#lil Lucifer
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lemlems · 10 days ago
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Uploading my weird art, too vague, but it might be enough yeah-
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and0n1 · 29 days ago
Dude, from the very few of us on the Casino Cups/ Lil lucifer au fandom, half of them were Americans (I think). And now they've killed them on TIKTOK.
Just- WHY
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j1407b-space · 2 months ago
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Поздравьте меня, у меня получилось! Первая законченная работа за последние 5 месяцев.
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jengas-au-art · 1 year ago
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“Not your toy soldier”
My take on fallen Mike. Who is my son.
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ask-casino-cups-swap-au · 1 month ago
About the past of the islands /sobre el pasado de las islas
Advertencia: Estos no son mis ideales, solo es para profundizar en la historia y los problemas de aquellas épocas y acercarme lo más que puedo al mundo real. :")
Warning: These are not my ideals; this is only to deepen the story and the issues of those times and get as close as possible to the real world. :")
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In this universe, objects, animals, and anthropomorphic beasts are widely despised across most of the world. This is because, since the beginning of time, when these races first began to appear, they were deemed products of evil. To humans, it was unnatural to see objects come to life, so they were associated with dark magic and demons.
Even in places with different religions, these beings were shunned. Over time, most belief systems established rituals or methods to "redeem" their supposed dark nature, seeking divine forgiveness. One practice that endured was the use of gloves. In ancient times, anthropomorphic objects could be born with deformities, such as having more or fewer fingers than usual. To conceal these anomalies and show respect to God, they began covering their hands, extending the custom to any other strange feature.
This form of racism or speciesism persisted in nearly every country—except for the Inkwell Islands. Long ago, these lands were not called that; in fact, they were abandoned islands, unknown to the rest of the world. The original inhabitants were divided into very distinct tribes, but due to the hardships brought by droughts, they chose to unite and explore their surroundings. Over time, this led to an alliance between all species, fostering acceptance and a greater openness to learning about each other's origins and customs.
When the ancient Lucifer discovered these islands, he was intrigued by how well their inhabitants coexisted, in stark contrast to the rest of the world. Perhaps this drew him to help the tribes prosper. He taught them the importance of independence as beings, free from the need to depend on gods. Even so, he never interfered with their rituals to honor certain aspects of nature, as he understood that these practices made them grateful for what was essential.
Lucifer learned much from them, and they, in turn, learned from him—whether in various arts, magic, or philosophy. As this society flourished, the once-separate tribes united under a single name for the collection of islands: "Aeterna." To better organize their growing civilization, they divided themselves into aquerales, administrative sections that helped maintain order and progress. The people of Aeterna came to be known as Aeternians.
However, when Lucifer was mortally wounded and imprisoned in a crystal as punishment for teaching magic to mortals, the islands suffered great devastation due to the angels' attack. To protect themselves, the Aeternians cast a powerful spell that hid the islands from God's sight and relocated them elsewhere.
Over time, the islands were rediscovered by foreign explorers, who were amazed by their rich flora and fauna. Eager to exploit these resources, they attempted to seize the fertile lands, as much of the islands remained barren and lifeless. However, after witnessing the Aeternians’ magic, they grew fearful and sought alternative ways to benefit from the land without direct conflict.
A deal was made: the Aeternians would provide natural resources in exchange for the foreigners helping to restore the islands, building larger and more livable settlements for everyone. However, as time passed, this agreement became distorted. Eventually, the self-proclaimed kings pushed the Aeternians into the protected regions while they took control of the rest of the land.
All of this happened under the rule of the reigning kings, a system of power that lasted for generations due to the islands' geographical isolation from the rest of the world.
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En este universo, los objetos, animales y bestias antropomórficas son mal vistas en casi todos los lugares del mundo. Principalmente porque, desde el inicio de los tiempos, cuando estas razas comenzaron a aparecer, fueron tachadas como productos del mal. No era natural para los humanos ver cómo los objetos cobraban vida, y se consideró como resultado de la magia oscura de los demonios.
Incluso en lugares con diferentes religiones, estos seres eran rechazados. Con el tiempo, en la mayoría de las religiones se comenzaron a exigir rituales o formas de “purificación” para “recompensar” su naturaleza oscura, bajo la idea de buscar el perdón divino. Una de las prácticas que perduró fue el uso de guantes, ya que, en el caso de los objetos, podían presentar deformidades, como nacer con menos o más dedos. Por ello, cubrían sus manos con guantes para ocultar estas anomalías como un gesto de respeto hacia Dios. También se cubrían cualquier parte bestial o anómala de su cuerpo.
Este tipo de racismo o especismo prevaleció en casi todos los países, excepto en las islas Inkwell. Estas, en un principio, no se llamaban así. Eran unas islas abandonadas y desconocidas para el resto del mundo. Sus habitantes originales estaban divididos en tribus muy diferentes entre sí, pero la precariedad causada por las sequías los llevó a unirse para explorar las islas vecinas. Esto dio lugar a una alianza entre todas las especies, fomentando una mayor aceptación y apertura para entender sus orígenes y costumbres.
Cuando el antiguo Lucifer encontró estas islas, se sintió intrigado al ver cómo todos los habitantes convivían en armonía, a diferencia del resto del mundo. Tal vez por esto decidió ayudar a las tribus a prosperar. Les enseñó la importancia de su independencia como seres, de no depender de dioses. Aun así, nunca intervino en los rituales que tenían para honrar ciertos aspectos de la naturaleza, ya que estos los hacían agradecidos por lo indispensable.
Lucifer aprendió mucho de ellos, y ellos de él. Compartieron conocimientos en diversas artes, magia y filosofía. A medida que esta sociedad prosperaba, las tribus se unieron en una sola comunidad, que nombraron “Aeterna”, en honor al conjunto de islas. Para organizarse, se clasificaron en aquerales, un sistema que les permitía mantener el control de su sociedad.
Sin embargo, cuando Lucifer fue herido de muerte y encerrado en un cristal como castigo por enseñar magia a los mortales, las islas quedaron gravemente dañadas tras el ataque de los ángeles. No obstante, las islas fueron ocultadas gracias a un poderoso hechizo que las mantuvo fuera de la vista de Dios, reubicándolas en otro lugar.
Después de mucho tiempo, las islas fueron redescubiertas por exploradores extranjeros que quedaron maravillados por la fauna y flora del lugar. Estos intentaron explotar sus recursos naturales, pero solo las áreas habitadas por los Aeternitas eran fértiles, mientras que el resto de las islas estaban desoladas e infértiles. Los extranjeros intentaron tomar las tierras fértiles por la fuerza, pero se atemorizaron al descubrir la magia que poseían los Aeternitas. Así que buscaron otras alternativas: un acuerdo de paz. Según este trato, los Aeternitas proporcionarían recursos naturales, y a cambio, los extranjeros repararían las tierras infértiles, construyendo residencias más grandes y habitables para todos.
Sin embargo, con el tiempo, este acuerdo se distorsionó. Los autoproclamados reyes excluyeron a los Aeternitas de las mejores tierras, confinándolos únicamente a las áreas que protegían.
Todo esto ocurrió bajo el régimen de los reyes de aquel momento, un sistema que perduró por generaciones debido a lo aisladas que estaban las islas del resto del mundo.
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ah-xue · 1 year ago
They were really good, so I painted them in human form.@lilluciferau
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goatsyqueer · 5 months ago
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Lucifer fanart I did awhile ago ^_^
Belongs to @lilluciferau
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asklodzhappyhouse · 1 year ago
I told them they would play together.
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tomasitaoficial · 1 year ago
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They are my favorite couple 🤎💙
(It took me 10 hours to draw this, help)
And despite the fear, I still published it..
And I want to clarify something because I live in constant fear of uploading something from those two...
Despite being my ocs and loving them, I'm afraid people will see Katherine as Michael's daughter when Katherine is just the apprentice
And if they see Katherine as Michael's daughter, Knowing that Zamir is the son of the devil, And the devil and Michael are brothers... They will start to think that Katherine and Zamir have a cousin's love when that is not the case.
So I need to clear that up now before there is any other problem.
AND ANOTHER THING I NEED TO CLARIFY, ZAMIR IS 20 YEARS OLD AND KATHERINE IS ABOUT 10K YEARS OLD! They are both older even though they don't look like it (especially Zamir)
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glassyperson · 1 year ago
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I finally drew a full picture of the cast!
Though this doesn't help ya find out about how any of them act towards one another 😃
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whosectype · 2 years ago
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Some doodles I did of @lilluciferau while watching a cult documentary
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lemlems · 4 days ago
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When you're born with style, you presume it, and Baraquiel is no exception 🪷 #
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and0n1 · 4 months ago
Look at this shiny boy!
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Look at him go!
Character from: @lilluciferau
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j1407b-space · 10 days ago
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jengas-au-art · 2 years ago
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The icon I made for my fic blog for the HTTYD au (finally)
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ask-casino-cups-swap-au · 1 year ago
So hum luci you don’t have any memories of heaven or your brother , like michael, gabriel and raphael ( if they exist in thd au ) btw I really love the concept on your art
Entonces, hum, Luci, ¿no tienes ningún recuerdo del cielo o de tus hermanos, como Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael (si existen en AU)? Por cierto, realmente me encanta el concepto en tu arte.
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(Sí, ellos sí existen :D y probablemente estén buscando a Luci )
(Yes, they do exist :D and they're probably looking for Luci.)
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