shift-shaping · 3 months
Essential 7
Life 4
Party 3
Codex 8
For both enaste and eriwen?
7. How do they dress in their downtime, while fighting, in formal settings, etc.?
I wish I had matching commissions for them, but unfortunately I do not. :( Eirwen Surana first:
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Both of these are from @Limpstella! Eirwen prefers multiple layers and thick sweaters. She's always cold. Her traveling/fighting clothes are similarly heavy, and she adds Warden blues to signal who she is. She dislikes formal wear, in-general, but will typically wear whatever a more fashionable person tells her to --or, depending on the circumstances, her Warden uniform.
As for Enaste Lavellan:
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She dislikes the cold as well, but unlike Eirwen, will simply cast a warming spell if it bothers her too much. Enaste doesn't like heavy clothing, not when she can avoid it, and used to dislike feeling restrained. Now though, after getting tossed around so much in battle, she finds the support built into her vest surprisingly comfortable. 'Formal wear' to Enaste is rather different from formal wear to her advisors, as she sees long, colorful silks draped around the body much more beautiful than the heavy dresses she sees in Val Royeaux. It is not a hill she's willing to die on, though, and in formal situations she wears either her armor or whatever Josephine and Leliana tell her to.
The mod for her casual wear is here, and the one for her armor is here. Her hair is from this mod.
4. Describe their family. Who were they close to? Were there any particular childhood friends?
Eirwen is biologically the daughter of a Rivaini sex worker and one of Solas's elvhen agents. It was not consensual. Before Eirwen was born but after she was conceived, her mother met and fell in love with Faron, an exiled member of Clan Lavellan. Eirwen does not know this, however, and depending on the verse she's in, very likely never will. A tragic --though complicated-- sequence of events meant that she grew up in the orphanage of the alienage in Denerim, where the other children were cruel to her for being 'strange.' She spent much of her childhood without friends, though she sometimes met with spirits in her dreams. When her magic manifested, she was bound and gagged and dragged to Kinloch Hold. It was only there, under the watchful eye of the Templars, that she finally had some semblance of companionship among her fellow mages. She knew Cullen, and they were close. It would not be inaccurate to say that Eirwen never really had a family until she met Morrigan and Alistair. Despite Morrigan's prickliness, and some very rocky moments, Eirwen considers Morrigan her sister, and loves her more than anyone else in the world by the start of Inquisition.
Enaste's story is less dramatic, though not without its hardships. She has a younger brother, an uncle, and many other family members in Clan Lavellan whom she loves dearly. By contrast, her relationship to her only living parent is tense and distant. Her mother died of an infection when she was young, and her father began an illicit relationship with a human woman soon after. Enaste, then ten-years-old, discovered their meetings and told the Keeper. Enaste saw this as a betrayal of both their family and their clan, and judged him harshly for being involved with someone who was not an elf. The Keeper let him choose whether to stay with the clan or with his lover, and Enaste told him he should leave. He did, and though her opinion on elf-human relationships in-general has long since softened, she struggles to forgive her father for his decisions. In the intervening years, they have spoken only enough for her to know she has two human half-siblings in Antiva.
She also lost a dear friend to a snake bite while they were in their mid-teens. She was the type of in love with him that makes teenagers do very stupid things. Keeper Deshanna helped her cope with the loss, but such a tragic event destroyed her willingness to engage in romantic relationships for a long time. She now wonders if it's too late for her to meet someone to spend her life with. (It's not, she's 30. She would have been fine if she picked literally anyone besides Solas.)
3. Which companions (or advisors) do they like to spend time with when they’re not travelling?
Eirwen always loved being with Alistair and Morrigan, but separately, for obvious reasons. Her relationships with the two of them evolved very differently: Eirwen and Alistair got along right away, and their relationship progressed into something more with surprising ease and comfort, given the circumstances. Meanwhile, Eirwen also thought Morrigan was the coolest person she'd ever met and wanted to be friends with her so badly it made Morrigan uncomfortable. She came around eventually, however, and the two are still close friends long after the end of the Blight.
Enaste has no faith in her human allies initially, and takes weeks to defrost with any of them. At Haven, she seeks comradery with both Solas and Sera, but is genuinely hurt by their comments on the Dalish and finds herself feeling cripplingly alone. By far her closest companion in the early weeks of the Inquisition is Varric, who treats her as a person and gives her what she believes is generally good advice. The first of her human companions that she gets along well with is Blackwall, though mostly because he isn't especially weird about her being an elf and is content to sit next to her in silence at the tavern. In time she comes to trust Dorian more as well, and even takes a liking to Josephine. She and Cassandra never really see eye-to-eye, and Enaste finds Leliana's religion too frustrating to form a relationship with her. Curiously, Eirwen felt the same way.
Enaste's relationship with Solas becomes less antagonistic after spending time fighting together in the field. She finds his studies genuinely interesting, and he is less of a dick to her about her background after a few conversations. He saves her life countless times in battle (though admittedly Blackwall saves them both far more) and takes to training her in Spirit magic. These experiences training and fighting together eventually lead to an ill-advised mutual attraction that inevitably leads to tragedy.
8. How do they feel about the Deep Roads?
Eirwen HATES them. She has never forgotten the fucking poem she heard down there. Yet she fully believes it is her ultimate grave, and sees a return to its labyrinth as inevitable.
Enaste has never been there, and is only familiar with them in the abstract. When she does inevitably visit to investigate the earthquakes, she will likely find the Deep Roads hauntingly beautiful, probably because she doesn't see any broodmothers.
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nipuni · 6 years
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Pahpi and Solas taking a nap! my part of the art trade with @limpstella​​ I hope you like it!! thank you for trading with me!! 🤗💕
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Finally put up my @limpstella pins 💕💕 #pins #pinstagram #dc #sailormoon #limpstella https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ymFitHDky/?igshid=2cwbm01q908v
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elvensemi · 6 years
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HEY so some of you might know about @limpstella‘s Patreon (I’m gonna post this there too lol), of which I am a proud Patron (I mean a $2 patron but we’re all poor here)! Well, despite being a piddly lil two dollar patron, I actually won her monthly giveaway (which u too can be entered in for a measly $1 a month, which also gets u sneak peeks of art n stuff!) and I got TWO amazing charms and some stickers, as pictured! 
Cole now lives in my school notebook in charm and sticker form, Solas sleeps cheerfully on my car keys (he can see the world in the Fade while I drive :p) and Merrill and Isabela (THIS IS SUCH A SPECIFIC SHIP THAT I SHIP THE HELLFUCK OUT OF I’M SO HAPPY) is on my tablet case! 
It all came in like the cutest hand-decorated package ever, lovingly wrapped in pink tissue paper and tied up with pink string. I even got a hand-written note (which is now on my magnet board, not pictured because it’s also covered with story outlines and k-pop photocards *sweats*)! 
I guess what I’m saying is GO SUPPORT LIMPSTELLA ON PATREON, GET U SOME SWAG MAYBE, and if Patreon isn’t your thing she also has a store where you can buy this stuff directly! The charms are sooooooo cute, and the stickers are high quality. <3
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lunarreverb · 7 years
So @limpstella has been test-running rewards for possibly doing a Patreon in the future. Let me tell you, as somebody who loves loves loves her art and her super appealing drawing style, I was very excited to help her run a test shipment to make sure rewards made it nicely through the US Postal system. Result: Heck yeah they did!
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Exhibit A: A typical wad of mail as stuffed into my mailbox’s slot with the typical level of care and delicacy
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But what’s this? An adorable envelope smattered with little shiny star stickers and a bit of delightful tape that automatically brightened my day?
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There are Contents inside the envelope, safely secured in a little cello bag! It included a nice cupcake note! The nice note is blurred b/c it had my name, but I assure you it was a nice note.
OK, so the goods. Main event is this beautiful mini Cole print:
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I don’t know that my camera is doing perfect justice to the colors of this beautiful print? But it’s so, so nice in person. Pertinent to our test, I want to emphasize that it has arrived in perfect condition, without any creases or damage to the corners. I also want to commend the excellent choice made to print this on high-quality matte finish paper. I love the look of a good matte print so well! It’s a pity when people assume you have to print with ultra glossy paper to get a quality print. Entirely untrue! Unless your intended print result absolutely calls for super extra vanta-black blacks, I feel like gloss is often unnecessary. This is a very beautiful, clear print and the finish suits the style very well. I am so pleased with this print!
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Also, at 4″x6″, this is the perfect size to pop into a small frame. :>
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Bonus?!?! Look at these fantastic little stickers? They also arrived in great condition. @limpstella is the actual best. Guys, if you aren’t following her already I would have to recommend you check her out. I can’t wait to support her on Patreon!
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dancing-macabre · 7 years
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@limpstella 's postcard print of Sera arrived today! 😍😍😍😍 Check out her amazing DA art and be sure to look for her on patreon when she finishes getting it set up!
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lavellanlove · 7 years
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“Thank you for loving me when I still tasted of heartache and war.” — Nikita Gill
Thelrand & Avira Lavellan, nas’falon who — after the Veil falls and the world they know comes undone — find their way back to one another from opposite sides of the war. ❤ Thelrand belongs to @saphyremelodies​. Beautiful artwork by the always lovely and talented @limpstella​.
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Right in the feels Andromeda
I commissioned the always wonderful and very talented @limpstella to draw another icon for me to continue the feels trend! Armistice Ryder, reporting for hnnnnngh duty.
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ladylike-foxes · 7 years
Holy hell. It’s officially April 1st, and my birthday is tomorrow. I am not prepared for the wave of disappointment and existential crisis about to sweep over me....
All I want is a commission from  @limpstella​ of Halesta and Solas (and/or Naele and Fen/Solas. Hopefully some family member or other will send me money as a gift, and we won’t need it for rent, so I can finally order one. And also, hopefully she will be taking commissions...(?)
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fang-emblem · 5 years
@scottysloth and @limpstella thank you so much for the lovely pins!! (and charm)
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shift-shaping · 7 years
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this one is her Skyhold/comfy clothes!!! please consider commissioning her she makes really incredible art and is super super nice and lovely and uGH
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you had a great day!! :D
Thank you ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ Hope you had a great day too ;7;b
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dragonagestoryzine · 4 years
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We’re delighted to announce that The Keeper's Codex: A Dragon Age Fairy Tale Anthology is now available for pre-orders from February 7 to March 7!
This book features 60+ pages of illustrations and stories recontextualizing the lore-rich realm and characters of Thedas through the lens of real world fairy tales, folklore, and mythology.
The Keeper's Codex is available in the following bundles:
The Digital Bundle: A high quality digital PDF of our zine
The Elfroot Bundle: A physical copy of the zine
The Embrium Bundle: A physical zine + a random choice of our merch
The Crystal Grace Bundle: A physical zine + all merchandise created for The Keeper's Codex!
Reblog this post for the chance to win a free full bundle or a total refund of whatever you purchase!
Store ✨ Info ✨ Twitter ✨ Contributors
Illustration Artists
Adrienne (twitter / instagram) | Bunchabears (twitter / tumblr) | Arimesi (twitter / tumblr) | Beau (twitter / tumblr) | Brit Corbin (twitter / instagram) | Carolinedgart (twitter / instagram) | Cinnamoonie (twitter / instagram) | Debbie (twitter / tumblr) | Ev Zeitghaest (twitter / instagram) | Xfreischutz (twitter / tumblr) | G. Small (instagram / twitter) | Hanna Schroy (twitter / tumblr) | Izzy (twitter) | JAUNE (twitter / tumblr) | Joanna (twitter / tumblr) | Kielamel Sibal (twitter / instagram) | Limpstella (twitter / instagram) | Lily (tumblr / twitter) | Luna (twitter / tumblr) | Mia (twitter) | Morgan (tumblr) | Paragonraptors (tumblr / twitter) | Ooorangy (twitter / tumblr) | Saltlordofold (tumblr / twitter) | Tarte (twitter / instagram) | Toby (twitter / instagram)
Contre Parry (tumblr) | Byacolate (tumblr / twitter) | Emily (twitter / tumblr) | Kate (twitter) | Liana (twitter / tumblr) | Rory (twitter) | Sydney (twitter / tumblr)
Merchandise Artists
Astro (tumblr / instagram) | Aura (tumblr / instagram) | Midoo (twitter / tumblr)
Eunae (twitter / tumblr) | Jenny (twitter / tumblr) | Luke (twitter / tumblr)
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elvensemi · 7 years
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I commissioned the wonderful @limpstella (again. i’m an addict) to draw my Ren and @unpretty‘s Jean from their scene together in one of our stories! I could not be happier with how it came out, especially those expressions. Jean’s fucking shit-eating grin could not be better, not to mention Ren, who looks like she’s contemplating throwing that rat at him. 
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lunarreverb · 7 years
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GUYS LOOK @limpstella drew my OC, Eluned! This is so great, I’m so happy right now, @limpstella did such a great job with her sly lil’ expression and I’m just so happy to see Eluned in @limpstella’s extremely charming style! Thank you @limpstella!
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feyriane · 6 years
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have strong word for @limpstella and they are WORDS OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just you wait till i get my phone and some pictures of that package -i’m screaming about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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