#like what are the rare pitcher plants going to call you a slur?
passengerpigeons · 1 year
talking to other gay men who are into hiking about the Indiana Dunes is sooo annoying. sassily being like "i try to avoid the state" L + Ratio + I Lived Near The Dunes As An Out Gay Black High Schooler + Cringe + Come Back To Me When You Appreciate The Splendor of The World Rather Than Your Quippy Comebacks + You Should Read Basho
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scarheaded-ferret · 6 years
Professors in Love (And a Baby Scorpius) - Chapter 4
Here’s another one guys!! I apologize again that Scorpius is not in the scene yet but he will be soon! Enjoy :^) (read below the cut)
Chapter Links
Fuck-an ink bottle? Really? Harry thought as he sat down in his desk chair. He had been planning to ask Malfoy if he wanted to go to Hogsmeade together, to sort of work on their animosity.
But when Harry saw him, with his silver-blonde hair falling into his eyes, a quill between his teeth and in a relaxed stance, he couldn’t get the words out. Merlin, he looked beautiful. And Harry felt like an idiot. And you called him Draco! A voice rang in the back of his head. Harry groaned and let his head thump on the desk.
He needed a plan, and at times like this Harry was grateful that he had almost been put in Slytherin. So that Friday, he summed up his courage, willed himself not to result to a blubbering mess, and knocked on their shared door once again.
“Malfoy?” He asked tentatively, closing the door behind him as he walked in.
“Yes, Potter?” Malfoy was reading a large book at his desk. And he was wearing bloody spectacles. Don’t choke, don’t choke, don’t choke. Harry told himself again and again.
“Would you like to come to the Three Broomsticks this weekend? Er- Ron and Neville will be there, and I reckon if we’re gonna be colleagues we should work up some animosity, right?” Malfoy’s eyes widened a bit at this, and Harry almost thought he saw a flash of disappointment on his face when he mentioned Neville and Ron, but knew he probably just imagined it.
“I suppose you’re right in that Potter, shall we say 8 on Saturday?” Harry was a little shocked by how quickly Malfoy agreed to go with him, he had assumed that he would have to result to more means of persuasion before Malfoy even considered it.
“Y-yeah, sounds good,” Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and turned to go. “See you then,” he added just before he left.
“See you then, Harry,”
Draco tried to continue to grade the test in front of him, but found it impossible. All he could think about was the upcoming weekend. How was he going to survive a room full of Gryffindors? When Potter had asked him first, he thought it was a date, and couldn’t help but be disappointed when he found out that Weasley and Longbottom would also be going. He felt like an idiot for assuming Potter would ask him out.
At least he would be visiting home for a bit, he was starting to miss Astoria and wanted to hear how she was fairing along with Millie. Draco got up from the armchair in his rooms and, placing the ungraded test on the coffee table, walked over to his wardrobe to change his clothes.
He pulled on a soft blue jumper that had been a gift from Daphne and a pair of grey trousers, he figured this would be suitable for the Three Broomsticks later as well, and so he wouldn’t have to change again later. Draco arrived at his and Astoria’s townhouse and greeted his wife with a kiss on the cheek.
“Were the maternity potions alright?”
“Yes, though they do little to help the nausea,”
“I’ll have to get some Pepper-Up, then,” He sat down with Astoria in their living room and listened to her talk about Millie. Draco smiled at her obvious infatuation, Astoria was rarely one to become enthusiastic, so it pleased Draco to see that Millicent made her extremely happy.
“How’s Potter treating you?”
“Not terribly, he invited me to the Three Broomsticks with Longbottom and Weasley, apparently trying to smooth over our animosity,” Draco replied, “A room full of Gryffindors, how will I possibly survive,”
“Draco, I highly doubt that any of them will provoke you. The only one I see doing so is Weasley, but you know Longbottom has been seeing Theo recently, and Potter will be cordial with you,”
Draco nodded his head absently. It was true that Theo had taken up with Longbottom in the past couple months, and Potter would have to tolerate him, he had invited him after all.
“You know, I heard from Pansy that he goes both ways,”
“What do you mean?”
“Draco, love, he’s bisexual,” Astoria smirked at Draco’s shocked expression and continued, “This is a good opportunity, you know,”
“Whatever for?”
“Darling you truly can’t be that oblivious, if you befriend Potter, it may lead to more,” Astoria smiled at him. Draco’s eyes widened even further, if possible.
“You can’t be serious,” Draco said, furrowing his brow, “Potter would never think of me that way, we hate each other,”
“He invited you out with his friends! He doesn’t hate you Draco, and you don’t hate him either,”  Draco sighed, he would befriend Potter, but there was no way it would ever lead to anything more than that, despite Astoria’s claims.
Another hour later and he was pressing a chaste kiss to Astoria’s cheek, on his way to the Three Broomsticks.
*** Harry nearly dropped his pint from where it was raised to his mouth when he saw Malfoy walk in. He was wearing a bloody Muggle jumper that accented him perfectly, and Harry felt underdressed in his white cotton t-shirt and denims.
“Harry mate, you’re staring,” Ron nudged him and Harry stopped out his gaze just in time as Malfoy strided over to their table.
“Potter, Weasley, Longbottom,” Draco addressed them with a nod and sat down next to Harry, opposite Neville who was next to Ron. “How is Theo treating you?” He asked Neville and Harry furrowed his brow.
“Er-just fine, Malfoy,” Neville said, blushing a bit. Malfoy nodded and reached for an empty pint glass and the pitcher of beer that sat in the middle of the table.
“Theo? Theodore Nott?” Ron asked. Neville blushed even more and bit his lip.
“Y-yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for a bit, haven’t exactly told anyone, or I haven’t at least,”
Harry smiled and nodded, “Good for you then, Nev,”
Ron shrugged and sported a small smile of his own, “As long as you’re happy, mate,” Neville seemed a bit relieve at their acceptance and sipped his glass.
The night was a bit awkward at first but once they got into the topic of quidditch, everyone began to loosen up a bit. Harry tried to ignore the feeling of Malfoy’s hip as it pressed into his sighed, but couldn’t ignore the small feeling in his stomach that popped up everytime one of them moved.
Harry bit back a laugh as Malfoy gesticulated wildly with his hands, trying to explain to Ron as to why the Cannons would not make the cup this year. The group had now gone through three pitchers of beer and everyone held a slight flush on their face.
“Oh come on, you totally stalked me more,”
“Not a chance Potter, you always knew where I was! You definitely had to follow me around more to know that,” Ron snorted, and was now full out laughing.
“T-the map!” He wheezed out, “He would spend hours checking that bloody thing! I was concerned for his sanity!” Neville laughed along as well and Harry blushed, chuckling.
“What map?”
“My dad and his mates made a map back when they went to school, it showed everyone in Hogwarts and their locations,” Harry scratched the back of his neck.
“I knew there was a reason! Merlin, Potter, we were pathetic,” Harry found himself laughing and raised his glass to that.
When Malfoy and Neville got into a deep talk about the use of plants in magical theory, Harry turned to Ron.
“Mate, you’ve got it bad,”
“Those little looks you keep giving Malfoy,” Ron grinned, “Not exactly who I’d imagined to be your pick, but then again there was 6th year,”
“I’m- I’m not-”
“Don’t worry, I won’t judge, it’s like Nev, if he makes you happy, I’m for you. But if he hurts you don’t expect me not to hurt him,” Harry shook his head fondly.
“I don’t like him, Ron! Besides, he’s Malfoy, he could never-”
“Harry,” Neville interrupted, “It’s late, I think it’s time we head back to the castle, yeah?” Luckily, it didn’t seem as though Neville or Malfoy had heard their conversation. So Harry, Malfoy, and Neville fared Ron goodbye and made their way to the castle. “He’s had a bit too much, I think,” Neville whispered to Harry as they walked.
Harry looked over and Malfoy did seem to be stumbling a bit. Without thinking, Harry looped his arm through Malfoy’s and tried to make sure he didn’t fall. He ignored Neville’s raised eyebrows and continued on his way. Malfoy tensed up beside him but didn’t retract his arm from Harry’s hold.
When they finally reached the professor’s rooming corridor, they all bade each other goodnight. Malfoy’s words were slurred a bit and he flashed a stunning smile at Harry.
“I had fun, Potter, thanks for inviting me,”
“Anytime, Malfoy,” Harry returned the grin and walked into his rooms. Shutting the door behind him he flopped onto his bed and smiled at the ceiling.
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