#like you gotta understand what you're looking at for it to be shocking otherwise you're gonna be mostly confused
napoleanbonafarte · 7 months
Yeah having a fairy knock on my door would be pretty unexpected. And sure I'd probably have to reevaluate everything I thought to be true but I don't really know how fairies work so maybe going around knocking on people's doors is normal for them. I would certainly be very confused but the way things are, fairies existing is one of those this might as well happen type of things
Walruses, however, are a pretty well documented species and I think I have a decent understanding of what they are and aren't supposed to be capable of. So if I were to open my door and find that a 2000-4000 lb marine mammal had dragged itself up the narrow staircase to my inland doorstep? Yeah. I would be pretty shocked
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space-matt · 15 days
The great debate
chris sturniolo x fem reader
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summary: finally the big question has been revealed, ass or titts? 
request: yes -> @jcsturniolo11
author’s note: hope you like it, let me know!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺
English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺
The living room of the Sturniolo house was buzzing with energy. It was a lazy Sunday, the kind of day when the world seems to slow down, giving everyone the chance to relax and do absolutely nothing. That was exactly the plan for Chris, Matt, and Chris's girlfriend, Y/n, while Nick was out with Madison. The three of them were sprawled across the couches, surrounded by half-empty bags of chips and soda cans, idly flipping through the TV channels while Chris scrolled through his phone.
Chris was sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone, when he made an observation. "Man, you ever notice people are always either ass or tits people?" His eyes remained fixed on the screen as he chuckled, stealing a glance at Matt, who was lounging on the other end of the couch.
Y/n, perched next to Chris with her legs curled under her, raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's what you're thinking about right now?"
Chris, defensive, set his phone down, saying, "Hey, it's a legitimate topic. People have strong opinions about this. I saw these comments on the stream—it's an actual debate."
From his corner, Matt snorted, running a hand through his hair and leaning forward with an amused grin. "Oh God, are we really doing this? The whole 'ass or tits' thing? Classic."
Rolling her eyes, Y/n couldn't help but smile. "Okay, fine," she said, indulging them. "If we're going there, I gotta ask—you guys are brothers. Do you agree on this, or do you have different opinions?"
Chris and Matt shared a knowing glance, the kind of silent brotherly communication that comes after years of understanding each other without words. Then Chris smirked. "Oh, Matt and I definitely have different opinions. But I’m not gonna spoil it for him."
Matt, looking slightly exasperated, leaned back in his chair and gestured dismissively. "You're making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. I just have a preference for the backside. A good—"
"Nope, spare me the details!" Y/n interjected, raising her hand to halt Matt's words, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I'm attempting to deduce this based on your personalities, but it feels like an impossible task."
Chris, always the provocateur, playfully nudged Y/n. "Come on, Y/n. You know me better than anyone. Take a guess which one I am."
Y/n tilted her head, squinting at him thoughtfully. She was partly engaging in the banter, but her expression revealed genuine curiosity. "Hmmm. I get the sense that you're attracted to the posterior, but you pretend otherwise to keep people guessing. You know, trying to be 'mysterious.'"
Chris burst into laughter, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Mysterious? When have I ever been mysterious?"
"You're mysterious in a Chris kind of way," she countered, poking him in the side. "You may appear nonchalant, but you always have something up your sleeve."
Matt chuckled. "Yeah, he wishes he had that kind of depth."
"Okay, but seriously, Chris," Y/n persisted, her inquisitiveness getting the best of her. "Which one are you?"
A tense silence filled the room. Chris leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper as if he were on the verge of disclosing the world's greatest secret. "Y/n... I'm a—"
Matt, displaying no interest in the suspense, interjected with a deadpan expression. "He's a titts guy. Always has been."
Chris feigned offense as his mouth dropped open. "Bro, you just spoiled the big reveal!"
Y/n burst into laughter, her eyes wide with playful shock. "Wait, really? I was so convinced you were going to say ass!"
Matt shrugged. "Nope, it's the classic misdirection. He talks as if he's a ass guy, but nope, he's been on team titts forever."
Y/n crossed her arms and leaned back, still amused but now fully engaged in the conversation. "Well, now I’m intrigued, Matt. What about you?"
Chris flashed a knowing grin, already aware of his brother's response. "Oh, Matt's the obvious one. He's an ass man through and through. No question about it."
Matt didn’t even attempt to deny it. He gave a slight shrug, a laid-back grin spreading across his face. "What can I say? It’s all about balance."
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle, feeling the warmth of the moment as she shook her head at both Chris and Matt. "You guys are truly something else. Is this really what brothers talk about when no one’s around?"
Chris let out a low, rumbling chuckle. "You'd be surprised how intense our discussions can get."
Matt's expression turned unexpectedly solemn as he nodded. "Yeah, like the ongoing debate of socks or no socks in bed. It's a highly contested issue."
Y/n couldn't help but groan, half in exasperation and half in amusement as she buried her face in her hands. "Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?"
Chris wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You've just been inducted into the never-ending debate club, Y/n. Welcome to the madness."
She shot him a playful squint, pretending to be unimpressed. "I didn’t sign up for this."
Matt's smirk was undeniable. "Nobody signs up for it. It just sneaks up on you."
Their laughter filled the room, the joy of their easy camaraderie spreading like wildfire. Amid all the lighthearted banter and goofy debates, it was moments like these—where time seemed to stand still—that made everything else in life worthwhile.
As Chris and Matt continued their playful banter about every conceivable topic, Y/n felt a surge of contentment. These brothers were a riot, and she wouldn't trade these moments for anything in the world.
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @blackhorses-posts
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe - Masc!Reader Soulmate Quick Headcanons <3
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(^^ this is so cute i gotta find the anime its from)
Sun: Male/Masc Reader (he/him), Guide Reader :)
Stars: Wild (Breath of the Wild Link)
Planet: Headcanons/scenarios, kinda long sorry
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Link possibly feeling comphet (compulsory heteronormative), the general angst of being the best friend love interest (ends well dw), Links missing you/being sad about it
& Trigger Warnings: Link crying. (Please comment if otherwise.)
Wild (BOTW Link)
Ok so we know he was stuck before the calamity following Zelda around
And while in game it seems like he's perfectly accepting of his role as her knight
And maybe could love her or grow to love her
I feel like after the Calamity, and after he meets you, its not possible anymore
It kinda feels like that same way ppl come to realize theyre lesbians??
Like he could've been straight and happy or content (not really, not fully, but in that way that gay women settle for staying with a man, he'd stay with Zelda maybe)
She used to be all he had left really, so maybe out of obligation he'd have stayed, but then he lost his memories.
And what was once a daily duty now became a woman he barely knew halfway across the kingdom, (who creepily randomly telepathically invaded his mind,,)
Link doesn't really realize how he feels until after traveling with you around the entirety of Hyrule, camping, fighting, cooking, eating etc. together, after becoming best friends with you,
Its like how a lesbian realizes they're lesbian bc they could never imagine themselves actually dating/married to a man, at least relying on him for the long term,
Then that sentiment comes in like "i just wish i could stay with my best (non-man) friend forever" kinda way
Like he definitely had the thought "this is so much easier, i wish we could be together forever" <3
So while "dating" you didn't necessarily occur to Link at first bc of heteronormative mindset/general mission of the Calamity Ganons
He quickly breaks out of that a couple months into the journey
Zelda at first may have been the quintessential "princess needing saving" but you were the "best friend love interest all along" type of energy you know?
So when at the end of you guys' journey, you feel the tug to leave, because the adventure's over.. you fully expect to see Zelda running into his arms or something, and turn away
You may be able to accept he loves women (tho how he looked at you and how comfortable he was touching you had you thinking possibly, maybe, hopefully otherwise)
But that doesn't mean you're going to sit here and watch it happen
(You know the games, the Legend of Zelda, this is how it always ends)
Instead, you feel lean but strong arms clamp around your torso
You're lifted up (even if you complain about how heavy you are, and he must be tired)
But Link is just smiling, and spins you around, Zelda is slack jawed in the background and then giggles??
Well, that's sweet, at least he remembered you were here instead of getting absorbed in her
Link practically whips you around, turning you in his arms
You stumble but he's too strong to let you falter in this position
He crushes you to his chest, a whispered "thank you" in your right ear, his breath is warm and ticklish
You awkwardly pat his back, "yeah, of course buddy, glad she's okay, and you're alright, you should get some rest. Oh, and you can have whatever I've got left in my iventory, since I won't be needing it anymore... you know I've gotta go soon."
You feel more see Link jump in shock, he grasps your shoulders (you didn't realize how hot his hands were until they were gone from your back)
You're worried he forgot about the whole "only here for adventures" Guide thing until painful understanding shows in his blue eyes
He immediately looks like the wind got knocked out of him
"Sorry Link, I wish I could stay to rebuild or explore Hyrule with you... but it's not my choice anymore."
You look apologetic but at least you know he won't be alone, that was your entire reason for being a Guide in the first place
But as you begin to fade (which, wow, Hylia really can't spare having you stick around for longer than a few minutes or seconds after Ganon's defeat??)
Link looks, panicked?
Like he's watching the Calamity happen all over again, but unlike in the game, he actually looks overwhelmed and freaked
His calloused hands attempt to grab you in various places, your arms, your waist, your shoulders, hands, just anything he can hold onto
But nothing works and you give him a sad smile, wishing him good luck with Zelda and the kingdom
And a reminder not to push himself too hard, bc you wont be there to stop him anymore
It's only just as the last of your vision fades (like a movie fading to black at the edges and closing in)
That you see him start to cry.
The first few months without you were hard, you had practically been the one constant in his life, afterall he couldn't remember much else so consistent before you
Sure, he had flickers of old memories, old friends, even of Zelda,
But they were special ones, specific moments, not having a routine every evening for who cooks dinner and who does dishes
No memory of someone helping him figure out how to dress himself, or how to shield surf down the best slopes
You were home, the very wilds he's grown to love and adore during his adventure, his house in Hateno was more like a inn he didn't pay for, rather than the warm fire you were sitting beside, lifting a blanket corner so he could curl up beside you
Zelda had understood, thankfully
She'd expected he would be different, memory loss can affect someone like that
But she'd said he seemed, better, lighter
Lighter than he ever was as a knight, even at the happiest she'd seen him
He'd helped some with the castle at first, but seeing how depressed he was, esp after she got other workers or Hylians to help, Zelda had sent him off
Under the flimsy excuse to go officially inform the rest of the kingdoms that she'd been freed and Ganon defeated
Link had unconciously returned to your favorite spots around Hyrule, and it had hurt in a different way to be around stables and have people ask where you were (you were more talkative than he was)
He'd started to avoid civilization unless absolutely necessary for supply runs, and he preferred to do so in disguise late at night..
So when Link's summoned on an adventure yet again to fight a threat so devastating it needs the previous incarnations of him...
He's actually looking forward to it.
Don't get him wrong, he wishes this weren't necessary to defeat the shadow, and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but if this is an adventure...
It means he might be able to see you again.
And he's willing to take on Ganon all over again, spend months at a time fighting and mowing down monsters, if it means you're allowed to be by his side once more
(He had tried praying to Hylia, which he didn't do much pre or post calamity usually, but for you he made an exception, and the blonde found that this was the one prayer that he could feel no divine eye turned on him for...? Her presence was practically gone when he prayed for you back)
But at least now, he realizes, he was right.
Thank goodness (not Hylia?) , he was right
Because Link could feel you,
As he'd learned towards the end of his journey, there was an innate 6th sense he had for feeling your presence, the closer you were, the more precise it was, even down to which way you were turned (all without him looking at you)
(He had ignored the strangely giddy feeling that bubbled up in his chest when Impa learned of this trick, and began to tell him, for the first time since his memories about it were gone, about soulmates)
Like familiar paths in Hyrule, he knew where a safe place to sleep was waiting,
You were waiting.
All he had to do was step through the portal, find his fellow heroes, and he knew, you would be there.
This accidentally posted 💀🥲
Welp, i was about ready to post it anyway, hope someone got a kick outta this,
Im slowly gonna add all the Links btw lol
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed! :)
Peace Out,
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Was trying to look into food banks in my area I can possibly donate my (increasingly large) harvests of tomatoes to and
They're like. All churches. Like they're either 'we are a church and we have a food bank we run in the back' or they're 'we're a food bank! But we are also a church.'
Which, logically, I shouldn't have anything against donating to church food banks/soup kitchens. Hell, I'm literally Christian (or, leaning more towards agnostic these days, but still), I have literally no reason to be against Christians doing anything along the lines of what God would have wanted (according to the text, which to my understanding, is helping the poor). I just.
They're all Christian churches. And going off of what the church I used to attend and what the church my grandmother attends is like. They're probably gonna pull a 'you have to go to service first, or we're gonna say a sermon while you eat, otherwise you don't get any' kinda deal. Which feels really scummy to me. If you're going to preach about helping people less fortunate than you, I feel like it should be a 'No strings attatched' kinda deal, and from what I've experienced in the past from a 'church member/knowing the volunteers' position, a lot of these... aren't that. It's 'how can we proselytize even more by dangling food above the heads of those who need it' kind of deal.
Honestly more shocking is that (at least according to the little free pantry/mini pantry websites) not only are there no free pantries near me--there's none in my city. I don't know if there's some kind of... ordinance? Against them, or something? But I live in a pretty big city so I'm surprised that there just. Aren't any. I've seen one (1) little free library downtown (by a church, so you know what kind of books were there), and the arts market has a 'take one leave one' book trade table every Saturday, but I guess pantries are just. A step too far for now.
Still gotta find something to do with all these tomatoes though. Might just pick the closest church bank and go with it.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
HEYYYY [insert whatever pet name u like] it's ur venus stellium anon from last month.. do u remember me? sorry life happened 🤩 n i've been pretty low energy so i didn't get around to bothering u. I've been looking at yt vids of some of my chart placements lately and i've discovered something funny (along with other developments like me. I've been looking at ur blog the past one or two days a little and I obvs haven't made my way through the whole "backlog" but some silly thoughts:
I didn't know u were bi! For some reason I felt a little awkward talking about this because I didn't want to be That Person lol (aka everyone was talking about guys and I didn't wanna weird anyone out 😔) but my exes were women 😂 supposedly I gave them daddy energy lmfao I hate it because I wanted that from someone. I talked about them a bit vaguely but it might've sounded worse under the assumption of it being a man. (Unless I didn't say much and just forgot)
I've been reading celebrity gossip and only now realised how people - even the most successful - can have it so truly bad when it comes to romance and idk it made me a little apathetic and allergic to it. Not in a "im swearing off of it" way but in a "im no longer going to expect it in my life. If I get surprised, yay for me. Otherwise eh." (my mind's at a weird place though so it'll probably change when other things calm down, don't worry about me 🫶 this is all about the hypothetical future anyway because I'm not looking for a relationship rn)
Sorry u got hate about ur blog. I can understand anon got upset but the unkind language was uncalled for.
I came across the ask about nodes conjuncting big 3 and one of mine does; i can assure u (and the hate anon) that yes, this particular example (me) DOES happen to be cray cray 😭
This is related to the yt vids and point 2: My charts basically say I'll have an okay enough career, but the romance department would be dodgy because I will never be satisfied by anything anyone does for me (to put it shortly) 😂😂 that had me a little shocked at first but then I was like u know what we kinda knew this.. let's just focus on that career instead LMFAO
HARD AGREE WITH U ON THE FLIRTING IN NON-ENGLISH. I gotta be honest I cringe if I hear flirting in anything other than English (I've only ever been exposed to it in that language) but I read a fic (english) once where this man called his lover "meri jaan" and it had me in a DAZE FOR DAYS (excuse the lame pun pls) SO YES I AGREE W U. I've been collecting other little terms (just 1 so far) that I've seen people around me using affectionately and they're sooo sweet.
I HOPE U'VE BEEN WELLLLLL. I'm away from tumblr lately so I probably won't be able to send u asks in the near future but I hope u stay safe and take care of urself 💖💖 BYEEEEE
HEYYY bbg 🥺
I thought this was going to be astrology related but you're just checking in on me 😭😭😭😭and I feel so touched 🥺🥺🥺
1. About being bisexual
I feel like there are definitely different dynamics at play bc I do attract more butch leaning women who want to be my daddy 🫣🙈 but whenever it's a femme x femme dynamic, I always feel like I become the more dominant one and I do kinda hate it 😭😭
It just wears me out to be the giver tbh 🙃 especially because I already assume that role in so many other areas in my life, I just want to sit back and be babygirled 😭😭 this is why despite being attracted to women , relationships with women don't really work out for me 😭😭
it's all a matter of luck when it comes to love and relationships and sometimes things find us unexpectedly.
what I've learnt from some of my recent experiences is that someone can do all the right things, give you princess treatment and all that yet not make you feel anything 😭 so to be physically attracted to someone, emotionally in- sync with them, AND have a healthy relationship,, it's all down to luck 😭
2. not u calling yourself cray cray 😭😭
majority of people in this world are not living happy lives, be it with regard to love, career or family. To even have one of these things going well is a huge blessing ✨and while it's possible to have all of them, it's okay to not beat yourself up for achieving all 3 in one go.
One of my dad's childhood friends, remained unmarried into her late 40s. This is veryyyy unusual in India and she's not from a bougie artsy family where such things are chill or anything either. She, however, had a brilliant career and is a civil servant and rn she's in a veryyy high ranking position because she's worked her way up. Everybody around her pitied her (for being single and childless) but she was just out there making $$$ by the time she hit her late 40s people stopped pestering her because by that point, it's kinda "too late" to settle down. BUT GUESS WHAT HAPPENED??? she met a reallyyyyy cute Swiss-German man who was visiting our state/city and she happened to be the one showing him around?? (someone linked them up basically) and that wonderful meet-cute led them to marriage in like 2 months lol ,,, this lady who had been single for 47+ years found the right guy and married him in less than 2 months???? Isn't that sooooo romantic??? It's all about timing 💛💛 and now they've been together for a decade and spend most of their year travelling the world ✨and are very much in love
So different eras of our life will have us focusing on different things. Rn it's probably best to make that $$$ and focus on yourself. Love will find you when it needs to 💛✨💛
3. About flirting in non-English
JAJAJSJ yess I used to cringe 😬 hearing Desi flirting across languages 😭but now I feel like I've finally decolonised my mind to find it cute 😭
My ex was Tamil and he used to call me "bomma" which means "doll" in Tamil ,, I had a flop talking stage with another Tamil guy who used to call me "Kitty kutty" ("little kitty") and idk if it's a Tamil guy thing but they go hardddd with their affection through terms of endearment
Flirting in Hindi is always fun bc it's all "aapka this, aapka that" (using honorifics) and respect turns me on i guess lmao 🤭🥵 Idk if this is just a Desi thing but yk how men start calling you madam and ma'am 😌yeah I live for that shit 🤭🤭 they'll be like "madam is still getting ready" and I'll be like 😍yes the hell I am 😍😜
4. Thank you so much for checking in with me angel 🥺🥺 I appreciate it and you soooo much 💛💛💛 you're the sweetest
I'll take care of myself 😜 😌and I hope you do as well!!! 💛💛 May the rest of July be wonderful for you ✨
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werezmastarbucks · 1 year
3. You'll need to suck it up
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part 3 out of 8
word count: 1075
Barry was pacing nervously behind you. His hair was growing, you noticed. He was also very tall. You stared at him, amazed, for a moment, thinking how most of the time at college, you saw him sitting.
"Oh", he nodded towards the road.
From the very beginning of the venture, you've been angry. The idiotic idea of meeting Batman in the middle of the street while he didn't even have the decency of sitting at any coffeshop with you; Barry's passive acceptance of the outrageous conditions; and the weather and this wind, constantly messing up your hair.
A slick black McLaren Elva was slowing down and pulling up on the curb next to you.
You turned to Barry with a swing.
"You gotta be shitting me. Bruce, as in Bruce Wayne?"
He shrugged.
"Before we get to it, I would like to remind you, this was not my idea. Although I'm not reacting like you, since living with my only friend doesn't feel all that horrendous to me..."
He didn't have a chance to finish, because Bruce Wayne left the car and stood before you two.
"Hey", he said, bleakly. Barry nodded.
"You're a billionaire, and we're meeting in the street?" you asked, meekly.
"So sorry for that, I apologize. I have very little time. You must be Y/N".
You shook Batman's hand, thinking about what you're supposed to feel now.
"Is it true that this whole thing about co-habitation..."
"Unfortunately, since the identities of the Justice League are mostly anonymous, we can't risk losing you out of sight", Wayne commented. He seemed like the gravest, the most unfunny person you've met; like the kind of dude with a face that no muscle of would move even if Barry Allen slips on a banana peel and lands on his ass.
"This is to assert both our and your security. We have high-profile enemies".
"I would guess, but how do you think you'll control them if I live with Barry?"
"I mean, you'll be living with the Flash. In case of anything, he knows the protocol", he looked briefly at Barry behind your back.
"Look, Mr Batman", you tried again. Wayne cleared his throat,
"Please, the name, here".
"Mr Wayne, I get that it's a very important secret to keep. I understand. Barry didn't tell me, it just happened by accident. I have no intention to set you, or him, up..."
Wayne looked at his watch with the apologizing look on his face.
"I'm sorry, I need to be going. You'll get a three-room apartment, each of you will have separate room. No visitors, the rent is paid for three years. Otherwise you're free to do anything".
"What's the alternative?"
His face didn't change the expression as he said,
"The alternative is the FBI case on attempted domestic terrorism".
He nodded at you, as if saying, you'll have to suck it up. Then he got into his ridiculous car and drove away, silent.
You have got to admire the lengths Bruce Wayne was willing to go to protect Barry.
As you turned back to him, you found his face was grave, like he ate a whole lemon.
"The alternative?"
He was at loss of words. He threw his hands in the air.
"Hasn't it occurred to you that maybe I, too, didn't wanna live with you?"
You raised your eyebrows.
"Who would want to share apartment with such a negative, nosy person like you?"
"Barry", you began, but he interrupted you.
"And now you make it look like it's the most terrible thing that happened to you. You were the one who was making screenshots of me, because you wanted me to confess so badly! Didn't let me breathe the whole year, tormenting me, like it's just a nasty secret I'm keeping for my own sake! And now, when you finally got it, you're acting like he's seding you to prison! I don't want to move in with you either! Make it make sense!"
And he left, furious, leaving you with your eyes rolled out with shock.
These bursts of temper were not too rare with him, but never to such extent.
"It does, to me", you mumbled to yourself.
And then you moved in. It was a very nice flat, much nicer than anything two graduates could ever afford in the first summer of job-seeking. The two rooms you had were equally big, yours had a huge window that gave view of maples outside. Barry was gracious to give it up for you and move into the other one, across the corridor, with the view of the corner of the street. The apartment had two bathrooms, a living room, and a lofty-like kitchen with the cupboard combination and a bar table in the middle for eating. Living was comfortable, actually. The first weeks' adjustment was funny; Barry jumped out of his pants half of night and slept half of day. He had like ten PCs that were randomly located all round his room. He had a habit of 'taking by accident' your water bottles that made a fancy collection on his coffee table. He never cleaned the kitchen after himself. Actually, scratch that, adjusting was a nightmare. He'd forget wrappings exactly where he unwrapped the food, and he'd run across the apartment at such speed that the air vibrated around the corridors. You constantly confused the bathrooms as they were situated next to one another, and collide there, just like he dreamed about. He ate everyting, all the time, including what you had cooked for yourself.
He was also very funny, and endearing in a way. He tried really hard not to get on your nerves too much, and told stories of every little thing he did with the team. Now that there were no secrets between you, he felt more confident, more comfortable, more sure. There was one secret, of course, but it was so prosaic, so banal. He was in love with you, awkwardly, with the feeling of guilt. But he didn't have much time to sulk in it because he had a lot of work. Half of the time he was the Flash, and half of it he was jumping from one job interview to another. Thus several months have passed, and only by the middle of winter, closer to New Year, you two have realized that you finally matched comfortably in this weird funny situation you had brought upon you.
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Are there any conspiracy theories about the Deep City?
Hope you don't mind the length of this. It got out of hand real fast XD
Host 1: Hello and welcome back to another episode of 'Ghost Stories'. Your friendly podcast where we talk about all things spooky and mysterious in Lucis. My name is Idona.
Host 2: My name is Silvestre, and if you actually call me that, good on you. Today's episode is especially spooky, since it takes places in our own wonderful crown city Insomnia.
Idona: Uuuhhhhhh. I always love those.
Sil: Yeah. One would think we would get more of those, but apparently our dear listeners like to hear about the outside world.
Idona: Which makes episodes like this all the more exciting!
Sil: Absolutely. I mean, who would want to hear about the outside, if you have such a treasure trove right in front of your doorstep? Do you know how old Insomnia is? Older than dirt. It always makes me wonder how many stories are really buried here.
Idona: You know, current theory is that Isnomnis is most likely older than Lucis. Dear old Somnus probably saw a reasonably sized city and renamed it.
Sil: Huh.
Idona: Anyway! What's the story that has been brought to us this time?
Sil: Oh, it's great. You're gonna love it. Ghosts in the old aqueducts!
Idona: A proper ghost story! How wonderful. It's been so long since we've had one of those.
Sil: The last Insomnian ghost story we talked about here was the one with the red capped spirits that steal people away, right? Or was it the one about the guy who turned up a hundred years ago with no identification papers whatsoever, spoke only a strange dialect of Old Lucian and then vanished without a trace?
Idona: I think it was the latter. Still convinced the other one were just weird debt collectors.
Sil: Probably, yeah. I mean all of their known victims were poor people with huge debts, so...
Idona: Still a crime though.
Sil: You know, we should probably get started on this week's story. Otherwise our runtime will only be filled with senseless ramblings.
Idona: Sil, our runtimes are always filled with senseless ramblings. But take it away.
Sil: Okay, so. This story came to our ears thanks to one of our listeners. She wishes to remain anonymous, but she wrote us that her cousin works for the WSD, the Water Sanitary Department for those who don't know. Said cousin is responsible of keeping the old waterlines up and running.
Idona: Wow, stop. Are you telling me that we aare still using those? The youngest ones of the old waterlines are at least a thousand years old! At least!
Sil: Well, the old Lucians must have builld things to last. And if it ain't broke, why fix it?
Idona: You just sounded so Leidean.
Sil: Why, thank you. My ancestors would be proud. So, Anon's cousin is down there, doing his job of looking at stones as old as dirt to make sure nothing will come crumbling down, when all of a sudden he heard a strange noise.
Idona: Was it voices? It's always voices.
Sil: Got it in one. The cousin heard voices whispering in strange tongues. Of course he goes closer, since no one but him is supposed to be down there. Gotta warn those people away and all that. But as he walked around the corner, his torch goes out and he hears a strange humming.
Idona: Go on. This is getting good.
Sil: Just wanted to see, if you had something to say. Anon's cousin is understandably freaked out by all of this. But still he calls out, because he just knows someone is there. Which is when he starts seeing strange, glowing shapes in the pitch dark.
Idona: I wish I had been there! This is turning out to be one of the most amazing eyewitness accounts for ghostly activity!
Sil: Yeah, but sadly there's not much more to it.
Idona: Awww.
Sil: Because at this point Anon's cousin runs back the way he came, totally freaked out by all of this. Thankfully his torch turned back on not long after and all he had was a shock and a few scrapes and bruises from running in the dark.
Idona: That's a relief.
Sil: You don't look relieved.
Idona: Well, he could have at least tried to communicate with the ghosts. Just imagine what we might have learned from them!
Sil: Or Anon would now have a dead cousin.
Idona: Or that, yeah.
Sil: But we're still not quite at the end of this little story. One day later Anon's cousin comes back to the place with two others. They find nothing there but some freshly carved symbols on the wall.
Idona: What did the symbols look like?
Sil: Here. Anon's cousin copied them down for us.
Idona: Huh. I feel like I've seen those before.
Sil: What? Really?
Idona: Yeah, I mean, my mum is a historian specialising in Insomnia's earlier history. She's been trying to get permission to go to the lowest levels for basically half her life now, but gets denied every time. Apparently it's too unsafe down there. I feel like I've seen something similar to those symbols in one of her books before.
Sil: You know, hearing that, I can't help but wonder how safe the structural integrity of Insomnia actually is.
Idona: Oh Astrals, don't make me think about that! This gives me some real existential angst.
Sil: ...
Idona: Now you get it.
Sil: Aaaanyway. What did you think of this week's story, folks? Please leave your comments on our mog page or leave a small donation at our crown-cast page.
Idona: Donators can bring stories to our attention - much like this one - have access to all our episodes two days early and can participate in live FAQs once a month.
Sil: Thank you all for listening. And remember:
Idona: The world is scarier than you think it is.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 10 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 13
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Carlos -
"Nngh..." John's hands slide beneath my shirt, his palms warm, calloused and rough, sensitizing me to his touch.
"Ahh..." His thumbs graze my nipples as he pushes my shirt over my head, sending electric shocks through my body.
He crowds me against the counter, his hands on my waist and I feel the bulge of his dick through his clothes as he presses himself close and licks the side of my throat.
"Mmhh..." He backs away, leaving me shivering in the absence of his heat.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Why'd you stop?"
"Your whole body is shaking. You gotta tell me if this isn't what you want."
"It is. I want it."
"Then meet me halfway."
He crowds close again, his hardness and heat and solid muscular bulk making me feel soft and vulnerable by comparison but he doesn't touch me otherwise.
Instead, he waits.
I find some confidence in the space he's giving me and look up to meet his eyes.
He's so close I can see the swirls of green and brown and golden orange in his strange, multicolored irises.
"You like to play with your food, huh?"
Leaning close again, he slides a hand up my chest and closes it around my throat.
A bolt of strange excitement goes through me like a shock and my eyes widen with surprise.
A dangerous grin lifts one side of his mouth, showing his canine tooth.
"Up to a point."
"Oh, fuck. Do I need a safe word?" I whisper.
He releases me, cupping the back of my neck instead and pulls me towards him.
"Your safe word is stop," he says, his lips brushing mine.
"What if my mouth is too full to talk?"
"Then use your hands."
"What if my hands are tied?"
He laughs.
"Believe me, if that happens, I will be absolutely certain that all signs are go."
I lean away from him a little and frown.
"Aren't they now?"
He shakes his head.
"Nope. Right now I'm seeing mixed signals. Yellow, red, green. You're all over the place. You want it but you're scared, turned on like a live wire and skittish as a stray cat."
I blink, surprised by his perceptiveness.
He relaxes a little, still steaming hot with lust but demonstrating firm control.
"Hey, make no mistake. I wanna take all you got but you gotta give it to me. I'll fuck you senseless but I won't hurt you. Unless you want me to," he adds with a soft growl in his voice that makes me shiver. "It's all about trust. Understand?"
I nod.
"Yeah. And I... I trust you, John but... um, do we have to do this with an audience?"
He glances over his shoulder and huffs a laugh.
Rick and Morty sit in the kitchen entryway, side by side, heads tilted at an identical angle and ears perked with curiosity.
"Shit." He lets me go and rubs the back of his neck. "I could lock them in the garage."
"Or... we could take this upstairs," I suggest, a hint of shyness in my voice.
He hears it and his expressions softens again.
"Sure. Your room. I'll get these guys settled so they don't bother us."
He leans a little closer and brushes his thumb along my bottom lip.
"I'm gonna take my time with you."
Taking my breath with him, he calls the dogs and they pad after him into the living room.
I make my way upstairs, my heart beating like I've run a mile and my thoughts racing in a loop.
Then I sit on the end of my bed, unsure what else to do with myself until he reappears, darkening the open doorway with his hulking frame.
Had he always been so big or did he just make the room seem small?
I shrink away instinctively as he approaches but he passes me and sets something on the bedside table.
A packet of condoms and a bottle of water-based lube.
Fuck. We're really doing this.
He turns to face me and I swallow but all he does is hold out his hand.
"Come on. Let's start with a shower."
I take his hand and he leads me into the bathroom, where he turns on the water and nonchalantly strips out of his clothes.
My eyes roam his muscular shoulders and back, down to the dip at the base of his spine and the curve of his ass.
As he tests the water and steps beneath the spray, I see a broad chest with a healthy growth of hair, not too much but just enough, a tight abdomen and angular hips and dark trail leading to his cock and balls.
He's half aroused already and I swallow again.
He sees me gawking and smirks.
"Your turn," he says but busies himself with the soap, once again giving me plenty of room.
Gathering my courage, I shed my clothes and join him, stepping beneath the spray of hot water and running my hands, calloused but not as rough or large as his, over his back.
He turns around and takes in the view and that look of feral hunger is back.
"Fuck, you're beautiful."
It's not a word I'd use to describe myself, usually.
Scrappy and naturally athletic, with good muscle tone and very little body hair, thanks to my mixed indigenous ancestry, sure.
But beautiful? Nah, not me.
But the look in John's eyes makes me believe it.
I step into his arms and kiss him.
His lips meet mine.
For a moment, time seems to stop and I can see every drop of water as it falls, each little rivulet streaming off our skin, then, like a match dropped in gasoline, we ignite.
He shoves me against the wall and grabs my throat with one hand, the other supporting him as his mouth invades me, hot and wet as the steaming water, his tongue gliding against mine.
I gasp and hold on, then I kiss him back, giving as good as I get.
His length is pressed against my hip, hot and hard and his muscles clench as I slide my hand down his abs and gently take hold.
He gasps and grunts as a shudder convulses him and then he drops his hand from my throat and wraps it around my cock.
After that it's fast and breathless.
He makes me come, then encloses my hand with his own and shows me how fast and hard he likes it.
He comes with a growl of pleasure, hips jerking and I gasp as he bites down on my shoulder.
When he catches his breath and draws back, a thin stream of blood coats his bottom lip.
"Fuck. You bit me," I say, inspecting the spot.
He grabs my jaw and turns my face back towards his.
"And now you're mine," he says in a low, dangerous voice and kisses me again. "Turn over."
Clean and dry, we've moved to the bed.
Made a little wary by the bite 'which he'd cleaned and stuck a band-aid over with care and efficiency' I hesitate.
"Come on. I won't bite. Again."
He grins.
"I promise I'll make you feel good."
The sight of him already hard again stirs the fire in my blood and with a catch in my breath, I obey, propping myself on my elbows with a pillow beneath me.
He leans over me and whispers in my ear.
"Remember, all you gotta say is stop."
He kisses the band-aid on my shoulder and then trails kisses down my back to my ass.
Then I feel his tongue.
When he's got me gasping, he fucks me with his fingers for a while.
Finally, when I'm begging him for more, he withdraws.
I raise myself and look over my shoulder in time to see him slipping a condom down the length of his shaft.
"Dios mio," I breathe.
He looks up at me, brows raised.
"Does that mean stop?"
I shake my head.
"Not even close."
The bed dips as he positions himself.
I feel him pressed against me and cry out as he pushes himself inside.
But he didn't lie.
He strokes me with one hand and goes slow until I'm halfway to paradise and drunk with pleasure.
He takes his time and doesn't hurt me.
And finally, when I'm a whimpering mess and begging him for it, he fucks me senseless.
Then he takes care of me and I fall asleep in his arms.
He's perceptive and caring, strange and dangerous and I don't completely understand him or know what he wants from me.
I just hope he wants more than a fling because after getting a taste of him, I don't know if I'll ever have enough.
The only thing I know for certain, as I drift off, warm and contentedly fucked, is that he's a man of his word. 
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sunkensinkers · 2 years
after midnight | Eddie Munson
|| volume 2 spoilers ahead ||
Now, most of if not all of us are rather upset about the lack of acknowledgment of Eddie’s death considering it was never mentioned by any of the Hawkins gang after the time skip, probably not to Lucas and not to Mike when he returned with the Lenora crew. Regardless, this is what i think would have happened post-demise in the upside down. ((also posted to TikTok: @/munsonmadnezz. unless otherwise discussed with myself, permission to copy, rewrite, redistribute or translate is never to be granted, nor are my works to be claimed as anyone else’s.))
As the sobs that shook his body finally calmed, Dustin remained on his knees cradling the senior whose eyes were still open, too scared to close them.
"You know, I don't know how I'll do it. How I'll be able to gather up all the little sheep the way you did." He started, sniffling. "You came up to me and Mike and really just made it seem like we were already part of Hellfire, we just didn't know where the meeting room was." Dustin laughed dryly looking down at the would-be graduate, praying he would laugh too.
"The Weird Al shirt was one of my favourites you know? Called it my good luck shirt. I met Suzie in it at camp." Dustin sighed, pulling Eddie a little closer as he felt him slipping away. "Oh you would've loved Suzie.. Can't say she would've felt the same about you, though." He chuckled, shaking his head as he imagined their first meeting.
Sweet Mormon Suzie meeting Eddie 'The Freak' Munson, leader and dungeon master of Hawkins High's Hellfire club, a supposed satanic cult. Her first impressions of Munson being that of worry and concern but soon becoming relief and happiness seeing how much Dustin laughs and truly loves being around him, becoming a completely new person that makes Suzie fall in love even more.
"And Will, you would've liked him. He was our last dungeon master and he had awesome campaigns he did. Will the Wise.."
Dustin's mind drifted off, part of him still choosing not to believe he was holding one of his best friends bodies, lifeless in his arms while his mouth still managed to ramble off about new recruits for Hellfire.
"Eddie, I don't know how I'm- How I'm gonna tell the others that you're gone.. I need you to come back so I don't need to okay? I need you to come back to us Eddie please!" Dustin's throat swelling as tears started falling once again. "Eddie you gotta wake up come on, come on!"
Dustin's head snapped toward the voice seeing Steve, Robin and Nancy all running across the field.
"Steve! Steve you gotta help me man we gotta get Eddie to a hospital!"
The 3 of them slowed as they realised what was going on, seeing the youngest of them clutching a blood stained Eddie Munson whose eyes bore open with an unmoving chest, Robin gasping and Nancy covering her mouth in shock. Steve looked around at the countless demobats on the ground, relieved to know the hive mind was broken but felt a pain in his chest thinking 'what if we destroyed it sooner?'.
Steve knelt down to his friend, a hand on his shoulder as he turned to look at him. Steve's sympathetic eyes looked into Dustin's, him immediately shaking his head knowing what Steve was saying.
"No. No I can't leave him here he has to come back to Hawkins, we can't."
"Dustin buddy we have to go back."
"Not without him."
"We won't be able to get him through the gate Dustin come on."
Steve tried hooking his hands under Dustin's arms, Dustin fighting to push him away yelling for Steve to let him go, stumbling back as he did. He looked over to Robin and Nancy who now had watery eyes quietly asking for their help, receiving understanding nods.
"We have to go buddy. I'm sorry."
Steve wrapped his arms beneath Dustin's own gripping his wrists as Dustin screamed and fought back, Nancy and Robin going for Eddie as Steve struggled to pull the 15 year old up and away from the deceased, Robin cradling Eddie's head as he was set down on the concrete.
Dustin's cries echoed through the streets as Steve fell back against the curb, hugging the boy tightly against his chest where what once welled a small pang now had fully tightened in pain as his best friends cries of anguish made his ears ring. He looked through watery eyes at Nancy and Robin who were still sat by his body, Robin fixing Eddie's hair muttering numerous 'it's okay's whilst she adjusted his jacket.
Steve held onto Dustin as he cried, accepting that Dustin was not ready to leave behind someone he looked up to, not just yet.
"We can't leave him here." Dustin sniffled relaxed as Steve's arms hung over his shoulders.
"We can't bring him back to Hawkins, we'd hurt him or ourselves trying to get him through the gate."
"I know but.. We can't at least leave him here I mean. What if the demobats wake up? He'd get hurt out here too." Dustin's voice cracked thinking about it.
“I told him not to be a hero..” He whispered thinking about how to make Dustin feel better but still get him back to Hawkins before Robin spoke up.
"We could always bring him back to the trailer?"
As Steve and Dustin dragged the makeshift sled across roads and grassways back to the trailer, Nancy and Robin fixed up Eddie's room putting his mattress back on his bed trying to make things look as homey as they could for a dark, desecrate dimension, covering the torn open vent with cd racks and an amp, Steve and Dustin arriving right as they finished.
Robin and Nancy joined the boys outside, grabbing the foot end of the sled and carrying Eddie through the door and to his room.
"Careful. Be careful with him." Dustin reminded as the four of them set him on his bed.
Dustin sat beside Eddie adjusting his hair once more reaching over to a dark comforter pulling it over his friend while Steve, Robin and Nancy quietly left giving him some space.
"I'll get another weird Al shirt for you. My old one doesn't fit anymore but, maybe I'll cut part of it off and get my Mom to sew it in and it can become my new good luck shirt. I'll wear it with my Hellfire shirt maybe or.." He hicced trying to hold back more tears as he thought more about the future of Hellfire without Eddie. "Or maybe I'll find a way to bring my old one to you and you can have it and it'll be your good luck shirt, huh?" The boy struggled to speak as he constantly stroked and smoothed the comforter over Eddie's shoulders. "I'm really gonna miss you buddy."
Dustin hovered over Eddie's chest, silently crying as his heart ached. This man he'd known for such a short time somehow had an immensely profound impact on him. Teaching him to not give a shit, to not give up and that there was never any shame in running.
He just wished he would've taken his own advice one last time.
Dustin sat up inhaling deeply, wiping away tears and snot against his sleeves, looking at Eddie once more.
"Well I gotta go buddy but.. I promise you, I won't change, I won't. I'll bring those little sheep home and uh.." He paused holding his hand beside Eddie's head looking at his unwavering eyes as they remained open, hoping for one last blink but sighing in defeat knowing they wouldn't. "I love you, Eddie."
Dustin gently closed Eddie's eyes, holding his breath as he stood and walked to the door finally prepared to head back to Hawkins. He paused seeing Steve stood beneath the gate who sent a gentle smile his way.
"You gonna be okay, Henderson?" Steve queried.
"Yeah it's just.." He shook his head, looking back at Eddie, feeling the metal of his favourite necklace between his fingers. "He was supposed to graduate next month."
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dippydots · 3 years
Some minor angst at the beginning
Henry opened his eyes slowly, groaning in discomfort. He was lying on his bed, which must've been where Edward last was as the potion wore off. Gratefully he was in his own clothes instead of Edward's, otherwise there would've been a major wardrobe malfunction. He looked across the room at the mirror. Edward's back was turned and his arms were crossed. Henry stood up and walked over. "Hey, Eddy, uh ho-."
"Don't call me Eddy."
"Sorry, sorry. Um, how was Lucy's visit? You didn't forget to show her the greenhouse, right?" Edward shrugged. "Yeah, I-i did. It was cool." Henry frowned slightly. "Something is bothering you, what happened?" Edward sighed. "Nothing did, Doc. I'm just not in the greatest mood."
"That means something happened. You were in a relatively joyful mood last time I saw you." Edward rolled his eyes. "It's nothing, so drop it."
"Alright then," Henry said, stepping away from the mirror. "I had to cut my date short with Lucy because of you," Edward blurted out. Henry was a little surprised, not really expecting an answer. "This isn't the first time it's happened, either. I've had to leave early several times because the potion wears off. It's not just when I'm with Lucy, either. I'll be hanging out with Adam, or Jack and I would be messing with Victor and it starts to wear off. Just as I get to the good part of things, of life, you start to regain control. I only get to go out at night and hardly the day. Sometimes I don't even get to go out, and I'm stuck in this stupid mirror! You get to have entire days and nights to yourself! What's the longest I've been out? Eight hours. Eight, measly hours. I know I sound ungrateful, but I just want to experience life normally! But I can't do that because I'm stuck with you! I just want to be free from you!"
Edward's voice cracked as he shouted that last sentence. Henry jumped slightly, startled. Edward suddenly looked afraid, and cowered slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry," he repeated quietly. The room was silent, with the exception of Edward's mumbling. "Edward." Henry's voice was calm, gentle even. "I've been thinking about this for a while. Around a year or so. There's something I would like to show you. Henry walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a few papers, and went back over to the mirror. He held up the stack and Edward looked over it. "Doc, you know that I don't understand science mumbo jumbo." Henry laughed slightly. "Well, its a work in progress, but I'm getting close to being done, I just need to buy some salts."
"But what is it?" Henry smiled. "A formula that should separate us." Before Edward could say what he originally gonna say, a shocked expression crossed his face. "Wait wait are you serious? You're joking, right? Jokes like these aren't funny, Henry," he rambled. Henry's kind smile remained. "Nope. No joke. I didn't tell you sooner only because I knew you'd badger me about it and then I wouldn't be able to get it done properly. Yo-you understand, right?" He cleared his throat. "You deserve to be happy, Edward. And now you'll finally be able to."
Edward was silent. "Edward?" There was a tearful look in Edward's eyes. His lip was quivering. "I don't know what to say," he said, his voice a little shaky. There was a sappy smile on his face. "Well, I should be saying thank you, should I? Yeah, yeah. Thank you," he said really quickly, "I gotta repay you, I just gotta," he rambled. Henry chuckled. "Save it for when you're able to do things in your free time." Edward squealed. "Oh my God, I can't believe it! I'm truly gonna be free!"
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: When Fred finds out Y/n is planning on leaving the Wizarding World, he canalizes his feelings in the worst way possible, which leads to a terrible outcome that seems unfixable.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: angst
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: swearing
A/N: @meph1stophelian is here putting pressure on me to post this already so I'm apologizing for the poorly written ending lmaoo enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Fred, calm down." George begged me; he walked by my side, trying to talk some sense into me, but it was not the moment. "You gotta understand her— throwing a fit isn't going to help anyone—" I didn't even look in my twin's direction while he spoke. "Bloody hell, Fred—"
"Y/n!" I quickened my pace, leaving George behind after spotting her in one of the corridors, having a chat with a couple of Ravenclaws. "Can I have a word?"
"Sure— Oi!" I hadn't waited for her to reply before grabbing her hand and snatching her away to pull her into the nearest broom closet. "What was that about?"
"Tell me I heard Katie wrong and you're not actually leaving."
"I can't tell you that." She plainly responded, her voice steady.
A single, gobsmacked snide left my throat. "You're joking, right?" My heart ached as if it was being constricted when she shook her head no. "So you're fleeing?"
"Things are getting ugly so you're running away."
Her eyes dug into mines as she stayed in a very uncomfortable silence before replying with. "So what if I am?" When I averted my eyes from hers, she called my name. Her eyes were somewhat softer now, with a gleam of plea in them. "For the last two years we had nothing but tragedy. Diggory died, You-Know-Who is back and recruiting, the ministry is full on going against a teenager, this pink colored nasty toad is physically abusing us, and on top of that, I have to put up with my housemates' bullshit for having muggle blood— I'm tired!" Her voice had raised a bit, enough for me to know she was struggling to keep it at bay, but still managed to. "If I can have a life out of this then—"
"You're a coward."
"Fred." there was a warning on her tone, but I couldn't listen.
"You're leaving... people behind," she attempted to reason; I didn't let her. "Dunno why I'm surprised, really. At the end of the day you're a Slytherin for a reason."
Her eyes started to well up, and I couldn't tell if it was with anguish or fury. I knew I was getting under her skin, but that was exactly what I intended to do; if I was going to leave that room scarred, so would she.
"Self-preservation, you call it." I scoffed, feeling my own rage building up faster each passing second. "Pure cowardy."
"Is that what you think?" Her tone wasn't steady anymore; she was holding back the poison of her words, for my sake.
"Yeah." I wasn't capable of doing the same thing for hers. "And I don't want your cheap excuses and emotional manipulation to convince me otherwise." My face was probably red due to the anger, my jaw and fists hurt from clenching them; I was off the rails, and the person who would usually stop me was standing in front of me. "Better leave now so you don't have the chance to sell us out when shit goes down."
Silence fell upon us, our gazes locked, equally watery and with the same amount of fury and sadness within them.
And finally she snapped. "Maybe I'm a coward, but you're a self-absorbed prat who's not able to see beyond your own ego!" The way she said it hurt me more than the sentence itself. "This is not gonna be a DADA class, Fred! I don't want to fucking die because I was too slow casting Protego."
"Good luck, Y/l/n." I curtly wished her before stalking out of the broom closet I have initially dragged her into.
We avoided each other for a week. The following Monday, when I entered the Great Hall, I found George and Katie quite depressed.
"What's gotten into you?"
They shared a look before my brother turned to me, deciding to break the news himself.
"Y/n left last night." He gave me an apologetic look. "Thought she'd wait until the graduation—"
"But she's had enough." Katie finished, toying with her breakfast. "Honestly, I wish I had a life in the muggle world too."
My lungs were refusing to take the air inside; I felt as if I would choke if I stayed there, so I stormed out, jogging to reach the countryard.
I needed to breathe.
Even after the wind hit my face, that vital task felt like the most difficult thing in the world to accomplish.
I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her.
A sob escaped my chest, realising the harsh words I had spat at her were probably the last ones she would ever hear from me.
I love her.
A Year And A Half Later
I managed to apparate somewhere in the cornfield —the only place around the Burrow I remembered clearly.
I should have landed with a broom, but apparently, Mad-Eye didn't inform Lupin that I would serve as an extra escort for Harry if they were ambushed, so my broom was now smashed somewhere down the muggle road we had flown over.
Mentally cursing the damn moment in which I spoke to Shacklebolt in hopes of being useful in this war, I looked for the entrance of the Weasley home, which took me quite a while.
Funnily enough, it was Lupin who stepped out, wielding his wand and casting yet another hex at me that I somehow managed to block.
With a swift wave of my hand, he was propelled back into the house. "YOU!" A long-haired redhead I recognized as the eldest Weasley helped my old Professor up as I stalked to them with my wand up. "YOU HEXED MY BLOODY BROOM! I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!"
"Y/n, calm down—" Shacklebolt was now besides me with his hands up. "He didn't know you were coming— he was trying to protect George from further harm."
My brain was slow to process his words, but as soon as it did, I started to down my arm. "What happened?"
"Snape hit him with the sectumsempra." My eyes widened at Lupin's heavy words.
"Did everyone else make it?" The three of them remained silent, the ginger shaking his head no.
My breath caught up in my throat, but before I could ask if Fred was alright, another tall ginger flashed the corner of my eye, and my head snapped to the living room's door.
Everyone was scattered around the house. Ginny took Hermione and Fleur to her room; Ron and Harry made its way up too; Tonks went out —she needed a moment alone to mourn Mad-Eye—, and, while my parents and I stayed with George, Lupin, Shacklebolt and Bill went to guard the entrance.
I was still kneeling by George's side, holding his hand while our mother healed his wound the best she could, when we heard a yell followed by a strong blow in the kitchen.
I looked at my mum and dad, my eyes flickering to my twin while I reached for my wand.
As I got up, more yells were heard, this time clearer; the voice was familiar— I knew that voice all too well.
There she stood, at the entrance of my home.
Her eyes met mines as soon as she caught a glimpse of me, and my head started to spin. I knew I had no right to do what I was about to do, but after that night's events, in which the war became very much real, I couldn't help but rush to her and engulf her in a tight hug.
Surprisingly enough, I couldn't take more than two steps forward, since she did what I intended to do first.
"You're alright." She mumbled against my shoulder. My eyes shut, trying to block the tears that threatened to fall. "How's he?" She inquired whilst pulling away with a concerned frown.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded in the living room's direction. A quiet sough escaped my lips as she passed by, her hands lingering on my arms for a brief instant before she entered the room and took careful steps towards the settee.
I barely caught a couple of words from George and Y/n's exchange, my mind still buzzing due to the shock.
"What do you say, Freddie?" I frowned at my twin, regretting not listening to the conversation. "She can take my bed, right? I'm not gonna get far anyway."
"Right." I agreed, struggling for my voice to come out steady. It was Y/n we were talking about; I had known her since our fourth year, I had been friends and more with her, seeing her shouldn't be that nerve-wracking.
A couple of minutes later, we were all heading to our respective rooms, and as I closed my room's door behind me and Y/n, it dawned on me that I had underestimated the anxiety that could cause me being left alone with her.
Get it together, Fred.
"If you want, you can grab a shirt from the drawer." I finally managed to speak, motioning at the chest besides the window. She nodded and turned to it to look for one she could sleep in.
Now that I had the opportunity, I carefully observed her, and soon realized how much she had changed in the time we were apart. Not only when it came to her physical appearance; she stood a bit straighter, talked a little calmer; the joy with which she used to sparkle was dim now, eclipsed by a severe, worried attitude— a sign of us no longer being the kids who messed around at Hogwarts.
"I missed you" I knew right away that wasn't the best start for the conversation.
"It sure didn't seem like it." The bitterness in her tone stung my heart harsher than I expected.
"You're still mad?" The way I was conducting the conversation was making me want to bang my head against the wall.
She sighed, turning around now that she had the shirt on to meet my gaze. "A year and a half, Fred. You didn't contact me for a year and a half. I thought we were friends."
"You left me behind!" I talked back, partly because I panicked, but also because I, to my surprise, was still mad too. "What did you even expect?"
"A letter?" She questioned, throwing herself down on the bed. "I mean— I didn't really expect anything, but a letter would have been a good way to let me know you didn't fucking hate me." My eyes, now fixed on my lap, went wide when Y/n's voice broke at her last three words.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, quite ashamed of having to apologise while also being scared of saying anything that could harm her further. "I'm sorry about not writing and- uh... I'm sorry about what I said to you. I know it's not an excuse but I was really mad and..." I cleared my throat and felt the blush creeping up my neck even before I finished the sentence. "... and hurt 'cause you- I thought that maybe I wasn't important enough to you and- yeah, I'm sorry about what I said." I tried meeting her eyes but they were fixed on the wall before her.
"It's fine." She shrugged, "I guess you were right anyway."
"I wasn't right-"
"You were." She hugged her knees to her chest and hid her face there. "Wanna know why I'm back?" She didn't need my response. "They're hunting down my family." My heart stopped beating for a second due to the shockingly deadpanning tone. "A friend gave me a tip-off— they were tracking them down. I got to them just in time." I refrained myself from asking about them —the less I knew, the better. "So yeah, you're right, I was a coward and left people behind."
My body shot up and my legs carried me to George's bed; without me being fully aware of what I was doing or which consequences it could have, I sat down and pulled Y/n into my arms.
Though she was shocked at first, her body soon relaxed into the familiarity of my arms, and she let out a relieved sigh. "You're not alone on this." I whispered, pecking her crown. "I'm here, okay?"
"So you don't hate me?" She murmured against my chest.
Maybe it was the fragility of her voice, or the warmth of her embrace I missed so much; maybe it was this past year and a half of regret, or the night's events, but I couldn't hold back my words.
"I love you."
And even though she went stiff, even if I had just blurted them out almost in accident, I didn't regret saying them, because I, in fact, loved her.
She pulled away to look into my eyes. "You mean it?"
"Yeah." I replied, calmer than I had been in a while. "And I'm really sorry about everything, if I could turn back time—" words and air were cut off by her lips crashing against mines.
We had kissed before, but it was on a bet's behalf or to prank someone; this was different, this was her pouring her 'I love you' into actions, and I embrace it gladly.
"No more running away." I commanded when she pulled back. "From now on, we stick together." She nodded, her forehead resting against mine and her palms on my chest.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Honorable Mention
I heard @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​ SOS signal to all Hizashi fuckers and I have responded accordingly. Sorry for being late to the party!
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: None, except for spoilers for the current arc.
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The interview room was warmly furnished in a way to make guests feel at home, not like they were in a professional setting. The beams from the sun were perfectly aimed to make the smiling hero’s face glow. Attractive, and quite distracting. 
It was all going fairly smoothly so far. Hizashi held no animosity toward anyone for missing out on the Top 10 Party. Every question about his personal feelings on the matter was answered with something along the lines of “It’s nothin!”
“Not gonna lie, I’m bummed that I don’t get to wear the steampunk outfit they had planned for me. Have you seen the design? I would’ve had an entire phonograph attached to my neck!” He laughed and slapped the armrest of his plush chair. “But it’s not like I wasn’t there, I was the one announcing the winners. That’s what I do best!”
You nodded as you scan your list of planned questions. “That’s true. Your presence has always been there, especially in the anime.”
“Exactly! Who else is gonna call out new characters and explain their quirks? That role is for me and only me, baby!”
“I agree, but after the work you’ve put in during the War Arc, many of us believe that you deserve more love. Especially after your infamous DJ Punch.”
“Ohohohoo,” Hizashi chuckled lowly at the pleasant memory. “Now there’s something I want! A few more right hooks to that doctor’s jaw. Sometimes screaming just doesn’t cut it, ya know? I’d rather get a little more hands-on, ‘specially when things get...personal.” His expression flashed into something darker, but the mysterious thought appears to leave his mind as quickly as it came.
You ignore it and stay on topic. No need to make this interview heavy or distressing in any way. “It was a very pleasant surprise for us, seeing you get up close and personal like that. I never pegged you as the physical type.”
He shrugged. “I hear that all the time, but come on, what do you guys think I do when I can’t use my super hazardous quirk? Do you think I just stand there and commentate?”
Well, when he puts it like that... “My apologies, I suppose it just never crossed my mind.”
He held up a hand to halt any rising feelings of guilt. “No worries, listener. I don’t mind my reputation as just ‘The Announcer Guy’, it makes things all the more satisfying when I see the shock on a villain’s face after I bust his nose.”
Frankly, the interview wasn’t nearly as passionate and bitter as many were definitely hoping it would be, but you didn’t want to antagonize the friendly hero for the public’s entertainment. If the poll results didn’t bother him, then that’s just how it is.
After shaking hands, you both stood up and straightened yourselves out. You uttered a “thanks again” to him before taking your clipboard and pen, but Hizashi speaks up the second you take your first step toward the door.
“Y’know, it’s not that hard to throw a decent punch.”
You turn to him. “Is that so?”
“Yeah. How about a free lesson in exchange for a nice clean interview. I appreciate it!”
That’s...well, you had things to get done, but, “Alright.” Your interest in Present Mic wasn’t just an act put up for the sake of the interview. You're a genuine fan that isn’t going to pass up the opportunity to personally learn something from him.
The hero gently took your things and placed them to the side before taking his place right in front of you. “Okay, go ahead and take a swing at your boy.” His arms opened up, waiting patiently for your attack.
You shifted awkwardly, unsure of the proper way to punch, so you just ball your hand into what you believe is a decent fist and weakly shoot it forward.
A gloved palm stops it before making contact, his grip gentle yet firm. Emerald eyes examine your fist closely — it all has goosebumps forming on your skin for reasons you don’t know. Or at least you don’t think you know. “Not bad! Always make sure your thumb is on the outside and your fingers curl into your palm. Gotta take that impact without damaging your hand. Try again!”
You withdraw your hand and take his advice, positioning your fingers like he told you before launching another strike. He catches it again, this time with a hum of approval. “Ya wanna hit me with your knuckles, not the flat of your fingers. Turn it up and try again!”
You do just that. Another punch, another quick lesson.
Hizashi gets closer than you ever imagined, those talented hands positioning your hips and shoulders at more appropriate angles. “The power comes from your whole body!” He states before motioning for another go.
This isn’t at all how you planned to spend your break after the interview, but you had no complaints even as you exposed your clumsiness to the renowned hero. He was a teacher, after all. You just didn’t expect him to be as proficient at teaching self-defense as he was with English.
“So,” he starts up while casually catching your fists. “How did you personally feel when I punched Dr. Douche in the face?”
The question makes you pause, but a quick gesture from Hizashi urges you to keep going. “I...well, it was admirable.”
More than that. The raw fury emitting from the normally carefree man when he charged Ujiko was...enticing. Exhilarating.
It was hot, alright? It was pretty hot, but you weren’t going to tell him that.
“Thanks! Good to know that breaking jaws gets people pumped! I’ve heard a bit of feedback from my dear listeners. Some found it shocking, some found it kinda sexy.”
Well shit.
“I can understand that.” It left your mouth before you could even think. Why the hell did you even comment on that, you idiot?
Hizashi quirked an eyebrow and grinned. “Can you, now? Give me your two cents on it.”
Your stance falters and you almost fall forward during your next swing. You thankfully catch yourself before he can do it for you. That would’ve made matters even more awkward. “That’s—of course, it’s common to find sudden aggression in an otherwise friendly person attractive.”
“Is that what it is? I just gotta do less screaming and beat more faces in so that the ladies will find me hot?”
“Of course not! You’re always—”
You stop yourself.
Hizashi lowered his shades just enough to give you the smuggest look that has ever graced his face. “Always what?”
Shaky stutters and darting eyes are your answer. Desperate to ignore the heat rising in your face, you fire a punch that’s much more powerful than intended.
Even with the added speed and force, he sees it coming and not only catches it, but sends your entire world spinning when he pulls you forward and twists your arm until you’ve completely twirled around with your back pressed against him. It all happened so fast that you didn’t even notice the startled squeak you made.
Your wrist is being held tightly against your lower back. The breath from his chuckle can be felt against your ear which is way too close and you might melt. “Uh-oh, someone just got a hold of you!” He exclaims in a fake panic. “How do you get him off?”
Shut up, brain. That probably isn’t what he meant.
Wanting to escape his grasp before he notices the effect he’s having on you, your free arm whips back with the limited amount of room it has, hoping to knock him back and loosen his grip, only for him to catch your other wrist and wrap your arm around the front of your body.
“Yikes, that didn’t work either!” The bastard had you trapped, his hold getting tighter every time you squirmed. You should probably stop because he’s only getting closer, his chest rising and falling against you at a much slower rate than yours. “Looks like you’re in trouble!”
One minute you were having a professional conversation with Present Mic. The next, he’s giving you a free fighting lesson. And then the next, he has you completely subdued and pressed against him.
And with his voice low enough to make your body shake, he speaks right into your ear again.
“I think you’re pretty hot too, listener.”
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sashayaweh · 3 years
Sam and Bucky dance to this song after having to take refuge in a safe house during a particularly high stakes mission. Theres a record player and Sam makes this necessary senior citizen taunts when he catches Bucky's frequent glances towards where it sits on the wooden shelf. Eventually, Sam walls over to fiddle with it because Bucky insists on faking disinterest, but Sam really wants to see him being not-so-boring for once. It was rare to see the other man take interests in his surroundings, barring the hyperawareness that he had for every environment he found himself in.
Sam could almost imagine Bucky's robo-brain whirring to calculate all the exits, people, and vantage points for any possible threat. He never seemed to fully relax. Even sitting in a chair, he sat stiffly as if he was ready to leap out at at any moment. Sam could understand. He wasn't brainwashed and weaponized for 70 years, sure. But he has seen war and death. Things he'd rather forget. And he's felt fear. The initial fear of the thousand foot free falls, the fear of the police and the banks, and the fear of losing himself in it all. So, Sam gets the mental burden and understands how hard it is to leave once you're in.
So, he fiddles with the record player and pretends not to know how to work it. There's no other records visible, but luckily one is still in place. Bucky would eventually get irritated and put everything into place because he knows what Sam is doing. And he knows that Sam knows. Because Sam knows everything. Bucky assumes this from the amount of time the other man spends talking. So, he puts the record on like old times and ignores the lump trying to force its way up and the memories that resurface. Steve-
"You're lucky, man. Etta James, and a classic at that, talk about a two for one. Looks like our luck it starting to turn around, CP30," Sam smile toothily and Bucky wants to do do something to that gap in his teeth. He doesn't quite know what that is yet. Maybe punch it because Sam knows he doesn't understand that obvious reference. But Sam's smile soften to a close, and the corners curl at the edges as his head begins to sway with the notes. Like silk curtains, his eyes slip close in simple pleasure as if he was settling himself into the music.
Bucky watches and feels awkward. At some point, in the past, he would know what to do in the situation. He would know what to do with the violins and the soulful tones curling words of longing into the air. And tired fulfillment. Maybe, he would know what to do with Sam but he doubts it. Or at least how to...be himself. Maybe then they wouldn't argue for once. Sam opens his eyes and looks over to see Bucky who stood, stone faced and deep in thought. The focus of his hooded stare was intense and Sam scoffed. The other man was being broody again.
"Are you even listening to the music or did you zone out again?" He shifts, slightly elbowing his companion and Bucky blinks, his thoughts shifting back to the present.
"You started talking, I couldn't help myself," Bucky quips and Sam let's out a soft scoft that becomes a short laugh. Bucky feels his own lips twitch.
"You gotta relax, man. You could beat a piñata with the stick you have up your ass," Sam shakes his head. That wide tooth smile is back but this time its less cocky and a little more warm. Bucky rolls his eyes and looks away. He does that a lot. At least he understood the reference this time.
Sam sighs and stops the music. He replaces the needle at the original point and let's it go. After a few seconds of crackling silence, the song fills the room again. Sam slaps the back of his hand gently against Bucky's chest and steps back with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Wanna dance, old man?"
Bucky gently freezes in shock but Sam catches it because he expected it, really. Its why he asked in the first place. He wants to shake up that tightly wound exposure that Bucky has at all times. And he was bored. Bucky was not a talkative person and their current predicament left them without many sources for entertainment. It'd been hours since they arrived, yet Sam was feeling the time pass under his skin like an itch. He was exhausted and body weary, but it was better to stay awake so he could orient to the new time zone. As a result, he couldn't help but pester the other man.
Sam just kept looking at him. His gaze was sleepy, but a twinkle of the earlier mischief still shined through. Similarly, his skin reflected the warmth of the sun as it clung to the early evening and seeped through the windows. It was lucky that they got to be above ground this time.
The staring lasted a long moment. Like it always did. Then Sam shrugged.
"I know dancing may not be a particular talent of yours-" but before he could finish, Bucky was in his space and the rest of Sam's sentenced disappeared with some of his bravado. Bucky was fast and his sudden closeness wasn't expected given the man's reservations a second ago. The sudden adrenaline that had sparked through Sam's started to fade too. He wasn't scared of his companion, but the man's behavior was largely still a mystery to Sam which meant that sometimes he was caught off-guard.
Bucky raised his right hand out, brow arched expectantly, and Sam took it with caution. The man's other hand rose to hover a few inches above Sam's hip, and it took a few moments before he realized Bucky was waiting for permission. His cheeks warmed and he hoped his complexion made it less obvious. He gently guided the metal hand until Bucky settled it on the jut of his hip, the surface cool and smooth under his soft hold.
"Aren't you a gentleman? Thats that old-school chivalry," Sam teased. Bucky pulled their bodies closer and smirked wryly.
"I aim to please." A new song had started and Bucky briefly tore his attention from the heat he felt spreading along his front. He hadn't danced in a long time. Not like this.
The current song featured a masculine husk crooning affections for the listener. It was accompanied by the distinct, steady tempo of a piano. Bucky felt his body catch the music, the way he'd been taught, quickly adjusting to an appropriate rhythm. Sam followed without much of a pause, finally starting to settle into the feelings of sharing this foreign intimacy with the familiar stranger who was holding him so damn gently. Even so, Bucky gripped him firmly like he'd catch Sam if he even thought about falling.
It was...nice. Nicer than Sam (or either of them, really) had expected. He hadn't been held in who knows how long. He was too busy and had mostly outgrown flings, but it wouldn't be fair to a potential partner if he randomly left on long missions that required little to no contact with those who didn't have the clearance. But that was kind of an excuse. Since everything that had happened, Sam hasn't much felt like having others in his space. He was a social person and owned that, sure. But it was hard to open up authentically as much as he teased Bucky about his tendency to isolate himself. He tries to take the advice he regularly gives to the veterans he takes under his wing. Its enough to sustain his close relationships, including whatever he has going on with One Armed Wonder, but he has little energy to offer anyone else. He has to remind himself that thats okay.
Without thinking, Sam realized he had sunk his head into the crook of Bucky's shoulder. He had started to drift, still following the gentle sways of his partner's body like a boat welcoming the gentle rocking of small waves after a storm. Bucky hadn't said anything, luckily, so Sam remains in his position and enjoys the comforting sounds of soul that has wrapped around them.
He had finally put Bucky onto some real good conditioner after growing sick of the greasy tresses the man sported as the Winter Soldier. No judgement. Its hard to have a solid hair care routine as an international assassin for magic super Nazis. But now, it smelled like honeyed coconuts instead of the scentless, dollar brands he used to buy at random. Even though Bucky's hair was shorter, Sam still caught wiffs of it near his neck. It was more noticeable this close given the man's lack of cologne.
Bucky had noticed earlier when Sam's head dipped into his shoulder. Shortly after, he though he had heard soft snores, but the man's body had otherwise remained upright and solid like usual. He had continued to follow the pattern they'd set, so Bucky had just shifted his hand to his partner's lower back to provide support and kept their pace steady. Otherwise, he lost himself in the heat of Sam's hand and the confusing stillness that had settled in his chest. He felt...anchored. But that was Sam. He was strong and steady, and reliable, but just as capable of sinking as anyone else without the support he inarguable deserved. The support Bucky tried to provide.
Steve was gone now. He'd left the both of them to figure out the aftermath of everything that had happened. Bucky wondered if it hurt Sam like it hurt for him. He didn't blame his Steve; couldn't begrudge him that act of selfishness after all they'd been through. Without Rogers' strong presence between them, they had been left to scramble in the gap and reshape it for two. Sam had his family and Bucky had his therapist, but nobody could understand the them as much as the other, as different as they are. So here they are, slow dancing in a safehouse Rhodes had been generous enough to lend them on short notice. He was amicable towards Bucky, but the generosity was really for Sam. Bucky's neck itched, likely with dried sweat, and he sighed internally. He needed a shower.
The man worked his hand against Sam's lower back instinctually and the other man responds with a questioning hum tinged with sleepiness. Bucky doesnt have an answer so they continue in silence. The song had changed. It was a woman again. She was singing the Blues, if Bucky guessed correctly. He's been picking up more of the music Sam liked. It could be relaxing but full-bodied one moment or rich and thrilling the next.
So far, he has only worked his way up the mid-80s. Sam jokesthat his sensitive hearing isnt prepared for the young and hip tastes that dominate the charts, but he'll still sneak recent artists into his recommendations so Bucky isnt completely "out of the loop." Like always, Bucky would just roll his eyes, but now and again he closes them and try to imagine what Sam felt when listened to the music. Wonders at the connections the man shares with the melodies, and the histories curved into the lyrics. Some things, he couldn't ever understand, even if he tries. So, other times, he just listens.
Now, he's curled over his partner's slightly shorter stature, nose brushing the other man's temple. Sam was not a small man. He was built like a brick house. His upper body was strong, but his lower half was thick with muscle and padded by soft curves of flesh. Probably because he only does legs. Meanwhile, Bucky's own body is near the opposite: wide, sturdy chest that tapers to a firm waist and steady, straight legs. They contrast nicely, Bucky thinks. Filling up the spaces the other doesn't. For two people of their size, they still manag to fit snugly with little space between their bodies. Any closer, and Bucky isn't sure how he'd handle the proximity. He feels lulled into the calmness of the evening that had unexpectedly crept up on them in the quiet of everything around them, save for the music.
The two danced a bit longer, but eventually Sam's body grew too weary after the lack of sleep. With hesitancy, they quietly parted after the final notes of the song slipped from the record player. Bucky turns stopped the music while Sam flops into the nearby couch. His growing exhaustion does not stop him from throwing a smirk Bucky's way which the man met with his regular deadpan stare.
"Not bad. Not a single hip replacement necessary. I'd say thats a success for two old men." Sam quipped. Bucky stayed silent.
"You're not old," he finally said. He hadn't moved from his spot by the record player.
"Hmmm. Well, compared to you, 42 isn't that old." Sam lets his eyes close again but Bucky clears his throat, causing one of them to open in question.
"There's a bedroom upstairs," he explains carefully. They've been on the move for some time now with little time for real rest. If Sam was going to finally sleep then it should be in a real bed, at least.
Sam lets out out a quick laugh, "if you think you can butter me up with a dance-"
Bucky cuts off his teasing with a quick glare. If there was ever a moment being the Winter Soldier has served him, it was now. Otherwise, the heat he could feel trying to redden his ears would send Sam into a fit of hysterics.
"I did a perimeter check when we arrived. There's three bedrooms upstairs. All of them have en-suites bathrooms so take your choice," Bucky grumbles out, avoiding eye contact with his counterpart. The earlier stillness he had felt was slowly disappearing now that they were interacting again. His nerves were more taxed than before. He'll analyze that later. Maybe with his therapist, but she was kind of petty, so maybe not.
Sam's teasing smirk has settled into something a little more kind as he rises frim his seat and crosses the room to where Bucky stands. He roughly claps the other man's arm a couple of times before settling the familiar weight of his hand at the ball of Bucky's shoulder.
"I'm just messing with you, man. Thanks though. That couch would do my back in after being thrown by that explosion. Luckily, you were there to provide some cushioning," he says with that toothy smile. Before Bucky can respond, Sam bids him goodnight and slowly makes his way upstairs. Bucky watches him go, dry-mouthed and slightly confused. Once Sam has completely disappeared from view, Bucky takes in his surroundings and feels the emptiness of the room without Wilson's presence.
He'll do one more perimeter check then turn in for the night. Even he can feel the pullings of sleep. Maybe tonight, he'll dream about dancing.
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hwajin · 4 years
Morning Grumpiness
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2K
Note: I got really carried away with this one lol. send hyunjin lots of love, and enjoy christmas time☃️
You were forced awake by the demanding sound of your alarm, ringing through the silence of the calm morning to make sure you and Hyunjin didn't sleep in. The alarm was unnecessary for you since you woke up at 10am naturally anyways, but for Hyunjin this hour was pure torture, way too early. He had to go to work today, otherwise you would have watched him sleep until noon, not feeling the urge to wake the sleeping beauty next to you. But on days like this, especially when Hyunjin didn't get much sleep the night before, the mornings were torture for you as well. Not because of the early hours, but because waking your boyfriend was a nearly impossible task.
You didn't quite understand how it was possible for this boy to keep sleeping tightly, as if nothing in the world bothered him, when simultaneously the alarm was basically screaming at him, the loud, annoying noises cutting sharply into your ears. Hyunjin’s ears didn't seem to notice anything though, his eyes still closed tightly, his chest heaving peacefully while he looked as careless as ever. You took just one second to admire the boy laying beside you, propping yourself on one elbow to get a better look at him. His blonde hair was covering his eyes slightly, so you brushed it aside, his face in its whole exposed now. His ethereal beauty was still able to catch you off guard after so many years. Even though his hair was a mess, his pink, plump lips and reddened cheeks puffy due to the sleep and his big eyes sleepy even while close he managed to look like a creation of God himself, unreal, angel - like. Hyunjin suddenly shifted a little, his long, elegant fingers coming up to his face, as if he could sense you staring at him, attempting to hide himself from you. You chuckled at his expression now, one hand over his eyes, mouth parted and little snores escaping from it.
You decided that you took in enough of him, realizing you needed to wake him up eventually. You let out a big sigh, not in the slightest looking forward to what was coming, while you placed your small hand on Hyunjin’s steady shoulder, shaking him slightly.
Of course, no reaction.
You tried again, this time harder while also calling out his name.
Still, no reaction, as if you weren't even there.
So you had to go in once again, taking both of Hyunjin shoulders into your hands now, shaking him strongly while repeating his name over and over again, demand lingering in your tone.
His eyes suddenly flew open, shocked and scared, not understanding what was happening to him. He immediately sat up which was not a welcomed move to his body since he automatically fell back into the mattress, eyes closed again. You let out a frustrated grunt, shaking him, almost violently so.
"Hyunjin, wake up, my god. You'll be late."
How could he not comprehend what was going on around him, he was awake just a second ago?
Hyunjin’s eyes suddenly opened again, looking at you intensely, but without any emotion. He was clearly confused and didn't know a bit of his surroundings. You would have laughed at his face if the clock didn't announce that if Hyunjin didn't get up now he'd definitely be late for work. You took his puffy cheeks into your hands, startled for only a second at the feeling of his fluffy face. You almost lost control and kissed him, which would have been a bad mistake in this situation. In such early hours your kisses were like a lullaby for Hyunjin, causing him to fall asleep as quickly as ever.
So you pulled yourself together, looking him straight in the eye and talking in a serious tone.
"Hyunjin! Wake up! You're gonna be late!"
Hyunjin’s eyes found yours, this time filled with clear annoyance. Oh god, here you go.
"Yah, Y/N, I told you not to wake me up like this. Why- let go of me, I'm awake. J- just wake me up like a normal human being, you're always so violent in the morning..."
Hyunjin babbled on while sitting up slowly, rubbing his eyes and running his hands through his messed up hair in the process. You didn't even fully understood his words since his morning speaking abilities were only limited, making you chuckle every time you heard him talking absolute nonsense. His tired, low morning voice went on ranting as he gave his whole body a good morning stretch, arching his back and bringing his long, slick arms behind his head, closing his eyes shut heavily. You sat behind him as you watched his actions, the way he sat on the corner of the bed, looking so impossibly cuddly even while talking grumpily about how he doesn't like anything or anyone in the morning. Hyunjin let out a deep grunt after the stretching, finally standing up and moving his body towards the bathroom, not paying any attention to you. You shook your head slightly at his cuteness.
In the beginning of your relationship you got quite offended anytime Hyunjin started accusing you of not waking him the way he wanted to be waken up. You often fought back the moment those words came out of his mouth, meaning that your mornings always started off with you fighting. At some point you realized that it was useless arguing with him over such thing. You understood that Hyunjin did never mean those words personally, he simply wasn't a morning person. So you let it be with time, letting him be grumpy and annoyed by you. You started to even like this about him, finding it adorable how he babbled on the whole time while finding his way to the bathroom with little, slow steps. The way he looked in the morning, bare faced, hair falling naturally and features puffed made you love him even more. The way his bare feet sounded against the linoleum floor, leaving taps behind, made your heart flutter for some reason. It were little things, but you loved them the most about Hyunjin.
After 30 minutes you finally heard the bathroom door open, soon revealing a freshly washed Hyunjin in his pyjamas in your bedroom again. His personality seemed like switched out as he suddenly came closer to you quickly and captured your lips in a short but sweet kiss, before pulling away to look at you.
"I was grumpy, right? I don't remember much, I just know I was grumpy. I'm sorry.", Hyunjin said softly, kissing your lips once again. You laughed at his words while he went over to your shared closet, opening it with a concentrated look on his face.
"How can you not remember, you were awake!", you told him, not believing his words.
"I was physically awake, but not mentally. You know that!", Hyunjin talked back jokingly as he looked for some clothes in the closet. His long arms reached for a white shirt and grey sweatpants, placing them on a stool that was standing next to him. He quickly pulled the shirt he slept in over his head, revealing his build back to you. God, it was definitely obvious that Hyunjin took swimming seriously in previous years. He unintentionally flexed his muscles as he reached for the new white shirt, making your mouth water at the sight of him. You have always had a weakness for his back muscles, and he took this as his advantage multiple times. You didn't know if it was his goal to tease you now or if he really was just dressing up for work, either way you enjoyed the show. He pulled down his pants after the shirt was covering his upper body, leaving him in only his boxers. You couldn't help but stare at his legs as well, steady and strong, while he put on the sweatpants he prepared prior. When he turned around he noticed you staring at him, causing him to shoot you a smirk.
"What are you staring at?", he said teasingly, grabbing a pair of socks and coming closer to you. You blushed at his question, startled and confused as to what to say to this.
This little tease, so he was doing it on purpose. You can't seem to figure out why he enjoyed riling you up for nothing, but you guessed he just liked playing around and leaving you speechless. Maybe it gave his ego some kind of a boost or something.
Since you didn't answer and just looked at Hyunjin stepping closer to you, reddening even more, your boyfriend let out a chuckle, sitting down at the sight of the bed to put on his socks.
"You're always so shy around me, I wonder why.", he said, faked curiosity dripping as he spoke. He was still looking at you, smirking.
You quickly shook your head, tuning into reality again.
"Yahh, stop teasing me Hyunjin.", you said annoyed as you gave his shoulder a light slap. He threw his head back in laughter, adoring your reaction to his flirty behavior. Hyunjin leaned in to peck your lips, way too sensually for your taste if it led to nothing anyways, before placing his forehead against yours.
"This is not teasing, baby, this is flirting. I can show you what teasing is after work though, so look forward to tonight, hmm?", Hyunjin said, voice and eyes dark all of a sudden, boring holes into your soul. His change in behavior caught you off guard harshly, almost scared you, but you knew that he could fake this stuff very well. You disconnected your head from his quickly, frowning your brows at him. You couldn't help the blush which crept up at his words though, making you - in fact - excited for tonight.
You acted cold though, giving his shoulder a playful slap once again.
"What are you talking about, stop it. Come on, get away from me, go to work.", you said, acting like you wanted to shove him away from the bed. His laugh sounded through your bedroom a second time. Hyunjin pecked your lips once more before standing up and grabbing his backpack.
"Alright, I really gotta go now.", Hyunjin said while leaving the room. You stood up quickly, your bare feet causing the same tapping sound you heard from Hyunjin before. You ran up to your boyfriend, cold air hitting your bare legs as the only thing you slept in was Hyunjin’s shirt. You stood there, watching your boyfriend put on his shoes before he looked at you, freezing in his motion. God, you looked so tiny in his big shirt, your bare legs not helping the situation at all. If Hyunjin could he definitely would toss all his stuff aside, would hug you tightly while carrying you back to bed and cuddling for the rest of the day, getting lost in each other while sharing lazy kisses. He just stood there, staring at you, letting his imagination take over all his other thoughts. It wasn't until you stepped from one foot to the other nervously, looking up at the boy, confusion and amusement mixed in your eyes. When he heard you calling his name questioning it was like he woke up from some kind of trance. He flashed you a smile, hugging you one last time. He felt you hugging him back tightly, and once again he almost lost control as he felt every single inch of your body pressed against his. He truly didn't want to leave the paradise called you.
But he nevertheless pulled away, walking towards the door.
"See you later, baby... as I said, look forward for tonight.", Hyunjin said teasingly one last time, causing you to scream out his name partly embarrassed, partly amused before he quickly closed the door shut behind him. He was mentally preparing for a long day of work before being able to return home, to return to you.
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avionvadion · 4 years
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(Collapses. I did it guys. IT IS DONE. FIVE DAYS! I think.) Chapter 11, chapter 10 mention, to chapter 17. Story:
Chapter 11
"Are you doing well, Irene?" Sango asked, seeing me wince when I sat down. "Does it still hurt?"
"Mostly just my back," I answered truthfully, petting Kirara as she curled in my lap, "but otherwise I'm fine."
Kagome frowned and made her way over. "Let me see." She lifted the back of my shirt up to see the stitches. "They didn't open, which is good. Let me put on some ointment and bandages, that way you can get into the bath and not worry about it getting soaked." She pulled her backpack over and got into her first-aid kit. "I'm surprised you didn't use your Shikigami to heal yourself."
"Frick, I could have, couldn't I?" I exclaimed. I let out a noise, disappointed in myself. "Fun, fun. Well, you guys are already using so much medicine on it- might as well let it heal naturally the rest of the way. Right?"
"That's true." She said. "Still… I don't like how you're always getting injured."
"...I know."
Sango took out a cloth and began to polish her hiraikotsu. "Did something seem weird about those women to you?" She suddenly asked, refusing to look at us. "I have this bad feeling."
Kagome shook her head. "Are you sure it's not just because of Miroku?"
The woman almost dropped her weapon. "Wh-What!? Why bring him up!? That monk has nothing to do with this!" Her face was bright red, the blush all over her cheeks. I stared at her, eyes wide, realizing very quickly that she had a crush on the perverted monk. "I'm just saying something isn't right about these people! They strike me as odd."
"Uh-huh." Kagome clearly didn't believe her. "Sure. I think you're just overreacting Sango. What do you say, Irene?"
"Um…" Frick. How dare she put me in the middle of all this. "I-I'm with Sango on this… sorry. I-I just don't feel…" What was the word for it? Safe. "I dunno. I just don't really trust them?"
"Thank you!" Sango exclaimed. "I'm glad someone is on my side."
Kagome frowned. "That's not fair, Sango. You know I didn't mean it that way..." She pulled my shirt down and stood, walking over to grab the towels Kinu left by the door. "Now- why don't we all calm down by taking a nice relaxing bath? I'm sure it would do us all some good!"
The demon slayer let out a sigh. "I suppose… I'm sorry, Kagome. I shouldn't have snapped."
"Don't worry about it! It's been a rough few days." Kagome looked down at me. "I'll show you what to do in the bath, okay, Irene? You probably aren't used to the ones here in Japan."
I blinked. "Um, okay."
What on earth could be so different about them?
As it turned out they were vastly different. Before we could actually get into the bath we had to clean ourselves with a small rag using a cold bucket of water, removing grime and dirt. It reminded me greatly of the public swimming pools back home, though I had only ever went to those when I was little and could actively play around. Towels were allowed, though they couldn't touch the water, and Kagome and Sango tied their hair up.
And the worst part was that we had to bathe together.
I disliked changing in front of others, but that was totally different from being exposed completely. I think the last person who saw me naked was my mother- and that was when I was a little kid and couldn't wash my hair by myself yet. Ick. I feel so gross. I don't like this. Do I have to?
Hot water sounded amazing, but… with others?
Kagome and Sango seemed unbothered by each other's presence and got in the hot spring, relaxing into the water and sighing happily. I hesitated, holding the towel over my form and staring down at the water below. How to do this without revealing myself…? Hmm. Predicaments.
"What's the matter?" Sango asked curiously, seeing the way I was just standing there. "It's only us girls; you don't have to worry about Inuyasha or Miroku walking in. No need to be shy."
"I-I'm not… shy." I awkwardly responded, touching my toe into the water and nearly recoiling at its heat. I was so used to the icy lakes I had been using to clean myself with; it felt so strange against my skin now. The air in the room was so steamy and almost suffocating. "I-I just…"
Kagome blinked, seeming to reach an understanding faster than Sango did as to why I was behaving this way. "Oh, I get it! You're not used to this, are you? Americans do things so differently from us. Want Sango and I to turn away while you get in?"
I looked at her, surprised. "R-Really? Um, please…"
Sango hummed. "Is that what it was? Haha. Don't worry about." She and Kagome turned so their backs were facing me, and with a shaky breath I dropped the towel and slid into the water. "You good?"
Effectively hiding my body from the shoulders down, I let out an informative noise. As they moved and got comfortable, it was then I caught sight of the scar on Sango's back. It was a large, nasty looking piece of flesh. I could only assume it was from the incident… when Kohaku got possessed and killed everyone. Gods, how does she function? She's incredible.
"This is so nice…" Kagome moaned, sinking into the water. "It's been so long."
Seriously? She gets normal baths at home.
Sango just nodded her head. "Agreed. Maybe I was wrong after all… it was so nice of those women to set this up for us."
I remained silent, thinking deeply about everything. This felt so casual, so… normal. It was unnerving. Was it really alright for us to just lounge about in this bath when we could be making our way towards Naraku's castle? What about Maria? Shouldn't there be more that we need to be doing?
"Sometimes you just gotta relax." Kagome commented, stretching her arms out in front of her. "The search for Naraku and the jewels shards can be so harrowing sometimes!"
"...Why don't we talk about something else then?" Sango suggested. "How did your battle with those exams go? Did you defeat them?"
What? Oh my gods, that's adorable. I sat up, looking at the females and fighting a smile. Did she really think exams were demons? I love it.
"Barely." Kagome held her head to side, propping her elbow up on the stone wall and pressing her hand to her cheek. "I studied so much, but then I forgot my notes… my little brother had to deliver them to class for me. It was a nightmare."
"That was nice of him." She said, smiling. "He cares for you. It's something to be grateful for."
"Y-Yeah…" Kagome realized what she said and looked almost guilty, before she quickly turned her head and looked at me. "Anyway! Irene! Tell me; what are things like back where you're from? You're… nineteen, aren't you? Do you have a boyfriend?"
I blinked, sinking back into the water slowly. "No. I don't deal with relationships."
She and Sango both looked shocked. "What, why?"
"Aren't you at least interested in someone?" Sango asked. I shook my head. "How come?"
I shrugged. "I'm just not. You guys are crushing on people though, aren't you?"
"Not me." Sango said, shaking her head. I snorted at that. "What!?"
"Don't you like Miroku?" Her face flared red. Ah, yes. There it is. "Knew it."
"I-I do not like him! I said this before already! A-And if we're talking about who likes who, then what about Kagome? She's clearly in love with Inuyasha!"
"I am not in love with him! I… like him a minimal amount and that's it."
"Anyway, why are we talking about us? We were talking about you." Kagome exclaimed, facing me. She and Sango were in front of me now, frowning and intent on getting information. What it was, I was uncertain. "Don't you ever want to date someone? Maybe go to the movies or on a walk…?"
I was up to my nose in the water now, attempting to hide from their prying eyes.
"...I like reading stories about it…"
I finally said, lifting my head up out of the water just enough so they could hear me. It was getting a bit harder to breathe in here. I was going to have to get out soon. Still, it felt wonderful to sit in hot water. I missed showers so much. It stung a little at first since it had been a while, but now that my body was adjusted to it my skin was super happy.
"I feel… I feel like being in a relationship would be really stressful." I admitted, recalling all the times the people I spoke to at school had drama with their significant others. Then there were my siblings- who often ended up with abusive people more often than not. Thankfully Maria had landed someone who treated her right after enough trauma, so she was doing pretty good until… well, we were brought here. I don't even think I could handle being in a relationship. "I-I wouldn't… know how to act a-and… I probably wouldn't be able to do half the stuff expected of me."
"Like what?" Sango asked, concerned. "Marriage?"
Marriage often leads to kids. So… yes. That. Kagome's eyes widened. "Oh my god. You've never even been on a date before, have you!?"
"N-No?" Why was I feeling so embarrassed? It was almost as if… I were ashamed of this fact. I wasn't. I was perfectly content being single. So why did I feel so bad about it now? "It's not like I really cared about it before. I turned down anyone who asked."
Sango let out a small gasp, bringing a hand up to her mouth in shock. "So there were people!"
"No! They were all kinda… creepy." I made a face. "I mean, I was flattered but… I just wasn't interested. They weren't my type."
"What's your type then?" Kagome asked, leaning forward and grinning. "Maybe you'll meet someone here!"
Um, no thank you. I scooted away, lifting my arms out of the water and coughing some as I turned around and held onto the side wall. I needed fresh air. It was too hot in here. I can't breathe. My heart rate was starting to pick up, and I was starting to think that being so flustered was making things worse. I avoided conversations like this back in my time, so having it now was really throwing me for a loop. "I-I don't know? Fictional? I can't tell you how many times I had Robin marry Henry from Awakening and Corrin to Subaki in Fates. Gods, I love them. They're so great."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm assuming those are video games. And Irene- those don't count! I'm talking about real people! Flesh and blood!" Kagome exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you like in a guy?"
How does she even know that I'm straight? For all anyone knows I could be bisexual or lesbian. Yeesh. Wait, she's from 1996. A lot of people weren't out and comfortable with their sexuality then, I don't believe… hmm. That explains things. Still, she wasn't wrong. Women were gorgeous, but any crushes I had were on guys. Lame. "Um... I don't know. Lots of sarcasm? I like to banter and joke, so... yeah. Uh… he has to be super smart, too, I guess. Like, this dude has got to be smarter than me."
I really liked people who were intelligent, mainly because I was not. I did not want to deal with another me.
"And..." I remembered some of the people I met back when I was still in school and made a face. "...he better not act like an idiot. Oh, but like- I am an idiot, so he has to be able to tolerate that and my nonsense because I like to talk. A lot. And I can be super slow when it comes to understanding certain stuff, so patience is definitely a thing." My eyebrows knit together at that and leaned my head down against my arms, thinking. This was actually starting to amuse me slightly, imagining a person that couldn't possibly exist. "And, um, he has to be confident, you know? Maybe kinda arrogant, but isn't a jerk about it?"
"Ohh." Kagome giggled. "I see. You like the mature, serious guys."
I choked. I don't know why, but the way she put that had me sputtering like a fool- face completely red. Sango was smiling, amused by all of this. "Y-You make it sound so weird!"
"I think it's cute." Sango said. "It makes sense, too, given your personality."
I slumped my shoulders, chewing on my bottom lip. "My personality…? Is that a bad thing?"
"No. I just mean… oh, how do I put this?" The brunette thought for a moment. "You're really kind, Irene, and you don't really put yourself first. You get along with children really easily because you yourself have a childish part of you. You know when to be serious, but don't know how to act about it. If I have to find a way to describe it, I'd say you prefer a person who's the total opposite of you. Someone who can balance out your recklessness and take charge when needed. A man who... A man who can teach you to be a little selfish from time-to-time, and point out when you're being too selfless."
Ah. Okay. I didn't really agree with the selfless bit, but sure. "That… makes sense." I was surprised they were even taking this so seriously.
My description had been completely hypothetical; no one like that actually existed. They were being ridiculous.
Chapter 10
He caused all of this. My fingers curled into fists and I sat on my knees, glaring at Kagura. She raised an eyebrow at me, intrigued, opening her fan and covering the burnt part of her face. Kohaku's footsteps were heading right at me. He was close. If I didn't do something now I would be brought to Naraku and probably killed, or worse- end up being controlled like Sango's brother. I can't let that happen. I refuse.
Shikigami… A red light shined at my feet and I pushed myself onto my feet, swaying from dizziness. I glared at nothing in the distance, eyes glimmering with rage. ...One more time.
I lifted a hand up, pointing it at the ceiling above Kagura and Kohaku's heads.
Kagura swung her fan out to the side as soon the fire made contact with the ceiling, rocks crumbling down upon them. "Damn it! So this is what you were plotting!?" Her winds managed to move the rocks just enough to avoid the two of them being crushed, the debris separating us from Kagura and Kohaku as a result. Sango dashed forward, holding her hand out uselessly as she watched them fly away one of the wind sorceress' feathers before they could be completely buried.
"Kohaku!" The female demon slayer cried, eyes red and puffy with tears. Her arm lowered, hand curled against her chest as she lowered her head, voice quiet and shaky. Her lips curled back as she choked down a sob. "No… Kohaku…"
She fell to her knees, bringing her hands to her face. It took all the remaining strength I had to walk over to her, collapsing onto my rear once I was in reach. I was so lightheaded. "S-Sango… are you okay?"
"H-He's gone again…" The woman whispered. "Every time… I fail to stop him. A-And now... Irene, you…"
"No." She shook her head, sniffling and taking a deep breath. Sango raised her head and looked at me. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I… I let you get hurt because of him. There's no excuse. I should be begging you for forgiveness…"
"N-Nothing…" I wheezed, grinning weakly at her. "...to forgive. You… can't fight him. H-He's your brother."
Her eyes widened. She then froze, feeling my arms around her shoulders.
"It's okay… I promise." So please stop crying. I don't like seeing you sad. It hurts. "I'm not mad."
A strangled noise escaped Sango's throat and she wrapped her arms tightly around my back, fingers digging into my kimono, narrowly avoiding my wounds. Her face pressed into my shoulder. She was trembling so badly; I didn't know what to do to make her feel better. So I did the only thing I could and mimicked what Maria did when I was upset, and I ran my fingers lightly up-and-down her back to comfort her.
"I'm sorry," She sobbed, "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay."
Chapter 17
I pulled myself into a room, finding black spots dancing in my vision. It was so dark already because it was night and this was just making it worse. I didn't want to find out if I would end up turning into one of them if they scratched or bit me, or ate me alive, but considering what I just wandered into I had a terrible feeling I was about to find out. Dozens upon dozens of undead were wandering the area, turning to look at me with their misshapen and bloody faces. Mouths gaping open, revealing rotten and missing teeth, with fingers and even arms missing from their bodies. Chunks of flesh were gone.
My heart was about to burst out of my chest, though from fright or asphyxiation I wasn't sure. The cat meowed and stared up at me, watching as I hyperventilated and stumbled back. "I-I can't do this… I-I can't…"
Holy mother of all that is good.
Please no.
I began to choke up. There was nowhere to run; I was completely surrounded by them. It wasn't as if I could just turn back either- there were zombies heading this way from that direction too. I could see them coming from the door. My back pressed against the nearest wall, the sob caught in my throat starting to suffocate me. I was so scared. My friends were gone and my worst nightmare has come to life. I couldn't see any escapes either which meant I was about to be turned into their dinner.
Have you ever had terrible thoughts of being eaten alive? Because I have while growing up, constantly traumatized by horror movies, and they were all coming back to me right now and rushing through my mind, all in the most painful and most agonizing ways.
"S-Somebody…" They were so close. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. "P-Please…" My legs gave out and I sunk to the ground, tears blurring my vision. Their cries were filling my ears, the voices of the dead haunting my being and gradually killing me. It was so bad that blood started to pool from my ears, the tears that fell not quite clear as they became tainted with red.
This was all so stupid.
I came all this way to die by these walking dead samurai, who ironically had died trying to help us, and I never even found my sister. What if her corpse was in this castle- what if she was one of them? I can't stand it. I cradled the mask and the calico cat close to my chest, unable to bring myself to look away as the end drew near. There was no way I would survive this time.
"Make it stop. It hurts. I want to die."
I had gotten so lucky in the past because someone would show up- whether it be Inuyasha or Sango, or even Kagome and Miroku. Kirara was missing and it was just me and a random cat, and I didn't have much energy left to use another Shikigami spell. No one could save me this time. Still…
"I-I don't wanna die…" I whimpered, curling into a ball and hugging the cat protectively. My voice was so small and quiet, absolutely trembling with fear. The tears were streaming down my face, burning my skin and staining it crimson. The zombies were inches away, reaching out with their bare hands ready to tear me into shreds. All dignity was long gone. "S-Somebody…!"
This was it. I was going to die.
“I’m sorry.”
But then the pain never came.
Instead I watched as a sword came out of nowhere, slashing at the backs of the undead, sending them falling to the ground with several loud THUDs. The breath I was holding came out in a strangled sob and I blinked rapidly to clear my vision, eyebrows furrowed as I watched someone I've never seen before slash away at the remaining zombies, not so much as sparing me a glance as he did so. Those that were slain had a strange blue light erupt from their bodies and a whisper filled my ears, the voices gradually quieting and causing the pain in my head to dull.
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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