#lila fucks off at the very end of a traumatic few days for her
catgirlcrisis · 1 month
like to me all the characters never resolving their problems sucks but five not resolving anything at all feels like a long, long gutpunch since season 3. you're telling me that the guy who hauled ass through three apocalypses and didn't care about the time agency's rules about regulating time, not to save the world, but to save a very specific group of people, just rolled over and died at the end? that he would sacrifice everything, break rules, move heaven and earth just to save his family, and then decide to give it all up at the end?
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pearl-star · 3 years
Two Way Link
When Marinette cracks and gets akumatized, it’s not what she’s expecting. Hawkmoth is equally confused and more worried than she is. Turns out the mindlink is a two way streak, and her earrings make the link even stronger. Needless to say, some secrets got revealed.
Marinette had allowed herself to imagine herself as an akuma before. It was kind of hard not to when their class started bets for if Marinette or Adrien would get akumatized first. It also didn’t help after seeing Chat Noir’s akumazation first hand. If she ever got akumatized, Hawkmoth wouldn’t win. Oh No. The world would be in ruins. So if it wasn’t already an obvious goal, Marinette made it her mission to never even let a butterfly touch her. Of course she’s only human, and when she’s sleep deprived and dealing with a lot of extra stress her emotions run rampant. Not only did she deal with both night and day akumas for the past week, she also had extra work planning the fundraising events and the school trip. Include all her requests from her friends for different things and her regular school work, Marinette was already at her breaking point. Top it off with a couple idiotic stories from Rossi while the girl would slip in comments dissing the bluenette, and you got the recipe for a perfect akuma victim.
Marinette wasn’t even in the right headspace to try to hold off her emotions. She simply nursed her large cup of coffee, that may or may not be the 6th cup of the day, as she stewed in her seat. Why was her class a bunch of idiots? Like Marinette cared for them still, don’t get her wrong, but they hanged off her every word like it was air. Why didn’t they get curious and do a little research of their own? It would have saved everyone the trouble. And Adrien’s dumb high road advice would do more harm than good. He’s worried about Lila getting akumatized? Try the whole class when the truth gets out. Of course, Marientte had almost been akumatized because of Lila. Maybe she should have slipped that into her conversation with Adrien. That might have changed his mind. It didn’t matter much now though. She had just begun to speak normally around him. He might think that Marinette was lying about it to make him see her way, and that wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
No one even noticed the butterfly coming into the room. It was only noticed when it landed on the coffee cup that Marinette held and the glowing mask appeared on her face. Very quickly, the class turned around and stared at their class rep. Marinette merely blinked a few times before groaning. “Really!? Come on! I was doing so good until now. Okay, you know what, fine. You want to akumatized me? Whatever. Just put the butterfly somewhere other than my coffee. I need that if I’m going to make it through today. You’re to blame for this, by the way. You couldn’t have just stopped with the akumas for the day could you. I mean one a day is bad enough. Why did you have to do two in one day? And at, like, 2am dude? Really?” Hawkmoth was just confused as the rest of her class. Marinette’s face scrunched up before her jaw dropped. “WAIT! GABRIEL AGRESTE!? YOU’RE HAWKMOTH!!?” The class paused before freaking out. Hawkmoth paled. He didn’t even get time to do his monologue before the girl started to speak out at him. As he started to reading deeper into her thoughts, he realized something. “You’re… Ladybug?” He was honestly surprised that this clumsy girl could possibly be Ladybug. Marinette just scowled. “Oh stop. I can feel your judgment from here. It’s a secret identity for a reason. Of course I’ll act differently with magical jewelry. Except, you don’t act too different than you do in real life. Maybe treat your son better, will you? He needs to have a backbone for when Rossi and Cholé drape themselves over him.” Cholé gasped and Lila tried to turn the tale but Marinette continued.
“I’ll give Cholé the benefit of the doubt since she had been childhood friends with him, but what Lila’s doing is bordering of sexual harassment. And you employed her as a model too. Like do you even care about you own son’s mental well-being?” Gabriel made the mistake of thinking about Lila and Marinette’s face shifted from shock to neutral. “Okay, so you made her spy on Adrien and report back to you as well as cause akumas. Got it. And that’s an interesting fact about her willingly getting akuamtized. Too bad my class has become too ignorant to realize that every word she says is nothing more than bull crap.” Hawkmoth, Gabriel, should have tried to rein her in. However when he tried it, magic was interfering. It was something that Nooroo had warned him about once before when he expressed the desire to akumatized Ladybug or Chat Noir. They would naturally have more resistance to him, especially Ladybug since her powers balanced for good and becoming evil would take drastic measures. Before he could try to act, the girl spoke again. “Oh, it’s nice to know that you at least let Nooroo talk. Seriously, I forgot about that whole Sandboy fiasco for a second. You couldn’t have at least allowed Nooroo to enjoy his whatever number cycle in peace. You had to traumatize so many people by creating their nightmares.” No one noticed as Adrien slipped away to transform.
Plagg flew out of his pocket and had the audacity to be laughing. “What is so funny?!” He demanded. Marinette was akumatized! Not only that, but she was Ladybug. Ladybug was akumatized and the akuma won’t be purified. Nor would any of the damage be reversed. Not to mention that his own dad was apparently Hawkmoth. Plagg caught his breath and was able to speak. “I’m sorry, but it’s too funny! This love square you guys had going on was great entertainment already. Top that with what Spots is doing and it’s gold.” Adrien decided to ignore what Plagg was saying for now and transform instead. While he was doing that, Marinette decided to discover something very important: what Gabriel’s motivation was.
Marinette clamped a hand to her mouth as she pulled the memory from his mind. Then that shock turned to hot rage. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?” ALL THIS TIME YOU HAVE KEPT YOUR WIFE IN A GLASS COFFIN IN YOUR FUCKING BASEMENT LAIR?!?” Hawkmoth actually flinched from the raw power and anger she emanated. He made the mistake of recalling the peacock miraculous, setting the girl off on another tangent. “AND YOU’RE ALLOWING NATHALIE TO USE A BROKEN MIRACULOUS?!? Wow! Just, Wow!” Maybe if he detransformed and left now, he wouldn’t have to face the girl’s wrath. Nooroo’s powers allowed them to feel the strength of a person’s emotions. Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s emotions showed that even without powers or a miraculous, she would kill him with her bare hands. If he was told a day before that she would be capable of murder, he would never have believed it. Now though, he was scared.
It was at that time that Chat Noir decided to bust in. He was both shocked and impressed that Marinette was still holding out. Maybe if he destroyed the object now she won’t be transformed. Of course would that negatively effect her somehow? Before he could ponder it longer, the girl in question acted first. “You better meet me in front of your mansion and give me both the butterfly and peacock miraculous. You also better fire Rossi and put a restraining order on her so she can’t touch Adrien again. Otherwise this cup will be replaced with your neck.” Marinette crushed the cup with her hand and the butterfly flew out. Standing up, she called on her transformation before her kwami could protest. She swiped the akuma out from the air and looked around. The whole class was quite. Lila didn’t even try to say anything, and in fact she shrunk under her stare. “Alrighty then. Time to go kitty.” She walked calmly out of the room, ignoring everything that just had happened. Chat paused before following her.
Back in his lair, Gabriel detransformed from shock. Nooroo tried to hide his smirk. Wordlessly, he went back into the main part of his house and approached Natalie. She looked confused. “What’s wrong? I thought you were finally akuamtizing Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Gabriel just shook his head and held his hand out. He was slightly shaking. “Just give me the peacock miraculous. Turns out, she’s a lot more dangerous than expected.” Natalie wanted to question her boss, but he seemed to be in shock. She did as asked and followed him as he walked out the front doors of the mansion. Outside was a smiling Ladybug and a concerned Chat Noir. Ladybug’s smile looked dangerous, like she was giving a warning. When Gabriel willingly handed over both miraculouses, Ladybug laughed. A dangerous sweetness dripping out. “Thank you! Also you better be honest with what you’re wife was doing with the miraculous when the police question you. I’ll see if the damage can be undone without the potential for ending the world. Oh also I will be taking your son away. He deserves better parents and I’m sure that mine will spoil him. Chat you take his assistant, I’ll grab him. It’s time to drop them off.” Chat grabbed Natalie and had her over his shoulder before she could react. Ladybug did the same to Gabriel, ensuring that neither could make a grab for their miraculouses.
A lot of things happened on that day. Hawkmoth and Mayura were announced to be defeated. Gabriel confessed to having Lila work for him both as a spy and as a willing accomplish for Hawkmoth. Adrien’s mom was brought to a hospital and Master Fu repaired the peacock miraculous and reversed the damage done to both her and Natalie. Lila was taken off to serve time in juvie and the two adults went to jail. Adrien was not to blame and was unofficially adopted by Marinette’s parents, which resulted in him spending a lot of time at the bakery. Adrien’s mom and Gabriel both revealed how she was forced into the marriage and forced to use the miraculous against her will. She got a divorce and ensured that Adrien got therapy. He was able to quit modeling and even got a restraining order against Lila just in case. He revealed himself to Marinette after a month and they decided to date. Her class did everything to make it up to the bluenette, but she merely shrugged at their words. She could care less now. They only wanted her to be their friend again because she was Ladybug. She and Chat announced their retirement to Paris two weeks after Hawkmoth’s defeat, although she still got to see Tikki and Plagg. It seemed like getting akumatized was the best thing that had happened to her.
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
Shut Me Up - Jerome Valeska x Female Reader | Part 1
Summary: it’s been revealed that Jerome was the killer all along, you can’t process the information and try and convince yourself to visit Arkham Asylum to have a word with him.
Prologue <
Warnings: None
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It was a few days since your encounter with the strange circus boy, Jerome. You had a hard time getting him off your mind, especially with loads of schoolwork and your job on the agenda.
Your father and Leslie didn’t update you about anything to do with the case about Lila Valeska, you were eager to know but whenever you asked Jim he’d push it to the side with a clenched jaw and tense figure. It didn’t make any sense to you as to why he was hiding stuff from you, you were one of the only, if not the only person to comfort Jerome when he was crumbling about his mother’s death. It’s understandable as to why you’d want to know who was behind this diabolical crime.
Thankfully, you remembered you had Harvey and visited him at the GCPD whilst your dad was away on some other mission. Leslie was in the morgue so you were in luck, Harvey could help you discover who was behind the murder.
For some reason, it took a hell of a lot more convincing than you expected, Harvey was stubborn and insisted it was best if you didn’t find out. He was acting strange, secretive. If there’s one thing you hated, it was being lied to.
Harvey tried telling you it was no use but you were desperate, Jerome had such an impact on you it was almost scary. You’d never acted this way towards someone before, especially to do with one of your fathers cases. Harvey eventually gave in due to your constant bickering and whining about him keeping secrets from you. He warned you multiple times about preparing yourself for what you were about to see as he guided you into one of the empty security rooms which was dark, tv screens and camera feeds airing through.
You sat yourself down on one of the seats, Harvey sitting in the one beside you and typing in something in one of the computer data bases of the GCPD. It took less than a minute for a security camera feed to pop up and cackle to life on the screen before you, revealing your Dad and the boy who was on your mind constantly.
“Again, please prepare yourself” Harvey whispered, turning up the volume of the feed so you could hear it better.
You watched intensely as the interrogarion filtered out between your dad and Jerome. He was crying, that poor boy. Your heart ached for him and you wish you were there as the interrogation went on. But, slowly you started realising something wasn’t right.
Jim started accusing Jerome of killing his own mother, the boy looked completely appalled at your dads accusation and you were too. How could he say that?
“Don’t be deceived” Harvey butted in once again, fast forwarding the camera feed and stopping it to point at Jerome’s face.
Something was wrong. A new man was sitting next to Jerome, a blind man with a walking stick and grey hair. Jerome was crying, his head ducked and eyes squeezed shut. But everything around you seemed to shut off when the ginger headed boy started laughing to himself, shoulders bobbing with each chuckle he made. You felt your heart drop when his emotional facade came to a close and his eyes held such evil and darkness. This wasn’t the Jerome you met at the circus.
“Why did you kill your mother, Jerome?” Your dad asked, hands pressed on the desk as he faced Jerome with a face full of thunder.
“Oh, you know how mothers are,” Jerome scoffed. “She just kept pushing... and I’m like, fine, mom. Be a whore, be a drunken whore, even. But don’t be a nagging, drunken whore” Jerome’s voice growled with venom as he finished his sentence, his words catching you completely off guard as you watched through tears and leaned back in your seat. Harvey watched with sympathy as you covered your mouth with one hand.
“I don’t believe it” You choked, leaning forward and pressing your elbows onto the desk as you hid your face in your hands. Harvey awkwardly patted your back, trying to comfort you as you sobbed quietly to yourself, to pity yourself that you’d been so oblivious.
“I gave him so much support, I told him about my past- oh fuck Harvey what am I going to do if he’s after me?” You panicked, gripping the sides of your hair as you lowered your head and sniffed back more tears. Harvey was quick to assure you.
“The lunatics been locked up in Arkham, you’ll be glad to know. He’s not getting anywhere near you anytime soon” The detective said, you looked up through your hands and breathed out a sigh of relief. You rubbed away the tears only to have more falling down as you tried to compose yourself.
“Jim didn’t want you knowing because he knew you’d react this way, he’s just looking out for you, kid” Harvey rubbed your shoulder before leaning over and switching off the camera feed, only for you to stop him halfway.
“I need a moment Harvey, I’m going to look over this stuff” You sighed, turning to face the computer once again and finding your way around the controls, reversing the feed so it went all the way back to the start. Harvey wanted to say something, he certainly didn’t want you to hear more of what was yet to come in the tape.
“I’ll leave you to it, but you got 10 minutes” He pointed his index finger at you in a warning manner before saying his farewells and leaving the room, closing the door behind him so you could bathe in the darkness and soil in your grief as you replayed the feed.
Whilst you were watching the interrogation, you felt sick to your stomach as Jerome laughed like a maniac and started talking to Jim about you. You felt scared, targeted by the most insane man you’d ever met, well, seen. You didn’t understand why he’d done this, why he’d drag you along with his little act and make you out to be a fool. It destroyed you more than it should’ve.
Jerome smiled and spoke about you in a somewhat positive manner, at least not threatening Jim by doing anything to you as he sat back in his chair cockily and continued giggling. You tried not letting the butterflies get to you when he said different sugar coated words that were bitter sweet.
“That girl back there was so sweet; ...yours, isn’t she, Gordon? Certainly gets my blood pumping, seeing that innocent face of hers... poor thing, thinking I was a good little boy” Jerome teased, grinning from ear to ear as he cackled. Your dad looked like he was about to kill Jerome, balling his fists and clenching his jaw as Jerome continued taunting him with crude words and snarky comments. You couldn’t take anymore of the torment and switched off the feed, standing up from your seat and leaving in a hurry whilst trying not to get caught by either Jim or Leslie.
Ever since then, you’ve been struggling with trusting anyone at all, even your own dad. You stopped opening up to people because of Jerome, you stopped being who you used to be. Of course, you were still friendly and kind, happy and bubbly, but you didn’t say anything to anyone about your family or personal life. You had over shared your life to a psychopath who slaughtered his own mother, it’s safe to say you have a reason for not opening up to anyone now a days.
It’s been around a week since Jerome was sent to Arkham and to say the least, it was taking a toll on you. With exams coming up and endless studying, you couldn’t seem to get your head down and concentrate because of the handsome red headed deranged teenager. Your dad occasionally checked in on you about Jerome and how you were feeling, usually you said you had to study which always ended with him giving up on trying to get you to open up to him and leave your room.
You and your dad didn’t always get along since the very beginning. He adopted you when you were 9 years old and at first you didn’t like him. You didn’t speak to him very much and spent little to no time trying to get on with him because of your traumatic past. You came from an orphanage with abusive caretakers and nuns, other girls like you were just the same when they were adopted by couples or single parents. However, as the years went by, you warmed up to Jim and started speaking to him like a daughter would with her father. He became the only person you ever trusted and it was still the same to this day. Jim fought hard to help you, he fought hard to keep you in his care and bring you up as his own considering he never had the chance to have his own kids. He adopted you in his mid 20’s with not much experience of being a parent so your relationship was strange to say the least.
When you started high school, that’s when you started changing and forming a new identity. The girl who was once vulnerable and terrified of human contact and so much as speaking to someone was finally blossoming into an outspoken omnivert who’s curiosity outshone everything around her. Jim was proud to say the absolute least, his girl was growing up and now, here you were at 17 years old, almost graduated high school and spending more time with him than you ever had in your life.
Jim knew how much caring about someone fragile meant to you. You thoughtlessly cared for people who were complete strangers but were suffering of some kind. That’s why when you comforted Jerome, he had a feeling it would turn in a different direction. And it did, it did alright. It was worse than anything he ever imagined which is why he never wanted you to find out about Jerome’s true character. Your heart was too fragile for this kind of stuff, your empathy and sympathy towards people was your downfall and for all Jim knew, Jerome could’ve killed you if he wanted to. The thought made him shiver alone.
When Jim was off to work and left you alone in the house, he had a horrible feeling something would happen to you and he wasn’t there to protect you. Even though Jerome was locked up in Arkham, he couldn’t help but worry. Of course he had to worry, his father instincts were hammering him and he hated leaving you alone, considering there were a few occasions when you got caught up in a couple of his cases and ended up being put in danger.
Jerome was different though, unlike the others Jim could see that you really cared, or used to care, for Jerome. You never formed any connections with any of your dads cases but Jim could see the look in your eyes when you bid the red head farewell. Your eyes were full of sadness and sympathy, Jim had never seen you look so upset before, so the fact Jerome turned out to be the complete opposite of what he seemed to be was the worst possible thing to happen. Jim kept the tapes and recordings of the interrogation away from you, covering up the truth with assuring lies that seemed to keep your curiosity and urgency at bay. But you were one step ahead of him and knew everything there was to know.
Jerome was a cold blooded killer, a killer with an innocent act you were so stupid to fall for. You weren’t worried about being killed, it wasn’t the first thing you thought about. It was the fact that Jerome was buried in your mind like a parasite. His crocodile tears and whimpers invested themselves in your memory and you could only see Jerome as a sweet, gentle teenager. You hated the way you felt whenever he crossed your mind, you certainly weren’t the type to get caught up with a boy but this was different.
Everything felt different.
You were finding it hard to keep your composure as you stood in front of the gates to Arkham Asylum. It was 3pm in the afternoon and it had been a while since you’d viewed Jerome’s interrogation tapes. You held your coat tight to your body and waited to be let in, leaning on your toes and rolling your balance back to your heels in an attempt to distract yourself from tie burning anxiety cackling in your stomach and chest.
You gave Arkham Asylum a call before you arrived, so you were expected and it saved you from explaining yourself as to why you were here.
“You must be (Y/N) Gordon, follow me please” A man dressed in a white shirt and a doctors coat unlocked the gate and let you inside, closing it with a loud clash behind you which made you jump suddenly. You didn’t like this, but you had to remind yourself that you’d be here for a short moment and then you’d never have to visit again. You were here for one thing only, and that was Jerome.
You reluctantly followed the man into the main entrance of Arkham, hearing yells and screams from the windows of cells around the building. You weren’t entirely terrified but you were wary enough to fear for your own health as you entered the building and took off your coat.
The man lead you down hallways and past many cells where insane inmates rattled the bars that replaced the small window in the door. You tried not to be intimidated by them but you’d never been in this sort of environment before.
Eventually, you were led into a room which was full of booths, the room separated in half by a long stripe of glass. There was stalls to sit at, boards at either side so there was a form of privacy within the person and whoever they were visiting.
“Mr Valeska will be happy to have a visitor, if anything happens please report it to me and I’ll have it taken care of” The man nodded to one of the stalls at the end, leading you to it and pointed out a small red button at the front of the table. It was an emergency button, in case of any emergency’s.
“Thank you” You mumbled, sitting down in the seat and exhaling out a shaky breath. The man left and closed the door, the noise of it slamming scared you briefly but you quickly composed yourself and cleared your throat.
You kept your feet flat against the ground, legs fairly spread as you sat comfortably in the chair and held your coat in your lap. You waited for a few minutes at most, tapping your fingers against the table which was split in half by the glass and hearing the sound echo around the visiting room. No one else was here, it was clear this wasn’t a popular day for visiting inmates, lucky for you.
A loud buzzer rung out in the room and you almost fell out of your seat as a result, placing a hand on your chest and feeling your heart speed up in your chest as the door on the other side opened.
Two guards walked in, holding a familiar ginger by each arm and leading him to the booth you were sitting at. Jerome’s face was empty until his eyes met yours, smiling the same creepy smile he had in the recording of his interrogation.
“You’ve got half an hour” One of the guards said in a stern voice before leaving the room and slamming the door shut. Silence was cut short when Jerome started giggling to himself, straining in his handcuffs as his hands rest on the table.
“Well look who came to visit me! I must say, it’s nice seeing your pretty face again” Jerome snarled with a grin on his face, his eyes narrowing slightly as they looked into yours.
“Why did you lie to me?” You cut to the chase, crossing your arms as a glare made its way onto your face. Jerome only laughed.
“Not even a hello? You’re boring” He repositioned his arms so his elbows rest on the table and his hands held his face. You didn’t lean back and instead moved closer, you weren’t scared of him.
“I don’t have time for games, Jerome, I trusted you!” You slammed your fist against the table, frowning as Jerome continued smiling as if you’d told a funny joke. This whole thing was a joke to him.
“Trusted me huh, that’s your mistake, doll” His voice lowered a tiny bit and the fact he was right made your blood boil. You clenched your fists, looking away from his face and down at your hands.
“What, are you sad because the person you had so much faith in turned out to be crazy? News flash! We’re in Gotham! Sorry I hurt your precious feelings, doll” Jerome started getting meaner with his statements, leaning closer so his head was inches from the glass. You didn’t move, you didn’t even feel like replying, but you were stuck in a room with him for the next half hour so it wasn’t like you could just leave.
“Stop calling me that” You hissed at the red head, feeling hopeless as he started cackling and leaned back in his chair, cuffed hands still on the table.
“Nope,” Jerome started, putting emphasis on popping the p.
“You are, you remind me of one; small and fragile, easy to break... easy to tear apart” His voice was low and had a seductive ring to it, but you weren’t going to let his words hurt you. He was terrifying as it was, but there was a wall of glass between you. You had nothing to fear.
“I’ll have you know I’m none of those things, you know nothing about me” You snapped back.
“Oh really? What about that time at the GCPD when we were outside the Interrogation room? From what I recall... you were an orphan, lost both of her parents, no siblings and no real family there for her. You’re favourite colour is red, you like cats, especially the ginger kind, that’s what you said right?” He smirked. You stared wide eyed at the psychotic teen sitting in front of you, horrified as you looked away once again and tried swallowing down the lump in your throat.
“You go to Gotham high school, you’re 17- oh! And your father’s Jim Gordon” Jerome continued, grinning from ear to ear as he watched your eyes begin to glisten with tears. You looked back up at him and Jerome swore he saw a fire in your eyes.
“You know, my mother never loved me. She never cared about what I did or where I went, she always spent her time fucking strangers and getting high, she neglected me most of my childhood... do you know what that’s like?” Jerome’s smile faded and he looked at you with a stone cold serious face, eyes boiling into your soul as he clasped his hands together and tilted his head to the side.
“I do” Was all you said in reply, gripping your upper arms as you fought back tears. Jerome smiled once again and winked at you in some form of congrats that you’d actually made common ground with him about something.
“Did your real mommy and daddy leave you?” Jerome pouted, putting on a baby voice as you sniffed and started slipping, tears falling at last and the lump in your throat taking over.
“Stop it” You whimpered.
“Oh but it’s true, they left you at that orphanage, didn’t they? Poor little baby, all alone... but I know,” Jerome lowered the volume of his voice so it was barely above a whisper. He looked at you as though you were the only thing that mattered, it made your stomach churn in a good and bad way. You tried denying his lingering, sincere gaze but your eyes betrayed you.
“How can you understand? Your mother may have not looked after you but at least she didn’t throw you away” You snapped, gritting your teeth together in anger as Jerome stated silent for a few seconds.
“I may not know what it’s like to be given away, but I know what it’s like to have no one there for me. You’ve been alone your whole life, all by yourself, but not anymore... you have me now” Jerome’s Cheshire-like grin returned to his face and you were so close to feelingc comfortable around him. Now you felt the same nauseating sensation buried in your stomach that was only there when he was around.
“You can go to hell if you think I’m coming back here, you’re lucky I even came here-“
“Yeah, your right, I am lucky” Jerome snapped, resting his chin on the palm of his hand and blinking up at you with eyes that didn’t exactly scream insanity. You had yourself on the edge of a sharp knife, you kept wobbling about whether to get the hell out of Arkham, or stay and take time to see Jerome, if he was really as insane as you thought he was.
“You amuse me, doll,” Jerome purred.
“You know, you’re the first person to ever treat me with compassion. Not even my mother held me in her arms like you did... it was a strange experience” The red head looked at your eyes and down to your lips, biting the inside of his cheek as his hands played with the cuffs. You tried looking away but his eyes held you in place.
“I didn’t ever get enough of it; affection, it’s my instinct to give what I never received” You said, not much emotion in your voice but Jerome seemed to be impressed with himself that he got a sincere reply.
“Shame really, if I hadn’t been caught, do you think you would’ve fallen in love with me?” Jerome smirked, licking his teeth teasingly as you tensed in your seat and let out a frustrated sigh. The tension in the visiting room was thick and the two of you looked at each other with narrow eyes. You no longer felt anger or disgust towards Jerome, he was still an insane inmate at an asylum so you couldn’t let your guard down too fast.
“It’s too late to ask that, Jerome” Was the last thing you said before the buzzer from earlier rung out in the room, signifying that your visit with Jerome had come to an end. The red heads eyes were wide with shock, he wanted to say something but the two guards from before came in and grabbed his arms.
“Goodbye, Jerome” You mumbled, standing up from your seat and waiting for him to leave before you did. The door on your side opened and out came the man who escorted you in.
“Well, that went pleasantly well” He smiled, watching as the door on the other side opened and closed. You nodded once, not saying anything as the man turned around and lead you out.
“Would you like me to send updates about Jerome’s behaviour?” The man turned his head to ask you.
“Oh no, I’m okay thank you” You cleared your throat, looking behind you as you walked out into the hallway outside the visiting room, feeling like Jerome’s eyes were still on you the whole time.
You had to get out of here.
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goji-pilled · 5 years
How about a prompt where Chat Noir is called out about his unwanted advances on Ladybug? Or about his behavior during Syren?
Thank you so much for giving me this prompt as I really had a funtime writing this!Tbh I'm very happy with this one and I think it's one of the better things I've written so far though I might have turned this into some very very salty fic that's rather OOC, especially Chat Noir/Adrien. But that's kind of the point so whatever💅
Btw I just want to mention this for people who want to write an angry comment because how dare I write Adrien salt but I absolutely love Adrien to pieces with every fiber of my being.
If you have more salt prompts or any prompts for that matter please don't be afraid to submit them :D
Anyway please enjoy!
A new Chat Noir
"Miraculous Ladybug!"
And with that all the damage Syren caused was undone. The magical ladybugs drained the city, rebuilt what was destroyed and brought back those who weren't able to escape the flood.
From what Ladybug could gather Ondine was reakumatized because someone wouldn't stop flirting with her boyfriend even though both of them made it clear how they're happy together. Of course Hawkmoth used her feelings against herself and sent his akuma which transformed Ondine into Syren once more.
And of course it was another akmua Ladybug fought on her own since her supposed partner had been refusing to help her for weeks now until she'd finally admit she loves him too.
As much as it hurt that her partner is abandoning her, she was at least still able to defeat the akumas even if she needed a temporary hero or many hours more than usually.
And just like that Chat Noir finally "joined" Ladybug once she was done with comforting Ondine. "So are you finally going to accept that we're made for eachother?", he asked with a smug grin probably thinking she'd finally give in.
Well that wasn't what she's about to give in for. Ladybug took a deep breath to calm herself down. She really didn't want to deal with him anymore, it's not like that Lila is already making her civillianlife hell but Chat Noir making her herolife this complicated really wasn't something she needed on her plate as well.
"Alright listen here Chat Noir.", Ladybug started, her voice was filled with calm anger, "I'm going tell you this one last time. I am NOT in love with you and you're continuous flirting and asking me out on dates is making me uncomftable. And you're ignoring your duties as a hero! Countless people died today!"
Chat Noir shrugged her off as if what she said was some kind of bad joke. "Bugaboo we're soulmates! We love eachother and everyone sees that but you! Besides your miraculous cure brought these people back."
Did she just heard him correctly? Did Chat Noir just shrugged off her feelings and the countless deaths that Hawkmoth caused today? Anger built up inside of her and this time Ladybug wouldn't hold back, "How dare you! How dare you act as if MY feelings don't matter! How dare you play off the serious damage that comes with drowning to death and remembering every damned second of it! These people are traumatized because they died a slow painful and fear filled death and you are standing here throwing a tantrum beause I won't date you?! How fucking dare you."
And then he didn't say anything. Of course he didn't now that he was confronted with his mistakes. It's something she was ised to by now seeing as how Adrien acts the same way.
While all of this happend a lot of people gathered around the heroes with one of them being Alya who was livestreaming the whole thing. Despite how Ladybug was no fan of the Ladyblog anymore, she had to admit that maybe this time it could be helpful for one last time so that the people would learn the truth about Chat Noir and their beloved "ladynoir" ship.
With a beep of her earrings the heroine was reminded how she'll detransform soon so Ladybug took off without another word.
Chat Noir muttered the words to trigger his detransformation as soon as he jumped through the window of his room. Adrien now stood in Chat's place and started to angrily pace around his room. "I can't believe her! Why won't she understand?! We're soulmates, destined to be together!", Adrien growled. He was getting frustrated with Ladybug's stubborness.
The blond heard his kwami mumble something. "What was that Plagg?", he asked.
"I said I can't believe YOU!", Plagg hissed. He flew towards Adrien with a furious expression. "Adrien I was hoping you'd see your mistakes, I was hoping after Ladybug called you out on your behavior you would finally see your wrong ways but NO! Nothing! You blame everyone but yourself for your mistakes.", the kwami's voice became a little softer at the end and his expression was now pleading. "Please Adrien...try to understand that you're no better than your stalking fans right now. You're not acting like a hero anymore...not as Chat Noir and not as Adrien. You let people day today just like during Syren's first appearance.
You abandoned you partner and you did the same thing to pigtails. Both we're counting on you and you left them both. Please try to see how wrong all of this is..."
Adrien looked away for a moment just to make an angry frown, "That she's all alone is Marinette's own fault, she could've just taken the high road! And Ladybug wouldn't have to fight alone if sh-"
"- ENOUGH!", Plagg yelled. "God kid...I was too easy on you...I thought...what does it even matter now. This has been going on for far too long. Adrien your continuous harrassment of Ladybug and ignoring of you're hero duties is leaving me no choice.
You were the best Chat Noir I had...I'm sorry kid.", the tiny god now sounded bitter and shook his head. He stretched out one of his paws.
Adrien on the other hand was confused what was happening now. Plagg never had been this snappy no matter the situation and what was that about him having been the best Chat Noir so far? Adrien meant to ask his kwami about that and so many other things that swirled around in his head but never got the chance to do so as Plagg was faster in speaking up than him, "Adrien Agreste I, Plagg kwami of destruction and bad luck, deem you unworthy of wielding my miraculous or any miraculous ever again!"
Just like the ring on Adrien's hand started to just slip off his finger, nothing Adrien tried helped as the miraculous magically became to heavy and eventually fell on the floor. Desperatly he tried to grab the silver ring lying on the floor shimmering in the sunlight.
While Adrien failed to move the jewel even barely an inch, Plagg on the other hand easily picked it up. The green light shone for a moment and the ring was back in it's normal state in which it was black with the green paw on it.
"I'm sorry, I really am kid."
The teen's eyes widened as he gasped in shock and finally understood what happened just now. Plagg just took away his miraculous, his freedom, the only freedom he truly had.
"You can't do that! I'm Chat Noir! That's my miraculous and you can't take that away from me!", Adrien screamend in his rage.
Plagg just stared at him before phasing through the window and leaving Adrien behind.
Was the kwami happy with this?
No, not even in the slightest but Plagg had to think about Marinette and Paris. Tikki's bug deserves a partner she could trust and Adrien refused to be that. It's not like he gave the boy more than enough chances. Luckily the small god already had someone in mind to give the ring to. Someone that knew Marinette's struggle with her class and Lila, someone that suffered from the brat just like her and lost their girlfriend because of her, a person that was one of the few friends the girl had left and someone who had experience with heroing.
Now Plagg only needed to find them. Easier said than done.
"What do you think Tikki?", proudly Marinette showed off her newest design to her kwami.
"Oh Marinette this is wonderful!", Tikki gushed in return.
Ever since Marinette let out everything she supressed in the matter of Chat Noir a few days ago she seemed happier. Like a huge burden was taken off her shoulders.
Too bad that an akuma alert interrupted Marinette's creative spree.
"Let's see if that cat is gonna help this time...or show up at all...", the ravenette muttered when she rolled her chair away from her desk.
Once transformed Ladybug made her way to where the akuma was spotted, a woman that was akumatized into a villain that creates gigantic vines and had the ability to control plants. After she made sure no civilians were in the area Ladybug was observing the akuma in order to find a strategy to defeat Hawkmoth's newest villain.
A soft thump caught Ladybug's attention and for a brief moment she wondered if maybe Chat Noir finally saw his mistakes and as soon as she turned around she was indeed met with a pair of catlike green eyes, yet it was one that didn't belong to her a partner but a new cat hero.
"I'm the new Chat Noir.", he nervously said but smiled at her nonetheless. He held out a hand for her to shake. Carefully she shook his hand and returned his smile. "It's nice to meet you Chat Noir. I'm looking forward to working with you."
His voice gained some confidence before he replied, "I'm looking forward to working with you too Ladydude."
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lokidokie16 · 7 years
The Huntress
Avengers x OC
Warnings: language, kidnaping, hostages?, death, google translate
She was innocent and shy. That’s how most people knew her before, now she’s a cold blooded killer sacrificing anything and everything to get her revenge. No one knew what she wanted revenged for but it was traumatic enough that she leaves a trail of dead bodies in her wake, while trying to serve her revenge to the Avengers.
Huntress POV
I sighed as I wrenched my blade out of a HYDRA agent. My eyes felt heavy and I was tired, considering I just cleared a whole HYDRA base by myself. To be fair it was a small base, not to brag or anything it was quite easy considering most of the pitiful agents cowered on the ground if I so much as raised my voice. I no longer felt pity or sadness when I killed. I’ve become numb, some might say a heartless killing machine. But i know I have a heart. Because I felt it break.
Avengers POV
“Sir i must inform you that the Huntress has made another move” FRIDAY said over that speakers. Tony wordlessly got up from the couch and the avengers followed. Everyone was eerily quiet during the walk down the hallway. The Huntress has been the top priority for the avengers for a few months as she has been going on a killing spree. It was obvious that the avengers were on her hitlist, by the notes she left behind. Her notes usually mock the avengers for example “you know who I am” but recently the avengers and more so Tony are on high alert because of a new note. “How is Peter.P?” That’s what the note said with a little spider drawn next to it, and it scared Tony shitless. Peter is living in the tower temporarily now so everyone can keep an eye on him.
The avengers are now crowded around a screen showing where the Huntress was last reported somewhere in North America. Clint paled as soon as he saw where the little red dot was placed on the screen, and Natasha looked at him worriedly. The avengers were a bit confused until Tony’s eyes went wide and he quietly explained to the rest of the team what was in North America. The Barton Farm.
Huntress POV
I was hiding in the trees, going over my plan in my head for the millionth time. I saw Nick Fury’s car leave a few minutes ago as well as where he activated the alarm. I thought the Barton Farm would have more security not just some petty alarm. I stealthily made my way down to the box and deactivated the alarm. I waited, crouching down because surely there was a catch and agents would come spilling out of the barn, guns at the ready. But no one came.
I knocked politely on the door and waited, hearing faint footsteps coming towards the door. I was suddenly reminded of when I used to take my little sister trick or treating and she always made me knock. I could feel the ghost of her small hand in mine. I clenched my fist and shook my head ridding myself of the memory. The door suddenly opened and a women’s face looked out at me. “Hi how can I-“ she started before I slammed my fist into her face hard enough to knock her out. I opened the door, which was pretty difficult considering the women’s unconscious body was in the way but I eventually got in and locked the door behind me.
The Barton kids were upstairs and I could hear their ruckus they were causing. I placed the woman on the floor leaning up against the kitchen counter, and I went to rummage in the cupboards and settle on a cookie. I sat down and waited silently eating my cookie when I hear the little taps of the children’s feet coming down the stairs. They both round the corner and come to a halt upon seeing me. I notice the older boy, who I know is Cooper, holding a baby who must be little Nathanial. I must admit he is a cute baby but i push that thought out of my mind. “Hey kids, don’t worry about her she’s fine” I say gesturing to their mother. Lila, the young girl lets out a small squeak as I lunge from my chair, and clamp my hand over her mouth before she can scream. “Don’t scream” I warn in a menacing voice.
Avengers POV
The only sounds in the quinjet were the scuffling of shoes and people breathing. Suddenly Tony’s voice rings out, making a few of them jump. “Eta 2min” he says. Clint stands and rechecks his arrows and bow, Natasha loads and cocks her guns, Tony sets the plane on autopilot and gets into the IronMan suit. Everyone one rechecks their gear and waits at the back of the quinjet, for the door to open.
The quinjet lands and the avengers don’t hesitate from jumping out and running straight for the house. Natasha has to grab Clint’s arm and stop him from kicking the door down. She gives him a look and silently picks the lock on the door and swings it open guns at the ready while the avengers are standing behind her defensively. They all walk slowly through the house and arrive in the kitchen/dining room. They don’t notice you until you shift in your place on the kitchen counter swinging your legs like a little kid. They all point their various weapons at you but you don’t even flinch, just smirk evilly.
Huntress POV
“Glad you could join us Clinton” you say with a gesture to his family all tied up and gaged, you notice that the mother, who you’ve found is named Laura, has woken up and her eye is sporting a nice swollen bruise.
Avengers POV
When Clint saw his family tied up his heart nearly stopped and Natasha froze in her tracks. The evil smirk returns to your face at their reactions as you realise that two master assassins were scared of what you could do. The rest of the team where all extremely high strung but they hid it quite well. “Come on, do you really have to tie up the baby?” Tony’s voice comes from his suit. “For all I know it could be a freak like you guys, haven’t you seen ‘The Incredibles’?” You say with an amused tone. Wanda’s eyes glow red and scarlett mist hovers around her hands. “Your more of a freak than any of us” she says, emotion making her accent heavier. You jump down from the table, making the avengers tense up ready for a fight.
Huntress POV
“Oh really!? Well you don’t see any powers coming from me do u? You know if I had any power I would want super speed” I ramble just to annoy and distract them further. “At least I would’ve outran those bullets” I know I am pushing the boundaries mentioning her dead brother, and may possibly get myself killed but i don’t let that spoil my fun.
Steve grasps her wrist before she can strangle me with her powers. She looks absolutely pissed and wrenches her hand out of Steve’s. “Fuck you” she spits venomously. I just laugh it off and smile looking at all of them and wondering what to do next, to be completely honest I hadn’t thought I would get this far. “Just let them go and keep this between us” Bucky finally speaks out. “Ah soldat, how have you been? How’s Becca?” I laugh. I had a obviously done your research and found out about the soldiers sister by chance. He was fuming and his metal arm was whirring loudly.
I was at a stalemate with the avengers. A feat I thought I would never achieve. “Why are you doing this? Did you lose someone?” Steve asks in his ‘Captain’ voice. I give him a glare and don’t answer. Meanwhile in my head, you were drowning in memories of the day you lost everything. Suddenly electricity races through my body, causing my body to go stiff and fall to the ground, Clint walks up to me and replaces the electric arrow with another one, just to make sure I stay down. The pain was indescribable and my sight soon went black.
Avengers POV
Tony carried the Huntresses limp body back to the quinjet. They all voted Tony carry her in case she wakes up and attacks, she wouldn’t be able to hurt him through the suit. Although two tazer arrows should be enough to keep her unconscious, they didn’t want to underestimate her. Tony dumped her carelessly in a seat and strapped her down with various ropes and handcuffed her for good measure. Clint stayed behind to look after his traumatised family, Nat wanted to stay as well but Clint refused and forced her into the jet. The team was greatful she was coming with them because they needed a intimidating interrogator afterall.
Huntress POV
Light flooded my vision and I immediately shut them again to shield my eyes from the bright light. My muscles were sore and i could feel the metal contraptions around my ankles keeping me to the chair and the handcuffs tight on my wrists, bounded to the steel table in front of me. I decided I must have been out for a few hours, long enough for the avengers to bring me to the compound, which is where I guessed we were, and shackle me to the table. I open my eyes a tiny bit and look around. It was four white walls, a heavy looking metal door and a black mirror which is most definitely a one way mirror, and the avengers were on the other side. I hear a creak and my head snaps to the metal door opening, revealing and very intimidating Black Widow. She stalks toward you and sits in the chair opposite me with a stony expression.
“Успокойся, мы будем здесь ненадолго.” (Make yourself comfortable, we’re going to be here awhile) I say cockily. She looks startled but quickly smoothes her features and retorts “почему эта Охотница” (why is that Huntress?).
“Потому что вам придется избивать меня до конца, чтобы получить ответы от меня. Вдова” (Because your going to have to beat me to no end to get answers from me Widow) I reply face unchanged. I know the avengers are probably having a meltdown behind that mirror from not understanding what we’re saying and so does Natasha, and so she switches back to English. “That’s why I’m not going to be the one to get answers form you.” I don’t move a muscle, doesn’t matter if they take turns and try to wear me down I won’t answer to any of them. And then the Witch walks in and switches places with Natasha.
I forgot about her when I said I wouldn’t answer to any of them. She would make me answer to her, and now I’m a tad bit nervous being tied down with no way to protect myself, with the witch I taunted just a few hours ago, making jokes about her dead brother. Now I was definitely nervous but I made sure my face didn’t show it.
She just stared at me, and I felt a presence in my mind and knew she was digging up memories and reading my thoughts. I just hoped she wouldn’t dig deep enough that she found what I’ve hidden for so long, my reason for revenge towards the avengers. Just as I thought she was finished I was winded by her wrenching up the memory I hoped she didn’t find, and now I was reliving it while she was witnessing it for the first time.
I was running, back towards the hotel as fast as my 15year old legs would take me. My family and I were in Sokovia for a holiday and I was going on a simple trip to the grocery store for my mother to pick up some bits and pieces, when the ground shook and everyone started screaming, so I bolted back to the hotel, back to my family. I could see the hotel in the distance when it crumbled and fell to the ground. I could hear the screams that were painfully familiar and I knew just then, that I had lost everything. I sat in front of the building for a long time crying hysterically, no one could move me. Eventually a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and picked me off the dusty ground. I thrashed, screamed and cried but he held on and took me on the carriers full of people and it took me away.
Wanda POV
I felt her pain, her loss and her burning desire for revenge all in that one memory. She was so young and innocent. I want to help her.
Huntress POV
Maximoff has tears in her green eyes when I open mine and lock eyes with her. I could feel hot tears racing down my cheeks but I kept my stone expression. “I’m sorry” she says quietly and gracefully gets up and leaves he room, leaving me with my thoughts and demons.
Time skip
Avengers POV
Morning came and Wanda walked into the interrogation room where she left you yesterday. She was holding a tray of food in one hand while shutting the door securely behind her. A deafening bang echoed through the room when the tray crashed into the floor spilling the contents everywhere. The scene that caused Wanda to drop the tray was horrifyingly plain, exactly the same as it was yesterday. Except the Huntresses body was limp on the chair head lolled to the side, blood slowly seeping from her lips. Wanda cried out and held her fingers on the Huntresses wrist feeling for a pulse. There was nothing and her skin was cold. Vision came in shortly after and picked up Wanda, removing her from the room.
Tony later informed the team that the Huntress had somehow swallowed a small poisoned pill.
“I’m sorry”Wanda’s hoarse whisper was heard by no body but the casket in front of her. “I’m so sorry”.
Thanks for reading! I’m always up for feedback😁
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fragiilexa · 7 years
all the even numbers
100 questions 
OH MY GOD. that was a lot of questions lmao
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?
already answered.
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
already answered.
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? 
already answered.
8. What are your current goals?
already answered.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?
already answered.
12. Can you keep a diet?
I don’t really do diets? They’re always usually unhealthy & detrimental to your health so I just try to portion food & stuff, pick healthier choices, I don’t like… do weird diets or anything.
14. Do you work?
Not currently no, I don’t.
16. Would you get a tattoo?
Yes, I would love to get a tattoo, I really want one that says Think Positive but the T in positive is a cross? I’ve seen it somewhere before & I’d love that, then also I want one that says ‘I can’t hear hate when I got so much love.’ I also had this really cute idea for getting a tattoo for each of my pets but idk how that one would pan out yet.
18. Can you drive?
No. Not yet I cant. 
20. What was the last thing you cried for?
I cried watching some youtube videos a few days ago, lmao that was fun…
22. Is life fun?
Yeah. It is kiddo it IS fun, it’s like a fun lil’ roller coaster u know? Sometimes it feels like it’s not fun & you get scared but things are all okay in the end, you know?
24. What’s your dream car?
Mini Coop Countryman. It’s just? Super cute? I mean I’m not really into cars, realistically I’d probably get a jeep ‘cause I’m a lot more comfortable with them but, yanno. 
26. Describe your crush.
Super fuckin’ smart, like doesn’t realize it but incredibly smart & determined. Super strong in every single possible way, also one of the kindest people I have ever met & u know also super attractive & jst cute ndngjodeo i luf and u know i jsut amsuper emoitional aobut it ok byre.
28. What was your last lie?
Probably that I did something that I forgot to do? I can’t remember.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
Yep. I mean at least for me, less embarrassing with friends though, honestly. With family it’s worse & I feel worse but it’s easier with friends I guess.
32. What’s your favourite cocktail?
I don’t drink so….
34. Do you like small kids?
Yes! I love little kids? They’re adorable & I’m smitten, I mean some of them can be annoying u feel but 90% of the time I’m smitten with little kids ‘cause they’re like human puppies u kno?
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
If I have a son I’m gonna name him Benjamin. I haven’t thought about if I have a girl? I mean honestly I want a girl really bad when the time comes but I have no names planned out besides maybe Lila but that might be a little odd if I get the book written, I dunno. We shall see.
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
Uh, no? Not that I can think of lmao?
40. What was the last gift you gave?
Pretty sure I gave my Mom something but I can’t remember what it was.
42. Favourite place to shop at?
Shop for what? I dunno Target?
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?
I have yet to get drunk yet. I’ll let u kno when it happens tho ok fam?
46. How old were you when you first had sex?
I MIGHT NOT UPDATE U ON THIS but also I share too much so I probably will. hasn’t happened yet tho lmao
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year?
Have fun? Idk.
50. Post a selfie.
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.
U kno the usual ole’ demons & abandonment.
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self?
People are gonna leave and it’s going to hurt really bad. You’re not gonna know why it was you or what you did, but it’s okay ‘cause it’ll make you smarter & kinder than them.
56. Any bad habits you have?
I’m a nervous eater? Lmao I guess that’s a bad habit.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?
Those youtube videos.
60. Are you in love?
Wot is love ( baby don’t huRT me donT huRT ME NO MORE )
62. How long was your longest relationship?
whAT RELATIONSHIP? My friendships barely last, lmao, relationship lmoa dsgdfre
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
Hm, sometimes guy’s can be really pretentious, also they seem to think periods aren’t a big deal that bothers me & probably just the superiority complex thing. Bothers me. 
66. How would you describe your bad side?
Super closed off bitch who really just doesn’t like people & can like, probably hurt a lot of people emotionally if she wanted too. Sort of terrifies me, sort of hate that bit of myself. I try to be nice but yeah it’s hard to not be super bitter sometimes.
68. What are you living for?
jeSUS FAM. I live for Jesus & all the amazing people He’s put into my life who mean the world to me.
70. Do you like your body?
It’s a love / dislike relationship. I’m constantly trying to appreciate it & love it but I also know I could physically be more fit so I wanna work on that & sometimes being like out of shape makes me self conscious but I mean I don’t hate my body I just… dislike it sometimes. 
72. Ever sent nudes?
llokeodgebhrth no. I have no fun ok gtg.
74. Favourite candy?
Pixy sticks or like, sour punch straws? I don’t know.
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
Sims. I played WoW for a… while when I was younger & maybe I might get back into that when I have a new computer or something but Sims is my favorite game ‘cause it? It just is??? It’s the best.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist?
I am & He does. He’s gotten me through…. everything, like I don’t think I’d be here without him and I have been in a very rough patch with things lately with him but it’s 100% just me & like, yeah. But it’s not a pretentious thing though, I don’t believe that I’m somehow BETTER than everyone else. I 100% believe God exists, I love Him & He loves me & He loves all of you so it’s okay, you know? 
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
To each his own. I mean personally I love chicken too much? Lmao, but like if you’re an adult & you wanna do that feel free. I’m a little iffy when it comes to like, making your kids be vegan just because they’re growing & it’s sometimes hard to supplement the nutrients & stuff that meat would give your kids unless you really know what you’re doing & I’m 100% against it when people make their animals vegan ( like dogs who are not meant to be leaf eaters ) dogs need meat. But like I said, to each his own, as long as you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle & aren’t depriving yourself of the right nutrients than I’m okay with it.
82. Do you like Chineese food?
No…. I’m super picky fam.. it just, doesn’t appeal to me I guess.
84. Vodka or whiskey?
Someone send me both & let me choose?
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country?
I’ve been out of state a few times but never out of the country.
88. What are you scared of?
Spiders? People leavin’ me? Dyin’? Big bugs? Suffocating? Getting burnt? Car crashes? Driving? There are a lot of things. Trust me.
90. Most traumatic experience ?
I mean… I don’t know, there’s not like a set thing or anything that’s really happened besides like, one of my best friends kind of like, dumping me when I was a kid & that kind of fucked me up but I dunno.
92. Favourite app on your phone?
I don’t have a phone but my favorite app on my ipad is probably weheartit or tumblr.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
I don’t watch it as much as I’d like but I love Remi Ashten she’s adorable & one of my favorite Youtubers.
96. What is the meaning of life?
Show people that God loves ‘em no matter what ‘the church’ or ‘religion’ or any one really tells them, like, God loves you & he wants you in his life. It’s really simple. That & like, just trying to make the world better you know? I am a cheese ball but I’m dead serious, I think all of us have a unique way of going through life and the ‘meaning’ of life may be slightly different for each of us but the true meaning of it all is to just show people that despite all of the horrible things in the world that there is good & the good is God and that like, we are not required to be perfect or to fit some kind of mold to be loved or accepted by God. I don’t know I’m just mush and I want everyone to know that God loves them no matter what other people say. That and make a damn good book at some point. That’s the meaning, lmao, I don’t know im 21 why are you asking me this. Ask me in another 21 years.
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
Sadly yes. Me & My sister found that tumblr post where this kid told his mom that ‘you know there was a point where you picked me up, put me down and never picked me back up again’ and we told that to her, that at one point she’d put us down and never picked us back up again, and she like, instantly started crying and I feLT SO BAD AND I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO IT WAS HORRIBLE. 
100. Can you keep a secret?
Yep. But pinky promises are more solid than just a secret to me, tbh. 
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