#like what was it about soccer that made everyone suck so much
burning-sol · 1 year
Probably had the most normal dream in a while where I was playing school soccer. This involved me having to play defence while i watched everyone else just booting around the ball with no thought, and having to explain to the teacher refereeing the rules because otherwise they where going to award a point to a team because the other kicked the ball off the field.
So basically, just like in real life.
This has me thinking about my experience playing soccer now. I always loved soccer as a sport but everyone around me was frankly really stupid and there was usually only one team so whatever players you got you were stuck with. Everyone was stubborn, self centered, whiny, didn't play the game that well, etc. I wasn't perfect either, my technical skill was probably a little lacking, but I still played good enough and passed the ball.
Nobody ever listened to my preference. There was one time where I actually broke down into tears because I was made to play goalkeeper the entire year, nobody even realised I was a midfielder until they just randomly put me there one time, "oh wow, you're really good at this position!!!" :/ Yeah, no shit you stupid fuck!!!
I fucking detested these pieces of shit. I hated that condescending attitude of telling me I was so good at playing goalkeeper, trying to always push me into the position because nobody could tolerate being where they don't like for any amount of time. People would purposefully play worse to not be put in the position again like children (which I guess they were). At most, I would just look bored in the field because I would be <- bored and tired of everyone's shit, but I would still pay attention and play when it came down to it.
I liked playing defence but I also felt forced to play it a little because others were so terrible at it (sometimes on purpose because they were entitled as shit and complained when they didn't get their first choice of position), like I would be in the torture chair as I watched within .2 seconds the other team busting through our defence and scoring a goal as soon as I was taken out.
Maybe a lot of issues were avoided though because the one position I hated the most was striker. The amount of pressure and the awkward position where you have to turn around, me having a pretty unreliable and weaker kick.. I don't know how everyone else was always arguing over it. I was always avoiding it like the plague.
This is all to say eventually between the depression and all the years of being beaten to death by having to play with some of the nastiest, dislikeable people to play sport with.. I just quit. I didn't want to, it was my favourite sport, but it was just year after year of the worst shit I've ever experienced.
You can tell just how bad the experience was by this rant alone, huh.
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saerins · 11 months
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+ kaiser x f!reader | wc 2.8k | content: fluff, friends to lovers, slight hints of jealousy, mentions of alcohol, they go clubbing
notes: help me i think i made myself fall for this guy even more after writing this shit for him > ⤙ <
summary: being just friends doesn’t mean much when neither of you really want to keep it that way. problem is, will either of you make the first move?
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“i like you though, y/n.”
it’s spring and the weather outside is the nicest it’s ever been in a while and you have every chance to enjoy it except for the fact that dear michael kaiser is lounging on your couch, rifling through the magazine he got in the mail.
“right, haha, very funny,” you mumble sarcastically, slumping down onto the other couch where kaiser isn’t sprawled all over.
sometimes, you think it’s funny how he’s portrayed as this hot, sexy, confident soccer player who can do no wrong when it comes to matters with his looks, but then in private he’s like… well, this. his bed head’s a mess, his room slippers are the fluffy-fuzzy kind, and much less high maintenance than everyone makes him out to be. (but you have to stop yourself from staring because kaiser doesn’t sleep in anything but his sweatpants during this season and well, where his abs are concerned, he’s definitely got no problems there.)
kaiser sighs in the overdramatic fashion that’s probably his trademark right about now. “y/n, y/n, what do i have to do to make you believe me?” he turns around, smirking at you as he raises a brow. maybe it’ll work on his countless fangirls, but after being friends with him for over six years, you’re probably immune to it.
“maybe you can just shut up and get ready for your event later.” you roll your eyes, sauntering to the kitchen to get yourself some breakfast, automatically making two of everything because kaiser loves to crash your apartment in the morning. (he really does need to learn about personal space.)
breakfast preparations go quietly. kaiser listens to you—he shuts up and starts getting ready for his event before coming back into your apartment, all fresh and ready to shamelessly eat the breakfast you made, staring at you from across the table whenever you’re not looking like he always does.
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“kaiser-kaia duo hit the streets, new budding romance?”
“miko, don’t tell me you’re reading that gossip rag too,” you whine, looking for any excuse not to dive into your pile of work for the day.
your colleague swivels her chair over to your cubicle, looking around to make sure your bosses aren’t around to witness the both of you slacking off. “hey, isn’t he your friend? give me the tea! are they really dating?”
leave it to miko to get all excited about dating rumours. you really don’t know what’s so special about them—kaiser’s gotten so many of them ever since, well, forever. even before he became a soccer superstar.
you remember what kaiser said in the morning. “i like you though, y/n.” always ready with that smooth tongue of his. that aside, if he really was dating someone, you bet that they’d be staying over with him more often than not, and there’s really no harm in rejecting a rumor as opposed to confirming one.
“nope, they just happened to be waiting for a cab at the same spot.” and paparazzis love to snap a shot from misleading angles. now that you’re really looking at the article, they managed to make it look like kaiser’s kissing her cheek. you find yourself rolling your eyes at it and looking away.
miko sighs, leaning back against her chair. “man, that sucks, they look cute,” she comments, scrolling away from the online article before she gives you a suspicious side eye. “hey, you sure you’re not dating him?”
you still a little at the sudden line of questioning before turning your attention back to your laptop equally quickly. “if i was, i wouldn’t be so free all the time now, would i?” a response to which miko shrugs off and decides to let go of as she retreats back to her desk.
as much as you love miko as your colleague, you haven’t been as honest with her as you could. she knows you’re friends with kaiser, yeah, but she doesn’t know he’s basically your neighbour. she doesn’t know that he comes over all the time whenever it’s off season. she doesn’t know that the both of you have fallen asleep next to each other on the couch.
she doesn’t know a lot of things—like how your heart’s beating erratically now at the notion of being someone special to kaiser. it’s always been sweet nothings that you thought would stay that way, and you’ve always been short at realising your own feelings, so much so you were, once upon a time, positive you had zero romantic feelings for your friend.
now? you’re not so sure anymore.
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seven days pass and kaiser’s been pestering you every single moment you’re free—like he always does—but today’s kind of a special day because it’s your birthday and it’s an hour away from your dinner party yet you’re not even close to ready.
your hair’s wet, you’re still in your loungewear, you have no idea what to wear and kaiser’s just flipping through the channels, half bored to death. for his part, at least, he’s already ready.
it’s not even fair how he takes just half an hour to get ready and yet he looks like he does. hair perfectly soft, and he’s wearing a nice black suit with a wine red dress shirt underneath, his tattoos peeking out here and there. if he wasn’t a soccer player, he’d definitely either be a model or a very charming businessman.
“too handsome for you?” kaiser smirks as he catches you looking, and you have to spin on your heels to avoid getting flustered (to his face).
“shut up, kaiser, i haven’t found anything to wear,” you groan, making a beeline for your bedroom. you really wished your friends hadn’t booked a high-end restaurant for little old you—then you could literally just throw on anything and be done with it.
kaiser, completely comfortable in your apartment, strolls into your bedroom with you and starts browsing through your closet, ignoring your protests. within seconds, he finds a dress and holds it out, a lopsided smile filling his face. “how about this?”
the wine red satin dress hovers in front of you, and you have to swallow the lump in your throat before you speak, feeling the line getting blurry. “trying to get me to coordinate outfits with you or something?”
you’re trying your best but your voice quivers just a little bit, and you bet that smug smile on his face that he can hear it. “why not? we look good together,” he shrugs, as though it’s no big deal but it’s hard to stop yourself from overthinking when lately the two of you have been flirting more often and serious than usual.
rolling your eyes and trying not to be too late, you grab the dress from him and change into it, spending some time to yourself to recollect, internally cursing him for being able to make you this flustered over nothing at all.
by the time you come back out into the living room, hair all done and accessories settled, this time, kaiser’s the one who’s caught staring, shameless in the way his eyes drag over you from head to toe. you’d tease him for it, but you’re not entirely sure you’re ready for his comeback so you refrain.
as you grab your go-to black heels and sit down to strap them on properly, kaiser’s quick to offer a hand, his lithe fingers taking your heel from you, slowly inserting your feet, his eyes lingering on your face and his thumb rubbing circles around your ankle. your eyes are glued to his own, and somehow it makes you even more nervous when he’s not joking around. when he looks at you like this—serious, like he’s trying to tell you something without saying anything at all.
the way he ties the straps are gentle and precise, tight but not too tight that it’ll hurt you. you’ve jokingly told him to help you tie your shoelaces before but he’s always refused. yet now he’s helping you put on your heels on both feet without saying a word and the way his hand lingers on your calf when he’s done is enough to make you melt.
on some other day, you’d joke with him and get him to let go. today, you’re silent.
kaiser chuckles, though, his hand casually brushing up your calf slightly before he pulls away, gently patting your head as he gets up.
“let’s go.”
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dinner is agonising, enjoyable, agonising.
it’s nice; being seated around a table, enjoying small talk and nonsense with the same group of friends, catching up with people like kaiser and ness who’s been away a lot because of their profession.
yeah, that part’s nice. what’s agonising about it all is how close kaiser is to you, how his right hand casually drapes around your shoulder from time to time, shifting down to your thigh sometimes, making you go crazy.
it’s not like the both of you haven’t been close before, but you feel like maybe this time, it’s different. it’s not just the close proximity, it’s the intimacy of it all that has you inwardly keeling over. what’s worse is that you think you want it, him. in a way you didn’t think to think of before.
“you sure you’re not dating him?”
miko’s words ring repeatedly in your head. somehow, your answer’s changed from nope to you sort of wish you did. you bite your lower lip, absentmindedly laughing along even if you didn’t hear the joke at all.
“you okay?” the voice in your ear nearly makes you jump up from your seat.
on your right, ness is grinning as he looks at you, like he knows something’s going on in that little head of yours. you shake your head anyway, but ness shoots you a knowing smile as his eyes briefly shift to kaiser’s arm around you before winking at you.
fuck, is that really enough to make the heat rush to your cheeks?
“y/n?” one of your other friends calls out, snapping you back to the foreground.
“next stop: new club downtown! orange, or grape, or whatever the fuck name it is,” he drawls, excited, “you up for it?”
before you even get the chance to agree, one of the other guys speaks up. “hey kaiser, speaking of clubs, didn’t that dating rumour come up recently? the one with, uh, kaia?”
readjusting himself, kaiser pulls away from you, taking a swig of his beer. “don’t remind me,” he groans, sighing.
“why not? she’s hot!”
there’s a knot in your stomach that you can’t explain.
beside you, ness snickers. “tell ‘em what really happened, stupid.”
that manages to pique your interest.
kaiser sighs, resigning because he knows they’ll just keep hounding him if he refuses. “she tried her luck, that’s all,” he settles for something vague, trying to escape.
ness, however, ever the kind soul, expands on his words, making sure you hear every single bit—you’re not sure if he’s trying to egg you on or just see your reaction.
“please, she was trying to get you to send her home, no?” ness’ explanation gets a reaction out of the group, and you’re glad you all have a private room here so no one outside can hear you, servers included.
“shut up.”
“kaia and kaiser—has a nice ring to it.”
and even though kaiser doesn’t entertain that, you feel a little envy brewing inside you—one that you fail to drown out.
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orange is filled with people; combining the fact that it’s holiday season and it’s the club’s launch night, it’s safe to say that there’s barely any room to breathe. still, your friends are all drunk on the alcohol, pulling one another to the dance floor, leaving you and kaiser at the table.
he’s still close as ever, his bare hands brushing yours, one of his arms around your waist, keeping you close.
“dance with me,” he raises his voice over the music. the way he smiles so genuinely now managing to make your heart skip a beat.
suppressing your grin, you wordlessly agree, letting him lead you onto the dance floor. he meanders the crowd skilfully, as expected considering he and ness are frequent clubbers. it’s only now that you realise you’d never gone to such a place with him, which is surprising considering your many years of friendship.
as you join your friends on the floor, you can’t help but notice how kaiser sticks to you and you alone, his hands on your waist, trickling up and down your arm, dancing along behind you. even surrounded by people, he commands your attention alone.
but to kaiser, it’s unfair too. it’s not fair how you’re so pretty, it’s not fair how you’ve always been. it’s not fair that he’d fallen slowly for you, and now so so deep. how is it fair that even when he tries to forget you, when he tries not to mess with the friendship, that he ends up falling even more?
his eyes stay glued on you, shamelessly making sure no other man gets their hands on you—it’s fucking insulting how they try to get you to dance with them even when he’s right there. lucky for him, you’re not budging. you’re there. with him. only him. even if your other friends are here.
it’s just him and you and he wonders what you’re thinking. are you as flustered as he is right now? kaiser hasn’t even let himself drink more than one mug of beer, all because he knows this is a night he’d rather remember than risk forgetting.
“hey, isn’t that kaia?” one of your friends excitedly points out and kaiser follows his line of sight.
it is her, and she’s heading this way—but that’s not really important because what’s important is how kaiser noticed you’ve stopped dancing, awkwardly trying to shuffle away. it’s kind of funny, he swears he can tell that you might feel the same way about him. maybe you’re just more stubborn than he is.
so he keeps his arms around you, pulling you close.
“stay with me,” he whispers into your ear, and he suppressed a grin from the goosebumps searing across your neck. he guesses it’s a good sign you’re listening to him.
“kaiser, what’s up?” kaia greets, evidently trying to move for a hug but kaiser’s not budging, squeezing you closer instead.
he nods at her in acknowledgement before letting the rest of his friends throng around her for a photo.
once she’s sufficiently busy, he hears you speak up. “were you dancing with her that time too?”
kaiser manages not to snicker at your obviously jealous tone, “yeah, we went with a few other people after our shoot was wrapped up.”
you nod, and all kaiser can think of somehow is that your shampoo smells so nice. “oh, sure you don’t wanna dance with her again tonight then?”
are you testing him? it’s cute.
he shakes his head. “nah, i danced with her a lot that time already,” he teases, though he’s not too sure whether you’d take it like a joke like it was meant to. when you don’t respond, he chuckles, gently turning you to face him. “there’s one thing i didn’t do with her though.”
kaiser’s face is just inches away from yours, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek and he’s aware that everyone in the close vicinity is looking at the two of you but he doesn’t care.
honestly, he has to admit, he’s dreamed of doing this a thousand times over, always hovering between the decision to ruin this friendship or not. the thoughts were there whenever he’d wake up next to you on the couch. or whenever all of you met up and one of the other guys would throw their arms around you. or in the mornings when you made breakfast. there’s not a time he’s been sure whether this is what you wanted too.
hell, he’s not even sure now. but fuck, if he wastes another minute not trying he thinks he’ll kill himself for it. and he’s hoping to god this isn’t a dream because you’re not pulling away and you’re not treating this like a joke and it can only be because you want this too.
without another thought, his lips press against yours and it’s like the loud music drowns out into the background, getting lost and fading away. suddenly it’s like you’re the only thing in front of him and fuck, you taste even better than he can ever imagine.
“fuck,” he exhales, cheeks pressed against yours. “be mine?”
still breathless from that kiss, you chuckle weakly and nod, both of you earning whoos all around the room. (you make a mental reminder to tell miko before she winds up seeing this online before you get a chance to explain.)
and just like that, kaiser’s finally gotten the girl of his dreams.
“want you, baby, just you.”
the next morning, the two of you make the headlines.
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loafgeto · 1 year
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gojo satoru x fem!reader
synopsis: you are the teacher assistant for gojo satoru and the first years. in everyone’s eyes, you both are known as the duo who tolerate each other. but behind closed doors, you both can’t seem to get your hands away. and during a cookout, you seem to be capturing someone else’s attention, causing satoru to become jealous.
cw: fem reader, 18+ mdni, explicit language, secret relationship, jealous gojo, cocky gojo, teasing, dirty talking, edging, markings/hickeys, overstimulation, squirting, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, somewhat jealous sex, creampie, breast play, sucking and biting, begging, cock warming, pet names (baby, darling), different positions, gojo telling/controlling reader what to do. this isn’t proofread, and if you see any typos pls ignore 😢
wc: 3.9k
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You've been working at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech for almost a year now, as the teacher assistant of Gojo Satoru. You honestly never thought you'd be the strongest sorcerer's assistant, but Satoru happened to request for someone by his side. Thus, lead to your encounter.
When you were first introduced to Satoru, it was like any other first impression for him, admiration. He was rather nonchalant and playful around you, knowing how to push your buttons, and definitely confident in himself. That admiration quickly turned into toleration, but you remained respectful towards him.
Things began to change during the third month of being his assistant.
After a certain mission that nearly caused your death, Satoru often stayed by your side as you recovered and this lead to the secret romance. It was unexpected from a guy like him, but his feelings are genuine. The two of you agreed to date in secret, wanting to keep a professional impression for the time being and acted like normal colleagues in public.
But when you two are alone, Satoru can't help but touch and kiss you everywhere. He always wants you on his lap, or at least feel your touch. He inquires about your day, how he misses you, how much he adores your scent and aura, how much he thought about fucking you. Satoru was never afraid to admit his feelings, which is what made you fall for him even more.
Each day before and after class, you'd go to his office, and pepper kisses on his face and suffocate him in hugs. Satoru enjoys receiving it all, and the reason why he enters the classroom all bubbly and with a wide smile, was because of you. Everyone just had the thought that he was normally that way due to his personality.
It was yet another normal day and the two schools, Tokyo and Kyoto Jujutsu Tech, planned a cookout at a private park. On this day, you wore a simple attire: white blouse, black skirt, black tights, and stilettos. For some reason, Satoru liked the outfit on you, though he hadn't fully admitted it yet. But the way he looks at you made you believe he enjoyed seeing you in it. So you wore it often.
The teachers and other adults were occupied with preparing the food, while the students were occupied with a challenging game of soccer. Even though you weren't directly there, you could feel the tension arising from the field.
You were preparing a fruit salad while slightly watching the first years bicker with the second years of Kyoto and then proceed with the game. You smiled when watching, after all these missions and cursed spirits lingering around, it was great to settle and take a nice break.
For a brief second, your eyes scan across the entire area. Your eyes finally detected Satoru, who was mainly directing the game. He was supposedly playing the role coach for Tokyo Tech. He was shouting enthusiastically, encouraging someone to do this, or that.
Beside of Satoru was Utahime, seemingly doing the same thing as he was but in a more relaxed yet serious manner. The students of Tokyo seemed to be winning the soccer match, mostly because of the second year student, Maki. Her twin sister on the other team didn't appear to be happy, but that didn't make them win a point.
Your attention returns to Satoru, who had his back facing you. Then you look down at the fruit salad, wondering if you should offer the first bite to him and inquire on the taste.
"L/NN!!" Two of the first years, Yuji and Nobara, shouts towards you from the field, capturing your attention and everyone else's. They were waving at you, as if competing to get your attention first. You shake your head and return the two a wave and smile.
Satoru had also turned around when the two called for you, seeing how you were diligently preparing the fruit salad and waving at them. He was going to approach you, leaving Utahime alone to deal with this soccer game when someone else had approached you.
"Your students must really like you, huh?" it was Utahime's teacher assistant. You hadn't met the dude before and this was his first time approaching you since this afternoon. Your attention was torn away from Satoru as your gaze met with Utahime's assistant's.
"Oh, well I'm not necessarily their teacher but I know they respect me enough like I am one," you reply with a smile, finishing the last stir of the fruit salad.
"I heard your fruit salad recipe was very good," he continues to speak, watching as you finish the dish. "Mind if I try a piece?"
You glance at him, pondering for a moment. You assumed it wouldn't hurt to do so. "Of course," you nod, grabbing a plastic fork and piercing it through a strawberry, kiwi and pineapple.
You hand the fork over to him, expecting him to take it. But instead, he leans forward, taking a bite of the three fruits into his mouth. Your eyes slightly widen at the unexpected action and he quickly pulls away before you can react further.
"Wow! It's delicious!" he chuckles, chewing on the fruits and tasting the different sweet, rich and savory flavors.
"Well.. I'm glad you like it.." you awkwardly reply, slightly smiling.
"Of course. I'll definitely come back for more!" he says and laughs while placing a hand on your shoulder. He gives it several pats, to your surprise.
But you hadn't realize that Satoru was observing it all— from the moment he approached you, to the moment he ate those fruits, and to the moment he placed a hand on you. The interaction irritated Satoru, and he was unable to return to the game with a bubbly manner.
His mood suddenly changed, but he didn't want to express it. He forced a smile, enthusiastic shouts and returned his focus to the soccer match. But he kept glancing back at you, seeing how Utahime's assistant was still causally around you.
But it wasn't like he could do anything. If he did, he'd cause an entire scene, and Utahime's assistant seemed rather nice, but his actions annoyed the hell out of Satoru. Why was he all up on you like that?
Satoru acknowledged the image of you not reacting or anything, and it made him feel irritated even more. Was she actually offering to feed those fruits to him? He got jealous and upset over the fact that the assistant was the first to try your fruit salad and not him.
He also noticed your outfit. How several buttons were loosened to reveal the chest area above your breast, how the skirt wrapped around your hips— shaping your ass and curves, how the tights were making the entire outfit appear more striking. And gosh, how he wanted to rip it all off of you.
Satoru pushes his sunglasses closer to his eyes, secretly rolling them beneath as he crosses his arms. Later, he'll decide what to do with you and that guy.
When the food was all prepared, the adults waited for the students to end their soccer game and gather around the picnic tables. Satoru stood behind of you, watching as you excitedly presented your fruit salad to everyone.
"Oh, Sa— Gojo!" you had turn around, surprised that he was standing there. You found this as an opportunity for him to try your fruit salad before giving it out to the rest. "Would you like to try my fruit salad first?"
Satoru gave it a brief thought as he glanced at you and then the bowl of the fruit salad. He gives you an unnatural smile before replying, "no thanks. I'll get it once everyone else does."
For some reason, his rejection shattered your heart but you nod, watching as he walks away shortly afterwards. You decide to ignore it, since it shouldn't affect you as much but the uncertain feeling in your body kept causing you to gaze back at him.
The remainder of the cookout, Satoru was deliberately avoiding making contact with you. And even if he spoke to you, it'd be short and simple. Of course, this sort of behavior wouldn't appear suspicious to others, but between the two of you, there was definitely some tension.
You wondered if you did anything that made him upset, but nothing was coming to mind. You knew for a fact that he was mostly focused on the game and you barely interacted with him. But you hadn't known about Satoru's observations from earlier, so you were left utterly confused.
The cookout finished with no further complications and the students decided to play one more match of soccer. Everyone was pumped after eating so much, and the first years were definitely determined on winning since the last match came to a draw.
You began searching for Satoru when you realized he wasn't around anymore. More confusion arose as you figured he'd want to participate and watch the entire thing. You tried not to worry too much, assuming he'd gone to the restroom or something.
Your attention about Satoru's whereabouts was shortly interrupted when Utahime's assistant approached you once again. "So, Y/n? After this— it's gonna be a while until I see you again."
"Huh? Oh, that's right," you nod your head, smiling politely as you've done before.
"We should definitely keep in contact some how— since you know, we both happen to be teacher assistants and we can share our stories with each other—" he begins to ramble, taking his phone out when a voice appears behind the two of you.
"L/n," it was Yuji, completely oblivious about the situation. "Gojo-sensei said for you to meet at his office, asap. Seems quite urgent. Man, you both are gonna miss the game!"
"O-Oh. Yes, of course. It's fine, Yuji, thank you though," you nod your head before dismissing yourself. "It was nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends," you quickly utter to the other assistant before heading towards Satoru's office.
Maybe this was the chance to finally talk to him about earlier.
You anticipated on what could occur once you arrived, many scenarios raced through your mind as you kept walking. Whatever it was, you just wanted to know what you did and solve the problem with him.
When you approached the door to his office, you hesitated on opening it at first. But you were quick to push your feelings away and slid the door open, stepping inside and closing it behind. The room was dim, the only source of light was the sun peeking through the small opening of the closed curtains.
You immediately spotted Satoru resting on his chair, head leaned back, as if he was sleeping. A smile slowly appears on your face as you approach him quietly, guessing he was tired the entire time.
"Satoru?" you called out to him, gently tapping his shoulder. He didn't budge and remained asleep, to which made you frown. "Hey, you can't just call me in here and then fall asleep on me."
Satoru still didn't answer and you sigh, deciding to just return to the rest. "I'm going back then—“
As you were about to turn around, Satoru's hand quickly reached up to grab your wrist. The sudden action caught you by surprise, and Satoru pulls you down on his lap.
"S-Satoru?" you stammer, realizing that he had been awake and pretending to sleep.
"You know the reason why I called for you?" Satoru asks, finally opening his eyes. He then used his other arm to wrap around your hips, pulling you closer while keeping his other grip on your hand.
"Of course not.. that's why I'm here.." you smile awkwardly. "Is something the matter, 'toru? You've been avoiding me all day. Did I do something wrong?"
"Guess," Satoru answers vaguely, releasing his grip from your wrist and moving them down to your inner thigh. He starts caressing them, feeling the tights that hugged your skin.
"S-Satoru?!" you gasp, feeling blood rush to your cheeks. You start wondering what he was trying to imply, and returned to the moment with your interaction with Utahime's assistant. And you finally figured Satoru must've saw it.
"Acting all flirty in front of me, huh? Trying to get me jealous?"
"No! Of course not!" you pout, wrapping one arm around his neck. "Only have eyes for you.. I wasn't flirting with him, I promise. I only want your attention 'toru. Please."
Satoru wasn't going to let this slip past easily, and you knew that. When he was jealous, he was stubborn. And it took a while for him to forget this matter. Satoru huffs, lifting your body and changing your position to where you straddled his lap. "Why'd he get to be the first to try your fruit salad, baby?"
"You're upset over that?”
"He was also touching you. Being all over you. Fucking bastard," Satoru scoffs, placing both hands on your hips. "He was checking you out, getting hard because of this damn outfit you're wearing."
Satoru then lifts your skirt, pushing it above your hips to reveal your laced panties under the tights. You knew where this was going, but you didn't stop it at all. "You purposely wore this, didn't you?" Satoru inquires.
"Wore it for you.. only you, no one else," you reply, feeling your legs already tremble as Satoru presses your hips down against his crotch. You could feel his throbbing erection, poking your panties that were now soaking.
"I don't like it. Might as well take it off," Satoru says, moving his hands along the curves of your body and up to your chest. He starts unbuttoning your shirt, pushing the material apart to where your breasts popped out.
Satoru pushes your bra up, exposing your nipples. He grins, using both of his hands to pinch and grope your boobs. You moan, body twitching at the sensation. "A-Ah.. Satoru-"
"Move your hips," Satoru orders and you immediately obey, rocking your hips and grinding against his hard cock that could no longer withstand the suffocation of his pants.
Satoru continues to pinch your nipples, getting more soft moans to escape your mouth. Your hands rest against his shoulder as you continue grinding your clothed pussy against him. Your arousal soaked through your underwear and tights, and eventually stained Satoru's pants.
"P-Please.. I'm sorry-" you beg before a higher moan follows after when Satoru latches his mouth on one of your boobs.
Satoru starts sucking your nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud, and gently biting down on it. Your grip on his shoulder tightens, nails digging through his shirt as your moans squeaked louder. His other hand fondling and pinching your other nipple.
Despite all of this, Satoru was always able to tease your breast in a way that'd make you squirm. He switches between your two breast, making sure to pleasure each nipple, before leaving bite marks. He sucks on the skin of your breast next, leaving hickeys on several areas before returning his mouth to your nipple.
Satoru removes his mouth from your nipple, creating a pop sound before leaning back against his chair. He smiles, observing your reactions. "Hold your breasts," he orders again as his hands trail to your hips.
You end up following his order, cupping both breasts in your hands as Satoru rips your tights open, giving your soaked panties a brief observation. He smirks, seeing how your arousal was already slicking down your inner thighs.
"Would you look at that," Satoru murmurs, pressing his middle and index finger against the soaked area of your panties. He rubs circles on your clit before pushing the material to the side, feeling your arousal drip on his fingers.
It was enough to the point Satoru finally unzips his pants and slip his dick out. He uses one hand to lift your thigh up, making you crouch on your feet, and the other to pump his throbbing cock.
"F-Fuck.. Satoru- need your cock in me."
"You gotta be patient, baby," Satoru replies, grunting softly as he aligns his cock to your entrance. His cock twitches at the sensation of how wet you were and he pushes his tip in, already feeling your pussy pulsating.
You both let out a moan as Satoru sinks his cock deeper into your cunt, stretching you out until his entire length was in. "Shit. Ride me, baby," Satoru requests, his hands returning to grip your hips.
With no hesitation, you comply and start moving up and down, bouncing on his cock in a steady pace. You're moaning louder while your hands are still cupping and fondling your breasts.
"That assistant must be thinking about doing this with you too, don't you think?" Satoru inquires, holding back his hoarse grunts as he felt your walls clench around him as you moved up. "But I do it better, don't I? I touch you better 'nd make you feel better?"
"Y-Yes 'toru! Only you can make me feel this good!"
"That's right," Satoru's smile becomes wider as he gropes the fat of your ass with his hands.
Satoru begins assisting you by pushing your hips down faster, his balls smacking your ass as the sound of skin slapping and moans permeate the room. He watches at how your breasts bounce each thrust, even when you're holding it, but seeing your face was the best of it all.
"D-Damn.. squeezing me so good, baby," Satoru grunts, thrusting his hips upward slightly.
"Fuck- cumming soon," you throw your head back, feeling his cock rub against your g-spot every thrust. You were so close and began bouncing faster in order to reach your climax quicker.
But Satoru doesn't allow that to happen. He knew you were close, and when you were about to cum, he immediately stops your movements. Your eyes wide in shock, completely aggravated with how he stopped and didn't allow you to cum.
"Satoru, you—"
He was quick to shush you by pressing his mouth against yours, to which you return. The kiss turns sloppy, as your tongue presses against one another's, fighting for dominance. Your hands release the grasp of your breasts to wrap around Satoru's neck, pulling his body closer to yours. Satoru then lifts you from the chair, pinning you down on his desk, knocking off several of the small decorations sitting there.
Satoru pulls away, spreading your legs apart before pushing your thighs closer to your chest. "You're gonna cum when I tell you to, got it?" he says, not accepting any objections before slamming his cock right back into your dripping cunt.
"S-Shit!" your hand tries to reach for something to grab, but your mind is foggy and you swore you were already seeing stars. You were still close, on the brink of cumming all over him and you almost came without notice.
Satoru starts thrusting his cock fast and deep into your pussy, his hands gripping your thighs tightly as his hips slam into your ass. Your noises fall of your tongue each thrust, knowing you'd probably lose your voice later.
"Goodness, baby. Taking my cock so good, like you always do."
Satoru throws both of your legs over his shoulder, firmly holding your legs as they begin trembling. Tears have welled the socket of your eyes and they eventually start rolling back as Satoru maintained the position and thrusts.
"I-I can't, Satoru- gonna cum!" you couldn't hold your orgasm anymore, and even before Satoru could reply, you cum on him and his desk.
Satoru doesn't say anything besides scoff, and even when you came, he kept fucking you relentlessly. It was driving you insane, the feeling of him still thrusting into you after cumming.
He switches the position again, this time he wraps your legs around his waist before lifting you up with his hands cupping under your thighs. You snake your arms around his neck for a better grip, head dropping against his shoulder as he pistons his cock up into you.
He'd then push you back down on the desk, making your body turn to the side and lifting one leg over his shoulder, before thrusting back into you. Afterwards, he'd flip you on your stomach and pound you from the back, leading to your second orgasm.
Satoru would make you touch yourself, scream his name and tears stream down your face. He'd make you reach multiple orgasms until you couldn't anymore. Your throat began to hurt from all of the moaning and screaming, but that didn't mean Satoru stopped.
He lifts you up again, walking with you over to the window. You're unable to comprehend what he was doing by that moment before he slides the curtains open. His office view directly overlooked the field, where everyone still currently were.
"W-Wait, Satoru they're gonna see-" you panic slightly, feeling your feet come in contact with the ground as Satoru makes you face the window and everyone participating the ongoing soccer match.
"Let them see, and watch how many times I've made you cum," Satoru says, raising his hands to grip your biceps before filling your swollen pussy with his cock again.
Satoru pumps his cock in and out of you, the angle allowing him to hit your spots deeper and better. The sensation was too much for you to handle, but it was making you to the point where you're begging for more.
You could see everyone else enjoying their time in the soccer field, and your eyes detect Utahime's assistant by the side. His back was turned against you, so you didn't see his face but he seemed to be enjoying his time since he was cheering and clapping his hands.
If he'd turn around and look up, he would immediately be able to see you and Satoru.
"'toru— I'm gonna cum again!" you sob, feeling the tip of his cock kiss your womb. Your legs became wobbly, but Satoru held you up with his firm grip.
"S-Shit.. me too, darling." Satoru's thrust were becoming erratic as he neared his climax, groaning and throwing his head back slightly. "Gonna cum in you, baby. You okay with that?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" you chant, turning your head around to meet his gaze.
Satoru grits his teeth, thrusting his hips closer several times before pushing his cock all the way in, pumping his cum into your womb. You came at the same time, and you both share a final moan before your back fell against Satoru's chest.
You're both gasping for air heavily, body soaked in sweat while the room smelled like sex. You both remain there for a moment before Satoru kisses your cheek and trails his lips down your neck.
"Looks like we won the game," Satoru says when he glances out of the window, seeing the first years and second years of Tokyo Tech cheer in victory. You also look out of the window, watching as they all celebrated.
"I wasn't mad at you, by the way," Satoru adds, returning his head to your side before kissing your face again. "You're not upset at me either, baby?"
"No.." you shake your head, facing him before pressing a kiss on his lips.
Satoru slips his cock out, watching as his cum mixed with yours drip out of your pussy. He chuckles softly and smirks. "Good. Let's clean you up before we go back."
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LOAF4U. thank you for reading! please do not copy my work or publish in another media without my permission.
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gotham--fc · 1 month
UCLA Love - A Jessie Fleming Imagine
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Request: Jessie and R both go to UCLA and have a great connection on the field. They both like each other but are too shy to say anything until R has a bad game and while Jessie comforts her it slips out that Jessie likes her
This request was from probably like three years ago at least sorry about that besties..... let me know what you think!
It’s hard not to be intimidated by Jessie Fleming, or, at least that’s what Y/N tells herself.
In truth, Jessie’s probably the least intimidating person. She’s quiet, bookish, nice to a fault, really all the qualities of a non-intimidating person. But that doesn’t stop the way Y/N’s palms start to sweat whenever she’s near Jessie. Ever since Y/N started at UCLA, she finds herself inexplicably nervous around the Canadian midfielder.
She doesn’t know why, at first, why her heart pounds when Jessie’s nearby, why her palms get clammy, and why she’s suddenly aware of every part of her body. At first, she chalks it up to the fact that Jessie is, like, a legend on the field already even as an 18-year-old. She made her senior debut at fifteen! Y/N hasn’t even been invited to one camp yet. So of course, it’s natural to be nervous around someone who literally has already played at a World Cup and an Olympics. She has a bronze medal! Of course that’s intimidating.
When they first met, at the first team meeting, Y/N didn’t know what to expect. She thought Jessie could be a little stuck up. Maybe cocky. She was arguably the best player in the room and Y/N wouldn’t have blamed her if she acted like it. But instead, she sat near the back of the room and didn’t speak up until Coach called on her. At their first practice, she tried harder than anyone else on the field and stayed late. Y/N was in awe. How was this highly accomplished player so… shy? Quiet? How could she act like everyone on the team was of equal standing? Y/N admired her from the start, her personality, how she played, but the way Jessie makes her feel is more than simple admiration.
Jessie is always nervous doing new things.
One would think that after making her national team debut at 15, then less than two years later moving across the country from her family to train with the team full time, playing in the World Cup at 17 and the Olympics the following year, that she wouldn’t be nervous about anything soccer related anymore. That couldn’t be further from the truth. She is still nervous that her team won’t like her, that she’s going to suck so hard and get cut from the team, or be benched forever. She chooses UCLA because she loves the school, and the campus, and the coaches, and it’s where she wants to be. She has no idea what college soccer looks like and while she knows, logically, that if she can handle herself against full adult pro players, she can handle herself against college players, or how many of her national team teammates tell her that she’ll be fine, better than fine, she’s still a bundle of nerves getting off the plane in LA.
In the end, she has nothing to worry about. She fits into the team immediately, even if they tease her for being a bookworm, or a huge introvert. They love to bother her, beg her to go to parties or to get drunk or hookup with the guys on the baseball team (ew). She plays well, she builds her chemistry with the team over the season and Jessie herself will tell anyone who asks that she’s only as good as her team makes her, but if you ask anyone else, they would tell you that Jessie is a phenom on the pitch and the team is just there to watch her greatness.
It's a Friday night, and the team is out at another party. Jessie opted out, because she has a test on Monday and they have a game this weekend, so she knows she won’t get much studying done after tonight. They tried to convince her to come, but eventually gave up when they realized that convincing her to come might take all night.
Usually Jessie is content with a night alone to study, but a little while after the team left, there’s a knock at the door. Jessie rolls her eyes as she gets up from her desk, preparing to tell whoever was there that no, she didn’t change her mind, and she still wasn’t coming out. Instead, she opens the door to Y/N, standing shyly in the hallway.
“Hey,” Y/N says, “I heard you were staying in to study tonight, mind if I join?” Y/N raises her own books.
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Jessie says, “Come in.”
Jessie wills her cheeks to not turn red as she hastily clears off space on her bed. She tries to inconspicuously put her dirty laundry into her hamper. She can’t explain it, but Y/N makes her nervous, and she doesn’t quite know how to handle it.
“Sorry, it’s a little messy, I haven’t had a lot of time to clean,” Jessie says.
“You’re good,” Y/N says, “My room is even worse.”
“I-I only have one desk, sorry,” Jessie says, “I can sit on my bed if you want the desk.”
“If I didn’t already know you were Canadian, how often you say sorry would give it away,” Y/N smiles, “I’m fine with the bed, I just have to read articles and stuff, nothing too crazy.”
Jessie sits back at the desk while Y/N settles onto the bed – Jessie’s bed. Jessie swallows and tries to focus on her textbook in front of her. After a few moments of trying and failing to read the problem she was trying to solve, Jessie glances over at Y/N, textbook in hand, highlighter twirling in her fingers. Y/N looks up as if she could feel Jessie’s staring.
“Sorry,” Jessie says as she feels herself grow red, “I, uh, I should’ve asked if you wanted a drink or anything. I have water or Gatorade or pop if you want.”
“Water’s good, thanks,” Y/N says.
Jessie hands Y/N a water bottle from her mini-fridge and their fingers touch. Jessie pulls her hand back quickly.
“Uh, let me know if you need anything else.”
Jessie goes back to the desk and tries to work again. She mostly succeeds, getting through a decent chunk of the physics problems on the test prep. She’s struggling through one of the harder problems when Y/N lets out a loud sigh.
“I think if I read another word my brain will explode,” Y/N says.
“We can’t have that,” Jessie says, “Who else is going to assist all my goals?” Y/N barks out a laugh.
“I see, that’s all I’m good for to you,” Y/N says.
“You want to watch a movie or something?” Jessie asks, closing her textbook. “Here,” Jessie opens Netflix on her laptop and hands it to Y/N, “Pick something.”
Jessie realizes, too late, that her bed is not exactly big enough for two people. There’s no way for her to sit unless she was pressed up against Y/N, or half hanging off the bed. Y/N doesn’t seem to mind though, patting the spot beside her. Jessie sits and tries not to think about anything except the movie playing. A little bit into the movie, Y/N shifts, and Jessie thinks for a moment that Y/N actually doesn’t like being this close to Jessie, and is trying to get away from her, until Y/N’s head lands on her chest.
“Is this okay?” Y/N asks, “I’m so tired.”
“Y-Yeah,” Jessie says. It’s a little uncomfortable, so Jessie moves her own arm until it’s around Y/N’s back. Jessie keeps an eye on Y/N, looking for any sign of discomfort, but she finds none. She tries to focus back on the movie, but she’s so lost now on what’s going on.
Jessie stares resolutely at the screen, even though her mind is elsewhere. All she can think about is Y/N. Y/N’s head on her chest, Y/N’s hand resting on her thigh, Y/N’s scent hitting her nose. Jessie feels like she’s never been so red. Jessie doesn’t know how much time has passed when Y/N lifts her head slightly and looks up at Jessie.
“Are you okay?” Y/N whispers, “Your heart is beating like, so fast.”
“Wh-Ye-Um,” Jessie mumbles something that she doesn’t even understand. Y/N won’t stop looking at her.
“Do you want me to leave?” Y/N asks. Jessie shakes her head. Y/N is still looking at her and Jessie feels like she can’t breathe, that any slight moment of her muscles will break whatever spell they’re under. For half a second, Jessie thinks Y/N is going to kiss her. Then, Y/N nods, and lays her head back down. Jessie swallows and leans her head back against the headboard, closing her eyes.
They don’t talk about it. Jessie wants to say nothing changes, and things don’t change on the field at least. Y/N still finds her and still plays perfect passes in the box for her, and Jessie still knows exactly where to go when Y/N has the ball. That doesn’t change. Off the field, however…
They don’t talk about it, so Jessie isn’t really sure if anything really changes, or if she’s just hyperaware of every interaction they have. It feels to Jessie like Y/N seeks her out more, that Y/N’s eyes find hers in a crowd on purpose, that Y/N touches her arm or her shoulder or her hand on purpose.
Almost every night, Jessie dreams of that moment in her room, when Y/N stared at her and Jessie thought they would kiss. In her dreams, Y/N does kiss her, and Jessie wakes herself up almost immediately every time.
It’s supposed to be an easy game. The team they’re playing is so far below them in the standings, and it should be an easy win. They’ve bowled over teams better than this one, and they’re going into the game with all the confidence in the world.
Y/N doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. She feels like that scene in She’s The Man where Viola plays soccer in her debutante dress and she falls flat on her face. Every time she gets the ball, it feels like it gets taken from her before she can even think of what to do with it. When she tries to defend, it feels like the opposing players whip past her before she can blink. She feels in over her head and it’s not something she’s felt in years and she hates it. It’s no surprised her coach subs her off at halftime.
She spends the rest of the game on the bench, watching her team play. No one else seems to experience what she did. Everyone else plays the way they should, and they do roll over this team like they expected. But Y/N had no part in it.
On the bus back to campus, the team is celebrating, and Y/N seats herself in the very back away from everyone and pulls her hood up. She’s not in the mood to celebrate. She’s in the mood to sulk.
When they get back to campus, everyone tries to plan where they’re going to meet up to continue the celebration, but Y/N walks away before they decide. She’s not celebrating the worst game she’s ever played. She has her headphones in, volume turned up, so she doesn’t hear Jessie calling after her, she only stops when Jessie grabs her arm.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Jessie asks.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Y/N says.
Normally, Y/N loves spending time with Jessie, and on a normal day, she wouldn’t think twice about walking with Jessie to her dorm, or telling Jessie what’s on her mind. Today is not a normal day, and Y/N can’t help but think that after her performance today that Jessie probably wants nothing to do with her. Y/N’s clearly not at the level of the rest of the team, and she doesn’t know why Jessie would want to bother with a player who will probably only see the bench for the rest of the season.
“You know you can tell me anything Y/N,” Jessie says, “I want to help you.”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“At least let me walk you home,” Jessie says, “Please?”
Y/N agrees, because she hates seeing Jessie upset. They walk in silence most of the way. About halfway to her dorm, Y/N realizes all she wants to do right now is cry. She also realizes that it’s more than a want, that she is crying whether she likes it or not. Jessie realizes after the third sniffle.
“Oh, Y/N, please tell me what’s wrong,” Jessie begs.
“Like you don’t know,” Y/N wipes her nose on her sleeve, “You all saw me during the game. I played like shit. I sucked out there.”
“You didn’t play like shit,” Jessie says. Y/N scoffs. “You didn’t! You were triple teamed every time we could get you the ball. And they were definitely fouling you a lot and that ref was blind.”
“You don’t have to pretend to be nice to me,” Y/N says, “Team chemistry won’t collapse. You don’t have to pretend to like me.”
“I’m not pretending!” Jessie says, “I’m…” Jessie grabs Y/N so she stops walking. She pulls Y/N hood back so she can look Y/N in the eyes. “I do like you, I like you a lot. I like you more than… more than I’ve ever liked anyone before. I’m not… None of it is for the team and I’m not going to stop because you had an off game.” Y/N isn’t sure what to say, so she doesn’t say anything. Jessie sighs in frustration. “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” Y/N says.
“I really like you,” Jessie says, “Can I kiss you?”
Y/N sniffles one more time, wipes her face on her sleeves.
“I’m pretty gross, like I’ve crying and I’m all snotty–”
“I don’t care,” Jessie says, “I don’t care about that. I care about you.”
Y/N decides to stop thinking. She leans forward and presses her lips to Jessie’s. It’s a chaste kiss, lasting for only a few seconds, but it’s perfect for Y/N.
“Can I take you on a date?” Jessie asks. Y/N nods. Jessie smiles wider than Y/N’s ever seen.
They keep walking to Y/N’s dorm, their hands brushing every few steps. They steal glances at each other, blushing and giggling when they catch each other’s eyes. When Jessie drops Y/N off at her dorm, the bad game is completely forgotten. Jessie shifts on her feet, not making eye contact with Y/N. She whispers a goodbye, then kisses Y/N’s cheek quickly, before rushing off. Y/N closes the door and leans against it, hiding her blushing face in her hoodie.
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toxinoire · 4 months
More Mean Girls Headcanons
• Regina definitely got bangs (The Reneé Rapp bangs💖) post canon
• She has a faint scar under it from the bus, because while her back is her main thing, she did gash her face.
• Karen can quite literally guess your entire personality with the sweetest and kindest smile in existence
• She'll just end up giving you an existential crisis while being all :D
• Janis has a stash of candy everywhere she goes
• She's a fucking sweet tooth
• Damian has to make sure she brushes her teeth
• Gretchen actually has the best immune system out of all of them
• And then when she does get sick, she cannot get out of bed
• Cady is feral as hell
• Don't be fooled by the height and the charm
• Seriously if you even think of being a dick to her friends she will punch you, no hesitation
• Damian and Gretchen became besties immediately
• After everyone made up, Cady's first initial reaction "AW YISS A REAL FRIEND GROUP"
• And then Janis painted everyone
• Gretchen cried
• And then Cady cried
• And then everyone cried
• "What's so great about literature-" And then Regina emerges from the shadows like "Sit your ass down and listen to me go off"
• Janis and Regina once got into a debate with five people about the nuances of the Iliad and The Odyssey
• Damian is sure someone pissed their pants
• Karen's just happy and generally just excited about fluffy blankets
• Sometimes, Regina and Cady take turns calling Gretchen at around 8 at night to gently remind her to sleep
• Gretchen forgets to sleep because she overthinks what she should do the next day
• "Gretch, I know you're anxious, but we're here and we'll help you. Now go to sleep so you have energy tomorrow."
• "Please go to sleep. Nothing is predictable. Things will go off the rails. On the bright side, we're stuck with you and we are now automatically going with you when it does."
• Both of those actually help
• Janis and Damian once made everyone mini pride shoelaces with their respective flags
• So every pride month, you see six teens in white shoes with shoelaces have whole ass gradients of different pride flags
• It's iconic really.
• Regina's vocabulary is either "Fuck off" or "Your presence is like a fucking housefly circling all the food on the table, leave me be" depending on her mood
• The first time they ever saw Karen be so utterly terrifying at someone was when someone catcalled them.
• The boy cried
• Cady likes to literally poke people for fun
• She also has a collection of dinosour figures
• "What if I-" "No."
• Janis collects FNAF plushies like they're pokemon
• She has multiple plushies of the same animatronics
• Her favorite is Lolbit
• She has six animatronic plushies in particular standing on her highest shelf sitting next to each other with handmade nametags of her and her friends on each one on who she thinks could be who
• She's Lolbit, Damian's Bonnie, Cady's Funtime Freddy, Gretchen's Glamrock Freddy, Karen's Chica, and Regina's Roxy
• Gretchen and Karen are everyone's hypewomen
• They'll be screaming like soccer moms whenever someone in the group has an achievement
• Cady normally sucks at history but she loves medieval history
• She got so into it so much that she got into weaponry
• This child can very much use a bow and arrow
• And a sword
• She got Regina into swordsmanship
• They duel. A lot.
• It scares the others sometimes
• Gretchen's way of threatening Janis is "I'll use your favorite paint to make the worst color gradient in existence."
• It works
• Damian has a love/hate relationship with the insanity in this friend group
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months
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Series Synopsis: The ways that you and Seishiro Nagi fall together and fall apart over the years.
Chapter Synopsis: You are invited to the wedding of an old friend.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Nagi x Reader, Kira x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.1k
Content Warnings: unhealthy relationships, cheating, non-linear narrative, probably ooc, angst, nagi is endgame, kira sucks, alternate universe, original characters
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A/N: literally shaking as i post this because i have NOT been in the bllk fandom for long enough to be writing a fic for it but oh well #livelaughlove. some authors post new stories because they’re proud of their work. i post new stories because then when i write like shit i disappoint less people.
divider credits: @/benkeibear
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Seishiro Nagi had always been beautiful when he ran, albeit atypical in his form. He lacked the fierceness that the others on his team had, his feet never pounding against the turf the way theirs did, his strides never swallowing the ground in quite that same manner. Instead, his steps were light, like he was dancing, or perhaps flying, like he was a falcon diving across the field in pursuit of his next goal.
He was the only thing that could unite your entire miserable, shitty town. Everyone was outside that day, crowding in restaurants to crane their necks at the little screen in the corner, pressing together in the square to peer up at the projection of the tied match, which only had a few minutes left to go before the end of the second half.
Nagi had the ball. You weren’t really sure how he had gotten it, who had passed it to him or what maneuver he had used to get around the other team’s defense, but it was all irrelevant. He had the ball, and as he barreled towards the other team's goalkeeper, the entire town held its breath.
Even you, who were never supposed to have much interest in soccer nor in Seishiro Nagi, found yourself worrying your lower lip between your teeth, leaning forward slightly, clenching your fists by your sides.
“Come on, Nagi,” you murmured. “We’re so close. Come on.”
A few more steps and a strategic feint, and then he had made it behind the defenders. The town swelled with anticipation as victory became all but certain, as the clock ticked nearer and nearer to the moment when Nagi would pull off one of those impossible moves of his, where he would slam the ball into the net and win the game for his team once again.
But the moment never came. For some reason, right as he drew his leg back to shoot, Nagi froze. His foot never connected with the ball; instead, it slowly came back down to rest as he stared down at his muddy cleats.
“What is he doing?” someone said. The cheers turned to whispers as Nagi proved himself to be a statue, incapable of moving, of defending his possession, of scoring, of anything. He just stood there, and as one of the defenders stole the ball off of him and passed it to the opposing team’s striker, he did not make any attempts to turn around and make up for his mistake. He just stood there, contemplating something, a cloudy dreaminess settling over his eyes. It was the most disconcerting thing you had ever seen, that complete apathy in face of an imminent loss, that resignation to an eventuality which he himself had created.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” a man screamed, and then it was a mass chaos as the people who had been praising Nagi only seconds earlier turned to baying for his blood, demanding he never play again as a punishment for his great sin.
They got their wish. The next season, and the next, Seishiro Nagi spent every match on the bench, not even afforded the role of a substitute, no matter how tired the rest of the team grew without his relentless presence, how many games they lost when they did not have him to rely on.
That first season after his disastrous loss, he was made a mockery of. Every single news article was about his downfall, every reporter charting out with glee the exact moment that he had gone from the media’s darling to their newest scapegoat. By the second season, though, he was largely forgotten. There were more exciting things, newcomers who had entered the league and dominated matches with their own unique styles, and so when it became clear that Nagi would not give them the reactions that they were hoping for, the journalists turned to talking about those players instead.
After that, he stopped going to games entirely.
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There was another woman in your bed. You could hear her shuffling footsteps, the way your fiancé hushed her, her giggles as she ducked into some hiding spot or another, likely behind his neatly pressed work suits. You could picture it now — such a domestic scene it must’ve been. His arm, wrapped around her shoulders as he guided her to the closet. Her fingers, still working themselves free from his light hair. His eyes, a bright amber that would be glimmering from the thrill of the near-miss. Her cheeks, which would be flushed from the shame of your early return home.
You sighed, pursing your lips and then undoing the knot of the ribbon holding together the bouquet of flowers in your hand. Pouring a cup of water into a crystal vase, you arranged the flowers carefully in it, making sure you did not prick your fingers on the thorny stems as you waited for your fiancé to come thundering down to greet you.
“Y/N! I didn’t think you’d be home so early!” he said, leaping off the bottom stair and waltzing into the kitchen, discreetly wiping his hands against his pants.
“Hey, Ryosuke,” you said. “No worries. I was actually just about to head out again; I had thought I’d wash the sheets tonight, but I think we’re out of detergent, so I’m going to run to the store and grab some.”
“Ah, okay,” he said. “How long do you think you’ll be?”
“About an hour,” you said. “I think I’ll stop by Chigiri’s on the way back.”
“Chigiri’s?” he said, raising his eyebrows. “What do you need from him?”
It was ironic. There the two of you were, both pretending like he wasn’t hiding a third in your bedroom, and yet you were the one who was facing his accusations, who was under suspicion for no other reason than because you wanted to visit your friend.
“I lent him our blender because his broke, remember?” you said. “I was going to see if he’s gotten a replacement yet or not.”
“I see,” he said, relaxing only slightly. “Well, don’t delay on my part, I guess. See you soon?”
“See you,” you said. “I’ll text you when I’m about ten minutes away. If you could warm up the leftovers in the fridge, I’d appreciate it. I’m a little hungry.”
“Of course,” he said. “Bye!”
“Bye,” you said. Once, he would’ve pressed a kiss to your cheek, or maybe even to your lips, but now, he only waved at you before bounding back up the stairs, calling out some excuse about folding his laundry over his shoulder. You watched him go for a moment, wishing you could chase after him and demand he love you again, demand he love you the way he used to, but it would be pointless. You were unconvinced that things would ever be that way again.
One of the lights in the store near your house was broken. It would flicker back to life periodically, struggling to stay lit, but its attempts were stuttered and pitifully in vain. It worsened the migraine building behind your temples, and you narrowed your eyes as you reached the laundry aisle and picked up the cheapest, smallest bottle of detergent you could find.
“You should get that light fixed,” you said to the cashier. He didn’t even look like he was out of high school yet, and as he scanned the bottle, he muttered something about how you should’ve just used the self-checkout line instead.
“I’ll tell my manager,” he said when it became clear that you were waiting for a response. “Cash or card?”
“Card,” you said, tapping it against the screen and signing your name with the attached stylus. “I don’t need a bag.”
“Have a nice day,” he said robotically, mechanically. “Next!”
The woman behind you, who was juggling a screaming baby, a whining child, and a week’s worth of groceries, began to try and empty her cart, but her child kept tugging at her arms and her baby kept crying and she kept dropping things, so it was altogether a pointless effort. The cashier let out an aggravated sigh, barely even sparing you a nod as you tucked the detergent in your pocket.
You furrowed your brow as you watched the woman, wondering if that was to be your future. Once you married Ryosuke, once you became Mrs. Kira, then wouldn’t children be the natural next step? Certainly, that’s what your parents would say.
“Hey,” you said to the child, tapping her on the head as she pulled on her mother’s sleeve once more. Upon feeling your touch against her hair, she froze, looking up at you with wide eyes. “I really like your hairstyle. Did you do it yourself?”
Her hair had been tied into two pigtails and then messily plaited, small pink bows decorating the end of each braid and matching her shirt. She peered at you owlishly, confused enough to quiet down for a moment. Her mother shot you a grateful look as her one hand was freed so that she could start to actually deal with her groceries.
“My mommy did it,” the girl said, stumbling over her words. “For school.”
“It’s very smart,” you said. “I bet everyone in your class was jealous.”
The girl thought about this before nodding. “Yeah, they were.”
“I’m glad I finished school already,” you said, pretending to shiver. “If I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have known what to do if you showed up looking like that!”
“Did your mommy not do your hair for you?” the girl said. You thought back to your own mother, your own days at school, and then you shook your head.
“She tried,” you said. “But no matter how elaborate the hairstyles she gave me were, they could never measure up to what you have right now.”
“Why not?” she said.
“Because,” you said. “I think your mother worked really hard on them, and that’s the most important thing. You should remember to say thank you to her when you can.”
“I always say please and thank you,” she said proudly, beaming at you, her two front teeth missing. “Mommy says it’s good manners.”
“Those are very good manners,” you agreed. “Now, it looks like your mother’s done with checking out. Let’s go to the car with her, alright?”
The girl nodded and darted ahead to grab her mother’s hand. Her mother sighed, going to free her hand from her daughter’s grip, but you stopped her.
“I’ve got it,” you said, picking up her grocery bags in both hands and nodding at the door. “Which way is your car? I’ll walk you there.”
“Oh, you — you don’t have to!” she said, fumbling in the face of the offer. “I can do it.”
“I don’t doubt you can,” you said. “But you shouldn’t have to. I’ll follow after you.”
Maybe it wasn’t the wisest decision for the woman to trust a stranger, but there was a sort of bone-deep exhaustion burrowing into her that must’ve made her accept the offer. So she only nodded at you and began to stride towards her car, unlocking it and opening the trunk so that you could put the groceries in it while she buckled her children into their respective car seats.
When she was distracted, you snuck the laundry detergent into one of the bags. It wasn’t as if you needed it; you had just gotten some the other day, and that had been the brand you preferred, too. The entire outing had just been an excuse for you to leave the house for enough time that Ryosuke’s new girl of the week could sneak out, as if she had never been there in the first place.
“Thank you so much for your help,” she said when you pressed the button to shut the trunk, stepping back and watching it slowly lower. “Er, what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you said, offering her your hand. She accepted it, shaking it so furiously it was a wonder your arm did not fly off.
“Thank you so much, Y/N. They’re so exhausting to bring along, but I have no other choice. I know it must be so irritating to the other shoppers, but…” she trailed off in defeat, her head hanging low. “I really do have no other choice. My husband’s always busy, and we can’t quite afford a babysitter or a nanny or anything like that, so they’re always with me.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “You have the right to be there, too. I hope you can always find help when you need it.”
“Thank you,” she said again. “You, too.”
“Thanks!” you said, waving at her as you made your way to your own car, only allowing your smile to drop once you were far enough that she wouldn’t notice the way it had disappeared.
You spent the drive to Chigiri’s in silence, muting the radio and amusing yourself with watching the street lamps turn on as it grew progressively darker out, their orange glows piercing through the misty night like cheerful planets, so at odds with your glum mood.
Wouldn’t Ryosuke be like that? Because of that one chance encounter, you could envision your future so clearly. It would be exactly the life that that woman led. You would have those children that he and your parents had always wanted, and you would care for them, and all the while, he would run around and sleep with any girl he could get into his bed, his existence entirely unaffected even as yours had been wrecked.
“So,” Chigiri said, stirring a spoonful of honey into the tea he had prepared for himself, his right leg extended on the coffee table before him. “When’s your wedding with that peacock bastard, anyways?”
You took a sip of the tea he had so graciously made for you before responding, taking the moment to mull over what you’d say as the liquid scalded your tongue.
“Lately, it seems like that’s all anyone ever asks me,” you said.
“It’s a pretty typical question to ask someone who’s engaged,” he said.
“That’s true,” you said. “Well, I don’t know when it is. We haven’t picked a date or made any concrete plans yet.”
“Geez, what was the point of proposing, then?” he said.
“You’ll be the first to hear when it happens,” you said.
“Really? Not Reo?” he said. You considered this.
“The second to hear,” you amended. He pretended to scowl at you, though it was half-heartedly done.
“I can’t believe it,” he said. “Though, I guess it does kind of make sense. Nobody hates Kira as much as I do, so you’d probably want to share the news with someone a bit more supportive.”
“It’s about time you let old grudges die,” you said. Chigiri glanced at his right leg before shaking his head.
“No way,” he said. “I’ll never forgive him.”
“It wasn’t even his fault,” you said weakly, though you knew it was just another rendition of the same argument you and he had had so many times before, the same argument that the two of you would probably keep having until you both stopped being friends altogether.
It was bound to happen. There was no way that you could stay friends with Chigiri in any way that lasted. Not as you were currently. Not as who you would soon become. That kind of person didn’t deserve to be friends with someone like Chigiri, who was always so bright and gentle, who even now was frowning slightly because of you.
“Whatever,” he said. “I won’t bring it up at your wedding. That’s the best I can give you.”
You thought that you should probably smile or thank him, but the thought of your impending wedding caused a lump to form in your throat, and it was all you could do to swallow it back without tears forming in your eyes. You gulped down the tea, hissing when it burnt your mouth, glad for the tears which sprang to your eyes and disguised the moment of weakness.
“Sorry,” you said to Chigiri, who only snorted and handed you a napkin to dab at your lips with. “Speaking of which, do you think you’d be okay with wearing a dress and being one of my bridesmaids? I’m woefully lacking in the department.”
“No,” Chigiri said. “Please, make some friends. It’ll actually be embarrassing if you have no one on your side of the wedding.”
“Sorry, but some of us had better things to do in high school than socializing,” you said, tossing a pillow at him. He caught it in one hand and glared at you before chucking it back, full-force. It landed at your side, narrowly avoiding smashing into your face, and then it was your turn to glare at him.
“For your information, I also had better things to do, but somehow, I made time to get to know people,” he said.
“Oh, yeah? Name three of your friends,” you said. He opened his mouth, but you stopped him before he could speak. “Not me, not Reo, and not May.”
He closed his mouth. “Okay, you got me there. Maybe I was more focused on soccer than I realized…”
“Maybe,” you said, though your tea suddenly tasted sour at the mention of soccer.
“I’ll wear a dress if you’ll wear a suit and draw on a mustache at my wedding,” he offered.
“Um, no,” you said.
“Then I guess we’ll both be embarrassed,” he said.
“That’s even assuming you find someone you like enough to propose to, and that that person says yes,” you said.
“I will!” he said. “Just you wait. I’ll make you eat your words!”
“Whatever you say,” you said. “I still think you’re going to die alone, by the way.”
“Better than living with that excuse for a man that you plan on marrying,” he said.
Just like everything else regarding your relationship with Ryosuke, your protests were false and weak. You didn’t mean them. In fact, you even agreed with Chigiri, but if you didn’t speak up, then who would? If you didn’t say something, then all of the time you had spent with him would’ve been a waste. Everything would’ve been a waste, and that was something you could not allow.
“I’m back!” you called out as you re-entered the house, though you knew that even Ryosuke wasn’t foolish enough to risk being caught when he had had so many advance warnings and so much time to prepare for your arrival.
“There she is!” he said, grinning up at you from the dining table, not even a guilty twinge to his words as he spoke — not that you had been expecting any. “Your food’s on the counter, babe.”
“Looks good,” you said, picking up the plate and sitting across from him, picking at the pasta with a fork, pushing it around without lifting any, unable to bring yourself to actually eat it. “You didn’t have to cook, though. There was stuff in the fridge.”
“I know, but I wanted to,” he said. “Can’t I do nice things for my favorite girl every now and then?”
You knew what that clever wordplay implied. His favorite girl, but not his only. You supposed he must’ve been proud of it, of that private joke made for an audience of exactly one.
“I guess there’s no reason why you can’t,” you said. “It’s good.”
“Anytime,” he said. “Now, listen, I’ve been thinking.”
“Oh?” you said, preparing yourself for him to say that he wanted to move again or that he wanted to get rid of your cat or something equally as preposterous, as he often did when he started his sentence off with that particular phrase. “And what about?”
“We’ve been engaged for a while,” he said.
“Yes,” you said cautiously, internally cursing Chigiri, believing that he must’ve spoken this entire conversation into existence with his playful inquiries from earlier.
“So we should probably pick a date for the wedding and start preparing for it and all, don’t you think?” he said.
No, you wanted to scream at him. No, I don’t think so. I don’t want to. Nothing has to change. Don’t let it change.
You were saved from having to answer by your cell phone ringing. Without apologizing, you picked up, because there were very few people who would ever call you, and almost all of them were more important than Ryosuke.
“Y/N L/N,” a familiar voice said. Every bit of despair which had crept over you vanished in an instant at that sound, and this time when you smiled, it wasn’t forced.
“Reo!” you said. Ryosuke frowned, but you ignored him. “How late is it over there?”
“It’s early, actually, but it’s okay. I was waking up to go to the gym, anyways, and I figured I’d call you while I’m at it,” he said.
“That makes sense. What’s up?” you said.
“Can’t I just have called you because I miss you so much?” he said.
“You could have, but you wouldn’t,” you said. “What’s the real reason?”
“You’re annoying,” he said.
“Mhm,” you said.
“Fine, yes, I was calling you for a reason, but I do also miss you a lot, so don’t think I don’t!” he said.
“I wouldn’t dare,” you said.
“You know how I proposed to May a couple of years ago?” he said.
“I was there,” you reminded him. “And by the way, you’re lucky I was! The whole reason I went to college abroad was so that I had an excuse to never return to that place, so for you to go back and live there has really been inconvenient.”
“I can’t help that this is where our corporation’s headquarters are,” he said awkwardly. “I kind of have to live here.” You scoffed.
“Whatever. I’m not going to visit again, so if that’s what you’re calling about, then you might as well hang up,” you said.
“Seriously? Nothing can convince you to come?” he said, letting out a chuckle, the cocksure one he had inherited from his father. It was the one thing you hated most about him, but he had never managed to break the habit, no matter how many times you pointed it out.
“Nope,” you said. “Nothing.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Ryosuke said. You waved him off dismissively, mouthing tell you later at him when he pouted grumpily.
“Not even your own best friend’s wedding?” he pressed. You paused, taken aback by the sudden turn.
“What?” you squealed. “Like, an official wedding? You have the day picked out and all?”
“Calm down, woman, it’s not that serious,” he said. You could hear his wince through the phone, but you were too excited to care.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you said.
“So, funny thing, that’s actually what I’m doing right now,” he said. You clicked your tongue.
“Shut up,” you said. “I can’t believe you’re actually getting married. It feels like just yesterday I was introducing the two of you.”
“I know,” he said fondly. “We’ve been arguing the whole time about whose side of the wedding party you’ll be on. At the moment, I think I’m winning, but I don’t know how long that’ll last.”
“You guys just assumed I would come?” you said.
“Will you not?” he said. You glanced at Ryosuke, who raised his eyebrows at you.
“Give me a second,” you said.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting,” he said. You put the phone on mute and set it on the table.
“Reo and May are getting married,” you said. “Soon. They want me to come.”
“Of course they would. You’re best friends with both of them,” Ryosuke said. You waited for him to reassure you, to tell you that he knew it would be hard for you to go back to your hometown but that the two of you could get through it together. However, he didn’t. You weren’t even sure why you had waited in the first place. You had known that he wasn’t that person anymore for a very long time now. Maybe it was just an old habit that you couldn’t let die quite yet. Maybe you would always be waiting for him.
“I should go, then,” you said.
“Obviously,” he said. “And I’ll come this time.”
“Naturally,” you said, because it would raise too many questions if you didn’t bring your fiancé to your best friend’s wedding. It had been bad enough when he hadn’t come with you the last time, but you had managed to soothe everyone’s concerns with stories about work being too much, how he would’ve loved to visit but had such a strict boss that he just couldn’t.
As per usual, those had all been lies. You had been the one to demand he stay back. You didn’t tell him the reason, because it hardly made sense to you, but the truth was that the thought of Ryosuke walking through the streets that had once belonged to someone else was counterintuitive. Wrong. Those steps were not his to make. That secret was not his to tarnish.
“What’s the verdict?” Reo said when you unmuted the phone and held it back up to your ear. Ryosuke leaned over and gathered your dishes, taking them with his own and turning on the sink, running them under the water, drowning out the sound of your voice.
“Don’t ask that as if you don’t know the answer, idiot,” you said. “It seems you got lucky once again. I’ll be there, and so will Ryosuke.”
Reo choked audibly. “Ryosuke? Do you mean Kira?”
“We’ve been engaged longer than you and May have. Don’t you think it would be a little weird if I still called him by his surname?” you said.
“That’s true. I was just surprised you’re still with him, but I shouldn’t have been. Sorry,” he said. “Is he going to be your plus one?”
“Again, he is my fiancé,” you said, glancing over to where he was humming to himself as he scrubbed the sauce off of the plates. Your heart panged at the sight. Sometimes, you thought that you were being unfair to him. You would hate and hate him, and then he would do something that would remind you why you had ever loved him in the first place. “Who else would I bring?”
“I don’t know, Chigiri?” he said. “You talk about him way more than you do Kira.”
“He’s my friend,” you said. “I just spend more time with him.”
“Hey, it’s not my business. If you want to have an affair, then that’s your prerogative. Although, given the history between those two, Chigiri might not be the best choice…” he said.
“You suck,” you said as he burst into laughter.
“Kidding, kidding. Anyways, May beat me to inviting Chigiri, so he couldn’t be your plus one regardless, since he’s a traitor,” he said.
“Who says I won’t decide to be on May’s side after all?” you said. “She’d probably make me her maid of honor.”
“Uh,” Reo said. “If that’s the case, then you should definitely be on my side.”
“Why is that?” you said.
“I mean, you know how the maid of honor and the best man usually spend a lot of time together?” he said nervously.
“Sure,” you said, although you really didn’t, considering you hadn’t been invited to very many weddings before, and certainly none where you had been the maid of honor.
“Well, there’s no gentle way to put this,” he said.
“Just spit it out,” you said.
“Um, just know that I really love you a lot,” he said. “But I already picked my best man.”
“How is that something you’d need to put gently? Considering my lack of ‘man’ qualifications, I wasn’t exactly expecting to get the role,” you said.
“It’s Nagi.”
Unbidden, your eyebrows shot up in surprise, but your initial burst of shock quickly settled, and you realized it made enough sense that you shouldn’t really question it. “Okay.”
“I know you guys didn’t get along in high school and all, but he was the only one I could think of,” Reo said.
“Okay,” you said.
“But you’re my best friend, too, and don’t you dare forget that!” he continued.
“Reo,” you said, but he was too busy rambling to notice.
“Just please get along with him. For my sake! And May’s, if you decide to be her maid of honor,” he said.
“Reo,” you tried again.
“You don’t even have to be friends! Just mutually ignore one another or something, it’ll go much smoother that way. Or, well, if you’re the maid of honor and he’s the best man, I guess you can’t really ignore one another, so that’s a dilemma…wait, I know! You can treat him like he’s just one of your coworkers—”
“Reo!” you said, finally growing frustrated enough to cut him off. “It’s okay. High school was years ago. Neither of us is going to let the past impact the present, I’m sure. You have more important things to be stressing out about; this shouldn’t even be on your list of worries, man. You’re getting married!”
“You promise?” he said.
“Promise,” you said.
“I’m serious. I don’t want any fights or anything. Whatever hatred you had for him, put it behind you,” he said.
“I did that already,” you said. “Many years past. I’m not a teenage girl anymore. People from back then don’t bother me.”
“Not even your parents?” he said.
“Low blow, Mr. Mikage,” you said. But of course, he didn’t even know the half of it, so how could you blame him for what he had surely believed to be a harmless joke? “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to them in a while, either.”
“Have they even met Kira yet?” he said.
“No,” you said.
“Great, then you can introduce him to them! It’ll be a double-win type of trip,” he said.
“Right,” you said. He sounded so happy that you couldn’t bear to tell him the truth, that the thought of introducing Ryosuke to your parents was actually akin to torture. Besides, what would he do if you did tell him? It was something he could never comprehend.
“Now I can’t wait!” he said.
“Me, either,” you said. “And Reo?”
“Tell May I’m choosing her side,” you said.
“What? You seriously want to risk possibly being the maid of honor, even after everything I told you?” he said.
You thought about what the role might entail. Who the role might entail. And then you looked over at Ryosuke, who was putting the leftover pasta back in the fridge. He locked eyes with you and then jokingly scrunched his nose. You thought you might’ve found it endearing when you had first met him.
“Yeah,” you said. “I do.”
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minh-i · 2 months
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Yknow, Nagi left Reo in the 2nd phase cuz he found a person that could possibly further help him evolve, and while Reo was rlly bitter about it, it was him who said that if Nagi sucked Reo would abandon him.
So this relationship that they have was never solid to begin with. Nagi had left Reo to progress further with his skills in football, and if Nagi had continued to be like how he is at the very beginning Reo would, too, possibly lose interest in Nagi because he lacks the ego/passion needed to progress further as a good football player.
Overall, if Nagi hadn't left first and continued evolving, there's a possibility that Reo would leave him first because his skills are lacking. Or that, because Reo seems like the more attached one, he'd stay with Nagi urging and helping him to get better. Which would ultimately result in both of them falling behind.
So if we're speaking realistically (even though I was sad at the 'break up scene') if Nagi didn't leave Reo then they wouldn't be where they are right now.
I know Reo and Nagi got back together eventually but they got back together as better versions of themselves. Like, if Nagi didn't leave then they wouldn't have had their own time to really evolve and would've still be stuck behind a wall while everyone else is progressing forward.
Just like a few chaps before actually, I remember reading in a chapter about Reo and Nagi failing to do well on the field (Neo league) and as much as I like Reonagi together, they would be better off without each other. Because once they're together they get heavily reliant on the other, which stops them from being able to evolve even further (if you know what I mean?)
Being an 'egoist' is literally to prioritize your own needs above the rest and to be 'selfish and arrogant'. To not care about others, and to only care about yourself and your path forward. That's why most of the 'evolving' that was happening for Reonagi was when they were separated. And the moment they got back together was when their 'evolvement' rlly came to a pause.
To be fair, Nagi never really had an interest in soccer at the start, and Reo just wanted to win the world Cup one day. Also the fact that Reo saw that Nagi was rlly good at football despite not playing it leads him to believe that Nagi is a one of a kind genius (and that if Nagi practices enough, his genius will be able to crush everyone else). Which then led him to label Nagi as his 'treasure' the genius he found and will further cultivate until they both succeed.
Nagi, on the other hand, started football because Reo offered him money and an easy life. So I think that because of this, the moment they're together again, Nagi just doesn't really have the 'urge' to continue evolving. Because when he's with Reo his easy life is practically alr guaranteed as long as he continues to play football.
Reonagi is kinda like Kaiser and Ness, the striker in question is way too reliant on their middle fielder. It's like how Kaiser and Nagi will probably only pass to one person throughout the entire game. Unlike Isagi, who even though his first option will be to pass to either Hiori or Kurona, he will still pass to the others on the team if it can make for a positive outcome.
This is all my own opinion btw, I don't know how accurate this might be but this is what I think from what I've seen with these two. Also, I'm not an Isagi glazer if anyone is coming after me for that. This is just me and my very own biased opinion.
Ps: Kaiser telling Ness to leave him made me sad, yes, but I think it was the right choice?
Anyways, for anyone who's read to then end thanks for coming to my Yap talk, I have a lot to say and no one to say it to. So I just yap on Tumblr, also, it's like 11pm here so I'm excessively yapping. Shit might not make sense cuz I didn't proof read, and I might be saying shit everyone alr knows/repeating words, but like, hear me out guys.
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allgoodnamesrgoneee · 3 months
Hello! Hope you're doing great 💅🏽
Can I request headcanon or a scenario(whatever you like) or Haaland dating a famous fem!volleyballplayer!reader ?
(I suck at sending requests 🥰😍)
Ty! <3
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A/N: Wrote this quickly because I'm working on a lot of requests at the moment. Hope you like it😊
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Haaland surprises you at your game
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Erling Haaland x fem!volleyballplayer!reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 2.8k
Warnings! Fluffity Fluff, surprise, this man loves you fr, Love bombs, SMUT (18+), unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), multiple orgasms.
He could feel the stares and see himself on the jumbotron. He was impossible to miss, towering above most of the people and wearing a bright jersey in your team's colors. But he didn't care. This wasn't about him.
Instead, he adjusted the handmade banner in his hands, the bright letters of "GO Y/N!" standing out boldly against the white fabric, and did what he came here to do: support his girl.
He was so proud of you.
This was your first match after recovering from your ankle injury. Seeing you struggle over the past few weeks had broken his heart, and he was thrilled to see you back on the court. He knew how much volleyball meant to you, just as soccer did to him.
He had an important training session scheduled but canceled it without telling you. Instead, he decided to surprise you.
It was hard to keep from telling you the truth this morning, especially when he saw your tears as you said goodbye. But he wanted to stick to the plan.
He had flowers ready, a dinner reservation later, and plans to make up for lost time. With the UEFA Cup games approaching, he’d been busy, and it was straining your relationship. Tonight was about making it up to you. He was here to surprise you, cheer you on, and celebrate your victory, which he was confident you would achieve.
The game was intense, with your team battling fiercely against its rivals. Normally reserved, Erling found himself standing, shouting encouragements. "Come on, baby! You got this!" His deep voice boomed across the stands. People turned, some pointing out the football superstar, but his eyes remained glued to the court.
The crowd couldn’t believe it. Erling Haaland, “The Terminator,” was there, dressed in pink, holding a huge sign with your name. Passionately supporting his girlfriend.
During a crucial rally, the camera zoomed in on him, his focused expression displayed on the jumbotron. He waved the banner enthusiastically, earning cheers and laughter from the crowd.
He was so in love with you. Everyone could tell.
You had been dating for a year and went public a month ago. So far, his fans adored you, and were very thankful to you for showing them a side of him they hadn’t known. You made the world fall in love with him through your eyes.
As you prepared to serve, you glanced at the screen, eyes widening in surprise and delight. There he was, looking almost ethereal in his pink shirt, the sunlight catching his features perfectly.
You lost focus for a second, your heart swelling with pride. The love of your life, your biggest supporter, was there. As you made eye contact, he flashed you a bright smile and a thumbs up, mouthing, "You've got this!" before disappearing from view.
With renewed determination, you served the ball with precision, earning a point for your team and a proud smile from Erling. Fueled by his presence, you dominated the court, leading your team with powerful serves and precise plays, as if he were sending you his strength from the sidelines.
Point by point, the game progressed, each rally more intense than the last. Erling cheered louder with every score, waving his banner with unrestrained enthusiasm. The crowd around him feeding off his energy, joining his chants and cheers. They could not believing that this was the same guy who would always get into fights on the field.
Finally, match point. The ball soared over the net, and you leaped high, smashing it down with impeccable force. The opposing team scrambled but couldn’t save it. The whistle blew, and the arena erupted in celebration.
Erling was on his feet, banner held high, cheering louder than anyone. You were lifted onto your teammates' shoulders, basking in the glory of victory as Erling's proud smile shone from the stands. "I love you," he mouthed, making a heart shape with his hands.
High on adrenaline and eager to be in his arms, you waved him over. He didn't waste a second, sprinting down the stairs and pushing through the crowd to reach you.
The moment he was within reach, you threw your arms around him, and he lifted you off the ground in a celebratory hug. "You were amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with pride.
You laughed, your face glowing with happiness. "I can’t believe you’re here! You said you had training!"
Erling grinned, setting you down gently, hands itching to squeeze your ass. "I wouldn’t miss this for the world. You were incredible out there."
"Thank you for coming," you said softly, eyes sparkling with unshed tears.
"Always," Erling replied, brushing a stray hair from your face. "I'm your biggest fan, after all."
Then, under the stadium lights, he kissed you. The crowd roared with applause as you melted into his embrace, lost in your own world.
You broke apart a few seconds later, after a rough accidental shove by your rowdy teammates. Erling immediately lifted you up and carried you away to a more secluded area, shielding you from everyone.
He carried you effortlessly through the throng of people, his protective grip firm yet gentle. As the noise of the arena faded behind you, he found a quiet corner near the locker rooms, a place where you could have a moment of privacy.
Setting you down carefully, he cupped your face in his large hands, eyes scanning yours with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, brushing his thumb over your cheek as he kneeled in front of you.
You nodded, a laugh bubbling up from your chest. "I'm perfect. That was just... Incredible." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, just needing some skin-on-skin contact. You've missed him so much.
"You were incredible," he corrected, a proud smile spreading across his face. "I knew you'd do it."
You leaned into his touch, feeling the weight of the past few weeks lift off your shoulders. "It meant so much to see you there. I can't believe you skipped training for me."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Training can wait. You’re what's important." He pulled you into another hug, nudging his head into the crook of your neck, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "I missed you."
You closed your eyes, savoring the feeling. "I missed you too. It’s been hard with everything going on, but seeing you there today was everything I needed."
He pulled back slightly, looking at you with a serious expression. "I know I’ve been busy, and I’m sorry if it felt like I wasn’t there for you. But I promise, no matter what, I’ll always be here to support you. Just like you do for me."
Your heart melted as you nodded at his words, placing a quick peck on his lips. "I know. And I’m here for you too. Always."
He smiled—that bright, boyish grin that never failed to make your heart skip a beat. "Now, how about we celebrate this victory properly? Flowers, dinner, and maybe a little dessert?" He whispered the last part, wiggling his eyebrows and biting his lower lip.
You laughed, feeling lighter than you had in weeks. "That sounds perfect." He pecked your lips again, this time longer, before showering your face and neck with kisses, making you giggle uncontrollably.
"Ok! ok, stop! I surrender," you said between laughs, feeling him smile against your neck. "I love you," he whispered against your skin, making your heart flutter.
"I love you too," you replied. Then he kissed you again, this time with more passion and intensity, as if trying to convey all his love through that one kiss. Very quickly, he started to get handsy, his touch lighting your skin on fire.
He deepened the kiss, squeezing your hips before pulling away slightly., leaving you breathless and craving more. "I can't get enough of you," he murmured against your lips, his voice husky with desire.
"I want you," you whimpered, your voice just as breathless and your eyes dark with passion.
He groaned softly, pressing his forehead against yours. "We should get out of here before we start a scandal."
You chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Probably a good idea."
Hand in hand, you made your way to the locker rooms, where you quickly changed out of your uniform. Erling waited outside, leaning against the wall, still wearing that proud, loving smile. As you emerged, he took your hand again, squeezing it gently.
"Ready?" he asked.
"More than ever," you replied, feeling a surge of arousal flood your panties, excited for the evening ahead. Damn, you missed him. Oh, and Erling too.😉
You both made your way to his car, where he opened the door for you, ever the gentleman. The drive to the restaurant was filled with laughter and conversation, the tension and stress of the past few weeks melting away. He parked the car and helped you out, leading you into a cozy, dimly lit restaurant that had a private table waiting for you.
As you settled into your seats, you took a moment to absorb the ambiance. Soft music played in the background, and the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on Erling's face. He reached across the table, taking your hand in his.
"You look beautiful," he said, his eyes raking over your figure, pure lust dripping in his tone.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling your cheeks flush.
Dinner was perfect. The food was delicious, and the conversation flowed easily. You talked about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company in a way that felt effortless and natural.
Erling told you stories from his training sessions and shared his excitement for the upcoming UEFA Cup games.
"You'll be amazing," you said, your voice filled with confidence. "Just like you always are."
He smiled, the slight dimple on his check deepening. "And you'll be there to cheer me on, right?"
"Of course," you replied, squeezing his hand. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
As dessert arrived—a decadent chocolate mousse that you both shared—you couldn't help but smile at how perfect the night had been. The weeks of stress and separation seemed like a distant memory, replaced by nothing but the pure happiness you were feeling.
After dinner, Erling drove you back to his place. The anticipation of being alone with him after such a long time apart had you clenching your thighs together. The moment you stepped inside, he pulled you into his arms, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that left you breathless.
"I've missed you so much," he murmured against your lips, his hands roaming your body with a hunger that matched your own.
"I've missed you too," you replied, your voice barely a whisper as you clung to him, feeling the heat between you build up.
He lifted you effortlessly, palms squeezing your ass as he carried you to the bedroom, where he laid you down gently on the bed. The look in his eyes was one of pure desire as he leaned over you, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"I've missed this," he murmured, his eyes locked on yours as he started to kiss his way down your neck.
"I've missed you too," you said, your voice low and husky as you arched your back, giving him better access to your exposed skin.
Erling moaned and continued his journey, his lips burning a trail of heat over your skin as he slowly undressed you. Every touch sent shivers down your spine, and you could feel your need for him growing stronger by the second. When he reached your breasts, he paused, his gaze flicking up to yours as his fingers traced circles around your nipples. Silently asking for permission.
You loved that about him—the way he always made sure you were comfortable and wanted every step of the way.
You bit your lip and nodded, letting him know that he could continue. As soon as you gave the okay, he was on you, his mouth closing around your nipple, sucking it into his mouth as he continued to tease the other one with his fingers.
You gasped and arched your back again, your hands burying themselves in his hair as he switched to your other breast. You were already so close to coming, and you knew it wouldn't take much more to push you over the edge. It's been so long. Your legs wrapped around his hips, grinding against him as he continued to worship your breasts.
He pulled away suddenly, leaving you panting and needy. "I've got to taste you," he growled, pulling off the last of your clothes.
Before you could respond, he spread your thighs open and buried his face in your pussy, licking you like a starved man. His tongue traced every inch of your folds, finding the perfect spots to make you squirm beneath him. Teasing you. When he finally got to your clit, he wrapped his lips around it, sucking it into his mouth as his tongue swirled around it.
The sudden onslaught of sensations sent you crashing over the edge, your orgasm hitting you hard as you came all over his face. He kept licking you through it, drawing out your pleasure until you were spent and boneless, collapsing back onto the bed with a gasp.
Erling lifted his head, a satisfied smirk on his lips, as he leaned over you again. "I've missed tasting you," he murmured, his voice rough with need. "You're even sweeter than I remember." He leaned down and kissed you, your juices still on his lips. You could taste yourself on him, and it sent a jolt of pleasure through you.
He pulled back, his gaze running over your body as he undressed himself. You watched, mesmerized by the sight of him, as he revealed his toned body to you. Your eyes widened when you saw his cock, already rock hard and leaking with precum.
He settled between your thighs, his cock rubbing against your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, giving him permission to enter you. He groaned as he pushed inside of you, burying himself to the hilt in one smooth motion.
You gasped, your back arching as he filled you completely. It felt like heaven and hell all at once, with the stretch of his cock sending pleasurable sparks through your body. He stilled for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his size before he started to move.
He was gentle at first, moving slowly as he kissed you deeply, his lips and tongue teasing yours. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer as he increased the pace of his thrusts. His hips slammed against yours, his cock hitting a spot deep inside of you that sent pleasure coursing through your veins.
You could feel another orgasm building, your nails digging into his back as you urged him on. He grunted and picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he fucked you with abandon.
"You're so tight," he growled, burrying his face deeper into your neck and placing gentle kisses on your skin. "I'm close." He growled, his movements becoming erratic as he chased his release.
Your orgasm hit you without warning, your pussy clenching around his cock as you screamed his name, coming all over him once again. He followed suit, his cock pulsing inside of you as he filled you with his cum. He collapsed on top of you, his breathing ragged as he held you close, still buried deep inside of you.
You wrapped your arms around him and held him tight, basking in the warmth of your bodies still connected. You could feel his cock slowly soften inside of you, his cum leaking out of you as he kissed your neck.
You had never felt so complete and satisfied in your life.
You both needed this. To reconnect. To remember how much you need each other. And you knew you would need to do this again as soon as possible. And you can't wait. Because this is the best thing in the world.
And you can't live without this feeling.
This feeling of being loved, needed, and adored by him. He is your soulmate. And you are his. And you're both addicted to each other. And that's okay. You are happy with it. Because you love him. With every inch of you. With every cell of your body. With every piece of your soul. With every bit of your heart.
You love him more than anything in the world.
More than anyone.
More than yourself.
And so does he.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice soft as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.
"I love you too," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded and wrapped his arms tighter around you, his lips pressing kisses all over your skin. You smiled, your heart full and content, as you basked in the warmth of his embrace. You knew that everything was going to be alright. You knew that you were going to be together forever.
And you couldn't wait.
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joonggphilia · 9 months
☼Who’s in Charge☼ (J W.Y)
☼pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Male reader ☼genre: smut ☼prompt: “you really thought I would just fall into your arms?” ☼CW: school au!, enemies to idk, dub con, blowjob, meany Wooyoung ☼a/n: I love him <33333 also rip readers, no fluff from me or Jubin.
Read jaemmphilia’s version here!!!!
M/n l/n. The schools popular guy, the athlete type, everybody loved him except for Jung Wooyoung, the student council president. The two had been going at it since elementary school. No one knew why you two hated each other so much, it was just common knowledge. Some people say you two are polar opposites, some people think it’s a fight over grades, or maybe teacher’s favorite. Others, say you two like each other, but that’s bullshit….. “Cmon m/n, just do it. I’m sure you’ll get an answer if you charm him.” Your friend Yunho, pushed. He wanted you to find out if Wooyoung really did like you. Absolutely ludicrous. “Shut up, he’ll hear you.” You groaned, nudging yunho as you passed the student council office. “Just go.” Yunho cackled, pushing you into the door. Oh fuck. “Excuse me?” Wooyoungs sharp voice rang out, his fox eyes scanning your form. “U-uhm, Woo! I wanted to ask you something.” You asked in your best flirty tone. “M/n, I really don’t have time for you.” He said, almost like your name in his mouth tasted bad. “Oh cmon, just listen.” You grinned, sitting on the edge of his desk. He looked up at you through his glasses, raising an eyebrow. “You like me don’t you.” M/n sneered, leaning down to look in Wooyoung’s eyes. “Come here.” Wooyoung hummed, motioning for you to come stand in front of him. You were so ready for his answer….excited almost? Wooyoung smiled at you, his eyes sweet and playful. “M/n you…….really thought I would fall into your arms?” Wooyoung cackled, his laugh was piercing and cruel. “Well I-“ you started, but got cut off. “It’s ok. I see the way you look at me. Sit.” Wooyoung demand, pushing your shoulders down so you fell to your knees. “Since you like me so much, why don’t you do what you want. I’m right here.” He said, grinning as he sat on his office chair. “Wooyoung, I promise, I didn’t mean it like this.” You persisted, massaging your knee slowly. “Just suck me off m/n. You want it. I’m frustrated.” Wooyoung shrugged, leaning back farther. You looked at him in shock and disbelief, was this really Wooyoung talking. The sweet, innocent, and kind student pres. was pushing you onto your knees and demanding you give him a blowjob. It was hot. “Woo-” You muttered, but he placed his hand on his zipper. “Good boy, I knew you liked me.” He sneered, his voice dripping with hate. You slipped his pants down and his cock immediately hit your cheek. He didn’t wear any underwear to school? You let it slip your mind, carefully grabbing onto his erect penis and bring the tip to your lips. “I don’t have all day.” Wooyoung mumbled, placing his hand on your head. This caused you to rush a little bit, taking him into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his agitated tip. You took him deeper and deeper, inch by inch, using your hands on what you couldn’t reach. Slurping noises rang out around the room. “You’re not very good at this.” Wooyoung fake yawned, pushing you all the way down on his cock and holding you there. You gagged and gasped as he laughed. Tears brimmed at your eyes, threatening to fall. He then pulled you up by your hair and made eye contact with you. “Now make me cum, or everyone will know about how you like me soooo much.” Wooyoung laughed, and pushed you down back onto his cock.
“have you seen m/n?” Yunho hummed, asking one of his soccer teammates. He hasn’t seen m/n since he pushed him into Wooyoung’s office. “He stayed overnight to study with Wooyoung. Maybe Wooyoung does like m/n?”
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Gymnastics/Olympics AU Part 1
Steve’s not used to sharing the spotlight. He can’t believe this fresh-faced nobody is out here acting like he has any idea what he’s doing. For years, Steve’s been the golden child of gymnastics. Everyone loves him, no one’s come close to beating him at any of the events he specializes in, he puts butts in seats, which is more than most of the field can say. Until now, when Eddie Munson just waltzes onto the scene like he was born to do gymnastics. 
He makes it look so easy, long limbs flying through the air as if the universe created him to be aerodynamic. Strong arms holding him in place on the rings, not moving an inch, and perfect balance on the pommel horse. It makes Steve furious. He’s trained his whole life, worked for years to get to this level. It shouldn’t be easy. 
Every qualifying event leading up to the Olympics just made it more obvious that Steve should be concerned. Eddie kept climbing the ranks, perfecting his routines, sticking every landing. It grated on Steve’s nerves. His success doesn’t feel earned, which is stupid because he did earn his place just like Steve, but it happened in the blink of an eye. 
And Steve just has to suck it up and accept it or he doesn’t look like a team player. The media loves pitting them against each other, too. Golden Boy vs. Wild Child. Steve’s known for his looks, perfectly coifed hair, bright charming smile, eyes that melt the panties off the ladies in the crowd. And here Eddie is, long hair wild and untamed, just like his personality. His smile is coy, teasing the crowd. He’s boisterous, where Steve is reserved. 
So of course when they get to the Olympic village, they’re paired up. Roommates. Steve can’t help groaning when he walks in and sees black and leather scattered all over one side of the room. He makes it his mission to stay out of their room as much as possible over the course of the competition. He’s being cockblocked by a tragic set of circumstances. At his first Olympics, he was a bit too young to honor the tradition of sleeping his way through the Olympic village, but the next year, he made a name for himself.
Now, he’s frustrated, not just with Eddie stealing the show, but he’s got a lot of pent up emotions he wishes he were taking out on the hottest athletes from around the world. He can’t even focus long enough to convince someone to take him back to their room, mind only on Eddie and the way he looked at podium training. 
Robin, who's on the US soccer team, thinks it’s hilarious, following him around and pointing out all the ways Eddie is better than him. She likes to humble him. When she catches him staring, she has this smug little smirk on her face like she knows that Steve can recognize how talented Eddie is, but won’t admit it. And that’s not the problem at all, he can admit it, he just doesn’t want to. He’s fascinated with the way Eddie stays on his feet, like a cat falling from its perch, he alway seems to land upright, perfectly positioned. His eyes are drawn to his lithe limbs and how strong his forearms look as he’s braced in the air over the parallel bars. 
And maybe Robin picks up on that too, teasing him about how dumb his face looks when Eddie flexes, or how Steve can’t help but stare at the way his shorts ride up when he dismounts an apparatus. It’s not enough that Eddie’s taking his spot, but he’s captured Steve’s attention, as well. He lies awake at night, listening to Eddie’s even breathing, wishing he had the courage to be nicer. But there’s a tone to their relationship now. A reputation built on rivalry. It would be foolish for him to think that Eddie would want to even be friends after the way they’ve circled around each other in these competitions. 
Little does Steve know that Eddie’s been watching him, too. 
Part 2 | AO3
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inyomamasbed · 2 years
a/n: I accidentally deleted the request but someone asked for: "chigiri,friends to lovers" if u see this thanks for requesting,its my first ever "xreader" i hope it doesn't suck that much.
character:Chigiri Hyouma
content:fluff,a bit of angst,but mostly fluff
゚。 Friends to Lovers w/ Chigiri ♡ ゚・。・゚
As friends
•As we all know chigiri has been popular as soon as he got into highschool for his talent(and for his looks obvi)so you probably heard of him before becoming his friend
•I think it would have been hard to be his friend
•Before his knee injury, because of his football skills he always thought of himself as superior to others but i feel like he was also modest about it.
•His personality was kinda a 50/50
•After the injury that feeling of superiority crumbles but he had a hard time and ended up building walls around himself
•So yeah,to become his friend you would have to be really patient
•But lets say that u managed to overcome this arduous task and became his friend(yay!!)
•You guys would probably spend lunch together in silence enjoying eachothers company or have some small talk
•If you're somebody who's into "having a good apparece" you would probably talk about fashion,hairstyles,etc.
•I feel like before going to Blue Lock he couldn't really open up about football bc it made him remember his past
•So if you two probably didn't talk about football much and it would be better for the friendship
•He appreciates you for still being by his side since you're probably one of the few people that still recognize him for who he is,after his sister and mother. That's probably when he started to feel something for you but he kept it low-key bc he really didn't need to get hurt even more tbh😔🫂
•Also bc he wouldn't want his family to find out bc they would tease the crap out of him
•love him frfr
He starts falling for u
•I feel like with Chigiri u probably fell first but he fell harder
•You fell first but when he had girls drooling over him and he rejected all of them bc he wanted to focus only on football,gotta admit,it scared u
•And when them fake ass bitches left bc he stopped playing soccer it just felt wrong
• +100 points for u for being considerate of his feeling
•So the both of u kept ur feeling for urself and expected them to just fade away since u two we're already friends,but surprise surprise,they didn't left and u were stuck with them. Especially when he left for blue lock without saying much,u just thought about moving on but who can tbh
•Chigiri liked u for ur kind,positive and cheerful personality,the perfect energy that he needed when the world seemed against him.
•He probably realized how much he liked you when he was in Blue lock very far away from you,when no one was there to tell him that's everything was going to be fine.
•When he managed to get his hands of his phone he texted hai family and you
•You were surprised and happy that he remembered you and so was him when u texted back
•You both promised eachothers and you were gonna meet up as soon as possible
•and y'all did
•You two decided to meet up at a cute coffee shop to catch up and it's exactly what happened,you guys clicked and ended up talking for hours.
•You we're nevrvous about meeting him again since ur crush was still there but it was a relief that he was doing better and seeing him talk about football again with happy eyes
•Yup, everything was fine and you started hanging out more often when he had time
•Everyone around you probably thought you two were dating
•Everything felt so natural that u both forgot that none of y'all confessed💀
•He was so stressed about it cuz he wanted to be more than friends but didn't know how to tell u
•He was thinking to hard about it at the point that the next time u guys met up you noticed he was acting a bit weird: he was avoiding eye contact,he wouldn't even make the mistake to be close to u and his answers were really dry,but sometimes you could see him blush a little bit and noticed how sometimes his ears would get red
•While he was fighting himself to choose how to tell you about his feelings to you just managed to obtain mixed signals
•so confusing ikr
•So one day when he was taking you back to your house you decided to ask him about it
~imagine this:
You guys were side by side walking towards your house,none of you were talking,it was a bit awkward ngl.
The sun was saying its goodbye and it was getting cold but it didn't bother you since all the toughts that were going through your head were distracting you.
You stopped walking and he noticed so he stopped too after taking some steps ahead.
"Y/N..? Is everything ok?" Chigiri asked with his calm voice,but he looked at you with a bit of concern since you weren't answering.
He took some steps to get closer to you and that's when you said:" Chigiri can i ask you something?"trying to not look at him in the eyes.
"Sure" he said.
"Is everything ok between us,you've been acting a bit distant lately,did i do something to upset you?" You said,proud of yourself for managing to say it without stuttering or sounding desperate.
There was a bit of silence and you were ready to just move on and tell him that you could just walk by yourself from here.
You looked at him and it was your first time seeing him with a face color that matched his hair.
"..I'm sorry,that's the total opposite of what I'm trying to do" he said with a quiet voice audible only to you
You stayed silent waiting for him to say more.
"Actually Y/N(🤓), there's something I've been wanting to tell you for the past months"he said.
You were looking at him with eyes full of hopes that something might change from today(spoiler: it did)
"I like you..I've been liking you for a while to be precise,I don't know if it's the right time or if you-Are you crying?"
He notice you trying to opress your sobs,without much success.
"Was my confession that bad?" He asked with a nervous smile on his face.
It wasn't,in fact it was the best thing you've been told this past months.What a relief,you felt like you could finally breathe.
"No. No,it was good. Pretty good actually" you said while trying to get rid of the tears at the end of your eyes,while having a big smile printed in your face.
"It's such a relief,I'm glad" you said.
"So..Do u feel the same?" he said while coming closer to u,wanting to hold your hand.
"Isn't it obvious?" You said while laughing a bit,he also laughed,feeling at ease in the moment.
•and y'all started dating. Happy ending yay
a/n: Should I do a part.2 with chigiri as ur bf?lemme know. Thanks for reading.
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merlucide · 7 months
Crossdresser x BLLK (2nd) pt3
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Notes: y’all don’t even know how much this one sucked🙁
warnings: reader is female, cursing, cringe lol
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5
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Y/N entered the room and looked around for any of her teammates. 
She spotted Isagi and Bachira standing in the middle. She walked over and Bachira asked if she’d join their team.
She agreed and they walked into the 3rd stage.
Y/N wasn’t expecting to see blue locks best player there yet, though she should’ve assumed. 
Ego then appeared on the screen and explained the rules. Everyone’s number was updated, Y/Ns was ranked 19. She was pleased with that number, and felt smug that she surpassed so many boys. 
Rins team was the only one there so everyone agreed on going against them. 
The game started and Isagi was able to make a goal with ease. 
Rin was at kickoff and shot right into the goal. Nobody expected that. 
The game didn’t get much better from there, Y/N and her team lost 5-2. 
She was in shock. They had lost, how??
It was time for Rins team to pick who they wanted to join their team. Tokimistu and Aryu picked. Aryu pointed his index finger ‘come on.. Meguru Bachira’ .
And with that Bachira left with the top 3. 
Y/N and Isagi were frustrated. What were they gonna do? If they loose again it’s the end of the road for one of them. 
They shuffled to the losers gate and sat down. 
She asked Isagi what he wanted to do, rest for a bit or go look for another match.
Isagi started talking about if they lost the next game, he wouldn’t be picked, how Y/N would be picked and his soccer career would be over.
Y/N grabbed his cheeks firmly with her hand. ‘Shuddup you moron. We won’t lose, We won’t lose.’ She asserted, tone firm. ‘You can’t go into the game with a shitty mindset like that, pull yourself together. idiot’
Isagi stared at Y/N, she let go of his face. He shook his head lightly ‘M’kay, your right’ he grinned softly. ‘course I am, I’m freaking Y/N L/N. Now, what are we gonna do?’ Y/N had her hands on her hips looking at resting room. 
The sliding doors opened revealing Barou and Naruhaya. Y/N asked if they’d play against her and Isagi.
Barou agreed in his Barou way ‘I’ll crush you so bring it on anytime’
Isagi reminded her that they have now wait 24 hours till they can play their next game.
They walked to their new room , Y/N took the top bunk and Isagi took the bottom.
They showered, trained, then went to bed. 
They ate breakfast together and then trained. Isagi helped her try to shoot in guarded spaces, Y/N helped him try to perfect his goal formula. They then did individual training and headed to the field. 
Y/N kicked off the ball and went up againsts barou, he rammed into her, making her loose her balance and took the ball and scored.
Woops, that wasn’t how she planned that to go. 
That goal was out of his shooting range, Barou has evolved since last time she played against him. 
Isagi passed to Y/N and she was able to move past Naruhaya easily. She was closer to the goal and Barou was about to steal the ball. She high kicked the ball and shot it into the goal perfectly.
She was very pleased with that goal.
It was 1-1 and Barou started it off.
Isagi stole the ball and passed to Y/N. Naruhaya came from nowhere and was about the get the ball. 
Y/N shot her leg up and caught it, Isagi ran to the other side of the goal. She passed to Isagi since he was at a better angle. He shot it but it hit the rim and spinned back towards Naruhaya and Y/N.
She shot it back into the goal.
She was on fire this match (Heh Y/Ns so kewl)
If they scored another point the game would be over. 
Though, right at kickoff Barou shot into the goal but hit the rim. Naruhaya was able to catch it and passed back to him. Barou then shot it back into the goal.
Isagi almost made a goal but it got blocked.
He had the ball and was being guarded by Naruhaya so he passed to Y/N. She was able to make and easy goal. The score was now 3-3.
Barou then did the same and scored another goal.
Y/N was able to score a hat trick goal from the halfway line.
The game was back at a tie, the next point will be the decisive factor.
Barou took a shot from the halfway line, it hit the rim and flew out. Naruhaya got the ball and tried to make a goal but missed.
Y/N stole the ball from Naruhaya and passed to Isagi
Isagi sprinted away from and got the ball and made an incredible, sneaky goal behind Barous back. 
And with that, they had won the game.
Y/N and Isagi ran to each other and had an intense bro-five.
It was time to choose who they wanted to join them. The choice was pretty obvious. 
Isagi looked at Barou and told him to join them. 
Y/N went up to Naruhaya and was about to say something but decided against it. She just muttered a ‘good game and then turned on her heels and followed Isagi out. 
She felt bad for him, but she knows he doesn’t want her sympathy.
She grinned ear to ear as she skipped up beside Isagi. He smiled back at her ‘We did it’ they said in unison.
They all walked to their new room and talked about whose bed it whose. Y/N wanted the single bed but so did Barou. 
She really didn’t care enough to fight for it so she just rolled her eyes and climbed up the top bunk. 
They then walked to the training room. Barou was doing this insane routine, apparently he does it everyday. Isagi and Y/N looked at each other in shock. They then decided if they want to improve they should do that too. They trained their butts off .
After they showered and went to bed. 
They went over potential plays they could do, Barou was kinda on board.
Later Y/N took sometime to rest and took a nap.  Apparently during that time Isagi and Barou were showering and saw Kunigami, Chigiri and Reo. They decided to go against each other.
(Dawgs I can’t do this no more good golly- 😞😞)
The game ended with the score of 4-5.
Y/N was very happy they won, she was NOT gonna go back to the losers gate.
Now it was time to chose who they wanted. Y/N felt conflicted, she didn’t want to choose between Kunigami and Chigiri, they were both her friends. 
She let Isagi decide this one.
Isagi chose Chigiri with the fact that he’d help cause chemical reactions and give passes. 
Y/N looked at Kunigami and told him ‘you better not lose again mkay.’
They then walked to the Winners gate and headed from there to their new rooms. 
Barou and Isagi left to go eat so it was just Chigiri and Y/N in the room. 
They talked for a bit and then went into how their weapons have improved. Chigiri wanted to see how high she could kick now. He threw some shoes and random stuff at her to see if she could get it. 
Barou was not happy with the new mess they had made.
Then after Barou made them pick up the mess they all went to bed and got the well deserved rest.
They then saw Rin and his team and matched up. Everyone went over the plan, and headed to field.
(Dawg I quit. Nope nope.)
The game was neck and neck till the very end, Bachira scored the final goal. The game finished at 4-5. 
Y/N team had lost.
She didn’t think that gonna happen, she was so confident that’d they’d win.
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uh I hit the word count- I’ll tag pt2 kay
made March 8th 2024
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music-viber · 6 months
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Summary: your younger sisters boy best friend had been getting too much attention lately.
kissing booth if the genders were opposite. Pt.1
Warning: smut, mature content, language.
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Your sister had a built-in best friend since the day she was born and 1. No, it wasn't you but yes 2. I, was better that way because you could only deal with so much of her for so long so you were glad to share some of the responsibility with somebody. They grew up together and partly with me because I tried to ignore them most of the time anyway but they always found a way to be around me somehow Vincent’s mom had been best friends with your mom since college or something so it made sense
Sports are your specialty which worked in your favor cause guys like girls who play sports especially when they were good at it. You got in a few of fights when you were younger making you gain popularity girls feared you knowing you could beat their asses. You did look out for your sister and her best friend when other girls would try a fast move on you guys. You liked to feel needed and important so you would always help them with bullies when you guys were younger.
You were the popular sister athletic it’s not like it was some big secret, you didn’t need to be nice to get what you wanted you had pretty privilege had it since the you pop out of your mother actually, it was like a super power. P r e t t y p r I v l I d g e something not all people are blessed with. Only time I was ever jealous of my sister was when she had a built in best friend who stuck by her side 24/7 and never got tired of her. So basically since the day she was born maybe? You can’t keep count.
Everyone put up with you tough girl act everyone except vinnie ever since you were kids he had always put you in your place when your out of line you couldn’t lie you didn’t know why you didn’t just ignore him what he tried to but it didn’t think much. People had always liked you but in a I fear her kinda so what you got went through puberty you better believe it wasn’t that way anymore. You tried to know less about Vinnie because 1. He was like a little brother to you and 2. That’s your sisters boy best friend, You didn’t wanna upset her.
School was starting up again soon your about to start senior year. No different from the other schools years but you did have to pick a college soon so that really sucked for you. Leaving home.
As you walked into your house from a workout in your sports bra and gym shorts your a variety soccer player so it was mandatory you keep up your A game. “Leeah, have you seen my soccer ball?” I asked my sister looking at the pair who can never be caught apart. She obviously gave me some snarky remark making Vinnie laugh, I smirked “hey Vincent” I say looking at him. I know he hates being called by his full name, he looks back at me “Yes Noelle?” He knows I hate being called my first name
“When did you get the abs?” I pointed out at them He looked caught off guard as he looked down at them trying to think of something to say. Leeah chimes in “When you were away at soccer camp learning how to be a bigger bitch, it was almost as if he was in human growth hormones or something.” Leeah laughed as you scoffed. Vinnie then covers himself with a towel “Rule number 2? Please.” I tell them I was throwing a party and not to invite any jackasses. Leeah makes another snarky remark as she and Vinnie celebrate it so I throw a ball at her making him fall into the pool and then walking away. Leeah gets out of the pool, “she's such an ass” Lee says looking at Vinnie, “I know.” Vinnie says looking directly at his best friends sisters ass which was quickly shut down by Lee.
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The first day of school
as I got there on my motorcycle and started talking to some other girls my sister rolled up with Vinnie. “What the fuck is he wearing” his shirt was way too small for his new muscular body making his buttons left open making his whole chest and stomach exposed. Noelle sat there dumbfounded by his chiseled-like abs then looking away. Noelles sister and vinnie looked confused as to why Vinnie was getting some stares.
“Is he new?” you heard females ask around. You scoffed at their reactions. Then some horny girl grabbed his ass in front of everyone. He made a weird sound then turned to confront the person then saw it was a female. He was helpless he couldn't hit a girl, Leeah knew this and yelled at her attempting to push her then looked like she needed some help of her own so I intervened and punched her to the ground as the principal came out and sent us 3 to the office. “You guys office now.”
Vinnie had ended up asking me why I helped them so obviously I told him “It's like seeing those girls gryi g to get into my little brothers pants, which is super gross.” I continued “ You've also had 0 experience with girls you haven't even had a girlfriend. Opening your shirt like that is asking for it.” I laughed as he took offence. We kinda all git detention after that stunt we pulled this morning
As I watched Vinnie flirt with the girl who had groped him yesterday my eyebrows raised as I look between them. He looks over at me as I mouth the words “what the fuck?” he rolled his eyes and he goes back to passing notes. The teacher doses off then eventually the girl bursts in the room wearing her shirt the same way Vinnie had done that same morning as people laughed and took picture she posed as Vinnie laughed also. I'm definitely have in a chat with her after class.
After detention, I found her “hey.” I said pushing her shoulder “I don't know what you told him but your not going out with Vinnie.” she was confused and scared “if you will I will break your nose, got it?” he nodded and ran off. “Easy.” not as easy as you thought because the next morning Vinnie called you angry “You do realize you're not my mom right?” he stated while on the phone with you. I smiled “You still got a lot to learn kiddo.” he scoffed
Mumbling stuff you ignored “I could just beat you with my shoes right now” be says “she's a player” I tell him “so are you?” he yelled confused.” “and that's why I'm not letting her near you, you'll thank me one day.” Noelle says calmly “stop yelling girls not to talk to me!” Vinnie yells.
Two days later
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It was time for my party which was packed with almost everyone even tho I did say invite only. I had occupied myself with the first person to throw themselves at me just to have a make-out session, and that's when Vinnie came up and tapped on Noelle's shoulder. She turns to face whoever tapped her. She stopped kissing the guy for a brief moment. “I haven't seen Lee,” she said as she went back to making out with the guy. Vinnie taps me again as I stop kissing the guy again “What?!” he says something about a kissing booth before the guy I'm missing flicks Vinny's forehead “Lonely nerds are downstairs bro.” I rolled my eyes at the random guy. “ look uh, you should probably leave he's important to my family which kinda means he's important to me.” the guy backed off and left and was sassy about it. Vinnie looks down at me “Sorry I ruined your make-out session.” you smiled “That's fine he tasted like Cheetos anyways.” he ignored the last part. “So kissing booth?” he asked hopeful. “No, go away” and so he did.
Later into the party I saw Vinnie drinking like there was no tomorrow like absolutely downing everything everyone gave him as people cheered him on. As he got up and danced on the pool table. I couldn't like he. Does look better this year and people can tell people he's getting lots of attention. He starts to fan himself “It's hot out here.” he starts to strip as everyone cheers him on. You look at him in disbelief. Then he yells “Let go skinny dipping.” that's when you know he's had too much as everyone jumps into the pool Vinnie stumbles and falls into the grass. Lee looked over at Noelle for help and so she rolled her eyes and helped carry him up the stairs. “I have to go make sure they don't break anything but you git this right?” lee leaves them. “Noelle” Vinnie mumbles as you ignore him as he gets up and walks into your room and crashes on the bed. “Great because I didn't wanna carry him” Noelle whispers as he throws up on his shirt he put back on. Noelle takes his clothes off him and immediately outs it in the washer. “This is so gross”
The next morning
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Vinnie woke up groaning from his hangover he opened his eyes and looked around panicked as he checked to see if he slept inside my room. He then checked to see if he was naked which he stuff had his underwear in as he sighed in relief. He watched as Noelle walked in with nothing but a towel as Vinnie stared at her in shock. He looks at him “Oh I didn't mean to wake you just grabbing my clothes.” she said. Vinnie didn't need to ask what happened, he remembered everything. “Noelle I'm so sorry,” he said holding his head. He got out of bed and looked down and realizedtat he was basically naked and tried hiding behind her curtains embarrassed. “Can you pass me those?” he pointed at some baggy shorts on the floor. “Please can I get those” he begged. She just stood there smirking at him ignoring the request.
“Fine,” they both said heading towards the shorts as Vinnie fell into Noelle getting tangled in the fallen-down curtains. She was rolled up on top of him and he was under her complaining about how were stuck. “My arm is stuck” he yelled as they tried to get out of this his arm pushed into her core the he gasped as she moaned “I told you not to stop moving!” she yelled yelled. They untangled themselves from the curtain. Vinnie rushes to put on the shorts and then rushed for the door before he stopped “Do I owe you anything at all” he asked “Just get out dork.” she said panting.
The next day
I was playing carnival games and talking to a few guys when Vinnie came up to me. He spoke “Look I'm desperate, just stop at the booth for a little please? It would mean a lot to me.” he signed. I looked at him crossing my arms“Wow the independent Vincent Cole hacker begging someone else for help?” then he ended up giving me an I care about you so help me kinda talk making me feel bad as he walked away.
The kissing booth starts and it looks like the most successful booth at the carnival after while so I bought a ticket. I stand there thinking I wasted my money on something guys wouldve payed me for. “Wanna cut?” I looked over at some random girl confused as I tilted my head. She then opened her mouth again “like get I front of me and not wait in line?” she said nervously. “Okay.” Noelle cuts in front of her and walked up to the stand. Waiting for the kisser. She sighed and looked towards the curtains to see which guy she would be kissing. Suddenly Vinnie walked out in a blindfold looking confused. He stumbled as I helped him to his stand of the stand. He then nervously tells me his secrets about his lack of relationships and kissing
experiences as everyone else also hears him and laughs at his nervousness. I smirked and rolled my eyes as I looked over at the curtains seeing the guys Laugh at Vinnie until they saw who he was about to kiss and stopped in their tracks. Noelle cut off the geek boy rambling by pulling him down by his collar and kissing him. It went in as people around then gasped and cheered. After a while Vinnie thought, why these people be cheering over just a kiss- he then realized and took off his blindfold and looked at her dumbfounded. She didn't want it to stop so he kissed him again then people had cheered as she looked at Vinnie “okay I'll see you around?” she walked away from the booth and wentnti go flirt with some guys to take her mind off of him.
Later Noelle was on her motorcycle when she spotted Vinnie walking home on the road. The sky was lit by the thunder. “Need a ride?” Vinnie gave her a little look. Noelle rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Look I care about you and stuff plus my mom would kill me knowing I left you in the cold. He got onto her motorcycle after a while the storm got heavy and they couldn't drive any longer. She led him to a greenhouse-like area where he gave her his jacket. Noelle was looking out through the glass at the rain “We should be fine if we wait.” she said distracted.
Vinnie had walked towards the girl towering over her. He then quickly kissed her and she kissed back. Then he backed up “We can't how would I tell Lee?” he said slowly. “We’ll figure it out” I reassure him pressing my lips into his as he melts into it, he then takes the lead by choking her a little bringing her to moan and catch her breath. She grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned it. As he gasped and pulled away, they stared at each other for a short period of time She looked at him “we don't need to-” she told him he unbuttoned her shirt. As they were both shirtless and making out. Vinnie knew he should've stopped but she felt too good to let go.
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"May I?" Vinnie asked, indicating his desire to try something else. Noelle agreed, "We can do whatever you want," she said, grinning at him seductively. He then chokes Noelle gently as his leg nudges between hers, encouraging her to spread her legs for him. She gasped as his knee pressed into her core. Seizing this moment, Vinnie slipped his tongue into her mouth, asserting his dominance.
Noelle knew that her actions with Vinnie were morally questionable. She had no intention of revealing their secret, as it would earn her the label of the worst sister of the year. Yet, Vinnie was so intoxicating that she couldn't resist him. She had known about Vinnie's feelings for her since they were children, but societal rules had always been a barrier. Now, the way Vinnie made her feel had her contemplating a future with him.
She moaned as he tugged on her hair, a side of Vinnie she hadn't expected. "Vincent," she moaned softly. He paused from his activities, "Don't call me that," he replied, looking right at her as lightning illuminated the sky and the rain poured down.
She looked up at him, an innocent challenge in her eyes, "Or what?" As she reached up to touch his face, he grabbed her hand. With a gasp, she found herself turned around to face him, her back pressed against the wall. He was careful not to hurt her. Sweeping her hair aside, he whispered into her ear, "Let's find out."
He used his belt to tie her hands behind her as she was pressed against the wall, he then asked her “Can I remove your clothes?” as she nodded. He scoffed saying “Use your words, princess.” she rolled her eyes “Yes please Vinnie.” as she said this he undressed her and started to rub her heat in a circular motion as she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure as she pushes her ass against him. It wasn't long before Vinnie had also undressed "I want you to pleasure me until I reach my cum."
He teased me with the head of his arousal, causing me to shudder and my breathing to grow unsteady. He lavished attention on me, and then without warning, I felt him enter me. I was pinned and helpless, unable to do anything but accept him. His thickness filled me, causing my back to arch as he held my thigh to steady himself. My cries were quiet, shocked at the intensity of the situation. He paused, savoring my response, his lips peppering gentle kisses on my neck and chin. I tensed when he moved, the sensation overwhelming. As he withdrew slightly, my body reacted instinctively, crying out his name, "Vincent!" "Vinnie," he corrected, but I had no time to process his words as he moved again.
His touch stirred me, his hand moving from my thigh to my rear, adjusting my position. My legs wrapped around him as he quickened his rhythm, each withdrawal and thrust more intense than the last. My cries grew more urgent, the intense pleasure leaving me gasping for air. My body responded to him, my euphoria building. He grunted my name, our bodies slick with sweat. "Vincent!" I called out, but he corrected me once more, "Vinnie."
He repeated, "Say it and I'll let you go." His movements quickened, our bodies collided. My legs shook, but I kept them wrapped around him. I matched his rhythm, eliciting grunts from him. "Vinnie," I whimpered, yearning for him to release my hands so I could draw him closer. He looked into my eyes, the intensity of his gaze holding me captive. He let go of my hands, and the rhythm continued, the intensity only he could create. I clenched my muscles, matching his pace. His hands gripped my waist as he murmured into my lips.
Our bodies moved faster, and our lips parted. His head rested in the crook of my neck while he lifted my lower body and continued to thrust. I cried out, a sensation building that would soon release if he continued. "You like that, baby?" He whispered. I could only respond with a roll of my eyes as he filled me again. He was so deep, I felt him in my stomach. My toes curled, my hands clawed at his back as I tried to steady myself. But neither of us cared. We reached our climax together, and we collapsed on the floor. Breathless, I asked, "Where did you learn that?" He smiled and responded, "Porn." I nodded, understanding his solitary pastime. We sat in silence, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. I began to giggle, then burst into laughter. Vinnie watched me, chuckling softly. "I'm such a bad sister," I finally said.
"I'm such a bad sister," I admitted, my laughter subsiding into a quiet chuckle. Vinnie, however, continued to chuckle, his eyes filled with truth as he looked at me. "You're not bad, Noelle," he said, his voice soft but firm. His hand found mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. "You're human.
We sat in silence again, the gravity of our actions settling in. But there was no regret, just a strange sense of... peace. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was right. But in that moment, we were just Vinnie and Noelle.
And as I looked at Vinnie, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath, I realized that sometimes, it's not about right or wrong. It's about the moments that take your breath away, the moments that make you feel alive. And as I lay there in Vinnie's arms, I felt more alive than I ever had. I closed my eyes, letting the silence of the room envelop us, a serene ending to an unexpected night.
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year
Wash Day
Joel Miller x Layla (plus size OFC)
Fanfiction (all ages)
Masterlist / A03 link / Joel Miller Masterlist / Drops of Sugar Series
Summary: Layla has decided to wash her hair at home today since everyone is out, but she does end up receiving some excellent help.
Warnings: Just fluff and possible badly written southern accent
Notes: I do not look forward to washing my hair but I also don’t feel like paying salon prices. I was very self-indulgent with this. I want Joel Miller to do my hair while he talks to me. 🥰 Like that’s all. Not much. 🤣 I am also convinced that he knows how to care for hair. I saw Sarah's hair. That's all I'mma say. 😏
This is in the same vein as my two part Sugar stories with the same OFC. @legendary-pink-dot gave me a good idea for hair related stories 😝
Sugar part one (I’m your fool Sugar)
Sugar part two (Let me at them Nylons)
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Today was a good day for it, Layla decided. It was a Saturday; Joel was working with Tommy on a contracting job that was running into overtime based on their client’s changing tastes. Sarah was out for a good portion for the day due to soccer and then she planned to study at a friend’s house afterward.
The woman stood in front of her mirror and combed out her hair. It wasn’t particularly long, past her shoulders when blown out, but it was extremely thick and sucked up moisture like a sponge, leaving it constantly dry. She removed her night gown and strode into the bathroom and looked to gather her hair products from the little caddy Joel had set up for her. Layla used to keep them under the sink but Joel said he they should be more accessible for her and bought the caddy while he had been out and attempted to organize her hair supplies. She chuckled, reminded of how he always rubs the back of his neck when he isn’t sure about something and she pulled him in for a kiss, reminded yet again at how observant he is.
The water from the shower felt good as she wet her hair and massaged her scalp, repeating the process while shampooing her hair and washing it out after. She let the water flow over her shoulders after applying the conditioner and washing her body. This was the main issue with doing her own hair sometimes, the strain on her shoulders from trying to care for all it, especially the back which she has difficulty reaching. After rising everything off, she stepped out of the shower and towel dried her hair, then wrapped it so the bathroom floor wouldn’t be completely drenched.
The front door closed downstairs; someone had just come home. Maybe Sarah had come early, was the soccer game canceled? She slipped on a simple sleeveless sundress; she didn’t have time for underwear. Heavy steps made their way up the stairs.
No not Sarah.
“Joel, what are you doing home honey?” Layla asked, sitting on the bed, going through her after wash hair supplies box she kept in the closet. Joel stood in the doorway, happy to see her in just a towel on her head. Layla chuckled, “Keep starting Joel. I’m not starting anything while this hair is wet though. I’ll be fit to be tied if it dries and knots up.” The contractor smiled and stood before her and kissed her forehead.
“Wouldn’t dream of it darlin’ looks like I’m rubbing off on ya. Me and my sayin’s.” He grinned. Really, they complemented each other well, Layla had become relaxed her speech some and even picked up a few of Joel’s phrases. Joel had in turn and relaxed slightly, not taking everything so seriously. He looked through her hair box. “Which order you use these in sugar? I can help. Did Sarah’s hair for a bit before Tommy married Maria and Sarah turned her back on her dad.” Layla giggled, Joel would view it that way, she nodded and handed him the detangling spray and a comb.
“I take it you know how to section it out. I have a lot of hair Miller as you well know. I’d like to keep most of it if you don’t mind.” She looked up at him smiling. This was a lot of faith she had in him, she trusted a select few with her hair outside of herself, her hairdresser and her mother, Joel was going to be the fourth if did well. Joel nodded and spayed her hair; he looked in her hair box and found some clips to help divide her hair as he separated it into eight sections. He pointed to the leather chair, and she moved as it was closer to the outlet. Plugging in the hair dryer, he then sprayed the heat protectant on it. Layla sat still she had been anxious but she hadn’t needed to tell him anything, Joel started drying, section by section. The heat and Joel’s large hands running her hair made her sigh. Her feet patted the floor, she was feeling chilled below her shoulders, but it was fine she could deal with a little cold as an exchange for someone else doing her hair.
The Texan smirked as he looked down, more than halfway done with drying, he was also spraying some leave in conditioner after he finished drying. Just on the ends, he knew he would need the grease for her scalp in a bit. After he finished the eight sections, he went over all her hair with the dryer one final time. “Well shit girl, I still got it.” Joel exclaimed, nodding to himself, admiring his work. Layla tipped her chin up to peer at Joel, she laughed.
“I guess you do Joel, but it’s not like you to leave a job unfinished love.” She reached up to grab his hand and pulled it to her lips, kissing the back of it. It smelled like the guava spray he had just used on her hair. “You’re almost done Miller.” Joel leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“S’alright sugar. I got ya.” Joel put down the dryer and reluctantly pulled his hand back. Lalya brought her chin back down and faced forward. The older Miller brother spooned out a handful of a green hair food, commonly called grease. It didn’t feel too dissimilar grease that Joel used on his tools, he rubbed it between his palms and start kneading her scalp, beginning at the back of her head, and working his way up. The sensation made Layla’s toes curl a bit, his strong fingers massaging the warm flesh beneath her hair, his thumbs worked toward the middle of her head while his other fingers spread outward to the fringes near her ears.
“God bless those hands of yours Joel Miller.” The woman moaned, taking hold of the arm rests of the hair and dug her fingers into the chair, her feet arched as she pressed the balls of her feet into the wooden floor. Joel watched as she was relishing the massage. A soft smile came upon his face. Of course, he loved watching as his love appeared to be getting aroused, but more than that, she was sharing more of herself with him. He knew that they came from very different backgrounds, it was moments like this where they bridged their gaps with their shared experiences. His hands worked his way to the top of her head, and he tied her hair in her usual updo as she preferred it off her neck. Joel wiped the excess spray and grease from her shoulders and neck and touched his lips to her neck. He then used the same town to get the grease off his hands.
“Yer all set Layla honey. Ya gonna recommend me?” He asked coyly, she stood and walked over to the mirror, appraising his work though her head felt ten times better than it usually did. Sugar whipped around, making her dress spin with her, and pointed at Joel, curling her finger to tell him to come hither. He put the supplies back in the box and did as she ruffled his curly brown locks, she leaned up to his nose, then his cheek and then his lips, lingering for a minute, Joel wrapped and arm around her wide waist, squeezing her as he did whenever she was near.
“No. Unless it’s Sarah, I don’t want you doing anyone else’s hair. I’m greedy when it comes to you Joel.” Her hand landed on the pocket of shirt, feeling his heartbeat as she laid her cheek on his chest. “Thank you, I’ve never had a man do my hair before. You have any openings in about two, three weeks tops?” She asked playfully looking up at him, her wide smile, made Joel’s frown at her initial no disappear. He tried not to smile as well, but he knew how infectious it was, the crinkles around his eyes gave him away already.
“I reckon I can make it work in two weeks. I’mma need a deposit from ya though Sugar.” His booming laugh filled the empty house with its echo, another ritual began at the Miller home.
Tag List: @fhatbhabie @morallyinept @pedritapascal @pascalsanctuary @nissaimmortal @grogusmum @theywhowriteandknowthings @beefrobeefcal @goodwithcheese @iamasaddie @psychedelic-ink @modernperplexity @pamasaur @pedrodascal @marcus-is-my-muse @clawdee @mintypossum @trulybetty @perotovar @joelslegalwhre @josephquinnswhore @mandoisapunk @awilderi @deviinci @secretelephanttattoo @for-a-longlongtime @tessa-quayle @legendary-pink-dot @sin-djarin @maggiemayhemnj @rhoorl @magpiepillsjunior @intoanotherworld23
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parvamundi · 8 months
The Han Solo metaphor falls apart disastrously when Mr. Armstrong starts bringing Sammy around for visits. Sure, it could just make him Kylo Ren, but what did that make Ollie? Besides, Auntie Lou might have been Leia but that made mom Luke and Luke didn't have any kids for her to be. Yeah. The whole thing's just been shot to shit, but that's okay. Weird as it is to be introduced to someone who goes by the same thing her father calls her, Sammy is okay people. Which makes sense.. he's an Armstrong after all. She likes watching him kick a soccer ball around in the yard, showing off his little tricks and looking pleased and bashful all at once when it makes him an easy favorite with the Mexican side of the family. Mom claims she's gonna buy him off Mr. Armstrong and sell him to the highest South American bidder and Sam, even knowing she's joking, can't help but wonder what it might be like if Sammy lived with them in her house— just down a hall instead of a whole country away on opposite coasts. She can't help but think then they might actually do what they keep dancing around doing but never do. At least she sure as hell never leans in first, even when the moment seems right, because she can never shake the thought that they only have so many days until he's on a flight back home and what would be the point in tasting something she can't actually have?
"If your dad says you're not for sale one more time, I think mom might just kidnap you." Small towel held out, she feels like some kind of a cliche, bringing the athletic boy his water bottle and something to dry off with but it hadn't started that way— it wasn't intentional. She was just... and he was over there sweaty and thirsty looking.. and it's HER house.. so it's only polite to... feel like an idiot in her own backyard, the heavy gaze of beloved aunts and uncles anything but discreet on her back. God, they're probably making bets about them. Sam flips the bird back behind herself and never takes her eyes off Sammy, as if it'll keep him from noticing. "It's not so bad here. My aunts and their Stus and Bullets actually go home sometimes. And Tara's in her shut herself up in her room phase. We could have most of the place to ourselves."
And the privacy to match. The kind she sneaks him into after dinner, when everyone's lounging about, drinking, smoking, talking... wrapped up in their own adult world; finally leaving her the room to tug him by the hand under her treehouse and set herself up with closed eyes and lightly puckered lips for a kiss.
( @echoestm )
Leaving California had become increasingly more difficult as of late. Leaving her had become nearly unbearable. Sure, there were girls on the east coast, cute ones, fun ones, but no one like her.
She was so distinct in his mind that he'd even shared his thoughts about her to his mother, which was a huge first. Suzy teared up, sniffled, and apologized for their life apart from his father and the little life Sammy had begun a whole country away. He understood, he did, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't still suck.
But he had the summer. They did. The whole summer to hang out and play and watch the grown-ups act weird around them or listen to them tease. It had been great so far, the greatest of his life maybe. Things are so different there, more laid back, fun, so much less hectic. He spends time with friends who feel like family rather than just actual family, like back home, in New York, where it's school, home, the tavern, or Aunt Anna's or Grandpa Sam's for weekend dinners. The Scotts were numerous and wonderful, but they weren't... like this.
Every time Ms. Christina talks about selling him off to the soccer (football) teams, he grins proudly and laughs at his father's reaction. When Sam mentions getting kidnapped, Sammy doesn't mind the thought, until he thinks of his mom and how much she'd miss him. He simply smiles, gives her a couple nods, but says nothing. He doesn't want to dwell on the what ifs.
And speaking of... There'd been quite a few that summer, but the particular one that consistently crossed his mind was what if they kissed. He found he couldn't stop thinking about it most of the time and only did when Mr. Loomis glared his way. In the moments he wasn't under that man's watchful eye, he considered asking Sam if he could kiss her or just leaning in and doing it and waiting for her to slug him. The time never seemed right though and he was still so unsure if that was even something she wanted.
Until she had him by the hand, drawing him to seclusion.
His brain doesn't process it at first, confused, staring down at her like an idiot for a moment when he realizes her lids are closed, lips puckered, chin tilted up. She's waiting, patiently maybe, for him to stop being a moron and make the move. Sam always seemed the type to wait for nothing, take charge, take what she wanted, and she's standing there waiting on him. He's so foolish and stupid for not moving sooner, but he's present and shifting, moving closer. A gentle hand lands on her upper arm before his presses his lips to hers, soft at first, timid, giving her space to stop this at any moment if she wants. When she doesn't pull away, Sammy applies a little more pressure, urging her to continue despite the fact that his heart feels as if it'll pound right through his sternum into hers.
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oodlyenough · 2 years
What did you think of TLOU ep5 and the changes to the game? I honestly thought they did things better in the show.
Honestly same, I really liked it. This segment of the game is fun to play but much of the story would be lacking on screen without that gameplay, and the action would've felt/looked too unrealistic on tv I think... like, Joel and co escaping a gazillion-strong army and infinite infected lol.
This got really long so it's under a cut. At the end I talk a bit about tlou2 spoilers although it's marked:
I thought Sam and Henry were great and I liked the changes that were made there, although I have to admit I'd actually forgotten the finer details of their story, eg I had forgotten there was more tension between Henry and Sam in the game. I don't mind them replacing it. I also thought Sam being Deaf and the use of ASL brought an interesting element to their story that wasn't in the game. I thought Sam and Ellie's bonding was adorable. Also... henry... 👀
In my ep 4 post I was worried maybe they'd make Henry somehow "deserving" of his fate, vs game Henry being an innocent. And I suppose they kind of did make him guilty... but it was an extremely sympathetic reason VS Kathleen being utterly unreasonable (more on that below) so I was fine with it in the end.
I gotta say even though I knew it was likely Sam and Henry would have the same fate as their game counterparts, Ellie's "my blood is medicine" got me fhklghldfkg I was like well that makes no sense but I'll allow it" bc I wanted poor Sam to be ok :( Ellie sis I feel u.
My #unpopular opinion, I think, is that I don't really like the angle the show is taking of "the infected are still themselves inside". I guess it's meant to be part of the body horror and stuff. Maybe I'm just being a game purist. It just seems a bit goofy to me and I can't really embrace it lol. Reminds me of the James portions of TWDG s4 which I fucking hated.
The action sequence at the end was incredible imo, felt simultaneously very game-like (Leo pointing meme @ the sniper) while improving adapting the source material well. The infected surging out of the ground, the Bloater, etc, were all really well done I thought. Also the child clicker omg hats off to the baby gymnast bc her movements were creepy as shit.
Joel nailing every shot made me laugh a bit because I fucking suck as the sniper LOL I always get everyone killed sooo many times.
Probably the most contentious bit of the episode is Kathleen. I think she served her purpose well enough -- I've seen plenty of complaints that she wasn't compelling, or that she was too cartoonishly evil, and then I think about how in the game, Philly is just run by an-entirely-men-only military armed force who hunts down Joel+Ellie and every other "tourist" with completely unjustified determination because... uh.... because ? (I get they kill tourists for resources. Surely Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam are not worth the resources expended to track them down across the fuckin' city lmao. It only works because video game.) So obviously the show had to do SOMETHING else
Anyway, I think Kathleen mostly worked. I don't think she was sympathetic at all but I don't think she needed to be -- whatever sympathy you might briefly feel about her brother is pretty quickly extinguished by her saying she knows he'd want forgiveness but she doesn't give a shit, and then again later by her being like "lmao fuck them kids". I also thought casting Melanie Lynskey to use her softest soccer mom voice while saying heinous shit was great... I feel like the "well she's not threatening" stuff is totally off base lmao I don't know how anyone could draw that conclusion tbh. Are entitled """""nice"""" white women leading a lynch mob not terrifying...??
TLOU2 discussion/spoilers:
Obviously the natural comparison here is Kathleen and Ellie and/or Abby. I think her story hits a lot of those similar notes -- she's blinded by her revenge to her own destruction and the destruction of those around her, etc. So I understand where people are drawing those connections. I don't think it's really, like, fair/accurate to Ellie or Abby to say that Kathleen is exactly the same. I don't even think it's a case of "well if we spent time in Kathleen's shoes we'd understand", a la what TLOU2 did/wanted to do with Abby. Neither Abby nor Ellie mobilize and jeopardize their entire community to exact their revenge -- the former Fireflies come by choice, and so do Dina/Tommy/Jesse. Clearly the collateral damage of their revenge is a huge part of the game, but Ellie and Abby also don't have any "Fuck them kids" scenes where they expressly want to murder children as a punishment for their guardian's sins, lmao. The closest you get is Ellie threatening Lev, which is the bottom of the barrel low point for her character and then she turns it around in the end.
So... I don't know. I mean yes obviously Kathleen serves as a bit of foreshadowing or a "parallel" or whatever, but I do think it's inaccurate to pretend it's hypocritical to judge Kathleen but like Abby or Ellie lol.
My final general thought/slight criticism is that the show isn't especially subtle. I've become a bit more sympathetic to television's lack of subtlety over the years as it has uhhh become clearer to me how much an audience will just straight up miss stuff, lmao, and I think part of the stuff that feels un-subtle feels that way to me as someone who already knows the story intimately and perhaps doesn't read that way to a first time viewer.
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