#like yes a funky wizard guy that is right up my alley thank you
misc-obeyme · 4 months
i agree with the sentiment that solomon would really do anything for mc (my (mc's) love :') ♡). yes he definitely is the kind of person to find sensible means to solve any problem until the end, only after which he will resort to extreme means (alooot more readily for mc though). even though he IS friendly with everyone, he's so much closer to mc on such a fundamental and inherent level that i feel like it would be nearly incomparable and that level of closeness would be very difficult for others in that group to achieve with him (not like anyone's actively trying to either lol). even with asmo who he relatively is the closest with - if it comes down to it, he'd choose/side with mc hands down no questions asked. we've seen that in nb when asmo loses control and calls mc a nuisance, and i feel like he would give the same intensely irritated reaction to even an og asmo who is under a spell and would never say such things to mc under normal circumstances (ik nb asmo wasn't exactly "under a spell"). even though he COULD try to be sympathetic and be like "oh he didn't mean that" i still feel like he'd be pissed off like "now THAT'S too far biotch". ya get me? im sorry i am just so fascinated by this man it's genuinely not even funny.
Yesss. Listen I absolutely love Barbatos, he is my number one forever and ever, but I really really love Solomon too. I'm so in love with him, it's ridiculous.
Anyway, I think in canon, Solomon is much closer to MC than he is to anyone else.
I do sometimes think about what it'd be like if we could spend a little bit more time with Purgatory Hall boys, though.
In that I think Solomon and Simeon, due to living together for all that time, are probably closer than what we see in the story.
And of course Solomon is close with Asmo and Barbatos, but he's also friends with Satan and Levi.
He's been shown spending time with all of these characters and sharing interests (or pacts) with them. And while I think it's likely that his relationships with them are probably deeper than what we get to see, the fact is that very little of this is shown in canon. So we could speculate about his friendships with everybody else all day, but the one thing canon makes perfectly clear is how Solomon feels about MC.
Remember when he saved MC from Belphie? That line that made all of us Solobesties go crazy? Yeah. I think he'd be just as willing to do the same thing if it had been any of the other characters, even Asmo.
I just think Solomon is dedicated to MC in a way he isn't with anyone else. And that's why I always think of him as being hopelessly in love with MC. Because he doesn't treat the characters who are his friends that way, so that must mean his feelings for MC are more intense, right?
Well, that's just how I see it lol!
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