does."
"Because you're in Bumfuck, Indiana," Eddie continued on, never sounding more passionate than he did now. It was intense, sure, but Steve had longed for someone, anyone, to say what Eddie was now. And of course it was the guy with the painted nails he'd been enraptured by years before. "Just you wait, pretty boy, there's a whole world out there with people like us."
Like us. Like us.
"C'mon, you need some sleep. We can figure out the details in the morning."
Eddie laughed a little, shattering the heavy moment with a burst of pure warmth. He stood up and offered a ringed hand out to help Steve up despite him not needing it. Eddie's hand was cold in his own, but it felt right there.
"Try to keep up, Harrington," he teased. "If you don't mind sharing a bed, you can stay here. Us freaks have to stick together, right?"
"I mean...your uncle won't...?"
"Nah, Wayne'll love pissin' Robert Harrington off," Eddie answered coolly, "And he's cool with...everything."
And despite Steve's skepticism, he was. Wayne Munson was pretty much the greatest support anyone could ever have. His face had flashed dangerously when Steve admitted what happened, saying the world had no place for men who hit their boys (Steve wondered only briefly why the topic seemed to pain Wayne so much). And living with Eddie Munson, well, it was great. The trailer was small and Eddie kicked in his sleep, but Eddie also smiled from the second he was awake and the no place had ever quite felt like home in the way the Munson trailer did.
And the next time Steve found the courage to sit and do his makeup, it came with bright smiles instead of that old, lingering fear.
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h3artstain · 2 years
A list of (realistic) things you can do to be more environmentally friendly
(from an earth-loving horticulture student.)
Use bar soap instead of soap bottles
Use old toothbrushes for cleaning surfaces
Try exploring and researching some homemade face/body/lip products
Use ice sleeves, sunglasses, and caps instead of sunscreen (Edit: I’ve seen people say that it is safer and even necessary to wear sunscreen at all times so try to use eco friendly sunscreen instead! In my country it’s pretty uncommon to wear sunscreen often as we usually wear ice sleeves which is why I did not know this oof)
Use coffee grinds or homemade tumeric masks instead of cosmetic products with exfoliator beads
Invest in a metal ear cleanser instead of cotton buds
Try placing more importance on skincare instead of contributing to exploitative beauty companies by buying makeup
Use cosmetic products that do not contain palm oil
Try as much as possible to rewear your outfits at least twice before washing them
Actually WEAR your clothes! I know some of y’all just wear them once for your Instagram post and let it rot in your closet forever. Stop doing that!
Thrift, stitch up holes in your clothes, and use second hand clothing instead of supporting fast fashion companies like SHEIN, H&M, Zara, etc.
Cut up your old clothing into yarn and do macramè with it
Cut patches of old clothing to turn into reusable cotton pads
Learn how to knit, crochet or stitch your clothes!
If you use tampons, try menstrual cups or discs instead. If you use pads, try reusable pads or period underwear. (Trust me, it works). Also, use reusable panty liners instead of disposable ones. They may seem expensive but you will end up saving a lot more in the long run
Plant seeds/cuttings in your old bottles, jars, and containers
Propagate your plants and exchange cuttings with your friends instead of buying new plants
Make your own soil mixes instead of buying soil mixes
Better yet, don’t use soil for your indoor plants and try getting into hydroponics or semihydroponics instead. This saves so much water and doesn’t contribute to mining of soil
Fertilise plants with fruit peels, coffee grinds, and tea leaves. (DO NOT use chemical fertiliser on soil)
Plant more legume plants in your garden instead of using nitrogen fertilisers. (Look up the nitrogen cycle if you need an explanation on this)
Avoid pesticides unless really needed. Try sprinkling cinnamon powder on soil or spraying neem oil on plants and soil to keep away pests.
If you have a lawn, try looking into rain gardens and consider making one
Let the (non invasive) weeds in your lawn/garden grow! They are there for a reason!
Stop killing earthworms and millipedes in your garden. This also applies to snails native to your region. They are there for a reason.
Water used to wash fruits and rice can be used to water plants
Use the caps of jars as soap holders
Use recycled paper/notebooks
Wash and dry your glass/plastic items before throwing them in the recycling bin
Keep any plastic bags for future use
Use eco friendly or reusable dish sponges
Use reusable straws and cups
Invest in a fabric cup holder
Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go
Drink more water and less sugary drinks
Bring reusable bags for buying groceries instead of using plastic ones
Always keep a folded up tote/shopping bag with you in case you spontaneously decide to buy something
Set a timer on your air conditioning instead of letting it run throughout the night
Better yet, use a fan instead of an air conditioner
Open your windows! Aerate your home!
Allow natural light to enter your home during the daytime, so as to avoid turning on your lights
Switch to LED lightbulbs instead of regular lightbulbs
Turn off any switches in your house when they are not in use
Collect the water from your air conditioner/dehumidifier condenser and use that to water plants, clean surfaces, steam ironing, and flushing toilets. Do not drink it though!
Delete your all of your unwanted emails
Delete your inactive social media accounts
Try not to post excessively on social media and stop scrolling excessively too. This not only reduces energy usage but also improves your mental health and productivity
Try to keep to one social media app instead of having so many
Reduce your internet usage
Save your eBooks on a thumbdrive instead of on cloud
Use Ecosia instead of Google
Stop being influenced by social media trends that only just contribute to consumerism
Download music instead of streaming
Reduce online shopping
Reduce intake of processed foods
Reduce intake of fish, beef, and dairy
Try eating vegan or vegetarian foods at least once or twice a week
Cook your own meals instead of eating out
Bring your own food containers when taking away food from stores
Beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap!
Buy loose-leaf tea or plastic free tea bags instead of regular tea bags
Eat more mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits and drink more water
Support local farmers
And finally, educate yourself more about ecology and the environment!
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Bag Of Bags
Weiss: Yang.
Yang: Yeah?
Weiss: Why do you have a bag full of other bags under your sink?
Yang: Oh, that's the bag of bags.
Weiss: You didn't answer my question.
Yang: It's there if you ever need a bag.
Weiss: Why in the world would you ever need a bunch of random plastic bags?
Yang: You can use 'em to carry your leftovers, as a liner for your bathroom trashcans, or to winterize your boots if they have a hole.
Weiss: ...Okay... Well, what is the purpose of all the empty whipped cream and butter containers in this cabinet.
Yang: You mean the Tupperware?
Weiss: ...
This has been a midwestern heritage post.
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goldennikko · 2 years
summary : everyone has their own soulmate phenomenon, but you have one of the rarest: whenever you lose an item, it somehow ends up in the possession of your soulmate.
pairing : yunjin x (g)i-dle!reader
tags : f!reader ; soulmate!au ; idol!au ; swearing ; reader is a '99 liner ; yunjin is lowkey a simp
requested: ✘
word count : 2.5k
parts : 【 pt. 1 】 【 pt. 2 】
Tumblr media
it's common for people to lose their belongings. it's either because they're extremely clumsy or forgetful, or because of the soulmate phenomenon, in which you lose your stuff and they end up in the possession of your soulmate. the phenomenon began earlier this year, at least in your case, and this is the fourth time you've exchanged items with your soulmate, the identity of whom you discovered through your members.
how? well, let's recap.
first, pen and paintbrush.
when it first happened, you assumed it was nothing out of the ordinary. the first thing you lost was a pen. of course, you'd think it was a common occurrence. everyone lost a pen at some point in their lives. the only strange thing was that you discovered a paintbrush in your bag where you normally keep your pen.
you looked around the van, noting that everyone was sleeping except the manager, who was driving, and soyeon, who was in the front seat.
"unnie, oppa, has anyone touched my bag?" you queried, keeping your voice light so as to not disturb the other girls. soyeon looked at you, puzzled, while the manager shook his head.
"you hate having your stuff touched." he observed, fully aware.
"is there something missing?" soyeon asked, ready to throw hands if ever.
you rummaged through your bag for the last time. "no, actually, yes. it's just a pen, anyway. but i have a paintbrush and don't remember bringing one with me, and i know i'm artistic, but it's with words rather than painting and drawing." you showed them the aforementioned paint brush.
"it must be the soulmate phenomenon."
you and soyeon looked at the manager as if he had two heads, causing him to be concerned with how quickly you turned your heads at the same time, almost as if willingly breaking your necks.
"there's a phenomenon like that?" you inquired, your tone skeptical, and soyeon's expression mirroring it.
he nodded. "it's rare, but it exists. really odd, too. when you lose an item, it ends up in the hands of your soulmate. you would lose your possession, but gain items that were never yours to begin with."
you exchanged a puzzled look with soyeon before shifting your gaze to the paintbrush in your hand, wondering who your soulmate might be. although not everyone is gifted with their hands, there are far too many people who can paint and draw, and the world is far too large.
meanwhile, your soulmate is staring at the lone golden pen in her collection of paintbrushes. she was curious about how it got there and unintentionally spaced out. when her short-haired leader poked her head around the doorframe, she snapped out of it.
"everything okay?"
your soulmate nodded. "yeah, i'll be there in a second."
she left, casting one last glance at the golden pen before pulling out her phone to call her parents and inquire about something she remembered them telling her.
second, a random book borrowed from the library and a notebook containing french lessons.
your day started out really well because you were planning to return the book you borrowed from the library near your house, but instead found a notebook on the table. despite being annoyed that you now have to explain to the librarian that you unknowingly and unintentionally lost the book, you picked up the notebook and scanned the content. your brows raised, impressed and shocked by the french lessons written in it. you couldn't speak french, but you knew a few words and phrases.
pardon, excusez-moi. (pardon, excuse me.)
parlez-vous anglais? (do you speak english?)
je ne parle pas français. (i do not speak french.)
je ne comprends pas. (i do not understand.)
"that's some fine penmanship." you whispered to yourself.
with a defeated sigh, you went to the library, waving goodbye to yuqi and shuhua and promising to bring back food. when you arrived, you explained your situation, and the librarian almost gave you an earful, but she saw how guilty and irritated you were, so she let it slide and instead made you promise to return it once you met your soulmate.
"i'm really sorry. i'll bring it back, i swear." you bowed deeply.
"you better, child. now, go, i believe you're in a hurry. you have a schedule?"
you smiled apologetically. "if bringing food back to yuqi and shuhua is considered a schedule, then yes."
with that, the librarian ushered you out of the library. 
your soulmate, on the other hand, was in a state of panic. clutching the random book that had appeared on her table in one hand, she stormed around her room in search of her notebook but knowing her efforts would be futile.
"shit, shit, shit, shit."
when the oldest member of the group, who was passing by, heard her muttering curses, she peeked inside the room while knocking on the door to announce her presence. she spun around, a frustrated expression on her face.
"unnie, have you seen my notebook?"
"no? why? it's not here?"
your soulmate's shoulders sagged, showing her the book. "no, it has to be with my soulmate."
heads popped out from around the door frame. "soulmate?!"
third, a scarf and a brown beanie.
this time, you gained something other than the item your soulmate owns.
"you're not wearing your favorite scarf?" miyeon inquired, her gaze drawn to the white scarf wrapped around your neck. she recalls you saying you'd wear your favorite scarf that soojin had given you, but instead you had a white scarf around your neck and your gloved hand clutched a brown beanie she'd never seen before.
"yeah, well, my soulmate has it." you grumbled. the disappointment and panic you felt when you discovered the scarf was missing sent you into a tailspin. minnie found you panicking and immediately calmed you down because she knew how important that item was to you.
"don't let shuhua hear that." yuqi passed by with a cackle, nudging you.
"shut it." you hissed, but only received another cackle from the chinese and a pat on the head from miyeon. you wore the brown beanie that your soulmate most likely owns while trailing minnie, who had ushered you two outside.
later that day, just after your schedule ended, the group was waiting for food, bored out of their minds and tired from work for the day, but the sound of a unique ringtone echoing through the living room had your members crowding around you. you answered the call, ignoring the chaos that your members had created all around you.
"soojin unnie!"
a chuckle was heard from the other end of the line, clearly amused by everyone shouting her name. "calm down, it's just me."
you exchanged pleasantries, almost tearing up at soojin's check-ins and reassurances. you noticed shuhua wiping her eyes discreetly, so you drew her into a side hug, the maknae leaning her head on your shoulders. yuqi attempted to lighten the atmosphere and was successful on her first attempt. however, that was quickly broken when soojin asked you a question that had shuhua looking at you with accusatory eyes.
"did you just lose my scarf, y/n/n?"
"you lost it?!"
you raised your hands in defeat and proceeded to explain what had been going on for months to soojin while shuhua scolded you, causing minnie and yuqi to cackle in the background. miyeon and soyeon attempted to reduce casualties, but gave up and simply watched the chaos unfold in front of them.
"i'm sorry, it just disappeared!" you argued back to shuhua.
soojin giggled. "i'm not mad, i knew something was up."
everyone, including shuhua, stopped talking and exchanged a puzzled look. "how did you know?" soyeon asked.
"you know le sserafim, right?" soojin started.
"yeah?" you answered in unison, urging soojin to continue.
"well, one of the members was wearing the scarf during a live, but i'm not sure who."
soojin was only half way through her sentence when yuqi already found a clip on twitter. when she played the video, your gaze was drawn to the blonde, who had the scarf draped over her shoulders. you froze for a moment, admiring the girl's cuteness when she scrunched her nose at whatever it was that eunchae said and already enjoying the sound of her laugh in her ears.
huh yunjin.
"y/n is in love~" minnie sang, noticing your frozen figure.
you sank back into the pillows, muttering angrily. "am not."
"you sure are~" the members sang, including soojin over the phone.
after discovering that your soulmate was huh yunjin from le sserafim, you were relieved but worried at the same time. despite the girls' encouragement, you didn't approach her because you were afraid she wouldn't like you. fortunately, the group was so preoccupied with the award show and year-end performances that they couldn't push you any further, but it didn't slip your mind.
this leads us to the fourth item, your microphone and her phone.
yuqi turned her head at the sound of your cursing, amused at first because she was sure the camera had caught it, but worried when she saw you on the verge of yanking your hair. your manager stood in front of you, ready to prevent you from messing up your hair. she approached you, one hand resting on your shoulder to relieve your frustration, and you turned to face her with furrowed brows.
"what's wrong?" the chinese asked, her voice quiet.
"did you see my mic?"
shaking her head in response and already knowing where this was going, yuqi picked up the strange phone next to yours, and it was only then that you noticed the familiar keychain attached to it. so that's what i lost last month, you thought. the chinese grinned at the lock screen photo and turned the screen to you. you paused, your face flushed red, as you looked at the photo of yourself from the 'nxde' music video.
you cleared your throat and ignored her in order to speak with the manager, cursing as the girls crowded around her. "it appears that my soulmate has my mic."
"do you want me to get it for you?" he asked.
you opened your mouth but quickly closed it to think. your meeting with your soulmate was long overdue, and you couldn't really avoid her forever. seeing her set you as her lock screen makes you think she might like you after all. everyone else does think that, except your stubborn ass. furthermore, you'd keep losing your belongings, which would be a major inconvenience for the two of you.
while you were preoccupied with your internal conflict, the le sserafim girls crowded around yunjin, staring at the microphone in her hand. your microphone was customized, so no other idol had the same design as yours. it wasn't the average black one. even if you misplaced it, you'd be able to locate it quickly.
"shit! this is y/n sunbaenim's mic!" yunjin panicked.
the girls panicked and squealed, unsure of what to do. yunjin looked around, trying to figure out what she had lost, and panicked even more when she found her phone missing.
"my phone!" yunjin yelled in realization, causing everyone to jump in surprise. "my phone's missing!"
"sunbaenim has it for sure." eunchae reassured, but yunjin shook her head.
"that's the problem! she's my lockscreen!"
they couldn't think about it any longer when they heard a knock on the door. the room fell silent as the staff turned to look at the girls, particularly yunjin.
the american hesitated at first, but with a push from chaewon, she made her way to the door. she came to a halt in front of it, fingers curled around the doorknob, and turned to face her members, who gave her encouraging looks. yunjin took a deep breath, pushing down the gay that was about to erupt from her throat, and then opened the door.
you were standing there, dressed for your stage performance. when her gaze met yours, you flushed profusely, and her face did the same. your manager was nearby, filming you two, but you were both too caught up in your own world to notice. 
yunjin couldn't believe you were standing right in front of her, just an arm's length away. you were slightly shorter than she was. you'd gone blonde for the sake of your latest comeback, and she swooned the first time she saw you, and she's melting all over again now that she's seeing it up close.
you were admiring her as well. she towered over you, her pink face revealing that she, too, is shy. her blonde hair fell over her shoulders, framing her face, and you couldn't help but think she looked stunning in that black dress. you opened your mouth to speak, but she spoke first.
"you look amazing." yunjin blurted out, switching to english out of habit, and the american cringed when she realized.
you both turned even redder, the people around you either grinning or facepalming at yunjin's painfully obvious admiration for you. you cleared your throat as you noticed your members approaching behind your manager. they were beaming because they had heard yunjin's remark. you returned your gaze to the taller girl, who turned to her members for assistance, but they shook their heads in amusement, before she turned to face you with a shy smile.
"thank you. you do, too." you smiled genuinely and yunjin didn't know how to keep the gay down. "i believe you have something that i own."
you both looked down at the microphone in her hand, and she rushed to hand it to you, nearly hitting you and causing yunjin to curse herself. you took it, your fingers brushing against hers, and handed her her phone, chuckling at her flustered state. yunjin blushed at the brief skin contact before returning her attention to your face.
"it's nice to meet you, yunjin-ssi." you bowed, causing yunjin to frantically shake her hands to stop you and return the bow.
"it's nice to meet you, too, sunbaenim." yunjin replied, smiling widely despite her embarrassment. "please take care of me."
you smiled. "i will."
a crew member appeared and announced that le sserafim will be on in fifteen minutes. you noticed yunjin's shoulders sagged, sad that this would have to end soon, so you reached for the american's hand. she looked at you as you leaned up against her ears.
"good luck, ace it."
with that, you quickly walked away, not giving her time to respond. she couldn't anyway. when you grabbed her hand, she stopped functioning. she watched as you walked away with your members and manager, all of whom were teasing you. chaewon tapped her on the shoulder, and yunjin returned to reality. she saw the teasing glint in her members' eyes and knew she'd be subjected to the same teasing.
yunjin looked at you one last time, and you were already looking at her, a promise in your eyes that you'd talk later, and she couldn't wait. she was both excited and nervous about the fact that you, her soulmate, would be watching from backstage.
that night, yunjin nailed her habanera opera solo and group performance, just as you had instructed. she can only hope that you were impressed.
if she only knew how you reacted backstage.
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parts : 【 pt. 1 】 【 pt. 2 】
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vivi-designs · 7 months
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LIZZIE HEARTS content description below
Teacup, pencils, pen, gloves, wallet with a pic of kitty’s eye, sewing kit, lollipops, card with her mom on it. A perfume holder with 4 scents, “7:30”, “Loose change” “lick” and “Starshaped” what do you think they smell like ????? Idk. The clam’s pearls are lotion. A croquet ball. The colorful book is for school work. The red book is for fashion designs. The two pens next to it are what she uses to write they’re from wonderland. With a small clay ink container(not from wonderland.) Vodka shaped like an atomically correct heart. On the far left are cards her mother made for her with pieces of advice and the one on the top says “it is better to be gloved than bearded and better to be feareded than loved.” Which is cannon from “a wonderland world.”
Makeup: the two gold vials are lip stains in dark red and dark burgundy. We have a black mascara with a rabbit on it. And a dark brown lip liner with the Cheshire Cat ontop. A maroon blush with a clock with mushrooms and a bunny on it. Her brushes are chess pieces. And her comb is made out of bone and is a heart, her eyeshadow and foundation are basically like paint. With names like rubber duck, old tooth, fresh paint, scab, cirrus, storm, oz, royal tears, tea bag, tranquil, lavender dust, hamster holiday, berry, gem, feline, pig kiss, blushy widow. All makeup is custom made for Lizzie, she made the pallet herself though.
Her phone with a white rabbit sticker, strawberry, grey gloves, star, lips, lady bug, heart, a paper that says “home is not what you miss but the people there.” And a red bow with a gold chain.
This genuinely took 12 hours to draw and then I went to bed at 4 am and woke up at 4 pm…. PLEASE enjoy this has been my life for 24 hours.
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puddingyun · 9 months
dolly . ݁₊ ⊹ j.yh
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country boy turned rockstar!yun x reader
: drabble, petnames (bunny, doll, baby), fluff, suggestive :
wonder if anyone can tell what inspired this one... my first fic, so feedback much appreciated! requests are open ♡
The taste of peppermint lingered on your lips, a reminder of the hard candy that Yunho had bought you while he'd been away. It was a small gift after his being gone for four days to perform his songs, but the little plastic bag had been tied with a pretty pink bow, and he'd placed the first piece of it between your lips himself, fingertip touching your tongue for a moment and leaving behind the taste of sweat and guitar strings.
"Next time you can come with me, bunny," he told you excitedly, one hand holding your chin while the other gently wiped your makeup from your eyes. In between his careful swipes at your liner and mascara, you caught glimpses of his expression. Even in the glow of the bathroom lights his eyes seemed to reflect the crowds he'd seen out in the big city, their cheers and screams audible just from the giddy look on your boyfriend's face. "I saw this dress in a store out in the city, it'd look perfect on you. I want you to be there when I buy it for you."
You smiled, reaching out to stroke Yunho's cheek with your thumb.
"You don't need to do all that, Yun. I'm happy just to be with you," you whispered. You'd been seeing less and less of him nowadays, and even though it was fun to tag along when he'd give you the chance, you missed the days when you could laze around in bed with him, take spontaneous trips to the theatre and drink Pepsi while watching the sun set from his bedroom window. Yunho set aside the towel he'd been using to clean your face and leaned in to press a ghost of a kiss to your lips, just like butterfly wings brushing against your skin.
"You're my best girl, you know that?" he asked, leaning his forehead against yours and nudging the tip of his nose against yours. "I don't know how long this is gonna last, how long it'll take until they're tired of hearing my voice"-
"They won't ever get tired of it!" you interjected, which made Yunho laugh and blush all the way to the tips of his ears.
-"but I want you along with me while I'm out there. There's so much to see outside this town, baby, I want you to see all of it too," he insisted, sincere. He took his hands in yours and squeezed them gently as he kissed you again. "You won't want for nothing ever again, doll. I'm gonna give you everything you could dream of."
You struggled to contain a giggle as your lips met again, the kiss longer and deeper and tasting just as much of peppermint as it did of Yunho's toothpaste. Your hand pressed to the back of his neck, fingers curling into his locks and tugging lightly to bring him closer to you.
"You're everythin' I dream of," you whispered to him, which made him groan softly. His hands travelled up your satin babydoll nightgown, the rings on his fingers (all evidence of his newfound success) catching on your skin and making you gasp. His lips trailed kisses up to your ear, where he paused to whisper to you:
"Let me give you everything then, baby."
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iovetecchou · 2 years
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Part 13.
Oblivious Masterlist!
Pairings... Tecchou Suehiro x Reader x Jouno Saigiku
Contains... dom!jouno, sub!reader, sub!tecchou, smut. ruined orgasm, rough sex, handjobs, face sitting, oral (f), handcuffs, cumshot, fingering (f), spanking, dirty talk, messy kissing, cumswapping, praise, fluff!, sharing a bath, bathing one another, washing each others hair, teasing tecchou
AFAB Reader she/they pronouns used.
4,556 words.
the sillies, here they are! hope you guys enjoy this chapter (:
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“One… two… three… four…”
It was a Saturday, which meant all three of you were off. Jouno was baking away in the kitchen while you ‘helped’ Tecchou with his muscle training. You were laying beneath him as he did push-ups. Each time he retracted downward, he would place a kiss atop your lips.
“Five… six… seven… eight…”
You were giggling in between your counts. Tecchou would smile down at you as he pushed back up, giving you a small wink before he met your lips once more on his way down. “Darlings, would you both like to come over here and help me?” Jouno’s voice popped you and Tecchou out of your little bubble. Tecchou instantly rose from where he was previously hovering over you, he grasped your hands, pulling you up to stand alongside him. “Of course Sai! We’ll be right there!” You excitedly exclaimed, prancing over to the kitchen with Tecchou’s hand interlocked with your own.
Jouno was clad in his little apron that you so graciously picked out for him. It was a pretty baby pink with a tiny image of a kitten printed out on the front. But, Jouno didn’t have to know that. “Hiro, don’t make a fucking mess. Here, I already filled this piping bag for you. Just… watch where you aim.” You giggled at that last part of Jouno’s sentence as you now stood in front of the light-haired man. You placed a quick kiss on his lips as he handed you your piping bag. “This one is for you, my princess. As for you, be as messy as you’d like.” Jouno whipped his head over in Tecchou’s direction as he smirked up at the man. Tecchou scoffed before he exclaimed, “Hey, that’s favoritism.” Tecchou pouted, puffing up his cheeks as he began to tie up his unruly hair. Jouno and yourself simply chuckled at the cute man before you. Jouno gave you one last kiss before he made his way over to Tecchou. “Oh, shut up.” Jouno quipped out as he leaned in towards the other man. He placed a chaste kiss atop Tecchou’s own lips. Causing the dark-haired man to blush furiously. You giggled even further at his precious reaction before you made your way to stand beside Tecchou as well. “You’re so adorable Hiro, now come on! Let's decorate our asses off!” You exclaimed, raising up to the tips of your toes to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
As you began decorating, you noticed that Jouno wasn’t paying attention. His back was turned towards both you and Tecchou, as he continued to fill the last back of the cupcake liners. You rose up to your feet once more, whispering in Tecchou’s ear. “Hiro, do the thing, hurry!” You quietly giggled out, ushering Tecchou to turn around so he would get the hint. The dark-haired man was confused at first, but when you tilted your head in Jouno’s direction he caught on to what you were suggesting. “Hey, what are you two whispering about- Ah! Suehiro… You’re fucking dead!” Tecchou harshly slapped the other man's ass. Making Jouno jolt forward from the curt and sudden impact. In an instant, Jouno whipped around. Grasping Tecchou’s throat tightly. Shoving him back into the kitchen counter. “I've told you both countless times to cut that shit out, but I think I’ve had enough. Both of you go to the bedroom. Now.” Your blood ran cold from his icy tone. “But I didn’t-“ You babbled out, but Jouno cut you off in an instant. “Oh no, I overheard your whispers. You can’t really think I’m that stupid, y/n.” You closed your mouth instantly. Looking down at your feet now from Jouno’s harsh tone. Tecchou just struggled beneath Jouno’s grasp, slowly pushing against the other man so he would let up.
“Go, mutts. Now.”
Jouno finally released his grasp against Tecchou’s neck. Ushering you both to head to the bedroom. You and Tecchou shared a knowing look as you descend the hallway. You could feel Jouno’s intimidating presence from behind you. Your stomach did a flip as you imagined all the worst forms of punishment imaginable. As you got to the bedroom, Jouno shoved the both of you back against the bed. Both you and Tecchou landed face-first atop the duvet with a light thud. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood tonight.” Jouno resounded as he brought his hands up to Tecchou’s hips. He slowly pulled the other man's pants and boxers down all the way before he moved over to you. He quickly did the same, pulling your skirt and panties down in one harsh tug. Jouno brought each of his hands up to caress both yours and Tecchou’s ass cheeks. “Sai what are you- Ahn—!” Jouno landed a harsh slap against his counterpart's ass. Your breath hitched at the sound, you knew you were next. Jouno chuckled wickedly at your body’s physical reaction landing a harsh smack against your own ass. “Ah! Saigiku…” You whimpered out as Jouno soothed over both of your sore bottoms. “Doesn’t feel good, does it? Suehiro, get undressed and lie flat on your back, now. As for you my bad, bad, girl… I have something else in mind.”
Tecchou did as he was asked. He pulled his hoodie over his head, before laying flat against the bed. Jouno stood up and walked over to his night table. He began rummaging through it. You were watching his every move, and he could sense it. “Suehiro, Y/n, close your eyes.” You both did as you were instructed, not wanting to piss off Jouno any further. You continued to hear him rustling around. Before you knew it, you felt the bed dip and the faint jangling of metal. “Sai, what are you-?” You heard Tecchou speak up from behind you, and you quickly whipped your head back. Closed lids be damned. Jouno was now bare as well and he was handcuffing Tecchou to the headboard. “I told you to keep your eyes closed, princess. You’re a very bad girl. Come over here.” Jouno ushered you over to where he and Tecchou rested atop the bed. “Come, ride Tecchou’s face for me, understood?” Your eyes widened at his proposition, clenching around nothing at the thought. Jouno snickered aloud at your body's physical reaction before he spoke up once more.
“I won’t tell you a second time, princess.”
You hastily climbed yourself up over Tecchou’s body, your thighs now resting on either side of his face. Tecchou hungrily gazed up at you as your pussy hovered over his awaiting mouth. He licked his lips in anticipation, making your core pool with arousal. “Well? Do proceed.” Jouno voiced out, slowly crawling himself down between Tecchou’s thighs. Your back was faced to Jouno as you lowered yourself down completely on Tecchou’s face. Tecchou wasted no time lapping at your clit fiercely. Causing you to whine out. The second you felt Tecchou moan into your pussy, you whipped your head back. Jouno was teasingly stroking the other man's cock now with his deft digits. You were straining yourself, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the sight of your two boyfriends being intimate with one another like this. “Eyes forward, Y/n,” Jouno ordered out offering you one last smirk before you whipped your head back in Tecchou’s direction. “Watch Hiro’s face as I tease his cock. Oh, and princess, if you cum you will be reprimanded. Understood?”
Tecchou was moaning into your pussy now as Jouno began to pick up his pace against the other man's cock. You couldn't help your own whine that slipped past your lips as the wonderful way Tecchou was ravishing your needy pussy. Tecchou’s eyes were closed, eyebrows scrunched up in pleasure as his hips began to lift off the bed to meet Jouno’s strokes. You could feel your release bubbling up, and you knew it would only be trouble if you came so soon. “Princess, are you getting close?” Jouno cooed out. His unwavering pace against Tecchou’s cock began to make the most obscene sounds. Your head was so fuzzy from the overwhelming onslaught of pleasure. Seeing and hearing Jouno and Tecchou interact sexually like this made something stir within you. “Yes- I’m c-close!” You exclaimed, slowly rocking your hips back and forth against Tecchou’s mouth as he hungrily sucked at your clit now. Your eyes rolled back into your skull as another sinful moan slipped passed Tecchous lips. Delivering the most delicious vibrations against your throbbing bud. “Stop. Get off Hiro, now.” Jouno barked out. Snapping you out of your pleasurable state in an instant.
You did what he asked of you, lifting yourself off of Tecchou’s face and moving beside him atop the bed. Jouno continued stroking Tecchou’s cock, his pace was brutal now as the other man continued to lift his hips off the bed to fuck up into Jouno’s fist. “Suehiro, are you going to cum?” Jouno chuckled, smirking darkly in both of your directions. You knew he meant trouble. “Yes… feels so fucking good, Sai. I'm gonna cum…” Tecchou grunted out. He was tugging at his restraints fiercely now as his whole body jolted from the pleasure. In an instant, Jouno halted in his movements against Tecchou’s aching dick. “Well… that’s too bad. Princess, get on your hands and knees for me.” You watched Jouno intently as he crawled his way up over Tecchou’s body. The two men were now face to face as Tecchou continued to harshly pant out. “Sai… please…” Tecchou pleaded, his breath fanned over the light-haired man's lips. Jouno wickedly chuckled into Tecchou’s face. “What do you not understand about the phrase ‘punishment’? Now, just keep your fucking mouth shut. I want a taste of our darling girlfriend. Care to share?” Before either you or Tecchou could process it, Jouno’s lips were against his. Tecchou gasped out from the sudden affection, allowing Jouno to slip his tongue past his parted lips. You clenched around nothing watching your two boyfriends make out in front of you. You slowly rose up to your hands and knees as your gaze never once left the sight of the two of them sharing an intimate moment together. Tecchou’s cock was twitching furiously as he continued to tug at his restraints. Jouno lapped at the inside of his mouth furiously, groaning to himself at the wonderful taste of your arousal swirling around on his and Tecchou's tastebuds.
A few moments later, Jouno pulled back from Tecchou’s lips. A small string of saliva connected their parted lips as Tecchou gazed up at Jouno with hearts in his eyes. “I'll never get sick of your divine taste, y/n. Wouldn’t you agree, Suehiro?” Jouno groaned out, slowly lifting himself off of the other man, moving all of his attention back to you. “Yes… theirs and your taste, Saigiku.” Tecchou panted out, causing the light-haired man to flush slightly. He clicked his tongue as he found his way behind you. You were propped up on your hands and knees beside Tecchou as you felt Jouno’s hands begin to caress your backside. “If you’re going to act like a mutt, then I’m going to fuck you like one. Oh and Suehiro? You’ll just watch like the lowly insect you are.” You gasped as Jouno lined himself up to your drooling cunt. He roughly pushed himself past the tight ring of your pussy. Drilling himself inside your welcoming heat inch by inch. He groaned out as he buried himself to the hilt inside of you. You whined out at the feeling of being so full. It didn’t matter how many times he's been inside of you by now, it felt extraordinary every single time.
Tecchou couldn’t do anything but watch both your and Jouno's blissed-out expressions. He tugged against the restraints even harsher now. His cock was bobbing up against his lower abs. His tip was an angry red as his thick pre cum continued to bubble out of his slit. “Mmn… they feel so fucking good, Hiro. I bet you wish you were the one buried balls deep inside of our dear y/n right now, don’t you?” Jouno chuckled wickedly as he pulled his hips back, wasting no time ramming his dick back into your needy cunt in a rough manner. You cried out as the tip of his cock prodded your sweet spot. “Yes… I do… Saigiku, please!” Tecchou whined out, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth now as he continued to watch his two loves fuck right in front of him. Jouno was fucking into you at an unwavering pace now. He brought his hands down to grasp your throat. Pulling you up so your back was flush against his chest. “Ah- Saigiku…!” You wailed out, bringing your hands up to tug on Jouno’s hand that was now adorning your throat.
“Princess, same question. Do you wish Tecchou was included in our fun?” His breath was fanning over the shell of your ear now, causing you to shudder. You clenched around him fiercely at the thought, and Jouno couldn't control the crooked laugh that escaped past his lips. “I'll take that as a yes, princess.” You were whining and drooling at this point as Jouno continued to fuck up into you relentlessly. You could hardly breathe with the grip he had on your throat as you just watched Tecchou’s face scrunch up in frustration. “Do you both want to cum?” Jouno questioned. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air as Jouno continued to ruin your pussy. You could feel Jouno twitching from deep within you, you knew his orgasm was approaching as well.
“Sai, please!”
“Well, that's too bad.”
Before you could process it, Jouno had pulled out of your needy hole. He flipped you over to lie on your back beside Tecchou. Jouno rose from the bed, towering over the both of you as he furiously began to jerk his cock. “Bad dogs don’t deserve rewards,” Jouno exclaimed with the most shit-eating grin painting over his whole face. He was moaning out deliciously as his first ropes of cum shot out of his slit. His release landed on your lower tummy, as well as Tecchou’s thick thighs. Both you and the dark-haired man just watched as your counterpart continued to stroke himself above you. Your pussy ached, you needed to cum so badly and from the way Tecchou’s cock continued to twitch and bob up against his lean tummy, you knew he felt the same way.
As Jouno came down from his high he lowered himself back down against the bed. Resting on his knees as he panted furiously. “Baby please, Hiro and I are so sorry. Just let us cum, please!” You pleaded, sitting up so you were now directly in front of a smug Jouno. You cupped his face, gently stroking his cheeks as you awaited a response. “Sai… please we're sorry, we won’t do it ever again,” Tecchou grunted out as he tugged on his restraints once more. His wrists were a deep shade of red by now from all the harsh pulling against the rough metal. Jouno let out a long drawn-out sigh as his features softened. He loved you both too much to leave you high and dry. But he has to admit, it was fun hearing and feeling the both of you squirm. Jouno gently pushed you back against the bed beside Tecchou. His hands traveled down the expanse of your tummy, scooping up some of his abandoned cum before he moved lower. His other hand mirrored the other, moving up the expanse of Tecchou’s muscular thigh. Coating his deft digits in his spilled seed that still resided there before his hand came up to grasp the other man's cock.
“You’re lucky I love you both.”
With that, Jouno plunged two of his cum coated digits into your needy cunt. His other hand began stoking Tecchou’s cock with his filth-covered fingers. Using his own cum as a lubricant for his two lovely partners. Tecchou whined out from the delicious friction. He was hanging on by a thread the whole night. He knew he wouldn’t last long. The second Jouno’s fingers curled inside your aching pussy, your back arched off the bed. You could taste your release on the tip of your tongue. “Baby… it feels so good…” You babbled out, moving your hips up to meet Jouno’s movements against your dripping cunt. Jouno smiled down at you softly, he could hear your heart beating against your chest as you continued to rock up into him. “Sai… I’m gonna cum… fuck- feels amazing…” Tecchou blurted out, drool slipping past his lips as his own hips lifted off the mattress. He was fucking up into Jouno’s hand as the light-haired man continued stroking his cock vigorously. “Princess, kiss Suehiro for me, while he cums. Understood?” Jouno cooed out, picking up his already relentless pace on both you and Tecchou.
You hastily leaned into Tecchou’s side, bringing your hand up to tilt his face in your direction. You captured his lips in an instant. The kiss was messy and needy. Both of you lazily swirled your tongues around one another as whines continued to slip out. With one final flick of Jouno’s wrist, Tecchou toppled over the edge. He cried out into your mouth as his wrists strained against the cool metal cuffs. You kissed him fiercely as your own orgasm crashed over you. Your pussy gushed all over Jouno’s fingers. You were clenching around his lithe digits harshly as your hips uncontrollably twitched off the bed. Tecchou came so much, it shot out past his tip onto his tummy and even as far as his chest. He lazily fucked into Jouno’s fist as he continued to work you both through your highs. Moments later you pulled away from Tecchou’s lips. Panting harshly in front of his face. You both shared the same air for a few moments before you felt Jouno slowly pull his fingers out of your spent pussy. You whined from the feeling. Turning your head in Jouno’s direction.
You immediately caught sight of Jouno dipping his arousal-coated fingers into his mouth. He groaned at your taste before he climbed his way between both you and Tecchou. “Now… you better not slap my ass again. Because the next time you do… I won’t be so kind.” Jouno warned, bringing his face dangerously close to your own. He pulled you in for a kiss of his own. He slowly tilted his head, deepening the kiss as your lips molded into his own. That went on for a few moments before Tecchou spoke up. Popping both you and Jouno out of your little bubble.
“Sai… can you free my wrists now? They’re really starting to hurt.”
Tecchou winced out as he pulled against his restraints for the last time that night. Jouno pulled away from your embrace, quickly reaching over and grabbing the key from his night table. He crawled his way over to the other man. He was straddling Tecchou’s waist as he leaned in, unlocking the cuffs. Tecchou flushed from the close proximity. Jouno was completely bare, so the feeling of his naked flesh grazing against his own was exhilarating. Jouno simply chuckled at the dark-haired man's physical reaction. It was adorable, Jouno thought. “There, now you’re free,” Jouno whispered, leaning down a bit further to place a chaste kiss atop Tecchou’s lips. You were intently watching the intimate act with a huge grin adorning your features. Jouno was finally getting completely comfortable with Tecchou and it made your heart swell. This is all you could have ever asked for.
Jouno slowly climbed off the other man's waist. Making his way toward the edge of the bed before he gently placed his feet against the cool hardwood floor. “Come my darlings, let’s get you both all nice and clean,” Jouno exclaimed. Slowly making his descent to the restroom. You carefully sat up from the bed, as Tecchou did the same. You caught sight of his torn-up wrists, immediately panicking. “Hiro, baby! Look at your wrists… oh my god, I’m going to seriously scold Jouno for this one.” You gingerly grasped his hands, being gentle to not harm him any further. Tecchou’s chest flooded with warmth at your endearing display. He smiled down at you softly before he spoke up. “It’s alright angel, I'll be fine. I… actually enjoyed that, a lot. You and Sai are just too damn sexy… how did an idiot like me get so lucky?” Tecchou chuckled, slowly lifting himself off the bed as he reached out for you. Ushering you to climb into his arms. You crawled your way over to where he stood at the side of the bed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hooking your legs snugly around his waist in the process.
“You’re not an idiot my love, so, hush. But I wonder the same thing all the time, Hiro. I feel so lucky to have you both In my life. I love you so much!” You exclaimed, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as he brought his hands up to grasp your waist. He made slow strides towards the bathroom, burying his face into your hair and breathing in your scent. He sighed in contentment. You smelt like home, he felt grounded when he was wrapped in your arms like this. “I love you more than I could ever express, angel,” Tecchou whispered into your hair, causing your heart to flutter immensely. You kissed the side of his neck sweetly before you spoke up once more. “I liked Saigiku being rough with us too… maybe we shouldn’t stop spanking him just so he’ll do it again.” You snickered out, causing Tecchou to let out a small chuckle of his own as you both finally made your way into the bathroom.
“Hey, I heard that. Don’t be a little brat now, princess. You already promised you would stop with your childish antics!” Jouno exclaimed. He was clad in nothing more than a plush towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping wet too, so you can only assume that he took a quick shower before you two arrived. He was filling up the tub for the both of you. He had added a generous about of bubbles, and the sight alone brought a wide grin to your face. “Giku, baby! This is so lovely, thank you for getting everything set up in here.” You untangled yourself from Tecchou’s grasp, making quick strides toward where Jouno was standing in front of the tub. You pushed up on the balls of your feet, pressing both of your hands into his sturdy chest as you captured his lips against your own. It was short but sweet, and it made Jouno’s chest swell with love nonetheless. As you pulled away, he grasped your hand, helping you climb into the tub. You sighed as the warm water enveloped your whole body.
“Hiro, you too my love. Get in the bath.” Jouno beamed in the dark-haired man's direction. Holding out his hand for him to grasp as well. Tecchou smiled wide, showing off his perfect pearly whites as he gladly clasped his hand around Jouno’s. Tecchou sunk down into the tub behind you, immediately wrapping his arms around your midsection. He rested his head atop yours as he slowly soothed his hand over your bare tummy. You giggled at the ticklish sensation, bringing your hands up to clasp around his wrists. You gently soothed over the torn-up flesh, causing Tecchou to groan out under his breath in pain. “Saigiku! Those cuffs were too tight. Feel, his wrists are all torn up!” You scolded, pulling one of your hands out of the water to grasp Jouno’s from where he knelt in front of the tub now. You quickly pulled his fingers underneath the bath water. Guiding his fingers to Tecchou’s injury. Jouno gently grazed over the wounds, he clicked his tongue as the dark-haired man let out another wince. “Ah, I do apologize Suehiro… I didn’t make them that tight purposefully. Here, tilt your head back, let me make up to you.” Jouno whispered, pulling his hand out from the water.
He grasped a cup that was sitting beside the tub. Jouno wasted no time dunking said cup into the water, letting it fill up completely before he ascended his hand from the tub once more. He slowly brought the cup up to Tecchou’s tilted head, making sure to cup his free hand over Tecchou’s eyes for protection before he poured the contents of the cup over Tecchou’s tousled locks. He passed the Cup to Tecchou before he spoke up. “Hiro, be a dear and do the same for our princess, okay?” Jouno cooed out, reaching out for the shampoo bottle as he squirted a generous amount into the palm of his hand. Tecchou followed as ordered. He let the cup fill up before he brought it up to your head. “Tilt back for me, angel,” Tecchou spoke softly, trailing his hand that was clasped around your waist up to your face. he covered your eyes, mirroring Jouno’s actions as he dumped the warm water over your locks.
“Hold out your hand for me, Suehiro,” Jouno whispered, bringing the bottle of shampoo to hover over Tecchou’s awaiting hand. Jouno squeezed a decent amount onto his palm before he discarded the bottle. Jouno brought his shampoo-covered fingers up to Tecchou’s messy tufts of hair. He began gently massaging Tecchou’s scalp in the process, pulling out a pleasant sigh from the other man. Tecchou brought his hands up to your own hair, and he began to work the strawberry shampoo into your locks gently. Tecchou’s fingers ran through your hair so carefully, you couldn’t help but smile at the loving atmosphere you all were experiencing right now. “Sai, Hiro, this is so relaxing. I love you both so much.” You sighed, leaning into Tecchou’s touch further as Jouno continued to lather his counterpart's hair. Jouno smiled to himself as he reached out for the cup once more. Covering Tecchou’s eyes with his non-soapy hand before rinsing his hair out once more. “We love you too, princess. Now, do my darlings want to watch, and listen, to a movie after this? Suehiro, my love you can pick the film. Think of it as a peace offering for injuring you in the bedroom.” Jouno said between his own chuckles as he reached out for the conditioner. Tecchou was holding his hand out now as he finished rinsing the suds from your own hair.
“Really? Then… can we watch-“
“A Bugs Life?”
You and Jouno exclaimed at the same time. You turned your body around to face your two boyfriends now. The second you looked up at Jouno’s amused face, you busted out into a fit of laughter. Jouno was quick to follow behind, cracking himself up as well. Tecchou just shot a glance between the two of you. Tilting his head like a lost puppy before he spoke up.
“Yeah, those were the exact movies I was thinking of. Uh, guys… what's so funny about that…?”
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i finally let jouno dom and whew,,, also tecchou and jouno's relationship currently has me, the writer, giggling and kicking my feet!
taglist: @coco-goat-milk @madelynwolff @tecchoufr @saharei @lyrstybsd @chalksdreams @itssara-chan @mizu-san @win-writes @daushu @nymphsdomain @celestair
371 notes · View notes
mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb - Chapter Eleven
Note - this was my favourite chapter to write so I hope you love it 🥰 I’d love to know you thoughts so please do let me know and thank you all so much for all your support on this series it’s honestly blown my mind 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4.6k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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You were on the hunt for a specific lip liner and you were pretty sure you knew where it was. The bag Mason had dropped off all those weeks ago still sat by your door as you were unable to bring yourself to unpack it. You were meeting Sophia for a quick coffee as you’d taken Thursday and Friday off of work so you could treat yourself to a long weekend and she’d been messaging you about meeting up all week as she was going back to Germany for a few days.
In the end you told yourself to get over it, taking the bag into your room and unpacking it quickly as your makeup bag was on the bottom. You were almost there when your hand grabbed a plastic package and you took it out with a confused expression on your face. Your name was printed in the front with nothing else so you ripped into it quickly, curiosity getting the better of you as you couldn’t face going out and not knowing what it was.
You knew exactly what it was before you’d even got it out of the bag, the blue colour familiar to you instantly and you let out a small laugh as you held it up to reveal Masons name and number on the back of the Chelsea shirt he’d promised you. A small piece of paper was attached to the front by some tape and you carefully removed it before reading it.
Sorry it’s late, I tried getting you one with Kepa’s name on the back but was told it’s impossible so you’ll unfortunately have to put up with mine. I can’t wait to see you wear it next time you’re at the Bridge.
Lots of love
Mason xxx
You let out a short sharp breath after you’d finished reading before reading it again and then a third time. He’d clearly snuck this in the night you went to Bens and your eyes stung when you held it up again.
‘Stop crying’ you whispered to yourself with a laugh, placing the shirt down on your bed before hunting for the thing you went into your bag for in the first place. You knew you’d be late now but you rushed as quickly as you could to meet Sophia. You found her inside her favourite cafe with a small suitcase next to her and you quickly ordered before joining her.
She thankfully kept the conversation Mason free and even though you’d never discussed it with her you gathered she knew something had happed as her and Kai told each other everything and the more she avoided the topic the more you wanted to talk about him until you finally cave and asked.
‘If you don’t know then it’s fine, but do you know how Mason is?’ You asked quietly and she gave you a small smile to let you know it was okay. ‘I’ve tried to not look into anything but I just wanted to check he’s doing alright’
‘Honestly? He not been fantastic. I haven’t really heard from him but Kai said he seemed a bit brighter yesterday. In fact a loads of them are having a boys night tonight so I’m kinda glad I’ll be out of the country so I won’t have to deal with Kai’ she laughed as she rolled her eyes before her phone started ringing. It turned out to be the taxi she’d ordered for the airport and after a quick goodbye she was gone.
Rather than head straight home, you went to the park nearby and sat with your thoughts for the first time in a long time. You knew you wanted to speak to Mason but you had no idea how to go about it. In the end you pulled out your phone and typed up a message for him but you couldn’t seem to get the words right. Finally giving up and going home after about half an hour of trying.
Friday morning you’d set aside for a lie in. You didn’t get them very often but you’d been looking forward to it for weeks. Waking up on your own without the sound of your alarm felt like heaven and when you checked to see the time it was coming up to half nine which made you smile.
The five missed calls and a few texts from an unknown number made you curious though and you quickly read over the texts to see what was happening.
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Your heart sunk as you read over what Ben had said, an uncomfortable churning in your tummy at the thought of him wanting you around in his drunken state and you just wanted to wrap him up and tell him he’s alright. You contemplated calling Ben but you knew you’d probably talk yourself out of it so you sent him a quick text and got yourself ready to go as fast as you could.
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It was just over an hour later when you text Ben to let him know you were outside and he was soon pulling the door open, giving you a small smile at the sight of you.
‘Thank you for coming’ he whispered, holding the door open for you and you were shocked at the scene in front of you. Cups and rubbish strewn across the floor, different bits of furniture moved about and the whole place just felt like a giant mess. ‘Don’t worry about all this, Masons gonna call a cleaner when he gets up’ he told you and you gave him a curious look. ‘You can go wake him up if you want’
‘It’s fine I’ll wait. You can head off Ben, thanks for getting a hold of me’
‘It’s fine. Thanks for being here, I know he’ll appreciate it’ he nodded before he was out the door.
You couldn’t face sitting here in all this junk so you made your way to his kitchen and rummaged around to find some bin bags so you could make a start on tidying up. Once the hallway was put to rights you made a start on the living room and soon enough you were five bags deep and at the end of the roll. Figuring he must have some more in the cupboard you stood on a chair to so you could look higher up but they were just out of reach still, casing you to reach up onto you tiptoes and just as you placed a finger on them you lost your balance and tumbled to the floor, landing awkwardly on your wrist as you yelped out in pain.
‘Shit shit shit’ you whispered and ten seconds after you heard someone running down the stairs. You didn’t have time to think about seeing Mason properly for the first time in a month before he was standing in his kitchen doorway, dressed only in his boxers as he tried to fathom what was going on in-front of him.
‘Y/n? What are you doing here? Are you alright, what happened?’
‘I was trying to clean up’ you told him as he crouched down next to you. ‘I couldn’t reach the bags and I fell off the chair’
‘Are you hurt?’
‘My wrist is a bit’ you whispered as he placed your good arm around his shoulder and scooped you up before carrying you to his sofa. ‘I said my wrist, Mason. That doesn’t stop me from walking’ you squealed but he didn’t listen to you, just carefully placed you on the seat before running back off to the kitchen.
He came back moments later with a bag of frozen peas that he’d wrapped in a towel and after placing a cushion on your lap he popped your wrist onto it gently before laying the peas on top.
‘Just keep this here a sec yeah? I won’t be long’ he told you before going upstairs. You laid you head back and shut your eyes, taking some deep breaths as the pain eased ever so slightly. You were so in your own head you didn’t realise he was back until he was sitting next to you, now dressed in shorts and a hoodie as he placed some bandages on the coffee table. ‘Can I see?’ he whispered and you nodded as he gently removed the bag away from your hand.
Your wrist was a little swollen but you could wriggle your fingers without any pain which seemed to satisfy him but he insisted on wrapping it up for you, gently apologising every time you hissed or yelped in pain.
‘Are you sure nothing else hurts?’ He asked, securing the bandage at the end but you could only nod your head as you knew your voice would wobble. Once he was happy with his handy work he placed your hand back onto the cushion and looked up into your eyes. You knew they were glassy and he’d be able to read you straight away so you moved towards him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug you knew the pair of you so desperately needed.
He was shocked at first, but it didn’t take long for him to pull you closer and slot his head into your neck. The pair of you didn’t utter a word to each other as you sat there in a tight embrace, your good hand reaching up into his hair so you could scratch over his scalp lightly and you felt him melt into you even more. The only noise in the room was the sound of each others breathing until you built up the courage to pull back and look at him, his own eyes now full of tears making your heart break even more. You took a big gulp before speaking, your voice quite and wobbly.
‘I think we should talk’ you whispered and he nodded sadly. ‘There’s some stuff I need to tell you that I want you to know. You know I said It’ll explain a lot’ you you him with a little laugh and he gave you a sad smile.
‘Only if you’re sure’
‘I’m sure’ you told him and he shuffled down on the seat, placing a cushion down flat so it looked like a pillow.
‘Will you lay down with me? My heads thumping’ He told you nervously and you gave him a small smile before nodding. The pair of you laid down with your heads on the cushion, your hands automatically resting on his chest and as much as he tried to hide a smile, you could tell he was happy that you’d initiated some physical contact and he tentatively placed his arm around you waist. Even though you had a sweatshirt on you could feel him lightly tracing shapes on your back which settled you instantly. You wanted to tell him you missed him but you were trying to hold it together so you could talk to him.
‘I only ever speak to Freya about this stuff, I’ve never really got it all out in one go’ you muttered, warning him just in case you muddled your words but you could tell by his eyes that you were in safe hands.
‘It’s okay. Just take your time and if you don’t wanna tell me then you don’t have to’ he whispered and it took everything inside of you not to lean over and kiss him.
‘Do you remember that day we went for a walk?’
‘The day where you wore a red jumper and I accidentally insulted you?’ He joked and you let out a little laugh.
‘That’s the one’ you chuckled ‘you told me about your family and stuff and I felt so embarrassed about mine that I lied. My life was nothing like yours growing up’
‘That’s okay, I never want you to feel embarrassed about anything like that. I know not everyone grew up like I did’ he reassured you and you gave him a thankful smile before your hand moved up to his jaw, stroking over his stubble lightly out of habit and you watched him give you and adoring look. Even though you were comfortable as you were, you didn’t feel close enough to him so you shuffled forward, tangling your legs in between his as if the touch if his body on yours would give you the courage to speak.
‘Well it was just the three of us growing up. I never had any siblings or loads of extended family like it was literally just my parents and me. That’s all I ever knew. Then, when I was 12 I came home from school one day and my dad was gone. I didn’t think anything of it at first cause he was always the last one in but when it got to bed time and he still wasn’t there I asked what was going on and my mum told me he didn’t live with us anymore. She didn’t tell me why for a while but in the end I found out he’d been having an affair and he left us to start a new life with his other family’ you told him calmly and you felt him sigh next to you.
‘I’m so sorry, that sounds awful’ he whispered and you gave him a sad smile.
‘Yeah it wasn’t great, when you’re that old stuff like that sticks you know? Things were never the same after that. My mum didn’t help, I think I reminded her too much of him and she didn’t like being around me that much’
‘Well that’s her loss’ he mumbled before placing a quick kiss on your forehead which made you shiver.
‘Then, when I was 14 I got my first boyfriend. His name was Max and he was a boy in my class I’d had a crush on for ages. We were together all the time and I think it really pissed Freya and Maddie off at first’
‘Who’s Maddie?’ He asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.
‘My other best friend’
‘I didn’t know you had another one’
‘You’ll find out why’ you laughed and this time he laughed along with you. ‘Me and Max we’re together for seven years in total, his family was basically like mine and when I turned 17 they let me move in for a while so we could save up and get our own place. We had all these plans for our future…’ you trailed off and he pulled you in even tighter is that was possible.
‘Y/n please don’t get upset, you don’t have to do this’
‘No I’m fine. Honestly’ you told him, and with one final deep breath you finished your story. ‘It was my birthday and we’d all gone out to this club in London, I came out from the loo and could hear Millie giggling from behind the door that lead outside. I was curious so I followed the sound thinking I could tease her about whoever she was with but that’s when I heard Max’s voice. She was asking when he was gonna finally break up with me so they could be together properly and he told her soon. I didn’t give him the chance and ended it there and then. Turns out it had been going on for a year and I haven’t spoken to the two of them since’
‘Come here’ he whispered, and you didn’t realise you were crying until your head hit his neck and you felt the warm tears press onto your skin. The arm that you were laying on reached up so he could stroke your head whilst his other hand traveled under your top, stroking the bare skin of your back as he tried to offer you some comfort. ‘That sucks y/n I’m so fucking sorry’ he whispered into your hair and you nodded into his neck before pulling back ever so slightly.
‘I know it’s not an excuse, but when stuff like that happens to you twice you start to think it was your fault. Like everything I touch I seem to ruin’
‘None of that was your fault. People are shit sometimes and I’m so sorry that’s happened to you but please don’t blame yourself’
‘It’s why I didn’t want to let anyone else in, I didn’t want to feel like that again’ you hiccuped as he stroked up and down your back gently.
‘I know sweetheart’ he whispered, kissing your forehead and you felt yourself relax at his touch again. ‘I get it okay. I really do. Thank you for telling me’
‘Feels kinda nice to get it off my chest’ you whispered, already feeling lighter about not having to hide any part of yourself from him anymore and he smiled at you warmly. ‘I’m not done yet though’
‘That day you came over with my bag, and I shouted at you? Well I was on the phone to Freya when you knocked. She called me to ask if I was okay since she’d figured I’d seen something’
‘Seen what?’ He asked, his face scrunched up with confusion and all you wanted was to kiss his worry lines away.
‘Max and Millie got engaged. I saw it on instagram just before I answered the door’ you told him and you felt him sigh under your fingers. ‘I was so angry. Angry at them, angry about what I’d done to you and I just lost it. I know it’s not right but-‘
‘You don’t have to explain, y/n. I completely get it. I should of knocked a bit earlier I was standing outside your door for about ten minutes, I’m surprised no one complained about me’ he laughed and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
‘I’m not angry about it anymore. Why should I be? They both did a horrible thing and they’re welcome to each other. I guess I’m just annoyed they got their happy ending and I haven’t got mine’ you told him and he was smiling at you almost softly. ‘But I am sorry for what I did to you, and I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you at my house. You didn’t deserve any of that and you were right. Just because they were shit to me doesn’t mean I get to do it to you. I really am so sorry Mase’
‘I mean I shouted at you too’ he admitted and you watched the guilt wash over his face. ‘Im really sorry, I can’t believe I said all that’
‘I understand. I know I’m frustrating and I was awful to you. I only said all that stuff cause I knew it would hurt you and then maybe you could move on from me. I don’t want you to just brush it away like it’s fine cause I know it’s not’
‘I’m not, I just don’t want you to beat yourself up about it. I know you’ve felt bad about things but I’ve been feeling pretty awful about what I said too. We can’t change it but I’d love it if we could move on from it’
‘Yeah? I’d really like that’ you smiled and he gave you a sad smile back.
‘I’m sorry you saw me the other night and thought I was on a date too. I’ve been a bit of a grump for weeks and Bens sister was in town so a few of us went out but I get how you got to that conclusion and it wasn’t nice to see but I’d never do that to you’
‘I know’ you smiled, caressing his cheek to let it know everything was fine and by the way he settled into your touch he looked like he believed it.
‘I didn’t mean any of it at all, I just thought we were finally there you know? That i’d worn you down’ he laughed.
‘That we’d finally climbed the mountain?’ You whispered and he looked at you in confusion . ‘That day after Bens when we came back here and I napped on your sofa? I heard you on the phone saying you felt like you had a mountain to climb with me’ you told him with a smile and he laughed as he tried to hide his face.
‘I mean yeah, It did feel a bit like that. It knew it was going to be hard work, and I needed to be patient and keep going but once I got to the top I knew the view would be worth it and I’d get to see things that no one else would see’ he whispered and your whole body erupted in goosebumps at his sweet words
‘And how’s it looking from up there’ you joked as he tickled your back lightly.
‘Beautiful. So fucking beautiful you have no idea’ he breathed, his eyes flickering all over your face and you felt your chest grow warm as he looked at you with loving eyes.
‘I think I might’ you whispered, as the tears that were threatening to fall overflowed from your eyes and before you knew it your lips were on his.
You were both needy for each other, but you kept your kisses soft, knowing full well you’d have ample time to make up for the lost weeks. His tongue invaded your mouth almost instantly as it brushed up against your own and you could feel his heart hammering in his chest under your fingertips which made you smile knowing he was just as nervous as you.
You’d never had a kiss like this before and when he eventually pulled away the pair of you laid there out of breath and looking at each other full of shock.
‘Can I just check? You did come here to tell me that you want this right? Cause if you’re about to end everything after you just kissed me like that then I will go absolutely crazy’ he told you and you burst out laughing at his serious face.
‘I want this, I promise. I’m not gonna lie and say it’ll all be easy from here like I know I’ve still got stuff to work on but I don’t wanna do it on my own anymore. I like you, a lot more than I’ve ever really liked anyone and I just really don’t wanna loose you’
‘You’ve got me’ he whispered, a tiny smile flickering over his face to match yours. ‘You’ve had me from the second I walked out of my hotel room and found you outside’ he laughed and you cringed at the memory. ‘I thought you were a deranged fan at first’
‘Who says I wasn’t? Maybe this whole thing was just a ploy to make you mine’ you laughed and he tickled your back gently as you both laughed.
‘Well I’ll happily be yours’ he whispered and you felt your heart thud in your chest as he looked at you. ‘I want us to stick together and work through this, yeah? That doesn’t mean we have to put labels on anything just yet but I want you to know I’m here for you and when you’re ready to take the next step I’ll be ready too’
‘Why?’ You laughed, almost astounded at the way he spoke about you and cared for you. ‘I’ve been awful to you when you think about it’
‘Maybe I like a challenge’ he winked and you laughed whilst rolling your eyes. ‘I guess I thought we’d come so far from where we first started that I wasn’t willing to give up without a little bit of a fight and if that means giving you time then so be it. Yeah, I won’t lie it was a rocky start and I did wonder what’s the point sometimes but I’ve felt this pull to you from day one. Remember that first night we stayed at Bens? I couldn’t sleep for ages I just laid there and watched you and thought about how lucky I was that you’d come into my life. You’re smart, and cheeky and you’re kind when you want to be’ he winked and you rolled your eyes as he kissed your cheek ‘you’re also the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen’
‘I think you’re pretty too’ you giggled and he laughed as a deep blush crept over his cheeks.
‘If you’d let me, I’d like to be your happy ending’ he whispered almost shyly and you lent over to kiss his nose.
‘I’d like that a lot’ you whispered back, gripping onto him and you both giggled like little kids.
‘You got plans for the rest of the day?’ He asked, fingers still dancing over your back.
‘No, I was planning on sitting around and doing nothing’ you laughed. ‘Would you care to join me?’
‘The thought of doing nothing with you sounds better than doing anything with someone else’ he winked and you fake gagged as he tapped you on the bum in fake annoyance. ‘How did you get in by the way?’
‘Chilly text me, said you kept asking for me last night and asked if I could come over’
‘Of course he did’ Mason blushed as he tried to remember what he’d said last night.
‘You look like shit by the way, how much did you drink?’ You asked, gently stroking the bags under his eyes before you placed a soft kiss on the end of his nose.
‘Enough’ he laughed as you stroked his cheek, closing his eyes as he was enjoying the gentle feel of your fingers on his skin.
‘Why don’t I make you something to eat? Then we can have a nap?’ you asked and he nodded up at you shyly.
‘You’re the best’ he sighed pulling you into him even tighter as he pressed a few kisses against your neck. ‘But we can order something, I don’t want you hurting your hand anymore than it already is’ he told you leaning down to leave a gentle kiss over the bandage.
‘You’re lucky I don’t sue’ you winked before he pulled you up so he could grab his phone to see what he could order.
‘Oh yeah? What do you want? I’ll give it to you right now’ he laughed and you pointed to you cheek in hopes he would kiss it. It didn’t take much for him to lean over and place a delicate kiss to your cheek before gently gripping your chin so you were facing him. You watched his eyes flicker all over your face before they landed on your lips and he bought you in for a kiss just as soft. ‘That one’s free’ he winked before opening up his phone, leaving you looking down at him with a smile. Thankful that today had gone the way you’d hoped.
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00 @chelseagirl98 @mountpulisic @chaotic-taco-collector-blog
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coryothesub · 5 months
To continue with the idea of Coryo wearing girly things, maybe Coryo will be caught wearing the reader's makeup.
Not me thinking about Coryo in makeup all day, because he would look stunning!
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / softdom!reader
Coryo had disappeared inside your bedroom a while ago and you started to get curious about what he’d been up to.
You opened the door and found him holding the mirror and looking at himself, wearing your makeup. Your beauty bag was laying beside him, all of its contents scattered on your bed.
You couldn't say it was the best makeup look, no, not at all, you could see that he’d been trying to apply your blue eyeshadow combining it with your orange lipstick. The colors were terribly mismatched and you could see he didn't have quite enough training in applying makeup too.
Coryo's eyes widened and he threw the mirror away as soon as he noticed your presence. He thought he'd get punished for taking your things without permission, but something about his clownish look made you feel soft inside.
“Oh Coryo,” you said, crawling into the bed and straddling his thighs. “Not so good at this…”
You spoke in a soft voice, not wanting to offend him. You just wanted to bring out his true potential of looking stunning in make up.
The blonde man pouted, but his face lit up again when you caressed his cheek and reached for the makeup removal tissues.
“It's okay, baby. Do you want mommy to make you beautiful?”
Coryo nodded and you started wiping the makeup off his face gently. He was looking up at you, so sweet and compliant, you loved it when he trusted you like that.
You finished cleaning him off and gathered your makeup items, trying to figure out the best possible combo. Then you brushed some curls off Coryo's forehead and gave him a little kiss.
“You look perfect just the way you are babyboy,” at that moment you were truly speaking from your heart.
“But if we want to spice it up a bit, I think a black eyeliner would fit you well. Should we try it?”
Coryo gave you another nod and you found the eyeliner in the bag.
“Now close your eyes!” You whispered.
Coryo obliged and you started applying the liner along his lashline, you had forgotten how tricky it was to put makeup on another person and the liner slipped a few times making you both giggle.
“Looks like we're going for some smokey eye,” you chuckled and blurred the lines along his lashline, making him look like a gothic angel.
Your heart skipped a beat when Coryo opened his eyes. He looked so hot, the dark liner bringing out his icy blue eye color perfectly. You couldn't believe that putting on a little makeup on your twink boyfriend would make your pussy tingle, but here you were.
“Do I look good mommy?” Coryo asked curiously.
“Hotter than ever,” you purred, eating him up with a lustful gaze and pressing your lips against his in a hot kiss.
Coryo grinned, running his hands up your thighs, he was catching up on how his makeup look made you feel and he certainly enjoyed it.
“Now, let's finish it off with a little lip color,” you brushed your thumb over his lips that were always so deliciously pink by nature so all they needed just was a bit of your rosy lip gloss.
The boy closed his eyes waiting patiently for you to apply it, you just couldn't contain yourself with his lips looking so plump and delicious and judging by the growing bulge in his pants the whole process was a turn on for him too.
A few moments later Coryo was laying on top of you, his big cock buried deep inside your cunt as you were looking into his smokey eyes that looked simply mesmerizing as he watched you with adoration.
Coryo kept leaving little kisses wherever he could reach and soon your face, neck and breasts were covered in sticky lipstick marks, leaving the lipgloss deliciously smudged around his mouth.
“Oh, baby, fucking me so good…” you praised him, feeling your climax approaching.
Your legs wrapped around his hips as you were looking to enhance the feeling of his hard cock hitting against your sweet spot. 
Coryo sped up the pace as you tensed up your muscles making your wet walls clench around him causing him to moan against your lips.
“Oh Coryo!” You screamed his name while cumming all over his dick and drenching it in your juices.
Your pussy convulsing around him brought Coryo over the edge and he filled your cunt with ropes of thick cum while whispering profanities against your lips.
You stayed like this for a while, wrapped in each other's arms panting blissfully, you felt like you could disappear into his baby blue eyes.
“You look fucking gorgeous, Coriolanus!”
“I guess that means only one thing,” he gave you the prettiest smile. “Mommy should make me beautiful more often.”
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alpinefibcsblog · 6 months
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lou-struck · 2 years
Sea Birds
Keigo Takami x reader
Prompt: 🚢 +Vacation
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the Masterlist On my welcome page.
WC: 1.2k
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Keigo's wings seem to flap in anticipation as the two of you climb aboard the S.S. Sea Breeze, the luxury cruise ship that will be your home for the next week.
After rescuing the CEO of the cruise line from a villain attack a month ago, the man sent Keigo two tickets to the top-of-the-line cruise liner as a gift of thanks. The two of you were in need of a vacation, so you put in the time off. Feeling more than ready to enjoy all the amenities the ship has to offer.
The highbrow nature of the cruise line means that for this voyage, only the ultra-rich and famous were able to procure tickets. Anyone who is anyone is on board; Retired Pros, actors, models, and even socialites.
Honestly, there are so many well-known faces aboard, you're feeling a bit self-conscious. 
Even though his iconic red wings are tucked neatly behind his back, he still attracts the attention of the beautiful people around him.
They whisper amongst themselves, twirling their glossy hair and flashing their brilliant smiles in his direction in the hope of capturing the attention of the winged hero. But he doesn't seem to notice their attempts.
"Man, I'm beat." He yawns, slinging an arm lazily over your shoulders, "let's ditch these bags in our suite and start relaxin~
He knows you too well; this simple contact is able to soothe the sharp feelings of inadequacy that were gnawing at that sensitive spot in your heart. The one that aches when you think about how Keigo could have just about anyone. But he's with you.
Because he loves you…
And you love him…
You nod, now feeling all too aware of your aching feet. There is nothing that tires one out quite like traveling. Vacations may be relaxing, but getting there can really wipe you out. "Sounds good. I wouldn't mind laying out for a bit, maybe get something cold to drink." 
Keigo smiles, his golden gaze brightening at your response. "There ya go; let's get some drinks with tiny umbrellas, and let's get Cruisin."
"You're getting really excited about this, aren't you, Kei?" you tease 
He sends a little red feather to tickle your side; its soft bristles send you into a fit of giggles that cause a few people to turn their heads In your direction. "Why wouldn't I be? seven days, the open ocean, and…." He grins, leaning in close, "You, of course."
The flattery makes you chuckle as the two of you slip into one of the glamorous glass elevators leading up to the suite decks. 
"What's our room number again?" he asks as the doors part.
"Hmmm, let me check." reaching into your pocket, you pull out the crisp white envelope that contains your golden room keys. "We are in room 101." He takes the envelope from you playfully as the elevator comes to a stop. The doors part slowly, revealing the well-lit hallway.
Unable to contain your excitement, you rush down the empty hall, your suitcase rolling unevenly behind you as you scan the little room plaques.
You stop in front of the door and look at Keigo expectantly. He lets out a little chuckle and tears open the envelope. "Alright, Angel, here's our little nest for the week," he says, swiping one of the keycards and swinging open the doors.
The room is naturally well-lit by the ship's massive upper deck windows. It's much bigger than the room you were looking at online. The massive king-sized bed is uniformly made with some creatively folded towels placed at its foot. 
Stepping further into the room, you set your bag down on top of the linens catching a glimpse at the little coffee corner and mini fridge. It's then you catch a glimpse of the massive gift basket on the countertop. Containing everything from top-shelf liquor, snacks, and suntan lotion, you can tell by the french writing on the bottle you would never be able to afford the brand on your salary. 
"This is incredible." you breathe, digging through the complimentary care package on the countertop in front of you. Little multicolored shreds of paper lining stick to your fingers as you pull out a still-cold bottle of champagne. "They must really want to thank you, Kei."
"A-angel, it's 11 o'clock in the morning." Kiego laughs as your hand fiddle with the neck of the bottle, peeling off the foil around the cork.
"Come on, birdie, we're on vacation." you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. The cold glass of the bottle hits his skin, and he shudders.
Giving you a playful roll of his eyes, he grabs two glasses and sets them on the countertop next to you. "I guess a glass or two would be a nice way to get started." he laughs. He sends a red feather flying into the stubborn cork. It twists and pokes at it until it comes flying out of the bottle with a deafening pop*
"Did you like my little party trick?" he winks, pouring a bit of champagne into each flute.
"I did," you smile, taking a glass from his outstretched hand. If you were the one to open the cork, you would no doubt be struggling to pop it off. "How about we take our drinks outside so we can watch the ship leave the port."
Keigo straightens up a bit. "We should get going then." he flashes you a boyish grin, taking your hand and practically pulling you towards the door."
Placing your hands on the steel rail at the bow of the ship, you stare out into the seemingly endless ocean. "Oh wow, look at this view, Kei." you beam, the salty mist from the ocean splashing against your face. 
He buries his face into the crook of your neck as his hands sneak around your waist. "It is beautiful." he coos, pressing a little kiss against your pulse point, his stumbling tickling your skin as you squirm a bit. But in the back of your mind, you wonder how much of the sight he is able to see from his spot.
"I can't tell where the sky begins, and the ocean ends. It's all just blue." 
" Wanna find out?" He asks. His wings twitching in anticipation. Each feather seems to be absorbing the sunlight, calling out to the sky longingly.
Nodding, you set your glass on the floor of the deck, Wanting to know what it feels like to touch the sparkling blue water off in the distance. Keigo has a habit of making you act on your curious thoughts. "Promise not to drop me?" you ask, shuddering at the thought of taking an unexpected swim.
"I promise not to drop you this time." he laughs, the sound natural and genuine. His golden eyes squint in the sunlight as he sweeps you off your feet. "Hold on tight. I like having you close like this." 
"W-what do you mean by this time?" you squeak as he launches the two of you over the rail of the ship.
He shoots you a little wink, letting his wings carry you off into the distance so you can indulge in a few more curiosities before your dinner date.
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 78- Prom
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Chapter Summary: BTS promotes fire and Jen becomes the next person to receive phone numbers in her sandwich. Bangtan thinks of a way for Jennie to experience her own Prom in Seoul. While on a prom weekend trip with a group of their 97 Liner friends, Jennie and Jungkook play a little game of dares which takes a spicy turn.
Words: 11,000+
Genre: Such a fluffy chapter! Promposals from the members and BIG Jungkook fluff! And smol Jungkook smut. (Not all the way. Just some smol stuff like oral. Short and sweet.)
Author's Note: I was experimenting with this and ideas just kept flowing. I hope you like it! I'll continue to do better in the smut department. A for effort! Lol, I'm biased and loved Taehyung's Promposal the best since he's my Bias in BTS hehe. I lost the photo of the dress I used for Jen's dress for prom smfh. If I ever find it I will add it in.
Backstage for Mnet Countdown, Jungkook was chosen to stay back, still recovering from his flu. Already in her attire for the show, a producer came up to her to discuss her role for today.
“Jennie. We’re going to change things up a bit since Jungkook is unable to perform today. So we want you to take over his lines for Save Me and Butterfly.”
“Okay!” she replied with a nod, feeling confident about herself.
From now on, she would try her best not to get so nervous about doing stuff like this. She got this. She will do Jungkook justice for the songs. 
In front of a Bangtan bomb camera, some of the members spoke about Jennie taking over his lines for the day while Jungkook was giddy about it, teasing her.
“It is so weird when a member is missing and you have to go on without them. And the fact that they want me to take over Jungkook’s lines, it’s a big responsibility. But I believe I can do him justice.” she said on camera.
Getting something to eat with the members, Jen was given a sandwich at the cafeteria. When she sat down with them to begin eating, she noticed there were small pieces of paper in the sandwich.
"Huh?" she took the pieces of paper out and examined them. A laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head. "Bold!"
“What happened?” Namjoon asked as he took a look at the pieces of paper.
“I got a few phone numbers.” she continued to chuckle.
“What!?” Jungkook exclaimed, rushing over to look at the pieces of paper.
Who in the heck would be this bold to give out their number to his girl? Who!?
“Numbers? What numbers?” Jin shouted
“Whoa, whoa, guys, it’s okay!” she looked at them in bewilderment.
“Okay!? Someone is messing with our ship!” Taehyung complained and grabbed her sandwich.
“It’s harmless, relax,” she reassured.
“Some idols already know I’m your boyfriend. Why are these guys trying to shoot their shot?” Jungkook grumbled.
“Jungkook-ah, relax.”
“No, I won’t relax, Jagi! I want to know whose numbers these belong to.”
“Oh Lord...” she turned her attention to Taehyung and grabbed her sandwich back. Taking a bite, she spat it out immediately. “What the heck is this!?”
It tasted weird. Nothing like the usual sandwich she would get. Did they make a new sandwich or something? She opened the sandwich and it contained bread, egg potato salad, cabbage salad and...strawberry jam?
“Ew. No, I’m not eating this.” she placed it down and went into her bag to see if she had any leftover snacks.
Meanwhile, the guys rambled on about people giving Jen their number. 
Checking out her bag, she pulled out another random piece of paper that someone supposedly snuck into her bag.
“Oh. Another set of numbers.” she chuckled.
“ANOTHER ONE!?” Jin yelled in horror. “That’s five numbers in one day! The heck!?”
“This is unacceptable. I don’t want these guys getting any bright ideas.” Namjoon frowned with Jungkook complaining.
“Do I need to have a talk with them?” Yoongi asked, cracking his knuckles.
“We should start bringing her lunches instead. Make her lunch, Jin.” Hobi eagerly suggested.
“Duly noted. What do you want to eat for lunch, sweetie?” Jin asked.
“Guys, relax! It’s fine!” she exclaimed while Jimin and Tae whined about their ship.
On the stage, wearing the same white shirt as the members but with black shorts, Jen exhaled shakily, looking up at the ceiling. ARMY noticed her hand shaking as the music came on. The 97 Liner slowly walks around, singing softly,
amugeotdo saenggakhaji ma
neon amu maldo kkeonaejido ma
geunyang naege useojwo
Jen listened to Tae’s soulful vocals as they all moved elegantly on stage. 
Covering her lines, she sang, “Is it true? Is it true? You, You. Neomu areumdawo duryeowo. ”
Untrue Untrue
You You You
Taking over the chorus, putting her hands together and moving side to side in sync with everyone, she went on, “Gyeote meomulleojullae. Naege yaksokhaejullae. Son daemyeon naragalkka buseojilkka. Geobna geobna geobna.”
siganeul meomchullae
i sungani jinamyeon
eobseotdeon iri doelkka neol irheulkka
geobna geobna geobna
Spinning to the middle, she looked up, singing, “Butterfly, like a Butterfly. Machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom.”
The way she sang Butterfly was so angelic as some members of the crowd were saying ‘wow’.
Meanwhile, she had made eye contact with Jimin who had smiled softly at her, nodding at her performance so far. That gave her the reassurance she needed.
Butterfly, like a butterfly
machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom
After Suga and J-Hope rap, Jin looked up and turned to the camera,
Untrue Untrue
You You You
This wasn’t as bad as she thought as she nailed the chorus again before Rapmon went on to rap passionately.
It’s all FREE for you baby
Standing with Jimin as he did his high note, Jennie revealed a pair of white butterfly wings on her back, that she had hidden with her shirt, which had amazed the crowd. She sang again with the confetti falling down as Jimin harmonized with her. For the ending pose, the boys turned their backs to the ground with their hands mimicking a butterfly while Jen faced the crowd, moving her body like a butterfly before outstretching her hand, and looking up.
For fire, the members walked onto the stage, hyped with fire all around the scene. Wearing their outfits from the MV, Suga placed his arm around Taehyung in the middle.
Fire Fire Fire Fire
When I wake up in my room nan mwotdo eoptji
haega jigo nan hu biteuldaemyeo geotji
Sticking her tongue out and catching the camera panning to her, she flowed fluidly with the members after J-Hope finished his verse.
da mansinchangiro chwihaesseo chwihaesseo
Losing her balance from staggering around pretending she was drunk while Yoongi rapped, Jen caught herself.
‘Whew, that was close.’ she thought as she continued to dance.
mak yokhae gireseo gireseo
na masi gatji michinnom gatji
da eongmangjinchang, livin’ like ppi-i-
Taehyung covered Jungkook’s parts as he stood in the middle.
ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya
aesseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha
Errbody say La la la la la
“La, la, la, la, la!” Jen repeated with the crowd.
Say La la la la la
“La, la, la, la, la!”
soneul deureo sorijilleo Burn it up
Strutting up to the front, she flicked her nose with her thumb, changing her face into a serious expression.
Going hard in the dance break, making her hair whip around, she sang, “Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
Standing with Namjoon, she began moving her head side to side with him.
“Aye, live it up. Bangtan just exploded on the scene~!.”
Hey, burn it up jeonbu da taeul geot gachi
“Aye, shout it out! I’m turnt up, it’s okay, I’m keen~”
Hey, turn it up saebyeogi da gal ttaekkaji
geunyang sarado dwae urin jeomgie
geu malhaneun neon mwon sujeogillae
sujeosujeo georyeo nan saraminde
“So, what~!” she shouted with them, raising a hand up.
“Calling us extra yet you still want to hang. Bang to the tan, you wanna join this gang. Keep your eyes on me, I am still that chick!” she slapped her chest. “Don’t you stand too close, what, you think you slick? Admit we the shhh as we tear it down!”
When she said shhh, the members dramatically turned to her while she placed a finger to her lips before they followed her around as she continued to go on, “BTS is the flame they wanna water down! Bangtan is still here and we killin’ it still. We always start the fire, you just a fire drill!”
This comeback was her favorite out of everything as her happiness soared on stage with the guys. Performing this at a concert was going to be a rush.
geop manheun jayeo yeogiro
goeroun jayeo yeogiro
maenjumeogeul deulgo All night long
jingunhaneun balgeoreumeuro
As the backup dancers danced with them, Jen got hyped, shouting, 
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-“
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” the rest of the members joined in
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”
“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
With Suga walking up next to V, he pointed to the camera. 
Once Jungkook was good as new, feeling much better, he went all out for the remaining performances. And thanks to ARMY, BTS had received their first win for fire as the confetti startled both Jen and Yoongi.
“Please give us your winning speech!” the MCs gave Rapmon the mic
“ARMY! Thank you to all the Armys who are watching this live, right now!” Rapmon said.
“ARMY is the one who gave us this award. ARMY is truly the best!” Jin said. “And to our members, please don’t get sick. We will always be with you guys so please continue to look after us!”
Taking the mic, Jungkook happily said, “Everyone, I’m really OK! I love you!”
“I love you, my family!” V waved.
For the encore of fire, the guys put the confetti all on Jennie as she tried not to laugh while singing her parts. Today was all in all perfect.
Walking backstage, she held the trophy, doing a victory dance before skipping around with Taehyung. After settling down, she waited until it was her turn to be recorded thanking ARMY for the first win.
“ARMY is truly one of a kind. You guys are always there to support us through our highs and our lows. And all because of you, we were able to win first place again. I can not thank you guys enough. Thank you guys so much! You guys are amazing and I love you so much!” she beamed.
For one music show, Jungkook was chosen to MC for Music Core. Looking over the script, he pointed out that there were a lot of aegyo and singing parts.
Jennie started cracking up at the script. “Oh gosh. This is going to be cute. And you gotta sing your Boy In Luv lines? How charming.”
“I think our 97 Liners should MC together one day,” Namjoon suggested.
“Me and Jennie?” Jungkook’s eyes lit up as a big bunny smile came across his face. “I’d love that.”
“That’d be fun actually.” she agreed.
Pulling her close, he looked down at her, smiling, “Cheer for me?”
“Of course. I love you. You’re going to do great out there.”
“I love you, too.” He gave her a sweet peck on the lips
“Aw~!” Hobi cooed with Jimin and Tae, causing the couple to turn in their direction, amused.
“I love you, too~.” Jimin teased.
“Cheer for me, Jennie? I love you.” Taehyung added.
“Of course, you’re going to do great out there.” Hobi joined in.
"Shut up!" Jennie said. 
She and Jungkook rolled their eyes, trying to ignore their teasing.
As the members got ready for the show, they looked at the TV screen to see Jungkook MCing with other idols.
“He’s doing well,” Jin praised.
Jennie smiled at her boyfriend MCing. He did look a little nervous with his trembling voice when he was singing but he was doing his best and began to get the hang of things. 
“He’s so cute.” she giggled.
“Ah, he’s so awkward, AH!” Namjoon laughed.
Once the show was over, Jungkook was in for a ton of teasing, even from Jennie as his face turned pink.
The next morning, Jungkook was drawing in his room to pass the time. His ears perked up at the sound of Jennie singing along with loud music playing. Jin had asked her to clean her room since it was looking a bit messy during their comeback season. 
Grabbing his video camera, he chose to take a peek at what she was doing. The sight of her dancing and singing to Raven Symone’s Supernatural, in front of her stuffed animals on her bed, made him press record. She was really giving her stuffed animals a concert. It was adorable.
When I get this feelin'
Something's about to happen
Without any reason
It's Supernatural
Some people call it crazy
Something's there's no explaining
Just believe what you see
It's Supernatural
Watching her jump and bounce around, Jungkook had suppressed a laugh. She even grabbed a big teddy bear and started to dance around with it. Setting the teddy bear down, she seemed to be more into dancing than cleaning.
As she danced to more songs, he even filmed her dancing and singing to The Party's Just Begun by The Cheetah Girls as she was still oblivious to him watching her.
Tell Me Something I Don't Know by Selena Gomez, the Another Cinderella story version, played while she sang and danced. She finally noticed Jungkook and pulled him into her room. She made him sit on the bed as he laughed and resumed recording while she dramatically sang.
I hear it every day
I hear it all the time
I'm never gonna amount to much
But they're never gonna change my mind, no
Tell me, tell me, tell me 
Something I don't know
Something I don't know
“Jennie, I don’t think this is what Jin Hyung meant when he said to clean your room.” he giggled.
“Shhh!” she replied with a grin. “He isn’t going to be back until a few more hours. Let me live!”
“Don’t jinx it~!”
After cleaning her room, Jennie and Jin sat at her desk with makeup all around as they began to have a V-Live.
“What is up Army!? Welcome to another episode of Let’s Put Makeup on Smartie featuring Handsome Jin~! Say hello to our viewers!”
“Hello, Army! I hope you have all eaten and slept well.” Jin blew a kiss.
“So far everyone has done a remarkable job making me look a mess.” she laughed nervously. “So, I really hope that this time will be different.”
“Trust me, I won’t make you look a mess. Now relax and let me handle this. Army, I got this.” he went on and put primer on her face. “I see you cleaned your room.”
“Yes, I did. Now you can stop bugging me about it.”
“I was not bugging you.”
She impersonated him, “Jennie, you need to clean your room. Your room is a mess. Why did you let your room get like this? I want it spotless when I return or no smarties. Okay, tomorrow you are cleaning your room. Sweetie, did you clean your room yet?”
“I do not sound like that!”
“Yes, you do.” she asserted as he finished putting a neat coat of foundation on her face.
Fans commented on how good of a job he was doing so far on her makeup. Way better than the other members.
“How am I looking?” she asked.
“You will see when I am done. So far so good,” he replied, neatly putting eyeliner on her.
Jin went for a more natural look in contrast to the others so far making her look like a "clown" in Jen's eyes. With the foundation matching her skin complexion, he applied it on until he thought everything was neatly placed. Then he applied a little bit of lipstick to complete the look.
"Done!" he announced.
"That's it? That was quick. Are you sure-DAMN!" she looked at herself in the mirror in awe. "Oh my God, Jin! This is-wow!"
"I know. I know." he grinned proudly.
"I can't believe he made me look this good. I love this!"
"Oh, that was to be expected, hehehe. I'm happy you like it, sweetie. ARMY, I did a great job, right?"
The following morning, Jen got up at her usual time. Walking into the kitchen, the delicious aroma made her stomach growl in anticipation as she saw Jin cooking.
Jin had been planning his Promposal for her for the past few days ever since Rapmon and J-Hope discussed it with him. To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He had hoped that what he planned to do wouldn't be corny and she would say yes to him.
“Good morning!” he grinned, turning to her.
“Morning! What are you making? It smells great!”
“Your favorite. Sit down. It’s already ready for you.”
Taking a seat, she looked at the plate that was made of her favorite blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He decorated the plate of food cutely as her heart soared. While looking closely at the pancakes, her stomach dropped when she saw the words ‘Prom?’ written in syrup.
Her lips parted as she sat there in astonishment.
Was this real? Why did it say prom? What was he doing? Was he really asking her? What is going on?
Looking up, she saw him smiling at her nervously.
“A-are you asking me to prom?” her voice shakily asked as her throat tightened.
“Would you do me the honor, Jennie? Go to prom with handsome Jin?”
Overwhelmed with joy, she let out a laugh as happy tears began to flow down her cheeks. Getting out of her chair, she rushed over to hug him, tightly.
“Yes!" she accepted, feeling his arms wrap around her. She took the moment to cry as he held her. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"
Pulling away from him she wiped her tears. "I can't believe this!" she rambled on. "We’re actually going to prom? Where? When? How? What is going on?”
He laughed at her excitement. “One thing at a time, Jennie. You have six other Promposals coming your way. But I’m sure mine was the best.”
Jin will never forget how Jungkook had almost fought everyone to try to be the first person to ask her out to prom. But in the end, Jin finally won after a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Following eating breakfast with Jin, she went to hang out with Yoongi to play basketball which they planned a couple of days ago. Yoongi thought of a simpler way to ask her and something basketball related.
“Check.” he gave her the ball.
Before she could check it back, she noticed writing on it.
“Smartie, let’s have a ball at prom!” she read out loud and looked up at him anticipating her answer.
She dropped the ball and ran up to hug him, making them both fall to the ground.
“Ow, smartie!”
“Yes, yes, yes, and yes!” she gladly accepted.
A gummy smile appeared on his lips. "Good. Now, let's play ball."
Back at Big Hit, Jennie had her usual dance practice with Hobi to clean up on any dance moves. Throughout practice, he couldn't contain his excitement and worked hard to not get distracted at the thought of asking her to prom.
"You earned it. Well done, today." he handed her an orange Nike shoe box.
"What is this?! New shoes!? Nike!?" she yelled excitedly.
Opening up the box, she looked at the new pair of sneakers, and on the top, it read, ‘Munchkin, just do it and dance with me at prom!’
“Yes!” she pulled him in for a big kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Oh my gosh, this is so adorable. Thank you! I would love to go to prom with you!”
Hobi squealed, running and jumping around the studio at her answer. “YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH~!”
After spending some time in her studio working on music, Jimin walked in with a small box and bag of Smarties. He chose to do something that related a lot to her.
"Smarties!?" she squealed, cheerfully accepting them.
“Check out the box.” he pointed out with an eye smile.
Opening up the small black box, she found two guitar picks that said ‘I couldn’t pick a better date... prom?’ which made her heart soar.
"Aw...Jimin..." she turned to him as he shyly looked down.
"Was it too cheesy?"
"No way, this is so thoughtful! Yes, I will go to prom with you!" she proudly accepted as she stood up from her seat.
“Yes!” he fist pumped, pulling her in for a warm hug. “I bet my Promposal was the best out of all the guys!”
Following running back and forth around the Big Hit building, Jen strolled down a hallway to see two people wearing...thug costumes and masks?
"There she is! Get her!" one shouted.
"Whoa! Hey! Get off me!" she shrieked as she got lifted over one of their shoulders.
Was she really getting kidnapped at Big Hit? What was going on?
"Oh no! It's Iron Man!" one voice dramatically announced.
"You'll never take us alive, Iron Man! We have Miss Potts! She's ours now!" the other sneered.
"Not on my watch!" a familiar voice was heard.
Getting set down, she saw someone wearing an Iron Man suit, "fighting" against the thugs. As random as this was, Jennie was entertained as she watched the action unfold. It didn’t take long for Iron Man to defeat the thugs and approach her.
"Miss Potts, are you okay? Come on. Let's get you to safety."
She got carried bridal style as she held onto him. Going back to her studio, she got sat down on her couch, while Iron Man took a seat on one of her chairs.
"Are you hurt by any chance, Miss Potts?"
"No, I'm not. Thanks for saving me, Tony. How can I ever repay you?" she played along with a smile. 
Standing up, she walked over to him. Carefully she removed his helmet to reveal Jungkook's face and his messy brown hair.
“You could repay me by joining me for a marvelous night at prom. What do you say?" 
Cupping his face, she gave him a big kiss. “Mr. Stark, you got yourself a deal. I would love to." 
He smirked softly and pulled her into his lap as she cupped his face again, giving him multiple kisses on his lips.
“Nice getup.” she gestured to his costume.
He chuckled. “I knew you’d like it,”
Just before leaving Big Hit’s building, Jennie stopped walking once she saw a walking...hot dog?
“The heck is going on?” she laughed at the sight, walking closer, only to see it was Taehyung who was holding up a sign.
“Oh...my God.” she covered her face and laughed. Uncovering her face, she read the sign while Taehyung had a boxy grin on his face.
‘Ennie~! Before any of these other weenies try to ask, I hope that you will choose this weenie as your date for prom!’
Giggling, she embraced him and pulled away, smiling brightly. “Ennie would love to go to prom with a weenie like you, Tae. Absolutely!”
“Yay!” he jumped up and down, dancing around which made her laugh again.
As soon as she made it back to the dorm, she went to her room to see a box on her bed along with a bouquet of flowers and smarties. Opening it, it looked like a small puzzle. She went straight to work on putting the pieces together to figure out what it was.
After around 30 minutes, she put the last piece together and took a good look at the puzzle. There was a cute photo of her and Namjoon and under it were the words, 'Jennifer Walker, would you give me the extraordinary honor of allowing me to be one of your dates for prom?'
"Hell yeah," she spoke out loud.
Later that evening with Namjoon engaged in his phone, he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.
Looking up, he saw Jennie looking down at him with a smile
"I would love to give you the extraordinary honor of allowing you to be one of my dates for prom, Namjoon. Clever puzzle."
A chuckle escaped his lips as he felt his face warm up from her words. "Thanks, Jennie. Prom is going to be a night you will never forget. Trust us and be excited."
The preparation for prom was an exciting one for Jennie as she prepared for the event. Yoongi had taken her to get her nails and feet done, getting the color yellow. She even snuck a photo of him napping while he waited for her.
‘I’ll take you to get your nails done, he said. But let me take a nap. LOL.’ she tweeted.
Jin and Taehyung took her dress shopping. They argued constantly over which dress would be better. It got so bad, that Jen decided to call her good friend Sam Okyere for suggestions and went along with his pick instead which Jin and Taehyung loved.
Now, today was the day. Prom day. The event that Hobi and Rapmon set up with the rest of the members. They had managed to invite a ton of idol friends, renting a nice little venue for the get-together. They even thought of a theme for the prom which was a carnival theme. Jennie told the guys that the color she was wearing would be yellow, so they each wore something yellow to match her.
In her room, she checked herself out in the mirror, admiring her dress. She was actually going to prom and she couldn't control her nerves. Spinning around in the yellow dress, a giggle escaped her. She was so ready for tonight.
"I look great." she complimented, adjusting her hair which was in a bun with curls on each side.
"Munchkin, are you ready?" Hobi called out.
"Yeah, I'll be right out," she replied. 
Letting out a sharp breath, she opened her door, walking out to the living room where the guys were waiting for her. Nervously looking up at them, she awaited their reactions.
Jungkook widened his eyes at the sight of her, parting his lips. 'Wow...' he thought in admiration. He was freaking out on the inside, staring at her with heart eyes. She looked so beautiful.
Jin's eyes began to water. He loved how gorgeous she looked. She was all grown up and that dress was just stunning on her. The members stood there in disbelief as they couldn’t keep their eyes off her. As if on cue, the boys dramatically fell to the floor, shouting as they clutched their chests, carrying on about how pretty she was.
“Oh my Gosh!”
Jennie laughed at their shouts and squeals, making it difficult for her to control herself from cheesing hard.
“Look at you! Look at her! Look at her! This is my date!” Jimin shouted proudly.
“Our date!" Namjoon corrected.
"My Girlfriend!" Jungkook shouted.
“My Munchkin!” Hobi yelled.
“I met her first!” Taehyung reminded loudly.
“I taught her how to rap!” Yoongi yelled.
“My Daughter!” Jin declared. "Jennie, you look phenomenal!"
"Hahaha, thank you! You guys clean up nicely! Showing off those foreheads, I see."
"Let me put the corsage on you, Jagi." Jungkook swiped the corsage box out of Yoongi's hands, causing the members to argue.
"You always hog her! Give someone else a chance!" Hobi whined and grabbed the box. "I want to put it on her!"
"No, I'm the oldest so I should do it!" Jin shouted and took it off his hands.
"Who is the leader?! I am! I'm making the rules here so I should do it! Gimme!" Namjoon shouted back and snatched it out of Jin's hands.
"No! You gimme! I had this damn thing first!" Yoongi yelled and snatched it from him. 
"As the cutest member here, I should be the one to put it on her!" Jimin declared and yanked it out of his hands.
"I've known her longer than all of you and for that, I should have the honor of putting it on her!" Taehyung demanded and managed to swipe it out of Jimin's grip.
Jennie laughed wholeheartedly at their bickering, looking back and forth at their debate.
"Fellas, why not just play rock, paper, scissors to see who wins? So it can be fair," she suggested. 
In the end, Namjoon won as a loud chorus of complaints was heard. Grabbing the box, he approached her, smiling sweetly. "Nini, you look beautiful."
"Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself, Namjoon. Nice hair."
His hands were gentle as he carefully placed the cute corsage on her. Jennie admired it and went on to place a boutonniere on each of them. After getting situated, they took tons of pictures together, and Jen tweeted the photo of her with them all acting extra while laying on the ground, freaking out at her beauty, 'When your seven bros are your dates for a prom made specifically for you. Thank you for making my day. Let's PARTY!'
Walking into the venue, the place was decked out to make it look like an actual carnival. There were cotton candy, colorful decorations, popcorn, and games. It was a nice choice. And it sounded like Namjoon had borrowed some of Jennie's playlists because the music they were playing was top notch, making her feel right at home. Although the event was private, of course, the media were there to try to get a glimpse.
Watching Jennie rush over to greet Hayoon, Amber, Hyuna and others, Hobi and Namjoon high fived each other.
"Yeah, she's very happy." Hobi chuckled.
Jennie would not stay off the dance floor, dancing with everyone she could.
"JEN-NAY!" Jackson shouted.
"Jackson! Bam Bam! Guys! You're all here! Hey!"
GOT7 was blown away by her dress and stole her away from the BTS members to dance. The members hardly saw Jennie at prom since she was all over the place, hanging out with everyone. She was on the dance floor 70% of the time too as classics like the Cupid Shuffle and Michael Jackson came on. Then Jen was at the photo booth taking tons of photos.
"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time to announce Prom King and Queen!" Yoongi announced. "First, our prom King...J-Hope!"
"Woo!" Jen clapped, turning her attention to a genuinely surprised Hobi.
That sunshine smile of his was brighter than ever as he went on to accept the crown. He had his hands on his heart, bowing to everyone.
"And for our prom queen...Hayoon!"
Jin sighed as Hayoon and Hobi danced together. “I’m upset that I didn’t win. I am the most handsome guy here. And I didn't win Prom King? This is rigged." he jokingly complained, making Jennie laugh. "This is not funny!"
"Oh yes, it is."
"Would you like to dance?" he had his hand out for her. 
She accepted it immediately and he took her to the dance floor. Deja Vu by Beyonce came on as Jen got excited and did Jin’s famous traffic dance with him. Jungkook even did the worm with Bam Bam and Yugyeom. 
Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, Jennie turned around to see Sam Okyere, who embraced her in a hug.
"Sam! I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Thank you for having me!”
Give It Up to Me by Sean Paul and Keyshia Cole came on as she happily danced with him and got spun around occasionally. She even got Namjoon to dance, making him cut loose on the dance floor. Feeling at home, she even battled Hobi for the percolator dance. Hobi went first, moving his body fluidly to the bubbly beat of the song as everyone crowded around him. When the beat dropped, Jennie danced, moving up to him, going hard as everyone cheered her on.
As more slow songs came on, Yoongi approached her. Clearing his throat, he gave her a gummy smile, "You save me a dance, smartie?"
"Yes, I did! Come on!" she got held into his arms as they swayed around. 
He even spun her around after a while and she was caught in the arms of Taehyung.
"Ennie~!" he dipped her, making her giggle.
With Jungkook, his eyes were on her the entire night, smiling at how radiant and cheerful she looked. The prom surprise was a success and he was elated to see her smiling so much. But he wanted to dance with her. It was like every time he wanted to approach her, someone else took her away. But he had something up his sleeve so he could spend some time alone with her. 
Locking eyes with her from across the room, a soft smile appeared on his lips. He tilted his head to the side, gesturing for her to follow him out of the room. 
Finally taking a glimpse at Jungkook made Jen's heart flutter. She hadn't interacted with him like she wanted since everyone was trying to spend time with her. 
When she watched him go through a set of discreet doors, she waited a few moments before going to follow him, excusing herself from everyone. Walking through the doors, she closed them behind her to see Jungkook's back as he walked through another set of doors.
'What are you planning?' she pondered while she continued to follow him through more rooms.
Arriving in the final room, closing the doors behind her, she looked around to see that they were outside in a secluded area just for them. Various flowers decorated the space along with string lights surrounding it. Soft music was playing in the background and she saw Jungkook waiting for her with a grin.
"Milady." he bowed and extended his hand out.
Taking his warm hand, she was pulled in close, feeling him gently wrap an arm around her waist. Holding onto him, she looked up at him with a smile. Swaying around to the music, they occasionally giggled, enjoying this alone time while they could.
"So, would you say this is your favorite dance out of everyone you danced with tonight?" he asked, making her laugh.
"Top ten." she teased.
"What?" he whined, making her giggle. 
He spun her around and brought her back into his arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Kidding. This is my number one. Thank you for making this night even more magical." she placed a hand on the back of his head and kissed him.
"Anything for you," he whispered and let her rest her head on his chest as they continued to sway.
To spend their prom weekend, some 97 Liners have gone to a private resort, with a beach house. To have no worries about cameras or fans following them and to just unwind with friends away from their idol life was a great thing for them.
GOT7's Yugyeom and Bam Bam, Jungkook, Seventeen's Mingyu and The8, IKON's DK, GFriend's Hayoon, Yuju and Eunha, Jennie, and Twice's Mina and Jihyo arrived safely in a private area in Hawaii.
With Jennie and Jungkook, Jungkook carried their bags, making their way into the room that he would be sharing with her. Meanwhile, the rest stayed in other rooms around the big beach house.
Jennie plopped on the bed and let out a long sigh. But her relaxation was short lived when she let out a groan due to Jungkook dramatically falling on top of her.
"A warning would've been nice." she chuckled, trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge.
"That'll defeat the purpose of doing this," he said as mischievous tendencies began to go through his head.
Jennie took a whiff of his cologne. "You smile nice. Smells like my perfume...wait. It IS my perfume! That I've been searching for, for weeks! You stole it!?"
Placing his hands on either side of her head on the bed, looking down at her, he laughed. "Are you sure? I don't recall. I bought this a few days ago."
"You!" she grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face with it, making him fall off the bed with a thump. 
Continuously hitting him with her newly acquired weapon, Jennie resumed calling him a thief.
“Ah! Hey!" he shouted as she straddled him to continue hitting him. 
He could easily turn them over but this was entertaining as he let her have her way for a bit. She grabbed his arm and placed it between her legs for an armbar, holding it for a moment until she felt him biting her leg.
“Ow! Did you just bite me?” she released him, rubbing the bite as she stood up with him.
Since she was distracted, he quickly got behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
"Oh gosh, don't suplex me~!" she shrieked as she was lifted in the air. 
Jungkook's back landed on the bed while she got thrown backward for the wrestling move. He then laid on top of her for a pin.
"1! 2! 3! Winner and still undefeated! The Golden Maknae! Jeon Jungkook!" he got off of her and raised his hands up in victory, being extra.
Loud giggling was heard as they saw Mina and Yugyeom secretly recording them to tease them about later.
"Oh no! You were recording!? Delete it!" Jennie chased after them with Jungkook.
"Run Mina! Run! I got this!" Yugyeom shouted, grabbing onto Jungkook as they wrestled around playfully.
Mina and Jennie ran around the kitchen with Eunha giggling with Hayoon as they watched them. 
After unsuccessfully getting Mina and Yugyeom to delete the video, Jennie and Jungkook went to play volleyball outside with Mingyu and Hayoon. With Jennie being the best at volleyball, she effortlessly won for her team. After that, they switched teammates as Mingyu teamed with her while Jungkook teamed with Hayoon. 
"You ready to win!?" Jennie cheered.
"Hell yeah, I'm teaming with the GOAT of volleyball. I got nothing to worry about," Mingyu grinned and highfived her. 
As they predicted, Jennie won again for her team as she celebrated with Mingyu, doing their secret handshake and jumping up to bump shoulders.
"How do you keep winning!?" Jungkook complained.
"She's the GOAT of volleyball! That's why!" Mingyu praised and laughed at his complaining.
"We'll get her next time, Jungkook," Hayoon reassured.
"Yeah, we definitely will," The Golden Maknae agreed.
"Hey, you're better at me in bowling! Let me enjoy this moment of beating you!" Jennie giggled.
Later on, everyone gathered around to eat lunch. Jennie expressed how elated she was that they were able to do this fun get together and hoped to have more 97 Liner trips down the line. She also mentioned how appreciative she was that they showed up for Prom and that she loved them all. Her sweet words made them happy as they told her how much they loved her too.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Jennie glanced at her phone to see a text from Jungkook as they all ate and talked among themselves.
JK: Want to play a game?
She looked up as she sat across from Jungkook who smiled at her.
Jen: Lol. Sure.
JK: Dare, darer or darest?
A game of dares, huh? What's the worst that could happen?
Jen: Hm....dare
JK: I dare you to chug your drink
Jen: Easy as pie!
She grabbed her full glass of iced tea and began to chug it effortlessly. When she was halfway done, she started to get the attention of some of the 97 Liners as they watched her in surprise.
"Wow, was it that good?" The8 asked with an impressed look as she laughed and set the empty glass down.
"Heck yeah, it was good! I need a refill," she grabbed the pitcher and poured another glass of tea.
JK: Lol good job.
Jen: Dare, darer or darest, my love?
JK: Darer
Jen: I dare you to do 20 push ups
JK: Your wish is my command
Getting out of his seat, he immediately started doing push ups. Some of the 97 liners started laughing at him while others looked confused.
"Really? While we're eating?" Bam Bam giggled.
"I forgot to do my daily pushups," he explained as he continued to do them until he was done and went back to his seat, feeling pumped from the workout.
Jen: Nice job, Kookie
JK: Dare, darer or darest, baby girl?
Jen: Darest
JK: I dare you to stand up and shout "It's my money and I need it now!" 
Jen: Oh Goddddd. I shouldn't have shown you those commercials lmfao
A while ago she showed him different JG Wentworth commercials on YouTube. She told him it was some of her favorite commercials that would play whenever she binged the channel that showed Maury, Jerry Springer, and Cheaters in the mornings.
Standing up, Jennie shouted, "IT'S MY MONEY! AND I NEED IT NOW!"
Her face immediately felt flushed when everyone's eyes turned to her. She covered her mouth in a fit of nervous giggles as soon as she sat down. Jungkook laughed out loud while clapping, pleased with her performance. 
"What in the world..." DK chuckled. 
"Your money? What is going on?" Mina asked, amused.
"Jennie, are you having a sugar rush? You're so silly," Hayoon giggled.
After settling down, Jennie texted Jungkook again. 
Jen: Dare, darer or darest?
JK: Darest
Jen: Lol I dare you to start barking 
"WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!" he said out of nowhere, causing her to cover her mouth to try to hide her laughter.
"What the heck?" Yugyeom asked as he laughed in confusion with the others.
Later in the evening, Jennie changed into an orange bikini with jean shorts and a buttoned white cover up, planning to go in the hot tub later. She sat with the rest of the 97 Liners to test their friendship by playing Uno. The 12 of them sat inside the house at a big table with snacks and drinks scattered around. Jen sat in between Yuju and The8 while Jungkook sat in between Yugyeom and Jihyo. 
Jennie and Jungkook sat across each other as everyone was immersed in conversation about how fun it had been to be here so far. Starting the Uno game, Bam Bam was in charge of shuffling and distributing the cards. Like always, Uno turned into chaos quickly.
"I'm placing down two of my yellow 3s." Yuju placed them down on the table.
“That’s not how you play the game!" DK called out.
"What do you mean!? If I have multiple, I want to put them all down!"
"No!" Mingyu exclaimed.
"Yes!" Yuju stood her ground.
"Oh dear." Eunha cringed.
"That is how you play!" Bam Bam agreed with Yuju.
"No, it's not!" Mingyu yelled.
"Yes, it is!" Bam Bam yelled back
"NO!" The8 chimed in.
"I prefer to put multiple cards down," Jihyo added as a huge debate started around the table. 
Jennie casually ate her smarties, watching the action unfold. She and Jungkook were sitting out for this game since the maximum number of players was 10. Truth be told, she was waiting for the drama to happen. This was going to be an interesting game night. She didn't care how Uno was going to be played for tonight. She loved the game either way and played it many ways depending on whatever rules someone wanted to put in the game. But if she had to choose, she'd rather put multiple cards down to make the games rotate faster since it was a lot of them playing.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
She looked at her phone to see a text from Jungkook.
JK: Dare, darer and darest?
She glanced up at him and he smirked softly as she began to smile.
Jen: Darer
JK: Unbutton your shirt a little
She looked at him with an amused expression as he raised an eyebrow suggestively. Letting out a soft laugh, she started texting back.
Jen: Is this your way of getting a nice view of my chest?
JK: Maybe...
Jen: Dirty...lol. Fine.
Deciding to tease him a little, she took her bun out and let her hair fall. Making eye contact with her boyfriend, she slowly unbuttoned a button and then one more, showing more of her chest for him. She observed his pleased reaction as his eyes wandered down with a satisfied smile.
JK: Wow...Orange looks good on you
Jennie sent a winky face emoji and the both of them started listening to the conversation again. 
"...actually it is. You can put multiple cards down if it's the same number." Hayoon spoke.
"Nah, nah. We are not playing like that. One card only." Jungkook asserted.
"Yes, we are playing like that." Hayoon asserted back, making him widen his eyes.
"Ooooooohhhhh!" the 97 Liners got hyped at her speaking.
Jungkook playfully glared at her before turning to Jennie, "Babe, are you going to let her talk to me like this?"
Jennie glanced at Hayoon and then Jungkook, "If my best friend says that this is how we play then we are playing like that." she replied, having Hayoon's back.
"I trusted you," the Golden Maknae looked offended.
"Hehe, multiple it is!" Hayoon cheered.
"One card!" he demanded.
"One card!" Mingyu chimed in.
"Multiple!" Yuju shouted.
"This is hilarious..." DK laughed.
A long debate occurred once again and they decided to settle it by rock, paper, scissors since it was clear that people played Uno in various ways. Finally, it was settled that they could only use one card which gained the annoyance of those who wanted it to be multiple. Yuju took back one of her yellow 3s, grumbling at how unfair this was.
As the game continued, Jennie noticed that Jungkook was still glued to her chest and she started to text him.
Jen: Dare, darer or darest?
JK: Dare
Jen: Keep your eyes up. Stop staring at my chest
JK: Whaaaaat? Seriously? :(
She sent laughing emojis and buttoned her shirt back while he looked disappointed.
JK: Dare, darer or darest?
Jen: Darer
JK: Unbutton your shirt again and allow me to keep staring at you
Jen: Seriously?? There needs to be some rules, you can't reverse it!
JK: Too bad lol. Let me see you
Jen: Ughhhh. Fine lol.
She did what she was told as he enjoyed the view. She watched him as he stretched and her mind began to wander. She wondered if she should take the risk to try to be a little bold and playful with her boyfriend at the table. She wanted to see where this new territory would take them. 
When a new game began with Jennie and Jungkook playing this time, the 97 Liners watched as the first card placed down on the table was a blue 8. 
As Jungkook was occupied checking out his hand, she decided to have one of her feet rub against his, catching his attention. She continued to look at her cards, ignoring his look as they started to play footsie for a bit. Her foot slowly started to go up his calf which caused him to chuckle softly, locking eyes with her. He thought of it as a cute gesture with her.
With the rest distracted with the game, they didn't have to worry about the attention on them unless it was their turn. So perhaps she could go along with this bold plan of hers to test the waters. 
Jen: Dare, darer, or darest?
JK: Darest
Jen: No matter what, stay in your seat for 5 minutes. I'll put a timer on.
He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
JK: Easy. Fine by me
'We'll see about that,' she thought as she put a timer on her phone.
After a minute, she raised her foot to rub against his calf again but this time went further up until she boldly pressed against his crotch which caused him to shift in his seat. 
He gave her a warning look while she smiled innocently. As she pressed further, rubbing against him, he flinched in his seat. He immediately grabbed her foot to stop the sensation but his shorts began to feel tighter.
'Fuck...' he thought as he managed to bite back a groan.
That was the last thing he was expecting her to do for a dare like this.
JK: I highly suggest you tread lightly
Jen: Me?? Tread lightly? It doesn't feel like you want me to
JK: Jennie...
Jen: Yesssss?
JK: Tread lightly...
Jen: You sure? 'Cause I'm flattered by how you're so quick to react to me. It looks like you're about to lose, Kookie. Want to throw up the white flag?
"Your turn Jungkook," it was announced as he was distracted by her.
"R-Right. Sorry. Here," he quickly put a card down as the game progressed.
As music played in the background along with loud conversations regarding the game, a low groan escaped him when her foot pressed against him again, making his arousal grow. He managed to keep his composure as he watched her smirk and wink at him.
'Confident, huh?' he thought.
JK: Last warning. Don't start something you can't finish, Jennie...
She looked at the message and back at him as he gave her a sharp stare which she thought made him look hotter. 
Oh, she was loving this...
Jen: And what are you going to do about it, my love?
She was pushing it. Her confidence was through the roof as she assumed he was going to break and have her win this entire game. But he continued to control himself, going along with the dare. He couldn't lose. Not like this. He had to win this game.
JK: Bet.
Reading his text made her even more amused as he took a page out of her book when she'd say that from time to time. 
Jungkook chose to be a patient man, plotting revenge later. They never did anything like this before but it was exciting and he wondered how far this was going to go between them. In the meantime, he managed to wrap his hoodie around his waist to make sure to hide his arousal when he planned to excuse himself once the timer went off. He was thankful everyone was occupied with the game as it was getting intense.
After another minute, the alarm on her phone went off. And Jennie giggled to herself as she watched him quickly excuse himself, claiming forfeit for this round so he could use the bathroom. 
Jennie continued the game and after they started a new game, Jungkook came back, less tense, watching the action unfold until they were ready for a new game. She waited for him to text back for another round of the Dare game but he didn't and she decided to patiently wait.
"STOP BEING A TROLL!" DK shouted at Bam Bam for constantly putting reverse cards down.
"Jeez, how many reverse cards do you have?" Yugyeom asked.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Now pick up a card from the deck DK." Bam Bam giggled.
"Mingyu! Don't you put that card down! If you put that card down I will never talk to you again!" Eunha warned when he teased her with the draw four card.
Placing it down anyway, Eunha playfully punched him on the arm and was forced to pick up four cards.
"Are you kidding me!?" Hayoon shouted after two people put down draw 4 cards when she was waiting to put down a wild card to change the color.
Everyone was shocked at how out of character she got because she was usually on the quieter side. During the game, she had the least cards but now ended up having the most. 
"You sure you want to do that?" The8 asked her when she was about to put down a green card.
"No regrets. I'm trying to get rid of these cards," she replied.
"Welp." he put down a reverse card, which made her shout in frustration because that was the last green card she got rid of. He seemed pleased to see someone getting all the cards to make the odds better for him to win.
"Jungkook, I'm sorry." Jihyo put down a draw 2 card.
"Don't be. I have a draw 2 card. Sorry, man." he turned to Yugyeom after placing the card down. 
"I think we need to stop being friends, Jungkook." Yugyeom sighed, picking up four cards.
"UNO!" Bam Bam shouted, having one final card.
"UNO!" Jennie announced next before placing down a red 7. 
She maintained eye contact with Bam Bam, as the competition heated up.
"Are you cheating?" Hayoon demanded, looking at Bam Bam angrily.
"Wh-what? No! Why would I?" he sputtered.
"Don't lie to me. Throughout this whole game, you keep getting the good cards." she narrowed her eyes making her look scary.
"What is that on your lap?" Mina pointed out
"Hidden cards?!" DK called out.
"Oh, so you cheating?" Jen called out as the guys stood up and chased Bam Bam around the house.
Later in the evening, Jungkook, Jennie, Hayoon, Mingyu, Jihyo, and DK hung out in the hot tub, chatting amongst themselves. Jungkook had his arm around Jennie, sitting next to her. As their time in the hot tub progressed, he removed his arm and then placed a hand on her knee.
"Final round. Dare, darer or darest?" he asked in her ear, taking her by surprise.
He still wanted to play? One last time?
"Are you serious?" she murmured to him.
"Unless you want to forfeit."
"No way. I'll play. But if I win this whole game, I want you to buy me that new video game coming out soon. The one I was telling you about,"
"Fine by me,"
"And what is your reward if you win?"
"You'll see when I win this final round,"
"Confident are you? Darest,"
"I dare you to be quiet," he said as she raised a brow.
Be quiet? That's it? That was easy. He just basically gave her the game.
She shrugged and turned her attention back to listening to the conversation their friends were having about funny moments living with their groups. She had already shared her piece with Jungkook on the moments they dealt with at the dorm so she eagerly listened, occasionally smiling at a comment here and there. 
Suddenly she felt Jungkook's hand slowly go further up on her thigh which caused her breath to hitch. She gave him a look while he looked ahead, unphased, and had an innocent smile on his face.
"You all right, Jennie?" Hayoon asked.
Feeling him lightly grip her inner thigh she jumped a little. "Ye-ah! Yeah! I'm fine! I just remembered I gotta catch up on the episodes of this American show my friend was telling me about. Another new episode should be out."
'So, you're sensitive here...' Jungkook thought, making a mental note.
After she wasn't the center of attention anymore, she felt Jungkook raise his hand up further which caused her to squirm in her seat. She refrained from having a whimper escape her lips and immediately grabbed his hand to make him stop.
'Mission ABORT!' she yelled in her head as she pondered on ways to get out of this situation. 
She was about to try to move to get out of the hot tub to avoid her fate but he immediately grabbed her and kept her securely next to him.
"Mm mm. Don't run now," she heard him say in her ear, making her shiver. 
She felt him kiss her cheek afterward. From their friends' perspective, it was like he was just giving her a sweet kiss for a little PDA which was something they were used to. But boy was she in shambles on the inside.
Once the rest thought of watching a movie, they began to get out of the hot tub. Jennie attempted to move again, hoping to leave with them but Jungkook continued to hold her securely, making her stay with him.
"Enjoy the movie. We're gonna stay here and spend some quality time together," Jungkook announced.
'Oh my God...what have I done?' she thought.
"Aw, cute! Have fun! I'm gonna leave and turn in, I'll see you guys, tomorrow!" Hayoon grinned and got out of the hot tub.
"Y-you're leaving? Already?" Jennie called out as Jungkook began to smirk to himself.
"Yeah, I'm sleepy. See you two tomorrow!" she waved and started walking away.
'No, no don't leave, sis!' Jennie begged in her head as she watched her go back inside after shutting the door.
And now she was left alone and at Jungkook's mercy.
Jungkook's mind raced with various scenarios on how this could go down. He could go the usual route and tickle her. But his mind began to wander to how she made him feel earlier. How quickly his body reacted to her and how he imagined what it would be like to make her feel good in a more sensual way. She had officially awakened a side of him that he didn't think he had. And everything she had done tonight made him want to do more.
"Alone at last..." he said proudly.
Turning to him, she attempted to try to sweet talk her way out of this. 
"Kook, listen I-"
Before she could continue, he cut her off with a heated kiss. She moaned against his mouth once his hand reached her core, rubbing against it, making her squirm. She weakly tried to move his hand away but he continued as his kisses traveled down to her neck, making her whimper.
"J-Jungkook..." she gasped, trying to keep her sounds low.
He could really get used to hearing her say his name like that.
The sensations and everything he was doing were driving her insane as she began to grind against his hand. His pace was steady as he listened to her sounds.
"Where'd the confidence go, Miss Bangtan?" he teased in her ear as she let out a soft curse. 
She couldn't even answer his question as she cried out for him. She underestimated how he would retaliate after she teased him earlier. But she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as her panting increased and she threw her head back.
Suddenly, the pleasure stopped as he let her go and pulled away.
"I win," he grinned.
Dazed, she looked at him in shock, "Wh-what!?" she exclaimed breathlessly. "I-I-hey! That wasn't fair!"
"I told you to be quiet for the dare, baby girl,"
"You didn't say anything about doing this! And why did you stop?!"
"You lost as soon as you answered Hayoon's question earlier. And as for what just happened...you shouldn't have teased me," he replied as he got out of the hot tub.
"You're leaving!? You're just gonna leave me, like this?!" 
"I said don't start something you can't finish. Good night, Jagi," he smiled and left her alone, going inside the house.
"I...this little shit..." she grumbled as she crossed her arms.
Who told him to be this bold? She was loving every bit of this side of him. It also amazed her how quickly she submitted to him. She had to fight back next time and take control.
As frustrated as she was that he didn't give her that release, she enjoyed herself and was curious to see what else they'd do.
The next morning, Jennie got ready for the day while still in her pajama shorts and tank top. She gave everyone a head's up yesterday that she was going to sleep in and chill for the morning while they went out for their fun activities. She'd join them later in the afternoon. For now, she wanted to lounge around and then maybe go for a jog later.
"Oh, hey. Good morning. You didn't want to join the others to go out?" she asked as she saw Jungkook walk into their bedroom, shirtless with just a pair of grey sweatpants on.
He smiled and shook his head. "Good morning. Nah, I didn't want to leave you, so I stayed behind. I was waiting for you to wake up,"
"Aw, you didn't have to. I know how much you love hanging with the guys. I would have been all right,"
"And miss the chance of being alone with you? No way. I'll go out later,"
"So...about last night," she brought up. "Can we talk about it?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Did I go too far?"
She shook her head with a smile. "No way, I enjoyed it. I'm just upset you left me hanging. It was nice. It felt really good. Maybe I should start teasing you more often,"
He chuckled. "Maybe you should. I'm glad you liked it,"
"Did I go too far? You know, at the table,"
He shook his head. "It took me by surprise but you initiated something I've been thinking about for a while. I'm glad we're comfortable with this,"
"Me too. Oh so about the game...I lost. So, what do you want as your reward?" she asked, feeling curious since he hadn't brought it up yet.
The statement caused him to smirk. "You'll see,"
"It's nothing embarrassing is it?"
"Nah. You'll enjoy this more than me," he reassured and glanced at the bed. "Lay down,"
"Lay down?" she looked confused.
"There's something I've been wanting to do for a while now,"
"Alright," she shrugged and got on the bed, laying her body against the soft sheets. 
She laid her head against one of the satin pillows and watched as he smiled and got on top of her to capture her lips intimately and slowly. She melted into his touch as he caressed her and felt his lips travel down her body. As she felt his kisses down her stomach, she gasped.
"Wait..." she breathed out as she felt his hands pulling on her shorts. "N-not there. You don't have to do that," she fidgeted and gently pushed him off of her.
"What's wrong?" his eyes turned into concern while she sat up with him. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, no, I just...you don't have to do that, okay?" she felt herself getting nervous.
Deep down she wanted to but she began to feel a little shy. She always thought about getting head from him but she'd feel self conscious. What if she smelled? What would he think when he sees her? Does it look okay down there?
"I want to. This is what I wanted to try. Are you nervous?" he asked.
"A-a little. I never experienced it before,"
He smiled understandingly. "Me either. It's something we can try together for the first time. I told you I wanted to be your first in other ways. I want to make this experience a good one for you. Don't be nervous, okay? Just relax, Jennie. I got you," 
He gently pushed her back down and kissed her. His kisses slowly traveled down to her neck, making her tremble. 
"Seeing you in that bikini really made me want to do this," he added. "And not to mention with you teasing me and how you sounded in the hot tub...I want to hear you say my name like that again,"
For a while now he wanted to try this with her. Being able to give her pleasure by his mouth with his head in between her thighs. It was new to them both and Jungkook was eager to learn more about what she liked when getting pleasured. Eager to learn more about how her body reacted to him.
"You trust me? Can we try this?" he asked as he looked at her for consent.
His words made her feel at ease and she nodded.
"I want you to say it verbally,"
Face flushed, she spoke, "Yes. I trust you. We can try,"
Once he got confirmation, he brought her to the edge of the bed and kneeled on the floor. Removing her shorts and panties, he pushed her legs apart.
"Beautiful..." she heard him say as she felt him kiss around her inner thighs, making her squirm in anticipation.
She cried out at the sensation as his wet and warm tongue slid against her folds, making her back arch. He started slow, taking his time as he held her in place. 
Her eyes squinted shut with pleasure, and her breathing quickened as she desperately tried to grip on something. She became a mess under him, grabbing his hair while he continued to experiment and listen to her feedback.
Jungkook thought she looked beautiful like this as he watched her with lustful eyes. He studied the way her face moved and how her body tensed. She was all desperate and needy for him as he felt her shudder in pleasure and moan out his name. The way she tugged on his hair and cried out for him gave him affirmation that he was doing well and he felt a sense of pride that it was him making her feel this way.
As Jennie continued to enjoy herself, she noticed that it seemed like Jungkook was a talker, speaking sweet nothings to her as he pleased her. She found herself appreciating that and pondered how it would be when they decided to have sex since this was already getting her going.
Once she felt her release coming, she began to try to push away. Everything was feeling intense for her and she felt like she wasn't going to be able to handle what was about to happen.
Pulling her back to him, he spoke, "It's okay, I got you. Just let go,"
While he buried his head back in between her legs, a strong wave of pleasure took over as she cried out his name in bliss. Pulling away from her, he smirked at the sight of her trembling and breathing heavily.
"Good girl," he thought out loud, praising her.
Jennie felt her face flush at the new nickname and she found herself loving it as a light laugh escaped her and a tired smile came across her face for a moment. He was going to be the death of her if he kept this up. And this was only the beginning of them doing things sexually.
Jungkook watched her reaction and realized that she liked the way he praised her, keeping a mental note of it. He was going to enjoy getting better and better at this so he could see that satisfied look on her face often.
"You all right?" he asked softly. 
She couldn't speak for a moment as she continued to catch her breath, trying to calm down from her high.
"What...the hell...Jungkook?" she breathed out as he chuckled and sat on the bed.
"Did I do okay?"
"Yeah, that was amazing. I feel amazing. Wow..." she continued to catch her breath, still feeling out of it. "What has gotten into you?"
He grinned. "I couldn't help myself."
In the afternoon, Jungkook went to spend time with the guys and checked out the sights while Jennie went with the girls to a local zoo after Hayoon excitedly suggested the idea.
“Wait, don’t you think we should go by the map?” Mina advised as they all watched Hayoon run off like a child with a bright giggle.
“There she goes.” Jen chuckled.
“She really likes animals, huh?” Eunha added as they went to catch up with her.
“Look at how cute it is!” Hayoon pointed at the monkeys. “And this one! And that one!”
They all walked around while Hayoon took over the entire trip, pointing out where she wanted to go. She even ran straight to the gift shop to buy a toy giraffe, which sparked Jen’s creative mind to create a giraffe themed birthday box for her once her birthday arrives.
Continuing to explore, they observed the cute pandas, birds, and snakes which creeped some of them out, and now it was onto the fish. Walking over to the touch bank, they watched the stingrays swim around. Mina hesitantly dipped her hand in the water and flinched when she felt the smoothness of the stingray, pulling her hand out.
“Oh my gosh.” she giggled in surprise while the rest of the girls followed suit.
“It’s so squishy,” Yuju said as she tried to touch one.
After the zoo, Jennie received a text from Jungkook that made her stomach flip.
JK: I'm taking you out. Let's go on a real date. :)
Jennie got ready quickly and then went to the mirror to do her makeup along with Jungkook waiting for her in their room. He watched her apply lip gloss on her lips as a soft smile came across his features.
‘With or without makeup you’re still beautiful to me always.’ he thought.
“What?” she smiled, bringing him out of his thoughts.
He grinned. “Ah, nothing. You ready?"
"Yep! I'm excited!" she grabbed his hand as he led her to where their date was.
He took her to a nice romantic picnic that had a great view of the beach. He made sure to take lots of candid photos of her while they ate. He made her laugh so hard that she snorted again which was something he hadn’t heard in a long time. It was pretty rare that it happened. Whenever she laughed so hard and snorted, she’d get embarrassed about it. But Jungkook thought it was cute over the years and made sure to tell her that. Because of this, thanks to him, Jennie started to feel more comfortable about her unpredictable snorts.
After their lunch, they walked around the beach, holding hands. He then suggested carrying her as she got on his back, checking out the view. Finding a Hammock, Jungkook lounged in it with Jen resting on top of him. He held her close as they watched the ocean, clouds, and blue sky.
A moment they'll never take for granted as they enjoyed each other's company and thought about how lucky they were to have each other.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she murmured, feeling one of his hands run up and down her back affectionately.
Kissing the top of her head, he guaranteed, "I know. Me too. We’ll go on more vacations. This one is just the beginning,” 
She looked up and kissed him. Pulling back, she smiled. “I can’t wait.” 
After their date, Jennie spent time with Hayoon, finding her around the area, bike riding. She rode bikes with her and then sat at an empty table near the beach.
“Hey, hey!” Bam Bam grinned and took a seat with them as he did some shopping.
“Bam Bam!” Hayoon beamed.
“Yo~!” Jen grinned. “Nice of you to join us.”
“I just came to see Hayoon.” he teased.
Miss Bangtan narrowed her eyes. “Oh okay. I’ll remember that when you want my baking.”
That caused his eyes to widen. “Wait, no! Please, I’m sorry!”
“Nah, you f’ed up.” she waved him away before everyone laughed in unison.
“There’s this smoothie place around that I saw earlier today. Want to grab some?” he suggested.
“I’m down.”
“Yes, let’s go,” Hayoon added.
After getting smoothies, Bam Bam whipped out his phone to film them walking around the beachside, enjoying their drinks. Jen noticed him filming and threw up the peace sign while Hayoon happily waved.
“Hi~! Blueberry smoothies are the best!” Hayoon proudly said.
Abruptly, Bam Bam dabbed and started laughing with Jennie.
“Do it with me.” he encouraged and dabbed again with Jen while Hayoon sighed, unamused.
“I need new companions.“ Hayoon walked past them, causing them to laugh harder.
“Wait! Come back!”
Sitting at a table by the beach, the three spent time sharing funny dorm stories and how their idol lives have been. Jen even posted a video of recording Bam Bam mocking her performance for fire.
“Guys, I do not dance like this,” she said in the video.
“Yes, you do! And then you move your hips like this.” he dramatically rolled his hips around in a circle, looking extra which caused Hayoon to let out a high pitched laugh.
“Stop encouraging him!” she groaned while playfully scolding her.
The trio decided to play Uno again to get back at Bam Bam for cheating. The two best friends demanded that he play fair and watched his every move. Hayoon was also in charge of distributing the cards. She did not have much luck during the first round and it was down to Bam Bam and Jen who had one final card left.
Jen had a blue zero while Bam Bam had a green five. Everything was in Hayoon’s hands as they waited for her to put down her next card. Miss Bangtan’s heart rate quickened in anticipation. She just had to win this.
Once Hayoon put down a wild card, she announced “Blue!” as the new color.
Slapping her blue card down, Bam Bam wailed in defeat.
“NO!” he shouted.
“YES! TAKE IT, BITCH!” Jennie stood up and raised her fists in the air
Sitting back down, Jennie took a photo of herself smiling victoriously with an annoyed Bam Bam in the background and a delighted Hayoon. She tweets it with the caption, ‘Decimated, embarrassed, schooled, BODIED! #Jen’
After playing a few more rounds, with Hayoon and Jennie beating him every time, they grabbed Bam Bam’s small speaker to dance around for fun and taught each other their group’s choreography.
“Let’s throw it back.” Jennie put on Tambourine by Eve. “Follow my movements, all right.”
She did some basic moves as they followed her. Soon after that, she went to record them to post on Twitter.
“Shake what your mama gave you! Move those hips!” she encouraged.
Hayoon did as she was told which surprised both of her friends.
“What was that!?” Bam Bam yelled, impressed.
“Damn girl! Where did that come from?” Jen grinned.
“You said to shake what my mom gave me,” Hayoon replied innocently.
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thebluestbluewords · 9 months
five golden rings
poly ot4 because I know what I’m about. A little holiday repost.
Evie owns a lot of jewelry. 
What she doesn’t own, however, is the golden ring that’s sitting on the top of her jewelry box. It’s a nice ring, small and gold and with a little round blue stone set into it. 
There’s no note, but it’s a nice ring, and it goes perfectly with the glittery skirt that Evie’s had on the top of her to-be-worn pile for ages, so she slips it on her right hand. Her starstone droplet earrings match as well, and the soft sweater with the embroidery on the collar is the perfect blend of cute and cozy that she needs for the last week of school before the holidays. 
Outfit selected, Evie throws a slipper at Mal on her way to the bathroom. 
“Fuck’ff,” the blanket lump on Mal’s bed mumbles. “Too cold.” 
“Too bad!” Evie calls back. “Get your dragon butt moving or I’m going to open all the windows and let it snow on you!” 
“Mmrgh,” Mal groans, instead of answering. “Mgreeb.” 
Glitter eyeshadow is so outdated, even for the holidays. “Did you leave me a ring, babe?” Evie asks as she’s putting on her liner, and Mal is stumbling her way out of bed. “It’s cute.” 
Mal presses her face into Evie’s shoulder and mumbles something inaudible. Her hair is sticking up into two little cowlick spikes like her mother’s horns, and it’s kind of adorable. 
“Do you think I should wear the cherry red or the mahogany today?” Evie wonders, holding up the two lipsticks. “Babe?” 
“Cherry,” Mal mumbles, and leans around for a kiss. “Tastes better.” 
“Of course.” 
“And I didn’t leave the ring,” Mal adds. “It’s from Jay.” 
“It’s cute, I’ll have to tell him he has good taste for once.” Evie says, lifting up her hand to admire it. “I almost want to layer more, but it shines so well alone too.” 
Mal bonks her head into Evie’s cheek. “I would wait on layering any more,” she says, and presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “You never know what else might show up.” 
Another kiss. Distracting. “I just think,” Mal says, between pecks that are getting deeper each time. “That there might be,” Another kiss. “More to the present than,” a deeper kiss, lingering. “Just this one.” 
Evie puts down her lipstick and returns the favor. “You think so?” she says, almost teasing. “Sure nobody put him up to it?” 
“Gifting is about bringing joy to others,” Mal says loftily. “And if I find joy in giving other people gift ideas then it’s none of your business how that happens.” 
Evie laughs, and keeps laughing all the way through her morning routine. 
There’s another ring in her pencil case. Still gold, but this time with a little red stone. Square cut, and matching the blue one. Evie slips it on her finger just before she picks up her pencil for the final history lecture of the semester. 
A third ring, this time clipped around the ring of her chemistry binder. A diamond shaped stone, black as the night and glittering with internal crystals. 
The fourth ring has a pale purple stone, cut into an oval. It stacks on with the others, a little progression of bright shapes and shining gold bands up the pale skin of her finger. It comes slipped into the top of her bag just after lunch, as she’s rushing to her next class and worrying about the end-of-year quiz she’s going to have to finish out the day. 
It makes her smile, which is worth a lot more than the little piece of metal and stone’s monetary value. Worth more than a castle, the love that she has for her little family. 
Auradon has made her soft for affection, and it’s not a bad feeling. 
“Hey princess,” Jay says later. Evie is washed up for bed now, soft and wearing her cozy dressing gown that she made herself before they came over to the land of fairy-tale endings. “I have something for you.” 
Evie looks up at him, this wonderful boy who finds things just for her, even when they lived on an island with nothing of real value except for the people it contained. “Jaybird,” she says softly. Just for the two of them. Mal and Carlos don’t need to know that they’re being emotionally vulnerable over here. “Thank you.” 
Jay doesn't really blush, but he ducks his head.“It’s just a little thing,” he says, like an apology. “This one isn’t as nice as the others.” 
Evie stops her restless fingers from playing with the other four, which she’s still wearing, stacked up on her right ring finger like the treasure that they are. “And I’m not as nice as the other princesses,” she says. “Since when has that ever stopped us?” 
“True,” Jay says, and opens his hand for her. “Here it is. Five golden rings, delivered just for you, Princess.” 
Evie scoops up the fifth ring. It’s a plain gold band, much like the others. The stone set in this one is clear, shaped like a heart, and with a crack running through it. She slips it onto her finger, settling it right where it belongs at the top of the stack. 
She holds out her hand, and Jay scoops it up to press a kiss to her knuckles. “Beautiful,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to the stones. “Fairest girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Charmer.” Evie shoots back. “Flattery will get you– oh!” 
Jay pulls back. “Do you want me to stop?” 
It’s so easy to pull him back in for one more kiss. “Never,” Evie whispers against his lips. “Never-ever-ever.” 
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