iinkstar · 18 days
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Liminal oc doodle omg it’s been like almost half a year since I’ve made any liminalverse drawings and almost a year since I’ve drawn guma whaaaattt
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nullandvoice · 11 months
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What people see vs. What's actually going on
[Image Id: two pictures with the same background; a dark red circle on a desaturated green and red gradient. In the first image we see Alex, standing and facing three quarters to the left. He's a white man with spotty acne, gold circle glasses, and a septum piercing. He wears a denim jacket, a red sweater, and a necklace of a scorpion trapped in amber. He looks like he may be listening to someone else, and is blushing slightly.
In the second image, Alex is in the same position. However, there's now another man with his arms wrapped around him from the back. Jones has white bangs and the rest of his hair is black. He's wearing a black shirt with cyan, yellow, and magenta shapes on it. He has a gap in his teeth and he's smiling wide.]
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tellerofuntruths · 2 years
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“How many NPCs do you have floating around for that game you’re never going to make?”
There’s a lot. this is Sweetheart, also known as Gracie. She’s a liminoid. Despite popular opinion, she’s not a vampire, she just really, really wanted to be one.
[[ID: A white woman lit from behind. She’s sitting on the ground like she’s posing for a picture. She has long blonde hair and yellow cat eyes, with two fangs poking out on both sides of her mouth. Her ears are pointed and she has a strange cross earring that has strings connecting the edges of the shape. She has on a sheer blouse with a black collar and cross tie. Over this, she has a red vest with embroidery on the edges. She’s not wearing an undershirt. On one wrist she has a red bandana. Her jeans are rolled up, allowing us to see a scar on her left leg. She’s wearing red high tops with spikes on the toes, just above the rubber walls. The lighting is soft and warm.]]
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graywyvern · 4 years
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"According to the English Dialect Dictionary, a ball of snow made steadily larger by rolling it through a snowfield is called a HOGAMADOG." --@HaggardHawks
"The influence of this single line can be traced throughout Korean literature, painting, theater and music."
circuit of the hardwood floor ankles swell with hard fluid war list'ning for the faint rain sound you call this keeping-sane round coughs still haunt the fond throat's longing & pig-floats thronging
Life in the Liminalverse.
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nullandvoice · 1 year
Blog Launch
I hope to post information about the games I’m making here at least twice a week. That’s the goal! That’s not including reblogs, I mean full out original posts 2x a week.
These posts will include playlists, game insights, character profiles, and more. Follow to keep up with the development of Liminal
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nullandvoice · 1 year
Based solely on their name...
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nullandvoice · 1 year
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Name: Gracie (you can call her Sweetheart)
Age: 33 or 23 (33 chronologically, frozen at 23 due to liminality.)
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Liminoid
Ability: Hyper-visible. She has a higher than usual rate of exposing people to the liminal, not by choice. To avoid this, she only goes out at night. Also, she is super-visible in photography.
Occupation: Vampire
Relevant Game: Metatextual
Fun Fact: She wanted to be a vampire so bad she stopped existing.
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nullandvoice · 1 year
CHARACTER PLAYLIST; bloodsucker blues
Gracie (Sweetheart)
Gracie's playlist focuses on two major aspects of her character. She's a bit of a hopeless romantic and she's a bit of a monster. She wanted to be a vampire so bad she became a Liminoid, which is like, next best thing. She has fangs and cat-like eyes, she doesn't need to eat or sleep, and she has her own (fairly negative) opinions on her behavior and how she acts and lives. Also, she's desperately in love with Samiyah Nix, who she's taken to following around and trying to convince to go on a date. She's an obstruction on the plot of Liminal, but a very cute one.
Curses - The Crane Wives
But the smoke clears when you're around
Haunt, the Cartoon Heart - Bear Ghost
You've got me craving with outrageous adoration
Tongue and Teeth - The Crane Wives
My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
Howl - The Family Crest
Now you say, Lover stay, warm these bones my dear
Mary - The Happy Fits
She'll fill you with love and then drink out your blood
Sex with a Ghost - Teddy Hyde
She's a freak in the sheets, play it cool
Disco! In the Panic Room - bug hunter
My minds computing every path that screws up what I want to do
No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo
Let's have a party there's a full moon in the sky it's the hour of the wolf and I don't want to die
Love me Dead - Ludo
You're a parasitic psycho filthy creature finger-banging my heart
She-Wrecks - Bear Ghost
"that girl's a monster and she'll consume you"
Slow Down - The Deadbeat Cousins
There's no need to worry, by this time next month you'll be my girl
Violence - Frank Iero
Your violence feels like kisses to me, your silence makes it hard to breathe
Montero (Call me by your Name) - Lil Nas X
If Eve ain't in your garden, you know that you can
I've got to break you like a bad addiction
She Doesn't Sleep - Anthony Amorim
There's no cause for alarm, she means you no harm
Vampire Chick - Shawlin Supreme & the Kick Back Boys
This girl will fly right into your heart and keep sucking til the blood runs dry!
Bloodsucker - Harley Poe
I was hoping maybe we could love each other until we die
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nullandvoice · 1 year
"Oh, I get it. You're insane."
His smile is sickening.
"Do you really think that?"
He is so incredibly different from the only other person they've met with this particular psychosis. Alex is never confident, never so at peace. But this man, bandaged face and tattered coat, exudes something that disturbs them deep down. For some ineffable reason, they know he might be the only one in this setting that isn't crazy. Their stomach turns.
"...You know why I said it." The power rests on the tip of their tongue, the words that are so familiar and base shaping foreign and distant in their mouth, like the chant in a far language of world-eaters. They are dangerously toeing the line of not only knowing, but understanding. In this moment, they know the difference between the two of them is one of knowledge and understanding.
"Nope." The man smiles, leans forward across the table, resting his chin in his hands. His tone is vacuous, empty, a distinctive quality of someone who has glimpsed beyond the walls of code and letters. It hits them like a falling brick. He does not know because he is not the one being spoken to. "But I'm told I have a good feeling why you think that. You believe everything is in the frame of a narrative, do you not? If this is all a narrative, or a series of narratives, there must be a frame, containing many frames of the smaller stories. And I happen to know the frames are made of glass. I am a plot device, Ripley. And you know what that means."
Ripley swallows hard. Takes a shaking breath. This is as close as they are allowed to get, and they have the inalienable thought that this is somehow so much worse than Jacob's gift. Their blood runs cold. They never asked for his name. The wrecking ball of another story stares them in the face. They know, in that moment, they are part of the machine that will break their frame. They take a breath and stand.
"No. I don't. And I don't want to know. Take it back." And in all of my kindness, I give them the blissful ignorance they so desire. This conversation has not happened. Ripley may be touched, but the greater frame is obscured to them once again.
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nullandvoice · 1 year
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Name: Jones (Previously Jones Perfect)
Age: 93 or 24
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Liminoid
Occupation: Poltergeist
Relevant Game: Paradise
Ability: Unseen. Has not been seen by anyone or anything, liminoid or otherwise, in the past 70 years. This is about as useful as it sounds. Time fluctuation. Time passes slower or faster for him at any given time. This is random, and importantly, incredibly useless.
Fun Fact: Used to be the guitarist of a locally popular band. He can’t stand music anymore, because he cannot hold a steady tempo.
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nullandvoice · 1 year
Coming up with stuff to post is kind of hard, but that's part of why I'm doing it! I want to make more for the game and I'm so overwhelmed with where to start, so focusing on small, postable bits will hopefully help me figure it out. If there's anything you want to know about Liminal and its story, it would be a huge help for me! Ask box should be open, so feel free to ask about it!
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iinkstar · 11 months
I made a kind of trailer/teaser of my liminalverse lore hehe
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iinkstar · 1 year
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New LiminalVerse OC! His name is Kingsley and she is bigender :D
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iinkstar · 2 months
If I did an oc ask blog, would anyone be interested?? I haven’t been drawing a lot of liminalverse lore stuff, but I’d like to get back into the habit, so I’d draw up a couple of doodles of each character and you guys can ask stuff !!! :D
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