#like yeah she looks kickass but also. her waist. her stomach. gone. where did you put them
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Tbh the biggest thing that bothers me about Danny Phantom is how they changed Valerie's whole body shape in the huntress suits
#like yeah she looks kickass but also. her waist. her stomach. gone. where did you put them#its consistent at least cuz Dannys body also changes shape#his shoulders get wider and his hips get thinner as phantom#i think they also gave Ellie a snatched waist which is weirder considering shes like. 12. why is she in a croptop#i dunno the shows designs are just kinda weird#danny phantom#dp#valerie gray#red huntress
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A Place To Call Home: Oh Baby
Summary: The reader and TJ decide to have their first baby together and the experience is anything but simple...
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 3,600ish
Warnings: language, pregnancy, pregnancy/delivery scare
A/N: Enjoy!
“Hey,” you said, rubbing TJ’s bare back in bed after he’d gotten Allie down for bed. He groaned happily as you gave him a massage, sinking further into the mattress. “You’re rocking this dad thing you know.”
“Back at ya mom,” he laughed. “You really think so? Cause I’m scared shitless half the time.”
“Same. But she’s happy and healthy and safe. We must be doing something right,” you said. He patted your leg and you slid off of him, TJ rolling to his side and wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you down. “What are you thinking, handsome?”
“I noticed you haven’t taken any birth control this week,” he said.
“We said we’d talk tonight about it. I wanted to be prepared,” you said. He brushed his hand over your cheek and your whole body felt warm at the touch. “This is way off base of our plan for kids. We can totally wait if you want to.”
“We could. But we said way back when we talked about this that when we had kids, we wanted to keep them not too many years apart. Allie will be more than two by the time we have one. I know our plans got changed completely when she came into the picture.”
“Well, the original plan was two of our own and then when they were in their teens, we’d look at adoption for number three. What do you think?” you asked.
“I think it doesn’t matter what our plan is today. It’ll probably change in some way. It already did,” he said.
“Do you want to make a baby?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said softly, sliding his hand down to your stomach. “I can’t imagine how adorable of a child you would make. Let’s start trying. Allie deserves a brother or sister.”
“Are you sure? We could wait until your student loan is paid off,” you said.
“Did I not tell you?” he asked. You shook your head and he smirked. “Work pays off my loan for me as long as I stay there.”
“Where’s the money in the budget for your loan going then?” you asked.
“It’s still student loan but it’s for Allie or kids to use. We got plenty and you got your raise and-”
“Raise? I didn’t get a raise.”
“Jensen said just the other night…oh I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” he said.
“I’m getting a raise?” you asked.
“Yeah. Like a big one. For how you’ve been stepping up lately,” he said. “Don’t let it out that I said something.”
“I won’t. So we can afford another kid, we have the time, the energy, Allie’s a good age...sounds like we got our ducks in a row,” you said.
“Wanna make a baby?” he smirked. “And then love it forever and ever?”
“Fuck yes I do,” you said. “Now get naked and let’s have some fun.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Six Weeks Later
“Want me to write down anything else for the grocery store?” asked TJ as you sipped on some coffee while Allie ate part of a waffle at the breakfast table. “I haven’t bought pads or tampons in a while. You’re probably running low.”
“Yeah, you can…” you said, staring at him. “I haven’t had my period TJ. I’m two weeks late.”
“I’ll get a pregnancy test,” he said, a cautious smile on his face.
“Yeah. I’ll call the doctor, see if I can get an appointment in soon,” you said.
“I’ll be back as quick as I can,” he said.
“Momma, waffle,” asked Allie from her high seat, opening her hand up, her plate wiped clean.
“Sure thing, honey,” you said, TJ flashing you a quick smile before he was gone.
“Hey babe,” you said half an hour later into the phone. “You still at the store?”
“Heading for checkout now. Want me to pick up-”
“I just got my period,” you said. “Just now.”
“Yeah,” you said. “We can do the test to make sure, like triple make sure and I still have an appointment for the afternoon.”
“Okay,” he said, sounding a little off.
“We only tried that one night,” you said. “And we weren’t really even trying. We were having more fun with not using a condom for the first time than actively trying really.”
“True. We got a little carried away,” he said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks sporting a light blush if you had to guess. “Do you want to like, really try?”
You turned your head and saw Allie sticking some pads to herself where she sat on the bathroom floor and you smiled.
“For some crazy reason, yes, yes I do. Also, I need more pads. Allie’s playing with them,” you said.
“Alright. I’ll pick up something special for dinner,” he said. “Love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
Three Months Later
“Another beer?” asked your dad as he stood up from your back patio.
“I can get it,” you said, TJ handing you his empty, Allie passed out on his chest from where the three of you sat around the fire. “I want a snack anyways.”
You ruffled his head and wandered inside, your dad following you in to use the bathroom. You took out a beer and set it on the counter before you opened the freezer and pulled out a pint of ice cream.
“Someone’s got a sweet tooth lately,” he said. He took out a beer for himself and cracked it open, smiling at you. “Been awhile since I’ve seen you have a drink. Not that you did a lot but the empty calories line doesn’t seem so convincing at the moment considering the tub of cookie dough in your hand.”
“You think I’m pregnant?” you laughed. He shrugged and you shook your head. “No way. Just been trying to eat healthier. TJ ate most of this anyways.”
“You’re really not?” he asked.
“No. When’s mom and everybody come home again? Tomorrow? TJ and I wanted to have everybody over for dinner,” you said.
“Sounds good,” he said. You stuck your head around him, looking at TJ outside. “What’s up?”
“Okay I kinda want your opinion on something. I got a present for TJ’s birthday but I’m not sure if he’ll like it,” you said.
“What is it?” he asked. You left and ducked into your office, smiling to yourself but wiping it off your face by the time you returned. You held out a box to him, your dad opening it up. He looked confused as he held up a pair of blue sneakers.
Very small blue sneakers.
It took him a second but soon he was staring at you, a funny look on his face you remembered seeing on your wedding day.
“Liar,” he grinned.
“I know,” you said, getting a big hug from him.
“You’re gonna have a little boy,” he said, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“That’s what the sonogram said. You’re the first person we’ve told. We wanted to wait a few months to make sure everything was okay before we said something.”
“How far along are you?” he asked as he peeled away, staring at your stomach.
“About three months. We found out the sex earlier this week,” you said. “You can touch, it’s okay.”
“I didn’t realize you guys were trying,” he said. He put a careful hand on your stomach, smiling to himself. “You made a baby.”
“We wanted Allie’s sibling to be close in age. We only like actually tried once. We were kind of surprised it happened so fast,” you said.
“Does it feel any different than Allie? It’s not like you’re a parent for the first time again but I imagine it’s got to be a little different,” he said, pulling his hand away.
“Obviously this time I’m actually going to be the one having him but I don’t know, it doesn’t feel that different.”
“Good,” he said, smiling still. “These two are gonna grow up and not even think about who was adopted and who wasn’t.”
“TJ thinks he’s gonna have his black hair.”
“He could. Boys are a spitting image of their fathers sometimes,” he said. “A little boy. He’s gonna grow up just fine with you and TJ.”
“Do you have any advice for boys?” you asked.
“Love him the same as you love Allie. Teach him boys can love and cry and feel their feelings and to help others and he’ll turn out to be just as good a man as TJ.”
“You’re not half bad either,” you said with a smirk.
“I could have been better, especially when I was younger.”
“Dad, you were shy. Mom’s told me stories. You’ve always been good. I know you feel stuff, you just like to process it inside and on your own sometimes, like me. Look at Zepp. What other boy do you know that talks to his dad about stuff the way you guys do?”
“Oh I could name a few,” he said.
“You’re doing good is all I’m saying cause you’re good. We just hope he’s kind and good too,” you said.
“Love ‘em and the rest of it pretty much works out on its own,” he said. “Oh. Changing diapers? Cover them at all times. Like every single time. You’re gonna get pissed on a lot more with a boy, especially in the face.”
“Oh god, dad,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Just being honest,” he chuckled. “Not much difference though.”
“As long as he’s happy, I’m good,” you said. “Are you...surprised? Happy? None of the above?”
“You are a kickass mom. I can’t quite describe it but yeah, let’s just say I’m happy,” he said. “I’m so happy for you both and to have another munchkin around. I’m proud of you, kiddo.”
“Thanks,” you said. “Second one should be easier, right?”
“Should. It’s your first time pregnant though. I’m sure we’re gonna run into some fun things for sure.”
Five Months Later
“Hey dad,” you said, giving him a wave in the parking lot. He smiled and you walked over before you headed off into the park with him.
“How’s work going?” he asked. “All ready to go out next week?”
“You know most people don’t take the month off before their due date,” you said.
“Most people don’t work for mom and dad,” he chuckled. “You’re covered. I see you back at that brewery for anything more than a beer run and we’re gonna have problems.”
“I know, grumpy. I’m good. Well, I was until I was driving over here to walk and my stomach started killing me,” you said. He stopped and you walked ahead of him. “What? You forget your phone or something? We can-”
“Fucking shit,” he said. He grabbed you and you made a face as he walked you quickly back over to his car.
“Dad, what-”
“There’s blood dripping down your leg,” he said, not even bothering with his seat belt before he was backing out and speeding away. You glanced down, a small thin streak drying on your skin. You reached under your shorts and felt more wetness, a pit forming in your stomach. “Y/N, are you listening to me?”
“What?” you said as he ran through a red light.
“I said you need to call TJ right now and tell him to meet us at County West. You’re having the baby right now.”
“S’not supposed to be bleeding,” you said quietly.
“I know. On the bright side, it could just be a little tear and that’s what it is and you and the baby are perfectly fine.”
“When has my life ever been on the fucking bright side,” you said. “Something’s wrong isn’t it.”
Your dad hit a few buttons on the wheel before the sound of ringing filled the air.
“Sup, Jensen?” said TJ.
“County West. The baby is coming. Move your ass now,” said your dad before he hung up.
“Oh, I’m completely not worried now,” you said. You shut your eyes and by the time you opened them, you were parked and the drivers door was open. Your dad ran over to the entrance and said something, somebody coming out with a stretcher. You rolled your eyes but let a few nurses and a doctor you were guessing move you on top of it.
“How far along?” asked the doctor.
“I’m-” you said, throwing your head back when pain shot across your abdomen. You screamed, a bit surprised at yourself honestly and suddenly were inside, your dad talking a mile a minute to the people that were rushing you down the hall.
“Y/N, I’m Dr. Astle. Are you having contractions?” she asked.
“I don’t…” you said, shouting again when pain hit you. “Gah, it’s not supposed to hurt that bad, right?”
“No, it’s not,” she said. You kicked when you felt it happening again, your dad grabbing your hand and using his other to run over your head.
“It’s okay,” he said softly. “The doctor’s are gonna fix you and the baby up like that.”
“We need to do an emergency C-section,” said Dr. Astle as you realized your shorts had been cut off.
“Dad don’t look that way,” you said.
“You and me right here,” he said with a smile. “You’ll be fine. You’ll be just fine. Just breathe.”
“TJ needs to be here,” you said.
“Tall munchkin I don’t think they can wait,” he said.
“They’re gonna wait over my-” you said, a flop of sweaty black hair running past the room. “TJ!”
“Hey!” he said as he jogged back to the doorway. “Are-holy shit. That’s a lot of blood.”
“TJ, up here,” said your dad.
“We need somebody from maternity, Dr. Astle,” said a nurse.
“Baby and mom do not have the time. You’re the husband?” asked the doctor, TJ nodding. “If mom passes out, you’re calling the shots.”
“Please don’t pass out,” said TJ.
“I’ll try…” you said, something tearing inside and you were out before you could even register the pain.
You woke up in a quiet room, your dad sitting in a chair and bouncing his leg like crazy. You tried to stretch and felt your abdomen was flatter, hand instantly shooting to it. You looked around but saw no sign of TJ or a baby and swallowed.
“Dad,” you said quietly. His head shot up and he was out of his chair like that.
“Hey. How you feeling?” he asked.
“Is the baby…” you swallowed.
“He is a perfectly healthy boy. Big boy. Your due date was off by a couple weeks they think. You were over nine months. He got a little too big for ya. The placenta started to tear and he was kicking at it they think which is why you were in so much pain,” he said.
“Okay,” you said with a big smile. “As long as he’s good, I’m good.”
“He’s up in the nursery with TJ, just letting him get some rest while you got some. You had some pain but you’re okay. Perfectly capable of more kids. Maybe we use a different doctor next time is all,” he said.
“Can I go see him?” you asked, surprised to not feel a bandage across your stomach. “I thought they did a C-section?”
“Well, you passed out pushing him out in one go. Doc said you’d be sore for awhile,” he said. “Let me go see if I can find your boys.”
“Dad,” you said as he turned to go. “Did I do that?”
You nodded to his bruised hand and he shrugged.
“Let’s just say in labor you is kind of terrifying,” he said.
“Dad,” you said and he sat on the edge of the bed. “Thank you. I was freaking out before.”
“Little secret, I was freaking out more,” he said with a chuckle. “You, you were just thinking about the baby. Me, me I was thinking about the baby and you. Understand?”
“Yeah. Go get me my son, old timer,” you said, shutting your eyes again.
“Yes mam,” he said, rubbing your arm. “You did real good today, kiddo.”
“I’m getting a letter later, aren’t I,” you said. He laughed and felt him ruffle your hair.
“I’ll save it for when you guys head home. Nothing’s gonna top this,” he said. You heard the door open and opened your eyes, TJ walking inside with a bundle of blankets in his arms.
“You’re kind of a badass, you know that right?” he said.
“It’s why you married me, isn’t it?” you teased. “I want to meet him.”
“I told you I’d bring you back around to see mommy,” he said. Your dad slipped out as TJ sat on the edge of the bed and handed you over your son. You giggled when you saw the black head of hair under his blue cap. “Told you he’d have my hair.”
“It’s a good thing your daddy is pretty,” you said, booping his little nose. “How’d you get here so fast?”
“I was at work. I took the stairs and then sprinted over. The hospital’s only a few blocks away,” he said.
“Why are you in scrubs?” you laughed.
“May or may not have ripped my pants in the said sprinting. Your mom is gonna bring me some clothes when she comes up. Somebody had to go and be all dramatic with his entrance,” he said.
“Dad said the doctor got my due date wrong,” you said.
“Based on my math, you actually did get pregnant that first night we fooled around. Your period was super light when you had it and the doctor did say some people can have them during pregnancy, especially at the beginning if…”
“Dude. I know how it works,” you said. “He’s cute.”
“I know. There’s a couple of really ugly babies down the hall. We got lucky,” he said. You laughed and the baby looked up at you, quickly shutting his eyes. “Someone’s smitten.”
“He’s not the only one,” you said. “You ever decide on a boy’s name?”
“What do you think about Colin? I know it wasn’t on the list but-”
“It’s perfect,” you said, giving the baby a kiss. “Just like you, aren’t you Colin.”
One Week Later
“Dad,” you said when you caught him peeking over the back of the couch again. “He didn’t wake up in the span of the last three seconds you weren’t looking at him.”
“Your father’s in love,” laughed your mom as she set a bag of takeout down in front of you. “I got tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos and brisket per your request.”
“Mmm,” you said, TJ reaching his hand into the bag. You stared up at him and he slowly backed away. “That’s what I thought.”
“TJ, yours is in with the other containers,” she said, setting a few containers down on the counter. Your siblings all grabbed one and took off to the movie room, JJ taking Allie up with them and your mom and TJ wandering into the kitchen and talking quietly. Your dad was still looking over the back of the couch and smiling down into the crib.
“He awake?” you asked.
“No. Just adorable,” he said.
“Well get dinner grandpa,” you said, reaching over to the end table for your drink and pausing. You shut your eyes and felt it pass, your dad suddenly right there and helping you to your feet. “Thanks.”
“Still sore?”
“Oh yeah,” you said. You sat up at the counter, grabbing a taco first and taking a big bite. “I’ve been dying for one of these for months.”
“Hopefully the spice doesn’t bother you too much,” he said, stealing a nacho from your bag. He looked over at the crib, Colin making a half-giggle sound. “Kiddo. Do me a favor.”
“What?” you asked.
“Enjoy it. They grow up faster than you think,” he said.
“I know,” you said. He nodded and you saw him look sad for a split second. “Dad?”
“Just cause I made a baby doesn’t mean I’m not your kid anymore,” you said. “Based on how you are, I’ll never grow up so win-win for you.”
“Loser,” he said, ruffling your hair with a smile before he took your burrito. “Speaking of which, I was gonna prank the trio once they start watching scary movies later. You in?”
“Duh,” you said.
“That’s my girl.”
A/N: Read the Jensen’s Day timestamp here!
#spn#supernatural#jensen x daughter!reader#rpf#au#spn reader insert#supernatural reader insert#reader insert#spn fanfiction#jensen x
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