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recycledmoviecostumes · 26 days ago
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Used at least 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 over the years, this necklace is easily one of our most heavily spotted reused costumes!   In 2019, the piece was seen on Charlotte Hope as Katharine of Aragon in 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔.   Several years before, Lindsay Duncan wore it as Katherine in the 2003 film 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒖𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒖𝒏.   Gwyneth Paltrow had a turn wearing it in 1998 as Viola De Lesseps in 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.   This piece has been seen far too many times for us to share on social media. To see all fifteen (and counting!) times this necklace has been used, visit our website at Bit.ly/Acces012
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vincentcatagainsttheworld · 2 years ago
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⚘️⭐️𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮⭐️⚘️ #adiscoveryofwitches #adowcast #adowladies #womensday2023🌹 @debharkness @teresapalmer @alexkingstonofficial @adelleleonce @malin.buska @valariepettiford @aiysha_hart @tanyagracemoodie @mslouisebrealey #lindsayduncan #sophiamyles https://www.instagram.com/p/CphvCx8oQu9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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underthewingsofthblackeagle · 8 months ago
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pameluhr · 4 years ago
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meg-louise-giry · 4 years ago
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Today's Audiobook: The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Bert Coules. These BBC audio dramas feature the best Sherlock Holmes you've never seen, @clivemerrison along with the late great Andrew Sachs as Watson and appearances by Mark Gatiss, Jane Asher, Tom Baker and Lindsay Duncan, among others. I wish Bert Coules would write more of these... or at least that the BBC would commission them. #audiobook #radiodrama #sherlockholmes #thefurtheradventuresofsherlockholmes #bertcoules #author #clivemerrison #andrewsachs #markgatiss #janeasher #tombaker #lindsayduncan https://www.instagram.com/p/CHp3Y_yHtX8/?igshid=u2hze7goy7az
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Made in Italy (2020)
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I’ve seen father-son dramas that were more self-indulgent and than Made in Italy before. This doesn’t make it any less self-indulgent or basic, just unmemorable. Everything about this movie is too neat, too phony. At least the crew got to vacation in Italy while shooting.
Jack Foster (Micheál Richardson) is getting divorced but hasn’t signed the papers yet. When Ruth (Yolanda Kettle) tells him her parents are selling the gallery he manages, he offers to buy the gallery. To do this, he talks his father, Robert (Liam Neeson) into selling his childhood home, an Italian villa that’s fallen into disrepair since his mother died 15 years ago.
Put any kind of muscle into it and you'll predict every aspect of this film. Jack resents his father because they've never had a heart-to-heart about mom. “If you loved her so much, why did you let the house fall into such disrepair?” he asks. It’s obvious to us and we’ve just met them. Why can’t he figure it out? The plot is filled with everyone's little uses that will be checked off like items on a "to-do" list. In another movie, it would add dimension to them. Here, it's a countdown to the end. Jack still hasn’t signed the divorce papers and won’t let go of the art gallery he can’t afford and shouldn’t be managing anyway. What's going on there is obvious. Robert has let the prized Italian home become overgrown but he lights up when discussing the view from the backyard. Do you think he’ll want to sell once they’ve finished painting the walls? Speaking of which, one of them features a mural he created out of agony when he heard his beloved Raffaella passed. Will it be covered up, or restored?
It goes on like this with the side characters as well. When Robert meets Kate (Lindsay Duncan), their realtor, she shows an immediate dislike for him. You know what that means. Not to be outpaced by his father, Jack is given a love interest as well, a beautiful chef named Natalia (Valeria Bilello). There are comedic hijinks mixed in with montages of Jack being frustrated as he tries hard to patch every hole in the wall while his father wanders the grounds, reminiscing. The Italian setting? It makes for gorgeous shots but we don’t learn anything about the people who live there except that they like pasta, movies, and romance. I learned that same lesson years ago from Lady and the Tramp.
The best thing I can say about Made in Italy is that it’s inoffensive. I’ve directed many criticisms towards it but the performances, camerawork, dialogue, pacing, etc. are fine. As a directorial debut, James D’Arcy could've done far worse. I could even see some people watching it and enjoying it because it’s “nice”. “Nice” to a fault. There’s nothing about Made in Italy you would remember after a week. (December 28, 2020)
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cunninghamh2014 · 4 years ago
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Steve & Carol #Gifted #GiftedMovie #ChrisEvans #FrankAdler #MckennaGrace @mckennagraceful #MaryAlder #LindsayDuncan #EvelynAlder #JennySlate #BonnieStevenson #OctaviaSpencer #RobertaTaylor #captainamerica #robertdowneyjr #chrishemsworth #chrisevans #markruffalo #scarlettjohansson #jeremyrenner #samuelljackson #josswhedon #tvshow #fanart #edits #digitalart #art #drawing #digitalartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDP3s6Bzxd/?igshid=5fvzlytbpn2d
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vincentcatagainsttheworld · 2 years ago
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⭐️Ŧ𝐇Ř𝐎𝐖вᗩᑕķ тⓗ𝐔𝕣S∂ά¥ ⭐️ #ADiscoveryOfWitchesS1 behind the scenes ep.4 #adowset #bts #adowcast #adiscoveryofwitchestv #dancemoments #teresapalmer #matthewgoode #lindsayduncan #adowedit https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj74cZCoTyS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twotrey23 · 7 years ago
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#awards screener delivery today: #BattleOfTheSexes & #Gifted . #EmmaStone #SteveCarell #BillPullman #AlanCumming #AndreaRiseborough #ElisabethShue #NatalieMorales #BillieJeanKing #ValerieFaris #JonathanDayton #ChrisEvans #OctaviaSpencer #JennySlate #McKennaGrace #LindsayDuncan #MarcWebb #FoxSearchlight #film #cinema #movies #movie #films #awardseason #awardsseason #award #movie🎬
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Doctor Jekyll
Doctor Jekyll (2023) #JoeStephenson #EddieIzzard #ScottChambers #LindsayDuncan #SimonCallow #JonathanHyde Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (Oktober) Genre: Drama / Horror / Mystery Regie: Joe Stephenson Hauptrollen: Eddie Izzard, Scott Chambers, Lindsay Duncan, Simon Callow, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins, Robyn Cara … Filmbeschreibung: Eine moderne Neuinterpretation des berüchtigten Dr. Jekyll aus Robert Louis Stevensons 1886 erschienener Novelle Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde…
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moon-9077 · 4 years ago
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jamesmcavoyrealdeal Not long moved house and still sorting through stuff. Today lots of career memories being uncovered. Here are some of the superlative cast from the film "Starter For Ten". I loved this film and it was one of my first lead roles along with "The Last King Of Scotland". A fun and talented bunch who've pretty much all gone on to great things in one way or another. Those not tagged. #benedictcumberbatch #tomvaughn #catherinetate #johnhenshaw #charlesdance #lindsayduncan #guyhenry
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99quotes · 6 years ago
I have done some wonderful television, but you know, there's not as much exceptional material as there is in the theatre. So I do a lot of theatre, but really, as with most actors, I just love going from one to another. It's stimulating, it's diverting, it's a different way of life, and you know, I dearly like a good mix. —Lindsay Duncan
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doomonfilm · 6 years ago
Favorites : Birdman, or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
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Sometimes, a film comes out, and it is well received, but as time goes on, the reverence grows, and it eventually reaches classic or masterpiece status.  As a longtime fan of film, I would say that this is the normal trajectory for films heralded at this level.  There are a few special moments, however, when a film is released, and from day one its status as a masterpiece is undeniable.  This was the case in 2014, when Alejandro G. Inarritu released Birdman, or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). 
Former movie star Riggan Thompson (Michael Keaton), world renowned for his performances as Birdman in the superhero film series surrounding the character, is attempting to revitalize his career via the stage.  Riggan plans on financing and starring in a production of Raymond Carver’s What We Talk About When We Talk About Love for Broadway, but at every turn he learns that the stage and the screen are completely different beasts.  Riggan is supported by his lawyer and best friend Jake (Zach Galifianakis), his actress girlfriend Laura (Andrea Riseborough), and his daughter/personal assistant Sam (Emma), but issues with the production and press constantly make Riggan second guess himself.  The evening before the show reaches preview stage, star of the show Ralph (Jeremy Shamos) is struck by a light that Riggan believes he willed to fall, further causing Riggan to second guess himself and his sanity.  Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Riggan finds himself in desperate need of a new star, but his co-star Lesley (Naomi Watts) comes to the rescue by convincing her boyfriend and Broadway star Mike Shiner (Edward Norton) to join the cast at the final hour.  Mike brings a level of acting chops to the table that is much needed, but the tension between he and Riggan further frustrates show efforts, eventually leading to an opening night that nobody in attendance would soon forget.
The subtlety with which Alejandro G. Inarritu approaches the possibility of madness within Riggan Thompson is nothing short of pure brilliance.  I can only imagine that being an international superstar that plays a superhero can give the average man something akin to a God complex, and watching Riggan struggle with that former superiority and his current status as a ‘nobody’ is absolutely heartbreaking to watch.  Most times, we are unsure if he is throwing a tantrum, or if he actually possesses the powers that are hinted at with each instance, and it is precisely this hook that keeps us hanging on throughout the film.
Just underneath Riggan’s personal narrative are two concurrent and classic conflicts : family versus career, and stage versus film (or Hollywood versus Broadway).  In terms of family, Riggan displays the classic trap of, as his ex-wife puts it, ‘confusing love for admiration’, which therefore isolates him from those he supposedly loves the most.  His daughter is ultimately only in his life because of a job opportunity, and he’s willing to jeopardize her financial future to pay Mike Shiner to essentially publicly humiliate him.  When it comes to Hollywood versus Broadway, the tension is palatable between Riggan and Shiner, specifically when it comes to Riggan’s idea of what acting is versus Mike’s undying dedication to his craft (to the point that it cripples his ability to be real anywhere but the stage).  The true humor lies in the fact that even these two actors will always band together against their true ‘enemy’, the critic.  
The meta-humor at the expense of Hollywood is one of the best aspects of the film, especially the paradox of ‘cape’ films done by high-level actors.  Part of the film’s immediate legend is the one-take illusion, where the camera floats through hallways, rooms and the streets like a specter observing Riggan’s descent into madness.  The underlying and ongoing digs at superhero culture are maintained from start to finish, be it the titular and made up Birdman character, the mentions of top notch Hollywood talent becoming Avengers, or even Riggan’s stroll through Times Square and a collection of costumed heroes in a parade.  The score shifts seamlessly between orchestral pieces and a driving, drum-centered set of selections that both cue us emotionally and push us forward through the film.  One of the nice, subtle touches of the film is the presence of viral social media culture, and Riggan’s slow realization/acceptance of it.
Michael Keaton is running on all cylinders, bringing a beautiful unbalance to the table of pride, fear, uneasiness, and a commitment to completing a work that may ultimately break all of his loving connections.  Emma Stone plays a troubled, lost soul looking for connection from a father figure that was never able to give it to her, allowing her natural magnetism to make us feel bad for her without pitying her.  Edward Norton brings his top notch acting chops to the table while relishing in acting as a pretentious actor.  Zach Galifianakis lays heavy on the drama and reality while still managing to let his offbeat sense of humor have a solid presence.  Naomi Watts, a personal favorite of mine, brings the innocence of hope to her role, while still presenting a woman attempting to take a stance against an overbearing significant other, all in hopes she is not ultimately overshadowed in the world of Broadway.  Andrea Riseborough, though only being allowed a limited supporting role, makes her appearances memorable with a tender humor solely present only in her character.  Lindsay Duncan brings equal levels of pretension to the table that Norton does, but with a significantly more vicious edge.  Appearances by Merritt Wever, Jeremy Shamos, Amy Ryan, Benjamin Kanes and more round out a wonderfully solid cast.
Birdman, or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) hits me the way that a film like 8 1/2 hit me in terms of the way it is able to be complex, brutally honest, meta and humorous when turning the lens on itself.  The Birdman section of the title is clearly a nod at Keaton’s time as Batman, but the true genius of the title lies in (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)... in my opinion, this is a glorified way to identify Riggan’s symbolic and literal leap of faith, which is a very human moment we all deal with eventually.  Sometimes, in fact most times, that leap must be taken despite an unclear landing, if only in hopes we will come out better when all is said and done.
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cunninghamh2014 · 4 years ago
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McKenna Grace and Chris Evans - Gifted #chrisevans #frankadler #mckennagrace #maryadler #lindsayduncan #evelynadler #jennyslate #bonniestevenson #octaviaspencer #roertataylor #glennplummer #gregcullen https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsRsbphTdk/?igshid=bx4kcy59zip4
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servermonkey · 7 years ago
Posting it as a story trimmed a good portion of it and really, you should watch this in its entirety sometime. As stated before, pleasantly surprising and touching. #gifted #notquiteafilmaday #chrisevans #mckennagrace #lindsayduncan #octaviaspencer #jennyslate
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vincentcatagainsttheworld · 3 years ago
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𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬~A Discovery Of Witches Season 1-Set ⭐𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓌𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒯𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎⭐ • • #adiscoveryofwitches #allsoulstrilogy #adow #season1 #skytv #adiscoveryofwitchestv #bts #throwbackthursday #matthewanddiana #teresapalmer #matthewgoode #lindsayduncan https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjhBpBsL3c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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