#like wrecking havoc as part of on-the-job risk? he was used to that
poisonedpowder · 2 years
It was a very rare occurrence that Jinx intentionally did anything to thwart Silco’s agenda, but when it did happen, it was quite the nightmare and only occurred if he had really set her off in all the wrong ways. Usually, when he upsets her, she just does her best to prove him wrong and prove herself in more useful, but there has been a time or two where he had set her off in a way that had the opposite effect entirely and he certainly suffered the consequences for it.
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lemonandpeachess · 3 years
Small Moments
Pairing: Wrecker x Female Reader
Rating: G
Word Count:2,220
Summary: You and the squad have a little bit of downtime before completing a job from Cid. This time allow you to think ahead for the future of the squad, and of Omega. 
AN: I hope you all enjoy! This is my first bit of writing in a long time so we’re keeping it pretty simple. xx
Gif credits to the owner <3 
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The noise was no stranger to you, the deep and seemingly endless drumming above your head. An icy coolness slips into your skin underneath your clothes, your eyes slipping shut at the sensation. While for the most part you enjoy your time on the ship with your crew and it feels just as much of a home as you could ask for, it did have its drawbacks. The closest thing to a simple rainfall you got to experience while cruising through space were meteor showers, and landing in the middle of one of those was not the most relaxing experience. You feel a small, hand wrap itself into your own, giving it a small squeeze. Your eyes cast down and you smile at the sweet brown eyes peering up at you from beneath wet, blonde curls. Omega has her hood over her head, holding down the side with her opposite hand against the wind.
“I sort of missed the rain (y/n).” She says, looking up at the sky and smiling, the raindrops sprinkling down on the two of you. You lift your head back up, sticking out your tongue. Omega looks at you, her brow furrowed. “What are you doing?”
“Catching raindrops. You can do it with snowflakes too. We used to do it on my home planet when I was small.” The tiny clone follows your actions, laughing as she lets go of your hand and makes a show of running around you, catching the water droplets from above.
You were thankful that for both the sake of you and the squad, and for Omega herself, that she had taken the business of being a part of the team so seriously. The young one dove into everything that was ever handed to her, from Hunter’s hand to hand combat routines, to Tech and Echo’s near constant technological learning. She was a fighter, and a determined one at that.
Your heart was heavy at times however, thinking about how she was still a child. She should be able to enjoy the things children enjoy. The sweet, small things that with adulthood and the burdens of growing up, we all tended to forget and appreciate. You took it upon yourself to make your training for Omega to be how enjoy things she could not before, to make her feel like she wasn’t restricted, or stripped of her curiosity. You encouraged it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, my data shows that the atmosphere on this planet coupled with the local vegetation means excessive consumption of precipitation could lead to harmful side effects.” Tech says as he walks past, guiding his scanner around you as he too gets off the ship. You purse your lips and look down at your small companion once more, chuckling.
“Bit of rain won’t hurt you.” Hunter says as he comes up behind the two of you, handing Omega her small backpack you had found for her at a market during your last job for Cid. You wanted her to have something of her own and found some amenities to put in it as well. Some new fresh clothes, and a small toolkit among other things, including her beloved clone trooper doll. “We should get inside though. Cid said we can stay at her camp here before we continue to the other side of the planet for the exchange tomorrow. We can’t proceed until late morning at least. Best to get some rest while we can.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice Sarge.” Wrecker yells from the belly of the ship. You hear his footsteps as he barrels down the gangway and feel him join you both. He grabs your own pack from your shoulder and puts it over his own, its size shrinking against his broad form. “You and the kid take your time, beautiful. I can take our stuff inside.”
“Wreck I can take that, it’s just a few things.” You laugh, grabbing for your pack. He dodges your efforts and keeps walking forward, turning to wink at you as he follows his brothers. You huff out another laugh and lead Omega towards the cleared path in the forest. “Well, I guess I’ll just escort you then my lady. I’ll get you settled in in Hunter’s room before I join them so we can go over the mission details for tomorrow.”
“Can’t I be there? I want to know what’s going on tomorrow too!” Omega asks, her shoulders slumping down a moment under her cloak. You squeeze her hand and nod.
“Alright Omega, you can come with me. We’ll drop your pack off and then find our way. Just be weary. I’m not sure what kind of mission this will be or what Hunter’s plans for you are. This may be one you need to sit out, for all I know the both of us might be sticking behind. You’re a part of the squad so I see no issue of you being there. Just be ready to play the part Hunter and the others have planned.” You tell her. Thankfully, Hunter had begun to allow her a little more freedom with her involvement in missions. There were still runs Cid sent you on however that weren’t worth the risk.
“I promise I will!” She says, saluting you. You look ahead as a clearing broke out of the path and you see a glassed-in observatory style station come into view. It looked like a two-story home, perfectly rectangular in shape. The walls were made completely of glass, save for the metal framing around the edges and planforms, holding the building above the ground. You imagined the views of the forest were breathtaking from inside. You had to give it to her, Cid had taste. 
“(y/n)? Can I ask just one question before we go in?”
“Go on Omega, I’m listening.” You answer, still looking towards your quarters for the night.
“What are snowflakes?” ***** You sigh as you enter the code to your keypad Wrecker directly behind you as you all retired to your rooms after the mission briefing. Omega left in happy spirits with Hunter as he had a part for her to play in this mission, the situation being a simple drop-off of supplies with payment, nothing too messy. Since Omega had paid off all your debt with Cid, you were able to stick to more low-profile jobs while you figured out a new plan regarding Omega’s safety and the unsettling end of the war.
“The kid seemed happy that she has a job to do with us. I like when she’s able to come out in the field with us.” Wrecker says, starting to take off his uniform. You cross your arms over your chest, still a little chilled from the rain as you look out. You were right before, as the whole building, including your room, was surrounded by windows. Thick, one-way, bulletproof windows, as Tech made sure to point out, given who owned it. It really was a beautiful sight.
The view made it easy to look out into the forest, the leaves on the branches, bright from the rain and crisp air. The foliage swayed back and forth with the wind, creating the most soothing hushing sound, mother natures lullaby. Accompanied of course by what had to be some type of owls, their deep calls coming from their nests in the surrounding trees. Open space had a soothing effect to most. It’s infinite darkness with specks of light, but to you, it was far too quiet. No outside noises penetrated the thick hull of the Havoc Marauder, only the synthetic beeps and whirs of the engines going off in the night could soothe you in the deafening moments.
“I know that ain’t true, you smacked me in the face with your pillow the other night cause you said I was snorin’ too loudly.” Wrecker points out, lifting his chest piece over his head, his upper body now free of the extra weight. You hadn’t realized that you were thinking out loud, though you often did it around Wrecker. He was your partner, for a couple years now. Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Echo you trusted with your life. With Wrecker, you trusted him with your life and your heart. You take his chest piece from his hand and set it in the trunk he had carried in along with your bag. “
That is different!” You laugh, coming back to take the final pieces of his suit, leaving him just in his black thermal set. You lay the final piece into the trunk and sit on a chair that faces the windows. “This place reminds me of things I love. The birds, the trees, the smell of the rain. You can’t find that in space big guy. I’m glad we’re able to take Omega with us to these different planets and worlds. It’s important she knows about the world and everything in it. Good and bad. I just try my bests to let her see the good to remember during those bad times. She’s going to have to fight for a lot in her life, an unfair amount…”
“Hey, listen-“You feel Wrecker stand behind you, putting one hand on your shoulder and gesturing for your other one. You put your hand in his and bring the warm top side of his to your lips, kissing it gently. His hands dwarfed your own, as he did most parts of you. You were always safe when you were with him, and you knew if he wasn’t near, it wouldn’t take much to have him barreling towards you at any moment when you needed him. “We’re gonna look after Omega. We made it this far, I’ll stand in front of anyone that tries to hurt her… Or take her away.”
“I know you would Wreck, we all would. She just adores and admires you all.” You say, his fingers grazing your cheek as you speak. You were honest too. If your run in with the bounty hunters wasn’t enough, you knew in your heart that child was probably the most protected thing in the galaxy.
“She likes you a lot too ya know. She tells me all the time.”
“Does she?” You smile to yourself. The word ‘love’ was seldom used around the ship, usually only regarding Mantell mix by a select few. The feeling was always present of course, the brothers all loved each other, and as the time went on, it extended to both yourself and Omega as well. Wrecker had told you after he told you he loved you for the first time in your relationship, that it was the first time he had said it to someone in such a way.
“She does. She thinks your beautiful, and smart and kind. I like her, she’s a smart kid.” Wrecker lets go of your hand and comes around to the front of your chair. You barely have a moment to look up before he picks you up into his arms like you were nothing, carrying you to the plush bed that was made up in the middle of the room. He sets you down gently and crawls into bed with you. 
“Cause I think you’re beautiful, kind, and smart too.”
You laugh and prop yourself up a little more as Wrecker settles beside you, who is also sitting up to look at you. You extend your hand and cradle his face in your hand, your thumb brushing along his cheekbone. Before you can reply you feel a yawn manifest in your throat before it escapes, your hand covering your mouth as you try and keep your gaze on your favourite trooper.
“Am I that boring?” He chuckles. You swing your legs back over the edge of the bed, starting to unhook your boots. Wrecker gets up from the bed again and walks to your pack, grabbing your sleep pants from it.
“No Wreck of course not. I’m sorry, I just feel really tired suddenly.” You reply, pulling off your boots and setting them beside the bed, keeping them close just in case. You feel his hands slip under your shirt and you let him lift the fabric from your body, leaving you in just a worn sports bra. As you wiggle out of your tactical pants, he hands you the black sweatpants and you slip them on, relishing in the feel of the soft fabric. You never seem to realize how tired your body is until you properly stop for a moment.
“It’s okay baby, it’s been a while since we had a break. Even when we do, you’re always doing something for us, or for Omega.” He says, joining you in bed again. You lay back on his chest, relaxing into him as you look out the array of windows and out into the wilderness around you. You wished you had time to explore more, and to enjoy your time there, but you could already feel sleep tugging you down, not being helped by Wrecker’s fingers grazing up and down you arm.
“I know- but I still wish we had some extra time. We haven’t had a lot of time together either, just the two of us. I’m sorry I’m wasting it.” You sigh, fingers dancing over his chest.
“Don’t worry (y/n).”  Wrecker takes his arm around you and rolls you onto his chest, almost laying you almost on top of him, kissing that spot on your neck that makes your heart thrum. “There’s always the morning. You know how much I like breakfast.”
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The Princess And The Soldier
Request: Hi! Can I have angst and tragedy request. Dean x Daughter reader. Dean has two daughters but treat Reader like a soldier while the youngest treat like a princess Dean and reader don't have good relationship.The reader don't mind at all, as she wanted to please her father. Until, the reader and her sibling got kidnapped by demon and Dean will choose who to save. The reader begged Dean to save her little sister instead of her and she let out her feelings towards Dean and said goodbye to them
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daughter!Reader
A/N: I was in this crazy writing zone and decided to post one more today. 
I hope you like this, Anon! 
Feedback is welcome as always!
Warning: Angst! A lot of it!
Word Count: 3046
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If there was one thing you wanted in this whole world, it was to make your dad proud. Nothing else mattered to you as much as that. Even if it meant losing yourself in the process you’d happily do it. Things were great between you and your dad in the beginning. You had wonderful memories of him and your mum taking you to the park and goofing around with you, you’d go camping together and enjoy family time whenever Dean was home from a hunt. Movie nights when uncle Sammy came over were a ball. The house was filled with music and laughter and you felt as if nothing in the world could compare to that or take it away.
That was until your sister was born.
You were only 4 when your mum died giving birth to your sister, Mary. She was attacked by a demon when she was 8 months pregnant and went into early labor. Dean managed to kill the bastard, but he could not save his wife. He watched her die in his arms and with her Dean’s spark died too. A terrible change came over him and no longer was there music or laughter at home. To make matters worse, his attitude towards you began to change and by the time you turned 13, he had completely withdrawn from you, treating you as nothing more than someone to train and feed. He had one job for you - Protect Mary no matter what. Two years later, It had become a mantra that he would repeat after every training session and it eventually replaced all the ‘I love you, sweetheart’.
The only person who seemed to bring even a small bit of happiness was Mary. She was a ball of energy and happiness that somehow managed to bring a bit of light into your home. She reminded you both of your mother and you felt as if a part of her was living through your sister. On the other hand you were more like Dean, something you took great pride in in spite of everything.
Despite the prejudice in your father, you loved Mary dearly. She was your best friend and someone who always managed to make you laugh with her quirks. You were grateful that at least she got to see the loving side of Dean. And that’s exactly what you saw when you walked past Mary’s room one night to get to yours.
“Sleep tight, baby girl” Said Dean softly to her.
“Daddy, what if there are monsters in my closet?” Asked Mary with wide eyes.
“You have nothing to worry about. No one can get you as long as I’m here.” He said kissing her forehead.
“But what if they sneak in?”
“Well, if they do they’ll have to go through me first and guess what?” He said grinning.
“They’re too scared of me to come after my baby.” He whispered as if it was a secret.
“Really?” She asked looking at him in awe.
“I promise.” He smiled, tucking the blanket around her.
“Is Y/N safe too? What if the monsters get her? Will you be there too?” She asked innocently.
“You don’t worry about your sister, baby. She knows how to take care of herself. She doesn’t need me.”  You saw his body stiffen at the mention of you. “Now no more questions, you need to sleep.” He said tickling her, smiling widely at her giggles.
His reply broke your heart. You quickly made your way back to your room before either of them noticed your presence. You climbed into bed, trying not to cry. You told yourself that it was his way of having confidence in your hunting skills. He was doing what was needed to make sure you were safe. You fell asleep trying to take what little comfort you could from that.
A year later, on your 16th birthday you were woken up by a jumpy 12 yr old on your bed.
“Wake up, Y/N! It’s your birthday!” She screamed into your ear, making your bury your head under the pillow.
“Go away, it’s not even 7!” You grumbled.
“Come on! Daddy’s making pancakes!” She ignored you and kept shaking you.
“Oh my god! I’m up!” You glared at her, making her giggle. She knew you weren’t a morning person and she found your antics hilarious.
You slowly made your way to the kitchen pouring yourself a cup of coffee and taking a seat at the table. You wished Dean good morning, used to the fact that he’d barely said it back to you like he would to Mary.
He piled up pancakes on all your plates, taking a seat opposite Mary and began to eat. Just as you were about to dig in, Mary spoke up, “Dad, you didn’t wish Y/N!”
Dean looked at you confused and then at her. “Wish her for what?”
“Her birthday! It’s her sweet 16! All my friends at school say it’s a big deal”
“Oh” His eyes widened in realisation. “Happy birthday, Y/N” He smiled at you. For a second you thought he was genuinely excited about your birthday and your heart skipped a beat.
“Are we going to do anything special today?” Asked Mary more excited about your special day than anyone else.
“Well, you and I will be starting your training, Mary.” Said Dean getting up to get more coffee.
“It’s okay.” You interrupted. “You need to start training. It’s more important” You smiled at Mary, getting up and placing your plate in the sink. “I’ll umm go for a jog.” You said and left without making any eye contact.
It was so stupid of you to expect anything. Dean had stopped celebrating your birthday like he used to ever since your mum died. Mary got a lot of his attention and it was how it should be. She was a kid and he wanted her to grow up more normal. Which is why he sent her to school while he let you drop out at 15 to train better. Even though she knew about the things that went bump in the night, Dean always made it a point to protect her from it more than he protected you. The fact that he was finally training her today was a big deal. So you didn’t complain.
After an hour of jogging, you came back home to find Dean’s duffle bag near the door. He walked down the stairs and spotted you.
“Dad, where are you going?” You asked.
“Sam found a hunt. Looks like a demon. I’ll be gone for a few days. Take care of Mary okay?” He said busy making sure he had everything.
“Do you need an extra hand?” You asked hoping he would finally let you go on a hunt to prove your worth to him.
“Absolutely not! If you come, Mary comes. And I can’t risk her getting hurt. So you better watch out for your sister, Y/N. I mean it.” He said finally looking at you.
Dean can be very intimidating when he wants to be. And no matter how many times you end up on the receiving end of that gaze, it always made you feel like you’re screwing up no matter what.
“Yes, sir. I’ll watch out for her.” You said.
“Good.” He patted your back, walking towards the door. He stood and turned to you, “You take care too okay?” He said and left without waiting for a reply.
You heart hammered in your chest. You could never get used to the affection Dean showed you. It was few and far in between and when he did, you ate it up like a starved animal. It wasn’t often he directed concern towards you, but you figured the concern was masked under all that anger. So when he showed it, your day was made.
With a bright smile on your face you made your way to your room to take a shower. You passed by Mary’s door and saw her sitting grumpily on her bed.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked.
“He was supposed to train me! He just left!”
You sighed at her. She didn’t understand the lengths their dad and uncle went to protect her.
“You know dad was really looking forward to it. But some stupid demon decided to wreck havoc. I promise you he’s going to come back and spend all his time with you.” You explained smiling at her.
“Why do you always take his side?”
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N. I ain’t stupid, you know. I pick up on things.”
“I know you ain’t stupid, Mare.” You said confused.
“I see the way he treats you. I’ve been paying attention to that since I was 7. He barely even acknowledges you and yet here you are always taking his side. Why?”
“He does acknowledge me!”
“No he doesn’t! We both know it!”
“Shut up, Mary! He cares! It’s his way of making sure I’m strong enough to protect you!”
“Yeah, that’s all you’ve done all my life! Dad protects me, you protect me! Who the hell is going to protect you?!”
You were stunned into silence. You never looked at it that way. Sure you noticed every time Mary got more from him than you did. But you were too busy trying to do better to make him proud, that you didn’t realise that the only one protecting you was you.
“The reason why I begged him to train me was so I can be the one to protect you back!” She was yelling at you now. “And now he left! It’s not fair!” She had tears streaming down her face. She rushed out of the room, making her way to the main door.
“Mary! Where are you going?!” You ran after her. “You can’t leave when Dad’s not here! You know that!”
She ran out the door with you at her heels. You finally caught up to her, your training giving you the leverage. You pulled her back by her shoulders. “Stop! Just calm down okay?”
Before anything more could be said you blacked out, the last thing you saw was Mary falling unconscious too.
You slowly woke up, realising that you were tied to a chair in the middle of a warehouse.
“MARY!” You yelled struggling to get out.
“Quit yelling! I’m right behind you!” She snapped.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” You asked, panicking.
“I’m fine. Just my head hurts. You?”
“Yeah pretty much the same.”
The door opened and a man walks in with deep black eyes, “So you brats finally woke up from your beauty sleep. Good!” He grinned.
“Let us go you son of a bitch!” You scream earning a whack across your face.
“Y/N!” Mary yells.
“I’m fine. He hits like a sissy” You grin at him, blood dripping down your lips.
“I see you got your father’s mouth.” He smirks. “This is going to be interesting.”
“Oh just wait till he comes, he’s going to send your dumbass back to hell!”
“I’m counting on his arrival, darling. He and his brother have been causing too much trouble for us. I figured I could make them suffer before I kill them. Kidnapping Dean Winchester’s daughters is going to get me such glory.”
“Look you got me, just let my sister go. Please!” You begged. Afraid for Mary’s life. You had one job and you failed miserably. It was all your fault.
“Oh no, sweetheart. There’s no point in holding onto just you. I need the daughter who Dean loves the most!” He laughed.
You tried not to let it get to you.
“Then let her go!” Mary yelled.
“Shut up, Mary! Don’t say a word!” You snap at her.
“Oh look at that, Dean’s little princess trying to save her failure of a sister. What’s daddy going to say about that, Y/N? You failed to protect her. You had one job.” He whispered the last part in your ear, making you tear up.
“Please” you begged, voice cracking.
Suddenly the door to the warehouse burst open and Dean barged in with his gun raised at the Demon.
“Let them go, you son of a bitch!” He yelled.
The demon quickly pulled out two gun pointing each one to yours and Mary’s head. “Well well, the third Winchester is here to join the party!”
Dean was livid. You had a pretty good idea at what, but a part of you knew he was going to give you hell once you got out of this.
“I won’t say it again, asshole! Let. My. Daughters. Go.” He gritted out.
“I will let them go, Winchester. But you’re gonna have to play a game before that.” The demon smirked.
“Over my dead body.” Dean replied calmly.
“Well, the game does require a dead body. But not yours. You get to choose which one of your daughters get to live. You can take her home.”
“How bout I take them both home after I put a bullet in your head!” He yelled.
“You take another step or do anything stupid, I’ll put a bullet in both their heads.” The demon grinned.
There was silence. You could see your dad panicking and holding back his tears. He didn’t have back up clearly and you didn’t know what happened to Sam.
“D-Dad. Pick Mary.” You said softly looking at the ground. You could hear her sniffle beside you.
“Y/N, no! Please! This is my fault! It should be me!” Mary begged.
“Quiet Mary, this doesn’t concern you.” You told her. “Dad, listen to me. You and I both know if push comes to shove, you’re going to save Mary.”
“Y/N, that’s not-“ Dean started frantically.
“It’s okay, dad.” You smiled teary eyes at him. “All I’ve ever wanted was to make you proud. I-I know mom’s death changed us a lot. I know how much you miss her. I miss her too. I’m sorry I wasn’t a good daughter. I’m sorry I wan’t enough for you to love. I get it, dad. You feel responsible for mom’s death, and Mary looks so much like her. You think protecting her will make up for what you think you failed to do. But dad it wasn’t your fault. It was the demon’s. And you ended up killing that bastard and Mary has always been safe. I know you were tough on me so I could do better and protect her when you couldn’t.” You were crying by now and so were Mary and Dean. You closed your eyes to take a breath before continuing. “I’m so sorry I failed, sir. I couldn’t protect her, I wasn’t fast enough to stop her.”
“N/N, no! It’s not your fault, it’s mine!” Mary said.
“Shh” You said smiling at her. “Maybe I didn’t deserve to be protected like Mary. I know I’m not as perfect as her. Hell she even got grandma’s name.” You chuckled addressing your dad. “It’s not like I have anything that reminded you of mom. I wish I did though, I mean she was so beautiful inside and out. It would be an honour for sure.” You chuckled lightly at that. “But that’s okay, because I noticed I am more like you, dad. And I am so proud of that. So proud to be your daughter. I was going to grow up to be just like you.”
“Y/N, baby. I’m so sorry.” Dean was a sobbing mess.
You had never seen your dad like this before and it broke your heart. You never meant to hurt him. You just wanted to make him proud.
“I’m so so sorry I didn’t treat you right, baby girl. I love you so damn much. You’re right. You were always so smart.” He smiled at you. “Mary is so much like mom and I got consumed by my guilt. And you do remind me of myself, Y/N and that scared me so much. It was like looking in a mirror. When mom was killed, looking at you meant dealing with myself and my demons and I couldn’t. So I pushed you away. I’m so fucking sorry!”
“I just wanted you to love me.” You whispered.
“I do love you, Y/N! So much. More than my own life!”
You finally heard what you’d been dying to all these years. “I love you too, daddy”
You hadn’t called him that in years and when you did your heart swelled up with so much love. You should be angry at him for treating you like a soldier. But right now, knowing the road ended for you, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he loved you just as much as he loved Mary.
“Oh my heart!” The demon, who was silently listening, suddenly made his presence felt. “I could cry, but fortunately, I’m a demon.” He grinned. “Choose Winchester. Who will it be? Your little princess or your little soldier?”
“Daddy, please. Don’t let him hurt, Y/N!” Mary begged.
You looked at Mary and smiled sadly, “Mary, you probably won’t understand this now, and you’re going to be so pissed at me and dad once this is all over. But I promise you that this is my choice. I love you so much and I wish I could watch you grow into this amazing person. But that’s not possible. And dad needs you more than he needs me.”
“No! He doesn’t! He won’t admit it, but he needs you too! I need you!” She screamed.
“Please don’t do this” Dean begged the Demon.
You looked at Dean, “Protect Mary no matter what, right?”
The last time your dad looked so broken was when his wife died, but you knew it would hurt less for him if you were the one to go. You watched him close his eyes and look down in shame. You know he had made his decision and this is where the road ended for you.
You cried harder looking into Dean’s eyes, “I love you, daddy and I forgive you.”
That was the last thing you said before a bullet went through your skull.
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@hobby27 @akshi8278 @svmwinchesterr
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prismatales · 4 years
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Word Count: 2K
Bingo slot: Crying in the rain.
Pairings: Kirishima Eijiro x Reader.
Tag/Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Comfort, TW: Depression.
Summary: He’s always thought of you as somebody incredible, strong, and reliable. Until one fateful day, he finds out not everything is as it seems.
Here’s entry No.2 for @bnhabookclub ’s bingo event, and weekly prompt challenge “Please, don’t do this.”! Thank you @pixxiesdust and @wakaoujisenhime for helping me out with some parts of the plot! ❤
The day Kirishima met you, it was during the entrance exam; Watching you take down robot after robot with the aid of your super speed quirk. That look of pure determination as you kept dashing around the whole place, wrecking havoc upon the machines, was something memorable in his eyes. 
You could say, it was like love at first sight.
So when the first day of class finally comes, and he walks into the new classroom, finding the same girl that caught his eye during the exam, sitting at the other side of the room while getting to know their classmates, he was over the moon.
And he didn’t think twice about approaching her right away, befriending her instantly much to her initial confusion, and yet she accepted his friendship with open arms. After all, there’s no such thing as having too many friends!
You may be absent-minded sometimes, but that doesn’t change his opinion in the slightest. He’s always thought of you as somebody incredible, strong, and reliable. Until one fateful day, where he finds out not everything is as it seems.
“Hey, y/n!” He calls out to your limp self, laying face down on the couch with a facefull of cushion. “We’re having a study session with Bakugo, do you wanna join us?” 
Your head barely moves an inch to glance at the two guys standing at the other side of the common room. Kirishima’s smile is so bright, it could easily light up a whole room. Bakugou however, is terribly quiet. His eyes narrow suspiciously, like he knows something his friend doesn’t.
“Thanks guys, but I’m not feeling so good…” You smile weakly at them, lifting an arm to give them a thumbs up. “Good luck though! I heard this exam is going to be a hard one!” 
They both watch as you get up from the couch, and start heading towards the girl’s side of the dorms with slow strides. Something unusual from your regular hyper self.
“She’s hiding something…” Bakugou grunts, eyes still narrowed as he watches you walk away. Kirishima only raises an eyebrow at his friend’s attitude.
“I don’t know man,” He rubs the nape of his neck with disdain, “Maybe she’s just sick?” But the look his friend gives him says otherwise. “I’ll check up on her after we’re done studying.”
Both males head to Kaminari’s room,where they meet with the rest of their study group. During the whole time they spend studying, Kirishima’s thoughts can’t help wandering back to you, and he starts thinking that maybe Bakugou’s right, and there’s something bothering you.
“You’re thinking about her, aren’t you shitty hair?”
Everyone stops in their tracks to look at the red head sitting on the floor. The rest of his friends have a teasing glint in their eyes as soon as they heard the word “her”. 
“Ooooooh! Does somebody have a crush? Who is it, Who is it?!” As always, Mina’s the first one to ask, as the rest of the group keep staring intensely at Kirishima, more focused on the guy’s crush instead of their calculus homework, much to Bakugo’s annoyance.
The blush spreading across Kirishima’s face is so bright, that it almost makes his hair look dull in comparison. In a nervous fit, his quirk ends up activating on its own, and he unwittingly ends up breaking a pencil in half, much to his friend’s hysterics.
“It’s nothing like that! I’m just worried about y/n!” He drapes a hand over his mouth, realizing he just blurted out exactly what his friends wanted to hear. Judging by the spontaneous chorus of ‘Oooooooohhhh!’ that can be heard all across the room. 
His next words however, make everyone quiet down in an instant.
“You know how cheerful she is, right? Well, she was really quiet when we found her, and she said she wasn’t feeling so good, but...ugh! I don’t know!” He closes his eyes in frustration and runs a hand through his hair, completely messing his spikes out of frustration. 
“Most people would call that a crush, dude.” He looks back at Sero, who’s sitting in front of the small table right in front of him. “If it makes you feel any better, maybe you should talk to her.”
“Besides, you do have point.” Mina places a finger on her lips as she remembers something. “The other day the girls and I had a sleepover, but y/n also said she wasn’t feeling so good and locked herself in her room.” She turns back to the group of boys looking at her with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “And she never turned down a sleepover before.”
“Did you forget what happened the other day during training practice?” This time it’s Kaminari who turns back to look at his frustrated friend. “She was so distracted she almost got hurt, and don’t forget how Aizawa scolded her for that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so dejected before.”
“Maybe you should go talk to her, you two are really good friends, aren’t you?” 
For an instant, Kirishima doesn’t move from his place, thinking about his friend’s words. But after thinking it over, he stands up and with a determined look, he starts heading to the door. “Alright! I’ll go talk to her!” He looks back at his friends with a smile “Thanks guys!” 
Walking through the hall, the slight ‘taps’ on the window slowly increasing their pace eventually catches his attention, turning in the direction of the noise, Kirishima notices the sky has become darker, gray clouds letting out a downpour that quickly drenches everything outside.
And when he sees a certain someone standing outside, trembling, and getting soaked by the rain, with their back turned on the dorm’s building. Worry and panic begins to seep through his whole body. So he begins dashing towards the main entrance. he doesn’t even pay attention to the class president yelling at him to stop running in the halls, and finally, he pushes his way out of the dorm. 
Just to find you looking up at the sky, not caring in the slightest about being soaked to the bone by the cold, harsh and heavy downpour. Completely focused on the dark sky to even bother listening to the voice coming up from behind.
“What are you doing outside in this storm y/n?! You’re going to catch a cold if you stay here any longer!” 
He doesn’t even care about being soaked too. Approaching your unresponsive self, and placing a hand in your shoulder, slowly turning you to face him. But what he sees, makes Kirishima stop in his tracks and it sends a chill through his body, even stronger than the frigid droplets falling down from the sky.
That glimmer of joy, that used to fill those beautiful eyes he fell head over heels for, with life...it was all gone. Taken over by pure suffering, strong enough to feel like a punch to the gut from Kirishima’s point of view.
“H-hey, what’s wrong? Are you alright y/n?” This time he grabs you by the shoulders, holding your numb self in front of him with nothing but concern.
And when the only thing that appears on your face, is a heartbroken smile filled with anguish. His eyes become wide open in dread, and the panic becomes evident.
“It’s all pointless….isn’t it?” 
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing with my life...I just...I don’t trust my head anymore!”
You don’t struggle in the slightest when he pulls into into his strong arms, hugging your shaking body closer to his with a strong, but delicate grip. It feels so nice, being held closer to someone like this. It could almost melt all your worries away if they weren’t pulling you down with the strength of a thousand bodies. 
“Listen, I may not know what’s going through your head right now. But you’re an amazing person, one that deserves the world and more.” Kirishima can feel the weight of your face burying itself on top of his shoulder, nuzzling itself against him in search for warmth, at the same time the rest of your body begins trembling against his.
“Please, don’t do this.” The meek, broken whimper being muffled by his shirt is almost unrecognizable from the cheerful voice he loves so much. “Don’t give me false hopes. It’s not worth it.”
He can’t stand it, He really can’t stand just staying there, listening how much you hate yourself, while he does nothing. The grip on your body becomes tighter, and his hand brushes the back of your head in comfort.
“And you expect me to leave you hurting, all by yourself? That’s not a manly thing to do.” He pulls away softly, holding you at arm’s length to take a pained look at those heartbroken eyes and quivering lips. 
The rain makes a good job at hiding the flowing tears. He can only guess that’s the reason you’re standing outside this storm to begin with; To let everything out, without the risk of alarming anybody.
“Come on. Let’s get you inside, you’re going to get sick at this rate.” 
Carefully, Kirishima guides you by the shoulders, towards the dorm’s entrance. He notices there’s nobody else around anymore, so he takes advantage of it and guides you towards the bathrooms.
When the both of you go inside, he helps you sit down in a small bench before starting to look around for the spare towels. 
He sighs with contentment once he finds a pair of brand new, fluffy towels. Turning back he sees you sitting still in place. And at least, your eyes don’t look like those of somebody who lost all hope. Right now, they’re just full of exhaustion.
Delicately, he dries your face with the towel, before wrapping it around your teetering shoulders. The second towel, he uses it to start drying your head with gentle movements. 
“Look y/n, I know you’re hurting. But I want you to know, that you have people out there who genuinely care for you.” His hands keep tracing circles with the towel, trying to dry the your hair as much as he can. “If you ever need someone to make you feel safe, I’ll always be there for you.”
Satisfied with his work, he lets the towel rest on top of your head, brushing some loose strands of hair covering your cold face, tucking them to the side and away from your eyes.
“You tired?”
“Alright then, let’s get you to bed, but first you gotta change out of those clothes, don’t want you to get sick, okay?” 
You only nod in response. In return, he pulls you up by the wrists and walks you all the way to your room, rubbing your shoulders reassuringly along the way. Though when he feels your head rest on his shoulder, he can’t fight back the blush spreading all over his face.
“Well, here we are!” His hand grabs on the doorknob to push the door open, allowing you to step inside. Kirishima can’t help looking at the room nervously while staying at the doorway. Considering he’s looking at his crush’s room, and they’re not even dating to begin with.
“I’d help you get changed, but I don’t think that would be manly of me. Haha.” His awkward chuckles pulls out a tiny smile from you, much to his surprise.  
“It’s okay. I’ll take over from here...and Kiri?” 
He looks back when you call him. And when you approach to give him a small peck on the cheek, the gesture leaves him frozen in place.
“Thank you.” 
That night he walks back to his room, touching his cheek with a lovestruck smile on his face. It’s only after he already changed out if his damp clothes and gets ready for sleep, that he realizes he completely forgot about his study session with his friends.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Hazbinphobia: Arrival of Adina
Adina fan art collage
Adina artists: (PLEASE GO SUPPORT)
Hele-nae https://www.deviantart.com/hele-nae/art/Adina-and-Fitch-594650932
Buhitter https://buhitter.com/search?q=zoophobia
MatrixArt28 https://www.deviantart.com/matrixart28/art/Adina-VivziePop-600498071
SLoad666 https://aminoapps.com/c/hazbin_zoophobia/page/blog/a-d-i-n-a-fan-art/eYJp_lgQt3uEb4KZR62402Lp0ZnDe7DgDz6
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 “Here There Be Dragons”
 “In the very beginning, a primordial force (known as Mother V by mortals), existed in the dark antimatter in space. The force caused a major explosion, one that mortals call the Big Bang. After stars and galaxies were formed, planets soon followed. Crafted from that very explosion was an all-powerful being: God. He was everywhere, where there was light, He existed within it. With a flick of His finger, He created the sun, moon, stars and the planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Then, three main dimensions were formed: Heaven, Earth, and Hell.”
 “The first one was Heaven, His residence. It was a marvelous place, with buildings made of gold, sitting on top of fluffy white clouds. The sky was endlessly blue, the environment a paradise. Angels were formed, divided into nine hierarchies: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Powers, Principalities, Dominions, Virtues, Archangels and Angels. Jesus was the son of God who was killed on Earth, then reborn. God soon created His Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Azrael (black haired Angel of Death), among many others. His favorite one, however, was Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Lucifer was the embodiment of pride and perfection. The Rings of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Fixed Stars and Primum Mobile were formed, God existing in the last one.  (Also called the Rings of Faith, Hope, Love, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence, and Wisdom). C.H.E.R.U.B. was an organization that saved lives on Earth, traveling to the living world via the Bible. It consisted of sheep cherubs and a cherub boy.”
 “The denizens of Heaven were animal-like (like those in Hell), and were ignorant to those suffering in Hell. They took on traits of flowers, harps, doves, dogs, cats, swans and other things considered “holy” or “pleasing” (unlike the spiders,  and mythical monsters in Hell). Heaven, too, consisted of councils and Overlords who ruled certain Rings of Heaven, though they were far more just than the ones in Hell. Like in Hell, there were those born in Heaven (the Heaven Born) and do-gooders (the opposite of sinners). Like those born in Hell, the Heaven-Born had more power and a higher status than the do-gooders who had formerly been human. In God’s garden stood the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
  “For many years, all was well.”
 “Then one day, God decided to create new beings in His image, who could reproduce and unite with Him after death. They were called humans. The prideful Lucifer did not like the thought of God favoring man over angels. To Lucifer, he and the other angels were superior to humans and mostly immortal…why would God favor man instead?”
 “Flooded with pride and anger over God’s strict rules, Lucifer ignited a rebellion against Him. Using his Morning Star sword, Lucifer fought Michael and Gabriel, leading other angels who followed him. God told Lucifer to submit and to end the madness, but the light-bearer refused. Michael defeated Lucifer and soon enough…Lucifer and the angels on his side were banished from Heaven.”
 “The second world was Earth, consisting of oceans, land, animals, plants and humans. It was a neutral world between Heaven and Hell. Mortals there could be good or evil or many shades in between. The majority of them were flawed in God’s eyes, so only those worthy enough could go to Heaven. This often translated to straight, white, faithful men getting first pick. Humanity evolved from cavemen to farmers, to townsfolk and city-goers. Wars were fought, inventions were made, and lives were lost and gained. For the most part, humans were concerned with themselves, for better or worse.”
 “Lucifer roamed the Earth for a thousand years before being sent to Hell, the fiery third world. There, he became king, while Lilith became queen after her banishment. Together, they created Hell and Pentagram City as a place where fallen angels and sinners could freely express themselves and take whatever risks they wanted. Drugs, murder, rape, and thievery were rampant. Overlords were placed into positions of power, ruling territories and districts. The Rings of Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and Treachery were formed, Satan being trapped in ice in the last one. The Immediate Murder Professionals consisted of imps who would travel to Earth to kill humans upon the requests of their demon clients. Lucifer and Lilith raised their princess daughter, Charlie, who always saw the good in everyone. Charlie would later form the Hazbin Hotel to try and redeem sinners so they could potentially go to Heaven, in order to stop the yearly purges.”
 “Parallel to the Hazbin world was the world of Zoophobia. It was a world where humans, animals and anthromorphic beings (bi pedal animals with human traits) coexisted. Bi-pedal animals took refuge in Safe Haven to escape the humans who despised their differences. Safe Haven was one of the districts where Xirxine Labs and Phoenix Academy resided. A human named Cameron was sent to the academy by a mischievous goddess, knowing she had an extreme fear of animals. She eventually got to know the staff and students there, working as a therapist to help the teens. A Heaven and Hell also existed in the Zoophobia world. In Hell, there lived mythical monsters, Lucifer, his fox wife and trouble-making son Damion. Up in Heaven were angels, the same God as before and an angel named Adina.”
 “Who is Adina? She is a white, centuries-old angel with glowing teal eyes, long lashes and long white hair. She has large white feathery wings extending from her back. She wears a white dress and robe, bordered by dark teal trim with little white Christian crosses along it. Adina is the mother of dragons in Zoophobia and spiritual consort to God. She was created by God to “save” some people while torturing others. In this way, she performs many tasks: 1. Instilling fear in sinners 2. Encouraging more people to worship the Heavenly Father 3. Gathering information and allies to use against Hell 4. Caring for her sons, whom she created. Adina is also the head of the Exorcists or Exterminators who purge demons in the Hazbin Hell every year.”
  “Like Samael and the Exterminators, Adina enjoys torturing demons and sinners, often creating illusions of their worst fears. Her methods and the annual exterminations are ways of keeping demons in line, for them to know their fate and to not rebel against God and Heaven, like Lucifer did. She also has the ability to possesses others and convince them to take her side. Those influenced by her will have teal glowing eyes. (Take Mirage, the killer demon who possessed a brown-haired young woman. She caused havoc until Adina took control of both of their souls, creating a formidable ally.) Chainsaw, a white being with a chainsaw weapon with a cross on it, is Adina’s merciless ally.”
 “However, Adina’s closest allies in the fight against sinners are us dragons.”
 “Oh? Allow me to introduce myself…”
 Surrounded by a teal aura, a humanoid silently walks forward. He is slender with a pointed dark teal tail, black pants and a green vest with white sleeves. He has a white face, a pointed chin and nose and rectangular glasses. His analytical eyes are light green sclera and glowing teal irises, like Adina’s teal eyes. His hair is dark green with two tall furry tufts with light teal tips atop his head.
 “I am Fitch, dragon shapeshifter and oldest son of Adina. My large dragon form is in various shades of green: light green stripped underbelly, dark green tail and wings, spikes going along my back. My tail, claws and horns form my head all have teal tips, followed by forest green colorations. My mouth looks beak-like when it’s closed, but my teeth are sharp as ever.”
 “I am a demon hunter along with my mother. From a very young age, I have learned to wield a variety of weapons to use against the demons of both Hells. (I’ve only been to the Hazbin world once, and I barely remember). One of my signature weapons is a staff with several spinning blades on it. Many people think I’m heartless, a merciless killing machine, but like Azrael, I’m merely doing my job. My mother enjoys manipulating people and killing demons…it’s just the way she is. My mother also supports Xirxine Labs, the facility where scientists perform experiments on Zoophobia denizens. They may be unethical, but sacrifices must be made in the phases of progress.”
 As for me? I feel no remorse nor joy in particular. Demons are like rabid animals wrecking havoc across the realms…someone has to interrogate them and take necessary means.”
  “I have three younger brothers.”
 Another dragon walks forward, surrounded by dark purple and yellow. He wears thin yellow shoes and long black pants with yellow ends. His curvy black tail is decorated with several dark bows shaped like butterflies. His undershirt is yellow and his tailcoat is the same color as his pants, complete with buttons and a black bow tie under his neck. His face is pale, his eyes have lavender sclera and yellow irises. Finally, his hair is dark black, almost purple, with yellow bangs and tips on his two tufts.
 In his dragon form, his skin is thick and purple. He has the black bow tie and buttons along his back, spines down his back, large wings and two sharp horns.
 “Marx is a film producer and believed to be a former stage actor. He considers himself a victim of circumstance and is often very grumpy and bad-tempered. Marx and I are no longer in contact, due to disagreeing with certain life choices we have made. He makes me sick. Seriously, he goes around trying to impress others with his so called theater performances instead of doing more important work. Not to mention, joining the mafia, no less! You, know, the shady flirtatious black and yellow Castello, his brother Ribbon who does his dirty work and Salem, part of his black cat army. That mafia is almost as bad as that Italian Hazbin one with Henroin, Angel Dust, Arackniss, and Molly.”
 “Safe Haven is supposed to be a secure place where the bi-pedal animals don’t have to worry about paranoid humans hunting them down. But the mafia and the monsters who keep entering the world thanks to that troublesome goddess makes things difficult. At least Lesson, the white cat, helps encourage people to seek the right path and convert to Christianity, like my mother wants. In fact, he works for her and Heaven (Though, his too-wide smile and eagerness gives me the creeps.)”
 “Gustav, that German self-centered snake student teacher is Marx’s adopted son. He only likes students with talent; I heard he was very mean to a shy girl on stage.”
 Fitch sighs deeply.
  “Marx going against our mother’s wishes is seriously going to get him into major trouble. Thanks to Adina, my place in Heaven is already guaranteed. (And yes, “thou shall not kill” is in the Commandments but sometimes killing evil is necessary).”
 “Alright, enough about him.”
 Another dragon enters. He has a large goofy grin, a green shirt and a pale green face. His eyes are cloudy white, indicating blindness. His hair is jet black, black bangs going sideways and black tufts. In his dragon form, he is slender with light green and dark green colors blending into each other.
 “Malcom…I rarely think about, actually. He is a blind dragon teacher at Phoenix Academy. Apparently, he’s friends with another teacher named Perci. His blindness helps heighten his other senses. He’s passionate about learning and helping others. Meh. I consider him a coward, as he’s not willing to kill off any demons. At least he’s not like Marx.”
 “And finally…”
 The last dragon emerges, surrounded by orange and red. He wears black and white shoes, long red pants, and a black tank top. A spiked collar is around his neck, giving him a gothic look. His claws are black and his skin is white with an array of lines and symbols on it like tattoos. His sclera are orange, his irises red. His hair is a fiery bold orange, as are his two ear tufts. In his dragon form, he is white with black spikes down his back, tattered wings with the black designs, and a tail with sharp orange spikes at the end. His clawed feet are red-orange.
 “Hatchet and I see each other often. He is a handful, but admittedly, my closest family. Hatchet can create things with his fire and loves eating rabbits. His acid is acidic, so others would best steer clear. When he’s not eating rabbits or goofing off, he does pyrotechnic tricks, such as twirling flaming batons around. Perhaps he grew attached to me back when I would take care of him when we were younger. He was often the wild one, always getting into mischief. We all live distant lives now. Like Malcom, Hatchet always tries to get along with all of us. Though Malcom and Marx are perhaps closer to each other, like Hatchet is with me. Heh. Strange how two dragons with opposite personalities could get along so well. Adina likes all four of us, but she and I are closest.”
 “Yes, that’s about it. Adina and I have been through a lot.”
  “I remember those moments when Adina would coax people, like the green haired Iggly student into her wings, getting him to tell her everything. I’ll never get over that terrified look on his face.”
 “Or when Adina tortured a white spider demon with his worst fears and said, ‘There is no mercy for the damned.’”
 “She once saved this pink bi-pedal animal, embracing her and saying, “Let me save you, my little creature.” My mother always tries to do what is best, even though other people seem to be afraid of her.”
 “One other time, I fought and interrogated an uncooperative demon with red eyes. Adina hovered by my side as I raised my teal weapon over his head. She declared, ‘Such is the will of the Lord, so shall it be…’ Later I accidentally killed a delicate white butterfly creature in my hands. I’ve been mocked over my love of butterflies by my brothers, my father, and by many in Zoophobia.”
 “Whenever I would get tired or hesitant about my job, my mother would give me a warm smile and say in her soothing voice, “Just remember, it’s for the greater good.” Those words have stayed with me since. It always hurts when Adina says she’s disappointed in me after I fail a task, which is rare, thankfully. But I do what I do for her…it’s my one purpose in this life.”
 “I know that those demonic beasts have a safe haven in the Hazbin world like the demons do in Zoophobia’s Hell. Maybe once mother and I find it, we can stop those scum from spreading and planning devious things. Of course, we would need to take out the powerful ones when we can. Everyone knows that angelic blades can instantly kill demons. That’s why I carry mine wherever I go.”
 “Adina has summoned all four of us to go on a mission. Not like the interrogation or cleansing missions in Zoophobia Hell. No. This mission was very special. The four of us were to accompany her to the Hazbin Hell world, and find out more information about the princess and her hotel. Some say that the princess wants to unite Heaven and Hell’s denizens of the Hazbin world to create a larger diverse culture full of music, laughter and dancing creatures. Preposterous.”
 “God had heard about the program from a distance. Rumor was, if demons were to be redeemed, Heaven would get overcrowded and chaos would ensue. The unwanted guests would disrupt the entire Heavenly system, possibly creating an apocalyptic war as deadly as the one where Lucifer tried to fight God. God only allows those with no flaws or sins to enter Heaven; it’s been that way for centuries. Adina, God, the angels and exorcists all agree that those in Hell are dangerous and should not be allowed into paradise.”
 “Hatchet and I remain loyal to mother, though for Hatchet, it’s mostly because he cares for me and doesn’t want to let me down. Marx is grumpy and reluctant as usual. Perhaps he’s upset over a broken relationship or a show or something, not that I care. I briefly saw him drinking at a bar one time. Malcom, blind as he is, looks concerned. He obviously doesn’t want to leave his students and partake in this mission. Alas, Adina is a powerful being, perhaps second to God, so no one dare disobey her if they want to live a pain-free existence. Being dragon-shapeshifters, we can easily fight when needed. And in our bi-pedal forms, we can easily spy and blend in with Hell’s inhabitants.”
 “Adina brings out a special device, shaped like a music box. It is golden and pink in color, nearly indestructible. After typing in a code (A24, 921028, VVZPP), the music box slowly opens with a faint whirl, revealing a figure of a fluffy cat. The cat slowly turns around on the stand as cheery music begins to play from the box. The cat stops and from its eyes, flashes a black outline of a portal in the air.”
 “The portal lights up in neon pink, revealing elaborate symbols and one spot shaped like a horse named Spindle.”  
 “There was only one other device in the Hazbin world that could open a portal to Zoophobia, Heaven and perhaps Earth (along with open any door in the Hazbin Hotel), it was another music box with a black winged Sinner’s Key. All that was needed was the key or a grimoire) and a powerful demon or angel who could open portals.”
 “A golden Do-Gooder’s Key (The kind used in Heaven) is revealed from an outward moving slot from inside the box. Adina picks it up with her delicate white fingers and places it through a glowing key hole in the portal. After she turns and releases it…”
 “Vivienne, Vivienne, Aperiam in porta!”
 “Adina chants the phrase to open the glowing portal in front of us. It is the only known gateway to the Hazbin world. The fabric of Zoophobia fades in front of us, revealing a hole to a crimson sky world.”
 “We all get ready to go through...set to fulfil our destinies…”
 “But let’s go back to the past a bit…”
“The Dragon’s Keep”
 Many years ago, my brothers and I were born from special eggs in the Zoophobia world. Adina became lonely over the centuries. Although she had lots of power, it was tiring to travel to different worlds and interrogate denizens all the time. She eventually wanted someone to help her out in her work. Although she was ruthless to demons, she did care deeply for those in Zoophobia and Heaven. She felt like she was part of something bigger; she was doing part of His work, after all.
 “Oh what a marvelous place Heaven is,” she sighed to herself. “But the days drag on. I feel my legacy will eventually go unnoticed. If only there was a way I could pass down my values to a new generation.”
 Then, it came to her: she wanted children of her own.
 But in Heaven, casual sex was seen as one of the many sins not allowed. Plus, angels and demons were creatures that could not reproduce, unlike humans.
 Adina soon went to God for advice, bowing respectfully when she saw Him. She stood on a light blue rug that led to a set of marble steps. Golden pillars reached up into the sky, hovering on clouds that appeared on both sides of the open space hall. Two guards dressed in white stood hovering on either side, with flames for faces and six red wings flapping softly from their backs. Above Adina were the fixed stars and galaxies, shining brightly overhead, in contrast to the sky on the sides. Not too far away, angels were darting around large white roses, spreading songs and feelings of joy to other beings born within the petals. She was briefly reminded of her own birth, her name meaning “gentle” and “mild.”
 “Your Heavenly Grace,” Adina said, soon standing up, folding her white wings behind her. God appeared as a large golden eye surrounded by golden wheels with eyes covering them and small angel wings spread out from them. The wheels and wings were moving, but God as the eye stared unblinkingly at her. A white marble throne stood behind Him.
 “My lovely consort,” he replied, kindness in his voice. “So wonderful to see you again. What is it that you seek?”
 “I grow ever lonesome, and feel that what I do isn’t quite enough.”
 “My dear, your work is more than enough. I chose you to be the angel of Divine Retribution. You have organized and led countless Exorcists to Hell and back. Not to mention you saved so many souls who almost lost their way. Are you not happy?”
 “I truly am, my Lord. It’s just…I want someone who can help carry out my work. One who could work with me, but also be cared for by me. I’d like to have children of my own.”
 “Ah,” said God. “A beautiful wish. Alas, you know that angels cannot procreate.”
 “I do know. That’s why I came to you for help.”
 “Well, there is a way,” He said. “You remember you were created from holy starlight and dragon’s blood, right?”
 She nodded.
 “You have the ability to give birth to offspring. Dragon shapeshifters, and powerful ones. Here’s what you will do.”
 Adina listened intently.
 God had sent her on a journey across the world of Zoophobia. She was to retrieve four special items and bring them to a nest in a vast cavern. She remembered the instructions she was given:
  “Find the fur of a polecat on a rock during the full moon.
Find a gold frowning theater mask in the camp of rule breakers by the river.
Find the hatchet that lies within a volcano, where fire roars to life.
Find a religious text in the hands of St. Columba where the wind blows high.”
 Earth, water, fire and air.
 Finding the polecat pelt was easy; she traveled to the forest and there it was, illuminated and clean in the moonlight.
Getting the mask was harder. She had to ward off several shady looking creatures, and a few monsters as well.
After grabbing the ax from the volcano and nearly plunging into lava, she had to use lots of holy water to heal her singed skin and wings.
Finally, she found the leather bound book in the hands of a St. Columba statue, high up in the mountains.
 “Head to the largest habitable cavern. Create a large secure nest and place the objects inside.”
 At last, she traveled to the cavern, created a large nest of sticks and twigs, and gently placed the objects inside. Her glowing eyes allowed her to see in the dark. Toward the back of the cave was a pile of gold coins and a few precious gems scattered around.
 “A decent lair for dragons. They will reside here before being introduced to the rest of the city.”
  “Recite this spell to begin the transformation and birthing process.”
 Adina hovered her hands over the objects and chanted in Latin. The objects lit up in flaming spheres of light, transforming into speckled oval-shaped white eggs.
 The effort of doing the spell made Adina fall unconscious for several days.
 Adina stirred awake, her eyes fluttering open. She could hear some movement coming from the eggs. She stood up from the atone floor and let out a soft gasp.
 Her children were about to hatch!
 She carefully took the nest, flapped her wings forward, and placed it in a secure spot on top of a high cliff near the cave. She made sure that it lay within the sunlight and not too close to the edge.
 The eggs then gradually turned different colors. The one from the polecat pelt turned dark green and teal. The one from the mask became yellow and black. The one from the hatchet was red and orange. Finally, the egg from the book was light green and black.
 The green and teal egg wobbled first. A dark crack snaked slowly over the surface. More cracks began to appear, creating intricate designs. Ever so carefully, bits of shell fell off from different spots. A beck poked through, and the rest of the shells fell away.
 There I was, small with a dark green body, wings and a pointed tail. My new green-teal eyes scanned the area, curiously. It was love at first sight when I saw my mother’s smiling face. Adina stroked my head and back lovingly with her fingers, me letting out a pleased sound. I nudged my face repeatedly into her hand, a musical chuckle coming from Adina.
 “You are going to do great things, my little Fitch.”
 Around thirty minutes later, two eggs began to stir. The fiery colored one and the yellow-black one. The eggs bonked into each other several times, and chirping could be heard from inside.
 “Oh? Who’s coming next?” she asked.
 Adina soon had her answer. A part of the yellow and black shell was shoved off, landing onto the nest like a door breaking down. A dark purple and yellow dragon did a little pose before stumbling out of the shell remains. He shook off the embryonic fluids from his scales, showing a grin of small teeth just beginning to form. Moments later, the fiery egg beside him exploded, sending shells and sparks everywhere. I jumped into mother’s hands, terrified, while the purple dragon covered his little head with his arms. A slender white dragon appeared, shaking away bits of shell from his small horns. (This was before he got all his tattoos). His red-orange eyes darted around excitedly, spotting the purple dragon.
 “Hatchet!” Adina scolded as the white dragon began to play-wrestle his brother with loud croaks. “Leave Marx alone!”
 But little Marx soon joined in the fun, pushing his brother back with his little feet. Hatchet’s small spiked tail smacked Marx in the face and the dragon squeaked in brief pain. Little me jumped from mother’s hands, biting Marx’s tail.
 For several minutes, the three of us rough-housed in the nest, testing out our new senses and bodies.
 Adina soon grew concerned. “What about the last egg?”
 Indeed, the last egg had remained as still as ever. Adina shooed Hatchet away when he tried to knock on the hard light green shell.
 “Oh dear,” she sighed. Was it a stillborn? She couldn’t bear that. Minutes became hours. The egg still hadn’t hatched by the morning.
 Finally, in the evening, after Adina had almost given up hope, a small chirp was heard. The other dragons peered to get a closer look. Cracks snaked along the egg shell in multiple directions. At long last, holes appeared in the egg, before a closed eye was revealed through one hole. The egg split open and a light green and darker green dragon was revealed. He was slender, with thin see-through wings and a thin pointed face. He sniffed and slowly opened his eyes.
 “Malcom,” Adina exclaimed, overjoyed to see her youngest son. Malcom took several shaking steps forward, and bumped right into Marx. Marx growled in protest. Malcom’s eyes were cloudy white.
 “He’s blind,” Adina realized.
 Malcom’s ears picked up the sounds of bats fluttering from above the cave. He jumped into the air, but fell flat on his back. I helped him up and licked his face.
 “You guys will need flying lessons one day,” Adina said.
 For several days, Adina brought in meat, game and other foods for us. Hatchet, in particular, loved to eat rabbits. The four of us were much closer back then, than we are now. Eventually, we would learn to breathe fire, fly, talk and hunt for ourselves. We were to go to school and learn to live a more civilized life when we turned one year old, (equates to five human years). Adina had given us brief glimpses of the city and some tidbits.
 “Bi-pedal animals wear clothes,” she said. “But full animals don’t have to. Eating humans or other creatures is forbidden.”
 “Awww man,” Hatchet groaned.
 “Shut up and go chase a rabbit,” Marx muttered to him.
 “Rabbit? Where?”
 Marx rolled his eyes as Adina continued.
 “Do not go outside the Safe Haven border without permission. There are dangerous humans out there with weapons that can kill you.”
 “But we’re dragons,” Hatchet mentioned in his child-like bi-pedal form. “We live longer than them and are more powerful. Can’t we just burn down their cities and stuff?”
 “Did you not hear what mother just said?” I chided him. “They have weapons that can pierce through dragon scales. Interacting with them would only put the districts in danger and confusion. Idiot, I swear.”
 “Swearing’s not very nice,” Malcom added. “I heard one guy say something really bad to another, he was like, ‘oh no you didn’t,’ the other was like, ‘yeah huh, I just did,’ and then…”
 “You talk too much,” I deadpanned.
 “You didn’t even let me finish.”
 “Pay attention, my sons,” Adina said, before continuing her lecture.
   A week after we were born, we had gotten the hang of hunting for ourselves. Me and Hatchet, in particular were the better hunters among the group. Hatchet would eat rabbits whenever he could. (To this day, I don’t understand his obsession with them). We steered clear of bears or black horned monsters who could overpower us or swipe us down with their paws.
 Adina taught us how to speak, read, write, and, of course, how to fly.
 “Feel the direction the wind is blowing,” she said. “Flapping your wings propels you forward but don’t overdo it. Deep breaths and remaining calm are key. Try and land straight on your feet…”
 She said this just before Malcom came in for a faulty landing. He bashed into a rock face, tumbling down onto the ground in a heap. Marx tripped on his tail and almost fell, but managed to straighten himself up. Hatchet laughing whenever I fumbled only encouraged me to work harder. Hatchet was doing pretty well, if you didn’t count the time his white wings got torn up a bit from flying through tree branches.
 It took a few years for us to fully master our flying and shapeshifting abilities. But I grew fast and learned fast.
 I led my brothers when we practiced diving off a cliff. Taking a deep breath, I jumped off the cliff, morphed into my dragon form and spread out my wings gracefully. Adina’s face blended into the clouds; she looked proud. Hatchet was up next.
 “Whoo-hoo!” he roared, as he morphed into his white dragon form and took off. A gust of yellow fire shot from his mouth, creating a ring for him to fly through. I smiled a bit and rolled my eyes at him. We weren’t at full size yet, but we weren’t too far off.
 “Isn’t this amazing, Fitch?” Hatchet called as he flew beside me. We stared at the canyons and rocky ground below us. “Rawr!” he called, pleased to hear his voice echo through the air.
 “Focus, please,” I said. “Mother’s looking for grace and agility, not loudness.”
 “Fitchy…am I being too quiet?!”
 His loud voice and laughter rang in my ears.
 “Sorry, I can’t hear you over your need to shut up,” I retorted.
 Hatchet scoffed. “You’re always so…erm…stuffy. I’d say almost as grumpy as Marx back there.”
 Marx was pacing back and forth back on the cliff in his bi-pedal form. We all wore white loincloths over our waists that would appear even after we had transformed from our dragon forms. Our chests had thin fur that matched our hair colors.
 He appeared to be talking to himself, as if planning some kind of imaginary show.
 “Jerry the knight gallops through the woods, only to tremble in fear at the four mighty brothers. Then the camera…one of the objects from the city that Adina told us about…pins up and down as we stomp toward our victim. He runs and runs, the scene going by in a blur…”
 “Are you going or what?” Malcom asked.
 “Right!” Marx called, raising a fist and standing straight. “Life is but the next grand adventure. We now roll too…”
 He spread his wings…
 “Marx of Karl, taking off!”
 He jumped into the air. Malcom misjudged his next step and plummeted rapidly to the ground with a shocked yelp.
 Hatchet and I turned around. “Malcom!” Hatchet cried in fear.
 Malcom was briefly scared, but soon got over it. With a new happy look on his face, he spread out his green wings and swirled toward us. “Speak up so I can hear you!” he called out.
 “We’re going this way!” I said as I led the group once again.
 “What the…” Marx began, looking at Malcom. “You’re not scared.”
 “No. Not really.”
 “This is only your third time in the air. And you can’t see anything!”
 “I can hear, smell and feel where things are. It’s easier on the ground but I’m just happy to be with my dragon bros!”
 “Bros?” Marx raised an eyebrow.
 “Hey look, I’m not even in my full dragon form! You should totally try it!”
 The three of us morphed into our bi-pedal forms, while still retaining our wings. We huddled close to support ourselves.
 “W-w-w-whoa this feeling sure is new,” Hatchet muttered, trying not to look down. I, too, was feeling vulnerable, flying for the first time in this form.
 “Don’t look down,” I suggested.
 But of course, he didn’t listen.
 “Oh, no, Fitch, I’m looking down! Yaahhhh!”
 “Get off me!” I said, pushing him off when he grabbed my back. He clawed at the air in desperation.
“You’re not drowning, Hatch,” Marx sighed.
  Marx muttered some prayers as he grabbed hold of Hatchet to steady him. Hatchet took some deep breaths, settling down.
 “Hahahaha!” Malcom laughed in bliss. “You’ll get used to it eventually!”
 “How long is eventually?” Hatchet asked.
 “How should I know?”
 The four of us landed haphazardly into a nearby lake after a wind knocked us slightly off course. Water splashed everywhere after we landed. Hatchet shook off water droplets from his scales and wings.
 “Bleh! I hate baths!”
 “I’ll say you needed one, Hatch,” Malcom said with a grin.
 A deep growl rumbled in Hatchet’s throat. “Wanna see what it’s like to drown? Oh wait, you can’t.”
 “At least I don’t have to lay my eyes on your monstrosity of a form.”
 “What was that?!”
 “Heheheh. You heard me, Hatch.”
 “Empty threats and callous fighting, per usual,” Marx remarked, crossing his arms as his brothers landed some kicks and punches in the water. I stood up and narrowed my eyes. I had trouble seeing things off in the distance. Those things Adina called glasses would be very helpful.
 “That’s quite enough, both of you!” I commanded, a burst of teal fire escaping my mouth. It was enough to make Hatchet and Malcom pay attention. Good.
 “Anyone up for a swim?” Malcom asked.
 “Absolutely not,” Marx replied.
 “For once, I agree. I say we find ourselves some food and get out of here,” I advised.
 “Alright,” Hatchet agreed, separating from Malcom with a grin. “What are we waiting for? Food would be great right now.”
 “When are you not hungry?” Marx asked Hatchet.
 “Let me think…Never!”
   Turning back into our dragon forms, we hunted for food before heading back home.  Hatchet had a knack for finding rabbits almost anywhere…and wouldn’t share with us.
 “That’s my rabbit!” Hatchet declared.
 Marx tried to grab the small dead carcass from his brother’s hands.
 “For Viv’s sake!” cried Marx. “You’ve had enough of them already! It’s my turn.”
 “Let go!”
 “You let go!”
 The boys struggled for a bit until Hatchet accidentally ripped off Marx’s loincloth.
 Marx turned red and angry in the face as Hatchet stuck out his tongue and laughed.
 “You’re such a filthy hothead!” Marx spat as he picked up the cloth and tied it back around his waist.
 We found a river of fresh water for us to drink. In our dragon forms, we spit water at each other playfully and had a contest to see who could spit the farthest. It came as a tie between me and Hatchet. Hatchet, being the most athletically inclined, won intense races we had, both on the ground and in the air. A black creature with horns chased after us and nearly devoured poor Malcom, but thankfully, several hard punches from me and the others caused the beast to flee. In celebration, Hatchet juggled fireballs in his hands before catching them all in his mouth.
 “That beast will be “dragon” himself to oblivion! Haha! Get it?” Hatchet chuckled at his joke. Malcom giggled while Marx and I groaned in annoyance.
  Once we all got back, we turned into our bi-pedal forms once more. Adina said that those would be our default forms most of the time, so she encouraged us to get used to them.
 As we reached the mouth of the cave, Hatchet stuffed a severed brown rabbit’s head into his mouth with a greedy look on his face.
 “You know that is considered bad manners, don’t you?” I asked, referring back to mother’s lecture. Hatchet wiped off some blood from his pointed face with his arm.
 Hatchet scoffed. “Who cares? We aren’t going to the city for…another month, at least.”
 “It’ll be here faster than you know it, Hatch. It’d be best if we all prepare ourselves soon.”
 “Whatever you say, Fitchy.”
 “Stop calling me that. It’s Fitch.”
 “Same thing.”
  Our steps echoed as we arrived back into the cave at dusk. Hatchet shot a jet of fire up toward hanging bats, who screeched in protest, flapping their wings.
 One scorched bat fell down and landed right into Malcom’s mouth as he yawned. After a look of surprise, he happily chewed up the creature and swallowed.
 “I guess food can fall from the sky,” he said, licking his lips.
 “Jeez Malc, you’re even blinder than the bats,” Marx mentioned.
 “Technically, bats use echolocation to track down their food and figure out their surroundings. They aren’t as blind as you think.”
 “Hmpth. Know-it all.”
 We curled up in our bed nests that were spread out among the cave. They were nests with a few pillows and some blankets inside them. Malcom was the only one who hadn’t outgrown being tucked in. Since mother was busy, Marx came over and helped relax his brother. Malcom’s nest was by a chest of gold coins and some fancy books. They were some of many treasures that Adina magically provided for us. (She had a knack for spoiling us when she wasn’t stern.)
 Marx sighed and hopped into his nest by a pile of royal robes nearby. Hatchet slept near, well, a hatchet, along with a few golden goblets and gems. I soon curled up in my nest, the one nearest to some discarded swords, and bladed silver weapons. Apparently, Adina said she would teach me how to use them later on.
 “If you want to protect yourself and your brothers,” she had said, “You’ll need to learn how to defend yourself.”
 Of course, she hadn’t told me anything about hunting demons until I was older, but I was still eager to learn, nonetheless. The full moon and stars shone through a hole in the cave, a beautiful sight. Before long, the four of us were snoozing peacefully away.
 The assassin, the actor, the punk, and the nerd. A very unique dragon family indeed.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Hundreds are dead after the 'Hulk incident', and Janet Pym is in the hospital after getting sprayed by bug-spray and stampeded by hundreds of ants controlled by her husband, Hank. Bruce Banner is in isolation, so depressed by what he did, but no one even knows Banner is the Hulk. A doctor tells Banner that the Hulk cells are not leaving, and never will. Cap is greeted by Gail and Bucky Barnes, after the memorial service. Now that all the Ultimates know that Hank did it, Cap is in a rage, since he has feelings for Janet. Fury is calling on Natasha Romanov and Clint Barton to complete a mission. Cap calls a transport to Hank's location.
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To introduce the new team of Hawkeye and Black Widow, the two go on a mission to kill a whole building of enemies. After a energetic battle, Hawkeye is almost killed but Black Widow saves his life. That night, Nick Fury has all the the Ultimates together, and with the new members; Black Widow and Hawkeye. Nick brought all the heroes together to tell them that an alien force, the same Nazi alien force that Captain America had to deal with in World War Two, is back and is wrecking havoc. Nick tells them that they think the aliens are preparing for a global annihilation. Meanwhile, Captain America is in Chicago, where he goes to meet Hank Pym, for personal reasons.
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Captain America has just tracked down Hank Pym, and is with him, to teach him a lesson after Hank beat up his wife. Cap goes with the physical route, hitting Hank in places not too severe, but to make Hank need to increase his size. After Hank, having been hit numerous times, finally increases his size, Cap has a little fun. First, Cap goes to a higher floor to get a higher jump on Hank, and literally jumps on Hank's face, and pulls his head down, smashing it into a construction site. Hank tries to fight back, but Cap is too fast, dodging every swing by Hank. Cap finishes the job by dropping massive bars on Hank. S.H.I.E.L.D. came right after to clean the mess.
Back at the Triskelion, Bruce Banner, who hates Hank Pym because Pym previously stole Banner's job, is now happy to hear that Cap broke Hank's jaw. Betty, who is now with Bruce more than before, is telling Bruce about the possible upcoming alien invasion. The Chitauri have spent decades infiltrating Earth, and have been subversively planning a gradual "stealth invasion" ranging from sabotaging nuclear programs and (bizarrely) having children implanted with microchips. Banner questions how SHIELD is going to fight back. Betty explains that based on SHIELD's psychics they have examined the dead brain tissues of Chitauris leading to a "big push" that is planned for Micronesia. Importantly Micronesia possesses a hidden base containing a large number of alien soldiers and a wide selection of doomsday weapons, which means Nick Fury plans on invading Micronesia with a large invasion force. Amusingly, Banner explains that since the Chitauri's last invasion attempt in World War Two there were fifty or sixty of the aliens that remained on Earth. He then asks how there are more of them in to the present. Betty smugly reply that they have spent time reproducing.
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Cap goes to Wasp's hospital room to see her, but Wasp is furious at Cap for what he did to Hank, even if Hank abused her. Wasp tells Cap to leave. Later, Nick gets his team together, and they head for Micronesia, a place rumored to be the alien's base.
In a flashback to 1944 Poland. As Captain America hangs from a train engine as his enemy Herr Kleiser taunts him for failing in his mission in intercepting a load of parts for the Nazis' super weapon, and allowing many of the Allied hijackers to die. However, Captain points out to him that he and the others didn't came to hijack the train but to "blow it up". Shocked, Herr Kleiser commands his men to shoot Cap but he manage to jump off the train before it explodes, killing everyone and presumably Herr Kleiser on board.
Twelve months later in Marrakesh, Morocco; Steven Rogers is briefed on the Germans of being ahead in their nuclear weapons program (again) and that their development is based from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, bringing the possibility of a nuclear strike on either London, New York, or Washington D.C. Cap questions if Herr Kleiser, in which rumors has it that he is alive, ever have any connections to the nuclear program in which General Eisenhower states that the alien has everything to do with anything, and also points out that Kleiser survives anything.
In the present, the Ultimates and S.H.I.E.L.D. forces heads to Micronesia via helicarriers. Nick Fury notice something wrong with Cap. Rogers only replies that the mission that they're undergoing is hauntingly similar to his last mission in Iceland. Nick assures him that this time he is "coming back."
Back at the Triskelion, Janet Pym notice that everyone in the sick bay are absent. She then finds several staff workers and questions them that she has been trying to call anyone for a drink but receive no answers. One of the staffers escort Janet back to her room and assure that everything is alright. As Janet turns her head around she notice a staffer dragging a body. Knowing something wrong she shrunk herself and avoiding a gunshot as it kills one of the staffers, who are revealed to be Chitauri agents. Janet quickly flees into the building's ventilation system.
Meanwhile, the helicarrier fleet arrives in Micronesia as the Ultimates and S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers storm the Chitauri facility. However, Thor and Iron Man, who were ahead of the fleet, informs that they have scoured the entire place and find it entirely deserted. Despite this Nick Fury orders an entire sweep for any clues and weapons.
Back at the Triskelion Janet desperately attempt to contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Ultimates that they are in a trap.
In Micronesia Captain America immediately notice something is wrong and calls out Iron Man. In the facility a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers find a nuclear bomb and it is immediately detonates engulfing the entire island and destroying the helicarrier fleet.
At the Triskelion, a defeated Janet talks to one of the Chitauri who admits that he has manipulated S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Psi-Division into giving false information to the organization in killing their enemies. He then informs Janet that he has blocked all her communications and sealed all the vents, and advise her to "sit tight". In the last panel the 'man' reveals to be Herr Kleiser.
With all the heroes and soldiers dead thanks to the Chitauri, Herr Kleiser goes after the Wasp, who is in a locked room. Kleiser easily captures Wasp, and puts her in a test tube. As Kleiser walks with Wasp to a helicopter, he elaborates about how and what people will think and know about all the deaths and what's to happen. He says that the Ultimates' story was that they died in a plane crash, or possibly a terrorist attack, and the soldiers did sign a contract which risked their lives. Kleiser then tells Wasp that parts all over the entire universe has some alien beings like them, who are just 'cleaning' the universe.
After they fly away, they land in the Arizona Desert, where the main site is for the attack. Another alien introduces Wasp to some 'gamma-butyrolactone', which suppresses humans thoughts. He says that by the end of the decade, not even one person will be able to form one independent thought. Wasp then asks why all the Chitauri have German names. Kleiser tells her that in that past a human named Kleiser was one of the many who surrendered themselves to the aliens. He tells Wasp: "One must consume to become, you know..." He gives Wasp a hint that he will be her soon.
Out of nowhere, partially damaged Chitauri spaceships enter from the atmosphere, startling everyone in Arizona. Many other huge ships, hundreds of times bigger than a jumbo airplane, are flying over Arizona. Kleiser goes to see the 'head' alien. He asks why the Chitauri aren't using cloaking devices. The alien tells Kleiser that it doesn't matter anymore, because the entire Chitauri race is being fought back at from every part of the universe by their enemies forcing themselves to retreat to Earth's solar system (derived as the "backwater" part of the universe), so there is no time to 'harmonize' Earth, only to blow it up and retreat in "the lower fourth-dimension". Wasp yells at Kleiser that he can't destroy the world, and Klieser responds by correctly telling Wasp they are going to destroy the entire solar system. Suddenly, another Chitauri drone inside the Triskelion tells Kleiser that they picked up something from Micronesia. A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere at the Arizona base, killing some Chitauris. Kleiser goes to get ready (freeing Wasp in the process), as the Ultimates, and hundreds of SHIELD soldiers appear from the smoke. It is revealed that Iron Man's force field helped saved many of the soldiers and Ultimates from the nuclear blast, allowing Thor to transport everyone all the way back to Phoenix with his hammer, Mjolnir. Cap tells Iron Man and Thor to go into the sky, attacking the Chitauri ships. Nick Fury tells everyone to cover Cap, as Cap runs into the enemy forces. Cap sends a message to all of the Army, Marines, Navy and the Air Force, to fight for their lives and country. Cap pushes an alien out of a plane, saying: "Your country needs you."
Thor and Iron Man are causing chaos destroying every alien aircraft they can see. Herr Kleiser tells Captain America from a communicator to start the fight. Cap agrees, and drives a jet into Herr Kleiser, ejecting out of the plane before the jet and Kleiser smash into some oil tanks. A huge explosion erupts, and Cap immediately gets bombarded by Kleiser, and they start fighting. Cap starts to get the upper hand right away, slashing Kleiser with his shield across the head. Kleiser attacks back, hitting Cap several times before Cap can finally get free. Kleiser starts to rant, annoying Cap, forcing Cap to lose focus and just try to hit Kleiser. Kleiser again gets the upper hand, kicking Cap's head into the ground.
Meanwhile, Hawkeye is shooting at Chitauri soldiers from a humvee, when his car is hit by a smashed alien aircraft. Hawkeye yells at Iron Man for the alien wreckage raining on the ground. But Iron Man says it's Thor, who's just swinging his hammer around, destroying everything randomly. Thor tells Iron Man to get low, so Thor can blast a dozen spaceships in one time. All the ships drop to the ground, as Thor continues his attack.
Nick Fury sees Kleiser beating Cap down with debris. Fury calls S.H.I.E.L.D. to activate a invisibility sequence. As Kleiser beats down Cap, Fury shoves his gun next to Kleiser's eye, shooting, and dropping Kleiser. Kleiser again gets up, with a huge hole in his head, which heals, and Kleiser starts to beat down on Fury. Meanwhile, a huge ship is falling straight down over Phoenix, and there is nothing to do. Suddenly, Iron Man comes in the picture, flying under the ship, and bringing the ship away from the city. Unfortunately, Tony Stark has lost all his power, and his confidence. As U.S. army soldiers help Tony out, Tony continues to tell the soldiers that he can't be Iron Man anymore. That he can't do this anymore. A soldier replies: "Well, if you can't, who will? Tony thinks about it, and decides to continue. Using a power grid from a nearby street light, Tony recharges, then flies back into the action. Underneath everything, Wasp and Black Widow are killing Chitauri deep inside the base, and are trying to figure out how to stop the Chitauri's bomb. But when they realize: The instructions are in alien language.
Above ground Kleiser is strangling Fury, and then he pushes Fury away. Kleiser focuses again on Cap, telling Cap he should surrender already, because he can't win. Kleiser wants Cap to tell him to surrender, and this enrages Cap. Cap head-butts Kleiser, then hits Kleiser in the head, while grabbing his shield. Cap gets over Kleiser, screaming: "SURRENDER??!!", and stabs his shield into Kleiser. Cap pulls out the shield from Kleiser's chest and walks away with Fury. Fury contacts a soldier in a helicopter to traumatize Bruce Banner (who is also on the chopper), and the soldier begins to beat down on Banner, hoping to turn Banner into the Hulk, so Hulk could help above the chaos. Banner tells him that he put so much antidote into his system that he could never turn into the Hulk even if he was paid a "million bucks" to do so. Fury tells the soldier to go to "Plan B", and the soldier throws Banner out of the helicopter.
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Banner is dropping hundreds of feet from the air, in hopes to turn into the Hulk. Cap orders the soldiers to fall back, as their Weapon of last resort is about to be dispatched. Banner screams, and he smashes into a warehouse, creating a huge explosion. Out comes the Hulk. Cap tells Nick to get out of the area, as Hulk charges in. Kleiser is again alive, and prepares to attack Cap, but Hulk gets to Cap first. Hulk gets ready to kill Cap, remembering that Cap previously kicked Banner in the head. Cap tells Hulk that the "naked guy" (Kleiser) was cheating on Hulk with Betty while Banner was in isolation. Hulk throws Cap away, and attacks Kleiser. Hulk throws Kleiser at a truck, and Kleiser picks it up, throws it into Hulk's face, but only in making Hulk even angrier.
Wasp and Black Widow are wondering what to do about the bomb, when the Black Widow comes up with the idea that Iron Man, the smartest man on Earth, must know what to do. Wasp calls Iron Man, but Iron Man says he can't help, because he and Thor are the only ones helping with the air support. However, the Air-Force arrives along with a fleet of SHIELD Helicarriers, providing the needed air support.
Hulk is punching Kleiser down, beating him senseless. Kleiser gets beaten until his camouflage is gone, and his alien self is shown. Kleiser gets ready to congratulate Hulk, when Hulk tells him to "shut up" and rips his head off. Cap and Fury go into a helicopter, and fly over Hulk, who is eating Kleiser's remains. Cap tells Hulk that the alien spacecrafts told Cap that they think the Hulk is 'sissy'. Hulk goes crazy, and attacks the Chitauri ships.
Iron Man doesn't know what to do either about the bomb, so he gets Thor to send the bomb to another dimension. Thor comes in, and smashes his hammer into the bomb, creating a blast of electricity. Everything is dark and raining, as Thor comes back and explains that he sent the bomb to the dimension homed by his enemy Fafnir the Dragon. A ripple is felt from the bomb's blast.
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Meanwhile, Hulk is still destroying everything. Hawkeye is in the air, getting ready to shoot the antidote into the Hulk. While Hulk is running, he destroys an American helicopter. Hawkeye comes in with another helicopter, and gets ready to shoot. He shoots the Hulk, but the Hulk doesn't stop. As the Hulk jumps into Hawkeye's position, Hawkeye closes his eyes in fear of being eaten. Banner lands into Hawkeye, unconscious. With all the Chitauri dead, the heroes and the army celebrate. Banner is again in isolation, having to remember the Hulk eating Kleiser. Now that the Ultimates are world-famous heroes, and everything is back to normal, except that Kleiser might come back if he heals again from Banner's digested food, everyone gets ready for a party at the White House. Hank Pym finally gets the courage to call Janet, but Janet hangs up on him. At the party, Steve and Janet are dancing, and the two finally kiss. Fury watches, stating: "Well, ain't that nice? I thought that guy was never gonna get some." Fury then goes into the Oval office, telling the guards to pour a glass of champagne for themselves, "Ain't every day we save the world."
I wonder how french people feel about Americans letting them know that WWII only got worse after they lost. I mean, I guess such a comment makes sense from this Captain America... but the rest, I assume should have forgotten that.
I also feel some toxic masculinity, but because it is coming from Hulk, I guess is justified. (Captain America tells him people are saying he is a sissy and this angers Hulk, who screams he is straight). On the other hand, it would make sense for Hulk to have this kind of personality.
The one thing I wasn’t really excited about was Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They are working in the shadows, so well, you only see them twice (and not during the climax of the series).
This second part of the volume wasn’t as emotional as the first. Perhaps because most characters already know each other. And adding Natasha and Clint doesn’t really change the dynamic that much.
Another thing that I found pretty odd, is that it took two years to finish these issues. I am not sure what happened, my guess is that Mark Millar was busy setting the foundation of Millarworld, but it could have been a delay from Hitch as well.
I give these issues a score of 9
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azure-witch13 · 7 years
Legend Chapter:2
Right, here you go guys.
The moon was full that night. It caste its silvery lights upon a castle that has long since been forgotten. To those with human eyes all they would have seen was an abandoned castle with only rubble and broken stone. Inside, its walls were only illuminated with the light of torches that were hung on the walls. Casting shadows everywhere. Its occupants at the moment were no more than five people.    
For the past 400 years every full moon the Demon King Amon and his most trusted knights come back into the kingdom of light, see the progression of the humans. The land had grown and changed, now their kingdom had become nothing but a fairy tale, and with every generation that passes the kingdoms become weaker and more pathetic.
In three months on the blue moon as he had sworn, his kingdom would come back to avenge itself, every soul lost, every man woman and child who died back then would be paid for. For now however, Amon had decided to visit the kingdoms of light one last time, before he him and his knights start their attacks.
The plan was simple, belief in their existence had dwindled over the years, and there had been no sign of them at all. Tomorrow night he will send his knights to create havoc in the kingdoms, to spread panic and discourse among the humans. But to make sure to not be seen. Any human to see what they truly are before the Kingdom of Darkness has returned is to be killed.
For tonight and tomorrow however he and his knights are to scour this land one last time. Amon’s four knights entered the throne room all in their human forms.
“Is it time, my king?” Asked Sirene, his most powerful warrior beside her, her lover Kaim, and behind them Miko and Nike.
Nike, was the name she chose to go by as a knight, it was tradition in some of the clans to change the name once you rose into power and only those who are closest to you is to call you by your original name.
Nike, or as her original name is, Miki was his best friend, his childhood friend. She and his beloved Ryo had always been there for him, even before he had ascended the throne and took the name Amon.
He knew that he would not have survived losing Satan without her bringing him back from complete insanity. It was still a burning hole in his heart. Losing Ryo, he can never forgive these humans for taking them from him.
Amon nodded as he got up from his throne, and his body started to transform into that of human features.
“Tomorrow night, we begin to destroy  village after village, we shall create chaos and fear in the hearts of the humans. We begin our invasion, create distrust and panic, so that when our Kingdom returns, they shall know the true meaning of fear. ”
“Yes, my lord,” they saluted. The five of them walked out and into the first kingdom that they wanted to destroy tonight.  
Sometimes Ryo hated his job with a fucking passion. It wasn’t the work itself no that was fine, being a waiter in a cafe wasn’t that nerve wrecking. What he hated was these five morons who kept coming in, not buying anything that kept harassing him.
Honestly Ryo was this close to bringing his gun and just shoot the damn bastards, but he wasn’t about to be arrested, so he kept a knife on him just in case, and if he had to endure one more comment about being sure that he was a man with that pretty face of his, Ryo was going to fucking spill first blood.  
It’s not even the fact that they’re calling him a girl, Ryo couldn’t give less of a shit about that. It was the incessant and frequent harassment when Ryo wanted nothing to do with these assholes.
No he’s gotta stay in control, babysitting his neighbor’s kid was fine but it happened every once in a while and that alone couldn’t help him with his money issues, aside from that, Taro was a good kid, he’s used to him, he knows how to distract or calm him down. Any other kid? Yeah, no, Ryo is not risking that one. So he took a deep breath and tried to ignore these five.
That afternoon the four knights and their king found themselves entering a coffee shop. “Why are we here? We could literally be anywhere, like a big nice bar,where we can get drunk,” asked Sirene whom’s human form was a woman that looked to be the only adult in a group of teenagers along with Kaim. which had turned a lot of heads their way especially thanks to the fact that she wore a v-cut white dress that hugged her figure.  Kaim wore a brown suit and walked beside Sirene both trailing behind the three teenage looking demons.
Miko’s form was a muscular looking red head that looked ready to kill the first person that approaches. While Miki a brunet had a more lith form, she walked beside Miko, their arms looped together. Ahead of them walked Amon, in his human form he was a black haired young man with sideburns, wearing a black leather sleeveless shirt and black leather pants.
“It’s like 4:00 PM Sirene, it’s too early for that,” answered Miki.
“Come on Nike, you want this as much as I do,” replied the white haired woman.
“Well it’s not my decision is it?”
Sirene frowned, and decided to call upon the higher authority. “My lord.”
“No, Sirene.”
The Bird Demon sighed in defeat. “Yes, my lord.” Miki giggled, and Sirene’s eyes twitched in response, she raised her hand ready to strike before Kaim stopped her with a smile, being more reasonable than her, and preferring not to cause a scene or incur his king’s wrath, which had been faster to rekindle since Satan had been slain.
The five of them found a table and sat down on it, a voice was heard which turned all their heads to it.
“Let go of me you jackass,” Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped in shock. Amon felt his heart speed up at the sight. A blond human boy who uncannily looked like his Ryo was being harassed by someone, the guy was grabbing his hand bulling the blond while said boy was trying to get freed from him, a group of other boys were sitting on the table laughing, while other humans were turning their eyes from the scene.
“That, that can’t be,” whispered Sirene in shock echoing all of their thoughts. And before Amon knew it,he stood up, heading to the blond boy’s rescue.
“Is there a problem here?” Akira asked, and he could feel Miki panicking while the other three’s expressions turned exasperated, he really shouldn’t be doing this, they should only have minimal interactions with the human, so that no one could recognise them. But Amon had seen the face of his beloved, for the first time in 400 years a fire inside his heart was lit. even if the resemblance was a coincidence somehow, he couldn’t leave this boy like this. Not one bathetic human was doing anything to stop this. Amon’s rage was growing by the second.
“Oh, is there a hero in the crowd? I’ve never seen you here before,”
“I’m not from around here. Now let him go.”
The blond boy finally looked at him with tired sad eyes, and Amon’s heart skipped a beat, he was so beautiful, Amon’s memories did not give Ryo justice. The blond’s eyes turned back to the one still grabbing his hand his glare returning.
“Clearly. Now listen, punk, around these parts we’re the authority here.” the rest of the gang stood up while chucking trying to intimidate him, Amon just smirked at them. He was ready to start punching before the blond growled “Ok enough.” he produced a knife out of nowhere and pointed it at the other boy’s throat.
“Now listen here, I am sick and tired of your shit. I’ve been controlling my self for literal months not to fucking stab you, and my patience is wearing thin.” he glared at him, the blond’s eyes full of fire and seriousness, a spark of madness lied in there shining faintly. Amon could see that he was not joking at all, the wrong move from the bully and his thought would be sliced no question about it. Amon was turned on. This blond boy didn’t just look like his Ryo he acted like him too.
“Come on Asuka, you don’t have the guts.”
“Then I’ll have yours spelling on the floor soon enough.”
“Why you little,” he glared. The boy called Asuka just smirked showing his teeth. Amon finally intervened grabbing the the other man’s arm that was still gripping Asuka’s enough to almost break it. And the guy hollered in pain
“I think that’s enough out of you,” said Amon. and the guy finally let go.
“Boss are you ok?” one of the goons asked. The ‘boss’ grouled. “Get him boys,” and they attacked. Before Asuka could left a finger Amon had already sent all of them to the floor. All of them stood up and started backing away. “This isn’t over,” the ‘boss’ yelled.
“It is from where I’m standing,” Amon called back.
“Thanks for your help,” Asuka turned towards him with a small smile. Amon could feel himself blush. Damn it Amon you’re the king of all demons don’t let the pretty face of human reduce you to your puberty years, even if he does look like your beloved.
“No-em, no problem,” Amon shrugged. Asuka huffed a laugh “Really,” he said, “not all people would come to the rescue of a stranger. I’m Ryo by the way, Ryo Asuka,” he said and extended his hand for Amon to shake.
It took Amon a few seconds to come out of the shock of hearing his Love’s name from this boy. “Akira Fudo,” he replied and took Ryo’s hand in his. An electric shock went through Akira the second he touched Ryo’s hand. It seemed Ryo had felt the same as he froze and looked up in bewilderment at Amon. something clicked in Amon’s brain, and suddenly his eyes changed becoming more tender more love struck at Ryo. This wasn’t just a boy with the same face as his dearest, this was Ryo, his Ryo. his hand raised To Ryo’s face, caressing it gently.
“My beautiful Ryo, you’ve came back to me,” he whispered running a knuckle down Ryo’s cheek softly. Ryo recoiled back, pumping into a table, and Akira’s heart broke at the display of mistrust and fear from him.
“I’m not yours.”
“I’m- I’m sorry, something came over me. It- it was lovely meeting you, Ryo.” He backed away, and then headed outside. Ryo looked around the group of four that had came with Akira sat there staring in bewilderment and shock. In a split second decision, Ryo ran outside to fallow Akira, but he couldn’t find a trace of him.
Guilt and pain surrounded his heart, he didn’t understand why, he only had just met Akira, and he was the creepy one, why should Ryo feel guilty for somehow hurting him? It didn’t matter, he still did. He went back to the coffee shop to continue his shift.
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jeagerism · 7 years
You're Everything (p.p.)
Author : @dej_okay
Word Count : 2.4k +
Warnings : like two swear words, fluffff, like 2% angst, cute peter when isn't he cute though
Author's Note :  Thank you to some of my biggest inspirations @hufflepuffholland @babyparker and @parkerroos and @sam-a-holland and @rileywrites-parker
Tags : @tiny-friggin-human
Day One
Peter Parker was on top of the world.
The smile framing his baby face hadn't left all day.
And it was because of her.
How had he managed to score a date with her, of all people. Her. She made him so happy, and she didn't even try.
Peter was awkward, so awkward he had trouble answering questions in class. What made him so appealing to her? However, it wasn't a shock that she'd caught his eye.
She was everything.
The perfect girl. She was smart, and independent. She never took anybody's shit. And she was beautiful. He loved her eyes. Her eyes reminded him of every thing right in this world. Of every thing good, and just.
She was everything. Everything.
She was there, beside him, that smile cheesing straight at him. She was there. So close that he could tilt his head and smell the strawberry shampoo in her hair. Oh god, he thought, she's actually here.
He smiled, shy, a tight lipped one, trying to control that overwhelming feeling of happiness inside of him. And oh gosh, she's here.
Day Twenty-four
Here they were again. Together, crisp, cool air of autumn blowing through the cracked window in her living room. The warm material of her leg seeping through her leggings and over to his own leg, warming his whole body.
How did he tell her how much he loved this?
He grinned, and glanced down, her hand gripping his arm, eyes trained on the television, the scene happening in front of her obviously an entertaining one.
God, you're pretty.
His hand reached down, biting his lip, fingers reaching for the unoccupied hand that was clenching his forearm tighter, itching to feel her palm against his.
The edge of his fingertips skimmed hers, and her gaze snapped down, then up to his.
"Were you...were you trying to hold my hand?" She smiled, clearly amused.
His eyes widened, like a deer caught in headlights. "What? N-No! I was reaching for the, uh - popcorn!" Her amused glare gestured to the empty popcorn bowl. He felt his cheeks begin to burn, his face resembling that of a burnt tomato.
"You're cute", she mumbled. What should he do? Should he lay down? Pray? Scream? He looked distressed, like he couldn't decide what to think.
He felt her slide the palm of her hand over his, fingers crossed between his own. He smiled, a big, dorky, boyish smile.
Peter obliterated.
Day Thirty-Nine
He hadn't kissed his everything yet.
Peter thinks that it's partially his fault, because of how nervous and giddy he got around her, he forgot to kiss the lips he'd been waiting to kiss.
He could kiss her now.
As she was hovered over a couple text books, hair pushed out of her face. One of his punny tee shirts sagging on her figure because of how much taller he was than her.
She's so cute.
Peter thought about kissing her all the time. But he never took the risk.
So that's what he did.
He sat up, feet nearly drowned out by sweatpants his aunt had bought way too big padding across the floor, over to her place on his carpeted floor. She looked up at him with an angelic smile right as he bent down, grabbed her face, and pulled her lips to hers.
She was shocked, he could tell. He could tell her eyes were still open wide, and she wasn't kissing him back. Oh god, he thought. Did I move too fast? But then her lips started moving against his, her hands combing into his hair, clinging onto him.
He smiled into the kiss, and when they both pulled away, he heard her speak.
He chuckled, and pressed a few more kisses to her lips. "Yeah", he agreed, "Wow."
His everything was wow.
Day Fourty-Four
She was his light.
He thinks he realised this on their third date.
She was glowing, cheekbones swelling with happiness, eyes shining with him in their irises, that smile staring back at him, the feeling of her with him making him feel like the best thing, the only thing that mattered.
She was the only thing that mattered.
"Have I told you recently how painfully beautiful you are?" She flushed at his words.
"No", she spoke, soft voice coming into the loudness around them, "care to remind me?"
He pulled her closer, a boost of confidence shooting through his veins. "You're..." He strugged to find the right words to describe her, to describe his everything.
"You're the sun", he murmured, "you're the universe. My own personal little ray of sunshine."
She reached for the mug of hot cocoa on the diner table, wanting the sweet drink to hide her even sweeter smile.
That smile made everything worth it.
Day Sixty-Three
He lived for her.
He was positive he was one of the strongest teenagers in the world, and nothing could bring him to his knees like she could.
Everything was perfect.
She was perfect.
Peter looked forward to the kisses on the cheek he would get every morning, followed by her timid voice speaking out a small, "Good morning, Peter." He got used to afternoons spent at the cafe on 31st drinking hot chocolate and watching the way the wind flushed her cheeks for her.
He got used to her.
She was truly becoming everything.
He never went a day without seeing her, without seeing one of the only things that kept him whole. With his happiness, with his everything.
When he started disappearing during school and cancelling their dates, he knew she was hurt. And god, it broke him. He didn't like seeing her upset, it was his job to cheer her up, to make her smile shine bright everyday.
She was headstrong, though, and Peter knew she would end up confronting him.
So when she did, he wasn't really surprised.
Why didn't he just tell her? As she stood there, a look of pure hurt framing her features, he was lost in thought. He trusted her, he trusted her with his life. So why not trust her with his biggest secret?
"-and it really sucks, Parker, because I really like yo-"
"I'm Spider-Man."
That made her go silent, eyes widening. "What?" She seemed to think it over before she spoke again. "Why wouldn't you tell me?" That made Peter chuckle.
"Because I...I never planned on you. I already put everyone I love in danger if they know, I wouldn't...I didn't want you to be taken away from me." He glanced down, a humourless chuckle falling from his lips.
"And after all the broken bones and bruised fists, tussles with bad guys wrecking havoc on the world, who would've thought that my hardest fight would be you?" The feeling of hands grasping his made a smile dance on his lips.
"Peter...I know, okay? But pushing me away isn't going to do anything, it's just going to make me want you more." She gave him a small grin. "It's not going to do anything to lessen my adoration for you."
She was everything.
Day Ninety-Nine
Without her, he was nothing.
Peter Parker had been searching for ways to tell her, tell his sunshine, his darling, his everything, that he loved her. Peter had never said the "L Word" to anyone. But then again he had never felt this strongly for anyone else.
"Be careful", she mumbled, watching as he pressed the emblem on the middle of his chest to make the spandex material to fit his build.
"I always am."
"False. That is a lie, Parker."
"Well...I always come back to you, don't I?"
He saw her chest rise and fall with a sigh. "I worry about you."
"As you should", he joked, "concern is expected when your beloved and courageous so puts himself in danger." He knew that did nothing to get rid of her worry, and he grabbed her hand in a soothing gesture.
"Hey", he called softly, comfortingly, "I'll be careful, okay? I promise." He left a quick kiss on her knuckles before he let their hands disconnect, and he shot her a wink and his infamous dazzling grin, before he pulled the mask over his head, and swung away from the brick building.
As Peter worked his arms in the air, the familiar sound of webshooters in his ears, he wondered how he'd tell her. Would he make a big grand gesture? Would he whisper it in her ear when he saw her in the halls the next morning?
What would he do?
How was he going to express his love to his everything?
Day One Hundred
His everything was in front of him.
Now was his chance.
"Ow!", he winced, hands shooting uo to grasp her own, that were dabbing disinfectant onto the scrapes and cuts dotting his chest. "That hurt."
She confessed a sorry from her sweet lips, eyes wide with concern. "Maybe if you were careful like you promised", she chided, and she meant it in a teasing way, but their was warning behind her words.
"Yeah, yeah", he said.
"I'm serious, Peter. What if one day you don't come back?" She swallowed, and let out a shaky breath. "I'm always so scared that one day you won't come back. A-And I'm gonna have to find out on the news that you're just...gone, and then I wouldn't know what to do, or...I wouldn't be able to live-"
"I love you", he rushed out. She paused, lips parted, shaping around a word she was interrupted in saying.
His shoulders raised in a half hearted shrug, and he smiled. How could he not fall in love with the one person that made Peter Parker feel like Peter Parker? "Duh", he mumbled jokingly.
He frowned, not liking the way she was staring at him like he'd made the biggest mistake in the world. Maybe I did, he thought, maybe she's going to destroy me. But he wouldn't want to be destroyed by anyone else, now would he?
"Because you're you. You're Y/N. You can't whistle, or multi-task. You peel the crust off of the side of the sandwich you take the first bite out of, but you eat the rest of the crust just fine. You like the smell of rain. You watch Supernatural like it's a lifestyle-"
"It is a lifestyle-"
"You're you, Y/N, and I fell in love with you!" Peter's chest was heaving, the word vomit he just suffered taking a toll on him. "I love you." She looked down at her sock clad feet, and when she looked back up, he saw everything.
She didn't need to say anything for him to tell that she felt the same.
Maybe she's going to destroy me, he thought again, maybe she's going to destroy me in the best way.
His everything loved him back.
Day One Hundred and Twenty-Six
How had he managed to have everything?
He loved the way the lights in the gym, blue and gold and white, reflected off her skin, off of the dress she wore, the dress she looked so beautiful in, so everything.
He loved the way she smiled at him from across the room, the chatter of students and the boom of music from speakers nothing compared to his heart beating when he saw her.
He loved her.
Fuck, he loved her so much.
He admired her as she laughed at something Michelle said, ears catching the change of a fast paced song with absolutely no way in deciphering the lyrics to a slow one, calming and soft.
And he was off, walking across the gym to her, looking at her, starstruck. "Mind if I steal her away for a minute?" Michelle raised her hands, dismissing it as she turned to grab more punch, which was most likely spiked.
Peter took her hand, and tugged her with him, to the middle of the floor. "May I have this dance?" She giggled, and he was estatic that he was the cause.
"I can't dance!"
"Well neither can I." A lie. Peter had begged Aunt May to teach him how to dance, since he'd forgotten since the last homecoming dance. At least he'd get to enjoy this one.
"Peter", she whined. He smiled, and placed both hands on her waist, lifting her slightly, laughing at the squeal that left her, and setting her down on his feet. He guided one of her hands to his shoulder, and the other he held in his own.
Peter began to sway back and forth, and a content sigh left him. "I love you", she confessed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. She kept her eyes on him, fingers digging gently into the material of his suit.
"I love you." Her nose crinkled.
"You never say 'I love you too'", she said, "why?"
He paused before answering. "Saying 'I love you too' makes it seem like I only love you when you love me. And I don't, I love you all the time."
"Take me away", she blurted.
Peter Parker was happy to do that. He took her back to the very top of the building, where the stars almost shined brighter than her smile, but not quite. He guided her near the edge, where they looked down at the entire town, on top of the world.
His hands were shaking, reaching back into his pocket to pull out a little velvet box. "Y-Y/N?" He sank down to one knee, and god, she had finally brought him down to his knees for good.
She turned, and backed up a little, and he felt his heart jump, greatful that there was a rail to hold her up. "Peter?" She let out a breath.
"I-I'm not proposing, not yet at least, Mr. Stark only pays me n-nine bucks an hour, b-but-", he wet his lips, and closed his eyes, "this is a promise ring...a-and I'm not good at speaches, so...I uh..." He took the ring out, the small ruby resting on it, that flinted snd flirted with their eyes, something for his everything.
He held his hand out, and waited.
She reached her own shaking limb out, and allowed him to slide the jewelry onto her finger. She laughed, that laugh lifting a weight off of his chest.
How had he managed to have everything?
How had he managed to have her everything?
God, he loved her.
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izanyas · 8 years
Not Justice (4)
It’s here! It’s here! Rated M, warnings: references to child abuse and to adults taking advantage of children emotionally. Typical Durarara!!. Beta by @scarlet-blossoms, thank you so much bud 💖
Not Justice Chapter 4
Yahiro didn't expect Orihara Izaya to answer him at all. He was acutely conscious of his own nosiness in forcing the hand of Yagiri Namie for Orihara's contact info; even the twins had told him, If he answers, it's bad news. If he were a better person his key motivator in contacting the man with his half-baked plan would have been the anger on Mairu's face and the longing on Kururi's; but all he had was his curiosity, his lack of remorse thanks to the story Nozomi had told—and a vast hunch that he could get something out of it, something that would better Kuon's life. He didn't really care what happened to Orihara himself.
He didn't know if that was a normal thing to feel. On the one hand, he didn't know Orihara Izaya at all. On the other hand, he knew he could empathize with strangers given enough incentive. And though Orihara didn't seem to be a good person by any stretch of the imagination, he had almost died. Most people thought he was dead. He was estranged from his own home and from his own family. And yet Yahiro could only think of Nozomi's story. He couldn't put himself into Orihara's shoes and imagine the man experiencing enough pain or loneliness for what happened to him to have canceled what he did upon others.
On the first morning of September, several days after classes had started in full swing again at Raira, Yahiro got an email. Good morning, it read. Yahiro skimmed through the pleasantries and to the signature, and then his eyes hurried back up again, a little wide.
I'll be amenable to your questions only this morning, Orihara was saying. Yahiro was bad at gauging tone when face-to-face with someone, and he was even more terrible at it in writing. He didn't even know what Orihara looked like—there were no pictures of him at Mairu and Kururi's house. He had no idea if the man was being cold or welcoming.
He typed with trembling fingers: Good morning.
He stopped.
Where to start? His head started swimming with everything he wanted to know but didn't have a right to; he didn't know why he thought Orihara would answer freely where others who knew and cared about Yahiro went tight-lipped and white-faced when some topics came around. He wanted to know how Orihara survived a fight Aoba said he should've died in. He wanted to know who Orihara was exactly, what he had done to make himself so intrinsic to the lives of everyone Yahiro knew that his absence in the city felt like a gaping wound. He wanted to know about Celty Sturluson. He wanted to know about Kuon's past, even more. He wanted to know why Orihara had left Nozomi to lock herself inside of her own room and inside of her own head and didn't care enough to help her out of it.
He rubbed his thumb on the side of his phone nervously. In the end, all he typed was: I'm sorry to bother you. Thank you for your patience. He was already on his way to Raira. The gates of the school shone under the morning sun, and he thought he could see Ryuugamine waiting for him by the entrance.
He rushed the last few meters. "Good morning," he said, and the other boy smiled warmly, fidgeting with his glasses.
"Good morning. You're not too tired?"
Yahiro had volunteered to come over early, to help with the library. "I'm all right," he replied—and he jumped out of his skin when his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Ryuugamine observed him curiously. "Everything okay, Mizuchi-kun?"
"Yes!" Yahiro replied.
He kept his hand in his pocket on the way to the library. His leg twitched in impatience while Ryuugamine explained which sections of the library he wanted him to tidy up and sort through—he felt guilty for it, because Ryuugamine always looked more tired than anyone Yahiro knew except for Kuronuma. He didn't have a right to show impatience of any kind.
Ryuugamine was barely out of the aisle when Yahiro took out his phone and carefully wiped the sweat off his palm before reading what Orihara had sent: I'm not doing this for free. Any info you get out of me means you have to give me info in return. And no lying either.
I won't lie, Yahiro wrote. And, before Orihara could answer: Who are you?
It took a moment for the man to answer this time. Yahiro placed his phone on the edge of a shelf after two minutes spent waiting, and started taking the books off another shelf and putting them back in the right order. He took notes of everything on a paper Ryuugamine had given him. When his phone finally buzzed again it moved by itself, almost falling to the floor before Yahiro caught it.
Yahiro swore under his breath. Ryuugamine chose this moment to peek into the aisle and look at him with a concerned frown.
"Are you okay?"
"'M fine," Yahiro muttered, red in the face. "Sorry. I just banged my toe against the wall."
"Be careful."
Orihara's new message was longer than the previous ones, and its tone even less friendly. Funny that someone who went to the length you did to contact me shouldn't even know who I am. He had used an emoji there, but Yahiro wasn't too sure how he was supposed to read it. My name is Orihara Izaya. I'm an informant. Until a year and a half ago I lived in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and worked there at the service of many individuals and groups, until special circumstances forced me to leave. Who are you, Mizuchi Yahiro-kun?
It wasn't anything Yahiro didn't know before. He hadn't expected the man to be so open about it, though. Maybe it was a cheap way of testing the man's honesty, but it was still worth wasting a question for.
He thought for a moment about how to introduce himself; he didn't want to give Orihara anything about his hometown or his strength—though Orihara might find out himself if he looked into Ikebukuro's recent events. Yahiro didn't know how informants worked. He had only seen them in the old movies his mom loved to watch on the rare occasions she closed the inn and made dinner for them. He used to watch them with her, when he was little. He stopped later because he didn't like seeing violence on TV.
I'm a student at Raira Academy. I know your sisters and I'm friends with Kotonami Kuon. I'm sorry for bothering you. Kururi-senpai gave me Yagiri-san's number and told me she would know how to contact you. Why did you leave Ikebukuro?
His thumb hover over the send button for a moment. He stood in the shadow of the aisle, morning sun pouring onto his back from the window.
He thought of Kuon, and hit send.
He didn't have to wait long for Orihara to answer this time. Yahiro still bent down and took a few minutes to deal with his fast-beating heart and the books spread all over the floor. He sorted two entire shelves before the impatience bit at him too hardly for him to ignore it anymore.
He unlocked his screen; Orihara's answer was short and to the point. I got badly hurt in a fight against Heiwajima Shizuo and decided to move out of the city. What is your address?
Couldn't you have stayed and avoided Heiwajima-san? Yahiro typed back, biting his lip.
It's my turn to ask questions, Mizuchi-kun, Orihara said coldly.
Yahiro rubbed the deep scar on the last joint of his left thumb with his index. He sent his address to the man without much hesitation.
He would've come to finish the job if he knew I was still alive and around, Orihara sent, without waiting. Who is in power in Ikebukuro at the moment?
Yahiro hesitated. I don't know.
"Mizuchi-kun?" Ryuugamine said from behind him.
Yahiro dropped his phone in surprise; he only restrained himself from shoving his fingers into Ryuugamine's mouth and knocking his teeth out because part of him knew Ryuugamine was harmless, was a comforting and soothing presence in his life rather than a threatening one. He turned around slowly, cold drowning his throat and his lungs and sweat slicking his nape.
Ryuugamine shot a glance at the phone Yahiro was still holding to chest-level. It took a moment for Yahiro to realize he should probably lock the screen again. He cleared his throat after he did. "Yes?"
"Sorry," Ryuugamine said in his soft voice. He pushed his glasses up before speaking again. "I was just going to tell you that I'm almost done, and classes start in fifteen minutes."
"Oh." Yahiro glanced at everything he hadn't done. "Right."
"That's fine. You can come back after class if you want, or another day."
Yahiro bowed deeply. "Thank you."
Ryuugamine smiled and went back to the front of the library. Yahiro looked at his phone again once he was out of view.
Then let me ask this another way; who or what are the key elements of concern, of rumor, right now?
Yahiro was a key element of concern. But he didn't want to mention any of that to Orihara Izaya, or to mention Snake Hands, or IkeNEW!, and take the risk of Orihara Izaya associating those with Kuon.
The thing about Kuon had to come out of a place of personal interest.
Biting his lips and regretting his words, he typed, The Headless Rider and the Slugger. And then: I don't think Heiwajima Shizuo is the kind to kill anyone. I don't know what you did to make him mad, but he wouldn't have killed you for it.
I take it this is your next question, but since you're lying to me, I don't think I have to be honest anymore.
I'm not lying. Yahiro found that it was harder to swallow when writing those words.
All Orihara sent back was a link to a video. And Yahiro clicked it despite the cold queasiness in him.
It was himself, wrecking havoc on the old warehouse where Kuon and the others had been taken, wrapped in the shadow-suit Celty had made to protect him. Tearing skin and breaking bones and knocking out teeth. Looking straight at the shaky phone camera capturing him doing the only thing he was good at with wide, inhuman eyes.
He didn't even need the sound. He remembered every squelch of blood and every crack of bone and every scream of pain. Yahiro closed the video when it started playing again from the start like some sort of a nightmare.
Who is it? Orihara was asking.
Don't you already know? Yahiro replied, and all he felt was hollow.
They call it Snake Hands, or the Headless Rider's lover, but I doubt the last one's true. Since you avoided talking about it I have to assume that you know more than what I can gleam from IkeNEW.
You know IkeNEW?
I know it's a front for whoever Snake Hands is.
So Orihara didn't know about Nozomi and Kuon or Yahiro himself. Yahiro knew he was shaking, knew the pit of dread in his stomach and how dangerous it was for him to stand there and not move; but Yahiro was used to being in the presence of a direct threat, of something he could make bleed. He didn't know how to run away from an email exchange. The arrow of the orange wall clock above the bookshelves was almost pointing to his departure from the library and in the direction of his homeroom. He wouldn't be able to message Orihara much once class started.
He wrote, I want to know why you left the Kotonami siblings helpless when you left.
He quickly put away all the books he wasn't done sorting and grabbed his bag, making his way to the entrance. Ryuugamine stopped him on his way.
"I really appreciate you helping out," he told Yahiro with a timid smile. "No one else wanted to wake up early to help me tidy up the library for the semester."
"That's okay," Yahiro replied, face warm. "I don't mind helping."
The library was a quiet place. Somewhere he didn't have to think too hard on Kuon, and Himeka, and the fact that videos of his accesses of violence were circulating online and being viewed by thousands.
Yahiro swallowed. "I'm sorry I wasn't very efficient this morning."
"That's okay." Ryuugamine seemed to hesitate before putting a hand on Yahiro's shoulder briefly—and Yahiro didn't tense but he didn't move or smile either, so Ryuugamine quickly took it back. "He tends to have this effect on people."
But all Ryuugamine did was shake his head and smile this discomforted, shaky smile of his, looking over to the window with regret painted on his face like a shadow. "It's almost time for class."
"Right," Yahiro replied.
He took his phone out of his pocket again before he could help it; Orihara's message was short, so it wasn't like there was much to hide.
I prioritized my life, it read. No emoji this time.
Not even Yahiro missed the cold, uncaring tone of it, though.
When he raised his head Ryuugamine was staring at him frankly, and he didn't look anything like Yahiro had come to expect out of him.
Yahiro opened his mouth to apologize for his rudeness, but Ryuugamine shook his head.
"No need," he said.
His hand came up and wrapped itself around Yahiro's and the phone it was holding—the contact not as startling as the way Ryuugamine smiled this time.
"Say hi for me, okay?" It was weird, to hear him talk. Weird to associate the growing licks of fear in Yahiro's stomach, the eerie smile on Ryuugamine's face, and his voice, soft and trembling as always. "If you could bring him back… I don't think that would be so bad."
Yahiro breathed in softly. "What do you mean?" he asked, not much louder than a whisper.
Ryuugamine looked pained. "It's not something selfless. Well, it couldn't be anyway—if I really wanted Izaya-san back I could've called him myself—"
Yahiro took back his hand and stepped backwards; Ryuugamine exhaled; his arm dropped back to his side slowly.
"The thing is," he continued, "that some… friends of mine would never come back here. Not unless they thought me and—not unless they thought I was in some sort of danger."
Yahiro had no idea what he was talking about. Who he was talking about. He knew it must show on his face, if one were to look past the wide, bloodless eyes and the fear turning itself inside out and into hostility.
Ryuugamine was starting to shake. "You can feel it when you talk to him, can't you?"
It took a moment for Yahiro's jaw to unclench. "Feel what?"
He had never noticed the specific shade of grey that made Ryuugamine's eyes; through the lenses of his glasses they were almost blue, but when he was looking over them, it was the color of wet metal and fire.
"The danger," Ryuugamine said, exhilarated.
Celty took a turn into one of the smaller streets behind Sunshine. Tourists didn't go there as much as they did the wide, open spaces cut into the cityscape. They wouldn't have noticed her even if she did walk among them anyway, because she didn't stand out in the evening like she did in the day. The night lights were kind to her because they couldn't touch her—she could practically disappear from the human eye if she stood still enough at this time of the day and changed her yellow helmet for one made of her own shadow. People walked past her without ever seeing the Dullahan standing against the wall behind them.
She had finished her last delivery of the day. Earlier she had received more info from Shiki about Kine, the man who had disappeared—mainly where he had been seen last before vanishing into thin air.
She still felt guilty for accepting to help. Shiki had been nothing but courteous to her in the two years they'd known each other; she felt like she was doing his a disfavor, entertaining the hope that his friend was still alive.
Not that she would stop looking in her spare time. But she didn't think a yakuza disappearing could mean anything other than his death.
She examined the street thoroughly. She took the time to let her shadow roam the walls and listen under doors and windows; but all the conversations she heard were inane, irrelevant.
The man had been gone for days, now. No wonder.
She took the photo Shiki had given her out of her body suit. She felt like the face on it was familiar, but she couldn't pinpoint it exactly. Kine was a man with very fine features and no hair, with darker skin than Shiki's, with a somber look to him that looked more like a cop's than a yakuza's. Shiki did say he was working as a private investigator now.
She couldn't escape the feeling that she had seen him somewhere without knowing who he was.
Celty jumped; it was more out of habit than out of real surprise, because her body wasn't like humans'. She didn't have a heartbeat to spike up or a brain to send shocks down her limbs. Her shadow quickly took in the shape and voice of the person standing next to her, and her shoulders dropped, though there was no real tension holding them upright.
Good evening, she typed on her phone. Anri smiled at her and walked forward a little more, her pretty face flushed by the cool night air. "Good evening," she replied sweetly. "Are you on your way to a delivery?"
Something moved behind Anri. Anri herself seemed to remember she wasn't alone, because she stepped to the side so her friend could be seen.
It was one of Izaya's sisters. The soft-spoken one. "Hi," she whispered.
Celty nodded her helmet at her. Kururi—she thought her name was Kururi, but she had barely ever met the girl, and always in the company of her more visible twin—was looking at her with wide eyes and fidgeting with the collar of her uniform.
Celty didn't really have a grasp on time. Her past was as endless to her as her future; she felt years pass like hiccups, like short bursts of wind. She had only ever developed a fear of growing old through a fear of losing Shinra. But, in this moment, seeing Izaya's sister, taller and older and different… she felt as though years had gone by since that day she was whole and then broken again.
She felt the wisps of black smoke in her helmet tighten into a more tangible shape from distress. Her fingers flew to the distraction of her phone and of small talk. I'm about to head home, actually. What about you both? she asked them.
"I was out buying groceries," Anri said, lifting the plastic bags she was holding. "I met Kururi-chan on the way and she offered to help me."
Kururi nodded somberly. "Mairu's at the dojo," was all she said. She was holding a bag too.
You shouldn't be out at this hour, Celty replied half-heartedly. As she expected, Anri smiled darkly and Kururi didn't look fazed in the slightest. Okay, my bad. Just be careful, all right?
Anri laughed behind her hand. "I don't think we risk anything around here, Celty-san."
Celty thought about Kine's hard, unsmiling face, and didn't say anything.
She felt something touch her elbow; Kururi was holding it tightly, and her eyes were fixed on the picture Celty was still holding between two fingers.
"That's Kine-san," she said.
The atmosphere seemed to change immediately. Anri leaned forward next to Kururi to look at the picture as well, and her faced turned from pleasantly private to the sort of painful she had stopped wearing only a few months ago. It made Celty feel terrible; made the heaviness she was experiencing more and more as time went by and she didn't cross the ocean separating her from her head feel all the more tangible.
Do you know him? she typed warily.
Anri said, "He was with—" before biting her lips and looking to Kururi next to her.
"He's a friend of Iza-nii," Kururi replied.
Not from Orihara? Shiki had asked her. The darkness on his face had nothing to do with the one on Anri's, though. He had been longing, but she was angry.
Kururi patted Anri's shoulder softly, and Anri seemed to come to some sort of a realization—her face paled and she turned to apologize to the other girl frantically. "S'okay," Kururi said dispassionately. "He probably was very mean to you."
Celty didn't think she had ever heard so many words come out of her mouth in a row. Kururi smiled at her, and it was easier now to see the changes from childhood to maturity, in the sharper angle of her jaw. She looked like her brother.
Celty hadn't even known that she could still recall Izaya's face to such detail.
She wished she could turn off her sight for a moment. She couldn't blink, didn't have any eyelids to close; the only time she couldn't see was when sleep took her.
Have you seen him recently, then? And then, realizing how her question might be taken, she clarified: Kine?
Kururi shook her head. "Not since Iza-nii was in high school."
Celty looked at the picture again. Something was tugging at her memory, like the buzz of an insect in a room that she couldn't find and chase away. Her mind offered to her the sight of Raira Academy as it was when Shinra studied then—back when it was called Raijin. She remembered waiting there for him to come out so they could drive home together, because Shingen wanted them to bond. Because she felt lonely, and Shinra's brash affection was better than nothing.
If she could go back to that time now, she would slap herself for it.
She could see him now. Kine. Standing not far away from where she always parked, leaning against a old black car and smoking patiently as the students poured out—and she remembered seeing Shinra's black-haired middle school friend skipping toward him with glee on his face and too much eagerness to look very professional.
She hadn't thought much of it at the time. All Shinra had ever told her about the Orihara boy was that he was the bad sort, and Izaya himself never talked to her before a few more years. By then he was already Orihara Izaya, the information broker. Not a child. Not Shinra's school friend.
She couldn't recall Izaya looking any younger than he always did; and he always looked somewhere between twenty and thirty, like age didn't have an imprint on him—until that night with bruises in his eyes and soul and a knife between his ribs.
She knew he had been even worse off than he looked. She had felt the state of his spine when she stopped the bleeding.
Celty 'raised' her sight to Kururi's level. The girl was looking at her intently.
She typed: Sorry. I got lost in my memories for a moment.
Kururi scoffed, very lightly. "Iza-nii worked for him. Kine-san."
Celty hesitated; and then she replied, I'm looking for him. He went missing a few days ago.
"I've only seen him once," Anri muttered. She was chewing on the inside of her cheek. "He was waiting for—for that man outside of Raira General Hospital once."
Kururi smiled at her words, weirdly enough.
Celty didn't know where else to take the conversation. She was uneasy enough having brought up Izaya, even though Kururi didn't seem to mind. Anri had lost the flush to her face. She was staring at her feet with thin lips and a frown.
And, truly, this was as good a sign as any that Izaya was better off dead or gone. Too many children looked like this whenever his name came up.
She typed another quick message, hoping to clear the atmosphere: I didn't expect you both to know anything, so it's okay. How about I walk you home?
"Knight," Kururi said.
It made Anri's face relax a little, which was good enough for Celty.
She ran to the opening of the street where she had left Shooter. Her horse neighed when she patted his back gently, and she barely had to stir him in the right direction. His wheels turned by themselves so that she only had to gently push him forward. Kururi immediately touched the bike's pitch-black side when they were to her level.
You can sit on his back if you want, Celty told her. She added a smiling face to her message for good measure.
Kururi immediately leapt on Shooter's back and patted his sides like she would his flanks if he were in his real form. Celty let a tendril of her shadow escape and soothe his side as well so he'd know that everything was okay.
They started walking like this, Kururi seated on Shooter and making faint humming noises, Anri having retrieved her bags from her and walking on Celty's other side in silence. Caught inside the streets and with no open spaces in sight it was hard for Celty to see the sky for more than the dirt brown it was from yellow lamps; the sunset had come and gone already. Pretty soon she would be invisible to all that she didn't want seeing her.
"Things are changing," Kururi whispered after a couple minutes.
"How so?" Anri asked her.
Kururi traced a line on Shooter's back with her index. Celty didn't think humans could feel him like she could, warm and alive; but it seemed to be enough for her. She hadn't taken her hands off of him. "People leaving. People arriving," she answered. She looked at Celty again. "People coming back."
Behind her, Anri took in an awful breath.
What do you mean? Celty said.
"Who's coming back?" Anri echoed loudly.
She sounded so tense that Celty immediately turned on her heels to face her; to touch her gently, to comfort her, to tell her than it didn't mean she had to go through all the fear she did when Ikebukuro was in uproar; and in her sight, not bothered by human limitations, she saw a shadow darker than hers fall onto Kururi and enclose its arms around her.
Celty didn't shout. She didn't freeze, or jump. She didn't have a heartbeat to spike up or a brain to send electric shocks down her limbs.
She spread her black smoke around like a net, made it sticky, made it unbreakable, so whoever was pressing a hand against Kururi's mouth to choke her screams and dragging her toward the mouth of a pitch-black alley couldn't escape. She stayed right where she was and waited for the would-be abductor to get caught in her trap. Next to her Anri finished blinking, and her eyes started glowing red, and through her palm the sharp edge of Saika's blade poked out, filling the night air with its vile presence.
Celty made a mistake, then. She didn't recall Shiki's warnings. She didn't believe in life's ability to surprise her. She didn't move.
The shadow dug its heel into the ground and leapt, far higher than Celty had ever seen a human achieve; far higher than the edge of the net she had made a second ago; it caught Kururi tighter in its hold and fell on the other side of the wall separating this street from another one.
She heard Anri scream Kururi's name and jump on a trash bin to climb over the wall as well. Celty's hands found Shooter's steering wheel and he went off before she was even seated, running up the nearest building's façade and down onto the street behind.
There was no one.
No, Celty thought. Shooter sped up into the alley before she needed to tell him to; Celty spread her shadows as far around herself as she could, into every nook and cranny of this street and its neighbors, looking for the feeling of flesh instead of stone. Looking for Kururi's heartbeat.
"Kururi-chan!" she heard Anri scream again, far, far behind her, horrified and disbelieving.
Celty rode around the neighborhood twice before she had to admit that Kururi was gone. Which was impossible, because it had barely taken her a minute to go around, and nothing human could be this fast. Not even Hollywood had been that fast. Not even Shizuo.
No, no, no, she kept thinking, like a mantra; in her mind all she could see was Kururi's quiet and hopeful expression as she rode Shooter earlier; the way she touched him like he was something comforting to her; the way she spoke, soft and heartfelt, eerie but not unkind. And she couldn't feel emotions like humans did, she couldn't breathe or scream or sob, but all of the smoke inside and out of her was turning onto itself as if trying to sever its particles into nothing.
People have started disappearing again, Shiki had told her. And maybe that was still Celty's mistake after all this time; to think that people could never include her or anyone she knew. To think that anything seemingly ordinary happening here could ever be only that. That she was safe, and her loved ones safe, that her story was done being written.
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2019/12/20/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/189767590885
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah - Blog http://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.weebly.com/blog/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
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aretia · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
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advertphoto · 5 years
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/can-a-dui-ruin-your-life/
0 notes
Can A DUI Ruin Your Life?
One leading cause of death and one of the top causes of debt is driving drunk. Celebration, prom or special events are typically when driving drunk is considered some of the deadliest times. The alcohol consumed by the drinker can affect other people as well as himself.
Driving under the influence or (DUI) has serious consequences associated with it. Driving drunk can cause the loss of your license. Losing your license takes away the freedom and privilege of going wherever you want whenever you want. During this time you have to ride the bus or beg someone to give you a ride. In the end it turns out to be a huge a hassle, but not as bad as some of the other consequences.
If you decide to get behind the wheel after drinking you are risking not only your life but the lives of others on the road. If you get in an accident and someone dies the penalty is on you. The result of this could be a guilty conscience and/ or a year or more in jail. If your friend is riding with you and they die, you won’t ever be able to see them again and could cause some people to have deep depression.
Lastly and least important, are the fines behind it all. Depending on your case the normal fines can be more, but on average it runs about $300 to $1,000. This doesn’t include court fees or attorney fees. Another fee you’ll have to pay is your insurance rates will rise in order to cover some of the damages. Also, you will have to pay for any damages to other drivers’ car or hospital bills. This, as you can tell, gets really expensive and will cause huge debt.
The statistics are true but still won’t keep people from driving after they have been drinking. One thing they always say is that they didn’t drink that much. But it doesn’t take much to get drunk. With one little decision, you can save thousands of dollars and most importantly save lives.
How would you feel if you have to pay thousands of dollars, lose your driving privileges, remain in jail and keep a mark on your driving record? Sounds horrendous, right? These are simply some of the things that you may likely face once you have been convicted in a driving under the influence (DUI) case. In order for you to put up the best defense, it is always good to look for the help of a qualified DUI attorney.
DUI penalties can be far-reaching, both emotional and legal. Such effects are exceptionally severe and regulations are getting more and more strict specifically when it pertains to fines and prison time. Aside from paying thousands of dollars that can be imposed on you by judges, there are many more repercussions that you can likely face and these include the following:
License revocation for one to ten years (or even more)
Court expenses
Alcohol education and learning program fees
Vehicle towing expenses
Ignition interlock program expenses
Driver’s license reinstatement penalties
Paying high fees and charges can cause you to lose lots of money while staying in jail can give you a bad reputation or even lose your job and career. It is, therefore, vital to get in touch with a DUI attorney to ensure that you will get proper legal representation. DUI repercussions can ruin your freedom and life as a whole in numerous ways. You need to protect your legal rights.
If you failed to acquire a restricted license, you may additionally have to pay for other transportation means like taxi or bus fare. You could likely face high insurance premiums too as soon as your record turns up a DUI conviction. There are simply a lot of negative effects that come with a DUI arrest and conviction. Perhaps, you have recognized by now that any conviction might spell financial disaster.
Prior to getting in your car after drinking alcohol, think once more! You are not only placing your life at risk but additionally the life of other people once you hit the road. Whether you have been arrested or not, it is important to educate yourself about what you can potentially face in such a DUI situation. Speak with a DUI attorney right away after you have been arrested to learn about your rights and things you must not tell without appropriate defense. Having an attorney on your side can easily make a large difference in your DUI case.
Everything that we do has a result. And the result comes into two kinds which are negative and positive or bad and good. Well, negative result is leading to consequences that may ruin our life. This does not mean that you will be totally broken but there may some aspects in your life that are affected like your emotions.
Driving under the influence or what is commonly called as DUI is a violation of the law. Anyway, it could be considered as a crime that will lead you to face serious consequences. Some of the consequences are a DUI arrest, suspension of license and paying of high fines. You can face it by looking for an aggressive DUI lawyer who can stand with you in the court. Yes, he can protect you in some means that may lessen the burden in your part. Anyway, there are some things that could hardly be taken away from yourself. These are the feelings that will stick in your life for a long time because of that traumatic incident ( being charged of DUI). Hence, the most affected part is your emotion.
Emotionally Bothered
It already happened. It is already in your mind that you had done something that must be avoided, but you did it. A person in a normal stage of emotion will be bothered of what he did. DUI is a violation and what bothers to a person who is being charged of that violation will feel bad. He may be ashamed for he knows the law but he never followed it at all.
The Feeling of Failure and Depression
Let me ask you, “what will you feel if you failed?”. Perhaps, you will be depressed. I am talking here about the failure of abiding the laws. You didn’t able to apply what you know as you are living in a society run by the law of the land. DUI law is a part of a nation and almost everyone in the community have an idea about it. And it is impossible for a certain driver or a motorist to be innocent about it. For sure, a license is for a person who has an idea of traffic law and drunk driving. You have a license, so I bet that you have an idea about DUI. As a conclusion, you failed of applying that idea while you are in the midst of driving.
Shame And Guilt
Being imprisoned because of DUI? Oh, it is a little bit embarrassing in your part especially if you are handling a title as a person known for having a good reputation in the society. Of course, there is a possibility that your name will be affected. Your family and friends will surely be worried about you because of that. What if you had hit somebody while you were drunk while driving. And what if that somebody died or paralyzed? Now, what will you feel? To tell you, DUI is not just a violation of the law, but it is already a crime. Affecting the life of other person because of your act will surely give you a feeling of guilt.
As tough as the law is on people who choose to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, society can be just as harsh. It doesn’t matter if someone was injured or property was damaged as a result of your choice, you can’t afford to be seen and treated as villain. Even though you may have felt that you weren’t that intoxicated, according to the law, you were inebriated enough to be charged with a crime. When you find yourself in this type of situation or in one similar to it, don’t waste any time. Find a good DUI attorney and have them handle your case.
The penalties you face for such a crime are very steep. They can include jail or prison time, fines, restitution, revocation of your driving privileges, counseling and more. Don’t forget the havoc this situation can wreck on your personal and professional life. The aftermath of people who find themselves in this type of situation often causes them to have to put their life on hold for quite a while.
A DUI attorney can help you overcome this situation. Instead of trying to come up with a good excuse that you can use to justify your mistake, a good attorney can use the law, their skills and other resources to help get your charges reduced or dismissed. When you think about things, you can’t really place a price on your future. If you don’t want to end up with your future being cut short, take some time and hire a credible lawyer to get you out of this mess.
If you are not really thrilled about the idea of hiring a DUI attorney to take care of your case, ask yourself if you can afford to be found guilty and endure the steepest consequences as a direct result of your actions? In addition, the fines and restitution you will have to pay, the possible prison sentence, and your reputation will be ruined. You will have to deal with the aftermath of your credibility being shot. Any employer you meet with in the future for a job or to advance your career will take a look at this blemish and decide to pursue more morally upstanding candidates. Even if this is the only time you have been in a situation like this, the damage that is caused can be irreversible if you don’t have a DUI attorney take care of it.
Even if you do get off with a slap on the risk and a very minimal sentence that involves no jail time, you still need legal counsel to make it sure that this does not go on your record. If this is a subsequent offense for you, you need a good lawyer to make sure that you are held accountable to the full extent of the law. Law enforcement agencies everywhere frown upon DUI offenders and prosecutions will use their best tactics to secure a guilty verdict and give you the maximum sentence possible. Hire a DUI attorney to protect your rights and keep you from being railroaded in court.
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is something that affects normal people every day. Contrary to popular belief, they are not relegated solely to drunks and winos stumbling out of the watering hole after five hours of hard drinking and fall-sitting into the driver’s seat. In fact, the majority of the DUI charges are actually levied against people between a.08 and a.12 blood alcohol content (BAC). For some smaller people who may not have a large diet, this could be as few as three beers. Think back to the last time you had a few drinks after work and drove home. You probably didn’t think anything of it at the time, but there’s a good chance you were actually over the limit.
Fast forward through the event itself. Once it is said and done, there are serious ramifications on your life after the fact. I’ll focus on Utah because it is the state I am from and am most familiar with. Here, the biggest shock to most people is that they now have to spend ten days in jail, with the first being the night of their DUI.
Aside from the bewilderment of being incarcerated for the first time, there is also hefty financial damage done. According to the statute, the fine totals at $1,250. This does not tell the whole story, however. Many people are ordered to get an ignition interlock device. You have to purchase this device yourself, and up to several times a month report to have the results checked by a state-verified technician. You must pay for each and every one of these visits as well. If you are placed on probation, which you could be for up to five years, you must pay a probation fee as well as other costs associated with the course your probation officer assigns you to. Those assigned to counseling must pay for this out of pocket as well. When it is all said and done, $5,000 is a low estimate.
If that sounds intense, consider this: that is for first time offenders with a BAC between.05 (if impaired) and.15. If you look at the high end for a first-timer (above.15 BAC) you are looking at $2,500-$10,000, thirty days in jail, and you must attend the counseling and receive an ignition interlock device. In either case, your license will be suspended for ninety days. Some of this can be abated if you have a reliable DUI lawyer, however, nothing is certain.
After it is all said and done, you will be thousands of dollars shorter and have done some jail time. Many people lose their jobs due to not having a license for ninety days, and can have serious social or professional consequences due to the stigma of a DUI.
The best way to avoid a DUI is simple: Don’t drink and drive! The limit is much lower than most people think, and those times when you think you are “good to go,” you could be stopped and arrested and suddenly find yourself in a cold cell without dinner. There are commercially available BAC machines or strips to check yourself before you leave a bar, and I always recommend people have a good DUI attorney’s information with them. The bottom line is, if you take the risk of drinking and driving, those three beers could cost you a chunk of your freedom AND your cash!
DUI Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a DUI in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you fight a DUI charge against you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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