#like time stands still - and simultaneously rushes super fast
art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Today's thought gibberish (random splinters of thought that popped up in my mind)
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Durch jeden Missverfolg gewinnt man Erfahrungen.
Demnach ist Versag durchaus ein Schritt zum Erfolg.
Reiht man viele Schritte aneinander - so ergibt sich daraus ein Weg, den man selbst erschafft während man ihn geht.
Das Ziel dabei ist nur der Prozess des Gehens, - des Lernens, des Entstehens, des Erfahrens.
Ich weiß nicht, was mein Ziel ist, doch diese Art von UNgewissheit gibt mir die Möglichkeit, jeden Tag frei zu entscheiden, welchen Weg ich gehen möchte.
Dadurch, dass etwas nicht vordefiniert ist, nicht vorbestimmt, kann es sich frei entfalten.
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In uncertainty lies opportunity.
In uncertainty lies opportunity to change.
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[Self-determination], and [environmental and situational restrictions] can and will co-exist.
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- - -- --- FIO ergo SUM --- -- - -
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duckielover151 · 2 years
Top 3 Anime I Watched in 2022
3) Occultic;Nine
Episode Count: 12
Release Year: 2016
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Summary: Nine strangers with wildly different views on the supernatural are brought together by a murder... and their investigations lead them to a cult testing the boundaries between life and death.
Okay, I've got to admit, this show is kind of a mess. Its pacing is ridiculously fast. There are a few things left unanswered completely, but they do (just barely) manage to cram in an ending. There are a ton of characters and not all of them are explored super well...
But I've got to say, even with its flaws, it still made the list of my favorite shows I watched this year just based on how much I enjoyed it. I love supernatural mysteries. It could be super dark and chilling. Its opening is fucking fantastic. I watched this one back in January, and it's still a song I go back to listen to just because on a regular basis. It explores a lot of interesting ideas in that realm where science and magic intersect. And rushed as it may be, it does kind of get a happy ending.
2) Monster
Episode Count: 74
Release Year: 2004
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Summary: A brilliant Japanese neurosurgeon working in Germany in the 1980s is caught on the wrong side of his hospital's twisted politics. He disobeys a direct order to save someone of high social standing, choosing to operate on a young boy instead. But then that young boy grows up to be a serial killer, and Dr. Tenma-- framed for his crimes-- devotes his life to tracking the boy down and putting an end to the evil he feels responsible for creating. But in the process, he learns that the boy may not be the real monster here.
Monster is simultaneously a hidden gem-- it's a little hard to get your hands on so not as many people have seen it-- and also really highly regarded. I'd heard almost nothing but praise for this tale and the way it explores good and evil.
It's a long one. And a slow one. And it could be a little dry at times. I have to admit, I didn't particularly enjoy the experience for a lot of the first 40 episodes or so. And yet it still makes my top 3 list.
It really did pick up in the latter half, which helped. But mostly... That ending was everything I'd been promised and more. And it's really stuck with me. (This is another one I watched early into the year-- right after Occultic;Nine, actually.) The story it ends up telling is very different from the story it originally seems like it's going to be. The way my opinions on just about everything changed by the end really caught me off guard. And I love a story that makes me think.
And finally...
My absolute favorite anime I watched for the first time in 2022:
1)Yona of the Dawn
Episode Count: 24
Release Year: 2014
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Summary: A spoiled young princess is chased out of her kingdom when her beloved cousin and childhood friend murders her father and usurps his position as king. She meets an oracle who proclaims her to be the reincarnation of the fabled Crimson Dragon King, and she sets out on a journey to collect the other four dragon warriors and learn to be a warrior and a proper ruler herself in the process.
Where to start? Great characters. Beautiful animation. A gorgeous soundtrack. There's romance and comedy and action and fantasy all rolled into one tale here. A strong female lead who's still flawed and starts out weak but grows so much over the course of these 24 episodes that it's impossible not to want to stand behind her and see her achieve everything she's fighting for...
This series was literally perfect as far as I'm concerned, except for the fact that it's incomplete. The manga is actually still on-going, but it makes me want to riot that a first season that was this good never got a follow-up.
And lets give some Honorable Mentions to...
The 2019 Fruits Basket remake that I'm still slowly working my way through. (The adaptation I dreamed of for like 15 years after seeing how badly the first one fell short.)
And The Quintessential Quintuplets. I literally just got to see the movie that concludes the story in theaters a few weeks ago, and it got a really great ending. It came together really well, and I never expected to get this attached to them all when I first started season one. I honestly wasn't that impressed in the beginning, but now I'm sad to say goodbye.
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Out Of Time ~ 131
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,805ish
Summary: The fight continues.
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“Y/N? Did you do it?” Steve asked, still fighting off the creatures attacking them. No answer though. “Y/N?” Still nothing. “I need eyes on Y/N!”
“I’m heading to the lab now!” Bucky responded.
“She seems to be in a trance,” Shuri finally answered, coming up to Y/N. “Her eyes are glowing the same color as the Stone, but it’s clear she’s not really here.”
“And the Stone?” Steve wondered.
“Floating in between her hands. But I can already tell there’s a protective barrier around it. We won’t be able to get to it.”
“I’m here! I’me here!” Bucky exclaimed, running to Y/N’s side. “Shit.” He knelt in front of her, knowing not to touch her. “Steve, we’re going to have to wait this out. Waking her isn’t going to be a smart option.”
“Stay by her side then! She’s one of the few things stopping Thanos from succeeding.”
“On it.”
“I’m going to secure the lab,” Shuri stated, rushing off with the guards.
“Oh, doll,” Bucky sighed. “Where’ve you gone now?”
Y/N was kneeling in the common room of the SHIELD base she had once called home. Everything had an orange tint to it, so she knew she was in the Soul Dimension. Standing up, she observed the room. No one was there and it looked like it had those many years ago when they first had found the base. Untouched, undamaged, ready and waiting for adventure.
Confused as to why she was there, Y/N stood up and began to make her way around the base. Memories of all the good times and bad she had shared with the team crossed her mind. She had completely forgotten about the troubles in reality as she wondered, eventually finding her way to Coulson’s office. With a shaky breath, she opened the door. Looking around, she froze when her eyes saw it. Saw him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Coulson smiled. He was in a black suit, sitting against his desk. “Told you I’d always be there.”
“Phil?” Y/N gasped. “What… how… this means… you died.”
“About a week ago.” Coulson stood up straight, unbuttoning his jacket. “May should have sent you a letter. Though, I understand why you haven’t gotten in yet.”
“Why are you here?”
“Don’t know,” he shrugged. “The Stone brought me here. I immediately knew it was because of you though. What’s going on?”
“I… Thanos is coming for the Stones. I was in Wakanda, trying to destroy the Soul Stone and now I’m here.” Y/N looked around. “They told me… they warned me.”
“Who warned you? About what?”
“The Stones warned me that if I tried to stop them, they would stop me. This is them doing that.”
“Why would they do that though? Aren’t you suppose to save the universe or something?”
“I am… just not yet… people are going to die. And I won’t be able to stop it…”
“People die every day, not everyone’s deaths is your fault.”
Y/N shook her head. “This is different though, Phil. So very different.”
Coulson sighed and walked over so that he was standing in front of Y/N. “Always been so stubborn and full of heart. But instead of staying here feeling guilty about it all, before it even happens, you need to focus and beat this Stone out.” He set his hands on her shoulders, looking at her square on. “You need to get out there and help everyone else.”
“I don’t—“
“No excuses. Focus. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and focus.”
Back on Titan, the small team there was trying to recover from a moon being thrown at them. Iron Man took the biggest hit. Moon-chunks were still flying everyone, with random debris as well. Mantis, Drax, and Star-Lord were all unconscious, flying through the air. Luckily, Spider-Man was still conscious. He swung through the air, catching the unconscious Guardians.
“I got you!” Spider-Man exclaimed, webbing Mantis. “I got you!” He snagged Drax next, securing both of them to something not moving. “I’m sorry I can’t remember anybody’s names!” He then reeled in Star-Lord.
Dr. Strange and Thanos began battling each other. Both using their available powers to counter the other. After Strange duplicated himself, Thanos used the Reality and Power Stones to discover the real one. He then used the Reality and Space Stones to pull Strange forward, letting Thanos grasp him by the throat.
“You’re full of tricks, wizard,” Thanos said, reaching for the necklace holding the Time Stone.
“No!” Strange yelled as Thanos snapped the necklace from his neck.
“Yet you never once used your greatest weapon.” Thanos crushed the necklace with his bare hand. “A fake.”
Angry, Thanos threw Dr. Strange and his head hit a rock, causing him to pass out. Almost simultaneously, a red and gold device slapped into the palm of the Infinity Gauntlet, bracing the fingers open. Iron Man then made a fast and hard entrance.
“You throw another moon at me, and I’m gonna to lose it,” Tony said, clearly done with Thanos.
“Stark,” Thanos greeted.
“You know me?”
“I do. You and the girl aren’t the only one cursed with knowledge.”
“My only curse is you.”
Small rockets popped out of Iron Man’s back and launched at Thanos. The rockets all exploded on target, momentarily shrouding Thanos in smoke. Before it cleared, Iron Man pile drove into Thanos horizontally, using his single super jet boot. As he bounced off, Tony flipped and stuck the landing, immediately re-configuring his boots into ground clamps and his gloves into rocket-driven battering rams, punching Thanos into the ruined wall behind him.
Thanos shook it off quickly. He reached forward and tore Iron Man’s helmet off, revealing Tony's surprised expression before the suit recovered automatically and re-formed his head protection. Thanos made use of the delay and punched back hard, sending Tony sliding meters away and giving Thanos time to rip the brace device off the gauntlet. He immediately used the Power Stone to stream energy at Tony, who formed a shield to kneel behind just as instantly, getting pushed back even further by the incredible force.
Iron Man slid out from behind the shield, letting the angled energy push him away for a faster start, and whipped back to Thanos. Tony kicked at the Titan with his left foot, turning the boot into a ground clamp at the same time to pin the gauntlet. He kept twisting while his left glove became a ran again, slamming into Thanos’ face and cutting his cheek.
“All that for a drop of blood,” Thanos panted.
Thanos smiled before punching Iron Man, sending him pinwheeling. He then started beating him with his fists. Iron Man attempted to block the blows with his forearms, but Thanos was relentless, picking him up by the helmet and blasting his midsection with the Power Stone. The gaps in the nano tech suit were gaping, as the armor lost the ability to recover from the intensity and extent of the damage. 
Iron Man landed hard from the Power blast, struggled to one knee and fired his right hand repulsor at the inexorable Thanos; the beam was easily deflected by the gauntlet. Tony got to both feet as the suit tried to complete repairs, adding the beam from his left hand as well. Thanos walked right up to him, and backhanded the incomplete helmet completely off Tony's head. He crossed his arms to block a blow from Thanos' gauntlet, and had his left hand caught over his head. 
In desperation, Tony formed what's left of his right glove into a short-sword, which was also easily caught by Thanos, snapping it off clean and driving it through Tony's left side. Thanos then walked Tony back until he was sitting, and placed the gauntlet almost comfortingly on Tony’s head.
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“You have my respect, Stark,” Thanos said. “When I’m done, half of humanity will still be alive.” He let go, straightened and stepped back. “I hope they remember you.”
Tony was a little distracted with the pain, blood drooling out of his mouth and compromised breathing. Thanos raised the gauntlet, closing his fist, all three of the Stones glowing.
“Wait,” Thanos said, noticing the problem. He unlisted his hand and looked at the side of the gauntlet where the Stones sat. “The Soul Stone,” he growled. He looked around, realizing that someone had been missing from he whole fight. “The girl.” He glared at Tony. “Where is she?”
“Away… from here,” Tony panted.
“AHH!” Thanos screamed, powering up the gauntlet. 
“STOP!” Strange shouted. “Spare his life… and I will give you the Stone.”
“No tricks.” Strange shook his head and Thanos pointed the gauntlet at him instead.
“Don’t!” Tony pled.
Dr. Strange reached up and plucked the Time Stone out of its hiding place. His opened his tremoring hand and the Stone floated to Thanos. Strange and Tony watched as Thanos took the Stone and dropped it into the thumb setting, the energy pulse making him wince.
“Two to go,” Thanos stated.
An energy blast hit the gauntlet and Thanos grimaced in surprise. Screaming in incoherent rage, with his helmet up and firing from both hands, Quill came flying straight for Thanos. Thanos didn’t bother responding to the assault, simply using the Space Stone to disappear. Star-Lord flew through where Thanos had been and crashed, rolling several times.
“Where is he?!” Quill exclaimed, standing and de-helmeting. Tony was stitching up his stab wound with his suit. “Did we just lose?”
Tony looked at Dr. Strange, clearly saddened. “Why would you do that?” He asked.
“We’re in the Endgame now,” Strange responded.
“Focus harder, Y/N!” Coulson ordered. “The Stone is trying to keep you in here. You need to get out there and help your team.”
“I know, Phil!” Y/N responded, frustrated. She ran her hands down her face. “I know…”
“Momma!” She heard a boy’s distance cries. “Momma!”
Y/N looked up, standing front he seat she was in. “Is that… no. Impossible. He’d be just a year.”
“Age doesn’t work the same in the Soul Stone,” Coulson replied.
“Momma!” The cry was frantic, clearly something was wrong.
“AJ?” Y/N responded.
A little boy, probably no more than six, came barreling into the room. He quickly latched onto Y/N and she bent down to hold onto him.
“AJ,” she whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. She pulled back and knelt down, cupping his cheeks. “You’re so big.” He was the perfect mix of Y/N and Tony.
“There’s a problem, momma,” the little boy told her, trying to catch his breath. 
“A problem? What’s the problem?”
“With daddy! He’s in trouble.”
“Dad? What’s wrong with Tony?”
“Thanos hurt him and now Thanos is headed for Earth. You have to do something.”
“I will, sweetheart,” she pressed a kiss to his head. “I will. Can you do something for me, AJ?”
“Of course, momma.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at her son. “Stay with Uncle Phil, okay? He’ll take care of you while I can’t. And don’t worry about me or your dad. I’m going to fix this.”
“Okay, momma.”
“Your momma and daddy love and miss you so much, you know that right?”
“I do,” the little boy nodded. “I love you too.”
Y/N gave a teary eyes, tight lipped smile. “That’s a good boy. You go stand back with Uncle Phil, alright?”
“Alright momma.”
She stood up as her son hurried over to Coulson. Her and Coulson made eye-contact. “Take care of him.”
“Are you kidding?” Coulson smiled, picking up AJ. “I’ve always wanted to be Uncle Phil. Now, focus.”
Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath. She held her hands in front of her, palms up, as she closed her eyes. She could feel the Stone pushing against her, wanting to keep her there. But she wouldn’t let it, she had to be stronger. Focusing on the need to leave and the power surrounding her, Y/N began to channel it. Quickly, she could feel the power building inside her, begging to be let free.
“Keep going momma!” She could hear AJ cheer.
Y/N took in as much power as she could, before she felt like she would explode. Opening her eyes, she looked at Phil and AJ. They were both taken back my the incredibly amber shade Y/N’s eyes had taken, but they knew it was the Stones.
“Don’t let him forget me,” she told Phil.
“Never,” he responded.
With one last look at her son, Y/N closed her eyes and turned away. Letting out a painfully scream, the power inside her blasted out, cracking the inner walls of the Soul Stone.
“Bucky!” Steve called. “How’s it going up there?”
“She hasn’t moved, Steve,” Bucky responded with a shake of his head. “She’s— wait.” Bucky looked closer at the Stone floating between her palms. “The Stones cracking. She’s doing it!”
“Let me know when she’s done.”
“Come on, Y/N,” Bucky muttered. “You can do it, doll.”
As the Stone shattered into pieces, falling onto the ground, Y/N shouted out in pain. Her hands found the floor, stabilizing her from falling on her face.
“Oh my— Steve, she did it,” Bucky told the others, pulling Y/N into his chest. “She destroyed the Stone.”
“Good,” Steve replied. “Now you two need to get down here and help us hold them from getting Vision.”
Bucky held Y/N close, pressing a kiss to her hair. “You did it, doll.” He rocked them. “You did it.”
“Bucky…” she whispered, pushing away to see his face. “I—“
“Everyone, on my position,” Steve directed over the comms. “We have incoming.”
“What the hell?” Nat wondered.
“Cap,” Bruce said, “that’s him.”
“Eyes up,” Steve ordered. “Stay sharp.”
“Get us down there, Y/N,” Bucky said. “We have to help them.”
Arriving through a portal, ready to fight, Y/N and Bucky watched as Steve didn’t even get to strike before he was set back by purple energy from the Power Stone. T’Challa tried next. His armor was fully charged, kinetically, and he leaped high, claws extended. He was easily grabbed by the throat and punched to the ground, his armor discharging violently. Falcon was next, swooping in, but was stopped when his wings became rubbery and unable to sustain flight.
As Rhodey tried to stop Thanos next, Y/N noticed Vision and Wanda off to the side. Vision was kneeling before Wanda as she was channeling her energy towards the Mind Stone. Bucky rushed up to Thanos next, only to be punched away by the Power Stone. With a shaky breath, Y/N stood in front of Thanos.
“There you are, my little one,” Thanos smirked. “You took something from me.”
“It wasn’t yours to keep,” you responded.
“You know, the Stones warned me about a person able to channel them and use them to destroy me. I just didn’t imagine them like… this.”
“And I didn’t imagine you purple, but I guess we all have our disappointments.”
“I know what you did with the Soul Stone. You're foolish to think that could possibly stop me.”
“You’re foolish to think I can’t.”
Channeling the Stones, Y/N began to fling debris and rocks at the Titan. Only for him to block and destroy them before he was hit, also by using the Stones. Okoye flung a spear at Thanos as Y/N tried to keep him distracted. Unfortunately, Thanos was still able to throw both Okoye and the spear to the side, all while fighting Y/N and wrapping Natasha in bands of Earth. Groot tried to use the roots to stop the Titan, but Thanos easily broke them as he blocked Y/N’s assaults. 
Finding a lucky moment of weakness, Thanos was able to fling Y/N across the clearing. He marched over there, ready to punch her, but Steve slid under his fist. The Captain screamed as he tried to hold Thanos off. Thanos, though, slammed his other fist into Steve’s head, rendering him insensible.
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“Steve,” Y/N muttered, crawling over to her brother. She gently shook him. “Steve, come on.” Nothing.
Panting and aching, Y/N looked up just in time to see Wanda holding back Thanos while finishing off the Mind Stone. Y/N gasped sharply as a pain rolled over her whole body. Thanos walked closer to Wanda as their energies subsided and Vision fell over, lifeless. 
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“I understand, my child,” Thanos said. “Better than anyone.”
“You could never,” she snarled.
He reached down, stroking her hair. “Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now… is no time at all.”
He reached forward, clenching the gauntlet. The Time Stone glowed and flowed green energy around his fist. In response, time began to reverse. Y/N could feel the Soul Stone and Mind Stone repairing themselves.
“No,” she gasped. Trying to stand up, she watched as the Mind Stone and Vision became intact and conscious once again.
“No!” Wanda screamed, lunging for Vision before she was swatted away.
Thanos picked up Vision by the throat, lifting him to eye level before digging his hand into Vision’s forehead and yanking out the Mind Stone. He pulled it loose and Vision immediately went limp and colorless. Y/N tried to run over there, only to be knocked down by Thanos tossing Vision at her. 
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Setting the Mind Stone in place, Y/N noticed the Soul Stone appearing in front of Thanos. Angrily, Y/N portaled in front of him.
“There’s nothing you can do to stop me now, my child,” Thanos smirked.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try,” Y/N responded.
She opened a small portal, using it to grab the Soul Stone before Thanos could. Thanos growled as his hand swiped over where hers just disappeared. Before Y/N could do anything, suddenly she was wrapped up in roots and slammed against a large tree. She groaned at the impact she took, especially where her head was concerned. Thanos marched over, chuckling darkly.
“You can’t over power me, even with the Stones on your side,” Thanos said.
Taking a shaky breath, Y/N tried to channel the Stones to get free. Her breath hitched as she could feel the Stones but they wouldn’t let her use them.
“We told you this had to happen,” the Stones taunted her thoughts. “We told you that we would stop you.”
Y/N breathed shakily as Thanos used the power of the gauntlet on her. She screamed out in pain as her had was forced open and the Soul Stone was freed. Thanos smirked as he took the Stone and put it back in place. The energy surge from the gauntlet caused Thanos to bellow and Y/N to cry out in pain again. She could feel it all, but not access the power. Tears built up in her eyes as she met Thanos’.
“I’m so sorry, my child,” he said, not sounding sincere at all. “I wish there was another way.”
He lifted the gauntlet at Y/N, powering it up. Bracing herself, she clenched her eyes shut and turned away. But before Thanos could blast her, a bolt of lightning strikes him, digging him into the ground and grinding him back. Thor arrived, eyes glowing with power. He raised his new ax above his head and hurled it at the Titan. Thanos fired with the whole might of the gauntlet against it, but it didn’t slow the ax. The ax slammed right into Thanos’ chest. Thor landed in front of Thanos.
“I told you,” he growled. “You’d die for that!”
Thor took hold of the back of Thanos’ head and forced his ax in deeper. He stared at Thanos angrily as the Titan cried out in pain.
“You should have…” Thanos said weakly. “You… You should have gone for the head.” He lifted up the gauntlet and snapped his fingers.
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“NO!” Thor screamed.
Y/N let out a scream that sounded that she was dying, cause she sure felt like it. She could feel the Stones working together to complete Thanos’ plan.
“What’d you do?” Thor asked. “WHAT’D YOU DO?!”
Y/N cried as Thanos used the Space Stone and disappeared. She was still suck on the tree. Steve stumbled into the clearing, holding his left side.
“Where’d he go?” Steve asked. “Thor… where’d he go?”
“Steve?” Bucky called, coming into the clearing. “Y/N?”
Bucky and Y/N made eye contact as he suddenly stumbled over and collapsed into ashes. Steve, in shock, walked over and touched the ground where Bucky’s ashes were.
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“BUCKY!” Y/N screamed. “NO!”
Letting out a loud, sorrowful cry, the roots holding Y/N to the tree burned off her and she fell to her knees. She could feel the Stones letting her access them again, almost in a taunting way. With heaving breaths, Y/N lifted her head up and watched Wanda, Sam, Groot, and T’Challa all disappear, turning into ash like Bucky.
“NO!” She screamed again, unleashing a wave of power from her that rippled across the battlefield. “No….” She whispered.
On Titan, the team was collecting themselves. Mantis propped up Star-Lord, Spider-Man helped Tony to his feet, while Drax and Nebula managed to limp over on their own.
“Something’s happening,” Mantis said before disintegrating into ashes. 
Quill looked behind him to see Drax disintegrate.
“Quill?” Drax said as he dissolved.
Quill stared in horror as he turned back to Tony, who was starting to panic.
“Steady, Quill,” Tony told him.
“Aw, man,” Quill said, also disintegrating.
“Tony,” Strange called calmly, “there was no other way.” Then he disappeared as well.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter said, realizing he was fading away. Tony stared, horrified. “I don’t feel so good…”
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“You’re alright,” Tony said, trying to be calm but his voice was shaking and he was looking at Peter in terror.
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Peter was stumbling towards Tony, terrified. “I don’t know what’s— I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t—“ He fell into Tony’s arms, clutching him tight while beginning to cry. “I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go, Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go… I’m sorry.” 
And then Peter turned to ash in Tony’s arms. Tony fell forward from the lack of weight in his arms, staring at his hands in disbelief.
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“He did it,” Nebula stated.
Steve, Thor, Rhodey, Nat, Bruce, and Rocket were all mourning near Vision’s dead body. Y/N was still on her knees beneath the tree, holding and rocking herself as she cried.
“What is this?” Rhodey asked. “What the hell is happening?”
“… oh, God.”
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next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
The Mercer Legacy - Part 2
Pairings: Reggie x Luke x Reader, Willex
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: swearing
a/n: ahhh here’s part 2 of The Mercer Legacy!! I have been super busy and also told myself I wouldn’t write more of this until Sunset Swerve was finished (which it’s technically not bc it’s still missing an epilogue but shhhh) but I’m really excited to share this with y’all!! As always, please let me know what you think and comment/send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist!! Oh, let’s all pretend that Luke and Reggie are in their concert blacks backstage at the event from Part 1 in the second edit, thanks :)
Part 1  Masterlist  TML Masterlist 
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You met at the place where your front lawns touched, both of you storming out of your houses at the same time to confront each other.
“I can’t believe you lied to me!”
“I can’t believe you tricked me!” 
You both paused, having yelled at each other at the same time and needing a moment to comprehend what the other had said.
“Really?” You spoke first, quirking a brow and pursing your lips as you stared down your best friend. “You’re going to whine about a harmless prank when you’ve been living a freaking Hannah Montana double life?!”
“A Hannah Montana double life?” Alex repeated as if he couldn’t believe those were words that had just come out of your mouth. 
“Yeah, asshole. You’ve got secret cute friends, you’re in a secret band-“
“Actually can we talk about this inside?” He cut you off, looking around frantically as if he just remembered that you were outside and anyone could hear you. 
You glared at him for interrupting but turned to lead the way back towards your house. 
“Now I understand how Lily felt,” you grumbled and you could practically hear Alex roll his eyes. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Oh, fuck off!” 
“So what I still don’t understand is why you didn’t just tell me all of this to begin with,” you finally spoke after Alex explained to you everything about meeting the guys and forming the band. You were sat across from each other on your bed, normally you’d sit side-by-side against the pillows or cuddle but this was serious. “Do you not trust me?”
Alex snapped his head up at that, looking you straight in the eyes as he spoke. 
“No! Y/N, of course, that’s not it! You know you’re my best friend, I’d trust you with my life!” He rushed to reassure you. 
“Then why not this?” 
Alex sighed. 
“I don’t know, it just...it all happened really fast and telling you slipped my mind and then it seemed too late to tell you and I just- I didn’t want you to be mad at me,” he rambled and you shook your head fondly. 
“You’re an idiot, you know that right?” 
“That’s why I need you, you have all the brains,” he was quick to respond, breaking out the innocent look he usually reserved for parents. 
“Kiss ass,” you grumbled but gesture for him to join you against the pillows anyway. 
“I’m glad you know now,” Alex said quietly as he settled next to you, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him. “Don’t replace me with Luke and Reggie though.”
You laughed at that, quickly reassuring him that you could never before pulling out your phone. 
“What’re you doing?” Alex asked curiously, trying to get a look at the screen. 
“I’m changing your contact name to Hannah Montana,” you answered simply as you tapped away on your phone, doing just that. 
“Oh my gosh, seriously? You’re never gonna let that go are you?” He groaned. 
“Listen, I really don’t think you’re appreciating how clever that was. I’m a genius.” 
“Of course, my genius best friend,” Alex teased, hugging you closer to him briefly. 
You nuzzled your head into his shoulder, grateful for the show of affection. You knew Alex wasn’t a very physical person so the fact that he was comfortable enough with you to express his affection in this manner was huge. You always joked that he was the brother you’d never asked for and it was like he caught the cuddle bug when the two of you hung out. You’d spent many an afternoon or sleepover cuddled up just like this. 
“Oh! I should probably text the guys and let them know you’re alive,” you spoke after a moment, reaching for your phone once more. 
“The guys,” Alex repeated in disbelief at the casual reference to Luke and Reggie before the rest of your statement registered in his mind. “Wait, let them know what?!”
“Shhhh, it’s fine,” you waved him off as you sent a text in your group chat. “I just might’ve threatened your life for lying to me.”
“You threat- y’know what, I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore,” he sighed exasperatedly. 
“You really shouldn’t,” you laughed. “Luke says you’re late for band practice.”
“Oh shit!” Alex exclaimed, sitting up suddenly, the movement forcing you to sit up as well. “I gotta go- wait, do you wanna come with? I’m sure the rest of the group won’t mind.”
“Do I want to come... y’know I was joking about me having all the brains in this friendship but now I’m starting to think it’s true,” you huffed as you followed your best friend out of the room. 
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” Alex apologized as he rushed into the garage where the band apparently practiced. 
Upon entry, you found the garage had been converted to a well-lit and nicely decorated studio, equipped with everything you assumed a band of high schoolers could need. As you followed Alex in he gestured over to a couple of armchairs and a couch clustered across from the band setup for you to sit in before he quickly made his way behind the drum set. 
“No problem man, we know you were making up with- y/n!” Luke exclaimed, catching sight of you seated in one of the chairs in front of him. 
“What’re you doing here?” Reggie blurted out, having spun around to face you when Luke had said your name and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“Um, Alex said I could come watch you practice?” You tried to explain but it came out as more of a question in your flustered state. “He didn’t think you guys would mind but if you do I can just head back home...”
You moved to stand up from your chair but the boys were quick to stop you. 
“No!” They shouted simultaneously. Thank goodness for guitar straps because each boy nearly dropped their instrument in their haste to keep you from leaving. 
“You just... caught us off guard. That’s all,” Luke explained, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you heard Alex groan from the back, drawing your attention. 
“What’s up?” You called back to him, settling back into your seat and sending Luke and Reggie a grateful smile before giving your best friend your undivided attention.
“Huh? Oh! I, uh, one of my sticks looks like it’s starting to crack,” he excused, sounding like he hadn’t meant to be heard. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him, knowing he was leaving something out but you wouldn’t push it. At least not in front of Luke and Reggie. “Anyways, where’s Jules?”
“She just ran inside to grab some water,” Reggie answered, and if on cue the studio doors opened and a smaller girl carrying an armful of water bottles who you assumed must be Julie stepped in. 
“Y’know, one of you guys could’ve offered to help,” she huffed, walking over to each of the three boys to hand them a bottle. 
Like Luke and Reggie, it took her a moment to notice your presence as she jumped slightly when she turned around and spotted you. You smiled sheepishly, feeling that embarrassed heat rise into your face once again. 
“You must be Y/N!” She exclaimed, grinning at you. “I’m Julie. Do you want a water?” 
You graciously accepted the offer from the curly-haired girl, thankful that she didn’t seem to mind that you were there. After making sure you felt welcome Julie was all business, getting the band started on their rehearsal. The same could not be said for the guys. 
Luke was the first to start goofing off while Reggie had been pointedly averting his gaze whenever you looked at him. It was a complete tone shift from the confident boy who had winked at you at the debutante ball but Luke’s showing off seemed to empower him. The brunet, on the other hand, hadn’t wasted any time doing silly rockstar moves and adding in guitar riffs that you could tell weren’t typically apart of the songs by Alex and Julie’s fond but exasperated expressions. Not long after, Reggie joined in on the shenanigans, the two boys competing for your attention. 
For his part, Alex did seem to be doing his best to maintain his professionalism but, well, once Luke and Reggie started acting out you weren’t surprised that he followed. You thought it was cute, your best friend was jealous. Whether it was because he thought you were stealing his friends or they were stealing you was yet to be seen, but you thought it was endearing despite knowing that he had nothing to worry about. 
Well, maybe he had to worry about you stealing Luke and Reggie. Despite not knowing them for very long the two boys had quickly grown on you and you were grateful for opportunities like sitting in on band practice to get to spend more time with them, even if you weren’t talking or interacting with them directly. You got the feeling that music was a language of their own, especially for Luke. Even as he did everything in his power to gain and keep your attention you could tell that each song was important to him. 
You were surprised and bummed when they finished rehearsing, your personal mini-concert over. However, you hadn’t realized practice being over didn’t mean you had to go home. Apparently, the guys often stayed late in Julie’s garage just hanging out. 
“So, what exactly do your parents think you’re doing when you’re here?” You asked Alex much later, having just noticed the sun had long since set and wondering how the boy had escaped his parents’ curiosity and strictness for so long.  
You had migrated to the couch at some point in the evening, your legs draped across Luke’s lap as you stretched out on the sofa. Reggie and Alex occupied the two closest armchairs. 
“Usually I just say I’m at your house,” Alex shrugged and you sat up abruptly, staring at him as if he were insane (which, by the way, he was). 
“And you never thought to tell me that I was your alibi?” You questioned in disbelief. “What if they had checked in?!” 
“They wouldn’t have checked in.”
“They’re helicopter parents!” 
“But they trust me,” Alex smirked and you huffed. 
“Right. How could I forget you’re the Golden Boy. Every parent to ever exists trusts you immediately by default,” you groaned, flopping back onto the couch dramatically. 
The guys all laughed at that and you smirked victoriously to yourself, proud that you were able to do that. The boys led the conversation after that with you jumping in occasionally, just content to be there. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before your eyelids grew heavy and you decided to close them, believing you could still listen and participate in the conversation with your eyes shut.
The boys didn’t realize you were asleep until Luke felt you shiver, your legs still laying across his lap. He looked over to find you with your eyes closed, a peaceful expression on your face, and goosebumps all over your arms. You were freezing. 
Realizing that there were no blankets nearby, Luke began to slowly shrug off his flannel so as to not disturb you. The same flannel that Alex had made fun of him for wearing because “It’s June in LA and it’s a million degrees out.” Well, suck it, Alex, because now he was able to drape it across your torso. 
A warm, fluttering feeling erupted in his chest when you unconsciously grasped onto the fabric, snuggling further into the material. 
At this point, Alex and Reggie had caught on to the fact that you had fallen asleep and while the boys did resume their conversation, there was a noticeable shift in volume. Luke flinched the next time he felt you move, thinking their talking had woke you up. However, he looked to see that your eyes were still closed, no signs of consciousness to be found in your features and he let out a small sigh of relief. 
“Hey, Reg can you go grab a blanket from the loft?” Luke asked, looking away from you to give his friend his signature puppy dog eyes. 
It turned out he didn’t need to though as Reggie had already jumped up from his seat and started making his way quickly and quietly to the ladder. He made it up and down from the loft with no troubles but it didn’t last. Barely two steps away from the ladder Reggie tripped, falling into Alex’s drum set. Luke and Alex watched with wide eyes as at the last minute the boy attempted to launch himself in the opposite direction, not wanting to damage the drums and he nearly managed to save it, until he knocked the high-hat over with his foot. 
The cymbals hit the ground with a loud crash and you startled awake, eyes flying open and heart racing at the sound. 
“What the fuck was that?” You gasped, sitting up as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. “Was I asleep?” 
“That was Reggie knocking over the cymbals and yeah, you were knocked out,” Luke chuckled, smiling lightly at you. Alex had already jumped up, rushing to the back to make sure his high-hat and friend were okay. 
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay Reg?” You asked, your head snapping to the band set-up just in time to see the boy in question stand up, brushing off his pants before carefully making his way back to you. 
“Yeah, I’m all good,” he replied cheerily before handing you the waded-up ball of fabric. “I was grabbing you a blanket, you were shivering in your sleep.” He explained softly and your heart warmed at the gesture.
“Aww babes, that’s so sweet,” you cooed accepting the blanket from the blushing boy even though you were no longer sleeping. As you set down the blanket you noticed Luke’s flannel already laying in your lap and you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the realization that he must have placed it over you in your sleep. 
“Babes?” Alex repeated as he walked back, looking at you funny and you sent a puzzled look back. 
“What? I used to call you babe all the time before you got permanently relegated to ‘asshole.’” Alex rolled his eyes at that while Luke and Reggie chuckled. 
“Okay, it’s time to go,” Alex huffed, pulling you off the couch and you pouted. 
“Well, bye I guess!” You whined, waving at the boys while Alex tried to forcibly remove you from the garage as quickly as possible. “Asshole.” You cursed him quietly under your breath. 
Part 3
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @bright-molina @reg-peters @calamitykaty
TML Taglist: @bright-patterson @marinettepotterandplagg @everyonesannoyedwithme @dream-a-little-bigger-x @percico-heronstairs @starjane312 @ifilwtmfc @jatphatones @cherrymaybank @sorrowfulfragmentation @stargazing-dreamer-girl @daisybutterlions @mynameisntluke​
125 notes · View notes
hazellvesque · 4 years
your wounds; my sutures
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians/The Trials of Apollo
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Summary: When Will Solace, Camp Half-Blood’s greatest healer, is the one who gets hurt in battle, the son of Hades has to step up to the plate and put the skills he learned in the infirmary to good use. 
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings: graphic descriptions of cuts, blood, stitches, and questionable amateur medical practice.
Read on Ao3
* * *
The second he caught sight of the gaping wound in his boyfriend’s shoulder, Nico almost blacked out. It was hard to believe Will was even still conscious with so much blood seeping out.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Will’s voice was strained, yet somehow calm, as if he hadn’t just taken a direct hit from the dangerous end of a sword. He was sitting on the ground, using his good arm to keep himself propped upright. The wound slashed across his shoulder blade, beginning just a few inches to the right of the base of his neck. The weapon had cut straight through his shirt, leaving tattered scraps of fabric as the only discretionary cover for the graphic injury. 
“Nico? Are you still with me?”
“You’re bleeding,” Nico said lamely, snapping back to reality, still not quite believing what he was seeing. 
He’d seen much worse in the past. Hell, he’d caused much worse. But this was Will Solace. He was Camp Half-Blood’s greatest healer. He wasn’t supposed to be the one who got hurt, ever. 
If Nico could, he would resurrect the monster just to kill it all over again. It deserved a punishment far worse than evaporating into golden dust, but at least the satisfaction might quell Nico’s anger a bit. He couldn’t stop staring at the wound. Fortunately, Will was faced away from him. Nico imagined the pained expression on Will’s face, how he was probably fighting to keep his lopsided, reassuring smile bright despite it all. 
“What do we do?” Nico spoke quietly, but desperately. 
The two boys were utterly exhausted. The fight had taken nearly everything out of them. Will’s own healing abilities couldn’t possibly work well right now - he was so weak he could hardly sit upright on his own. Nico thought of shadow traveling to Camp or even to the nearest hospital; he’d have to do some quick thinking to explain the situation to a mortal doctor, but the idea was quickly shut down by the black fuzziness already creeping into the corners of his vision. He probably wouldn’t be able to move himself ten feet without passing out. 
They’d have to solve this the old-fashioned way. 
Will gestured with his head towards his bag. It lay a few feet away, discarded early in the fight and no doubt now containing a few broken supplies and squished ambrosia squares.
“Grab some supplies for me? I don’t want to move too much and make it worse.” Will said, his breathing labored. “You’re going to have to help me clean and close it up.”
“Right.” Nico nodded a little too fast, hardly processing Will’s words at all. 
Nico dashed over to Will’s backpack and tore it open. In moments, the grass was strewn with miscellaneous bandages, ice packs, and burn creams that would be utterly useless in helping solve the problem at hand. He searched for the vial of nectar he knew should be there, and swore under his breath when he found it shattered, the pieces of broken glass nicking his fingertips and the golden liquid seeping into the canvas fabric, causing an utterly useless sticky mess. Reaching further, Nico pulled out everything he thought would be useful - gloves, cloth, peroxide, and the small suture kit box at the very bottom of the bag. 
He rushed back to Will’s side, fighting the wave of nausea that hit him, both from sight of the cut and from standing up too fast. He quickly pulled on the latex gloves, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible. 
“You remember the first step in treating a wound?” Will asked.
“I have to clean it. And apply pressure to stop the bleeding,” Nico recited mechanically. Then he paused, head tilted, mouth scrunched in annoyance. “I can’t believe you’re turning this into a medical lesson.”
“Never a bad time to brush you up on your basic skills.” 
“This is anything but basic.” Nico’s hands trembled so hard that he nearly dropped the tools in his hands. “I can’t really see the whole thing. I’m going to have to-“ he gulped, silently chiding himself for how stupid he felt for asking, “-to take off your shirt. Cut it off, I mean. To get to the, uh...” 
Even through what must have been some of the worst physical pain of his life, Will chuckled. “If you want to prevent me from bleeding out, then yes, unfortunately, you’re going to have to see me shirtless. Did you grab the scissors?” 
“No,” Will’s shirt was already torn nearly to shreds, and precious time was slipping away. Biting back his mortification, Nico took hold of the already torn collar of Will’s orange camp shirt and ripped straight down, letting the cotton fibers fall apart in his hands. He quickly tore in two other places, removing the blood-stained fabric entirely. 
Any embarrassing implication of his actions was immediately shut down by the now clearer sight of the dark red stickiness quickly streaking down the right side of Will’s body.  
“Talk to me, Nico, what’s going on?”
Nico half-consciously began soaking the cloth in peroxide. “Isn’t this going to sting?” 
“Like hell,” Will made a hmph sound under his breath, then he laughed, “I know it was super common back in your day to do this-”
“I’m going to forgive you for that because you’re hurt right now.” 
“But peroxide on deep wounds can do more harm than good, so really, this is a last resort, since we don’t have any nectar. Even just clean water or soap would be better, but that doesn’t matter now. Just…don’t use a lot, just enough to make sure nothing gets infected. Give me something to hold on to?” 
With his right hand, Nico held the folded, peroxide-soaked rag precariously close to Will’s injured shoulder. His left hand silently slipped into Will’s and squeezed tight. “Do you want me to tell you when?”
“No, just go for it.” 
He went for it. 
Three of Nico’s senses sparked to life all at once: the sound of Will biting back a scream ringing in his ears, the gruesome sight of the cut bubbling from the peroxide chemicals burned into his eyes, and the feeling of all of the bones in his left hand being crushed by Will’s iron grip as he squeezed in desperation from the pain. 
“I’m sorry!” Nico cried. He twisted the already red-soaked cloth in his hand so that he could use the clean side to put more pressure on the cut. He could feel the heat radiating off Will’s body, which sent an odd shiver down his spine. 
“Don’t be,” Will said, though the tone of his voice would suggest otherwise. “You’re doing everything right. You should be more sorry about the stitches you’re going to have to put in.”
If he hadn’t been so focused on stopping the bleeding, Nico’s arms would have dropped uselessly to his sides in shock. Instead, he let his jaw do the dropping. “The what I’m going to have to put where? Will, I can’t-“ 
“If I can pull a baby out of a cloud nymph, you can learn how to properly stitch someone up.” Will hissed through gritted teeth. 
“I can’t be the only one reattaching limbs at Camp, I need help sometimes so you may as well get practice now.”
“I’m not exactly the best at healing people. Quite the opposite, actually.” 
“I’ll talk you through it,” Will squeezed Nico’s hand, which Nico hadn’t realized he was still holding. “If it were practically anywhere else on my body I would just do it myself, but I got hit in the worst possible spot.”
Nico dropped the bloody cloth and sat back on his heels, dumbfounded. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You won’t,” Will reassured him. “I promise. I trust you.” 
The bold statement made Nico flush, his heart rate increasing even more, though by now he thought that would have been impossible. With his new determination, he opened the small box from Will’s bag. Inside lay a small, curved needle already threaded with a thin black cord, two differently shaped pairs of what looked like fancy tweezers, a small pair of scissors, and a tiny blade Nico hoped he wouldn’t have to use. 
“How do I do this?” Nico steeled himself, swallowing down his doubts. 
Will quickly explained the basic process: Nico would need to use both of the “tweezers” - one of which was actually a needle holder - simultaneously. One would be used to hold the skin in place and the other, as the name suggested, was to push the needle through. Then, he’d have to tie off the thread like a knot and cut off any excess. Rinse and repeat all the way up, until hopefully the cut would be closed well enough to not reopen on the way to get professional care. 
Nico delicately traced his gloved hand across the bottom of the cut, right where he’d need to start stitching. The bleeding had subsided, but Will’s skin was still too warm and bright red. 
He got to work right away. 
The first stitch was the most difficult. Nico had wielded swords as long as he was tall, but the intimidation of putting a tiny, intentional hole in someone was somehow worse. His hands trembled as he pushed the needle through one side, out the other, and knotted the thread tight. 
“Does that hurt?” Nico asked timidly. 
Will hesitated before answering: “Not as much as getting myself slashed open in the first place.” 
Glad to see he still had a sense of humor, despite it all. 
Nico continued his diligent work, taking about a minute to complete each tiny stitch. He’d probably need to do about 20 more to get the wound closed entirely. 
“This...reminds me,” Will said, his voice sounding far-away and dreamy. Whether it was blissful reminiscing or exhaustion, it was difficult to tell. “Of Manhattan. And Annabeth.”
“What about Annabeth?” 
Will was rambling now, taking his mind off the pain in the only way he could. “She was hit in the same place. Protecting Percy. During the battle against Kronos. I was the one who healed her back then. We were all looking for my brother Michael when Percy dragged me out of the search party and said he needed a healer. He was really freaked out, it was kind of scary to be honest. I’m pretty sure that was the first time anyone outside of my own cabin even acknowledged my existence,” Will took a deep breath, and after a heavy pause, he muttered, “I was made head counselor as soon as the battle was over.”
With all the losses they’d faced over the last few years, it was sadly almost too easy for Nico to forget that Will had lost at least four of his siblings during the Battle of Manhattan. Everyone coped with trauma and loss differently, but you wouldn’t look at Will Solace and think that he was hurting. Then again, Will’s optimism and willingness to constantly help others may very well have been a way to disguise that hurt. He hadn’t been able to help the people he’d lost. 
Nico had been about to express his condolences when Will asked, “Where were you during all of that?”
“Convincing my dad to let me borrow his dead army,” Nico laughed humorlessly, the memory rushing back to him. “And helping protect Percy’s parents.”
Will’s head tilted. “What were Percy’s parents doing on the battlefield?” 
“Sally Jackson is a powerhouse of a woman and will stop at nothing, not even a Titan. Plus, I felt like I kind of owed it to Percy after...everything I’d done.” 
Will made a humming sound, as if to say that’s fair. Over the past few months, Nico had opened up more about his early years at Camp Half-Blood. Even now, he felt a pang of regret for how he used to behave towards the people who were only trying to help him. Will didn’t know all of the details, of course, but he knew enough to understand. 
“I remember seeing you out there,” Nico continued, his voice a whisper. “We hadn’t even spoken before, but I knew who you were.”
Will responded just as quietly. “I knew you, too.” 
Not in the ‘I’d heard the whispers about the reclusive son of Hades’ way, or the ‘I knew about the boy who had lost his sister’ way. No; he’d said it like a confession. 
“You-,” Nico swallowed hard, “you did?”
“You kind of fascinated me,” Will murmured. “Can you believe it only took me another year to actually speak to you?”
Nico felt his heart jolt in his chest. Why hadn’t he known this before? If he knew any better, he’d think Will was only confessing this now because of his delirium. Or maybe he’d wanted to admit it for a long time. Nico knew exactly how that felt. 
“And you initiated conversation by asking me to touch your hands that had just birthed a baby. Real smooth, Solace. No wonder I liked you so much.” 
With that, Nico tied off the final suture, cut the excess thread, and carefully placed the tools back in the box. 
“I think...I think it’s done?” Nico exhaled, finally letting his hands tremble freely, begging for the pent up anxiety to somehow release through his fingertips. 
Slowly, carefully, Will reached back behind his head with his left arm, tracing his hand across the delicate stitches, checking for error. Nico stared intensely, only just now taking the time to notice the details of his own work. It was nowhere near perfect. Hardly satisfactory, even. His handiwork was messy, uneven. But it would keep the wound from reopening at least until they got back to Camp. 
“Not bad for a trainee,” Will said finally, dropping his hand and turning to face Nico. “Thank you. Really. You know I never would have asked you to do this if-”
“Don’t apologize,” Nico cut him off. “I’d do it again. In a heartbeat. I...” 
Nico frowned, his brain finally catching up to the scene in front of him. Without the distractions of the blood and sharp objects, the sight of Will Solace shirtless suddenly brought a rush of warmth to his cheeks. He unconsciously leaned back, all too aware of how close they were sitting, but that undeniable tense energy still radiated between them. Speaking of heartbeats…
“How were you so calm through all of this?” Nico asked. 
“Because I had to be. I always do,” Will shrugged without thinking, then winced from the pain. “All in a day’s work, you know? Someone’s got to step up when there’s an emergency.”
“That someone shouldn’t always have to be you.”
“No. You’re right. It shouldn’t,” Will said softly, his gentle eyes locking with Nico’s. 
It wasn’t meant to be a cruel comment, but Nico felt the weight of the words press down on him. He didn’t have the time to come up with a retort before Will spoke again: “Maybe we both have a thing or two to learn about helping others. Or helping ourselves.” 
Will reached out and took Nico’s hand. 
“You’re still shaking,” Will said. “You don’t have to be nervous, you did a good job.”
Nico felt his face grow hot. He stared down at their intertwined hands, then back up into Will’s eyes. 
“That’s not why I’m nervous,” he said. 
237 notes · View notes
Non-Sequential [Ch. 28]
Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers/Steve Rogers x Reader
One night, Steve Rogers met a beautiful dame named Y/N. He hadn’t intended on letting her get away. But fate had other ideas. Y/N appeared and disappeared in his life so hauntingly that Steve started to wonder if she was an angel meant to watch over him.
Word Count: 2,300
Chapter 27
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The Battle of Wakanda was simultaneously the shortest and longest day of Steve Rogers’ life.
The dog-like aliens were released in too many droves, making Steve believe they would never stop attacking. Even if Shuri was successful in detaching the stone from Vision, would destroying it even stop these monsters? But Steve didn’t have time to think about that.
Thor’s arrival felt like a blink to Steve. He didn’t have time to process the return of his long-lost friend. The two of them were too busy trying to survive. But Steve somehow seemed to sense the personal ties Thor had in this war.
Steve started to come to on the forest floor. His body quick to recover from being knocked unconscious by Thanos. But it wasn’t fast enough.
He slowly got to his feet and looked up to find Thor pressing his axe into Thanos’ chest. But for some reason, Steve knew it was too soon to celebrate a victory. Something felt off.  
“Nooo!” Thor bellowed just before Thanos snapped his fingers.
A flash blinded Steve as he tried to move forward.
When he regained his vision, Thanos fell backwards into a portal and disappeared.
Steve clutched his side as he made his way to Thor. “Where’d he go?”
Thor said nothing, just remained in a daze and breathed heavily.
“Thor?” Steve begged. “Where’d he go?”
“Steve?” Bucky’s voice begged for his attention.
But when Steve looked over, Bucky’s body was already disappearing, turning into ash.
With utter shock, Steve slinked to the pile of ash that once was his best friend.
Him and Thor shared a look, finally understanding what was happening.
Everyone regrouped. Well… not everyone.
Steve went to Visions body, colorless and lifeless. The stone was missing from his forehead, proving what they were already figuring out.
“What is this?” Rhodey asked. “What the hell is happening?”
Steve breathed deeply as it all finally made sense. “Oh, God.”
Then her face flashed in his mind.
“Y/N,” he gasped and jumped to his feet.
“Steve…” Nat called after him, but there was no life in her voice. She just sounded scared.
All the injuries he had meant nothing to him now as he sprinted back to the palace at super-soldier speed. It didn’t matter how much his body hurt and protested. All that mattered was getting to her.
He ignored the panicked looks and the various piles of ash that were scattered across the palace hallways.
He shoved his shoulder against the doors of the wing that protected the royal family and Y/N.
When he entered, the Queen Mother whipped around with tears in her eyes.
Steve’s eyes raced around the room, looking for her. “Y/N!” He yelled.
But when he did not find her or receive an answer, his gaze returned to Ramonda.
She simply shook her head.
“No,” Steve whispered as he shook his head. “No.”
“She’s gone,” Ramonda gasped. “Shuri and her...a-and the rest of them.”
First his best friend and now the love of his life.
Tears filled his eyes.
He left, needing to go to her room. Despite the Queen Mother’s words, Steve’s heart wouldn’t believe her. She couldn’t be gone. It could not be true.
But what he found was an empty bedroom. Clean and barren.
It took a second glance around the room to see the envelope that lay waiting on her nightstand.
Steve didn’t know how it caught his eye when he was having a breakdown.
He saw his name written on it – just Steve. But it was Y/N’s handwriting.
His hand shook as he reached out to pick it up.
He already knew what he was going to find waiting for him inside the envelope.
Y/N knew this was coming. She had seen it. Kept the secret hidden as her own burden to bare. Letting everyone else live in blissful ignorance.
By the time you find this, I’m sure you will have figured out what has happened. Thanos was successful. And with his success I have been taken from you.
You have also already realized that I knew this was going to happen. I’ve known for…Well, it doesn’t matter how long I’ve known.
I’m sorry I didn’t warn you. I knew it would destroy you, and maybe it would’ve destroyed us. Is it selfish that I just wanted our time together to be spent without the dread of the future looming over our heads?
I know this is not the goodbye you want or need. But this is all we could have.
Steve, I love you. I love you more than I could ever put into words. You know they aren’t my strong suit. But I hope I made you feel that love.
I know you, Steve. I know you will be OK. You were always stronger than me. You can survive missing me, but I would’ve never survived missing you.
I love you, Steve.
Please don’t forget me.
Steve turned the page over, expecting to find more written. 
But that was it.
He wanted more. He needed it. It was a goodbye, but why did he feel like something was missing or that something was off?
The next couple of days were a blur. He hid his feelings. The team needed him. They didn’t need a broken Steve Rogers; they needed Captain America. He wasn’t the only person that lost someone. They all had.
The team decided to return to the compound in New York, regroup and make a plan. Then they discovered Fury’s pager and Carol Danvers explained her relation to it, and Steve allowed himself to feel hope.
But their attack ended in disappointment.
Steve knew in hindsight that it made sense: Y/N wouldn’t have written him a letter saying goodbye if they could bring the world back in a few days.
The solution wasn’t that easy… if there even was a solution.
Now Steve sat on the dock on the lake. The compound’s lights weren’t lit like before – well, everything – making it easier to actually see the stars.
He heard her walking up behind him. But he wasn’t really in the mood for talking. Maybe if he pretended she wasn’t there, she wouldn’t try to engage.
But she’s not one to back down like that.
Nat sat down next to him on the dock, dipping her barefoot into the lake.
“I think I’m going to…get out of here. Thinking about Brooklyn.” Steve spoke first.
“Steve…” She started.
“I can’t stay here, Nat. Everything reminds me of her. The grass on that lawn? Every time I look at it, I think of the night she met me. When I walk into that kitchen, I’m still convinced she’s going to be standing in there waiting for me with a mug of coffee in her hands.”
“So, that’s it? The Avengers are no more?” She challenged.
“We lost, Nat.”
“It was just lost one war, Steve. There will be others. There already are. Carol says–”
But Steve whipped his head to look at her. “We didn’t just lose a war,” he snapped. “I lost everything!” Then he controlled his temper. “She was everything,” he muttered as he looked back onto water.
Nat didn’t say anything more, already knowing when Steve made up his mind, there was no changing it. The only person more stubborn than him was Tony.
“Have you found him yet?” Steve asked her carefully.
She shook her head. “His house arrest bracelet was cut, which can only mean he survived. And there was a call to the compound just minutes after the snap.” Her eyes started watering. “I know he’s out there. But I think Laura and the kids…” She couldn’t even bring herself to say it.
“You shouldn’t stay here,” Steve told her as he looked back at the compound. It was empty and looked lifeless. The agents and scientists that once busied the space were either snapped or had gone back to what family and friends they had left.
Nat ignored his statement.
“Thor’s left. Bruce is acting strange. Tony has clung to Pepper. Rhodey is going back to DC. You shouldn’t be here by yourself, Nat.”
“So, where should I go? To New York City with you?” She challenged.
“Is that such a terrible idea?” He asked.
“I can’t, Steve. I can still help people. I know I can.”
He stood up. “You know…there are other ways to do that than just this.”
Some Time Later…
Steve’s eyes snapped open when he heard the intruder.
His apartment had been restored to keep the character from the time period he was truly from, while being updated enough to be accepted and functional in modern society. But with it came squeaky floorboards and sometimes lack of soundproofing.
But that just meant that there was no mistaking when there was some other presence in his home.
He slipped out of bed completely silent.
Steve didn’t have his shield, but he doubt he would need it to defend himself from a thief. 
Crime had skyrocketed since the snap. Turned out that Thanos’ mission didn’t include only ridding the world of bad people. Some took advantage of the world’s vulnerable state, stealing and killing and assaulting others.
But when Steve peaked around the corner, he didn’t find a burglar.
“It’s just me,” she said gently.
Immediately recognizing the voice, Steve rushed around the corner.
Y/N was waiting for him with the blanket from the couch wrapped around her naked body.
Before she even had a chance to say his name or a hello, Steve was pulling her into his arms. The gesture wasn’t uncommon for him, but it still took her by surprise a bit.
“Hi,” she breathed into his shoulder.
He pulled back a bit, “Hi.”
His eyes and body language were now uncertain.
And Y/N knew why: he was trying to figure out what she knew and where she had come from.
“It’s after his snap?” She asked him quietly, proving that she already was aware and he didn’t have to be careful about what he said to her.
He just nodded sadly. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered.
Steve’s situation was simultaneously lucky and heartbreaking. Unlike his friends that survived, he got glimpses of the person he lost. Y/N’s time traveling that once felt like a curse was now a gift to Steve.
He got to hold her, to be reminded of how her skin felt and what she smelled like and how warm or cold her body felt against his.
Y/N leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. She didn’t want to think about when the last time that he felt her lips.
Steve blinks suddenly. “Sorry! Let me get you some clothes.”
Before she could stop him, he rushed back into his bedroom and started shuffling through drawers, determined to find Y/N’s favorite sweatpants and t-shirt of his.
When he looked up with the clothes in his hands, Y/N was leaning against the doorway with an appreciative grin.
She thanked him as she took the clothes from him.
Steve turned his back to give her some space to change, but he couldn’t find it in him to leave the room and truly give her privacy. He was scared she would disappear at any moment and he didn’t want to miss a second of her visit.
He heard Y/N giggle behind him. It sent a chill down his spine.
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, Steve. In fact, you see it quite often.”
He slowly turned to find her already dressed. He cleared his throat, “Sorry. It seems I’m not sure how to act around you anymore.”
She walked up to him and cupped his cheek. “You don’t have to be sorry, Steve.”
He nodded. 
“You’re looking at me as if I’m a ghost,” she whispered to him. 
And in a way, she was. 
Her hands then went to his shoulders. He seemed to preen at her touch, so she’d give him as much of it as she possibly could.
“Can I ask you something?” He muttered.
Steve only said things like that when he was nearing a fine line, when he wanted to ask her something about her time traveling. Something that he already knew she wouldn’t want to tell him.
But Y/N nodded.
“When did you find out?”
He didn’t have to elaborate, Y/N knew what he was asking about.
“Not until I was living in Wakanda.” She kept it generic.
Steve seemed somewhat relieved by it. He couldn’t imagine Y/N keeping the secret of the apocalypse for longer that she already had. A couple years was still torture. But Steve had been imagining the worst, often thinking of a teenage Y/N learning of the end of the world, having it haunt her ever moment.
“I’m sorry,” Steve whimpered. “I’m sorry I didn’t save you.”
Y/N him to her. “Oh, Steve. Shh. There was nothing you could do.”
“I’ve lost so many innocent lives. And I used to tell myself that as long as I had you, I could bare that guilt. But once I lost you…”
Y/N shushed him again. “You’re a hero. No one has ever doubted that. But you’re still just a man, Steven Grant Rogers. And Thanos – Thanos was a titan. A titan with the most powerful weapon in the universe. None of you stood a chance.”
Steve nodded, but she knew it would take more than a few words from her to convince him of that.
“I wish you could stay,” he muttered.
She wiped away some of his tears that had escaped. “I wish I could, too.”
He pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes.
All the tension left him from just the feeling of her. His body hadn’t relaxed since the last time he’d properly held her in his arms – before the snap, before the Battle of Wakanda.
Nevertheless, when he opened his eyes again, Y/N was already gone. The sweatpants and t-shirt she had been wearing piled at his feet.
It was then that Steve wondered if he really was luckier than everyone. Because having to say goodbye to Y/N over and over and over again now felt like a different type of torture.
Maybe her visits were going to become his drug. In the end, they weren’t good for him. But he still craved them like his life depended on them.
Chapter 29
Just want to clarify that I have not “returned” from my hiatus or to this tumblr in general. 
Quite frankly this fandom has lost its fucking mind and I’m rather disgusted with the behavior I’ve seen in the past month or so. 
No wonder all of the talented writers have left.
I’m only finishing this stupid series to clear my conscious. But I regretted looking back to see that while +2,500 people follow this series’ masterlist, the past few chapters have received 300 or less notes. And that, I tell you, is one of the reasons I hate it here. 
402 notes · View notes
kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jungkook / Reader
Word Count: 2,696
Rating: PG-13
Summary: An accompanying drabble to Exes and Supher-o’s. This drabble takes place before the events of Exes and Superher-o’s and follows Jungkook as he’s rescued by a superhero love interest.
A/N: The reader in this drabble is not the reader in Exes and Superher-o’s.  
While standing in line at the check-out counter, Jungkook examined the oranges he’d picked out in his basket. Idly, he recalled Minutia saying the color orange came after the fruit, not before. She loved to spout factoids like that; Jungkook did a pretty good job of tuning her out, but her random facts always seemed to stick in his head.
Minutia was the superhero Jungkook was assigned to as handler. She was fairly loud, fairly opinionated and fairly dedicated to kicking people’s ass on the regular.
She’d mentioned the orange fact when ISA – International Superhero Agency – had recommended Minutia change her superhero suit color to orange. She’d felt very strongly about this and in the end, Minutia had won. 
Usually, she did.
Realizing the line before him had moved, Jungkook took a step forward. No longer distracted by thoughts of the color orange, he took the opportunity to scan the grocery store around him.
It was a habit of his – an unfortunate side effect of both his job and the knowledge which came from it. After high school, Jungkook attended an elite military academy on the east coast, but it only took six months before ISA found him.
He’d been out for a morning run when two men in suits cornered him for what they called an opportunity. They’d explained about a different path than the military; an alternative from merely serving his country. Both agent and handlers at ISA held no national loyalty – they merely protected civilians from absolute evil.
Barely had the offer left their mouths before Jungkook accepted.
Of course, Jungkook learned soon after superhero handlers were little more than baby-sitters, but that was beside the point. He genuinely cared about Minutia and knew the work they did together was important – even if his position kind of sucked, since Jungkook was more than capable of defending himself.
Handlers were required to be proficient in various martial arts; they often trained the newbie superheroes who arrived at the Agency. Jungkook was a ninth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, a red belt in Jiu Jitsu and a tenth-degree black belt in Judo. He also had a blue belt in Krav Maga, but this had more to do with lack of time than capability. Jungkook could assemble and disassemble most weapons in the time it took most people to fire them, but all that meant nothing in the face of superpowers.
Minutia could simply freeze Jungkook and kill him if she wanted to; he’d never see it coming.
Not that Minutia would kill him, of course. Stifling the image, Jungkook moved up in line. His super was relentlessly moral, even if she had some rough edges and enjoyed pushing boundaries.
It was the rest who worried Jungkook, like the supervillains they fought. Aided by supernatural powers, supervillains were capable of great destruction. It was the main reason Jungkook stayed at his job – if anyone stood a chance against supervillains, it was superheroes.
Surprised, Jungkook looked up. “Huh?”
“Bag,” the cashier girl repeated, rolling her eyes. “Do you want a bag?”
“Oh – no.” Jungkook shook his head. “I have my own. I –”
An explosion rocked the street outside, shattering the windows in a hailstorm of glass.
On instinct, Jungkook dove to protect the rude cashier with his body. There was bulletproof lining beneath his clothes, for which he was grateful. He’d just come from shooting practice at Headquarters and hadn’t had a chance to change out of his gear.
Glass harmlessly bounced off his torso, although a few shards sliced his face, leaving blood as he winced. Reaching up to grip counter, Jungkook surveyed the damage.
All the windows of the supermarket had been blown in. The blast seemed to have originated from the street – at least, Jungkook assumed this based on the direction of people running.
“Stay down!” he yelled, and launched himself over the counter.
People obeyed, crawling towards the store’s interior aisles. Jungkook hoped there was a door in the back, otherwise they’d trap themselves like fish in a barrel. He wasn’t surprised when people followed his command. People tended to respond positively to authority in times of chaos.
Yanking a Glock from his jacket, Jungkook dashed from the store. Cocking his head to one side, he surveyed the street for danger.
There – at the end of the block, he saw a cloud of dust settling.
Keeping his gun steady, Jungkook rushed towards the scene. Halfway there, he realized he’d left his groceries behind and nearly groaned. Oh, well, it couldn’t be helped. Such was the life of superheroes and handlers.
As though in response to his thought, someone emerged from the chaos.
Only one person; tall, with hulking muscles and what looked to be three arms. Nope, wait – that was machine gun. Fuck.
Jungkook lunged to the side as the man opened fire. Luckily, much of the street was deserted from the blast and few people were hurt. Propping himself up on one knee, Jungkook squinted from behind an overturned car and fired.
Five shots, each in quick succession aimed at the man’s torso. Three of them hit, sending the man to his knees, only for him to snarl, his gaze snapping upwards.
Jungkook watched in horror as the bullet wounds began to heal, pushing metal from flesh with alarming speed.
Of fucking course, he was a supervillain.
Flipping around, Jungkook pressed his back to the car and considered his options. He should call for Minutia, or another super – teeth gritted, Jungkook pushed this option aside. He could do this on his own; this was a fight he could win.
Winning against rejuvenation wasn’t unheard of for someone like him. It meant his opponent healed abnormally fast from their injuries, but they could be overwhelmed if Jungkook kept up momentum.
Before he could finish this thought, the car Jungkook sat against flipped overhead.
Eyes wide, Jungkook watched it crash and roll down the street. A small crowd darted away as they screamed and Jungkook stifled an eye roll. Civilians were so predictable. They never got out of the way like they should; instead, they pressed closer and tried to video it all on their cell phones.
Twisting around, Jungkook found the supervillain grinning at him while he flexed a muscle.
The machine gun lay discarded in a pile of rubble. Jungkook’s heart sank, since it meant the villain was out of ammo, which likely meant he’d been using it in other locations.
When the villain wrenched a storm grate from the ground, Jungkook came to his senses. Survival was priority number one. Fighting someone with only rejuvenation would’ve been hard enough; it would be near impossible to fight someone with rejuvenation and strength.
Rolling away, Jungkook managed to escape said trajectory of the grate.
Metal smashed into the space he’d just occupied, leaving a human-sized dent in the pavement. Flipping himself upwards, Jungkook shot as he moved. This was a move best left to the movies, unless you happened to be an obsessed-with-video-games-superhero-handler trained in four different kinds of martial arts.
Jungkook was just that. 
“Catch me if you can!” he yelled, taking off down the street.
He zig-zagged as he moved, craning his neck to peer overhead. The new plan was: keep the villain’s attention on Jungkook until help arrived, which wouldn’t be long. Given the immediacy of the destruction, ISA would likely dispatch someone with the ability to fly.
All he had to do was stay alive until then. Smirking a little, Jungkook dug in his heel and spun around.
Luckily, he had a few tricks up his sleeve.
Pushing up the sleeve of his jacket, Jungkook waited until the villain was within fifteen feet, then pressed a button. 70 mA of electrical current shot out from his wrist, arcing with blue-white light to hit the villain in the chest. A product created by Namjoon, otherwise known as the superhero, Brainblast.
The volt was enough to stun or kill any other man, but the villain simply gasped and sunk to his knees.
He writhed for a moment, clawing at skin which simultaneously burned and healed. The distraction was all Jungkook needed to run, aiming his gun and – someone swooped down to blast the villain back with air.
A smirk on your face, you lowered both hands to your sides.
Jungkook skidded to a stop. Your superhero alias, Zephyr, was one of the most popular superheroes on the face of the planet. Intelligent, formidable, and rated a seven on the ISA power scale, despite only having one superpower: control over the air and winds.
You were also ridiculously hot; Jungkook had harbored a crush on you for years.
He still remembered the day you arrived at the Agency. Higher-ups said Zephyr (the Greek god of the west wind) was traditionally a male name and wouldn’t make sense to serve as your moniker. You’d said to fuck off and written it down anyways.
This memory made Jungkook smile, even as you sent another wave of wind down the street. Shaking his head, he pulled himself back to reality.
Hovering a few feet off the ground, wind whipped at your hair. You’d explained to him once you didn’t really fly – it was more the wind currents obeyed your commands and took you where you needed to go. Jungkook didn’t really get the difference, but he couldn’t deny you looked badass doing it.
While the villain struggled to stand, you glanced down at Jungkook.
“You alright?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
Jungkook tried not to frown. “I’m fine,” he said, despite the disheveled state of his hair and clothes. “I had him, you know.”
“Right.” Your expression turned dubious. “It’s just that –”
You were cut off by said villain throwing a car at your head, which you managed to stop with a thrust of your hand. The winds obeyed your command, wrapping around the car to set off to one side. 
Gaze narrowed, you rose even higher. “It’s not that you’re not capable!” You yelled to be heard over the wind. “But –”
A sewer grate flew through the air and, without turning, Jungkook shot it down from the sky. Pieces rained around them like confetti.
You stared at him, wide-eyed. “Right.” Sheepish, you smiled. “Just keep doing that. Distract him and I’ll try to knock him out. Keep him alive, though!”
Jungkook nodded, giving a grim smile before moving forward.
He broke into a run, alarmed by how fast the villain seemed to heal. Even if two supers had the same power, they tended to vary in intensity. This villain must be rated high even without his super strength.
The device on Jungkook’s arm wouldn’t recharge for another five minutes, so he relied on his gun to keep the villain occupied. A shot to the kneecap; another to his shoulder. Keeping your words in mind, Jungkook tried not to hit anything vital. Even rejuvenation might not be enough to heal the man if he shot him in the heart.
High above, you flew gracefully upwards. Jungkook nearly stopped to stare; you arced through the sky like a dancer, claiming the winds as though you owned them. Caressing the breeze with one hand, you turned around and – fuck.
Jungkook had let himself get distracted. Swearing aloud, he dove behind the nearest car and heard something shatter.
Rolling to the other side, he propped himself up on one knee and shot. The villain yelped, stumbling forward as the bullet hit his elbow.
This time, it took greater concentration for metal to be squeezed from his skin. The villain panted as he stood, clearly winded and Jungkook’s heart leapt, realizing they’d tired him out.
This turned out to be the opening you needed.
Swooping down, you reached out a hand, and – wind whipping about like a force field – slowly closed your palm.
The villain gasped, his eyes going wide as he clutched his throat.
Shakily, Jungkook pushed himself upwards to stand.
One of the most dangerous powers associated with air manipulation was creating a vacuum. You achieved this by removing the air entirely; a feat which required great skill and concentration.
It only took a few minutes for the man to be so deprived of oxygen, his eyes rolled backwards. His legs wavered a second, then he slumped to the ground.
“Saoirse!” you yelled, floating down. “Cuffs!”
A woman with red hair – your handler, Jungkook presumed – ran from the nearest subway station to quickly cuff the man’s hands behind his back. Jungkook could see the moment the villain’s power drained from his limbs.
Standing before them, you watched, although it seemed to pain you.
Picking his way through the wreckage, Jungkook came to a stop by your side. Glancing your way, he noticed the breeze continue to play with your hair, as though it couldn’t bear to be parted for long.
“Do you ever wonder what this does to us?” 
Confused by your question, Jungkook blinked. “What do you mean?”
“This,” you said, waving a hand at the wreckage. In the distance, Jungkook could hear sirens screaming. “All the death, the destruction… even the people on the other side. Does it ever hurt you sometimes?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, unsure how to respond.
Truthfully, it did bother him when he saw himself in the villains they faced. Sometimes he was fighting genuine evil, but occasionally the villains had reasonable grievances – worse, sometimes they’d merely been raised to see the ISA as evil.
Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to hate those kinds of villains and yes, it did hurt when he took them out.
Sensing his hesitance, your shoulders slumped. Jungkook’s stomach twisted, wanting to fix whatever it was you were feeling. He hesitated, wanting to say you weren’t alone.
“Never mind,” you said, managing to smile. “Another bad guy defeated, right?”
“Right.” Jungkook’s gaze remained upon yours. “I guess.”
Before you could say anything more, Saoirse called your name.
“Guess I should go,” you said, rising into the air. When you glanced his way, Jungkook found himself wondering what you were thinking. “I… thanks for helping today, Jungkook.”
This time when he smiled at you, it was genuine.
You rose another few feet, then hesitated. “It’s been awhile since I came by the training arena, huh?” 
Jungkook shrugged, as though he hadn’t noticed, but he had. Of course, he had.
“You’re still the one they’ve got training the new recruits?”
“Hm.” A small smile crossed your lips. “Maybe I should stop by. Show the newbies how it’s done. We could work up a sweat.”
Jungkook’s heart nearly stopped when you dropped him a wink. Before he could speak, you rose further into the air.
“Bye, Jungkook!” you called, and zipped off down the street.
The sound of your voice faded into the sounds of the city and Jungkook stood there another moment before coming to his senses. His phone began to ring in his pocket.
Fumbling for the device, he sighed when he saw the name on the ID.
“Hello?” he said, lifting the phone to his ear.
Wincing, he held the phone further away. “Minutia?”
“Who else would it be? Of course, it’s me, you idiot! I had just gotten my morning coffee and was passing that pizza place when I happen to catch a glimpse of the TV – and what do I see? You, fighting a fucking supervillain alone!”
“I wasn’t alone,” Jungkook shot back.
“Yeah, those cowering civilians looked real intimidating.”
“Zephyr showed up at the end, it was fine.”
“Oh,” she said, somewhat mollified. “Alright, then. She’s cool. But seriously, JK – be more careful, would you? I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Pulling his hand away, Jungkook squinted at the receiver. “Huh?” he said, returning the device to his ear.
“Yeah, who’d pick up my dry cleaning?”
“Bye,” Jungkook grunted, and hung up the phone.
Still, he smiled as he turned to walk down the street. People stared as he passed, pointing and whispering about the state of his clothes. Jungkook heard the word super being muttered, although he didn’t bother to correct them.
He was too busy turning your words over again in his mind. Does it ever hurt you sometimes?
The truth was it did. All the time.
He just didn’t know if there existed a better path than the one he was on.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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anika-ann · 3 years
Hell Froze Over - Pt.5
Type: mini-series to a series (part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4),  Avenger!reader AU.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader       Word count: 2700
Summary: There’s a new enhanced on a scene, showing up at places of the Avengers’ fights. She’s fast. Really, really fast.
Katie is still at the facility and while Bruce knows her secret, there are other who have some... interesting observations on their own.
Warnings: brief violence (last part), brief mention of medical procedues, language, fluff
A/N: Oh look, it’s a short chapter...
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Previous part  II Story masterlist
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Between fighting aliens, running after ‘rush-girl’ and keeping an eye on her, the exhaustion took a toll on both you and Steve. Unlike your fiancé, however, you didn’t have a super-serum running through your veins and clearly it showed; Katie herself actually sent you to bed, assuring you she trusted Doctor Banner.
As touched as you were at the gesture, you still wavered. The training you had received still warned you about letting her be on her own with Bruce, who honestly too looked like he could use at least a nap.
So you decided to take turns. While you and Steve finally went to bed, Sam and Tony replaced you in the lab. Bruce still stayed and in a way, you understood. As tired as he looked, he was likely fascinated by what the results showed him and he was like a bulldog when he sunk his teeth into a problem, he just couldn’t let go until he found a solution.
When you re-entered the lab eight hours later, you found two sleep-deprived scientists and one supersoldier keeping Katie company. Which seemed unnecessary since she was soundly asleep, her hand curled around her necklace. You would never admit it out loud, but she looked kind of cute, few years younger now.
You noticed a fair shake of snacks wrappings on the table next to her, but paid no mind to it. You knew how that felt, needing energy, especially after shaking with cold for hours. And considering she was fast it was likely that her metabolism was fast too, which meant she needed to eat a lot. After all, Steve had unnaturally fast metabolism as well and he was insatiable… pun intended.
While Tony and Bruce discussed things you didn’t understand (something about a new round of tests), Bucky was sitting by Katie’s bedside, watching her intently.
“Watching someone sleep is creepy, Barnes,” you whispered, a useless gesture apparently, since dynamic Iron-Hulk duo was in a heated discussion, not minding their volume at all despite the sleeping girl.
Bucky raised his gaze and made sure you saw him roll his eyes.
“She just looks familiar is all, trying to figure out who she reminds me of,” he shrugged, standing up to stretch his muscles. His back popped as he raised his arms above his head. “You’re taking over baby-sitting duty, mum?”
Your eyebrows rose simultaneously with Steve’s as you exchanged a glance.
“Mum?” you parroted dully, not even noticing Tony’s and Bruce’s voices falling silent.
“What? You found a stray and took her under your wings. You’re mother-henning her. She’s asking about you non-stop. You might as well be her actual mommy.”
You nearly jumped out as your skin as a loud cough erupted from your right; Bruce was the source, spluttering what you suspected was coffee that went to the wrong pipe. Tony patted his back, only to be stopped by his hand.
“Wow, Bruce. If your body can’t even tell the difference between swallowing and breathing, you really should get some rest…” Tony mocked him and Bruce shot him an irritated look with his red-rimmed glistering eyes.
“I’m fine, Mr. I Have More Coffee In My Bloodstream Than Blood,” Bruce murmured back, small cough escaping him once more.
You chuckled at the note. Bruce was silent and serious most of the time, but when he opened his mouth…
Your gaze returned to the bed before glancing up to Bucky, who was giving you a pointed see-even-the-scientist -agrees look. It was your turn to roll your eyes.
“At least I’m not watching her sleep,” you snarked, crossing your arms on your chest, resisting the urge to stick out your tongue. “Did she really? Ask about me?”
“All the friggin’ time, she was almost ignoring me,” Bucky confirmed with a sigh, patting Steve’s arm on his way out. “Pal, I think we’re getting too old to charm a lady. your gal’s winning them over. You better keep her on leash, because you won’t manage to get any other.”
“Hey!” you protested instantly, shocked by the comment.
“You could always try guys, Barnes!” Tony called out after the soldier, while Steve just huffed at your side and shook his head at his choice of friends.
You kinda agreed with him on this one. Rude.
“Been there, done that! Just not the same, Stark!” Bucky threw over his shoulder cheekily, causing you to blink in surprise.
As the door clicked shut behind him, you wordlessly asked Steve if he actually had. Not that it was really your business, but… hey. You were curious.
Steve just waved it off subtly, clearly not keen on elaborating, and then crossed his arms on his chest, mirroring you pose, except with a small pout on his lips.
“Do you think I’m old?”
You stared at him speechless, perfectly taken aback at the question. He reciprocated your gaze seriously, blue eyes piercing yours… and you couldn’t help it. You burst out laughing, bending in your waist with the roar of laughter, tears springing from your eyes.
“You— you’re asking me-“
You didn’t manage to let out more words, laughter taking over your body again.
Steve watched you without a single trace of amusement, frowning, seeming almost wounded. You pressed your lips together, making your way to him with silent giggles.
“Oh yeah, I think I saw grey hair this morning, right here-“
“Hey!” He snatched the hand you rose to the side of his face away, covering the place with his large palm.
Realizing he might have actually believed you and perhaps was getting self-conscious about his ‘actual’ age, you gave him a gentle apologetic smile. Grasping his protective hand carefully, you pulled it away.
You weren’t even offended he played you when he cracked his theatrics then, grinning back.
“You’re such a drama queen, Rogers,” you murmured, letting him sneak his other arm around your waist, pulling you against his front.
“Maybe. And maybe I’m just worried my gal will run away with someone younger and handsomer…”
You met his eyes twinkling with amusement, noticing the true shadow of insecurity in them lingering. The truth was that tiny wrinkles were forming around them, but only when he was smiling and you found it endearing; it was telling a story of lifetime of gentle smiles and laugh to balance the terror he had seen.
You kissed him lightly before wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Nah. I would have to look really hard for such a fella. Not worth it,” you cooed, grinning up at him.
His chest rumbled with hushed laughter, his lips pressing against your forehead before caressing your scalp.
“Geez, thanks. Thank god you’re lazy.”
You smacked his back playfully in return, rewarding him with a kiss to his jaw. “Shut up, Rogers. That was a compliment.”
“Oh was it now? When I get to call you Rogers, Anderson?”
You stilled in his arms, your breath hitching.
Ever since he had proposed, things had been shitty. The break-up of the team, the forced get-together to fight Thanos, people falling to ashes – the least favourite memory of yours, honestly –, your time in the soul stone or whatever while the survivors had been trying to find a way to save you, being saved, the aftermath, the reconciliation…. And then there had been other battles to fight, always keeping you busy.
In other words, there hadn’t been much room to talk about the wedding. Which made it even more shocking he brought it up now, so casually, when you were teasing each other.
You wiggled out of Steve’s embrace a bit so you could at least look up at his face again. He seemed nervous as if he only now realized the severity of such question, the tips of his ears bright red, his cheeks warmed up as well. God you loved when that happened. So endearing. So loveable.
You smiled at him widely, warmth curling up around your heart, excitement at the premise making your stomach somersault.
“Whenever you want, Steve,” you whispered, causing him to return the smile and kiss your forehead again, his grip tightening. His gaze fell on the engagement ring on your necklace.
“Soon then.”
“…is this about what Bucky said?”
Steve shook his head rapidly, way too fast. You raised your eyebrow in challenge and he wavered, apparently gathering his thoughts.
“I want it for a long time. I guess I just needed a nudge and… I guess we kept waiting for the perfect time to do it, but--”
“But it’s never gonna be perfect. Mm… Remind me to thank Bucky later,” you murmured, meeting Steve’s lips again, this time lingering.
“Hey, it’s impossible to work when you’re making out like horny teenagers here…” Tony hushed you from his station, causing you to sigh and roll your eyes.
But you did let yourself out of the protective cage of Steve’s arms.
As your gaze fell on Katie’s still sleeping form – and wow, how was she still asleep with all the crazy people around –, Bucky’s words echoed in your mind.
“Am I mother-henning her?” you asked reluctantly and Steve, firmly by your side, cackled in response – an answer of its own. He reached for your hand, squeezing lightly.
“A little. I think it’s cute.”
You huffed, wondering if it was the truth. You being a mother-hen. And naturally, your mind wandered to... being a mother. You had wanted kids, always, but it had been partly because you suspected you wouldn’t be able to do so given your fragile health. And after the transformation, you never gave it a second thought. But maybe…
You bit down on your lip and glanced at Steve, finding a thoughtful expression on his face. Maybe he was thinking about the same. Being a parent. You never really had that conversation. But now wasn’t he time… maybe you’d have a wedding to plan really soon.
But one day maybe…
────── ·❆· ──────  
All too soon after you took over and Katie woke up, the door to the lab flew open, revealing Natasha in her tactic gear – effectively giving you a heart attack.
“Hey, fellas. Remember the little incident with fish-oil? You know, bunch of crystals falling to the ocean, causing people to cocoon in weird black whatever, some of them waking up with superpowers when they emerged?”
Steve at your side straightened in his seat, while you grimaced in confusion. Say what now?
“Yes...? Assuming you mean terrigenesis. What about it? What’s going on?” Steve queried.
You shot him a confused look. He knew what she was talking about? Was that another thing that had happened when you hadn’t been with them? How had no one told you about something this big? Come on! Superpowers!
…superpowers? As in-- you quickly glanced back at Katie, but she seemed as intrigued as you were if nothing else. Huh. Alright, back to the theory she had gained hew powers the same way you had; experimentation. Because that was always ‘fun’.
“Well, some of these crystals are apparently on the market. We don’t know how that happened, but we know someone bought them and the trade is about to take place in an hour. In Jersey. And we really need to go,” Natasha informed you matter-of-factly.
“How do I not know about this?” Tony complained, but jumped to his feet, ready to swith from playing genius to fly around in a suit.
“Probably had your mind elsewhere, Stark. Now, can we please go?” Nat eyed him. “Oh, and I decided Clint is on the babysitting duty.”
“Yeah. Because I just love dealing with speedsters,” the archer murmured darkly, appearing behind Tasha, who sighed at that. “No offence, kid.”
“None taken,” Katie quipped, curling in the covers. She had taken a shower earlier, her hair still little wet, and you couldn’t help but feel like she seemed a bit intimidated at the idea of being alone with Clint.
“Maybe I should stay-“
“I will,” Bruce interrupted you hastily, surprising you all. “What? You’re likely not to need the Hulk anyway. And I feel like I’m really getting to the core of our little problem...”
Natasha narrowed her eyes. Bruce seemed suspiciously eager to be here (though he wasn’t a fan of unleashing the green guy in the first place, so you supposed that was fair) and the way Katie relaxed when he offered didn’t go unnoticed by the spy – or you.
“You sure?” Steve asked Bruce as he rose to his feet. You hesitantly followed his example, eyes still on Katie. What was that about?
“Alright… Clint and Bruce it is. You three, gear up,” Natasha instructed you, her bossy tone making you smile – even if you were heading out to yet another fight. Bad guys clearly decided not to have vacation ever again.
“Yes, Captain,” you teased Nat lightly and she rolled her eyes, while the corners of Steve’s lips twitched.
His fingers circled your wrist on the way out. “Hey, you feel up to fighting again?”
Your smile widened as he pretty much read your mind.
“Yeah, sure. I’m fine,” you assured him. You spared one last glance to Katie, honestly more worried about what you were leaving behind than yourself. She seemed worried too. You tried not to read much into it and gave Steve a once over, checking with him also. “You?”
“Always,” he sighed and jogged to the elevator with you by his side.
────── ·❆· ──────  
As expected, the supposedly simple mission went to shit.
The awfully large group of mercenaries wanted the crystals really, really bad. And it had everything to do with the fact they had three enhanced on their team already.
One of them was able to control fire – as if he could shoot the fire from his bare hands. You were not pleased. It melted your ice all too easily and to be honest, it was kinda pissing you off. You ended up fighting him of course, because it would be a shame to the irony to be lost.
Another guy was able to turn into metal. Tony took it as a personal offence and went after him.
The last one… the last one could control electricity and disabled Vision within five minutes of the fight. Wanda was furious, so another pair of opponents was settled.
To assume that the others were chilling when fighting ‘regular’ humans would be stupid though. There were lots of them and they carried various guns and weapons you hadn’t even seen before in a picture, let alone in action. And learning what they could do for the first time upon seeing it, or worst almost feeling it, was everything but cool.
So while you were fighting the enhanced, the rest of your team was trying their best to keep the others occupied. Needless to say, they were doing a great job.
You built a ten-inch wall of ice in front of you when you saw a fresh wave of fiery monster heading your direction. Naturally, you ended up soaking wet, your clothes heavy on you, and you were getting incredibly irritated with this guy, you truly were. You hated this – the cold getting at you instead of coming off you thanks to your powers.
Well, if you could be dripping wet like a fucking mermaid, so could he.
This time you created a paper-thin layer of ice, sending it his way, heading straight to his eyes. He smirked and deflected it with fire – and ended up with a splash of warm water in his face. It didn’t hurt him in the slightest; but it gave you a second of him being disoriented and that was all you needed.  
Since most of your ice melted when being shot at him, you used the good old gun at your ankle. You had the minimum time to actually aim, but you hit the guy’s torso anyway.
His gasp was more shocked than pained, but you didn’t give a shit. You dropped a huge ball of ice on his head and even when it predictably turned to water, the excessive amount knocked him unconscious.
But you weren’t allowed to catch a break, to celebrate your little victory.
An awfully familiar cry of pain made your heart stop, knocking air from your lungs. You didn’t hear it often – but when you did, you knew something went terribly wrong.
Steve was hurt and by the sound of it, it couldn’t have been exactly a graze.
────── ·❆· ──────  
Part 6
────── ·❆· ──────
I would like to remind everyone, but especially to someone who promised to do pretty much anything in case I didn’t hurt our precious Snowflake, that Snowflake was not harmed in this chapter. Oops.
If this felt like a filler chapter just until the almost-end, well… maybe I just want to stall the inevitable angst too.
Thank you for reading :-*
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter One
Everyone had thought that Marinette was crazy for choosing Gotham as the first city in America to accept a high-profile job, specifically a job that would require her in person. Despite all of the logical arguments against it, however, Marinette could feel it in her bones that this was where she was supposed to be. It felt like divine intervention beyond that of the usual kwami antics in her life. 
At that very moment, though, she had never wanted to curse the universe more. 
She tore through the unfamiliar streets, heart hammering in her chest. She wanted to shout his name, scream it from the rooftops, but she knew all too well justs how dangerous that would be. After all, she’d only just barely gotten away from the Scarecrow herself. 
“Tikki, where is he?” Marinette whispered, tears stinging her eyes. “I can’t lose him, I just…” 
“We will find him, Marinette,” she said, determined. “He can’t have gone far, and he knows how to keep himself safe. You’re still emotional from the fear toxin.” 
“But Gotham is so dangerous! I knew I should have left him home.” 
The kwami did her best to comfort the guardian, but she felt the same desperation growing with every minute.
“He wouldn’t have gone this far, Tikki, what if he-”
As she whipped around, Marinette’s frantic, fear-toxin addled mind locked onto two facts: her precious son was alive and well, and he was in the clutches of a costumed man.
She felt her heart rate spike, and everything she had learned and experienced as Ladybug boiled down to this one moment. In short, the man never stood a chance. 
“Ma’am, I-” 
As the stranger spoke, Marinette pivoted on her right heel, her left heel colliding with the man’s jaw with a sickening crunch. It was too fast for the average eye to see, and the man was felled in a moment, going down with a strangled grunt. 
Gathering Leo into her arms, she sprinted away, heartbeat still hammering in her chest. 
“Maman, he’s nice,” Leo said in French. “He helped me, we were looking for you. He’s a hero, like Ladybug.” 
“Marinette, you really need to go make sure he’s okay!” Tikki said, distressed. “If you explain about the fear toxin, I’m sure he’ll understand.” 
Finally her feet began to falter, the exercise further clearing the toxin from her mind. She squeezed Leo in her arms, horror mounting. “Oh no. I just roundhouse kicked one of Gotham’s vigilantes, didn’t I?” 
“I think so, Marinette.” 
It felt like a walk of shame, but when she made it back to the vigilante, he had at least propped himself  up against a nearby wall. He was groaning, clutching his jaw. 
“Excuse me, Monsieur?” she said hesitantly. “I, uh, I’m the one who ki- oh no, is your jaw dislocated? I am so sorry! I didn’t- I mean, I just, there was fear toxin from Scarecrow, and I’m not from Gotham, and I was so worried about my son, and… I’ll stop talking now. I’ve fixed dislocated jaws before. May I help you?”
The vigilante - through process of elimination, he must be Red Robin - stared up at her with wide eyes. He didn’t exactly say no, so Marinette kneeled down beside him. 
“The pain will get a lot better once I’m done,” she promised, discreetly harnessing the barest traces of magic to help this go smoothly. She’d done this for Chat Noir more than once, and as Guardian of the Miraculous, she had access to more than a little bit of healing magic. Red Robin looked more uneasy by the second, so Marinette just went for it. 
Sliding her fingers into the right position, she pushed down on his back teeth, simultaneously guiding his jaw back up into place, a burst of magic taking the brunt of the pain from him. 
Red Robin jerked backwards, working his jaw a few times. “Thank you?”
“I am so sorry!” Marinette repeated, standing and offering a hand to help up the vigilante. “There will still be a bruise for a few days. I promise I don’t make a habit of kicking vigilantes in the face.” 
He stood with her help, only looking a little dizzy. “Don’t worry about it, there were extenuating circumstances. If you don’t mind me asking, though, where are you from? If Gotham’s civilians were half as deadly as you are, our streets would be a lot safer.” 
“Paris, sir. My son Leo and I just arrived here tonight, actually. We were on our way to our hotel when we were caught up in one of Scarecrow’s attacks and I told him to run and hide. Does that mean you found him?” 
“Yes ma’am. You have a very well-behaved son,” he said, careful to keep his posture as harmless as possible. “And while you are obviously a capable defender, it would help me put my mind at ease if you let me walk you to where you’re staying.” 
She hoisted Leo up into her arms, the familiar weight soothing her. “Are you sure you want to? I very nearly broke your jaw five minutes ago.” 
“And you put everything back where it should be. Now where are you staying?
Tim couldn’t deny that he was intrigued by the woman in front of him. Not to mention she was attractive, but doubtlessly married. Anyone that wonderful in general had to be taken. 
What he fixated on, though, was her skill. Thinking her child was in danger would definitely be grounds for an adrenaline rush, but her movements were too controlled and practiced for it to be a fluke. Tim couldn’t have dodged her if he had tried. He didn’t think any of his brothers could have either, maybe not even Bruce. 
She was staying in a nicer hotel in Gotham, owned by Bruce, of course. When they arrived, Tim couldn’t stop himself from lingering in front of the hotel longer than strictly necessary, trying to do something, anything to understand the woman before him. He stayed in the shadows until they were out of sight, and even then he stayed a while yet, staring at where she had stood. 
The rest of his patrol was short, and he got back home about the same time as the others. When he slipped in, Jason was in the middle of telling Dick a story. 
“-and so I went in thinking it would be a normal hostage situation, but no. Right before I can get in, the door flies open and this girl runs out like a bat out of hell. She just vanishes into the night without a trace. I go in and the Riddler is already trussed up like a pig for the slaughter. I swear, I could marry that girl.” 
“Was she French?” Tim demanded, blatantly eavesdropping. 
Jason turned to meet his eyes, scrutinizing his brother. “And how would you know that, replacement?” 
“I ran into her after that. She has a kid, and I found him. She dislocated my jaw when she thought I was trying to take him.” 
Damian snorted. “Did she damage your delicate ego along with your delicate face?” 
“Isn’t it your bedtime?” Tim fired back. “After all, it is a school night and we know how much you need your beauty sleep.” 
“She really dislocated your jaw?” Dick asked, looking thoughtful. 
“With a roundhouse kick. She put it back into place too.” 
“Not just anyone can do that. Maybe we need to keep a closer eye on this girl.” 
“We can do some research tomorrow,” Bruce said, appearing out of thin air. “Go to sleep, all of you. Tomorrow we have the meeting with MDC and we need to make a good impression. Tim, that includes you. No more caffeine until you’ve had at least six hours of sleep.” 
Normally Tim would have chafed under Bruce’s orders - he was a grown man and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, after all. But for once he felt like he could actually sleep, without nightmares, even. 
He was meeting his favorite fashion designer tomorrow, after all. For some reason his thoughts were consumed by a certain French woman, however. Just before he drifted off to sleep, he idly wondered what color her eyes were.
A/N:  I'd never really experienced being baby-hungry before, and then quarantine happened and I wasn't able to see my nieces and nephews for over a month. During that time a good number of my friends announced that they were pregnant, and I miss being surrounded by children. This is super self-indulgent, so I don't really take criticism. If this isn't your cup of tea, move along. Also don't be surprised if you see more kid fics coming your way. I have had entirely too much time missing the children in my life, so I also have a Daminette thing partially written, and several other ideas screaming at me. If you want to be tagged, let me know! 
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lovelybarnes · 4 years
blood- avengers
pairings: platonic!avengers x reader
warnings: pain, torture, death, lies, it's a rollercoaster. unedited, i wrote this v late
about: inspired by @buckybarnesthehotshot 's lightning fic (yes i stalked their acc instead of sleeping whatever) reader has hemokinesis (the power to control blood) and no one knows about it, as well as some loose other abilities bc of HYDRA
not very happy about the ending, and i might do a part two, but idk
"gear up! intel collection at an abandoned HYDRA base. should be an easy in and out!"
you rubbed at your eyes, enhanced hearing catching what the captain was saying to your teammates a floor down in the kitchen. you shut your computer, pausing the show you were watching before doing so.
sighing, you took one last glance at the madly fattening cheetos you had a bag of on your counter, then one at your tight combat suit, deciding on one- no, two, cheetos more.
you froze at a knock on your door, incredibly glad you were changing in your bathroom when steve opened the door to your bedroom.
"kid? suit up, mission in ten, be at the quinjet in five."
you swallowed, remembering you hadn't told your team about your... abilities.
"right, right! i'll be right down! also, i'm almost seventeen, maybe super young compared to you, grandpa, but not a kid," you retorted, making steve laugh.
"uh huh, okay. just hurry, y/n."
"will do!" you cheered, pulling your hair into a ponytail and waiting for the door to shut to step out.
you counted to thirty before going to the quinjet, realizing you were the first one ready immediately, and making a mental note to count to one-hundred- twenty instead next time.
"down quickly, y/n," natasha said, surprised. you shrugged, "cap told me to hurry up so i did. orders and all that."
natasha just raised an eyebrow and nodded, sitting down next to you.
three minutes later and everyone was at the quinjet in the air, going over the mission.
"go in, collect what we need, go out. only bringing you all because, although it's deserted, it's a big base, lots of intel."
everyone nodded at steve before settling down, it was still three hours to go in the air before they arrived.
the avengers all spread out in pairs, ever so cautious just in case the information was wrong and the so called abandoned base was actually not an abandoned base.
that turned out to be pretty smart, considering the latter was what happened.
apparently, HYDRA had created a set of dangerous mutants they wanted to try out, and realized that the perfect way to do this was lead all the avengers to them.
although you were all pretty separate in the start, everyone found each other pretty quickly, fighting in a huge, dingy room.
"god, these kids are my age, i don't want to hurt them, but, they," you huffed between your words, breath knocked out of you by a punch by a boy on fire, who you called sunshine because of how bright he was.
and how annoying he was.
"just, keep," he kicked you in the gut, making you land a good one to his cheek.
"hitting me!" you finished, planting a tranq dart in his neck and making him pass out.
your accomplishment, however, was short-lived, seeing as a girl able to control the earth pulled your hair so hard, you saw stars.
earth bitch, you thought, landing a hard kick to her stomach out of anger and then shooting a tranq at her leg.
you looked around, running over to sam and helping him with the invisible dude, being able to see him just barely with your enhanced vision.
you shot at him perfectly, and he turned visible with an almost cartoon-esque look of surprise.
"good shot, l/n! how'd you land that?" sam asked, giving you a quick high five as you squeaked out a lie.
"lucky shot?"
there were still a shit ton of people fighting around you, but as you turned to help one of your teammates, a boy stopped you.
"lucky indeed," he said, and suddenly, your teammates were gone, but your surroundings weren't much different.
you recognized them immediately, the cramped, uncomfortable room, the sickly smell of a hospital, but the tell that this was not a hospital.
you were sitting, strapped to a chair, and your eyes widened as you realized what was going on.
doctor pamir stalked over to you, a large needle in hand.
"this, my dear, is what i like to call, the improved super soldier serum. well, at least, it will be, as soon as i collect enough information from you to make it."
you screamed, but the doctor only laughed at you, shutting you up with a harsh slap to the face.
"shut up," he sneered, grabbing your face with his hand hard and turning you forcefully, shoving the needle in your neck.
the reaction was immediate; burning throughout your whole body, feeling as if the blood rushing out of your heart was pure fire, burning you from the inside out.
your eyes squeezed shut as you continued to scream, the effects not subsiding, but only worsening, making everything around you hurt you. the air, the sweat on your brow, the clothes you couldn't even call clothes seemed to make you overstimulate, burning you, feeling both unbearably hot and cold at the touch of nothing.
it seemed as if your eyes were glued shut as you fought to open them, and at the touch of a gentle hand, you did, wet eyes opening, wide mouth gasping for air as you returned to the real world.
but as you stared, you weren't sure if this was the real world.
your cheeks were wet, and the air around you made your tears feel like blocks of ice sticking to your red cheeks.
so much was happening around you, screams, pain.
but you were at peace, sitting on the floor with huge tears dropping from your red eyes and onto the dirty floor.
everything was slow and fast, loud and quiet all at the same time, and you knew there was screaming, so much screaming that you couldn't hear but you could sense.
your lashes were wet and dropping with salty water as you looked up, hands over your ears, hearing everything and nothing, seeing every detail of what was in front of you and more, but blindness consuming you whole, everything and nothing was hitting you simultaneously in a second until it wasn't.
wanda. wanda was calling you, her thick accent and frantic voice forcing you to open your eyes and remove your hands from your ears.
"wanda?" you asked, senses overloaded.
"you- you screamed, and- a- nd, then you shut down, and so much pain was radiating off of you, and then they just started to drop."
you listened to wanda's words carefully, and then looked around you.
every single one of the mutant teenagers were on the ground, dead.
your eyes widened, looking around hurriedly for your team, feeling selfishly relieved that they were standing, confused looks on their faces.
but as you looked at the bodies, dread found its home inside you.
"i did it," you mumbled, "i killed them."
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Road Trip (Ch.1)
Stephen had put his foot down again. He wanted the family to do something together without the use of magic and superpowers, and before Tony knew it, he was in their SUV with Stephen, the kids, and Athena, and starting their road trip to anywhere. There was no set destination, just that they would visit any landmarks or events happening on their way to the west coast and the round trip back. Thankfully it was summer vacation so they had plenty of time to see all they wanted to see.
Even Cassie was with them. She got Scott's permission to join them, and it would give Scott and Quill a couple of weeks to do whatever they wanted without the worry of traumatizing their daughter. Cassie liked spending time with them anyway, and Stephen and Tony figured she and Peter would want to do their own thing every once in a while.
"Tony...I think it's time to pull over for the night." Stephen mumbles.
Tony blinks and glances over at Stephen, and when he finds his spouse glancing at the back of the car, he looks up in the rearview mirror. Every single one of their kids were fast asleep in their seats and most of them had their heads at an angle that made Tony wince. Lucy was unperturbed in her car seat from what he could see in the reflective mirror, but she had more cushion than the rest of the kids. Besides Valerie, they all had just a window or another shoulder to lay their head and it was hurting Tony's neck just to look at them.
There was just one problem.
"Duchess, there isn't anywhere to sleep for miles."
"There's a motel off the next exit."
"I'm not taking my family into a flea-infested--" Tony starts until Stephen interrupts him.
"You're not driving down the highway in the middle of nowhere for the next four hours to find a better one." Stephen says flatly. "Do you want cranky kids with sore necks, full bladders, and empty stomachs? Because that's the only other option if we pull over and sleep in the car."
Tony grumbles and pulls off the next exit. "Alright fine."
The motel at least looked decent from the outside and that was already a positive vote for him. If it had looked any hint of barely managed or infested, Tony would have turned right back around and drove as long as he could before having to pull over. Stephen was right when he wouldn't be able to make it for another four hours, but he could try. But then again, they were out in the middle of nowhere. If they broke down two hours from the nearest--
He had super kids. They were all supers save for the two youngest. And Tony took too much care of his cars for there to even be a chance of breaking down. But in the impossible chance they did, William and Harley could go get whatever they needed in five minutes. William's natural ability to teleport at will was a blessing.
"Get us some rooms and I'll wake the kids?" Stephen suggests once Tony parks.
"Actually, just give me a couple of minutes." Tony replies softly before getting out of the car.
Without waiting for an answer, Tony heads inside and to his surprise finds someone sitting at the front desk. The man was kicked back with his feet on the desk and watching tv, but Tony didn't blame him. He imagined the graveyard shift was mind-numbingly boring.
"Could I get a couple of rooms?" Tony asks, getting the man's attention. When said man turned, he could see the name 'Carl' on his name tag. Tony didn't even know name tags were a thing in this kind of establishment.
"Sorry, sir. We've only got one available."
"You're kidding. The parking lot is practically empty!" Tony balks.
"Most people park around back and a couple of our rooms are in need of repairs." Carl says. At least he looked apologetic.
Tony sighs and rubs his eyes. "At least tell me the room has more than one bed."
"It has two queen sized."
"We'll manage." Tony mumbles and takes out his card to pay for the room.
The process was short and Tony soon found himself with the room key and his card and he walks back outside to find the teenagers dozing against the outside of the car with some bags, and Stephen leaning in the back door. The sorcerer was in the middle of unbuckling Diana when Tony joined him, and the engineer motioned Harley over.
"Tater Tot, come help with your sister."
Harley didn't answer. He simply moved away from his slump against the car and Tony and Stephen moved away so he could pick her up and hold her. In the meantime, Tony handed the room key to Peter and had him lead everyone up to the room while he and Stephen retrieved their two youngest. Stephen woke Valerie just enough so that she could get out of her booster and walk over to him so he could pick her up, and then it was Tony's turn. He had to actually climb into the car so he could unlatch the car seat, and then carefully back out of the car with Lucy and her diaper bag in hand without falling on his ass.
Athena loyally waited until the youngest girls were out of the car before hopping out of the car and standing next to Stephen.
"Did I see you give Peter a key?" Stephen asks as Tony locks up the car.
"Our only key." Tony grunts and leads Stephen up to the room. "Apparently they're busier than they look."
"It's still better than the car."
"Maybe." Tony chuckles when Stephen rolls his eyes and they walk into the room that one of the kids kept propped open for them.
Like the outside of the motel, the room at least looked clean. Better yet, Tony didn't get those psychological bug bites after looking around like he would in a room that was clearly poorly cleaned.
Most of the kids were on autopilot as they went through their nightly rituals before bed, but Cassie and Peter were the ones that looked a little less glassy eyed than the others. Probably because Cassie was helping Diana get ready for bed and Peter had the mind to make a couple of web hammocks. They would have to make sure they didn't leave a trace of those in the morning but Tony was sure Stephen would let it slide since ten people would be very hard to fit in two queen sized beds. Harley was sitting in front of the air conditioner and fiddling with it with a growing frown, and the twins were waiting to see where they would be crashing.
"Dad, the A/C isn't working."
"Unbelievable." Tony mutters and sits with Harley to see if they can get the thing to work.
Stephen got Valerie and Lucy changed and in the bed the couple would be using in the meantime, Cassie and the twins bunked in the other bed, and Harley and Peter were going to take the two web hammocks. It took a few minutes for Tony to get the air conditioning to run, but while it blew out cold air, there wasn't a lot of strength behind it. Cassie and the twins were already kicking the blankets off and so was Stephen when Tony finally got up to get ready for bed.
"No portal to Mt. Everest?" Tony asks as Diana crawls into their bed and lays down.
"Not unless the heat becomes a health hazard." Stephen replies as he hands Valerie her stuffed cow.
"Fair enough."
Once Tony was on the bed and settled, Athena finally jumped up and took her usual spot at the end of their bed. She inched her way up briefly to lick Lucy's feet, but Stephen quickly stopped her and made the wolf grumble in annoyance. Tony didn't understand Athena's fascination with licking the younger kids. She even licked their ears.
Maybe Athena really was turning into a nanny wolf.
The cold air helped keep the air less stifling and breathable, and they all managed to get some sleep despite the remaining heat...and the subpar mattresses. Tony had no idea how he managed to sleep on it. He was prepared to have back pains in the morning but he would never admit that out loud. His kids would never let him live it down if he did.
When he woke up in the morning (with the expected kinks in his back), he found the three girls between him and Stephen sprawled out as much as their little limbs could stretch out. Even Lucy was spread out while simultaneously staying as close to Tony as possible. With...his finger in her mouth? When did that happen? She had clearly sucked on it since it was covered in drool.
"She fussed for half a second and you reacted on instinct." Stephen mumbles as if reading Tony's mind. "In your sleep I might add. What exactly do you two do down in your lab where I'm not watching?"
"Come up with diabolical plans to take over the world. What else?" Tony chuckles and sits up, wincing at how sweaty he feels. "Gross. We're all taking a shower before we hit the road again. I do not want to smell sweaty teenagers in a crowded car."
A pillow smacks him in the head and Tony looks over at the opposite bed to find Cassie glaring at him. Yikes. The poor girl had to share the bed with the twins and probably had to smell just that all night.
"Miss Sass gets the shower first." Tony says as Cassie rolls out of bed.
"That's right." She huffs and disappears into the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.
"And you want to marry that." Harley grumbles from one of the web hammocks.
"Shut up." Peter throws his shoe at him.
Everyone got up after that, getting their change of clothes ready while they waited for their turn in the shower. There wasn't much of a rush either since nobody minded taking a cold shower, but Tony sent Diana into the bathroom so she could get a washcloth wet. He was going to use it to wipe Lucy down before changing her since she didn't need a bath. Everyone else got showered and dressed within two hours, double and then triple checked to make sure they got everything from the room (and removed all traces of the web hammocks), and loaded into the car while Tony returned the room key.
When he got back to the SUV, it was turned on, blasting cold air, and only Stephen and Athena remained outside of it. The wolf was lapping up the cold water Stephen had poured in a bowl for her and he was making sure everyone had gone to the bathroom so they wouldn't have to stop again in twenty minutes. In the middle of nowhere. Bushes were scarce.
"Can we get donuts for breakfast?" Thomas asks.
"You see a donut shop anywhere?" Tony points out.
"There should be a diner nearby." Stephen says as he picks up the empty bowl while Athena wanders over to some nearby bushes. "I looked for a decent place that was nearby on my phone."
"Diner it is." Tony says and gets in the driver's seat.
"I'm getting extra bacon." Harley announces.
"I want pancakes!" Diana says.
"Fruit!" Valerie pipes up.
"You can have whatever you want as long as I get some form of crappy tea and your father gets his cheap coffee." Stephen tells them and then closes the sliding door once Athena hops in.
Tony makes a face and backs up after Stephen gets in the passenger seat. "Ugh. Cheap coffee. I wonder if it's worth drinking."
"Please drink your crappy coffee." William sighs. "I don't want you to drive half asleep for the next four hours."
"If Tinker Bell is saying something, then I should probably grin and bear it." Tony sighs. "Dum-E has probably made worse."
"You better not be drinking his smoothies again." Stephen narrows his eyes.
"Of course not Duchess. I put those in Lucy's bottles and feed it to her."
Lucy coincidentally lets out a tiny belch and Stephen sighs.
"I wouldn't be surprised at this point."
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Kirby stared in puzzlement. Pirka was the culprit? Pirka, who had been trying so hard to make it rain for the sake of the Rainbow Islands…? He couldn’t believe it. However, Pirka’s face twisted into one of hatred.
“Hmph, such a brash bird you are! Just a little bit longer and I would’ve won!” she yelled. As soon as she said it, she spread her wings and flew away in a straight line.
“Stop her, Kirby!” Coo shouted. “We must destroy the stones she’s placed!”
“We must stop her!!”
Flapping his wings, Coo flew after Pirka.
“What??” King Dedede said, dumbfounded. “Coo, what're you talking about?!”
“Is that so!” Meta Knight shouted. “We've fallen behind! We must stop Pirka!”
“Ok? What do you mean? Can you explain so-”
“Now is not the time!”
Meta Knight broke into a run. King Dedede also gave chase as he tilted his head. Kirby, who had been too shocked to move, finally snapped back to reality. Still, despite not understanding anything that was happening, he knew that, if he didn’t stop Pirka, things would be bad.
“Waaaait!” he yelled as he chased after Pirka. However, Pirka was quite fast. As if she had become a different person entirely, with great speed and with the powerful fluttering of her wings, she flew.
“Hey, he told you to wait!” King Dedede shouted before flinging his hammer. Pirka looked back and tried to avoid getting hit by bending. However, the hammer struck her in the wings.
Pirka was blown off and fell to the cloudy ground below her. The king laughed triumphantly.
“Hahaha! How about you just give up? There’s no escape from my almighty hammer!”
Pirka tried to get up, but couldn’t stand, likely due to injury.
“Did you twist your leg? Fine, I’ll take you to get some treatment. Come on.”
The king walked over to Pirka and tried to pull her up by the arm.... for a moment.
The king let out a shout as Pirka jumped to her feet, reached out, and grabbed him by the robe.
The king, completely unprepared, couldn’t escape.
Pirka lifted the heavy king up and flung him away.
The great king screamed as he fell head-first into the lake, causing a large splash of water to spray. You could never imagine such superhuman strength from someone with such a cute outward appearance! Pirka had pretended to be injured so that the king would let his guard down.
“King Dedede’s in the lake!” Coo screamed. “This is not good…”
The king popped his head up from the lake and started floundering in the water, as if he were drowning.
“S-Save me!!” he screamed. “The water… something weird… power…”
“I’m not strong enough!! I-I’m gonna drown~!!”
Meta Knight rushed to the shore, leaned over the lake, and held out the scabbard of his treasured sword.
“Grab onto this, Dedede! Calm down!”
It was at this moment when Pirka performed a large jump and slammed full-force into Meta Knight’s back.
Meta Knight staggered and fell into the lake, just as the king did. Kirby was shocked. Without thinking, he tried to help the pair.
“Dedede!!! Meta Knight!!!”
However, when Kirby tried to rush over to them, Coo grabbed onto him tightly with his sharp talons.
“Kirby, stop!”
“Owie!! Coo, what’re you doing?!”
“Calm down. You must not get near the lake!”
“Why?! If I don't do anything, Dedede and Meta Knight are gonna drown!!”
“If you fall into the lake as well, things will be very bad!”
“I’ll be fiiiine, I can swim!”
“It’s no use! Kirby!”
Coo tried his best to restrain the struggling Kirby.
“This lake is dangerous! Look at the two!”
Kirby shifted his gaze to the lake. Both the king and the knight had gone under. Kirby couldn’t see them.
However, ripples started spreading on the surface of the lake.
“Dedede… Meta Knight…!”
Kirby shouted the two’s names with all his strength… then, as if as a response to his calls, the water’s surface noisily rippled. Then, from within the lake, the two jumped out. Both King Dedede and Meta Knight, as if being fished up with some invisible string, were floating in the air. Kirby was relieved.
“Thank goodness! Both of you guys are… safe… h-huh? Uhh?”
Kirby thought it was odd. The two looked odd. Pirka seemed to be keeping them suspended in the air. Moreover, King Dedede’s eyes were blank, he looked soulless. Though Meta Knight’s facial expression could not be known due to his mask, his arms hung down loosely, unusual for him.
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Pirka burst into laughter.
“A-ha-ha! It worked! Dedede, Meta Knight, can you hear me?”
The pair nodded. They looked like marionettes. Coo groaned.
“This is bad… The two are under Pirka’s control!”
Kirby flinched. Pirka faced toward the pair and yelled:
“By command of your magnificent queen, the almighty Queen Pirka, attack Kirby!”
King Dedede lightly jumped up and landed on the shore, then picked up his fallen hammer. Meta Knight landed next to the king, holding his treasured sword, Galaxia.
“Dedede? Meta Knight? A-Are you guys alright?!” Kirby asked, distressed. “You guys wouldn’t follow a command like that, right?...”
However, the king let out a deep growl, before charging toward Kirby!
Kirby ran away in a panic. There, he met with a blow from Meta Knight! As one would expect, Kirby couldn’t avoid it. He was about to get sliced in half by Galaxia?! However, at that moment, something whip-like came from the side and wrapped around Meta Knight’s hand.
It was Gooey’s tongue.
Meta Knight dropped his sword.
“I’ll fight too!” Gooey said, jumping up and down. “Let’s do this, Kirby!”
“But Gooey…”
Kirby was still in shock.
“I’ll wake up Rick and Kine,” Coo informed Kirby, who was petrified, “if it comes to it, we all will have to work together.
“Meta Knight and King Dedede are a powerful tag-team, but we cannot afford to lose. Kirby, Gooey, please. Until I get Rick and Kine, hold out against the two!”
Coo flew over to Rick and Kine, who were still unconscious.
“Dedede, Meta Knight, what are you doing!?” Pirka shouted in an annoyed tone. “Go after Kirby and Gooey and finish them!!!”
Once again, the two awkwardly nodded their heads and re-equipped their weapons. Finally, Kirby understood what was happening.
“I get it now. When you drink the lake’s water, you fall under Pirka’s control…”
Grandly brandishing his hammer, the king leaped up. He aimed at Kirby with his super powerful HAMMER ATTACK!
Kirby jumped out of the way, glaring at the king.
“Yup!” Gooey said. “So getting near the lake is really not good!”
“But how did the lake get like this?!”
“Well, that’s-”
Gooey was about to explain, but then Meta Knight swooped in to attack them. Swinging his sword at a super high speed, he performed his signature META MULTITHRUST!
Gooey staggeringly avoided the sword.
Meta Knight didn’t relax his grip. Gooey lost his balance and tumbled down to the cloudy ground. Meta Knight jumped, his sword readied, and attempted to stab Gooey. However, Kirby reacted quickly.
“Meta Knight, stop!!!”
He sucked up some air and spat out air bullets. They didn’t do much damage, but they broke Meta Knight’s stance. Escaping the attack, Gooey waved his tongue.
“Thanks, Kirby!”
However, Kirby had a grim expression on his face.
“I… I’m like a face with no makeup.”
“I can’t copy anything!”
Kirby possessed a copy ability, which allowed him to inhale others and mimic their powers. However, there was no one in that place whom he could copy. When unable to use his copy ability, Kirby would have to fight in his normal state, a “face without makeup.” His only means of attacking were air bullets, and he was defenseless against enemy attacks. He was utterly defenseless. Furthermore, his opponent’s weren’t of equal power. King Dedede and Meta Knight, two truly formidable foes! There was no way he could win. Kirby felt hopeless.
“Umm, if that’s the case, then maybe try using your inhale power again?”
“Yeah, you’re good at that. Like you did before, y’know?”
“Got it! I can do that!”
Kirby felt a bit better. No one could stand against his inhale power. Neither King Dedede nor Meta Knight would be able to fight it. He took a deep breath and raised his arms up.
He started sucking up the air… but, without a moment’s delay, Meta Knight slashed at him.
Kirby, disorientated, jumped out of the way. He tried to pull himself together and try again.
However, this time, King Dedede interrupted him.
“I-It’s no good!”
He couldn’t concentrate enough to inhale. However, the puppeteered duo showed no mercy. Kirby tried as hard as he could to escape. Now was not the time to concentrate. Heading toward the petrified Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight slowly readied their weapons. They were about to attack Kirby from both sides. Gooey reached out his tongue and tried to snatch Meta Knight’s sword. However, King Dedede quickly raised up his hammer and brought it down on Gooey.
Gooey staggeringly dodged the attack. Simultaneously, Meta Knight stamped the clouds. He readied his sword and stabbed at Kirby. PIERCING SLASH! Kirby opened his eyes wide. This was it; the end!!
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ad1thi · 4 years
downtime (a night off)
also on ao3
It’s a rare phenomenon that all Avengers are under the same roof.
It isn’t that they don’t enjoy each other’s company, or that they are in any way adverse to coming together for times of crisis and shit’s hit the fan, or that there is some overarching agenda that depends on them being kept separate unless absolutely necessary. It is simply, a matter of scheduling.
Thor likes to split his time between Asgard and Earth, and goes back frequently to provide company to his brother, worried that Loki will feel abandoned by him yet again if he were not to show his face that often. Those visits never go well however, and when Thor is back on Earth, he seeks out Jane Foster, to lick his wounds in private before he is prepared to face his team.
Natasha and Clint are yet to quit their day job at SHIELD, and Fury frequently calls them away for missions that they can’t hear about, speak about, or even know about until they’re in the middle of the assignment. It isn’t uncommon for them to be summoned at odd hours of the day, sometimes in the middle of the afternoon, and sometimes when they’re just about to sit down for dinner.
Tony, for all his posturing that he has no other focus apart from Iron Man, still has duties and responsibilities at Stark Industries. Not being CEO may have considerably reduced the load, but he’s still the face of the company, the Stark behind Stark Industries, and Pepper likes to use him to remind their investors of that from time to time. Just to keep everybody in line.
In the days after the New York Invasion, after the public had adjusted their worldview, after the cleanup, after things reached some sort of normalcy -  Steve was nowhere to be found. He packed the clothes he had into a duffel bag that fit neatly over his shoulder, and took his SHIELD issued motorcycle cross-country, exploring the America that had become during his extended sleep. Apart from a couple of updates to inform everybody that he was still in fact alive, and hadn’t fallen back into the ice, nobody heard from him for months - until he showed up back at Stark Tower, startling both Tony and Bruce, to say that he was reporting for duty.
Bruce has made his home in Stark Tower, two floors below Tony’s penthouse suite, but he hasn’t forgotten his days on the run, the people who helped him, the people he helped. They have a lot of downtime as Avengers, and he likes to use it out of the country, in the places he used to call home, helping people the way he used to. He doesn’t go alone anymore, instead he manages a team under Doctors Without Borders, but it still gives him the same sense of fulfilment it used to in his days of obscurity.
It’s a rare phenomenon that all Avengers are under the roof, not because they don’t like each other, but because their singular lives are too vast and rich for them to meet frequently and constantly.
This just means that when their schedules allow for a precious opening when the team can meet without fear of an alien invasion or imminent global destruction - they try their hardest to make the absolute best of it.
“Has anybody ever told you,” Clint pauses, smacking his lips and squinting his eyes, “that you have the most fantastic ass?”
In front of him, Tony is swaying from side to side, as if moving to music that nobody else can hear, but he still manages to look unbearably smug at Clint’s comment, “Everyday baby. You didn’t think it was my winning personality that got so many people into bed, did you?”
Natasha pipes up from where she’s sunk into the couch, tilting her head up so that her voice isn’t muffled by the cushions, “I thought it was your money.”
Tony whirls around, and points the vodka bottle he’s clutching at her, “That too. But mainly my ass.”
“Barton is right, Friend Stark,” Thor tilts his head, his gaze falling down, “You have a glorious behind. Asgard’s halls are filled with the most voluptuous of courtesans, and I can’t say any of them have a behind that compares to yours.”
“Eyes off his behind,” Steve grumbles, his arms wrapping around Tony’s waist and pulling him close to his chest, so that Steve can hook his chin over Tony’s shoulder. He isn’t as drunk as the rest of them, because Bruce and Tony are still working on combinations of alcohol that work against the super soldier serum, but he’s got a pleasant buzz going on; and it makes him want to bundle Tony up in his arms and never let go.
“That’s my behind,” Steve squeezes around Tony’s waist for effect, “No more staring.”
Tony jerks his head to the side, and presses a sloppy side to the underside of Steve’s jaw, and Steve goes limp around him. This thing between them is still new, undefined, and neither of them want to do anything to jeopardise it. It feels too big for that, too important.
“All in good fun Cap,” Clint says in a slurred voice, “No need to go all cave-man on Tony. You’ve staked your claim, pissed around him, whatever you want to call it.”
Next to him, Bruce wrinkles his nose and whacks Clint upside on the head. He’s the only one out of the six of them who’s currently sober, electing to not drink because he has no idea how the Hulk will react to booze.
“Don’t be crass Clint,” Natasha says, nodding at Bruce approvingly, “I think it’s cute. It’s sweet that Mom and Dad are in love.”
“Hey!” Tony frowns at Natasha, “Who are you calling Mom and Dad? And which one am I?”
“You’re Mom!” The response is simultaneous, and any complaints that Tony has are immediately drowned out by Thor bellowing in laughter.
“Steve,” Tony says urgently, in a soft tone, and when Steve turns his head to look at Tony, his bottom lip is jutting out, “Steve, do you really think I’m the Mom?”
“Sweetheart, you have three robot babies down in your workshop, of course you’re the Mom.”
Tony nods, seemingly satisfied by that answer, and leans more back into Steve’s embrace.
“Okay,” he says after a couple of seconds, “I’m the Mom. I can live with that. I liked my mom more anyway.”
Steve opens his mouth to reply, but he gets cut off by Clint, who yells, “Stark! You have any of those fancy simulations you got in the training rooms up here? I want to see how many shots of tequila it takes to make me stop shooting straight!”
Tony wrestles out of Steve’s embrace and grabs the bottle of tequila that’s lying on the table, “If you think you’re shooting up my living room you’ve got another thing coming Legolas!”
He hauls Clint off the couch and they stumble into each other, making their way to the stairwell, presumably to get to the training room.
“You got the salt and the lemons?” Steve asks Natasha, and she nods, “I can go grab it from the kitchen now.”
“Best to probably grab some water too,” Bruce adds, standing up to walk with her, “So that Tony and Clint don’t accidentally impale themselves.”
Thor stands up with a giant lurch, ‘Fear not! I shall watch over Friend Barton and Friend Stark, to ensure that they don’t injure themselves.”
He strides away in the same direction that Tony and Clint took before any of them can say anything, and Steve and Natasha share a look.
“We need to get down there fast,” Steve says, “Somehow I feel like Thor will do more harm than good.”
“Agreed. You catch up with Thor and make sure he doesn’t accidentally electrocute everybody, me and Bruce will meet you down there with supplies and a couple bottles of water”
“Sounds like a plan,” Steve nods, and rushes off after Thor, quickening his steps when he hears Tony yell out in joy. 
It was a rare phenomenon that the Avengers were under the same roof, but the best of times always came from it.
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marleneoftheopera · 4 years
What is your opinion on the chandelier, mirror bride, lyric changes, and cage in Vegas?
Chandelier: Probably my favorite change to the show. Split up into 3 massive parts. One is still on the stage, so you get that look of the original version. And then they all come together and rise up during the Overture. The body double hanging from the chandelier as it lowers and goes back up in Il Muto was cool. Bit strange, but cool. And the “crash” was amazing. Comes down so incredibly fast that audience members scream, and then in a matter of seconds goes back up into a huge hole in the ceiling so it really is gone.
Mirror Bride: The bride herself was the same, but the mirror was amplified with cracks all over it, which shot out towards Christine when the bride comes forward through it. Pretty simple change, but so cool. And it was nice having something in the show with the cracked mirror look that they use in the advertising.
Cage: Love the idea. Looks super cool in promo pictures. In the video, it is a great effect shooting out and coming back down. Also underlines the Phantom’s mysterious powers. But when watching the whole Final Lair, the scene becomes quite boring with the Phantom on one side, Christine on the other, and Raoul up in the air. The Phantom has nothing to lash out at, and Christine has nothing to go over to and comfort or protect. And Raoul just stands there. Yeah, he does that in the original. But in the original, he is also being held up by a noose and simultaneously trying to not be strangled while also free himself. So he is doing something and looks like he is in danger the whole time. Heightens the tensions a bit more. High up in a spiked cage we know he is in danger, but if you are just looking at the Phantom and Christine onstage, you sort of forget Raoul is trapped up there. Unless those spikes suddenly come out more or a big creature from below comes out to eat him, he isn’t in a ton of danger at that moment. Whereas with the noose if Raoul were to slip and fall, he is a dead man.
Lyric Changes: Some had to be done because the original lyrics would be weird. Like with the cage, it really wouldn’t fit if the Phantom then said “raise up your hand to the level of your eyes”. I think what I miss the most was the little parts of songs or almost whole scenes that had to be removed. I know why it was done, but I wish the full show could have been done with all the new additions. It always felt very rushed. And the elimination of most of Managers 2 meant that you had ‘Twisted Every Way’ with Christine in her Wishing costume and Raoul still in his Hussar costume. Which makes you think, “why and how did she change that fast after the Masquerade?” Or, “why didn’t Raoul take his Hussar jacket off?” Obviously we know why, but it messes a little of the continuity up.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 270: Harry Potter Rules
Previously on BnHA: Present Mic punched Ujiko in the face! It was awesome. I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of it. Meanwhile Endeavor saved Mirko’s life by setting her on fire (reason #15 why I will never become a superhero), and Aizawa did some sexy Spider-Man poses for our viewing pleasure while fighting the rest of these Noumus which are still annoyingly refusing to die. Anyway but back to Present Mic, the undisputed MVP of this chapter. Because you see, in addition to the punching, he also used his Loud Voice attack (literally the actual attack name; Horikoshi will steal all of my jokes and leave me with nothing) to smash open Tomura’s Noumutank! Which I really thought was going to immediately lead to Everyone Dying, but apparently I was wrong! Anyways so yeah, right now Tomura’s just lying down all heart-stopped and not-breathing. Which seems very anticlimactic, BUT I JUST HAVE THE CRAZIEST FEELING that maybe, just maybe, the super powerful villain lad who just spent the last three arcs slowly upgrading his bad self just in time to wage war on the world as the story reaches its climax, might not actually be dead though.
Today on BnHA: DON’T MIND THAT OMINOUS ORGAN MUSIC PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND, IT’S NOTHING, IGNORE IT. Ahem. So first of all, as some of the bolder among us dared to speculate, Tomura is not, in fact, dead. He’s still very much kicking it with his nipple-less pecs and truffula tree hair, putzing around in his mental landscape filled with crumbled buildings and disembodied Theatrical Gesture Hands. For some reason he doesn’t have shoes or a shirt in his mental landscape, which was a very interesting choice on Horikoshi’s part, but we will speak no more of it. Anyway so to sum things up, Tomura’s family is all “TENKO WE LOVE YOU” and he’s all “oh hey” and then AFO fucking appears and he’s all “COME HERE MY BOY” which is exactly as creepy as you would expect, and for some fucking reason TOMURA ACTUALLY DOES COME HERE. And lol it turns out Ujiko gave him AFO. Like the quirk. Yes, that quirk. So long story short, Tomura is about to be possessed by AFO’s evil soul or some shit, and to put the cherry on top, fucking Deku out of fucking nowhere, MILES AWAY, is all “HE’S COMING.” Because of course he can sense it, because AFOFA IS REAL, AND FUCK ME THIS IS ALL HAPPENING TOO FAST, FUCK.
I know this chapter has been out since like 1pm, but I’m not getting to read it until 5 hours later because for once in my life I was trying to be responsible and actually get some work done on a Friday. I thought this might lead to less oh-god-I-still-have-to-get-that-done anxiety hovering over my weekend, but instead it just led to oh-god-I-have-to-get-the-chapter-recap-done anxiety hovering over my now! anyways so this might be a bit rushed lol
(ETA: yeah turns out this wasn’t exactly the kind of chapter you could just read quickly and get on with your life lmao. so, then!)
what a nice panel of Present Mic taking out the trash
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you heard ‘em fellas. the doctor is secured. good job everyone we did it, manga over, congratulations. now to cut away to a two-page spread of Dark Shadow comically smothering Dabi’s flames with a giant stock pot lid, and that’ll be that! what a wonderful, extremely short and strangely underwhelming arc in which we haven’t even seen the actual main characters do anything yet. but I guess we don’t need them since the main bad guy is lying dead on the floor! everything is just so fucking dead and secured!! do you think if I keep repeating it enough Horikoshi will finally be like “okay geez I get it” and reveal his hand already
Mic is now ordering Ujiko to power down the Noumu, which again, I’m sure he will definitely do without a fuss since after all the good guys have clearly won the day
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rip X-Less. gonna just take a moment here to imprint your beautiful face onto my memory before it turns into a pile of ash. your face, I mean. not my memory. well my memory more or less already is a pile of ash but that’s neither here nor there ANYWAYS
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what are these little sound effects. I think that’s supposed to be a buzzing noise?? anyways whatever it is PLEASE STOP IT, I AM NOT HAVING A NICE TIME SO STOP
ffff Horikoshi sure has done an excellent job of setting the mood in such a way that all of these panels of X-Less doing incredibly mild things are sending my stress levels through the roof. like is anyone else reading his lines more or less like “WELP, TIME FOR ME TO DIE, ANY SECOND NOW, WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS, THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING, HERE IT COMES”
(ETA: when is this poor sweet innocent man going to fucking die already.)
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I have the clearest mental image of Horikoshi standing by with a walkie talkie in one hand and one of those remote bomb detonation clicky switch thingies in the other, patiently waiting to receive the go-ahead once all of the important characters have gotten to safety
anyway so now Ujiko is talking again
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no fear everyone this is just the beginning of his verbal noumu deactivation sequence. nothing to worry about. everything is fine
yes for some reason his code phrase to put all the noumus back to sleep involves going into rambling detail about his work researching quirk singularities and shit. it’s fine. it’s not a big deal. code phrases are just like that sometimes all right
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just ignore the increasingly panicked look in Mic’s eye as he slowly realizes he was way too fucking keen to just leave the “dead” Tomura back there with his laser-eyed hero buddy. anyway so let’s continue learning all about the Quirk Illuminati or whatever the fuck
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okay so... he faked his own death? 70 years ago, at age 50 or thereabouts? I mean, that’s interesting and all I guess. not saying I wouldn’t be thrilled to spend the rest of this chapter learning all about Ujiko’s boring evil life. I don’t need to say it because it’s implied on account of Ujiko sucks and is the worst. so yeah can we get a move on though
oh shit?!?
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also, comparing AFO’s smile to a buddha’s really sent an actual shudder of disgust down my spine for some reason lmao. I personally would have steered that comparison in a different area, maybe less to buddhas and more to Norman Bates from Psycho, but to each their own
oh shit wait up
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okay but this is actually a pretty big revelation though, isn’t it? because it’s been hinted for a while now that AFO and Ujiko had some method of duplicating quirks (the fact that all the Noumu share the same regeneration quirk was the biggest clue, but there was also John-chan’s quirk, as well as Hood’s Muscular-esque quirk), but as far as I can recall, this is the first time we’ve had it confirmed. though to be fair I wasn’t joking when I said my memory really has been shit lately sob
anyway so for real though, can you really call it a BnHA chapter if you’re not spending a good chunk of it being hopelessly confused over the ownership of some ambiguous thought bubbles. WHO IS THIS. I do seriously feel like it’s Tomura, because he’s the wrathful one, but another hallmark of a typical BnHA chapter is me constantly questioning everything I know as I muddle my way through
(ETA: yeah I’m pretty sure it was him. still impressive how vague it is though! it could also potentially be Ujiko, Mic, or even Deku. hopefully Caleb’s translation on Sunday can shed some more light on this. though he wasn’t really helpful last time this happened lol.)
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didn’t... you just... say that “preservation” was your quirk?? what do you mean that you wanted it?? CAN YOU JUST FINISH YOUR SENTENCES LIKE A NORMAL PERSON
anyway so here’s a summary of this chapter thus far
present mic: okay goodbye forever x-less
x-less: what a strange thing to say! :) also is it just me or is this machine fucking staring at me
present mic: turn the noumu off please
ujiko: seventy years ago... society... singularity... he’d be 120 years old now...
ujiko: all for one has the smile of an angel...
ujiko: my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk...
all caught up?? grand. also btw is anyone else super disturbed by the fact that Ujiko recognizes Mic as being “Kurogiri’s friend”, like holy shit though? how would he know that. I can’t think of any implications of this that aren’t super disturbing tbh
anyways back to -- LOL WHAT THE
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Horikoshi Kouhei: [furiously scribbling notes to himself at 3am] BUT WHAT IF THE FOLDING CITY FROM “INCEPTION” HAD MORE GIANT HANDS
jesus christ. is this like some mental representation of what shit is currently like in Tomura’s mind? lots of crumbly destruction and traffic lights and the house his father built (isn’t it? I feel like it looks familiar), and SO MANY HANDS, HE JUST LOVES HIS HANDS
anyway so at this point it’s a coin toss whether or not anything in this fucking chapter is ever going to make any kind of fucking sense! but here I am voluntarily along for the ride while Gene Wilder sings that creepy boat song right in my ear!
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(ETA: that Tomura in the top left may be my new favorite panel. look at him. all he is is a nose and chin and ~*~HAIR~*~.)
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ffff why is he so pretty all the time lately
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you are very handsome with your billowy hair and ken doll abs, you. sure are having a lot of trippy visions for a dead guy too there
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WHO SAID YOU WERE ALLOWED -- DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST -- ffffffffff I need to be alone with my thoughts for a few minutes fuck
okay well. but since it is getting late I guess we’ll just pack these feelings up real quick and put them inside a box and neatly label it “feelings I have about Tomura having a vision of his mom and immediately turning back into his innocent little boy self in said vision as soon as he sees her.” not too sure about the contents of this box yet but I will have to explore them thoroughly at a later date
oh hey it’s this asshole
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“THAT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO, DAD.” jesus Kotaro. get over it
and also guess what, if you go and get Tomura all riled up so he wakes up grumpy and disintegrates the first hapless guy he sees, I will hold you solely responsible for that poor man’s death. I’m just warning you now
oh my
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I remember this conversation going a bit differently the last time, but hey
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holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit
holy shit. fuck
...okay so
is this implying that AFO has been Noumufied? but that doesn’t make any sense, does it? he already had multiple quirks. what other advantages could there be to him becoming a Noumu. well whatever I’m just typing out all of my thoughts real fast for the time being and I’ll try to make sense of them later
or is it because he sees Kurogiri as a father figure? and AFO also?
or is he using Kurogiri’s quirk????? IS HE SOMEHOW WARPING INTO TOMURA’S DREAMS
because that third one, to me, is what this panel most looks like? Tomura says he looks like Kuro, but he doesn’t though. Kuro has a very distinctive face which this is very much lacking. instead it looks to me much more like one of Kurogiri’s portals, with AFO’s buddhaesque smile sticking out. so yeah. I got nothin’. except, again, fuck
(ETA: yeah I obviously have more thoughts about this now, but we’ll get to those in a bit.)
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-- !!!!!!!!!!LKJLK!JLKJ
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oh shit oh shit oh shit 
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except that I have the most incredible, chilling, disturbing, electrifying feeling that my mental soundtrack is about to start blaring AFO’s theme from the anime on full blast...!
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holy shit holy shit holy shit. wow
okay so. I don’t really have any sort of neat and tidy way to wrap up this hot mess of a recap lol. so, just... have a whole mess of all of my stupid whirling thoughts
those first four pages really did nothing to brace me at all lol
okay, so. here’s my understanding of all this, I guess. basically we’re going full Harry Potter rules here. AFO horcruxed his quirk, and from the looks of it, a piece of his soul (perhaps even the main piece) along with it. he then passed it on to Ujiko to implant into Tomura
horcrux!AFO then wakes up, and takes over Tomura. so then my understanding is that he’s going to be possessed by him. and I also got the impression that he’s fully aware of that, but just doesn’t care at this point. he knew his family was trying to warn him, but he didn’t care. and that look in his eyes when he disintegrated them just seemed so fucking resigned to me, though. jesus
but now the more interesting thing! so we can liken Tomura to the resurrected Voldemort from book 5 and onward, reborn after transferring his power into a new vessel. which would go a long way toward explaining how AFO was able to sense what was happening from all the way in Tartarus; because if we liken it to Voldemort and his horcruxes, it would mean that he still has a connection to them (similar to the connection between Voldemort’s mind and Harry’s)
but so now comes the really interesting thing -- what does this then imply about the connection between AFO and Deku? because you’ll recall that AFO alluded to a similar mental connection back when Deku first activated SIXQUIRKS. and now we have Deku somehow being magically aware of AFO’s sudden resurgent presence in this chapter. but why?? if the reason AFO and Tomura share a psychic link is because of a shared quirk, why would Deku also be experiencing the same link? the answer is, he wouldn’t -- unless he, too, had the same shared quirk
in other words, I think All for One for All is fucking confirmed you guys. I can’t think of any explanation for this other than that OFA is also a horcrux quirk. a little piece of AFO broken off and embedded in his brother, and then passed along through the generations. and now residing within Deku
anyway. so that’s a hell of a lot to ponder lol. I guess we can at least be grateful for the fact that we’re not waiting two weeks for chapter 271 like Hori originally planned. can you fucking imagine. what a fucking asshole lol
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kyloswarstars · 4 years
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Come on! • Part 4 – „The Fight“
Peaky Blinders • Mini-Series
Vendetta had brought your family back to Small Heath for a while. As a Blinder you received orders from Tommy like everyone else did as well. Your current one: Keep eyes on Bonnie Gold. When you first heard those words you wouldn’t have dared to imagine this order would take a complete turn on you.
Pairing • Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader
Words • 2.3k
Come on! • masterlist
The night before Bonnie’s big fight. You shouldn’t be nervous. Bonnie was well prepared. You were still nervous, couldn’t fall asleep while he was laying next to you, completely knocked out. You spent the night at yours, at Watery Lane, so it would be easier to leave tomorrow. Your brothers weren’t too fond of Bonnie sleeping over but you didn’t care – that was something they couldn’t prohibit.
Your fingertips were itching to repeat the thing that made you sleep. After last time you had kept John’s old shaving soap and the brush. Fuck it, you thought and crawled out of the bed as quiet as possible.
Grabbing the stuff and your knife, you left the room so Bonnie wouldn’t wake up and went downstairs into the kitchen.
This time it was even more satisfying. You had more experience with the blade on your skin and managed to not cut yourself. The short hair that had grown back was soon gone. When you washed away the loose hair over the sink, that had stuck to your skin, and let your fingers move over your bald head, it felt incredibly relieving.
You took a deep breath. The image of yourself in the window, illuminated only by the candle you had lit, was something you still not cared for yet. This time, though, with the relief came also a tiny smile. You felt comfortable and ready to go to sleep.
Waking up to Bonnie’s fingers stroking your head was nothing unusual anymore. You still didn’t get completely used to it yet, though. Especially not with the clean shave. The skin was maybe still a bit sensitive but it didn’t lessen that you liked his touches.
„Good morning.“ He placed a kiss on your head and then another one on your lips.
„Are you ready for tonight?“
„As ready as someone can be.“
You didn’t doubt that.
The time rushed by once you got up. Everyone was excited for tonight. Your hair being gone once again didn’t even get acknowledged through all the chaotic hectic. And sooner than you had even been able to comprehend, you stood in the changing room at the boxing venue.
Aberama made sure to unpack every supportive and motivational phrase from his memory to cheer Bonnie on. It was hilariously adorable to see father and son anticipating the fight so much.
When the time was finally there, you started to wrap Bonnie’s hands with the bandages. Maine finally trusted you enough with it. Ever since the night under the stars, you had spent every possible free minute together. By now you two were able to communicate with only exchanging looks. Your eyes flickered up every other second while wrapping up his hands to see when you had to tie the bandages a little tighter or looser, depending on how it felt for Bonnie.
Just in time when you finished up your work, your brothers entered the changing room. You stepped aside into a corner and watched them with your arms crossed. Finn smiled at you.
Arthur was directing his words to Bonnie. „Bring out that fucking tiger, eh?“
And proudly prepared by his father, Bonnie was ready. „Tiger is already out.“
You noticed a short, weird glance being exchanged between Bonnie and Tommy. Then your brothers left satisfied and Bonnie turned to shadow boxing.
The time was there. Some Blinders, who would walk guard, came in and were immediately instructed by Aberama. Grabbing Bonnie’s black cape off the hook, you walked over to him and held it open so he could slip in. He turned around and you grabbed onto the golden collar to drag his face down to yours.
Sharing a rather breathless and deep kiss, Bonnie’s lips curled into a smile when you parted. „I can’t wait to celebrate with you later.“ Placing another kiss on your cheek, his lips lingered next to your ear. „And even if I don’t win this fight – which I will – I’m already a winner. After all, I won you over.“
„Stop that you lovebirds,“ Aberama shouted over from the entrance and gestured to come to him. „Get ready!“
Before you let Bonnie go ahead, you stopped him for a decent reply to his words. „If you take him out, I’ll promise to do the same to you later – just in a different way.“ You coaxed a smirk out of him. „Come on!“ Stepping aside, he walked over to his father.
Aberama and one of King Maine’s men led the way, followed by Bonnie in the middle, you behind him and Blinders after you.
The place was crowded and way too loud for your liking. The flow of the people pushed you right to the boxing ring where Goliath was already waiting with his companions.
You stayed at Aberama’s side. A quick look through the crowd showed you Arthur sat behind you, the girls in the first row of the other block. They were absolutely stunning tonight. Wearing super fancy dresses, hair all neat and makeup exquisitely applied.
Unlike them you wore your tailored suit. There had almost been a massacre for this suit back in the day. You returned home from your initial appointment to get your measurements taken. Tommy had asked if everything went alright, which it didn’t. They didn’t take your measurements for a suit since you were a woman. John had still been there, listened in on the conversation and it got his blood boiling immediately. Back then you had just become officially a Blinder and as one, you had asked your brothers for a suit, to fit the feeling. The massacre was prevented, due to a lot of death threats, and you got your suit.
Another glance through the crowd didn’t reveal where the fuck Tommy was but that didn’t matter anymore when the first round was opened.
Goliath immediately sent out some forceful punches, Bonnie just endured them. No blood was spilling yet. He made it out of the first round and Aberama immediately jumped up to ask him if everything was alright. You knew Bonnie was supposed to wait until the fourth round to knock Goliath out, so all you could do was wait.
During the first break Tommy finally showed up and sat between Arthur and you.
When Aberama came back to his seat, you locked eyes with Bonnie for a moment and nodded. He returned a single nod. He was alright.
In the second round Bonnie had to take considerably more blows causing the first blood on his face. He didn’t really fight back, just tried to hold up his defence, which he had worked on so hard, and waited just like you for the round to be over.
The third round was a little better. He risked more but suddenly Goliath’s fist hit right into Bonnie’s face, sending him to the floor. Aberama and you simultaneously jumped up and over to the ring.
Aberama was shouting his name to get his attention. „You okay?,“ he asked his son.
Bonnie propped himself up on his fists, looked at his father and winked at him. For a second, his eyes moved to yours and he flashed a smile. He got back up and continued the fight – or rather: got more beat up.
„Y/N!“ The girls were calling your name, waving you over to them. You didn’t want to divert your attention from Bonnie to them but they didn’t stop shouting your name so you went over.
„What’s up?,“ you greeted them, quickly placing a kiss on Ada’s cheek, she doing the same on yours. But all you got as an answer was chuckles and laughter.
Linda bent forward to grab your hand. „Y/N, my dear! You look so good tonight. You’re probably the best looking Blinder. That suit!“ She was laughing at her own words and you just stared at your sister.
„What the bloody hell is wrong with her?“
„Snow,“ was all Ada replied.
„Explains it.“
Seeing that there was not a serious topic as to why you were supposed to come over – other than your amazing suit of course – you turned back to the fight. 
You noticed two things: Arthur and Tommy weren’t there anymore and Bonnie was finally showing what he was really capable of. Rushing back to Aberama and getting infected by his cheering, you joined in with the shouting. Not many ‚Come on!’s left your mouth anymore, though, because Bonnie’s fists had sped up so fast, Goliath was flying to the floor and didn’t stand up anymore.
Bonnie’s left hook earned him the victory.
He broke into cheering and looked so damn happy when he put his fists in the air. Bonnie looked down, through the crowd, until his eyes found you. He beamed at you so brightly. The moment you wanted to get up to the ring, like Aberama did, a hand grabbed your shoulder and held you back. Tommy.
He dragged you close to him and whispered into your ear. „Arthur’s dead. Take Finn and Isiah and find the other man who’s been with Goliath. I shot one of them already.“
You stared at your brother in shock. How could another one of your brothers be dead? The black clouds were immediately reaching out for you but you stepped aside. You looked around, saw Polly walking over to Linda. You saw Bonnie up in the ring, trying to catch your eye but all you could do was stare right through him. You noticed how he wanted to exit the ring through the ropes to get to you, he probably sensed something wasn’t right, but he got dragged back by Aberama. And you dragged yourself forcefully out of the shock.
Nodding to Thomas, you hurried over to Finn and Isiah. „Come with me.“ They immediately followed you. You didn’t know if they did because out of the three of you it had always been you leading. Or if they obeyed your order because they might have noticed you tried to suppress any rising emotions. You didn’t care.
Fighting your way through the cheering crowd, you waited to reach the entrance area before telling them.
„Arthur is dead.“
Both of them were looking at you like you must’ve looked at Tommy a minute ago. But you couldn’t consider Finn’s feelings right now, as hard as it was. „We have to find one of the men that was with Goliath.“
Taking the lead again, you guided them to the changing rooms. And ran right into the guy you were searching for in the hallway.
Without any hesitation you stormed up to him and hit him right in the face. He stumbled, fell to the ground and tried to sit up but stopped in his motions. He looked right into the barrel of your gun, you had drawn from your holster.
„Search him, Isiah,“ you ordered, so he did. Finn next to you aimed his gun as well, with some shaky hands.
Just when Isiah found something in the pockets and pulled it out, Tommy came rushing down the hallway. Isiah told him he found a wire but your brother didn’t even acknowledge it. He furiously beat and kicked down to the praying man to your feet. He repeated it for what seemed to take forever and you couldn’t blame him.
When he let go off him, he expected Finn to continue. He hesitated but managed to halfheartedly punch down to the guy with Isiah’s encouragement.
„Take his eyes, Finn.“ Tommy’s order was predictable, given you were the Peaky fucking Blinders. „Do it for Arthur.“ But you saw your little twin brother, saw how much he didn’t want to do that, how it was just not in his nature.
„TAKE HIS FUCKING EYES,“ Tom screamed.
All those feelings inside of you were threatening to rip away the little sanity you were still holding onto. The black clouds were lurking behind your back and all you could think of was John and Arthur. Them being gone. And your twin brother who was still there. You were the older one of the two of you, always took the blame if he messed up something. Always sorted out his problems. And you didn’t want him to suffer. Not now, not ever.
You would sort it out with Tommy later but for now… all you cared about was protecting one of the brothers you had still left, Finn – even though that meant disrespecting Tommy’s order.
You pushed Finn away, forced him behind you, grabbed your cap and knelt down before someone could stop you. Once again, you took a pair of eyes.
Tommy didn’t say a word, he just left. Seeing the business was done here, you went after him. Fighting your way back through the crowd, you reached the ring as Tom got up and fired two shots of his gun. He ordered to close the doors so no-one could leave. He really fucking aimed the gun at the crowd. And shot again.
You saw Bonnie being pushed into the far right corner of the boxing ring.
„My brother is dead.“ Tommy claimed the hall as if it was his. Each of his words were like knives stabbing into your chest. „Do you hear me? My brother… IS DEAD.“ His screaming was deafening. And it also unblocked the wall you had quickly built to do what had to be done.
With Tommy’s last words Bonnie found your eyes. And you… you just sank into yourself, barely making it to a chair, when the shock of losing another one of your siblings hit you with full force.
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