#like. its so cringe but its fucking funny.
cocogum · 2 days
The Great Wave - Chapters 9 + 10 Review
Warning(s): watch me bully an old man, aurora slander, osamodas king slander, fat shaming, excessive use of foul language, racism, misogyny, did I mention I loath Aurora?, they’re both bad antagonists your honor, cyberbullying, PURE LOATHING.
I’d like to add a side note here:
I initially planned on reviewing chapters 9 and 10 separately but when I saw that confrontation between Aurora and Amalia, I decided to fuse the two instead. I did NOT want to talk about these specific chapters in their distinct posts because it would’ve sucked to see the conflict between Aurora and Amalia getting cut off in the middle of it.
We’re back.
Let the pummelling begin.
Aurora immediately starts making a fart face as she begins diving down to “attack” Amalia.
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Are we impressed? No.
Should we be scared? No.
Should we expect any twist in the fight? No.
As soon as Aurora stupidly declared she wanted to fight, we all knew she was gonna get beat up to shit. Tot and Cathiane were trying very hard not to cringe while showing this. You can trust me, I was there in the room with them when they were thinking about this scene.
This is just very painful but my god was it funny as fuck.
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This blue bitch with the witch face really thought she could take on a Mother Nature wielder with her chicken fingers please someone get this moron a brain.
Also what reason could Aurora possibly have to have wanted to beat Amalia to a pulp all these years? She claims she’s dreamed of doing this for so long but based on what reason? The fact that Amalia rejected all of Aurora’s weakass brothers and cousin for marriage? The fact that she would respectfully and calmly try to talk to Aurora even though she never liked her??? Bitch, what was the reason that would have made her so mad you wanted to beat her up????
Even Bonta will hear her scream in pain??? Girl, what the fuck are you babbling about? She clinically does not have a brain, where the fuck did it go? Aurora, YOU KNOW Amalia goes out and travels, right??? You know that her squad is filled with divinities, right??? What part of you thought it was a good idea to say that out loud AND think you had THE ADVANTAGE?????
This bitch wouldn’t survive a day outside of her kingdom, this is so fucking embarrassing. I loath her guts but imagine how embarrassed I’m feeling for her. She’s mentally slow. She doesn’t realize anything that’s coming out of her mouth and doesn’t use whatever’s up in that head of hers to properly think of any situation she’s in. She can’t think for herself, she can’t talk for herself if she wants to claim something, she can’t figure out the level of danger that she’s in, she can’t fight, she can’t lead, she can’t speak politely to servants, she can’t even be honest in a normal situation. I bet she can’t even make a sandwich for me, this hoe is even useless in the kitchen, on god.
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And finally. FINALLY.
You have no idea how much I fucking wanted Amalia to beat the living crap out of her and tell her how fucking weak she truly is compared to her. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since we saw her stupid ass “family” make its entrance in Chapter 1.
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Amalia is speaking our thoughts so coherently. Not once did we think Aurora was a menace, let alone even an antagonist. This bitch is just so braindead and one-dimensional that even calling her “self-aware” or “sentient” is odd to say.
With all the shit she’s been doing, Aurora is not even an annoyance, she’s a migraine.
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This shot of her just getting the shit get beaten out of her made me so happy, you have no idea.
Like Tot must’ve been WAITING to see this hoe get wrecked too.
@geekgirles once explained how the osamodas’ strength might just be very weak compared to other races and how that weakness reflected itself based on where it was positioned in Oropo's tower. Coqueline can also be considered as a preview of what Aurora and her dad's strength would've looked like in the great wave because even Coqueline STRUGGLED to throw good attacks while fighting Oropo. She was canonically confirmed to be the oldest of the Siblings (even older than Echo) and yet the only thing she could have come up with while fighting Oropo was to use her teeth to try to tear Oropo's new form?? She literally went on all fours and tried to attack him with basic primitive skills. Literally what the heck.
So yeah, Aurora is unsurprisingly getting beat up and thrown around like a rag-doll by Amalia.
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Amalia, honey.
Aurora’s not naive, she’s just really slow.
And yet that’s not even what we can describe it either.
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Your pride is still here dumbass cuz you don’t look fine at all.
You got thrown so hard you couldn’t even fly, bitch.
Hoe thinks she was fine after the beating AND the throwing and then lies again about it.
Fucking pathetic.
I bet if she got a sword stabbed in her womb, she’d be like “i’M FiNe FaThER, bUt I cAN’t SaY tHe SaMe fOr mY pRiDe.” SHUT YOUR DUMBASS UP-
When Amalia comes up to them, this is where the osamodas king pulls out another weak manipulation tactic by saying this:
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Motherfucker, you attempted to kick her out of her kingdom, her home, what the fuck are you talking about? Bitch is clarifying that Aurora’s child is Amalia’s nephew now??? He is so fucking weak, he’d pretend like he never tried kicking her out like a complete stranger just to save his own skin.
This dick dared to throw the “he’s your family” card on her as if he didn’t just encourage Aurora to tell Amalia she doesn’t belong in her fucking kingdom a few hours ago.
Dude thought he ate, this is so embarrassing.
Look at him trying to scramble his way out of this.
Now that he realizes how weak and pathetic he is against A PRINCESS WHO BECAME QUEEN JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO, he’s trying to do anything in his power to do what he does best to get out of this alive: lie and manipulate.
Only this predictably fails since Amalia had enough of his and his trophy daughter’s bullshit of constantly being forced to have them around.
And Amalia is absolutely pissed off that they can just say whatever they want so SHE ENUMERATES THE THINGS THAT THEY DID JUST SO SHE CAN BE SURE IT FINALLY DRILLED IN THEIR HEADS.
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Even though what she said wasn’t exactly everything they did, she still has a right to point out the main thing they are known for since the necrome war.
But nah, they’re too stupid to actually get it and don’t even bear a second to the idea that their actions could have cost AN ENTIRE FUCKING RACE TO ERASE FROM THE WORLD. Imagine not having a full grasp of the idea that you could have been responsible for an entire race disappearing but also be the reason why the world had suddenly lost about 15% of its population in under a second.
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No jackass you’re not leaving.
You’re dying here.
Also what the fuck? He got backed to a corner by a queen newbie and he still has the balls to say that he’ll come back???
Is he trying to see his daughter get her ass kicked again???? Or is he trying to see how long he could last the next time they meet????
How the fuck is he king??? What the hell is that strategy he came up with???? You call that a STRATEGY?????
Now I understand why we never saw him in any of the past seasons before. I understand why his fucking advisor has to be king for him.
Cuz he sucks at his own fucking job.
That guy hired his counsellor to represent him which is why every time the royal council of the world had to reunite, it was always the old white-bearded dude who spoke and was actually present.
This fucking gorilla was so absent from his own duties. So much so, that for an extremely long time, since 2012, we all thought the white-bearded guy representing the osamodas race from Season 2 was actually the real osamodas king. It wouldn’t surprise me if his own people thought his counsellor was their king because not only did WE think that way, but it was also because we learned in Season 4 that this fucking gorilla stayed in caves for long undetermined amounts of time and would hang around with THESE UGLY CRUSTY BATS WE’VE SEEN IN THESE TEN CHAPTERS while he’d be there doing god knows what with them.
This man, actually no that’s not a man. I’d be insulting them if I was insinuating he was one of them.
This fat ugly gorilla not only thinks he can just come back from a fight he already lost without any shame or awareness, but he thought he could handle TWO KINGDOMS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN HE WASN’T EVEN PERSONALLY TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN TO BEGIN WITH.
We don’t even know why he’s been in the caves on his own for so long but it sure as hell couldn’t have been more important than taking care of A FUCKING NATION, YOU FUCKING IDIOTIC CUNT-
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I was so ecstatic when I saw that panel cuz not only did that mean I was going to see more prolonged pummelling, but it also means I get to see Aurora act like a total dumbfuck more.
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By the way, I love how @articwolfclawartist noticed the parallels with the choking here.
Amalia then commits animal abuse and that’s how these two ended up on the ground looking like disheveled and panting losers.
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Must be embarrassing for the osamodas king above all. This fat gorilla is much older, more experienced than Aurora, and has been a king for a long time even before Amalia and Aurora were even born.
And who did he lose to?
To a young Sadida princess who became queen just a few months ago.
The fight hadn’t even lasted 30 minutes and he already lost by forfeiting the battle when he realized he and his trophy daughter had been cornered by sadida bomb dolls.
I repeat.
This “man”, who was king for decades, lost a deadly battle against a princess who became queen a few months ago.
He is such a fucking clown and so are all his offsprings cuz my god he has so many.
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….she’s incredibly slow what the fuck.
I bet my whole bank account that the entire iop race can skillfully determine when their opponent wants to kill them better than Aurora.
Aurora: “ShE…sHe’S rEAlLy tRYinG To KiLl uS…”
Aurora a second ago: “I’d rather die than run away from that little brat…”
@pinkysgallery summarized it perfectly here.
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And just like animals being hunted in the wild, Amalia corners them with freaking bomb dolls and makes these two look terrified as shit. Good. Their fears make me ecstatically happy.
But AURORA has the fucking nerve to speak again and make her look even more braindead than she already was.
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I have so many things to say about this moment:
1) What is bitch talking about? This is the shit she can come up with? “ShOrt TeMpErEd”??? You guys didn’t even talk during the fight so how was she short-tempered if she didn’t speak about anything that would have made her look short-tempered???
2) Aurora is a fucking hypocrite but she’s such a hypocrite that she can’t connect the dots and realize how slow she looks when she quickly snapped just for seeing a female sadida servant being scared of her crusty bat, a male Sadida and a female eliatrope getting married, and knowing that she couldn’t fight Amalia so she still went on and tried doing that and expectedly failed miserably.
3) Contradicted to what??????? What is the chicken yapping about????
I believe she took her worthless manipulation “skill” from her dad. If you pay attention to her ugly chicken claws in the panel above, it’s shaking meaning that she’s genuinely scared of Amalia when she FINALLY learned that the boss-ass queen was trying to kill her.
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See, here’s the thing I don’t get.
Sure, the osamodas king did not poison Yugo because we see who it was later on after the osamodas king’s interaction with Amalia ends.
But, here he is again telling Amalia she has no place IN HER FUCKING HOME ANYMORE.
According to who??? Who said she doesn’t belong here??? You??? The fucking outsider??? The king to ANOTHER FUCKING KINGDOM???
Oh yeah, right. You don’t rule your own kingdom that’s true. Your fucking counsellor does your job for you so that you can chill with some ugly crusty bats in caves and probably fuck them too while you’re at it.
He just said that she shouldn’t have hurt her nephew but bitch, if she’s his nephew, that then technically means she has to stay in her kingdom to teach him the Sadida way cuz he’s technically gonna be the future Sadida king. Literally what the fuck????
Ever since these two loser clowns came, they told her she had to leave but why????? When Armand got married to Aurora, Amalia stayed and there were no objections. So why is it a problem now??? If anything, now is the best time for her to stay cuz she’s the only one in the royal Sadida family who’s left and can teach her nephew the Sadida culture.
These people treat kingdoms so badly and have poor organisation to the point that the osamodas king had to be replaced by his fucking counsellor.
Fucking kill me already.
I don’t believe Amalia will receive any severe consequences. If she was ever interrogated and she told them the story from her perspective, these two bozos would look extremely suspicious. Cuz from Amalia’s pov, this is what she could say: “I was having a normal day, these two show up and demand the thrown and tell me to leave and on the very same day, my husband gets poisoned so I attack them and fight them. The fight hasn’t lasted 30 minutes and they easily leave.”
Also from who is she going to get any kind of consequence??
The other rulers??? They wouldn’t dare do anything when Yugo’s acting so unhinged right now.
From Gorilla and Chicken’s “family”??? They are so many, I’m pretty sure one of them wouldn’t mind taking the osamodas throne if it means taking the side of Amalia.
Sure, Amalia will learn that Gorilla and Chicken weren’t actually responsible for Yugo’s poisoning but do you really think she’d still give them her position after knowing they weren’t guilty? Hell no.
This fight meant more than just punishing them for thinking they had committed a crime. This fight also meant the beginning of her separation from the osamodas. For too long she had been forced to get used to them around her when Armand was alive but now she’s queen and gets to finally decide to cut them off for good.
In a way, this is also ironic. Gorilla and Chicken were expecting to cut off Amalia from her kingdom and yet here she is cutting them off from what they thought would be theirs if they just yapped and acted like fake responsible royals.
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I’m so happy she finally fucking beat the shit out of them so that they can FINALLY learn that they have no place here.
Man, they’re such racists too cuz they realized the eliatropes stayed here, can you believe that? The audacity.
I’m just pissed that she didn’t kill them off though. They might come back for whatever fucking reason which infuriates me to no end cuz like…how the fuck do you come back after getting your ass beat the fuck out by one person when you had someone with you???
I swear if they come back wearing a smirk, I’m eating raw chicken and gorilla brain on the same day.
Fuck these people and fuck anyone who thinks they’re good antagonists. These shitheads gave me a daily migraine during the first volume and I’m so fucking glad they’re not acting like they’re the shit right now.
Look at them running away with their tails between their legs.
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If they think they’re royals and can take care of a kingdom, then why the fuck do they run away constantly???
Can you imagine having them as your king and princess? I’d rather die cuz I might as well vanish from the face of the earth if I was a sadida while being aware that these two animals would rule my kingdom.
I bet that the simple inconvenience that could impact the sadida kingdom would make them run away. If that happens, I wanna know what’s Aurora’s excuse this time.
The two people who shouldn’t have interacted so much in the necrome war were Eva and Armand. Eva was able to fight while handling two hyperactive children, and Armand was a fucking king and yet he was fighting on the first line of the battlefield.
Plenty of people, myself included, focused on Aurora leaving during the necrome war but now that I keep thinking about it more, the osamodas king was a bigger deal because he DID NOT have a reason to tell Aurora to run before running first.
If anything, because of the gorilla hanging around in caves and Aurora doing god knows what when Armand used to do his royal job, these two goobers are just royal cosplayers.
Literally. They’re just royal cosplayers.
Gorilla doesn’t do anything besides hanging in caves and Chicken just stands around.
I want you to know how big of a deal this is.
This is serious to think about cuz why the fuck WOULD ANYONE ENTRUST ANYTHING TO THESE CUNTS?????
Anyway, now that we’re done with whatever kind of circus that was, we go back to Yugo and Adamaï trying to balance the poison.
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Yugo stop stressing me out with your words.
I know you’re not thinking straight right now and you’re having trouble thinking optimistically in a time like this, but YOU’RE THE SAME PERSON WHO KEEPS SAYING THAT THERE’S ALWAYS A SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING.
You’re gonna be fine AND you’ll find a way to get rid of the poison. You’ve got six Dofus, which can turn any demigod, and mortal, into a god! I’m pretty sure a deadly poison has got nothing on you if you’ve got these artifacts with you.
You’ll be fine (I’m definitely not trying to calm myself down rn)
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Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
The mysterious dragon and the female sadida servant were accomplices all along.
Not gonna lie, I seriously thought the Gorilla and Chicken hired this sadida servant for sharing the same hatred towards Yugo and Amalia, but now that I learned I was wrong, I have to keep reminding myself that the blue-skinned “royals” should not be taken seriously but should be treated like NPCs instead.
What flabbergasted me at this moment, however, was the reveal.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the female sadida servant wasn’t real. Instead, it was just a disguise. The actual culprit was…
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Freaking Julith.
She had been ordered by the dragon to poison these two which ended up making Yugo drink it alone instead. @onyichii once theorized, back when chapters 7-8 came out, that the female sadida servant in question could have been Julith and they ended up ACTUALLY BEING RIGHT.
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Hi daddy 🥰💕 help me instead 🥰🥰
It was Grougalorasalar guys….
I really thought the mysterious dragon in the dream was Draconiros…
Ever since Chapter 1 came out, I went on a legitimate rant/theory explaining why it would make a thousand times more sense that it was Draconiros and not Grougalorasalar.
Last time I checked, both dragons were the best choice for this theory but I was still shocked that it was the black dragon all this time. I was mainly surprised because Grougalorasalar had been part of Ogrest’s chaos when he was fighting Yugo and Dally back in the ovas which would be weird if he was the same dragon who traumatized Yugo in his sleep for unintentionally causing chaos around the world.
Not to mention that he’s smirking here almost like he’s enjoying the sight of Yugo suffering like this. Now yes, he technically hates Yugo so it would make sense to see that he’s enjoying his pain but then why did he tell Julith that they’ll put a traumatized Yugo and a confused Adamaï out of their misery if he’s now saying this? :
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“We’ll talk about it later” ???
What do you mean by that?
When the poison didn’t fully do its job due to the six Dofus in his body, didn’t you just come out in the open to kill Yugo once and for all? Why then tell him that “we’ll talk about it later”?
This makes me wonder if there’s more to this poisoning than we’ve been let on.
Because there’s a possibility that since Grougalorasalar noticed the poison hasn’t entirely worked, maybe he’ll try something else or severe the effects of the poison by moving Yugo and Adamaï away from the Sadida kingdom right now.
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mom come pick me up
Grougalorasalar is weird. Not in a bad way but not in a good way either.
He’s just weirdly weird? Does that make any sense?
At first, when I read chapter 10 for the first time, I thought Grougalorasalar being the one responsible for the poison wouldn’t have made sense until @kerubimcrepin explained how black dragons tend to be more inclined to cause chaos.
So I guess it would make sense why he’d be perfectly fine prolonging Yugo’s suffering if it meant it could slowly kill him? But then again, we have no idea if the belladone is even deadly enough to kill Yugo because he’s still breathing. The belladone poison should’ve killed him instantly so maybe the poison is only effective enough to severely injure Yugo but nothing more than that.
Man, I hate that it ended on a huge cliffhanger like that cuz how is Yugo supposed to get out of this one and how will they all react when they find out it was Grougalorasalar and Julith who tried poisoning them?
Do people know that Julith was supposed to be dead? Amalia knows her world of twelve history pretty well given her royal education so maybe she learned of Julith’s death in one of her classes teaching her about the Dofus era when she was younger.
Either way, it doesn’t matter.
Yugo, Adamaï, and Amalia will all be shocked as all hell in the 2nd volume.
My god, I already need it so badly I can’t wait anymore…
I’m scared and I don’t wanna throw up when I see what’s next for them…
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
lets be little haters for a moment tell me ur biggest fic icks
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i LOVE being a hater. okay number fucking 1 is referring to characters by hair colours X1000000 if they put the colour and then ette on the end of it
uwuification of any character (i can Deal with bad characterisation bc i simply pretend im reading abt different people but uwuifying someone is just. i cant do it)
marriage/weddings/proposals anything like that im sorry ik some of u guys like that kind of fluff but to my core i am a hater.
abusive ex bf plots🙏🙏 im sure this is cathartic to some people who relate and some people who write it prolly take from experience BUT sometimes it is just used as plot device and it feels. weird. hard to do well i think.
LUCAS BEING A HOMOPHOBE. HES LITERALLY BI HE TOLD ME. this ones actually such a dealbreaker i can be like 10k into a fic with like 1k left and if lucas is a homophobe i will EXIT.
any uttering of 'sis' or 'bro' will result in my permanent death. i feel like any siblings haver understands this one its just too cringe like no one calls their siblings that. pls.
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highoncatfood · 9 months
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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Decimation: Myth, Discipline, and Death in the Roman Republic, Michael J. Taylor / Spartacus: War of the Damned, Decimation
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kinos-fortress-2 · 7 months
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idk comfort characters moment ig
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digital999placebo · 2 years
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<3 canon tattoo, they just photoshop away it in the anime/manga
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goldevolution · 1 year
i love exit pursued by a bruised ego bc the way its set up makes you go "oh are they trying to establish hosea as the other hunter of the group" and instead he just goes and gets attacked by a bear like a loser. and its even funnier when you unlock bison hunting with charles a few missions later. this cringefail old man sucks at hunting and almost got his ass mauled by a bear bc hes convinced he knows what hes doing. go hunting with charles he knows what hes doing for real
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hijackalx · 7 months
the funniest shit ever to me is how after u complete astarion’s quest u have the option to say something like “you dont need ascension because 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚” and astarion tries really hard to be nice about it but u can tell on the inside hes like
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steakout-05 · 1 month
hot take: Skibidi Toilet (as in the og series and not the stupid exploitative content farm shit) isn't even as bad as people say it is. like yeah it's definitely silly and nonsensical, and maybe super young kids shouldn't exactly be watching it, but can you really say that the insanity of Skibidi Toilet isn't at all similar to the types of Gmod videos we used to watch when we were kids and teenagers? are we seriously trying to act like our own nonsensical Source Engine shitposting from way back in 2007 is somehow better than the more modern shitposting of Skibidi Toilet? or are we just deeming anything liked by kids as "cringe" now. cause that's what it seems like.
also the whole "Skibidi Toilet Syndrome" thing is really stupid and is literally just describing kids reenacting stuff they like on the internet which is a completely normal thing for kids to do. i used to reenact Viva Reverie's old MLP toy horse nonsense videos back when their channel was still called "IMATOONLINK" because they were funny as hell. kids acting out their favourite medias isn't new and it isn't suddenly a bad thing or a "syndrome" when it's something that's generally considered to be "cringe" on the internet. you guys are just mean.
#skibidi toilet#cringe culture unfortunately never went away. it just has a different coat of paint now.#people trying to pathologise their kids reenacting and doing their little skibidi cosplays as a ''syndrome'' will never not be funny to me#better go ahead and classify every slightly weird thing kids do as a syndrome because that is literally just normal kid behaviour#kids always incorporate a bit of their own experiences and the stuff they like into play. i did it all the time when i was a kid.#if i were a kid today would me reenacting mlp scenes word for word with my toys be considered a ''syndrome''? yeah i don't think so#so why is it suddenly a syndrome when kids reenact those silly gmod videos they watch online through play? hm?#is it actually an illness or do you just find it ''cringe''?#i think the double standards of the internet when it comes to what kids like are so fucking stupid#stop trying to act like your bizarre tf2 gmod videos are somehow better than the og skibidi series because i promise you they are not.#you're likely just clouded by nostalgia and being gatekeepy for no reason. let kids enjoy stuff and stop bashing it just because-#-''ohhh its so cringggeee'' when you used to watch the exact same type of shit when you were a kid.#i personally will always prefer ''Heavy's Odd Fastfood Experience'' to skibidi toilet but i don't bash the latter because it-#-doesn't bother me in any way and i don't care if kids like it. it's not evil or bad. it's just different.#anyway rant over gmod videos go hard and cringe will be dead someday#i will keep killing cringe until it's nothing but a tiny lil red stain on the floor
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marcsnuffy · 21 days
do you think he rehearsed this before the match
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 5 months
a glimpse for the mobile users who have no idea what theyre missing out on
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randomgooberness · 1 year
grrrgrrrgrrr i want to be more cringe but im so so scared of being more crgine i feel like this v 
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cheswirls · 2 months
looking @ old fic i started when i was 14/15 is so funny bc im realizing once again why i never mark fics as abandoned even if its been literal years since i've touched them. specifically i was checking docs for stuff i started and either did or didn't post to ffn.
and its like. nothing is bad??? like i can see where my outside-the-box ideal of fic writing comes from. not just fics but writing in general, i'm p sure. even if it's a total cliche plot setup, there are details on each that rly make it stand out like oh yeahhhhhh i did have this great idea once upon a time.
funny too bc was it executed well in prose??? no absolutely not i wrote like shit when i was 15. would i revive an idea one day and revise it to be less cliche or cringy while still keeping the stand-out elements??? yea maybe. i might. everything i'm currently working on that i started from 2021 up to now still holds my supreme interest, but like i'm not gonna say never.
esp since i write fic first and foremost for my own need and specifically what i like to read, it makes it impossible to consider an idea i've thought extensively about "not worth writing anymore". anyway not making this too long i jus found everything interesting to consider
#writing#this fic i pulled up from JUNE 2014 crazy was the old chosenshi au i was trying to write for a friend#i dont ship blue/silver and never will and thats prolly why i never finished it#but i do still like!! the idea of rocket!blue raised w silver and breaking free of tr while running the hoenn branch#no idea how i remembered bc it wasnt in the plot pts on the doc but she was gonna get sent to the battle frontier#to nab jirachi and have encounters w frontier brains and change her mind at the end of it all#hell i could go back and not make it ship fic at all - have silver be a little one-sided obsessed or#even jus like.. attached to blue as a rivalry like as a way to show her up at every turn#another fic around the same time was the old pokespe hs au where i changed all the dexholder's names for some reason#i have no idea where i was in reading spe bc i put lyra in for some reason and had the sinnoh trio even tho i never read past v2 of dp#idk if it was more gameverse or what but its so funny looking @ the ship list n seeing i had gold paired w black#bc i had manga!ss and manga!ferriswheel so was it rly speverse or was i projecting????#actually i think black was supposed to die and gold was gonna go thru this whole thing abt grieving#looking at the ship list so funny bc i never shipped gold/crys or entourageshi#and clearly i did not know the superiority of pmshi if i threw lyra in jus for silver#god but i do love (most!) of the alt names i gave them#would absolutely fuck up the ship list if i ever redid it tho#also have perfectworld tho im sure i have the most recent rewrite on pen and paper somewhere#that one i also gave up bc the idea i had for flare!sycamore was cringe along with#every time i went back to work on it enough time passed that i thought my writing sucked#i rewrote that damn thing so many times but oooooooo i still love the idea#as long as i changed the cringe parts to smth better i could still rock w most of these#that fic rly had everything... psychic!korrina. leaf/serena. sycamore hacking the secret to mega evo. lys/syc that ends in failure#bc of the ending line i will never forget > only in a perfect world could you and i be together. destined and doomed from the start#im rambling n im boutta run outta tags gimme a sec
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box-dwelling · 10 months
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Sometimes a joke is for you and you alone
Id under the cut
A sprite trace of ace attorney characters dressed in outfits of characters from the 23rd season of classic Doctor who. On a background of the 6th doctors tardis interior
From left to right is
Maya Fey as Peri brown
Phoenix Wright as the 6th doctor
Athena Cykes as Mel Bush
Miles Edgeworth as the valeyard
Kristoph Gavin as the Master
#ace attorney#miles edgeworth#phoenix wright#athena cykes#Kristoph gavin#maya fey#what matters is that i think im funny#things to note. er trying to get outfit refs from grainy still images of low buget 80 television shows in very difficult#especially when they're in all black.#i think the valeyard actually wears panta but its unclear and that seems stupid so he has proper robes here#i got half the masters outfit ref from a fucking action figure because the in show images were rough#kristoph gets to be the master over miles because the valeyard needs to be a procecutor and master x doctor is way more toxic than nmts#and i am saying that about like my two otps#krisnix has like a more similar mortal enemies but gay about it dynamic but i think theyre way more toxic#which is funny because Kristoph has done comparatively way less murder#mel was going to be ema or trucy but thinking about it athena fits her way to well. red headed fitness buff that the fans hate#also tracing Phoenix outfit to make it the 6's easy as hell. loved that. putting the pattening on? actual hell#it may be messy at points but im not cleaning it up for something with a venn diagram of interest with only me in the centre#i always get scared to tag stuff as classic who because like theres so much history and i feel like a fake fan.#posting cringe in the AA tags is so unscary to me now. its just my little encosure#6th doctor#classic who#fan art#colin baker#oh in case the joke goes over anyones heads the outfits are from the dw season thats a courtroom drama. its not well liked#also lets not think about the metaphysical consequences of miles being the valeyard. hes just the main prosecutor#and also i wanted to dress my blorbo in the stupidest outfit#this was fun thoigh. maybe ill do this for other dw characters and aa ones just without any pretense or context#just for fun
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i've really dithered around the puppet rabbit hole for my entire life, sometimes sitting by it and dangling my legs over the felted abyss, but by worm am i jumping headfirst into it now with perfect diving form
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xo8ball · 8 months
out of context queer platonic partners funnies
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id: a two panel comic, both are doodles in black lineart, white background and pink details as blush. the first panel is a bunny person waving their arms excitedly, screaming in spanish "Hi little baby!". on the foreground, the profile of a hedgehog person appears on the left side of the vignette, smiling and blushing too, asking in spanish "How is my puppy?" as a greeting along the cat smile keyboard emoji. the second panel is the bunny person astounded, shocked, grabbing their chest and blushing furiously while opening their eyes widely, also a dog collar appeared on their neck.
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