mansfield-park · 7 years
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Prawie cała rodzinka 😊 brakuje młodego, czyli królika bez imienia . Ale z racji socjalizacji z psem musimy robić to pojedynczo :) I tak brawo dla Fiszy za brak zainteresowania królikiem na kanapie :) I brawo dla Lilola za odwagę 👏👏 #bunny #rabbit #krolik #lilsen #corgi #corgidog #corgipembroke #dog #instadog #fiszka #sweet (w: Słupsk)
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misterherg · 8 years
The Greatest Heartbreak
Senladis sunk into the armchair in the suite that he and his love had taken residence in. He gazed softly over to his now sleeping wife as he thought about the events of the day.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have gone to Suramar.” he said softly to himself. “Perhaps then....” He said before the tears came back.
Lilthessa had lost their child, there was no denying the fact. Blood and pain do not lie in this. Senladis began to cry, keeping his wails quiet as to not wake the woman he so desperately needed to be strong for.
But how could he be strong when he himself was broken at this tragedy. 
His mind raced through what he could have done, he could have sent her back to Silvermoon despite her protests, ordered Arlo and Chef to keep her there. She would have been far away from the dangers of the isle, and the corruption of the Legion. 
Still, the little bit of research he got to do in Suramar did prove fruitful there was a chance that the solution he sought dwelt in the Nightfallen’s ability to survive so far away from their Nightwell. 
One thing was for certain, after all this was over they would try again. Try to raise a family, try to put the pieces back together. But for now, the Legion would feel the wrath of his heartbreak. After all, they were the cause of this tragedy.
“Perhaps it is time to visit my brother.....” he mumbled before finally succumbing to sleep, tears still wetting his face as he curled into a ball in the chair.
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misterherg · 8 years
A Unexpected, and Welcome Suprise
((Taken from some Skype RP @lilthessa and I had today, Below the cut because it’s rather long and I don’t wish to flood my followers ^.^ ))
Senladis sat there in his room, the inn was dark, quite as most have gone on to their posts on the isles though he remained. He was waiting for word from the Oathguard, or perhaps even dreading going to meet them. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was petrified. He snapped the book shut as he sighed, leaning back in the chair that was by the little study area his room held.
 "Gods I wish; I wish I didn't have to be here." He spoke aloud. "Perhaps I should seriously consider just using the fel full time. Succumbing wouldn't be so..." He stopped. "This isn't like me this isn't who I am. I am not some warlock. I am a pyromancer. Sure fel is more powerful and I wield it because I must, but to consort with demons? Why would I even consider." He said before stopping. His mind went to Lilthessa, he wondered what his wife was doing at home, if her and Eleniel were ok, and if they were having fun and trying to keep distracted from his absence.
It was then, where there was a soft knock on the door. It was very quiet, almost tentative. Was it a servant or maid that was knocking? It was uncertain, but Lilthessa herself had stood behind the door. She was worried he would be mad, but she had made her decision. She would come with him. It was her destiny to be with him. Regardless she took a deep breath and knocked again. She hoped he wouldn’t be too mad.
Senladis sighed a bit as he snapped the tome shut once more, tucking it out of sight before calling to the door. "Yes, yes it's open. Set it on the bed, I'll take care of it shortly." he said absentmindedly as he opened a different tome, this one clearly more acceptable to be reading in the city of mages, versus the more sinister tome he had before. He paused a bit as he didn't hear the clanking of the cart with lunch for him that was to be arriving at any moment.
“Yes, my dear. I brought you your lunch as well. It’s not as good as Chef makes it, but I suppose it manages.” And she stepped into the light, though still the shadows kept to her and wrapped around her. Her eyes were sparkling softly as she did so. Even though there was a bit of fear touched to her voice. “Hello my love. I’m joining you. I am here with you.” She set the plate of food down on the small table in their room.
Senladis nearly fell backwards when he heard her voice. "I, what." He said thinking he had misheard who spoke. "Lilthessa?" He said suddenly turning. "What the hell are you even doing here? What about Elly?" he said suddenly. "Not that I didn't expect you to show up, but.... what about." he said trying to think of arguments to get her to go home, knowing full well he wanted her there just as much as she wanted to be there.
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LIl smiled. “I have made arrangements with Arlo and Chef. We are moving into the estate in the city. More guarded. Elly can continue her studies and Arlo can watch over her for now. I plan to make a bunch of visits though... but my place is with you. This is my fight as much as it is yours... though I won’t be doing front lines.” She sat down on the bed and watched him softly.
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He smiled, he couldn't help but smile as she pulled that out of him. "I shouldn't have suspected anything different. You never were intent on staying home. I knew nothing would keep you save grave illness in you or Eleniel." he said softly as he sat next to her. "What did you bring for lunch then? I'm starving."
Lil smiled back at him. Her eyes bright now as she kissed him sweetly. “For lunch, looks like they gave you soup. Hearty soup too, and some yummy looking bread. Though not as good we make it at home.” She rose and gave the bowl of soup to him. “Oh Red wine, too. Classy.”  Though she took a deep breath as she watched him. “You expected it, though?” A little devilish grin given.
He nodded. "I ordered it a bit ago, was shocked it was taking so long as most of the inn's inhabitants have left for their various assignments. I'm still waiting for word from Alucius and the others, I haven't even seen Teleyriel, though I suppose he is here somewhere."
Lil smiled. “I dunno. They took their sweet time.” She nodded. “Well, it’s here now, if you want to eat it. Or should I feed it to you?” She grinned and sat in his lap, holding the bowl and the spoon and offering it to him like that. “mm. even being next to you makes me feel better. Elly understands though. and I told her she needed to do her studies. That was her duty."
He nodded as he took a bite of the food. "Yes, I'm glad that she's taking this all so well. And so soon into our relationship too." He said as he took a piece of the bread and bit into it.
Lil smiled. “Well, it did take a bit of convincing. And we will have to go back and visit once a month at least... at least until we are no longer needed here and then can go home.” She looked up into his eyes. Well, she said the sweetest thing. She asked me what her duty was since both of us are here doing what we serve.” She took her own bite of the soup, snuggling deeply into him. “I told her to learn all she could. So she’s putting extra effort into that now. It’s adorable... when I left she was just buried in books.”
He laughed as he continued to eat. holding her close to him. "That's absolutely adorable." he said smiling at her. "And we will visit as often as we are allowed, once we leave Dalaran we may not be returning for some time. It will depend on where our efforts are focused. I believe Alucius said something about Stormheim with the bulk of Slyvanas's forces, but I may be mistaken."
Lil nodded. “Yea... but letters and such.” She took a deep breath. “Well, I brought some additional supplies as well, my love. Things you forgot but are important.” She lay back against him and took his free hand into hers. “Some may judge me for being a bad mother for leaving my daughter. But I need to do this...and if we don’t fight there might not be a world for our little one, and one to be.” She patted her tummy softly.
He nodded as he smiled softly. "I understand, I really do, I just need you to be careful, to be safe, ok? I don't want something to happen to you or our child." he said as he looked at her, spoon mid bite between the bowl and his mouth. "Don't do something that I'll regret letting you stay. I /should/ send you back."
She nodded. “I know... I know.” she took a deep breath and watched him. “I will be as careful as I can be. And you can try to send me back but I’ll just come back the next day. You married me. so now you are stuck with me.” She stuck out her tongue at him.
He laughed as he just took another bite of soup. "I forget how stubborn you are sometimes; I suppose it's for the best. Who else can I trust to have my back besides my wife?" He said softly, taking the final bit of soup and slurping it from the bowl, mopping the residue with what was left of his bread.
Lil smiled. ‘Yes. I did warn you that I’d be stubborn.” She watched him softly and then went over and took the ‘dessert’ they had left for him. It was cubed fruit in a little fruit cup. “Mm. fruits.” She smirked and handed the bowl over to him with a tiny little fork.
He laughed. "Hey, that's my desert!" he teased. as he took the biggest bite possible out of what fruit was there. "Ge yer own'" he said with a full mouth.
Lil frowned. “But I’m the one eating for two.” She frowned again and shrugged. “It’s okay. I brought my own food with me, too.” She pulled out a giant slice of chocolate cake from one of her pouches. She then slowly ate it in front of him.
He looked at the cake, watching her savor it. His mouth dripped with envy. "I suppose I could share my fruit if you share that...." he said clearly lusting after the cake she was teasing him with.
Lil smirked. “Promise?” She grinned at him. “I’ve got more in my bags, too. I had Chef pack up a bunch of surprise for us to share at certain times.” Slowly she came over and hovered the fork near his mouth. She then took a large bite of his fruit cup, banana and strawberry.
He took a bite of the cake with his own fork his mouth savoring the chocolate mixtures. "Oh god, I missed Chef's cooking already." he said softly as he dove in for another, rather greedy bite.
Lil grinned. “Yea... and there are a few more special things that I could sneak over here.” She watched him. “Hey... be careful. We share!” She then grabbled more of his fruit and then took a large bite of her own chocolate cake as well. Her fork nearly smacked his and she laughed softly. “Someone’s hungry...”
He laughed. "You or are you referring to the baby?" He asked teasingly as he finished off the fruit.
She smiled. “Well, you for the cake, of course.” She laughed and then set aside the fruit cup, now empty. It was just them and about two bites of cake left. Lil smirked. “If you were a true gentleman, you’d let me have the rest.” She intoned, emerald gaze intense on his own.
He smirked. "You’re lucky I love you." he said withdrawing his fork and allowing it, she had after all not had much of the soup.
Lil grinned. “I love you too. Thank you... so I’ll let you have the last bite. “She took her portion and ate it slowly, letting him finish the cake then as originally stated. It was a test of course, and he had passed.  Lil then lay back on the bed after they had finished eating and watched him, her crimson hair framing her face.  “So we are here…and everywhere I feel it. it’s inside of me…and singing. “
He smiled as he laid back with her, holding her close. "We are here, and we are ready......" he said softly. "Come what may, at least we will be making it a better place for our family." He said softly as they both started to drift to sleep, their custom afternoon nap already back into the swing of things while together.
She nodded. “Thank you for not judging me, or sending me back home. I want to be here.” She said softly, and snuggled deeply into his chest. Her eyes closing now. “I love you.”
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(( @oathguard-wra @leywalker-starsworn @alucieussunrael for mentions and whatnot))
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misterherg · 8 years
A Burning Threat
Senladis sighed as he pulled on his robes, robes he had not worn in over a year, robes that symbolize a time in his life he both was ashamed of and proud to look back on.
As he dressed he thought back on the past few days, getting the call to war, meeting with the others he would serve upon the Broken Isles with, and of course telling his love. Lilthessa was shocked, heartbroken even, at the thought of him going to the conflict with the Legion, but at least she understood. He looked over to the bed where she slept knowing he would need to wake her before he departed to Dalaran, and then who knows where Alucius would have them head. All he knew is yesterday could have been the last day he spent with his family. He stared into the mirror as tears rolled down his face.
He was terrified. Terrified that he wouldn’t come back to them, that the future child that grew inside his wife would grow up without a father. He knew Arlo would care for them when he was gone, knew he was just a portal away, but he also knew it wasn’t likely that he could leave the front and go to Dalaran to meet them, let alone all the way home to the manor. He was so scared. Going to war in Northrend didn’t even scare him like this did, after all now he had so much to lose, so much to live for. Northrend, that was a front he went to hoping to die.
Senladis sighed a bit as he moved over to the bed, giving his wife a soft kiss and stirring her from her sleep.
“Is it time already?” She asked sleepily as she woke, knowing it was well past midday as they had been up most he night, savoring what time they had. Even Eleniel got to stay up later just to spend a bit more time with him.
Senladis sighed a bit. “Sadly, Lilthesa it is.” He said as he kissed her again, his lips meeting hers with the deep passion they had come to feel between one another.
She started to weep, tears streaming down her face.“ You promise.” She said pushing her hands into his chest. “You promise to write every chance you can and get back home to me safely.” She managed to voice between her sobs.
“Of course.” He said simply, holding back his own tears now, he had to be strong for her. He stood slowly, leading his wife to Eleniel’s room before creeping in, giving the child a soft kiss and hug. The child did not wake, which is probably for the best. She didn’t quite understand how truly tragic this could end up being, and Senladis hoped that someday she would be grateful.
He gave one last kiss as the door to his wife. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He said managing a smile.
“Not soon enough.” Came her response before she turned, unable to bear his departure.
Senladis stepped outside, pulling the scroll from his robe and inscribing the runes upon it. He took a deep breath; chanting and drawing on the magics within him, arcane magic began to swirl up from the ground surrounding the man and with a final release and tear in his eye, he was swept off to Dalaran, and a new chapter in his life.
(( @lilthessa @alucieussunrael and @oathguard-wra for mentions))
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mansfield-park · 9 years
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Noo hej :) 🐇🐰 #lilsen #krolik #rabbit #bunny
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mansfield-park · 9 years
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Wieczór na fotelu z #friends 😆🐇🐰#lilsen #rabbit #bunny
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mansfield-park · 9 years
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Bo króliki lubią lakiery 💅 🐇🐰#lilsen #bunny #krolik #rabbit #Orly #lakier
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mansfield-park · 9 years
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Zła mordka 😆😆🐰🐇 #lilsen #królik #rabbit #bunny
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mansfield-park · 9 years
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Zrelaksowany Lilol :) #królik #rabbit #bunny #lilsen
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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Wesołych świąt od Marchewy i Lilolka #bunny #rabbit #królik #lilsen
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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🐇🐰Zdechło mu się ^^ taki ciężki dzień dla #królik #lilsen #rabbit #bunny 🐇🐰
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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Oglądamy sobie American Horror Story 💜🐇🐰 #lilsen #królik #bunny #rabbit #pannamarchewka #seriale
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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Sobotni wypoczynek 🐰#rabbit #lilsen #królik #bunny #sweet
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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Moja mordeczka 💜🐰🐇#rabbit #bunny #królik #lilsen
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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Lilsen Dumny 🐇🐰😆😜 dziś będzie świetny dzień 😆 #rabbit #bunny #królik #lilsen
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mansfield-park · 10 years
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🐰Mordka brudna od buraczka wiec jej nie pokaże ^^🐰 #bunny #królik #rabbit #lilsen
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