#lil drakken
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moodulated · 2 years ago
Okay due to popular demand, here's the lil first chapter of the fic I started once upon a time! The date on the document tells me it was written August 9th 2015 specifically, 4:03am (that checks out)
It was meant to be about Drakken and Shego first meeting, but I don't remember what I was actually going to do with them lmao
I didn't really edit anything save for a few awkward phrases as my English wasn't quite as good back then, so please be nice I was still a kid 😂🩷
Beginning [working title]
She would’ve thought finding a villain’s secret lair should’ve been harder, at least a little. She hadn’t even needed to search.
No, she had picked up the address in the villain’s magazine “Villain’s Weekly” (yes, villains had their own magazine! And they didn’t even seem to check who subscribed to it either, given that someone with her background had had no trouble getting her hands on the newest issue). Technically, every single superhero in the world could easily check the pages for the latest trends in villainy, interesting schemes and detailed profiles and interviews of the top trending evildoers, stopping them in their tracks before they could even start on their plans. It was a mystery how it hadn’t happened before.
Or maybe it had, but no one had cared to mention.
Anyways, here she was now, sitting on a chair in a dimly lit hallway, opposite to a closed metal door which appeared to be the entrance to an office or something. A hand-written cardboard sign saying “Now Hiring” was propped up next to it. After entering the lair (she had actually rung the doorbell instead of just letting herself in as she was used to, trying not to make an all too bad first impression) a man with a clueless expression who seemed to be in his late 30’s had let her in, though his age was hard to tell due to the red mask and sunglass-thingies that covered his eyes and appeared to be part of his uniform/jumpsuit.
After telling him why she was there he had led her to the chair and disappeared inside the room opposite of her for a few seconds before emerging again and telling her to please wait a moment, the boss would receive her soon.
The woman took the time to take in her surroundings. The building was large and located in what she guessed had used to be a factory a long time ago, set in a somewhat remote location, though not actually as remote as one would’ve expected. The drive here from the nearest village had merely taken her about 20 minutes. Granted, she hadn’t exactly obeyed the speed limit, but still.
She hadn’t seen much of the inside yet on her way in, only the entrance hall that she had walked through on her way to the long, dark corridor in which she now sat. Still, it had been enough to get a vague idea of the rest of the place.
The hall was fairly large, if not to say unnecessarily so, and the ceiling was so high up that there were even a couple of bridge-like passages up there one could comfortably walk on without being in any danger of bumping one’s head. There were merely enough lamps to be able to see properly without developing a headache after five minutes, and most of the room’s walls were hidden behind robotic figures of any shapes and sizes, covered in shadows, seemingly lurking there as if waiting for the time to strike.
All in all, the place had a very eerie vibe to it; a bit too eerie for her taste. Not that she was afraid – she didn’t scare, ever – but it just felt kind of cliché. It looked exactly the way the villain’s lairs had always looked like in the movies she’d watched as a kid, and she would’ve thought they’d make it a bit less obvious in real life. This place just had evil lair written all over it, complete with a neon sign with an arrow pointing at the door. She could only imagine what the person who owned this place would be like. But then again, at least he didn’t live in a literal nest on a mountain and dressed as a bird.
Still, the overly cliché lair complete with dim lighting and inventions that were obviously there for the sole purpose of creating an atmosphere, the ridiculous “Now Hiring” sign midst all of it and the fact that she had found this place because both address and phone number had been printed in a public magazine in bold under the heading “EVIL SIDEKICK WANTED – CALL DR. DRAKKEN” should’ve given her an indication to leave and never look back.
But for some reason that she didn’t, and would never in the years to follow understand, she stayed.
And when the door opened and a man with light blue skin, a dark blue lab coat, messy, black hair and a huge grin on his face peeked out of it before emerging completely and said “Welcome, Miss Shego. Sorry to leave you waiting. Why don’t you come in and we get started?” she got up, gave him a polite smile as well, shook his hand and followed him back through the door.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months ago
Lil Drakken being confused when Mikey's new friend bursts into tears seeing him. He doesn't think he's ever hurt this kid, has he?
He tells Mikey and Mikey just smiles, sad and mysterious.
"I think Takemitchi's just happy to see you."
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bexdrey · 11 months ago
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Presenting... Band AU Shego!! I will be drawing Drakken, Kim and Ron in this fun lil AU I cannot get outta my head! Extra tidbits I couldn't fit on the sheet: - Shego tells everyone it was her idea to start a band when really it was Drakken who came up with the idea - As stated she has a thing for Drakken but is in total denial about it. They hook up sometimes but she denies any feelings claiming that it's 'Friends with Benefits' - Shego's name is fake, her birth name is Sheila though only Drakken knows this. He is sworn to secrecy. - Shego has a tattoo on her left arm of two dragons forming the infinity symbol. One is blue and one is Green. ;) If anyone has any ideas for a band name, please comment. I'm clueless as to what they'd call themselves. They specialize in Punk Rock / Punk Country.
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lou-bonfightme · 2 years ago
Toulouse watched Drakken intently to make sure he did as he was told. Once Lou was satisfied, he looked back down at his sketch pad, contemplating where to start.
Until Drakken's words broke his concentration again.
It took a great deal of effort not to roll his eyes.
"No," he kept his voice flat, even. "I am not going to include the cast."
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Blue Period || [Loukken]
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imadisneyfan · 1 month ago
My top fav 50 cartoon characters of all time meme updated
Maddog talespin
Panic Hercules
Wade elemental
Ember elemental
Janja lion guard
Jasiri lion guard
Nala lion king
The hyenas lion king
Mufasa lion king
Timon lion king
Lenny the Simpsons
Kiara simba's pride
Kovu simba's pride
Vitani simba's pride
Blitz Colleen and exile road rovers
Negaduck darkwing Duck
Bushroot darkwing duck
Drakken Kim possible
Shego Kim Possible
Bonnie kim possible
Monique kim possible
Elsa frozen
Olaf frozen
Meg Hercules
Belle beauty and the beast
Ariel little mermaid
Tiana princess and the frog
Naveen Princess And the frog
Charlotte princess and the frog
Carver weekenders
Camilo Encanto
Snow white snow white
Rebecca talespin
Molly talespin
Don karnage talespin
Asha wish
Magnifico wish
Hades Hercules
Luz owl house
Gaston beauty and the beast
Amity owl house
Johnny sing
Ash sing
Rosita sing
Porsha sing 2
Rocksteady ninja turtles 80s
Phil all grown up
Angelica all grown up
Lil all grown up
Susie all grown
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flowery-laser-blasts · 1 year ago
Since Hego worked for Bueno Nacho how mad do you imagine him to be when he finds out Drakken was behind the lil Diablos?
I honestly think that Hego kinda shrugs it off as in: "Haha! No need to worry at all. Good ALWAYS triumphs over Evil and once again, Lady Justice's grace has shown us that no matter what happens; in the end Heroes, like Miss Possible, save the day." I doubt that Hego sees Drakken as a big threat. If a teenage cheerleader can stop him from taking over the world for years in a row, how bad could he be? "Besides, I believe that Shego is still good... somewhere deep, deep inside of her, if Drakken really would take over the world. She'd be able to stop him-- Now, take GO-city's villains for example, waaaaaay more dangerous and colorfull if you'd ask me!" could be his response. But consider this: Did Hego get fired from Bueno Nacho or was he allowed to keep his job?
If Hego got fired from Bueno Nacho (just like Ned) and replaced by one of Drakken's henchmen, then who's to say he won't be extremely upset. He's probably been an employee of the month for the entirety of his fast-food career. Maybe Hego didn't even notice the Diablo incident if he got fired beforehand. He might've just sulked in the GO-lair. Later on, he'd go to Drakken (if news breaks out that he was responsible) and it would go something like this: "OKAY, YOU TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, BIG WHOOP, BUT WHAT USE WAS THERE IN FIRING ME?! I WAS THRIVING AT THAT RESTAURANT! WHY!?"
or he'd be flattered to think that Drakken sees him as a potential threat to his world domination plans. "A-HA, it's a smart move to take out one of the bigger superheroes out there. But 'twas doomed to fail."
Hope this makes sense! :D Thanks for asking!
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midnightcaptions · 4 years ago
Drakgo game night with the Drakgo kids?
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this sketch will have to suffice >>
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dr-drckken · 1 year ago
Drakken held the golem in his hand and then looked down at his person wondering where he could carry it, not wanting to just have it standing on his palm on his trek back home. He needed his hands free for his own snacks. His trouser pockets seemed too weird and jacket pocket too filled with lint, the lil guy would no doubt get all of it stuck to 'em.
Luckily the shirt he was wearing had a breast pocket! So he smiled, tucking him into it. The golem sat in there, arms resting out over the brim. Drakken gave it a pat and tuned into what the creator of it was saying.
He probably would not remember that name but he would remember that room number! If he could keep Drakken's new personal lab assistant up and running then obviously he would be back! At least, if the golem did good work. If not then Drakken would pick it apart to see how it worked instead.
"Oh, deal! Drakken said and put his hand out to shake on it. "I'm Dr. Drakken. I don't work here, but, I do know the loop holes of how to get what you want. This place or any place else if you have trouble."
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Darius couldn't help but smile with pride at the man's excitement. While abomination magic was old hat on the Isles, here it was new and intriguing to many, especially Mundus. It did his heart good to see his fantastic work inspiring the awe and respect it deserves. Even in the simplest creation like this.
His eyebrows raised as the keys were tossed to him, but he managed to catch it. Ah, so it wasn't magic--just a simple key. Well, he supposed he should be grateful that it wasn't one of those blasted card "keys". He hated those things.
"Excellent," Darius said with a smirk, slipping the keys and the chips into his bag. "Then this has been a fortuitous exchange."
He supposed he could have left it at that. After all, their business was complete. But then he added. "My office is in the Magical Studies building, suite 109. Professor Darius Deamonne. I can recharge the magic in that golem if you continue to share the secrets of this place."
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split-n-splice · 5 years ago
uhhhh HEY LOOK OVER THERE- *chucks this*
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def just talkin business, ya
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months ago
I love how no one knows what to do when Takemichi's pissed. Mikey and Drakken stop fighting and everyone's instantly like shit oh man I'm so sorry.
It's so funny seeing these terrifying dudes just turn completly awkward and apologetic to lil Takemichi who can't fight for shit but is being held back by Akkun.
Drakken: Calm down, there's no need for fighting.
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dr-drckken · 1 year ago
As much as Drakken had been complaining about it, this may have been the first time he felt perfectly fine filling out paperwork. Honestly, if that and a bit of money was all that was standing between him and getting to take his new lil buddy home with him, then he would do it.
And he did, putting in the effort to make his penmanship actually legible since he usually liked to make it harder on the people forcing him to do such stupid tasks. He went through it with a bit of care, too, wanting to put in the right information.
Just as he was finishing the twins reappeared, taking either side of him up at the desk.
"Comm....Commawhatta?" asked Wendall.
"Commadore," said Wyatt, his head tilted and eyes squinted. "What's a Commadore?"
"Something you'll never be," Drakken answered, not looking up or pausing from writing his final signature. He clicked the pen and looked up at Greg, smiling and handing everything back over to the kid.
Commodore Puddles.
If someone had asked Gregory what name that Dr. Drakken was most likely to name their newly adopted dog - that name would not have been anywhere near the top of the list, but hey! It was adorable. Adorable and unexpected and Greg had to fight to keep the smile off his lips as he nodded softly.
"...Commodore Puddles it is." The younger man agreed, shifting to grab all of the paperwork and place it into a clipboard as he handed it to the other man easily - a pen following directly behind.
He was glad to see Archie/Puddles ready to head into a new home, and quite frankly... Gregory was certain it would be a good home. An interested one for sure, but a good one none the less. He knew they would have a lot of fun at least... That was really all that mattered.
"...Congratulations - I'll get your gift bag and then you and Puddles are ready to head home."
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bexdrey · 1 year ago
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Hey look a lil Drakken N Shego! I got inspired by @flowery-laser-blasts work and I've been reading @gothicthundra s RToD >3< I've never doodled drakken and haven't done a shego draw in 4 years. I think it came out well for a first time!
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
I really thought about Drakken and Shego post series finale and what it means for their villain careers. Sure they helped save the world once but are they really accepted by everyone? I’m sure Shego’s brothers will be happy to see her do good again and Frugal Lucre was seen cheering him on. But there might be skeptics who believe they’ll go back to villainy at the drop of a hat. Not to mention the possibility of them being off the hook for every crime they committed and the damage they caused?
i'm one of those skeptics, lol.
shego shows no desire to do good whatsoever. arguments have been made in favor of it, but for me they just don't hold any water. shego is shown to want power, destruction, and just evil in general. (personally i wish she did because i like villain redemption, but i gotta be true to the character.)
drakken is shown to want evil, but also recognition. and for him the latter is a huge motivating factor.
so what i think would most likely happen were the show to have continued? is drakken would have tried out good after the UN and saving the world thing. he would eventually go back to villainy. either 1) he'd quit and go evil again to be with shego, or 2) he'd screw up being good somehow and default to evil as a solution.
IF shego were to try good, she'd do so only for drakken's sake/to be with him. but i think it's more likely if he insisted on trying it out, then they'd say their farewells. i just can't see her being interested. but then they'd find out through any of the above avenues or perhaps others that what they want most is to be together, and together in evil.
but yeah, the being off the hook for crimes thing... see, just giving them both a pardon... i feel like it only works in fic. i don't think it would happen irl. but hey, i'm plenty willing to suspend my disbelief for it. cuz in reality... you know those lil diablos killed people. the tectonic plates shifting? the magmachine results? so many of his schemes realistically would have caused deaths soooooooo yeahhh.... realistically... dunno. unless they were gonna show even more death and devastation from the lorwardians, maybe the pardon could be justified... but yeah...
those are some brief thoughts on the topic. i have written many fics about it, most notably Things Change which deals with this directly.
thanks for the ask!
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imadisneyfan · 5 months ago
me with a few of my fav cartoon characters
First row carver weekenders, Tiana and naveen Princess And the frog, Snow White Snow White,Ariel the little mermaid, rocksteady teenage mutant ninja turtles 80s, lenny Simpsons
2nd row wade and ember elemental, janja and jasiri lion guard, shego and drakken Kim possible, negaduck darkwing Duck
3rd row Elsa frozen, exile road rovers, panic Hercules, maddog talespin, olfa frozen
4th row angelica and phil rugrats all grown up, star Disney's wish, Johnny and ash sing, belle beauty and the beast, nala lion king
5th row blitz and Colleen road rovers, lil rugrats all grown up, homer the Simpsons, porsha crystal sing 2, tj recess, rosita sing
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rowsandrows-of-roses · 2 years ago
Isabela giggled a little at the comical expression on Drakken's face, feeling better about telling him. At least he didn't seem upset! She lifted her hand and wiggled it as she felt his eyes drift down to her ring finger.
She dropped it back down, taking a bite of her own lunch as she waited for him to--say something. A congratulations, maybe.
That wasn't what she got, though.
You happy with it?
No one had really asked her that. They'd said: oh, you must be so happy! Oh, how amazing! You must be thrilled. Are you excited?
But, everyone had mostly just assumed her happiness of a factor of her acceptance of the proposal. Which was exactly what she wanted. For a moment, she didn't meet his gaze, wondering if he saw some crack that she wasn't aware of. She reached up to smooth some of her hair back, in that way she did when she was worried that something wasn't perfect.
"Yes, of course," she told him when she finally looked up and smiled brightly at him. "I am very happy."
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Violets are Blue --@ [Drabela]
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humunanunga · 3 years ago
Spamton's genders: Swatch, Mettaton, God of Hyperdeath, Jigsaw, creature, Ryuk, Jack Spicer, freak, ENA, The Joker, Dr. Drakken, cryptid, The Final Pam, Dr. Horrible, Lil Cal, Markiplier, Hot Topic, Jerma, Stitch, Spinel,
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