#astoria x millicent
dramioneasks · 15 days
Hi! I want to recommend Two Weddings and a Man Hunt by Deydralinne. Fluffy accidental marriage/elopement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45487258/chapters/114450499
Thank you!
Two Weddings and a Man Hunt - Deydralinne - E, 25 chapters - Of all the things Draco had expected to bear witness to that evening at his best friend's bachelor party, watching war heroine, Hermione Granger bounce a witches face off a table had not been one of them. Then again, the event's following weren't exactly things Draco planned for either. OR The story in which Draco and Hermione wake up married after a drunken night out
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luxuriousmalfoy · 2 years
Meddling Sister
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wc: 465 | femslash february: day 4, "One more word on this topic and I'll kill you." | hp shipuary: day 4, Astoria Greengrass | fluffbruary: day 4, daydream | hp saffics femslash bingo: I1, outsider POV | fluffy february: day 4, starlight
@hpshipuary @hpsaffics @fluffbruary @fluffyfebruary
“You’ve read my diary, haven’t you?” Astoria shouted. Daphne quickly dodged a flying pillow and ran across her bedroom. One would think they could avoid projectile bedding in their own room, she thought to herself. 
“I swear I didn’t!” She put both her hands up in surrender, earning a skeptical glare from her younger sister. “I do have eyes of my own, you know! I noticed on my own! Plus, I am positive she likes you—you should just tell her how you feel!”
Astoria’s face reddened instantly. “One more word on this topic and I’ll kill you.”
With that, she stormed out—leaving Daphne in peace. 
Any person could notice the change in Astoria, really. Daphne found it laughable that the girl thought she’d been subtle in any sense of the word. At any point in the day, one was sure to see her doodling Mrs Astoria Bullstrode in her notebook. If she wasn’t doing that, she was daydreaming—somewhere off in space. 
Daphne did pity the fact that her best friend was hopeless when it came to picking up signals. Millicent wouldn’t notice someone flirting with her unless they made a large sign and printed the words, ‘I’m flirting with you because I like you’ on it. Daphne knew that if those two idiots were to get together, she’d have to be the one to push them there.
That night, after the pillow assault, Daphne called her friend. 
“Millie! Come over,” she said. Don’t be suspicious, stupid. “I was thinking this would be a good night for the hot tub.”
“Uh, sure.” She agreed without question. Daphne sighed in relief. 
“Great! I’ll already be outside, so feel free to dress out in my bedroom and meet me there.”
The next task would be more difficult.
“Hey, Stor,” Daphne knocked at her sister’s room. “Wanna hot tub with me and call a truce?”
She heard shuffling, but Astoria said nothing until she appeared at the door. “Okay.”
When she heard Millie’s car drive up, Daphne tried not to show on her face how pleased she was that it was all coming together.
“Who’s that?” Astoria asked. Daphne shrugged and stood up. 
“I Doordashed a smoothie.” She darted into the house, not caring that she was dripping water everywhere. She hid behind the kitchen island, waiting for Millie to walk through the house. All that was left to do was find a good vantage point to watch everything fall into place.  
She couldn’t hear them through the sliding glass door, but the starlight illuminated them perfectly. Millie sat across from Astoria, so Daphne could only see her friend’s expressions. 
Eyebrows raised.
Furious blush. 
Soft smile. 
Millie moved to be on Astoria’s side of the hot tub. 
“I am the perfect matchmaker,” Daphne said to herself.
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xxdustnight88 · 4 months
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Catch Him Out
Rated: Mature Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass & Millicent Bulstrode Word Count: 1,738 Summary: Daphne and Millicent are determined to get Draco back for what he's done.
Written for @anyfandomgoesbingo Square G4: Overdose
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evergone · 1 year
Theodore Nott General + Dating HCs
Theodore Nott x reader
Warnings: Smoking, alcohol, nudity, swearing.
Description: General and dating headcanons.
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Smokes mostly when he’s anxious or angry (or any other negative emotion) rather than as a recreational activity.
Has tried to quit, but never sticks with it.
A big fighter — hates it when people talk shit about you or his friends and is almost always the one to start fights.
So protective of you it’s not even funny, and Blaise and Draco are always there to back him up when he fights for your honour or whatever.
Physical touch and quality time are his two biggest love languages because he didn’t get much of that when he was growing up. After that its gift giving, acts of service, and words of affirmation (he’s not a big talker).
Always has to be touching you in someway, be that linked pinkies or you sitting on his lap.
If you’re a legimens he always wants you to be reading his mind so you can see how pretty you are.
Argues with Hermione Granger’s annotations in the library books and forces you to take his side even when you think he’s wrong because “you’re [his] girlfriend and therefore you have to be on [his] side.”
Doesn’t personally wear glasses but loves to try on yours if you wear them — especially if you’re really blind.
Loves it when you read to him (he just loves the sound of your voice).
Prefers essays and non-fiction to fiction.
Is surprisingly good with kids. If you have siblings then they’re probably obsessed with him.
Not a big pet name user because he likes the sound of your name but when he’s drunk or feeling particularly soppy he’ll call you ‘lovey’ and occasionally ‘baby’ or ‘babe.’
Doesn’t mind being called pet names, but also prefers his name. He just adores being called ‘Teddy.’
He swears he doesn’t have a best friend, but everyone likes to assume they’re his best friend which can be a bit difficult when someone mentions this (“I’m literally his best friend, Blaise, what the fuck?” “He barely even likes you, Pansy!” “He doesn’t like either of you, I’m his best friend.” “Shut up, Draco, I’m his girlfriend and therefore his best friend.”)
In actuality, his best friend is probably Madam Pince.
So smart its not even funny. He’s coming in the top three ranks for every class he takes.
Also has no time for stupid people. If someone can’t keep up with his brain than he just won’t talk to them ever again.
Never wants to be a Death Eater and when Draco told him that he was, Theo didn’t talk to him for a week.
Has read almost every book in the library.
Sometimes reads muggle books as a sly form of rebellion against his father.
His favourite book is one you bought him for his birthday.
Doesn’t really like animals all that much but if you have one he’ll tolerate it (the kind of guy to say ‘no’ to getting a puppy and then gets it for you but ends up as the puppy’s biggest fan, like, buying a million different dog beds and including it in family photos).
Loves to take baths with you, especially if you let him wash you or you wash him.
You’d think his favourite place at school would be the library, but its actually his dorm. He loves it when you stay with him for the night — mostly because he likes to hold you, but partly because he likes when everyone gets to see you walking out of there in the morning.
Has a million photos of you up on the walls of his dorm and his bedroom at home.
His favourite pastime is taking you shopping.
Prefers to hang out at the shops with you, Pansy, Daphne and Millicent (and sometimes Astoria) than staying behind with the boys because he gets to pay for all your stuff.
Dresses better than anyone in the school and expects you to dress just as well.
Takes you to every event he’s invited to because he’s a little more popular than you.
Definitely doesn’t think or know he’s popular though. He thinks he’s such a little recluse that nobody really knows who he is, but everyone knows him and so many people think he’s incredibly cool. Draco and Blaise make a point not to let him know this so he doesn’t get a big head.
Doesn’t know how to cook so you try your best to teach him.
Loves everything you make for him.
His favourite type of music is vocal jazz.
The two of you didn’t have a secret relationship per se, but neither of you told anyone when you started going out and just let everyone figure it out using context clues (Daphne and Pansy were so offended that you didn’t tell them and will never forgive you for this).
If you weren’t already a part of his friend group, he wouldn’t put in any effort to introduce you to them because he’s not a sociable person himself, but Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Daphne would have all included you so quickly.
Hates taking you home with him because his father is such an arse, much prefers your home (especially if your half-blood or muggle born).
Is so intrigued by muggle things, would have loved muggle studies if his father let him take it as a class.
If your family are very aligned with your cultural heritage he does everything in his power to learn about it. He loves dressing in your traditional dress.
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obsessedwithceleste · 6 months
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Mattheo Riddle x Slytherin reader
Prompt 4 of @thatdammchickennugget ‘s hogmarch challenge🫶🏽 and dedicated to this psychic anon request 💕
Summary: I’d kiss you as the lights went out, Swaying as the room burned down, I’d hold you as the water rushes in, If I could dance with you again.
word count: 4k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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You watch silently from across the Slytherin common room as yet another girl places her hand flirtatiously on Mattheo’s chest, batting her lashes with that seductive grin you knew all too well from watching all the other girls do it too.
“Go to the dance with me?” Her lips read as she leaned closer to your friend.
You can’t help but smile as Mattheo just rolls his eyes, moving away from the girl, not giving her more than a shake of his head.
The girl’s mouth hangs open in shock of the rejection. Really she should be flattered you thought dryly to yourself. She’d made it significantly further than others you’d witnessed.
Truth was, you’d had a massive crush on Mattheo since you were kids, and watching as he rejected girl after girl was much more entertaining than you cared to admit.
Growing up, you’d always admired his bold brashness, and willingness to say whatever came to mind. The two of you had always gotten into trouble together, bouncing mischievous ideas back and forth. The summer before coming to Hogwarts, your mother had given you a heart shaped locket, and Mattheo had insisted that a photo of the two of you go inside it.
"In case we don't go to the same house." The boy had reasoned.
But of course, he’d never seen you as anything more than a friend, and unfortunately, the cringey, cliche nature of the situation was not lost on you. Even now, as you mindlessly fingered the carefully disillusioned pendant while Mattheo stalked towards your group with an air of agitation.
“Bloody hell I can’t wait for this fucking Yule ball rubbish to be over and done with,” Mattheo states flatly as he sits down lazily on the sofa next to you.
“Just pick a girl to go with then. They’ll leave you alone if they think you have a date. Why do you think I asked Daph so early on?” Theo replies, not bothering to look up from his book.
Daphne whacks him with her textbook.
You watch as Mattheo tilts his head in consideration before his eyes shift over to you, a sly grin forming on his face.
“Don’t even think about,” you say, holding up your hand as if to block out whatever idiocy the boy was about to spew.
Now it’s Mattheo’s turn to open his mouth in shock.
“Wha- you don’t even know what I was gonna say!”
“You were going to ask me if I’d go to the dance with you,” you reply dryly. “Honestly Matt, I’m not stupid.”
“Well will you?” He asks, giving you his most charming smile.
“I’m already going with Blaise.” You respond.
Looking back, had it been a bit of a rash decision? Yes. But you had made peace with the fact that Mattheo likely wouldn’t ask you to be his date, and Blaise was one of your best friends. You knew you’d have a good time with him, and all your other friends had been pairing up.
“Tell Blaise to go with Astoria,” Mattheo reasons.
“Toria is already going with Enzo.” Daphne intervenes.
“What about Pansy?”
“She and Millicent got accosted by Crabbe and Goyle last I heard,” Theo replies.
“He can go with Draco then! People already mistake them for gay lovers anyway.”
“Matt, you know Draco is trying to muster up the courage to ask Harry. Don’t be dense.” You reply.
“Oh come on! How do you all have this sorted out already? The ball was only announced yesterday!”
“We organized it at dinner,” Daphne responds, as if the answer was obvious.
“You mean while I was in detention?” Mattheo asks incredulously, only to be met with a chorus of ‘yes’ and ‘mhms’.
You look over as your friend slumps into the sofa in defeat, a wave of slight guilt washing over you.
“Lighten up Matt, you’ve already been asked by a handful of girls today, you’ll be able to find someone to go with easy,” you say.
“Not with anyone who matters,” he grumbles, so low that you almost miss it.
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A week had gone by and you were about to lose your mind. You thought that after the initial conversation in the common room, Mattheo would relent and just pick one of his many admirers to take to the ball. You really should’ve known better. You’d known the boy long enough to know that once he had his mind set on something, there was really nothing in the world that could stop him. You just never thought that you would be what he set his mind to.
“Matt, I’ve told you a million times, I’m already going to the ball with Blaise,” you groan, collapsing on your bed as the raven haired boy follows you into your dorm.
“Well lucky for you, I have the perfect plan to steal you away from ole Blaisey boy,” Mattheo says, his signature smirk in place.
You roll your eyes, leaning back on your bed as you wait for him to continue.
“It’s easy. You just have to date me,” Mattheo replies, as if his idea was particularly clever.
You let out a rather unattractive snort as your heart clenches. It felt as though it might pound out of your chest.
“Matt, that has to be the worst idea you’ve ever had. And you’ve had a lot of really bad ideas.”
Though asking the girl that’s fancied him for years to pretend to date him, only for him to snatch it all away again a few weeks later probably had to be one of the cruelest, you thought to yourself.
“Oh c’mon. There’s no way Blaise would be offended if you ditched him if we said we were together. He’s a perfectly reasonable bloke. He’d understand!”
You shake your head once more. There was no way you were pretending to date the boy you had been pining after for this long. It was only going to end in one way. Heart break. And not on his end.
“Bloody hell. What if I can get Luna to go in your place. Will you do it then? We both know he’s been eyeing that loon up for months.”
“Don’t call her a loon Matty.” You tilt your head in consideration however.
If he was willing to actually encourage Blaise’s love life, and be willing to get intermixed within the logistics of it all, he must be desperate. And you had been dying to set the two of them up, you supposed.
But you just couldn’t shake the bad feeling this whole situation gave you. It couldn’t be all that bad though, right? You reasoned. You’d gotten this far without Matt realizing your feelings, a few weeks of bliss surely couldn’t hurt.
“Alright. Fine. I’ll tell Blaise we got together and that I want to go to the ball with you, only if Luna agrees to go with him instead.”
Mattheo immediately brightens at your words, a self satisfied grin spreading across his face.
“Good. Because I already told Blaise that we were together and that I was taking you to the ball,” he says quickly. “Also- considering Blaise is more of a yapper than people give him credit for, the rest of the group definitely already knows.”
Your mouth drops open as you glare at the boy in front of you.
“Matt. What on earth. Did you tell him?” You grit out, praying to Salazar that Blaise hadn’t embarrassed you too much.
Mattheo shrugs. “Just told him that we had been out by the lake on one of our walks and I kissed you. One thing led to another and I asked you out. He seemed to believe it pretty easily actually.”
The boy looked all too calm about making up a whole scenario in which he made out with his best friend for your liking.
You purse your lips, taking a deep sigh. What did you see in this boy?
“Yes love?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Can’t do that love, you wouldn’t kill your boyfriend.”
You continue to glare at the boy, fingers gripping tightly around your wand.
“Easy there, pretty,” Mattheo laughs nervously, slowly edging closer to you with a bashful grin.
“You better have thought this through Riddle. Because I’m telling you right now, that this is a bad idea.”
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It was too easy. You know that much clearly. The two of you, you and Mattheo that is, walk silently along the streets of Hogsmeade, your friends surrounding you, shielding you from the brisk winter air. Mattheo's arm is wrapped securely around you, hand tucked into your jacket pocket, your fingers intertwined. It was so warm. So comfortable. So effortless, as if you had spent forever with his hands in your pockets.
Blaise and Daphne had been the only ones to know of your secret feelings towards your best friend, yet not a single one of the others looked particularly shocked when the both of you showed up in the common room wrapped in each others arms one night.
“Bout bloody time,” you’d heard Theo grunt to Draco from across the fireplace.
Daphne of course had been utterly elated for you, and Blaise had made sure you knew that there were no hard feelings about switching dates for the ball. Especially after he had secured one Miss Luna Lovegood as his date with the surprising help of Mattheo.
A warm squeeze of your hand shakes you from your thoughts as your group comes to stop outside of The Three Broomsticks.
“You sure you don’t want to come down to the shops, y/n?” Daphne asks looking back at you as she forges on with Astoria and Millicent.
“Bloody hell, yes! She’ll be fine with me. You can’t have her to yourself all the time!” Pansy says with exasperation, shooing the other girls away and linking her arm through yours on your free side.
The bell above the door rings lightly as the rest of your group enters the warm tavern, Theo and Enzo racing to secure your usual table.
“Hey Matty!” A voice shouts, stopping your trio in your tracks.
You turn to see another booth filled with familiar looking Hogwarts students and recognize one of the girls you’d watch Mattheo reject just a few days ago.
“Come sit with us,” she continues, attempting to wave him over.
Pansy gives the girl a sneer as you walk past, Mattheo not even sparing a glance in their direction.
“Don’t even know the bloody girl’s name,” he mumbles under his breath, causing you to let out a soft chuckle.
“Ey, what’s the hold up?” Theo shouts as you all hurry over to the table.
“Bloody hell. I thought y/n being my girlfriend would finally get those birds to back off,” Mattheo complains as he takes his seat in the booth.
His arm remains wrapped securely around you the entire time, sending warm tingles through you. It’s all an act, you have to remind yourself, pulling yourself out of your head.
Draco snorts at Mattheo’s grumbling.
“Half the school already thought you two were dating. Didn’t stop em then, so I don’t see why it’d stop them now.” He says matter of factly as the rest of the group nods in agreement.
“You lot are so dramatic. No one thought we were dating,” you sigh, rolling your eyes at your friends.
Their eyes flicker awkwardly back and forth between the lot of them. “Right.” Pansy says finally, bringing an end to the silence.
You glare pointedly at the girl.
“I’m going to the loo. Order me a butter beer Matty?” You say, standing up abruptly.
“I’ll come,” Pansy says quickly, going to rise as well.
“It’s fine Pans. I’m a big girl. Promise not to get attacked by a troll or nothin,” you say with a smile.
Mattheo opens his mouth to protest before closing it again and giving your hand a tight squeeze.
You make your way through the maze of tables, finally making it to the ladies room. Making a beeline to the sink, you take a breath, letting cool water splash against your face.
Salazar, you needed to get a grip. But everything about being with Mattheo felt so real. So natural. Which just meant it would feel all the more real when things ended. You take another moment to gather yourself, dabbing any remaining bits of water from your face. As your hand falls on the door handle to make your way back however, loud voices fill the hall.
“I don’t know what he sees in her,” a voice practically snarls. You can practically feel the malice, dripping from their lips.
“So it’s true then? Mattheo is taking that girl to the ball?” Another voice asks.
“I heard they’re dating.”
“They weren’t already?”
“I wonder if he’s taking her out of pity.”
A chorus of voices all say at once.
You immediately bristle, realizing they were talking about you.
“I hear she was the only one in their group who didn’t have a date and she practically forced him to take her.”
“I thought she was going with Blaise.”
Bloody hell. Where did they get all of this information?
“Whatever. It’s not like it matters either way. There’s no way they last. She’s a mess, and Mattheo has never been able to settle has he? It’s only a matter of time.”
You feel a deep frown form at the harsh words, but before you’re able to react, the bathroom door is pushed open and you’re face to face with the group of girls from before. The girl you had recognized as Mattheo’s reject smirks as she eyes you up and down before simply pushing past you. The rest of the girls follow, leaving you to wander back to your friends.
When you sit down again, Mattheo has a warm drink already waiting, and you let out a small smile as you cozy up next to the boy. No matter how hard you try to distract yourself however, the words of the girl’s echo through your mind.
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Later that evening, you lay comfortably in bed with your head resting gently on Mattheo’s chest, hypnotized by the slow rise and fall. You hadn’t seen your roommates all day, and doubted they would be back if they weren’t there by now.
You lived for nights like these when Mattheo would bow out of whatever mischief Theo and Enzo had cooked up, and instead spend the evening holed up with you cuddling, talking, or getting into your own trouble. Your room had become a safe haven. A sacred oasis of sorts for the both of you to unwind, safe from the outside world.
“You were awfully quiet today at The Broomsticks.” Mattheo says, breaking the silence.
You only hum in response.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“How are we going to break up?” You ask, rather abruptly, as you look up at your best friend.
Mattheo looks surprised at the question.
“I don’t know. Didn’t really think I’d get this far in my scheming to be quite honest. I suppose I figured we’d just say that we figured we’d be better off as friends, or something of the sort. You can blame the split on me though if you’d like.” He replies.
You move your head to look down once more, picking at the blankets.
“No, no. The friends thing is fine. When should we do it?”
“Trying to get rid of me already, love?” Mattheo asks with a laugh.
“I just want to know what to expect.” You say quietly, causing Mattheo to grow quiet as well.
“Alright. Then how about a few days after the ball? We say that the dance made us realize we were better off as friends, and everything goes back to the way it was.” He says finally.
You feel your heart crack at his words.
“Yeah. Exactly like how it was.” You repeat.
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Smoothing your dress out one final time, you turn around to hear Daphne gasp.
“Oh that’s stunning,” she gushes, her own deep blue gown cascading elegantly around her in waves of silk.
You’d spent the last several hours or so in her and Pansy’s shared dorm getting ready for the ball with the other girls, though where Pansy had wandered off to you had no idea.
All you knew, was that you were bloody nervous. You didn’t think you would be. It was just like any other night you reasoned. You and Mattheo were with each other constantly. What difference did a pretty dress make?
“I think the boys are ready for us whenever we are. Toria, come get these shoes,” Daphne shouts.
Astoria really did look like a princess you think to yourself, her soft yellow gown billowing gently with every movement.
“Ready to go down?” She asks, seeming to float over.
“As I’ll ever be,” you respond with a nervous smile.
Giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, Astoria slips on her shoes before making her way down to the common room, you and Daphne following close behind.
The boys are already congregated by the fireplace; their loud chattering could be heard across the room, but as soon as Theo’s eyes meet Daphne’s he freezes and the rest of the boys quiet down, noticing the shift.
Your eyes lock onto Mattheo’s and you slowly make your way over, nervously picking at your skirt with trembling fingers.
“Beautiful as always, y/n,” he says, smiling down at you when you finally reach him. Gently, he raises your hand to his lips, barely grazing over your shaking fingertips before looking back at you with his signature smirk.
“Where’s Draco?” You ask, not quite able to stomachs the intensity of his gaze.
“Had to be there early. Something about the champions and their dates having the first dance or something,” he replies easily, his hand finding its ever familiar place on your waist.
“Oh we are not missing that,” you say, your nerves quickly being replaced with excitement.
Mattheo grins back. “I knew we’d be on the same page,” he responds, tugging you towards the doors.
Together, the both of you rush to the main hall just in time to see Harry and Draco getting herded into a lineup of the champions to be paraded into the Great Hall.
“I certainly hope he took Snape’s dance lessons to heart,” you giggle.
It doesn’t take much longer for the rest of your group to join the both of you and soon enough you find yourselves following the flood of students into the newly decorated Great Hall.
It really was spectacular. The house elves clearly had spared no expense with thick, green trees covered in tinsel and ornaments lining the walls. Floating candles cast a warm glow about the room and the floor had the appearance of being covered in freshly fallen snow.
You watch, hiding a laugh, as Draco and Harry move awkwardly around the dance floor, almost colliding with Cedric and Cho on more than one occasion. Salazar help them.
Slowly, other couples begin to join the champions on the dance floor, swirling together in a sea of shimmering color.
“May I have this dance m’lady?” Mattheo asks with a lopsided grin.
Before you even have the chance to respond however, Mattheo is pulling you onto the dance floor, a look of pure delight across his face. There were very few times you remembered him looking this happy, and it melted your heart.
As the night progressed, Mattheo refused to leave your side, his hand rarely leaving your waist. Really, you hardly left the dance floor either. The few times you were able to escape with Daphne or Pansy to the punch bowl, Mattheo tracked you down shortly after, pulling you right back into his arms.
To say that you were in heaven was an understatement. You had spent hours daydreaming about what it might be like to have Mattheo’s hard-won affection to yourself. And now that you had it, you were practically floating. Which just made it all the more heart wrenching as you anticipated the inevitable. It was as if every move you made, every dance the two of you shared, was done with your hands tied.
People really weren’t going to believe your break up if he continued on like this, you’d thought at some point. But you couldn’t quite bring yourself to tell him to back off, especially as it grew later. Your time with him was fleeting after all.
“Bloody hell, Matt. Give the girl some breathing room,” Pansy exclaims after Mattheo had sought you out for the third time.
Mattheo just gives her a guilty grin before spinning you out onto the dance floor once more.
“I didn’t realize you liked dancing this much Matty,” you tease as the two of you away slowly on the floor.
“Oh I don’t. Just making sure I take full advantage of the night,” he replies, looking intently down at you.
You cock you head to the side.
“With you as my girl, I mean,” he adds. And before you’re able to put together another cohesive thought, his lips are on yours. In the middle of the dance floor.
Immediately it feels as though the lights had gone out, leaving the two of you alone in the room as you let your eyes flutter shut, focusing on the softness of Mattheo’s lips on yours. They move slowly at first. Carefully. Before quickly growing hungrier, more determined.
You barely register Mattheo’s fingers digging into you as he pulls you closer, and find yourself lost in the gentle sway as everything around you burns to the ground, leaving behind a fire growing steadily in your chest.
And just like that, you’re back in Mattheo’s arms as the water comes rushing in, jerking you back to reality. You stand frozen staring up at Mattheo as couples continue to move around you.
Had that really just happened?
“Um- fresh air. I think.” You stutter out, all but dragging the boy from the dance floor, praying no one had seen or noticed.
Mattheo wordlessly allows you to lead him out to the courtyard entrance before you all but collapse on one of the stone benches, still in shock.
“Please don’t avada me! I didn’t think that through entirely.”
“I don’t want to break up.” You say in unison.
“What was that?” Mattheo asks in surprise.
“No- hold on. Why in Salazar’s green bed sheets would I want to avada you?” You ask incredulously.
“More importantly, you don’t want to fake breakup?” Mattheo asks with a grin.
“Of course I don’t want to break up! I’ve fancied you for years!” You blurt out, slapping a hand over your mouth as soon as the words escape.
Mattheo looks at you with shock.
“No. I’ve fancied you for years. Why else do you think I refused to take anyone else to the ball?”
“Because you’re a stubborn arse,” you retort, barely processing the boy’s words.
He liked you?
The two of you stare at each other for another moment, still not fully believing the other as your minds race to put the pieces together.
It’s Mattheo who acts first, surging to connect your lips once more in a heated frenzy. It’s addicting really, the feeling of his soft lips against yours. The pull as he brings your bodies closer together. The warmth you can feel radiating off of him.
When you finally pull away this time, Mattheo’s eyes are shining down at you with that familiar intense gaze.
“We’re a pair of oblivious idiots, aren’t we?” You mumble, leaning into the boy.
“Well, you are. I haven’t exactly been subtle.” Mattheo replies with a snort, hugging you to his chest.
“Don’t be a twat. You’ve had girls fawning over you for years. What was I supposed to make of that?”
“I never looked payed them any mind, love. Think of it this way. I’ll just have years to make up for tonight,” he says with a cheeky smile.
You feel a familiar heat begin to rise in you once more as Mattheo takes hold of your arm, leading the way back to the dungeons.
“Oh I’ll hold you to that,” you reply, a mischievous smile making its way to your face.
“Wouldn’t expect anything less of you, love.”
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hjparisian · 11 months
you're losing me pt. II- theodore nott x reader
p: theodore nott x gn! reader w: angst (sorry not sorry), slight cussing summary: (Y/N) is coping with their fight with Theodore, but an unwanted conversation reveals more than (Y/N) expected. a/n: the long awaited part two, thank you all for being patient and for all the love you gave to part one. can't believe it took me this long to get part two out and im so sorry but i had trouble writing and coming up with ideas
Winter break had felt like the longest and worst couple weeks to (Y/N) ever. All they really did was sat in their room, read, attempt to study, and occasionally write to Pansy.
The Malfoy's had thrown a party on New Year's Eve. All pureblooded families were invited, which meant (Y/N)'s family and the Nott family. They were not ready to see Theodore. Unfortunately, no matter how hard (Y/N) tried, they couldn't escape it.
The day of the party, (Y/N) sat and stared at the outfit laid out for them to wear. Maybe it'll spontaneously combust and they would have no outfit to wear and can't go. Yeah, right. As if that'll actually happen. Their mother probably has a bunch of backup outfits for them to wear anyways.
At least Pansy said she would try to stay by their side the whole time. Keyword, try. Because Blaise would probably try to steal Pansy to go snog somewhere.
The second (Y/N) and their parents entered the Malfoy Manor, they felt like running away and throwing up. Why? Oh, because of course the first person they'd find was Theodore Nott.
Oh bless Pansy for catching their attention. But also curse her because apparently the sound of their name caught Theodore's ears and made him turn his head towards them.
(Y/N) looked away from him.
(Y/N) hugged Pansy. "Pansy! How has your break been?"
"It's been nice. Got to hang out with Blaise a lot," she said. "What about you (Y/N)? How have you been feeling?"
Now, (Y/N) could lie and say they've been great and having a lovely break. But of course Pansy would see straight through their little lie.
"If I have to be honest Pans, I still feel like shit."
Pansy looked at them with concern. The fact that the reason (Y/N) felt terrible was in the room didn't help them.
"Well, I know Millicent and Tracey are here and I know they wanna catch up with us. Plus there's drinks. There's nothing better than drinks at these boring parties, right?" Pansy said in attempt to make (Y/N) feel better.
The two had gone and found their fellow schoolmates at the side of the room. Unfortunately for (Y/N), Daphne Greengrass and her sister Astoria were also there.
Pansy and (Y/N) greeted their schoolmates, with (Y/N) avoiding eye contact with Daphne. They listened as Pansy was telling the other girls about what she's been doing.
"What about you, (Y/N)?" Tracey asked them. "Done anything fun during break?"
"I've just been home reading," They told Tracey. "My parents decided not to go to France this year so I've been cooped up in my room."
"What about Theodore?" piped Millicent. Pansy's eyes slightly widened at her friend's question. "You didn't go see him?"
(Y/N) wanted the ground to open up and swallow them whole. Of course their other friends would ask about their relationship with Theodore. No one seems to know what's going on other than Pansy and maybe Blaise.
"No I didn't," (Y/N) said. "He's been busy." They looked at Daphne to see any reaction from her but surprisingly it was pretty neutral.
"I think I'm going to get a glass of champagne or something." (Y/N) said. "Anyone want one?"
"Oh, one for me please!" Tracey told them. (Y/N) nodded before leaving to find one of the waiters walking around with trays full of champagne.
After grabbing two drinks for themselves and Tracey, (Y/N) turned around to find themselves face to face with the one person they did not want to see.
Theodore fucking Nott.
The boy also grabbed a glass from the waiter's tray and took a sip on it.
"So, you're here," He said to (Y/N).
"I am."
Theodore looked them up and down. "You look nice."
(Y/N) gave him a curt 'thanks', wanting to get away from here.
"(Y/N)," Theodore called out.
"What do you want?" (Y/N) asked him impatiently. "I've got friends waiting for me."
"Just wanted to say hope you're having a nice break," he said hesitantly, almost as if he wanted to say something else.
(Y/N) gave him an odd look before shaking their head and walking away, not wanting to look at him a second more.
Once (Y/N) returned to their group and handed Tracey her drink, they find Pansy staring at them.
"You alright?" She whispered. "I saw you had a run in with Theodore."
(Y/N) nods their head. "I just want to get this party over with."
The rest of the party had gone alright thanks to Pansy, who managed to stay with them the whole time. They went the rest of the break without seeing Theodore, but unfortunately, the holidays ended and (Y/N) had to return to school and see him.
They'd did everything they can to avoid being around Theodore for longer than they have to, whether that was finding a different route to classes, sitting besides Pansy a few tables away from him (though this one wasn't really a change), or studying in their dorm rather than the library.
The only thing (Y/N) couldn't avoid was sitting away from him during lunch and dinner. Sure, they could beg Pansy to sit farther down the table, but the others would find it odd that the two were not sitting with them since they always ate together.
So (Y/N) just had to suck it up and remain civil. The good thing was that even when Theodore and (Y/N) were in good standing, they would always sit with Pansy so no one would find it weird. This whole thing was a struggle because even though (Y/N) was upset at Theodore and trying to avoid him, they could help but seek glances at Theodore. So did he.
(Y/N) had enough of being cooped up in their room, so they decided to study in the common room one night. There were a couple people scattered in the room, but most of the Slytherins were either in their dorms or snuck out to merlin knows where.
(Y/N) was looking at their Transfiguration book until a voice disrupts their focus.
"Hey. Do you mind if I sit here?"
It was Theodore Nott.
"There's plenty of space in the common room Nott," (Y/N) pointed out. "You can sit somewhere else."
"Well actually, I wanted to talk to you."
(Y/N) rolled their eyes before looking towards Theodore. "What's there to talk about?"
Theodore huffed before responding. "We need to talk about what happened before break. We didn't exactly left off on the right foot."
(Y/N) felt a multitude of emotions hit them. They felt angry, upset, frustrated. They weren't even sure they wanted Theodore to address what happened. It would either end in two ways, they would move past it and stay together, or it would lead to the end of them.
But (Y/N) knew they couldn't avoid this any longer. They nodded towards the seat next to them.
"Sit." Theodore sat down.
"So," (Y/N) began. "Talk."
"Right. Well, I think you should know why I was talking to Daphne." Theodore starts. "Her parents and my father were talking about joining forces with the Dark Lord. And my father decided I was old enough to join them."
(Y/N) saw Theodore rub his left forearm, where the dark mark was usually placed. This news shocked them. (Y/N) knew that his father supported Voldemort and preached his ideals, but they never thought he would make Theodore become a death eater.
"Daphne found out what happened when she overheard my father and her father talking with each other. She confronted me about it so I admitted it. Wasn't worth trying to hide if she pretty much already knew about it. She's been trying to calm me down and help me not think about what happened."
There were a million different things going through (Y/N)'s head, yet the only thing that settled was why didn't he tell them? They could've help him too.
"Why didn't you tell me about it?" (Y/N) asked.
The boy sighed, not daring to meet their eyes. "I didn't want you to get involved in this."
"Theodore, I don't care," they exclaimed. "I want to help you. I would've listened to you and help you!"
"(Y/N) this is not your place-"
"I'm not a child anymore Theodore!" (Y/N) screamed. "I know what's going on, I'm not an idiot!"
"(Y/N), you have to listen to me! Your parents aren't involved with the Dark Lord this time around. If I told you and someone finds out, you could put you and your parents in danger."
(Y/N) huffed. "Oh, but Daphne gets to know?"
"Daphne is protected because of her parents and she found out herself. I did not tell her."
"Oh, but you continued to talk to her about it!"
Theodore was starting to get frustrated. "Who else was I supposed to talk to?"
"Me! Your partner? Or even Draco, his dad supports Voldemort, he'd probably understand how you felt."
Theodore's eyes widen a bit at the mention of Draco's name, but (Y/N) didn't notice.
"Look (Y/N)," Theodore slowly said. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about this. But you have to understand why I didn't tell you. I still care about you and this is something I didn't want you to get mixed in with, alright?"
(Y/N) sat there, calming themselves down. There was still one question that's been haunting them since the party.
"I just have one question for you." (Y/N) said, looking towards Theodore. The boy motioned for them to continue. "Did you ever feel anything for Daphne?"
There was a bit of hesitation in Theodore before he responded. "No."
(Y/N) looked at him oddly, noticing his hesitation.
"Theodore? Tell me the truth."
Theodore sighed before speaking. "I never lost feelings for you, but when I was talking Daphne, I felt different around her."
"W-what?" (Y/N) stuttered out. "Did you do anything?"
"No! I promise you I would never do anything with her." Theodore told them. "She's talking with Pucey anyways."
(Y/N) could feel the whirlpool of emotions coming back. Theodore confirmed one of the things they were hoping wasn't true. But he still liked them. But he's been hiding about him joining the Dark Lord. It was all too much to take in.
They leaned back against the chair with their arms crossed, staring into the dimly lit fire. "So, what do we do now?"
"What do you mean?" Theodore questioned them.
"About our relationship. What happens now?
There was a minute of uncomfortable silence penetrating the now empty room. The two of them not saying anything.
Another sigh emitted from Theodore before he stated his answer. "I think it's best if we take a break."
(Y/N) could feel their heart break at his answer. Their nightmare came true. They were losing him.
"There's a lot going on lately. With the war and Dark Lord rising it's going to be difficult to handle it all, especially with where I stand with him," Theodore said, motioning towards his left arm. "And I don't want to get you or your family involved in it."
"Yeah, y-you're right," (Y/N) choked out. "But we can still talk and be friends, right?"
"We can try."
(Y/N) nodded at his answer, trying not to let the tears welling up in their eyes escape. It seemed that Theodore had noticed it though, as he wrapped his arms in one last embrace.
"I love you, Theo."
There was a moment of silence before Theodore responded.
"I love you too."
The two sat there, (Y/N) quietly sobbing into Theodore's shoulder, not wanting to let go because that would be the last time they would be with him and would confirm their nightmare.
They lost Theodore.
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gothicgender · 8 months
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Salutations, welcome to my blog. I'm Blake but you can call me blaky or Liu aswell, however you prefer ! To say something about me I use they/them or neutral pronouns and want to become a writer. I may have bad grammar because I'm not english.
Requests - open
Request rules :
I will write for my fandoms because I'm more used to them.
The fandoms I'll write for are Hazbin Hotel, creepypasta, monster high, harry potter and maybe teen titans.
I am comfortable writing fluff, smut, angst, romantic, platonic and other stuff requested...tho I won't write smut that is too freaky or with weird kinks that I'm no comfortable with.
I can write fem, male and gender-neutral reader.
I can write headcanons or small fics about ships I also like because find it more easy then to write a ship I don't see happening or that I personally don't like.
I wouldn't like to be rushed with requests because it can be really stressful !
Do not be afraid to request and be specific with it !
Characters I will write for !
Hazbin hotel :
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherry Bomb
The overlords (expect Valentino)
Adam (probably)
Mimzy (probably)
Katie Killjoy
Tom Trench
Ships I accept :
Charlie x Vaggie
Husk x Angel Dust
Valentino x Velvette x Vox (I believe they are poly)
Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb
Carmila and Zestrial
Creepypasta :
Jeff the killer
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu
Bloody Painter
Ticci-Toby (probably)
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
Eyeless Jack
Hobo Heart
The puppeteer (maybe)
Laughing Jack
Nathan the nobody
Jane the Killer
Nina the killer (both versions)
Kate the chaser
Nurse Ann
Suicide Sadie
Judge Angels
Laughing Jill
Ships I accept :
Jane the killer x Mary (her canon wife)
Kagekao x Suicide Sadie
Bloody Painter x Judge Angels
Nurse Ann x Dr. Smiley
(other you can suggest)
Monster high (gen 1 or 2) :
Clawdeen Wolf
Draculaura Vike
Frankie Stein
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Ghoulia Yelps
Abby Bominable
Jinafire Long
Iris Clops
Robecca Steam
Rochelle Goyle
Scarah Screams
Skelita Calaveras
Spectra Vondergeist
Toralei Stripe
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Twyla Boogeyman
Venus McFlytrap
Marisol Coxi
C.A. Cupid
Casta Fierce
Clawdia Wolf
Viperine Gorgon
Deuce Gorgon
Clawd Wolf
Heath Burns
Holt Hyde
Invisi Billie
Jackson Jekyll
Neighthan Rot
Garrot du Roque
Kieran Valentine
Manny Taur
Ships I accept :
Clawdeen x Draculaura
Clawd x Draculaura
Cleo x Deuce
Abby x Heath
Ghoulia x Sloman
Frankie x Jackson
Spectra x Porter
Rochelle x Garrot
Scarah x Billie
Iris x Manny
Harry Potter :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Alicia Spinnet
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Dean Thomas
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Tom Riddle
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greenglass
Millicent Bulstrode
Cho Chang
Padma Patil
Luna Lovegood
Marietta Edgecombe
Penelope Clearwater
Michael Corner
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Cedric Diggory
Ships I accept :
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Neville x Luna
Molly x Arthur Weasley
Bill x Fleur
Draco x Astoria
Angelina x Alicia
Teen Titans :
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Beast Boy
Madame Rogue
Punk Rocket
Ships I accept :
Robin x Starfire
Raven x Beast Boy
Jinx x Kid Flash
This is all so far ! Thank you for visiting my page.
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Noble | Harry J. Potter
Noble | Harry J. Potter https://ift.tt/eojysQJ by en_la70s ❛ In the echoes of history, truth lies hidden, In the hearts of the brave, love is written. Two souls, entwined by fate and love, In the face of darkness, they rise above.❜ ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ Brietta Astor and Harry Potter are forced in fates hand. Their love is absolute. But whether history repeats itself, for better or worse, is what remains unknown. ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ (harry potter x fem!oc) Years 4-7 Words: 13293, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Original Male Character(s) of Color, Charlie Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Cho Chang, Zacharias Smith, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Rubeus Hagrid, Andromeda Black Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin, Ted Tonks, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cedric Diggory, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Hedwig (Harry Potter), Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour Relationships: Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Slow Burn, The Golden Trio Era (Harry Potter), Original Character(s), Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Battle of Hogwarts, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Uu91TRm April 24, 2024 at 05:04AM
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ao3feed-drastoria · 5 months
Noble | Harry J. Potter
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gdlU21O by en_la70s ❛ In the echoes of history, truth lies hidden, In the hearts of the brave, love is written. Two souls, entwined by fate and love, In the face of darkness, they rise above.❜ ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ Brietta Astor and Harry Potter are forced in fates hand. Their love is absolute. But whether history repeats itself, for better or worse, is what remains unknown. ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ (harry potter x fem!oc) Years 4-7 Words: 13293, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Original Male Character(s) of Color, Charlie Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Cho Chang, Zacharias Smith, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Rubeus Hagrid, Andromeda Black Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin, Ted Tonks, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cedric Diggory, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Hedwig (Harry Potter), Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour Relationships: Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Slow Burn, The Golden Trio Era (Harry Potter), Original Character(s), Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Battle of Hogwarts, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gdlU21O
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scarheaded-ferret · 7 years
Professors in Love (And a Baby Scorpius) - Chapter 4
Here’s another one guys!! I apologize again that Scorpius is not in the scene yet but he will be soon! Enjoy :^) (read below the cut)
Chapter Links
Fuck-an ink bottle? Really? Harry thought as he sat down in his desk chair. He had been planning to ask Malfoy if he wanted to go to Hogsmeade together, to sort of work on their animosity.
But when Harry saw him, with his silver-blonde hair falling into his eyes, a quill between his teeth and in a relaxed stance, he couldn’t get the words out. Merlin, he looked beautiful. And Harry felt like an idiot. And you called him Draco! A voice rang in the back of his head. Harry groaned and let his head thump on the desk.
He needed a plan, and at times like this Harry was grateful that he had almost been put in Slytherin. So that Friday, he summed up his courage, willed himself not to result to a blubbering mess, and knocked on their shared door once again.
“Malfoy?” He asked tentatively, closing the door behind him as he walked in.
“Yes, Potter?” Malfoy was reading a large book at his desk. And he was wearing bloody spectacles. Don’t choke, don’t choke, don’t choke. Harry told himself again and again.
“Would you like to come to the Three Broomsticks this weekend? Er- Ron and Neville will be there, and I reckon if we’re gonna be colleagues we should work up some animosity, right?” Malfoy’s eyes widened a bit at this, and Harry almost thought he saw a flash of disappointment on his face when he mentioned Neville and Ron, but knew he probably just imagined it.
“I suppose you’re right in that Potter, shall we say 8 on Saturday?” Harry was a little shocked by how quickly Malfoy agreed to go with him, he had assumed that he would have to result to more means of persuasion before Malfoy even considered it.
“Y-yeah, sounds good,” Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and turned to go. “See you then,” he added just before he left.
“See you then, Harry,”
Draco tried to continue to grade the test in front of him, but found it impossible. All he could think about was the upcoming weekend. How was he going to survive a room full of Gryffindors? When Potter had asked him first, he thought it was a date, and couldn’t help but be disappointed when he found out that Weasley and Longbottom would also be going. He felt like an idiot for assuming Potter would ask him out.
At least he would be visiting home for a bit, he was starting to miss Astoria and wanted to hear how she was fairing along with Millie. Draco got up from the armchair in his rooms and, placing the ungraded test on the coffee table, walked over to his wardrobe to change his clothes.
He pulled on a soft blue jumper that had been a gift from Daphne and a pair of grey trousers, he figured this would be suitable for the Three Broomsticks later as well, and so he wouldn’t have to change again later. Draco arrived at his and Astoria’s townhouse and greeted his wife with a kiss on the cheek.
“Were the maternity potions alright?”
“Yes, though they do little to help the nausea,”
“I’ll have to get some Pepper-Up, then,” He sat down with Astoria in their living room and listened to her talk about Millie. Draco smiled at her obvious infatuation, Astoria was rarely one to become enthusiastic, so it pleased Draco to see that Millicent made her extremely happy.
“How’s Potter treating you?”
“Not terribly, he invited me to the Three Broomsticks with Longbottom and Weasley, apparently trying to smooth over our animosity,” Draco replied, “A room full of Gryffindors, how will I possibly survive,”
“Draco, I highly doubt that any of them will provoke you. The only one I see doing so is Weasley, but you know Longbottom has been seeing Theo recently, and Potter will be cordial with you,”
Draco nodded his head absently. It was true that Theo had taken up with Longbottom in the past couple months, and Potter would have to tolerate him, he had invited him after all.
“You know, I heard from Pansy that he goes both ways,”
“What do you mean?”
“Draco, love, he’s bisexual,” Astoria smirked at Draco’s shocked expression and continued, “This is a good opportunity, you know,”
“Whatever for?”
“Darling you truly can’t be that oblivious, if you befriend Potter, it may lead to more,” Astoria smiled at him. Draco’s eyes widened even further, if possible.
“You can’t be serious,” Draco said, furrowing his brow, “Potter would never think of me that way, we hate each other,”
“He invited you out with his friends! He doesn’t hate you Draco, and you don’t hate him either,”  Draco sighed, he would befriend Potter, but there was no way it would ever lead to anything more than that, despite Astoria’s claims.
Another hour later and he was pressing a chaste kiss to Astoria’s cheek, on his way to the Three Broomsticks.
*** Harry nearly dropped his pint from where it was raised to his mouth when he saw Malfoy walk in. He was wearing a bloody Muggle jumper that accented him perfectly, and Harry felt underdressed in his white cotton t-shirt and denims.
“Harry mate, you’re staring,” Ron nudged him and Harry stopped out his gaze just in time as Malfoy strided over to their table.
“Potter, Weasley, Longbottom,” Draco addressed them with a nod and sat down next to Harry, opposite Neville who was next to Ron. “How is Theo treating you?” He asked Neville and Harry furrowed his brow.
“Er-just fine, Malfoy,” Neville said, blushing a bit. Malfoy nodded and reached for an empty pint glass and the pitcher of beer that sat in the middle of the table.
“Theo? Theodore Nott?” Ron asked. Neville blushed even more and bit his lip.
“Y-yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for a bit, haven’t exactly told anyone, or I haven’t at least,”
Harry smiled and nodded, “Good for you then, Nev,”
Ron shrugged and sported a small smile of his own, “As long as you’re happy, mate,” Neville seemed a bit relieve at their acceptance and sipped his glass.
The night was a bit awkward at first but once they got into the topic of quidditch, everyone began to loosen up a bit. Harry tried to ignore the feeling of Malfoy’s hip as it pressed into his sighed, but couldn’t ignore the small feeling in his stomach that popped up everytime one of them moved.
Harry bit back a laugh as Malfoy gesticulated wildly with his hands, trying to explain to Ron as to why the Cannons would not make the cup this year. The group had now gone through three pitchers of beer and everyone held a slight flush on their face.
“Oh come on, you totally stalked me more,”
“Not a chance Potter, you always knew where I was! You definitely had to follow me around more to know that,” Ron snorted, and was now full out laughing.
“T-the map!” He wheezed out, “He would spend hours checking that bloody thing! I was concerned for his sanity!” Neville laughed along as well and Harry blushed, chuckling.
“What map?”
“My dad and his mates made a map back when they went to school, it showed everyone in Hogwarts and their locations,” Harry scratched the back of his neck.
“I knew there was a reason! Merlin, Potter, we were pathetic,” Harry found himself laughing and raised his glass to that.
When Malfoy and Neville got into a deep talk about the use of plants in magical theory, Harry turned to Ron.
“Mate, you’ve got it bad,”
“Those little looks you keep giving Malfoy,” Ron grinned, “Not exactly who I’d imagined to be your pick, but then again there was 6th year,”
“I’m- I’m not-”
“Don’t worry, I won’t judge, it’s like Nev, if he makes you happy, I’m for you. But if he hurts you don’t expect me not to hurt him,” Harry shook his head fondly.
“I don’t like him, Ron! Besides, he’s Malfoy, he could never-”
“Harry,” Neville interrupted, “It’s late, I think it’s time we head back to the castle, yeah?” Luckily, it didn’t seem as though Neville or Malfoy had heard their conversation. So Harry, Malfoy, and Neville fared Ron goodbye and made their way to the castle. “He’s had a bit too much, I think,” Neville whispered to Harry as they walked.
Harry looked over and Malfoy did seem to be stumbling a bit. Without thinking, Harry looped his arm through Malfoy’s and tried to make sure he didn’t fall. He ignored Neville’s raised eyebrows and continued on his way. Malfoy tensed up beside him but didn’t retract his arm from Harry’s hold.
When they finally reached the professor’s rooming corridor, they all bade each other goodnight. Malfoy’s words were slurred a bit and he flashed a stunning smile at Harry.
“I had fun, Potter, thanks for inviting me,”
“Anytime, Malfoy,” Harry returned the grin and walked into his rooms. Shutting the door behind him he flopped onto his bed and smiled at the ceiling.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Golden Trio Era/Orwell Chess: Slytherin Girls Edition
Celaena Claudia Phantomhive: INTJ-T/Pisces/1991-1998/Half-Blood
The youngest sibling out of the Phantomhive siblings (three years). Head Girl & Known-Legilimens. Favorite classes are DADA, Charms, and Potions. With her specialized Legilimens ability, every memory and information is hers to synthesize and use at her mercy.
Pansy Parkinson: ESTJ-A/Taurus/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
The only child of the Parkinson family. Favorite class is History of Magic, mainly because it’s the best time to disseminate and receive information. She’s particularly knowledgeable on how to twist one’s words and how to use half-truths.
Daphne Elena Greengrass: ISFJ-A/Cancer/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
The eldest of the Greengrass family. Sixth-Year & Seventh-Year Prefect. Favorite class is Astronomy because there’s nothing more soothing than glancing at the night sky. She’s the second-in-command if Celaena is gone.
Astoria Evelyn Greengrass: ENFP-T/Gemini/1992-1999/Pure-Blood
The youngest in the Greengrass family. Fifth-Year Prefect. Favorite classes are also Astronomy and History of Magic. Magical law is her forte, giving the most help when Harry went on trial during the summer before his Fifth-Year.
Millicent Bulstrode: ISFP-T/Capricorn/1991-1998/Half-Blood
The only child of her family. Slytherin Beater (Third-Year to Sixth-Year). Favorite classes are Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Her senses are highly attuned, often able to detect different materials (most notable, iron). 
Tracey Davis: ESTJ-A/Aries/1991-1998/Half-Blood
The younger sibling of the Davis family with her older brother in Ravenclaw. Slytherin Chaser (Second-Year to Sixth-Year). Favorite class is Ancient Runes because she enjoys different languages. She is the first student to pick up Parseltongue from Celaena and Harry, leading her to be in charge of several groups of Hogwart’s Army.
Harper Selwyn: INTP-A/Libra/1993-2000/Pure-Blood
The eldest sibling with one younger sibling (five years). Favorite class is Arithmancy and Alchemy, surprisingly enough. It was her who first figured out the Heir of Slytherin, due to the Selwyn family being close to the Slytherin line. 
Vaisley Shafiq: ESTJ-A/Aquarius/1992-1999/Pure-Blood
The middle child of the family with one sibling already graduated, and the other six years younger. Slytherin Chaser (Third-Year to Seventh-Year). Favorite class is Astronomy and Potions. She specialized in elemental magic, often able to predict the weather accurately.
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aalicelzee · 3 years
y'know, those people that everybody says "You look Asian", but when they say that they're actually Asian, nobody believes them?
Well, that's me, hi~
—Pansy Parkinson at some point
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prettyboypucey · 4 years
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harry potter insta au
: parisian nights pt 4
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sunset-bobby · 4 years
Okay question....
Are there straight slytherins....like you can’t tell me they aren’t all in the lgbtq+ community
this also goes w/the all malfoys bottom movement
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hpdailydeviant · 5 years
Kinky Kristmas Comment Week 1 Roundup
And they're off! Here are the tasty pieces that have been posted so far: FIC: Be Sure; Harry/Ron; first time, light bondage by @gracerene09 FIC: Alone at Last; Ron; public masturbation, sexual awakening by @deadwoodpecker FIC: Footsteps; James/Sirius; semi-public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism  by @malenkayacherepakha FIC: Inescapable; Harry/Draco; masturbation, voyeurism by @lqtraintracks FIC: Patience is a Virtue; Millicent/Pansy; orgasm denial, teasing, spanking, bondage, clit spanking, fingering, light D/s dynamics by @writcraft FIC: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Narcissa/Astoria; clit pumping by @deadwoodpecker FIC: Smokin' Hot; Minerva/Wilhelmina; smoking by @gracerene09 Remember, we're only getting started! There are several more claims in, so expect more sexy stocking stuffers over the next few weeks. And there are still lots of great, unclaimed prompts -- and plenty of time to snatch one up and fill it!
PROMPT POST HERE Members! If you haven't put in any prompts, you can still do so at any time! We're only one week in; you still have time to join in. The prompt template is here.
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine Malfoy being lonely on Halloween since you had graduated from Hogwarts.
Prompt courtesy of @spilledcoffeestudios
Author's Note: Voldemort never returned to wreak havoc on our favorite characters.
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Draco X Reader
Hogwarts was a bit set in their ways about what holidays they celebrated and which ones they did not. Halloween, for example, was not celebrated as it should have been even though a lot of students had made inquiries about it. The most the Headmaster did was add more floating candles and pumpkins, as well as have the school elves bake up some Halloween treats.
But after putting some pressure on the professors and gathering enough alumni students to help chaperone, Halloween at Hogwarts was about to be one for the books. While those students who still followed old tradition were allowed to give their blessings outside under the careful eye of a Professor or two, the other students were to dress up in whatever silly or student appropriate costumes they had and enjoy a dance in the Great Hall after supper.
Having been informed a couple months prior to Halloween night, a majority of the students are eagerly bouncing in their seats as dinner winds down. You, however, as alumni are standing just outside the Great Hall doors and peeking in to await when dinner is officially over. Then glancing towards the Slytherin table you see him- the him in question being Draco Malfoy.
Though you were a year older, and a Gryffindor of all things, you didn't let petty House rivalries keep you from making friends outside the red and gold. Any and all Slytherins had been a bit tough to befriend, but you eventually wormed your way into the lives of a select few. Over the years, much to the surprise of everyone except his parents, you and Draco became quite close. But then graduation came and went, and while Draco still had one more year at Hogwarts, you had to become an adult nearly over night.
So while you were busy looking for a job and a place to live, you might have neglected Draco a little more than you had ever before. And while the two of you weren't in a romantic relationship, your friendship wasn't exactly platonic either.
Dinner is finally proclaimed over and while many students scramble out of their seats, Slytherin take their time. Many Gryffindors are happy to see you and you greet them back while also encouraging them to go get dressed for the upcoming dance. Then glancing back at the table, you grin at Draco and his morose expression. His elbow is resting atop the table and his chin is resting in his hand. He looks rather bored and not a bit excited for the Halloween dance, and then he looks rather annoyed as Pansy Parkinson pushes her way into the small spot between him and Blaise.
As you walk towards the Slytherin table and then turn to head down the aisle so you'd end up at Draco's back, you wink at every other Slytherin who takes notice of your presence and then stare immediately at Draco who's being pawed at by the one girl who never took no for an answer.
"..but Drakey-"
You wrinkle your nose at Pansy's cooing voice. "Honestly, Parkinson, no means no." Draco's gaze immediately darts to you and his chin leaves the palm of his hand as he sits up straight in surprise. Pansy sneers at your interruption. "I'm gone for a couple of months and you think Draco will be dumb enough to slip his dexterous fingers down your knickers? Get over yourself, Parkinson. You're not that much of a catch."
"Y/N! Blimey it's good to see you." Before Draco can stand from his seat, you find yourself wrapped up in the arms of Theo Nott. Several Slytherin snicker as you have to peer around him since he's so tall and you fondly roll your eyes at Draco who's now grinning. "The girls have gone absolutely barmy now that you're gone. Poor Drake can barely find any time alone. He’s really missed you."
"Buck up, Nott. It won't be long until you're all out and joining me in the real world. Enjoy the barmy girls now because it'll be sad and lonely when you leave here." Squirming out of Theo's hold, you fondly pinch Blaise's cheek who swats at you and then wink at both Greengrass girls who are all too amused at Pansy stewing in anger.
Finally finding her voice, Pansy begrudgingly asks, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to make sure Draco has fun tonight, of course." You smirk at her glowering expression and then turn your attention to Draco as you lower yourself into the spot next to him that had been vacated as you walked up. "I even got us matching outfits for tonight, babe. We're going to have so much fun."
"But you're alumni! It's inappropriate to escort a student to a school function."
"Oh stuff it, Pansy," Millicent Bulstrode grumbles as she passes by. "Draco has been Y/N's for years. You've just been too jealous to accept it."
Numerous Slytherin's explode into laughter as Pansy's shriek of, "I'm not jealous!", and laugh even harder as she flees after Millicent to most likely berate the poor girl in the privacy of their dorms.
"So," Draco drawls as he places an arm around your shoulders and drags you closer to his side, "matching outfits?"
"Don't get your wand in a knot, Malfoy," you grin up at him. "Your mum helped me picked out a muggle suit that you're going to look absolutely dashing in and a masquerade mask."
"Merlin I missed you, witch." Draco presses a kiss to your temple, his lips then moving near your ear. "Hogwarts just isn't the same without you."
"Of course it isn't."
Leaning back, he then asks, "And what will you be wearing?"
"A dress and mask as well."
Blaise groans. "Please tell me this dress has a slit?"
Blaise grunts and holds the arm Daphne had punched at Draco's exclamation. "What? She's got lovely legs."
Astoria giggles and you shrug. "Well he's not wrong." Draco huffs and you gently elbow him, placing your hand on his knee below the table and squeezing once. "Not only does my dress have a slit, but it's got two! Mrs. Malfoy nearly disapproved until I reminded her that I was no longer a student. Then she got a really devilish smile and piled on a bunch of accessories. It was almost terrifying."
"Almost?" Draco chuckles.
"Yes. Because the dress is slinky with high-riding slits and with a neckline nearly down to my navel and your mother approved it! Your mother, who might I remind you, is very conservative when it comes to dressing young witches."
Blaise snorts. "It's obvious, isn't it? Narcissa is trying to get her son laid."
The table falls silent as Blaise's words sink in and then as every stare is directed towards you and Draco, you can feel your face heating up. Sighing in resignation, you lean into Draco and rest your head on his shoulder. "Your mother is going to be a nightmare." Astoria and Daphne start to giggle, Blaise and Theo following with their deep rumbling laughter. "I hate you all."
"You'll get over it come morning." Draco moves to stand and tugs you up with him. Then without letting go of your hand, something which you encourage by sliding your fingers between his, he leads you out of the Great Hall. "Hurry and get dressed so we can take some pictures for mother. I'm sure she'll want to see her darling witch in whatever  risqué costume she chose for you."
"Yes, well, fair warning," you chuckle. "Be sure to keep your eyes on my eyes. The last thing we need is our gits for friends snappin' a pic of you staring at my chest and sending that one to your mum."
"If mother were to receive a picture of me staring at your chest, I'm sure I'd go home after graduation to her planning our wedding."
You scoff. "I doubt you'd have to wait that long. I'm pretty sure your mother has been plotting since you introduced us."
"Well they do say that your mother is always right."
Rolling your eyes, you throw your elbow into Draco's side before unclasping your hands since you were about to head in different directions anyway. "Draco Malfoy, you are not going to let your mother do all the hard work for you. Now go get dressed, while I do the same, and ask me out properly. Maybe then I'll actually let you get a peek at what color my knickers are since you and the boys were always placing bets on them." Draco's jaw drops open and you smirk at him. "Tick tock, Malfoy. The sooner you get dressed and ask me, the sooner the real fun can start."
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