#lila ike x reader
koffeesfancy · 1 month
Second Chance | Lila Ike x Reader
Summary: Fate has a twisted sense of humor, putting you face-to-face with your ex, Lila, in a random encounter. The unexpected confrontation dredges up old memories, unresolved feelings, and the possibility of a second chance.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Word Count: 5247
A/N: I know this is a long one, but I have worked very hard on it during all of my free time- whether at work or home. I'm sorry for the inconsistent updates. I've been super busy with work and falling into new routines in my new city. I think I'm getting into the groove of things, though, so expect maybe 1–2 updates a week. Also, I did not use my tag list for this story, as I was unsure if my few usual readers would be interested in another fandom. If y'all make it to the end, be sure to tell me if you'd like to be tagged in any other Lila fics- as well as your thoughts of the story in general. Enjoy <3
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Of course, fate would put you in the last open lane at Walmart with your ex on the other side of the world at 3 AM on a Tuesday. It was just like Lila to be out in the middle of the night, shopping for what looked like several 3-lb tubs of play-doh, a frozen cheese pizza, and press-on nails. And it was just like Lila to realize she left her wallet at home after frantically patting the nonexistent pockets of her lilac-colored silk pajama set. 
“Raatid…” she muttered, running her fingers through her messy auburn fro before loudly kissing her teeth. “Now what mi fi do…”
The moment the words penetrated the air, you froze, every fiber of your being suddenly on high alert. That smoky voice—familiar, unmistakable—sent a jolt through you, stirring emotions you'd buried long ago. It couldn’t be, you thought, your mind reeling in disbelief. But the sultry rasp, the tone, the slight lilt in her accent—there was no misconstruing it. Your breath caught in your throat as you slowly lifted your gaze, dread pooling in your stomach. And there she was, as real as the desolate day you last saw her, confirming what you already knew deep down. It was Lila.
Your heart sank as you took everything in- her lively appearance starkly contrasting with the mundane backdrop of the store. The sight of her was stupefying. A surge of nostalgia, annoyance, and an unwelcome flutter of affection twisted in your chest. You couldn’t help but notice the little things you once adored—the way she muttered under her breath, the casual confidence in her disordered state. Panic gnawed at you as you debated your next move. Should you confront her, or flee before she notices you? The aisle felt both a prison and a haven as you weighed the consequences of either action. Every second stretched, amplifying the dread of inevitable interaction, until the decision was made for you.
Of course fate would have you loudly drop a can of chip dip, ruining any chance of a stealthy escape. As you fumbled to catch it, the rest of your precariously balanced items slipped from your grasp, tumbling to the floor in a chaotic clatter. The clamor echoed through the aisle, drawing unwanted attention. You hurriedly crouched down, desperate to gather everything without too much noise, but your movements were clumsy, rushed. The dip container rolled away, followed by a cascade of soda cans, and as you reached for them, your foot slipped on something slick. The world tilted, and before you knew it, you were sprawled flat on your back, staring up at the bright lights. The cold, hard tiles beneath you sent a sharp ache through your spine, and for a moment, you lay there, stunned and mortified, surrounded by the scattered remnants of your failed escape.
If you hadn’t caught her attention before, you most certainly had now. The sharp odor of old mop water mixed with the sticky sweetness of spilled soda assaulted your senses as the blinding fluorescent lights bore down on you. Dazed and disoriented, you briefly wondered if you had hit your head hard enough to be imagining the figure standing over you. But as your vision cleared and you focused on the familiar silhouette, there was no mistaking it—this was no hallucination. It was definitely Lila.
From your vantage point on the ground, the first thing you noticed were the familiar slivers of warm, tawny skin peeking through the gaps of her shirt buttons. The sight dredged up memories, each one sharper and more stirring than the last. You recalled how Lila’s preference for revealing clothing used to irritate you, igniting silent arguments in your mind—arguments that now seemed trivial in the shadow of your separation. Yet, even now, a pang of jealousy twisted in your chest, surprising you with its intensity. Why should you care? You told yourself it was irrational, yet the emotion was there, raw and undeniable. 
Slowly, you pushed yourself off the grimy floor, the weight of the moment pressing down on you as you tried to shake off whatever mire clung to your clothes. With a forced calmness, you bent down to gather your scattered belongings, hoping your expression betrayed none of the turmoil inside. As you straightened, you avoided her gaze, muttering a curt, “Excuse me,” trying to convey a casual indifference that you didn’t feel. But as your eyes flickered briefly to hers, standing just inches away, the proximity stirred something deep within—a mix of regret, longing, and a tinge of resentment, all tangled together in a knot you couldn't untie.
“That wuh yuh say?” she remarked loudly, her eyes gleaming with a familiar, almost playful mischief that sent a chill down your spine. It was the same look she used to give you whenever she was about to do something unpredictable, something that always left you feeling off-balance. Your heart skipped a beat, anxiety tightening in your chest as your eyes darted between Lila, the cashier, and the exit, hoping for a way out. But before you could even process the situation, she waved a hand dismissively toward the cashier. “Ring alla this together,” she instructed with a tone that brooked no argument. It was just like Lila to have you bear the expense of a middle of the night art project after years of no contact.
A resigned sigh escaped your lips as you forced yourself to move, your shoulders tensing with each item you placed on the conveyor belt. The items felt heavier in your hands, burdened by the weight of this unwanted reunion. As the cashier began scanning them, a silence settled over you like a thick fog. The monotonous beeping of the register, the rough sound of your wallet’s zipper, and the rustling of plastic bags filled the void, each amplifying your discomfort. The cashier’s bored small talk was nothing more than background noise, barely registering as you tried to focus on anything but the tension coiling tighter inside you.
With your purchases bagged, you grabbed them hastily, eager to escape this surreal encounter. You wanted to mutter a quick goodnight, make a clean break, and retreat to the safety of your car, but Lila had other plans. She stepped directly into your path, her arms crossed in a stance that was both casual and resolute. A look of mild annoyance flickered across her face, as if she could sense your desire to flee and wasn’t about to let you off so easily. Her presence loomed, blocking your way, forcing you to confront the reality of her standing there, just inches away, after all this time.
“Excuse me? That wuh yuh say?” she repeated. You could only stare blankly into the warm pool of her chocolate colored eyes. 
“Better than asking who let your crazy ass into the country?” you retorted, trying to keep your voice steady. But your calm was shattered by the raucous laughter that erupted from her. She doubled over, shoulders shaking like you’d just delivered the punchline of the year. Crazy indeed, you thought, a bitter edge creeping into your mind, irritated by the way your heart softened at the sight of her laughing—laughing at something you said. You always used to cave under the weight of her laughter, her smiles, her gaze. That’s why you moved back here—to escape her, to escape the hold she had over you. But now, seeing her here, of all places, in your hometown thousands of miles away from where you met, you couldn’t help but wonder why the hell she was standing in front of you again.
Her sudden grip on your arm jolted you back to reality. Her hands, as soft as once before, clung to your forearm as she tried to steady herself, laughter fading into ragged breaths. The pressure of her fingertips against your skin was almost unbearable, sending a rush of heat through your body that left you momentarily breathless. And then, there it was—that sweet, familiar scent of her perfume, the one that still lingered in the fibers of your hoodies no matter how many times you washed them. The smell brought a wave of memories crashing down, each one tinged with the bittersweetness of what once was and what could never be again.
You found yourself staring blankly into the forest of her coily chestnut hair, its wildness hinting at the composed chaos she always seemed to embody. Her head tilted upward, revealing an impish grin that stretched across her round, freckled face. Without loosening her grip on your arm, she asked, “You want mi fi show yuh crazy?” The playful challenge in her voice sent a shiver down your spine. Despite yourself, you felt your resolve beginning to melt under the weight of her stare. You had always found her gaze so disarming, a piercing look that left you exposed and vulnerable. Three years of distance had allowed you to rationalize this effect, convincing yourself it was nothing more than a manipulation tactic. But as her eyes bore into yours, and she tilted her head to the side for an obvious once-over of your outfit, you couldn’t help but feel that familiar pull, as if she knew exactly how to unravel you with just a glance.
“Wah, and yuh know dis de mi favorite color,” she remarked, her manicured fingers sliding up to tug playfully at the sleeves of your t-shirt. The combination of her familiar perfume, the way she looked at you, and the heat of her touch started to blur your senses. Your breath caught in your throat, and a burning sensation tightened in your chest. Six years of chaotic memories flashed before your eyes, each one more overwhelming than the last. The discomfort that had been simmering in the pit of your stomach began to ignite, flickering into anger as you fought to keep your emotions in check.
“Thanks, my girlfriend picked this out for me,” you blurted out, not entirely sure where those words came from. Though untrue, they served their purpose. The sweet look on Lila’s face twisted into something darker, her eyebrows knitting together as she withdrew her hands, crossing her arms defensively. If you were as gullible as you were three years ago, you might have mistaken the expression on her face for genuine pain and given in to the urge to comfort her. The conflicting voices in your head clamored for attention, urging you to fold under the pressure. But instead, you stood firm. “Speaking of which, I should get back home,” you added, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. You waved your bag, a small but pointed reminder that this 3 AM store run was meant to be quick and solitary—not an invitation to commiserate with ex-girlfriends. 
Lila stepped aside, her head turning away as her voice took on a hardened edge. “Should I care? Why yuh a tell mi this? Galang bout yuh business man,” she snapped, waving her hand dismissively. You caught one last glimpse of the redness blooming on her cheek before attempting to move past her toward the exit. But she remained rooted in place, still blocking your path. A sharp cough from the cashier broke the tense moment, and Lila hesitated before finally shuffling a few steps away.
“Sorry. Mi meant fi say thank you… and yuh look good. Goodnight,” she added, her voice quieter now, almost reluctant. She grabbed her heavy bags from the carousel with a quick, jerky motion and made a beeline for the exit, leaving behind only the lingering trace of her sweet perfume, a scent that clung to the air long after she’d gone.
You watched her figure retreat, making sure she had enough time to drive off to wherever the hell she came from before you stepped outside. The cashier, now disinterested, tapped away at her phone as you lingered, feigning interest in the caged balls and coin machine against the wall.
“Need help with anything?” the cashier's voice broke the silence, pulling you back to reality. Taking it as your cue to leave, you made your way to the parking lot. By now, it was nearly four in the morning, and the sky had shifted from deep black to a warm violet hue. The emptiness of the parking lot was almost comforting, and you found yourself contentedly trying to chalk up the night’s encounter to an insomnia-induced hallucination.
But as you pulled up to the exit, your stomach sank. A car was idling in front of you, its lights off, blocking the narrow lane. You considered reversing and trying another exit until you noticed another car inching up behind you, trapping you in place. Just as you were about to roll down the window to signal the driver behind you to back up, the door of the parked car swung open with a loud, jarring creak, shattering the bleak quiet of dawn.
Lila’s upper body leaned out of the car door as she shouted, “Guh roun deh.” Her arms waved frantically, trying to signal you to move around, but the effort was clumsy and ineffective. In her haste, she lost her balance and began slipping out of the car, tumbling awkwardly onto her side. The other car quickly backed up and sped off to the opposite end of the parking lot, leaving you alone, staring at her sprawled on the asphalt. A wave of pity washed over you as you took in the sight—Lila lying limp on the ground, half of her legs still tangled in the car, looking as helpless as ever.
Against what might have been better judgment, you stepped out of your car and walked toward Lila’s crumpled form on the cold asphalt. Just minutes ago, she had stood over you on the Walmart floor, and now, fate had turned the tables—you were the one towering over her in the dimly lit parking lot. As your shadow stretched across her, Lila’s round face tilted up, revealing the steady stream of tears tracing a path down her freckled cheeks, flushed red from the cold. Her blouse had ridden up in her fall, exposing the soft caramel skin of her stomach. Those big brown eyes locked onto yours with a mix of pain and something else—an unspoken plea, perhaps.
For a moment, you hesitated. The Lila you knew was headstrong, incapable of asking for help while always needing it all the same. But here she was, vulnerable and small, and the sight tugged at something deep inside you. A part of you wanted to walk away, to leave this mess behind like you had three years ago. But those eyes… they always had a way of pulling you back in.
You knelt beside her, reaching out to grab her shoulders. Her skin was softer than you remembered, her shoulders narrower, as if the years had chipped away at her. As you helped her to her feet, Lila’s legs straightened slowly, her movements sluggish. You guided her back against the car, your hands lingering longer than they should have on her, noting the warmth beneath your fingers.
The tears had carved a shimmering trail from her cheeks to her neck, disappearing into the dip of her cleavage. Your eyes drifted, unable to settle, each glance at her reminding you of everything you had tried to leave behind. The smell of her perfume—familiar, intoxicating—wrapped around you like a ghost from the past.
But even as you felt yourself being drawn in, a sliver of anger sparked in your chest. The six years of chaos, the mayhem she brought into your life, all flickered back to life in your mind. You knew this was dangerous, that letting her back in would unravel everything you had worked so hard to put back together.
"Are you okay?" you asked, your voice more strained than you intended, as you finally met her gaze again.
Lila didn’t respond immediately. Her breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Then, almost as if realizing where she was, she pulled herself together, a shaky smile breaking through her tears.
“Yeah,” she whispered, but you could see the lie in her eyes.
The night was silent around you, the empty parking lot a stark contrast to the turmoil swirling inside you. The cold air nipped at your skin, grounding you as you realized just how close you were to falling back into old patterns. The thought made you tighten your grip on her shoulders for a brief second before you forced yourself to let go, stepping back to create distance.
“Let’s figure this out,” you murmured, trying to steady your voice, even as the gravity of the moment pulled you deeper into a place you weren’t sure you could escape.
Lila’s eyes darted away from yours, her expression darkening with a mix of hurt and anger. “So now yuh ago laugh off me?” she snapped, her voice trembling as she imagined the worst. “First yuh pay fi mi inna di store, now yuh a pree mi car a bruk up- mi cyaan badda with this no more. Go. Go,” she ranted, her hands pushing weakly at your arms, trying to create distance, but you stood your ground, unmoved.
“Crazy girl…” you whispered, your voice low and tender as you leaned in closer, closing the gap between you. The scent of her perfume mixed with the cold night air, intoxicating and familiar, drawing you in despite yourself. Her breath hitched as your eyes locked, the space between you charged with a tension that had always simmered beneath the surface.
You reached up, your hand trembling slightly as you cupped her tear-streaked cheek, your thumb brushing away the wetness. Her skin was warm against your palm, soft and yielding as she instinctively leaned into your touch, her defenses crumbling. “You know I was lying,” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper, the words slipping out like a secret. “Who would I be with when you’re right here?”
For a moment, she just stared at you, her eyes wide and vulnerable, as if searching your face for any sign of deceit. But there was none, just the raw, undeniable truth that had been buried for years. Her lips parted, a shaky breath escaping as she tilted her head ever so slightly, her gaze flicking down to your mouth, then back to your eyes.
The world around you faded away as you leaned in, your heart pounding in your chest. Her hands, once pushing you away, now found their way to the back of your neck, pulling you closer until your lips brushed against hers. The kiss was hesitant at first, a tentative exploration of familiar territory, but it quickly deepened, the years of distance and longing collapsing into this one moment.
Her body melted into yours, her arms tightening around you as if afraid you might disappear. The taste of her tears mingled with the softness of her lips, the saltiness grounding you in the reality of the moment. Your hands slid from her cheek to the back of her head, fingers tangling in her coily hair, drawing her even closer as the kiss grew more urgent, more desperate.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to steady yourselves. Her eyes fluttered open, still glistening with unshed tears, but there was something else there now—something softer, something that felt like hope.
You took a step back, wanting to give her space but not ready to let her go. The strain hung heavy in the air, and the chill from the asphalt seeped into your bones. “Okay, let’s get you comfortable,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper as you guided her toward your own car.
As you opened the passenger door, you could see her shoulders tense slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her freckled face. You gently helped her settle into the seat, your hands brushing against her arms, lingering just a moment longer than necessary. You adjusted the heat, the warm air began to swirl around her, coaxing a hint of relaxation back into her expression.
“Just breathe, alright? I’ll figure this out,” you murmured, leaning in slightly to meet her gaze. Her big brown eyes, usually so vibrant, looked glassy with lingering tears, but as you spoke, the tension around her brows began to soften. A small nod accompanied a tentative smile, barely there but enough to spark a flicker of hope in your chest.
You placed a hand on her knee, offering a reassuring squeeze, feeling the warmth of her body beneath your palm. She let out a shaky breath, her lips parting slightly as if to say something but then closing again, a mixture of vulnerability and uncertainty etched across her face. You could see her fighting to compose herself, but the weight of the unspoken clung to her.
Once Lila was settled, you closed the door gently and walked around to her car, heart pounding as you slid into the driver’s seat. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the task ahead. Turning the key in the ignition, you listened for any sign of life, but all you got was a stubborn silence that confirmed your worries.
You glanced around the interior, looking for anything of substance. The scent of Lila’s perfume lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the connection you still felt. With a sigh, you turned your attention to the glove compartment, yanking it open to rummage through the jumble of papers. Your fingers brushed against a few receipts and a stack of documents. As you sifted through, a piece of paper caught your eye: a registration form dated just a few weeks ago.
Curiosity piqued, you unfolded the document and scanned the details. Lila had just gotten this car, and the thought sent a pang of concern through you. How long had she been in the country? And why this city of all places?
Your heart raced as the implications settled in. This was a place you knew well—filled with hidden dangers and unfamiliar faces. The very idea of Lila navigating it alone, without a support system, made you feel uneasy.
You picked up your phone and dialed AAA, your mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened to her. As the line rang, you couldn’t shake the feeling of frustration coursing through you. It was reckless for her to come without telling, without making sure she had someone to lean on. And now, here she was, stranded in a parking lot at night, vulnerable to whatever dangers lurked in the shadows.
What if something had happened to her? The thought made your blood run cold. You couldn’t help but imagine her facing trouble alone. Your grip tightened on the steering wheel as the call finally connected, the voice on the other end breaking you from your thoughts.
“AAA, how can I assist you today?” the operator asked, and you began to explain the situation, your gaze flickering back to Lila, who was curled up in the passenger seat, trying to find comfort amid the chaos. You wanted to protect her, to shield her from the world that had been so unkind. But you also knew that she always made her own choices, even if those choices scared you.
After finishing your call, you returned to your own car settling into the driver’s seat, the warm leather a stark contrast to the cool weather. Silence wrapped around you both, heavy and thick, as if the car itself held its breath. 
As if on cue, you both spoke at the same time.
“Why did you—”
“Where have you—”
You stopped, your eyes darting to Lila’s. She bit her lip to stifle a laugh, and soon, you found yourself laughing too. It was the kind of laughter that felt like a lifeline thrown into the depths of an awkward ocean, a shared moment that lightened the tension hanging in the air.
“Okay, you go first,” you said, raising your hands in surrender.
Lila took a deep breath, her eyes searching yours. “Why lie about having a girlfriend?”
The question hung there, both simple and loaded. You hesitated, guilt bubbling up, and finally admitted, “I was scared. I thought if I said I had someone, it would put some distance between us. I didn’t want you to show up in front of me as if nothing had happened.” The words tumbled out, and for a moment, you felt foolish, childishly trying to shield yourself from the past.
Lila tilted her head, processing your confession. “Aight den. Fi yuh time now.”
Your heart raced as you gathered your courage. “What are you doing all alone in my city?”
The response came slowly, almost hesitantly. “I… I miss you. I miss home. Mi did waan come back home- fi come back to yuh.” Her words hung between you like a delicate thread, weaving together the fragile remnants of what you once shared.
You could feel the sincerity in her voice, and it washed over you, warm and bittersweet, pulling you back to a time when everything felt easier. The weight of her admission settled in, and you were left grappling with the truth of her longing and the complexities of your own heart.
You felt a whirlwind of emotions surging within you—nostalgia, longing, and an aching vulnerability. Memories of laughter shared, dreams whispered in the dark, and the warmth of her embrace flooded your mind, pulling at your heartstrings. The distance between you and Lila felt both immense and insubstantial, like an ocean separating two islands that had once been one. You yearned for the connection you had lost, the easy rhythm of companionship that had felt so right. But doubt flickered in the corners of your mind, mixing with the hope that maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to navigate the waters of this complicated past.
As you both sat in the car, the chill of the early morning seeped through the windows, the world outside quiet and still, as if it was holding its breath. The only sound was the soft hum of the car's engine, a low vibration that pulsed through the seats. You could feel it in your bones, a reminder of the tension that hung in the air, unresolved and heavy.
Lila shifted beside you, her movements drawing your attention away from the growing unease. You turned to her, your eyes meeting hers in the dim light. There was something in her gaze, a softness, a vulnerability that you hadn't seen before. It made your heart ache with a familiar longing, a desire to reach out and close the distance between you.
She broke the silence first, her voice barely more than a whisper, but it cut through the tension like a knife. "Can we fall in love like we did before?" Her words lingered in the air, wrapping around you, tugging at the strings of your heart. You felt a lump form in your throat, your emotions warring within you, a mix of fear and hope.
You wanted to answer her, to tell her that yes, you could, that you wanted nothing more than to lose yourself in her again, to feel the warmth of her love. But the words stuck in your throat, trapped by the memories of the past, the pain and heartache that had driven you apart. You glanced away, your eyes focusing on the windshield, the condensation forming intricate patterns that blurred the outside world.
Then, with a sudden, determined movement, Lila reached across the space between you, her hands enveloping yours. The warmth of her touch sent a jolt through you, grounding you in the moment. Her eyes locked onto yours, deep, earnest, and pleading. 
"Can I show you how much I adore you?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. You could feel the weight of her words, the sincerity behind them. It wasn't just a question; it was a plea, a desperate hope for a second chance, for the possibility of rewriting the story that had once ended in heartbreak.
The memories of your shared past flooded your mind—the late-night conversations, the stolen glances, the feeling of her arms around you, the laughter that echoed through the halls of your old apartment. But with those memories came the arguments, the misunderstandings, the walls you had both built around your hearts. It had been easier to walk away, to let the distance grow, than to face the pain of trying again.
But now, sitting in the car with her, the darkness of the parking lot outside contrasting with the warmth of her hand in yours, you realized that maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe the love that had once been there, the love that had been buried under the rubble of your broken relationship, could be unearthed, rekindled.
You looked back at her, really looked at her, and saw the hope in her eyes, the way her lips trembled as she waited for your response. And in that moment, you made a choice. You squeezed her hand, a silent promise, and leaned closer, your heart pounding in your chest.
"I don’t know if I want the same love as before," you admitted, your voice shaky but honest. "But maybe we can fall in love for the first time again. Maybe we can learn from our mistakes, and start all over."
Her eyes filled with tears, and she nodded, her lips curving into a small, hopeful smile. "Babe," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Come make we go fall in love."
You leaned in, closing the distance between you. The warmth of her breath mingled with yours, filling the small space of the car with a mix of tension and tenderness. Time seemed to stand still as the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of you, suspended in this moment.
As your lips brushed against hers, you felt the familiar spark ignite, igniting a fire that had been smoldering beneath the surface for far too long. The kiss was hesitant at first, a gentle exploration of what had been lost and what could be found again. But as you surrendered to the connection, it deepened, unraveling the years of hurt and hesitation that had built up between you.
Her lips were soft and inviting, a reminder of all the reasons you had fallen in love before. The kiss spoke volumes—of promises unspoken and dreams rekindled. You felt her fingers weave into your hair, pulling you closer as if to erase the distance of time and regret. The rhythm of your heart synchronized, creating a melody that only you two could hear.
In that confined space, the worries of the world slipped away, leaving just the two of you lost in each other. The kiss was not just a reconnection; it was a quiet declaration of hope, an unspoken vow to navigate the road ahead together. The taste of her was sweet, like the memories you cherished and the possibility of a future yet to unfold.
As you finally pulled back, breathless and wide-eyed, you lingered in that space between closeness and distance, both of you aware that this moment marked the beginning of something new. With a shared glance that held a universe of meaning, you realized this was your second chance.
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koffee-lila-bailey · 29 days
Lila Ikè headcannon
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Preforming with Lila on stage (her tour- you're a new artist)
She sings I Spy
After singing the song, she introduces you
You walk out to the crowd cheering for you
You preform your most popular song
You look to her and smile
She smiles back
She reveals you and her have collaborated
You and her preform the said collab song
After you preform, you embrace each other in a hug
She kisses your cheek before you leave the stage, sparking dating rumors
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ciakina · 7 days
A Second Chance
Viktor Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Viktor reconnects with one of his past lover
>>>Part 1
A/N: hey ya'll.......
"CIA IT'S BEEN WEEKS" IKIK IM SORRYYYY. i've been so busy with school and dance like yall... I HAVE NO FREE TIME. infact. i have hw im supposed to do to being doing rn... ANYWAYS enjoy!!!
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"Can i get a-" "Shirely temple" Viktor already started making Y/N the drink before she finished her sentence. "Thanks." Y/N looked down at her hands, the silence between them was tense. Everyone could feel it. Viktor set down the drink carefully in front of Y/N. "So are you going to Digeo and Lila's kid party?" Y/N asked taking a sip of her drink "You remembered that?" Viktor looked at her confused, then remembered how much Digeo and Lila's kids loved Y/N.
So much that they called her their aunt every time he brought her over. "Of course i did! I love those kids like my own." She giggled reaching inside her bag. Seeing her smile was comforting to Viktor, he hadn't seen her smile since that day. "Here. It's a gift for the birthday girl" Y/N handed Viktor a small jewelry box that had a spinning ballerina inside. "You should come" Viktor blurted out still looking at the box.
"Viktor. You can't even look me in the eye and you want me to come to your niece's party."
She was right. Viktor refused to look at her. He knew if he did those feelings would come back. He didn't want them to, he didn't to hurt her.
Like he hurt Sissy.
"V.. Look at me." Viktor's heart fell at the nickname. He looked up struggling not apologize for everything and try to win her back. "It- uhm. They would love to see you.. They miss you.. so do i" The last part wasn't meant to me said, but Viktor couldn't help it. All he could remember was the moments they shared. And how she loved him. "You miss me?" Y/N whispered looking into Viktor's eyes, she was scared to find the same coldness that she found the last time they talked. "I do." Viktor smiled sightly hoping that she missed him too. Y/N blushed looking down at her hands trying to hide her smile. "God i hate you and that smile" Viktor giggled, feeling more comfortable he step forward. They were both staring at each other not knowing what to say next. But the silence was comfortable.
"Do maybe want to.. hang out." "Viktor you left-" Viktor interrupted her "I know i did. And i won't sit here and act like i didn't hurt you but.. i just.. I don’t know…” Y/N looked at Viktor wondering why she felt so bad for him.. he’s the one of left. He’s the one who broke her heart. So why did she still love him.
“Okay. Friends.”
A/N: Ik this is short but I felt bad for keeping yall waiting😔 I’ll try to update on weekends but DONT EXPECT ANYTHING😜
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bobawitch · 1 year
His Favorite Case (Spencer Reid x Reader)
A/N: omg i’m so sorry it took me this long for another chapter. ik i’m not popular but i really hope yall like this chapter <33
warnings: mention of guns, breaking and entering, stressful situations
word count: 1368
Part one
Chapter 2:
It was strange having a man you had met yesterday in your apartment. You were both sitting on your couch, your cat Kotik coming and laying on Reid. You held your cup of tea close to you, your knees up to your chest.
“Whose this little guy?” Reid asked after taking a sip of his own tea you had made. You chuckled, reaching your hand to pet Kotik. “This is Kotik, my sweet boy.” You couldn’t hide your smile from seeing your cat, he was the best thing you had. “Kotik, isn’t that russian?” Reid looked at you, curious now. You nodded, humming a yes. “It means kitten. I grew up in Russia after my parents died.” You shrugged, your parents’ death wasn’t something you would bring up often since you never fully processed it since the man who did it was still out there. “What was that like? I’ve never been to Russia.” He shifted, making Kotik jump off him and scurry off into your own bedroom. You yawned gently before taking another longer sip of your Earl Grey. “It was fun, very different from America.” You shrugged and hugged your knees. “Right, that makes sense…” Reid kinda shut down, worried he was keeping you up. “You should get some sleep..” You shook your head. “I don’t really want to.. Nightmares and stuff.” You looked away from him, setting your mug on the side table of your couch. “You can sleep though, no need to tire yourself out.” You added to him, smiling and making eye contact. Spencer hummed before shaking his head, he shifted to put one of his legs over the other. He still held his mug but it rested on the uplifted knee, looking at you, examining you. He knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help but feel attracted to you. It was wrong to express these thoughts and feelings while the case was still open which is why he just decided to get to know you. Maybe keep in touch once the unsub was found. He didn’t really want a repeat of Lila though. You noticed his long and thoughtful stare and smiled, he was definitely cute and your type but it was probably inappropriate to have a crush on the agent that was taking care of you. You stretched your legs out, sitting normally before crossing them again.. “Wanna play a board game?” You poked, looking over at Spencer who was watching your every move. His eyes made your heart speed up and you could feel how warm you now felt just knowing he was looking at you. “Sure, do you know how to play chess?” He asked, looking you up and down before catching your eyes again. “Yeah! My uncle taught me when I was little, he was in a lot of famous matches actually.” You smiled at the thought, you really adored your uncle even though he and your aunt had a less traditional marriage. You stood, placing your mug down and stepping towards a shelf that had various games and boxes on it, a few books laid there as well, most catching dust. You pulled the chess board out and walked back to the couch where Spencer sat. You gently set it between the two of you and sat across from him. He eyed the board with a certain intensity. “This is a really nice board..” His voice was filled with admiration. You chuckled at his pure admiration for the board. Though you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t admired the board when you were young. Spencer had moved the board after getting beaten by you a few times. The two of you had talked, flirted a bit, then put on a movie. Though it only took the first 15 minutes of the film for you to fall asleep, leaning on Spencer’s shoulder. Spencer froze when he felt your weight but he couldn’t exactly move you. He shifted ever so slightly which caused the rest of your body to lean against him. Cusses slipped from under his breath, he just needed to move enough to get his phone. He began to move, tilting his body so he could grab the small metal phone but you fell, your head landing in his lap. His arms went up in defense and he tensed. Slowly he breathed out and rested his arms away from your body.
The next morning you woke up on the couch. You looked around but didn’t see Spencer, you couldn’t exactly remember when you fell asleep or what exactly happened. You soon stood up, you rubbed your tired eyes and hugged yourself. Your eyes fell upon a sticky note on the chess board. You moved to it, gingerly picking it up and reading the neatly written letters. Reid had written to you that he was going out to get coffee and would pick you up something to eat. You smiled and held the paper between your thumb and index before walking back to your room. You heard your front door opening and assumed Spencer was back, you pulled your shirt over your head before walking back to the living room where you found a man. But it wasn’t any man, it was the man who killed your parents. You stumbled backwards, fear filled your lungs. “Hello Y/N.” He said, a gun coming out from behind his back. You felt tears sting your eyes and you turned, running back into your room and slamming the door. You heard heft footsteps bounding behind you before a large bang sounded at your bedroom door. He jiggled the locked handle as tears streamed down your cheeks. You moved to find your phone but realized it wasn’t in your room. You cussed, panic truly setting in as you clawed at the window. You finally got it open and looked down, on the sidewalk you saw Reid with coffee and a little pastry bag. You silently basked in your joy, you were still scared but seeing Spence made you feel better. You quickly move half of your body out of your window. “REID REID” You scream, his nerdy hair flops as he looks for the voice. He eventually looked up to see you. You wave him to your apartment and he notices your tears. He immediately began running, the food and coffee being an afterthought. You turn back at your door, the man is still slamming his fist against the door. “Y/N! Y/N come on out sweetheart! I won’t hurt you!! I just wanna see ya dance!” He screamed. Your cries grew in volume and you managed to get a shaky plea for him to leave. Soon you heard Spencer get to your apartment. You heard the usual cops yell, hands up, gun down, the whole shabang. Things settled down after a few minutes. You heard rustling for a while then Reid’s voice. “You can come out now Y/N, we got him.” You slowly unlocked the door and rushed into Spencer’s arms. He was incredibly taken aback by your affection but he slowly wrapped his arms around you. You swayed in his embrace before remembering you were in his embrace. You pushed yourself back and smiled awkwardly. “Sorry..” You said gently, looking up into his eyes. His eyes seemed to be so sad, though in reality he was just longing for you. He barely knew you but he knew he was attracted to you. You noticed his eyes tracing around your face and you let your eyes slowly fall to his lips but you both tensed and moved away when Morgan came in. “Alright wonderboy, say bye bye to your girlfriend, we gotta get back.” You frowned a little at the news before straightening and dusting yourself off. Spencer looked at you like a wounded puppy dog and your heart began to melt. “I’ll text you, maybe we can play chess again. Y’know so I can beat your ass a few more times.” You tried to lighten the mood. Spencer made a small chuckle through a straight mouth smile before nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.” His voice was soft and vulnerable. And with that he left your apartment.
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d3m0l1t10n-lvrs · 1 year
In honor of pride month, here's some of my LGBTQ+ character head cannons!
Sundrop and Moondrop:AroAce (ik I reblog a ton of x reader content, but tbh, AroAce fits them)
Clawdeen Wolf:Lesbian
Abbey Bominable:Trans girl
Pinkie Pie:Pansexual
Dib Membrane:Trans boy, bisexual
Frankie Stein: Nonbinary Lesbian
Roxanne Wolf:Lesbian (Dating Chica <3)
Glamrock Chica:Pansexual, trans girl (Dating Roxanne<3)
Bella Parker:Lesbian
Jade Hunter:Bisexual
Sunny Madison:Pansexual, Nonbinary
Lila Yamimoto:Lesbian, Nonbinary
Robin Sterling:Lesbian
Montgomery Gator:Gay
Apple White:Lesbian
Cleo DeNile:Bisexual, trans girl
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ahappyplacefornat · 2 years
Hi Darling! I just had this thought that it would be really funny if Nat a TONY had a child...ik it sounds crazy but bro go big or go home
What if Natasha and Tony had a child.
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Word count: 1097
Summary: Natasha and Tony as your parents.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x child!reader, Natasha Romanoff x child!reader.
Warnings: none
Note: Hey anon, I hope you like this, please let me know if there's any mistake.
Also, this is a world where Nat can have her own kids.
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- You would have been an accident, that's for sure.
- A loved one, ok?
- Tony and Nat would be very good at dividing their responsibilities together, it wouldn't be too difficult since the three of you would live in the avengers tower.
- You would have the best connections on the planet.
- Need some advice? Go to Steve, a kid is bothering you at school? Go to Clint, need help with your homework? Bruce will help in a heartbeat.
- But, really, you'd be the most loved.
- It wouldn't have been easy at first, for anyone it isn't, but the moment they both had you in their arms, any worries would disappear.
- They would NEVER but NEVER fight in your presence.
- Maybe not even if you weren't there, they are polar opposites but both are mature.
- Natasha would be the bad cop and Tony would be the good cop.
Nat: Today is fun day with mom!
Nat: Aren't you going to act happy?
Tony: Last time you tried to get carried away they ended up throwing up in the car...
- You'd wear only stupidly expensive clothes, courtesy of Daddy Tony.
- But Natasha would make sure to keep you grounded.
- Needless to say, Clint would be the best uncle in the world, he knows Natasha so well he would know how to get her on your side at every problem, or almost.
Y/N: I think mom was right.
Clint: I'm surprised she haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Tony: She wouldn't do that.
Natasha: You're right, Tony. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Natasha: *turns around, the shirt she's wearing says 'Natasha Told You So' on the back*.
- Even though Tony and Nat aren't a couple, they would go to Avengers parties together to keep you feeling warm all night.
- Natasha would be the cutest holding your hand in hers at all times.
- As you get older, they become more protective.
- Neither likes it to be a public focus and would do anything for you to have a normal life.
- Tony loves picnics together, he just won't admit it.
- Natasha also won't admit that turning to him for advice has served her well.
- Can you imagine the bear hugs they would give you together on your birthday?
- Doing homework with you in a common area like the kitchen is one of Tony's favorite activities, more so when Nat is there to make breakfast.
- Speaking of food, forget about Tony cooking dinner.
Tony, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
- Both of them would be patient with you accepting that they are not a couple, very understanding.
- Thanks to that it wasn't hard for you to accept Pepper, after all she was always there too.
- Your are also close with Clint's family.
Y/N: Mom, I wanna go to the center with Lila, can I?
Tony: Who's even she?
Nat: There's no way u don't know who she is.
Tony: I was obviously just kidding...
Tony, whispering: Who is she?
Y/N also whispering: Uncle's Clint daughter.
Nat: Unbelievable.
- Yeah, he didn't know about Clint's family.
- Natasha was disappointed about that.
- Then we have Christmas, where even if Tony wanted to spend all his money on gifts for you, Nat won't let him.
- She'd rather go out for a relaxing dinner, have each other's presence as a gift, she's lost too many to not value that.
- You'd eat tacos, or have a simple soup, play in the snow and cuddle to keep warm.
- Nat would make sure that both you and Tony would appreciate each other.
- Since Peter is so close to Tony, he would also be close to you.
- Peter isn't good keeping secrets from you.
- The older you got and the closer you got to adolescence, Nat's need to take pictures of everything would become more urgent.
- Natasha loves to talk about your day, she loves that you have the confidence with her to do that.
- Later, you would move in with Nat in a separate house.
- Tony would really miss you, like, a lot.
- It wouldn't be too far from the city, but it would be a little out of the way.
- Nat made the new place feel like home pretty quickly.
- In her words "It wasn't hard, you're my home"
- You and Nat love to tend your garden together.
- It's a secret, but making fruit salad for you is something that makes her very happy.
- Whenever you had a disagreement, you'd talk it out maturely, courtesy of Nat teaching you that.
- You'd spend most weekends with Tony, even more days if you were both free.
- Then he'd have Morgan.
- Far from being sad or disappointed, you were thrilled.
- Tony was so excited to tell you that he almost threw a bucket of water on you to wake you up.
- You were a great support to both him and Pepper during the pregnancy.
- Nat was also excited that you were going to experience having a little sister.
- She would spend more time with Pepper talking about her experience as your mother.
- She would also teach you how to change diapers for when the time came.
- When Morgan came into the world you took it upon yourself to take care of her so Pepper could get some well-deserved breaks.
- But even while taking care of your little sister, you never neglected your studies.
- Both Nat and Tony were proud of that.
- From now on, Christmas, birthdays, family celebrations in general, would be the five of you.
- The older you got, the more Nat felt it was right to teach you some fighting techniques, so you could defend yourself.
- Tony didn't want her to be too hard on you, you weren't an avenger after all.
- That's why he took you with him to hang out whenever he could, to take your mind off of everything.
*You and Tony are sitting in jail together*
Y/N: So who should we call?
Tony: I’d call your mom, but I feel safer in jail.
- Someday you will tell that story to Pepper and Morgan, probably not soon.
- But that's what your family is all about, a chaotic mess that you love and that loves you.
- You will always be grateful that Nat and Tony will handle co-parenting the way they did.
- And they will always be grateful to each other for the support they gave each other.
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remmyswritings · 4 years
hi!!! i love your writing and im so thankful bc u write for my fave characters ❤️❤️ could u please maybe write something with blaise where reader is a muggleborn and hes taking her to meet his mother and shes worried but in the end she gets the zabini approval? ik its a silly idea idk how to say it sorry :(( have a great day !! ty !!!! ❤️❤️
awwwwwwww thank you sm boo 💛💛💛💛💛💛
*Not my GIF, thank you Lee for finding it for me... you can find it HERE *
mother’s approval//blaise zabini x f!reader
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It was a surprise to the whole school when you- a Hufflepuff muggleborn- and Blaise Zabini started dating. Some people thought that Blaise was pranking you, others thought that you were being forced into the relationship, and yet nobody could believe that the two of you had a consensual, loving relationship… At least that wasn’t until you got so mad at another older Gryffindor for bothering the two of you and punching him in the gut.
After that, the novelty of your relationship lasted for another week until it soon moved to the background of everything that went on at Hogwarts. And since then you always felt happy and safe with Blaise, but today you did not. Today you were a ball of nerves because you would be meeting and staying with Blaise’s mother over the break.
“Hey darling,” Blaise hugged you from behind as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek, “you feeling any better?”
“Hmm,” Blaise’s touch brought you out from the depths of your thoughts that had been threatening to consume you ever since you woke up, “just a bit nervous… that’s all.”
He sat down next to you and grabbed one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and kissing your knuckles, watching you as he did so. You looked at him for a split second, a small smile gracing your lips, but it wasn’t enough to break you free from the ever consuming monologue holding your brain hostage.
“Why don’t we head down to the kitchen, my love?” Blaise pushed a piece of hair back behind your ear, “I can make you breakfast and tell you all about my mother and what we’ll do when we get to the manor.”
As the words “make you breakfast” left Blaise’s lips, he knew you would agree… and the way you turned to him, a warm smile growing on your face by the second as you nodded eagerly only confirming his thoughts.
The two of you made your way to the kitchen, Blaise talking about whatever crossed his mind in hopes of getting you to converse more with him. You were definitely the talker of the relationship, but in times like these Blaise was more than willing to take on your role if it helped you escape your maze of thoughts.
It may not have been until he set down your plate in front of you that you finally asked him about what he made that he knew you had returned. With a passionate smile, his eyes lighting up, he told you all about the dish he made and also, by chance, how it was the first dish he learned how to make completely on his own… from his mother’s recipes of course.
“This is just so…” you moaned happily as the food melted in your mouth, “I’ve lost all words.”
Blaise chuckled at your reaction, one which he was used to but always enjoyed seeing, “Well if you’re like this with my food, you won’t even be able to speak when you try my mother’s cooking.”
You shied away at remembering what is waiting for you when the two of you get off the Hogwarts Express later in the day. Blaise reached out and grabbed your hand in his, running his thumb over the back of your hand, “What is she like?”
“Well- I’m a lot like her… and you won me over, so trust me when I tell you that she will love you too,” Blaise soon looked over at the clock, and seeing the time, he pulled you up from the table, “we should get going then.”
After spending most of the ride back to London, cuddled up to Blaise’s side, prying more information about his mother out of him, you felt a lot better about actually meeting her today… at least you felt better until the train arrived at the station and you realized that this was actually going to happen. Blaise felt your body tense up next to him and waited until everyone left your carriage before turning to you. 
He cupped your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks softly, “Darling, trust me when I tell you that she will love you, if anything she already loves you because I’ve told her all about you from the moment we met.”
Your eyes grew bigger and softer at the same time, “You’ve talked about me?” you whispered.
“Of course, darling,” Blaise stepped away and picked up your bags, holding his hand out for you to grab, “Now why don’t we go out there so that she can finally meet you?”
You nodded your head and let Blaise bring you over to where his mother was waiting.
At first glance, the woman standing before you looked cold and intimidating. But as you observed her closely, you saw how the shimmer in her eyes grew as she saw you and Blaise walking toward her, how eager she was to bring Blaise into her arms, and how that eagerness continued as she pulled you closer as well. Her eyes seemed to soften as she saw your still slightly frazzled state, and she brought you into a comforting hug, whispering to you as she did so, “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Blaise has talked about you often… of course, his descriptions of you do not do you justice.”
“Thank you Mrs. Zabini,” you whispered back, a blush growing on your face at her compliment, “It’s nice to finally meet you too, and thank you for letting me stay with the two of you.”
“How could I not let you, especially if it means we’ll be able to have some one-on-one time without Blaise trying to steal you away,” Blaise’s mother looked over at him as you laughed at her comment, “I would absolutely love that.”
As the three of you finally left the platform you could hear Blaise behind you shaking his head and muttering jokingly about what he was thinking letting the two of you be in the same room together.
When the day finally came to an end and you trudged over to the room that Mrs. Zabini had set out for you, you couldn’t help but smile as you overheard Blaise talking with his mother, “So… what do you think of her?” “I better be calling her my daughter-in-law soon.”
You knew when Blaise went to check on you before he went to sleep that he had done that just for you, just from the look on his face and yet as he bid you goodnight he couldn’t help but say, “She really does expect us to get married someday… and so do I.”
Puffs: @willowbleedsonpaper   @liilyevanss  @dogweedanddeathcaps @potterverseimagine  @in-slytherin-we-trust  @masterofthedarkness @imboredandneedalife  @lila-lilakk  @strawberriesonsummer  @kalimagik  @62442-am  @nebulablakemurphy  @kashishwrites  @queendcnn  @mytreec @curious-curios  @jenniweaslee  @cherrycolakxsses  @peeves-a-legend  @booksmusicteaandanimals  @heart-of-tempered-steel  @dreaming-about-fanfictions  @lettersfromtheocean  @izzytheninja   @abbiesthings  @idont-knowrn @acciotwinz @strangerpilot011 @enjoying-fantasyland21 @audreythehufflepuff @simplymagicalwritings @thatcatsit @criminalyetminimal @chaoticgirl04 @am-i-space @slytherin4ever
Blaise Zabini: @thepeakygurl
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koffeesfancy · 3 months
what sort of headcanons would y'all like to see next?
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koffee-lila-bailey · 2 years
Hello, I am the editor and writer of this page koffee-lila-bailey and I'm here to introduce myself
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Clearly, the women posted are the inspiration for this page buy today, I'm willing to go behind the editor and writer that's mad quiet and to herself.
Name- Tatianna
Zodiac- Taurus
Born- April 20th
Hobby- writing and listening to music (also does editing)
Likes- reading, music, trying new things, traveling, food
What I'll be posting- fanfics, imagines and edits (photos and videos)
Will I take requests- not at the moment but yes, I'm still new to the imagine thing and I'm still trying to figure out how Tumblr works
Type of music I listen to the most (as of now anyways) - r&b, reggae, pop and afrobeat
Something I never share with new people- I have a disorder called tuberculosis and had it since a child (might do a book on this)
Types of books I like reading- comedy, thriller, horror, fanfics and more
The types of books I write- imagines, fanfics and my own (some of them might be song based as well)
How long I've been on wattpad- since I was 14
Where to find me- YouTube, wattpad, pinterest (will be posting editing content soon) and Instagram
Will I post my pages- of course I will 😌
Am I a night owl?- yes
Who I plan on writing for as far as imagines and fanfics (at the moment- characters)
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
Queen mother (Ramonda)
Erik killmonger
Jazlyn Forster
Skylar forster
Tiana Brown
Izzy Morris
Who I will write for (irl- the ones that i listed below will be happening for now)
Lila Ike
Chloe Bailey
Letitia Wright
Dominique Thorne
Lex Scott Davis
Halle Bailey
Micheal B. Jordan
Lucky Daye
Lauren London
Sha'carri Richardson
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That's all for now, ig. I might start posting wattpad content tonight but Idk. I honestly hope those who viewed this will enjoy ❤️❤️
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koffeesfancy · 1 month
new fruity fanfiction now!
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remmyswritings · 4 years
heyy!! LOVE your writing ❤️❤️ i was wondering if maybe you could do something for blaise in 7th year, maybe the reader plays quidditch too and theyve just played their last match and they celebrate,, maybe he confesses (or he's just stunned bc the reader cleans up well ;D ) ik this quite a bad idea so you dont have to do it!! ty so much if you do, have a good one!!!! ❤️❤️
Hey boo! This is such a good idea honestly!!!! I really really like it (especially the idea of Blaise being stunned haha) anyway I hope you like it, I did make the reader a Hufflepuff tho because I just absolutely love a Slytherin x Hufflepuff pairing <3 :)
taglist: @willowbleedsonpaper  @birdie-writes @obsessedwithrandomthings @firewhisky-kisses @potterverseimagine @in-slytherin-we-trust @masterofthedarkness @imboredandneedalife @lila-lilakk @strawberriesonsummer @kalimagik @62442-am @nebulablakemurphy @kashishwrites @pcseidcnsvoid @mytreec @curious-curios @jenniweaslee @cherrycolakxsses @peeves-a-legend @booksmusicteaandanimals @heart-of-tempered-steel @dreaming-about-fanfictions  @lettersfromtheocean @izzytheninja  @abbiesthings 
suave and speechless // blaise zabini x reader
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Off the pitch, you and Blaise Zabini were friends, and possibly something more, but on the pitch- hoho on the pitch- the two of you were rivals. You surprised even your house when you had tried out for the seeker position in your fifth year. Not many considered trying out, afraid to take away from Cedric’s memory, but you were the only person that Cedric had actually dreamed of taking over his position once he had graduated. And even though he never made it to graduation, when you entered your fifth year you decided you would keep your promise to him of trying out.
You soon became a force to be reckoned with, nobody realizing that your small stature provided you an even better advantage over all the other seekers, even Harry Potter. Which is what led to where you are now, hovering in the Quidditch Pitch waiting for the final game of the season against Slytherin (of all houses) to start. 
Halfway through the game and you were starting to get both frustrated and exhausted, by now Slytherin knew just how good you were which meant they were being extra ruthless to you. Luckily, you weren’t the only good player on your team, so you weren’t too worried about having to dodge Bludgers that much. It was more when those idiots would try to ram their humongous bodies straight toward your tiny frame. 
You weren’t the only one who was getting tired of their antics. While Blaise had promised to never let his feelings get involved when the two of you played, he definitely didn’t stop himself this time when he found his players practically running you over. Finally your team had overpowered Slytherin with a nearly 100 point difference between the two of you, which meant it was time for you to do your job.
You’d never felt happier when your fingers wrapped themselves around the tiny gold object, you weren’t sure if it was because you had won though or if it was because you were so sore you would have collapsed off your broom if you had to stay on it for any longer. After being lifted onto your teammates shoulders, you were finally able to escape their praise long enough for you to go take a well-needed shower. 
By the time you had walked out of the locker room, you found Blaise waiting for you, just as he always did. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw him all dressed up (as he usually was).
“Hey you,” you walked up to him and placed your hand on his arm to get his attention.
“Oh, um,” Blaise only stared at you and you couldn’t help but wave your hand in front of his face, “Sorry hi.”
“You alright Blaise?” You’d never seen him so clammed up and it was starting to make you nervous.
He nodded his head and looked down at your clothes before going back up to your face, “It’s just you’re wearing my sweater.”
“Oh,” you looked down to see that Blaise was right, you were in fact wearing his sweater, “If you want I can give it back, we’d just have to stop by my dorm before we head to the kitchens.”
“No, no,” Blaise said, rather eagerly if you were being honest, “I- um- I just, I like how it looks on you.” By the time he had finished, he was no longer looking at you, if anything he was doing everything he could to not look at you. 
“Blaise,” you grabbed his face in your hands and forced him to look down at you, “what’s running through that head of yours right now?”
You saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed, “I think- no I know- that, well, that I’m in love with you,” if it weren’t for how close you were to Blaise you don’t think you would have heard what he said.
“You love me?” Blaise could only nod at your question, “for how long?”
“I’ve known for the past year, but I think it could have been for longer,” Blaise stood there waiting for what he believed would be your rejection.
“Well, I've been in love with you for the past 2 years, and that I’m certain of,” you smiled, seeing him relax at your confession. 
“Ya?” There was something about his uncertainty that caught you by surprise, “Yes, Blaise.”
Now confident with how you felt about him, Blaise wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you in so that your chests were practically touching, “You know you left me practically speechless earlier when you walked out wearing my sweater.”
“Oh, really, I hadn’t realized,” you couldn’t help but tease him slightly of course in return his hands started to hover over where you are the most ticklish.
“You know,” his famous smirk appeared on his face, “I’m wondering whether I should kiss you or tickle you.”
“I vote for the kissing,” you slowly went up on your tippy-toes trying to bring yourself even closer to Blaise’s face. Right now, you were pretty frustrated by your short stature. 
Blaise’s hands travelled down past your waist to your thigh and he hooked his arms right above your knees, lifting you up so that you were now taller than him. You couldn’t help but squeal at the motion and wrap your arms behind his neck for support.
“Is that better?” You nodded and then leaned your head down slightly so that your forehead was touching his. 
Your lips hovered above his, allowing you to feel his breath on your face, “Can I kiss you?”
There was a nod and then you felt a pair of lips on yours. You moved your legs so that they wrapped around Blaise’s waist as the two of you kept on kissing, only breaking apart once your lungs felt like they were on fire. The two of you stayed there standing for quite some, sharing more kisses here and there. It was only when it started to get dark out that you and Blaise walked back to the castle and finally made your way to the kitchens. Of course, the two of you took a lot longer than usual getting there since one of you would stop and pull the other into a kiss. You were already addicted to one another. 
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