#like. are my nails healthy or is my blood oxygen level really low
birdietrait · 7 months
woke up and my ocd immediately started attacking me. good morning
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angrygoatgirl · 7 years
have you heard about that eating disorder diabetics get when they purposefully don't get insulin so they can lose weight? I'm trying so hard not to start it, but it's like an urge inside me. I'm not "fat" but I would say I'm a little chubby. I really want to lose about 15 pounds before college, but every time I start to exercise and eat right I gain weight since my blood sugar is low all the time no matter how many adjustments I make. Do you have any words to offer me?
This is a topic I have often thought of writing about, but never had the courage to post. Anonymous, I’m doing this for you, please listen:I know exactly what you are talking about and exactly how you feel, because I’ve done it, it almost killed me, and even though I nearly died from it, I’m sometimes still tempted. It’s called diabulimia (if you don’t already know) and while not yet officially recognized as an eating disorder, it is finally gaining the attention of the medical community and even the media; the BBC did a brief documentary on it recently, which I haven’t yet seen. Diabulimia falls under the bulimia umbrella because restriction of insulin is used as a form of purging; one doesn’t have to induce vomiting to have bulimia, as some people think – people may have exercise bulimia (overexercising as a form of purging), use laxatives, or other purging behaviors. For us type 1s, insulin restriction is a unique option. The first and most important thing to know is that you are not alone. You are not alone. And that is worth more than you may realize.   In a survey conducted by Joslin Diabetes Research Center, one third of type 1 women admitted to having manipulated their insulin in an attempt to lose weight. Yes, you read that right: one third. And that is self-reporting, which means it’s probably lower than the real number. The statistics on the incidence of eating disorders in both men and women with diabetes have not yet been nailed down, but the evidence does show that people with diabetes also are much more likely to have eating disorders than the general population. 
To understand one of the possibilities why this is the case, here is a quotation from Ulla Kärkkäinen, a Finnish research nutritionist, defining disordered eating: 
“Eating is disordered when a person arbitrarily decides when they are hungry or full, regardless of how they are feeling; weighs themselves constantly; or drinks non-caloric drinks to keep from feeling hungry. Eating can also be considered disordered if a person meticulously plans each meal long into the future, counts calories and weighs foods, follows an excessively strict diet or cuts certain foods from their diet…”That is the treatment for type 1 diabetes. Whether or not we eat is dictated by a number on a meter, not by how we feel. Meals are planned and food is measured and weighed so that we can dose properly. What and when we eat is almost always at the forefront of our minds, literally so we won’t die. Our bodies are constantly being measured to see whether results are satisfactory. Add to that societal misconceptions about diabetes, the tendency of insulin to make some people gain weight, the recently discovered direct effect of insulin on dopamine levels, and the multitudinous other factors that can make weight management harder for diabetics, and you’ve got a perfect storm. So I’ll say it again: you are not alone.The first time I experienced diabulimia I was fourteen. I didn’t have a word for what I was doing, because the word hadn’t been invented yet. I just knew that before I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I was losing weight and feeling good about my body, and after I was diagnosed and started taking insulin, I gained weight and felt ugly and fat. It was the mid 90s and heroin chic was in, the pressure to be super thin was already overwhelming for any girl, but added to that was the pressure not to conform to diabetic stereotypes: I didn’t want the ignorant kids who thought I got diabetes from eating too many sweets to be validated. I knew rationally that my chubbiness didn’t make them right, but reason couldn’t change how I felt. I was too afraid to restrict my insulin for more than a few days, though…or maybe I was too strong and had not yet been worn down enough? I don’t know. It wasn’t until my twenties that I really went for it. Like you, I wasn’t fat. I was athletic with maybe 10 or 15 pounds of chub that I would have liked to have shifted. My family life was difficult. I was broke and on my own. I had no insurance and was already rationing insulin to try and make it last. I didn’t know at the time that burnout is common for diabetics, but I was suffering my first burnout. I was completely worn down by life and by diabetes, and I just wanted to be able to control one thing. Just one. So I started manipulating insulin. I took control by refusing to control my diabetes.And, oh how I rationalized it! I would take my long-acting and skip the fast-acting, I was still taking some insulin, that was surely better than none, right? I was riding 300s and 400s, but it wasn’t 500s or 600s, so it couldn’t be that bad, right? I’d had perfect A1Cs ever since my diagnosis – that was over a decade! What could a few weeks of high sugars really do? Other people were out of control of their diabetes all the time, and they were still okay. There were type 2s walking around with high blood sugars for years not even knowing! And when it started to work and the weight just fell off, it was easier and easier to rationalize. “Just five more pounds,” I’d say. “Just ten more pounds and I’ll stop.”Of course, one of the side-effects of high blood sugar is extreme hunger, so my eating habits became harder and harder to control. I craved carbs like never before. A whole pizza, an entire box of cereal, two dozen Oreos couldn’t satiate me: and the more I ate, the thinner I got. I never binge ate before the diabulimia, but my body was starving, and so bingeing became a thing for me…especially since it just made me lose more weight. I hadn’t gained control, I’d lost it. Completely.One morning at 5am, after three months of rationing insulin and rationalizing my diabulimia, after a night of nonstop vomiting…I realized I was dying. I was so sick, I lost seven more pounds THAT DAY. I could barely breathe and my heart felt like it was going to explode, trying to pump the sludge that was my acid blood through my veins. I asked my roommate to drive me to the Emergency Room, but before I left, I stepped on the scale and felt really good about how much weight I’d lost. I’d gone from someone whose chronic illness necessitated disordered eating to someone with a full blown eating disorder. And the eating disorder had taken me over.I spent the next 3 days in the ICU wearing an oxygen mask, catheterized, a massive hematoma on my arm from the excruciating arterial blood draws, searing potassium being delivered via IV to the other arm. Five IVs in all. They told me if I’d waited just a few more hours I’d have died. I’m not telling you this in an attempt to “scare you straight”, though. You know the risks as well as I did. Sometimes knowing the risks and even having lived them isnt’ enough. Eating disorder wouldn’t be a mental illness if it was rational. What you may not know is just how quickly and easily and how TOTALLY it takes you over.So I’m going to tell you the one thing that keeps me from going back to diabulimia when I am really struggling: diabulimia doesn’t really work. The minute you start taking insulin again, the weight comes back with a vengeance. It is a fleeting fix – the high blood sugar might as well be the high of heroin or meth: you feel better in the moment, but when you come down off that high it is hell, and everything that pushed you to try it the first time has just been made worse.I’ve been struggling with eating disorders ever since, though I’ve not resorted to diabulimia again. Sometimes, like I said, I feel so down that the only thing keeping me from it is knowing its effects are temporary. I even checked myself into one of the most renowned eating disorder treatment centers in the country…sadly, there is little known about treating eating disorder in type 1 diabetics, and the traditional treatments for eating disorders are in direct contradiction to the treatment of diabetes. In the end, their attempts to help me only made me worse. With hard work and help from a sympathetic endocrinologist and diabetes educator, though, I’ve been recovering. I’ve even gone a few years at a time with the eating disorder tamed. I still have relapses, though. While I can never know for sure, I think that if I had never tried diabulimia, I would never have developed any full blown eating disorders.You asked if I had any words for you and it saddens me that I have so many, and that so few of them are good. I don’t think it is hopeless, though: I have lost weight in a healthy way with diabetes, and without my eating disorder taking control. It was harder for me than for people without diabetes, but it can be done. I’ve had periods where the eating disorder was barely even there. I learned that weight really wasn’t even the real problem, and learned that there were other things to focus on for my mental and physical health. And even though my treatment experience was mostly negative, I took a few really positive things from it: the realization that my eating disorder didn’t have to define me, the realization that I wasn’t alone, and that it was okay to ask for help. You see, just as the stereotypes about diabetes are mostly wrong, so are the stereotypes about eating disorders. Eating disorder is seen as the ailment of the young, white, middle-class, anorexic chick. But the truth is, there was every kind of woman in that treatment center: women from age 14 to 64, of every ethnicity and religion, rich and poor, rail-thin to morbidly obese. And there were so many women there whom, had I not known they were struggling with eating disorders, I would have thought totally had their shit together, were confident, were admirable. Knowing that such admirable women were facing the same struggle as me made me hate myself less. You are not alone. Your weight doesn’t define you, and it certainly isn’t worth developing an eating disorder and potentially losing your life. If you need more help, ask for it, but remember that you have to balance your mental health with your diabetes, and don’t let anyone tell you one is more important than the other. They are both necessary.And that is it. There is no easy solution to this problem, there is not a moral or neat ending to this story, there isn’t a tidy little bow to tie this shit up with. I just hope that you will read my experience and spare yourself going through it, because it’s not worth it.   
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It's anything but difficult to get got up to speed glancing in the mirror asking yourself, "What the hell isn't right with my hair?!" It occurs. As ladies, we have this intrinsic picture of what our hair should resemble, and that is once in a while the case in all actuality. That typically drives us to hit the salon and spend innumerable measures of hard-earned cash on colorings, smart cuts, or whatever item our preferred big name is advancing on Instagram.
While expansions are an incredible method to improve your effectively one of a kind look, they need strong, solid roots in the first place, which rely upon your physical wellbeing. Peering inside and thinking about your heart assumes a significant job in the wellbeing and look of your hair. Before you can stress over thinking about your Hair Expansions or how to saturate your hair, you need to begin at the scalp and comprehend the impacts of heart wellbeing on it.
How Hair Growth Works
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As a young lady, you likely grew up with fantasies about having hair that would make a Disney princess envious: long, lavish, and great. Before sufficiently long, you presumably understood that wasn't very likely. Between upkeep, time, or individual style inclination, chances are you didn't accomplish the Rapunzel-level locks you once longed for.
Salon visits and Hair Conditioners aside, the length and thickness of your hair is controlled by your hair follicles' normal development designs. What influences these examples is the progression of blood and the supplement rich oxygen it conveys to your scalp. Male pattern baldness, however, is typical; bunches of individuals live with female example sparseness, or its male partner, and a considerable lot of us lose 50-100 strands day by day. Yet, unexpected, or beyond what common misfortune can be an indication of coronary illness since hair development can be hindered by sporadic blood flow. Seeing as the blood stream to all pieces of your body is a result of your heart's wellbeing, it's undeniable you have to organize your heart, and what preferable time over American Heart Month! A couple of various perspectives go into having a solid heart that advances sound hair development…
1. Diet
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At its center, a sound eating routine is beneficial for you. Having a balanced blend of proteins, starches, products of the soil can help secure your body battle the beginning of malady and reinforce your resistant framework, all while helping you feel better day by day. While eating well is acceptable generally speaking, a couple of perspectives rule lord to the wellbeing of your hair…
2. Protein
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Your hair follicles are involved over 80% of a protein called keratin. With a number that huge, it's significant you're energizing your body with enough protein to supply your hair follicles. The thing with hair and protein is in the event that you aren't sufficiently devouring, your body will guide the supplements to progressively fundamental regions, for example, your muscles. Blending in more eggs, meats, fish, and dairy are acceptable beginnings to adding somewhat more protein to your eating routine. In case you're searching for an additional kick, attempt a keratin supplement to add an additional lift to your hair and nail quality. Simply make certain to consistently counsel a specialist before dunking into the nutrient enhancement space.
3. Iron
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Your blood is comprised of various parts, to be specific red platelets, white platelets, and platelets. The job of your RBC's is to help oxygen through your body. Inside your RBC's is a protein called hemoglobin which does the overwhelming oxygen lifting through your vessels and around your body. Low iron levels can make this vehicle unpleasant on your RBC's and lead to side effects going from tiredness to male pattern baldness. Iron lack is particularly normal for ladies with overwhelming menstrual cycles because of the expanded loss of blood. While dropping everything and driving an iron-driven eating routine isn't really the arrangement (a lot of is additionally destructive), it's savvy to fuse a couple of iron-rich nourishments into your eating regimen on the off chance that you aren't as of now to keep your levels near standard.
4. Inexpensive Food
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At this point you ideally know the significance of a sound eating routine. All the more thus, removing undesirable propensities like cheap food is vital to feeling the full advantages of a sound heart. Nourishments high in sugar, fats, and basic carbs are for the most part legitimately connected to heart-related issues from hypertension, to cholesterol, and even coronary episodes. The incorporation of cheap food things in your eating regimen can replace key supplements for hair development and furthermore slow down any advancement you're making in different parts of your excursion toward a solid heart.
5. Stress
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Regardless of whether it's brought about by work, family inconvenience, or making sense of how to fix split finishes, stress can torment you in a larger number of ways than one. Indications of stress can influence you truly just as inwardly, and go after anything from connections to your prosperity. An expanded measure of worry in your life can prompt potential medical problems like pressure eating, irritability, tiredness, and can even quicken your hair's turning gray example. With the additional significance that these conditions can unfavorably influence your hair wellbeing, it's important to discover some pressure ways of dealing with stress that work for you, from yoga to additional rest or exercise.
6. Exercise
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Individuals who don't practice are twice as liable to get coronary illness. Exercise can assist you with accomplishing a sound load for your body and age while additionally bringing down terrible cholesterol and hypertension which are the two markers of coronary illness. Lower circulatory strain implies better supplement course through your body and, thusly, to your scalp and into that delectable hair of yours to reinforce your foundations. Fusing distinctive exercise types can pay off as time goes on.
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yourfit-site · 5 years
Oh my Gosh! - What should I consume?
You can not consume as much as you require, which is 8 to 10 portions a day, however there is an option, you can juice your method to health. The food pyramid has actually altered which came as no surprise to me, I still have difficulty with this type of system, not everybody requires the very same things, and every individual on this world is various and has various dietary requirements. 
   Anti-oxidants are called scavengers; they avoid cell and tissue damage which leads to illness and health problem. They are definitely needed for maximum health in extremely big numbers every day. 
   # 3 = Methionine is the provider of sulfur which avoids issues with hair, nails and skin. Methionine help in the liver’s production of lecithin, decreases liver fat and assists safeguard the kidneys. Methionine likewise helps in decreasing bladder inflammations and infections and promotes hair development. 
   There are likewise non-essential amino acids, why they are called non-essential is some what of a secret, because all of them are required for various biochemical responses in the body as you will see. 
   Taurine is needed in the elimination of free-radical waste from the body, it is an element that is essential for modifications that occur throughout aging. 
   Do the research study! Your life and the quality of your life remains in your hands. 
   Free-radical = they interrupt living cells by assaulting them, free-radicals are missing out on an electron and they take one from other cells, they are accountable for all illness and disease due to their damage. Free-radicals are in air and water contamination, and in scrap foods we consume. 
   Tyrosine help in healthy performance of the thyroid and pituitary glands, assists to enhance memory and sends impulses to the brain. 
   Synergy = nutrients that are taken in mixes; these mixes trigger the nutrients to end up being more effective then when taken alone. 
   It is really essential that you pick foods that are abundant in amino acids in addition to minerals and vitamins for your health. 
   Glutamic acid assists enhance psychological capabilities, help in recovery ulcers and assists with tiredness. 
   Alanine gives energy for the muscles, brain and nerve system. Alanine produces antibodies that assist the body immune system. 
   Super foods are complete of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals however they likewise include amino acids, which are the standard structural structure blocks of proteins. There are 8 important amino acids they are: 
 # 1 = Tryptophan which minimizes stress and anxiety and anxiety, aids with migraines, assists the body immune system, lowers heart convulsions, it is likewise a natural relaxant and help in typical sleep, taken with Lysine it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. 
   # 5 = Threonine help in food digestion and digestive system functions; it likewise helps in reducing liver fat. 
   Histidine is discovered in the blood, it is utilized to deal with numerous illness such as RA, (rheumatoid arthritis) ulcers, and anemia. These are simply a few of the amino acids that are necessary in your diet plan for much better health. 
   Being healthy takes effort on your part, do not put your health into another person’s hands, they are not you and their dietary requirements might be various than yours. Everybody is a professional when it pertains to their own health, check out and listen to the info however please make an educated option on your own. 
   Glycine is needed throughout cell production to launch oxygen, it likewise assists in the production of necessary hormonal agents in the body immune system. 
   Notification that the list above states that individuals concur that blueberries are an extremely food. Do not make the error that others have actually made and compose off all the unlisted fruits and veggies, whatever that grows in the ground has advantages for your health. Your food options are a life or death choice, so do your research study and discover the finest options for your health. 
   Carotenoids = they remain in the dark coloring of the skin of vegetables and fruits (pigments), they are likewise anti-oxidants; there are lots of carotenoids. 
   Aspartic acid help in the elimination of ammonia from the body. Ammonia is harmful to the body and aspartic acid assists to safeguard our body from the toxin up until it is revealed through the urine. 
   # 6 = Valine soothes feelings and help with psychological vitality; it likewise assists with muscle coordination. 
   Nuts assist decrease the danger of heart illness; oats are a prime source of complicated carbs and complete of fiber. Wild salmon, trout and tuna all consist of various quantities and must all be taken in; seeds and nuts assist balance hormonal agents and have anti-oxidant activities; soy loads a punch with its anti-oxidation results; mangosteen fruit is rupturing with anti-oxidants and works in your whole body for your total health. 
   Serine is important in keeping glucose in the muscles and liver, likewise help in the body immune system and produces a fat cover to safeguard nerve fibers. 
   Some fruits that are grown wild in other parts of the world are likewise real extremely foods and are still abundant in nutrients since the soils are not diminished. The Mangosteen fruit is native to South East Asia, it has actually been studied for 20 years by independent laboratories and physicians for its medical usages; it includes 25,000 anti-oxidants, the greatest number ever discovered in one food source, it includes amino acids as well as a large bulk of vitamins and minerals. The list goes on, however what you consume is up to you, your health is in your hands. 
   # 4 = Phenylalaine keeps you awake and alert, it is utilized in the brain to produce a chemical that transfers signals in between the brain and the afferent neuron, phenylalaine assists to enhance your memory and likewise minimizes appetite discomforts. 
   Arginine enhances immune reaction, promotes injury recovery, help in regrowth of the liver, and is required for muscle development. 
   Cystine is an anti-oxidant and help in the defense versus contaminants, it can assist slow the aging procedure, it is needed in the production of skin. 
 Proline is essential in the performance of joints, and assists to reinforce the heart muscle. 
   # 7 and # 8 collaborate; they are Leucine and Isoleucine, they assist to produce necessary biochemical parts in the body, production of energy, promote the brain and help with awareness. 
   Sea veggies are real very foods, they consist of considerable quantities of protein and they likewise include all the minerals discovered in the ocean. When you acquire an apple from the shop it is typically doing not have many of the minerals that the soil when offered, minerals that are necessary to our health. This is not real for the sea veggies, the ocean is still efficient, we have yet to ruin it and for that reason it is an abundant source for your health. 
   Super foods are thought to consist of the greatest varieties of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. If you go to Google and enter extremely foods, you will discover a number of sights, all informing you about the very same thing, that consuming a natural diet plan will safeguard you from a number of illness and health problems. Here are the ones that many people settle on, they are easily offered in markets: Apples, avocados, tomatoes, bananas, cabbage, carrots, garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, oranges, cantaloupe, broccoli, watermelon, dry beans, spinach, kale, salmon and other oily fish, flax seed, oats, soya, blueberries, cranberries, squash, almonds, beets, ginger, olive oil, tea, chili peppers, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, kiwi, mangoes, apricots, pumpkin, walnuts, yogurt, parsley, sage, rosemary, cinnamon, brussel sprouts, lentils, pomegranates, concord grapes and brazil nuts. 
   Consuming a handful of un-salted peanuts every day assists decrease your bad cholesterol levels, assisting to minimize the threat of heat illness. Watermelon and other melons can assist decrease your opportunities of establishing high blood pressure. Ladies with low vitamin C levels are more most likely to establish gall bladder illness than those with greater levels of vitamin C; papaya has two times the quantity of vitamin C than an orange. 
   Phytonutrients = these are anti-oxidants that are plant-derived; they assist to enhance your health however are not needed. 
   After much research study I discovered that not all of the foods I studied were real incredibly foods. You have to think about where and how your food is grown. It is definitely real that you require numerous foods that respond together for enhanced advantages in the body. 
   Vitamins = nutrients that are essential to your health, a scarcity or an extreme quantity for prolonged durations can trigger illness. 
   # 2 = Lysine enhances development of bone cartilage and connective tissues, it assists in the absorption of calcium, it assists in the production of enzymes, hormonal agents and the production of antibodies that assist battle illness and disease. 
   For males and females alike, make certain to include extremely foods to your diet plan, such as; sea veggies, mangosteen fruit juice, Goji berry juice, or other berry juices. For info on the mangosteen and its medical homes call 1-888-374-4148, for all the other incredibly foods simply go to Google, type them in and do your research study.
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Improve Skin, Hair, Metabolism & Thyroid
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/how-photobiomodulation-therapy-can-improve-skin-hair-metabolism-thyroid/
How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Improve Skin, Hair, Metabolism & Thyroid
It’s not just diet that matters… light can have a huge effect on the body and overall health. Adequate exposure to sunlight, for example, actually makes the body produce vitamin D, an important nutrient. Photobiomodulation or red light therapy is another way of using light to affect health in a positive way (though it doesn’t produce vitamin D).
What Is Photobiomodulation?
Photobiomodulation therapy (also called PBM or PBMT) is a treatment that uses low-power lasers, light-emitting diodes, or other light sources to emit red light directly into the body. It can’t be felt (despite the fiery red glow, it doesn’t create any heat) so it doesn’t cause any discomfort. Photobiomodulation is also known as red light therapy, low-level light therapy (LLLT), low-level laser therapy, biostimulation, photonic stimulation, or light box therapy.
Studies have shown that different frequencies of light have different biological effects. Although it may not feel like anything is happening, these specific wavelengths of red light penetrate cells and create a positive change in the body. (The most effective wavelengths of red light are in the ranges of 630 to 670 nm and 810 to 880 nm.)
Photobiomodulation is FDA-approved for some conditions such as wound healing and joint pain. Other uses include:
improved natural production of collagen and fibroblasts
increased blood flow
enhanced muscle recovery
soft tissue repair
improved skin tone
reduced incidence of skin conditions
inflammation reduction
oxidative stress reduction
new capillaries formation
lymphatic system activation
PBM is usually well tolerated and safe for most people. Some may experience mild and short-lived side effects such as headache irritability and eye strain.
How Does Photobiomodulation Work?
Photobiomodulation works by affecting health on the cellular level. This therapy improves cellular energy production which improves many areas of health.
Cellular Energy Production
All living things need to make Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) or cellular energy. ATP is the source of energy for every cell in the body. Without it, we can’t function.
When cells are healthy and happy, ATP is produced by the following:
During cellular respiration, an enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), helps oxygen bind with NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and hydrogen).
This produces ATP synthase (necessary for ATP production).
ATP synthase converts proton energy into ATP.
When cells are not healthy and happy (because of illness, stress, etc.), the following occurs:
Stressed cells create nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide competes with oxygen and binds to CCO.
ATP synthase production can’t be produced without NADH and oxygen.
ATP can’t be produced without ATP synthase.
In other words, stress makes cellular energy production difficult, if not impossible.
How Photobiomodulation Affects Cellular Energy
One way to make sure we have happy cells producing enough ATP is by absorbing photons from red light into the skin.
Red light can penetrate 8 to 10 millimeters into the skin, which is enough to affect the body on a cellular level. It then stimulates the production of reactive oxygen species that help send signals from mitochondria to the nucleus.
Red light also breaks the bond of nitric oxide with CCO, allowing it to bind with oxygen to make ATP synthase.
Because photobiomodulation has an effect on mitochondrial health, any ailment that is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction could theoretically be helped with PBM. In fact, some experts believe that what we think of as adrenal fatigue is actually mitochondrial dysfunction, so PBM may be helpful with that ailment as well.
Is Photobiomodulation the Same as Using an Infrared Sauna?
PBM differs from sauna health benefits because they do not work the same or use the same wavelengths of light. Infrared saunas use near-infrared light or far-infrared light to heat the body. This impacts health by increasing heart rate, perspiration, and heat shock proteins. Infrared light from a sauna is invisible and penetrates much deeper into the body with wavelengths at 700-1200 nm.
PBM is not designed to do these things. It is meant to stimulate mitochondrial function and ATP production, essentially feeding the cells so they function better.
Benefits of Photobiomodulation
Photobiomodulation affects cellular health so it has the potential to improve many areas of health.
Photobiomodulation has a profound effect on the skin in human and animal models. First, it’s considered an anti-aging skin treatment, improving wrinkles and other age-related skin issues.
PBM increases circulation to help form new capillaries and generate collagen. Collagen is very important for healthy and young-looking hair, skin, and nails. In fact, collagen is about 70% of the protein in our skin!
Red light therapy also improves production of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells within the dermis layer (second layer) of the skin. They help maintain connective tissue and synthesize collagen, which helps with wound healing. Red therapy light stimulates these fibroblasts to do this important work.
Other skin benefits include speeding healing in:
skin grafts
infected wounds
skin damage caused by cancer treatments, including those in the mouth and mucous membranes
Photobiomodulation can help with skin issues like acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema. Again, it does this by stimulating collagen and ATP production.
After pregnancy, many women have hair loss issues. I know I saw way too much hair go down the drain in the morning after having a baby. PBM is a surprisingly good remedy for hair loss. A 24-week study found that participants who used a red-light-emitting helmet had significantly improved hair density and hair thickness without any serious side effects.
The reason for this improvement could be that PBM improves collagen production and circulation, which in turn supports healthy hair.
Metabolism and Weight
PBM is also beneficial to metabolism and can help maintain a healthy weight. Researchers of a 2017 study believe that photobiomodulation affects cells that store fat by reducing levels of a protein (CTRP7) associated with glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and high triglyceride levels. In other words, PBM can improve metabolic function by suppressing CTRP7.
Photobiomodulation can also affect the appetite. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology showed that light can affect hunger. In sleep-deprived patients, red light therapy helped control levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin.
Leptin affects appetite and energy consumption by interfering with the body’s natural hunger signals. Balanced leptin helps prevent cravings and overeating, which in turn helps with maintaining a healthy weight.
As someone who suffers from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I was really interested in learning about photobiomodulation and how it may help the thyroid. What I found is that PBM can have a huge impact on thyroid health.
One 2013 clinical trial showed an impressive improvement in thyroid health from light therapy. Many participants were able to reduce or eliminate their thyroid medication. During the nine-month follow up to the study, a whopping 47 percent of the participants no longer needed medication.
Other studies also found that photobiomodulation can help reduce the need for medication. This is a huge finding considering so many thyroid patients are told they will have to take medication for the rest of their lives.
When looking at Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid problems) specifically, the study also found a reduction in thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) antibodies. These antibodies point to an autoimmune thyroid condition. Reducing this antibody count means patients are having less of an autoimmune hyper reaction and may avoid some of the issues with autoimmune thyroid disease.
As Dr. Isabella Wentz mentions in this blog post, photobiomodulation can reduce these antibodies by increasing transforming growth factor B (TGF-B). This cytokine helps to reduce thyroid autoimmunity by making the body more tolerant of itself.
Joint Health
Cellular energy production and health, as well as collagen production, play a part in joint and musculoskeletal health. Collagen acts as a shock absorber in the joints and also acts as a glue to hold them together. In degenerative diseases like arthritis, lack of collagen and increased inflammation are often present. PBM can help reduce the symptoms of degenerative tissue disease. A 2009 Cochrane systematic review found that PBM is beneficial for treating rheumatoid arthritis pain and stiffness.
According to a 2009 study, patients with other degenerative tissue ailments also found lasting relief from PBM treatment.
How to Use Photobiomodulation Therapy
You can find this treatment at some rheumatologist or dermatologist offices, and some spas and salons may also offer this therapy at $50-$100 a session. PBM is still considered an alternative treatment by many healthcare professionals (despite its FDA approval) so getting your insurance company to pay for it may be difficult.
According to Michael R. Hamblin, Ph.D., PBM may be finally coming into the mainstream, so it may be covered by insurance in the future.
What I Do
Because of my thyroid condition and the high price tag of in-office use, I bought a photobiomodulation device to use at home.
I went with the JoovvOriginal Combo light because it uses a combination of wavelengths. (Higher frequency wavelengths offer deeper penetration while lower wavelengths offer cellular rejuvenation.) It also uses LED lights that utilize a low power density (up to 100 mW/cm2) and last a long time.
I interview the makers of the Joovv light in this podcast so you can hear all of the fascinating science-geek details!
Cautions & Side Effects
This is one therapy that is well researched. (PBM was first researched by NASA!) It is an FDA-approved therapy and considered safe for most people.
There are a few cautions though:
PBM is thought to be safe for pregnant women but I still recommend you talk to a midwife or doctor before making any decisions.
Some PDM machines use pulsing light. Anyone with a history of seizures would be better off with a non-pulsing light. (I don’t see any benefit to the pulsing light so I would avoid it anyway.)
The red light from a PDM machine is considered safe but may be too bright for comfort for some people. Wearing tanning glasses can help.
As always, discuss any new therapy with your healthcare provider to make sure it’s right for you. Personally, I love my Joovv light and have noticed great benefits in the time I’ve been using it, which I write more about here.
Have you tried photobiomodulation? How did it work for you?
Avci, P., Gupta, A., Sadasivam, M., Vecchio, D., Pam, Z., Pam, N., & Hamblin, M. R. (2013, March). Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in skin: Stimulating, healing, restoring. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4126803/
Avci, P., Gupta, G. K., Clark, J., Wikonkal, N., & Hamblin, M. R. (2014, February). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3944668/
Petersen, P. S., Lei, X., Wolf, R. M., Rodriguez, S., Tan, S. Y., Little, H. C., Wong, G. W. (2017, April 01). CTRP7 deletion attenuates obesity-linked glucose intolerance, adipose tissue inflammation, and hepatic stress. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28223291
G., M., P., B., R., & S., M. (2012, September 04). Light Modulates Leptin and Ghrelin in Sleep-Restricted Adults. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/2012/530726/
Höfling, D. B., Chavantes, M. C., Juliano, A. G., Cerri, G. G., Knobel, M., Yoshimura, E. M., & Chammas, M. C. (2013, May). Low-level laser in the treatment of patients with hypothyroidism induced by chronic autoimmune thyroiditis: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22718472
Thyroid Pharmacist. (2018, March 28). Can Laser Therapy Heal Your Thyroid? – Dr. Izabella Wentz. Retrieved from https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/lasers-thyroid-tissue-regeneration/
Brosseau, L., Robinson, V., Wells, G., Debie, R., Gam, A., Harman, K., . . . Tugwell, P. (2005, October 19). Low level laser therapy (Classes I, II and III) for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16235295
Hamblin, M. R. (2016, December). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5215795/
Chow, R. T., Johnson, M. I., Lopes-Martins, R. A., & Bjordal, J. M. (2009, December 05). Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo or active-treatment controlled trials. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19913903
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/396078/photobiomodulation/
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healthwomeninfo · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health Womens
New Post has been published on http://health-womens.com/about-emu-oil/
About Emu Oil
About Emu Oil – Emu oil is non-greasy and would not clog pores, it makes a good skin moisturizer and softener. Research has shown emu oil can thicken the skin, which reduces the appearance of aging. If you suffer from arthritis or have a nagging skin condition, Emu Oil may be just what you need. Headily stated that after conducting massage treatments using the emu oil on her abdomen, the texture of the skin changed and elasticity was renewed. Topical application of emu oil can deliver these nutrients deep into the skin to support healthy cell growth. Is an excellent emulsifier – it can be blended with products that will not feel oily on the skin. A study looking at factors that stimulate and inhibit skin and hair growth using emu oil and corn oil. While all parts of the emu are used (meat, nails, feathers, skin and oil), it is not cruelty-free. Clinical Studies have shown that two major properties of Emu Oil are its ability to penetrate the skin and its anti-inflammatory properties. Because it penetrates the skin so deeply and quickly, Emu Oil helps to deliver fast respite from leg cramps, muscle aches, pains and pulls. produces and manufactures emu oil products for skin care products and increases skin layer thickness by up to 50 per cent as well as decreasing wrinkles and age spots.
Anti-inflammatory – Research has shown that Emu oil has superior penetrating properties and it is now a registered anti-inflammatory in its own right. There is much anecdotal material available on the anti-inflammatory abilities of emu oil. shown to be an anti-inflammatory agent, a pain reducer, and an active ingredient carrier, Emu Oil also has the potential to lower cholesterol. Properly rendered emu oil is penetrating, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, healing, moisturizing, and non-comedogenic. To determine the acute anti-inflammatory effects of topically applied emu oil. As a medical application, emu oil is pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, burn and wound healing and has even been shown to grow hair. A gentle, low temperature refining process is used resulting in a superior, premium quality, natural emu oil with high anti-inflammatory biological activity. The potency of the anti-inflammatory effect from Emu Oil is similar to ibuprofen without the negative side-affects. On the other hand, a more recent study compared the anti-inflammatory ability of emu oil with several other oils, including olive and flaxseed. For several years specialists have been interested in emu oil%u2019s anti-inflammatory and transdermal properties.
Pain Relief – The results indicated that emu oil may substantially reduce the pain caused by arthritis. The indigenous people of Australia, the Aborigines, use emu oil for its healing and restorative effects, particularly with regard to joint pain. After intensive training sessions, using emu oil on his knees helps alleviate pain and stiffness. – Emu oil contains high levels of linoleic acid, known to relieve arthritic pain. – Emu oil promotes faster healing for burn victims with reduced pain and scarring. Used on burns, sunburns and scrapes, emu oil can reduce pain and blistering and is even thought to reduce scarring. The most promising use of emu oil is in pain management. Linoleic acid (an Omega-6), the second most abundant fatty acid in emu oil, has been shown to ease muscle and joint pain. emu oil hot rub for pain relief – the original and the best For the temporary relief of muscular and arthritic pain. There seems to be a lot of research taking place on the following: Emu oil: wound healing, antibacterial, hair loss, muscle pain. Enjoy natural pain relief with emu oil. A commercial market for meat, hides, feathers, and emu oil is developing. This means that more and more people are using the emu for its meat than just having the emus to use for its oil. On-farm sales: pure emu oil, handmade soap and lip balm made with emu oil, emu meat, ground steaks and roasts. Besides the oil, the EMU also produces a red, low cholesterol and low fat meat as well as a world class leather. Most vegetarians will use emu oil because 97% of the bird is utilized (meat, hide, carcass, organs, feathers, fat). Try and choose an emu oil product that has other ingredients that can help your pain condition as this will give you more relief. There are many companies with product experience that are using emu oil in their product line. In modern times, emu oil enthusiasts have recommended the product for a variety of uses, both externally and internally. So impressed was I with this product that I became fascinated and started researching the extraordinary healing properties of emu oil. Perhaps the bottom line on emu oil is that large clinical trials are lacking in this product. Retail and wholesale emu oil product distributors. With standardisation, emu oil from diverse sources can be prepared with optimal activity, enabling consumer confidence in the product. Retail, wholesale product, bulk and distributor emu oil sales. top arthritis ingredients in one proven product, including glucosamine, chondroitin, capsacin, tea tree oil, emu oil and much more
Research – The earliest research studies in emu oil come from Australia, and Australia continues to export emu oil to this day. Over a decade of clinical research into the effectiveness of emu oil has validated years of anecdotal evidence in support of emu oils efficacy. Such significant successes have prompted more government research to discover and isolate the active components in Emu oil. Veterinary Applications Though much more research needs to be done, the veterinary uses for emu oil appear to extensive.
Massage – When there is something as good as Emu oil or Massage the word should get out and spread like wild fire. The combination of Emu oil used with Massage compliments each other and the good affects of both are increased. “Since I have been doing massage, emu oil has become a major part of my practice. I do both massage and adjustments and the emu oil is used virtually from head to toe. People with chronic shoulder and knee problems get help from the adjusting, but the emu oil really does the final trick during the massage. Significant reduction in sports related muscle strains post-exercise emu oil massage. Gently massage a single drop of emu oil around the opening of the piercing (entrance and exit) with clean finger. When used as a post-exercise oil massage, emu oil brought about significant reduction in sports-related muscle strains.
Use as an acid – When linoleic acid is combined with gammolenic acid (also found in emu oil), it forms prostaglandins, which are found most notably in human breastmilk. First, the fatty acid profile of emu oil is very similar to that of humans. The monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, (an Omega-3) is the major fatty acid in emu oil. The fatty acid esters contained in Emu Oil provide the benefit of increased blood flow, accelerating the healing process. And the ratios of fats in emu oil are critical to the normalization of the healing process. Also, emu oil should not be used on scarification or branding as emu oil hastens the healing process and inhibits scabbing. And the rations of fats in emu oil are critical to the normalization of the healing process. So, the healing process occurs from the dermis and emu oil has an impact on healing at the dermal level. Topical application of Emu Oil enhances the healing process due to its powerful hyper-oxygenating properties. Their natural refining process produces superior, consistent quality emu oil.
Side Effects – There are no known adverse side effects to using emu oil. Known as the “wonder from down under,” the oil of the emu possesses very special properties. Many people are discovering the benefits of natural Emu Oil, known and used by the aborigines for thousands of years. Notably, emu oil has no known side effects.
Type Of Emu Oil – Two of these oils are tea tree oil and emu oil. Essential oils can be combined, and emu oil is an excellent carrier of essential oils, including tea tree oil. It has all the value of neem, tea tree and emu oil combined. Contains emu oil, tea tree oil and peppermint.
Cosmetic – Emu oil is 100% fully refined, pure, all natural, odorless, creamy, edible emu oil that is used by cosmetic, pharmaceutical, alternative medicine companies. Our emu oil is pure and cosmetic grade. This article is about emu oil and it’s medical and cosmetic benefits. Well, it turns out emu oil is probably the best cosmetic ingredient in the world. Craig-Schmidt noted that the properties of the emu oil made it quite suitable to be used by the cosmetic industry.
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artsoccupychi · 6 years
14 Health Benefits of Flax
If I told you there is a food you could buy for less than $2 per serving, that had a shelf life of three or more years, and also had properties proven to stabilize your mood, lower your blood pressure, balance cholesterol, give you healthy skin and nails, and protect your bone, heart, and brain health—would you believe me?
Flax is that food!
Though our ancestors have been eating flax (also known as linseed) for thousands of years, this low-carb superfood has gotten a lot more attention in recent decades because of its fantastic benefits. In fact, some experts even go so far as to call it a miracle food, and I agree. Here’s why:
1. Flax has good fats
Flax is full of essential fatty acids, or EFAs. They’re called “essential” because the body cannot produce them—we have to get them from the food we eat every day. Unfortunately, 80% of Americans are chronically, even desperately deficient in EFAs,1 which can lead to serious health problems down the road.
EFAs are crucial to health because they support all of the body’s systems, especially the nervous, immune, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. They’re used to make and repair cell membranes and eliminate waste from cells. As our brains are about 60% fat,2 not having enough EFAs in our diet can really impair our brain performance and development, so they are especially important in children’s diets as they grow. Our brain’s nerves are covered in fat as well, so you can imagine what a diet chronically low in fat might do to one’s nerve function.
As well as the many neural benefits, cardiovascular health is greatly improved with EFAs by helping to reduce blood clot formation, blood pressure, inflammation, arterial plaque, and risk of heart disease.
We also need EFAs to stabilize mood, ward off anxiety and depression, regulate fertility hormones, and keep the thyroid functioning optimally.
2. Flax can balance your omega ratios
Flax is the best plant-based source of the EFAs known as omega-3 fatty acids.  Most people following a Standard American Diet are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, but are getting plenty of omega-6 fatty acids from dead foods like vegetable oil and margarine. (Watch my video, 3 Fats That Hurt, 3 Fats That Heal, where I dive more into flax oil and two other beneficial fats you should use as staples in your kitchen.)
Why are vegetable oils and margarine dead foods? Think about it–what vegetables make oil?
Trick question–they don’t! Vegetable oils are often sourced from highly sprayed crops like cottonseed and soybean, and those sensitive oils go rancid when exposed to light, heat, and oxygen, but nonetheless are heat-processed, packaged in clear bottles, and can stay on shelves for quite a long time. The high consumption of these so-called “healthier” alternatives tips the scales into an excess of omega-6 fatty acids.
What’s important here is balance; otherwise, inflammation is the result. An ideal ratio of omega 3:6 fatty acids is between 1:1 and 1:4, but due to processed-food consumption, many Americans are getting exactly the opposite—at least four times the omega-6 they need, and not enough omega-3.3
Deficiencies in omega-3, as well as inappropriate omega-6 to omega-3 ratios, have been linked to many of the diseases the U.S. leads the world in: depression, cancer, heart disease, stroke, asthma, lupus, diabetes, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s.
But too many Americans are looking for omega-3 in fish oil supplements. I’ve blogged about the problem with fish oil before, and why you want to opt out of this highly-refined, deodorized, and rancid product that comes from mercury-polluted waterways. Two major waterways of the world have been decimated by mining billions of fish, for their oil, and two huge meta-studies have concluded that 35+ years of the fish-oil fad have not improved cardiovascular health in users of the supplement, which is what it has been primarily promoted for.
Eat REAL FOOD instead. Flax is an easy, whole-foods source of omega-3s to increase your intake and balance out your omega ratios. My favorite way to get it isn’t in oil: it’s in the seed itself. Even better if it’s sprouted, where enzyme inhibitors are released and the seed is virtually exploding with nutrition and enzymes.
3. Flax contains anti-inflammatory lignans
In recent years, a hot topic of research is the lignan in flax, which is a special plant compound known to prevent cancer, heart disease, and other inflammatory conditions. These antioxidants help reduce damage from free radicals, and many promising studies show that the lignans in flax reduce the growth of tumors as well.
Flaxseed has the highest known concentration of lignans of any food, by far. One serving of flax has eight times more lignans than sesame seeds and 100 times more lignans than kale, which are the next two highest-lignan foods on the list.4
But take note: flax oil doesn’t have lignans! So to get this benefit, you’ll want to eat the seed, either freshly ground or, better yet, sprouted.
Note: If you do seek out flax oil, you may come across linseed oil (its other name). Avoid this version, as it is boiled (and thus rancid) and is used in home-improvement products like wood preservatives and oil paint. That’s not exactly food, in my opinion. Look for cold-pressed flax oil sold in dark bottles, and only use it raw to avoid denaturing its sensitive nutrients. Note: use flax oil quickly, within a few weeks of opening, to avoid rancidity.
4. Flax can stabilize blood sugar.
Research shows that the lignans in flax have a blood-sugar stabilization effect,5 positively impacting those with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Related studies showed that flax lignans can significantly delay or even prevent the onset of diabetes.6
5. Flax improves your digestion
Flax is comprised of a special type of fiber that swells up in water, called mucilaginous fiber. It gets thick and gooey when you soak it, which is why you may see it in a lot of vegan baking recipes as an egg replacer.
This specific type of fiber has been shown in studies to boost growth of good bacteria by 25%7  because it acts as a prebiotic, which is the “food” consumed by probiotics that allow your gut health to thrive. It also reduces the bad bacteria, like staph, at the same time.
Mucilaginous fiber keeps supporting digestion all the way through to the end of the digestive tract, adding bulk to your stool to help flush out your colon and promoting regularity. It is not digested, but its gel-like quality helps slow the transit of food throughout your digestive system for better nutrient absorption (and it helps you feel fuller). The immune system is housed in the gut, so you may find once your digestion has improved, other problems may resolve themselves as well.
6. Flax improves heart health.
Flaxseed has been shown to reduce the amount of lipids in the bloodstream, which in turn also lowers the risk of heart disease.8 It also has a hand in reducing cholesterol levels; flax’s fiber helps trap excess fat and cholesterol in the bowels to be eliminated safely. The amount of cholesterol reduction is dependent upon the form that the flax seed is in when consumed—in a 2012 study, both drinks and bread made with flax fiber showed positive results.9
7. Flax lowers blood pressure better than medication
High blood pressure is a modern epidemic, with the medical establishment pushing meds to control it, but a 2013 study published in the medical journal Hypertension found that four tablespoons of flax daily, for six months, lowered diastolic blood pressure an average of seven points,10 which is more than any hypertensive drug on the market! This would correlate to massively less risk of stroke and heart disease. This may be not only the most exciting evidence presented in this post, but one of the most exciting single-food health benefits I’ve ever encountered, in my many years of research!
8. Flax helps balance hormones
If you’re experiencing hot flashes or menopause, flax can naturally help regulate your hormones. The phytoestrogens it contains are known to balance the ratio of progesterone to estrogen hormones for women, which can promote fertility, ease PMS and menopause symptoms, and even reduce the risk of breast cancer.11
9. Flax slows aging
The protein and fatty acids in flax have been shown to improve bone quality and support the health of the optic nerve and retina,12 which is promising for preventing osteoporosis and eyesight issues as we age.
In fact, all the benefits of flax I’ve listed so far have profound anti-aging implications. A body that digests food well, distributes nutrients systematically, and has all the materials for repair and regulation available, is a body that will serve you well now and in years to come.
10. Flax is a beauty food
On top of its anti-aging perks from within, it has some pretty great benefits for your outer beauty as well. The omega fatty acids help nourish your skin and hair, strengthening and bringing more shine to your locks, promoting natural collagen production in the body, and relieving dry skin from flakes, eczema, and in some cases, rosacea. Some people choose to use it in their actual skincare routines, blending flax oil with other natural oils like jojoba to nourish skin topically.
11. Flax is gluten-free.
While not everyone is noticeably sensitive to gluten, we do all react to its consumption, leaving our intestinal tract chronically inflamed. Flax is not wheat-based, so it makes an excellent alternative for using in baked goods as a partial swap for flour, as a binder, or as a simple nutrition-booster. Because it absorbs liquid very well, it can also be used to thicken things like oats and soups. (See our article on how to use it in your daily diet for more ideas.)
12. Flax is a great source of protein.
For those looking for a plant-based way to get their protein in for the day, flax is a highly nutritious source containing the amino acids arginine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid.13  Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and when flaxseed is sprouted, the amino acid content multiplies. This form of protein is the most easily digestible as well, as they are essentially “pre-digested’ by the body during the sprouting process.
Protein in flax seeds is quite high among plant foods, with nearly 4g per 20g serving (about 2 big tablespoons). There is even more protein in sprouted flax seeds, according to a 2012 study in the Journal of Agricultural Science that compared nutritional and mineral composition of flax sprouts and unsprouted flax seeds, as well as boron, manganese, zinc, and iron.14
13. Sprouted flax is a natural probiotic.
Sprouting increases the amount of naturally occurring probiotics in seeds, especially in flax.14 This abundance nourishes and heals inflammation in your gut by adding healthy, positive bacteria to your microbiome, and over time will improve digestion.
Make sure to incorporate plenty of prebiotic foods in your diet as well (like onions, asparagus, apples, bananas, and leafy greens), as prebiotics are essentially food for probiotics. The result is a healthy digestive system.
     14. Sprouted flax contains more bioavailable iron.
Iron, which is critical for protein absorption, can be a difficult to absorb for some. The Journal of Agricultural Science study found that sprouted flax had nearly 45% more iron content than flax seeds, which helps you to absorb the present protein in flax. In fact, the same serving of sprouted flax mentioned above (20g or 2 heaping tablespoons) provides 8% of your daily iron needs.
How to eat flaxseed: Sprouted is best
GreenSmoothieGirl’s Sprouted Ground Flax Seed and Tri-Omega Superfood
Flaxseed is available as the whole seed, ground, sprouted, and as an oil, and while all are nutritious options, consume high-quality sprouted, ground flax when you can for a few reasons.
First, whole flaxseed is simply not digestible. It may give your food some crunch, but the unsprouted, unground version just passes through your body without giving you any of the nutrient perks.
Like all seeds, flaxseed preserves itself with natural enzyme inhibitors called phytates to prevent digestion and thus absorption within the body. Also known as phytic acid, it binds with minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper and prevents absorption. You can eat them all you want, but there won’t be much benefit. People try to get around this problem by grinding the seeds or extracting the oil to make minerals like manganese, magnesium, and thiamine more bioavailable (but, unfortunately, also more prone to rancidity).
Sprouting, however, sends signals to the seed that it’s time to turn the digestion inhibitors off so it can germinate, awakening dormant nutrients and transforming the seed into a living superfood.
Sprouting biologically activates the seed, doubling the fiber and increasing the vitamins and minerals by 200–800 percent! The EFAs stabilize, and all that stored energy in the seed is unlocked and ready for use.
There’s just one issue: flax is one of the most notoriously difficult seeds to get good results with, for the home sprouter. Remember I talked about how mucilaginous fiber gets gooey in water?  It’s a mess to work with.
That’s why we offer our raw, organic GreenSmoothieGirl Sprouted Ground Flax. It’s been sprouted, gently dried at very cool temperatures (below 100 degrees to avoid killing enzymes), and ground to make it easy to use. Sprouting seeds stabilizes the EFAs, which means it’s not going to go rancid quickly. We’ve tested it for shelf stability for three years, with no degradation!
Also, check out our TriOmega Superfood–it’s a super-nutritious blend of sprouted flax, chia, and broccoli seeds, and remains my favorite addition to my daily green smoothie. Sprouted flax costs less.
We focus more on flax and the benefits of sprouted food in chapter 7 of the 12 Steps to Whole Foods program, or you can join us for my FREE 12 Steps to Whole Food Video Masterclass. There, you’ll also learn which other foods fight inflammation and which foods cause it, along with my best tips for eating healthy, tasty food without spending a ton of money.
–Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe.
Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Papanikolaou, Yanni et al. “U.S. adults are not meeting recommended levels for fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake: results of an analysis using observational data from NHANES 2003–2008.” Nutrition Journal. 2014 Apr 2. doi:  10.1186/1475-2891-13-31
Chang, CY et al. “Essential fatty acids and human brain.” Acta Neurologica Taiwanica. 2009 Dec;18(4):231-41. PMID: 20329590
Simopoulos, AP. “The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids.” Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2002 Oct;56(8):365-79. PMID: 12442909
Mercola, Joseph. “Lignans Save Lives.” Mercola. November 02, 2015.
Pan, An et al. “Effects of a Flaxseed-Derived Lignan Supplement in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over Trial.” PLOS ONE. November 7, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0001148
Prasad, Kailash. “Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside from flaxseed delays the development of type 2 diabetes in Zucker rat.” Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Volume 138, Issue 1, July 2001, Pages 32-39. https://doi.org/10.1067/mlc.2001.115717
Guevara-Arauza, Juan Carlos et al. “Prebiotic effect of mucilage and pectic-derived oligosaccharides from nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica).” Food Science and Biotechnology. August 2012, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp 997–1003. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-012-0130-1
Torkan, M et al. “Effect of flaxseed on blood lipid level in hyperlipidemic patients.” Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials. 2015;10(1):61-7. PMID: 25612882
Kristensen, Mette et al. “Flaxseed dietary fibers lower cholesterol and increase fecal fat excretion, but magnitude of effect depend on food type.” Nutrition & Metabolism. 3 February 2012. https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-7075-9-8
Rodriguez-Leyva, Delfin et al. “Potent Antihypertensive Action of Dietary Flaxseed in Hypertensive Patients.” Hypertension. 2013;62:1081-1089. https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.02094
Phipps, W.R. et al. “Effect of flax seed ingestion on the menstrual cycle.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Volume 77, Issue 5, 1 November 1993, Pages 1215–1219. https://doi.org/10.1210/jcem.77.5.8077314
Lenzi, Q et al. “Flaxseed used since pregnancy by the mother and after weaning by the offspring benefits the retina and optic nerve development in rats.” The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2018 Mar;31(5):625-632. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2017.1293028. Epub 2017 Feb 28.
Goyal, Ankit et al. “Flax and flaxseed oil: an ancient medicine & modern functional food.” Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014 Sep; 51(9): 1633–1653. Published online 2014 Jan 10. doi:  10.1007/s13197-013-1247-9
Duda-Chodak, A. “The inhibitory effect of polyphenols on human gut microbiota.” Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2012 Oct;63(5):497-503. PMID: 23211303
[Read More ...] https://greensmoothiegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/shutterstock_387594634-300x200.jpg https://greensmoothiegirl.com/health-benefits-of-flax/
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16-year-old Wichita girl still walks and eats tacos while on life support
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WICHITA — Zei Uwadia was the girl next door who would get lost in a good book, took quiet hikes in nature and preferred being alone in her room to socializing at another teen party.
With her determined spirit and independent attitude, the 16-year-old student at North High School in Wichita, Kansas, was on track to graduate early and pursue a career in dermatology.
But suddenly, in late October, she felt herself gasping for air. With each passing day, she had more difficulty breathing. Her body weakened, and her lungs started to fail. No one knew why.
In November, the otherwise healthy teen was placed on life support in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
Now, more than 130 days later, Zei’s determination and independence have helped her achieve something only a few patients before her could: She has walked while on life support.
Despite being tethered to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, machine that is helping her breathe and keeping her alive, Zei has been determined to take every step possible to regain her lung function and strength, starting with walking.
As doctors continue to search for the cause of her illness — finding more questions than answers — Zei has managed to pace the halls of Children’s Mercy, surprising and inspiring many.
Zei is the hospital’s first patient to sit up, stand and walk while on ECMO.
“I was just really excited because it was one step closer to getting home,” Zei said, speaking exclusively to CNN from her hospital bed on Friday, of walking for the first time.
For Zei’s mother, Brie Kerschen, her daughter’s first time walking while on ECMO was a sign of hope.
“When she first took her first steps in the hallway, I’m pretty sure I cried, and then you could probably also hear my laughter,” Kerschen said. “I really am convinced that that saved her life, and not to be dramatic, but I think the fact that she’s able to walk is why she’s still here.”
While on life support and under round-the-clock care, Zei also has eaten tacos, visited the hospital’s Lisa Barth Chapel, lifted weights and even had a manicure. Her acrylic nails are now the crimson color of a rose.
Though Zei’s case is unusual and not all ECMO patients can expect a similar prognosis, her story has inspired patients and physicians worldwide.
‘Her next text was, “Please hurry” ‘
The ECMO machine, often called the “highest form of life support,” uses a pump to circulate a patient’s blood through an artificial lung. The artificial lung adds oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide before the blood is returned to the patient.
Essentially, ECMO helps provide enough oxygen to a patient while allowing time for the lungs or heart to rest and heal.
The national survival rate in the US among neonatal and pediatric ECMO patients is about 72%, and at Children’s Mercy, where more than 800 patients have been on ECMO, the rate is about 78%.
Kerschen remembers when her daughter’s journey from being a healthy teen to being on ECMO began.
While Zei was at school, “I got a text message around noon from her that said, ‘I just don’t feel good; can Nana come pick me up? I just feel light-headed and dizzy and sick,’ and I said, ‘yeah, I’ll see if I can get a hold of her,’ ” Kerschen said.
“Then her next text was, ‘Please hurry.’ I remember because I still have that text.”
In the days following, Zei had difficulty breathing. Kerschen took her to see an emergency physician, and she was admitted to Via Christi Hospital St. Francis in Wichita.
“Her lab work came back normal, and she had no signs of a bacterial infection. So with that, I think they consulted Children’s Mercy,” Kerschen said.
Zei was transferred on a medical flight to Children’s Mercy in Kansas City on Halloween.
“Her primary deficit was with oxygenation, and so her oxygen levels have been low and remain her biggest problem,” said Dr. Jenna Miller, a pediatric intensivist at the hospital, who has been working on Zei’s case.
“What we know is that all of her lung tissue on both sides is affected. What we don’t know is what caused it,” she said. “We have investigated both infectious diseases — rheumatological, immunological, primary pulmonary diseases — and we have not come up with the answer yet. So we continue to try to reach out to other centers and have big collaborative discussions to figure out what is wrong with Zei.”
Zei’s time on ECMO has allowed her left lung to fully expand and begin healing, and her right lung is close to fully expanding, Kerschen said.
Zei “has the longest ECMO run we’ve had in our institution,” said Debbie Newton, director of the hospital’s neonatal and pediatric ECMO program, who added that usually for respiratory failure, the average time a patient spends on ECMO is about 21 days.
ECMO support for more than 100 days is rare.
There have been conflicting reports of the longest ECMO run overall in pediatrics, but at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, a pediatric burn patient spent 551 days in between ECMO and using a ventricular assist device, possibly setting a record.
Yet using the machine can come with possible complications, risk of infections and other side effects related to bleeding, some of which Zei has faced.
“She has to have thin blood to remain on the machine, and so the thinning of her blood is what makes her able to circulate her blood through this plastic tubing and not clot. That same blood thinning is what causes her to bleed, and so people can actually pass away on ECMO from bleeding,” Kerschen said.
“She’s cried red blood tears, and she’s had bloody noses, and we’ve gone through those things, but we’ve made it,” she said.
Ever since Zei was placed on ECMO, a specialist has been monitoring her machine at all times. ECMO is not something a patient can take home.
‘I hope someday Zei realizes … what she’s done’
In December, Zei’s health stabilized, and she became more alert — but no one was ready for her to walk.
As she started asking her doctors about being able to sit up, stand and walk, they were unsure how she could take steps safely while hooked to the ECMO machine. At the time, Children’s Mercy had no protocol in place for Zei to take a stroll around the hospital.
Newton remembers the day in late December when that changed.
“We were in Zei’s room, and she had been marching in place for a little bit, and she looked at me with very little voice … and just said, ‘What do I have to do to walk?’ And I told her ‘if you can stand unassisted for five minutes, I’ll figure it out,’ ” Newton said. “Not only did she stand for five minutes, she had to beat me, she stood unassisted for seven minutes.”
As it happened, the hospital was in the middle of a multidisciplinary assessment on how to safely permit patients to walk while on the ECMO machine. The assessment plan was scheduled to roll out over an extended time period, but Zei’s strong will to walk put the plan on a faster track.
Newton and her colleagues quickly developed a safety protocol, involving a comprehensive checklist, to make it possible for ECMO patients like Zei to move and walk around the hospital with minimal risk.
The checklist includes: making sure ECMO is attached to the patient safely and securely; pausing after every position change or movement; regularly reassessing the patient’s attachment to the machine.
The ECMO team studied adult cases from around the world in which patients had walked in order to develop their protocol.
Once the new protocol was in place, Children’s Mercy received inquiries from other pediatric hospitals interested in developing their own safety checklists to improve care for ECMO patients.
So Zei’s bravery possibly could pave the way for other hospitals to allow for their ECMO patients to walk and exercise, if able.
“I hope someday Zei realizes not only what she’s done for our program but what she’s going to do for other programs,” Newton said. “I don’t think at 16, you can really wrap your mind around that, especially when right now her ultimate goal is to just go home, but I hope someday that she realizes the impact she’s had on us and hopefully others out there in the world.”
Kerschen has been documenting her daughter’s recovery on YouTube and received messages from viewers around the world indicating that they are inspired by Zei’s rare case. The responses have made Zei’s small corner of the hospital feel big for Kerschen.
“We now have friends in Taiwan and South America and the Middle East and really every country has joined her or me on Facebook and taken an interest to her,” Kerschen said.
The road home
Zei’s most recent X-rays showed improved lung function. Her doctors attribute those results in part to her being able to walk and exercise.
As her diagnosis remains unknown, her doctors hope for her lungs to regain function soon, or her other option is to be put on an organ transplant list for new lungs.
In the meantime, Zei is still eager to graduate early and has been completing her schoolwork while at Children’s Mercy.
“The biggest relief will be to walk back into our house and for her to be able to walk up the stairs to her bedroom and be able to just lay down in her bed and relax,” Kerschen said.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2018/03/21/16-year-old-girl-still-walks-and-eats-tacos-while-on-life-support/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/03/21/16-year-old-wichita-girl-still-walks-and-eats-tacos-while-on-life-support/
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healthfitness04 · 7 years
Age-proof your body
Want to live longer, feel stronger and look much younger than you really are? Here's 15 ways to do just that
OK, let’s start with the basics. ‘Ageing is a natural process, but it can be accelerated by inflammation, which causes damage to tissues and cells,’ explains Dr Riccardo Di Cuffa, director and GP at Your Doctor. ‘Bad habits such as smoking, excess alcohol and poor diet can all speed up a process called telomere- shortening. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Without telomeres, DNA strands become damaged and our cells can’t do their job properly. Take steps to cut out those unhealthy habits, however, and it’s possible to significantly reduce the speed of telomere-shortening.’ 
Choosing a good, antioxidant-rich anti-ageing night cream is only half the battle. ‘Without realising it, many of us hold tension in our jaw, between the brows and along the hairline – which can make us look much older,’ says Natalie Hart from Titanic Spa. ‘When applying your evening moisturiser, spend at least five minutes massaging your face. This will help release excess tension and clear your mind, ready for a night of replenishing sleep.’ 
Pollution can take a toll on your looks. ‘Studies show that components of air pollution can damage DNA in cells and contribute to premature skin ageing such as wrinkling and pigmentation spots,’ says Dr Anjali Mahto, spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation. Use an antioxidant serum, then a moisturiser with SPF, she says. 
A healthy work-life balance is key to looking and feeling youthful – so switch off (literally) at the end of the working day. More than half of workers in high-pressure jobs suffer dangerous levels of stress at home and increased risk of heart disease, partly as a result of being constantly connected via smartphones, laptops and tablets, says a recent study in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 
Yes, reading helps you live longer. That’s according to researchers at Yale University, who tracked the reading habits of more than 3,500 older people across a 12-year period. Regardless of their gender, health, wealth or education, book-lovers were 20 per cent less likely to die during the course of the study. One theory is that reading about other people’s lives boosts empathy and social skills, both of which have been linked to longevity. 
Want a product that will really make your skin glow? Get picky in the fruit and veg aisle. ‘Consuming the right food has a huge impact on skin health, including the 80 per cent of skin that topical products can’t reach,’ says dermatologist Dr Howard Murad. ‘Diet provides the necessary nutrients to build strong, healthy new cells, and antioxidants that neutralise cell-damaging free radicals. Carrots, sweet potatoes and oranges are packed with vitamins A and C, which help restore damaged collagen.’ 
The best way to age-proof your body is to get to know it. Recognise what’s normal – and what’s not – for you, and don’t delay before getting any new symptoms or concerns checked out. ‘This applies even if you’re young and otherwise healthy,’ days Dr Di Cuffa. ‘Many health conditions start with vague and general symptoms, but ignoring them could be delaying a serious diagnosis and preventing early intervention or treatment.’ Likewise, it’s so important to attend screening and routine checks. For example, around one in four UK women ignores cervical screening invitations, according to Jo’s Trust, so don’t overlook those reminders!
No, you can’t get away with yoga alone. Are you getting your quota of cardio exercise? ‘If you really want to slow down the rate at which you age, high-intensity training is the most effective option,’ insists personal trainer Zana Morris. ‘It’s the best way to increase muscle mass and blood flow, lose fat and minimise protein loss. ‘But it’s also important to note that over-exercising can be very ageing, too: any moderate to high-intensity exercise beyond 45 minutes will eat into your protein levels and speed up the ageing process,’ says Morris. So a 15-minute burst is the optimum.’ 
Bone broth is rich in collagen, the protein needed to keep your skin, hair and nails looking young. Your body’s production of collagen falls as you age and some nutrition scientists now believe that getting collagen through diet can help boost the body’s supply. ‘Consuming bone broth is one of the best ways to replenish collagen in your body so your hair regains lustre and your nails, joints and teeth strengthen,’ says Dr Sara Gottfried. You can use beef, chicken or fish bones. The slow cooking breaks the collagen down into gelatin,’ says Gottfried. ‘Drink a warm cup daily.’
A quarter of UK adults admit they haven’t seen a dentist in the past two years, according to the Oral Health Foundation. Guilty as charged? Book that appointment now. ‘Nothing ages you more than unhealthy, stained teeth,’ says sports psychologist and fitness trainer Melinda Nicci. ‘Keep them white between check-ups by cutting down on caffeine and red wine, and eating foods that promote pearly whites. Strawberries are great for this because they contain malic acid, a natural enamel whitener.’ 
It’s easy to let your social life slip when you’re busy with work and family commitments – but doing so can make you age quicker, warns Dr Emer MacSweeney, medical director and CEO of Re:Cognition Health (recognitionhealth.com). ‘Being in an active and sociable environment, conversing with others and solving problems is a good way to stimulate the brain, keeping it agile, active and young,’ she says. Need more persuading to meet pals tonight? Having a wide circle of friends can reduce your chances of developing dementia, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, which looked at the lives of 2,200 older women in the US. Those with large social networks were 26 per cent less likely to develop dementia than those who had just a few pals.
Yoga increases flexibility, improves balance and helps manage stress – all of which can help slow the ageing process. So the findings of a recent study at the University of the Sunshine Coast Australia should really come as no surprise: yoga turns back the clock. ‘Yoga increases the blood flow from your heart to your head, sending more oxygen to your face, rejuvenating your skin,’ says Steve Tansey, head of research and development at Les Mills UK, who commissioned the study analysing the effects of twice-weekly yoga classes on a group of over-55s. ‘It increases your strength, particularly that of the spinal erector muscles, so can make you feel younger when you stand, sit and move around throughout the day.'
Can’t quit the coffee habit? Make sure your morning fix benefits your skin by swapping to a collagen latte. Dr Gottfried has been starting her mornings with this creamy drink for several years. Collagen is a protein that improves skin, hair and nails. As you age, levels of collagen in the body start to fall, but it’s now thought that taking it as a supplement can help slow down the process as you age. ‘Once a collagen latte became my morning ritual, my skin started to glow,’ says Dr Gottfried. ‘Place 250ml of low-toxin decaffeinated coffee or tea in a blender with 1-2 teaspoons of collagen powder. You can also add 1tbsp of coconut oil. Blend for up to 15 seconds until frothy like a latte.’ 
We all know that working out gives us a healthy glow. But did you know exercise may even turn around the visible signs of skin ageing, such as sagging? ‘With age, the outer layer of our skin thickens and becomes more dry and flaky while the innermost layer, the dermis, starts to thin,’ says Dr Gottfried. ‘But if you exercise, your outer layer of skin doesn’t thicken as early and your inner layer doesn’t become thin. It’s due to proteins called myokines that are released by working muscles and increase after exercise. ‘Your skin uses myokines, and the more provided, the younger it stays,’ says Gottfied. In a study at McMaster University in the USA, a group of people aged 20 to 86 exercised for 30 minutes, twice a week at 65 per cent of their maximum heart rate. After three months, the skin composition of the older subjects looked like that of the twenty-to-forty-year olds.
When all else fails, stick a sheet over your face! One of this year’s hottest anti-ageing trends, sheet masks, first hit the beauty headlines in South Korea before attracting a cult following in the Western world over recent months, too. Saturated in skin-saving ingredients, the masks work their magic while you lie back and relax for 15 minutes. 
Article Jul 25, 2017 from http://www.womensfitness.co.uk/news/1717/age-proof-your-body
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redroses79 · 7 years
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17 Ways to beat depression and anxiety immediately
Suffering from anxiety and/or depression is actually quite common, regardless of what age you are. There can be so many causes of this dis-ease, but when you really look at it, it is mostly due to fear - which is a part of us that creates a plethora of self-sabotaging behaviours (such as worry, doubt, low self-esteem or confidence, etc).
Being a sufferer of this dis-ease myself, I’ve learned to accept certain things in my life and also letting go of some. I understand that we are all vulnerable in so many ways, and by accepting our vulnerability is a strength in itself and something that can allow us to open up to a new level of understanding of how life should work which can be an antidote to both anxiety and depression. At first, I thought that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness and that I have to do everything that I can to overcome it. But I was wrong. Instead we should accept it, welcome it, and learn from it. Look deeper into it and you can find the solutions.
Over the years, I’ve done certain things to make myself feel a lot better whenever I’m “down in the dumps”. They do work, some to a bigger extent as life-changing (if you are open to it, that is). So, here I offer you the 17 ways (as far as I have done) to beat depression and anxiety immediately.
1) Reading 
I find that reading books that are uplifting, inspiring, and motivating can change your life and make you feel better instantly. It can give you plenty of ideas and be more creative in your life. Make an effort to read a book or two a month, or a chapter a day to help you through. I can’t emphasise hard enough how powerful reading a good book can be. 
Here are some book titles (to name a few) which I find so inspiring and life-changing:
“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho
“The Courage to be Creative” by Doreen Virtue
“The Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda
“You can heal your life” by Louise L Hay
2) Listening to an audiobook
This is a great alternative to those who don’t like to read. I like to do both from time to time, and listening to an audio book is just as powerful. Some books do come in an audio version that you can buy or download online. Sometimes when you’re out for a long drive in the car, or a ride in the bus or train, you can just pop on your ipod/iphone and listen to an inspiring audiobook to pass the time.
3) Do something fun (and silly, once in a while)
You can’t simply rule this one out. It can be difficult at most times to get yourself out there and do something that’s wildly fun (okay, it doesn’t have to be wild) but it does take the mind off of things that are stressing you out. It can be as simple as going to the movies or hanging out with family or friends, setting up a barbecue, going parasailing or diving, and so on..whatever you can think of that would be fun. I know I like doing makeup from time to time, and sometimes I’d just play with makeup, do my nails, and watch youtube tutorials just for fun, if I wanted to do something different that is. I like to switch things up. It could also be fun dressing up at home too! Don’t be afraid to do something like this once in a while. And don’t forget to take up fun cooking or arts and crafts classes.
4) Connecting with nature
I find this to be one of the most powerful ways to uplift your energy. It is one of the most refreshing things. It is so important to connect with nature at least once a week, like going to the beach, or out for a walk, listening to the sound of birds chirping, the wind blowing, or even breathing fresh air! It will lift your energies up instantly. Connecting with nature will also remind us to connect with ourselves. 
5) Exercise
Exercising lifts your mood and energy up instantly. Take a walk or get on a treadmill (at home or at the gym) at least for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Or perhaps even doing some yoga stretches at home for 15 minutes will definitely do the trick. I find that doing a yoga headstand once in a while gets you into a good mood as you’re allowing the blood and oxygen to flow to your brain. Whatever it is, you just need to get up and get your body moving.
6) Sleep
Getting enough sleep is key to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It allows your body to heal and repair itself. Therefore giving your body enough time to sleep and rest is important. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each day, and if you’re feeling tired during the day especially in the afternoon it wouldn’t hurt to take a 15 to 20 minute power nap. Taking power naps can be refreshing and will give you a boost of inspiration and new ideas.
7) Music
I have a secret to feeling better every day. I remember crying in the shower when I was feeling depressed. In all honesty, the bathroom is a place that can either suck your energy out or it can bring you pleasure, the choice is yours. It can deplete your energy because when you are in the bathroom alone, all you can think about is your pain! So, my secret to making bathrooms (or showers) a place of pleasure is listening to music every time you’re in there! Trust me, it works. I listen to lovely soothing music while I’m taking my morning and evening showers, and it gives a boost of lovely and uplifting energy. However, listen to only soft instrumental music. It will put a smile on your face and will encourage you to love yourself even more. Your body will also love it. Just try it for yourself.
Generally, listening to soft and gentle music everyday, wherever you are, is good for your body, mind and soul.
8) Retail therapy
Okay, I know you’re probably thinking “YES!”. Who doesn’t love shopping, right? I know I do. However, it is only a temporary solution, but it does help to lift your mood and energy while it lasts. Having said this, I don’t recommend to go overboard on your spending as you do not want to feel regret having to spend too much and end up feeling depressed about it! That certainly beats the purpose. Make sure that you only spend WITHIN your budget, and DO NOT use a credit card! Decide how much you want to spend and what you want to spend on that can only make you feel better, such as going for a spa massage, or buying a good book or a calming incense kit for your home or an ipod to play music wherever you go, or something that you can keep your mind occupied on and make you feel better.
9) Children
Having kids has been a pleasure to me and up until now I can’t begin to express my gratitude how lucky I am to be able to have children. Spending time with my own kids has given me so much inspiration and they are simply one of the reasons why I must keep moving on with my life and becoming a better person every day. If you don’t have kids, find a way to surround yourself with children once in a while. Perhaps volunteering to look after your nieces or nephews or babysitting your friend’s children. Being with them will give you a sense of joy and happiness and wonder. Children are full of love and happiness. They just have so much of it and they’ll gladly share it with you too.
10) Detox
Detoxing your body is also one of the most powerful ways to clear your mind and body of negativity and toxicity, which thereby can lift your energy higher and your body feeling very light. Once in a while, you need to detox your body in order to feel realigned with yourself again. Eating heavy meals and meats every day throughout the day can be so acidic and take a toll on your digestive system, which can take up too much energy to digest rather than spreading that energy throughout your body and mind. 
Going on a juice cleansing detox for 2 or 3 days a month or a week (whichever makes you feel good) can be powerful, and so is fasting. On this note, taking up a healthy alkaline-rich diet by eating clean food or even eating the right foods the right way can help with balancing your hormones and keeping your mind clear of negativity. I highly recommend reading good books on how to keep your body healthy through detoxing and have a balanced lifestyle. My recommended title for now is the “Beauty Detox” by Kimberly Snyder.
11) Calming incense
This is also one of the great ways to feel relaxed and calmed immediately. Lighting up an incense stick, made from essential oils such as Lavender, Ylang ylang, or eucalyptus to name a few, is very effective in calming the nerves. It brightens up your mood and helps to clear the negative energy away. You can do this in your bathroom while you’re taking a nice bath, or anywhere in your home where you spend your quiet times the most.
12) Create goals
Have a goal or some goals in your life. Creating goals for yourself can get your mind activated and encourage you to think of new refreshing ideas about what you can do to go out and about. It can be a short- or long-term goal, whatever it is, have some. Without goals, life is meaningless. Having goals mean having a sense of purpose in life, and it gives you reason to move on and serve for the greater good.
13) Art
People usually think that you need to be born to be creative and create art pieces instantly without learning. Well, I think that’s bull****. I believe that everyone can be creative in so many ways, we just need to make an effort to learn some things. In this instance, art is a beautiful way of connecting with yourself in a much higher level. It is so meditative and gives you a heightened sense of peace and joy from within because you’re in touch with yourself on a deeper level. Being a self-taught artist myself, I know this to be the truth. Even if drawing or painting circles or a straight line is all you know, that can be a great start to channeling your artistic-self and getting to know yourself better. Take on an artistic endeavour, and you won’t regret it. It just means that you’re giving yourself a chance to shine. Most of the great minds, thinkers, and inventors who have ever lived before were artists too.
14) Positive affirmations
Make an effort to remove all negative self-talk that simply is nothing but a self-sabotaging act on yourself. Speak to yourself every day in the most positive way that you can come up with. Your body wants you to love it, and that begins with speaking in a loving and positive tone. Say “I love you” to yourself and give yourself either a pat on the back or a big hug. Affirm to yourself that “I deserve to be happy and wealthy in every way” or anything that you wish to say to yourself. Do this every day in front of the mirror and watch how your life will change. Positive affirmations can change your life as it alters every cell in your body and lifts your energy for good.
15) Energy Healing
There are several healing methods out there that you can do to realign and rejuvenate yourself, and increase your energy levels. The Chinese often call this energy “Chi”. It is so important to keep this “Chi” energy flowing smoothly in our bodies to keep us balanced and healthy. Sometimes when your body goes through some kind of trauma or even an illness, it also means that you may have blocked energy somewhere in your body.  The simplest solution to this is of course finding the right healing method for you to unblock that energy. Some of them that I know are such as Reiki, Crystal and Chakra healings. There are possibly more types of healing methods out there that can shift and unblock your energy. I have never personally tried Reiki before, but I have done some classes on how to do both crystal and chakra healing on myself previously and they do work. 
Energy clearing is so important for the health of your body, mind and soul, because wherever we go and who we are with, we are always absorbing the energies of our surroundings and of the people that we hang out with, thereby affecting our own energy levels too. If no clearing has been done before, the accumulated energy within your body can be blocked and remain stagnant over time, which can also in turn affect the health of your physical body. So, find ways to clear your energy once or twice daily or once a week, or however much you feel you need to do so.
16) Praying
I know that sometimes we may feel that praying doesn’t work no matter how much we pray, but it gives us all the more reason to keep praying. Praying does work, providing that we pray entirely from our hearts and souls. The emotion and energy that we give to praying is so important as God listens more to how we feel. If we feel that we aren’t being given enough, then we would always feel insufficient in life. But if we feel that joy is naturally inherent within us and that we are always taken care of, then that is what we will always attract, joy and abundance. Pray from your heart and your prayers will eventually be answered. Don’t underestimate the power of prayers. 
17) Meditation
Alongside praying, I also believe in the power of being in silence. It gives us a chance to reconnect with the power that we have within us, and getting to know ourselves better. Spending some time in quiet solitude every single day will give you a sense of power and self-discovery each time you do this. You will see how capable you are of focusing on the task that you do, and how much fresh new ideas and inspiration that you can gain by being in silence. Do this at least 10 to 20 minutes (or more) twice a day, and watch how your life will change from the way you think to the way you behave. On a bigger scale and over time, everything about you will change for the better. Your mood and energy levels will be higher as you keep yourself aligned with your higher purpose everyday. You will find yourself doing things that you have never done before or were once afraid of doing. Being in silence does take practice and patience, but you are worth the time to do this. 
So there you have it! The 17 ways to healing yourself from anxiety and depression. By doing at least a combination of a few of the ways I just described above can certainly help you to overcome your struggles and uplift your energy levels. In most cases, and certainly the most important thing is, having a sense of gratitude for life itself can overcome all challenges in your life. Always be grateful for what you have now and continue to harness that gratitude so you can attract all the good things and people into your life. 
Live and love life!
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