#like you think it’s bad now wait until the show fans get a complex and flawed female/gnc character
sarcastic-clapping · 3 months
i just know that the gabrielle de lioncourt discourse on this website is going to be fucking catastrophic
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callsignfate · 10 months
Risk is my middle name
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Day Nine of Writemas/Birthday posts!
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
If you want to see more posts like this go here Reader wears glasses/contacts
TW: None? Let me know if I've missed any!
"Damn it!" You hissed as your last pair of contacts had dried out. You looked at them in disbelief before moving to find your glasses. Usually, the world was an uncomfortable blur; your terrible eyesight made people standing even two feet away appear blurry and their faces unreadable.
Valeria, who had perfect eyesight, watched you walk around, moving your hands over the objects on your nightstand and dresser, pulling them mere inches away from your face before putting them back down. An amused smile played on her lips, your mind so focused on finding your glasses that you had forgotten Valeria was still in the room, lounging in bed.
"What are you looking for?" she questioned with an amused tone. A small, startled scream escaped your lips before you turned and squinted your eyes to try to see Valeria clearly.
"What in God's name—have you been in here the whole time?" you questioned immediately as Valeria's laugh echoed into the room. "Yep, just enjoying the show," Valeria replied, her laughter continuing. "You're like a detective investigating a crime scene without your glasses. Or trying to decode some ancient script. It's cute."
You scowled, the effort of squinting making the expression comical. "This is not cute. This is a serious situation. I can't see anything."
Valeria sat up, her laughter subsiding but a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, maybe you should've taken better care of your last pair of contacts. What's your plan now, Sherlock?"
You huffed, knowing you looked ridiculous. "I guess I'll have to go to the optometrist and get a new set. But right now, I need you to guide me. Help me find my glasses, Val, Please." you hummed out before you made your way back to the bed.
"You broke your last pair when you fell, remember?" Valeria added.
"Oh, right," you muttered, mentally facepalming. "Well, that complicates things. I might need a walking stick instead of glasses."
"Okay, blind detective, what's the plan now?" Valeria asked, settling in next to you.
"I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get new contacts," you replied, a hint of frustration in your voice.
Valeria patted your back reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. In the meantime, you can enjoy the world of artistic blur. Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent for abstract art."
You chuckled, appreciating Valeria's lighthearted approach to the situation. "Maybe I'll start a new movement: Impressionistic Living."
Valeria grinned. "I can't wait to see your masterpiece." "You might be witnessing the birth of a genius," you huffed dramatically, gesturing toward the blurry surroundings.
Valeria pointed her blurry arm at random objects from the room. "Describe this masterpiece to me. What do you see?"
You squinted in the general direction of her hand. "It's a... uh, blob of colors.. Definitely represents the complexities of life."
Valeria burst into laughter. "I think you're onto something. Abstract art enthusiasts would pay a fortune for that description."
"I can't even see your expression's Val, you're a blurry blob, a hot blurry blob, but a blob." You sighed now even more annoyed with yourself.
Valeria playfully pouted. "Well, as long as I'm a hot blurry blob, I guess that's acceptable."
You sighed again, dramatically. "Imagine all the details I'm missing right now. Your fabulous hair, your radiant smile, and, most importantly, your evil plotting expression."
Valeria chuckled. "Ah, the evil plotting expression is a fan favorite. Too bad you're missing out."
You mimicked a gasp. "Maybe this is all part of your grand plan. Sabotaging my vision for world domination."
"Lean closer so I can." You pouted as you tried to release you eyes from squinting, the headache from the squinting, that wasn't helping, already forming.
Valeria leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Yes, my grand plan is to make you utterly dependent on me. Step one: sabotage your vision. Step two: rule the world together. It's foolproof, really."
You groaned, "I knew falling for you was a risky move."
Valeria chuckled, her breath warm on your face. "Risk is my middle name." "I knew it." You playfully mumbled before she leaned in and left a gentle kiss on your lips.
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
What I don't get is why people think it's problematic to still wish for Buddie. Like isn't it worse to be happy just because he's with a dude now. Like so you didn't ship Buddie for their amazing chemistry and history, you just shipped them because they were two hot dudes.
(This is not directed at people who are enjoying Tevan for the ride, this is about people who jumped completely)
((obviously bi Buck is important, but I don't think seeing it as a step towards Buddie is bad. We've been waiting for something like this for so many years))
Sorry but this is all that’s in my head^^
But yes yay now I get to have my rant-
The fact that so many people genuinely just wanted buck to end up with a dude is just
Look there is wanting representation which I GET I am all for
Then there is not caring about anything to do with that representation as long as you see two hot guys kiss
Representation without substance, meaning and actually changing what we usually see on screen is just so surface level
and listen we are ALL guilty of that thing where we hear about a show with a queer couple and we instantly get excited and rush over there but some of these people don’t give a shit about the storylines as a whole, the characters as a whole, character development, etc all those things that make representation MATTER
Like we aren’t just happy that bi buck is canon because oh look here’s a bi man character
No we are happy because we got to see his development we got to see his insecurities, history, his personality and his bond with these other characters through the years. Now look I’m not saying oh look at this fictional character think about his feelings, I’m saying that characters and their complexities drive a story they are what make me invested whether it’s a book a movie or show, and to not care about any of that just for the sake of tokenism is insane to me
I also feel it bares mentioning that this is one of the RARE times that this representation in media isn’t a case of tokenism like they’ve taken a character and built him and built the show and built the dynamics outside of his sexuality and made it canon in season SEVEN like Tim and Oliver and the entire team did something we don’t see much or ANY of in media like the way they made it is like we have this journey with the character like it’s a double blind test ( sorry I’m revising for a psych exam rn and my brain can only use that analogy) and until the reveal seven years in we don’t know for sure even if there have been inklings and people are more focused on the fact that oh look some hot dude kisses another in this show
Like genuinely ship what you want to ship and enjoy the time but don’t disregard meaningful potential representation which would have 1. A character navigating sexuality in a situation as complex as Eddie’s 2. A gay couple which wasn’t planned and they actually listened to fans for 3. A well done queer slow burn with the same gravity and meaningfulness that straight slowburns get
Thank you for the opportunity to rant anon🫡
Sorry for the long ass reply😭😭
Edit: also wanna add that yes I’m in analysing media mode because I also have sociology revision on representation in media🤭🤭
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How did The Owl House manage to attract plenty of praise and one of the biggest and most active fandoms I've ever seen even though the cancellation is not the source of all the issues present in the series? I've asked this question multiple times on Discord but I'd like to see someone elaborate on this topic in a manner that you can't on chatrooms, message boards, and Twitter.
A lot of shows have big fandoms despite having major narrative flaws; what keeps these shows afloat is that they provide something that the audience wants. In TOH's case, the show is a fun, fantasy adventure with unabashed queer rep that caters to a young audience.
The Owl House is the first major cartoon show that puts its protagonist in a sapphic romance and explores that instead of using it for queer-baiting or waiting until the end of the series for the couple to get together.
That's huge.
Now, whether Amity and Luz's relationship is healthy or well-written is a question for more critically-minded fans, the rest just appreciate what the show offers and celebrate that.
And that's okay.
You don't need to analyze a show to death in order to enjoy it, in fact most don't. Most fans just enjoy the show for its surface level elements and don't really think about the themes. For those that do, it's fun analyzing their favorite show for deeper elements, characterization, narrative tropes, etc.
Outside of simply enjoying the show, many fans have claimed that they felt "seen" by the show; whether that was seeing a poc character in an active role, the queer rep, or defeating the villain character who reminds them of their bigoted family members, the show has a lot of emotional elements that people connect to. If a show has already emotionally resonated with you, it can be difficult to look at its flaws or worse, seeing legitimate criticism of the show can feel like a personal attack on you.
Personally, I joined the TOH fandom late and didn't get emotionally invested with it (except for ONE character), so I'm able to look at it from a distance and spot the flaws. Now, a person can both love a show deeply AND recognize its shortcomings.
Despite all of my criticism against the show, The Owl House isn't a bad show; it's still fun and engaging but for me, it is riddled with missed potential and has significant structural issues.
But that's just me. Other fans either don't see the problems or blame them on something else. And that's fine. Fandom is extremely fickle and what makes a show accrue a large following is complex and varied.
I see The Owl House as like candy, looks and tastes great but not very substantive. It's a show that never really challenges its audience but it does make them feel good. And for many people, that's perfectly alright.
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thedailydescent · 6 months
hiii for the ask meme, how did you discover it or get interested in the show? an unpopular opinion? and/or have you read or watched anything because it was referenced in the show? :)
Hey!!! Finally getting around to answering this haha.
How did you discover it or get interested in the show?
It was actually @minim236 who inspired me to watch it back when I had my old blog! Anyway, the trailer had Jacob Anderson in it and I was like Greyworm ok let's go! And although I had not read the book or watched the movie yet, Claudia the child vampire is so well known I already knew about her, so was interested in that concept. Naturally, she became my favourite character :)
An unpopular opinion?
I feel I have soooo many unpopular opinions haha, but I'll say what I think is my most unpopular one, just because I feel like I'm following the right people here who won't mind:
Lestat as a character just does not compel or interest me in any way. I don't care about Loustat, about Lesmand, or any other relationships that involve him. Sam Reid did an amazing job, and got me drawn to him initially, but by the end of episode 3 I was getting a bit, well, and by the end of Episode 5, all sympathy for him went out the window, as did my interest. And full respect to other people who are still invested in his character btw! But I feel like because they made the abuse blatant rather than just brushing over it, many book fans were pissed, so now had to argue contend with a whole bunch of people not liking their special boy whom they've cherished for years. I disagree. I feel like the writers did a brave thing by not brushing over the negative impact Lestat has throughout the entire series. They, in a way, made the relationship more human and real, as this type of abuse is unfortunately still very normal today. They're not showing him through rose-tinted glasses, they're asking you to really look at it, so it'll be much more of a writing challenge to make him likeable and redeemable again to the general audience. It's an interesting concept, but until then, I just don't care at all about him! I don't feel anything when it comes to the romantic scenes between him and Louis either now, and I'm not excitedly waiting to explore his side of the story in the future seasons. The appeals to 'them being vampires' and 'this is supposed to be a gothic romance' has no affect on me, not because I 'can't handle dark subject matter', but because.... Lestat's not really imo the complex character everyone makes him out to be. His behaviour is actually pretty predictable and there's not that much there for me to work with, even as a villain. It's just: sad boy with tragic backstory ends up repeating cycle of abuse that was inflicted on him. Is extremely lonely with an ill temper. Uses dominance to feel in control and to hide his massive insecurities. Is "bad" but secretly has a heart of gold. Mommy/daddy issues. Loves usually only one person more than anything and it's seen as his salvation, but struggles with that relationship because he's emotionally stunted and can't communicate properly. It's something you've seen a million times already. It's what makes the much more layered and harder to grasp characters like Claudia and Armand so much more interesting to me, the vampires who are the most vampire-like of them all, yet ironically get a lot of hate and are mischaracterized from the same people who shout 'they're vampires!', but that's another discussion for another day.
Have you read or watched anything because it was referenced in the show?
I have! I watched Nosferatu, and read Madame Bovary and Marriage in Free Society, although I was going to read Madame Bovary anyway because my little sister heavily recommended it (she massively likes 'unlikeable' female characters and compared her to Anna Karenina, which she didn't like as much due her being too likeable. Which is funny because apparently Tolstoy originally wrote Anna to be an ugly, evil, conniving character who hurt her completely innocent husband and lover and son, but as he was writing, the character became more and more beautiful and sympathetic, and the husband and lover became more incompetent and unkind). I currently have The Doll's House and Nausea next on my list! (I really need to read The Doll's House, it's been on my list since I watched Bojack Horseman lol).
Although this probably doesn't count, because of the after show podcasts, I was inspired to also read The Gilda Stories because they had Jewelle Gomez make an appearance. I ended up being a bit mad afterwards because I soooo wished I read this book in high school, as I was an angry teenager still in the closet then, and this book might have helped me calm down a little lol. There's just something so different and radical about the way Gomez writes her vampires: in a lot of other media, the vampire/monster finally obtains the ability to have cathartic releases of rage due to their isolation/repression and/or abuse, but here, her main character opts for kindness, compassion, and community each time (she still uses violence and murder if needed to defend herself and others, but doesn't let violence consume her entire being). That was very refreshing, having the character be able to do so much damage and take revenge without consequence, yet instead find more fulfillment in the bonds they make with others and refusing to let other people bend her right to actually, well...live.
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cinematicnomad · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @zainclaw and @andavs 🥰🥰🥰
How many works do you have on ao3? 39 apparently
What's your total ao3 word count? 288,797 words
What fandoms do you write for? actively right now? nothing really lol. haven't published a fic since 2022. but i guess you could say 911 and teen wolf given some random WIPs in my drafts. also i randomly started jotting down some notes for a stranger things steve/eddie fic that will probably never be written.
Top five fics by kudos 01. take my hand (take my everything) (buddie) 02. taste your beating heart (sterek) 03. so show me (family) (buddie) 04. you never said a word (sterek) 05. be careful (my darling) (buddie)
Do you respond to comments? yes, always! i usually try to wait until i have a dozen or so, which can sometimes take a bit of time, but eventually i respond to it all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i have a sterek drabble called and i fell heavy into your arms (688 words) that is basically derek seeing stiles die and then immediately letting himself be killed
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? most of them?? not sure i can think of one specifically that was happier than the others.
Do you get hate on fics? ah, i almost said no, but then i remembered that for my fic taste your beating heart every now and then i'll get scott fans who think the fic should be tagged as "bad friend scott mccall" even though he's NOT a bad friend in the fic, it's just a nuanced view of their changing relationship. like, that fic is about 3 main things that include: stiles and derek getting together, solving the main mystery, and stiles and scott's friendship maturing to a place where they can love each other and still be brothers without thinking they need to be in the same pack!! like it's FUNDAMENTAL.
anyway, i had one reader who i think quit the fic halfway through bc i gently pushed back on their rage comment insulting derek and stiles for a fight that takes place with scott. the reader left an angry reply to my response, which they then deleted before i could even look at it, and then never commented on the fic again even though they'd been commenting on the fic since chapter 1.
Do you write smut? no not really. i don't know why i'm so bad at writing sex, but i am very bad at writing sex.
Craziest crossover i have no crossovers
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of??
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, someone translated my mike/harvey suits fic trembling hands into russian all the way back in 2013.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? i have not!
All time favourite ship? to write? to read? no idea, so i refuse to answer.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i've got a sterek idea that's an AU of the netflix show virgin river. i had a pretty brief outline that i sketched out some, and even started writing a little, but it never went anywhere. i did create an AU gifset for it and every now and then when people start reblogging it i think about going back to try and write it.
What are your writing strengths? i think i'm good at realistic dialogue? but i don't know. i haven't written in a while so i'm not feeling super great about my writing at this very moment.
What are your writing weaknesses? i suck at setting a scene. and conveying a complex emotion. also i feel like i get v bogged down in what characters are physically doing or whatever and i try to describe it and it just detracts from the story over all. yikes ok i'm feeling worse about my writing than i thought lol
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? if the context is there to understand what's being said, great. otherwise, just adding context to the dialogue tag (he said in french, in german, etc) works. personally i'd prefer not to scroll back and forth between the fic and the notes to figure out what's being said.
First fandom you wrote in? harry potter. on the site quizilla back in the year of our lord 2005 lol. i started off writing like. a harry/oc fic lol where the protagonist was the classic american exchange student who had her own prophecy. truly mortifying!!
Favorite fic you've written? i have a soft spot for taste your beating heart bc it was the first long fic i ever completed and it took me 7 fucking years to write it. but i think my favorite is actually finding our way (back home) which i really think captured everything i was aiming to do. will i ever be able to do that again??? who fucking knows. probably not. on the more self-indulgent side, i really really love the margaret buckley character study i wrote called so far from who i was.
tagging!! @woodchoc-magnum, @crazyassmurdererwall, @tattooedsiren, @machtaholic, @catdadeddie, @tripleaxeldiaz, @valleydean, @thisapplepielife, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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canadianlucifer · 10 months
1, 10, 20, and 21 for Seidou?
*vibrating with excitement* yeah i'm so normal about him
under the cut bc I wrote nearly 1k words and 50% of that is the first question oops
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Where do I even start? I'm gonna separate og and re here and explain them separately.
Starting with the unbelievably tragic insane opossum, he immediately became one of my faves when I first read vol 3 because it was just such a shock I think. Obviously I felt bad for him when I thought he died, but the contrast between his human self and now was just crazy. I'm not entirely sure why I liked him when the volume came out bc that was back in 2018, but after rereading the series I can fully say I like him so much now because he is just incredibly sad and complex. I could go on and on and probably write a whole essay (which, huh. Come to think of it that might actually be fun), but it kinda boils down to "he didn't deserve to suffer like that" and that leads into why I'm also a fan of his human self.
In og, he was a bit of an asshole, yeah, but he was just a kid. He was excitable and eager and quite emotional, easily showing when he was happy or proud or angry or upset or scared and the CCG took advantage of that. He was indoctrinated and told that genocide is the only option. He was only 20 year old when he was given a gun and told to kill and that that wasn't just okay, but good. That he'd be a hero protecting Tokyo for murdering people. He was told "good job" for killing and was even upset when he wasn't able to kill even more, wanted a promotion so he could wipe out families and communities and be rewarded for it. I could go even further with how fucked up the CCG is and their practices but let's move on. Seidou is one of the few investigators who didn't become an investigator because of some personal hatred for ghouls or a significantly traumatizing event, he became an investigator because his mom was scared of ghouls. From what he wrote in his will it seems that he wasn't particularly scared, but his mom certainly was and he wanted to protect her. So he went to the academy and worked hard but it just wasn't enough. No matter how hard he tried, he was always second place. Always just not quite good enough. He still got the job he wanted, but it's clear he wanted Akira’s place. He wanted to be partnered with Amon and to go on missions but got stuck with a workaholic that calls him into the office at 10pm to fix a report (not to mention knowing that he's already drunk like. It could wait until morning, do you really want someone in the office that's wasted? But that's for another day-). I think it's important to understand his human self to fully appreciate his character in re, there's just so much context for why he became like he did if that makes sense.
WOW I have been rambling for a while oops let's move on lmfao
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I doubt it. As a ghoul, no way he's way too annoying of a friend. Like, clingy but also pushes everyone away and at some point you just have to be like "fine, be that way." I would not be able to stand his emo ass tbh. As a human, I just don't think he'd want to be friends with me lmao. Like, he places so much of an emphasis on rank and achievements and stuff I don't think he'd want to hang out with someone who'd have absolutely no interest in the CCG if it were real and would probably harbour ghouls lmao
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oooh good question... hmm, I'd say Kaneki honestly. Human Seidou and kuroneki would be good pals because they'd just be silly good pals hanging out and Kaneki should've known more about both sides before going off the deep end and Seidou should've had someone to talk to outside of the CCG to know when his aspersions were getting a bit obsessive, someone to point out there's more to life than work and I think Kaneki could have shown him that through his stories. And with ghoul Seidou and kingneki, we only saw it a little bit but they seem to be on good terms after he got his sanity back. Kaneki says that they're similar in that they're both empty and need something to chain them down lest they go off and die and they could be each other's chain so to speak. Like, if they make plans to get coffee or whatever it's like "well shit I can't die now, I've got plans", it's the same mentality if having a gym partner I think. You get a gym partner because it holds you accountable for going to the gym, you don't want to disappoint your friend, right? Anyways yeah I think Seidou and Kaneki would be good pals.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favourite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
INFLICTING THE HORRORS UPON HIM AND THEN GIVING HIM THE EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT OF WARM SOUP. You can see in the two fics I've written that I just love putting that babygirl into bad situations and then giving him comfort it is the BEST. Hurt/comfort my beloved.
As for don't like, I'm not sure... I don't write too often. I suppose dialogue is kinda difficult, I have a hard time giving characters different speaking styles, I end up making everyone sound the same but that's more of a general writing thing, not specific to him.
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squish--squash · 8 months
Thanks for answering my ask......If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
lol hello again, ty for asking me this! I promise I'll give you more than 7 answers this time lol
Tian Guan Ci Fu/tgcf (book series, donghua) - I stumbled upon this randomly back in 2021 through its brand new donghua and I've loved it ever since. I adore the characters and the plot is both extremely complex and absolutely wild. it's roughly 750,000 words but I was able to read it in a week despite having school because I was so invested in it!
Moriarty the Patriot/mtp (manga, anime)- I think this is funny bc I tried watching bbc sherlock once and did NOT like it, so I just thought I wasn't into the sherlock holmes stuff. WRONG! I just had to discover this. I call this the "best sherlock holmes adaptation" for a reason (check my current pinned post, you'll find many reasons why I love mtp; I don't want to sound like a broken record so I don't plan to repeat them). I can't wait for when (or if) the manga comes out of its break/hiatus
Good Omens (book, show) - both the book and the miniseries/show are so near and dear to my heart. I always have a soft spot for watching supernatural entities fall in love (with each other and) the world around them. also, it's funny as hell
Promare (movie) - goooood I love Promare it's so neat; love the colors and the shapes and the plot is fun despite its simplicity. I could rewatch this movie every day for a month straight and not get tired of it
Arc of a Scythe trilogy (book series) - this is not something I've talked about a love, but this is one of my favorite book series! found it back around the same time I did tgcf; it's fucking insane I loooove the worldbuilding and the main cast, and by the second book every other page was like a plot twist gutting me in the best way possible; it's made me ponder about life and death on more than one occasion too
Matched trilogy (book series) - I started reading this in either 5th/6th grade but didn't really get it so I kinda forgot about it until around 2021-2022 (what? I actually had time to READ that year!) and managed to reread it and it was like a third eye opened. I really enjoyed the mystery unfolding in the trilogy! it's pretty cool imo, even tho I think (?) it was meant for teenagers to read
Not So Shoujo Love Story (webcomic) - this webcomic is so fucking funny AND it's wlw! I've been a fan for years it's so good
Bee and Puppycat/Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space (show) - a comfort show of mine (one of many); I'm in love with the atmosphere of the show and how awkwardly real the dialogue tends to be (plus I've been slowly rewatching it with my gf with is always a plus <3); I love both the og and its "reboot" equally, and would recommend people watch both
Snow White with the Red Hair (anime) - I haven't read the manga for this one, but I've seen the anime and it's another comfort show of mine. It's so sweet and cozy and the entire cast is lovable; even the "bad guy" in the first season is someone you grow to root for by the end of the second season. it's great!
Supernatural (show) - even tho I haven't finished the show and idk when/if I ever will, I still consider it a favorite media of mine. not bc I think it's great (it's good in most places, lacking in other), but bc I pretty much grew up with it. I have a core memory of watching the first handful of episodes when I was younger with my dad on the couch with the first time and being hooked on this strange show about supernatural creatures (I was that kid that enjoyed the supernatural! I read ghost story books, I binged every Goosebumps book I could get my hands on in fourth grade, I had a creepypasta phase, etc); even now in 2024 I've been sitting down with my dad to rewatch it with him before I go back to my college dorm and start back up classes. it's less so one of my favorite medias because I think it's good but because I associate it with my family <3
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thegrimalldis · 2 years
I finally finished catching up on your stories and I have so many thoughts!
Cora: wow I felt so sad to learn Josh was not Meredith’s biological father but understood why it happened that way. I’m sad to learn that Cora will no longer be a main character anymore ☹️ She’s always been one of the most complex Grimalldis and I was looking forward to seeing her and Josh’s reconciliation arc but am glad you’re open to possibly showing it one day through the Moments Series. Meredith is just the absolute cutest baby though and I’m so glad she’s here! And Cora and Helena’s reconciliation made me cry. They’ve had such a rough journey together but seeing them both finally lay it all out for one another was exactly what I’ve always wanted for them. Such a beautiful scene and the Blue Moon lyrics were the perfect touch. So sentimental ❤️
Chris: I really like his journey so far post-Emi break up. His identity during that relationship always felt dependent on being Emi’s boyfriend so it’s nice to see him on his own figuring out what he wants outside of that relationship. I’m so glad that he’s enjoying being a full time royal and excelling at it 🥺 I was so shocked but happy to see him and Zola run into each other! I enjoyed their interaction so much I can’t wait until she returns and Chris takes over as lead. I think I’ve been converted into a Chriszola fan 🫣
Eleanor: LOVE LOVE LOVE the slow burn between Willanor. It’s been such a long time coming but I’m glad you paced them the way you did because their endgame feels earned. I was SO happy to see that Eleanor finally made the move in Valencia! I honestly am so impressed with how you pose all of your scenes because I really feel that the tension between them comes across in your story posts. Their dating montage post is just adorable and now I miss them haha. They are for sure my favorite couple in your story.
Anyway thank you so much for still sharing this story with us. It’s such a pleasure to read and I hope to see more soon 💕
OMG! I am crying! I need to get off my butt and start working on this story again 😭😭 You are motivating me with your sweet words, nonnie!
Baby Mere is here and she is soooo freaking cute with her big blue eyes 🥺 I love her so much and I'm glad I was able to at least show you all the reconciliation scene between Cora and Helena! It was the one thing I wanted to get to so bad but if I waited, it was going to take forever and I just wasn't mentally prepared for all the feels Cora's arc was giving me.
My son, Christopher! I am so glad you are proud of him! Grandma Helena too! He has come so far and to think we only scratched the surface of his arc! His run in with Zola was a fun surprise for us all! She's amazing and we should all stan our Pop Queen. And i see Chriszola is leading you into the dark side 😋
Okay, reading what you have to say about Eleanor and William is bursting my heart with joy right now! I LITERALLY SAID to myself I am tired of being limited on poses and will from now on make Willanor's story posts!!! I wanted to be able to capture all those looks and secret smiles I KNOW they would exchange with each other! And ofc they always find themselves in some compromising situations and I had to show it 😏
So thank you for saying that cause I have put all of my energy and my love into their arc.
I'm so happy you are enjoying the story so far! Hopefully, I will have more for you soon! ❤❤❤❤
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5-puthyyy · 2 years
My Thoughts on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (SPOILERS AHEAD)
No, seriously, there are heavy spoilers so don't read this if you haven't watched the movie yet.
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death and brutal violence, mentions of suicide, mentions of depression and trauma, mentions of PTSD.
Look, these are just my very fresh thoughts 4 hours after watching the movie in the cinema. I will explain the good and the bad and I will try justify my opinions (despite the fact that no one needs to justify their opinions on movies lol but we all know how crazy some fans can be when it comes to their fav directors/actors/characters). Please, I don't need comments telling me 'hey, it's just a fictional character, fictional movie, blah blah.' Everything is subjective and this is content being made for us, so we are allowed to have opinions!!
Elizabeth Olsen absolutely NAILED this performance. It is by far the best thing about this movie. I can not fault it at all; her parts were the most interesting and engaging (and while it was heavily because of her performance, the directing was a big part of that too). Every line, every expression (physical or facial), everything Elizabeth did was perfection. She had me gripping my seat every single time she was on the screen. I was gasping, crying, filled with excitement and every emotion possible at different times. I was practically hypnotised by her acting and felt like I was being pulled into the screen. It’s all in the eyes, man. It’s the EYES and the amount of emotion she’s able to convey in them. She can turn from panicked to calculated to cocky to broken in seconds and all we need to do is look at her eyes and we’ll know. You know how people say ‘Heath carries’ in The Dark Knight? I felt this way here (TDK fans don't attack me). Elizabeth carries CRAZY. Perfection and she deserves all the attention and praise for this performance.
This did not feel like a Doctor Strange movie. Or a Stephen Strange one. Or both. Probably both. God, we’ve seen this all before and I’m getting so tired and bored of it. I adore his character and I was so excited to see some progression, some complexity, some more depth to his character. But nope. It’s the same ‘I am an arrogant man and so what? But wait, I fucked up? Okay, my bad, I’ll fix it and my actions will have no direct consequences on me.’ And it’ll be the same thing in his next movie, as it was in his first one. It’s Tony Stark all over again. And I hate it. Please, PLEASE, Marvel, come up with something different! Men are not all egotistical people who have one weak spot which happens to be their girl, the girl they can’t have but is always ‘almost there but not quite’ with them. It’s ‘man have ego, man realises ego bad, man fixes problem’ and then we see the SAME THING in the next movie. Where’s the character progression? Please. Please. Stop butchering your characters, especially the men.
Speaking of his character, why the fuck are we barely seeing his powers used? His best fight was the first one saving America. Dude was cuffed the whole Illuminati/Mordo fight and they save the use of his powers until he fights Evil Strange. And WTF was that fight? Look, I’m all for artistic freedom and whatever, but that was not it. They have so much power, so many abilities, and y’all are fighting with music notes? PLEASE LMFAO. Nope, not it. I did not like that scene, especially with how hyped everyone was when the trailer came out. They had us thinking Strange vs Strange would be on another level of insanely cool power, like the 'What If' episode. But nope. Pretty disappointed in that.
While there were a lot of variants of him, they barely had enough time on screen for me to give a shit about them. I’m sorry but what is up with these 5 minute appearances just to be killed off? Is this Marvel’s way to show off ‘hey, we have a multiverse now!’ like the way they fucked up Pietro/X-Men Peter’s appearance in WandaVision just to make a Boner joke. Gross. Please. The world doesn’t have to revolve around ‘our’ Marvel universe (which is 616...lol I'm not even going to address how ridiculous that is). I want to see more. Now that you’ve opened up the multiverse, why does it feel like you’ve closed it all in one movie? Especially with the way the Illuminati all got killed within a few minutes. Why? Just to show off Wanda’s new fighting skills? Or as a desperate attempt to solidify this ridiculous villain narrative you’ve given her? (I’ll get into that later). I wanted to see more, I wanted to see these new multiverse characters in the future projects at the very least. But with the way these very important, big, and powerful characters were killed off AND the way America Chavez is now being trained in the mystic arts…well, it looks like they’re closing off this multiverse concept and I’m not happy with it. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong, but for now that’s what it looks like to me.
DUDE. YOU BUTCHERED WANDA’S ARC. I’m sorry but did you seriously make her not only kill people (and be okay with killing a CHILD), but make her BRUTALLY kill them in ways that can only be described as horrific to the point where she’s enjoying it and playing with her powers and think we would just...accept it? Bruh…did they just…forget how broken she was over Lagos? How she broke down crying after realising she’s been giving the people of Westview her pain and grief? Villains don’t feel guilt. She’s an anti-hero, sure, but not a full blown villain. I get that it can be justified because of the Darkhold, but if it was corrupting her to this extent, then her motives would be more than just wanting to be with her kids again. That’s something WANDA wants and it’s not a ‘villain’ motive to be buried in so much trauma and grief that you just want to get back the people you lost. It’s different to Zemo turning the Avengers against each other because that was revenge. Vengeance, if you will. This is Loki wanting the throne and power to prove his worth to his father. And Loki is very much an anti-hero. Loki killed people, but we don’t see this level of brutality, we don’t see him cutting people in half, bursting their fucking heads. It’s just…so out of character for Wanda to be doing things like this. Although they were great scenes, visually and horror-wise. I loved it, and I loved Elizabeth. But it was just so out of character and I feel it was done only to justify killing her in the end. Because even if she didn’t sacrifice herself, they wouldn’t let her live on when she’s been seen on screen brutally killing heroes. Y’all just can’t have powerful characters, can you? I feel like Marvel just don’t know what to do with them because they’re so hard to work with. Trying to find a villain to use that’s big enough to be a challenge for these powerful heroic characters is difficult, which is also a reason why they nerfed Hulk, and nerfed Thor in Endgame. They do much better with these street heroes than the Godly powerful ones. And it’s just really disappointing.
Carrying on with that ending that I will never speak of again after this, I really think the message Marvel have been sending is dangerous. Before people start trolling with ‘they’re just comic book movies, they’re not realistic, blah blah blah I lack critical thinking skill and social awareness’, what Marvel give to their audience has an impact. It always has and it always will, and representation is important. That includes mental health and people who struggle with theirs. When you have Bruce Banner telling the Avengers he’s tried to off himself just to have the entire team brush it off and never speak of it again, when you have Thor’s trauma being turned into a joke, when you have Tony Stark’s PTSD turned into a sacrifice that apparently is the only way he can ‘rest’, it becomes problematic. And what really tips the iceberg in this movie? The fact that we have a character who has lost everyone, her parents, brother, her country, every home she’s ever had (Sokovia, Avengers compound, Westview house), her love (I’ve lost count of the amount of times she’s lost Vision at this point), AND her kids…and what do you do with that? What message do you send? Die. That’s the message. She just…sacrifices herself? Despite the fact that was all know Wanda is very capable of surviving that collapse, you still had her practically kill herself because she can’t handle being alone. Are you fucking serious? Time and time again Marvel have refused to take mental health seriously for these characters and there are REAL PEOPLE watching these movies, real people relating to these characters that comfort them in a way, real people that see their own trauma on the screen and think ‘wow, I get this. I feel this. I’m heard’. And time and time again, they’re not taken seriously, don’t get given the help they need, or they die in some sacrificial way. Tony, hell even Natasha was haunted by her past, and now Wanda. Just because you made her realise her wrongs doesn’t make it okay, it doesn’t make it a ‘for the better good’ situation, not when she’s had no problem exploding a man’s head earlier on in the movie. Butchered her arc, butchered her characterisation, and sent the worst message possible to the thousands, hell, millions of Wanda fans that resonate so much with her character to the point where some of them feel watching her saved their lives. Shame on you, Marvel.
Shame on you, Marvel, for introducing an LGBT couple just to have them killed off/sucked into some multiverse portal within seconds. Bro…you really needed that token representation so you can get your pat on the back? Come on. Do better. Other than that, America Chavez was great. I loved her character, and yes, it’s very ‘MCU formula’ with the whole troubled kid with powers they can’t control/don’t understand yet. They get taken under the wing of the parental figure (daddy strange lol) and eventually figure out the power/control/confidence was within them this whole time. It’s stereotypical, but it’s needed. I don’t think it’s that bad because we’re being introduced to new characters, new heroes, and they will have similarities with the old ones. They have to have the one thing that makes a hero, well, heroic. It’s overdone but I don’t think that makes it bad. Not everything has to be new and different. It’s okay, guys. She’s a kid. She’s supposed to be like this. I like it.
The visual effects, cinematography, CGI was great. Some CGI was a little off (like the third eye lol let us not talk about that) but overall it was a very visually appealing movie. My absolute favourite scene was when Professor X went into Wanda’s head. God, the white, the broken debris around, the horror, the hole, the RED, it was just so beautifully done. I need it as my new laptop wallpaper or something. I absolutely loved it. I’d go watch the movie just for those visuals again.
Okay…the directing…I’m sorry but it felt like Feige and Raimi were just competing with each other the whole time. The Raimi parts felt too Raimi and the Feige parts felt too Feige. It was very…contrasting, and it did not mix/balance well for me. Raimi had too many of his classic zooming in shots, and Feige had too much of your typical MCU funny formula. Although I did very much prefer Raimi’s takes. The horror is just done so well and executed amazingly. Again, it may also be Elizabeth’s acting for that lol but the directing is great for those. I loved the eerie vibe, the witchy vibe, the dark vibe. Which is why I’m just so disappointed it didn’t balance well. It felt like too many directors in there, too many takes, too many vibes. Very inconsistent.
Also, my love for the witchy-ness is also why I’m so disappointed with Wanda’s ending. Does this mean we won’t be seeing this sort of type of directing anymore? This vibe, this horror, this character? It feels like were just getting started and it just had so much potential. I would have loved to see Wanda as a consistent anti-hero or even with a better villain arc in the future. I love this witch mystic mythical shit so much and unless she’s going to be in the Agatha Harkness show, I’m worried she really is dead/gone from the MCU now. I don’t think I’m ready for that.
And Strange’s ending was very strange…He drops down and the third opens…okay, cool. So I guess we’ll see how the Darkhold corrupted him in the next movie? Wrong. He seems completely fine with having the third eye in the first post-credit. So another thing they opened just to resolve right away…this movie just felt like they were trying to resolve and close everything off and I don’t really like that. I prefer things being kept open, endless possibilities, a problem that still needs solving etc. It keeps it interesting. Again, another reason to hate the Wanda ending lol, like why couldn’t she have just hidden herself, teleported away after destroying the Darkhold. Or I’m just desperately clutching at straws or whatever the saying is lol I just can’t believe she’s actually just…dead. I refuse. Sorry.
So. It wasn’t horrible, it also wasn’t amazing. But it could have been if the directing was so inconsistent, if the characterisation of Wanda wasn’t so off, if Doctor Strange has some real character progression that isn’t overused with every egotistical man in like every comic book movie. It was fun to watch, it was beautiful to watch, and it’s definitely one of my favourites just because of the horror and visual effects. But Elizabeth carries HARD and I will forever stand by that statement.
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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* Don’t be jealous princess*
You and Drew have been dating for over a year now, you had actually gotten together right after Chase and Maddie has. Usually you weren’t the jealous type but when you noticed that your boyfriend spent more time with Your shared friend Maddie than he did with you it had started to bother you.
“ hey chase” you spoke as you saw your friend and coworker from the show OBX’s face pop up on your screen.
“ howdie y/n what’s up?” He responded running his hands through his hair fluffing it out.
“ howdie howdie” you responded smiling down at your phone. “ I was gonna go live later this afternoon on the obx page and I was gonna see if you and Maddie wanted to join me at some point” you responded , flopping down on your sofa.
“ uhm duh” he beamed out.
“ awesome “ you responded nodding your head . “ where is Maddie ?”
“ oh she’s at Drew’s” you sat still for a Monet, your brows furrowing together.
“ huh” you responded, a frown placing on your face. “ that’s funny” you responded. It was really to yourself but Chase heard you.
“ what?” He asked getting curious himself.
“ Drew hasn’t talked to me all day” you responded softly, the expression showing clear on your face.
“ oh” was all chase could say, not really knowing what to say.
“ does it not bother you?”
“ what?”
“ they’re Always together Chase. “ you responded. Chase sighed heavily looking out one of his bedroom windows , thinking how to respond to your statement .
“ well, we’re all so close . The whole group. And they live in the same apartment complex. I’m also always busy so I can’t be around as much. “ you nodded slightly agreeing with him.
“ but” chases interrupted causing you to look back up at the phone. “ Drew could at least tell you he’s with her. If Maddie didn’t tell me and didn’t text me all day that would definitely have me worrying. “
“ I know! I feel like all day I’m fighting for his attention and they’re always together. It use to not bother me but when I’m waiting until the end of the day to hear from Drew just to find out he’s been with her all day is beyond annoying”. Chase nodded sighing heavily. You could tell by what all you were saying was starting to cause a concern for him as well.
“ I’m sorry chase I just-“
“ no no I get it y/n I do” he responded . “ I don’t personally think there is anything going on between the two of them but I would talk with Drew just to clear up and confusion and stuff” he suggested . You both spoke for another 30 minutes before hanging up. You sighed before attempting to call Drew, his phone going straight to voicemail which only angered you. You sighed with frustration as you dialed maddies number, pressing speaker as you waited for her to answer.
“ hey y/n” she responded with her bubbly voice.
“ hey” you responded kind of stern. It was honestly harder than you thought it would be to hide the envious of her being with your boyfriend .
“ what’s up you okay?” She asked , noticing the tone in your voice.
“ yeah” you responded, hardly convincing. “ where’s Drew?” You asked .
“ hold on” she said her tone lowering .
“ here Drew, it’s y/n” she said . You could hear her say in the back ground ‘ I think she’s upset’ before you heard Drew answer.
“ hey princess” he responded. You frowned, you were so happy to hear his voice but you wanted to be with him so bad and you hated how you were feeling jealous over his friendship with Maddie.
“ hey babe” you sighed out. “ what are you doing?”
“ I brought Maddie some of mommas casserole and then we’ve been playing board games. What are you up to princess ?” You rolled your eyes of the image of Drew and Maddie playing board games but quickly shook your head pushing those angered thoughts away.
“ well…. I was waiting on you” you replied softly, messing with the strings on your pajama shorts .
“ waiting on me?” He responded . You scoffed slightly. Of course he’d forget.
“ my OBX live is within the next hour, you were going to come over remember ? “ you exclaimed.
“ ahh… shit princess I’m sorry my phones been dead so I hadn’t even paid attention to the time. I’ll come over” he said moving around.
“ No no it’s okay, you won’t get here in time anyways..” there was a moment of silence between the two of you before Drew spoke up excitedly.
“ you can just add me and Maddie to your live!” He suggested excitedly . You pushed your lips together in frustration, squinting your eyes In anger.
“ yeah sure ok” you responded without much enthusiasm but Drew hadn’t caught on.
“ awesome princess I’ll charge my phone okay I love you “ he said .
“ I love you too” you said before hanging up.
“ ughhh” you groaned before throwing yourself back against your couch.
“ okay thanks chase we’re gonna bring Maddie and Drew on next ! “ you said into your phone. You had been on Instagram live with chase for a good 45 minutes , answering wild questions from the fans , waiting for Drew to text you that they were ready to come in the live .
“ okay love you y/n bye guys!” Chase said before ending his side of the chat.
“ okay let’s get Drew and Maddie on” you said quietly before biting your bottom lip as you searched Drew’s name in the view list .
“There they are!” You beamed before clicking Drew’s name .
“ hiiiiii!” Maddie said excitedly waving into the camera. Drew was sitting next to her on her couch, waving into the camera. You could feel the jealously pooling back through but this time you really had to hide it since over 20k people were watching . You had only been 5 minutes into it with Drew and Maddie when you started noticing comments from the views mentioning how it was weird that Drew was with Maddie and not you. You had even seen one comment
‘DREW- why are you not with your GF????’
You watched Madelyns face to see if she would notice the comments too and you could tell she had seeing as her smile went away. The live didn’t last much longer considering most the comments were nothing but shaming Drew and Madelyn for being together and not with you or Chase. It blew your mind since the fans never really pointed it out when it was chase on live with them but when it was you it was like that’s all they could speak on.
You were awoken from your nap to the sound of your doorbell ringing, your living room dark as it was night time.
“ coming” you said pulling one of Drews t-shirt down that he had left over at your house.
“ hey princess “ Drew said as you opened the door, a set of flowers. You were honestly very excited to see him, but being annoyed as to how much he’s being leaving your out for Madelyn was over powering your excitement.
“ thanks” you mumbled while grabbing the bouquet of flowers before stepping out of the door way letting him in.
“ I’m sorry I’m sent here for the live but I figured movie night can make up for it “ he said, his tall figure slouching down pecking your cheek.
“ sure” you answered walking towards your kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.
“ comedy? Horror?” Drew questioned following behind you. You sighed as you felt his large hands wrap around your waste, “ romance” he said seductively in your ear. You pushed his hands away stepping away from him.
“ Drew stop” you said walking towards your counter, pushing your hair behind your hair.
“ princess what’s wrong?” He asked, genuinely concerned. You furrowed your eyebrows, almost in anger at the fact he was being so clueless to it all.
“ really drew?” You responded . You really didn’t want to be one of those toxic controlling girlfriends, but you knew if you didn’t bring it to attention it was going to honestly eat you alive.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” He stated straight into his figure up looking at you with confusion.
“ ugh” you scoffed, throwing your hands up. “ isn’t it obvious?” Drew just looked at you dumbfounded and completely lost.
“ I miss my boyfriend “ you stated , leaning back against the counter , looking down at the floor.
“ what? Princess what are you talking about?” He said walking towards you.
“ we’ll drew, we’ve been together for over a year and yet you’re with Madelyn more than you are with me. And it’s becoming like an excessive amount.” You stated, pushing your hair back. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
“ are you fucking laughing ?” You scolded pushing yourself up off the counter .
“ yes I am “ he stated crossing his arms as he propped himself against the counter next to you. “ are you jealous?” He replied in a mocking tone, clearly amused. You went to speak but nothing coming out as you didn’t know how to respond.
“ don’t be jealous princess”
You rolled your eyes before brushing past him, purposely brushing your shoulder into his bicep since his figured towered over you. “ whatever Drew don’t take me serious then” you spatted out before flopping down on your couch , pulling your phone out.
“ princess I do take you serious” he said before standing in front of you , looking down at you. “ it’s just you’re so cute when you’re jealous, especially when you have nothing to be jealous about” he replied before grabbing your hands, pulling you up to stand with him. “ all of us are just such close friends, and Madelyn lives below me so we’re just closest to eachother when we need company. There’s nothing going on between us princess you never have to worry about that” you looked over looking around in your kitchen, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“ I don’t mean to be jealous” you said still not making Eye contact. “ but when my boyfriend is with another girl s day and can’t even call me or text me at all the whole day… kind of hard to not question things. “ he sighed heavily nodding.
“ yeah honestly that was kind of shitty of me. I got lost in time and I had my phone up and - it doesn’t matter. I’ll do better princess. “ he said before leaning down to kiss your lips. You sighed with relief into the kiss, wrapping your arms tightly around his abdomen, pulling his muscular figure against yours. You giggled as he moved his lips from your cheek down to your neck , and then back up again to peck a quick one on the tip of your nose.
“ so” he said , holding your face in his hands. “ comedy, horror, or romance?” He asked again, with a big smirk playing on his face. You shrugged knowing the smile he was giving meant you guys weren’t going to make it through the movie anyways.
“ what ever “ you responded staring at his plump bottom lip, fantasizing about pressing against it once again.
“ whatever” he mocked before leaning down again to kiss you, this time his hands landing on your bottom, giving it a squeeze.
❤️❤️ feed back much appreciated ❤️❤️
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quiltedgold · 3 years
study buddies - leorio p.
pairing: leorio paladiknight x f!reader
wc: 1.9k
genre: smut. 18+ pretty please
contains: smut, unprotected sex, switch!leorio, switch!reader, college-age, handjob, yada yada
notes: this has not been proofread so forgive any mistakes. my friend saw a tiktok art this concept and inspired me to write this. also the empty leorio smut tag made me sad, so. enjoy :p
As you approached the door of your apartment, you dug in your bag for your keys, and… Nothing. No metal against your fingertips or jangling sounds from the depths of the backpack.
Damn it. No way you forgot them in Leorio’s apartment. You two had been studying for so long, and you were positive you had gathered up all your things from the table before heading out…
After one last sweep of your backpack, you were positive. No keys.
Sighing, you turned to make the trek back across campus to Leorio’s place. It wasn’t too far, a fifteen minute walk, ten if you hurried. Hopefully he was still up.
Before long, you were back at the entrance to his apartment complex. Grabbing your phone, you dialed him up and waited as it rang, then went to voicemail. Ah, maybe he was in the shower? No matter, you had a spare key to his place in case of emergencies, and he for yours. He wouldn’t mind if you used it to grab what you needed and got out of there. Fishing it out of your bag, you unlocked the door and headed up to his floor.
Rapping twice on the door, you called out- “Hey, Leorio? It’s me, I forgot something…”
No reply.
Frowning, you slotted the key into the lock and eased the door open, hoping he wasn’t asleep.
Before you saw him, you heard him. Quick, ragged breaths, and the wet, unmistakable sound of… Oh, god.
He was splayed on the couch, his legs spread and his sweatpants loose around his thighs. His head was thrown back against the cushions, facing towards the door, and you. His face was twisted in pleasure, his teeth digging into his lower lip. His sunglasses were nowhere to be seen.
The sounds you heard were coming from his hand wrapped around his dick, rapidly fisting it into his palm. As you watched, his hips stuttered upwards once, and he threw his head back even further, letting out a whine, adam’s apple bobbing up his throat. He looked absolutely debauched.
Your brain battled with your desires, respect for your friend warring with the thoughts raging through your head.
Just when you thought you could work up the courage to leave, Leorio moaned your name in the most breathless, needy tone you’d ever heard from him, followed by a whiny, “Fuck, y/n, please-”
Your feet were immediately frozen to the floor, heart leaping into your throat. Your common sense told you to scram, to shut the door quietly and let him have his privacy and forget this ever happened, for both of your sakes’.
But the other part of you was louder. The part who knew that you’d been lusting after your friend for months, the part who’s encouraged the urge to crawl into his lap and kiss him breathless and more each time you hung out to study, but always been stifled… until now. That part of you made your brain kick into gear again.
You stepped quietly inside, shutting the door behind you, kicking off your shoes and placing your bag on the ground.
You padded over to the couch, face heating up with anticipation as you got closer.
“Leorio…” you whispered, and his eyes flew open, letting out a choked gasp. The hand around his dick halted its ministrations, and he scrambled to pull his sweatpants back up.
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry, I, I thought you had left-”
“If you were so pent up, you could have asked for my help,” you hummed, gently pushing his hand away from his sweatpants. “What else is a study buddy for?”
Leorio gulped, desperately searching your eyes for confirmation that his actions weren’t wrong, that you meant what you were saying. His pupils were still blown with pleasure, sweat beaded across his forehead.
You trailed your fingers up his thigh, ghosting the base of his dick.
“Need some help?” you asked, holding his gaze for affirmation.
“Yes, please, god, yes. I- I need you so bad, please,” he moaned, bucking his hips up into your featherlight touch.
Smiling, you retracted your hand and fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt instead. “I want you to show me how you were doing it,” you requested.
Gasping, he grabbed his cock again and began pumping it, screwing his eyes shut with pleasure and perhaps shame.
“Tell me what you think about when you do it,” you said, sliding a hand beneath his shirt.
“You, always you,” he moaned without hesitation. “Kissing you, eating you out, f-fucking you, nngh-” He cut himself off as your fingers circled his nipple.
“Keep going,” you teased.
“Oh, god. You, sucking my- my cock, under the table or in the shower, or- fuck!” He jolted as you gave his nipple a pinch. “Please, I want you to… I want-”
“Want me to jerk you off?” You offered.
“Yes,” he answered, gasping.
With a devilish grin, you slid onto the couch next to him and tucked yourself into his side, placing your hand atop his on his cock, entangling your fingers and leading the pace, purposefully slowing it down. You moved with long, slow strokes, squeezing lightly at the base and tracing your thumb against the tip. He was painfully hard, beads of precum oozing from the angry red tip, and his hips bucked up with every especially hard squeeze.
“Fuck,” he garbled. “Fuck, y/n, it’s so good, please, I need to… I need to c-come, please-”
“Go ahead, Leorio,” you purred. “Come for me.”
With a strangled moan, his hips jutted upwards one last time and cum spurted from his tip, painting both of your knuckles’ white. Each pulse of liquid sent a jolt up his cock, and you squeezed it lightly as he rode out the bulk of his orgasm.
As he wound down, panting, you lifted your hand from his dick and brought it to your mouth, making sure he watched as you lapped up his salty substance from each finger. His eyes, already lidded, darkened with desire.
Flitting your gaze down again to his length, you saw that, unbelievably, it was still hard.
“Y/n,” he rasped. “Let me fuck you. Please.”
It was all you could do to nod before he flipped you over, back pressed into the cushions and head against the arm of the couch. In the blink of an eye, he had your shirt and skirt off, leaving you in simply the matching set of lingerie you’d worn in the event that this was an outcome of tonight’s study session.
Leaning back on his heels, he raked his eyes across your figure, admiring each inch, squeezing the base of his cock again with the sight of you.
Struck with a wave of self-consciousness, you pressed your thighs together and turned your head into the armrest, face burning.
Leorio tsked, “Don’t get shy now, not after you just jerked me off on my own couch,” he growled, slotting his knee in between your thighs to force them apart. Running a finger along your covered slit, he stopped when he reached your heat, pressing lightly then bringing his finger up to examine.
“Oh, my god, you’re soaking,” he groaned, sucking his finger into his mouth to lap your juices clean. He leaned down to capture you in a kiss, hungrily sucking at your lower lip and dipping his tongue into your mouth. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and something that normally would have disgusted you only served to turn you on further as your tongues pressed against each other. You kissed hungrily for several moments, until the heat burning down below became too much to bear.
“Please, fuck me,” you moaned into his ear, looping your arms around his neck. “I can’t wait any longer, please.”
Nodding, Leorio wasted no time, shoving your panties to the side and lining his cock up with your entrance. Even the touch of his tip against your hole had both of you groaning, and he met your gaze and held it as he pushed his length all the way in. You wailed, wrapping your legs around his trim waist and trying everything to pull him closer, deeper.
His cock stretched your walls deliciously, filling you perfectly and making you wonder how you could have ever lived without this.
After his pelvis pressed flush against yours, his length as deep as humanly possible, he paused to give you time to adjust. Time held still, your breathing synched, his head dropped against your shoulder and pressing openmouthed kisses against your collarbone, light sideburns scratching gently against your jawline.
Then the moment was over, and he pulled out entirely, just the tip remaining. You almost cried at the loss, but he thrusted back into your heat before you could procure the sound.
The pace he set was breakneck, cock slamming into your tight hole, his moans echoing in your ear. What should have been too much only fanned the flames of your lust, throwing your head back with each thrust and crying his name and an assortment of obscenities.
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Leorio groaned, breathless. “Ever since you came to my place in that short-ass skirt and kept uncrossing your legs in front of me, god-”
His hands gripped your waist for dear life as he fucked into you, the size of them deliciously large compared to your frame, his thumbs practically touching. Leorio’s fingers pressed shadows into the soft of your stomach, undoubtedly leaving marks by the end of the night; which you couldn’t find it in yourself to be unhappy about.
“Remember that?” He asked, rolling his hips in a way that made you squeal. “I was convinced you were doing it to- nngh- to tease me. By the end of the night I was this close to bending you over the table and taking you right there, shit.”
Catching his breath, he leaned down to hiss in your ear. “But I guess that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? Little slut.”
Fuck. You wailed at that, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Your fingers scrabbled for purchase against his back, likely leaving scratches against its tan expanse.
He groaned, speeding up the pace of his thrusts, cock insatiably hot and thick inside you. “Y/n, I’m close- want you to come with me, c’mon-”
Thankfully, the incessant slapping of his balls against your ass, pelvis rubbing against your clit, and his length reaching impossible centers within your cunt was sending you dangerously close to the edge.
“Please, Leorio, I need it, I need you, please-”
“Fuck, baby, I’m c-coming, where d’you- where do you want it-”
“Inside, inside-” you gasped without thinking, and he buried his cock inside you one last time, groaning as thick spurts of white painted your walls. The feeling of his cum inside you sent you over the edge, arching your back and sending your eyes rolling back into your skull as your orgasm racked your body, fireworks of pleasure radiating through each appendage. You gripped his damp hair for purchase as you rode out your climax, and he huffed against your throat, arm muscles rippling as their strength faded.
Both of you panted as you came down from your respective highs. Rolling off you, Leorio collapsed at your side, hands trailing over your heaving chest.
With a puff of laughter, you turned your head to meet his eyes, now droopy and satisfied as they gazed into yours.
You grinned softly. “I should forget my keys over here more often.”
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isgaydisaster · 2 years
Some shows, movies, and book recs <3
Got the idea from @ghostgirlinsatin !
Here you have a list of recommendations to watch instead of thinking in st4. Feel free to leave more in the comments!
Arcane: a great show with 3 main storylines that are intertwined and very complex characters. If you like to discover new societies and their structure, a new world with different but in some way similar rules to us. The rivalry between one and other side. The romance (sapphic romance) that grows between someone from one side and someone from the other. The family love that lives in the hearts of two sisters who will have to go through a lot. The curiosity of two inventors that want to create magic using science. There's a lot : an amazing story, more than well-written characters, beautiful animation... All in 9 episodes, streaming on Netflix. (No, you don't have to know anything about LOL to watch it. It just the background story of some of the characters).
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The owl house: it's a Disney kind of show (it's streaming on Disney fr lol) with an amazing plot and characters that grow and learn. It's about a girl named Luz that feels like she doesn't fit in. Her mother wants yo send her to summer camp, but thanks to a fast owl, she ends up in a different dimension. It's very amphibia (there are references of that show in this show)- star vs the forces of evil like. And: there's a lot of representation. Dana Terrace (the creator) has fought a lot to bring this to disney, she's doing an incredible work with this story and she deserves the recognition for it. This story made me feel at home, it really makes my heart warm.
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Anne with an e: a classic turned into a show that carried the story so incredibly. Even though netflix f*cking canceled the show (yk, what happens to good shows on netflix), there are 3 marvelous seasons to watch. It's one of the only cases where I find the show better than the book. I love the characters, the representation (and it doesn't feel forced or just for rep), and the focus in feminism. There are a variety of topics that are discussed on the show that are very important and I think it's a good tool to learn very good values.
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She-ra and the princesses of power: this one right here is one of my favorites ever. I watch it every time I feel like shit for any reason. My comfort show. It's about a girl named Adora that lives in the Horde, who fights the princesses (again the two sides dynamic yes), and is enjoying her live with her best friend Catra until she gets lost in the woods and discovers something shocking (not a spoiler since is the intro): she's a princess. 5 wonderful seasons of friendship, betrayals, war, pure love, death... I love it more than anything :D (+ a lot of representation although some of it it's not explicit).
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The wilds: to be honest I haven't finish it yet but so far (I have 3 episodes left to watch) it's being really good. A group of girls end up in a desert island because of an airplane crash and have to learn how to survive by themselves. In each episode you learn more about one specific but also a bit about the others. The background stories are amazing and the development these characters go through is my favorite thing in the world. We're waiting for the third season now, streaming on Amazon prime video. (+ very good and relatable representation).
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Ladybird: if you have mommy issues, this is your movie. A teenager, wanting to move out of her house and study far away from it. Dreaming with her future, because she doesn't stand her present: she's very much poor. The end is so so so beautiful. I cried like a child, not gonna lie.
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The Mitchells vs The machines: another great movie of daddy issues. Well, it's more than that: the story of a girl who wants to go to college so bad (she feels understood there) but when she's traveling with her family to get there, the machine apocalypse begins. A really fun movie to watch in family, with a lesbian main character :)
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The fear street trilogy: I'm honestly not a big fan of horror, but these 3 movies got me. What an amazing story, which will keep you up thinking about it and making theories all the time, really good characters, romance (sapphic romance yaaasss), and good horror, not only jumpscares. They're long but not boring, and just talking about them makes me want to watch them again so I will. Link to part one, link to part two and link to part three.
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Little women: again with a classic turned into a cinematographic masterpiece. Another movie that made me burst in tears. I love the story a lot, but I'd also like to highlight the incredible job of the cast. I have 2 scenes in mind that left me speechless. The story of an independent woman who returns home and remembers her life there: her adventures with her sisters, the neighbor and her mother. And that makes her wonder about her future too. It gave me the chills like a hundred times.
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Turning red: one of my favorite movies of all time. It doesn't matter your age, you're going to love this movie. A teenage girl struggles not with puberty but with BEING A RED PANDA. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, really fun and entertaining. Plus, it teaches good values that stick with you after you watch it. And the characters are really well-written: finally someone portraits female pre-teenagers in a realistic and realatble way (thank you Domee Shi). Give it a try, you won't regret it.
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And the whole marvel universe is something I enjoy watching/reading too.
The Percy Jackson series: you have probably heard of it unless you live under a rock. I have read the main series and now I have to read more of this universe because it's huge and amazing. If you like Greek mythology, fantasy and adventure this is your series. Percy Jackson feels dumb in comparison to other children his age, hates her mother's stinky boyfriend and has a best friend with crutches. Would you believe me if I told you all of this is related to the fact that he's a semigod? Well, he is. And now he's accused of stealing Zeus' lightning. That's basically the plot of the first book. Fantastic book and series, honestly. Rick Riordan my king.
Enola Holmes: if you'd like to read a Sherlock Holmes type of story but with the main character being a woman, this is your series. I'm on the third book at the moment and it slaps. I love mystery novels, and if you do too I totally recommend.
Heartstopper-verse: Alice Oseman writes so good her characters. Her comics and books are the best, so if you like queer content in teenager media this is your place.
The girl on the train: really good thriller that keeps you reading all night. With mystery and very complex characters (you will probably hate most or all of them). A girl (can't remember her name right now and I have to go so can't search for it) watches people doing their lives every day when she sits on her couch in the train that takes her to her job. She imagines the names of those people, their jobs, their conversations. And, one day, she sees something weird happen just before everything goes to hell.
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo: Some people say it's not that good but this book reached to my core. It's not my favorite or close to it but it's really good. The story and how it's written, the characters and the message you get from the book is exquisite. Chef kiss. It's basically about a famous woman that hires a very confused reporter to write her story. Very moving and real. The supposed "plot-twist" wasn't that shocking for me though.
That's some I think are very good. Let me know what you thing and give me recommendations too if you want please <3
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shutupanddance · 3 years
To Debate, or Not To Debate
This story was developed by @sopanngon​ and I, and written by me.
Tagging @girloncorneliastreet​
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- Your role is in the West Wing’s communications department, writing all the things that no one else wants to write. Memos about the National Zoo, apologies for tours gone wrong, etc. You love your job, but you have one problem: your massive crush on Josh Lyman. And the fact that he’s dating Amy Gardner.
- Josh knows who you are, especially because you’re friends with Donna, but you’re quiet and you tend to keep to yourself. So he doesn’t talk to you a lot. He thinks you’re cute, but that’s about it.
- It isn’t until one day, when Sam has gone psychotic, and Toby is too busy screaming at people to get any work done, that your writing ability comes to light.
- The President needs a speech prepared for a group of soldiers who have just come back from deployment, but his go-to speech writers are losing their minds. Leo recommends you.
- Josh shows up late to the party after some meetings on the Hill, and he arrives just as the speech is starting. He’s blown out of the water. It’s the most poetic, most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. When it’s over, everyone rushes over to Sam to offer their congratulations. He just shakes his head and points to you, who are standing off to the side of the crowds, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
- Josh waits until everyone is back in the West Wing, and people have stopped assaulting you with compliments, to find you.
- You’re hunkered down in your office with a massive hoodie on and some soft music playing, looking a little frazzled.
- He says a soft “hey”, and you look up to see your crush standing there with a smile on his face.
“That speech was amazing. You did a really good job.”
You barely manage a “thanks”.
He says “Yeah.” And then disappears.
- Now if there’s one thing Josh can do, it’s recognize talent and push people into where they’re supposed to be. He wants to find you a better job, but every time he tries to casually bring up the subject of finding you a place where you can really shine, you shut him down pretty quickly. Josh isn’t ready to give up yet, though.
- He discovers one day that not only are you a great writer, but you’re also good with the spoken word.  - Amy had just broken up with him, having gotten tired of the work-life juggling act. Josh is pretty beat-up about it.  - Everyone in the White House knows what happened, so he’s gotten lots of pitiful looks. He just wants to move on, though.
- It’s late and he’s working through some last-minute stuff when he hears a super soft knock at the doorway. You’re standing there.
“Hi!” He says, sitting up in his chair. You’ve never come to his office to talk before. You smile.
“Can I come in?”
He nods and you enter on quiet feet, settling into the chair across from him.
“Are you okay?” You ask and he lets out a rough “yeah” but he can tell you’re not buying it. So you talk it out with him in your slow, quiet manner, and by the time you leave, he feels a million times better. He’s not even sure how you did it.  - Now, Josh knows you’ve got a voice, and he wants you to use it. He wants to see if you can debate. Whenever he gets the chance, he tries to get you to argue with him. About taxes, oil, abortion, whatever. But every time he disagrees with you, you simply say “That’s an interesting way of looking at things!” And move on. For whatever reason, you’re not taking the bait. But Josh knows that if you can argue, you could become senior staff. And he wants that.
- But then, he finds it. A paper you wrote in college about how new age capitalism restricts the flow of movement on the social ladder, rather than letting people shuffle around like it’s supposed to. Your paper is so well-written, well-researched, and passionate that Josh thinks he’s found your buttons.
- The issue of tax-deductible tuition comes up and you’re eager to help out. You’re working alone in your office when Josh comes in to talk about the issue, and he casually makes a statement about how if parents can’t afford the tuition, they should be finding better jobs. You go berserk.
- Josh is immediately infatuated with you. You debate him until he’s been ground into dust. There’s no question who won this, even with him trying his best. He’s got this massive grin on his face while you’re yelling, but suddenly, your voice cracks. And tears start falling.
- He’s really not sure what to do so he grabs you a tissue and tells you to sit down. You settle into your couch and sob quietly, hands clenched over your face. Josh rubs your back. Once you’re done, you apologize, but he’s more concerned about what caused the tears.
- You explain that you really hate arguing. Like, really really hate it. And you like him so much and didn’t want to yell at him. He’s shocked.
“You can yell at me! I can take it, believe me.” He says.
“I know. But I still hate doing it.”
- Josh feels bad for trying to get you to argue with him now. He cups his hand on your shoulder and gently pulls you in, until you’re resting on his chest, and he’s reclined into the couch. Your breathing begins to even. He wraps his other arm around your waist, squeezing gently, and you snuggle into his neck.
- After this, Josh doesn’t try to push your buttons again. But he finds that, after your crying episode, if he wants an opinion from you, all he has to do is ask. You won’t argue with him, but you’ll calmly and quietly explain your point of view, and he can do with it what he wants. A strong friendship forms.
- Because Josh is so combative, you often end up going in after a meeting to clean things up with whoever he just yelled at. Donna has you help him write nicer emails, which usually includes him typing insults, you smacking his head, then the text disappearing and a new line being written in more “diplomatic” terms. Because of how close the two of you are becoming, there are times when you’ll be in the Oval Office preparing a statement, working on a bill, etc.
- The problem with that is you still hate arguing. So you tend to keep to yourself during these meetings.
- It’s one day, when your work is stacking up massively, while you’re in the Oval with a couple of the Joint Chiefs, that the President asks for your opinion on contacting the Saudi embassy about something. You give your suggestion, but Nancy McNalley doesn’t agree, and begins to argue. You want to shut up, but the President asks for you to defend your point, so soon you’re caught up in a debate about foreign relations.
- You miraculously make it to your office before breaking down. You want to curl up in a ball and sleep, but you have way too much work to do. Often helping the Senior Staff with their work is great until they all need your assistance at once.
- But Donna knocks softly on your door.
“Hey, Josh sent me to help you with your work.”
- That night, by the time you get home, you feel a lot better. And the desk clerk in your complex says that there are some flowers here for you?
A beautiful bouquet with daisies, roses, and a few white tulips. There’s a note.
I heard about your meeting in the Oval today. I hope you put Donna to good use.
Feel better.
- People figure out pretty fast that Josh is suddenly listening to another voice besides his own. As soon as they figure out it’s you, congressmen and senators and those running for office find their way to your door. Though you’re usually not a fan of attention, you enjoy hearing what they have to say. If you agree, you bring it up with Josh. He might give some noncommittal answer, but he almost always does what you recommend, whether he realizes it or not.
- And Josh will fight and fight for you. When Sam leaves, he pushes Leo to give you more responsibility in the communications department. While Toby handles the more political events, you’re perfect for when the President needs to sound poetic.
- Leo also figures out that Josh is much calmer and quieter around you. Partially, it’s that you relax him, but also it’s because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. So if Josh is running a meeting into the ground, you get called in to sit in the corner and eat whatever food is on the table. It gives him a reality-check, and you’re really good at smoothing relationships over once he shuts up.
- Josh finds that eating lunch with you is a great way to get his thoughts together. You’re a really good listener, and you’re always in the food for free food.
- CJ calls it your daily “lunch date”. Donna picks that up.
“Hi, I need to see Mr. Lyman?”
“I’m sorry, he’s on his lunch date right now.”
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mass-of-men · 3 years
why do you think catch 22 (a show) so bad, especially in comparison to the book?
Excellent question! Now keep in mind I'm not an English major, I'm a History and Film major so I'm just looking at this novel as someone who has read Catch-22 around 10 times and I've watched the show in full around 4 times now and I talked about it when it first came out here.
I think ultimately it comes down to how the show represents ending. It is not only a change from the book, it is about as far from the book's ending as one could get. I talked about the ending here but to go further into just having it end with Snowden's death I think completely destroys the not just Yossarian's story, but the story of the war itself.
Heller's book is designed in the way that Snowden's death is revealed throughout the whole book and it is not until the end that we get to see what really happened. Now I'm not saying I would have needed flashbacks to Snowden's death like in the 1970 film, but Snowden's name is mentioned so many times that his death is something that clearly represents the fall of the war and the military industrial complex to Yossarian. Snowden represents the lives and the feelings of every young man who joined the war in order to be, doomed to die.
Hell, 35 pages into the book, Yossarian asks "Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?". He is quite literally asking the high command, where are the young men you sent into battle knowing they would not come back. Snowden's constant presence is a reminder of what war cost, the same as the Dead Man in Yossarian and Orr's tent. The book does an excellent job of making it so we as the audience understand why he wants to escape but can't actually fathom why until the end of the book when during his surgery, Yossarian remembers Snowden.
Now for it being my favorite book, to be honest I'm not a huge fan of Heller's style. I think it makes perfect sense for this book, in that the American military industrial complex is as confusing and nonsensical as Heller's writing is but the end of the book gets me completely. "It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden’s secret. Drop him out a window and he’ll fall. Set fire to him and he’ll burn. Bury him and he’ll rot, like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage. That was Snowden’s secret."
It is because Yossarian learns Snowden's secret he truly realizes he has to leave. And that is the part that makes the deaths of all his friends(although I'm not sure book Yossarian would call any one there his actual friend) all the more tragic, he knows he has to get out and yet has to watch all the people he know die one by one as if counting down to him. He is going to suffer the same fate as every other man there and he will have no way in the matter.
Like I said in my other post about the ending, Snowden's death is the beginning of Yossarian's story, not the ending.
To go back to the show for a moment, the ending has me feeling empty, but not in the way it was trying for. I don't think any Yossarian, let that be the book, the 1970 film, or the miniseries, would accept death and more so his fate.
His most famous quote is literally "Live forever or die in the attempt", it is not death that he fears but not being in control of his fate. Being send to die by people who won't even tell him why. I think that's why the book(and film by extension) ending works so well. Yes, he could die trying to row from Italy to Sweden, but it would be Yossarian's choice to do so, he is in charge of his ending.
That's why the show's ending fails because it is simply not Yossarian accepting his fate to die but to almost welcome it with no one left. He is not alone in the book, he has Danby and the Chaplain and most importantly he has Orr waiting for him in Sweden. The show Yossarian is unwilling to leave to go to Orr for... some reason. That's it, the show never explains why Yossarian doesn't go AWOL. The book does an amazing job at highlighting every attempt by Yossarian to leave in an ethical(more or less) way and him going AWOL is the last resort. but it is the only way he will not die in battle. Yet the show Yossarian is just willing to die for Cathcart, Korn, and Scheisskopf because he's too tired to even try.
I feel like the show was trying to twist the story into being about these wacky group of boys being screwed over by the military and how they all tragically die because of it, but the book speaks to so much more. Catch-22 isn't All Quiet on the Western Front, and I don't think the show runner remembered that.
Now that's not to say there aren't parts of the show I liked. I loved the cast, especially Christopher Abbott as Yossarian, the cinematography was beyond beautiful, and I still listen to the soundtrack. I just was so beyond disappointed as a huge fan of the novel when the show came out because it truly didn't feel like it was made by someone who had an appreciation for the work itself.
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
Invisible String
Ship: Fem! Reader x Spencer Reid
Warnings: None, this is just fluff.
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: You and Spencer Reid don’t know it, but you’ve almost met quite a few times. What happens when you do?
A/N: This is potentially a bit on the wrong side of the cheesy line, but I was listening to invisible string by Taylor Swift and couldn’t get this idea out of my head. Pls bare in mind I’m from the UK and my only understanding of the US college system is from Google searches, so pls be forgiving of any misunderstandings about that.
November 6th, 2007
Dr. Spencer Reid. As you sat, thumbing through the article he’d written about the formation of ionic compounds in a chemical whose name you could not for the life of you spell or pronounce, you couldn’t help but resent the man.
Sure, the paper was very well-written and as cohesive as possible given the complex subject matter. But Dr. Spencer Reid, whoever he was, was the current source of your resentment at selecting chemistry to make up your science credit. Highlighting the name of a substance you’d have to look up later, you sighed. It was getting late but you had to hand in a critical summary of the paper on Friday.
It didn’t help that Dr. Reid was: a) a triple doctorate holder by the age of 22, or b) that your chemistry lecturer was none other than his old chemistry lecturer from Caltech and practically glowed with pride whenever he got to bring him up.
You chew on the end of your pen, having now distracted yourself from the notes. Not that you were particularly focused anyway.
In another life, maybe you’d have been a budding chemist who could describe an ionic lattice off rote. In this one, however, you’d just have to settle for slogging through the list of chemical processes and hoping you understood it well enough to please Dr. Reid’s biggest fan.
April 16th, 2008
Spencer hated flaking on commitments. It caused him a great deal of anxiety, the feeling of disappointing someone. He didn’t have much choice in this circumstance though.
Diana had taken ill over the last weekend. Nothing serious, some stomach bug or other. She’d become severely dehydated though, and had been hospitalised as a precautionary measure. Truth be told, he might not have gone if she hadn’t caught him on the phone. He was already feeling guilty for not having visited since Christmas. He wrote her letters everyday, yet still felt like he was neglecting his duties as a son. Rubbing his hands over his face, he lets out a deep sigh. Then takes out his laptop, to send another email.
Dear. Dr Abraham
I sincerely apologise again for my last minute cancellation. Excluding any unforeseen circumstances, myself and SSA Hotchner will be available to present the lecture on May 12th.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Spencer Reid.
May 12th, 2008
Considering this was your third year on campus, you sure were bad at finding your way around. In your defence, they were doing maintenance in one of the main buildings, meaning that lectures got shuffled around and relocated. You probably had a higher change of attending the right lecture by accident than on purpose.
It doesn’t help that you’re running a little late this morning. You rush into Room 203. A lot of the seats are taken, you have to meander your way past quite a few people until you end up sat almost directly in the middle. Only moments before the lecture starts.
“I’m SSA Hotchner, and this is SSA Reid. We’re members of the BAU which is based at FBI quarters in Quantico. Today, we’ll be talking to you about profiling.”
This is not your forensic linguistics lecture.
Panic hits you, hot in your gut. Scanning the room anxiously, you suddenly become conscious that you’re drawing attention to yourself when you feel the eyes of the man who is not SSA Hotchner on you. Fuck.
There’s no way for you to escape now, not without disturbing half the lecture hall.
So you sit back in your seat, resigning yourself to sit awkwardly in the lecture you’re not supposed to be in and hoping nobody notices.
But then, it’s really interesting, actually. The work that Dr. Reid does sounds similar to work you’ve done in forensic linguistics, analysing patterns of speech and minor phrase formations that can give things away about the perpetrator. By the end of the seminar, you’re sat leaning forward. Enraptured by almost every word coming out of their mouths.
It seems to be the general mood: everyone is enamoured. People are clammering to speak to them at the end. After a brief inner battle, myou decide that you should talk to them too.
What’s the harm?
You’ve decided that you’ll speak to Dr. Reid, since he seems to share more of a field focus. However, as you’re heading down, you spot him. Dr Adams, your chemistry lecturer from last year. Oh shit, it’s that Dr. Reid.
Speaking to SSA Hotchner will just have to do instead.
“I’ve been majoring in forensic linguistics and criminal psychology,” You tell him, “Do you think ... I mean, I know it’s a pretty exclusive team to get on to. But is that the kind of thing that could maybe get me there one day?”
Hotchner nods, “Forensic linguistics is something that comes in very useful in the investigative aspects of cases. The FBI is always looking for new angles and perspectives, those are both good subjects to study if you were thinking of signing up to the academy.”
"Thank you, Agent Hotchner,” You say, suddenly a little bashful as you notice the queue of people lingering behind you, “That was a really interesting lecture. It’s definitely something I’ll think about.”
“You should talk to Dr. Reid if you have a particular interest in the linguistic aspect of profiling. He’s more specialised in that area than I am. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to discuss any research you’re conducting at the moment and suggest materials that might be helpful in furthering your understanding of the area.”
“Thank you,” You smile, and he nods at you again.
Stepping away from Agent Hotchner, you look to your right. Dr. Reid is still engaged deeply in conversation with Dr. Adams. You glance at your watch. There was time before your next class, you supposed, so you could wait. It couldn’t hurt to find out more, could it? It wasn‘t like you were getting your hopes up or anything.
It’s then that you feel a pair of arms around your waist, a familiar scent of cologne.
“Hey!” You whip around to see your boyfriend, grinning widely.
“Hey,” You reply, “How’d you find me?”
“I was walking past when I saw you talking to that FBI agent. Seriously, FBI?” He asks, with a disapproving quirk of his eyebrow, “You want to grab a coffee before Psych?”
You want to say no. But he’s got his hand on the small of your back, leading  you out of the room before you even get a chance to reply. You glance back over your shoulder, making eye contact with Dr. Reid for all of two seconds before you’re swept away.
“Seriously though babe, FBI?”
Unsurpisingly, you don’t mention your potential change in career path to him.
March 8th, 2009
“Come in,” Hotch calls. He looks up from the paperwork on his desk to see Spencer entering the room, clutching a report in his hand.
“That last case we were on. I was doing some more research, just for future reference about linguistic patterns. Have you read this?” He asks, sliding a copy of your paper across the desk.
Hotch gives it a cursary look over, nodding, “Yes. It’s interesting. She’s signed up as an NAT. I believe I actually spoke to her at one of our lectures last year.”
"Her work is really impressive for somebody whose only studied this at a master level.”
Hotch almost smiles, “Yes. That’s exactly why I’ve recommended to the bureau that she signs up for profiling classes. Her work shows a lot of promise. They’re sending over a copy of her completed thesis, if you’d like to read it.”
“Yeah, I’d like that, thank you,” Spencer says, struggling to conceal the smile playing on the corner of his lips.
“I’ll email it to you as soon as I receive it.”
Spencer nods, smiling properly to himself as he leaves the room. It wasn’t unusual, exactly, for him to share new research that was relevant to cases. It was important that they all kept themselves fresh and acquainted with new theories about the field. Hotch, however, didn’t miss the excited way Spencer had presented it to him. Talking about how impressive you were, as if to subtly hint. He thinks it’s quite typical, actually, that Spencer could take such an interest in someone he only knew via an essay.
Although Spencer’s response does get Hotch to send a follow-up email, inquiring about whether you’d agreed to the classes. If Spencer was this impressed with your work, it must be good.
June 1st, 2009
The Metro that morning is packed. It doesn’t help that you’ve not been living here long, and don’t exactly know the route from your flat to the station off by heart yet.
You'd also had to make a detour to the post office. Your, firmly ex, boyfriend had mailed over the last of your things. Really, it was good riddance. His hounding you about your choice in job had only worsened. The relationship had been hanging on by a thread long before you’d moved away last month. You were more than a little grateful that it was finally over, that you could draw a line under it all and focus on your career.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t stopped you having a little cry to yourself on the way over.
Rushing, you make it onto the Metro just as the doors are about to close, falling against the railing on the left side. You grip onto it for dear life.
On the other side of the carriage, Spencer notices someone hurrying for the train. He had been buried deep in the paper he's reading, but the bustle had pulled his attention. Your back is to him, and there’s a scarf at your feet. He wants to say something, to try and get your attention, but he can’t from where he is.
“Miss, I think you’ve dropped something,” The woman you’re standing in front of says, gesturing to the scarf pooled at your feet.
You meet her eyes, sniffling slightly, “Thank you.”
Spencer watches as you pick it up, back still to him. Crisis averted, he turns his attention back to what he's reading: the published copy of your thesis Hotch had emailed him last week.
September 2nd, 2009
"This is SSA ____, the newest member of our team. She’s recently graduated from the academy and has an excellent knowledge of linguistics that the bureau feels will be a great advantage to this team. She’s had her induction and now will be joining the team on a probationary basis. She’ll be spending a little time with each of you in between cases to make sure she forms well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of what we do.”
It’s a little overwhelming, having everybody’s eyes on you.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Emily is the first over, offering her hand for you to shake.
“You too, it’s really nice to meet all of you,” You say, shaking hands in turn with her, Morgan, Rossi, J.J, and Garcia.
“Hi,” Spencer calls from behind you.
You turn around to face him. You remember what Hotch had mentioned to you about him being a bit of a germaphobe, so you keep your hand by your side.
“Hi,” You say, “Dr. Reid, right?”
“You can call me Spencer,” He says, a little bashful, “I read your thesis, the study about you did about the construction of passive clauses as an indicator of guilt in adolescent offenders. It was fascinating.”
You feel yourself getting a little warm under his gaze, “Thank you. I'm surprised you’re even aware it existed.”
Hotch interrupts then, “Reid, do you want to sit with ____ while she goes over the case file? It’d be useful if you could go over how you’d go about constructing a linguistic profile.”
That’s how you end up spending much of your first day: with Spencer, huddled up over case files as he explains his profile-building process to you. Spencer’s an incredible teacher, you think. He explains his thought process without ever being condescending, leaving little gaps for you to answer.
You’re incredible, Spencer thinks. You seem to grasp exactly what he’s saying, filling in the gaps based on the clues that are actually in front of you, not letting yourself be guided too much by bias.
October 29th, 2009
Spencer loves everyone at the BAU. They’re all the family he never had, and he has relatively good friendships with all of them. Just, they aren’t quite the same as they are with you.
He struggles to put his finger on it, exactly. It’s a unique relationship. He shares very familial bonds with a lot of them: he and Morgan are brotherly, Rossi is fatherly, Garcia’s somewhat like an overexcited little sister.
The friendship he has with you is special. You always listen to him, even as he rambles on about inane things that anybody else would tell him to shut up about. In fact, sometimes about the exact things that they do tell him to shut up about. Just last week, he was rambling on about Star Trek when Morgan told him, not altogether unkindly, to “give it a rest, kid.”
“What was that you were saying?” You’d asked, sidling up to him, “I’ve never watched Star Trek but I thought the quote was beam me up Scotty.”
He’d looked at you, considering you for a moment, “You don’t have to-”
“I know. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know Spence. You think I’d ask for a 15 minute lecture on Star Trek if I wasn’t interested in it?”
A warm feeling flooded his chest. The look on your face was so genuine, and you’d perched on the edge of his desk as he gesticulated, getting deep into the lore and how the misconception had come about. He still didn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, until he got to the end of his spiel. And then you asked him a question. You asked him a question to make sure you understood what he was talking about. You were listening the whole time, and you genuinely cared about the point he was making.
It's then that he realises, it was hard to pinpoint because it wasn’t friendship. He likes you. Shit.
November 2nd, 2009
You like everybody at the BAU. They’re all quite patient with you, really, happy to walk you through how they do things. Morgan’s taught you quite a bit about the tactical side of things already, and Rossi has been working with you on your interrogation techniques. Emily’s generally just a great mentor, always happy to listen and support however she can. She’s more experienced, but still relatively new to the team too, so you feel like there’s a certain understanding between you.
However, you’d definitely be lying if you said the person you hadn’t learnt the most from, or spent the most time with, was Spencer.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of the team, either. You seemed to gravitate towards one another, forever sitting side-by-side on the plane. Sharing a line of thinking that usually led to devolved rambling, and scribbling, until you came up with something coherent.
It isn’t until November 2nd that you realise you have feelings for him.
You’re sitting at your desk, filling out a case report that Emily had promised to go over with you before she left for lunch.
“Hey,” Spencer’s familiar soothing voice comes, as he sidles up to you, “I got you something.”
Looking up, you notice the coffee cup in his right hand, “You are my caffeine lifesaver.”
He hands it to you, smiling a little nervously, “It’s actually not that.”
His other hand is tucked behind his back, and he pulls it foward towards you, brandishing a red sweatshirt.
“I know you uh, left your red sweater behind at the hotel on the last case. And I know it was your favourite one, and I was shopping yesterday and I saw this and...” He trails off, embarassed, “It’s not the exact same, but it’s the same kind. I just thought you might like it.”
You swallow, hard, “Spencer that’s so sweet. C-Can I hug you?”
He nods. Standing up from your desk, you wrap your arms around his frame.
“That was so thoughtful.”
He squeezes you a little, really leaning into the hug, his face pressing against your shoulder. His tousled hair tickles your nose a little and you smile, clinging onto him, relishing in the feeling of safety and warmth.
It hits you then. When you realise you don’t want to let go. When you realise he makes you feel fuzzy. Loved. Cared for in a way you haven’t felt in a long time. Eventually, you have to let him go, and it’s in a daze that you return to your desk. You’re so concentrated on your overwhelming realisation, you don’t realise how reluctant he is to let you leave his embrace.
December 22nd, 2009
Driving Spencer home from the office was really just an excuse to get some time alone with him. You’d said something about the Metro being busy, one of the services being cancelled. He hadn’t factchecked you on that.
The BAU had tentative plans for boxing day, with the caveat being that no emergent cases arrived in the meantime. It was only really four days you wouldn’t see him, but that was longer than you’d ever gone without seeing him in all the time you’d known him. You worked together everyday, and it was unusual for you to go a full weekend without seeing each other. Recently, you’d got into the habit of going out for Sunday brunch together.
Pulling up outside his house, you hear him sigh.
“I know it’s only four days, but I’ll miss you.”
Smiling, you turn to him, “I’ll miss you too.” 
Something in you changes then. He’s looking at you. You may be relatively new to profiling but you can see something behind his eyes, feel the charge of unsaid words electrifying the air.
“Can I hug you?” He asks.
“You can always hug me,” You reply, undoing your seatbelt and opening your arms for him.
He embraces you the way he always has: tightly. Like he doesn’t want to let go, couldn’t imagine ever letting you go. His face nuzzles to the crook of your neck, and then you feel his thumb brush your chin. Tilting your head down.
You exchange a look. His eyes flicker from your eyes, to your lips, and back. You nod your head, just slightly.
He kisses you then. Tender. You melt into one another, lips moving quickly as you drink one another in. Kissing each other breathless, your fingers intertwine in his hair and his hand comes up to cup your cheek. Nothing has ever felt so right.
June 10th, 2011
Neither of you have ever really believed in fate. It’s hard to - especially in your line of work - to want to interpret the workings of the universe as deliberate. Maybe you’d think a little differently though, if you knew about all the near-misses. All the times you could have met. But fate knew better. She waited until you were ready.
And as you exchange vows, promising each other your forever, you both know you couldn’t possibly deny that this was meant to be.
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