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geekbroll 5 years ago
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General Mills - Mermaid Cereal - 11.4oz聽 #mermaid #generalmills #mermaidcereal #mermaids #generalmillsmermaidcereal #fruitloops #applesjacks #mermaidsofinstagram #mermay #cerealbox #cerealisle #limitededition #limitededitioncereal #seasonalcereal #cartoons #cerealmascots #mermaidart cartoonmermaid #littlemermaid聽 (at Winco Foods) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-CAEIBSHe/?igshid=hamtw73y9reo
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bluepoodle7 2 years ago
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#Post #StrawberryHoneycombCereal #LimitedEditionCereal #Cereal
Thinking about Post Strawberry Honeycomb Cereal and how it was my first limited edition cereal I had as a kid and how it started my fascination with limited edition foods.
Images not mine. https://preparedfoods.com/articles/114864-post-reintroduces-strawberry-honeycomb-cereal
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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Limited Edition Kellogg's Chocolate Frosted Flakes with Spooky Marshmallows - 9.4 oz Halloween 2018 #kelloggshalloween #kelloggsfrostedflakes #kelloggs #tonythetiger #dracula #countdracula #chocolatefrostedflakeswithmarshmallows #chocolatefrostedflakes #chocolatefrostedflakeswithspookymarshmallows #spookymarshmallows #spooky #marshmallows #cerealbox #cerealmascots #breakfastcereal #breakfastcerealmascots #tigersofinstgram #catsofinstagram #monstercereals #limitededitioncereal #limitededition #frostedflakes #cellar #library #laboratory (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo33pf-BBqD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rnb8zbqpqh44
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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Limited Edition - Cap'n Crunch's Christmas Crunch 2018 Without doing an in-depth side by side comparison, this looks a lot like last year's box that I have pinned to the wall of my office. #capncrunch #christmascrunch #capncrunchschristmascrunch #christmas #merrychristmas #happyholidays #breakfastcereal #breakfastcerealmascots #cerealbox #cerealisle #cerealmascots #limitededitioncereal #limitededition #funholidayshapes #holiday #holidays #gingerbreadhouse #holidaycrafts #quaker #quakeroats #cartoons #cartooncharacters #christmastree (at Fred Meyer) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqowWaHBpzX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l2u8916leyu4
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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General Mills Limited Edition - Cocoa Puffs - Ice Cream Scoops This box was longer than my scanner. And I didn't care enough to make 2 scans of the sides. And after scanning the box and eating the cereal I recycled the box and didn't tack it to my walls. #generalmillscereal #generalmills #sonnythecuckoobird #cocoapuffs #cocoapuffsicecreamscoops #limitededition #breakfastcerealmascots #breakfastcereal #cerealmascots #birdsofinstagram #icecream #scoops #icecreamscoops #cartoons #cartooncharacters #limitededitioncereal (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7jtgphOYu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=182gcvrer3ahr
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geekbroll 3 years ago
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General Mills - Lucky Charms Honey Clovers - Albertsons #cerealisle #cerealbox #cereallife #cerealboxes #luckycharms #luckycharmscereal #luckycharmshoneyclovers #limitededitioncereal #cerealmascots (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWZM-RnPJQS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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General Mills - Reece's Puffs - Peanut Butter Bunnies - Spring Edition - 11.5oz The Reece's Puffs Bats was the last box of cereal I ate before I found out I have diabetes. They were good. #easter #generalmills #reecespuffs #reecespuffsbunnies #reecespuffsbats #peanutbutter #peanutbutterandchocolate #yougotyourchocolateinmypeanutbutter #yougotyourchocolateinmypeanutbutter #cerealbox #cerealisle #limitededition #limitededitioncereal #seasonalcereal #eastercereal #easterseason #bunniesofinstagram (at Fred Meyer) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvqJc3xABO7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mrmr4pupipgx
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geekbroll 5 years ago
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Morning Funnies Cereal - Ralston cereal ad - Daredevil 267 - Marvel Comics - June 1989 . . . . #ralston #ralstoncereal #ralstoncerealad #cerealads #hagarthehorrible #dennisthemenace #familycircus #comics #cartooncharacters #cartoons #comicstrips #beetlebaily #comicads聽 #hiandlois #morningfunniescereal #breakfastcereal #cerealmascots #kingfeatures #kingfeaturessyndicate #ralstonpurina #tiger #marvin #limitededitioncereal #thefamilycircus #daredevil #marvelcomics #hagar #funkywinkerbean #luanncomic #mortwalker (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA97_7gBTJU/?igshid=1fkfozheew450
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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Limited Edition Kellogg's Frosted Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts #poptartscomics #poptarts #kelloggspoptarts #kelloggs #pumpkinpie #pumpkinspice #pumpkinspicepoptarts #pumpkinpiepoptarts #limitededitioncereal #limitededition #comics #cerealisle #cerealbox #thanksgiving (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqZQQx5Ap7g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=67sggzwwmkd8
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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Limited Edition Cap鈥檔 Crunch鈥檚 Red, White & Blue Crunch - Quaker Oats - 11.4oz - Red White & Blue Berries! #capncrunch #redwhiteandbluecrunch #4thofjuly #capncrunchsredwhiteandbluecrunch #fourthofjulyl #capnchruchscrunchberries #quakeroats ##capncrunchscrunchberries #crunchberries #capncrunchcrunchberries #jeanlefoote #campout #campfire #breakfastcereal #cerealbox #breakfastcerealmascots #cerealmascots #cartoons #cartooncharacters #camping #campinglife #limitededitioncereal #limitededition #salytheseadog #weinieroast #campcapncrunch #readyforrhymetime (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/By7HNXAhNLs/?igshid=p1el3wcwztsw
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geekbroll 6 years ago
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Limited Edition Kellogg's Froot Loops with Spooky Marshmallows - 9.4 oz Halloween 2018 #kelloggshalloween #kelloggs #toucansam #halloween2018 #halloween #kelloggsfrootloops #frootloops #frootloopswithmarshmallows #frootloopswithspookymarshmallows #marshmallows #wolfman #werewolf #cerealbox #cerealmascots #breakfastcereal #breakfastcerealmascots #laboratory #library #cellar #tonythetiger #monstercereals #limitededitioncereal #limitededition (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo32ANqBHAb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ix7lnu2av0ne
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