#like this female character isnt in the way. do what you want bro
tyrianludaship · 2 months
i hope it's okay to say this here because i saw the post you made about heavymedic shippers but as a woman who selfships with them as a polycule it honestly hurts me alot when people say that women are not allowed to ship themselves with medic or heavy because they're gay and wouldn't like them back. these characters make me happy. why am i not allowed to find comfort in them? because it goes against your made up headcanons? i don't understand why people have such a superiority complex over something as up to interpretation as fictional characters' sexualities.
it's the misogyny.
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zai-doodles · 2 years
Ok ok last question then I’ll stop bothering you lol (but I eagerly look forward to anything you will say in the future about fairytail!)
I think I got your thoughts on Nalu, but what about other ships? You said Gajeel and Levy are your fav ship, could you tell us more why? What about Gray x Juvia? Do you have a least favorite ship?
(And don’t be sorry for rambling a lot/your posts being long! I really enjoy reading your thoughts!)
bestie i literally love u i never have the chance to post my ft hc stuff im THRIVING
aight so im going to make enemies with this post i can feel it in my bones gjkfdhgsfdkj
however i just want to say if u like these ships thats completely fine and if you read them diffrently than i do thats also dope
so lets start positive!! i LOVE gajevy sm its so perfect i just ljdghfkjd
no listen like the thing that gets me abt gajevy is how it elevates gajeel as a character SO MUCH and gives levy so much agency at the same time, like u cant tell me ft would have embraced gajeel the way they did if levy didnt CHOOSE to forgive gajeel in some capacity and like fuck imagine ur GAJEEL in this situation like bro wakes up everyday and this is just his life
gajeel lost metalica at a young age, and (i dont remember too much of canon but im pretty sure its implied he just kinda fucked around until phantom tropue picked him up which yikes) like this CHILD was on his own most of his formative years and then got picked up by a super shitty abusive group of ppl and he just LEARNED to blend in, like yea metalica made him kind of a punk but he was a KID so during those years he was alone he probably just closed himself off to survive and learned to prioritize himself over everybody else and to do that it takes a level of desensitizing urself to others pain
and like ok again im playing hard and fast with canon but i THINK its implied he like, had done a lot of bad shit with them or whatever right? like what he did to levy and fairy tail wasn't NEW, so when the events in canon happen and he ends up at fairy tail, in my mind that's the FIRST TIME he has to face how HIS ACTIONS DIRECTLY HURT SOMEONE
and not only thats but someone who OBJECTIVELY DIDN'T DESERVE IT
like ugh gajeel just,, having to learn to let himself care but also it fucking sucks bc it just makes it set in more and more what a bad person he is (he isnt but he thinks he is) THEN FUCKING LEVY PULLS UP AND JUST?? IS THE BEST???
she literally blows thro all his expectations of her bc at this point i think hes use to dealing with ppl being afraid of him bc that ssomething he understands and control, what he DOESNT understand is her being NICE to him and it makes him RESPECT her and its so out of no where that by the time the GMG roles around and gajeel has fully accepted the fact that he indeed has emotions like everyone else, ONLY TO HAVE TO FACE LEVY BEING SCARED OF HIM AGAIN
learning to put others needs above his own and being empathetic in his own fucked up way
ok enough positivity time to make ppl mad
gonna link my juvia is a lesbian post here bc it sums up a LOT of my feelings on gruvia but the tldr is that my personal hc is that juvia is a lesbian with a serious case of comp het from trying to fit in with other kids growing up and it literally was just never corrected until she got to fairy tail and actively started to form friendships
the main reason i dislike gruvia is that it paints gray as the one who needs to change in order to accept juvias feelings and not just cuz he needs to grow as a person and learn to allow himself to be vunrable.
like grays arc doesnt ONLY center around juvia but its a big part of it and juvias growth CENTERS around gray and we can talk about the the borderline misogynist idea of having a female character whos damn near whole identity is her feelings for a man where she never grows or learns meaningfully but instead just very slowly chills out more so from being sidelined than growth but i digress i just dont like them
last is jerza,, i just dont like em,, jellal is really boring in my opinion and he had a lot of potential but meh? his redemption is neat and his history with erza has potential but i feel like the point of erzas arc is about growth and moving on and while i think her and jellal can still be friends and have each others back she still has so much healing to do after tower of heaven
idk i dont see a lot wrong with jerza i just feel like its a lil bland and not my cup of tea
and yes queer platonic nalu is my life id die for them actually and i have more stuff about natsus abandonment issues and how they carry into his relationships with ppl but imma stop bc this post is long jgkfhgdjhfdjk
tldr: i love gajevy, actively dislike gruvia, very meh about jerza, love qpp nalu
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katzgutz777 · 2 years
okay its 4am here and i guess what better time to express how chronically online i am through homestuck gender, sexuality and mental stuff headcanons of mine *smile*
okay im gonna start off with the beta kids and trolls of course, probably will not go into the alpha trolls as i do not really know a lot or care a lot about them
one disclaimer, i dont see most of this shit as canon and this doesnt mean i dont believe or even dislike other headcanons, i love seeing all different headcanons and really use and see everyones headcanons of everything, so this isnt saying my headcanons are the ONLY way i see and interpret these characters its just how i see them without an outside influence so dont come after me like omg hes gay and trans.. IDGAF!!! HE IS GAY AND TRANS !!!!!! IDC IF I SAID HES CISHET AND YOU THINK HES GAY AND TRANS.. ME TOO i think everything, these are just my like, personal thoughts about the characters, i genuinely like and use all headcanons though
John: um i am a john/june coexistence believer so i will be going over both. I think john is defo straight okay like idk dont ask i wont be explaining like he just feels cishet to me dont get me wrong I love LOVE johndave but you cant look at john fucking egbert and tell me he is gay im sorry, and june is defo a transbian, thats all shes just a girly who likes girls. as for mental stuff both of them, I see personally having autism DEFINITELY and slight adhd
Dave: oh my god BI DAVE IS REAL. dave is one million percent bi no gender lean,but was ashamed of it for a while because he was scared to be gay cause he grew up thinking gay was something wrong, but eventually came to terms with it. i can see dave as cis or transmasc really they both fit very well to me. dave has to me, obv depression, but i think like a panic disorder because of his brother, some stuff brings him back, and while i feel the bro dave stuff wasnt as severe as the fandom makes it out to be, it still was pretty fucked up, and dave is still just as fucked up over it, a lot of the time its more self worth stuff wondering why his brother was such a dick to him blahblahbalh whatever you get what im saying, i also feel as if like, not a mental disorder thing but he tries to get attention from everyone he can because of the attention his childhood lacked and he is really scared and insecure anyways take all this as you will
Rose: ok rose augh bi rose is real,,, BUT she is SO SO SO female leaning, like shes like i like girls butttttttt there are a few men i will ... look at and want for. I think shes nonbinary demigirl, she/they but doesnt mind whichever set of pronouns you use. i think she has like pretty bad depression and struggles a lot with derealization and things in that area. i can also see her definitely having some form of autism
Jade: okay jade i see as cis and bi with no lean, i have no further explanation, while i see her as having bpd it presents itself way differently than usually associated with the stereotype for someone with bpd. this coming from being alone her whole life and feeling abandoned by everyone around her, because she might feel like shes the only one who puts effort into caring and is still left alone in the end maybe im projecting lalal youll never know !  i see her also having severe severe depression but tries to suppress it to make sure no one worries, she also has really bad add and some slight form of autism.
OK now onto beta trolls (warning a lot of these r gonna be bi headcanons oppsy)
Aradia: okay.... im not sure how to go about this one since i am aradia lol but uhh ill just go ahead and describe how i see myself i suppose? so I am cis girl she/her, bi with a pretty heavy female lean, ok if anyone wants I will go further in depth with this one but i have bpd and hpd which are both very similar but have some distinct differences xD anyways I also have some form of autism and have add, i struggle really really badly with depression along with derealization and depersonalization, this is all, umm as a little added thing I subscribe to catholicism but am kind of shitty at practicing it, but i still do hold some of their beliefs to myself
Tavros: transmasc absolutely cant fight me on this one, um also bi with a male lean, I think he struggles with an anxiety/panic disorder, and has autism + depression.. he also has dependent personality disorder REAL bad.. umm dont have a lot to say on this one LMAO 
Sollux: sigh everyones gonna kill me sollux can be cis to me......... if I want, but I also like trans headcanons of him? so idrk how i see him lel, hes definitely bi with a female lean. um he has bipolar.. canon so thats one, but I can also see him having aspd noo ren dont make him evil having aspd doesnt make you evil these are my headcanons so they will make sense to me differently than they will to you haha and he has depression
Karkat: transmasc karkat real ooouhhh scary ghost noise also bi with male lean, he so obviously has a panic disorder and ptsd, I also think he struggles with depression real, and like lol.. anger issues ok thats all i have to sat for him too ah oopsie a lot of these are gonna be depression but thats a given cause.. really who isnt depressed anymore?
Nepeta: BRAH okay listen nepeta isnt like.. not cis but she isnt not nonbinary!!!?!!?!?! like to describe it shes like nonbinary with she/her prns like shes just this little girl that breaks gender norms all day if u feel me? shes bi with a slight female lean but no real preference i think she defo has autism and adhd, but also struggles really bad with depression from how lonely she is
Kanaya: lesbian 100000000000% does not like men LOL um honestly she/her cis, she has depression and bpd shh shh everyone who is mad for my bpd diagnoses close your eyes, ok this is all
Terezi: cis girl and bi with a male lean, i think she has depression really bad and dependent personality disorder but it only starts showing outwardly later within the comic after all the stuff .... with her goes down
Vriska: transfemme bi with no lean, ok ahh this is not really a lot to unpack but it is? idk vriska though her personality seems like the posterboy for fucking bpd and people might say that gives people with bpd a bad reputation to be associated with her, as someone with medically diagnosed bpd i just dont agree, if the shoe fits... its probably for a reason, anyways vriska has the absolute most convincing and fitting title of bpd of any character within homestuck, but she also fits within depression in my opinion, but thats really a result of her bpd and stuff with her lusus driving people away anyways i can also see her having npd
Equius: brah gonna be honest equius straight but bicurious and transmasc, wants to be strong because of his rage stuff but also because hes insecure about not being cis and wants to be as “manly” as possible, nepeta always tries to convince him he doesnt have to be strong to be a man but hes so insecure it doesnt matter what she says. I think he personally struggles HORRIBLY with gender dysphoria and what trans person doesnt? but him especially, it makes him badly depressed and he wont admit it, I also think he is autistic
Gamzee: brah another cis male bi sigh he has a female lean but only a little. I think he struggles with drug induced psychosis, he started abusing substances when he was younger because he was depressed but it ended up frying his brain and making his body and mind dependent on the drugs and giving him awful psychosis issues
Eridan: cis male bi with no lean whatsoever he just wants someone to fucking love him, i think he struggles with bpd, hpd and npd along with depression ok thats all
Feferi: cis female bi large male lean, but still also likes girls a lot?? idk just kinda loves everything and everyone, has adhd really bad and autism, not depressed but sometimes has derealization episodes and doesnt know how to tell anyone and keeps them to herself
Jane: cishet, bicurious but is too ashamed to admit it because of how she was raised, i think she struggles with anger issues and some slight depression, but thats about it
Dirk: cis gay gay gay gay gay as fuck oh my god anyways i know i said cis but i can also see trans dirk real so idk, i think he has gasp! bpd, he also very much has awwwful depression
Roxy: cis bi female, male lean, deals with really really bad depression but keeps it to herself ah obviously has substance abuse issues that are to deal with the depression
Jake: cis bi male lean, on the aromantic spectrum sigh idk lel this is just what i think, he also has mega autism and also very depressed
ok these r all please dont hate me after this 💀
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
miss ridia i just want to thank you for keeping this fandom alive, i think ive said this in another ask but i just felt like saying it again you are the true protector and provider of the fandom tysm<3 also apologies if this is messy, english isnt my first language
so, since i only recently reentered the fandom a couple weeks ago i watched the seven stories movies for the first time and idk, felt a bit nostalgic cause to me it kinda felt like Gora was officially saying goodbye to k and the fandom, then i started to think, even if they wanted to make a 3rd season or another movie, what could they possibly add to the story? then i found your tumblr and felt like there was so many things Gora could have done with the anime but didn't, and it only made me sadder to think that despite that they are still moving on from K.
ok this is getting too long so heres my question:
if you were given the job to make a 3rd season, a movie, or just some kind of continuation for k, what would you do?
besides removing the fanservice and the over-sexualization of the female characters, what would the overall story of this new season/movie be? would it take place right after the events of Circle Vision Nameless Song, or would you give it a timeskip to our present-day? if you were to choose a timeskip, how would post timeskip characters be, physically and personality-wise?, would you intend it to be a definitive end to the franchise or would you make it in a way that it would give room for more to be added?, would you use the same characters we have seen so far or would you try to implement a brand new set of characters? maybe something in the middle like picking some characters from the original cast but adding new ones as well? if so, which original characters would you keep and how would they relate to these new characters? who would be the protagonist(s) of this movie? which character would you give more screentime and development to? which female characters would finally be getting a proper backstory and development? would you make any characters canonically part of the lgbtq+ community? would you make it more diverse? like adding a character/giving a character a different ethnic background besides being japanese or leave it as it is? would you revive any of the deceased characters? if not, would you continue to show any of them via flashbaks or add more depth to them?, would you kill anyone? if so who?, and how would the other characters react? how would that affect the story?, what would you do with sarumi? would you leave them as they are, two bros being dudes? or would you make them canon? If you were to make them canon, would you give them a "happy" ending? If not a happy ending, then what?, would you add anything else to Fushimi's family drama? maybe give him some form of reconciliation with aya? would there be any forgotten character that you would have making an appearance again? like Aya, or that one lady that kinda hung around homra and was only shown in the first episode hiding behind yata (and wtf i just realized yata wasn't that scared of her omg)?
omg this is so fucking long
TLDR; thxs for keeping the fandom alive, how would you make a continuation for K?
K is now all about Fushimi, all other characters are inconsequential, it's the Fushimi show now :D Well okay if I was making like an 'actual' continuation and not 'fanfiction continuation where I do what I want' maybe just like mostly about Fushimi. As far as things like bringing characters back from the dead, representation, etc I'll start with that. I don't think I would bring anyone back from the dead save for perhaps villain purposes *cough* Niki *cough*. I wouldn't want to bring anyone else back to be honest – I really really hate when a series kills a character off, milks it for emotions and makes the emotional through-line of that loss an important point for multiple characters and then just brings the character back to life easily with no issues, I feel like it invalidates all the emotions the show was going for previously (looks in the direction of a certain K-clone series also made by GoHands which went from mediocre to ugh in a single reveal). If I was going to bring, say, Mikoto back to life it would be to just not have him killed at all in S1 and let him deal with the aftermath of that in ROK, not to bring him back far after the fact when there's really no reason to other than 'the fans like him and he's popular.' Dead people stay dead.
From a representation standpoint I probably wouldn't change much either, my preferred sequel would focus on the named cast and frankly it's large enough without bringing in more characters outside of new villains (and I would be wary of making the show's only character of color the new villain). Similarly I would actually stick to the status quo on the relationship side too – if it was my own fic I'm here for Sarumi all the way but to be perfectly honest I wouldn't want to enshrine it in canon simply because I’m selfish and like all the other Fushimi pairings too and want to let those possibilities stand. I wouldn't mind finding a more natural way for Fushimi to mention at least at some point that he was in love with Yata as a kid and maybe leave it open from there, like make it clear that Fushimi Does Not Like Girls and basically put Sarumi on the same level as IzuSeri, like it's possible but not straight out canon.
Storyline-wise I'd sorta like to clear up some dangling character threads from previous seasons and maybe set a stage for possible later developments if needed. Slate-kun in Circle Vision makes it clear that the Slate is 'alive' in a sense and I think you could do something with exploring that, like where the Slate came from and how its powers work. Honestly I'd probably steal from the post-series fanfic I never wrote where someone discovers the remains of the Slate and decides to try and 'revive' it in order to gain power. The villain gathers up a team of criminal Strains who want to keep their own powers and resent that Scepter 4 is still trying to control everyone, maybe making the villain like a charismatic 'King' type in his own right who's named the Strains his own clansmen and is declaring war on the previous clans. The story would open with multiple assassination attempts on the current Kings, Homra and Scepter 4 under siege and just managing to keep Munakata and Anna safe while say Shiro does get to end up in a coma but is saved from death by Kuroh and Neko (who are then largely offscreen for a good chunk of the story because they've had enough screentime, I would want to focus more here on Scepter 4 who are criminally underused in the series and also my favorites it's my scenario I do what I want).
So then the rest of the story could involve trying to find who's behind everything while also discovering more about the Slate and trying to learn if it's even possible to destroy the Slate, like imagine they discover that the Slate was previously destroyed way back in the past and then like 're-formed' itself to the current Slate and now everyone realizes that oh shit we didn't solve anything. Also as part of the villain's plan to recreate the Slate he may need to experiment on someone who currently has powers and who better than a certain grumpy third in command who still has three powers. Fushimi gets to be kidnapped all damsel in distress style and maybe we could even work in some Green (or former Gray, which also intrigues me as a possibility) clansman Niki who faked his death and has been hanging around behind the scenes watching the chaos. Character-wise I would use that revelation to delve a little more into Fushimi's issues that the series glossed over, his feelings towards Yata and towards Munakata and his clan, letting him have a real proper realization of how important they are to him. Meanwhile the search for the origin of the Slate could be used as characterization fodder for Munakata, who's been grappling with the issue of who he is if not a 'King' and learning the origins of this power lets him like explore his own origins and who he wants to be going forward. Basically give the Blues some needed screentime, let Fushimi and Yata have some nice moments, maybe bring in the Greens to give them more of a solid post-series relationship with the rest of the cast and actually make a firm decision as to whether the story wants to wipe out all powers or commit to superpowers existing and continuing to exist.
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bobzora · 2 years
GUESS WHO BEAT PEE3 TODAY (fes, the journey at least)
(lengthy) final thoughts:
ryoji is kind of. um. "that was my name for a while. i didnt mind it." hes kind of trans. is the thing. also bro 100% drew the shortest stick in this game lmao
obviously ryo/mina isnt quite the same as some of the other insane peesona gay people (2,5. 4 is gay but not rlly insane) bc like. in that form at least we only know him for like...two months?or so? but. u know what. they r t4t and both (kind of) dead. good for them.?
jumpscared by "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed." ive been seeing that shit in like. youtube comments since the day i was born. insane
nyx was like. pathetically easy. to the point where i felt kinda bad about it lol. at least its funny. this is what happens when u have level 99 protag + black viper lucifer (+ messiah for salvation for ailment healing. i could just use me patra gems but its more stylish this way). nobody ever got below half health and most phases (minus last bc of the halved non-almighty damage + gown) were a 1/2/3 hit kill. guys who overlevel because they just love the velvet room so so much (and im prolly not gonna do ng+, especially with portable port on its way (femc!). so trying to experience most that i can)
i did cheese the reaper a while back. used thunder reign strat. was actually harder bc new moon rebalance nerfed the shock rate so its not 100% lol. but took advantage of its ai to get it stuck in a break skill loop (akihiko dekunda sweep) the money was nice, and i spent soooo much time in monad levelling personas. wont be able to do liz fight bc not doing ng+. (slightly related: ive played pee5 so many times and ive never actually tried the twins/lvnza/jose fights. vanilla 1 time, royal 1 time, royal again for a friends playthrough but its not ng+, ng+ for 100% royal but only up to exams...royal for another friend's playthru. lol)
yuka/mitsu is real. to me. theyre even the colors of the lesbian flag
i maxed most social links besides magician (bc hes annoying. surt wouldve been nice tho), mitsuru (got up to like 8 then ran out of time), fuuka (trapped at rank 1. dont like her enough, not enough time. sorry. i played with english voices u know how it is), yuko (accidentally reversed her), justice (i know. who would have thought. started her wayyy too late.), keisuke (hes soooo cute like. i wanna look like that tbh. but fortune isnt useful enough and i ran out of time)
speaking of social links i literally hate how they work in this game so so so so much. i dont want to date all these girls! let me hang out with other girls please... this is the biggest example of romance making all these games so much worse. like. what the hell. (aigis is like. the only good female social link (that i finished) (maybe bc she isnt very much a girl))
another mechanic i hate: NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK INHERITED SKILLS. is every ps2 era megaten game like this? i love love love 'sona/demon fusion but it is so much harder to make stupid crazy builds when u have to reroll over and over again. literally just a timewaster. what could have been...i cant believe my lucifer is still weak to ice. WHO USES PEESONAS WITH WEAKNESSES. IN THIS DAY AND AGE????
the extremely strange continuity with 1&2 is fucked up to like. nickelodean sitcom cinematic universe levels. u know.
im still fixated on 5.i make that very obvious. and i do like 5's overall story better (royal being a very big portion of that). but GOD i love love love the theming of this game.
those strega guys r definitely fucking. i literally do not care about them but thats kind of just a fact.
the concept of artificial personas (that kill you) (that u have to take meds for which eventually kill you) REALLYYYY fucks me up what a BANGER CONCEPT. JESUS! JESUS. gg kirijo group.
akinari... (very wretched)
i dont think i have a favorite. tbh. like i like mitsuru because i like women and shes hot but character wise shes not actually super my type. i like ken because hes the most fucked up ten year old in the world (justice bias). aigis is crazycrazy theres stuff to be said abt her (characters who give metatron bias). yukari is a mean girl and i like that about her (lovers bias). ryoji doesnt have that much screentime for obv reasons but thematically hes cool (guys who beg u to kill them bias). i like the protag a lot (protag bias). yeah
OBVIOUSLY i knew we were gonna die. and when. and where. and how. but :( head in aigis's lap, brushing away her robo-tears... didnt cry but wow this game.
joshua peefee christ figure moment
kimi no kioku is the best 'sona song. period. nyx (avatar)&nyx (nyx) songs go hard too. but man!!!! kimi no kioku!! LOVE how its kind of a motif in so many other parts of the soundtrack, especially near the end...a unifying melody, an overarching theme.
forever from now ill prolly watch the movies just so i can make an amv. this game needs an amv. and unlike pee5 the animovies should cover most of what id want to say in one!
after the answer, ill finally be able to finish eternalpun. im so sorry ive neglected you guys, my friends...my pee2s....
kimi wo i will never leave you <3
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I'm so glad oc stood her ground w her mom,boy the ways I wanna torture that bitch!....I.FUCKING.HATE.HER also her sorry for nothing father can also go die,cant tae support her siblings?how much younger are they cant they get married off soon(in 5 years)the whole part where that asshole was saying all that shit about how oc should've been grateful and all my skin fucking crawled,if he's working for gyu then he probably knows about the rape,doesn't everyone in the castle?(they just dont see for
forcing himself as something so bad,and even what she's there for),Ik kai apologized but he also said he's thoughtless without meaning to like yk what no,if you care even a little bit about anyone's feeling but your own then you would actually stfu when your bestfriend is telling you to stop multiple times,even if you still think you're right your bff is someone who's judgement you should take into consideration even if you dont end up changing your mind,this is the only time I didn't like kai
like kai that much,I actually thought wouldn't it be great to just date kai then realizing he's gonna drop dead before you can blink and he might even be similar to lord soobin,soob isnt a bad person as far as we've seen he might even someone's adorable lil bro like kai but he can't protect,he might not want to and kai might,but wouldnt that just make kai stupid. the endind bro,okay there's a good chance he's working for gyu but what if,what if he's just another asshole who'd like a "taste"🤢
also Idk how the smuts with tae will happen if oc is kidnapped(successfully that is)by gyu and his bitchboy. also even tho gyu is calculative and "patient" now do you really think he'll stay this in control himself forever? it might take years but he's gonna abuse her physically too man what do you think? also my last thot is i like tae quite a bit now(even tho i wanna slap him too)i dont know how to stop loving prince gyu but im so disgusted by him lmao
yeah the parents in this story really take the cake huh? taehyun can't help the siblings because they're married already and living with their husbands in lands that the royal family controls. they can't just all up and leave with their entire households and lose everything
idk if jaeyun knows about the rape but this story takes place back when it was the lord's right to be with his female subjects if he pleases and rape wasn't really as well defined as it is now so they probably see it as, while not a good thing, but not as morally reprehensible as it is now. still not an excuse of course but basically they see that oc belongs to the prince anyway and that she's lucky he's even pampering her that much
yeah kai would not be able to hold off gyu lmao really only taehyun or like gyu's father or brother could potentially stand up to him so he'd be fucked. also he's sweet but not really what oc needs. and yeah soobin is not a necessarily bad character but he's protecting his own hide
ughhhh no let's hope it's not 🤢 imagine if he thought that since she's already "ruined" he could have her too
well i made the smut scene happen with gyu without him being physically there so you don't know what i can come up with lmao and yeah you're right. in abusive situations, the abuser doesn't typically just "get better" they always relapse 😕
i can't stop loving him either. i'm the one in the abusive relationship not oc 😭
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basilly · 4 years
basil’s q&a !
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just wanted to make a small q&a posts because i know some ppl are afraid of reaching out or if they are crossing boundaries!
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. what pronouns do you use? sexuality? gender?
she/her or even they/them! either one, I don’t have a preference. i am a cis hetero but i do try to educate myself as much as possible and do not tolerate homophobia
i am a female! you are totally welcome to use any words that seem feminine like pretty, beautiful, etc.
I am also completely okay with “guys, boys, dude, bro”
. favorite mcyts?
def wilbur + tommy, ranboo, quackity, karl, and tubbo
. can i jokingly insult you? 
yes you can! i don’t take things to heart easily, so if you throw a joking insult at me i won’t get upset 
. do you use tone indicators?
i am new to tone indicators, but i am trying to implement them in anyway i can
. what are you uncomfortable with?
i am uncomfortable w/ smut (i am a minor), gore, ppl throwing up, horror-related things, bugs, but that is about it
also you can ask for interests but not anything location related or age! I will say i am in PST time zone though <3
I do not have any intense triggers, maybe like blood and gore thats it
. can minors follow your blog?
yes! everything is safe for work (sfw) here and I am a minor myself, just dni if you are homophobic, racist, etc. 
. will you do a face or name reveal?
im a technoblade faceless! ive shown it before but rarely :3
. is lowercase intended?
yes! i just like the look of lowercase :]
. why are some reblogs at night for you?
i try to schedule reblog things as i sleep so you guys still get good content while im gone! so psa moots if u see me reblog way after i like smth thats why :)
. do you swear/cuss?
i dont! this isnt cuz of religion, it’s because i kind of just grew up as the goody two shoes and i don’t really find a need to? i hope that makes sense so my fics wont have cussing, unless its shortened like “wtf”
If I feel the need to add cuss words into my fics i will
. do you write romantically for minors?
i dont- even though i am a minor, i find it odd to write about them romantically and then have that content out for adults or non minors to romanticize them
. isnt it a little weird to write irl?
I see it as through their on stream personas and count that as “irl”, it is like writing for a tv character, it is not truly them as we dont know their true personality. So again it is like a character, and makes it less weird to me.
. if i want to start my own blog, what are some tips?
i have a whole post dedicated to that! linked here!
. can i come to your dms to talk?
pls refrain everyday convo to asks, my dms are only open for questions and concerns
this is because im just super busy and my dms r very glitched
. is fanart okay?
absolutely!! please i will cherish each one and protect it with my life
if you need reference photos, please ask! ill be happy to send picrews or details
. more to add if it comes up!
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wavebiders · 3 years
Alright, time to be a hater. I'm gonna do this one a little differently and stick it under a read more because length and negativity
I am gonna put it in the Winx Club tag because I know I personally like to see stuff making fun of netwinx in there. However I'll also tag it with fate: the winx saga, netwinx critical, and fate hatewatch for those who wanna filter it out. I'll also gladly add additional tags if anyone wants me to. And for any fate fans that come across this. Well, there's critical tags so that's really not my problem
F(h)atewatch Part 1:
Bloom and Stella Do Not Commit Identity Fraud
It's crazy how I'll look at pictures of Abby Cowen and I'll be like "yeah sure. She could play Bloom" but in any scene of the actual show she looks as not Bloom-like as humanly possible
Also it's been said a million times before but dressing her in red is a horrible fucking idea. Who allowed this?
Having Sky be the one to show Bloom around Alfea instead of Stella already ruins any chance of me liking this version of him. Something I would have been open to considering I can't stand his cartoon counterpart
But taking anything that was originally about female friendship and making it about the most bland straight romance imaginable is not something I have any patience for
I'm really confused about what they're going for with this version of Bloom. Like I know she isnt gonna be in character, but one second she seemed super cagey, but now she's all of a sudden spilling her life story to this guy?
It also just feels really exposition-y. The cartoon took the time to show Bloom's life before she discovered her magic, so it felt like we were discovering that world with her
Here, we have to learn about Bloom at the same time we're learning about the otherworld. There's a disconnect they really can't afford to have that early on
Riven and Sky are one of the few duos in the cartoon that didn't really get along. Why are they bros? But hey points for Riven having a punchable face
Stella is somehow worse than I imagined, and I imagined her pretty bad. I knew she was gonna be a bitch but nobody warned me she was gonna be boring
"It's 5 girls in an enclosed space, so it's only a matter of time before we descend into a Lord of the Flies situation and kill each other" oh god
1. That has nothing to do with Lord of the Flies?
2. That goes against the whole message the cartoon had about a group of teenage girls just being able to get along? Like that's the whole point how do you miss that
I know this is more nitpicky but, especially already knowing about Aisha's role in the show, it's a little frustrating that her introduction is helping Bloom out
A big part of what's so special about Aisha in the cartoon is that right off the bat, she's the one getting help. The girls meet her and immediately start looking out for her. It's a brilliant, if perhaps unintentional subversion of the black best friend trope. It's awful that the live action falls into the exact thing the cartoon avoided so well
Also adaptational fuck-ups aside. This is a horrible pilot so far. The way they arranged the scenes makes no sense. If they were gonna open with Bloom meeting Stella outside, they should have done them moving into the dorm next and then headmistress stuff later
Another option would be to frame the whole thing as Bloom narrating to Mike and Vanessa. Cut back and forth between that and the actual scenes. If they were dead-set on making her a liar they could even play into that by having what happens on-screen be different from what Bloom describes
Just. There's a lot of good ways to go about introducing viewers to a fantasy world and this is not one of them
Not even mentioning how awkward that HP convo is... anybody who would even think to put Bloom in Ravenclaw or Slythein has not watched the cartoon. It's either Hufflepuff or Gryfindor. Please have at least the most basic understanding of your protagonist
Stella should not be whining about what people expect of her to someone she doesn't even like. Isn't this version supposed to be more closed off than in the cartoon? OG Stella covered up that shit like nobody's business
It's good that Riven's a jackass but it's the wrong kind! He's supposed to have anger issues and a need to be respected. This fuckboy thing aint him. It's like they merged him with an asshole version of what they would think Brandon is
This shit drags. I thought they skipped Bloom's origin because they wanted to cut right to the action but a full cartoon episode worth of time later and finding this body is the only thing that's happened. They only have 6 episodes, you'd think they'd waste less time than the OG, not more!
God, why are these girls so fucking mean? It's not just Stella, it's all of them. Except for Terra who exists to be a punching bag apparently
Yeah that flashback really shit on everything Bloom and Vanessa are supposed to be about. Also still badly arranged scenes. Why are we seeing that after we already saw Bloom talking to her mom on the phone? At least create a sense of mystery about where their relationship is at or if Vanessa's even still alive
Obviously Stella would never give her guy shit about talking to a girl but also she would never date Sky. Bloom's the one with bad taste in that friendship
Bloom going to practice her fire magic in the very flamable woods is incredibly stupid, but also the only in-character thing she's done so far
And they ruined it by making her a dick! Why is she being so rude to Aisha who just saved her? Bloom is supposed to be nice
Oh my god I'm gonna have to rewatch every scene with Bloom and her parents in the cartoon the cleanse my brain of this shit
Also putting how terrible that backstory is aside (but seriously what was that dialogue) Why reveal it like this? Why not start with it? Start with all that angst and Bloom feeling lost, so that Alfea could actually feel like a haven when she gets there. Have the audience actually feel for Bloom instead of just wondering what is up with this brat
She's the pov character, no? We should be on the same page as her. There's plenty of other mysteries in the show. What's going in with the main character should not be explained 30 minutes in
I already knew about the changeling thing and it's stupid, but I did not realize that was an episode 1 thing wtf. Bloom didnt learn she was adopted in the cartoon until episode 13. The audience knew her and her relationship with her parents at that point. The rug being pulled out from under her actually mattered
Here, there's no status quo to shake up, Bloom's parents aren't likable enough for them not being related to matter(or not matter as was the message in the cartoon), and they've given me 0 reason to care about this Bloom enough to even give 2 fucks about how she feels about it
Ah yes, that fucked up "queer rep" I cant believe aired in 20fucking21
I've had like 2 scenes with Terra. Tell me, where is my investment in this moment supposed to come from? You need more time with a nice character for it to matter when they snap
The way I still get weirdly invested in Bloom and Stella's intetactions even though I know this show fucked up their friendship and I cannot stand either of them
I just really wanted to see my girls interact in live action and to see it in this form feels like some kind of sick joke😭
But anyway the trend of Stella being more forthcoming with her emotions than her cartoon counterpart continues. I don't get it. I see people say this one had more development, but she's skipping over entire things she's supposed to struggle with. Rn the version of her written for kids feels more complex?
Also why are they trying to make Bloom struggle with being homesick? I'm all for a Bloom that loves living with her parents but still wants to be at Alfea. But commit, instead of jumping between that and having her parents be the worst
In s1 of the cartoon there's 2 episodes where Bloom returns home. And because the audience is familiar with Gardenia through the pilot, and because it looks so different from the world of Magix, the feeling of coming home comes across really well. Especially since Gardenia has it's own signature musical cue
Bloom finding herself back on Earth- sorry. The first world- would work a lot better if A. They had started her story there so it feels like a true return, and B. They had actually made the Otherworld visually distinct from our world
This scene could actually have been pretty cute. It's clever to have her call while looking at them from outside, not letting them know she's there. But how overboard they went with making them shitty fucks it up again. Why is the audience supposed to care about this family?
They really thought that having Bloom lose Stella's ring by accident was better than her being forced to choose to give it up to save Stella's life, huh
That Stella/Sky scene was vomit inducing
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
Bro i just talked about that topic with a friend and i find it so interesting as well cause in my male queer ships that arent from bl most of the fandom seems to be queer women.
Its very interesting to think about why bl is mostly women. A part may be that we are attracted to one or both characters but that tends to be the case with straight ships too i believe, hust now youre attracted to both.
I think it all comes to what female representation in media is like and who fenale characters are written by. I find it incredibly frustrating to keep watching tv shows that are led by the male gaze and only get frustrated when female characters are just an asset to make the male lead better or just are the romantic interest or the bad guy or sometimes in shows teenage characters with whom i could mostly never relate. I think bls are written or made by mostly women or queer people so its kind of refreshing to not only dont have to see a straight relationship and feel forced to relate to the girl/woman but also with seeing men being written in a way that is more appealing. Bl i think is kind of targetted to women and there is a side where some people may fetishize it or just be creepy about it but mostly its just a gay relationship in a tv show, its not that odd.
Also as a queer women i can tell you we are always looking for representation and bl is a big industry where you can find a lot of people who really try hard to show a good message and end the tabu around queer couples (and some who dont which we know but well). I would like that there were more gl things but i guess this shit works in a certain way, maybe in the future we will be able to improve more since in the last few years the bl industry has improved dramatically in its ways.
I really have been thinking about it and men just are so restricted in all aspects or life, that its so refreshing to see different kinds of ways men express themselves without them exploiting the idea of a woman that men create. Its refreshing to see the actors be more comfortable and create a safe space where they dont have to feel obligated to be always limiting and controlling their actions. I think its jut a good female space where women dont have to feel uncomfortable relating all the time to weird female characters and also seeing men in a different light (this last thing doesnt only happen in bl, if u see the kind of characters women love, at least in my case, are jake peralta or nick from new girl, not the male alpha sex symbol). Idk, theres a lot to say about this, i saw an article and took a few screenshots so ill try to leave them down here.
Also at the end of the day everyone watches what they watch. People shouldnt feel ashamed and i, for example, am a bisexual women so if it were that im attracted to both men and thats the only reason why i watch bl or gay ships then i should feel the same with straight couples...right?
Also watching gay or any queer couple isnt fetishizing or weird or embarrasing. Stop stigmatizing queer people and making it as if it were sooo different from watching straight people in tv shows. There are many issues in the bl industry but it also isnt a bad place. Actors are always embraced in the induatry and fans support them so much (idk too deep about some ships or fandoms, a lot is fanservice which is ok too, but for example offgun and their fandom which is amazing). Everything in the world has faults and bad spots but also...stop u guys lol
Ill drop the screenshot (which i just realized is in spanish so sorry if yall dont speak spanish but if u do here u go!!) and ill leave hahah sorry for the long ass text but i was just thinking about it.
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hello there!
thank you very much for sharing your thoughts!
I don't want to make this too long; not because I don't want to answer but because you already made very good points. I don't think I need to add much 🙈
Also I don't know spanish so I can't read the screenshot but I very much agree with the last chapter of your text. The fetishization issue is still very relevant because sadly it still exists in big parts of the fandom but you're absolutely right about the stigmatizaton part!!
so thank you again!! ✌🏻
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eviclair · 4 years
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of your actual thoughts(tm) on khr, so what’s your constructive review on the series as a whole? Like some positives and negatives w/ the writing, characters, etc. If u don’t feel like answering, feel free to ignore this LOL.
 tl;dr because this is 800 words of nonsense. i think you should know i would not know a constructive review if it bit me in the ass.
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my guy i have not done a full read of khr in maybe two years and i know that does not sound like a long time but i have the long-term memory of a fruit fly. please bear with me. luckily for both of us i liveblogged the last time i read so i at least have my own sparknotes jdflaksjddaf
first off! khr is a satire manga!!! i cannot stress this enough, i can and will fight you to the death about this!!! “oh but it gets serious later” it grows a PLOT, thats not the same thing. khr is stupid as hell and that is both on purpose and my favorite thing about it.
i fucking love shonen man!!! its all about FIGHTING and LOVING YOUR FRIENDS and HAVING EMOTIONS and. bro im a water sign. my mars is in gemini, there is nothing i can do about this, god made me and said “get that bitch some found family and also some incredible violence” and we all just have to live with that. 
khr is so much all of those things that i did not realize they were being made fun of until very long after the fact so my current opinions are very much not the ones i started with jaldkhjdfhd but man. once i clued in i both loved it so much more and became 100% incapable of interacting with fandom in any meaningful way L M A O
i just. the main conceit is that theyve weaponized the deus ex machina eleventh-hour shonen power up. the “my dead family came back to life to kill me” trope is used three separate times. the big bad student body president is a delinquent. theres an entire subset of above magic god powers thatre just
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the tyl bazooka was just ripping on the Timeskip Arc until the Timeskip Arc actually happened?? like fuuta’s special thing is that he can communicate with the Meta Planet to divine Character Rankings, i dont know what to tell you!!! the truth is out there!!! 
like DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER that time tsuna experienced a villain’s flashback sequence FOR HIM because i fucking do, i think about it every day,
so in the sense of “please critique the writing”, i cant do that because im pretty sure 98% of all the tropey bullshit is by design. do i wish people like the kokuyo gang got more characterization outside of being ride-or-die villain sidekicks?? of course i do but thats my own damn fault for seeing cool side characters and losing all higher brain function. on the other hand, hibari being the person he is and having absolutely no backstory or motivation beyond “get out of my school” is really fucking funny and keeps me warm at night, so. win some, lose some.
(the 2% of the writing that isnt tropey bullshit that i CAN critique is whatever is happening with kyoko. Bad Female Cast is definitely a shonen trope but its a shitty one and i want it to die. within maybe four minutes of kyoko being introduced she tries to body a man and then thats just never spoken about again?? wheres that energy queen?!!! let kyoko say fuck!!!!)
((this applies to haru too in the sense that all she really does is make moon eyes at tsuna but the way in which she does so is honestly so fucking funny and unhinged that it comes back around to being great. like yeah yep yes ma’am thats 100% bonafide Girl Who Throws Skittles In A Puddle And Calls It Potion right there please may i have another))
If khr took itself even 4% more seriously it could be really deep and compelling and i think that frustrates a lot of people, but i think i like it better this way?? half the fun for me is reading in between the lines!! the subtext, however unintentional it may be!!
examples: yamamoto is one of my favorites just because theres SO FUCKING MUCH to unpack about him!! canon gives us a lot of information about him just by virtue of the fact that he’s a Main Character, but paradoxically he himself is never really the focus. he just Does Shit and you have to figure out why on your own and i LOVE DOING THAT.
i dont love mukuro because he’s a fleshed out and nuanced villain, i love him because he says shit like “i went to hell six times” and never expounds upon that or “i can definitely trust the information i got from this magic monocle called Demon Spade’s Super Evil Murder Eye or whatever the fuck” and then expresses surprise when daemon spade is an asshole. he goes and willfully fucks up the only job anyones ever given him (impersonate 80 year old leonardo lippi) because he Just Has to shapeshift into a young hot dude and hand deliver byakuran, the boss of the Flower Family, the Family that names all its members after Flowers, a bouquet that means “i am in disguise ;) cant catch me bitch ;)”
i dont know man. i just like puzzles and khr is a gift that keeps giving.
(sidenote that should’ve maybe just been the subject of the post but re:i cant shut the fuck up about anything ever, i love tsuna so much. so much. his personality!! his relationships!!! his growth!!! his growth!!!!! his growth!!!!!!! khr has its claws in me because i see tsuna do something cool or brave or even deeply stupid actually and my whole heart goes AAAAAAAAA bc thats him!!! thats my son!!!!! my baby boy whom ive raised since birth!!!!!! suit me up and call me a reborn kinnie, fuck!!!!!!!!!)
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neige-leblanche · 4 years
For your "send me a character and i’ll list" ask. Dimitri and Felix! (Really interested to see what song you associate with them. ^_^)
send me a character and i'll list...
favorite thing about them: oh gosh so much. characters that act super polite and/or are genuinely good people grappling with bad things that theyve done/want to do are my absolute favorite i love the drama, the struggle between evil and good lol
least favorite thing about them: hmmm people have talked about this in better words than me but i do not like his crimson flower characterization very much; its like they tried to depict him as unsympathetic as possible without ever having hm do anything wrong?? like they kept up his Protagonist Morality Armor while trying to make him a villain and i dont think it worked well
favorite line: i actually have this screenshotted on my switch: "Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well. / I wonder which is best, Professor... To cut away that which is unacceptable, or to find a way to accept it anyway..."
brOTP: okay dimitri and dedue but like..... i really think theyre more than just bros theyre like...... life companions
OTP: dimilix for life 🤘😔
nOTP: i. do not like dimi//gard at all. i do want them to be happy and together but i really only see them as siblings
random headcanon: dimitri thinks of areadbhar as a kind of family member! though it is connected to his crest which has brought him a lot of trouble, he feels like he can rely on it a lot and knows the feeling of it in his hands very well
unpopular opinion: this isnt like. anything controversial but he and manuela are Friends. her skillset is very different from his and he looks up to her a lot
song i associate with them: ohhhhh boy i have so many. the calendar by p!atd is one of the biggest ones and it reminds me of his post-ts relationship with dedue or maybe byleth; ghost by rob cantor also has The Vibes
favorite picture of them: i do genuinely love his s-support art; he looks so pretty and gentle in it, but since thats my profile pic i will find another that i love uhh
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i adore this card! the light color scheme rlly makes me happy
favorite thing about them: everything!!! his character arc is really well done and i really enjoy seeing like. Edgy Swordfighter fe characters that actually are complete nerds about weapons + training and arent just cool and badass and mysterious all the time
least favorite thing about them: as a GROWN ASS MAN he still says misogynistic things to female characters in the same way that like. a six year old boy on the playground might. its like the writers tried to cram in an easy Character Flaw TM but it came out sloppy and unneeded
favorite line: i feel a little bad bc my fave dimitri line wasnt from a support but "If you keep stringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap." is just so raw
brOTP: felix and leonie!!! i adore their paired ending
OTP: see above 🤘😔
nOTP: ok i rlly hate to be rude but sylv//ix, while it has some basis, reminds me of so many other "the two hottest guys" slash ships from other fandoms so i have trouble taking it seriously
random headcanon: felix canonically likes hunting but thats a big unseen plus of his ending in the azure moon route; being a noble affords him a lot more resources and people to go on hunting trips with which makes him happy 8)
unpopular opinion: felix is NOT a boring character!!!! i see so few people talking about his relationship with his father and in turn his learning to see the positives and come to terms with the negatives of faerghus's knight culture when its so pivotal to his character development!!! like he starts off one of the few characters that actively points out the violence hidden under the brash idealism of faerghus and then later on as other characters/the narrative starts to realize it too he conversely begins to see that having loyalty/honor/ideals can be a good thing and i feel like he thus plays an important role in the azure moon story
song i associate with them: also very many; lately dying breed by the killers 😔 good war phase dimilix song
favorite picture of them: thissssss one especially the portraits
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E6
quarantine diaries: may 28 2020
season 2 episode 6: “Fog of War”
thats a nice map clarke. but how does she remember this much information about the mount weather cuz she wasnt even there that long. does clarke have photographic memory??
yeah clarke. i wouldnt know what to say to finn either. but look at prettyboy bellamy trying to defend finn. like he shouldnt because what finn did was absolutely terrible but good for him. stay loyal my dood
enter finn looking real jealous of bellamy. i mean he should be. cuz lets all be honest. no one can compare to prettyboy bellamy
fuck off murphy. why is murphy pretending that he just part of the gang now? and why he gotta joke about my boy monty like that??? do not apply salt to my wounds. other people may like you but bygones are not bygones just yet. i remember what you did. but also i cant believed that they actually pardoned finn? is he seriously not gonna get punished?! 
mount weather crashed the exodus ship?! sooooo question for y’all: did mount weather also sabotage the landing of the 100?? like they were meant to land on mount weather but they didn’t. is this ever clarified later in the show??
mom saying that clarke isnt a soldier and yet she sent clarke down here. knowing there was a good chance she would die. bitch. you dont even know. abby youre little girl has killed in cold blood before. but i guess these two are not ready for that conversation yet.
“assimilate them to the gene pool” bc ofc these people didnt just take in these kids out of the goodness of their hearts. these people are sick...
also i know that dante is playing the good guy in this situation saying that he wont put the kids in cages like animals but is willing to just that to grounders? what kind of message are you sending here buddy??
side note: does anyone else think that dante’s son looks like a Jim carrey wannabe
again jaha and kane. what are the odds? who would have thought? not me. my crack ship is not done yet
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yeah the louder and the more you shout you come in peace kane the more i believe it. 
you can’t be friends with everyone jaha. dont you remeber the last time you trusted be they sold you.
18. 18. 18 people were killed. FINN. FINN. FINN. there do need to be some repercussions
maya and jasper look like they could be siblings. both pale. both dark hair.
why does finn have a gun?? yes finn they need to keep an eye on you. what do you think youre going to do? i think youre gonna shoot people finn. thank you for putting the gun down. 
umm i dont think that it was accident. like i get that youre mentally unstable dude but 18 people? thats a big ‘accident’ id just prefer if you owned up to it.
ofc the acid fog comes now. the fricking art room..... the dead body is still there isnt it
ofc one of the guards die just to be more dramatic 
damn they really should have cleaned up the dead body. plus it must stink. and yet there is finn with that face saying ‘don’t look at my past sins clarke’ as he runs to cover the body
youre telling me that tents really protect against the acid fog it looks as thin as a person’s shirt. 
yeah finn you are the enemy. ‘you don’t look at me the way you used to.’ yah bro you killed 18 people but you dont see that bothered by it. also i know honest is the best policy but telling clarke the honest truth of how you got her watch back may not have been the best move.
“come on they gave us cake”-jasper trying to convince the others to donate their blood (21:15) this is the strongest argument i have ever heard in my life.
monty keeping his priorities straight. i stan! and i just love how done he is with maya. i straight up laughed when she came in with that notebook!!! are they making maya a good character now??
“because the standard treament sucks compared to you.”-maya trying to flirt with jasper lol
big yikes when maya revealed the grounders. ‘everyone knows but no one talks about it’ waht? i shouldnt be surprised tho considering all the shit that goes on in america that everyone know thats going on but doesnt talk about because it makes certain people feel uncomfortable
“die” - monty (23:35) YES MONTY YES MONTY. monty is officially my favorite character! 
the fog is a weapon. did not expect that. 
oooh no. carol of bells. indeed. as in bellamy “bells” coming in to be a badass.
its your boy lincoln!! and he does not look good. what are you doing octavia? you still want licoln after you just saw him feast on a human? this girl need to have higher standards.
side note: so reapers are basically modern zombies and if they have zombies in this show they can have vampires. so i stand by what i said before. these mountain people are just modern vampires literally sucking the blood and life out these poor 47 kids. and just when we thought they caught a break with all the cake
honestly im surprised that kane is still good. i thought that he was gonna turn evil. also these grounders have it wrong. at least during the fight between wells and murphy bellamy gave wells a knife to have a fair fight
preston burke becoming a doctor again!! cue grey’s anatomy theme song
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seriously what is lexa doing here….oooh theyre smarter than i thought. we love female leaders. she be out here being sly. though not going to lie i still prefer anya.
alternatives for Octavia calling for lincoln **lincoln dear come hither** or **hey demon lincoln its yah girl octavia** 
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‘neither do i’ awww finn. i feel sad for you but at the same time. you killed 18 people. i reaaaally dont know how the writers are going to redeem finns character. 
jaspers face tho when dante turned his back was like bitch you dont know whats coming to you.
yikes when dante grabbed his sons neck. but also his name is cage. ironic because mount weather is a cage
did raven just say to finn to suck it up? ummmmmmmmmmmm
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macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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sasukebarmitzvah · 5 years
watching every naruto opening and discussing my opinions because im bored liveblog
took me a little while to warm up to it idk why maybe because its not as up tempo and its a shonen and i want to get hype but i love it now. love the part where the camera pans around team 7 fighting randos they are babies… also its so funny when sasuke holds out his hand to naruto to help him out of the lake and he jsut fist bumps him. gay boy
Haruka fucking kanata baby!!!!!!!! a fav. like we all know this. i listen to the song just regularly a lot and every time it comes on shuffle im like Oh my god its haruka kanata. read the english translation of the lyrics… sns
this one got stuck in my head for a while lol. i like seeing everyone babie and i like naruto shaking his head at the end to dry off like a dog
DDMnanannaddnnaaaaa naaaaaaaaa nda aaWE ARE FIGHTING DEAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOLI OLI OLIOOOOoohh!!!!! very fun very good also a very good time in the show, hello tsunade
**edgy shonen opening where theres something important in front of a chain link fence**
lol skipping 6-9 bc thats the huge chunk of filler which i didnt actually watch most of
heros come back is SO GOOD absolutely one of my favs. banger first of all. i love how its actually choreographed and naruto sakura kakashi are like moving to the beat and i love the part where the animation is like pencil sketchy and theyre running and their bodies warp bro its just cool. the part where everyone dramatically reaches for gaara is fun, also love deidaras moment. anyway i shake my ass to this song eveyrday
distance oh god oh fuck. YOU ARE MY FRIEND!!! the sasuke and naruto stuff where they are little baby at the beginning at the end we return to the same place theyre there and like about to stab each other i’m going to scream. i lvoe the song of course. hello sai! i love team 7s little spotlight moments where they get to pose to the music its so cute. why is sasuke snake jesus? DO you remember that long lost DREAM!!!!!!!!!!
BLUE BIRD YA BANGER ok the whole symbolism. when naruto falling next to sasuke rising is positioned like yin and yang lol. when naruto is falling from the sky but then sasuke comes to mind and he springs into action lol. ok random people from the fillers i dont care about. naruto fell in the lake he picks up the bird feather interspersed with a couple shots of sasuke horgh. additional reading: paper bag by fiona apple
closer is one of the ones where im like eh its ok its not my favorite and then it gets to the chorus and my dumb ass is jsut screaming YOU KNOW THE CLOSER YOU GET TO SMETHING THE TOUGHTER IT IS TO REACHIT. the funniest part where narutos moping and thinking of sasuke and then he just perks up and smiles at the camera like. gay boy. like getting to see the asuma fight scenes in this op, also it was so funny seeing him get all the screentime in this op knowing hes about to die like yeah very subtle
SHA LA LA!!!! LOVE IT i love it i love it soooo much first of all banger second of all naruto looking into the water and his reflection is sasuke. lollllll. metaphor m-e-t-a-p-h-o-r the little prechorus bit in the middle gives me chills. love sasuke walking into the purple pool like a smug motherfucker thats my boy. at the end zooming into sasukes pupil zoom out it’s narutos eye oh the poetry..
signs another one of the ones where im like eh whatever its fine but not my fav but by the chorus i am standing on the table freaking out. like fuck jiraiya but this one got me a lil. the lighting and choreography of the sasuke itachi fight bit is sooooo nice and pretty, love getting to see all the new players in the story. baby ame orphans fading to the shot of yahiko as pain.. :(
this one literally makes me cry. i get chills what the fuck. definitely one of my favs. am i a bitch? maybe. i like the song by itself but like the way the rise/general shape of the melody flows with the visuals its like oh god oh fuck. again fuck jiraiya but like the role his character serves as a link between these disparate groups of people and the way thats used in this opening… how it starts and ends with him writing and this is the arc where naruto reads tales of a gutsy ninja and he learns about how he got his name and jiraiya wrote the book and hes WRITING and im going CRAZY!! i’m starting to tear up watching it rn. the shot of konan and the pains in that moment just before they leap forward. Sayonaaaaaaara aa lksasldfkwpoeifjhnuerIELFeuiertekdjsnlfweiourbg kakashis moment is cool in this op. also love to see the girls getting fight scenes in this op cus they sure dont in the actual show LOL anyway yeah im at the part where the melodys just hitting sooo different oh my god naruto frog eyes
DIVERRRRRRR. FAV literally like naruto is drowning. hes drowning and everyone is pushing him up so he can breathe again everyone is fighting to save him and thnen he s ouf ot the water and then he sees sasuke drowning and he JUMPS BACK IN. FOR ONE PERSON EVEN THOUGH ALL THESE OTHER PEOLE were working to help him out he dives back in for SASUKE whos drowning in the eyehole of obitos mask which is cool. ok yeah this is another one where im like tearing up because THe cymbal is em….. the way The movement of the visuals is choreographed with the song is so much. nico TOUCHED the fucking walls.
this one kinda annoys me i dont know why it just wasnt my favorite. love the sasuke and naruto staring at each other intensely moment though, would this be a shippuden opening without that. also the part at the end where sakura holds up her kunai and it like slashes and covers sasuke and naruto… inch resting…
newsongs so weird i love it. like what the hell is going on. why is naruto running like hes from some weird gmod video from 2013. love the LITERAL choreography, everyone dancing to the song like this is a musical. theres just a lot of weird moments which is fun. love sai naruto and sakura making the seal together to shoot lightning. raikage leaping gracefully across the beach
i do not enjoy this one. i just dont. it just feels like we’re bootlicking which of course we are because this is the war arc and everything is a nightmare
i remember seeing the first episode with this opening and i was excited bc its like… great another naruto pining for sasuke one this is what im here for. a light banger. minato manlet monday. ohh right this was the one where gaara sees his dad again and his OH I SEE SASUKEE
Banger! nico did indeed touch the walls again. i like that this one is like visually thematically consistent thru the whole thing, i like the nighttime dimly lit atmosphere with the bursts of brighter colorful lighting, also whenever i see tsunade i freak out. narutos cute at the end
SUCH A BANGER!!! also very cool visual style, appreciate it for that like the last one, its got that pretty consistent aesthetic with the red sky and the high contrast black blocking its fun and cool to watch. did i mention the song is a bit of a banger. obito passing thru the rock is cool too bad hes an idiot
ok from this one there were two lines i remember always seeing in the english sub that made me freak out. and one of them was like “this red hot love burning my heart” and it was over kakashi and obito fighting like damn OK. also the “i put the candle out with my finger” thing sticks in my head idk why. hate that we have the narutos big meaty claws i mean manly hands moment though. omg its hashirama and madara and then it CUTS TO SASUKE AND NARUTO IN THE SAME POSE LOL OK…
SILHOUETTE IS a banger… not as much so as some of the others but its a lot of fun. very colorful op, we got some naruto pining for sasuke, classic. also love the thing where ppl are running and they age as they do and they sort of grow into their present selves, a fun visual bit. the end where narutos like obito be nice now look at all these people behind me who think youre a meanie please be nice :(((((((((
another one with a really good visual principle ugh i love how the style of the show is integrated w the styles of more traditional printmaking its very swexy and nice to look at
LINE uugrgh i love this one, maybe a fav… naruto chasing after the light and sasuke trying so hard to snuff it out as they both reflect on their memories of each other oh god oh fuck… also i love the bits where it just has all the characters in a row like it reminds me of that one post about how in the endgame trailer they had a shot of all the female characters together to be like Girl power!! and someone was like yeah thats them showing u exactly how many women theyre going to disrespect LMAO but yeah i do love this op. also the song itself being slower w/ the triplet tempo is a nice change of pace
blood circulator hee hee… the version of this with naruto and sasuke moments is A Lot but even just the generic first version is fun. the part where narutos like knocked on his face hes sinking into the tar and hes not even trying to save himself hes just staring at sasuke, but then he sees sasuke distressed and he goes bijuu mode immediately like What did u say about my mans? there is some homoeroticism
i really hate everything about this i hate it all. sasuke is cute. thats it. ok first of all why did choji cut his hair his long hair look was so gooooooood. hinata bimboification? i mean if anything it was fun to watch these fillers just cus it was fun to watch kakashi be the hokage but really goofy and also the Crumbs tossed to the kakairus… but yeah i hate everything temari got bimbofied too like ugh please let her be a dyke :( this isnt even me talking necessarily about the opening this is me just being like i hate the naruto ending. LOL SASUKE AND NARUTOS NO HOMO BRO HIGH FIVE AT THE END LOLLLLL
ok im done
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fuzzfics · 5 years
BNHA 30 days challenge
tbh im busy enough between work and writing that manly fic of mine so i have no time to do the actual challenge, but A DEAR FOLLOWER <3 asked me to answer every single one of these. this is for u bb
Favourite male character: baku
Favourite female character: i dont LOVE any of the female chars tbh...maybe yao? shes funny. jirou?
Favourite class A student: baku
Favourite class B student: i dont care about most of the b students...i guess tetsu is decent
Favourite Big Three student: i dont really care about them... are we sensing a pattern here LMAO also i dont read the manga so everything i know about them is from the anime and, like, memes and fics LOL all 3 of them seem cool from wat i know
Favourite student from another school: i dont really care about other schools wow this srsly is a pattern..............apparently all i care about is kiribaku, whos surprised
Favourite pro hero: AIZAWA i like badass old men also his voice is fkin sexy ok
Favourite villain: idc........ok after a quick google ive decided jin bubaigawara, from wat i rmb hes funny
Favourite quirk: baku/todo for the badassery, yao for its absolute flexibility wtf its op also i get to eat as much as i want wtf
Favourite hero costume / uniform / casual outfit: ura’s casual wear is pretty cute 
Favourite minor character: aizawa? is he minor? ojiro is very non-offensive and i love it
Funniest character: i find monoma pretty funny lmao but omg have any of u seen japanese fan comics of todoroki cuz his obliviousness is a whole meme and its FKIN HILARIOUS
Favourite battle: hm...the one in the ova where all might pretends to be a villain, or maybe the todo vs deku fight
Favourite opening/ending: first opening
Favourite story arc: i like the funny parts from when they went on their internships eg. baku and jeanist
Most inspiring quote: my memory is too horrible for this question im sorry
A scene that made you laugh: that time baku had kiri and kami in each arm cuz he was beating them up over something i cant rmb
A scene that made you cry (saddest / most heartwarming scene): THE HAND-HOLD SCENE
Favourite relationship (rivalry, friendship, romantic ship, family bond, mentor and student): kiribaku is this even a question
Most relatable character: baku. honestly i dont find midoriya likable at all...baku’s struggles are a lot more real and human
The character I’d want as best friend: kiri the tru bro
The character I’d aspire to be: uhhhh i dunno man i just wanna be me? LOL mido and baku’s determination is very admirable tho
Best character development: baku according to what ive heard about recent manga chapters wink wink
Most attractive character: baku, theres a reason kiri is gay for him and its not just his idgaf bad-boy attitude
Best partner in crime: maybe jirou? sero? theyre smart and sneaky
Best smile: no idea, i guess kiri’s is cute
Scenery: this isnt exactly a question so ill leave it
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homestucky · 5 years
ok ok this is like not anything new but still since i havent been on here i havent fully ranted about this yet. big long rant incoming
re the epilogue (spoilers etc)
ok. i have onl y read meat. but fucking? dirk? dirk? ok? dirk??
i am aware of what happens in candy. i know he dies.
i also know in the version i read, in meat, he becomes his ultimate self, all versions of dirk. as many people have said, this includes AR, this includes bro, this includes even to some degree, LE. its an interesting idea ill give you that. but its also.... shitty and not backed enough by well, anything?
so heres my personal rant about the shitty things in Meat.
when i first finished it i couldnt help but think. was the dirk narrative even necessary? on the one hand it was meant to be the MAIN PLOT and it defined the narration etc, but.... it honestly didnt seem to have any importance. i know it was likely  a set up to imply future stuff like making the next sburb or whatever but like
who CARES? why on earth would that be interesting or important? maybe im crazy but like, the ‘b plot’ which was mostly about character relationships and jobs in earth c, was compelling and enjoyable. the narrative with john ‘not important and not the main character anymore’ egbert had details and conclusions ACTUALLY RELATING TO HOMESTUCK, THE COMIC I LIKE AND WANTED TO READ AN EPILOGUE FOR. it was tragic and frankly very upsetting! im not saying i liked it!! but the tragedy felt compelling and significant. 
i appreciate that dirk as narrator IS BIASED so him saying that these narratives are less important is inherently like. not to be trusted but. just. i cant help but feel like you could have cut the whole ‘main dirk reality affecting’ narrative OUT 
and that seems to me maybe like... not good? if such a central part of your narrative has almost no bearing on homestuck or anything anyone cares about?
but im sure there are other people who found it compelling and necessary. thats fair. cant relate but you do you. there are other issues. 
me saying that the dirk narrative felt weirdly isolated and insignificant sounds pretty weird given that it put jade into a coma, manipulated kanayas mind, effectively killed rose and destroyed rosemary right? WELL that brings me on to the next thing. people have noted that meat barely passes the bechdel test. and hey, sometimes things like that can just be a coincidence or unlucky. but the repeated erasure of the female characters minds, motives, identities and autonomy was????  a little too consistent to dismiss. like ok terezi was still her dope self in a lot of ways. jane kinda did some stuff (under dirks direction, and only shitty stuff but . whatever). 
(sidebar: ofc it doesnt make sense to talk about calliope and roxy in the context of the female characters in Meat but either way they were very in the background. like cool an all, and i always love roxy. and i respect they were mostly just minding their own businesses??? which is fair)
 i just. urgh. homestuck has such a genuinely good track record of giving female characters genuine motivations and powerful abilities etc. the fact that almost ALL the female characters involved were working for or manipulated by DIRK. DIRK of all people. is like... is this even based off the real comic? idgi????
roses loss of autonomy.... rose is such an important character. and she goes along with everything dirk says because dirk is suddenly all OP and ‘theyre basically the same person anyway’ like i get that there was some magic bullshit going on or whatever but at the end of the day rose was still written as weak and passive. dirk as strong and skilled and decisive. i get the undertones.. hes a prince of heart. a destroyer of souls, and identities. he messed with kanayas identity , destroyed roses, repeatedly ignored roxys and calliopes, and god i wont even get started on jake yet. but that doesnt make it satisfying to read. or even really feasible.
so theres a possibility im missing something. but im confused about WHY dirk is allowed this power. in the narrative its waved off as a kind of ‘i guess because im like a prince of heart or whatever and im just super good at managing identities and being a strong boy’ like ok if theres some implication somewhere that that is MEANT to be a bogus explanation id be interested to know because it sounds pretty goddamn bogus. why would this happen to dirk? why? literally? one reason? one that makes sense? because there arent any i can think of. why, in the new universe, would dirk, a prince of heart, manifest into a narrative controlling supergod. and fucking WHEN has dirk showed any actual capabilities in this area before?? he KINDA sucked at it in the game. dirks an idiot! hes smart and capable in like, some ways but. its like
why is dirk so powerful suddenly -> its because hes become super ultimate dirk -> ... ok why -> uh because like. hes just so naturally inclined towards being a great manipulator yknow..... canonically.... uhhhh
it just. canon dirk to epilogue dirk is the most ridiculous leap character wise, skill wise, arc wise, personality wise, with minimal reasonable explanation. 
which brings me on to the next thing. so i roasted dirk and said he wasnt strong enough to be able to manipulate things this well. well, obviously through some other means dirk HAS been afforded this power. but what about his personality? its obviously gonna be warped with self importance and knowing how things ‘have to be’. but hes heartless, cruel and hateful. in some ways it seems like canon dirk levels of ruthlessness, especially when it shows that he is actually doing something dumb and petty like his treatment of jake. that shows that he STILL has emotional connection to people as dirk. he also seems to care about some people, like dave and roxy, and cracks jokes and wants to have ‘fun’. this makes the ways in which hes so warped and cruel seem even worse. maybe on the one hand im giving dirk too much credit, everyone knows he has the potential to be a real bastard. but i dont think that was the trajectory he was on when we last saw him. and if this is truly due to him just.. becoming other versions of himself too including LE and bro and stuff..like. i dont see how it could have gotten that bad without say, roxy or dave noticing. 
‘oh they didnt notice because hes just so good at hiding’ why on earth would i believe that!! dave especially this is kinda insulting for. dave is shown to have an almost supernatural ability to detect danger. partially this might be timeline stuff, knight stuff, but also notably im sure his upbringing is involved too. he was trained to be hypervigilant. who was he trained to be hypervigilant for? bro. bros manipulation and traps. near the end of the epilogue we show that dave IS capable of detecting the mindfuckery thats happening. how would that not set off 1 million alarm bells? theres literally apparently a twisted dirk-bro mutant INSIDE HIS HEAD telling him what to do. i just. know that scene was played for comedy and romance but at the very least thats gotta like???? mess with u if ur traumatised? and thats like , why i think dave should have had an inkling abt what was going on!! this is exactly the thing he hates and fears and was traumatised by! and it just going under his nose n him not even knowing , and still pretty recently being all buddy buddy with dirk seems just stupid and infeasible to me. maybe this is me being naive or kind of a stretch but i just feel like daves danger instincts would have been kicking up a whole assed ruckus that whole time. 
also kind of unrelated but i associate sunglasses with strider style toxic masculinity and hiding things so like. ok transitioning or changing gender presentation is one thing but roxy apparently permanently wearing sunglasses makes me NERVOUS
and ill probably wrap up this mighty rant soon but i wanna also say jake was done so fucking dirty. i know he was like, meant to be, because for some reason god dirk just hated him? like ok petty much. but. urgh jake is such an interesting character with a lot of potential and while i appreciate that him being manipulated by someone who may reasonably have a problem with him may make him do stupid and embarrassing stuff, all the narrative seems to have taken a backward step in how hes represented. jake isnt stupid, dirk clearly knew this in canon and he maybe was the only one even including jake. and there was some acknowledgement of this near the beginning of the epilogue. but then for some reason it goes back on itself. everyone still thinks jake is just completely stupid, including the embittered superdirk. so yeah i guess hes upset with jake or whatever but. its still dissatisfying to be like oh yeah jake isnt stupid he actually has a complex set of motivations and potential etc BUT over the X number of yrs on earth c no one else has realised this yet?? hmm. then his narrative is just gonna end up with him being a total joke and essentially becomes as stupid and incompetent as his worst critics say he is. feasible given the mind control ? yeah. enjoyable to read or having any kind of satisfying bearing on anything? nope!
so anyway. i feel like any criticism i have could be argued back with ‘but oh it has to be this way’ or ‘mind control!!’ or ‘not everything has to be nice and happy !!’ but like. dude. there are flaws. many of them. and seeing characters just get shat on is never gonna be good writing. 
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