My Own Thunderclan Family
I think is impossible to completely erase incest from thunderclan, but you can tame it by stopping cats from being either direct cousins or change parents of certain cats. Here some of my own hcs:
Flashnose and Daisytoe aren't sisters
Pinestar and Poppydawn are cousins through Sweetbriar and Fallowsong
Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm are Windflight and Woolytail's parents
Stormtail, Stonepelt and Rockfall are Mistpelt and Stagleap's Kits
Sunstar, Featherwhisker, Speckletail and Tawnyspots are Larkwing and Flamenose's Kits
Halftail(Mumblefoot's Kit), One-Eye(Harepounce's Kit) and Fuzzypelt(Hollypelt's Kit) are childhood friends who appear after Goosefeather's Curse
Thrushpelt and Robinwing are siblings(Probably Rainfur's kits instead of Dappletail and Tawnyspots) and same age as Bluestar, Snowfur, Thistelclaw, Rosetail and Sweetpaw
Adderfang and Swiftbreeze are Dappletail, Patchpelt, Leopardfoot and Brindleface's parents
Speckletail and Smallear are Goldenflower, Lionheart, Snowkit and Mistlekit's parents
Dappletail is Redtail, Spottedleaf, Willowpelt, Sandstorm, Cricketkit and Featherkit's single mother
Robinwing and Fuzzypelt are Frostfur, Cherrypaw, Chesnutkit, Ravenpaw and Dustpelt's parents
One-eye and Halftail are Mousefur and Runningwind's parents
Willowpelt and Tawnyspots are Darkstripe's parents, their relationship were negatively looked upon for obvs reasons
Robinwing and Patchpelt are Longtail's parents(yes she cheated)
Willowpelt and Whitestorm are Graystripe, Sootfur, Sorreltail and Rainwhisker's parents
Goldenflower and Patchpelt had a short term relationship that didn't worked out and Swiftpaw and Lynxkit's parents
Frostfur and Lionheart are ofc Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw and Brightheart's parents
Brindleface and Runninwind are Ashfur, Ferncloud, Eldekit and Tulipkit's parents
Ferncloud and Dustpelt are closer in age and had 4 litters instead, in fact Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Larchkit, Hollykit, Foxleap, Icecloud AND Snowbush, Dewnose and Ambermoon are their kits
Solely bcs i want Whitewing to be Brightheart and Cloudtail's only kit
also Squirrelfight and Leafpool are born earlier than Spideleg, Shrewpaw and Whitewing
Sorreltail and Brackenfur only had one litter, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost and Molepaw
so who is Lilyheart and Seedpaw's parents? Hazeltail and Thornclaw
Ashfur is Dovewing and Ivypool's real dad, but Whitewing lied for a while about Birchfall's parentage, who instead fathered Applefur's kits Spikefur and Grassheart
During Bramblestar's Storm, Berrynose said Thunderclan needs more kittens, but being a former loner, he is no purist, but more proud of being part of Thunderclan itself, so they welcome Stormcloud, Sorrelstripe and Fernsong
Sorrelstripe is actually Jessy, a young and cool solid brown molly who had a crush on Bramblestar, but he saw as a daughter instead after losing Hollyleaf; Fernsong instead is Smoky and Floss's kit together with Coriander, who joins the clans after falling in love with Ivypool during the storm
Squirrelflight and Bramblestar don't have kits as she is barren, they had two, Dandelionkit and Juniperkit, but died early
So Alderheart, Sparkpelt and Hollytuft are Lionblaze and Cinderheart's kits
Instead of Sparkpelt, who turns into an antagonist after River of Fire, Hollytuft and Larksong are Nightheart and Finchlight's Parents
Toadstep is actually Eaglewing, Shellfur, Stemleaf and Plumstone's father
Spotfur, Flywhisker and Snapkit(yes he dies during River of Fire) are instead Poppyfrost and Jayfeather's kits
For last, Bayshine and Myrtlebloom's parents are Cherryfall and Stormcloud
Bayshine, Plumstone and Thirftear are in a poly relationship and parental figure of Moonpaw(how dare I give one dad and two moms to Moonpaw???)
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yuridovewing · 4 months
ok so i am in no way saying any of this excuses the incest and i still hate both pairings and just nix both of them entirely in my au, but i think thriftbay is actually more offensive than hawkpebble or lilysnow to me bc at least like…. you can kinda assert a connection for both? like hawkpebble actually had development in hwj (it was bad development but it was development). you can infer that lilysnow had a connection since they were apprentices together.
baythrift has NONE of that. they just picked two names out of a hat and didnt bother skimming the wiki for two seconds to see if they werent first cousins. no implied backstory, no interactions that i know of at least, nothing. its pure carelessness but its really frustrating like holy shit
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quiverpaw · 2 years
to be honest i dont know why people bash on certain ships with questionable relations FOR the questionable relations (fernivy and lilysnow come go mind) rather then just being flat out boring and dull. youre telling me darkstripe and tigerclaw cant work because theyre somehow related even though it’s never mentioned in canon, we never see darkstripe as tigerclaw’s apprentice, WHICH that info comes from a outdated, retconned book, which isnt regarded as canon?? oh and speaking of those bullshit ships, literally what was the point of fernivy, i know some people dont like the age/gap or the obvious relation (which is kind of gross considering its KNOWN theyre related) but for me personally it just like. dulls down ivypool, youre telling me, ivypool, miss ivypool, who has had important relationships with MULTIPLE potential love interests in her lives (antpelt, tigerheart, breezepelt, blossomfall, hollowspring(?) dawnpelt, briarlight, depending on your taste) and she gets with fernsong. this character she has no known backstory with, and cuts off her potential character arc in favor of her being a mother. really.
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Dark Forest Residences: Waspkit & Nightkit
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Aliases / Nicknames: Little Bee, Light of My Life, Pain In My Tail, Most Annoying Kit Ever, The Hyper One 
Gender: she-cat 
Sexuality: undetermined 
Family: Lilysnow, Foxbriar (mothers), Runningstar (father), Nightkit (sister) 
Other Relations: Barleystep (family friend) 
Clan: Cliffclan 
Rank: kit 
Characteristics: naive, very friendly, easily bribed, loves to play 
Number of Victims: 2 
Number of Murders: 2 (indirectly) 
Murder Method: N/A 
Method of Harm: manipulated into spreading lies about her mothers to the medicine cats so that her moms would be executed 
Known Victims: Lilysnow, Foxbriar 
Victim Profile: her moms (indirectly, unknowingly) 
Cause of Death: neck crushed, killed by Barleystep 
Cautionary Tale: a tale to kits to not listen blindly to everything a warrior says, even if it is a Clanmate
Waspkit and Nightkit had everything. Two highly respected senior warrior moms who doted on them immensely. The leader of the Clan as their father, who absolutely spoiled his daughters silly. The adoration of the entire Clan. Endless toys for Waspkit to play with. Endless food for Nightkit to chow down on. And most importantly, each other. They lived the perfect life. 
Until they didn't.
Papa had nine lives, didn't he? He was supposed to be unstoppable! He couldn't be dead! But there he was, lying in the middle of camp, covered in blood and guts, his eyes open but unmoving, and dead. 
Waspkit and Nightkit grieved, but Lilysnow and Foxbriar grieved even harder, withdrawing into their own sadness. Waspkit and Nightkit hated this. They just wanted their mamas to tell them that everything was going to be alright. Thankfully, Runningstar's former apprentice, Barleystep, noticed this. He was always close with his former mentor and his family and comforted the sisters.
He gave Waspkit rocks to play with and Nightkit woodrats and swallows to munch on. The sisters eventually started complaining to Barleystep about how their mothers never paid them any attention anymore. Barleystep, eyes widened, exclaimed that that was no good, and advised them to talk to the medicine cats, Silverspring and Ashthorn, about it.
So Waspkit and Nightkit went to Silverspring and Ashthorn. But all they said was that they would speak to their moms, glancing at each other sadly as they did so. Waspkit and Nightkit trundled back to Barleystep angrily. Barleystep, clearly sensing that things didn't go their way, suggested that they tell Silverspring and Ashthorn that Lilysnow and Foxbriar weren't letting the kits sleep in their nest.
The thing was, Lilysnow and Foxbriar still let Waspkit and Nightkit sleep in their nest, even when they were really sad! That was a lie, and Runningstar told them to never lie! They knew Papa was watching them from Starclan, and they didn't want to make him sad! Barleystep, noticing their hesitation, said that if they told this one little lie, he would get them a goat kid leg, a treat usually only reserved for the warriors! And he would let Waspkit play with the bone after Nightkit had her fill! 
The offer was simply too tempting for them to refuse. Waspkit and Nightkit went back to Silverspring and Ashthorn and told the lie. They immediately looked at each other in concern and went to go talk to Lilysnow and Foxbriar. The confrontation that followed was so loud it could probably be heard all the way from BushClan camp, but Waspkit and Nightkit tried their best to focus on the goat leg and not the screaming. 
Silverspring and Ashthorn kept a close eye on the mothers and their daughters from then on. Waspkit and Nightkit still hung out with Barleystep, and he made another suggestion to them. He didn't think that the confrontation worked well enough-- Lilysnow and Foxbriar were still distant. He proposed that Waspkit and Nightkit tell Silverspring and Ashthorn that Lilysnow and Foxbriar had started swatting Waspkit and Nightkit when they tried to talk to them. 
Waspkit and Nightkit were even more hesitant than before. Even in their most saddest of states, Lilysnow and Foxbriar would never lay a toe on them! But Barleystep made them an offer they couldn't refuse-- if they told one more lie for him, he would get them toys and food from other Clans! Shells and seagull chicks from Oceanclan, leaves and geckoes from Treeclan, flowers and ferret pups from Prairieclan! 
How could they possibly resist? Once again, the sisters went to the medicine cats and parroted what Barleystep told them to do. The fallout was even more explosive this time, and Lilysnow and Foxbriar were confined to the medicine den, leaving Waspkit and Nightkit to actually sleep alone in the nursery. It was so cold and lonely, and it really made them regret what they were doing.
The next morning, Waspkit and Nightkit went to Barleystep to complain about last night. Before they could let a word out of their mouths, Barleystep asked them if they would tell one last little lie to Silverspring and Ashthorn for him. 
He wanted them to tell the medicine cats that Lilysnow and Foxbriar had killed Runningstar. 
Waspkit and Nightkit obviously knew that this was false. Their moms had been with them when Runningstar's body had been brought in, after all, But Barleystep told them if they did this for him, not only would they never have to lie for him ever again, but he would also show them something really cool after they did it. Something no other kit throughout the history of the Clans had ever seen.
The idea of making a brand-new discovery and being famous for it was just a tad too tempting for Waspkit and Nightkit. Surely after seeing how famous this would make them, Mommy and Mama would forgive them, right? So for the last time, they went to the medicine cats and told them what Barleystep had told them to say as seriously as they possibly could. 
Immediately, Silverspring and Ashthorn whirled around with fury, stomping into the back of their den and dragging the barely awake Lilysnow and Foxbriar out of the den, shouting to the warriors milling around that they were going to the "Starless Fall.” 
That made no sense! The elders had told Waspkit and Nightkit that the Starless Fall was where Cliffclan threw their traitors to their deaths! They couldn't kill Mommy and Mama! They were innocent! They bolted out of the medicine den, calling out for Lilysnow and Foxbriar. 
Lilysnow and Foxbriar struggled against the grip of the warriors, calling out the names of their daughters. But they were too late, and Lilysnow and Foxbriar were dragged out of camp for what Waspkit and Nightkit knew would be the last time. Waspkit and Nightkit simply stood there for a little while, sobbing into each other's coats, when a shadow suddenly loomed over them. It was Barleystep, his face oddly happy. He had asked them if they would like to see the new discovery, that it would cheer them up a lot.
Waspkit and Nightkit nodded, tears in their eyes and snot dripping down their noses. They said "yes" in unison. At least the discovery might make Barleystep, the only cat they had left, proud. 
As soon as the words left their mouths, a sick and twisted grin formed on Barleystep's face, and he knocked them over like it was nothing, pressing his humungous front paws into Waspkit and Nightkit's necks. They wriggled as much as they could, calling out for their Mommy, their Mama, and their Papa desperately, but soon it was all over.
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Aliases / Nicknames: Little Shadow, Light of My Life, Pain In My Tail, Most Annoying Kit Ever, The Hungry One 
Gender: she-cat 
Sexuality: undetermined 
Family: Lilysnow, Foxbriar (mothers), Runningstar (father), Waspkit (sister) 
Other Relations: Barleystep (family friend) 
Clan: Cliffclan 
Rank: kit 
Characteristics: naive, very friendly, easily bribed, gluttonous 
Number of Victims: 2 
Number of Murders: 2 (indirectly) 
Murder Method: N/A 
Method of Harm: manipulated into spreading lies about her mothers to the medicine cats so that her moms would be executed 
Known Victims: Lilysnow, Foxbriar 
Victim Profile: her moms (indirectly, unknowingly) 
Cause of Death: neck crushed, killed by Barleystep 
Cautionary Tale: a tale to kits to not listen to everything a warrior says, even if it is a Clanmate
See Waspkit
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Additional Information:
--Submission by @starfalcon555
--Lilysnow, Foxbriar, and Runningstar were in a poly :)
--Waspkit and Nightkit are technically only half-sisters - Waspkit is biologically Foxbriar and Runningstar's kit, and Nightkit is biologically Lilysnow and Runningstar's kit. 
They consider each other full sisters, though.
--Lilysnow and Foxbriar were AMAZING mothers and still cared for Waspkit and Nightkit a lot. They were just in a lot of shock and grief from Runningstar's very sudden and unexpected death, which Barleystep used to his advantage.
--Yes, Barleystep is going to go to the Dark Forest. He's probably going to be their next submission, so keep your eyes peeled for that. 👀
--Some of Waspkit's and Nightkit's nicknames were given to them by their parents, and some of them were given to them by Barleystep. Take a wild guess as to who gave which nickname :D
--Had the sisters lived to adulthood, their warrior names would have been Waspleap (for her energy and playfulness) and Nightbelly (for her gluttony)
--Waspkit and Nightkit get adopted by Fennelbur and Sablefleck in the Dark Forest!
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ghostlilysnow · 10 months
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#Art #LILYSNOW #ghost
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Missy from Cattails?
My first request! Thank you so much, anon.
Now, Missy was interesting. I had to do some research, as the one I am familiar with is the Mountain Domain (I had Finchdrift, my character, marry Pebble), but I still enjoyed this. This post uses she/they pronouns for Missy (my personal interpretation + what the wiki uses). This is pretty long, so I'm adding a read more link.
First, we have the name. For Missy's name, I wanted to take a prefix and suffix inspired by their looks, but that had a feeling for the cat they were. Missy is a pure white cat with indigo eyes (I don't see the pink that the wiki talks about). For the prefix, I assembled a list of things that I thought would be a suitable name for Missy, and used process of elimination. Along the way, I came up with the suffix.
(I used OneLook for most of these, and for some reason one of the words related to white was ASS in all capitals. Not relevant, I just thought it was interesting).
Cloud doesn't have the shine that Missy has, and neither does Cloudy.
Cloudy (See above)
Snow brings to mind more of an option for a suffix. It's cold at first, but when it melts, it turns to water, which can lift you up. So, we have our suffix. Now, I will try and fit it with the prefixes I have not eliminated.
Shining seems to work.
Bright seems to work.
Marble seemed too solid. Too sharp, too pointy for a cat like Missy, though they're also pointy.
Lily (relating to Lily of the valley) Lilysnow certainly doesn't work, a plant of a snow? A poisonous one at that? The idea doesn't seem appealing.
Crystal and Diamond both sound very odd when you add snow to them. Odd in a "hm" way, not like a good or a very bad way.
Diamond (see entry for Crystal)
Lotus shares many of the same issues as Lilysnow.
Ice.....If we put snow at the end of ice, it would be like putting branch at the end of twig, but much worse. Why would somebody do that?
Silver seems to work.
Cotton, in a contrast to the option for Marble, seemed too soft. Missy doesn't have a personality you could lay down and gently drift off to sleep. It takes time for them to open up, but when she does, she lifts you up.
Ivory, although desirable, like how Missy sees themself, shares many of the issues that Marble has.
Pale often looks like fear, nervousness, anxiety. Not like the confidence that Missy shows.
Pearl certainly doesn't work with snow. I could use Pearlysnow, but that seems like a mouthful.
Light seems too good. Not that Missy isn't good, but she isn't good in the way that light is good.
So, I have the choice between Silversnow, Brightsnow, and Shiningsnow.
I chose Silversnow. It brings to mind a radiant cat, that when met with warmth, will rise up and bring you up with her.
For her, I think she was born into ForestClan. Her mentor was sort of lax, so she spent a lot of time just...watching. Not only herself, but watching the world. Learning about the other animals and their behavior. They graduated early, catching a cardinal and bringing it to camp, a sign of great skill. I'm not sure if she battles often, but I don't think they enjoy fighting either way. The animals they bring back are appreciated during the colder seasons, so I'm not sure if anybody would make a fuss.
Otherwise, her life would be not extremely eventful. I'm playing with the idea that they gather herbs for Doc every so often, as she has a dislike for scars on herself, though on others she thinks they look great. I also think she would be good and swimming and catching fish, as ForestClan has a beach and a river, and if they got covered in dust, I bet she would readily take a short dive into a river, but find that they enjoy swimming.
And that's all folks! Thank you for the wonderful request, anon, it was increadibly fun, and if you wish for more elaboration on a specific idea for Silversnow/Missy, ForestClan, or if you wish for more characters turned into Warrior Cats, do not hesitate to reach out to my askbox again!
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cottonspotten · 6 years
it’s not necessarily the incest in warriors that bothers me, it’s the fact that the erins don’t make any kind of effort to stop it. 
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violet143 · 3 years
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The beautiful Princess/Baby Goddess Lily Snow turns 4 years old today 🎉🥳💖🐾 I cannot believe it; please stop growing up 😩 #PittiePrincess #PibblePrincess #LilySnow #BirthdayGirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3gJfLs8whhUS68-QoAGDe5HrHFVos8L58Z080/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yarrowleef · 4 years
It’s been YEARS and the LilySnow CinderLion and ThornBlossom kits are STILL indistinguishable from each other in my head god why did they have so many kits born around AVoS and have them all grow up in the background I will never be able to tell their bloodline apart
I am CONSTANTLY googling and re-googling all of these kits parents every time they come up and I still can’t remember who their gd family is
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jayfrost-designs · 3 years
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And now for the last of the LilySnow kits. ^^ Here's Honeyfur!
You can find the reverse side of her design here.
Honeyfur has no physical descripton given other than her pattern, so I came up with my own build for her. For whatever reason, what immediately came to mind for her was "big and floofy", and well, someone in the Cloudtail family has to inherit his big and floofy build, so it might as well be Honeyfur, so big and floofy it is. ^^ I used this image as a reference.
For her pattern, Honeyfur is described as a white she-cat with yellow splotches and green eyes. I had fun coming up with her pattern, and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. I gave her great-great-uncle Firestar's shade of green eyes here. ^^
Overall, I'm really pleased with how she turned out. ^^
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lilyznow · 3 years
Hi lilysnow. im a huge fan of youre animations and art. How can u draw so good worrier cats? like you did in youre im coming home map part
It's mostly just a lot of practice! I've been drawing pretty much daily for several years now (and most of it were cats), even little doodle on the side. I wouldn't say my art is perfect there is always space to improve and that takes patience.
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daydream-hq · 6 years
Pokémon anime characters as Warrior cats
This is something I do a lot, imagine what my favorite characters would be like if they were Warriors. So with out further ado, here is PokeClan (don’t mock me). Leader: Ashstar (warrior name Ashfire)/ -Ash Ketchum- gray tabby tom with amber eyes Deputy: Mistystream/ Misty - ginger she- cat with green eyes Medicine Cat: Rockheart/ Brock - Black and Brown tom with gray eyes Warriors: Shrewwatcher/Tracy Sketchit - Black tom with green eyes Maplewing/May - reddish brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes Dawnshine / Dawn - pale gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes Irisleap/ Iris - Dark lilac she-cat with amber eyes Chiveleaf/ Cilan- place gray tom with green eyes Lightningspark/Clemont- light golden tabby tom with blue eyes Honeyflower/ Serena - golden tabby she-cat with blue eyes Lilysnow/Lillie - white she-cat with light green eyes Mallowleaf/Mallow- gray she-cat with lighter and darker patches Lightspark/ Sophocles- ginger and white tom with yellow eyes Brookwater/ Lana - blue- gray and white she-Cat with blue eyes Smokeblaze/ Kaiwe- brown, ginger, black and gray tabby tom with amber eyes Apprentices: Marshpaw/ Max- dark gray tom with green eyes Daffodilpaw/ Bonnie - light golden tabby she-cat with blue eyes Elders: Oakfoot/ Professor Oak - gray-brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
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levsnowe-blog · 8 years
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Thee other night @ tha Dream Pop Show. (📸 @lilysnowe ) #projection #dreampop #psychpop #analog #tape #tapeloops #livemusic #loveless #shoegaze #wavy #dreamy #canadianmusic #haveagoodday #byefornow #helloagain #😏 (at The Handsome Daughter)
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violet143 · 6 years
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The days I get to work from home are the best fur-mommy moments. Look at that face!! 😩💖🐾👑#LilySnow #YepThatsKingsleysBed #HeEscapedToTheLivingRoom #PittiePrincess #ThemChestMusclesThough #DoYouEvenLeviOsa https://www.instagram.com/p/BozLTKRg8BTE8NPGYy5xlEORpJ9xfucN_ofCzk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uau75kz66axj
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violet143 · 6 years
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So with exactly a month before the wedding, we decided to add another four paws to our little family 😁 💖 We would like everyone to meet our beautiful 10 month old Lily Snow Castro 💖💖💖 #AdoptDontShop #SheTookAQuickNapAfterHerBath #LilySnow #KingsleyLikesPlayingWithHisSister #PuppyPrincess (at Hernando County Animal Services)
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