#lily always kissing harry's cheek and making him giggle
lexithwrites · 4 months
im so emotional about james and lily not getting enough time with harry, they were babies themselves when they got married they deserved to be around him for the rest of their lives what the fuck
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lolathestoryteller · 5 months
fatherly duties (April 25th prompt; Thrill) @jilymicrofics
“You’re staring, Lil.”
Lily startles, nearly knocking James off his feet as she spins around to face him.
“Woah,” he breathes, steadying her with his hands on her shoulders. “Just me.”
Lily frowns up at him, though she can’t completely hide the slight blush that warms her cheeks, noticing his bemused expression. “I wasn’t staring James, I was just—“
“Staring. Yeah.” James interrupts cheekily, giving her his typical lopsided grin.
“Checking.” Lily corrects him, crossing her arms. “I was just checking if he’s alright.”
James’s smirk softens at that, and is replaced by an understanding smile. “Yeah.” he says quietly, looking past her at the door to Harry’s bedroom, which stands slightly ajar. “I was about to do that, though. One of my fatherly duties.”
Lily can’t help but chuckle at his feigned displeased frown. “Oh, is it now?” she asks amusedly. “And what else, may I ask, would those fatherly duties include?”
James presses a finger to his chin, thinking. “Well…there’s telling horribly flat jokes, for one.” he muses, smirking slightly at Lily’s eye roll.
“Hm, they’re called Dad jokes, I think.” she replies, acting as though this conversation was indeed very serious.
James can hardly hold back a laugh. “Yes, yes, exactly those.” he agrees. “Oh! and there’s also, teaching him all the hidden ways around Hogwarts and—“
Lily slaps his chest. “James Potter!” she hisses quietly. “He’s gotten into more than enough trouble on his own, he definitely doesn’t need your encouragement.”
“Alright, alright.” James sighs, but in all honesty, he does agree with Lily. Hearing about Harry‘s many previous escapes has had them both feeling less than thrilled, to say the least.
“Well, I’ve got another one then,” he adds, walking up closer to the door to peak inside the moon lit room — the room that once belonged to Sirius and now hosts his son. “Protecting him, with my life.”
Lily feels her chest constricting with the entirety of the statement. “With our lives.” she corrects him quietly, leaning her head against his shoulder.
She watches Harry’s sleeping face, and tries her best not to think of the last time they’d vowed to do that — and the last time they almost did do that. And she’d do it again, in a heartbeat.
James wraps his arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head.
“Merlin, I’d take a hundred curses for that kid,” he says after a minute. Then, with a breathed chuckle. “Although, you know, I’d still prefer not having to bite the grass anytime soon.”
Lily smiles weakly. “You always hated to eat your greens.”
James turns his head to look down at her, an incredulous expression on his handsome face, before he suddenly bursts out laughing. “Wow.” he snorts. “Can’t believe Prefect and Head Girl Lily Evans would ever pull a pun.”
Lily giggles despite herself, reveling in this moment of quiet solitude. “Oh, she’d never,” she replies with mocked disapproval, before her lips tug into a smile. “But Lily Potter certainly would.”
She thinks James’s smile could probably light the entire bloody house. “I love you, Mrs. Potter.” he smiles, like the love struck teenager he hasn’t been in almost seventeen years.
Lily blushes, although she reckons she really shouldn’t anymore, being in her thirties and all. “I love you too, Mr. Potter.”
A slight creak to their right makes them both turn, and Lily’s blush increases, now twinged with a bit of guilt as she’s met with the confused eyes of their son.
“Dunno what’s more worth asking about,” Harry lulls tiredly, blinking against the light in the hallway. “Why you two’ve been standing in front of my bedroom for the past half hour, or what’s gotten you to giggle on about…?”
Lily bites her lip, sparing Harry a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sweetheart,” she replies genuinely. “We didn’t mean to wake you.”
“We’re just checking on you.” James adds, perhaps unnecessarily.
Lily notices the look of confusion on Harry‘s face. “Uh…right,” he replies slowly. “Checking for what?”
“To know you’re okay.” she explains gently.
Harry raises a brow, lips twitching amusedly. “I’m fine,” he chuckles. “I was asleep, you know…not much I could do that you’d have to check on.”
“It’s just a nice change,” James pipes up, clearly wanting to lighten their conversation. “You — sleeping so quietly, not scurrying around, beating your old man at quidditch.”
Harry snorts. “Yeah, well, I could still beat you, even with my eyes closed.” he retorts jokingly.
James gasps in mock appall; „In your dreams!“
Harry snickers, with that same cheeky glint in his eyes which Lily‘s seen plenty of times before, on James. “Yeah, there too.”
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reysdriver · 1 year
Babysitting Date | S.B.
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You and Sirius postpone date night so you can take care of Harry — sirius x gn!reader fluff
warnings: none :)
words: 0.9k
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Lily and James had expressed a desire to go on a date at Hogsmeade like when you were all kids, so Sirius offered to take care of Harry for the night—much to your dismay. You two already had a dinner date planned for that night, and sure it was just going to be a new restaurant you’d heard some good things about, but it would have been nice if he asked you before changing your plans. 
“Babysitting Harry is still fun, right? Plus they don’t get to have date nights whenever they want like we can.” Your boyfriend pleaded later that afternoon, just an hour or two before he had offered to start taking care of the little boy. 
“I know, Siri, but we made that reservation a week ago.” You pouted. 
“And remember how easy it was? We can cancel and get it back for another day. You’ll still love me on the weekend, right?”
You laughed, and Sirius seemed relieved that you didn’t sound upset with him. “We’ll see. It depends on if you cancel any more of our plans without my approval.” 
“I promise I won’t do it again. I just got too excited at the idea of hanging with Mini-Prongs and letting Big-Prongs and Lily go out together.”
You knew he was telling the truth, so you cancelled your reservation and postponed the date. You could go out with Sirius anytime. 
And an hour later, Lily and James had shown up at your door just as promised. Lily held her four year-old son in her arms, refusing to admit he was growing too old to be carried everywhere. 
“Thanks so much for offering to take him for the night.” Lily told you. “We’ve wanted to go back to Hogsmeade for such a long time but it’s tough—”
“You don’t need to explain.” You cut off her unnecessary rambling. “We’re always happy to see our godson. We just always have so much fun together, don’t we?”
Harry smiled widely at the sensation of you lightly squeezing his blushing cheeks, and both his parents were happy to see it. 
“Alright, if you’re good, then we should get going.” James added. 
Lily passed Harry over to you, kissing him goodbye for the night. 
“By the time we come to pick you up, you’ll be asleep.” James said to his son. ”So, goodnight, Haz. Be good tonight.”
You kissed the boy’s unruly curls and he let out a giggle like he always does. “He’s always perfect. Say bye, bub.”
Harry mumbled goodbyes to both his parents, and they sent him air kisses in return until they closed the door behind them. Once his parents were gone, he wriggled in your arms to face you. 
“Where’s Uncle Padfoot?” The little boy asked you, his curious hands running across your necklace. 
“You want to see Sirius?” You asked cheerfully. “Let’s go see him, I know he’ll be so happy to see you.” 
You carried him across the flat to find your boyfriend who was clearly fresh out of the shower. He was dressed in sweats and his hair was soaked—he could use a spell but prefers to air dry as it keeps the volume, or so he insists—and he couldn’t have gotten out more than a few minutes ago. 
Sirius was sitting on the bed and toying with one of the tchotchkes from off his dresser, and his face lit up at the sight of you and Harry. 
“Mini-Prongs, I didn’t even hear you come in! What’s up? What do you want to do tonight?”
Sirius grabbed him from out of your arms and began lifting Harry up in the air as if he was flying. The little boy loved it, but it made it a lot harder for him to answer the questions. 
“I’m hungry, Uncle Pads.” He said in between sounds of joy. You then asked if he ate dinner at home, and he said no. 
“Alright, so how about you hang out with Siri while I make something to eat?” 
Harry nodded in approval and turned to Sirius. “Can we read something?” Both James and Sirius give all the characters special voices and crack jokes in between paragraphs, which Harry loves. 
“Of course we can, mate.” He pressed a kiss to the boy’s forehead before getting up and heading to the bookshelf of children’s books you kept for your godson. You wished you could stay and watch the adorable scene that was about to happen, but you left to go cook before the urge to stay was too strong. 
You whipped up something quick, and it didn’t take any longer than fifteen or twenty minutes. You opted against calling the boys and instead just walked across the flat to your bedroom, where you found Sirius fast asleep and Harry trapped in his arms. 
“He’s been asleep for hours.” Harry said as you let him out from Sirius’ hold. You laughed at the hyperbole, then allowed the boy to go to the kitchen and start if he wanted. 
After he rushed out, you woke Sirius up by rubbing your hand along his chest. He mumbled something about Harry that you couldn’t understand through his groggy voice. 
“Rise and shine, honey.” You said quietly while he sat up and stretched. “You’re missing all the fun of babysitting.”
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tracingpatternswrites · 10 months
Wednesday WIP
Thanks for the tags @puuvillaa, @theresthesnitch and @heartofspells. Here's another little snippet from The Patchwork of Us.
No pressure tags: @krethes, @soloorganaas, @silently--here, @annanother-thing, @elder-millennial-trash
“Did you play football?” he heard Teddy ask as they reached the pitch. “When you were small?”
Remus was quiet for a moment before he shook his head.
“No, not exactly, it wasn’t really my thing.”
“Padfoot was really good,” Teddy said, turning around to beam at him before he turned back to Remus, and Sirius didn’t miss the way Remus’ gaze swept over him, an unreadable sort of look in his eyes. “He was on his school team and it was really good and Padfoot was really good. The best.”
“I wasn’t the best,” Sirius protested with a laugh as he pulled Teddy into a reluctant hug. “But thanks for talking me up.”
“He wasn’t the best because I was the best.”
James’ voice rang loud, and Teddy squeaked and flailed as James lifted him up and flipped him upside down, the boy choking on his giggles. Sirius laughed as he watched them, wrapping Harry up in a half-hug which the teenager grudgingly allowed before turning to Lily.
“Always so modest, my husband,” she deadpanned as she leaned in to kiss Sirius’ cheek. “Hello, love.”
“Don’t break him, he’s got a game in a bit,” Sirius pointed out as James flipped Teddy over again, making him shriek and flail.
“Oh, hello,” Lily said and only then did Sirius remember that Remus was there. “You must be Remus.”
Sirius saw her smile widely as she greeted him enthusiastically, and he thought he saw a flicker of apprehension across Remus’ face. Sirius didn’t blame him, Lily was a force of nature.
“Er, yeah, yes, hi. Remus,” the other man fumbled, but Lily pushed on.
“It’s so great to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.”
“You have?” questioned Remus, and Sirius felt his eyes on him as he busied himself with helping Teddy on with his football boots once James had finally put him back down on the ground.
“I have,” Lily smiled widely.
“Remus!” Sirius pressed his lips together hard so that he wouldn’t smile at Remus’ horrified expression as James pulled him into an enthusiastic hug. “Good to see you again, mate!”
“Is it?” Remus asked, his voice muffled from where his face was pressed into James’ shoulder.
“Of course,” James beamed sunnily at him but Sirius missed the rest of the exchange as Teddy pulled at his arm.
“Can Harry go with me?” he asked, pointing towards where his team had gathered.
Sirius turned a questioning look at Harry who shrugged.
“I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, sure,” Sirius said, ruffling Teddy’s hair. “Good luck, spro– Ted.”
“Yeah, knock ‘em dead,” James called after them as Harry and Teddy headed towards the other side of the pitch.
“So you all went to school together, hm?”
Lily’s voice brought yanked Sirius back to present and he whipped his head around to look at her but she was studying Remus, green eyes sharply focussed in a way that Sirius knew meant business.
“Yeah,” Remus replied, a little awkwardly. “But we didn’t really know each other back then.”
“That’s not true,” protested James eagerly. “We were in the same class, weren’t we?”
“Yeah, but–“ Remus started but James continued, as if he hadn’t heard him.
“You were really good at English and History, weren’t you? I remember that,” James mused.
“C’mon,” Sirius interrupted. “We better move around to the other side of the pitch before it starts.”
“It’s good that you’re here,” he heard Lily say kindly to Remus and he had to force himself to keep on moving, not to look as if he was listening in on their conversation.
“Cheer up, old man,” James cooed as he flung an arm over Sirius’ shoulders, nudging against him. “Your boy is about to play a big game.”
“It’s under-9s,” Sirius replied drily. “It’s hardly a cup final.”
James glanced over his shoulder to where Remus and Lily were trailing behind before looking straight ahead again.
“It’s good that he’s here, isn’t it?”
Sirius made a non-committed noise.
“It shows he cares,” James continued, unperturbed. “It looks to me like he’s making an effort.”
“For now,” Sirius muttered, before adding. “Teddy asked me why I hate him. Remus, I mean.”
James whistled lowly, “And what did you say?”
“That I don’t,” he replied, huffing out a breath as James gave him a sceptical look. “I don’t. I just…think he’s got a lot to prove, that’s all.”
“Mhm,” James hummed as they came to a halt. “Sure, that’s one way of putting it. All I’m saying is…give him a chance to do the right thing.”
“Fine,” Sirius sighed, holding his hands up as James threw him a pointed look. “What? I invited him, didn’t I? He should be grateful for that.”
James rolled his eyes, but he didn’t have a chance to reply before Lily and Remus joined them, and instead he turned his attention towards the pitch where the kids were starting to filter out. It took him a moment to spot Teddy playing chase with some of his friends.
Sirius felt something warm spread in his chest as he watched the boy and he took a deep breath. He was doing this for Teddy, he reminded himself. That was all that mattered.
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enigmaticemperor · 2 years
It's November 10th. Not October 31st.
Written for @hinnyfest
#10 I’m so lucky to be able to live this life with you
James giggled and flailed his legs around as Harry tried in vain to get him to stay still.
“Come on, James,” he cooed, “Let Daddy change your diaper. You don’t want to sleep in poo, do you?”
“Poo-Poo!” James told Harry seriously, pointing to his diaper. He turned fifteen months old today and they went all out, a massive party with their friends and family at their home, wanting to make a new memory to signify a Potter child turning fifteen months old. 
Harry was surprised that James still had the energy to do all this, when he just wanted to close his eyes and drift off, preferably cuddling with his wife. James was always a hyperactive kid, though, he surmised.
“I know, Jay. Poo-poo. That’s why I’m trying to change it.” He showed James a clean one to get him to understand. 
He might have understood, as he stopped moving around. Harry let out a sigh of relief but James immediately started clapping his hands and shouting, “Bubba!”
James nodded vigorously and said, “Dada! Bubba!”
“I think he means bubbles.”
Harry turned around to see Ginny leaning against the doorframe, in one of his old Gryffindor hoodies, which submerged her, going up to mid-thigh, covering her underwear, not looking like she was five months pregnant. She had a radiant smile adorning her face, her arms were crossed, and her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves. Harry thought she was becoming even more beautiful every day.
“Oh! So you want bubbles, Jay?” He turned to James and smiled.
James returned a toothy smile, clapping and shouting “Bubba!” the whole time.
Harry took out his wand and silently made different coloured bubbles of various shapes and sizes appear out of the tip as James fell silent and stared mesmerised, trying to poke the ones that floated near him with his tiny fingers.
He was immediately flooded with a memory.
He remembered the scene through Voldemort’s eyes.
James Potter was making Harry laugh, conjuring multicoloured bubbles out of the tip of his wand, moving around swiftly as Harry wobbled around, trying to chase after the bubbles and giggling loudly every time his tiny fingers popped one.
Lily Potter was smiling and laughing along, looking at them adoringly and full of love.
He remembered Voldemort feeling a perverse pleasure at the pain he was about to inflict on the family as he blasted open the front door.
He didn’t know there were tears running down his cheeks until James wobbled over and hugged him around the waist. He hugged his son back as a pair of freckled arms enclosed both of them and Ginny started lightly kissing his spine, whispering sweet nothings.
He hugged James tighter, kissed his forehead, and James grinned at him. Harry went back to changing his son’s diaper and James didn’t even complain once. His attention was reclaimed by the bubbles. Harry gave a watery chuckle.
He picked James, who immediately snuggled into him, right thumb in his mouth and his left hand reaching for Harry’s hair, twirling it around his index finger.
He turned around and Ginny immediately placed a hand on his heart. She understood him so well. His heart swelled with love for his wife, and both his children. He wouldn’t have dared to dream of this seven years ago.
“I’m so lucky to be able to live this life with you.”
Ginny looked at both of them. She didn’t even want to imagine Lily’s sacrifice not being enough or her children being hunted down by a power-hungry monster. She just couldn’t.
“Me too.”
Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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tiffanytoms · 11 months
Happy Halloween 👻
Obviously this is a very bittersweet (or maybe just tragic? Yeah, probably just tragic...) holiday for Jily fans, but I thought I'd post the epilogue from my story What Are You Doing to Me? which can also work as a traumatic one shot in honor of this night!
Enjoy! 😁🎃
Halloween Night, 1981
"Babe, we can't dress him up like a stag every year," Lily teased, flicking at her husband's fake antlers, currently perched lopsidedly atop his messy-as-always hair. They matched a tinier set that very adorably adorned her young son's head, making him even more of a carbon copy of his father than usual. It hadn't been all of five minutes after James had held his son for the first time, his eyes practically morphing into hearts, when a mischievous smirk had slid onto his face.
"What?" Lily had asked skeptically, utterly exhausted.
"Yes?" Lily had been in no mood for banter.
He grinned down to Harry. "I knew I'd be right, but—" he held up Harry to face his mum, "— I didn't realize I'd be this right."
Lily had laughed, and then promptly yelled at James because laughing right now fucking hurt. 
Yeah, so it turned out their baby looked like James, but Lily was still holding out hope that perhaps he'd act more like her. Naturally, she ignored all contrary evidence — like that he seemed born ready to fly, already had infectious charm, a whole bunch of nerve, and, you know, the fact that there seemed to be a rather familiar swagger to his first little steps. But then again, Harry was just such a good, sweet baby; and sure, Lily hadn't been around for James' infancy, but there was no way that he could have been so well-behaved back then. (James had pointed out that she was the more likely out of the two of them to throw temper tantrums, but she ignored that too.)
"Why not?" James asked innocently with puppy eyes that rivaled Padfoot's. "They still fit him, and look how happy he is!"
"And they'll keep fitting him every year since you keep transforming them larger," Lily responded. However, she lacked any true opposition in her words, because Harry really did look so over the moon to be matching his dad, emerald eyes gleaming as he leaned back in his crib, clapping his hands. She couldn't help but gush over him.
James pulled out another pair of plushie adult antlers out of his back pocket and offered them to Lily. "Is someone perhaps jealous, and in need of her own pair?"
Lily shook her head, snatching the headband and jamming it over her hair. "When'd you make this?"
"Just now, on the couch."
She grabbed both of James' cheeks, smooshing his face before kissing him between every word. "You are such a dork."
James grinned as he wrapped his arms around his wife's hips, pulling her flush against him. "I'm pretty sure you meant adorkable."
Lily smiled as she tilted her head to the side and rested her forearms on his broad shoulders. She wasn't altogether too subtle about just how much she was checking him out in this sweater, but so what? James was her husband, and her husband was a whole damn meal.
"Pretty sure I meant I'm gonna need you to…" Lily leaned into his ear and whispered something that made him flush almost instantly.
James' jaw dropped, faux-scandalized as his fingers dug into her skin possessively. "Lily!" He shook his head and laughed. "Harry's first real sentence is going to be something filthy, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself."
Lily shrugged. "I don't know about that. We could always pin it on Padfoot."
James chuckled, leaning into her as his hands roamed her back and he swooped her down for a kiss. Lily giggled as he held her there for a moment, rubbing his nose against hers. "Mrs Potter, that is simply devious."
She gave him a fresh peck. "You love it."
"I do, oh, how I do…" Harry making strange gurgling noises had them come back to standing straight. "I know, Harry, I know." Harry continued making nonsensical squeaks that James pretended to understand perfectly. "Why yes, very astute observation, son. You should be wary of red-headed minxes trying to steal your heart."
"Oh hush, you," Lily reprimanded her husband as she took Harry in her arms. He immediately started playing with her hair as she cooed to him. "Happy Halloween, Harry, happy Halloween!" She tenderly pushed his wild hair off his forehead as she bounced him. "Next year we'll take you Trick-Or-Treating," she promised hollowly. Lily missed the sad look James gave them; after all, they'd never expected to spend a second Halloween in hiding. "Even if we have to do it from under your Dada's Invisibility Cloak." Lily looked up to James, who quickly cleared his face of melancholy. "Did Albus mention when he was bringing that back, by the way?"
James shook his head. "Nah, he didn't."
Lily balanced Harry on her hip and swayed them gently. "I still don't get it. I mean, I heard the man say he has the means to turn himself invisible with my own ears. So, why's he gotta take ours?"
James sighed. "I don't know, babe." The way he said it very much implied, 'When Albus Dumbledore asks you to do something, you just do it.' His eyes landed on the camera Padfoot had dropped off on his last visit, and he instantly jumped at the chance to brighten the mood. He picked it up and pointed it his family's way. "All right, my deers! Harry, Harry— look at Dada!" Harry tittered and did so. "Okay, on the count of three, we're gonna say 'Prongs,' okay? Okay Harry: one, two, three—"
Lily gasped as James took the shot and then practically punched the air in excitement.
"Good job, Harry!" Lily encouraged.
"Yes, Harry, yes!" He stole Harry from Lily and made him fly across the room in his arms, one of his son's all-time favorite pastimes. Harry cheered and giggled as James continued to shout, "A genius! Babe! Our baby is a bloody genius!"
Lily watched the scene, heart melting with love, sweet, sweet love. She adored her family so friggin' much, and truly would do anything to protect it.
James flew Harry back to her and removed the bulky camera strap from off his neck, managing to one-handedly make it face them as he stood by Lily's side and clutched Harry to his chest. "Here, let's get one of the whole Pwongs family."
Lily laughed as she took Harry's tiny hand and leaned into her husband. He kissed her cheek right before the flash went off, completely taking her by surprise. "Sneak attack," he joked.
Lily couldn't wait to see how the photo developed. She thought it had the potential to be one for her nightstand.
Of course, she never found out.
Only a few seconds later, the sound of their front door being blasted apart downstairs echoed across the whole house. Lily and James both jumped, making three sets of plushie antlers and the camera fall to the floor, the lens cracking sounding like a death knoll.
Lily and James turned to each other and she saw her own sickening panic reflected right back at her. No, her brain short-circuited, it's rowdy trick-or-treaters. It's the neighbors. It's Tiger. It's not… it can't be…
But she knew who it was. She had always known who was coming for her, who was still fuming over her years of evading him, who was here. This time, she feared she wouldn't be able to get away. This time, she knew she was about to die.
James reanimated first, shoving Harry into Lily's arms as he pushed her to the window. She realized they both didn't have their wands. If she recalled correctly, hers was probably still on the kitchen counter, last having been used to clean up the mess of James' attempt to make shepherd's pie from scratch. "Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off—" Seeing his wife remain frozen, he opened the window himself, only to be greeted by a solid brick wall. He yelled out in frustration, punching it to see if it was really there. "Shit!"
Voldemort had magically trapped them inside, and they'd been having too precious of a moment to notice.
Downstairs, she heard Tiger let out an almighty hiss and Voldemort cry out as though he'd been brutally scratched. It was a small victory that ended too soon when she heard that horrid spell, followed immediately by a vivid green light making the carpet just below the nursery door glow. Tiger…
"No… no…" Lily cried, squeezing Harry to her chest.
James sunk to Lily's eye level, gripping her face right in front of his own. "Lils, baby, listen to me," he whispered urgently. "Listen to me." Her terrified darting eyes, frantically searching for a way out, any way out, finally focused on his. A small wave of completely unwarranted comfort washed over her, even though tears were fully streaming down her face. "You have to protect him. I know you can do it," he told her steadily.
What he was planning to do — go down and face Voldemort and buy her time to perform her shield magic — was slowly starting to sink in. "NO. No, James, don't go, please—" she pleaded, wildly gripping for his wrist. She was holding on to both her boys, her boys; why would anyone try to take them from her? Why? "Stay! I can protect you. I can protect both of you!"
Lily's vision was swimming, but she could still so clearly feel the pain in James' gaze. "We don't know that, Lils. It's never worked at protecting two people before." His hand quivered as his thumbs swiped at her cheeks. "Maybe the only reason it hasn't been activated yet is because I'm still here."
"No, baby, no…" Lily sobbed, leaning into his palm. She knew they were running out of time, but she couldn't lose him. Not like this. "Please, don't leave—"
James was holding back his own tears as he moved in to kiss her forehead and put his hand over her heart. "I'm right here. I'll always be right here." He bent to Harry and kissed the top of his head; their son, their precious little son, let out a little laugh with the action, truly having no idea what was going on. "Save Harry?" he asked determinedly as he stood tall.
Lily jutted out her chin, summoning every ounce of strength her body had left to answer him. Her husband needed her. Her son needed her. "Yes. I will." She felt her jaw twitching, but her conviction remained solid, I'll do whatever it takes. 
James shot her a wink. "That's my girl."
He turned to leave, but Lily wasn't ready. She wanted just one more moment, one more second with her man. That wink had brought her back to a time when the possibilities had been endless, and they weren't yet cursed — even if it had felt like they were at the time. She yanked James back to her and sunk her free hand into his silky hair, kissing him like they were 16 again and he'd just cornered her against a desk to try to get her to admit that she loved him back just as much as he loved her. Only now, they both already knew.
She could faintly hear the creak of the first step, alerting them to the fact that Voldemort had deduced that they were upstairs. They were out of time. She quickly tried to imprint the feel of James' lips into her mind forever, to memorize the love she felt with Harry sandwiched between them, delighted he was getting hugged by both his parents at once — but it was over too soon. "I love you, James Potter. I've always loved you." Her voice crackled and was water-logged, but he still understood.
Lily watched as a tear escaped from one of his gorgeous hazel eyes and rolled down his cheek, over his smattering of freckles, to where his dimple should have been, where it had been not minutes ago. He tried to smirk, but his lips didn't quite make it. "I know, Lily. I love you too. Until the very end."
He turned and walked out the door, and Lily knew it was the last time she'd ever see her husband again. She threw things in front of the door, barricading them in desperately, all while knowing it was no use. She just needed to do something with her hands to distract herself from James' suicide mission and the fact that she wasn't going after him. She was trying to find a way to not completely fall apart over the fact that she'd just let her heart walk out the door and she wasn't going to protect him — the man who had always been there for her was about to die, and she was doing nothing. 
Harry babbled at her chest, a string of Mamas and Dadas, and she looked down at him to try to stop from hyperventilating without James. He looked so very much like his father. "Mama loves you," she sobbed. "Dada loves you." Why wasn't the shield working yet? What more did she bloody need? She felt like she was losing her mind.
Then she heard it. After a few taunts from James and a high-pitched cackle, she heard the worst curse in the world and felt a body crumble to the floor, reverberating through her bones and sucking out her will to live.
She knew James was dead.
Lily screamed, feeling her heart ripping in two, or maybe it was her very soul; all she knew was that he was gone, her James was gone, and she didn't— no, she couldn't be here without him. Never again would she see his smile light up the hall when he waited for her after a class they didn't share. Never again would she wake up to his eager face, ready to tell her about all the games he and Harry had already played that morning. Never again would she feel his arms wrapped around her tightly when he inevitably fell asleep as they watched a Muggle movie together on the couch. Never again. 
But, Harry. Save Harry. Harry needs you. Since when had her inner monologue sounded like James? She looked at her son, emerald eyes wide and curious, wondering why his mum was screaming bloody murder. All she could see was love. This was her child, her baby with James, who looked just like him, who was a part of him — and she was going to save him.
She felt her heart pump out its final beats for herself before lurching and bursting forth its last protective bubble, straight into Harry who was still cradled against her chest. The filmy surface was a blood red, like the purest of love, but tinged with gold flecks, the same hue as those in his father's eyes. James is golden. James' love for his son would help to protect him too, even now.
When the bubble soaked into Harry's skin, he looked straight at Lily mesmerized. She knew that awe-inspired look. It was the same one he always gave her whenever she'd start singing him a lullaby before bed. After the attack at the talent show, Lily had never sang in public ever again, and James had never asked her to sing for him either, knowing how painful the memory was for her. But she still sang for Harry, if only to see the look he was giving her right now. She wondered if that's what her magic felt like to him — like his mum was softly rocking him to sleep whilst singing him the sweetest of songs.
(She never knew it, but James would have an almost identical look on his face whenever she sang, only he'd be on the other side of the nursery door, listening in. The Potter boys both just loved her voice that much.)
As her magic got absorbed, Lily let out a shaky sigh of relief. He'll be safe. She knew Harry would grow up, be the bravest kid in all the land just like both his parents before him, it just wouldn't be with them.
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ginnympotter · 1 year
First time Harry does accidental magic as a baby.
Let's go with as a 3 year old, Jily lives of course :)
"C'mon, mate, please just finish your food," implored James.
"Three more bites."
"No. I want cupcake."
"Try the Quidditch thing," Lily suggested, finishing her own plate of food.
James put a piece of broccoli on a fork and began swooshing it around dramatically in the air, making flying noises. Harry giggled, following it with his whole body.
"Here comes the Qudditch player!" James announced as he zoomed the fork toward Harry. "He's zooming fast on his broom! He's coming toward the Keeper's goal!" Harry reluctantly opened his mouth and let the piece of broccoli in. He chewed it with a grimace, then spit it back out onto his plate.
James sighed in retirement. "Well, we tried and we failed."
Lily leaned over and kissed James's cheek. "There's always tomorrow."
She got up and started collecting their plates, Harry's included. Harry smiled as his discarded piece of broccoli was taken away. "Cupcake now?"
"No, my love," said Lily. "Dad asked for three more bites but you didn't even finish one. So no cupcake."
Harry let out a groan, kicking his feet a bit. "Don't be a complainer," warned James.
"Sorry, Harry," he apologized, ruffling his hair. "There's always tomorrow," he echoed his wife's words as Harry stared with all his might at the cupcakes on the counter. James got up and joined Lily in the kitchen area to help clean. "Wonder where the kid gets his stubbornness from."
Lily eyed him suspiciously. "What are you implying?"
"Nothing, love," he said, winking at her. "You know, I-"
He stopped in his tracks. Looking at something, his jaw dropped. "James?" Lily asked, half amused, half concerned. "What is it?"
James grabbed Lily's shoulders and turned her to the right side of the counter, and her jaw dropped as well. There, they saw a chocolate cupcake floating in the air, then smoothly gliding towards the dining table. It landed gently in front of Harry, who smiled victoriously. "Cupcake!" he shouted with glee, and took a big bite right off the top.
"Did he just..."
"He accioed himself a cupcake!"
"Without a wand, even!"
"He's a wizard!"
James and Lily hugged excitedly, thrilled at their son's first bout of accidental magic.
They pulled apart and watched their son happily stuff his face. "Should we take it away from him?" asked Lily. "I mean, we don't want to be encouraging this, right?"
"Eh, let the kid have it as a reward for his first use of magic," James said. "He deserves it. He won't get away with it again, we'll be more on guard next time."
"Next time."
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taliesin-19 · 6 months
Random Fact of the Week - Birthday edition
Elizabeth Evelyn Potter--named after Abby's mother and grandmother respectively--was born on June 28th, 2015.
Today, she would be turning 1 year old. And Harry just prayed the house would stay standing long enough for them to celebrate.
Beep beep beep beep beep
"What the bloody hell is that?" James said covering his ears as he came down the stairs still in his pajamas, hair a mess.
(It was currently 2pm. Abby claimed this was normal for 14 years olds.)
Lizzie immediately broke out into startled cries at the noise, lifting her arms up from her high chair as Harry walked by.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Abby said, taking a smoking tray out of the oven.
With Lizzie in one arm, Harry pulled out his wand and pointed it at the screeching fire alarm to silence it before dispelling the smoke from Abby's...cake? He wasn't positive, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings by asking.
Abby was not a delusional person by any means. But for some reason, she had it in her head that she was meant to be a baker.
However after so many years spent witnessing the carnage she wrought with that oven, Harry could safely say, she was not.
And that was perfectly fine. He was more than happy to help out with the occasional bake sale or the hastily agreed upon dessert for a party. But for some reason, Abby had insisted on baking Lizzie's cake herself.
"Yikes," James said, eyeing the darkened blob on the tray. "Was it supposed to come out like that?"
Lizzie immediately pushed her body towards James at the sound of his voice. "Ame! Ame!"
"Don't let her touch it," Harry said quietly as James took Lizzie in his arms and started making goofy faces at her.
Harry then turned to Abby who was still eyeing the blob with consideration, a knife in her hand.
"Do you think if I try to scrape off the burnt parts, it'll--"
"No," Harry said, gently pushing her arm down.
"Magic?" she said, hopefully.
"Don't think Merlin himself could get you out of this one," James said, causing Harry to give him a look of disapproval.
A sound at the kitchen door made them turn around and they saw Teddy walking in with Lily attached to his side, chattering his ear off while Al, a respectable distance from his other side, was doing the same.
Various shouts of "Teddy!" rang throughout the kitchen.
Burnt cake and knife long forgotten, Abby ran over and brought him into a hug, practically squeezing the life out of him.
Harry and James followed suit, the latter giving him a very 'cool' and 'manly' slap on the back.
Only Lizzie seemed hesitant, smiling shyly at him from Abby's arms.
Teddy was so busy these days with work that he didn't often get the chance to stop by, and Lizzie was still so little. Harry would be surprised if she even remembered him at all.
"Aiw...aiw," she said, rubbing the top of her head.
"What, baby girl?" Abby said, looking down at her.
"Aiw!" she said, jumping down in her mum's arms before pointing at Teddy.
"Is she saying 'ew'?" Al said, looking amused.
James snorted a laugh. "What's that phrase?" he said, bumping Teddy's elbow with his. "From the mouth of babies, or something?"
"Out of the mouths of babes," Teddy corrected.
"Aiw, aiw!" Lizzie said, rubbing her head again.
With a gasp, Lily looked at Teddy then back at her sister. "She's saying 'hair'! She wants you to change your hair!"
Harry and Abby met each other's eyes and grinned.
"Do it, Ted," Harry said with excitement. "Let's see if that's what she wants."
Not needing to be asked twice, Teddy turned his hair from turquoise to lime green to red to purple to neon yellow, all the while causing Lizzie to squeal with happiness and clap.
Harry was beaming the entire time, unable to believe his baby girl was this smart. It had been at least a month since they'd last seen Teddy, and she'd remembered.
He leant in and kissed her chubby cheeks as she continued to giggle at Teddy's hair.
And as always when all his family was under one roof and happy, Harry couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 2 years
Babysitter Moony
If James had to be honest Remus wasn't the best with kids.
Even Remus could admit that he wasn't very good with children. He didn't know what to do with them especially when they started crying.
Sirius on the other hand was amazing with children, perhaps even better than James was. Maybe it was because he grew up with a younger brother and then he had the marauders during school but whatever the reason James was thankful for it. Because Sirius made an excellent babysitter for Harry.
But when he left Sirius and Remus with Harry while he and Lily went out it made James worry a little.
Not that he didn't fully trust his son with two of his best friends it's just with two people who are polar opposites when it comes to caring for children it gave him a little bit of anxiety.
During dinner Lily noticed James' leg shaking. She calmly put a hand on his knee to stop the shaking.
"Hey, I know you're worried about Harry but he'll be fine! He's with Remus and Sirius." Lily explained to James.
"That's the part I'm worried about," He confessed. "Harry's a great kid but.. I'm just worried about the other two.." James mumbled biting his nails.
Lily couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah.. yeah."
James glanced at her, she grinned back.
"They'll be fine. Just because Moony doesn't have great history with kids doesn't mean that anything will happen." Lily reassured him soothingly. She always had a way of calming him down when he was stressed.
He smiled at her relaxing. Yeah Lily was probably right, she usually is.
After dinner they went window shopping for a bit before heading back to their house.
The pair walked up to thier shared home in Godrics Hallow. As they got closer they heard some commotion from inside.
James and Lily looked at each other before running over to the front door. James quickly unlocked it with his key to the house and burst open the door.
He looked around pulling his wand out putting a protective arm in front of Lily.
He saw the familiar figure that was Remus on his hand and knees with Harry below him but Harry was... laughing?
Remus hadn't noticed James or Lily's presense yet and was looking at Harry smiling.
He cooed at harry before taking a big deep breath and quickly leaning down pretending he was going to blow a raspberry before stopping inches from Harry's belly.
Harry squealed loudly before bursting into a fit of giggles. Remus grinned at Harry leaning back up again. Then he took a deep breath and actually blew a raspberry.
Harry instantly started giggling loudly squirming around. Remus stopped blowing and leaned up to kiss Harry's cheek and neck making Harry squeal.
James visibly relaxed putting his wand down. He looked over to Lily to see her smiling widely. She walked fully into the house and went upstairs.
James looked back over to Remus and Harry when he heard Harry's giggly laughter. Remus now had one of Harry's little feet in his hand and was using one finger to tickle it.
"Oh yeah? Right here? Is this a good spot?" Remus asked playfully. "You're just like your father Harry and not just in your looks. He too is extremely ticklish.
James eyerolled and quietly walked behind Remus without him noticing. His hands jumped to Remus' sides and squeezed. Remus yelped before rolling off to the side trying to get away.
"Oh yeah? What about me being extremely ticklish?" James said while still squeezing Remus' sides.
Remus dissolved into a helpless laughter squirming around and grabbing James' hands to try and pry then off.
JAHAHames!! I didn't knohow you where bahAHAHACK-!!" Remus managed to say before James started kneeding into his ribs.
There was a flash of light as Lily took a picture with the camera she got from upstairs.
James kneeded in-between his ribs in the way he knew drove his friend crazy. James grinned when Remus tried to curl up into a ball. James gave his side one last squeeze before getting off of Remus.
"Alright you big sensitive baby. I'm done, I'm done." James said finally stopping tickling Remus.
James scooped up Harry who was now half asleep walking over to Lily.
"Oh you're back!" Sirius said coming out of the kitchen with wet hands. "I left Moony to play with Harry while I cleaned the kitchen.. looks like he did a good job." Sirius answered smirking at a panting still slightly giggling Moony.
Sh-shuhut uhup Sirius.." Remus panted.
Maybe Remus wasn't that bad with kids after all.
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed <3
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harryforvogue · 2 years
a very VERY short harry and faye blurb about...i don't even know what. <33
Faye hears a cheer of, “She’s here!” when she knocks on Timothée’s girlfriend’s apartment door, clutching her bottle of sparkling cider closer to her.
The warmth of the apartment greets her when Lily opens the door and exclaims, “It is you!”
Someone behind her says, “We’ve been fooled so many times. First by the pizza dude and then by Lily’s neighbor who brought over some pumpkin pie.” Faye twists her head to look behind Lily, finding Timmy, leaning against the wall adjacent to the kitchen. “We were betrayed.”
“Well,” Faye smiles. “I’m here now. I brought some cider.”
There’s a chorus of, “You brought cider!”
And that’s how she knows all of them are drunk.
She steps in and removes her shoes, hanging up her coat along the way. “It’s very cold outside.”
“Yes your nose is all pink!” Lily giggles, taking the cider from her. She replaces it with a drink in her hand. It’s very clearly alcohol. “Come on. You have to catch up to us.”
“Don’t you all work tomorrow?”
“Yes.” Timmy pushes himself off the wall, reaching for another drink himself. “But it’s been so long since we were all able to hang out, thanks to your boyfriend’s shit schedule. We gotta have a few drinks!”
“Shut up. I see you fucking everywhere,” said boyfriend mutters. As Faye walks in, she sees him in the living room, on the floor with his legs stretched out, head resting on the sofa cushion behind him. His curls are spilling over the seat and his face, and he looks heartbreakingly handsome as always. When she’s in view, a smile spreads over his face. His tone takes a turn, now lighter and more gentle. “Hi, baby,” he murmurs.
Faye puts her glass away. “Hi. Wow. When did you guys start drinking?”
“‘Bout an hour ago.” Harry hiccups.
“Are we still watching scary movies?”
“Yes, as soon as Timothée manages to make a single bag of unburnt popcorn.” Harry picks his head up and shoots a look over to his housemate who shrugs dismissively.
“I don’t know why they keep burning. I keep pressing the popcorn button.”
“The bag specifically says not to do that!”
“Am I just supposed to know the perfect amount of time for a popcorn bag to pop correctly and thoroughly?”
“It’s not that difficult!”
“You do it then!”
“I picked the movies out and queued them up!”
Lily giggles behind her glass. “This is so much fun, you guys. I'm so happy we're doing this."
Harry rolls his eyes at Timmy and then glances back at Faye. She’s lightly, and awkwardly, balancing herself on her heels, hands clasped behind her. The tension on his face immediately smooths over and he holds his hand out. “Cherry. Gimme a kiss please.”
Faye’s eyes widen, her cheeks definitely pink now and not from the cold. “Sure,” she mumbles, walking over to him. She kneels down and gives him a chaste kiss.
Harry doesn’t care much about PDA. He will hold her hand and grab her and kiss her as appropriate, but for Faye, who hasn’t really had anyone do this to her before, it still manages to make her feel embarrassed.
Harry’s mouth is in a pout when she pulls away. She still feels hot, even though she hears Lily and Timmy speaking in the kitchen again. Harry tugs on her arm and makes her crash against his soft sweatshirt, a yelp leaving her lips.
“You’re so late tonight,” he says, pressing a kiss to her jaw. “And cold. I missed you.”
“I know,” she replies apologetically. “I may have missed the bus twice.”
“You got out of the theatre late?”
“Uh, no…”
“Then how did you miss them both?”
“I don’t know. They just kind of passed right in front of me without me realizing.”
Harry stares at her for a moment before smiling so hard, she can barely see the whites of his eyes. “Fuck’s sake,” he says softly, “you’re gonna kill me.”
“What? Why?” She squeaks the last word because Harry wraps his arm around her shoulders and squeezes her hard.
“Because you’re so cute.”
Her eyes flash, wiggling in his hold. “Absentminded is the right word I think.”
“Still so cute.”
He looks over her head at Timmy and Lily who have not disappeared completely behind the kitchen wall, and they hear Timmy using Siri on his voice to loudly ask, “HOW LONG SHOULD I PUT A BAG OF POPCORN IN THE MICROWAVE FOR?” He waits a second to hear the reply and then says to Lily, “What is the wattage of your microwave?”
Lily snorts and laughs. “Wattage. That’s such a funny word.”
“Focus, Lils!”
Harry sighs, grabbing Faye’s attention again. He wraps his arms around her waist and tucks her in closer, resting his head on her shoulder. He inhales softly and then sighs again, saying nothing and everything at once.
She gently pets his hair, giving the curls a gentle tug. “How was work?”
“Dunno. Can’t remember.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Think so. Gave out so many holiday coupons."
“I guess that’s all right then.”
He smiles against her skin. “When was the last time I saw you?”
“I think it was three days ago.”
He picks his head up, eyes swimming with intoxication. He tenderly tips her chin up. “Well I missed you. Come here. You’re so…you’re so far.”
Harry guides her to sit between his legs, her back against his chest. He doesn’t let her lay her head on his shoulder just yet, instead gathering her black hair into a loose ponytail and securing it there with a hair tie he always seems to have on his wrist these days. He brings his lips down to her neck, giving her slow, drunken kisses.
Faye shivers, turning her head to whisper, “They’re right there.”
Harry, in return, tightens his arms around her. “Mhmm.”
“They’ll see us.”
“You’re so pretty,” he murmurs. He pinches her cheek, not as hard as usual, but definitely to make the skin red. “Love your face.”
“I think you’re the drunkest out of everyone.”
“Love your face and this…this huge sweater you’re wearing. Love it. A lot.” Faye breathes out a small laugh which makes Harry smile harder against her neck. “And you. Love you. S’much.” He hiccups again.
“I think we’re going to have to stay here tonight,” she says, turning to face him. He looks tired, eyes half lidded with both love and fatigue. His eyes drop to her mouth and then he surges forward, kissing her slowly. She opens her lips and tastes him, sighing contently into the kiss.
“I love you too,” she murmurs against his mouth. She tastes champagne on his lips. When she pulls back, she runs her thumb over his lower lip, and then walks her fingers over to his dimple.
He deepens it for her.
“I wanna live in there,” Faye says, poking the indent.
“Go ahead. I already wanna always keep you around with me. Maybe…maybe tuck you in my pocket and take you everywhere I go.”
Faye laughs, taking her fingers away. She leans in and holds his jaw as she kisses him again, feeling his eyelashes fan over her cheek as he gathers her closer and gently presses back, tilting his head just a fraction so he can kiss her deeper.
She’s having a pleasant time kissing her boyfriend when someone throws a pillow at their heads.
Timmy stands there with his arms crossed across his chest, looking down at them with a mean look. “No making out!”
“Shut up,” Harry grumbles, fixing his hair and then rubbing where he got hit. “Get outta my face.”
“I made your stupid popcorn!”
Timmy drops the bag against Harry’s thigh, and Harry grits, “It’s fucking hot!”
Faye goes to move out of his lap, but he holds her down, shaking his head. He reaches for the popcorn and balances it on the floor between both their outstretched legs.
“Can you open it, baby?”
She nods, pulling the top corners in opposite directions to open the bag. She blinks at the hot steam hitting her in the face and she peers down at the contents.
Everyone seems to be holding their breaths.
It’s silent.
“Not burnt!” she announces.
“Fucking finally!” Harry groans, reaching for a handful of popcorn, throwing them back into his mouth. “Sit your asses down and watch the movie now.”
And as they watch the movie, it’s very hard for Faye to actually pay attention. Under dim lights, Harry’s hands slip beneath the hem of her sweater, his fingers splayed over Faye’s ribs, lips brushes over her neck as he watches the movie. Often, she’s biting back at a giggle, or she’s whispering to him that he’s distracting her, but he just kisses her cheek real slow and murmurs, “I’m trying to watch a movie, baby.”
When she jumps at scary scenes, he kisses her temple almost apologetically for putting it on. "S'okay," he whispers in her ear.
She relaxes against him eventually, after the intermission, and lets him kiss her as he prefers, warming her up under the blankets. It’s a great night indeed.
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Y'all ever think about what would've gone down if wolfstar had been watching Harry the night of 1981? I do.
October 31st 1981:
Sirius was on the dining table, he was laying back, legs dangling, relaxed, flicking through a copy of the Daily Mail - muggle news. Some royal had gotten married that summer and word of it couldn't escape even the quietest corners of the country. He knew Remus would scold him for getting shoe marks on the table once he came back inside, but he was comfortable and terrified that if he moved an inch the baby tucked into his leather jacket would wake up and start his trivial crying and wailing once again.
Remus said he'd somehow inherited Sirius' ability to make an unfathomable amount of noise over extended periods of time.
The front door squeaked open, Sirius didn't bother looking up, though he was sure Remus hadn't had a chance to finish his cigarette. Harry stirred for a moment, so his godfather sat up and put the paper down, taking the opportunity to cradle the boy with both hands. 
"Sirius," Remus' voice was thick, weighed down with fatigue, he was propping a chair against the front door now.
"Shhh," Was the only reply he got, Sirius was desperate not to wake the baby, but he did look up this time, something was very wrong.
"Sirius, he's here." There was a crack in Remus' voice, as though he was grieving. Now he understood. "We have minutes, Dumbledore sent a warning."
"Right, let's go." The boy with black hair walked over to the cot in the front room and placed Harry in it, who stood awake, it hardly mattered now. He then pried his wand out of the child's hand, hoping that this wouldn't be the last time he used it. Sirius walked over to Remus, who was guarding the front door; and he was so beautiful, so so beautiful. Molly had knitted him a vest last year, and he wore it religiously, he'd probably need a new one soon, and he was probably the only one that wore their Christmas jumper often enough to ever need a new one.
"Take Harry and go,"
Sirius desperately searched the other boy's eyes for any sense of humour, but like always all he found were caramel galaxies and sincerity. He made an attempt to push the chair away from under the front door, but Remus - gentle yet firm, grabbed his forearm and pulled him away.
"You take Harry, and go, I'll hold him off," Remus repeated, his brows were furrowed, cheeks flushed from the October air and he was staring sadly at the baby on the other side of the living room.
"Remus, what are you on about? We can beat him." They were stood close now. Harry giggled in his cot and Remus had to look away, tears pushing along his waterline, not a single one courageous enough to spill. He took a shaky breath which turned into a short incredulous laugh.
"Lily and James need you, Pads - you're his Godfather, let me do this." He nodded, seemingly convincing himself more than anyone else, Sirius couldn't really hold himself together much longer. He watched, heart in throat, as Remus tugged nervously at the hem of his jacket and stared at the floor, his first tear falling.
"He's... he's not taking you too, I won't let him," Sirius lifted a shaky hand and placed it on the other boys face, his thumb dragging gently along a scar that had sat on Remus' nose for years now, forcing him to look up. "I'll fight with you,"
There was a moment then, where the cogs stopped turning frantically in Remus' mind, and everything was going to be fine. He stared down lovingly at Sirius, their noses centimetres apart and smiled, and Sirius brought their faces together. He nearly missed Remus' lips the first time, and Remus pulled away grinning and laughing quietly before closing the gap once more, his mouth still smiling against Sirius', and there was so much love in that house. So much love. Their kiss was gentle, familiar, and had it just been the two of them, Sirius would have died this way, happy and fulfilled.
Remus pulled away, looking down at the other boy with determination, his hand sweeping away a few long strands of hair littered along his cheekbones. It was only at times like this, where the lighting was just right, and Sirius was stood just close enough, that he could see the little specks of green right by Remus' iris, like little patches of moss in ancient woodland, but that glint, right in the corner, a speck of golden mischief, he was up to something. Sirius shook his head desperately, pleading for his love to reconsider, but Remus only smiled sadly, nodding reassuringly.
"The beach in Cornwall," He started, averting his gaze slightly, "the one we visited the summer of our sixth year, there's a cottage there now,"
Sirius listened with clouded thoughts, someone had to protect Harry, it had to be Remus, surely - he was better at defensive spells, even if he couldn't travel through the floo system, he could definitely get the child further. What the fuck had Peter done?
"The door only opens to me or you," Sirius's gaze snapped up at met Remus', he felt like someone was pouring wet concrete into his stomach. Remus paused, watching Sirius carefully, then he closed his eyes and took a shallow breath, bracing himself, "I was going to take you there after the war."
There it was, Sirius felt a sharp sting in the corners of his eyes, and hot tears pushed themselves from his waterline, rolling down his cheeks. Remus took a sharp breath, and his eyes flickered away for a moment. "You...," Remus paused, " you take Harry, run to Mary's - if you say 'home', the floor will take you there."
"I'm not leaving you here."
"I love you, I love you so much it hurts to breathe."
"Moony, I'm not leaving you here."
"Someone's got to slow him down, Pads. Now you take him and go, this isn't about us."
"Remus please, don't do this to me." Sirius' voice was shaking, but when the baby started crying in his cot he knew he had to run. Not for his pride, not for Remus, but for the little pocket of stardust, Harry Potter, now suddenly distraught in his bed.
"I love you, Sirius Black.
If I cannot live by you, I will gladly die for you."
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polychr0matic · 9 months
Chapter One.
King’s Cross Station was bustling with people, as per usual, and I stood side by side with my father, Sirius Black, looking around for the rest of our usual party that met before boarding the elusive Hogwarts Express; Uncle James, Aunt Lily, and their son Harry, who also happened to be one of my best mates and cousin by proxy. A smile lights up my facial features upon seeing the familiar mop of unruly curls and green eyes, two things I had grown quite fond of over the years, not that I would ever admit it out loud of course.
We embrace and I laugh airily before releasing first, taking the time to look him over and nodding in approval. He looked much more put together than last year and for that, I was grateful and I knew he was as well, especially since he had laid his eyes on a particular redhead that was a year below us. A smirk replaces the smile I wore at the thought, giving him a knowing look and laughing again when I see the tips of his ears flush red.
“You look great, by the way. I think Ginny will be pleased.” I nudge him lightly with my elbow and he returns it, the tip of his nose now matching his ears.
“Thanks, but hush it. Mum and dad will never let me live it down if they find out.”
I roll my eyes affectionately before turning to my Uncle James and Aunt Lily, offering them a wave of my own before I’m lifted up into the air by Uncle James, a squeal falling from my lips.
“There’s my favourite little star! It’s so good to see you. Been too long, it has. Right, Lilypad?” He looks over at his wife, who now matched her son with how red she was upon hearing the nickname he had donned for her back in their years at Hogwarts, sweet really. I giggle and slap his arm playfully, silently telling him to put me down, which he does, and I look up at him with a nod of my head.
“It has been too long, but we’ll see each other at Christmas. A whole week and a half of me, along with your best mate, whom I’m surprised you aren’t sick of yet after all these years.” 
Harry snorts and Aunt Lily laughs, quickly covering her mouth as my father’s own mouth drops open with a shocked, “Hey now!”
I give him an innocent look and he grumbles before ruffling my hair, to which I shriek in protest, rushing over to my Aunt Lily who immediately springs into action and begins to fix it, her touch gentle and full of love. She smooths some of the golden curls down and tucks a few stray ones behind my ears, the same green eyes as Harry’s looking into my silver ones and smiling softly.
“You look more and more like your mother every single day, Astri. A lovely young woman and she would be proud.”
A lump forms in my throat then that I struggle to swallow, feeling the backs of my eyes prick with unshed tears. My mother was Marlene McKinnon, a singularly gifted and formidable witch, taken too soon by none other than the Dark Lord himself. I never got the chance to truly meet her, but her memory still lived on through my father and everyone else that knew her, it just was nowhere near close to being the same as actually having her here. I was going into my fifth year and she had not gotten to see any of it, not seeing me grow or getting my wand from Ollivanders, nothing. It hurt, I would not deny, although I was incredibly thankful for the people I did have. But how could anyone replace my mother? They could not and I was reminded of that fact all the time.
“Thanks you, Aunt Lils.” I manage to choke out and the woman pulls me in for a warm hug, the familiar scent of sugar and amber invading my senses, comforting and one of my favourite combinations. The pair of us had made a deal long ago that she would always be there, taking on the things that my father deemed too hard to handle and boy, did that come in handy. I smile as she kisses my cheek and steps back, looking up at her husband then.
Harry makes a face at the loving look his parents share before chiming in, “We better get a move on or we’re going to miss the train. I don’t fancy having a repeat of my second year.” He grimaces as Uncle James guffaws, earning a smack to the arm from Aunt Lily. I burst into a fit of giggles and quickly stifle them with an enclosed fist, sharing a look with my father as his eyes twinkle with a mixture of mischief and faux disapproval.
“I’m just glad Astri wasn’t there. I would’ve had to come after you and Ron for that.” My father says, reaching up to clap Harry on the back, giving a small squeeze and a now stern look.
Harry falters and opens his mouth to speak when I quickly intervene, “As if you and the Marauders didn’t do things that were twice as bad, if not more so!”
He gives me a look as we all start walking, pushing our trolleys with our trunks, making our way to Platform 9 3/4’s with haste. “I wasn’t a dad back then.”
I roll my eyes and nudge him with a shake of my head, to which he returns; all in good fun. That was the type of relationship I had with my father and truth be told, I wouldn’t change it for the world. He was lenient, but when he needed to make a point and be heard, especially when it came to being a single father of a teenage witch, he was ruthless, relentless, and everything else in-between. I tried my best not to bring that side out of him too often, but it had happened in the past and I did not want to rehash that, no thank you.
We all manage to make it to the platform on time and Harry goes first, followed by Uncle James and Aunt Lily, leaving the two sole members of the Black family, looking at each other with mirrored mischievous facial expressions.
“Together?” He asks.
“Together.” I confirm.
We turn back to face the barrier and with a running start, we walk through and are met with an abundance of witches and wizards alike, along with the gleaming Hogwarts Express, steam billowing out of the top and the whistle blowing to signify that we would be taking off soon. I turn to my father and the mischievous looks are long gone, now replaced with a sense of sadness. I feel it, too, and was more than likely showing it as well. I could not help it and it was the same every year. Not that I minded; having something to miss just meant that you had something to lose.
“Bye dad. I’ll miss you.”
He chuckles and quickly pulls my petite frame into his arms, giving a squeeze as he rocks back and forth for a moment, hand on my head as he kisses the top of it. “I’ll miss you, too. Don’t you forget to write and I’ll see you at Christmas.”
I nod and inhale deeply, memorising the moment and filing it away with all the others before pulling back, both of our sets of silver eyes shining with unshed tears. We both bark out a laugh and I grab my trolley, beginning to push it to the designated area for all student belongings.
“I love you, my star.”
My heart clenches as I glance over my shoulder, seeing that one tear had slipped from his eye and was now rolling down his cheek. The whistle blew again and I had to resist the urge to turn all the way around, running back to him and refusing to board. I continue to push the trolley and once I’m far enough away, I angle my head over my shoulder once more and shout, “I love you, too!” with a grin and he returns it, along with a wave as he reconnects with Uncle James and Aunt Lily, the latter of which was a complete mess of tears as she watches after her only son, who now stood beside me.
Harry sniffles, “Ready?”
I blink a couple of times, choosing not to acknowledge his own red-rimmed eyes, and softly say, “Ready.”
We drop our trolleys off and make our way onto the train, moving down the aisle as we look for an empty compartment, finding one after a few tries and settling in. The pair of us sit in silence for a spell, which was fine with me as it gave us time to compose ourselves, before Ron Weasley popped his head in.
“There you are! I was looking everywhere for you two!”
Harry and I look up simultaneously at the youngest Weasley boy, who had now entered the compartment and took his usual place next to Harry. They engage in pleasantries before Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood enter as well, much to my relief. There was far too much testosterone going on for my liking.
“Astri, you look lovely,” Luna says, taking a seat on my left, a dreamy smile present on her face. Besides Harry, Luna was my best friend, the two of us joined at the hip ever since our first year and Harry was sorted into Gryffindor, myself into Ravenclaw. I did not think I would find a friend as good as him until she came along, which was saying something. She truly was one of a kind and I could not have been more grateful for her.
“Thanks, Luna. You look quite lovely yourself, as do you, Hermione.” I smile at both girls and we soon dive into our own pleasant conversation before Blaise Zabini shows up for Luna, knocking on the compartment door with an uncharacteristically sheepish smile upon his strikingly handsome face. It looked odd, but I knew exactly why, sharing a look with her before she gets up to follow him with a whisper of “I shall return. Watch for the Nargles, they seem to have taken a liking to Ron.” Hermione and I giggle together before she asks, “Is that about what I think it’s about?”
I give her the same look I had just given Luna and I nod, “Oh yes. They’ve been writing each other all Summer and I think this may be the start of the epic love she keeps going on about. Did she tell you?”
Hermione returns the nod and drops her voice lower, glancing over at Harry and Ron to make sure they were not eavesdropping, before continuing, “She did. I told her I thought it was wonderful because despite being a Slytherin, Blaise seems to really like her and why not go for it?”
“I agree. It’s about time someone notices her brilliance.”
We fall back into easy conversation, which I was thankful for considering all the boys’ could talk about was meeting up with Fred and George to prank Peeves before classes started. I rolled my eyes, Harry truly was his father’s son, and looked out the window for a brief period, watching as the scenery passed us by; rolling hills and lush grass that went on forever, it was breathtaking and it also reminded me how fortunate I was to have the life I did, with these friends and all these opportunities. It was like something out of a muggle fairytale and I was determined to make this the best year at Hogwarts yet.
0 notes
wildxlily · 2 years
Honeymoon - Silly & Sexy
At the top of the stairs, she paused in the doorway to the bedroom and looked Harry over. His cheeks were a little pink; probably from the wine since he’d drank more than usual or it was left over from all their giggling. “Lovey…” she cooed. “What would you do if I just ran and launched myself into the bed?” She grinned as she waited for his answer.
Harry sat up against the pillows while he waited for Lily, then once he saw her standing in the doorway with a devilish grin, he knew something was up. He laughed at the question and reached his arms out wide. “Guess I’d just have to catch you, silly. Let’s see how high you can jump,” he grinned.
Lily’s eyes widened and so did her grin. Then she shook her head. “Babes, this is gonna be so bad,” she laughed. But now that she’d thought of it, she wanted to do it. So, she braced herself in a running stance and then pushed off, managing about four steps before she jumped with a yell, arms spread open to hopefully catch herself before she injured one of them.
Harry laughed as he watched Lily take off, moving his legs out of the way so she had plenty of room to land. “Woah!” he exclaimed once she reached the bed, still laughing. “You got so much air, lovey!”
Thankfully Lily landed next to Harry like she had hoped, bouncing a bit on the mattress which just made her laugh more. She rolled onto her back and clutched her stomach. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “I can’t believe I just did that.”
It took a while for them to calm down from laughing, appearing as though they’d had a little too much wine that night. “Me neither, love. This honeymoon is making you wild,” he teased with a grin.
Lily took a deep breath and then sighed, looking to her mostly empty wine glass. “I think it’s the wine. What does Italy put in it?” she joked before looking to Harry and shrugging. “And I think the no responsibilities bit of the honeymoon and all the sex is definitely helping the mood.”
“I don’t know, but it’s good.” Harry smiled and gave a nod in agreement. Just like Lily, he could easily get used to this routine and to no responsibilities. “And sleeping in… and all the good food…”
“A literal dream. It’s no wonder we’re so carefree.” Lily laid there for just a second or two more before she pushed herself up so she could properly sit with Harry.
Harry knew it would be a big adjustment when it came time to go back home, but that was the last thing that he wanted to think about at that moment. He turned his head to look over at Lily. “Hi there.”
Lily sidled up to Harry so she was leaning against him and rested her hand on his knee. “Hi, baby,” she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling as she met his gaze.
Harry’s fingers were laced, hands resting on top of his stomach. He quickly gave Lily a smile when she got closer and pouted his lips out for a kiss.
Lily leaned in and gave him the kiss he asked for along with another. “You’re amazing, you know that?” she murmured before pulling back a little. “Best husband I could ever ask for.” He was absolutely, every bit, the husband of her dreams. How did she get so lucky?
Harry kissed Lily back each time, happily. He smiled with eyes on hers. “Thank you, babes. I hope I’m exceeding my husband duties so far,” he told her and stole another kiss, “My perfect wife deserves everything and more.”
Lily moved her free hand to cup his cheek, thumb brushing along his jawline as they kissed. “Oh definitely. You always exceed my expectations.”
Harry smiled softly against her lips as they shared a few more slow kisses. It always came easy to them. “Good,” he brought his hand up to wrap gently around her wrist.
Lily sank further into him the more they kissed; just as drunk on Harry as she was the wine. It helped that he was warm and shirtless. How could anyone resist?
He moved his hand to rest on her thigh instead as they kissed and as Lily got closer. Harry felt very relaxed, assuming the wine only helped with that, and was ready for another night to unwind with his Lily.
Lily’s hand on Harry’s leg subconsciously moved higher as she adjusted to face him more. Not that she would complain about it if she was aware of what she was doing. But it was hard to think of much when Harry’s lips were on hers.
Harry slowly traced his fingertips along Lily’s skin and enjoyed her touch on his own leg. He sat back more against the pillows, his other hand coming up to cup her chin between his fingers and to keep her close.
Lily’s hand fell from Harry’s jaw to his chest as she followed him, using it to brace herself somewhat. But it wasn’t long at all before she was giving in and moving to straddle him. Whatever it took to get as close to him as possible.
Harry moved with Lily, one hand at her waist with his other resting along her jaw. It was no surprise that he was already turned on, with Lily likely able to tell now that she was straddling him.
Lily’s kisses wandered to Harry’s jaw and neck, taking a breather between. Meanwhile, both her hands unashamedly roamed along his chest and then down his sides. “Babes…” she mumbled, lips just under his ear. “What if we laid on our sides like that one time and you fucked me from behind until we fall asleep?”
Lily knew exactly what to do to turn Harry on, between her kisses and touches on his chest and lips so close to his ear. Plus, that question alone got his stomach coiling. “Yes, please,” he quickly answered, pressing kisses to her jaw while he sat up with her to get undressed.
Lily smiled at his eagerness and sat up with him, pulling back enough that she could remove her shirt without hitting Harry with her arms. It fell somewhere on the bed, but Lily didn’t care at the moment; that was for morning Lily to figure out. Her eyes were hazy with lust and wine as she looked to Harry.
Harry gave Lily just enough time to slip her shirt off before his lips were back on her skin. Then he moved her to lay back against the mattress so he could get her bottoms off, Harry kneeling in front of her.
Lily hummed softly into the kiss and easily let Harry move her as he pleased. While she was sad to lose his touch, she happily took advantage of the sight above her; Harry kneeling half naked with that hungry look in his eyes. That alone was enough to make her wet.
Harry hovered over Lily to leave kisses along her jaw and down her neck slowly. His fingers hooked in her pants and underwear in the meantime, pulling both of them down as his kisses went lower.
Lily arched her neck for him, her breath quickening the lower he went. Meanwhile, her own hands were wandering down his torso and to the waistband of his boxers, fingertips teasing the sensitive skin just underneath. But that only lasted for a moment or two before she was tugging down the fabric as far as she could.
Harry tossed all their clothing to the side once it was off, leaving them both naked. He continued down her body, not teasing at all when his mouth met her core. Even if only for a little, before they were ready and likely become much too eager.
Lily gasped, her body visibly reacting to the sudden feel of Harry’s mouth against her. Her hand instantly went to his curls, tangling her fingers in the soft strands, still damp from his shower. “Harry,” she sighed. She’d expected him to get right to the fucking, but at the same time, she wasn’t surprised at all that he’d pleasure her with his mouth first. “Suppose it’s been a bit, hasn’t it?” she smiled down at him. “Considering how intimate we’ve been today.”
His hands rested gently along the insides of her thighs, keeping them spread for him. “It’s been way too long for me,” he grinned softly, despite the fact that he’d just done this poolside yesterday, and ran his tongue along her just how she liked. He’d never get tired of it.
Lily bit her lip, unable to respond when he was pleasuring her like this. Not that she needed to. Instead, she decided to sink back into the pillows and enjoy it. Soon Harry would be behind her and she wouldn’t get to watch him and see the look of pleasure on his face as he worked to make her feel good.
This was still one of Harry’s favorite ways to pleasure Lily even after all these years of being together and he always got pleasure from it himself, too. He pressed his fingertips gently against her thighs, soon focusing his movements more on her clit and always eager to see her reaction to that kind of attention.
Lily whimpered pitifully and her back arched off the bed. The hand that wasn’t in his curls fisted the blankets and pulled at them. Better that than pulling Harry’s hair.
Harry took in everything about Lily. He absolutely loved all her noises and seeing how she squirmed under him, despite trying to keep her hips as still as possible. Upon seeing her reaction, his tongue gave plenty of attention to her clit over and over.
Practically every swipe of his tongue elicited a noise from Lily. “I take it your goal is to make me come from this and then sex again?” she gasped, looking down at him between her legs. It was rare that Harry pleasured her with his mouth and didn’t make her come. It took a lot of coaxing on Lily’s end to make that happen.
Lily’s question had Harry grinning. “You know me so well,” he spoke, it taking everything in him to pull away long enough to get those few words out, before he was happily back to pleasuring her again.
Lily grinned back at him, affectionately combing his curls back from his forehead. “It’s ‘cause I love ya babes,” she teased. But that smirk was quickly wiped off her face the second he dove back in and she was back to moaning and squirming. Though she tried to control it as much as possible so she didn’t ruin Harry’s focus.
Harry smiled and shook his head a little, the best he could in the position that he was in. Only his Lily could fit teasing perfectly between all her moaning and squirming. His mouth was already back on her when he slipped a finger into her as well, curling it upwards.
Lily moaned even louder when Harry pushed his finger in, especially when it curled and brushed her spot. “Harry,” she gasped. It took everything in her not to buck her hips and instead keep them planted on the mattress.
Of course Harry loved to hear his name coming from Lily’s lips when they were intimate like this, and he gave a soft moan against her in response. He kept her hips as in place as he could so he could pleasure her properly, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love when she squirmed underneath him.
Harry’s moan about did her in, leaving her perched right on the edge. “Oh fuck, babes. Do that again,” she begged. The vibration would surely send her over the edge into a blissful orgasm.
Harry would do most literally anything Lily asked him to, so of course not even a few seconds had passed before he was letting out another moan against her. All while curling his finger each time he slid it inside of her.
Lily’s jaw dropped in a silent moan and it was just one more expert curl before she was coming. Her hips dug backwards into the mattress as her body tensed and toes curled, long moans now slipping from her repeatedly.
Harry knew Lily reached her high the second her body began to tense up a bit, pulling his mouth away from her slowly but continuing to move his finger to help her ride through it. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her rosy cheeks and her fingers gripping the bedsheets, absolutely never tiring of this sight.
Lily’s sounds slowly turned into soft whimpers and her muscles relaxed as she started to come back down. Her chest was still rising and falling faster than normal. Words weren’t quite an option yet, either.
Harry only pulled his hand away when he noticed Lily beginning to calm. He sat up, but then moved to hover above Lily, brushing her hair away from her face. He couldn’t help but smile down at her, spreading kisses along her jaw while giving her the time to recollect herself.
Lily looked up at Harry with the most blissed out expression and happily nuzzled into him whenever he began to scatter his kisses. Her one hand was still in his curls but with a much gentler touch as she combed through the ones at the back of his head. Her other hand let go of the blankets to stroke down his back. “You’re just too damn good at that. It’s not natural,” she joked. But she was not complaining one bit.
Harry laughed softly, focusing his kisses on the sweet spots just below Lily’s ear. “I think I just like it too much,” he pulled away. “Could do it again or you can lay on your side when you’re ready,” he teased with a grin.
Of course, Harry would suggest doing it to her again. “Maybe another day I’ll let you have your fill of eating me out. But I want you to hold me now.” She moved her hand from his hair to his jaw and guided his lips to hers. The kiss was deep and lingering, Lily soaking up every last bit of it before she couldn’t have it anymore. Then she began to roll to her side, getting comfy on the pillows and blankets.
“Deal.” Harry smiled, the kiss deepening quickly and only ending when Lily had to turn on her side. Harry laid behind Lily on his side as well, propped up on his forearm. He used his other hand to hold Lily’s leg up once she was settled, hips right against her own and his length incidentally rubbing along her core. “Ready, darling?” he asked between kisses placed along her shoulder.
Lily did her best to hold up her leg for Harry, at least for as long as she could. Once he was settled, she leaned back into him a little. The feel of him rubbing against her, hard as could be, had her biting her lip again. “Always ready for you, love,” she managed to get out, reaching back to give his thigh a gentle squeeze.
Harry smiled softly at that and gave her shoulder one last kiss for the moment. While Lily held her leg up, that meant Harry could use his hand to guide himself to her entrance and slide in by pushing his hips forward. His jaw was dropping slightly already at the feeling, gently tapping Lily’s thigh once he was completely in to let her know she could relax it then.
Lily’s eyes fluttered at the feeling of Harry entering her from this angle. He wasn’t wrong that it felt better than any other. It took her a few moments to realize what his tapping meant, a little lost in finally having him properly inside of her again, but then she was letting her leg relax and allowing Harry to take over.
Harry carefully adjusted himself so that he could wrap both of his arms around Lily comfortably, one across her chest and the other lower around her waist. He bent one of his legs a bit to more easily move his hips, already starting a slow rhythm with his thrusts.
Lily moved with Harry the best she could and then settled back into him with a content hum. While she may not be able to see him in this position, she absolutely adored being completely wrapped up in his embrace. “I love you, Harry,” she whispered with a soft smile. Her hands of course found his, taking advantage of any bit of him she could hold onto.
Harry held Lily close against him as he moved his hips. He smiled softly hearing her, lacing their fingers and giving the top of her shoulder a small kiss. “I love you, darling.”
That just made Lily smile even more. Those words would never cease to have an effect on her. Add on his strong, but gentle embrace and his spot-on thrusts and she was basically putty in his arms.
Harry placed kisses every so often to Lily’s skin, in between his moans that came so easily when he was with her. He kept his rhythm as well, enjoying how he could hit her spot more consistently in this position.
Every now and then, Lily’s grip on Harry’s hand would tighten when he’d hit her in just the right way. Otherwise, she laid with her eyes closed, taking in absolutely everything about this.
Harry very contently held Lily close, lips parted and brushing against her skin with each move of his. He didn’t keep himself from letting out moans, always wanting Lily to know how good she made him feel.
They were practically communicating in moans; going back and forth and sometimes in unison. There was no rush for them to come. Lily would happily stay like this for hours. After a bit, she guided Harry’s hand on her chest lower until it brushed across her nipple. Usually, they didn’t ever worry too much with her boobs, but she did enjoy when Harry would hold them. Honestly, she enjoyed his touch anywhere. Her boob was just conveniently there and perfectly fit in his hand.
Harry appreciated Lily’s moans especially when they weren’t face to face like this. He knew by all her sounds that he was doing something right at least, and he returned it right back to her. He let Lily move his hand as she pleased and he happily cupped her boob, arm across her chest. He loved holding any part of his Lily.
Lily leaned her head back so it was closer to Harry’s. “Just note that you’re getting to hold my boob and I can’t hold yours,” she teased with a crooked grin. Harry had jokingly complained once that he never held her boobs and she was always touching his, so Lily would never pass up an opportunity to tease him about it.
Harry laughed softly at the comment, it taking a lot of effort to focus on anything other than how good Lily felt. “Finally… this is what I’ve been waiting for all these years,” he teased back, giving her a gentle squeeze as he continued his thrusts.
Lily gave his arm a squeeze in return, a little bummed that she couldn’t give him a kiss somewhere. But the disappointment didn’t stick around for long when Harry was thrusting into her just right. A subtle shift of her hips had him hitting her spot so straight on, she swore she was seeing stars. “Right there,” she breathed.
Harry moved one of his hands down to support Lily’s leg as he shifted his hips towards hers, trying to be consistent each time after hearing those two words that told him exactly what he needed to hear. Moans didn’t stop, only became more frequent as the pit of his stomach tightened.
“Babes…when you’re ready…just touch my clit with your other hand,” Lily got out between soft moans. She was close and it wouldn’t take much at all to send her over the edge if Harry was ready for that.
It wasn’t much longer at all before Harry was right at the edge with Lily, bringing his hand between her thighs to rub circles against her clit. He loved when she told him exactly what she needed, and feeling her release would be the only thing he’d need to get that final push as well.
Lily’s eyes closed and her brows furrowed when her clit got the attention it needed. All of her muscles tensed as she reached her peak, her jaw dropping with a loud moan as she clung to Harry’s arm across her chest.
Harry took in everything about how Lily’s body moved and tensed against him as she approached her high. He was in love with her moans and how she held onto him. Lily reaching her climax was what Harry needed to release as well, holding her close against him while letting out a string of moans.
Feeling Harry reach his own high just prolonged Lily’s. From the way his hips rutted against her backside to the feel of his tense stomach muscles against her back. And his moans in her ear? They gave her goosebumps.
Harry continued moving his hips as they rode out their highs and only slowed his thrusts once they began to come down. His hands rested against her skin, never wanting to let her go. He was far too content laying like this with her. “I love you,” he pressed his lips to the back of her neck.
Lily was breathing heavily from her orgasm and her body practically melted back into Harry’s. And she’d barely done any work. “I love you, too,” she whispered, mustering up the energy to take his hand on her chest and bring it up to her lips to place a kiss to it in return.
Soon Harry's hips were still while they both took some time to calm down, his head resting gently against hers. He propped himself up on his elbow after a while so he could carefully lean over enough to steal an actual kiss.
Lily opened her eyes and turned her head when she felt Harry shift. She couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. The kiss lingered, soft and slow.
Harry smiled softly against Lily's lips as they kissed, eyes automatically closing. He thoroughly enjoyed that position, but Lily was right; the downside was the lack of kisses able to be shared.
Lily couldn’t get enough. After being denied his kisses besides ones pressed to her neck and shoulder, she just wanted more and more.
Harry rested his hand along Lily's jaw as they shared kisses, happily returning one right after another. They'd gone far too long without kisses for either one of their likings.
“I don’t see how we survive from behind,” Lily mumbled against his lips when she had to pull away just enough for a breather. Kisses had always been their weakness; ever since the first one.
Harry laughed softly when he pulled away, still sat up enough to look down at her. "Just gotta make up for all the kisses afterwards," he smiled, tucking her hair back.
Lily’s eyes flicked up to his and she smiled in return. Then she was tilting her chin up to capture his lips once more. Harry was absolutely intoxicating.
Harry didn't hesitate to return the kiss, lips back on Lily's without a second thought. "I wasn't expecting you to want to do it from behind," he smiled and pulled away to lay back down.
Lily was a little disappointed when he laid down, but also realized it probably wasn’t super comfortable for him. Her hand fell back to his arm and she slowly stroked her thumb back and forth. “I wanted to be close to you,” she explained, her voice soft as she snuggled back into him ever so slightly. “And in this position, I’m completely wrapped up in you.” It was no secret she adored when Harry wrapped her up in his arms, especially during sex. But in this position, it was even more so with every inch of his body pressed against hers.
Harry smiled as he listened. He loved having Lily all wrapped up in his arms just as much as she enjoyed the feeling, and in that position, they couldn't have gotten any closer. "I did really enjoy that. It's so easy to hold you laying like this," he grinned, his arms already back around Lily once he was laid down again.
“And you get to stay here. No moving so you don’t lay on top of me or anything,” Lily added. She did quite enjoy still having Harry safely sheathed inside of her. It just prolonged the afterglow and made them even closer.
Harry nodded and lightly traced his fingertips along her skin as they laid together. He enjoyed being this close to her still, with no immediate plans to move. "Only con is no kissies."
Lily somehow relaxed even more at his touch and her eyes grew heavier. “Mhm. And not being able to see your handsome face,” she hummed. “Especially when you come.”
Harry rested his head against Lily's, his eyes closing and arms still around her. "That is true... suppose we still have plenty of other opportunities this trip to watch each other come, though," he suggested with a small grin.
The corner of Lily’s lips quirked up in a grin and she gave one of his hands a little squeeze. “Already had many opportunities and have many more to come. Especially after tomorrow’s shoot.” She was pretty excited for the sexual tension tomorrow’s boudoir shoot would cause. Being so close and yet so terribly far from sex would be maddening in the best way possible. She could only imagine how great the sex would finally be.
Harry smiled, lacing their fingers together slowly. "I am very much looking forward to the photoshoot tomorrow... and maybe even more so for afterwards," he laughed softly, rubbing his thumbs along her skin.
Lily laughed softly with him. “Oh babes. Don’t even pretend. I know you are far more excited about afterwards.” She opened her eyes and turned her head slightly to peek over her shoulder at him. “I’ll be doing good to hold you off until I get the front door closed behind her.”
Harry laughed, giving Lily a gentle squeeze. "Hey... I've got good self-control. You've even told me so," he grinned and pressed a few kisses to the back of her shoulder.
“Even when I’m in my bra and underwear straddling you and kissing your neck?” Lily playfully challenged. She knew it would be hard for her, but thankfully it wasn’t quite as physically obvious when she was turned on as it was for Harry. The only risk might be a noise or gasp that’s a little too loud.
"Hmm..." Harry pretended to think with a soft smirk on his lips, "You've got me there." It was going to be quite the challenge for Harry, since he typically begins to grow hard within seconds of Lily being on him like that. "There's no way I'm not going to be hard, so... hope the photographer is used to that," he laughed a little.
Lily could feel his smirk against her skin which just made her smirk, too. “I’m sure you won’t be the first or last.” Poor guys. “God, it’s going to be so hard for me to not grind on you when I feel you like that,” she sighed.
It was going to be a very enjoyable, yet difficult, photoshoot for the both of them was what it sounded like. They would both need to pull out their best self-control tomorrow. "Yeah... I'm really looking forward to after," he admitted with a grin.
Lily laughed softly once more and nodded. “Me, too, babes.” She knew any difficulty during the shoot would be worth it for not only the sex after, but the pictures themselves. It was definitely something her and Harry would come back to over and over. The fact that they were taken on their honeymoon would just make them even more special.
Harry was excited, even more so that he was able to do something special like this with Lily. It was something new for the both of them and they'd always have the pictures to look back at which was a plus. "Gotta rest up before the big day, yeah?" he smiled, snuggling up against Lily even more; their day had him worn out.
Lily hummed once more as she let her eyes slip closed once more. “Are you gonna stay inside me?” she asked after a few moments of silence, her voice barely more than a whisper. It’d been another busy day and they were both clearly tired.
“Oh, right… I don’t know,” Harry smiled and tucked his face gently into the crook of her neck. Lots of firsts this trip. “I can move. You might be more comfortable.”
Lily giggled softly and gave his hand a squeeze. “I’m totally comfortable, lovey. Just don’t want you to get hurt or anything,” she assured him. She’d never fallen asleep with someone inside her, so she didn’t exactly know the risks. Typically, they didn’t move too much and they were quite exhausted, so it may work out.
Harry smiled at that. “Okay, lovey. We can try it then,” his eyes closed again and he settled with her, the blankets at their legs if they needed them. “I love you so much.”
Lily absently stroked her thumb along Harry’s hand, slowly dozing off now that the day and wine had caught up to her. “Love you,” she managed, the exhaustion clear in her voice.
Harry laid so comfortably with Lily that night, it only taking a couple of minutes before he’d fallen asleep in his spot behind her. They’d found plenty of ways to entertain themselves so far this trip, and the following day would only be even more exciting.
Lily was perfectly content in Harry’s embrace and fell into a deep sleep. A storm could roll in and she wouldn’t even notice. Despite spending so much time at the villa, their days had been pretty full so far on this trip.
Harry stayed asleep through the whole night and when he began to stir awake the next morning, he and Lily were in the same positions as they had fallen asleep in the night prior. They usually didn’t move much, especially with how tired they were. He stayed as still as he could as to not wake Lily, but tightened his arms around her just the slightest.
  Lily let out a soft noise when Harry held her closer and nuzzled her face deeper into the pillow. They hadn’t pulled the blankets up at all. Harry had kept Lily plenty warm pressed so tightly against her.
  Harry needed some time to wake up as well after such a deep sleep, so he was more than content to nuzzle his face in Lily’s neck while they did just that. He couldn’t ask for a better way to wake up.
  Harry’s breath tickled Lily’s neck and she scrunched her shoulder up ever so slightly, a sleepy smile coming to her face. “Babes?” she asked in a whisper, eyes still closed and voice a little hoarse.
  Harry rested his forehead against the back of Lily’s shoulder, smiling a bit when he heard her. “Yes?” he tried to whisper back but his morning voice was too deep and raspy to allow that.
  Lily felt a small shiver go down her spine at his voice, especially against her skin. “Didn’t know if you were awake,” she murmured. She opened her eyes and turned her head slightly. “Good morning.”
  Harry smiled softly at Lily’s response and pressed a small kiss to her skin. “I’m awake. Morning, my lovey,” he answered, “How’d you sleep?”
  His voice and touch were doing something to her and it was hard for Lily to ignore. Especially positioned as they were. “I was out. No dreams, nothing,” she replied. “You?”
  Harry hummed in response at first before giving a small nod. “Me neither. Didn’t wake up once,” he traced his fingers along her skin, “And apparently we didn’t move much, either.”
  Lily’s skin was covered in goosebumps at this point and she pressed herself further back into Harry. “And you feel alright?” she checked. Seeing as how they didn’t really move, she figured he’d be fine, but she couldn’t help but worry just a little.
  Harry felt good considering how they slept, and even better as Lily pressed back against him. “The best I’ve ever felt,” he smiled and rested his hand on her hip, “You feel fine?”
  Lily giggled softly. “I meant…inside me.” Her cheeks turned a little pink, but thankfully Harry couldn’t see it from his spot behind her back. Another perk of this position she supposed.
  “Oh,” Harry laughed, pressing his fingertips gently into her skin. “Well, in that case… the best I’ve ever felt,” he answered teasingly with a grin. “Yeah, I feel alright. How about you, darling?”
  Lily gave her hips a little experimental shift, biting her lip just in case any noises wanted to escape. “I think I’m good,” she answered. The sensation was new, but she didn’t feel sore or uncomfortable in any way. Just full. Which she was more than okay with.
  “Think so?” Harry smiled and propped himself up on his forearm again, leaning forward to press a kiss to her jaw and one to her cheek. Every little shift of their hips did not go unnoticed.
  Lily laughed sheepishly, waiting until Harry had pulled away to look at him. For a moment, she was distracted by the view of him. The sunlight from the balcony’s doors casted him in a golden light, accenting the stubble on his face from Harry not shaving since their wedding. “It’s a new feeling, but it isn’t bad,” she finally managed to answer.
  Harry pulled away to look down at Lily until she answered, then nodded with a smile. “Okay. Good.” He wanted to make sure she wasn’t at all uncomfortable since that had been their first time experiencing the feeling through the whole night. “I always wake up a bit hard, so I apologize. I really am enjoying just laying together,” he laughed softly.
  Lily laughed more this time, her eyes squinting a little in the corners from it. “You tell me that as if I’m not your wife and haven’t been waking up next to you for the past few years,” she teased. His morning wood was no secret at all.
  Harry laughed more at that. “You’re right, you’re right…” he laid back down, head against her shoulder. She knew him more than anyone else, but maybe it was this change in their morning that prompted him to feel the need to explain.
  “Think I might be a little insulted if you were soft inside of me,” Lily mused. The desire to run her fingers through his hair when he laid his head against her like that was overwhelming. “Babes? Could we…like switch where I’m facing you? I wanna snuggle you as much as you’re snuggling me.”
  Harry laughed softly but then picked his head up and nodded at Lily’s question. “Of course, lovey.” He’d never turn down a snuggle. He gently pulled from Lily and loosened his grip on her so she could turn, having to get used to the feeling of being without her now.
  Lily stayed still, but a soft noise still escaped when he pulled out. Once his grip loosened, she turned to her other side and pressed herself close to Harry again. She couldn’t help but grin when she finally got to properly see him. “Hi,” she greeted with a soft smile.
  Harry’s arms were quickly back around Lily once she was turned to face him, grinning at her. “Hi… long time no see,” he brought his hand up to run his fingers gently through her hair.
  “Honestly, it has been. Probably close to twelve hours since I’ve gotten to properly face you,” Lily joked. Her own hand reached up and combed his curls around his ear, doing that over and over with a light touch. “Missed your handsome face.”
  “That’s gotta be the longest we’ve ever gone without each other,” Harry joked with a soft smile, his other hand at her waist. “Missed your perfect face,” he pouted his lips for a kiss.
  Lily playfully shook her head at him before leaning in to kiss him. Her body just pressed tighter to his so they were matched up from chest to toes. Granted her legs were fairly tangled in his.
  Harry leaned closer to get rid of the small space between them, kissing her with a soft smile against her lips. He really could get used to having no set time to wake up at every day with guaranteed cuddles and time with Lily in bed.
  Lily’s hand now cupped his jaw as they kissed, smiling herself when she felt Harry’s lips curve against her own. “You can come inside of me again if you want,” she mumbled into the kiss before pulling back a little, her brows furrowed. “I mean, like…you can…put yourself back inside me?” She was absolutely confused by the double meaning of her words, finally giving up and just shrugging. “I mean, you can come inside me too if you want.”
  Harry pulled away a little to look at Lily as she spoke, his smile slowly growing before it turned into a laugh. At least they understood each other well enough for him to know exactly what she meant. “I will happily come inside of you… one way or another…”
  Lily laughed with him, “That was unnecessarily difficult.” It was a good thing Harry got her and the way her mind worked. Saved her a lot of embarrassment and even more confusion.
  “Good thing we understand each other,” he smiled and snuck in a kiss, running his hand along her side. “Wanna stay like this or would you be more comfortable laying on top of me?”
  “Again…so lucky you’re mine,” Lily murmured against his lips. Her body arched at his touch, much like Finn did when they’d pet him. “For just laying with you in me or sex?” she clarified.
  Harry shared a few more slow kisses with Lily, enjoying their lazy morning once again. “Hm… whatever you want this morning, darling,” he grinned a bit; he’d be more than pleased with either.
  Lily sometimes dreaded when Harry left the choice up to her, because often she couldn’t choose either. “Babes,” she laughed softly. “One of us is gonna need to take charge this morning.” They could blame it on the fact that they were still waking up.
  Harry smiled when he pulled away to look at Lily, eyebrows raised. “I was leaving you in charge,” he laughed, legs tangled with hers. “Fine… correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe me in you is leading to sex anyway.”
  Lily bit her lip as she met his gaze and nodded slightly. “Yes,” she verbalized in case he needed it. “It’s just a matter of how soon, I suppose.”
  Harry smiled at Lily. At least they were on the same page again. “Correct,” he stole a kiss, hand at her waist. “So, are you comfy where you are?”
  Lily hummed softly into the kiss and her eyes were still closed when she answered. “Yes, but I wouldn’t mind being on top or laying on my back for the sex bit.” Her own hands had a mind of their own, tracing over every bit of Harry’s skin now that she could touch him.
  “Okay. I can work with that,” his lips were back on Lily’s as soon as possible, her waist wrapped up in his arms. They couldn’t get enough of each other now that they were so close again.
  Harry’s response really didn’t tell Lily much about his plans, but she could really care less when he held and kissed her like that. Wherever he was headed, she would happily follow.
  His hands happily roamed all over Lily’s skin, from her back down to her thigh and moving to cup her face at times. “Are you ready for me, loves? Think you need something first?”
  Lily was putty in his hands. Not that hers were doing much better, roaming over the strong muscles of his back and even down to cup his bum for a few moments. “Just a little teasing,” she breathed against his lips. “But not much.” It was quite dangerous requesting that Harry tease her. But Lily wasn’t exactly thinking straight at the moment and hadn’t all morning.
  Harry always enjoyed Lily’s hands on him, whatever touch it was. “Woah, my Lily… asking to be teased?” his kisses traveled lower to her jaw and just under her ear, one of his hands moving to rest along the inside of her thigh.
  Lily arched her neck for him as his kisses wandered. “Just a little,” she reiterated. All she needed was enough to get her a smidge more turned on and then she’d be more than ready. Unlike Harry, that part of her had taken a little longer to wake up.
  Harry focused his mouth on Lily’s sweet spots, spending a moment or two at each but not long enough to leave a mark. He didn’t think they needed Lily’s skin to already be covered in love bites for their photoshoot. His hand rested dangerously close to her core, fingertips lightly dragging along her thigh.
  Lily let out soft noises of appreciation when Harry focused on her sweet spots. But it was his hand between her legs that was making her squirm. Once again, her thighs were covered in goosebumps.
  Harry kept his hand close but purposefully didn’t give any attention directly to her core. Lily did ask him for some teasing after all.
  “Just a little, Har, please,” Lily begged, her voice breathy, but the need clear. He didn’t have to finger her or focus on her clit; she just needed him to touch her.
  Harry grinned a bit against her skin upon hearing Lily’s begging. That didn’t happen often, although he thoroughly enjoyed it, so he was happy to give Lily what she wanted. He finally brought his fingers in contact with her core, running them along the middle of her thighs slowly. “How’s that?”
  Lily gripped at Harry’s upper arm, only to moan softly when he finally gave in. She couldn’t help it when her hips rolled ever so slightly against his fingers. “Good,” she nodded, afraid he’d stop if she didn’t get a response out.
  Harry was happy to get a response at all, knowing how focused Lily was on the touch she finally received. He let his hand still so she could roll against his fingers as she pleased, fingertips brushing against her clit every so often.
  Harry was usually holding down Lily’s hips where she couldn’t move, so she took advantage of his momentary generosity. But she only rolled her hips a few more times before her attention was turning to Harry. She looked down, shifting her hips back a little, and then slipped her hand between them to gently stroke Harry’s length.
  Harry’s eyes were on Lily the entire time, watching how she reacted to his touch as well as how she planned hers. His touch remained on her core even as she shifted back some, letting out a soft hum at the feel of her hand around him.
  Lily glanced back up at him. “I’m ready when you are, love,” she spoke before leaning in to place kisses to his jaw.
  Harry was hard and had been for a while, so her hand on him quickly provided at least some relief. He gave a small nod and found her lips for a kiss instead while bringing her leg to rest over his hip, inching over as close as his hips could get to her own.
  Lily inhaled sharply into the kiss when she felt Harry against her core, letting go of him when it became too cramped between their bodies. “Me on top or bottom?” she mumbled against his lips.
  Harry continued their kisses easily, a moan threatening to leave his lips just at the feeling of Lily. “Wanna start with you on top? Then I can take over if you want me to.”
  Lily didn’t even respond; she just leaned her body into Harry’s to get him to roll onto his back. Seeing as how he’d already hiked one of her legs around his waist, it was easy for her to straddle him as they moved. She only broke away from the kiss long enough to once again guide him to her so she could sink down onto his length.
  Harry rolled onto his back, his hands automatically going to Lily’s hips once she was on top of him. He couldn’t get over how swiftly she slid down onto him, his head going back against the pillow and brows furrowed with a slight smile on his face just at the feeling alone. “Lovey,” he sighed contently, lips remaining a bit parted.
  Lily smiled widely when she saw his expression; the mix of the furrowed brows and smile affecting her more than she expected. “My darling,” she replied, scattering kisses across his cheek and then placing one to the tip of his nose. Her hips stilled for a moment, just enjoying the feel of him before she began to gently rock.
  He smiled at her words before all he could focus on was how Lily felt as she rocked against him. His grip on her waist tightened just the slightest, his own hips staying still for now to let Lily find her rhythm.
  Lily finally lifted herself up some, so she could lower down on Harry again. She set an easy pace and continued to cover his neck and collarbones in kisses. He’d been able to kiss her all he wanted last night, now it was her turn.
  Harry was happily taking all of Lily’s kisses in, enjoying being able to finally face her. He loved whenever he was behind her but they definitely were not used to not getting all the direct attention from each other like they were currently receiving. He tilted his head so Lily could have all the space she wanted, soft hums leaving his lips at the feel of her.
  Lily gave each of his sparrows some attention as she alternated between moving up and down on him and rocking her hips. The photoshoot wasn’t until close to lunch so they surely had time to take as long as they wanted.
  Harry enjoyed all of Lily’s kisses and touches on him, running his own hands up and down along her sides and across her thighs. He tilted his head back to get a kiss from Lily in an attempt to distract himself some from just how good she felt.
  Goosebumps scattered across Lily’s skin at Harry’s touch, so she happily pressed herself close to him for warmth as she gave him a proper kiss. “What am I gonna do when I can’t love on you like this every morning?” she mused, lips still against his.
  Harry happily connected their lips, smiling against hers at the question. “Guess we’re just gonna have to change our work schedules…” he grinned, thrusting his hips up toward Lily’s now to match her pace.
  Lily opened her mouth to respond, but all that came out at first was a gasp when he thrust his hips and her fingers momentarily gripped at the sheets. “Just take on the evening shift?” she played along. But she knew that would be dangerous. They’d never get anything done because they’d be too busy in bed and would barely pull themselves out of it to get to work on time. Especially now that they didn’t work at the same place.
  Harry began to move his hips to meet Lily’s at the same time, taking his bottom lip between his teeth when he wasn’t responding. “Exactly, lovey. Or we could just quit and do this all day,” he teased with a soft grin, leaning up for more kisses.
  They’d already discussed it and jokingly came up with a plan for that, so Lily didn’t even bother responding. Kissing him was more fun anyways. Especially when his hips were now moving perfectly with hers, causing her to whimper softly into the kiss every now and then.
  Harry brought a hand up to rest along Lily’s jaw while his other remained at her waist, moving perfectly in sync with each other. He’d never get enough of his Lily, easily moaning her name out against her lips.
  One of Lily’s hands was braced on the pillow next to his head while the other rested on his chest over his tattoo of all their important dates. She could feel his heart beating against her palm, matching the quickened pace of her own.
  Harry laid his head back on the pillow as moans became more frequent. Their hips met with each thrust and he couldn’t help it when the pit of his stomach began to coil, hoping Lily wasn’t far behind him.
  Lily could feel herself losing a bit of control of her hips, so as much as she wanted to stay close to Harry, she pushed herself up into a seated position and braced her hands on his chest. “Almost, babes?” she checked in with him as she picked up her pace some.
  His hands moved to rest on top of her thighs, giving a quick nod. He began to edge closer, their quicker pace and his current view of Lily sat up in front of him only helping even more. “Close, lovey,” he breathed with a moan.
  Lily nodded in return and picked her pace up even more, pausing every now and then to rock her hips. Her body was already clenching down around him and she knew it would be any minute now that the coil in her stomach snapped.
  Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of Lily, not when she looked so good sitting on top of him like she was. He held off a little longer but her clenching around him made it practically impossible. “Gonna come, darling,” he warned, brows furrowed in pleasure.
  Lily’s head fell back a little, brows furrowed and fingers moving to grasp his forearms so she didn’t scratch up his chest. When she finally reached her orgasm, she let out a cry of Harry’s name, hips now stuttering a bit as she rode out her high.
  Watching Lily hit her high and the pleasure going through her body was the last nudge Harry needed for him to release as well, moans leaving his mouth one right after another. After these mornings, it was going to be very difficult to get back into their routine where they didn’t have as much time for this and their cuddles.
  Lily gripped at his arms as she continued to move, helping them both ride it out. Of course, watching Harry go through his orgasm just made hers even better. They were so insanely obsessed with each other.
  Harry’s grip was at her waist, keeping his arms in reach for Lily to hold onto. He slowly began to come down after some time, of course with her help in riding it out. “Oh, my Lily,” he breathed with a soft grin, chest still rising and falling quickly, “You’re good.”
  Lily finally came down and gently ran her hands up and down Harry’s arms. A tired smile came to her face as she looked down at him, taking in his totally sexed-out look. “I have to say, I do love making you look like this,” she grinned down at him. Her hands finally found his own at her waist and interlaced their fingers, bringing their hands to rest on his stomach.
  Harry grinned a bit more at that. He could only imagine what he looked like after Lily turned him into a complete mess. In a very, very good way. “You’ve been making me look like this a lot this trip,” he let Lily move his hands as she pleased, rubbing his thumbs along the back of her hands once their fingers were laced.
  Lily just grinned even wider. “I know. And I’m seriously enjoying it,” she beamed before leaning down to give him a quick kiss. She couldn’t help but give him a few more before she pulled away again. “Shower or breakfast first?” She hadn’t even looked at the clock once this morning to see what time it was.
  Harry laughed softly before returning each and every kiss. “I’ll choose… shower first, please,” he decided, leaning up to steal one more kiss. He only wanted more and more of her.
  Lily was more than okay with Harry taking charge this morning and making the decisions. “I should’ve known. You love your showers.” Or more so, it was that Harry didn’t like being dirty or sweaty. She allowed him another kiss before she knew she needed to pull away, lifting herself up so he pulled out and then carefully climbing off the bed.
  “I do. Nothing better than a good shower.” He grinned, letting Lily move off of him before he was following her out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed to the bathroom to start the water as well as pull out some towels for them.
0 notes
robynlilyblack · 2 years
Mini Pads
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Sirius Black x fem! pregnant! reader
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Sirius was always known as the cool, laid back marauder but when it comes to his pregnant wife all that goes out the window
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, nudity and pregnancy, established realtionship, featuring Sirius being an adorable idiot but we love him and James being a chaotically beautiful dad
a/n:  3.2k words, I’ve never written pregnant reader before so I hope I did alright, thank you so much for the request I loved writing this one x
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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“Love are you alright?” Sirius calls from the living room of your shared apartment
He calls again, when there is still no response he puts down his attempts at wrapping Harrys gift to go check on you. As he opens the door to the bedroom he sees you with your head in your hands, crying as you stand in the middle of the room
“Darling what’s wrong?” he walks up pulling your hands away from your face with concern in his eyes, he hears you mumble something but he doesn’t catch it “What?” he says softly, wiping the tears away
“I’m too big for my dress” you pout, turning around to show him your back with the zipper you both couldn’t reach nor pull up anymore
“Aww honey” he kisses the side of your head bringing you back to look at him “Do you have any of the maternity dresses you bought with Lily?” he asks trying to help and you knew that but with your hormones you couldn’t control your mood swings
“This is one of them!” you look at him insulted, pushing his hands away
“Oh” his eyes widen, this wasn’t the first time he had said the wrong thing, just last week you cried for an hour because he got you the wrong kind of sandwich for lunch and then may or may not have thrown it at his head
“Yeah oh” you say sharply as you put your hands on your hips staring at him furious
Despite trying to relieve the situation Sirius just makes it worse “Well maybe we could get one that’s a bigger size or…” he clasps his hands together, gesturing to suggest something else but as he looks back, you are no longer angry but crying “What happened?” he asks although he’s pretty sure he’s asking himself at this point
“My husband thinks I’m fat” you sniff sitting on the bed head down as he sees the tears fall onto the fabric of the dress coving your knees
“Hey I never said that, I…ugh…” Sirius points at you trying to defend himself, stuttering a bit before he kneels in front of you, hands on each of your knees “You aren’t fat”
“Yes I am, my dress doesn’t fit. I had this picked out for months it was going to be perfect and now you don’t love me anymore” you frown as you sit your head on your palms looking down at your husband, tears streaming down your cheeks
His eyes widen, how the, he thinks trying to do the pregnancy math on how you went from him thinking your fat to him not loving you anymore, he could have laughed at the mood swings if he wasn’t so concerned and sure you’d probably kill him “Darling you’re carrying whole human being in you” he tries to reason, placing one hand gently on your lightly swollen stomach “You are so beautiful, you always have and always will be in my eyes, so when you grow as our little baby grows I’m not going to love you any less” he smiles at you taking your hands in his “If anything I love you more”
“Why didn’t you start with that” you let out a laugh as does he, as started to feel bad for giving him a hard time, you knew what you were getting into when you married the most adorable dumbass “I’m sorry Siri”
“Don’t be” he says, planting a lingering kiss on your knuckles “You’re allowed to be a bit…” he hesitates not wanting to get a sandwich to the head again
“Crazy?” you answer for him, sighing as you rest your head on his
“Your words not mine” he says making you giggle to which he he chuckles as well so happy you’re feeling a bit better
Standing up you bite your lip looking down at the dress “Can you help me?” you ask gesturing to the dress
“I can transfigure it a bit if you want?” he muses tilting his head
“Please” you smile at him nodding
Sirius smiles looking you up and down “You are going to need to take it off first because I’m not risking anything happening to mini us”
You let out a small laugh as you unzip the dress letting it slip off your body piling around your feet, leaving you in just your panties. Looking up at your husband he smirks to himself eyes trailing over your naked upper half, his actions making you feel warm and fuzzy
“Stop” you say a bit self-conscious as his eyes focus around 12 inches south of your face, you were aware they had gotten bigger as did everything with pregnancy but Sirius’ eyes on you and the hormones made you flush profusely
“Sorry darling” he snaps out of his daze, adoring the flustered look on your face, even after all these years together he could still get you all worked up “Don’t hide” he lightly scolds pointing as you try to cover your breasts with your arms
“Can you do my dress please, you’re making nervous when you look at me like that” you can’t help but smile as you say it, biting your lip as he approaches you, hands settling on your hips
“Like what?” he stares down at you with a smirk
“You know like what” you giggle as you point to your stomach “the kind that led to this”
Sirius eventually helpped you with the dress after you both engaged in other activities. You both were almost ready to head, Sirius was just nipping to the loo as you finished wrapping Harrys gift, and by wrapping you would use a spell Lily taught you and take all the credit for yourself
“You are amazing” Sirius shakes his head as he sees the perfectly wrapped gift on the counter, picking it up as he plants a kiss on your head “Ready to go?”
“Yeah” you nod grabbing your bag as he walks towards the door, stopping as you feel something funny in your stomach, placing your hand on your bump, checking in case it happened again
Sirius looks back, seeing you look a tad confused, walking back over he places his hand over yours “You two okay?” he looks into your eyes looking for any worry in them
“Yeah” you nod waving it off
“You sure?” he checks
“I think I must have eaten breakfast too fast or something” you laugh “You’re so cute when you’re worried” you place a hand on his cheek
“Don’t do that, gave me a heart attack” he breaths heavy placing a hand on his chest but the smallest smile does appear on his face at the compliment “Come on trouble and future trouble we got our godsons birthday to get to” you giggle as he takes your hand leading you out
Short while later you arrived at Lily and James’ house, you were a little late but Sirius was always the fashionably late type. Coming in he placed Harrys gift on the pile with the others before heading out into the garden, walking out Sirius kept his hand on the small of your back as you both looked around trying to spot your friends. Alice and Frank were on one of the benches as they fed Neville, Mary was talking with people you knew from Hogwarts, Peter could be seen attempting and failing to chat up some girl, Marlene had her arm around Dorca as they gushed about their travels and finally Remus was over by the small pond bouncing Harry on his hip while he talked with James and Lily.
Sirius gave you a quick kiss to your cheek as you both approached your friends “There’s the birthday boy!” your husband smiles brightly walking up to Remus who hands him Harry “Come here little man”
You can’t help but smile as he scoops Harry up in his arms, making faces that gets the boy giggling before he starts to throw him gently in the air and catching him making Harry squeal “Sirius!” Lily scolds while the rest of you giggle, your hands subconsciously moving to cup over your bump
“What?” Sirius laughs “He fine, aren’t you mini Prongs” he nudges his nose with Harrys making the boy let out the cutest sound
“No, mini Prongs isn’t becoming a thing” Lily shakes her head
“Why not?” James frowns “What’s wrong with calling him our little fawn”
“Because” Lily takes Harry from Sirius, the boy instantly cuddling into his mother head in the crock of her neck “He’s my little angel and he will not be a troublemaker like this father” she cups his head giving him a kiss before she looks towards you and Remus “I hope”
James slithers his arm around Lily’s waist giving both a kiss to his wife’s cheek and Harrys head before he looks at you and Sirius “Enough about us, how you two doing? Little pads in the making” he wiggles his eyebrows as Lily rolls her eyes laughing
“We’re doing good” Sirius says smiling brightly at you as his eyes trail to your hand on your stomach, heart bursting, merlin was that man in love with you
“How’s mum?” Lily says as she hands Harry to James who takes him happily before moving to talk to you
As you and Lily walk off taking away Sirius turns to James and Remus “Is it weird I liked the sound of y/n being called mum?” he questions
“Nah I was the same mate. Right harry we both love mummy…” he smiles at his son before his face flashes with something before he adds “…in very different ways”
“I didn’t know it was possible but you both got weirder” Remus looks between his friends before they all take a seat around the table nearby
“Remember when we used to be cool?” James reminisces as he takes a drink, leaning back in his chair as he speaks with Remus and Sirius while Harry begins to drift off in his arms
“Prongs I hate to break it to you but we were never cool” Remus chuckles as he shakes his head
“I was cool!” Sirius sits up looking offended “Still am” he corrects himself
“Still what?” Marlene asks as she and Dorca join the group sitting down with them
“Still cool” Sirius says earning laughs from the two girls
“You’re as cool as Marls now” Dorca teases as Remus and James start chuckling
“Hell…wait” Marlene stops snapping to look at the girl “Did you just call me…” she looks around the table “Did my own wife just call me Marlene Mc-fucking-kinnon uncool?”
“Language” Remus scolds pointing to Harry to which Marlene slaps her hand over her mouth saying a quick sorry to James
“It’s alright he’s a fuckin sleep” James jokes before he realises that was a) a terrible joke that didn’t even make sense and b) he just swore in front of his son and if his first word is anything but ‘mumma’ Lily will kill him “I think I had too much champagne”
“You’ve had like two glasses” Remus tilts his head
“Yeah but I also haven’t drunk since before Lily got pregnant so my tolerance is so low” he cringes
“Can we back track to how I am uncool” Marlene looks around the table arms crossed
“You have become a bit mushy like Sirius” James nods to his friend
“Hey…I” he looks at them who all tilt their heads so he shuts up looking back at Marlene
“Well mushy and cool can go together” she tries to argue
“Yeah” Remus nods making Marlene and Sirius smile triumphantly “Like those peas at Hogwarts no one ever touched” the sarcasm makes James and Dorca chuckle
“Now I’m really offended, we are no longer friends Remus John Lupin” she huffs
“Middle named” James cringes nudging Sirius
“Yeah…” Sirius’ chuckles before his eyes trail to see you holding your stomach again
James follows his eyes “She’ll be fine mate Alice is there” he tries to reassure
“You sure she’ll be okay?” he panics looking back at his friends “Like what if it’s the baby, she didn’t feel great this morning she said it was breakfast but I don’t think that’s it” he starts to ramble making the rest look among each other with the same ‘that is adorable’ expression
“Mate trust me from experience she will feel every weird feeling in the book” James pats his shoulder one hand still firmly holding Harry “It’s probably just the baby getting comfy” he suggests
“You sure?” Sirius asks not caring how frantic he sounds
“She’ll be fine Pads, just like she was fine when she had to run to the bathroom because the chicken at my birthday dinner” Remus says with a knowing look
“And just like she was fine when she felt fatigued and dizzy at mine and Dorcas engagement” Marlene adds giving his arm a squeeze with a support smile
“Or when you ran to me about the discharge in…” Sirius clamps his hand over James’ mouth
“Okay I get it” he says scrunching up his face as James licks his hand before the worried expression returns to his face “Still this hasn’t happened before, plus she was so upset this morning” he closes his eyes for a second
“Why?” Dorca inquires
“Because…” he sighs “Once again I made her go through about 12 emotions by saying the wrong thing”
“Do we want to know?” Remus asks
“No because I do not want their sandwiches thrown at my head” he points at Marlene and Dorca
“I love Lily but not looking forward to that again, are we?” James smiles to himself rocking Harry happily before eyes widen realising he just let that slip, damn the champagne
“Again?” Marlene’s eyes light up as do the rest of the groups
“No no no” James shakes his head cheeks going red as he points desperately between them all “You cannot let her know I told you especially after last time she really wanted to be the one to tell you” the others all chuckle remembering when he let it slip the first time
“Maybe you’ll get it right with the third one” Remus jokes
“Congrats” Marlene smiles “Hey wouldn’t it be cute if yours and Sirius’ kids got together” she points between the two
“Aww that be so cute!” James lights up falling in love with it even more in his slightly tipsy state “We could be in laws one day…Pads” he nudges Sirius
“In laws yeah, mate…one minute” Sirius waves him off watching as you part from Alice and head into the house
“What’s her symptoms?” James forces himself to sober up enough to help
“Felt a funny feeling in her stomach just happened the once but I feel like it’s something more” he answers
“How far along is she?” James raises his eyebrow as he tries to recall if it happened to Lily
“About 16/17 weeks?” Sirius tilts his head as he does the math
The man’s eyes light up in recognition “It could be the baby kicking, it freaked Lily out too so much she dragged us to the doctor” he chuckles
“Really!” Sirius perks up smiling as he half falls out of the chair as he gets up making his way over to you
“He used to be so laid back” Marlene notes as they watch him wander off
“I think it’s sweet” Dorca says leaning into Marlene
“Oh yeah it’s definitely sweet and hilarious to see him so worried about her” Remus adds
“You told me that was annoying?” James looks at his friend in shock mouth wide open
“Yeah because you’re like that in general with Lily and it was like times 100 while she was pregnant” Remus laughs “honestly Prongs it was like you were the one pregnant” that gains some laughs from the girls
“Speaking of you may not see us much over the next 9 months” Marlene jests making James scoff
“Arseholes” James shakes his head “Right Harry”
“Ass-” the boy starts to make out the sound as James’ eyes widen rasping Harry must have woken up
“Shit Lily’s gonna kill me” he looks between his friend who all try their best not to face palm beside Remus who actually does
“Sh-” James stops harry by placing a finger lightly over the boy’s lips
“Harry no!”
Meanwhile Sirius makes his way over to you as you look at all the cakes on the little table Lily had set up “Hey darling” he grins at you as he comes up from behind, hands on your hips as he kisses just below your ear
“Hey Siri” you smile leaning into him “You think I should get this or this?” you point to two of the desserts
“Both, the answer is always both and I’ll have them as well” he moves to grab you both some food but stops as he years you gasp
“Oh” you feel the same sensation again “Siri” you take his hand placing it on your stomach
The baby kicks making Sirius jump a little “Oh merlin” he starts smiling placing his other hand on your cheek as he feels the baby kick again
“Alice told me that it’s the baby…” you start
“…kicking, yeah prongs told me the same” Sirius finishes both of your smiles widening as your eyes become a tad glassy “I love you so much” he says with such sincerity you could cry and you probably would with the hormones
“I love you too” he pulls you in for a sweet kiss, move savouring as you pull back his hand still on your stomach
“Hey you two alright” Lily comes in tilting her head
“Yeah we felt the baby kicking for the first time” You say excitedly
“That’s amazing honey, may I?” you nod as Sirius moves his hand to around your waist instead, letting Lily feel the baby as it kicks again “Aww I wish mines and Jamie’s was like this” she confesses “He got so worried about it that he dragged me at 2am to a muggle hospital and then started crying when he found out it was Harry kicking” she shakes her head laughing at the memory
“Did he now” James walks up with baby Harry shrugging with a cringy smile knowing that that little white lie isn’t the worst of his problems at present
“Aww how’s my baby…” Lily picks harry up from James
“Ass” Harry says smiling while you and Sirius look at each other, then towards James who looks mortified closing his eyes as he prepares himself
“What was that?” Lily giggles nuzzles her nose with Harrys
“Ass-hole” the boy repeats as you and Sirius bite back your laughter
Lily gives her husband a death glare “James. Please tell me my sons first word wasn’t…” she places one of Harrys ears into her chest as he cups the other whispering “Asshole”
“Well technically it was…Ass” he whispers the word before the panic washes over his face realising that she did not find this funny “And in my defence, I have none please don’t kill me I love you” he pleads as you and Sirius giggle
“I don’t know why you’re laughing you think my little prongs is bad wait till mini pads is up and about” Lily looks at the two of you before laughing herself “This is what happens when you marry a marauder”
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startanewdream · 3 years
I would love to see the “gossiping about things you aren't supposed to tell anyone” with jily 😎
I won't get over Jily gossiping in bed and I hope you won't either.
James tries. He really does.
He owls Lily to tell her he will be home later. He makes sure of only coming back when the house is dark, when Lily has probably retired to bed already; and, indeed, when he enters the bedroom, she is already lying in bed, a book in her hands and wearing those reading eyeglasses that always makes blood flush down south because she is so charming and sexy—
No, no, he isn't thinking about that. Not today. He can't falter.
And because of this resolution, he places a soft kiss on her cheek, muttering something about needing a shower (a cold one), and he expects that his twenty-minutes shower is enough for her to be sleeping when he returns to the room.
It almost works. Lily has closed her book, the lights out, and she seems sleepy as she rolls in the bed to snuggle him when James joins her in the bed. James pulls her into his arm, which is a mistake: she is wearing a soft nightgown that allows him to feel every curve as if she were naked; and then Lily's lips are on his neck, almost lazyly, almost as if she doesn't know how he is rather powerless against her kisses there (or everywhere, truthfully).
"I was waiting for you," she whispers, her voice so soft at his ear that sounds like a purr (he is powerless against it too).
"Hmmm." James gulps. "I'm tired today, love."
"Are you?"
He was, but then Lily is wearing that red nightgown (he knows just by the softness of the fabric) and she is kissing him and her hand is travelling down his body and it's obvious now he isn't tired at all.
Stupid body powerless against the love of his life.
"We should be sleeping—"
"We have all night—"
"I promised I would meet Sirius tomorrow at 7."
She pauses, her hand too close and yet too far. "You did?" Lily asks, surprise evident in her voice, and then she moves away to turn on the lights of the night lamp on her side of the bed. "Why are you avoiding me?" She asks, suspicious now.
"I'm not," he says, glad to be without glasses because then Lily is just a blur and he doesn't feel so guilty lying to a blur.
"You are—first you overstayed with Harry tonight, now you are meeting Sirius early in the morning—"
"He is an early bird."
"And you are not." She crosses her arms under her chest, which, blurry or not, James can picture very well, and this doesn't help to gather his thoughts in order. "What is it?"
James blinks. "What?"
"There is something you are not telling me."
"I—" He looks away, despite the fact that he can't see her eyes from that distance. "I'm not."
"Your ears flush when you are lying, James."
He holds them at once. "They do not—"
But her chuckle gives away to the fact that he just fell into her trap. Lily's face comes into focus as she nears him, smirking deviously.
"Go on."
"Oh, damn," he sighes. "Promise me you will pretend you are surprised tomorrow, Harry wants to tell you himself."
Her eyes glint. "What?"
James smiles, taking Lily's hands so their fingers can intertwine. "We went looking for an engagement ring today."
"Oh!" Lily giggles. "He's finally proposing?"
"Yes! He said they've been together for a long time now and he always wanted it, only he knew how important it was for Ginny to be 'herself'."
"Oh, I raised that kid well."
"Hey, I helped you. A bit." She nods, grinning, joining James' side once more. "I can't wait to start planning this wedding."
"I thought it was their wedding?"
"Don't spoil this for me, Lily, please."
"I wouldn't dream of. God knows you have been waiting for a long time."
"I'm a romantic, I can't help it." He turns to Lily , taking strands of her hair out of her face so he can stare at her without any interruption. "Like—you are more beautiful than the flower you were named for."
Lily's eyes sparkle for differente reasons now. "I thought you were tired."
"Nah, that was just the secret weighing on me. I'm very not tired. Consider me eager, indeed."
"And Sirius tomorrow morning?"
"I will let him know I will be late," James says, unworried. "Say I couldn't get out of the bed."
"He knows that is a code for you were getting laid, James."
"It's not a code at all," he assures, lowering his head to kiss her jaw, then neckline, then low—
"Wait," she says, eyes opening suddenly. "You need to tell me about it first!"
"The ring! How is it?"
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apr1cots · 3 years
“Draco,” Harry called softly from the doorway to the study. “Come to bed, will you?”
Draco cast him a quick glance. Harry’s ratty t-shirt that Draco pretended to hate had ridden up on his stomach from sleep. Draco’s eye lingered for a second on the sliver of abdomen tempting him, but ultimately he turned back to his worktable. 
“I’ve got to finish.” 
“You can finish tomorrow, they’re not going to disappear overnight.”
“I can’t actually, Scorp wants to wear his to Artemis’ birthday and I won’t have time before they’re off, because we all know if I leave the morning routine to you, they’ll be an hour late.” 
Harry didn’t bother to protest, instead crossing the room and taking Draco’s shoulders in his hands easing the tension there. 
“Harry, don’t. I’m focusing.”
Harry ignored him and worked his hands down Draco’s arms, leaning down to bury his nose behind Draco’s ear. “Come to bed, baby.” Draco sighed and dropped his head backwards against Harry’s shoulder. He could feel Harry's triumphant smirk where he pressed kisses against his skin. 
“Arsehole.” “I love you.”
Draco woke to a familiar face much too close to his own in the partial light peeking through their curtains in the early morning.
“Papa, Papa, did you finish? Is it ready?”
Little hands snuck around his bare torso as Scorpius climbed into bed, tucking himself into Draco’s side and trying to whisper so as not to wake Harry. 
“Is it ready?”
Draco groaned, remembering. Images of the previous night came in flashes, his insistence that Harry leave him alone, Harry’s wandering hands, and falling asleep happy and warm and with the feeling of Harry’s lips still lingering on his collarbone. 
Draco hoisted Scorpius over his body and dropped him in between his dads in the middle of the bed, before turning back over again. “You can ask your dad about that. It’s his fault.” Draco muttered, kicking Harry’s shin under the covers. 
Harry groaned something unintelligible and Scorius pulled at his shirt. “Dad? Dad? What happened? You didn’t let Papa finish?” 
Harry snorted and Draco kicked him again, anticipating it, causing Harry to choke on his laughter. Scorpuis ignored this, whining now about how he would be the only one in ‘regular clothes’ at Artemis’ party. Draco sighed, running a hand across his face, almost crying at the thought of how haggard he must look. 
“Alright, Scorp. I’m up, love. I’ll have it done before you leave, don't worry.” Draco forced himself to roll out of bed as Scorp stood on wobbly legs where he had just been sleeping. “Don’t you dare stop jumping until he gets up, I mean it. Don’t let him bribe you. You know Papa’s gifts are always better.” Draco winked at Scorpius, ripping the duvet off of Harry who lingered between sleep and the land of the living. 
An hour later Scorpius bounded into the study, freshly showered and holding a plate with a precariously balanced stack of pumpkin pancakes drenched in syrup. 
“Is it ready? Is it ready? Is it ready?” Scorpius chanted, dumping the plate haphazardly on Draco’s desk. 
Draco laughed, his heart swelling a bit at Scorpius’ unadulterated excitement. “It’s ready, darling, but let’s eat with Dad, use those manners he’s always helping you to forget. Then you can try it on, alright?” 
Scorpius groaned, but shot out of the room like a dart anyways, catapulting down the stairs before Draco could even stand up. 
He brought the pancakes with him to find Lily sitting atop the counter next to Harry who was flipping pancakes and singing along to the wireless in Draco’s sweater and ridiculously short shorts. 
“Good morning, gorgeous.” Draco kissed Lily’s cheek, snagging her from the counter and giving her a cuddle, making her giggle. 
“Do you like my hair? Dada did it!” 
Draco tugged on one of her pigtails and set her back down next to Harry. “I love it, darling. You make my heart sway.” 
Harry smirked at him, his own dark curls falling across his forehead and into his eyes. “Do I get a good morning kiss?” He asked, winking. 
Draco sidled up to Harry and snuck an arm around his waist and kissed him squarely on the mouth. “Good morning to you too, gorgeous,” he whispered in Harry’s ear, letting his hand drop lower for just a moment. “Thank you for getting the littles ready, but I want to eat all together, not cast off in the study.” 
He started to pull away, but Harry chased him with another kiss. “You know I was trying to help, brat.”
Harry played footsie with Draco under the table as they ate, listening intently to Scorpius’ ten minute description of his dream from the night before and singing the pancake song with Lily three times. Lily asked to sit in Draco’s lap as she sipped on her juice and Draco rested his chin on the top of her head. Harry caught his eye and Draco mouthed, “I love you,” never tiring of the way it made Harry’s eyes glint or the way his dimple appeared instantly. 
When it was time to go, Draco summoned the costumes from upstairs and helped Scorpius and Lily slip them on, dodging excited limbs shooting this way and that, and tickling them at their shrieks of excitement. When he was done the magic surrounded the two of them, letting them float a few inches off the floor as they stared out from perfectly positioned eye cutouts. “My little ghosts,” he laughed, watching them glide around the kitchen.
for the ghosts prompt! little ghosties @drarrymicrofic
and an enormous ty to my lovely @m0srael for being a perfect beta
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