#like. I think shed trust him and know him enough to not think HE betrayed her
theoneicelady · 1 year
I am 65% sure Maria KNEW it wasnt him and didnt feel betrayed, and used her last words to warn him that the skrull could/did take his form
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
How do you think majima hit his ex wife ? Do you think he did it like kiryu slapped haruka , he whapped his hand over her cheek like a reflex, without even thinking. Do you think he revved up for a backhand during an argument, or maybe he grabbed her by the shoulders and straight up threw her to the ground while she was at her most vulnerable and then he walked out the door and never looked back
#Yakuza loveblog#we dont give majima enough shit for hitting mirei but she seems so wistful when she was talking aboht it#mirei is .. shes like haruka but not because when something terrible happens to haruka she files that emotion away and keeps trucking on wit#her angellic smile but when mireis going through a lot she shuts down and she gets that blank expression a lot more like majima does ..#maybe he got that from her ?? i think she got the abortion and went home to tell majima about it. all the while that blank look plastered on#her face and she tells him that she was pregnant and before he could have any resction to that news she tells him she got rid of it#and majima is shocked he looks at her face and he gets mad it looks like she doesnt give a shit. she didnt even tell him she didnt even#trust him and he shoves her to the floor he’d yelled at her for a reason he cant even remember now and she looks at him without any emotion#and he figures it out. that she was right not to trust him because hes like This. and she doesnt love him because hes like this so he walks#away knowing he doesnt deserve anything from her because she was hurting and he could only make it worse. and maybe he cried a bit over her#had a few angry tears at some bar but she never shed a tear over him because thats just not who she is#she recounts the story to haruka with a blank expression and a slow#calm voice that betrays no emotion ... she really loved majima that much was obvious .. neither of them had been really ready for a#relationship but i believed they did love each other they just didnt know how to deal with two things at once
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mindtrcks · 2 years
oh, dilute me
Pairing: Tyler Galpin/Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: AFAB reader, manipulation, light d/s
Summary: Tyler can’t have Wednesday, but he might still be able to have you
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So Wednesday knows. So Wednesday was bound to figure it out, because she’s nothing if not stubborn, and Tyler stood no chance against the Addams’ family values that have been instilled in her. The values that tell her not to trust, and not to forget, and certainly not to give up. So Tyler can’t have Wednesday.
But he might still be able to have you.  
He keeps the act up in the police station; it’s clear Wednesday’s not buying it, but you keep avoiding his gaze and biting the inside of your cheek and he thinks he still has you on the line. You’re not tense and sharp like Wednesday, not glaring at him from across the room. You’re still making yourself small, still staring mostly at the ground, remaining silent while Wednesday takes the blame for everything. While Wednesday gets expelled. While Wednesday gets out of the picture.
She’s seething when Tyler’s dad finally steps away, you standing by her side looking like you don’t know what to do. Wednesday has lost . Tyler’s sure that was never in the cards when you followed her to that shed. And now you’re out of your depth. Torn between your friend who's supposed to know everything and the guy who’s supposed to be a murderer, and Tyler knows you like him far more than you could ever like Wednesday. He stands up from the bench he’d been occupying and walks toward you, keeping his shoulders hunched and his eyes skirting. He’s gotten good at playing the victim, at garnering sympathy. Your eyes zero in on him immediately, he can hear your sharp intake of breath.
He says your name once he’s close enough, whispered and reverent and betrayed. Your lips press together like you’re holding back tears , and isn’t that something? Doesn’t that mean that he’s won you, too?
Your eyes flick to Wednesday, worry clear on your face, but Wednesday doesn’t look at you. She doesn’t soothe your doubts or reassure you that you did the right thing. And that’s her first mistake, because that’s what you need. You need somebody to look you in the eye and say it’s alright , to hold your hands and tell you that you’re good . Tyler’s known that about you since the first time you walked into the Weathervane, with a small voice and fleeting gaze. Tyler’s known that about you since before he knew your name.
“This isn’t over,” Wednesday says, staring up at him with those same dead eyes as always. The sad part is that she believes it, believes there’s some way she can win, still. But Tyler’s got the police, and Tyler’s got the school, and now Tyler’s on his way to having you, and Wednesday isn’t even putting up a fight. It’s pathetic.
She walks past him, shoulder checks him as she does, and he winces for effect. He’s still battered and bruised from Wednesday’s torture, but the pain is nothing to what he’s felt before. You don’t need to know that, though. You’re still standing in front of him, watching Wednesday walk away, and Tyler side-steps until he’s the only thing in your view, waiting patiently until you finally look in his eyes.
It really does look like you’re about to cry. He’d do anything to see the tears fall. “I’m sorry,” you say, your voice shaky and soft. “I should’ve trusted you, I don’t know why—”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, grabbing your hands. Instantly, they stop shaking, and a pretty pink blush spreads across your face. You’re so much easier than Wednesday; Tyler could have made this all go so much smoother if he’d never let Wednesday get under his skin. If he’d looked past the glamor of the shiny new toy to see you behind her, ready to be pushed, ripe for the taking. He sees you now, though, a delicate flower trusting him to hold it, trusting him not to crush it in his palms. “I know how convincing she can be.”
You look down, embarrassed, maybe, or just still not able to hold eye contact with him. “I should’ve stopped her anyway,” you mutter, pulling your hands out of his and towards your own chest.
Your guilt is thick in the air and Tyler knows he’ll be able to milk that for ages; instead of reassuring you again, he just ducks his head down, revels in the way you instinctively step forward. “It’s over now,” he says, letting his eyes skirt up to your face. “Do you want a ride back to Nevermore?”
You trust him enough to get in a car with him; Tyler wonders what else he can get you to do.
He’s fighting Enid in the woods when he realizes he has to make a choice.
There’s no way he wins this; even if he snapped Enid’s neck and left her for dead, he wouldn’t walk out of these woods a winner. Because after Enid, he’d have to go through Wednesday, have to go through the principal, have to go through anybody else who's been convinced of his guilt, and by the time he was done with that, he’d already be in a prison cell. So if he wants to win, if he wants to leave this mess behind him and walk away a free man, an innocent man, he has to make a choice.
Enid gets a paw at him, and he lets himself be pushed into a tree, lets his head hit the cold bark, lets himself slide down until he’s shivering and naked on the leaves, and Enid’s staring at him with wide eyes.
“Tyler,” she says, cautiously, both of them human again now. She ducks down to pick up a stick, holds it out like it’s a sword. “Stay right where you are. I’m not afraid to use this thing.”
He blinks up at her, intending to look confused and out of it. “Enid?” he asks. “What the hell is going on?”
She narrows her eyes, but lowers the stick anyway, and Tyler knows that he’s going to get away with this.
He stumbles out of the woods wrapped in a bright pink coat, eyes scanning the crowd of disgruntled students as he looks for something he can latch onto.
Of course you’re the first person he sees.
He hasn’t had time to think about how he’s going to play this yet, but when he spots you standing there, staring at him with wide eyes and fingers twitching at your sides, he gets an idea. He pulls the coat further around himself, makes sure he’s shaking enough for it to be visible as he approaches you. He watches as you take him in, cataloging the scrapes and bruises, the dirt on his skin. He says your name, and your eyes flick to his face. “I—” he starts, ready to rattle off something untrue and pitiful, something that’ll make your gaze soften, that’ll make you reach out to touch him.
But you’re interrupting him before he can, stepping forward and jutting up your chin. “It’s over now,” you say, echoing his words in the police station, and he freezes. Tries to scan through his memory to find what he got wrong, because he had you, he knows he had you, why are you—
His careening train of thought is once more cut off when you take both of his hands in your own—you have a thing for stealing his moves, evidently. “I don’t want to know,” you say, looking grim. Looking like you really already do know. Tyler’s panicking a little; this is his last card to play, and if you don’t believe him, and Wednesday doesn’t believe him, then nobody will. He furrows his brows, doesn’t have to fake the confusion in his eyes. “Whatever lie you’re spinning,” you continue. “I don’t want to hear. Save it for the police.”
And that’s not what Tyler was expecting. But he can work with it. Right? Sure, maybe you know more than he thought. Maybe you don’t trust him the way you were pretending to. But you’re still here. You’re still holding his hands, fingers on his pulse point, and standing close enough that your hips are touching his. You’re not what he thought, but you’re not as bad as you could be; you’re not Wednesday, who's already glaring from across the crowd. You’re not on your way back to the station, ready to tell the whole world that Wednesday was right.
You’re here, with him.
His story is that it was all Thornhill. She manipulated him, tricked him into killing people and he didn’t know anything about any of it.  
You’re next to him in the police station as he gives the official statement to his dad. He’s wearing your clothes—pajamas you’d rummaged through your dorm room for while he stood in the doorway, not knowing what to say or how to act. He still doesn't. He doesn't know what you know or what you’re thinking or what your plan is. But he knows you’re here, and for now that’s the only thing he really cares about. He gives the statement, lets his dad hug him and apologize, rattle on about how it’s his fault.
And then he looks at you. He doesn't know where he's supposed to go next, what he's supposed to do next. But he does know that wherever you go, he'll follow.
Six months later, and he's enrolled at Nevermore.
The general student population leaves him be; in a school for outcasts, he's not the strangest one there. He can skirt by without being noticed by most. Fly under the radar, go unrecognized. People who don't remember what happened, who weren't there that night in the woods, assume he's a wolf; they don't question why there has to be a special set of chains for him in the nurse’s office. They don't question anything.
There are a few exceptions. They come mostly in the form of Wednesday’s friends. They look at him like they're sorry for him, sorry that he's there, sorry for what he is, or sorry that they locked him in a shed and tortured him not even a year ago. It makes Tyler’s skin crawl, their pity, their guilt. It's like he's the one who's supposed to absolve them, and he's got no interest in doing that. But he supposes it's better than them knowing . Anything would be better than them knowing.
The only people who know are you and Wednesday. The latter reacts about how he would expect; she glares at him in classes they share, calls him a monster in the hallways for everybody to hear. She avoids spending any time with him at all unless she has to, and she rarely has to. She hates him, that much is clear, but Tyler doesn't mind. It seems like she's given up on trying to convict him, which is all he really cared about. She's moved on to bigger things. In a place like this, with people like him, there's always a monster to hunt. For Wednesday, Tyler is last year’s obsession.
For you, the story is different.
Because you know. He knows you know; how could you not? You know what he did and you know all the things he lied about, and you know how he's still lying now. But you don't seem to mind. You act like nothing's changed. You spend your weekends in his dorm, your free periods sitting with your legs tangled up in his. You brush your fingers over his cheekbones, smirk and whisper things under your breath that only he can hear. If his life was once sink or swim, now the only thing he can do is drown in you. He's wearing your clothes more often than he wears own; he's with you more often than he’s not.
He knows he should be concerned. He's supposed to have the upper hand over you, supposed to make your cheeks flush and your words tumble out of your mouth. But he’s increasingly finding that the opposite is true. One look from you and he forgets everything he's ever taught himself about not getting attached, about the danger of distractions. If you say run, he says how far , if you say jump, he'll ask how high?
He doesn't do anything without thinking of you; he does everything hoping it’ll make you happy.
“Like this?” he asks, crooking his fingers as you’d instructed. You sigh and press your face into his shoulder, nodding against his skin. He's best at pleasing you like this, at taking you apart under his hands. He brushes your hair out of your face and presses deeper, harder, reveling in the way you gasp. He’s always done anything to get you stay; if only he knew back when he met you that this is what it takes.
You lift a hand to push at his, say, “ Okay ,” all out of breath, and he knows immediately to stop, eyes flicking up at you, waiting for direction. “Okay, Tyler. I want your mouth now.”
He makes a pitiful sound that he would've been embarrassed about a year ago, but doesn't think twice of now as he pushes himself further down the bed, lifts your legs up and over his shoulders. You’re already wet; he’s been fingering you for God knows how long, but he would’ve kept going until his fingers cramped up if you wanted him to. He’s glad you didn’t. He likes tasting you so much better, and he wastes no time getting to work now that he’s got permission.
You’ve said before he eats you out like he’s starved for it. Maybe he is. As he licks at you, your thighs trapping him in place and your hand pulling ever-so-slightly where it's buried in his hair, he feels as though his taste for blood has been replaced with a taste for you. Maybe that was your plan all along, get him addicted to this so he won’t do that again. If it was, it’s working. You’re the only person he’ll kill for now.
“Just like that,” he hears you breath out, your hips lifting up to grind into his face. He squeezes his eyes shut, moves his tongue faster. His own hips are searching for friction against the bedsheets, but it’s fruitless. You still haven’t touched him, and he knows he won't be able to come until you do. He can’t find it in himself to be frustrated, though, not when you’re letting him do this. Not when he can hear you gasping above him, when he can feel you wet against his lips.
He’s done this enough times that he can tell when you’re about to come. You grip at the sheets, your hand in his hair tightening enough to sting. He can feel your legs tense up, your thighs quiver. But what gives it away are the little punched-out moans that start tearing out of your mouth, loud enough they almost sound like sobs. Tyler hums against you, shifts the angle so work his tongue inside you and nose at your clit.
At that, you cry out, shaking underneath him, and he knows you’ve finished, but he doesn't stop, doesn’t pull away until you sink back into the bed and brush your knuckles over his cheekbone. When you pull him up to kiss him all slow and sweet, there are tear tracks on your cheeks.
He once thought he'd give anything to see you cry; turns out, all he had to give was himself. 
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klausysworld · 1 year
could i request a
klaus mikaelson x fem hybrid reader
where reader use to be friends with the Scooby gang but she got in a fight and they all chose Elena’s side and Elena made it worse and rubbed it in so to get back at them she bit Elena.
and when they klaus doesn’t know he just knows she had a fight but then they come begging for his blood because she bit her and his like proud of his girlfriend or something like that
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I didn’t mean to
Being Klaus mikaelsons girlfriend is hard enough anyways. Constantly having to watch your own shadow to make sure nobody going to grab you and use you as leverage. Making sure to always give him your attention and affection while also balancing the blood shed and agony.
What made it harder was being one of his hybrids. Now yes i was sired but he didn’t use it against me. And i knew that he actually felt something for me. My friends however didn’t.
“You’re being pathetic y/n he will never love you! It’s that stupid creepy bond that you have for him, you’re just doing it to please him!” Elena yelled, her arms flinging about as though it would make her point better
“Then why hasn’t he made me do anything I don’t want to? I haven’t had to betray any of you or anything so if he was using me surely it would be more obvious!?” I questioned growing upset
“God it’s like you’re stupid, he’s smart y/n, he knows what to do to make you think you’re in the right, but you’re not, you’re just a joke to him, a toy” she sneered. I hadn’t been a hybrid long enough to gain complete control over my anger, any of my emotions really.
“You know she’s right y/n” Damon said in a singsong tone making me further agitated. I could see Caroline and Bonnie refusing to look at me as Stefan gave me a sympathy face.
“Fine. I don’t need any of you, clearly i never meant anything to any of you enough for you to trust me” i growled making my way to the front door
“Oh yeah? What you gonna run home to your master or something?” Elena asked with her arms crossed and her head cocked. I didn’t think as i lunged towards her, my canines digging into her skin before i pulled away, ripping a chunk of her neck out as i sped away. I could hear her pain filled cry echo through my head at the same time Stefan and Damon began yelled and Caroline screamed.
I went straight to Klaus’. I didn’t say a word just went straight into his arms hiding my face in his chest. His arms circled me instantly, a hand petting my hair as he dropped whatever he was doing
“Shh, it’s okay” he soothed as i cried into his henley, hiccuping as i tried to calm myself
“Sh sh, are you hurt sweetheart?” He asked gently holding my close against him. I shook my head and clung to him tighter
“Just my emotions” I uttered. He kissed the top of my head before picking me up and taking me to his room
“That’s okay, you’re going to get used to it love. You’re already much better at controlling them hm? You’ve done so well” he encouraged. I was put on his bed, duvet pulled up over me and blackout curtains closed
“Just sleep my love, a rest will make you feel better I assure you.” He muttered as he kissed my forehead lovingly “I’m just across form you in my art room okay? Do you want me to stay?” He asked softly but I shook my head. I knew i was lying saying it was my emotions and ill feel worse the longer he coddles me.
Once he was gone i continued to cry quietly. Knowing that the people i once considered my family now wanted nothing to do with me just because of what i am and who i love. Eventually to fell asleep with a tight grip on Klaus’ pillow trying to replicate the feel of hugging him.
I woke hours later. My eyes fluttered open to the feeling of someones fingers in my hair against my scalp. I hummed sleepily in content as they massaged my head gently. I found that i was laying on a body, face on a warm chest making me frown in confusion before looking up to see Klaus with a smile on his face.
“Hello” he whispered looking at me making me smile in amusement
“Hi” i replied looking at him with a tilt of my head.
“You know…a little birdy told me that you might’ve gotten into a bit of fight today?” He hummed and my heart pounded
“Umm it wasn’t really a fight” i mumbled laying back down so he couldn’t see my face.
“No, clearly they didn’t stand a chance hm?” He asked with a literal chuckle making me blush in embarrassment.
“I didn’t mean to” i whispered sniffling.
“Oh my love, I’m not upset with you” he cooed while lifting me to have me straddle him as he sat up
“No love, if anything I’m proud of you” he explained as his hands cupped my face
“Because you want me to be a monster” i whispered remembering Elenas words from the start of the argument. He frowned at me his hands bringing me closer as he lightly pressed his lips to mine. Softly moving them together before pulling back to look back at me
“Because you are strong enough to defend yourself” he corrected, his arms slipping down my body to pull me closer
“You’re the opposite to a monster sweetheart” he uttered kissing me tenderly, my eyed closing in appreciation
“You mean the world to me” he told me as he gently rocked my body like a parent would a child as the tears slipped down my face once more
“I bit her Klaus” i sobbed and he nodded
“I know sweetheart, i know but it’s okay. Ive given them my blood so you don’t need to feel bad anymore okay?” I shook my head
“They hate me”
“But i love you” he whispered “you just stay with me, I’ll keep you safe” and i found myself nodded, Klaus was all i had, all i could ever want.
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lightlycareless · 4 months
sneak peak of one of the requests I've been working on :> also an idea I wanted to explore with Naoya hahahah he's a jerk btw.
complete version here.
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When the idea of an open relationship is suggested… the first, of many fractures, unwittingly struck onto your relationship.
First by shattering the image you had of him.
Sure, your feelings for him remained, which is what made this ordeal far more painful…
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t harbor other feelings, such as anger.
“—just before we finally settle.” Is the lousy excuse he gives you when confronted, another stab to your heart. “Get it out of the system, you know?”
No. You don’t know, because for the past few years, Naoya is the only man you’ve had eyes for, imagining a future with him—and solely him.
It hurts to even consider he hasn’t been doing the same, probably already interested in some other woman, the reason behind his suggestion in the first place.
“I don’t want to…” you murmur, doing your best to not leave the table, or at least not shed a tear.
“It’ll only be a short time.” Naoya insists. “This way, we can know if we’re truly meant for each other. See if we don’t feel the same with others, hm?”
It’s stupid.
It really is—
Naoya’s suggestion… and your devotion to make him happy.
Because even after all the dumb things he said to justify the unjustifiable, you still wanted to please him.
“I guess we could go through restrictions or something, not that I have an—”
“No sex.” The rapid way in which you reply is something Naoya can’t help but find adorable, interpreting your eagerness as jealousy, overprotectiveness… before brushing it off as silly.
“Y/N—my love, you’re not seriously thinking we can reach a conclusion without that now, can we?”
Truth to be told, you didn’t want to find out. Not by this way at least, by laying in the arms of another…
Could he really blame you for trying to fight it?
“Besides, don’t you want to try it out too?” Naoya smirks. “I’m fine with it, really. It’s a two-way road, after all. What’s good in me having all the fun?”
What hurts more?
That fact that Naoya wanted to pursue other women with your permission?
Or that he was pushing you onto other men, appearing careless to whatever you did or didn’t do with them?
It’s not that Naoya doesn’t care—far from that, really. He doesn’t like when men do as little as glance in your direction.
But he doesn’t worry, because he knows there’s nothing to worry about.
Trusting that his hopelessly-in-love girlfriend would never betray him like that. Aware that your attention and devotion has been on him the moment you took him into your heart—and that no matter what, you’ll always come back to him.
It’s why he suggested the idea in the first place, because he’s long acknowledged that even past your limits, you still tolerate him.
Thus, unsurprised that you agreed to this change—Naoya leaving the apartment soon after that.
Looks like you were right in assuming he already had someone in mind to debut this new arrangement; willing to bet anything to prove he’s already on way to her.
…Well, you hope that Naoya at least respects the only condition both agreed on: not bring any partners to the apartment.
Not that you’d be there to see much of it anyways, opting to stay in your friend’s—Shoko— apartment for the time being.
“Can’t say I didn’t imagine him capable of something like that—but I guess I never thought he’d actually do it, not after dating you as long as he did.” She’d say, before taking a deep huff of her cigarette and exhaling.
You always found it endearing how she’d release the smoke to the side, as if it didn’t permeate the air around you… but at least Shoko cares enough to try.
“So much for having faith on him…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you say, offended yet intrigued by her implications.
“I mean, you knew of the rumors before dating him, Y/N.” Shoko adds, you sigh. That, you did. “I don’t want to say I told you so, but…”
“I guess I was hoping they weren’t real.” You slowly admit. “…What am I going to do, Shoko?”
A breakup isn’t exactly what you had in mind, certainly not what you wanted to do….
But why do that now when you could take advantage of this exploitable opportunity? An opening all too obvious to Shoko, which she doesn’t hesitate to let you know.
“Give him a taste of his own medicine.” She suddenly suggests. “He told you, didn’t he? That you were good to be with other men.”
“But I don’t want to.” You shake your head. “I don’t—I don’t think I can.”
“It’s exactly the same, just another face if that’s what you’re wondering.” Shoko explains, but to you, it was much deeper than that, always has been, certainly for an emotional personal like you.
It’s why she was so angry that your beloved boyfriend was quick to disregard your feelings.
“Ok, sure, let’s say I agree.” You play along. “How do I even start? It’s been a while since I’ve been in the dating scene—I don’t even know if I’m still… desirable.”
Oh, if you only knew.
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.I. naoya
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nottapossum · 10 days
Father Knows best 15: The end ❤️‍🩹
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Possum: TW: Talks of death, parent dying, forgiveness, self hatred, talking of abuse, implied suicide attempts, manipulation, killing.
Lmk if I should add.
"I was born in a messed up century
My favourite flavoured sweets are raspberry amphetamines
I bought a car, Beretta, age 16
I brush my teeth with bleach
'Cause I ain't got time for cavities
My daddy put a gun to my head
Said, "If you kiss a boy I'm gonna shoot you dead"
So I tied him up with gaffa tape
And locked him in a shed
Then I went out to the garden
And I fucked my best friend." -YoungBlud, Parents
~~~M&M: 1 week later~~~
Moxxie and Millie walk back into their apartment. “Careful, watch your step.” Moxxie tells her.
“Moxxie, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.” Millie says. “I've had worse.”
“You always say that, and it always concerns me.” Moxxie tells her as he helps her to the couch.
Not that she needed help, it was her shoulder that was hurt, not her leg.
Millie was finally home after a week of staying in the hospital, and Moxxie was insisting she rest some more? Hell no! She's done with that shit!
The doctors said she'd be just fine, she just has to give it time to heal but Moxxie of course was way more protective of her than they were…
It did make her feel so special though, when he fussed over her like this.
She loved it…
But now..?
“Can I get you something?” Moxxie asks her. “Anything?”
“I'm okay.” She says, looking up at Moxxie, wondering how to say what she needs to.
How does she start the conversation?
He's been avoiding it all week, telling her that he just wanted her to relax and not stress out.
“Okay…” Moxxie paused for a moment, Millie looking at him as he looked at her back with blinking eyes that spoke volumes. “No, actually I think I should get you something. Water? Food? Are you hungry? I know you hate hospital food, honestly who doesn't?” Moxxie asks. ”It's awful.”
“I'll make you some dinner.” Moxxie says. “Anything you want? I can make spaghetti, or some-”
“Moxxie.” Millie interrupts him, a little louder.
Moxxie holds his arms, anxiety rising. “Yes?”
“We need to talk about it.” She says. “You can't avoid it forever, honey.”
Moxxie looks at the floor, acting oblivious. “Talk about what?”
“Why didn’t you just tell me, Moxxie? Was your dad right? Do you find it hard to trust me?” She asks. “Did I do something?”
Moxxie sighs, dropping his head. He hated to admit it…but she's right. They needed to talk about it. Especially if Millie is that worried.
He paced around the room for a second, trying to find the words…
“Millie…I do trust you, I trust you more than I trust myself! I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I didn't want to lie! You just…you have to understand, the hardest thing I ever had to do was be a kid. I had to live through all of that-that- bullshit constantly with a smile on my face!” The second he started explaining, it felt like a flood of emotions was escaping out of him and he couldn't stop it. “Nothing I did was good enough, my feelings were muted, my opinions didn’t matter; I was nothing but an accessory to them. I watched as everything I loved either died or betrayed me! I had to rely on bad people in order to survive long enough to live.”
Moxxie paused for a moment, looking away. “And I almost didn’t”
Millie looks at him with even more concern.
“And…My regression is a reflection on all of that trauma, all their lies. I try to be okay, I try to keep it all hidden deep down inside; but the kid inside keeps it all close in hopes there’s some good in it. He trusts the ones who hurt him the most! And I promised not to be like that but…”
Tears fell down his face as he continued, his breathing rapid, and his movement showing panic by the way his arms shook while he kept swaying back and forth: “And if I regressed in front of you, I knew it would only show you how weak and broken I truly am! How much I didn't actually get over. I just wanted to be okay for you, Millie. I didn’t want to be your problem. I just wanted to be okay so we can be happy! So you wouldn't have to worry about me all the time! So you could…so you could be happy!”
Tears filled Millie’s eyes as she got up from her seat.
“I'm sorry I lied to you!” He cries, attempting to hold himself still. “I'm sorry I got you into this mess without telling you, giving you the choice or- at least an idea of what to expect! I never meant to hurt you! I swear I-”
Millie placed her good hand on his shoulder so he would look up at her. “Moxxie, it's okay! I’m okay, and you're okay. That’s all that matters- Look at me.” She says the moment he looks away. “You are not weak, Mox. You are so much stronger than you can ever see, or what they see. If anything, your regression proves that. It proves you’re a survivor, and a fighter. Do you hear me?” She asks.
Moxxie nods, tears falling down his own face, breathing still violent, but he's showing signs of relaxing.
“Baby, I’m here for you. You don’t have to worry about looking weak to me because you are the strongest person I know.” She says. “I don't know how you survived all of that…but I'm so proud of you, and I'm going to help you get through this, you're not alone anymore.”
Moxxie smiles. “Thanks for saying that, Millie. But, I'm not that strong…”
“You are strong. Why do you think I married you?” Millie asks him.
“You mean it wasn’t because I helped you win the mud fight against your siblings?” Moxxie asks, jokingly.
Millie chuckles. “That was pretty amazing, I will admit. But your emotional strength, your resilience, your heart…Mox, there's no one in this world like you, no one stronger or more deserving of love… It's a privilege to love you the way I get to.” She admits. “I am so happy with you. No matter what happens because I have you.”
Moxxie smiles, crying more now, this time for happier reasons.
Millie kisses him softly and then they hug each other again, this time staying that way in silence until his breathing is normal-er.
“There’s a lot we have left to discuss, you know?” Millie says to him.
Moxxie frowns and nods. “Yeah, I know.”
Millie sighs, breaking the hug to look at him. “Things…they have to change. We can't keep living like this- you can't keep living like this.”
Moxxie nods, looking away from her. “A lot has to change.” He says softly.
“What does that mean?” Millie asks him.
Moxxie shakes his head. “Don't worry about it. I just… There's a lot I need to re-evaluate.” He says.
Millie nods. “You've been through a lot…let's just focus on one thing at a time. Okay?” She asks. “You don't have to fix everything at once.”
Moxxie nods, he knows that's probably what he should be doing…
Focusing on getting better,
Focusing on therapy,
Focusing on coping…
But he needed to think of the others,
He needed to talk to Blitzø,
He needs to undo all the damage that's been done! How can he focus on himself if other people are still getting hurt?
“Moxxie?” Millie asks him, pulling him out of his thoughts.
He looks at her. “Yeah?”
“You're worth worrying about.” She says. “Please don't hide from me again.”
Moxxie nods, taking her hand. “I promise I won't.”
Millie smiles. “I don't know how to fix this…but we will figure it out. We will be okay. We're in this together.”
Moxxie nods again. “I know.”
“I love you.” Millie tells him, wrapping her good arm around him again. “So much.”
“I love you too.” He hugs her back tightly…
Never wanting to ever let go.
He's not sure what's next…
But she's here…
And so he knows everything will eventually be okay.
~~~Moxxie and Blitzø: The next day~~~
Blitzø was in his office, working on something on his laptop, determination and a hint of fear on his face.
Moxxie walked in without even bothering to knock…
“Moxxie? What- what are you doing here?” Blitzø asks him.
Didn't Millie just get home yesterday? Shouldn't he be with her?
“Sir, we need to talk.” Moxxie says, tone serious and straightforward.
“Mox, you're supposed to be at home taking it easy, not here.” Blitz�� says. “You don't get back to work til-”
“This isn't about that.” Moxxie says. “I need to talk to you about something important…it can't wait another day.”
Blitzø looked at him with confusion, the smaller imp looked nervous about what he was about to say, but he sounded so determined. “Uh, okay? What's is it?”
Moxxie hesitates a moment…
‘Rip it off, like a bandaid, you got this.’ Moxxie tells himself. ‘Just say it!’
“I can’t keep working here if we're going to kill innocent people.” Moxxie admits fast.
“Excuse me?” Blitzø asks.
“I can't be like him, Blitzø! I can't keep killing people who don't deserve it.” Moxxie explains. “I need to know who we are killing from now on, and why. And if you have a problem with that, I will find somewhere else to work!”
Blitzø looks at him. “Are you done?” He asks.
Moxxie nods.
“Do you have any idea how much research I do on people before deciding to take a job?” Blitzø asks him.
Moxxie was taken aback by the question and defensiveness in Blitzø's tone. “No…I figured you didn't.” Moxxie admits.
“Well, you're wrong.” Blitzø says. “Maybe I don't do as much as you would but-” Blitzø looks away, knowing he really doesn't know much about most of the people they kill…but he doesn't feel it's necessary all the time! When there's a cheating spouse or avenging a death, how could they be innocent?
“But, what about the bride we killed?” Moxxie asks. “She was a mother, Blitzø! My mother died protecting me, Crimson killed her because she was trying to save me! She didn't deserve- why would you kill a mother, Blitzø?” he asks, starting to get emotional.
“The…” Blitzø gets up and grabs her file tightly and tosses it harshly in front of Moxxie to take it if he wants to.
Moxxie picks it up and looks through it while Blitzø speaks.
Blitzø explains. “We were hired by the woman’s father, she was an abusive parent who was called on by earth’s authorities several times and they did nothing about it. She was not an innocent person!”
Moxxie looks at Blitzø. “Sir-”
“The kid is with her dad now, He’s a much better person than she was. I know it's easy to project your problems, but some fathers are actually half decent. The mother is here in hell now…child abuse isn't really a heavenly thing I guess.” Blitzø says sarcastically and over the top.
Moxxie looks up at Blitzø. “Sir, I didn't mean t-”
“I’m not exactly picky about who we kill, but I don’t just kill anyone! My mother was killed too. I'm not as heartless as I wish I was.” He continues. “I help people get revenge on those who fucked them over. I don’t tell you about them because you freak out about every little thing!”
“I’m sorry.” Moxxie says.
Blitzø stops and takes a deep breath.
Moxxie starts shaking a little. “I didn't mean to imply that you're not- I mean. I just thought that you- I understand we need to kill. I understand why you do what you do, and I didn't mean any dis-”
Blitzø gets a box of papers and hands it to Moxxie, interrupting his panicking and stuttering.
Moxxie takes it, confused and worried about what Blitzø was doing. “...Blitzø?”
Blitzø sits back down at his desk. “That is a list of people who wish to hire us… Look through them, and let me know which ones we're taking.” He instructs.
Moxxie blinks. “What?”
“I know you have the best intentions, you’re also the best judge of character around here. You’re the best person for the job.” Blitzø says.
“Really?” Moxxie asks.
Blitzø nods. “Yeah, I think it’s about time I gave you a more prominent role anyway. You built this business just as much as I did.”
Moxxie's eyes widen…almost not believing what he's hearing. “Thank you…sir.”
Blitzø doesn't respond, he only sits back down.
“Can I ask…What happened to her?” Moxxie asks before he can really think about what he's saying.
“Who?” Blitzø asks.
“Your mom.” Moxxie says. “You said she was killed too…what happened?”
Blitzø looks at Moxxie who just looks back at him, waiting for the answer to his question.
“She died in a fire…” Blitzø explains. “A fire I started.”
Moxxie's eyes widened.
“It wasn't intentional but…it was still my fault.” He admits.
Moxxie looks at him sympathetically. “Blitzø…I-”
Blitzø shakes his head. “I don't need sympathy, Moxxie.” He says. “It's just true, I destroy everything I touch. I tried to help you, and ended up hurting you in every way possible.” He admits.
Moxxie wanted to argue, but he then saw a tear fall down Blitzø's face…
He's never seen him cry…not like this at least…
“Mox…” Blitzø takes a second to consider what it was he wants to say next. “I know I haven't been a good friend to you, I've been downright awful, actually…and I know it, and I have known it. There is no excuse for it, and I'm not asking for forgiveness or trying to make you understand I don't deserve that, I just- I'm saying that…I'm sorry.” He says.
He speaks a little louder. “I do appreciate all that you do for this company, I see you and every improvement you make. This company would be nothing without you…I would be nothing without you!” He says seriously. “I almost lost you…and whether or not you believe I was to blame for that, I am. It was my fault…and I'm so fucking sorry!” Blitzø says.
Moxxie nods, taking a step back, looking away from Blitzø. “You know…my mom died November 6th…I know that because every year she'd send me dimes.”
Blitzø listened, but didn't bother looking at Moxxie.
“Even after I moved in with you, I would find dimes every year, around the house or in the street…but one year I just- I couldn't find any.” He says. “I thought maybe she hated me, that she was disappointed that I didn't do what she wanted, that I became an assassin…”
Blitzø didn't understand why Moxxie brought this up, but listened anyway.
“But then I realized that…the dimes stopped because she knew I was going to be okay. I have Millie, I have you…She didn't need to worry about me. And even if I can never know for sure…I think she's just happy that I moved on.” He says. “I think…maybe yours would want the same thing?” He suggests.
Blitzø's eyes widened. “What?”
“You can hate yourself, you can dwell on all the stuff you should have done…but she would want you to be happy, she would want you to move on rather than feeling bad all the time. Focus on those you can love while you're here…like…Stolas. I mean, if he can love you half as much as Millie loves me…he's probably worth your time, right?” Moxxie asks.
Blitzø doesn't answer.
Moxxie looks away again. “Well, I guess I don't know that for sure but…I want that for you. I want you to be happy and move on…I want to see you as happy as you can be.”
Blitzø looked surprised, probably having no idea how much Moxxie really looked up to him.
“I'll see you in a couple of weeks, Sir.” Moxxie says.
Blitzø nods as Moxxie turns back to the door. He grips the handle…then pauses. “Blitzø?”
“You may not be asking for forgiveness…but you got it anyway. If that wasn't clear.” He says before exiting the office, leaving Blitzø alone.
Blitzø looks back up at the screen…
‘St.An's Hospital, rehab center.’
Blitzø knows that he's the last person she wants to see…
But someone has to tell her about Cash…
She needs to know the danger she might be in…
Besides, it can't hurt to try and make things right between them…can it?
~~~Crimson and Alessio:~~~
“Sir…? Can you hear me?” Alessio asks.
Crimson is laying on the motel bed, staring at the ceiling.
He's been asleep for a few days now, so it surprised Alessio to walk in and see him with his eyes open again.
“How many survived?” Crimson asks, not even looking at Alessio.
“56 sharks remain.” Al explains. “None of the littles were found, they must have escaped-”
“And…the kid?” Crimson interrupts him to ask.
“He escaped with his…friends.”
“Good.” Crimson says, looking down. “I want to be the one to end his life, not Blitzø.”
“Sir-” Alessio wasn't sure what he was going to say, but it didn't matter, because Crimson continued to speak.
“He'll pay for what he did.” Crimson says. “We just have to build the organization back up, get some funds, more sharks-”
Alessio sighs. “Crim, Moxxie-”
“Is dead to us!” Crimson says. “And when we see him again, he'll be dead to everyone else too.”
Alessio nods. “You should rest, Crim.” He says. “You'll never heal if you keep stressing yourself out like this.”
Crimson sighs. “I gave him everything, Al.”
“I know.” Alessio says. “And, I think he knows it too.”
Crimson doesn't respond, he only looks away from Alessio.
With nothing else to say, Alessio leaves his boyfriend in peace. 
"Tick, tock, stop the clock
Because I get the feeling that I'm gonna get shot
Tick, tock, stop the clock
Because I get the feeling that I'm gonna get shot
High hopes are getting low because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried I would never know
High hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right." -Parents, YoungBlud
Possum: I hope you guys liked this ending...it may be a bit rushed but it's all I have left for this book and I've been staring at it for a while trying to think of anything more I can add and I got nothing else to really say.
The next book though will be so much fun, so I hope you read it.
I am always super shocked when I actually finish a book, so I'm going to end this like movie credits or like an award even though it's only fanfiction. I'm proud of it lol
Big thanks to @todayimfour on Tumblr for commenting on all my posts 💕
@alowishmaze and @CrossroadsOfIlussion for giving me so many ideas for this fic! You both are amazing!
And everyone who has read this book throughout.
I Love you all so much! Thank you for the support and comments.
This story took way longer than I anticipated to finish. But ya'll still stuck around. And that's amazing to me.
The next book is called: "Millie knows better." We get to see Moxxie's attempts to recover from all this shit I put him through! :D
Yay 🏳️
Damn, it feels so good to finish a book lol 😆
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy
@legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover @nostalgic-doodles
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vampv0id · 8 months
(Spoiler Warning for Mizumono)
I am such a fan of the Hannibal and Jack fight(s). It's so excruciating how long Hannibal remains undetected, that when he is detected, it doesn't immediately feel real. Hannibal spins such a savvy web, and makes Jack (and everyone else) believe he's this warm, selfless psychiatrist doing everything he can to help his colleagues and friends.
The little moment where they both look at each other for a few seconds before charging into the fight is so significant, Imo. It's the tension of being on the borderline. Their fight starts smack dab in the middle of Jack's past beliefs and fresh realizations. Hannibal is shedding the last bits of his cunning 'friend and psychiatrist' act. Jack is trying to remain tethered to this shocking reality to fulfill his objective of making Hannibal pay. He shifts from this previously unchanging belief that Hannibal isn't the man Will has warned, to this flabbergasted anger. You can tell that when he's looking at Hannibal he can hardly believe it. He's only coming in after Hannibal because from a logical point of view, he's seen enough evidence to know it's certainly him. But it still is so much for him to genuinely comprehend. There's that piercing tension between them. Hannibal just stares through Jack's soul for those small seconds. His eyes say "I know, and though I didn't plan it, now you know," in a very bitter way. And you just know that he's shutting down inside with shame for allowing himself into a position to be 'betrayed' by Will. He's more out of control than ever, and he has to actually wrangle for power instead of having it in the palm of his hand. His meticulousness has been taken through a coup, and for once, he has been the one blindsided. Now all the calculations and tabs he has kept have turned to dust, and he feels pummeled with the idea of lack of power.
There's so many other rushing thoughts I feel they must have been having as well. One side of Jack during the throw down must feel like he's still attacking his completely innocent colleague and friend. Hannibal is a master of puppetry. He knows every single detail to misconstrue. And this fake version of him assimilated so well. He felt so real. And the other side of Jack is probably revisiting every little interaction he had with the man, thinking about how many lies were packed into each day. He's looking back and finally clicking the motivations into the the behaviors. It must have felt like fighting two men at once. Everyone that realizes what Hannibal is has a variation of this.
Jack's looking back and thinking of all the horrible things he missed. He's ashamed. Because of how he permitted a serial killer to harm the countless victims and torture and single out Will, but even more so because he let himself be disrespected and lied to. The most dangerous serial killer in the area came into his department/his house and slyly mocked him. That's what bothers him the most (which is kind of fucked up of you, Jack,).
Hannibal was falling apart inside because of his hurt from Will's double-dealing. Will had went for the most vulnerable part of him, which was his rare trust. Hannibal is most likely so preoccupied with his heartbreak, that he was probably a little disappointed he couldn't fully relish Jack's contempt. He goes on this slaughter spree, feeling so humiliated and abandoned by Will that he needs to maim everybody, even more than usual. He flocks to this vice to numb his self-loathing, the way he always has. To convince himself he's powerful and better than everyone.
Hannibal's love for Will was a leap of faith, and therefore, to his own thinking, naivety and weakness. He feels cornered by his shame, so weak for showing the closest thing to love he someone like him can give to another human being. The bile of the vulnerability he digested is coming back up his throat, and he needs to do something to feel powerful again. So he does what he always does. Rubs salt in the people that believed him up until the point of realization's wounds. He savors his near complete mutilation of Jack, manipulates Abigail into an anticipated promise of safety as long as she does what he says, and instructs her to shove Alana out the window. And then, reduces Abigail to another victim, in front of Will after gutting him. But while he reduces everyone around him to prey, he reduces himself to an almost childish animal burning with hurt pride.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
Anon from this ask!
I’m so glad I decided to send that ask to you. You’re so right.
But I must admit my “But I wonder what he would think if he knew the real reason why Buggy left him?” Was worded wrong, I’m sorry English is not my first language and I have troubles with expressing myself. What I meant is if that knowledge would change shanks view right now, like he founds out the reason. I wonder if he would be less accepting of buggy just choosing his way vs knowing he broke his heart
But your answer made me wonder so much about everything. I wonder if anyone in shanks crew knows about why he waited so long. And exactly what you pointed out. How would Buggy react to “actually I NEED to wait”.
hello again, anon! (i have been wondering how many of you are unique vs returning askers! it's nice to know at least one of you has come back for more~)
please don't feel any need to apologize for your english! i was the one who misunderstood that you meant shanks learning the truth now, not shanks being told the truth at the time. that’s on me!
so. shanks as he is now—thirty-nine, an emperor of the sea, boss of a good ship and crew, protector-captain of a massive fleet, finally going after the one piece—learns that the reason the first person he asked to sail with him refused was because shanks didn’t want to go after the one piece when he was fifteen.
would shanks think differently of buggy for feeling rejected by shanks’ decision, and not sincerely wanting to go his own way? i think he must! if your best friend leaves because they have their own plans that don’t involve you, that’s one thing… if they leave because you failed to live up to their (unspoken!) expectations of you, that’s quite another!
thinking about it like that, i wonder if shanks might be mad, or disappointed, to learn that buggy left because shanks wasn’t the person buggy had been imagining him to be. because on one hand: shanks isn’t responsible for the shanks buggy made up inside his head! he isn’t beholden to the way buggy thought that false shanks would act, or the things buggy imagined he believes. that’s on buggy! and on the other: if the person you thought knew you best can misjudge you so badly they run away from the real you… it must shed a dim light on your whole relationship.
…but maybe it’s been long enough that it would just make him sad. it’s a decades-old hurt by now, and with the way shanks dislikes and avoids conflict there’s no way he keeps grudges or clings to hurt feelings. so it might just be a passing feeling of sadness—ah, so even buggy thought too highly of me, huh?
i think benn beckman must know at least a bit of shanks’ plans. that’s his first mate, after all! there has to be trust there, or the whole crew falls apart! as for the rest of the red-haired pirates… i don’t think we know them well enough to say whether any of them would need truth to offer trust. i suspect most of them don't, that they trust shanks unconditionally, and will follow his lead wherever it takes them.
and buggy… i don’t think he wants to trust shanks, but for a long time trusting shanks was as easy as breathing, so it's a hard habit to break. (though shanks makes it easier the more he betrays that trust, however good his motives or minor the deception.) i think if shanks had said, back in roguetown, that they needed to wait, buggy would have whined and complained and begged shanks to reconsider, but he would’ve gone along with it. if buggy found out about that now, i think he’d snap that you could have just said so back then! stupid shanks, didn't you trust me?!
to which the answering silence must be a new flavor of the old heartbreak, because no, apparently he did not.
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inkblot22 · 9 months
Shattered Glass
I have been putting zero effort into these titles lmao help me
TW for yandere, captivity, sadism, physical abuse, condescending behavior. Yandere punishments are something I'd like to write more of, so this is what that is.
You hate it when he takes off his glasses.
You don’t even know what you did wrong this time. Why is he upset? He always does the same few motions, same few things before he “disciplines” you, and you always hate it.
First, he takes off his glasses and places them calmly by his side. He always does so, never faltering once in his tradition. Is it because he doesn’t trust you not to break them when you inevitably fight back, or is it because he doesn’t want to risk them falling off of his face or getting fogged up or something similar? You don’t know, and you’d argue that you don’t want to know.
Trey slips them off of his face and tucks them in his pocket, giving you a wan smile, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly as he takes a few steps closer to where you sit on your makeshift bed in this dumb gardening shed.
His voice is neutral when he speaks, “Honey…” That’s the other thing he does. Step two. Trey uses some pet name to refer to you, his voice betraying no emotion as he steps closer towards you. It makes you feel tense, triggers that primal fight or flight reflex into freeze. When he crouches before you and cups your chin, that thin smile falling into a disappointed frown, you do the same thing you’ve always done.
You shove him away and try to run. You would imagine after however many months you’ve been here, you would have learned your lesson on trying to fight back or get away, because it plays like it was rehearsed. You kick backwards after shoving his hands away from you, sprawling out onto the thin mat you’ve called a bed for the past three or so months before you regain your balance and swivel your body so you can run.
Trey is sweet. Trey is sweet and kind, he has this warm, brotherly personality and a generous heart. But Trey is also a sadistic asshole, which is why he always waits until you’ve taken one step, only one step away from being out of arm’s reach, to grab your ankle and yank backwards as strongly as he can.
Trey isn’t a small guy either. When he does it, every single time it plays like a twisted slapstick cartoon, with you crashing to the ground with a resounding thud, rattling the old rakes and shit in here. And every time it happens, he always makes this smug little face, especially when you start kicking at him.
“Aw, c’mon, honey, don’t do that. You’re only gonna hurt yourself.” He says it like he’s talking to a child.
When he says you’ll hurt yourself, he typically means that he is going to hurt you, but it’ll be your fault. You learned that the first time you had an “argument,” but you suppose you are lucky because he isn’t brutal. He doesn’t derive sick pleasure from the simple sight of you in pain, he derives pleasure from the broken look in your eyes when you give up for the moment. 
With his hands clamped around both your ankles at this point, he smiles briefly and step three begins. He yanks you closer in one swift movement and slaps you hard across the apple of your cheek. It’s always so loud, and you imagine to an outsider you just look more like a married couple in the 50s when it happens. His hands are solid, likely as a result of kneading dough for basically his whole life. You usually have to fight back the tears after it happens, often failing miserably.
As you recover from the blow, that single, stinging blow, he pulls you up by the shoulders and leans close to your face, close enough so you can feel the breath puffing out of his nose on your face. He smiles again before step four in the punishment process occurs.
He calmly explains what you did that caused him to get upset. 
“Why did you think that freshman would help you?” It was a one in a million chance. The gardening shed you’ve been holed away in has been abandoned for a while since Heartslaybul got a much larger, much nicer one, but sometimes the freshmen get the two mixed up, especially since they’re both fairly easy to find and look near identical, the only true difference in peeling paint and other weathering.
Trey’s eyes are sharp when he asks the question. It isn’t why you asked for help, since his denial of the situation he has put you in is nonexistent, and it isn’t how could you ask for help, because he doesn’t expect you to be so irrational that you think you belong here yet. No, he wants to know what you expected would happen, why you thought that your plan would pan out.
His glasses are still tucked securely in his pocket, he’s cupping your chin, and you think you’re out of luck. Because despite all, despite him being a sweet, kind man by nature, Trey is a sadist, and he won’t stop until you break.
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carbuncle-paws · 3 months
what would Peter from your fanfiction do if I, for example -
1. what if I went into his room without asking and stayed there for a while until he discovered me there.
2. what if I would rather sleep on the couch instead of sleeping on y/n’s bed?
Forewarning, some of these answers contain spoilers for day 4 of the game!
For your first question, it depends on the circumstances. You can think of it like a sliding scale, where different factors build up towards breaking his trust. Things like: - If he was home or not. He keeps things locked while he's away, so if he just returned to find you in there, he'd assume you broke in. If he is home, he'd still be weirded out, but not as alarmed at baseline. - What you were doing in the room. Keep in mind he'd look over the security cameras to know for sure. If you only laid on his bed to rest or glanced around without touching, he might think you're just curious and don't have a good sense of personal boundaries (ironic coming from him) Rummaging through his belongings or accessing his computer would make him think you're up to something. Doing anything lewd would be confusing and violating, and make him lose just as much trust as going through his things would. - If it's your first time doing it, or if you've been doing it repeatedly after he told you to stop. - Everything listed above assumes it's his upstairs bedroom you went into... If we're talking about the one downstairs (in my fic, all the rooms in his shed are connected to the basement) He would instantly lose all trust in you regardless of what you were doing in it.
How he reacts depends on the amount of trust lost you accrued from the above factors. If your intentions seem relatively innocent (although invasive) he'll probably just let you off with a warning that it crossed his boundaries and not to do it again. If you kept pushing, or did things that were less innocent, he wouldn't be so forgiving. He'd make you confess what you were doing and why, then punish you (verbal abuse and removal of privileges come first, keep in mind he considers walking around without shackles as one) If you betray his trust enough, he'd eventually go back to treating you like he did in the first days of the fic...
For your second question, he'd be confused, and might even try coaxing you out of it if he's built up a friendly relationship with you at that point. He'd stop pushing though if you seem intent on it, or if you give him a good reason why. You might occasionally wake up with a blanket and pillow you don't remember falling asleep with (if, again, you have a friendly relationship)
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kindheart525 · 4 months
Tumblr media
To say that Red Cedar’s confession was painful would be an understatement. Naturally she felt awful about the feelings she’d been having, and Rainier had absolutely no clue until now which made the revelation even worse. Tears were shed that day, mostly from Cedar. Rainier insisted that he understood and she couldn’t control her feelings, but he became more withdrawn, so much less of his bright and cheerful self that it hurt Cedar just as much as if he’d broken up with her.
But he didn’t break up with her. They were still together. But it wasn’t the same.
Cedar followed Rainier around Sweet Apple Acres to help with chores like she usually did, but the distance was so great that she might as well have not been there at all. Rainier was responding to most questions with hardly more than “eeyup” and “eenope,” not like his talkative self at all. It hurt to see him so cold.
But as he rummaged through the barn for some rope or plow or whatnot that his Auntie had asked him for, he finally spoke up.
“Well golly, I was wondering where I put that.”
When Cedar looked over his shoulder she saw him holding a photo album. Not just any photo album, but the one they’d been putting together since they started dating. It had gotten lost a few weeks ago but it hardly crossed Cedar’s mind with the emotional turmoil she’d been going through.
Cedar uttered, forcing a response when she had barely anything to say.
Rainier noticed her hesitation, he wasn’t himself lately but neither was she. He turned around and looked at her, really looked at her, and decided he was going to make the first move.
“I think we oughta talk about what happened.”
A lump instantly formed in Cedar’s throat. His expression was unreadable but she instantly assumed the worst, choking out before he could say anything more.
“What I did...was unforgivable. I should never have betrayed you like this. I should never have looked somewhere else, even for a second. I know I hurt you and I can’t take it back, so I understand...”
Her vision became clouded with tears.
“I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore.”
Rainier’s heart dropped at this, he reeled back like he’d been stabbed.
“Now Red Cedar, I can’t believe you’d ever think that. Of course I still wanna be with you, that’s as true as the sun in the sky.”
But even as he said this he had lingering worries, not about his own feelings but hers. He went up to her and knelt down to her eye level, holding her face in his hooves so she’d look at him.
“But would you have really left me for him?”
At this Cedar began to sob, all her feelings and angst from the past few days spilling out at once as she relived her guilt.
“I DON’T KNOW! Maybe I would have! I wasn’t thinking at all, who knows what I would have done if I didn’t have ponies to talk sense into me? I can’t be trusted and I...I don’t know why you still do.”
She sniffled, barely able to speak anymore as she choked out,
“You deserve so...so much better than me.”
When she looked up she found that Rainier was sobbing too, loud, heaving, heartfelt sobs as his grip on her became tighter.
“Don’t you EVER say that, Cedar! Don’t you ever get down on yourself like that! I wouldn’t have anypony but you in a hundred thousand moons!”
Cedar’s heart twisted seeing her love break down like this. It was cathartic to him but to her it was another stab she had delivered to his heart.
“But why? How could you possibly still love me after...”
She couldn’t finish her sentence, continuing to sob quietly in a failed attempt to suppress it.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Cedar. You’re a smart mare, I know it. You got a big heart. You’re always looking out for the ponies you love. And we all make mistakes, I bought you milk chocolate when you said ya liked dark chocolate.”
Rainier was saying this in all sincerity but Cedar couldn’t help but laugh through her tears, he was so innocent it was adorable.
“That’s not...that’s not the same thing.”
“Maybe it ain’t, but dang it, it’s still a mistake!”
Rainier let out something between a hiccup and a laugh.
“Big or small, we all make ‘em. And then we learn and move on. I love ya too much to let you go over this. How ‘bout we learn and move on together?”
Cedar smiled, a genuine smile for the first time in days as she leaned in to embrace her love.
“I would love nothing more.”
Previous: Hesitation
Background by EStories
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buckymetalarm · 2 years
Summary : Idk guys I couldn't think of a better title. Anyways, in this one  y/n finds out bucky was playing with her to impress his friends. She goes to confront him. It doesn't end well. 3.7k 
Warnings: foul language, flashbacks in italics, italics and bold is y/n's thoughts,  angst, lot of angst, body shaming, slut shaming, locker room thing kinda , asshole Bucky, none of them are avengers in this world, just normal assholes, also I feel like it might be a trigger warning for people who had emotionally abusive boyfriends
A/n: IDK I get stupid ideas and I want to write one-shots or short stories about them because I can't commit to long-term things. Anyways this is angsty and low-key heartbreaking?  I am obsessed with Bucky right now so all the ideas I come up with would be Bucky related. 
"So what? This was all just a joke to you?" y/n questioned him. She was on the verge of crying. Her heart was shattered and her trust broken. But she refused to shed a single tear in front of Bucky. She was foolish enough to fall for the most cliché shit ever- The new girl falling for the bad boy only to find out it was all over a bet. In her defense, the plot was a bit different but she had been played all the same.
So she refused to cry in front of him in a feeble attempt to gather the last shred of her dignity. She refused to give him that satisfaction. Instead, she balled her hands in a fist and hardened her features. 
"Oh wait. It wasn't just a joke. It was another mission. Another game. Yet another girl to play." she stated. 
She was yet another notch in his belt. Just another trophy he can flash around and boast about to his trashy friends. 
And that stung. 
"Cat got your tongue, Barnes?" she sneered. She continued to glare at the man she thought she knew as she awaited his response. She folded her arms on her chest anticipating a fight. For him to say something, anything. Maybe yell at her for checking his phone behind his back. Or deny his involvement altogether. Blame it on someone else. She wished for him to feed her lies. Oh, how she wished all of this to be a lie. 
She knew how pathetic it sounded that she wanted to be comforted by lies instead of facing the truth. She already knew that and she hated herself for it. But the truth was too heavy for her. She couldn't bear it. Cause if she was to accept that it was all a lie from the moment he befriended her to what happened just a few days ago, it would mean that everything that happened between them was fake. All the late-night confessions, the vulnerability they shared, the naked truths, all of it was just a lie. A facade. Just an act. One fucking elaborate act designed to break her heart and leave her in shambles. 
And she couldn't face it yet. The pain was too much for her.  
Bucky stood there speechless as he tried to decipher her body language. She was always such a mystery to him. He hated how he could never figure her out. But her eyes, he had learned, betrayed her. 
He could see the whirlwind of emotions in her eyes. Read them so clearly. He couldn't help but remember that one night they had spent under the stars and he had told her that her eyes were enchanting. 
"You know you have the most beautiful eyes in the whole world?" he whispered. Y/n blushed in response.
He was looking at her with such intensity that it made goosebumps rise in her arms. They were full of emotions she couldn't decipher but they were so strong that it made her shiver.
His smoldering eyes made her feel seen. Like actually seen. Like he was staring at her naked soul.
"You are such a mystery, y/l/n. But your eyes. They are the window to your soul. They betray you. " he revealed.
"Do they now?"
"Mhmm" he nodded. "I can tell you exactly what you are feeling right now just by reading your eyes."
"I don't believe you."
"Alright then. Challenge accepted," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She knew that look. She had seen that look play out. That look meant trouble.
"Oh no no no. There is no challenge here. I am not challenging you for anything." y/n shook her head. She didn't want any trouble.
"Are you scared, Mon chérie?" he playfully wiggled his eyebrows at her. She couldn't help but let out a laugh at his poor accent.
"First of all, that was such a bad imitation of that French dude and secondly, no I am not." She very much was.
"Then let's play."
He smirked at her devilishly and she instantly knew she was baited.
In a second, he turned his body to face her and trapped her between his big arm. His necklace dangled on her chest as he stared down at her with his piercing eyes. The mood quickly changed. It wasn't light and breezy anymore. This was intense. Electrical even.
Y/ns mind whirled. She felt her heart quicken. She could feel her face heat under his scrutiny but she didn't dare break the eye contact.
Bucky's eyes momentarily shifted to her lips. It was so swift and brief that y/n thought that she had imagined it. But then, he dipped his head low and y/ns eyes fluttered close in anticipation.
"You want to jump my bones right now," Bucky whispered. His lips hovered directly above the shell of her ear. Even if she couldn't see him, she could feel that stupid cocky smirk on his face.
And just like that, he detached himself from her leaving her all bothered and mad.
He was plagued with guilt and regret as he replayed the memory in his mind. He hung his head down in shame, unable to look at her anymore.
He had seen the wheels in her head turning. She was questioning every memory, every moment they shared together. His refusal to speak only made things worse.
But what could he say, really? He had done exactly what she accused her for. And he regretted it. She might think it was all a lie. But it wasn't. Not to him. Divulging all the intimate details of their sex life as proof to his friends had been the worst mistake of his life. If he could take it all back, he would. 
But that didn't change anything. 
So what could he say? 
His silence angered Y/n. 
So now he can't even meet my eyes, she thought. He didn't seem to be burdened by guilt when he was playing with me and having sex with me. That he enjoyed very much. And all the boasting he did in that disgusting group chat? He had no problem sexualizing me either. But now he decided to grow a heart. 
He always had something to say. Always. Even when he knew he was in the wrong, he would still continue to argue. He was never the one to back down. 
He was never the one to let go of a grudge so easily either. The ugly voice in her head sneered.
The memories of that day flashed in front of her eyes.
"I am really sorry, Bucky" y/n apologized yet again. 
She was hovering over the table right where Bucky sat. She had arrived late at lunch and all the seats at the popular table were filled by then. She normally didn't even sit with Bucky and his friends as per their agreement but today she knew how angry he was at her and she wanted to clear the air with him.
"Will you just talk to me?" she asked, a bit irritated by his childish behavior.
He still refused to acknowledge her presence. Instead, he turned his head toward his best friend and struck up a conversation with him.
"You know these days you can't trust anyone. The moment you trust them and let your guard down, they attack you," he told Sam. It was obvious that it was an underhand jab at y/n.
Sam didn't say anything in response. He just glanced a side look at y/n.
"Bucky, I said I am sorry. Can we please just talk about it?" y/n pleaded. She knew how pathetic she looked to the group. She was aware of how embarrassing this was. But Bucky meant a lot to her and she didn't want to lose him because of a mere misunderstanding. 
She remembered how she had spent the entire lunch trying to talk to him and he had simply ignored her. A senior had come to talk to him and he had noticed y/n standing near Bucky and profusely apologizing to him while he blatantly ignored her. Even the senior felt bad for her and asked him to talk to her but he had just brushed it off. She remembered how humiliated she had felt. How tiny and pathetic Bucky had made her feel.
As she looked at Bucky with his head hung low, it filled her with rage. She couldn't believe she had let that asshole treat her so poorly. It should have been clear to her at that time only that he was a piece of trash. That he didn't deserve her.
But that memory was only the beginning. It was as if she could finally see clearly. The fog had lifted. The jig was up. Bucky wasn't so perfect anymore.
All the repressed memories resurfaced. All those times he had bullied her, manipulated her, shamed her. It all came back to her. The memories played inside her head like a movie reel. Each memory was like a powerful blow to her face.
The one time he refused to share his gloves with her even though he wasn't using them and she was freezing. That day when he made a joke about her tits in front of the group making everybody stare at her chest and see the comparison. Or that day during the exams week when he refused to give her, her notes back because he felt threatened by her knowledge. And of course, that day when he had asked her to keep their relationship a secret because he was embarrassed by her.  
And all the times he had publically teased her for having a crush on his friend out of jealousy. And all those times he had belittled her and deliberately made her feel insecure by passing unsolicited comments on her body.
Some of them were small crimes. Some were big. She couldn't believe she had let all of them slide. She was so blinded by her insecurity and the fear that she will never find love that she chose the worst man ever. That she had let him treat her this shitty.
Her rage quickly turned into self-pity. Tears welled up in her eyes again. She didn't want to cry in front of him. She had promised herself she would not cry in front of him. But these tears weren't for him. They were for her. For everything she had endured since she met him. Overall the pain and hurt she didn't deserve. For all the years to come that she would spend in therapy trying to desperately heal from this incident. Over how scarred and traumatized she already left and how she knew it would affect her relationship with men in general forever. All because she chose the wrong man. 
She let out a sob. And then another. And then another. She let herself fall down on the floor as she finally cried. 
It was one thing to mistreat her and play her but it was a whole another level of disgusting that he had reached by boasting about their sexpacades to his trashy friends.
It made her feel like she wasn't a human with her own set of feelings and emotions. That she was just an object for men's pleasure. A toy he can play with in secret and disregard in public. A used, broken toy.
He had made sure to make her feel alienated. To be ashamed of her own body. It didn't even feel like hers anymore. It felt like theirs. She felt like all the names they had called her. 
She couldn't believe that it had ended this way. That her life had come to this. She couldn't help but blame herself. 
How can she be so naive? How had she managed to ignore all the signs? Why did she not speak up when he would degrade her in front of their, no, his friends? Why did she let him treat her the way he did? How could she? 
Bucky's head shot up when he heard her cry. For a split second, he thought he misheard. Oh god, did he wish he misheard. The sight in front of him absolutely broke his heart. 
The woman he knew he loved sat hunched on the floor crying her heart out. The sheer agony reflecting from her face made him feel like someone had pushed their hand inside his chest, grabbed his heart, and were squeezing it hard.  He couldn't breathe. It was a gut-wrenching feeling. Absolute torture. 
He had the strong urge to run up to her and wrap his arms around her. To engulf her in a tight embrace. He wanted to hug her so tightly. intently. with earnest. with passion. with delicacy. He wanted to hear her heart beat against his. Her head on his shoulder. so closely knitted together that they appeared one. he wished to protect her. to heal her broken pieces.
But he hesitated. Her words from the past ringed in his ears leaving him in further turmoil.
"Most embarrassing story from school. Go." Bucky said. 
Bucky and y/n were huddled together in her bed. Her parents were out of town giving her the opportunity to call him over. 
She had invited him to her room for just sex because that was the deal. They were just friends with benefits. Nothing more. Nothing less.
He had been blown away by her room. He felt like he had entered one of those Pinterest aesthetic rooms.
He had ignored the red neon lights she turned on when they both came in to set the mood. Instead  he had went to ogle at the art on her wall.
"You have made all of these?" He looked at them in awe.
She nodded in response.
"Wow, y/n. That's so cool. I can'tbelieve you are so talented. Is that a sketch of Iron Man? "
"Yes." She let out. She felt a bit uncomfortable when Buckycontinued to examine the sketches and paintings.
Her room was a reflection of her. She kept it private. Especially her art. She normally took some personal pieces down whenever she expectedcompany but she didn't think Bucky wouldpay any mind to her room.
"I didn't know you liked Marvel." He turned around.
Y/n shrugged. " You never asked. "
He plopped down on her bed and asked her some more about Marvel. He had assumed that she didn't really like Marvel and that she just pretended she did to impress guys. y/n had proven him wrongby answering all of his questions correctly.
y/n had asked him somequestionsofher own which had soon turned into a competition about who knew more aboutMarvelwhichwas won by y/n when she corrected him overthefactthat the snap hadn'tactually killed the people. They had been stuck in thesoulstone in the comic version.
She had thoughtit would anger Bucky becausehe was a sour loser but he had made a comment about how themakers fucked up the movies. It had turned into a heated discussion about their mutual hate of the Russo Brothers.
" You are a damn mystery, y/n." He had commented as he pulled her towards him with the loops ofherjeans.
" What else are you hiding from me, huh?"
And thus instead of getting some they had decided to lay in the bed together and just simply talk. It turned into one of those nights. The one where the two people just click. They talk abouteverything and everyone. From topics ranging from favorite colors to dysfunctional families.
And Bucky had justasked y/n to reveal the most embarrassing moment from school.
She was tempted tolie for a second. But she decided against it when she saw him looking at her intently from her lap.
" You have to promise me youwon't tell this to anyone and that we wouldnever talk about this again. Only then Iwould tell you the story. "
" This seems interesting." He got up from her lap and gave her his famous mischievous look. She instantly missed his warmth.
" I don'tknow. It depends on the story. Let's do one thing. You tell me the story first. Then I will decideifit's juicy enough to repeat it to our friends. " he acted coy.
"Nope. Not going to happen. Thisstory is going withyou to your grave or it isn'tgoing to yourears. Got it?" She got up from the bed as she spoke.
" Wait. Don't go." He said. He lurched forward and grabbed her hand before she could go.
"I promise Iwon't tell it to anyone. Even if the story is that you peed on yourself in front of the whole class." He laughed out at the thought.
Y/n turned around and hit him on his head. " Iwasn'tgoingaway. I was going to the washroom. "
"And the story is not that I peed in front of everybody," she added.
" Then what is the story. I want to know." He whined.
Y/n's heart swelled at the sight.  He looked so cute andmesmerizing. She wanted to capturethis moment. Both of them were at ease in eachother's presence. Comfortable.
Only ifthey could stay like thatforever.
" I know I am goingtoregrettellingyou this buthere it goes. " she clapped her hands together as she continued, " Once upon a time-"
"Oh cmon" he groaned while she let out a giggle.
" Okay, fine. It was in eigth grade. I had this huge crush on Steve and all of my friends knew. Once I was talking about him with my friend and this bully, you know him from the football team, Rumlow, overheard me and announced to the whole goddamn school that I had a crush on him. It was embarrassing and everybody was talking about it so much that I ended up running to the washroom and crying. " y/n let out in one, single breath.
"You had a crush on Steve?" Bucky questioned. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He knew that y/n had liked Peter before they became a thing. But it had ceased to matter when he got the girl over Peter. But Steve? How could he compete with the perfect Steve? 
" That's what you take from the story," she asked, incredulous. Stupid boys!
" Well, Rumlow is an asshole. Everybody on the team dislikes him." Bucky offered.
" I know right! Two years later he had the audacity to ask me out. Like he hadn't made me cry in school. In school, Bucky!"
Bucky didn't follow. What was the big deal about crying in school? Wanda and Natasha cry at least once a day.
"What's so wrong about that?" He pondered.
Y/n gave him a look as if he had just asked her who Thanos was.
He immediately backtracked. " I mean of course Rumlow is an asshole and the asking you on date part is wrong. I was asking what is wrong with crying in school." He clarified.
" That I am crying! It was humiliating enough. I didn't want to be looked at as weak or delicate." y/n explained.
"You appear vulnerable when you cry. I don't like to appear vulnerable. I don't want to give someone that kind of power over me." she added. 
Now y/n was crying in front of him. 
He remembered that day when he had been a complete jerk to her when she had come to apologize to him. Despite all the humiliation, she didn't shed a single tear. She didn't cry even when the worst of things happened.
But she was crying now. 
Because of him.
He had done the impossible. He had made y/n y/l/n cry. He didn't feel proud or macho as he stood there and watched her cry. He felt ashamed. He felt like a monster. Seeing her cry made him realize the weight his actions hold. He realized what he had done. 
He wanted to tear open his chest and remove his heart from his body just so he could stop feeling. He didn't want to feel this way. He had destroyed the one thing he loved. He knew there was no going back from this. He couldn't salvage this. he had gone too far this time and in the process lost one thing that he actually cared about. 
He wondered if it was this hard for him, how difficult was it for her?
Y/n had so much to say to him.  She had asked him to come here for the sole purpose of hurting him back. She had wanted to tell him how much he had hurt her. She wanted to explain it to him. To make him see the wrongs. To make him understand what he had caused. For him to regret his actions. To feel guilty. And mourn her. 
She wanted to yell at him. Punch him. Ask him why. Why did he do all of this? Why her? She had millions of questions. She had so much to say and ask. To make sense of the situation. 
But when she looked up at him with her tear-stained cheeks and red eyes and saw his eyes mirroring her own, the anguish and suffering clear in his eyes, she realized he knew. 
It had finally dawned on him that what he had done was cruel and pure evil. And he had to live with that knowledge for the rest of his life. 
Bucky hadn't said a word since she told him that she knew. But a lot was spoken in that last eye contact. Y/n had got what she had come for - remorse. 
So, she wiped away her tears,  stood up, and gathered herself. 
"You can write this down as yet another victory, Barnes. You made Y/n Yl/n cry." she gave the last blow.
Those were her last words as she walked away silently cursing him for a sad, miserable, and remorseful life and hoping to never see him again.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Hey, I came up with an anti Azutara argument and wondered if you could debunk it.
Yes, Katara did seem shocked and sad about Azula's breakdown to the point she couldn't look at it but she seems to have overcome her conflicted feelings later in the show.
Azula isn't shown or mentioned again but she's referenced indirectly. During Zuko's coronation Hakoda tells Sokka and Katara that he heard what the two of them did and that he was proud and that their mother would be proud too. Katara touches her necklace and sheds a tear.
Moreover in the Southern Raiders Sokka tells Zuko that Katara hates some people in the Fire Nation, bad people who have never been good and probably never will be. I could never help but read this as a reference to Azula and Ozai.
Still, the fact that despite all of this Katara chose NOT to kill Azula despite having had only negative interactions with her before speaks volumes about Katara.
On the other hand there's the argument too that Katara would be unable to ever forgive Azula BECAUSE she has such a strong bond with her brother Sokka.
Curious about your thoughts!
I think that this is all fascinating character analysis! But to me, none of it quite feels like an anti-Azutara argument. I would never argue that, while they were enemies in the war, Katara would forgive Azula & embrace her into her life or that Azula would accept Katara & forget her loyalty to the Fire Nation easily. Like Zuko, Azula would need to have an entire arc & journey toward changing & improving. Also like with Zuko, Katara would need to SEE that Azula has changed & build a bond with her.
The coronation scene when Hakoda tells Sokka & Katara that he is proud & that Kya would be proud too is a beautiful water family scene. I don't think that Katara regrets taking down Azula. To put it bluntly, it had to be done. Azula was not going to give up the throne easily. Here's an analysis that I really like of the final Agni Kai.
Sokka saying that line to Zuko is, well, Sokka's perspective. It might be about Ozai & Azula, but it's not Katara saying it. Let's say for the sake of argument that Katara DOES think that Azula & Ozai are incapable of change at this point in the story. It makes sense. She's never been given any indication that they can change. But you know who she also doesn't forgive easily? Zuko. Katara has to see that Zuko is a loyal friend & ally to her before she can forgive him. Arguably, Zuko has given Katara more reasons to personally dislike him throughout the series than Azula has. Zuko chased the gaang all around the world. He even personally betrayed Katara after she started to trust him, which Katara explicitly tells him hurt her & made her unwilling to forgive or trust him again.
I know - Azula killed Aang. That's a personal reason for Katara to dislike Azula. But...well....I'd buy it more if we saw more indication that Katara holds that against Azula on a personal level the way we did with Zuko's betrayal in the catacombs. Katara seems to view Azula as, objectively, an enemy. She doesn't ever indicate any personal feelings of rage or dislike toward Azula, even to the extent that she initially does with Zuko when he becomes her ally. Might we see that same distrust & personal anger from Katara if Azula did try to act as Katara's ally? We might! BUT Katara was able to forgive Zuko, so I don't see why she wouldn't be able to get there with Azula if Azula made the effort to prove herself.
As for the argument that Katara would be unable to forgive Azula because of her strong bond with Sokka...Okay, so I'm assuming that the argument behind that is that Azula tried to kill Zuko, and trying to kill a sibling would, for Katara, be difficult to forgive. To that, I say...maybe, but Zuko & Azula were on opposite sides in a war & Zuko challenged her for the throne. Katara is smart enough to see that this was two equals fighting one another under very specific unique circumstances. Not that Katara would be OKAY with Azula's actions, especially because Katara also loved Zuko & had to watch him almost die. But I do think that Katara would recognize the situation for what it was - war.
I have always been of the mindset that because of Katara's close bond with Sokka, it would hurt her to see the dysfunction & rivalry between the fire siblings. I do think that this would at least start as being 100% about caring about Zuko, for Katara. She considers Zuko a friend by the end of the series, & I think she would want to see him heal things with his sister both because she felt empathy for Azula (even while viewing her as an enemy 100%) & because she cares about Zuko. I can see Katara thinking about how much it would hurt her if she was enemies with Sokka, or if Sokka was out of his mind, & feeling awful for Zuko being in that situation.
There is a reason that I have always written fire siblings reconciliation & Azutara as intrinsically linked stories. For me, the two arcs go hand in hand. I think that Azula could learn a lot from Katara, & Katara's bond with Sokka. I also think that Katara would push Azula & Zuko to reconcile with one another.
What it comes down to is that Azutara is not a canon ship & it really is all about the POTENTIAL. I don't take any of this analysis as anti-Azutara, because it's only anti "Azula & Katara drop everything & fall in love for no reason in the midst of conflict." I like Azula & Katara as a potential romantic pairing at least in part because I think that there is a story that hasn't been told there. A story about forgiveness, & redemption, & healing. It would be a journey that would require both characters to go outside their comfort zones & learn & grow & change, which is WHY I like it so much.
Thank you for this thought-provoking ask! You always have interesting insights. I hope that this answer made sense & explained some of my thoughts & feelings about Azutara in at least a semi-coherent way haha!💖💖💖
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I Renounce You Part 1
A/N: Everyone here has read Butterfly Reign right?? Well for a while I've been writing what I interpreted the ending to be. It takes place right after Theseus (Tommy) finds out Dream is a shape shifter. It's rough and messy but it's has good moments so...@tuesday-teyz I hope you enjoy this because it is for you 🌹
It was…surreal to know what Tommy knew now. His brother, his best friend, had betrayed him. Followed him and used his power to get to know Tommy on a level not even Tubbo or Wilbur or the guards outside his chamber door knew. 
Tommy cried. A lot. For a long time after he made it back to his bedroom and ordered his guards away. He knew they likely didn’t obey but that did not stop the poor crown prince from taking out his grief in the form of noise and destruction.
Prince Theseus was a horrible and awful thing when he was rageful and Tommy denied any claim to say he was anything but calm and regal. His outbursts an embarrassment from years of grooming for the scrutiny of the public.
But finally he had found someone he could be himself with and it turned out to be the one he should’ve been avoiding the entire time. This made Tommy angry. This made Tommy depressed and impulsive. He’d only felt a sheer amount of emotion like this twice. When his mother died and when that ink stain on his wall had first been made. He didn’t remember what he did when his mother died but it felt like this he knew but more sorrowful. When he threw that ink it had been more angry.
Now it was a balance of the two as he screamed out to his walls of his betrayed heart. He was shattered to a thousand pieces and tears streamed down his face as a pain so fierce cut through his chest. It was like being stabbed again and again and again over and over. His life crumbled down and the crown on his head tumbled from his golden curls as he leaned over his knees, holding his stomach.
Tommy fell to his knees and then rested on his heels as he bent himself in half as he cried. The crown mocked him as he sobbed into the darkness. He had done everything wrong to keep his heart protected. He was cruel to Ranboo, he pushed away his best friend Tubbo, and rejected his own brother for cracking under a pressure he only understood now. Tommy no longer blamed Wilbur for fleeing the crown no matter how damaging it was to the reputation of the royal family.
Reputation. He still had his reputation to protect. He still had to wake up tomorrow, if he slept that was, and put on a neutral face no matter how many tears he shed. He still had to chat with nobles and keep his back straight with his head high. He still had to wear the crown tomorrow.
“What’s the point?” Tommy sobbed and took up the crown with shaking hands. He looked at the silver and blue hue of the metal before letting it fall from his hands again. He was tired of keeping his head up and smiling. Laughing at horrible jokes and keeping up appearances. He cared so deeply about his kingdom and his birthright that the rest of his life had been stripped away from him. His joy from his childhood was gone and it wasn’t even over yet.
“I’m not even an adult yet.” Tommy huffed to no one and leaned against the end of his bed. The crown stared at him and Tommy nearly choked on the knot in his throat as he cried. Dream had isolated him and made him trust him. He didn’t think that Tommy was clever enough to figure it out and maybe he wasn’t. He had seen the similarities between the green of Prince and Patches to Dream’s eyes and he had ignored it. He ignored the foreign Prince’s feline-like smile or the cleverness of the parrot Tommy had first called his friend. Prince was a Prince from a kingdom of liars.
Tommy should’ve known better than to trust someone from a kingdom that had been warring with his own for decades. He should’ve listened to Technoblade.
Oh god… Technoblade. Tommy had smashed a chair over his brother. Was he okay? Tommy debated getting up to go check but decided against it as his body refused to move. He wanted to drown in his own tears and leave. He wanted to leave.
Tommy wanted to abandon the crown as Wilbur had done. He wanted to leave and never come back but he couldn’t. His family, his father, would be put to shame for losing two sons to their own running away. Technoblade would be the only prince left without disgrace and there was no doubt in Tommy’s mind that the albino General would dart at a moment’s notice of the crown being left to him. Technoblade was a cold blade and blood on the battlefield, not an Emperor made for faking his way to the top.
Tommy was trapped and that was the curse of his heart. No matter what he did he would always be stuck playing this role and getting hurt. His heart couldn’t take it anymore. Wilbur’s scorn, Dream’s betrayal, his own father didn’t care for anything but Ranboo.
Ranboo. That was it! Ranboo was Tommy’s ticket to freedom. A plan stitched itself together in Tommy’s mind and his sobbing tears turned to laughing relief. A smile stretched on his lips at how blatantly simple it would be to fulfill his idea. He already had everything he needed.
It was simple. Tommy would get Beau and her taste for gossip to increase the already popular rumor of Ranboo being adopted by Emperor Philza. It wouldn’t take long for nobles to take a stab at Tommy with the information and all that he needed to do was make sure he reacted to it in a public place. Not loudly but in the sense that people would see him upset about it. It would start laying tracks for the grand slam of his idea.
In order for everything to work smoothly however he would need to get Ranboo in line with the idea to make sure that nothing went wrong. That the commoner took the crown and Tommy was free at last. Ranboo would gladly take his place and Emperor Philza already quite liked him better than Tommy, that much was obvious.
A grand tea party would be the most inconspicuous event for it to happen at and it would hold enough nobles and public eye to get enough traction for the plan to be set. Now all he needed to do was begin it and talk to Ranboo.
"You're kidding. You want to talk to Ranboo?" Tubbo stopped Tommy outside of what Tommy knew as Ranboo's chambers. Apparently Tubbo had begun training in personal defense and was working his way to becoming a guard of the lowest rank.
"Since when did you care who I talk to?" Tommy scoffed.
"Since it included the one person you might actually hurt for no reason." Tubbo crossed his arms and puffed out his chest.
His hair had gotten longer and from what it looked like bangs had begun to droop down across his eyes almost making them covered completely.
"I just want to talk to him about a party I'm planning. I'm pretty pissed at Wilbur right now so I figured he might be a good substitute." Tommy lied smoothly. It was bitter on his tongue. Most lies were but this one was stronger concerning he was lying to Tubbo.
"Why not your new buddy Prince Dream?"
“Dream is not my friend, Tubbo, and why should a foreign prince be bothered with a simple tea party of another kingdom?” Tommy fired back, hoping that Tubbo wouldn’t see through his words and send him away.
To answer his prayers, Tubbo stepped aside with a scowl in his eyes.
“I’m coming in with you.” Tubbo insisted. Tommy didn’t like that idea but it couldn’t harm his plan so he might as well allow it.
“Fine.” Tommy said boredly and walked into the room. The first thing he noticed was a planted allium by the window sill. Not even just one Allium but several crowding the clay pot and soil. Then there were journals stacked upon each other on the desk against the East wall with a window facing out just above it.
Ranboo’s bed was unmade and on top of it was a sitting frame of the one Tommy sought. The split dye of his hair swayed into his eyes as Ranboo looked up from where he sat. His back was surprisingly straight for such a tall figure in such a hunch-worthy position.
“Prince Theseus! What’re you doing here?” Ranboo seemed startled to see him and deep down a layer of ice froze over Tommy’s heart at that. Good. He should be scared. Tommy was a superior and Ranboo nothing more than a pawn in his game of life.
“I’ve come to talk to you Ranboo about something important.” Tommy let a smile twitch on his lips and spotted Ranboo begin to become curious. The common man slid off his bed and straightened out his clothes just as a prince would on such an occasion as being visited by the crown prince and asked to talk.
Ranboo didn’t bow or fold his hands behind his back like a noble but rather fiddled with his fingers and the several rings that now decorated the lithe limbs. His shoulders curved forward under his height and Tommy couldn’t help but feel the need to shrink. Had Ranboo grown since he last saw him? He must have.
“What is it you wanted to talk about?” Ranboo carefully stepped over to Tubbo by the door. A defensive state that reminded Tommy of a kitten cowering behind its mother.
“A party.” Tommy connected his eyes with the mismatched hues of Ranboo’s own and began the explanation.
____ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | (Finale)
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I’m late to give my two cents but I think the rape scene is a powerful element in the story. Beomgyu and oc were together since they were children and developed this unhealthy attachment that I don’t necessarily think is love. I think it’s more of infatuation and obsession imo. Of course beomgyu would feel so betrayed, furious, and straight up unhinged over the idea of her leaving him. He was always this cute lovesick guy, her wanting someone else was never a threat before. It almost makes sense that in that crazed state he would do the worst thing he could do to her (imo rape is worse than murder, pls don’t cancel me). At the end of the day he is still a yandere and even though he only wants to care for her and love her, he still is insane for her. That being said I do think he’s going to show how beyond remorseful he is, however, I don’t think he will need to do all that much for oc to forgive him. She is very sheltered and naive (and power hungry lol), but like beomgyu, is unhealthily infatuated with him. Knowing how deep they run for each other, it shows just how terrible rape truly is for even oc to run away. It literally broke apart the most obsessed, unhealthy kind of love there is. Though in the same breath it also shows just how unhinged their love is for her to go back to him after that (it also sheds light on how someone victims in todays world do go back to their perpetrators). I really like how someone before me said that she’s in love with the memory of him or something like that, it’s honestly the best way of putting it. This is a dark fic and I hope everyone knows that this is a work fiction and not what anyone condones irl- a very very well-written fic might I add 👀. I know that must weigh on you, mort but this is truly a great fic and I love the way you wrote it✨
It's okay I've always said that I'd rather be murdered than raped :'D i just can’t handle that emotional trauma :'D so i get you. Rape forces you to live with the consequences of someone else's actions, especially when that someone was someone you trusted and loved. That's gonna fuck you up. But if you die then at least you don't suffer anymore. Now obviously not saying murder is better. Just saying that emotionally I don't think I could take rape so I get what you’re saying
Other than that yeah I definitely agree with all that you said. Whatever they feel for each other is not sane. They're obsessed with each other. You can see that clearly in gyu so I won't talk about it but you can also see it in oc in the way she’s always thinking and dreaming of him. How she misses him even after escaping him and how she even thinks of him when she's intimate with taehyun whether sexually or when cuddling
Now I will say that often times the victim experiences these emotions but if given enough space and time, they could learn to heal and move on. I've seen it in true crime involvong a couple when one of the two is the bad influence and when they're locked up or away for some reason, the other person goes back to living a normal life but when the main perpetrator comes back, they relapse.
And ofc sometimes they go back to them willingly. And in oc's case, she has her own selfish reasons for going back other than just gyu. She wants that life of comfort and luxury. She tried independence and while it felt good to have the power, she didn't like what she had to sacrifice for it and Beomgyu is aware of that and will exploit it.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
22 | You Sound Ridiculous
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1859
Warnings: death, false accusations, kissing, betrayed by someone trusted
21. More Than.. | 23. It’s Him
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"Look at this. Lucas gave me information his father was looking up before he was murdered. He was investigating Laurel Gates. He started after Outreach Day. According to British police Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was recovered. And the Gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90 year old candy heiress. She mysteriously died and gave all her belongings to her caregiver, Teresa L. Glad." Wednesday walks into my room as I was on the computer.
"Anagram for Laurel Gates. So she secretly bought her old house and comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why? To get revenge on all the people she blames for her family's misfortune?" I turn to face her.
"The Mayor, the coroner, our parents. Most of all Nevermore. The Hyde is doing all of her bidding since she controls it." Wednesday smiles, "Now we just get Dr. Kinbott to confess she's Laurel Gates."
"We? What do even you have to say it's her?"
"The flowers in her room at the mansion are the exact same flowers she took when visiting Eugene in the hospital. I mean it's so easy for a psychiatrist to slip in and out of a hospital undetected. Why would someone so overqualified want to be here? To crawl through outcasts minds till she found one to manipulate for her revenge." Wednesday goes on a rant explaining her reason.
"Wednesday, that's not evidence. Nothing really pinpoints Dr. Kinbott." I stand up from my desk.
"You want to know why you've changed? It's all because of her. She got into your mind." Wednesday steps closer to me making me roll my eyes.
"You sound ridiculous, Wednesday."
"Explain to me why you randomly changed then when you didn't want to?" She raises her voice.
I just stare at her like she lost her mind, "I didn't not want to, I was just confused to new things." I try explaining to her.
"No, you changed when you started your session with her."
"Have you ever thought that maybe I just wanted to change deep down and I did because I felt comfortable for once to open up to show that I keep locked away deep down? Enid and especially Tyler know parts of me that not you, Pugsley or even our parents don't know about." I step closer to her.
"You really are a disappointment. Kinbott got to your head and made you this way and made you not see the truth about her or Xavier."
I just stare at her shaking my head, "You're jumping to conclusions with no sold proof to back up you stupid theories. Hopefully you feel stupid when you turn out to be wrong with you accusations." I shoulder check her leaving my room.
I wish I knew who the real Laurel Gates was and who the monster was just to make Wednesday feel stupid for being so wrong. I mean yes, Wednesday had a theory compared to me but flowers aren't enough evidence. Then for Xavier having secret sessions with Kinbott wasn't odd, especially if you didn't want anyone to know you were seeing someone to talk about your life and problems.
"Thought you were ignoring me?" Xavier's video brings me out of my thoughts and I notice I walked all the way to his shed.
"Wednesday has officially lost it. She believes Kinbott is Laurel Gates who unlocked you, the Hyde, during your secret sessions." I take a seat on a stool.
"And her evidence?" He turns to face me crossing his arms.
"Kinbott brought Eugene the same roses that we found at the Gates mansion in Laurel's childhood bedroom. You're the monster because you paint it without ever seeing it and you show up after things or always around before something happens. But if she uses that logic then Tyler is in the same boat with you there in being around. I just can't wait till she's proven wrong. And she thinks I'm different now because Kinbott has got to my head as well making me not see the truth about her or you."
"That's just theories with no sold proof to back her up." Xavier walks over to me.
"I know, and I told her that. I know you aren't the monster and there's no way Kinbott is Laurel. I have no clue who the real people are and I wish I knew to make Wednesday feel stupid. I feel like I would already know or seen some hint because I've had some physical contact with everyone I talk to. I just want this to be over with. I don't want you, my friend, or the first therapist I like and trust to be falsely accused of murdering people."
"You're right, I may have not believed in you since day one but you've believed in me since day one. You're way more of a true friend than me." He sits on the stool next to me.
"If what Rowan told Wednesday is going to happen... if she never came and it was just me would all this still go down like it is? It would have to be because the murders started before she showed up. So if I never came as well..." I look at him.
"I wish I had answered for you." He looks at me as well.
"Oh, I hate you Nevermore." We both laugh.
"So Enid slipped... How was your second date with Tyler?" Xavier changes the topic messing with his hands.
"Good, but Wednesday was there. He decorated the crypt for a picnic and a movie. He asked do I like scary movies and I got excited but I got slightly tortured watching Legally Blonde. So that literally was a horror movie to me but I hated to admit I secretly liked it deep down."
"Enid got you used to the color pink?" He chuckles so I nod my head, "As much as I hate Tyler... I happy he makes you happy. You're my friend after all and I care about your happiness. And I mean it. I promise from now on I will stop with my sassy marks about him. I still hate him but I'll keep it locked away around you."
I lean over giving him a hug, "That means a lot to me. Really, Xavier."
"You're actually hugging me?"
"This is your one chance to hug me back because I don't give out free hugs." I tell him so he hugs me back.
I headed into town to check on Kinbott because I'm sure by now Wednesday has already been by accusing her being Laurel Gates.
"Dr. Kinbott." I knock on her door not getting an answer. "I'm not here to accuse you like Wednesday did. I'm here to check up on you." I wait for a response and still get nothing so I go in to see her laying in a pool of blood. "Dr. Kinbott." I rush over to see her struggling to breath.
"Val." She coughs up blood.
"No, no, no. Don't talk, just keep breathing." I tell putting a hand over her wound to stop the bleeding as I pull out my phone with my other hand calling for help.
"He..." She tries speaking.
"He? He who? No, don't try talking. Just hold on then you can tell Sheriff Galpin who did this to you." I say seeing she wasn't going to make of help doesn't get her faster. "This is a small town! Why are they taking so long!"
"You...him." She closes her eyes as help rushes in though the door.
They take her to the hospital and Sheriff Galpin takes me to a room to question me, "You didn't have a session today so why did you go see Dr. Kinbott?" He asks me as I sit looking at my recently washed hands.
"Wednesday went to go see her accusing her of being Laurel Gates. She thought she was the master of the Hyde. Her stupid evidence was roses we found at the Gates mansion because she brought Eugene the same roses. I didn't believe in her little theory... I wanted to come check on and when she wouldn't answer I opened the door to find her in a pool of her own blood."
"Did she manage to say anything to you while being awake?" He asks so I look up at him,
"I'm shocked she tried saying my name. Said him then me and him. I told her not to talk because it would make things harder for her. I told her to save it to talk to you who she saw but... I know she isn't going to make it. There was too much blood. I regret not saying say his name."
Sheriff Galpin sighs taking a seat next to me taking my shaking hands into his so I look at him, "She won't be able to say his name in that much shock. She kept it short and what ever words she could form. Don't feel guilty for telling her n't to talk."
"Why are you comforting me, Sheriff?
"Because I can tell this is effecting you. Once I found out your full name, I did my research on you since my son took a liking to you. Knowing what you did to people in your past and trying to kill people yourself... I can see you aren't the same girl anymore because your hands wouldn't be shaking nor would you feel guilt." He tells me.
"Why still comfort me, someone you hated around your son, but not comfort your own son about topics? I get it's hard to talk about but he's your son. If you don't open up, you'll lose him in a different way." I take my hands back from him.
"For starters; I want to make sure you're fine because you mean a lot to my son. You make him happy and that's all I want for him. And I know I need to open up with him but it's hard for me. The things after her pregnancy with Tyler that lead up to her passing... I don't want him to know." Sheriff Galpin looks away from me.
"If all you want for him to be happy then talk to him. He really needs that from you. Not just being nice to me. He needs you more than me. You're his father. I'm just a outcast girl he likes."
"He takes after his mother a lot but in that case he takes after me. I'm going to check in on Dr. Kinbott. Weems and Wednesday are out in the hall." He gets up leaving the room and I follow.
"Are you okay, Valentine?" Weems gets up walking over to me while Wednesday stares at me.
"I'll be fine." I force a smile.
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