#like ultima ratio
tomionefinds · 2 months
Hi! Could you recommend fics that feature Tom with trauma? Preferably long fic with a happy ending, but I understand this might not be a popular concept(it's usually only Hermione with trauma) so I'll be grateful with whatever you can find. Thank you!♡♡
Hi Anon:
As you said this is not always a terrible popular trope and I certainly don't read it so I can't speak as if these are going to be up your alley but they have Tom going through it. You might want to look at our Tom: Redeemed tag -Haus
Ultima Ratio by Winterblume M| Complete | 737k
Ultima ratio - the last resort. At last the day of the Final Battle against Lord Voldemort has come. Harry, Ron and Hermione fight bravely against their nemesis - but then something goes wrong. And Hermione finds herself alone in a precarious situation.
Jagged by hiccupfound
E | Complete | 151k
He’s not like what she learned about. Not how Harry described him from the Pensieve.
Have You Ever by Lady Moonglow
T | Complete | 180k
With the war looking bleak, the Golden Trio, Ginny, Draco, and Lavender go back to Tom Riddle's 7th Year to destroy Lord Voldemort once and for all. What Hermione DIDN'T count on, however, is a shared common room, a curse, and a crazy little thing called love.
Perhaps the following
Experiment of the Mind by NerysDax
T | Complete | 17k
Healer-Trainee Hermione Granger finds herself in a pickle when confronted with a most troublesome patient.
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nightmarewritings · 1 year
Renfield Details
So I went through the movie and got screenshots of some little details I liked regarding the Lobo family/their place!
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Teddy's car and car keys!
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They're not a subtle family, their logo is even front and center on their building.
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The coolest taxidermy wolf ever.
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Very blurry arcade games I can't decipher but the closest one has a lion, a gorilla, and an elephant on it. They also have a pinball machine, but it's even blurrier.
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A very nice fireplace in use during the fight!
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Pretty ceiling.
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I like the doors a lot too and the shiny gold fabric they've got near it.
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Castle couches?
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The torture room looks to have been a church? It has stained glass, and what looks like a shrine at one point that I couldn't get a good shot of, it had a lot of bottles surrounding it.
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An absolutely massive guillotine with some Latin on it? I think it says "Ultima Ratio --P-" as best I can tell from zooming in. Also a pulpit and a long rack of gloves.
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teagan-the-doll · 11 months
hiya! I'm teagan!
First and foremost, this is a blog about kink, so please no minors! If you're not - hi I'm teagan (it/she)! I'm a very lucky doll and I love my owner so very much~
The main thing I make under this alias is my ongoing story Courtship, a romance set in the Human Domestication Guide setting, but also more generally I help out a lot with the official side of things of the setting as one of the Lorets (not that this blog is an official outlet or anything).
HDG story recommendations under the break.
My Own Work
Courtship | 90,000 words, ongoing "A New Flag" | 1,800
"The Canon is Dead, Long Live the Canon" | 1,500 words
1 - Bodega Cat by keysmasht | 5,500 words 2 - Mainspring by Kanagen | 12,000 3 - Ultima Ratio Plantarum by annabool | 20,000 4 - Entanglements by EveningRespite | 1,500 5 - Thought I'd See You Again by Fluxom | 5,000 6 - Pain Relief and Other Pleasures by Darkfali | 6,000 7 - Sweet Like Cocoa by GlitchyRobo | 9,000 8 - Belonging by LilMissChipmunk | 4,000
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noface8834 · 2 months
Tes mots ont changé ma vie
Tu m'as vu au bord des larmes
Mais n'oublie pas ce qu'on s'était dit
Je te suivrai comme une ombre
Your words changed my life
You saw me on the verge of tears
But don't forget what we said to each other
I will follow you like a shadow
@ultima-ratio dis one is for you 🥲💞
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faery-the-diamond · 1 year
Narinder, I wonder how often were you resurrecting the followers of the Old Faith? If you ever was doing this of course.
What do you even think about bringing anyone back from the dead? Are you OK with it or is it more like the ultima ratio? I mean, if one of your siblings or even followers? would ask you to resurrect someone, how easy will it be to convince you that this is necessary?
Narinder: I prefer making sure that the dead are staying dead. What's the point of the life and death cycle if the deceased keep returning from their graves?
Narinder: That being said, I'm not a stranger to resurrecting people when it's necessary. I could do that if I had the need in it or if my siblings provided a solid reason for it. Those were the only exceptions.
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
Ultima Ratio Regum
The prospect of the United States losing its grasp on global hegemony is an exciting one, but it's also terrifying.
The American political system doesn't have any of the capacities necessary for dealing with this or the changes that will result from it in a healthy or constructive way, to say nothing of its social systems.
Being driven out of Afghanistan was bad, but not a disaster. It's a black eye, but everyone (of any significance) involved made a lot of money and came out of it pretty well.
The failure to make the rest of the world line up in regards to the war in the Ukraine is worse. It's a major American project conducted with the intention of kneecapping and hopefully dismantling a major peer competitor. The failure of Ukraine to beat Russia has made Nato look like a bunch of fools, severely damaged the European economy, undercut the mystique of Western weapons systems, and put Russia into an even better position than before the war started. Worst of all, Nato and especially the US have both been exposed as paper tigers, with outdated doctriines, expensive and inefficacious weapons, and lacking in even the soft power necessary to achieve its goals.
I think the revolts in West Africa have really rattled the US though, and now we're seeing the response to that. Its grip on the Middle East is slipping, and it can no longer count on Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or even Turkey like it did in the past. The US response to the events in Israel is indicative of the growing sense of panic and impotence in Washington. The boot has to come down on these sparks hard for fear that the fire may spread.
Unable and unwilling to cede control and deal with the emerging circumstances of the 21st century, all it can do is try to arrest them, and the only means it has to do that is its bloated military. What terrifies me isn't so much the might of the military, but its weakness. We've seen what the US military is capable of lately, and frankly its not much. Unless the enemy is at a severe technological disadvantage, the USM isn't a winning force anymore. At least, not conventionally.
If things continue on as they are, eventually the US is going to find itself in a situation where it's going to lose in a way that's irrevocably disastrous, and when that day comes the fools in charge of it are very likely to come to the conclusion that this represents an existential threat that can only be stopped with nuclear weapons.
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lettuceflower · 1 year
ff16 thoughts 
dion exists 
cid exists 
joshua exists 
clive is a good mc, he’s nowhere near my fave character but i like him
i really liked a bunch of the side npc characters, such as gav, byron, and mid 
the eikon battles are incredible (bahamut’s especially) 
the combat isn’t that deep but it’s fun (i understand why some people hate it though)  
dion exists
amazing soundtrack, inject it into my veins please 
clive and joshua’s relationship makes me cry 
cons are under the cut because it’s waay longer and spoilery 
the story has such weird pacing. i haven’t played ff14 but from what ive heard from ff14 players, the game’s story structure feels like an offline mmo (i mean. it makes sense because the ff14 team made this game) 
i know there needs to be downtime in between major story beats, but the mandatory fetch quests really grind the pacing to a halt 
there are so. many. cutscenes. dear lord. 
my favorite ff is probably 10, which also has a ton of cutscenes, so idk why the cutscene/gameplay ratio feels super off in this game, despite me liking other cutscene-heavy games
i really can’t articulate why ff16’s cutscenes feel so overwhelmingly long but they do
don’t get me wrong a lot of the cutscenes are great!!! but some could’ve been trimmed down and it would’ve achieved the same effect
despite being the female lead, why does jill feel underwritten to me 
jill has all the components to be a great character but i feel like she’s never fully realized (she’s not horrible though, i still like her) 
benedicta, hugo, and barnabas were all underutilized/wasted 
the world is pretty but there’s nothing to really do in it, the game doesn’t reward exploration 
why the hell isn’t there any party banter, ff7r and ff15 did party banter so well 
jill is with you for a good chunk of the game but doesn’t really talk outside of main story sections, even generic battle dialogue like “watch out clive!” or “leave it to me!” would’ve been nice? sometimes i forgot she was even there while i was out fighting 
where are the classic ff creatures, i mean there’s literally a moogle in this game despite its clashing aesthetic, so you’d think there’d be more? where are the cactuars and tonberries... 
speaking of creatures, the lack in enemy variety started to really wear on me by the end of the game
a bunch of bosses were reskins of earlier bosses. they clearly put their whole final fantussy into the eikon battles so i guess i cant even be mad
the story transitioning from being a more grounded political plot to a typical jrpg “kill god save the world” plot isn’t handled that well
ultima is such a boring main villain im sorry 
i think they could’ve cut 70% of ultima’s dialogue and his character would’ve been much better
speaking of villains, they really needed a “face” villain that they encounter consistently throughout the game before transitioning to ultima 
barnabas should’ve been that face villain but he’s not relevant until the last quarter of the story 
i definitely have more cons but i cant think of any atm 
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kinkyrius · 3 months
I had already read one of annabool's non-HDG works before reading HDG, but wow this one is very good. I don't think it deserves the E rating, it's more like an M, but still.
It's a mindfuck in the sense that it's an HDG story with lots of hypno, but also in the sense that it's a metanarrative about the story presented by its own characters. Grace is rather fascinating as a protagonist, and I think it makes great use of her as a trying-not-to-be-unreliable narrator instead of just a rather flat hypnotised pet.
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midnightactual · 7 months
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Yoruichi was using an old-style, tablet-like Agent to work on something or other. The sight was positively primitive—she was using entirely physical interfaces to do her work, which sure as hell seemed to confirm that she was lacking in jacks, because who would willingly do their work so slowly if they had other choices?
It appeared she was stylizing some text into a logo or something like that. A truly curious sort might get a glimpse of what was on the screen:
REASON version 1.0B7 Gatling-type 3-mm hypervelocity railgun system Shihōin Tactical Assistance & Relief, LLC PRERELEASE VERSION—NOT FOR FIELD USE DO NOT TEST IN A POPULATED AREA —ULTIMA RATIO REGUM—
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wynterrolls · 9 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 How much CRIT RATE is enough for your DPS?
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High Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit count DPS = at least 80% to 85% crit rate (achievable if you have lightcone that has crit passive or you have good crit rolls in your relic substats); [more than 85% would be on whale territory or hardcore minmax territory already]
Multi-hit count DPS = 70% crit rate
Good enough Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 70% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 60% crit rate
Low Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 60% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 50% crit rate
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To start off, I've always wondered why are the results of my damage calculations tend to be low values when compared to the damage calcs done by other people. As you can see from my previous attempts on rubbing my 2 braincells together and dealing with numbers in my Yukong and Pela TLDR builds, the values are pretty low.
I know I've followed the process done in the sample damage calculations provided in the sources, but I simply can't replicate the same big dmg numbers you see in other calcs.
Then one day, while I'm scrolling around in Dr. Ratio Mains subreddit, I've come across a post asking about the ideal crit% for E0S1 Dr. Ratio, and one of the answers there caught my eye. The answer of u/Bajuu mentioned that Dr. Ratio is a low hit count DPS like Seele so that he should be built with at least 80% crit rate.
However, I don't know what "low hit count DPS" means, so I went ahead and searched around in Google and the official HSR subreddit what it means but to no avail, it didn't gave me any answer nor clue, so as a last resort, I asked in a help channel in official HSR Discord server, in which two people (viasvias and skylow1112) have answered my question at last.
They mentioned that low hit means low attack tick per attack. An example for this is that when it comes to Seele ultimate, it only has 1 attack tick, while Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord deals multiple attack ticks.
(Sample images below showing Seele ult showcase from u/solidus_snake256 and Jing Yuan's LL showcase from Nerf1352.)
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I asked as well if the number of attack ticks are specified in the trace multipliers or kit of the character, however, they answered that it wasn't mentioned and that it could only be seen in actual gameplay.
This means there's no way for me to know how many attack ticks each unit have by just reading their kit in the game. I have to use them in trial battle first to know how many attack ticks does their kit have when they deal damage.
On the day of writing this post, I saw a similar post asking what is the minimum crit rate for Dr. Ratio, and upon checking the comments, the answer made by u/Minute_Fig_3979 also has similar answer above.
They mentioned that there are two types of damage dealers - single hit or low hit count DPS and multi-hit count DPS. However, their answer mentioned more about the recommended crit rate for each type. Low hit count DPS needs higher crit rate in order to make up for their lack of multi-hit, while multi-hit count DPS could settle with lesser crit rate and further invest more into other stats due to their multi-hit nature.
Think of this scenario.
When dealing damage against a single enemy, if your DPS only deals 1 hit count like Seele, you'd want them to at least deal crit hit on this one chance so that all the efforts of setting up the buffs on them and debuffs applied to enemies won't go to waste. By building higher crit rate, this gives you higher chance so that your low hit count DPS could at least crit.
However, when it comes to multi-hit count DPS like Jing Yuan, even if you have lesser crit rate than the low hit count DPS, his Lightning Lord would have more chances of dealing crit hits at the enemy. So instead of hyper-investing crit rate on your Jing Yuan, that you'd need to do with your Seele, you could allocate the relic substat rolls into getting more ATK% and crit dmg for him.
Example of low-hit count:
Seele's Ultimate (1 tick)
Dr. Ratio's Skill, Follow-up Attack (FuA), and Ultimate (1 tick each)
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4* Danheng Ultimate (1 tick)
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Blade's Ultimate (1 tick)
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Jingliu's Ultimate (1 tick)
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Blade's Talent (3 ticks)
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Example of multi-hit count:
Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord
Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae's 3EBA and Ultimate
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Topaz's Skill and FuA Talent
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Jingliu's Enhanced Basic Attack
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The recommended crit rate varies a lot according to who is answering the question. So I'll just create some kind of simplified categorization for the variety of recommendations.
High Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit count DPS = at least 80% to 85% crit rate, achievable if you have lightcone that has crit passive or you have good crit rolls in your relic substats (more than 85% would be on whale territory or hardcore minmax territory already)
Multi-hit count DPS = 70% crit rate
Good enough Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 70% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 60% crit rate
Low Investment:
Single-hit DPS or low-hit DPS = 60% crit rate
Multi-hit count DPS = 50% crit rate
With the two sources of answer above, I think I now have an idea as to why my earlier dilemma has those small value results.
Calcs made by other people have considered multiple factors affecting their calculations.
having team mates in the calc
calculating the team dmg output in rotation-based setup
having considered the speed and action value of teammates that would affect the SPD and AV of the character you are calculating
(probably, not sure) considering the number of attack ticks of units in actual gameplay in the calculations.
These are just some of the reasons as to why my calcs from before are on the lower side, but it doesn't mean that my calcs are wrong. I just happened to consider only the most basic dmg conditions compared to them using complex dmg conditions in their theorycrafting, hence the results I got are low values only.
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Minimum Crit Rate Question by u/EthansFin
Seele 100k Damage - Simulated Universe by u/solidus_snake256
Jing Yuan Everyday Damage Showcase by Nerf1352
Ideal Crit% for E0S1 Question by u/HaakMilk
2.6m Blade Ultimate DMG Showcase by Kan~
Jingliu Build 4 Set Quantum vs 4 Set Ice Damage Comparison by Areha
Topaz 4pc Grand Duke vs 2P Fire 2P ATK Damage Comparison by Areha
Dan Heng DMG Progress by ☆rui☆
DHIL + 1870% Crit Damage | Swam Disaster by fatty flip
Blade Wind DMG% vs HP% Planar Sphere Damage Comparison by Areha
Dr. Ratio Trial Gameplay by Mr.Nothing Gaming
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Uploaded on Patch 1.6
➥ Back to my HSR masterlist.
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Update Log
01/15/2024 - Uploaded this post
01/16/2024 - Added a scenario that describes the difference between low-hit count DPS and multi-hit count DPS
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lesewut · 1 year
'A textbook about Law of Nations shall not forget, that it would be unfaithful to its task, if it would serve under politics.'
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Franz von Liszt, criminologist (cf. Theory of criminal justice), jurist and reformer for international law and his book "International Law- Systematically Presented", was originally published in 1888. This edition is the eleventh edition from 1918 and was published "the second time against the backdrop of a war" as Liszt had written. Still not lost his enthusiam, he defines the Internation Law as the mechanism to prevent wars, the outbreak of war as the proof, that the contention between the states should have been mediated in a way, that the armed conflict could have been prevented. The (re-)building of International Law is the (re-)building of Right to Peace.
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It is not just the Right of War, which takes part in the theories of International Law, but it is the primary drive behind the rising and fall of states.
The Law of Nations, how it was called from former times, is not an invention of modern times, it is not just the utopian dream of a single enthusiastic pacifist.
Just war traditions can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, the ethics with the three main ideas: Cosmological role of the Pharao as divine office and executor of the justification of war, which would be considered as 'God's Will' or the Universal Principle of Maat. In the Confucian culture, we can also find massive body work of warforce, especially in the Zhou Dynasty (~ 1122 BC). Here a similarity to the defined necessety or justification of war: Only as last resort (ultima ratio) and by a rightful souvereign (the requirements for sovereignty are still today the prerequisite for legal actions, also war is technically just a conflict between two sovereign states, in our sanity and reason we would include all violent confrontation..). Even in India, we should not lead ourselves to believe in all ascetical will-denial and yoga exercises, can theories of Just War be found (cf. dharma-yuddha ~ rightous war). In this very first written discussion, criterias like proportianlity, just means, just causes, fair treatment of captives and wounded, are stated (cf. Hague Convention of 1899). Not to forget the Ancient Roman legal system and the concept of jus gentium and later in Christian world, the Augustinian teaching of civitas dei, lead also to restrictions of warfare. Essential are also the theories formed in the period of enlightment, Bentham (by forming ideas for foreign policy, the term international was coined by Bentham by critizing the idea of "Law of Nations", as one central aspect of his Plan for an Universal and Perpetual Peace is the sacrifice of national self-interest [giving up colonies and armies, that are not necessary protecting] in order to establish global peace) and his codification of international law, Kant with several state theories and ways to guarantee perpetual peace, in the main consideration is the formulation of ius cosmopoliticum and that the Handelsgeist (spirit of trading) can achieve peace worldwide.
It is an usual represal that still today sanctions and embargos are used to put other states under (economic) pressure, which can be fatal in a highly globalized world and often tends to effect the civilian population rather than the ruling elite... Economy and trading is indeed an essential part in international legal relation, as the first international laws and regulation emerged through private law and the merchants demand for freedom of trade throughout history. So freedom of movement goes hand in hand with freedom of trading, just think of postal service (Universal Postial Union 1874) and the difficulties if the operating range would be limited or the process of translating and publishing foreign literature, all those aspects fall into the regulations of international law.
The theories of Just War firstly expanded beyond the borders of one nation around the 16th century, particularly during the discovery age (cf. theories of Suárez & Vitoria) and the Thirty Years' War (Hugo Grotius, who also devided positive and natural law, father of the Theory of Extraterritoriality; Successors of positive law: Zouch, Pufendorf, C. Wolff and his student Vattel [...] Later the School of Postive Law succeeded over the School of Natural Law: In particular by Bynkershock, later followed by J. J. Moser and G. F. v. Martens), affirming other principles like the territorial claim, the areas and rules of traffic (from maritime law to regulation of coastlines) and which legal consequences come into force, when a state is breaching treaty obligations.
The International Law had to built and strenghen itself as the diplomacy took over armed conflicts. First and foremost, the League of Nations is instructed to develop and expand the court of arbitration, also to limit armament and therefore the endangerment of piece. Part of the international diplomacy are also embassies and consuls, guaranteing constitutional jurisdiction.
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It is deplorable, that the period of colonialism merged into imperialism and that the politcal efforts excluded the inhabitants of conquered areas. Law has also the paradoxy that it can be unjustly: By defining the terms (when can an area be considered as a sovereign state? Which subjects are authorized for legal capacity?) even unfairly acts can be legally protected.
International Law is a huge topic and it would be interesting to present treatise and the consequences after ratification, as every act is the answer of long and often armed conflicts, resulting into negotiations. It will stay a continuous process to establish an effective International Court of Justice, a balancing act between the sovereignty of a state and the endangerment of human rights, which sadly can't be ensured for the most parts of the world.
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tomionefinds · 2 months
Hello! I recently read "please, save me by Winterblume" and I really liked it!
Hermione was kind but strong at the same time, Tom even If he didn't want to show it was protective and possessive of her.
Oh and I loved the AU, I think it was quite creative.
Can you recommend something similar? I'm sorry for the bother!
Hi Anon--
I've never read this fic (I tried, its not for me) but these are fics that have been recc'd in the past for people who liked Please Save Me - Haus
Ultima Ratio by Winterblume
M | Complete | 737k
Ultima ratio - the last resort. At last the day of the Final Battle against Lord Voldemort has come. Harry, Ron and Hermione fight bravely against their nemesis - but then something goes wrong. And Hermione finds herself alone in a precarious situation.
When Lines Get Blurred by Arodain
M | Complete | 360k
The Battle at Hogwarts did not reach its conclusion as expected, and the Second Wizarding War takes on a new direction. Canon compliant until the last part of The Deathly Hallows. HG/TR without the time travel.
Unsinkable by Speechwriter
T | Complete | 40k
He: a young man long since raised from poverty, now on the verge of inheriting a magnate's business in the 1910s. She: an impoverished young woman on her way to start a new life in America. In short: Tom Marvolo Riddle, Hermione Jean Granger, and one voyage on the RMS Titanic - and how it would change their lives forever.
Somewhere in Time by SerpentInRed
M | Complete | 342k
Sent back in time by a mysterious person and trapped in the past with a missing Dumbledore and an overbearing, charismatic Dark Lord, they had no idea how much they could dabble with time before the world they had known shattered into pieces
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laindtt · 2 years
I’ve been tagged an eternity ago by the lovely @purplehairsecretlair to take this small quiz, thank you for tagging me and for your patience ♥
relationship status: single
favourite colour: royal blue
favourite foods: so many ones! I love pasta dishes (especially carbonara), ratatouille, beef meat with french fries and cheese sauce... 
song stuck in head: several ones played in a loop (and a lot from FC5), but if I had to pick a recurrent one, it would be “Let the water wash away your sins”
last thing i googled: one of the many perks from Dead by Daylight. There are so many things to learn, but that’s quite an interesting challenge actually.
current time: 11:49 (UTC+1)
dream trip: A road trip all around Montana ; the more realistic version of this dream would be to visite the French region called Alsace, as it’s said to be a lot like Canada :)
something i want: More time per day! And the possibility to spend my whole life just enjoying my small routine without having to sacrifice time, energy (both physical and mental) to a job...
Tagging @caradapizza @deputyash @ultima-ratio @deputyshaw (if you feel like it!) and whoever would like to do it ♥
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circuit-music · 15 years
Favorite musical releases of 2009
So much good music in 2009. In years past I used to do a top 10 list for several categories. Rather than that, here's a list of favs kinda sorta broken down by category.  There's plenty of reviews, sound clips, MySpaz pages out there for these releases. Check some of them out. Non- industrial stuff Creepshow - Run for Your Life Placebo - Battle for the Sun The Big Pink - A Brief History of Love Editors - In The Light And On This Evening KiloWatts & Vanek - Focus & Flow Future Pop/Synth Pop/whatever it's called this week Mesh - A Perfect Solution Project Pitchfork - Feel (single)  / Dreams (Album) Seabound - When Black Beats Blue Phaser Kontrol - Electro Warriors Rotersand - War On Error Ep Rotersand - Random Is Resistance (Limited Edition) Assemblage 23 - Spark (CDM) Assemblage 23 - Compass (2CD Ltd.Ed.)   Lyronian - Side Scan (2CD Ltd.Ed.) Implant - Implantology (2CD Limited Edition) Santa Hates You - Rocket Heart (Limited Edition EP) Encephalon - Drowner (EP) Dark Electro Schallfaktor - Sittenverfall Alien Vampires - Fuck Off And Die (yeah stupid name, but evil tracks ;) ) Weltkrieg - Weltkrieg Suicide Commando - Until We Die - Severed Head (Limited Edition Vinyl) Suicide Commando - Die Motherfucker Die (Limited Edition CDM) (2009) X-Fusion - Ultima Ratio (2CD Limited Edition) (2009) [:SITD:] - Rot 2CD Stahlnebel And Black Selket - Unexpected (2CD Limited Edition) IDM and related type stuff Stendeck - Sonnambula Synapscape - Again Marching Dynamics - The Workers Party of Haiti Keef Baker - Pen Fifteen (2CD) Mika Goedrijk - Pellicules Tonikom - The Sniper's Veil Displacer - X Was Never Like This Access To Arasaka - Oppidan This Morn' Omina - Momentum of Singular Clarity Totakeke - The Things That Disappear When I Close My Eyes (2CD) Autoclav1.1 - Where Once Were Exit Wounds Detritus - Things Gone Wrong Displacer - Lost Mission Rhytmic Noise stuff Prometheus Burning - Plague Called HuMANity S.K.E.T. - Depleted Uranium Weapons Cenotype - Origins Unfold (2CDR) Xotox And Detune-X - We Are Deaf (2CD Limited Edition) The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Babylon S.K.E.T. - Depleted Uranium Weapons 13th Monkey - Redefining The Paradigm Of Bang Imminent - Cask Strength Scrap.Edx - Merciless Protraction W.A.S.T.E. - A Silent Mantra Of Rage (2CD) Dark Industrial Dance/Techno Caustic - This is Jizzcore (2CD Limited Edition) (x)-Rx - Stage 2 VA - Extreme Suendenfall 8 (2CD) VA - Extreme Störfrequenz 3 Noorglo - Hard Body Music Komor Kommando - Das EP (CDM) Motor - Metal Machine (2009) Chainreactor - X-Tinction (2009) Captive Six - Noizemaker (Limited Edition) Nachtmahr - Alle Lust Will Ewigkeit 00tz 00tz - Death By Numbers Phosgore - Domination VA - Extreme Stoerfrequenz Vol.4 Pow[d]er Pussy - Takenoprisoners Terrorfakt - ReEvolution C/A/T - We Are Still Alive (EP) Cervello Elettronico - Process of Elimination VA - Extreme Lustlieder 3 VA - Extreme Sündenfall 9 (2CD) Grendel - Chemicals + Circuitry (EP) Fla Vector - Magnifying Virus State Noisuf-X - Voodoo Ritual Welcome back fella's Nitzer Ebb - Industrial Complex X Marks the Pewdwalk - Seventeen (can't stop watching the video) I'm ceratin I've overlooked some things and probably something obvious as well. And I'll exclude my list of crap releases for 2009, unless you really want to know... Happy listening
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regard-luxury · 2 years
New Lamborghini Countach Lands In Japan, Looks Rad In Red And Bronze
Packing the same 780hp 6.5-liter V12 + 34hp electric motor setup as the Sián FKP 37, the AWD Countach LPI is roughly 23 % more than the Sián. While many might argue exclusivity for the all-new Countach, at 112 examples, the Sián beats the Countach on this aspect as there were solely sixty three made. There is not any mounted rear wing outdoors the pure traces, and the airscoops are integrated fluidly in the new lamborghini countach strong shoulders of the car, embellished with the distinctive Countach slatted 'gills'. The chassis and body panels are made out of carbon fiber, giving the Countach LPI a dry weight of 1,595kg for a dry weight to power ratio of 1.95kg/cv. Carbon fiber can be featured within the front splitter, across the entrance window and side-view mirrors, engine bonnet cover intakes, and rocker panels, in addition to in the interior.
The car also retains you straight and narrow, thanks to Pirelli P Zero Corsa tires. Of course, that's just the bottom worth, we expect the ultimate figure will tremendously fluctuate from customer to buyer due to Lamborghini's intensive record of options and bespoke choices. The 2022 Lamborghini Countach is able to reaching 62 mph from a standstill in just 2.8 seconds, before stretching its legs all the finest way up to 221 mph. Not exactly the kind of speeds you want involved when ill-affixed bodywork is at play.
Every Countach constructed during October 2022 will have already got the difficulty addressed in Sant'Agata Bolognese. The standard carbon ceramic brakes are agency and responsive, the steering is nuanced and feelsome, but the chassis is a bit blunt. Where most trendy supercars and hypercars move with relative grace and circulate, this stomps.
Had the Maverick shipped nevertheless it appears to be easy driving with excellent mpgs. We are going to have Thanksgiving dinner at the Ranch House where we reside. If he was still designing new mid-engined Lamborghinis, they would be on their eleventh 'design language' by now, as a substitute of their second. The new Countach doesn’t break floor like the original, nevertheless it wasn’t meant to.
The energy is 803 hp and when it comes to acceleration, the smaller version needs 2.8 seconds to reach one hundred km / h. With this sort of functionality, it isn't an extreme luxurious that mounted glass panels can not simply new lamborghini countach fly – with all the consequences that entails. As expected of a contemporary Lamborghini, the chassis and all body panels are in carbon fiber and is lightweight as a result. With a dry weight of 1,595kg , the Countach is only a mere 99lb heavier than the 769hp Aventador LP Ultimae.
Even although you may have bought the nicest pickup truck on the market, there may be some customizable options you'll have the ability to add to make... Has a heady aroma of an old-school supercar with shiny leather new lamborghini countach along with a sq. motif. But lets go of the temptation of over-styling it with numerous spoilers and what not. The three-unit tail-lamp design matches in perfectly with the character of the automotive and the four tail-pipes are the icing on a delectable cake.
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coe-lilium · 8 years
HP Tag
Been a while since I’ve done one of these, thanks to @autumn-of-ilvermorny for tagging, it was fun :D
What is your name? Not specified if IRL or “tumblr”, I’ll go by tumblr so coe will do. How old are you? 25 What House(s) are you in? Hufflepuff and Thunderbird (Gryffindor on old Pottermore, re-sorted with the new one, love the Gryffs but puff is more accurate) What kind of blog do you run? Mainly Harry Potter (with a good chunk of it being Cursed Child or me ranting at the latest fandom bullshit), Star Wars and the Fate series/franchise. Fan art and meta/ramblings. Tumblr also inform me that I’m one of the three tumblr blogging the most about Delphi /whatshersurnameJo/, im quite proud of it. There’s also a bit of history and epic content, if you dig.  Your Patronus? A horse, but I don’t remember what kind.  Your Pottermore House results? In order, Gryffindor, then Hufflepuff and Thunderbird. Which book is your favorite? Uhm... Chamber, Prince and DH. I re-read DH every summer, so. Haven’t yet pinned down why, exactly, but the resurrection stone and its scene resonate with me more every year so maybe it’s that. Which film is your favorite: Of all the franchise? Fantastic Beasts. Within the proper HP’s... Chamber and DH 1+2, even if I have my problems with the latest. Which book is your least favorite? PoA. It’s the most “Marauders centric” one and I’m really not interested in them, sorry. Which is your least favorite movie? HBP. Really, what was that? Where is my Gaunt content? I still feel robbed. What is your favorite quote? Don’t have one in particular. Favorite Potter? Harry. I’ll probably appreciate Albus more when I’ll get older. Favorite Weasley? Molly, Ron and Ginny? I can’t choose. Favorite Malfoy? ScorpiusScorpiusScorpius... did I said Scorpius? I also like a lot of  “fanfic Abraxas” (especially this one). Favorite Black? Sirius, but now I’ve developed an interest for Andromeda. And Orion and Cygnus are people I love to look for in fics even if they’re just names in canon.  Favorite Marauder? No interest in them at all, sorry. Favorite Golden Trio member? Ron Favorite Silver Trio member? Neville Favorite Female character? In a “I will protect it” and “Im absolutely fascinated with it” way, Delphi and Isolt Sayre. I wish there was more about them/things went differently, but Im glad they exist.  Favorite male character? I’ve got a trio here, Harry, Dumbledore and Diary!crux Riddle.  Favorite Professor? McGonagall and Snape. I wouldn’t set a foot in Snape’s class for all the riches in the world but he is a fascinating character. Favorite House? Tough one. Contrary to what can appear, I do love Slytherin members, especially if not woobified, and I’ve got a fascination with the family itself. If we’re talking about values tho, then Puff and Gryffindor.  What character do you dislike the most? Umbridge, closely followed by Marvolo Gaunt before and Rodolphus Lestrange and Euphemia Rowle now. I absolutely despise all of them.  What ships are your favorite? I like all the canon ones (plus Scorbus). And for “fic only” ships which I do like and read... well. Riddle and Hermione. Or Ginny. Sorry, but I like conflict and hell, if the writer stay true to canon characterization you will drow in conflict. Reading about Hermione hexing the shit out of the smug asshole is a soothing experience.  Is there a movie that you liked more than the book? Nope. But there may be one, if they ever decide to give us a CC movie/s.  If you could make your own House, what would be the traits? Oh, I really shouldn’t be trusted with the creation of a House, believe me.  What would your Amortentia smell like? Clay tablets, middle ages original parchment, moss, figures  Which do you prefer - (I suppose the question was “animal”?) cat cat cat cat cat Which is your favorite Harry Potter Era? The 40′! and without a single doubt. I almost read fics set only in that era. I do love Weasley Girl, Harry Potter and the Natural 20 and Crosswinds of Fate set in the Golden Trio Era but two of them are massive AUs and the last is a Fate crossover so not everybody’s cup of tea. After TCC I’m in dire need of “Delphi is found long before being 22yo and helped″ AU’s, so Im also entering the Next Gen Era.  
‘bout tagging... @charlotte-bird? Im curious
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