#limbus company gameplay
effi-sync · 9 days
Welcome to todays episode of Effi's ramblings!
Spoilers below the cut
Yesterday (In my timezone at least) We got this teaser;
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And such I shall be giving my analysis, predictions, and what Id personally like to see from this new identity!
As said in the text this will be a T Corp class 3 employee, so its going to be Time Killing Time related, and as such will be a tremor id as Timekilling time has been a bit of a mini bon-voyage. More tremor ids YIPEEE
So the t-corp collector enemies are charge, tremor, haste, and paralyse.
This might be a bit much for a singluar id, so i believe this will most likely be a tremor and charge Id or a Tremor and Haste Id. Pottentially being able to use borrowed time or something along the lines. Since the two new tremor Ids for this event are based around self tremor as well we can predict this one will also.
What I'd like to see;
((This will be the longest yet least important section haha.))
Two things that have been lacking for a tremor team in my experience are abilitiy to clash and speed*, other than regret faust, the clashing power hasnt been so good without conditions activated and some of these ids dont have any conditions.
A new 3 star id would be useful for clash power as the 11 rolling skill ones only for 2 stars is pretty much gone, and so a clash power focused Identity would be very useful.
Another thing that tremor ids have been lacking is speed, clashing can be difficult with the speed ranges we have on the current ids for a tremor team. So a haste based one would be pretty awesome. and Idea I have specifically would be a haste support identity, something that could boost allies speed, for example Id with most amount of tremor on self gains 2 haste, ((this would esspecially benefit Yurodivy hong lu, which I will explain the advantage of later))
some poise and a bit of negative sanity on this id would also be quite nice ((explaination below))
Potential synergies with said haste support id;
Yurodivy hong lu;
Yurodivy hong lu ussually wants to go first if he has his 3rd skill up, since you can entangle the tremor, and said entangle only lasts for the turn so to maxamise it going first with him is best.
Wishing cairn don quixote;
Wishing cairn don is an alright tremor ego on awakening with +5 tremor potency +4 bleed count and 2 paralyse, and a poise x bleed passive, but! its corrosion is what will help the best;
[On Crit] Trigger Tremor Burst [On Crit] Inflict 8 Bleed [Tails Hit] Trigger Tremor Burst [On Hit] Trigger Tremor Burst; then, reduce target's Tremor Count by 2
So on hit its actively bad with a single tremor burst with -2 count.
on tails hit its mid with 2 tremor bursts with -2 count
And on crit its situationally good with 3 tremor bursts for -2 count
Why is it situationally good? heres why;
In fights where e.g.o resources dont carry over it is alright, since as a TETH it doesnt take much (2 wrath 2 sloth and 1 pride) Pride isnt too hard to get, and sloth is in abundance (although you will most likely want to save those for cavernouse wailing) but in current tremor meta there is a SINGLE wrath skill, which is a skill 3, so it is not likely to come by at all, luckily it isnt too nessecary for a tremor team (binds outis is the only tremor e.g.o with it and its 1 wrath, but binds is situational anyway due to tremor fracture replacing, but is still quite good if you can entangle it post reverb x everlasting) so getting some wrath as a skill one would be quite nice for that.
in fights where e.g.o resources carry over, they will most likely be in abundance, especially if you get an e.g.o gift like oracle (transfers 2 e.g.o resources of the most own affinities into 2 of the least owned affinities) but in a single fight tremor count can be a bit of a problem, but you still want tremor burst uptime to make the most of the tremor youve got (especcially if you procced reverb and then got unlucky with maintaining it) so if we do end up getting a poise cross tremor id for don quixote then wishing cairn would be quite good, since it is the only skill ((to my knowledge at least)) that does 3 bursts but takes less than 3 tremor count away. anyway thanks for reading!
*My tremor id are all at uptie four, but yurodivy hong lu, ryoshu and lccb ishmael are not at level 35+ yet
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ravnervn · 1 year
I love that the gameplay mechanics in Limbus Company are diagetic. Like, the fact that all of the gacha game staple upgrade and level up mechanics are actual things in-universe with lore explanations, and all of it serves to make the protagonist even more bewildered. If you suck at Limbus Company don't worry, Dante does too.
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cataphractastrophe · 6 months
Huh. I should prolly post something about LCB Division 2 at some point. Medea, our sinner #8(played by me ofc) cannot exist only in the minds of 13 people on discord grah I need to spread my message.
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ribs02 · 4 months
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Me, delusional: So there are a few cool fractions where we didn't get Don yet, and that means she would be added later with a higher rank just like other later added IDs!
W Corp, L2 Hong Lu: Hey~
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fishareglorious · 1 year
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Oh. The bus eats people. Good to know.
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perpetual-pathos · 1 year
Opinions on the new Heathcliff identity? I'd like to hear someone else's perspective
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I totally agree that it gives him room to play with Ncorp Sinclair since there's not many(?) negative sp characters! idk about team size though, ive heard maybe you're supposed to run a smaller team to maximise the sanity drop when more enemies try hitting you
i do think it wouldn't be too hard to hit tails after some time, especially with two coins for defense.. but he should be tanky enough to survive!!
overall rating: slightly harder than Ncorp sinclair
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stellaeandsky · 1 year
does anyone want to friend me in limbus who coincidentally has a fully uptied lvl 30 ninclair. pls. pls i need him so badly ill give you my grippy faust i just want to play with him so badly sobs ;-;
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yeah I think my hope for uptie 4 is it drastically increases the viability of IDs in MD2H
like it seems like it might given the mode was balanced for uptie 4 but like right now the clash power requirement to hit dominating at all is a little ridiculous and it’s extremely constraining on team comps
now MD3 and 3H I’m looking forward to as by then we’ll hopefully have a load of stuff designed for this style of content
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noxcomnia-a · 1 year
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Going to be adding more project moon muses because my girlfriend encouraged me. I'll add basically any muse to my blog if you feed me content about them, because sometimes I'm to lazy to consume media myself
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jidem · 1 year
Hum. So. How does this actually work. I assume that i have to level up the identities by replaying the earlier chapters (which im definitely never going to do btw) but what's up with the egos? What does sanity cost even mean. I got a cool looking one called dimensions shredder but it has a corred form (?) and im scared
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cloudsrust · 1 year
tfw you realize tomorrow is monday and not sunday just 'cause you opened up LC and was faced with that goddamn headless Ichthys as the abnormality of the day.
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miserymisume · 1 year
I love when a sinner uses an EGO skill that can hit up to 3 targets to just fucking overkill one goddamn enemy
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maimaishell · 10 months
ohmygod i havent. played sims 2 in so long i miss my uberhood sm... but at the same time like. schools been kicking my ass so hard
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melonisopod · 1 year
Trying to recommend Limbus Company to people like “Yeah so this game has a trigger warning list a mile long, there is a ton of lore you need to get through not counting the 12 different classic lit books that are absolutely required reading to understand the characters, the entire premise is incredibly bleak and the gameplay is super hard to get down pat. We have a bug guy you will love the bug guy,”
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hungriesttable · 6 months
one of my favorite things about Dante Limbus Company is that they achieve a level of what I will call “sogginess” rarely seen in the wild (source material), more commonly seen in captivity (fanfiction)…
The insecurity. The inability to understand that they have a positive impact on others without being told outright. The sad, resigned self-deprecation. “I know it’s the same tired old face for you…but here I am” when you re-select them as an announcer (a line which you are literally incapable of seeing during gameplay). The “you guys only love me for my clock 😞” mentality.
Dante wouldn’t ask, “would you still love me if I were a worm?”, because they’d be afraid of a resounding NO.
Not to say Dante doesn’t have their satisfying moments of asserting themselves as manager, but man. What a creature
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