#like?? It fits so well with their dynamic!
wandasaura · 24 hours
summary — visiting your wife at work has become a normal part of your routine, but when she gets particularly handsy one afternoon, you find yourself christening her office whether you like it or not
warning(s) — established relationship, dom/sub dynamics, consensual free use, established safeword (it’s not used), public play, office sex, groping, nipple stimulation, choking, teasing, semi brat!reader, oral fixation, fingers as a gag, thigh riding, spanking, fingering, praise kink, slight degradation, making out, nearly getting caught, alludes to aftercare, wanda in a lab coat deserves a warning, men/minors dni
authors note — happy happy happy birthday to @godhatesgoodgirls !!
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The day had felt askew since you’d rolled out of bed, something amiss in the routine you’d settled yourself into since moving to the small beach town Wanda had secured a promotion in just seven months prior; when the weather had been warmer and the leaves had been vibrant with hues of green. You bristled at the breeze that swept off the shore the closer you got to central town, able to see the rippling high tides if you craned your neck just slightly to the left and peered through the shrubbery that framed an old ice cream parlor named ‘Sprinkles’, but your gaze was fixed on the large brownstone building that you’d initially sought out, your thoughts spiraling as you considered the misleading appearance. The work that was done inside was prestigious, innovative, a true slice of the future right at the fingertips of those that had access to the futuristic laboratories inside, but the outside fit the quaint white picket fence aesthetic of Westview seamlessly. Had you never been inside before, had you not been married to Wanda who left each morning in a wrinkleless white coat, you’d have thought it was just another Mom and Pop shop for tourists to ogle at, but you weren’t blinded by ignorance – for once you were liberated with knowledge and effortless love. 
You smiled softly at Darcy as you stepped inside, finally away from the chill that October had brought with it. The warm nights and blisteringly hot days of September were long behind you, replaced by the unforgiving assault that fall brought upon you and the other residents of Westview. The thick burnt orange and brown flannel around your shoulders did little to keep you warm, but at the very least it provided a sanctuary for your hands to hide away in as you walked the short mile from your two story house to the identifiable brownstone with ‘Romanoff Industries’ pinned to the front. There was a styrofoam jack-o-lantern on the front desk, and a string of harvest leaves behind the counter as well. The touches of decor were soft, delicate, but enough to revive the spirits of those that trekked into work each day; a thoughtful addition that didn’t make the routine of life feel so mindless. 
“Wanda’s in her office.” Darcy’s smile was sweet as she nodded her head toward the elevator despite knowing that you preferred to take the stairs. You wouldn’t call her a friend, but she was always a comfortable face to see when you made the journey into town to visit Wanda during her lunch break. Since April when you’d come to help set up the office space despite Wanda keeping her decor minimal and devoid of heavy personal connection, she’d picked up on your habits, and it had become something of a running bet to see how long it would take for you to give into her quiet pestering. You’d yet to take the elevator, and Darcy huffed quietly from behind the desk as you pointedly avoided the silver plaque with glimmering white buttons to instead enter the stairwell, which was decorated with a wooden pumpkin sign hanging from a single clear command strip. 
Natasha was definitely the one who had decorated, that much was obvious as you glanced at the decorations hung up within the interior of the stairwell. She was a very business oriented woman, that much you’d come to know since getting acquainted with Wanda’s coworkers and all of their unique relationships, and every story she retold of Natasha’s behavior throughout the day led you to believe that while she maintained a no bullshit attitude, there were soft, fleeting moments of tender care hidden beneath her stoic actions and expressions. She always pushed for Wanda to take a full hour lunch break, even though she preferred to eat as quickly as possible before returning to the lab, and on her birthday, which she hadn’t told anyone about, there had been a present sitting on her desk that was admittedly not very personal, but still touching because it meant that Natasha had remembered reading it on her transfer application. The touches of halloween decor was minimal, and honestly, somewhat laughable, but there was a softer message beneath the taped up scarecrow and the wonkily hung jack-o-lanterns. Even if the holidays were of no relevance to Natasha, who you knew worked every holiday that she could because Wanda was always prattling on about her data being changed during the few days off they received for things like Christmas and Easter, she knew that it mattered to her staff, and she tried her best to put some effort into boosting moral around the office. 
When you entered Wanda’s office, the meticulously clean room being just beside the stairwell door, you noticed her lack of presence, which was odd. Wanda was always around when she knew you were coming, not wanting any of her other co-workers to get the chance to report back to Natasha claiming you were snooping through classified files. It had never happened, but the people at her old placement had started that rumor anyways, and Yelena, her boss that had become something of a close friend to you even if you rarely spoke with her grueling work schedule and your lack of genuinely trying, had merely rolled her eyes, but had still been required to scold Wanda for her negligence. Natasha’s hand would be forced the same way if anyone began those rumors again, so Wanda, bless her, had tried to nip them in the butt before they could even truly begin, which brought you right back to your confusion as you looked around the office. The salad she’d made before leaving was sat on her desk, picked through and beginning to wilt, signaling that she’d either forgotten to put the ice pack in her lunch box again despite the pink sticky note you left on the freezer door, or she’d taken lunch early by Natasha’s forcing. You hoped you weren’t interrupting anything important, not aware of your plans being subject to change, but before you could dwell on what she could possibly be doing somewhere misplaced in the large office building, you felt hands wrapping around your body and pulling you backward. 
A soft gasp fell off of your lips when the door was kicked closed, and then you realized what was happening. A breathy whine fell off your lips when fingers pinched at your nipples through the thick material of your shirt, the unbuttoned flannel thrown over your shoulders allowing your attacker to feel the way they pebbled without a bra to conceal them. The flash of white as one hand reached up to hold onto your neck had you melting against her chest, somewhat out of breath from the shock that had rattled you initially. 
“Wanda.” You sighed softly, head lulling to the side when teeth nipped at your neck before passionate kisses were pressed into your skin and trialed downward toward the collar of your shirt. “Wanda, you’re at work.” You tried again, face growing flush as you stared ahead at the open blinds. If anyone was standing across the street, if they craned their head just the slightest bit upward, they’d undoubtedly be able to make out the silhouette of your body being groped. A whine fell off of your lips when a curious hand pinched at your nipples once more, relishing in the way they hardened beneath harsh pressure. 
“Shh, baby. Just let me touch you, I’ll be quick.” She’d have stopped if you really wanted her to. All that you had to do was say a single word, and her hands would be off of you faster than they’d grabbed you to begin with, but the rush of excitement that had your clit pulsating against the seam of your leggings deterred you from making that choice. Wanda clearly knew that her office was safe enough to touch you in this way, and not so secretly, you yearned for the thrill of somebody knocking on the door, forcing the both of you to spring apart and attempt to collect yourself in time for them to not grow concerned beyond the threshold. Another added bonus was the dominance in which she touched you with, leaving nothing up for your consideration, merely taking what she wanted and giving what she wanted you to have. There was something so tantalizing about being at her disposal whenever and however she pleased, and you’d both gone to great lengths to ensure that this element of your sexual relationship was both consensual and comfortable for the both of you, not just her. She wasn’t doing anything that you hadn’t previously agreed to, in fact, you wish she’d do more. You wished her hands would stop toying with the collar of your shirt and wrap around your neck the way that you adored, that her hands would stop fiddling with your nipples overtop of your shirt and seek the price you hid beneath the thick cotton. You wished she’d travel lower, exploit that sensitive nerve between your legs that she knew how to manipulate until you were merely putty in her hands begging for release that she had every right to deny you. You wished she’d stop handling you so softly. 
“If we’re going to do this, you need to at least make it worth my while, Maximoff.” You rushed out, eyes closed as pleasure seized your thoughts, pinning you in place as she twisted your nipple sadistically, enjoying the way every muscle in your body tightened before it melted away into bliss that you couldn’t fight. She chuckled darkly against your neck, her hot breath fanning across the shell of your ear. 
“Trying to tell me what to do, pretty girl?” She quizzed, pulling you back against her chest with a firm grip around your midsection, her fingers that weren’t taunting your sensitive nipples fiddling with the waistband of your leggings that begged to be slipped down lower until your cunt was exposed to the heat circulating through the spacious office. “When has that ever worked out well for you?” 
“Never.” You gritted through clenched teeth, taking in a large breath when the first instance of getting what you wanted from her presented itself, but you were foolish to think she’d cave to your bratting so easily, and just as easily as her fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your leggings to pull at the hem of your delicate panties, they were gone and trailed back up your body until they found a comfortable home against your neck. Her fingers squeezed tightly, and the sudden change in air going to your lungs had your eyes fluttering closed as you slumped against her chest, writhing in pleasurable pain as she again pulled at your taut nipples and chuckled whimsically. 
“I applaud your efforts, detka, but you’re not here to make demands.” You gasped when teeth sank into your neck, right above where her thumb rested along the column of your skin, practically burning you with its possessive grip. A deep sense of pleasure rolled through your body when her knee pushed between your legs, her toned thigh sitting around against your clit, further driving the seam of your pants into your intimacy, giving you just an ounce of friction, which you took eagerly, rocking against her clothed thigh as you felt the impression of her pens in the breast pocket of her lab coat digging into you shoulder blade. “So easy, malyshka. Would you let anyone touch you like this? Have you wherever they wanted?” She knows that answer is a firm no, but still she likes to taunt your desperation for her touch, and it only adds to the humiliation that's beginning to pile up on you as you become desperate enough to rock against the thigh between your legs, desperate sounds falling off your lips as you attempt to silence your need. “So noisy, we’re gonna have to do something about that.” 
You’re shoved away from her body like merely touching your skin is enough to burn her, and you can’t help but meekly whimper at the loss of contant. It lasts for merely a handful of seconds, her hungry eyes undressing you as you found your footing and steadied yourself. “Pants around your ankles. I don’t have time for you to look at me like a deer in headlights.” She grumbles, already beginning to move around the office and ensure that the blinds are properly drawn as you push down your leggings and fold yourself over the desk in the way that you know she wants. Your ass sticks out just enough for your glistening cunt to be visible, and a sadistic chuckle warms your skin as she sets her eyes on you already dripping for her. “You like when I take advantage of you, baby? When I tell you to come meet me for lunch just so I can play with your cunt?” It all makes sense now, and you can’t help but cry out in surprise when her palm comes down on the globe of your ass and leaves a stinging sensation in its wake. Another hit follows, this time harder and directed at your lower thighs, but there’s not time for you to respond before she’s pushing two fingers into your folds and setting a brutal pace as she works to have you coming undone. 
She’d nearly been late to work that morning, too focused on obsessing over you to a degree that should’ve made her plans for the afternoon obvious. She’d asked you a few hundred questions, about how you were doing mentally, how you felt being in Westview now that it wasn’t so new, if you were still getting caught between feelings of sadness and longing in moments that you couldn’t have predicted such a strong overcoming of emotion. You hadn’t thought anything about it until now, but as you gathered the full picture, you can see that she was checking in, ensuring that none of this would affect you in any way other than positively. If her hand wasn’t holding your back firmly against her desk, you would’ve spun around to kiss her, but all that you could do now was whine as her fingers hammered into you, curling upward if only to graze that sensitive spot within your walls minimally. She was toying with you, teasing you, seeing how long she could prolong your pleasure until you begged for her to give you more. 
It came quickly, because the overwhelming assault of your love for her only multiplied the pleasure that her fingers were provoking within your core, and the small movements of your hips pushing back against her fingers only gained you so much. “Please! Please! I need more!” You begged, tears blurring in your vision as your moans and whines became too loud, and were quickly silenced by her fingers forcing themselves into your mouth. She pressed down on your tongue cynically, chuckling to herself as you gagged and moaned around her now sodden digits. 
She didn’t try to deny you though, working faster, pressing against that sweet spot within you with purpose now, dragging out every ounce of pleasure you allowed her to take, her thumb falling onto your clit as she guided you towards an orgasm that had to be silent, the sounds of footsteps just beyond the office door reminding you of where you are. 
“Cum for me, detka. It’s okay, you can let go.” She cooed as she felt your walls begin to squeeze her fingers, fluttering and pulsating with each ounce of pleasure she drew out of you. That was all it took for you to fall apart, her fingers in your mouth silencing the whines and moans that attempted to fall into the air, but became muffled and soft sounding as her digits prevented them from fully forming on your tongue. Your thighs trembled as she withdrew her fingers, your brain a jumbled mess of pleasure and submission as you reached for your pants and worked them up your legs. 
You smiled softly as she turned you around in her arms, laying a kiss to your lips that was soft and tender like she always was. “Did you eat?” She checked in, no longer radiating dominance that had your mind whirling with pleasurable incoherence, and just barely did you manage to nod your head before the door swung upon and one of her colleges that you’d heard about stood in the doorway with a beam of pride on her lips, entirely unaware of what she’d almost barged in on. 
“We made a development! Like, a big development!” Kate rambled with excitement, taking off down the hallway and back toward the lab before Wanda even had a chance to reply. 
You batted at the woman's chest, your hand landing right against her breast pocket where three black pens were meticulously pinned, your cheeks flush in mortification. “You didn’t lock the door?!” 
“Whoops?” She grinned bashfully, stealing one last kiss before she was racing out of the office and in the direction that Kate had fled to. “I’ll see you at home, baby! Love you!”
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casually-eat-my-soul · 22 hours
Bitches constantly being thinking about the implications of a person taking the armour off their lover. Being quite literally stripped bare of their armour, of their defence against the world. Bringing them back from being a soldier to being theirs, to being human. The brush of gentle touch against skin. Leaving them in a vulnerable state and being trusted with it.
It’s me, I’m bitches
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let's talk about team dynamics
of course we must start with jammer. the leader. the guy who steps in when shit hits the fan and no one knows what to do and says, "here's the plan" and immediately things are gonna be okay. jammer decides if you're in or you're out. jammer will pull you back and push you forward as needed, and you can trust his judgement. jammer knows individual strengths and weaknesses and knows how to maneuver in whatever way is best for the group. and it's so fun because he's not really the guy who's pushing ahead, who's going first and dragging everyone else behind him. he's the leader that calls you back for the huddle, that you look to for the game plan. ugh I love him.
evan. evan is the guard dog, and i think this fits really well because a guard dog is big and scary with sharp teeth and the drive to protect at all costs. which pretty obviously applies to evan, the way he looks out for the team, the way he makes himself a barrier between them and danger. but that's not actually a guard dogs main function, and to me it's not really evans main contribution to the group. a guard dog barks when there's danger. even if they get taken out, the element of surprise is ruined, people know to call for help. evan does not let any sort of danger go unwarned and unprepared for. he's always watching, and always alert.
sam my beloved! this was more of a tricky one, because sam uses charm rather than, like, shadow monsters, and on the surface that can come across as gentler than the others in terms of team dynamics. however. if i was gonna give sam a role, it would be the defender. no one is getting to her friends without going through her first. she is the first line of defense, always. her style is so less physical, I guess, than the others, but she steps in front of the blood snake and sweet talks it. she gets up in philtrums's face and says, "did y'all pay your bills?" she is never not ready to throw down.
for k, it would be really really easy to say she is the fixer, after last episode. but as per this last episode, that's not actually the niche they occupy in the group dynamic. k would love love love to be the fixer, but they are not. k is always watching, always noticing, in a way that's much broader than what evan does. they're not blinded by danger, so she picks up the information to analyze and run through and report back. i could call them a planner, but considering the whole dark web conspiracist thing, plotter might be a better word. there is never a moment when k is not plotting. scheming, if you will.
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silverskye13 · 3 days
I have a question about the "short" story (and seriously, don't sell yourself that short (ha), that was incredible and amazing):
what level of canon is this? Is it still the same sort of "filler episode in anime" canon, or more, or less?
Regardless, absolutely stunning and I loved every single second of reading it in my bones. It's so wonderfully done, from Tango's realisation that HK is more complicated than evil or not evil, to Wels' begrudging help (if only because HK is suffering more than he would wish on anybody), to the universe section (and just you wait universe, that spark of never was and never should be is going to become a shining, glorious star and you will love it all the same as your precious hermits), to the simple act of cleaning the armour, setting right what was wronged. So absolutely gorgeous and breathtakingly written and every time I read your writing I fall a little more in love with the way you tell stories!!!!
[wiggles my hand back and forth]
Canonicity is hard to answer, I still think "anime filler episode" fits best. It's not going to be brought up in RnS, but it's affected by RnS events. If I tried to put it in the main fic, it would destroy the canon timeline, but it clearly happened after one thing and before another. For me, these shorts are mostly character exploration [which is why I compare them to anime filler because that's what filler episodes are generally used for, aside from padding time.] It's helping me clarify thoughts and motivations, so when I breach similar things in the main plot, I have a better idea of What, How, Why. So to me, they're canon.
Helsknight having a very real, and very new, fear of being overly cruel in the face of violence when he started the story as a character who thought knights were allowed to be both knightly and, you know, mean, and still be knights -- I think that's something he'll have to wrestle with. And Helsknight worrying about being measured based on his own choices and perceived shortcomings divorced from Wels is something I think he'll have to reckon with. And the fact that the Hermits don't know about shaky helsmet respawn, don't have context for how Wide a world hels is, also needs reckoned with in RnS.
I don't think it'll necessarily be handled the same way in RnS. The specific circumstances of the short isn't going to happen in context. But things that bring up similar points will happen, and it's nice taking a second to start hashing them out for myself in a lower stakes place first.
Hopefully! That makes sense!
As to the rest of that! Thank you!! For the kind words!! Honestly this "short" [hah] was a lot of fun to fiddle with. A lot of fights and philosophy, and also? RnS Helsknight and Tango fun dynamic? I wish they got to interact in the main story more. There is so much shenanigan potential there. Both of them need someone who'll pump the breaks on whatever crazy things they're gonna do next, and while Helsknight isn't necessarily an enabler, Tango sure as heck is.
[Also! Glad the Universe bit was well received. I like the idea as this Thing That Exists and it's not quite sentient enough to have intent but not quite elemental enough to be blameless in what it does. I always picture it as like if a hurricane could observe and feel, but still couldn't necessarily control where it went. A force of nature that is along for the ride, and sometimes shifts its weight to throw things off the rails.]
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popfizzles · 16 hours
Does anyone else have a bad ending or is it just the Sins?
Well if you're asking if others have "soulless forms", it's just the sins. <:) But the dynamics it creates between the sins and their old friends/family sends ripples through everyone else's stories, creating "bad endings" for them too.
Here's a few that I've been rotating in my head these past few days;
Mac and Greed. Mac listens to Greed talk, and it makes him realize he deserves a whole lot more in life, after everything he's been through. The trouble is, Mac doesn't really know when to stop taking, and it lands him in some hot water.
Mojito and Envy. Mojito choked down so many hurt feelings regarding Red Solo for so long. Jax didn't deserve him like he did. Envy convinces Mojito to just take what should have been his in the first place, no matter the consequences.
Smith and Sloth. Smith works his ass off all week and never let's himself put his guard down. Sloth gets him to slow down for once. It's nice at first. But Smith ultimately starts napping through his life falling apart without him there to hold everything up.
Elder Kettle, Greed, and Envy. The Devil wants his two best repossession men to go all the way to Isle One and "do a welfare check on an old friend of his". The old man in the empty house insists that he owes nothing, and that the two should leave before things get complicated. But Greed and Envy know better. Everyone on Inkwell owes some kind of debt.
Yarrow and Sloth. King Dice's personal tailor provides costuming and uniforms for all the casino workers, including the sins. But for some reason, he seems to take longer during Sloth's fittings, and dote on her with a sad look on his features. Sloth doesn't mind. The man seems kind of like a workaholic, anyway.
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mytheoristavenue · 15 hours
CSM Aki Hayakawa x Reader 🍋 - Attitude Adjustment
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Kinktober 2024 IV
Snowballing + Hair pulling
Summary: Aki has warned you, his new partner not to nag him countless times. You just don't listen, do you?
Warnings: Snowballing, cum eating, hair pulling, oral (m!receiving), fem!reader, brat taming, degradation, praise, spoilers for anime/vol. 3 manga, brat!reader
"Do you have to smoke every five minutes?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes and fanning the smoke away from your face. "I can feel my lungs deteriorating just walking beside you."
"Then walk in front of me." Aki simply replied, taking a long drag off his cigarette and purposefully exhaling from the corner of his mouth. You coughed dramatically in response, batting the air.
"So you can stare at my ass all day? As if!" You retorted with a pout.
"I'm not that kinda guy," He reminded you sternly, finishing off his smoke and dropping the butt, stepping on it as he went.
"All guys are that kinda guy," You sneered, stepping in front of him despite your protests. "No matter how hard they try to hide it."
You and Aki had only worked together for a few weeks, following the simultaneous deaths of your partners. Needless to say, you vexed one another greatly. You were both the 'glass half empty' type, and your late partners were the opposite, making for great dynamics, but this- this was never going to work, you were simply too alike. However, you differed in one way: Aki tended to keep most of his grievances to himself while you were never shy about voicing them. Every single minute one.
You nagged him for smoking, his recklessness, his gloomy demeanor, everything. At every turn, he was met with your attitude, making him all the more stormy. He'd appealed to Makima for a new partner multiple times but she wouldn't budge. He was truly stuck with you.
"God, you know coffee is allowed to taste good, right?" Here you were with your snide remarks again, bringing him coffee like you did every morning. "I'll never understand why you like plain black coffee."
"I don't know, at least it's now weighed down with sugar like that crap you drink." He scoffed, taking it from you as he exited his apartment with you in tow.
"At least I enjoy the crap I put in my body." You rolled your eyes. Aki smirked at you- for possibly the first time- over his shoulder.
"Yeah, I bet you do." He laughed dryly. "Bet you love putting crap in your body, huh?"
Your eyes widened and your entire face reddened, up to the tips of your ears. "S-Shut up! Are you calling me a whore?!" Well, that was new. In all the time he'd known you, he'd never seen you get flustered like this.
"I didn't say that," He deadpanned before smirking again, pausing, causing you to collide with his back. "But if the shoe fits..."
"W-Whatever, like I care what you think!" You pouted, backing away a few steps as he turned to face you.
"Oh, I think you might," He teased. "Why else would your face be so red, hmm?"
You steeled yourself, unused to him bullying you in such a way, before smirking deviously up at him. "I'm not worried, I've heard about your reputation." You snickered, feeling as if you were gaining the upper hand. Little did you know, your next words would seal your fate. "Even if you did have an effect on me, you wouldn't know what to do with me."
Aki's expression darkened, taking the insult as a challenge. His hand found your wrist as he chuckled. "You think so?"
Your victorious demanor fell when you saw his shift but you doubled down. "Yeah, I do." Before you knew it, he had stormed off passed you, back towards his apartment building, dragging you along behind him. The heat in your cheeks returned and you limply followed, understanding that challenging him was a mistake. "H-Hey, wait, where are we going?" You asked meekly, despite already knowing.
"Back to my place." He said sternly. "To test out those bold claims of yours." You gulped as you crossed the threshold to his building, immediately being pulled to the elevator. Once inside, he eagerly pressed the button to prematurely close the doors, followed by his floor number.
"A-Aki, I was joking..." You muttered nervously. "B-Besides, we have to get to work, we're gonna be late."
"We got stuck in traffic." He answered firmly. "Right?" He glanced at you with a sharp pointed stare. You got the hint.
The remaining minute of the elevator ride felt like it lasted an hour, tension in the air thick enough to choke on. "Aki, I-"
"Don't." He cut you off, and you obeyed instantly, which made him giddy on the inside. "It's obvious that something has to give before we can get along and I know just the thing to clear the air."
You swallowed as the doors opened and he took your wrist again, speed walking down the hall. He wasted no time in unlocking the door and pulling you inside. "W-What's that?" You asked bravely, stepping inside.
He shut and locked the door behind you with a disturbingly calm smile before approaching. "You just need an attitude adjustment."
Everything had moved so quickly that you could hardly grasp the chain of events. One moment, you were pushed against his front door, whimpering softly as his lips trailed down your throat. The next you were sat on the floor, sitting between his knees on his balcony, obediently slobbering in his lap. His fingers languidly raked through your hair, balling into a fist any time you made the smallest mistake or noise. His other hand held a lit cigeratte to his lips.
Suddenly, his grip on your scalp tightened and he yanked your head up with a peaceful smile. "Hey," He murmured, as if he didn't already have your full attention. "Try it." He insisted, pressing his cigarette to your lips. You looked up at him pleadingly, eyes wet, drool and pre coating your mouth.
Hesitantly, you parted your lips, earning a small smile from him. "Atta girl, breathe in." You did as he instructed, inhaling the smoke deeply before choking on it at couching roughly. "It's okay, baby, everyone coughs the first time." He soothed, releasing your hair to pet it softly. "There, now that's you've smoked, you're not gonna bitch at me for doing it anymore, are you?"
"N-No..." You answered shyly, laying your head in his lap, and staring up at him. Your cheek squished against his toned thigh and your eyes sparkled with admiration as you peeked through wet lashes.
"You know, you're kinda pretty when you're not nagging.." Aki chuckled, taking another drag from his cigarette, holding the smoke in his cheeks for a bit before parting his jaws. The way it slowly billowed out over his lips mesmerized you, finding it almost hypnotic how he looked in this light.
His hair was down, the first time you'd seen it that way, the band having been long since discarded, now at home on his wrist. His jacket was slung over the back of the chair, tie loose and dangling around his neck with the first few buttons of his shirt undone. "I knew you could be good, you just needed a little incentive." He mused with a peaceful smile. "Now c'mon and finish the job, baby. Quietly."
It crossed your mind to protest, but this was the nicest he'd been to you and you adored how it made you feel. Almost immediately, you went back to work, wrapping your manicured hands around his shaft, pumping lazily before guiding his tip to your lips. You took him as deeply as you could, bobbing your head up and down, letting him slide in and out of your throat.
Aki let you do all the work, figuring you owed him that much at least for putting up with your nonsense. His head lulled back against his nape, cigarette hanging from his lips as he let go of what could only be described as the prettiest sounds you'd ever heard. His voice was deep and breathy, moans all coming from the back of his throat as he let you work. He could feel when you hollowed out your cheeks, sucking him more insistently, stroking what you couldn't take with a spit coated hand.
His fist tightened further in your hair, tugging at your scalp more harshly the closer he got. Your eyes rolled back a bit at the firm pull, pulling a string of whimpers from your throat, vibrations only serving to spur him on further. Eventually, you felt him push your head down, burying your face in his lap as his hips instinctively began to jerk. You immediately relinquished control, letting him set a quicker pace than you previously kept.
All you could do was sit there and take his abuse as he repeatedly hit your gag reflex, totally unbothered by the grotesque sounds that came as a result. "Ahhh, fuck," He hissed, on the verge of tipping into oblivion. "Just a little more, be so quiet for me, pretty girl." He hushed, crushing the end of his cigarette in his teeth. You steeled yourself in an effort to silence the lewd reactions you were giving, wanting nothing more than to please him.
Within moments, you could feel warm spurts splash your uvula, startling you briefly. He never stopped or pulled out like you'd expected. He simply held your head still as he rode through his high, fucking more seed into your pretty mouth. He could feel your throat begin to tense with the action of swallowing, your mouth too full to resist. "D-Don't swallow," He demanded, trailing a hand down to your throat, squeezing lightly to prevent the reaction. "Don't you fuckin' dare."
You looked up at him with glistening eyes, silently pleading for relief from your full cheeks, but he wouldn't budge. Aki slowly and carefully began to pull out, his stone face hiding animalistic desire. "Kiss me," He finally sighed, slumping in the chair, hoisting you up by your hair. You eagerly crawled up, standing on your knees as he knelt down, pressing his lips to yours.
You had expected a brief peck but, Aki was full of surprises. Instead, you were met with a hot, open-mouthed kiss, his lips kneading against yours as his tongue parted them, letting his jizz flood into his mouth. You were too dazed with the intensity of the moment to notice when he'd begun to swallow, little by little. Before you knew it, there was hardly anything left but a small puddle under his tongue which was the remnant of what had been passed back and forth. Then, he pulled back.
"If you could be this good at listening at work, we might get somewhere." He grinned wolfishly.
Your mood shift was monumental and could be felt all throughout the office. Many remarked that you were suddenly like an entirely different person ever since the day you were both late. You always dismissed the rumors with some boring excuse, and this time was no exception.
"My my," Makima mused, stirring her fresh cup of coffee in the break room. "You seem to be quite chipper as of late. Any particular reason?"
"Not at all!" You beamed sweetly, pouring a cup of plain black coffee and setting it to the side. "I just love my job, that's all. I enjoy being here." She eyed you knowingly as you began pouring a second cup, dumping loads of sweetness into it.
"I trust you and Aki have settled your differences, then?" She asked, leaning against the counter. "Is that for him?"
You nodded sheepishly. "We had a nice heart-to-heart." You smiled softly, picking up both finished cups and heading for the door.
"I'm so glad to hear that, I thought I was going to have to reassign you both." Your boss smiled after you, not deceived in the slightest.
You paid no attention to her interest, happily trotting off to find your partner, greeting him with a sweet smile, which he graciously returned. "Morning, Aki! I brought your coffee, black just how you like it!"
Your change in demeanor warmed his heart and he gently took the cup from you. "You're too sweet for me," He cooed, sipping it with a satisfied sigh. "I wonder what's had you in such a good mood lately."
You glared at him playful, hardly amused with his coy attitude. "You know exactly what it is, dummy." Ever since that first occasion, you'd spent multiple nights together, activities far surpassing just oral. Aki chuckled a bit, leaning into your ear conspiratorially.
"There that pesky little attitude again... Why don't I fuck it out of you again tonight?"
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If you have a chance, could you talk a little about Mars as DK planet please? Thanks in advance :)
Hi there!
Darakaraka (DK) as mentioned in other posts is usually the pointer towards the aspects within ourselves that we need to learn or strengthen within this lifetime, and we're often able to do so through attracting not just partners but individuals who naturally carry this energy. Due to this, DK is commonly used to determine our spouse or potential romantic partners.
In your case, Mars as DK will have you attracting partners that are very strong willed, energetic, action oriented, and warrior/soldier-like. They could also be very competitive, combative, and conflictive as well. It's likely that your initial connection with romantic partners might start out as a hate to love dynamic or by them irking you a bit, and developing friction that turns into attraction.
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From a physical standpoint, the might be into sports or naturally look fit. They could easily get flushed or their anger becomes noticeable through their appearance, like a vein popping, etc. They might also have dark features and have a short to medium height.
They could either have a very healthy or unhealthy masculine side depending if your DK is receiving malefic (Saturn or Rahu) influence. Be mindful of connections not turning abusive in any way. You're meant to learn how to stand your ground and become comfortable with conflict overall.
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My top ten bl dramas (with kissing scenes but no sex scenes)
Not in any particular order.
Sometimes I want a romance but I don’t need the sex scenes. Sometimes I just like the kissing and the plot. So here are my top ten.
- 2G ether. Season 1&2.
A adorable fake dating story with entertaining side couples and a well written plot. It is an easy watch with a comedic story line. Any problems in season 1 and any questions left unanswered are covered in season 2. The main couple have great chemistry and the side couples seem to match it well.
It is one of my favourites because it is such a chill drama to watch and rewatch. It is one I tend to go for when I’m tired or needing serotonin.
Available with English subtitles on YouTube.
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- Minato Shouji coin laundry. Season 1.
A romantic comedy with a strangers to lovers trope. The plot revolves around a 17 yr old in love with a 27 yr old man. That put me off at first but the age gap is really well covered. The whole plot revolves around the age gap and how it affects them. It is both light hearted while dealing with the honest dynamic of their relationship. Both characters go through a wholesome journey of development, with Shin growing more mature and Akira learning to let himself be loved.
There is hints of a side couple but those characters go through development rather than have their relationship end romantically, which I really enjoyed.
The dialogue is very well written and the actors have really good chemistry together. Despite the age gap, it became one of my favourites in a very short amount of time. It is all so well done and they handled the dynamic wonderfully.
Though I did not like season 2 cause the writing was terrible. Still acted well but bad plot writing.
Available on Bilibili or dramacool.
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- We Best Love, N1 for you & Fighting Mr second.
Ignoring the two different titles, this is season 1 and 2 of the same drama.
It is a enemies to lover dynamic in season 1 with a enemies to lovers dynamic once again in season 2.
While the plot is overly dramatic at times and cliche, it is very well acted and the actors really work with their lines and make the cliche parts fit so well. They have amazing chemistry (especially in season 2) and I love their dynamics. The side couples don’t get much screen time but they fit very well with the plot and the dynamics of the main characters.
When it comes to pure chemistry, this couple is one of my all time favourites. They speak so much with their actions. It’s a drama that will entertain throughout. I didn’t get bored at all.
Available on Bilibili and Dramacool.
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- Semantic Error.
Another Enemies to lovers trope between two opposing characters. Opposites attract between a digital media student and a computing student. The plot is well paced and the actors spark off each other very well. The character development is explored well and the filming style adds such a tension and uniqueness to the scenes. One of the reasons why it is a favourite is how the filming style works with the characters and highlights their personalities. Everything just flows.
There are no side couples in this drama however the side characters are well portrayed and fully dimensional. I enjoyed how each character’s dynamics worked with those around them.
Available on Viki or Bilibili.
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- Sotus The series.
A real slow burn between a new student and his head hazer. Although the hazing put me off at first the show went to explain all viewpoints really well. It explained why the Hazers continued the tradition of hazing as well as the students who were experiencing it. The relationship is a real slow burn but it’s done so well and scenes had me laughing and crying.
It includes other lgbt side characters and a straight side couple who are cute and go through their own personal growth.
An old bl (2016) but a good one. It was one of my first ones and I will never get over it.
Available on KissKH, Bilibili and YouTube.
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- Takara’s Treasure.
A more recently released drama, this show was so wholesome and cute. It dealt with a character’s journey as he joins a university in Tokyo after living in a small town his whole life. His slow burn relationship with his senior is very cute and green flag.
I sort of wish that there were more kiss scenes but I did enjoy the ones we go.
Available on KissKH and Bilibili.
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- Love for Love’s sake.
Another more recent drama. This one had me sobbing and giggling. For what seemed to be an intriguing plot about a boy seemingly playing out a video game where the goal is to make another boy happy turned into a really deep portrayal of depression and the loneliness of being lgbt. The romance and the relationships as they develop in this drama was all well paced and wholesome. The main character is iconic and he fights for what he wants which is great to watch. The drama itself was very well filmed. The cinematography didn’t distract too much from the plot but also made itself known and memorable. The pace was good though it could have done with maybe another episode towards the end, but with the time they had the pacing was pretty good.
This drama leads itself towards theory and not all the questions are answered but that is a good thing as an ending is provided but there is still enough to make one curious.
Available on Viki and KissKH.
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- Why R U? (Korean version).
While I enjoyed the original Thai version, the Korean version out paced it for me. While the Thai one had many side couples and confusing plot lines the Korean one keeps it just to two main couples. It deletes the cheating element of the second couple and made it more wholesome rather than dramatic. The first couple actually starts as enemies to lovers and their dynamic is very funny. They fight all the time and swear at each other before slowly starting to admire and appreciate each other before falling for each other. The show was well paced and very lighthearted. The cinematography wasn’t bad but could have been more fun.
Though it’s from the same books as the Thai one, it feel almost like a completely different drama. This one had me laughing much more.
Available on KissKH and Bilibili.
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- Stay With Me.
This is a Chinese drama based off a pervious BL drama called Addicted Heroin. Compared to the previous adaptation, the toxicity is taken out. Stay with me is mostly found family vibes between two step brothers, who don’t know that they’re stepbrothers for a long time, and how their relationship develops from friends to family. Whether this be family in a romantic sense between them or not, the show leaves that up to the viewer.
For a Chinese bl we do get kisses on the cheeks! Although I would like them to kiss properly. The show focuses on them growing as people and not just their relationship, which I enjoyed.
However, the show does end on a sob inducing cliffhanger and there has been no news about a season 2 yet. So watch at your peril. The show itself was well paced and very well acted.
Available on Viki and KissKH.
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- Unintentional Love story.
This drama is of a young man who was wrongly fired from his job finding a reclusive ceramicist. He is told that if he can get the famous artist to sign with his old company, then he will get his job back. What follows is a slow burn romance with misunderstandings and great character development. Since the characters are all adults in their late twenties to early thirties, the show has a different feel compared to a lot of other shows where the characters are teenagers or young adults. These characters are running businesses and having to deal with issues such as money problems and loans. It’s nice to see such realistic things playing a big part in a character’s motivation. Yet they still have moments fuelled by their feelings and impulses. But they grow and learn and that’s what makes this drama really wholesome and lovely to watch.
The side couple in this is left unresolved but with a hopeful note. However there is a history between them that is not fully explained. There has been a movie based on their backstory that has come out recently, yet I do not know if it resolves their relationship in the show.
One of the things I love in this show is the costumes. As the sunshine character takes on more depth and grows as a person, his clothing colour palette gets darker. While for the grumpy character who learns to open himself up again, his palette gets lighter and by the end of the show their outfits have swapped colours. That is a detail which I loved when watching.
Available on Viki or Bilibili.
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Here you go. These are my top ten dramas with no sex scenes. While some of them may have making out scenes that fade to black, they are not explicit and the drama plots focus more on the storylines or the character growth.
So for anyone who doesn’t like watching sex scenes, I recommend the dramas above.
Hope you enjoy.
Feel free to ask about anymore in the comments.
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kinkyrafe · 11 hours
Overnight Fun
Kinktober, October 04
The one where Rafe is edged over night for the first time.
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics, domme!reader, sub!rafe, very explicit
taglist: @yagirlwrites, @audzzz, @valyrianflower, @aariahnaa
It’s the first weekend Rafe and you decided to spend together. Only the two of you from Saturday morning to Sunday night and you really want to make it special. You want to have fun, you want to train him a little but most of all, you want to get to know him better. 
Rafe comes over to your apartment right after a breakfast with clients, still dressed in his fancy clothes and you can’t help but notice how your mouth waters when you see him like this. 
“Hello, handsome,” you greet him enthusiastically. “We should meet up after work more often. You look hot.”
“Hello, sexy lady,” he greets you back and you both laugh as he hugs you and kisses you.
“Ready for a weekend full of sex?” He asks and his eyes glint with anticipation.
“I am ready,” you answer, “Are you?”
“More than ready,” he says, “I couldn’t think about anything else all morning.”
“I hope you didn’t talk to your client about the two of us,” you tease him.
He grins. “Oh, I did, the entire time,” he jokes, “Turns out, they are really interested in the things we do in the bedroom.” He looks around your apartment as he comes in. “Not only in the bedroom, now that I think of it.”
You have something fun planned for this weekend but you’re not entirely sure how he’ll take it: edging. You have edged him before but only for maybe two or three hours tops and he got frustrated a lot even in this short amount of time. For someone who is fairly new to all of this, being constantly denied can be incredibly draining and frustrating, both mentally and physically, so you will have to be really mindful. He has told you that he would love to try it though.
“Are you still ready to be edged all weekend?” You ask as he hangs up his coat. 
“I sure am,” he replies, “I’ve watched a couple of videos online over the course of this week, it looks fun.”
You raise your eyebrows, barely holding back a laugh. “Videos?” You question mockingly. “You mean porn?”
“Yes, okay,” he chuckles with his arms up in defense, “I’ve basically watched porn all week.”
You step into his space and put your hands on his chest. “Did you touch yourself while watching it?” You continue to ask.
“I wouldn’t dare,” he answers and you just nod approvingly. 
“Good boy.”
It doesn’t take the two of you long before Rafe is sitting on your couch, partly undressed, with you on his lap, touching him as you see fit. Partly undressed is an understatement in itself, you couldn’t resist the outfit so you decided to open his dress pants just wide enough so that you have access to his cock. That is all you need for now anyway. 
You start stroking and pumping it, twisting your hand in the ways he likes it best - alternating between one and two hands, involving his whole cock from head to the base and his balls as well. It is a good handjob – even though you physically do not have the chance to experience it, you just know it is. His reactions to your touch make it evident.
"Please, can I come?" He asks after a short while and one look into his face tells him that he fully expects to be denied - rightfully so.
You laugh and continue to work his cock, forming a ring with your middle finger and thumb, playing with the edge of the head of his cock. His mouth falls open at this sensation. "Even if I hadn’t just told you that I want to edge you until tomorrow afternoon, just theoretically speaking, what would need to happen before that?"
There is this rule that you establish with basically all of your subs for the first couple of weeks until they obey willingly and you feel safe enough to not need them to be as vulnerable as you want them at the beginning of a sexual relationship. And this rule is that they are only allowed to come when there is something in their ass.
Rafe has taken to this rule of yours better than most. He loves having his ass played with, that has been clear ever since you first put a finger in him.
Right now, he laughs despite his desperation. “There’s absolutely no need for that,” he rasps out. 
You join in with his laughter. “Oh there is, trust me,” you retort, “Especially with argumentative subs like you. Gotta show you where your place is.”
He moans at that. “Yes, please.” 
“I'm showing you right now,” you say smugly, “Showing you your place isn’t always about getting all the action and all the orgasms, it's also about being patient and trusting me to make you feel good eventually. It's about endurance.”
He groans this time, frustrated. All the while his body is trembling with arousal and you know that he is close to coming.
“I take it, you don’t like this aspect of it,” you smirk, continuing to stroke his cock slowly but firmly.
He manages to huff out a laugh as his body reacts to what your hands are doing. “Not at all, mistress.” It’s a testament to how well you’ve trained him already that he adds this address to statements like this.
“Poor you,” you smirk and lick some precum off of him. His cock twitches. “I promise, you'll be so happy I made you wait tomorrow afternoon.”
He doesn’t believe you yet but arches his back in pleasure at the same time.
When you’re sure that he won’t be able to take anymore, you take your hands off of him and give him some time to calm down. He hates every second of it, you can tell.
“I thought it looked fun online,” you can’t help but tease as you start jerking him off again. 
“I just want to come so badly already,” he groans out and his voice is trembling already.
You bring him to the edge twice more – until his back is arched and his body is all tense and he clearly is close to losing it. 
His eyes are closed when you leave one hand on his cock and use the other to take an ice cube out of a cup. Carefully, you hold it against his rock hard and throbbing cock.
His whole body jolts with shock when the ice touches his skin. “What the fuck?” He shouts.
“Such foul language,” you scold with an evil smile on your face as you rub the ice cube all over his shaft, watching it soften, down to his balls. He squirms with discomfort. “Take it,” you instruct. “Show me how obedient you can be. Lay still and take it.” 
He groans and swears but his whole body tenses with the effort of keeping still and letting you basically hurt him. He still jerks away from you from time to time but over all, he does good.
“Why are you doing this?” He whines.
“Because I got you all hot and now I got to make you cool off again,” you explain sweetly. 
"Can you please put something in my ass? Please?" He begs about two hours later when you have your hands on his cock again, yet again pushing him to the edge over and over again. 
His cock is throbbing and leaking precum, his eyes are completely unfocused, there's a layer of sweat all over his body and he has goosebumps all over. In short, he is so heavily turned on.
“Look at you, begging to be fucked," you tease. “Where would you like to feel it?” You know, you're a bitch for pressing two knuckles against his teint, massaging his prostate on the outside. “There?”
His shouts echo around the room and while you enjoy seeing him like this, he probably should learn not to curse you. 
You motherfucking bitch, earns him a couple of light, harmless smacks directly to his dick and balls. According to his screams, they don’t feel light and harmless at all.
That night, you make him dress up and take you out for dinner, so he doesn't have to sit at home all day, moping about not being allowed to cum. 
“You clean up so well,” you can’t help but stare at him in admiration when he comes into the bedroom where you're getting ready. Such a beautiful man he is.
“Look who's talking.” He raises an eyebrow and puts an arm around your waist. “You’re so beautiful.”
His face comes closer to yours for a second before he turns away and drops his arm from your waist as well. As if he's not sure whether he's allowed to touch and kiss you. 
You quickly grab his hand and put it where it was only a moment before and then you reach up and bring your faces close together. 
“You can kiss me anytime you want, Rafe,” you say quietly. 
“Wasn't sure for a sec,” he mumbles before he cups your face and kisses you. You love kissing him. It's always the perfect amount of tenderness and passion. It's never too much and never too little. He's perfect. Rafe’s truly perfect in any way.
“Ready to eat?” You ask against his lips.
“Actual food or you?” He jokes.
“Food now, me later,” you answer suggestively and watch him swallow.
He's clearly not used to someone being as quick and sharp-witted as he is.
“Let's go before I'm hard again,” he says and basically hurries out of the bedroom. 
“Look at that, babe,” you say and guide his head so he has no choice but to look at his hard cock as you twist his nipples. “Look at your cock. Do you see how hard it is? I’m doing nothing but touching your nipples.”
You continue playing with them for a while. Caressing, licking, twisting, biting, pulling, scratching… just how you see fit. 
All the while, his cock is pumping precum like crazy. He is so incredibly turned on that you could probably do anything to him if you wanted to.
You love riling him up like this. You love making him hot all over. It's just so easy. His body responds to you in a way no one has ever done before – and it seems to be the same situation for him as well. No one has ever managed to get him like you get him. You know exactly what to say and where to touch and what to do to just make him feel good.
When you bring him down from the edge this time, he can’t hold back tears pooling in his eyes.
“Ah fuck,” he nearly sobs but laughs at the same time, “Fuck. I don’t know why I'm crying now.”
You smile at him gently and wipe away some falling tears with your hand. “Sometimes crying is just a reaction of your body when you are really tense and then the tension eases…” That's also why sometimes people cry after an orgasm.
And he is a complete mess. He's been pretty composed at dinner but other than that, he has been hard practically all day.
“It’s all gonna be worth it, I promise,” you comfort him as you evilly rub the ice cube over the tip of his cock. It’s all soft now.
“We'll do one new thing today,” you tell him carefully when the tears are gone, his breathing is evened out and he is calm again.
His eyes widen.
“Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?” 
His facial expressions soften with surprise and relief. “You can’t just ask this question normally, can you? You just have to wind me up!”
You smile a bit sheepishly and shrug. “It’s so easy to wind you up, you know?”
He looks away a bit ashamed but when you kiss him, he immediately kisses you back.
You let him sleep in your bed because he is so tense and churned up and needy and you don’t want him to drop.
Once you are in bed, you cannot help but let your fingers run over his sides down to his ass. "I'm gonna fuck you so good tomorrow," you tease him, “You’re gonna cum so hard.”
He groans. You can’t help but notice that he is hard again. You almost feel bad but there is one thing still left to address. “You remember when you asked earlier whether you would eat food or me for dinner?”
“Babe,” he mutters and his voice almost breaks around the single word, “Mistress, I’m sorry.”
“I think it’s time for dessert,” you joke.
“You know how much I love eating you out,” he complains, “I’m probably gonna cum just from touching you.”
“You need to control yourself better, then,” you say sternly this time, “This is not about you right now.”
This sentence definitely hits home. He looks at you, shocked, and swallows. “Sorry, I know,” he says sheepishly, “Of course, I’m gonna eat you out.”
“Think you’re gonna manage to make me cum?” You ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
“You know I will,” he grunts and lifts the duvet to be able to get to work.
Of course he does make you cum. These fingers and tongue really can’t fail. 
He himself still doesn’t get to cum. 
He does get all the cuddles he wants, though. Which is nice. Really nice.
The next morning, not long after you’re both awake, you make Rafe eat you out again. 
“Do I get to cum after?” He asks, the expression on his face full of the anticipation of a five year old on Christmas Eve. 
You chuckle. “No,” you say simply, “This afternoon, I promise!”
He lets his head drop back and groans. “You fucking tease,” he mumbles, “It’s hard enough not to be able to get off, lying next to you but I love eating you out…. It’s so hot…” He continues to complain a little bit but as soon as you take off your panties, sit right in front of him and spread your legs so he can see your vulva, he stops short. He licks his lips and stares right between your legs. Seeming to remember his manners, he tears his gaze upwards to your face and turns red. 
“May I?” He asks and motions towards your vulva. 
You chuckle.
“Sure, when you’re done moping…” You say to tease him. He turns even redder but decides to push past his embarrassment and dive right into it. And boy does he give it his all.
“Are you a starved man?” You manage to ask after a couple of moments. You need to lie back. If you wouldn’t practice as much self-control you would have cum at least once already. 
“Desperate,” he smirks up at you, “Just how you like me.”
You chuckle before you have to throw your head back with pleasure. These long fingers combined with this naughty tongue are going to be the death of you in more ways than one. You need to think of a scenario that allows you to completely let go and still manage to stay in control as much as possible - and you need to come up with it quickly. “How about we’ll see how often you can make me cum during the next 30 minutes?” You ask breathlessly. 
Again, he looks up at you with so much anticipation in his eyes that you can’t help but laugh. “Challenge accepted,” he says and pulls you closer to his mouth by your legs. You are still laughing as you set a timer.
Exactly 30 minutes and a total of four orgasms later - it always takes you a while to cum after the first two - you both cuddle up next to each other to calm down. 
You can see and feel that he is hot all over and so, so incredibly turned on. His whole body is flushed and again, he has goosebumps all over.
You tease him a little bit. Letting your fingers trail over his torso, licking his nipples, sucking bruises to the inside of his thigh close to his groin, licking the soft and wet skin of the head of his hard cock that peeks out from underneath his boxers. 
You caress his balls, ever so lightly.
His whole body tenses, his breathing is ragged already and he is right on the edge and you notice that you definitely need to slow down or he'll either cum or he'll drop for sure.
You take your hands off him and lie down next to him, cuddling close. “You're being so good, babe,” you praise him over and over again while you're waiting for him to cool down a bit.
You go for a run together, 5k, just to let off some steam. It’s fun and it’s easy and you both love it and you can’t help but notice that with Rafe, it begins to feel very different compared to all the guys you had situationships and relationships with in the past.
When you’re home again, you shower together and you have to really control yourself to not make him fuck you right then and there. Instead, you make yourself stick to your plan, but let it be known that it is not easy.
The smile that forms on his face, when you tell him that he sometimes makes it hard for you to control yourself is radiant. He is so, so proud, and you can’t help but return the exact same, happy smile.
You decide that it’s best to cook together on Sunday for lunch to have something distract him from how horny he is. 
You can tell that he probably doesn’t cook at all judging by how he looks at the cucumber that you instruct him to chop for your salad. 
However, before he can get to it, you slide in the little space between him and your kitchen counter. 
“On your knees,” you instruct. 
His eyes darken as his pupils widen instantly. 
“Take off my pants,” you instruct further.
He does. 
“Make me cum again,” you tell him. You really need to feel these skilled long fingers and tongue on and in you immediately.
Of course, he obeys and gives you all the pleasure you deserve.
When it is finally Sunday afternoon, he is close to breaking. 
He is all over the place and so turned on that his body doesn’t really cooperate anymore. It’s not possible for you to put him on all four because he just cannot keep himself up. The mere sight of him in this state fills you with so much joy that you can’t help but smile the whole time. 
So you decide to put him on his back, tie up his wrists and then tie the wrists to the headboard of your bed. You pull him all the way down, so that his arms are straight. You put a spreader between his ankles and when it is in place again he has as little room to wiggle as possible. Positions like these seem to be toughest but they are actually very easy on the sub as they don’t have much room to disobey. 
He is fully hard and leaking precum by the time you are done tying him up.
“Tied up and nowhere to go just how I like you,” you say appreciatively. 
You take one of your strap ons out of the dresser next to your bed. Then you swing one leg over him and situate yourself until his head is in between your knees. "How about you put that tongue of yours to good use, while I fasten this strapon?” You ask. “Get me wet and excited to fuck you?”
He nods eagerly and gets to work. Again, it feels so, so good.
When it is finally time for you to fuck him, there is absolutely no resistance left in his body. You just grab the spreader and push it back so that his knees are drawn to his chest and then you try to prep him but he takes first one, than two, and then three fingers easily, and if he wasn’t as tied up as he is, he would totally fuck himself on your hand. There is nothing left in him other than pure lust and that thought alone makes you go wild.
So you slick up the strapon with a generous amount of lube, line it up, and before you even push it in, he is writhing within his bonds and moaning already.
And then you are fucking into him, strong, rhythmic thrusts in a slow pace and you can just see that Rafe’s body loves every second of it. You can see it, you can feel it, you can hear it. The noises he makes with every thrust are something else.
“Do I make you feel good?” You ask him softly, smiling down at this beautiful, completely wrecked man, all tied up in a way that allows you to fuck into him deeply, and all he can do is lie there and take it and it is so obvious that he enjoys all of it.
“So good,” he chokes out in between all the ah, and oh, and uh.
"Can you please touch me?” He asks, his voice completely hoarse.
You look down at his flushed, swollen cock that just lies against Rafe’s stomach, throbbing with arousal and pumping precum all over his tensing lower abs.
You circle the head of it with one gentle finger and swipe up some precum. "I think one dick involved is enough for now,” you respond with a particular hard thrust before you take your finger to your mouth and lick the precum right off of it. Delicious. He nearly blacks out at the sight.
Not long after that, however, you take your magic wand, turn it on and put it against his cock and at this point he is completely incoherent.
You decide to tell him he has permission to come now, any time because you just know he is not in the state to ask for permission anymore. 
You run the massager up and down from the tip of his cock down to his teint and he squirms and he breathes hard and he shouts. It's all he does.
You use the massager all over his body next, legs first, traveling upwards over his abs, to his nipples and then back downwards to his cock. You watch mesmerized as his muscles flex underneath your touch.
"You are such a sight," you tell him completely in awe.
By the time the massager is on the head of his cock again, he moans obscenely and then he cums hard.
And he cums.
And cums.
And cums.
His body jerks in every direction, seemingly seeking your touch and trying to get away from it at the same time. 
You milk him until he's completely dry. 
Even though you give him a lot of time, minutes later, he still is completely out of it. 
He whimpers when you pull out the strapon but that is the only sound he makes. Normally every whimper is accompanied by an embarrassed groan or a nervous laugh but there is no energy for none of that left in him.
You get rid of the restraints, but he doesn’t move his arms or legs regardless. 
He flinches slightly when you clean his cum off of him with a towel but other than that, there is no reaction from him.
So all you can do is lay down next to him. You run your hands over his body again, wanting to touch and feel every inch of his skin, but there is nothing suggestive or teasing about your touch now. It's soft and gentle and calming. You try to ground him as much as you can.
The whole time you praise him, tell him how good he has been, tell him how well he did and how hot he looked and how happy you are that he lets you do all these things, how brave he is for trying out new stuff and letting himself be so vulnerable with you.
It takes a long time for him to come back to himself. His eyes begin to focus after a while, and shortly after, you feel him wrapping his hands around your waist, drawing you closer, as close as possible. 
“That was out of this world,” he mumbles into your hair.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
He only hums affirmatively.
He naps first, and you make sure to be there when he wakes up. After that, you force him to drink a glass of juice and eat a protein bar.
Then you make him take a bath. You stay with him and eventually you get in yourself. You massage his wrists and his ankles. You’re there and you’re all gentle touches and soft whispers and sweet words.
And after a while, at some point during his bath, he can at least talk again but his mind is still somewhere else. 
“I'm sorry, I'm so out of it,” he apologizes but there is absolutely no need for that.
“You're good,” you reassure him calmly.
You bring him sweat pants, a shirt and a hoodie and make him settle down on the couch.
When the food you ordered arrives, he falls asleep in the time it takes you to get up from the couch, go to your doorway and reenter the living room. 
You wake him gently. He apologizes again as it is only shortly after 6.30pm. 
"It's all good, Rafe, I promise," you comfort him, "You can sleep in a moment, I just need you to eat something first."
You eat in silence, the TV is on, streaming your favorite sitcom, but it's more a background noise. None of you are watching for real, your minds still on each other and on the scene you just shared.
“Babe?” He asks suddenly, “I’m… I just wanted to say, I’m sorry, that I was so whiny yesterday. I don’t know why… I knew it would be good but I somehow couldn’t really control myself.”
He looks so soft and vulnerable that you can’t help but hug him. “I know, babe,” you answer, deliberately using the same nickname he chose to use for you, “It’s all good, it was your first time to be edged overnight. You did a really good job. And you know I love you all whiny and desperate.”
He looks aways and turns bright red. You move in to kiss his cheek and his temple and it doesn’t take long before he gets over his embarrassment, cups your cheek and draws you in for a real kiss.
"Would you be comfortable sleeping in my bed again tonight? I know we both have work tomorrow and yesterday was the first night you slept over but I’m a bit afraid you could drop and I don’t want that."
He rubs his eyes and nods. "Yeah, I would like that."
You nod and a really happy smile spreads on your lips. You want to be with him because you're a bit afraid he'd drop, that is correct, but you also want to be with him, full stop.
"Come on, let’s get ready for bed then." 
It is only 08 pm but you’re both worn out and tired and you both crave a cuddle and cuddles are just best in bed.
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bookwormbynight · 1 day
bookworm-san, dear mutual. do you happen to have any more fem! light headcanons/thoughts? for healing, for the soul……… 😌
Darling. Gimme just a second to reread my posts on the AU and get my brain juices going again 🙏
(Also, fun fact: I do actually have my name in my lil bio bit lol! I don't think most people notice.)
Fem!Light during the Yotsuba Arc may have been more aggressive than canon Light about separating herself from a relationship with Misa, simply because it isn't assumed that "well, I'm the one who must have asked... I just can't figure out why" because that's not how her relationship dynamics work. She doesn't remember saying yes, she can't imagine why she would have said yes, Misa is clearly delusional and can fuck right off. Her aggression might be the only reason why Misa wouldn't white-knight his way into stopping the mutual lawlight murder attempt on their first "date" lmao. I can clearly imagine him trying to heroically interject and protect his girlfriend only for Light to shriek "fuck OFF Misa" so 'unfemininely' that it takes Misa a full fifteen minutes to reboot lmao.
This is me projecting because I'm a 100 pound girl with a-cups but I want Light to have small boobs (also canon Light has a flat ass anyway). Let me sexualize my body type for once, gimme that. Tiny lace bralettes, zero cleavage through a shirt neckline, barely a handful of titty and you can probably fit most of the boob in your mouth, but anybody who's interested in her either doesn't notice or actively likes it.
On a related note, average-ish height, like canon, so like 5'4 or 5'5, but small person. If that makes sense. I want people to be able to just pick her up with minimal effort because that means it would happen more often (I have friends who literally just throw me over their shoulders and walk away without asking me first) and she would fucking hate it and I think that's hilarious.
Flats-only girlie. Coward. Until L bullies her into heels for fetish purposes ONCE and Light has trouble walking and it makes her red-faced angry embarrassed which does NOT deter L in the slightest.
I think she'd wear her hair half-up half-down in a neat little clip in the back with bangs, it's very Professional and Pretty and intentionally chosen. She pigtail braids her hair at night Cinderella-style to keep it nice and L finds it annoying. The only time we would see it down in the canon timeline would be in solitary confinement, and the rain + foot scene and proceeding death scene (because that was immediately after).
For her death scene in particular, I think her hair would start up, as it usually is, but it would definitely have gone really askew and fallen out of the clip by the time she dies.
I really can't decide how exactly her relationship with Ryuk would change based on her perception of gender dynamics but I'm absolutely sure it would, whether or not we genderbend Ryuk as well. Idk, someone else help me flesh this one out bc it's all just a nebulous feeling in my head.
The daddy issues. Dude. The daddy issues would be so bad. Like, we already had "I desperately want my dad to think I live up to his expectations of me + dad is too busy with his job all the time to feel like a legit regular part of the family". Now imagine that combined with the fact that Soichiro just assumes Light has Woman Brain. "It's wonderful that you're top of your class and you're getting a degree, all capable women should go to college, but don't you think you should pick a less demanding career path so you won't have such a hard time having a family one day?? It's really sweet that you want to follow in my career path honey but I don't know if this job is good for girls like you". That scene with Namikawa would happen and L would praise her like canon and Soichiro's jaw would fucking drop. Ugh.
On a similar note I absolutely do not think Light would be able to stomach playing up the "I'm JUST a GIRL I CANT be KIRA 🥺🥺🥺" schtick even to draw some of the suspicion off of herself because canon Light already had such a hard time literally just not showing off and now add in fem! Light's inferiority complex. She would get so salty every single time people suggested it's not possible for her to be Kira ""even though I'm not"". The ONLY times she would be willing to play up the canon ditz act is when it makes her look a little careless, NEVER stupid.
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angelofalls · 2 years
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[OC] Tyrus Titan, Estefan
🎶You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you!🎶
("Just like you" by Three days Grace)
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doctorwhoisadhd · 8 months
clara oswald is the only doctor who character who could have made torchwood MORE fucked up
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Your Jeremiah art has me giggling and kicking my feet in glee
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cryptid-quill · 6 months
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new colorfes cards made me rise from the dead, I give art of gay people as offerings
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y’know what’s wild. there were only six episodes where zuko was officially part of the gaang, including the episode where he joined. i could have sworn there were like thirteen.
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naughtygeek49 · 8 months
I love a man who is slightly (pathetically) obsessed with his girlfriend
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