#like yes he is a pirate. and also yes he is a very good boy. and he does heroic things all the time. those are not mutually exclusive
theouger · 2 days
see you could say as much as you like that luffys dream isn't gonna be heroic bc he's not a hero or w/e. but luffy always does heroic shit Constantly. even if he wouldn't consider it heroic himself it's probably going to be some incredibly admirable shit. you can't take luffy at face value when he says that like. just look at him. boy's a hero innit
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honnelander · 11 months
OK SO I HAVE THIS IDEA IN MY HEAD AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU, I can't stop laughing imagining that scenario xdxdxdxdxd
Well, then imagine go fish! Sanji takes (Y/N) to meet Zeff and Zeff being the good father he is, "accidentally" spoils the tea in front of everyone because he is so done with the drama around.  😂 😂 😂 😂
UMMM OK I LOVE THISSS!! this technically won't be go fish!Sanji BUT my interpretation of Sanji will pretty much always be like that.
here's Zeff "accidentally" spilling the beans about Sanji's affections for reader: (i can't believe this blew up to like 3k words rip)
Zeff wasn't stupid.
He's been around the block a couple of times in his life and when Sanji's semi-regular letters to him had shifted from casual life updates and started to be more and more about details and little interactions he had with you, some girl Zeff had never met before, well, it was easy for the head chef to put two and two together: Sanji was in love.
And he was in love with you.
Now, while Sanji might not technically be his son by birthright, there was no way he didn't consider Sanji to be his own living and breathing kin, especially after everything they've been through together, 'pedigree' rules be damned.
Zeff truly loved that boy. Throughout their time together, he had raised Sanji from being a snotty-nosed brat into the respectable man that he was today and, in Zeff's mind, part of being a respectable man included knowing how to treat a woman properly.
Ever since he was a young boy, Zeff could see that Sanji took a special liking towards girls and then young women. The retired captain had lost count of the number of times he had to berate Sanji into getting back to work and to leave the wooing for after dinner service and his own personal time, but the scoldings never stuck. Sanji would always be Sanji, and that meant the lad had an endless wandering eye and a sharp silver tongue, no matter what.
To say that Zeff was sad to see Sanji go with Luffy that day was an understatement, he was devastated, but he knew, ever since he had held a knife to his throat during their first encounter, that Sanji was meant for bigger things. For things bigger than cooking up the same old dinner specials every night and breaking up drunk pirate fights on the regular. Sanji was bigger than the Baratie, so when Luffy had made his infamous offer to his pseudo-son, a part of Zeff was relieved because that meant that Sanji could finally start living the life he was always meant to live, and that was one of a pirate.
Zeff had also made peace with the very real fact that he might never see or hear from Sanji again. He (and Sanji) knew all too well how quickly something could go from bad to worse to life-threatening in an instant out on the open ocean, and if Luffy was truly determined to find the one piece and have Sanji join his crew, then Zeff knew that seeing him off that day was probably the last time he would ever see his son alive.
So, imagine his surprise when he received his first letter from him.
At first, he thought it was a joke, that one of the line cooks in the kitchen was pulling a cruel prank on him by writing him a fake letter in Sanji's unmistakable handwriting, but when he finally ripped open the envelope and found out that yes, Sanji did, in fact, write him a letter, well... it had actually brought a tear to his eye.
From that point forward, Zeff found himself eagerly awaiting Sanji's letters. He loved to hear all about the outlandish adventures that crew seemed to always find themselves in and it made Zeff nostalgic for his days at sea. There was never any return address, since the crew was constantly on the move, and Zeff expected as such, so he could never send a reply but that didn't mean he wasn't grateful for each and every letter he received.
Zeff should've realized that something was up though when Sanji had first mentioned you in one of his letters. Sanji's letters would come every couple of months and they, surprisingly, never mentioned any young lass or any other pretty girl he would meet during an island visit unless it was a woman they had ended up fighting.
So, when Sanji had first mentioned you to him, saying how you were the newest straw hat to join the crew, Zeff had thought it was just business as usual. However, what wasn't 'just business as usual' was when the rest of the letter had turned into a little biography about you; where you were from, how old you were, what your home life was like, that you had also agreed that 'oregano was for savages', etc., and the letter ended up being nearly ten pages long.
Then, after your 'introduction' in Sanji's letters to him, you were practically the subject of them all going forward, each one getting longer than the last. Gone were the letters detailing Sanji's adventures, and in came the letters describing the interactions you two had or what topics had come up in your conversations with each other.
At first, Zeff thought it was just another one of Sanji's infatuations (the boy was a huge flirt after all) but when more and more details were provided, and the letters started becoming longer, it was obvious to Zeff that Sanji was in love with you.
And why didn't Sanji just admit his feelings to you? He had no clue. Maybe it was partially his fault too, since Zeff never remembered having that 'what to do when you truly love a girl' talk with him, but he had hoped that Sanji would eventually be fed up with all the back and forth between the both of you and finally just confess already, but that declaration of "I confessed my love to her and she reciprocated" line never was brought up in any of the letters.
And Zeff was feeling himself go crazy the longer this went on. The 'drama' that was occurring between you both was driving him nuts and he vowed that if he ever saw Sanji and the rest of the straw hat crew at the Baratie again, that he would confess Sanji's feelings towards you for him. I mean... someone had to.
Then one day his lucky day came.
"Zeff!" a voice called out from the top of the stairs one afternoon before the day's first dinner service, a voice that Zeff thought he would never hear again. "There you are, you old shitbag!"
Immediately, Zeff stopped talking to the wait staff, turning his body to look up at where he heard the voice come from, his hands on his hips, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing: there was Sanji, a huge smile on his face, standing with practically the same crew that he had waved goodbye to nearly two years ago.
"Oi! Sanji!" Zeff yelled out, his own disbelieving smile lighting up his face. "I never thought I'd see your ugly mug around here again."
Sanji laughed at that as he quickly bounded down the stairs, enveloping him in a bear hug. "That makes two of us!" He pulled back, his blue eyes lighting up in pure happiness as he quickly took Zeff in, patting him on the shoulder as he said, "And look at you, you practically look exactly the same as the day I left you."
As Zeff took in Sanji's appearance, he realized that he couldn't say the same about him. Sanji looked older, not in a bad way, but in a more mature way. He looked like he was growing into the man that he was always meant to be.
And Zeff couldn't have been more proud.
"Well, I can't say the same about you little eggplant. You look like a seasoned pirate to me." Both of them dropped their arms off of each other and Zeff put his hands back on his hips. "You keepin' your feet dry?"
Sanji mirrored his pose, a small laugh escaping his lips as he looked down for a second. "Yeah," he said and looked back up at Zeff, a knowing glint in his blue eyes. "Yeah, I am."
Zeff knew right then that everything with his son was alright. "Good."
"Hey, uh, I wanted to introduce you to someone," Sanji started, looking slightly bashful as he looked back down at the floor and put his hands in his pockets. "She's the-"
"Girl from the letters?" Zeff said with a small knowing smile, finding it endearing how his normally smooth-talking son was suddenly acting about this girl. If he didn't know any better, Sanji looked nervous (and Zeff knew he was).
At his words, Sanji's gaze immediately snapped up to meet Zeff's, his eyes becoming slightly wider, a hint of panic within them, as he quickly looked back towards the rest of his crew that had just started to make their way down the stairs and towards them.
"The newest member of our crew," Sanji emphasized loudly, letting out a fake laugh as he looked back at Zeff pointedly.
"Right," Zeff relented with a small disbelieving laugh of his own. "'Newest crewmember'. Got it."
And when Zeff turned his attention towards the straw hats, he immediately knew it was you before you even introduced yourself. Sure, you were the only new face in the small group of familiar faces, but he had to give credit to Sanji, he had definitely captured your looks and essence in his letters.
Zeff's smile widened. You were cute. From just by looking at you, he could tell you were a sweet and kind soul, it was no wonder Sanji loved you. You definitely looked like the type of person who would do all those things that Sanji had spoken about in his letters and he immediately approved of you. If Sanji had stood there and introduced you as his wife instead of 'his newest crewmember', he wouldn't have had any objections to that at all.
"Zeff, this is y/n," Sanji started, gesturing a hand out to you, Zeff noticing the way his son's eyes softened just by looking at you. "And, uh, you already know everyone else."
Zeff looked away from Sanji and down at you, seeing that you already had your hand out to shake his, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
He liked you.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Zeff, sir," you said, shaking his hand. "I've heard so much about you."
Now, even though Sanji had corrected him before about you, it didn't mean Zeff wasn't going to say anything.
"Aw, come on now, the pleasure is all mine little lass," Zeff replied, shaking your smaller hand with his bigger one. "It's nice to finally meet the girl that Sanji raves on about all the time."
From his peripheral, he could see Sanji stiffen.
Your eyes widened, your hand going limp in his as you asked, "Raves on about? Who, me? T-to you?"
Zeff's smile only grew wider and more cheeky. "Oh yeah, all the time," he said casually, as you both dropped hands. He placed his hands on his hips again and nodded towards his son. "You should see just how much of his letters are about you. It's like I get a damn novel every other month about your relationship," he joked.
"Zeff-" Sanji started but Zeff wasn't done.
He was on a roll and nothing was going to stop him. The more he spoke, however, the redder your face became.
"Oh yeah," the head chef continued, "from as much as Sanji talks about the two of you, I thought you two were in a relationship and said 'I love you' to each other already."
After he said that, the room got quiet. You stood there, completely frozen with wide eyes and a flushed face, like a deer in headlights, while Sanji stood as still as a statue. The rest of the straw hats stood quietly behind you three with varying looks of shock and awe on their faces at the display before them.
"Sanji," Luffy said, breaking the awkward silence first. "You love y/n?"
"Luffy!" Nami hissed.
"I knew it!" Usopp loudly and proudly declared, pointing a finger to the sky as he turned and laughed at the rest of the crew. "See, the great captain Usopp always knows the sparks of true love whenever he sees it," he said, hooking his thumbs at the top of his overalls with a grin.
Zoro snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't know what true love looked like even if it smacked you in the face."
"Says the guy who doesn't have a girlfriend," Usopp smugly retorted with a laugh.
Before Zoro could say anything back, Zeff spoke up. "Hey, straw hats," he called, grabbing their attention. "Why don't you lot come into the kitchen and sit at the chef's table? I'll have Patty and the rest of 'em cook you a couple of steaks however you want, on the house. I'll even throw in a couple of beers too."
"I'm in," Zoro said without missing a beat as he started making his way towards the kitchen, not needing to be asked twice.
"Ooo, free beers? Show captain Usopp the way, please," Usopp said, following Zoro through the kitchen doors.
At the mention of meat, Luffy immediately perked up and forgot about the situation before him. "Steaks? Would it be possible to have more than one?"
"Sure," Zeff agreed easily and nodded towards the kitchen. "Eat too many though and I'll have you back on dish duty again to pay your bill."
"Deal," Luffy quickly agreed and followed after his first mate and sharpshooter.
With a shared look, Nami and Zeff started making their way towards the kitchen together, both ignoring you and Sanji.
"How do you like your steak cooked Nami?" Zeff asked conversationally before disappearing behind the kitchen's double doors.
"Medium rare, actually," Nami replied and slipped in after him, leaving you and Sanji all alone in the dining room.
It was quiet for a solid minute, neither one of you moving or making a sound.
"So," you started, clearing your throat and looking over at Sanji. "You, uh... told Zeff about me?"
But Sanji couldn't look at you. In fact, he was looking at everywhere but you. His cheeks were flushed pink and the tips of his ears were red. He looked down at the ground with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah," he said, forcing out a slight laugh that sounded more painful than anything. "I, uh, told him a bit about you. Could you tell?" he asked, a hint of painful and playful sarcasm in his tone.
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at a joke. You could feel your heart start to race as you slowly took a couple of steps closer to him. "Yeah, I could tell," you replied playfully. "You really love me, Sanji?" you asked him softly after a beat.
Turning his head to the side, you could see a blush crawl up his neck. It was so cute, you don't think you've ever seen Sanji be this flustered or embarrassed before. "Uh, well," he stammered, "I-I didn't want you to find out like this. I had a plan and everything. But Zeff and his big mouth had to ruin-"
"Sanji," you said simply, cutting him off. "Look at me."
Before obeying your command, Sanji took a deep breath, like he was bracing himself for the inevitable letdown and rejection he was used to receiving from women throughout his life.
When he looked down at you and met your stare, his eyes were filled with apprehension. "Yes?"
You wanted to do nothing in that moment but quelch his fears. "Oh, just come here," you said.
In one swift motion, you grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down into a kiss, capturing his lips with your own. You felt him stiffen in surprise, but once it hit him that you were, indeed, kissing him, he immediately relaxed and put his hands on either side of your face, his fingers entangling themselves into your hair, deepening the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your mouth moving in sync as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Was this real life?
After a moment, you pulled apart, panting slightly for air. You both looked at each other, faces flushed, neither one of you expecting to share your first kiss in the middle of the empty Baratie dining room.
"I love you too."
The smile that broke out across Sanji's face was brighter than the sun. But before he could say anything, you both could hear Usopp yelling from inside the kitchen.
"Guys! They kissed! See, I told you they would!" He declared loudly before turning away from the small circular window. "Zoro and Nami, you each owe twenty berry! Come on, pay up!" he laughed like a high roller that just won big, making his way back into the kitchen.
At the sound of loud protesting and groaning coming from the kitchen, you giggled, hiding your face in his chest from embarrassment.
"Oh god," you groaned.
"Aw come now, no need to be embarrassed, Madam," Sanji teased. "If they're placing bets on us, might as well give them a show to bet on, yeah?"
When you peeked up at him, you could see a mischievous glint in his eye as he scanned over your pretty face and back down to your lips before looking back into your eyes. His look made your heart skip a beat.
"Sounds like a plan to me," you answered with a small laugh before you pulled him back down to kiss him all over again.
taglist: @smolracoon25 @shadydeanmuffin @cherrypie5 @sauceonmyshorts @hhighkey @gimmebackmyskeeball @he4vens-ang3l @selcouthaesthetics @chexmixtrys @princettecharlie @amitydoodlez @abracarabbit @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @mischiefmanaged71 @asianfrustration13 @shuujin @nimtano @your-platonic-gay-lover @lovelymrvl @browneyedhufflepuff @stevenknightmarc @deserticwren
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shima-draws · 5 months
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I'm a couple days late but. Lusanlu Week Day 3 is done 😤 @lusanluweek
Favorite Arc | AU of Choice
Remember that Sanlu fairy AU I mentioned and then never spoke of again. Yeah this is it lmao.
Tfw you sneak into the secret garden of the Germa Kingdom even tho you were explicitly told NOT to do so and find a very pretty boy trapped inside of a birdcage
Bonus doodle of their designs under the cut ;)
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Actually kind of disappointed I didn't go all out and draw more than just a bust for Sanji's POV bc that butterfly wing coat is 👌
Spicy ass design tbh. Not sure about the top but everything else is MWAH chef's kiss (Also yes he has thigh highs. I'm repeating the pattern here I know. I would say I'm sorry except I'm not)
And Luffy looks hot af in one of those classic pirate shirts. Open collar puffy sleeves sash at the waist......SLUT BEHAVIOR!! GOOD FOR HIM!!!!
I actually did take these designs from my initial goofy World Tree comic. (Or at least I took Luffy's, I didn't like Sanji's so I redid it lmao) This AU takes some basic stuff from World Tree but the plot is completely different I prommy <3
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
How Strong the old men Genes are!
Funny little Headcanon for the Old Men!
Support me on Ko-Fi
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• Buggy has a curse of twins. No matter what if he gets a women pregnant It will result in him having twins.
• Due to the fact his first few sexual acquaintances were 'Paying Lovers' he does collect his kids and either has them apart of the crew or finds them a very nice homes if they aren't interested in being a Pirate.
• His kids do look like him but it's a healthy mix- His eyes and Hair Color seemingly to be his strongest genes since each of his kids has at least one of those unique characteristics.
• When he gets with his S/O who he also has twins with he is open about it.
• Has only gotten a few people pregnant but due to the twins curse- it's a lot of kids.
• Buggy much to everyone surprise is very good with kids. Especially babies.
• Maybe it plays on his power trip but having a little being that loves you unconditionally and needs you 24/7 plays well for him.
• Will buy nice clothes, dress them, feed them, play with them and even teach them everything he knows.
• His S/O is proud to see how good he is with kids. Proud of such a development. Will press him to collect/find the rest of his crotch goblins
• Gets a message from a old flame saying they no longer want their kids due to their line of work. How they are 4 and he needs to get them before they are in a orphanage.
• Hauls ass to go to Chi Chi Town to get his last batch of Twins before he got with his S/O
• "Let me guess- Twins right?" He said blandly to the madame of the brothel house, who nods in surprise. "Why yes- How did you know?-"
• "Lucky Guess. Now go get them" He says blandly as the Madame goes to the nursery area and retrieves the two twin toddlers, He doesn't even need to confirm as he sees the headful of blue hair.
• Takes them without a fuss and walks off to add to his growing collection of kids.
• Has a total of 12 Kids, all twins and he's done. No more for him-
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• Ah Poor Shanks- The Players Curse! Only Girls, He has just an ungodly amount of daughters.
• He doesn't even know we're they are till he walks through a village and sees a girl that looks a lot like him.
• All of them have red hair- No matter what. Curly, straight, Wavy but their hair is always red.
• "I'm your father! Goodness you look so lovely!" He gushes about each daughter and treats them individually. Spending as much time as he can with them and will buy them things they are interested in.
• Still prefers his single players life so doesn't settle with anyone. However running into old flames often means meeting new kids.
• Surprisingly remembers all his kids names, will write them letters constantly.
• Will he thrilled if any of them ate interested in pirating- his oldest of kids may already be working on another Pirates ship.
• Surprisingly large amount are actually Marines! So he gets special privileges of his daughters using their political power to not get him arrested-
• Introduces every daughter he has to the crew.
• The crew Secretly has a tally-board of how many kids Shanks has in the crews quarters
• "Hey Ben! How many does this new girl make?" Lucky Roux called out as he tossed the chalk to Yasopp
• "28nd girl-" Ben says calmly and smirks as Yasopp adds another Tally to the board.
• "28 Girls and 1 Boy. Good on you Luffy" The crew laughs at the stupidity of it all.
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• Mihawk will never say it out loud but- He was a man-whore in his youth. A Massive Man-Whore.
• Knows he has a lot of bastard kids. But will at the moment only focus on the one he has with his S/O.
• When his permanent S/O finds out that Mihawk has a lot of illegitimate children they urge him to meet and even help his kids.
• At first he begrudgingly agreed- Only because his S/O asked him. Assuming he only had a good handful-
• He was wrong- So very very Wrong.
• It wasn't until he went out to collect them did he realize it was a good Idea what his S/O had suggested-
• Many of his children were in less then savorable situations. Some in orphanages, the streets picking through trash, even others working as servants or worse.
• What started as a scoffing agreement turned into the biggest rescue mission of his life.
• Once done he had the grand total of 87 Kids.
• His genes being incredibly strong since his kids all looked like him- to at least some degree.
• The main indicator was the yellow eyes- Damn near every child had his eyes. Some had his dark hair or his stoic features. But it was mainly his eyes-
• Is quiet around kids and even a bit awkward. Especially when they are in the adolescent age and talk far too much for his taste.
• By the end the castle back on his Island was actually at full occupancy. Every room filled and some of the smaller children even sharing rooms.
• He ended up hiring a full staff as well to help care for the children, especially any younger ones.
• Cost him a fortune- His wallet screaming at him buying more food, clothes, staffing, medical care and toys.
• S/O is happy since now the castle is so alive and filled with life. Makes them happy
• Mihawk laying in bed before he gets jumped on by kids. Scrambling awake as he sees 5 of his younger children laughing at seeing his startled face and runs off like little imps-
• Younger children haven't figured out to be afraid of him yet so they will run over him. He will be sitting there trying to read while a 3 year old uses him as a jungle gym.
•Secretly loves it-
• Loves having his home so warm and oddly realizes He may have been lonely before-
• "Mihawk I'm only counting 85 in bed-" His S/O calls out. Having a tradition of telling all the kids goodnight, He raises his brow at this as he sets down his wine glass and book of the evening.
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cyborg-franky · 7 months
Could you do a HC about the ideal partner for Law, Zoro and Kid? What kind of person they would fall for and which traits it needs for a long lasting relationship ❤️
Oooh yes, I can do this!
Written for a GN reader!
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Law needs someone who can challenge him, and push him out of his comfort zone.
Someone who isn’t scared to argue with him when they think he is in the wrong.
Law also needs someone independent, he can’t handle high-maintenance or clingy people. He needs to know you can make your own mind up and have your own views regardless of what he thinks.
You need to be okay with his family, the heart pirates are alot to handle but he won’t compromise on this. 
Animal lover.
Someone who is okay with limited PDA and knows he has his own way of showing love and affection.
Someone with a wikied sense of humor like his.
Kind, he may not seem it but he needs someone who is soft and kind and tries to bring out his caring side more.
Smart, likes to read, someone who can match him in conversation.
Nerd. If you are also a big nerd into comics he will find common ground with you and feel he can be his true nerdy self around you.
Honest. Law doesn’t like people who lie or try and manipulate him.
If you're loyal to him he’ll be loyal to you.
Alright, so he likes people to be dependent but he also deep down likes being his partners ‘scary dog privilege’ 
Must hate bread. Or eat the bread from his meals for him.
Understanding. Law has some damage and needs someone who gets that.
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Zoro doesn’t have a very big checklist of the ‘type of person’ he goes for.
Just don't be loud or bossy and he’ll vibe pretty well with you.
If you are a huge sword nerd he will be all over that and if you also like to work out he will be delighted to have a workout buddy. 
Napping is a must. Either snuggle up with him in the sun and take a nap at his side or simply just be okay with him napping as much as he does. He needs someone laid back, and can’t handle a loud or intense personality to date. 
He is happy to spend all his time with his partner he just needs someone who is also happy to enjoy a comfortable silence with him.
You don’t need to be into drinking, again, as long as you don’t tell him what he can and can’t do he’s happy. He would like to have a casual drink with you sometimes though, when he’s a little tipsy he is happy to go on long rants and talk about his thoughts and feelings.
Be his partner and his drinking buddy.
Be his emotional support compass. Be able to stir him in the right direction, and I do mean physically and not emotionally there.
Grab him his arm and just pull him.
You need to be firm with him. Loyal and honest and also have a good sense of humor. He likes to have a chuckle and he does have a silly side.
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You need to keep up with this boy. He can’t handle someone who is easily upset or sensitive. He needs someone to match that same wild spark that runs through him.
Have a passion for adventure and don’t be scared to get your hands dirty.
He wants someone who doesn’t shy away from his loud and boisterous nature. Embrace him for him.
Also needs to be liked by Killer. If you don’t pass Killer’s vibe check there is a huge chance you won't pass Kid’s.
He enjoys picking fights and starting arguments, he lives for some passion and some shouting with the person he’s courting so scream, shout, and give him just as good as he does. Challenge him, don’t be scared of offending him.
Be okay with how rough he is, Kid needs someone who understands that and doesn’t try and change who he is, and doesn’t want to sand down his edges.
Be there for him regardless of his flaws and he will open up to you and you can make each other a better person with time and understanding.
Love the thrill of the fight. Nothing makes his heart sing like fighting a hard battle side by side with the person he loves.
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
i am here to ask about your kid pirate kink headcanons. SPILL THE BEANS!
Bless you 🙏 like a cursed genie, I have been freed
Now presenting:
☠️Kid Pirates ☠️
Kink Headcannons 😳
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
Pretty even switch, openly acts like a top, but secretly prefers to be a bottom
When he's a top: spanking, hair pulling, deep throating, restraints, knife and bloodplay, spitting, forced orgasm, somnophilia, free use.
He'll convince you to keep a metal egg in your pussy, and he'll use his devil fruit to vibrate it at the worst possible times just to laugh at you. He loves to make you blush.
He has no trouble putting his hand down your pants in the middle of a bar, pulling you out to a alley and fucking you against the cold wall. Someone catches you? He ain't stoppin'
When he's on the recieving end: restrains (specifically seastone), shibari (but its gotta be red cord or he will SCREAM), being a fucking brat, pegging, praise, degradation, pain (but don't be a pussy about it, if you're gonna hit him then fucking hit him). He wants you to spit on him, call him a pig, beat the shit out of him and fuck his ass till hes screaming. Hell, you can even piss on him if you want, whatever you want as long as he feels like a used piece of meat by the end of it
He loves to show off when he's being a top, so he often invites Killer, whether to join or just to watch him fuck, especially if it's Killer's girl
Absolutely has a breeding kink, no cum is wasted with this man, he's putting it inside you raw and if it starts leaking out, he's pushing it back in
Top, but he doesn't mind being a bottom on occasion. Also enjoys just taking things in equals and going with the flow
Forced orgasm, hair pulling (giving and receiving), restraints, sense deprivation, brat taming (especially Kid). He knows a million different ways to tie beautiful shibari and he'll do it even just to see you wear it casually around the bedroom, or even under your clothes in public. He's got a box under his bed full of toys - blindfolds and cuffs and tools to inflict pleasurable pain
He wants to use tools to smack your ass till the skin breaks, if you can handle it. Your comfort and needs are the most important thing to him. His #1 priority is making you cum over and over till you pass out
He loves to force a orgasm from you in public, to test you, see if you can keep quiet and not get caught
Loves to watch other men fuck you, whether or not you even know he's there, quietly standing in the corner palming himself while you're getting railed. He also loves to play the part of a intruder taking you by force, always prediscussed and consenting of course
I mentioned in my other post that he cums a lot, and its got some spray and distance to it. He takes full advantage of that, you're not leaving his room without a shower unless you wanna walk around absolutely coated in cum
King of aftercare though, he's always gonna end the night bathing you so very softly, laying tender kisses over your body and attending to your every need
Late addition someone reminded me off and I don't know how I forgot cos AGREED, this man absolutely loves to eat pussy, its the most important meal of the day
Bottom, but he'll top if you reallllly want him to
Please call him a good boy, please call him a good boy, PLEASE CALL HIM A GOOD BOY
Seriously, this man eats up praise, but he does like being treated like a piece of meat on occasion
Facesitting, squirting right on his face or cock, watersports, roleplay, pegging, cock rings, edging (he's been such a good boy please let him cum), wax play, choking
Somnophilia, but he'll always be so apologetic afterwards. He just can't help himself when you're laying there looking so fucking sexy
He's gonna worship every inch of your body till you're absolutely begging him to just fucking put his dick in you already
If he's really, really good maybe you'll let him cum on your feet (yes I am a firm believer in the common headcannon that Heat likes Feet)
The toppest top to ever top, don't even THINK about making him your bottom. This man is a experienced dom through and through
In fact, he's the most experienced of all the Kid Pirates, so if you want a orgy he's the man to talk to, and he's gonna make sure everyone is safe and comfortable, and everyone knows the safeword or colour system. He's gonna make sure everyone gets the aftercare they need as well (and has absolutely chewed out Kid on more than one occasion about it, for both forgetting to give aftercare and refusing it himself)
He loves to inflict pain, he loves to see you bound and gagged, he loves to see you being thrown around between multiple partners. He won't fuck you though till you've cum at least five times, because as I mentioned in my previous post, the man is BIG, hes not going to inflict pain on you like that, never like that. You'll be too fucked out and gaping to notice any pain by the time he's gracing you with his fat cock
Truly he doesn't care that much about getting off, he prefers to help others get off. He likes being in control of your orgasms, and he'll edge you if you don't behave exactly how he orders you to. You'll cum when and if he allows it
He's willing to give anything a go as long as it's getting you off and everyone consents, but controlling multiple subs at once is his favourite. His go to is usually Heat and a girl, ordering them around like they themselves are tools to make each other cum till they're both a pile of jelly
Killer learned everything he knows about topping from Wire
Please tell me if you have a headcannon I missed, infect me with your sexy sexy brain worms, maybe they'll make it into a fic 👀
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Imagine helping Benn get away to see a 'friend'
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Benn: *trying to slip off the ship during dinner for the third night in a row*
Shanks: *notices he's gone almost immediately* Where's Beck?
Lucky Roux: *counting the money Benn bribed him with to keep quiet* I dunno
Shanks: *Runs out on deck to find Benn trying to sneak over the side of the bot* Where we going?
Benn: we aren't going anywhere, I'm going to port by myself.
Shanks: You're leaving the crew! *Starts to tear up*
The crew: *piles out when they hear Shanks' caterwauling* You're leaving! Without even saying goodbye!
Benn: I'm just leaving for the night, not forever...*realizes no one is listening to him* oh my gods, FINE! Fine, I'm not going anywhere.
Crew: *cheers as they herd Benn back into the mess hall*
An hour later
Benn: *finally manages to claw his way out of the impromptu game night to take a breather out on deck*
You: *watches him lean on the railing, trying to light night cigarette* Need a light?
Benn: *jumps in surprise and drops his lighter into the bay* You scared the shit outta me!
You: *hands him your lighter and leans against the railing*, so why were you trying to sneak off?
Benn: what's it to you?
You: maybe I could help if you have a good reason.
Benn: I wanted to go see a friend I always hook up with when we make port here. She knows I'm a pirate, but not what crew I'm apart of.
You: and you don't want us to meet her? Are you shamed of us?
Benn: *no hesitation* very...Nah, nah, it's just she's a sweet gal and rather timid.
You: and you think she'll be scared off when she finds out you're the emotional support idiot to one of the four emperors?
Benn: yes...Wait, I'm no one's emotional support idiot.
You: In order to stop Shanks from pouting you had to let him curl up in your lap.
Benn: so?
You: You looked like you were burping him, like a baby, when he's a whole ass grown man.
Benn: *purses his lips because he knows you're right, so he elects not to respond*
You: Anyway, you want help sneaking out?
Benn: No offense rookie, but I don't think you can help me. They're a group of seasoned pirates, and you.... You've only been in this life for what? Three years?
You: You're forgetting that they're also just a bunch of dudes who are children at heart.
Benn: what are you getting at?
You: What I'm saying is sneaking out will cost you.
Benn: how much?
You: Take me shopping tomorrow and we'll find out.
The next night
Benn: There's no way this is gonna work.
You: Boys! Benn bought you some stuff! *Presents them with a 10,000 + piece Lego set of the Red Force (I'm making Legos cannon for a plot device), a dial set of Uta's newest album, and twenty barrels of booze*
The Crew: *move like a wave, taking up the gifts*
Shanks: What brought this on?
Benn: Just thought we could use a new activity for tonight, you've all been working so hard lately and all.
Thirty minutes later
The crew: *absorbed in sorting Lego pieces and reading the instruction manual*
Benn: *also absorbed*
You: *elbows him* aren't you trying to get laid?
Benn: but Legos.
You: You really gonna pick Legos over pussy?
Benn: but what if they finish it without me?
You: I'll make it have an accident, so they have to start all over. Now get out of here.
Benn: I can't believe that your plan worked.
You: yeah yeah, get outta here before they notice you're gone
Benn: You're the best *kisses your forehead and flings himself off the side of the ship*
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Your comic series is the first Rottmnt comic Iv ever read! It was an amazing first impression to the Rottmnt fandom! Could you teach me how to draw the turtle boys ( rise turtles)?
Also love the new update!
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Aw! I’m so glad my comic made on good impression on you! ^v^
Of course! I’d love to help you!
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So first thing’s first, here’s the boys the best I can draw them. The most important thing when learning to draw new characters is identifying what makes them look like them. We’ll start with the faces since that’s, in most cases, the point of focus.
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Leo’s face is a pretty tall and vaguely pentagonal. His face is also very angular, the corners of his cheeks and top of his head are very sharp. Leo has the traditional style mask with tails that drop down to about his waist.
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Donnie has that smart boi forehead and majestic eyebrows. His forehead often has a soft curve to it while, similarly to Leo, his cheeks and jaw use sharp angles. Remember too that the top of his head is flat, there’s no curve. His mask is that newer pirate style that wraps over the top of his head, with the tails looking like curvy squares.
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Mikey’s face is a combination of a rounded square and a circle. The top of his head, while much rounder than Donnie’s, is somewhat square. The bottom of his face is a curve. Sometimes I draw the curve in line segments, but it’s not a requirement and won’t impact the way he looks. In general though, Mikey has a very circular face. His mask is the traditional TMNT style with the rounded bouncing tails on the back.
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Raph is arguably the hardest to get right for some odd reason. Really though Raph’s face is just a shorter version of Leo’s face with slightly more exaggerated angles. His face is like a fat pentagon. Also tip: Raph’s eyes are always just a little smaller then you think they’re going to be. Trace some scenes from the ROTTMNT movie, you’ll see what I mean. Raph’s mask is the same style as Donnie’s where it covers the whole top of his head. There’s a small nick on the edge above his right cheek and the tails are tattered.
Okay, next are their markings! They play a lot in how easily identifiable they are.
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I figured these diagrams should help as a little map as to what spots go where.
Alright, now we’ll look at their shells. There are many amazing diagrams and explanations for drawing their shells on Pinterest I’ve found, but I’ll sum it up here as best I can.
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Leo’s shell is very sleek in design making his is profile look the thinnest of his brothers. Many people describe his general body shape as being an inverted triangle.
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Donnie’s shell is very straight with hardly any curves. I didn’t include his battle shell in this since that qualifies as “gear” in my opinion, so you get to see what Donnie’s shell looks like! You’ll notice that the sides of his shell are very wide, which I’m guessing is because the curve of his carapace is so shallow.
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Mikey’s shell is very similar to Leo’s but is a lot thicker and boxier(haha get it? Cause he’s like, a Box Turtle? :D I’m so lame…). He’s also much rounder and the distance between his plastron and carapace is pretty big.
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Raph’s shell is probably the most complex of the boys because of all the spikes. Good things to keep in mind are that the spikes on the top of his plastron angle out, and spikes on his carapace flow up. In general think of Raph as a pentagon, he’s got big broad shoulders and arms and almost comically short legs. (And yes, I’m aware that I didn’t include the side of his shell here, it was too big to fit on the diagram. But just to give you an idea of where it should be, around the “w” in “flow” is where it should connect to his carapace.
Okay! So now that we’ve covered what the boys look like, let’s apply it to their bodies!
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Here’s a quick sketch of Leo. “Oh, but Indie” I hear people say, “I can only draw basic shapes and stick figures!” Well to that I say good because that’s what I’m doing too!
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For drawing action, it’s crucial to capture the energy of the character. And in a style like Rise’s energy is an iconic trait. So I’ve re-invented this “shape method” to actually be useful. The number one thing is that these shapes are loose guides as to the positioning of the body. Don’t think of these shapes as “well chests are like cubes and arms are like rectangles.” These shapes are place holders. I could replace those circles with stars and it wouldn’t change anything. I just use circles because they’re faster to scribble and stand out against the hard angles of everything else.
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Here’s a picture of the shapes overlayed on the image, as you see, these shapes are guides to help comprehend a complex angle in 3D space. Sadly I don’t have much I can assist with on proportions, since I learned purely by studying total uncreepily real life people and myself (I swear I’m posing in the mirror for purely educational reasons! Okay!?).
But anyway, for this kind of thing, practice is the only remedy. Just draw action pose after action pose. Trace scenes from ROTTMNT and the movie to teach your eye to see what things should look like and to train your brain to recognize patterns of shapes and angles.
I hope you found this at all helpful. I’m not really sure how great of a teacher I am but people keep asking questions like these so I guess I’m okay. Glad you liked ROTP so much and I’m glad it made such a good impression on you! ^v^
Good question! :]
And of course if you have more questions, feel free to ask. Here are some previous asks about drawing I’ve gotten that you might also find interesting:
Tricks for Drawing Extra Expressive Faces
More Tricks for Drawing Expressions
Tips and Tricks to Drawing Non-Graphic Wounds
Basic Guide and Tips for Drawing the 2012 and Rise Turtles
How to Draw 2012 Raph’s Fire Ninpo
Nailing The 2012 TMNT Style in 2D
Important Concepts in Drawing Female Characters
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legendofmorons · 8 months
Your honor, I humbly request that the Chain find out that reader has tattoos.
Some are easy to see and explain, “this is my mother’s favorite flower,” “I just like butterflies.”
Some are harder to explain, quotes from video games, references that are really important to reader but mean literally nothing to the Chain.
One is kept hidden pointedly. Just behind their ear on one side is the triforce, tattooed carefully. It’s covered up by hair most of the time (because let’s be honest, your hair hasn’t been cut in a bit since joining the chain, so if it was short before it’s kinda grown out by now) but one day the wind blows in just the right way or someone tries to braid Reader’s hair or maybe Reader just pushed it out of the way because it was annoying them. In any case, one of the boys sees this and recognizes it and now they have a *lot* of questions.
Tattoo or taboo?
Oooooo I love this idea! The boys would definitely be interested in tattoos AND ypur triforce.
Reader is assumed to have hair long enough to tuck behind their ear and cover a tattoo behind their ear.
Your tattoos aren't something you've been hiding, you just weren't sure that the boys would even know what they were.
What if the boys wanted a tattoo? You don't have the proper equipment! (Assuming you even CAN tattoo.)
But for whatever reason it hasn't come up until now.
An injury has revealed the top half of your body to the world, which includes some tattoos.
"You have such odd markings." Twilight says, leaning closer to a floral tattoo
"You mean my tattoos?"
"Tatt-whos?" Wind echoes with the wring pronunciation.
"Tattoos. They're ink."
"You draw on yourself? This one is on your shoulder balde!" Hyrule is now examining your tattoos.
"Someone else did them."
You then have to explain what tattoos are, how they're done, and the importance of the right artist with proper equipment.
Wind is IN LOVE with tattoos. He's probably seen them and just thought they were makeup/marker. He does spend time with pirates
Wild probably knows what tattoos are. If I understand the lore right his Impa has tattoos and so do other shiekah. He's just glad you
Legend and Four are also pretty interested, but they're not nearly as obvious
Twilight, Hyrule, and Sky want to know EVERY meaning (to you) behind each tattoo. They're all very intrigued.
Warriors and Time aren't against tattoos, but they figure that's your buissness. They're happy to help you with upkeep, though.
However, you are still hiding the triforce behind your ear. That one is one ypu ate keeping from them. Explaining that one would be a nightmare.
Wind is definitely bouncing tattoo ideas for himself off of you.
Unfortunately, your secret tattoo is found out one day after having to pull/pin your hair out of the eay.
"What is that?" Warriors asks, the first to see it.
Well, fuck yo.
Well fuck indeed
"What's what?" Wind asks helpfully, turning his full attention to you.
One by one, each of the boys notices it.
And they have questions
Mostly why, how, and are you a hero too?
You choose the easiest route.
"My world is really far removed from any of your's. Your stories have ended up part of pop culture."
"People think we're pop culture?" Legend asks, looking upset.
"Yes. But none of us knew you were real. We thought it was all made up."
"You must live in a peaceful time." Wild says.
"Uhhh- there's no ganon or demise or anything like that."
"Good." Sky says, something in his face softer.
It takes some explaining, but you avoid telling them that not only are they not real to your time, but that people play as them through their adventures.
That seems like the kindest thing
Sometimes you have to leave things out
You also have to promise not to treat their stories as fiction anymore.
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amuseoffyre · 3 months
Thinking again (thanks to the dead bird site) about Stede rebooting his worst day ever, aka the traumatic flashback he has multiple times across both season, only this time he gets the acceptance and approval he has craved for his entire life.
The Worst Day Ever is the day his father teaches him to kill, slaughtering a goose and spraying blood all over little Stede's face. He then grabs his son by the arm and drags him out to verbally excoriate him and tell him he is worthless and useless, "a soft-handed, weak-hearted, lily-livered little rich boy".
Faced with the prospect of killing for the first time sends Stede into a panic spiral including that flashback.
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It's referenced again throughout the season, but especially in 1x02, loosely in the fever dream in 1x04 (he was scared of geese for Christ's sake!), and 1x09, when Stede is struggling with his guilt, self-recriminations and self-doubts and also being confronted directly by Chauncey.
But the most significant return of the Worst Day Ever flashback is immediately after Stede kills Ned Low, his first real deliberate kill.
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Our man is very much Not Okay. The fact that this memory is front and centre shows exactly how much that day - that moment - impacted on him decades on.
He does his usual thing when he's upset - isolates and closes himself away somewhere else, shutting himself down and using the tried and true conceal-don't-feel approach.
The difference this time is that someone comes after him to offer him emotional support, comfort and care (much like Ed did on the beach in 2x09, and this time, more kisses as well). So for a little while at least, Stede is distracted and wrapped up in Ed's affections and can put Ned's death to the back of his mind.
But the trouble arises when they get to the Republic and suddenly, for the first time in his life, he's being praised and celebrated. And, of all the people for him to gravitate towards, he ends up choosing to spend his time in the company of Blood-bucket Bill, an older man in a blood-smeared leather apron, who keeps telling him how cool and amazing he is.
And, after Stede kills in front of him, we get another twisted up mirror of the Worst Day Ever. Instead of his dad dragging him out to humiliate him, Bloodbucket Bill grabs him by the arm and hauls him up and tells everyone "the Gentleman Pirate is the fuckin' dude"
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And as the episode continues and Ed leaves, Stede retreats to the bar with Bill, trying to take comfort from the man who has been telling him how good he is all day.
"At least you like me for me," he says to the deranged blood-smeared groupie. "Bonnet, I'd fuckin' die for you" Bill tells him and you can see that it isn't bringing the assurance Stede thought it would.
And to ice the cake, even when he's holding onto those last little vestiges of "yay I'm cool", Izzy shows up and dismisses Bill with three words and Bill doesn't even try to stay. "I'll fuckin' die for you" becomes "yes, right away, Mr Hands".
And the framing. omg the framing in the scene. It is, once again, a deliberate and pointed call back to Stede's Worst Day Ever. Once again, an older man is looming over him and Stede is just waiting to have emotional strips ripped out of him again ("have you come for your victory lap?"). This is the first and only time I can think of Izzy looking taller than anyone, especially Stede.
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But unlike the horrendous abuse he got from his father, the abuse Stede expects yet again, the same old patterns happening over and over, Izzy changes the script and tells him "I think you're good for him. You balance each other out".
And if not for a group of his crew - his family - choosing to leave him as well, it might have been enough. But when he's already fragile over the loss of one person precious to him and reassured that he's good for people after all, the threat of losing more of his beloved people pushes him straight back into the reckless behaviour that has filled the rest of his day.
(brb wailing into a pillow that we won't get to see him have a chance to process any of this stuff)
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crowpickingss · 26 days
HIII, could you do like reader x Hook where she's the daughter of Hades, just like if It was Percy Jackson, and has a secret relationship with Hook and one day Hades finds out and wants to kill him. THANKS
Stay a Secret
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hook x gn! hades child reader
summary: hades comes to visit his child at merlin academy but goes crazy when he find out they have a boyfriend
warnings: agnst
a/n: tysm for the request!
disclaimer: hades is way older in this (old enough to have a child) it’s the Bridget timeline expect you take hades place
Your father was very overprotective of you. His title as god of war would make you think he’s slightly reckless but when it comes to you. He would rather lock you in your room than let you say hello to a guy.
Only time you’re ever free from his rules is when your at Merlin Academy. Also at Merlin Academy was your secret boyfriend Hook. You loved Hook and he loved you more. You two were the best couple in school.
One day your father paid you a secret visit he wanted to surprise you by showing up earlier but what he saw surprised him. You and Hook were sitting on the grass talking and laughing. If he thought that was bad he would be in for a shock.
Hook leaned over and kissed you on the cheek when Hades saw that he almost went into a coma. He waited for you to leave and go back to your dorm, he followed you until you were at your door.
You turned around when you felt someone looming over you, your father was standing there seeming more protective for some reason. He ushered you into your dorm and shut the door.
He turned to you trying to control himself from burning everything in sight “Hon, care to explain why I caught someone kissing you on the cheek” You turned bright red, your secret wasn’t so secret anymore “You went behind my back and got a boyfriend, I can’t believe you”
He put out the small fire coming from his hand “And with a pirate, next you’re going to tell me you’re married” you rolled your eyes “It’s not like that dad, Hook is just my boyfriend” He scoffed “Why did you do this, I’ve given you all you’ve ever wanted and all I ask is you follow a couple rules”
You fall back into your bed “It’s not just a couple, it’s thousands you force me to abide by every single one” He stomps his boot lightly “It’s not a thousand and you know it” You groan “For once can you see that your rules are doing more bad than good”
Hades stepped back “You really think that” You stood up “Yes, I constantly feel like I’m walking on eggshells around you, here I can actually be myself” He sighs and sits down “I’m sorry, I just wanted to be a good dad” You sit down next to him “You are when your not enforcing a bunch of rules, all I ask for is some freedom” He smiles “Well considering your thriving here I guess you can have it, and about the boy”
You waited in anticipation hoping he’d say something positive “If your happy with him, I am but if he breaks your heart he’ll be hearing from me” You laugh “Alright dad” He stood up hugged you and was whisked away back to the underworld.
Hook came running in your dorm the second he left “Are you alight love, I heard an argument” You smile “It was just my dad, I’m hopefully rule free” He hugged you “I’m happy, you’re much better when you don’t have a rule book shoved in your face” You laugh “This is why I started dating you, you’re perfect for me” He smiled “Love you’re too good for me”
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moonydustx · 2 months
Hello Moonydustx. I hope you're well! I really like your stories, your way of writing is very pleasant to read. I loved what you wrote for Kid and Killer, I love those two men! In fact, I'm totally in love with Kid Pirates. 💖
I was wondering if you could write something with Kid 🧲 . I so need to fluff with him. I know he likes to show off that he's cruel and ruthless, but I'm SURE this bad boy is also a very big fluffy guy capable of a lot of love. He named his boat after his first love - this boy is a great sentimentalist, absolutely!
Here's my idea: reader is the newest recruit to Victoria Punk. Kid is suspicious at first, but discovers that she's a true virtuoso at the piano and that her voice is the most beautiful he's ever heard 🎹🎶. (We all know that Kid loves music.) See where I'm going with this, Moonydustx 😏😉? Kid will slowly fall in love with the new recruit, but won't understand what's happening to her at first, and it'll drive him crazy. Reader is not insensitive to the captain's charm but is very intimidated even though she respects him a lot.
If this inspires you, I'd love a lot of fluff, cute stuff. Slightly spicy, if you like. We like it spicy, let's be honest but right now I need cuddles.I hope this is understandable, English is not my first language. Thanks if you've read this far and I'll be grateful for life if you accept my challenge. 💚🥰
YES YES AND YES you are absolutely right, I really have this vision of Kid being a sweetheart.
I wish I had more time to write more and more about this story, I think it would have the potential to be something bigger, you know, something with more chapters perhaps? But I wrote more about the cute part than the spicy part in this one, I hope you like it anyway
Old ghosts
Eustass Kid x F! Reader
wanings: mention of Kid's missing arm, phantom pains, very brief mention of smut (nothing explicit). Regarding the medical and musical parts mentioned: I'm not an expert in any of them, I apologize if I make mistakes.
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Your light humming was still stuck in Kid's mind. How your dress fell down your body and your legs flailed against the counter as you hummed a song about Roger's old promise. That was the first sight of you he had.
The second was you standing a few meters away from him, waiting for an answer, while Killer acted in your place.
"She could be a good crewmate." Killer pointed out, both of them staring at your shrunken form, even though you were standing. The bloody arms. "She knows how to fight, knows how to defend herself and can still be good company for our ears."
"Hm…" a growl escaped Kid's reddened lips. "What do you know how to do?"
"Whatever you need." Your voice was firm, even if it was low. "I just need a roof over my head."
"And that blood?" He approached, taking one of your hands and bringing it up to eye level with him. "It looks fresh."
"One of the richest men in town tried to have their way with me." you pointed out, still firm in your words. "I had to kill him. Now, I know they will hunt me if I stay here."
"Right." Kid walked away, turning to Killer. "Find her a task and also a place for her to sleep."
With one last look in your direction, Kid walked away and left you in Killer's responsibilities for the day. In the following days, you barely saw Kid and when you did, he didn't have the friendliest of expressions. The man was intimidating, as were all the rumors about him.
You expected that it would take time to adapt to pirate life, that that world would be immensely cruel to your existence. But there were happy days, days when you would get together to chat and drink, days when you would spend hours fishing.
Little by little, the captain seemed to attract your attention more. He was still a thick shell to dig through, but there was a certain lovable side to him. Infamous jokes, an unshakable ego, a affection for his crewmates that wasn't noticeable to outsiders. In your eyes, being in Kid's presence was inviting, even if he would never pay attention to a new girl.
Kid was reluctant to let other members join out of nowhere, he liked to understand who would step on his ship, what their motivations were. But every justification Killer gave about you joining the crew was ignored. Not ignored, but pushed away somewhere in Kid's mind. The only thing he saw was you a little while ago, humming in a bar. Almost hypnotizing him.
In the first few days, he chose to remain watching you. It wasn't possible that the heavens had sent you there just to please his vision on dark days, you must have something to hide. As the days went by, he realized you didn't.
As the days went by, Kid felt even more mesmerized, seeing you happily doing your tasks in the distance, hearing your voice hum throughout his ship. On one of these nights, when everyone was drinking, he chose to leave early. Lying in his bed, your voice from afar guided him into a deep sleep, like he hadn't had in a long time.
You gradually became a comfort to his eyes and ears, however, for him to get closer would be like holding a delicate rose amidst so much metal debris. Something so sweet, so delicate seemed beyond his reach.
The room you shared was dark in the dead of night and your whispers and turbulent awakenings didn't seem to bother the others present. Another night, another nightmare.
With the idea of ​​refreshing your mind with some water, you didn't expect to find the crew captain, leaning on the edge of the table, his amputated arm stuck in a bucket of ice.
"What are you doing up at this hour?" Kid screamed as soon as he saw your presence in the kitchen.
"I just came to get some water." you explained, reaching for a glass and filling it. You could feel his gaze burning towards you. "Everything is fine?"
"Sure." he grunted, but soon his expression changed to something more serene. It was just the two of you, there was no reason for him to leave it out. "Since I lost this arm, sometimes I have some strange pains. It's like it's still there you know, but it's not."
"Phantom pains." you pointed out, moving a little closer to him. "They say there are many pirates and soldiers who suffer from this."
"Are they saying something about the cure too?"
"I do not think so." You smiled, even if discouraged. "But there are some methods that can help. I mean, just time really helps you deal with it, but some things can distract your mind."
"And can you help me?" his words came out almost automatically, preventing him from stopping them.
"I believe so. I don't have much experience in this, but I have an idea of ​​something that might help." still hesitant, you approached him and took out the ice bucket, placing it aside.
The touch of your hand on his amputated limb made him almost recoil, but your hand was gentle, delicate and in this way you dried the remaining water on his skin.
"Do you mind if we go to my room?" He asked and saw you nod.
The two of you walked in silence to his quarters and with only the moon illuminating the room, it was difficult for you to get caught up on the details.
"Lie down" your voice came out as a whisper and Kid promptly answered. You took the sheet spread there and covered the end of his amputated arm. "Don't look there."
It worked for you, somehow maybe it would work for him. You could feel his eyes practically burning towards you, but you still hadn't found the courage to look back at him. The feeling inside you was strange, different, and at the same time it felt good.
"Close your eyes." you asked and he just grunted, unwilling to follow your little request. "Captain…"
"Aren't you going to do anything?" seeing you agree with him, Kid closed his eyes.
The first thing he felt was your fingers running along his arm, which hadn't been injured. A light, almost imperceptible touch. Sometimes you allowed your fingers to barely touch him and sometimes you let your nails trace a firmer path. You allowed them to trace their way to the back of his neck and then back to his fingertips, intertwining and releasing them. In order to replace the awkward silence between the two of you, you began to hum a calm song, which made up the atmosphere along with the beats of the sea against the ship.
At first, Kid felt tense and still had traces of pain. But little by little the pain in the member that no longer existed seemed to disappear, being replaced by the small goosebumps that you caused on his skin. What he used to try to open his eyes and analyze you became an arduous task. Feeling your skin against his, Kid fell asleep, leaving that uncomfortable pain in the past.
After that day, you felt different. Seeing him trust you to the point of sleeping in your presence made you feel somehow be seen, even if the thought of him not wanting anything to do with you because you were a newbie still haunted you.
One of the afternoons when the ship was docked, you returned to the Victoria Punk only to find a huge piano there.
"What is that?" you let your finger run across the keys. "Is so beautiful!"
"A thanks." Kid appeared behind you, watching you sit on the bench in front of the instrument. "You helped me the other day and I remembered I saw you playing one of these at the bar, I thought you might like it."
"Serious?" you immediately jumped off the bench and hugged Kid, who was surprised and barely had time to respond to the gesture. "I loved it! Emma, ​​come see this!"
You shouted for other crewmates, who soon gathered and listened to you explain how it worked and even teach how they could play a simple song. Moving away a little, Kid watched until his first mate appeared.
"Do you still regret me convincing you to let her stay?" Killer asked.
"At no point did I say I regretted it." Kid pointed out, feeling judged by his friend.
"I know that look, Kid." Killer commented and only saw Kid staring back at him, trying to understand what he was saying. "I haven't seen that look on you in a while, but I'm glad to see it."
"What's with that look?" he asked cynically, seeing Killer start to walk away.
"Last time I saw you looking at someone like that, we chose the name of this ship."
Kid tried to push away thoughts about you after hearing that. But it was intoxicating, inevitable. It was as if your presence and voice were all he was looking for at that moment.
It didn't take many nights for the same discomfort to torment him again, just as it had done a few days ago. His footsteps almost sank the kitchen that morning as he decided whether to ask for your help or not.
“Hi,” you caught his attention, appearing like a mirage. "If you walk any further, you could sink the ship."
"That's not my intention." he pointed out, mustering up some courage. "The pain is back a-and…"
"Do you need my help?" you asked and giving up, he just nodded.
Again, the two of you walked in silence to his room and the whole process was repeated, he lay down, you hid the amputated limb.
"How did you know this would work?" he asked before your fingers even found his skin.
"A lucky guess." you replied, noticing his attentive gaze in your direction. "How can I explain? Well, I have some past problems too, especially when I'm surrounded by too many people at once. It's like suddenly everything becomes too much at once." His eyes followed your every movement, trying to get to know you even more. "That's how I discovered music. Every time I feel like I'm on the edge of that precipice, I use it to get my mind off it."
"As a distraction?"
"Exactly, as a distraction. Take me to a good place." You explained and saw him nod. "I believe that maybe touching and feeling what is still here will make you forget a little about what is not, make you go to a good place."
"It makes sense." he limited himself to saying.
"Let's start?"
Unlike what happened last time, your eyes met Kid's and this time his eyes seemed intent on you. Your hands traced gentle lines on his arm, trying to remove that pain that bothered him so much. Even looking at you, you could notice that Kid wasn't there, not mentally. He seemed focused on a thought that stunned him.
"A berri for what you're thinking." you only heard a nasal laugh come out of him.
"Are my thoughts worth that little?" he asked and you immediately denied it, a shy glow on your face.
Even though it made butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it, you couldn't deny how much you liked it when his eyes were directed at you.
"I can tell you have something on your mind." your hands moved away from him, resting in your lap. "Did I say too much? Do you want me to get out of here?"
"No… You said that helping me with this pain would be like a distraction, right? Take me to a good place" you agreed and Kid continued. "Can I propose something?"
"Of course, I want to be able to help you with that."
You watched Kid lean on his arm and sit down, just a few inches away. Analyzing your every expression, his hand touched your face and unlike every other time you had imagined, the touch was gentle. Even his calloused and trembling hand was still like a piece of the finest silk sliding across your face.
It was inevitable not to lean on his touch, not wanting to feel Kid's hand against your skin even more and it was just that sign he was waiting for.
His lips touched yours lightly, waiting for you to give in to his desire - he had no idea how much of that desire was yours too. What was just a seal of lips soon became an intimate dispute between the space in your mouth, tongues tangled as you involuntarily felt your body lean even more towards Kid.
His fingers were tangled in your hair, slowly leaving strand by strand behind, sliding down your back and pressing firmly against your waist. You knew that Kid was strong, you had been there long enough to see him fight enemies, but a surprised gasp left your lips when you saw that without any effort and with just one arm he managed to tag you - basically guide you - to get to you on his lap.
The kiss became even more heated and you could feel that in addition to the heat, the red paint on his lips had disappeared, probably mixed with your lips.
"Captain…" your low voice whispered, in a struggle to use your hands to push him away. You didn't want to, but the shred of rationality in you knew it was necessary. "Captain, I'm sorry…"
"No, no. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He moved away just enough to look at your face, your legs were still on either side of his hips, his intimacy was hard against yours, which was certainly soaked. Rationality, too early for that. You tried to hold on to that thought. "I'm sorry."
"It is alright." your cheeks burned at the way he looked at you. "I liked it, I really liked it. I just didn't want to go that far."
"Noted." he looked at you like a cute puppy that had been lost. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." your hesitant voice stated and you saw him lay down again, this time, he pulled you and placed you on top of the source of his pain, hiding the arm that no longer existed. "Captain?"
"Just stay here for a while, will you?" He asked, hesitant to hear you deny it. "I mean, if you don't want to, I won't get mad. It's just… I like your presence. I like how you're always helping someone here, or how your eyes light up when someone's telling you some of the things we've been up to. by the sea. I like the way you touch me and damn, your voice just like an angel." he whispered the last part, like it was too much for him. "Just stay here, a little longer."
"Of course captain." you whispered back and reached up, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
Nestling even more against him, your hand that used to caress his arm, got caught in his hair, in a delicate cafuné, while you whispered a song in his ear. Little by little, Kid fell asleep trapped in your arms and that night, you wouldn't insist on leaving his embrace.
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aetherdoesthings · 9 months
can I request Luffy x reader where something happens and reader threaten luff that she will cry if he makes her do something? Could you also include the others reaction? Thank you 💖
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elo anon! when i first read that i was like 'damn that's sad' so then i proceeded to write something very sad :D.
forethoughts: this one's kind of darker than my normal ones. yeah. the tone's just sad. did my heart break when i wrote it? i mean. it feels kinda out of pocket for luffy, but 🤷
notes: do i feel bad? maybe. but sometimes requests are sad. 🤭
[drinking the tears of my readers while deciding if i want to do a part two or not 😁]
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Life as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates was never bland. Sometimes you would wake up in the middle of a fight against the marines, or wake up to the sound of Sanji fighting Zoro over something stupid again. Nevertheless, everyday was a new adventure with its own sets of challenges, but nevertheless, you wouldn’t ask for another life.
After all, you were the future King of the Pirates’ girlfriend.
You loved Luffy more than Luffy loved meat, and you stood behind that bold claim. Everyday was filled with adrenaline and anxiety for you, as Luffy would find charging recklessly into battle the best thing to do. He always came out alive; he’s Monkey D. Luffy after all, but you always worried about his health and wellbeing. With enough cuddles and kisses, Luffy would always subdue your worries about him, but it always was a thought in your head that chewed at you. Another thing was that Luffy was a very passionate boy. Sure, he may be an airhead and a bit obtuse at times, but he had his own paradigm of morals he followed, and you respected the hell out of him for that. He always thought about you, considered your feelings, always putting your life in front of his.
He was the most caring person you knew.
He would never do anything to break your heart.
“I’m kicking you out of the Straw Hat Pirates.” 
You stared at him, your heart dropping. Your legs began to wobble, barely able to support your body as you stared at him with a look of disbelief, a hesitant smile on your face.
“W-What are you saying, Luffy? Luffy, this isn’t a funny joke!” You say. Everyone around you began to stir too, once they heard Luffy’s words. All of you were in the galley, just finishing your breakfast.
“You heard me.” Luffy stared at you with the blankest look he’s ever given to you; you didn’t even know he could be that stoic. “I’m kicking you out of the crew. You’ll get off once we reach the next island. Oi, Nami, how long until we reach the next island?”
Nami stood up in disbelief and complete anger, storming towards Luffy as she smacked him on the back of his head, to the point Luffy stumbled and fell onto the ground. “What are you talking about Luffy?! This isn’t a funny joke! You can’t just kick Y/N out!”
Luffy simply stood back up, looking at Nami. “Yes I can. I’m the captain.”
“She’s your girlfriend!” “Oh. Right.” Luffy stared at you. “We’re breaking up too.”
“Luffy!” Nami smacked him again. 
“W-Wha.. W-wha..” You stammered, your legs going wobbly, probably going out if there wasn’t a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
“Luffy, I don’t think this is the smartest decision to make. Can you explain your thoughts? You cannot simply kick Y/N out for no reason other than ‘I just can.’” Robin said, placing both of her hands on your shoulders, trying to reassure you.
“Yes I can, Robin. I’m the captain.” Luffy stated again.
“That’s not a good reason. By that logic, you can kick any one of us out at any moment simply by your mood.”
Luffy stared at the archaeologist, clenching his teeth. “Shut up, Robin, this is my decision.”
The sound of pans hitting each other silenced the room, turning everyone’s attention to the cook. Sanji stared at Luffy, taking his cigarette out of his mouth. “Oi, Luffy, don’t tell Robin-chan to shut up. You’re being very impolite. And I agree with Robin-chan, you cannot simply do what you want based on your mood. That means all of us are liable to just go at any moment.”
Luffy balled his fists. “Shut up, Sanji! I don’t need to explain myself! I’m the captain! Next island! You’re getting off! If I see you on the ship, I’ll… I’ll…”
Luffy let out a frustrated noise, stomping towards the exit of the galley. Before he could swing the door open and slam it, a single blade with a white handle blocked him. 
“Luffy…” Zoro said, keeping the Wado Ichimonji in between the captain and the door. “If you walk out this door, that means everything Robin and cook says are true. A captain that kicks out his crew members based on his mood. If this is all a joke to you, cut it out. Go apologize to Y/N. If this is not a joke, then you were never fit to be a captain. I don’t care if you’re an airhead and easygoing, but if you decide to kick Y/N out right now because ‘you said so’, the Straw Hats were never meant to be a successful crew.”
Luffy glared at Zoro, his fists and toes clenched. Zoro shot back the same stoic look he always had. While Zoro was calm and still, Luffy looked like a dynamite about to explode. His body was shaking, his skin turning red. It wasn’t Gear 2 level red, quite close.
“Fight me if you want to. You’re only proving my point.” Zoro added.
Silence filled the room. Silence that was so fragile, you were scared that if it broke, everyone would be affected and harmed.
“L-Luffy…” You call out with a shaky voice, taking a hesitant step towards the boy you onced called your lover. Breaking the silent atmosphere caused all eyes to be on you. But with Robin’s hand on your shoulder, she stopped you from moving any further, keeping you close to her body.
“Y/N… please, let us do this.” Robin said. You looked around, and realized she was right. Every Straw Hat looked like they were ready for a fight, or to make some comment about Luffy’s statement.
“N-No.” You brushed Robin’s hand off of your shoulder, taking a bigger step towards the ‘captain’ of the ship.
“Luffy… look at me.” While your entire body was shaking, filled with disbelief, sadness and a tinge of betrayal, your voice was firm.
You watched the captain turn his head around, the straw hat covering his eyes. 
“Is this what you want, Luffy? Do you want to see my heart break? Do you want to see me cry, luffy? because it is, and I will. Is this what you want, luffy? to see your girlfriend cry? Is that what you want?”
No response.
“Fine… fine… this is what you want, isn’t it? You never loved me. You never saw me like I saw you, if you’re so adamant on kicking me out.”
No response.
“Tell me, Luffy, is this what you really want? Tell me, and I'll leave. I'll go, and I won't come back. That's what you want, isn’t it? to never see me again?”
No response.
You scoff at the boy, whose body was shaking, his head hung and fists clenched. You wiped your tears with your arm, staring at the boy you once called your lover.
“Fine. I hope you’re happy, captain.” you brushed your shoulder against him, purposefully making him stumble before storming towards the door. Zoro sheathed his sword, letting out kick the door open and slam it shut.
“Y/N, wait!” Nami cried, running towards the door. Zoro let her pass too, as well as Robin and everyone else who wanted to comfort you. This left Luffy alone with Zoro, all at his mercy.
At the sound of the door finally closing, Luffy collapsed onto the ground, his knees hitting the wooden floorboards as he sobbed. He sobbed and cried, until there was nothing but small hiccups and grunts of frustration.
“Now, do you want to tell me what’s really happening?” the right hand man asked.
“She hates me. She hates me. She hates me.” the captain repeated to himself.
The boy took a deep breath, before standing up, meeting Zoro's gaze.
“Alright, i’ll tell you… but don't tell anyone else, okay?”
“Just tell me.”
The captain took a deep breath. “Yesterday…”
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ - Ordon Is The Rural Ireland Of Hyrule
Like, I need everyone to fully comprehend what this means for our wolfboy, okay.
Now, to start off, I sort of see an Ordonian accent being something of an odd hybrid of a (more clear) Donegal Irish accent & a southern American drawl. (If anyone knows how that would actually sound, I'd love to hear it.)
But their native language would be mostly Gaelic with a bit of Welsh mixed in.
But, yes, Twi is normally the absolute picture of gentlemanly American south manners. Just humble, casual chivalry in a stetson. All "sir" & "ma'am" & "darlin'" & "please" & "thank you, miss." He is THE good ol', down home country boy.
But, then you listen to him speak around his fellow Ordonians. And, unless you know the language, you'd assume that what he's saying is lighthearted ribbing & it is...
To an Ordonian...
But, Ordonians have one of the most expansive lists of colorful, absolutely slandrous, & surprisingly accurate insults in all of Hyrule.
Like, you wouldn't expect it, but he could cuss a pirate to blush... And could probably drink them under the table too, now that I think about it...
Now, most of it is lighthearted, but whoo! A lot of it is also very visual & just leaves you gaping in shock!! Especially if you know what it means!!!
I am literally breathless as I type this! 😆
Like, the dichotomy I now have of this boy in my head... I just, I hadn't realized how much I wanted it, but I do now.
Like, I now want fanart of Twi just Irish cussing the fudge outta Ganondorf & rendering him utterly speechless! That... or drinkin' him under the table. Whichever comes first.
That would make my day!
I am basically imagining him as the very essence of "do no harm, take no shit."
I also see him, when at the end of his rope, maybe when all the others are arguing around him. To put an end to it, he'll yell something, followed by "Go raibh míle maith agat," which is an Irish blessing that expresses great appreciation & means "May a thousand good things be upon you." However, depending on how it's used, it can either be the legitimate blessing that you expect or a way to put an immediate end to a discussion. Like, "Thank you very much!"
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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Pirate Birthday Party
Zander was 28 years old when he entered a boat for the first time. It was not that he didn't have the chance before, but he was simply afraid of it. The way the waves broke over the bow, the way the wind whipped across the deck... and of course the constant movement of the sea and the ship itself. He had always thought of himself as a land person, someone who preferred to be on solid ground, or at least on dry land. The idea of being tossed about like a rag doll, unable to do anything about it, terrified him.
Naturally, this fear of the sea was nothing Zander liked to discuss much. It wasn't a topic that came up on its own, and he certainly didn't want to bring it up on his own.
So there really wasn't any bad intention involved when Zander's friends set up a surprise party for his 29th birthday. The problem was that it wasn't just any surprise party: Zander's friends had gone out of their way to rent a small boat so they could celebrate on the ocean.
When they arrived at the beach, where the small ship was towed on a pier, Zander froze in his step. They wouldn't have, would they?
"We're celebrating on a ... boat?" he croaked.
His best friend, Jasper, laughed. "Yes! It's going to be awesome, dude!" He put his hand on Zander's shoulder. "Come on, you'll love it."
Zander looked around. All of his friends were in high spirits, both the boys and the girls. This was a difficult situation. He really didn't want to board the ship, but he couldn't very well say no now. Renting the ship must have been expensive, and everything was looking forward to a big party now.
"Who is going to drive the ship?" Was 'drive' even the right word? Probably not.
"That's the best part, come on!" Jasper said excitedly.
The other guys and gals were already climbing on board of the ship in the bright afternoon sun. Zander could already see the ship swaying from left to right and felt another wave of discomfort. But there was no turning back now. Gathering all his courage, he walked down the pier and stepped onto the ship. The wooden planks creaked underfoot as he climbed aboard. When he reached the top deck, he saw that the circle of friends was waiting for him. There was Jasper, of course, but also some of his other friends, including Tessa, the girl he had dated last year. It didn't work out between the two of them, but they decided to stay friends regardless - Tessa was a really cool girl.
"So, the big surprise is that..." Jasper made a dramatic gesture before continuing: "You will be our captain tonight!"
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Zander's jaw dropped open. He didn't know what to say. What did this mean? Was he supposed to steer the ship? That seemed like an impossible task.
"Don't worry," Jasper assured him. "The guy who owns the boat is really cool. He said it's really easy and a baby could do it. He will be here later tonight to help us tow it up again and everything in-between shouldn't be a problem!"
Zander nodded, still not fully convinced. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on what Jasper was saying. He was probably right, he rationalized. Technology was so advanced nowadays, the boat would pretty much drive itself. Or steer, or whatever the word was.
"Okay. Wow, guys! Thank you so much!" He almost believed the joy in his words. He needed to. He wanted to have a nice party, and sometimes he just needed to take a leap of faith.
So, with the help of his friends, he managed to figure out the basics of controlling the ship rather quickly. Jasper had been right: It wasn't too complicated.
As the engine sprang to life, all of his friends cheered. Encouraged by their good mood, Zander steered the ship out to the open ocean until they couldn't see the beach anymore and stopped there.
Climbing back on deck, he was in quite high spirits as well. Being on a ship wasn't so bad! There was no one else and they could party all they wanted. When everyone was looking at him, he shouted:
"Alright! Thank you so much for the great idea, guys! You are the best! Now, let's get the party started! Did you bring beer?"
Laughing, Jasper pointed at a sizable cargo of different alcoholic beverages, including a keg of beer. However, something else caught Zander's eye. He turned around and shouted at his friends: "We're starting with the rum today!"
"You heard the captain! To the rum!" Tessa yelled back, quickly filling up her glass filled with rum.
"To the rum!" Everyone raised their glasses and drank down the sweet liquid.
It tasted surprisingly good, actually. Maybe it was because it had been so long since he last drank alcohol, or maybe it was simply because he liked it. Still, he felt somewhat dizzy after downing the glass. His head was swimming and he had to grab on to the railing to keep him on his feet. Of course, he tried to regain his balance at once. Being the captain, he couldn't very well fall to the deck like a landlubber, could he now?
Zander felt his body changing as he stood upright again, now towering a good ten to twenty centimeters higher than before. As he looked down on himself, his shirt dissolved, exposing his increasingly muscular build. His chest grew into solid plates of pecs, tanned from the sun on the sea and kept naturally hairless by the salty air. His abs formed a cobblestone road down to his pants that shifted as well. The light white material of his shorts grew more sturdy in the matter of moments, extending down and forming brown leather pants. A complicated double belt materialized into existence on his waist, holding both a saber and a pistol. It was held in place by his butt, which became way more muscular and fuller, perfect not only for holding belts in place.
Meanwhile his arms and legs thickened with raw muscle. The sea was no easy place to live, and when he needed to wrestle down nature in thunderstorms on the open sea, he needed all the strength his massive body could provide. Still, he was more than a mere sailor. He was a captain! The ornate leather coat rested on his shoulders for a reason. His cloak, his necklace, his wristbands and his hairband - all of that was his personal style and that was what his enemies feared. He was not just a captain, he was a great captain, a great pirate captain, he recollected as his hair turned a dirty blonde and his eyes a piercing black.
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Over him, the jolly roger rattled in the wind and the planks of the ship under him creaked. There was really no place he would rather be than on his ship.
When he looked up again, he saw his crew standing in front of him. All buff men, of all colors and from every country. That was of course no coincidence, since he hand-picked his crew with great care. Seeing the glistering sweaty bodies of his men standing in front of him often made him hard, and today was no exception.
"What is it boys?" he asked with a smile.
One of them, a massive Black guy named Tess- no, Tyler, Zander corrected himself, stepped forward.
"We know it's your birthday today, captain!", the brute said. Zander could already see the massive python of the man twitch in his pants, as he continued. "And we're here to give you your present!"
Zander smiled and massaged his dick, as his men began to get rid of their pants quickly. It was no coincidence either, that all of his men preferred the company of men. He hand-picked them himself, after all.
"Let's party then!" he shouted and threw himself amidst the buff and sweaty bodies of his men.
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yanderepuck · 5 months
Do they get lost easily? What is their sense of direction like?
Napoleon: he's got a great sense of direction, until he gets distracted. Can not multitask. You will get lost. Has gone the wrong direction to the mansion many times because a kid he teaches came up to him and started talking to him. But he also knows the streets of Paris very well so it's easy for him to get back on track
Mozart: decent???? It's not like he's going out anyway to be able to learn what is where. But as long as he can eventually find the Seine he's fine
Leonardo: almost perfect but what else do you expect. Man used to make maps. However he will never admit if he is lost, he'll never ask someone for help and he's going to make you believe he knows where he is going
Vincent: it took him a month to find the kitchen in the mansion. Do not send this boy outside. What were you thinking. He's checking Google maps every block even though he's walking straight for 10 minutes.
Theo: very good. He goes to word places for clients and he knows about dumb little alleys for shortcuts. They look sketchy as hell but when he's in a hurry he doesn't care.
Arthur: not as good as you would think but not bad. Yes he is very aware of his surroundings but he also gets lost in his thoughts a lot. He's also not asking for directions.
Isaac: not a clue. He has to take the same route every time to the university or he will get lost, even if he's just one street over.
Dazai: it's not that he has a great sense of situation it's the fact that he will just climb a building into the roof and look around to get an idea of where he needs to go.
Jean: he also goes the same route every time, but if a street is closed he doesn't panic, but he always ends up taking a very long route. 'i know a short cut' one hour later.
Will: very reliant on landmarks. He takes a carriage just about everywhere so he knows things from looking out the window. He knows the area around the theater but after a certain point he is lost.
Comte: he only has two locations in his head. The mansion and the bakery baguette store. No where else. He relies on a carriage so much.
Sebastian: he's giving you the most detailed directions. He knows the sketchy little alley ways. He may not have been to that specific store but he can get you there no hesitation.
Vlad: oddly yeah. He walks around with his flower cart after all. He might be a little hesitant on something, but he's getting you there eventually.
Faust: as long as he starts from the church he can get you anywhere. Very reliant on landmarks.
Charles: for as dense as he is, he's pretty good with direction. But he gets distracted easily so he ends up going in the opposite direction anyway.
Drake: immaculate. Better than Leonardo maybe. He's a pirate after all. He's got a compass in his head I'm sure.
Galileo: for someone who studies the stars he's not good with left and right. He's not a complete loss but give him a moment and he'll get you there. Is half and half in asking for directions
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