#like this could take place where Bruce is strapped to a chair and J is being his fruity sussy self
gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
I’m waiting for Joker to say something like “Batsy, B, my dear, you are the punch to my line.”
Because that would be cute, I think.
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Out Of Time ~ 102
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 4,000ish
Summary: A group goes to Korea. Tony convinces Bruce to help finish putting the Stone in the body.
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Y/N was walking out to the quinjet with Fury, dying to ask a question.
“Are you going through with Theta Protocol?” Y/N asked, quietly.
“I am,” Fury answered. “I believe we’ll need it. Don’t you?”
“As much as I want to believe we can end it in Korea, I have a feeling it won’t end there.”
“Coulson contacted me. Tried to get me to convince you to stay out of this. Any idea why?”
“He’s worried.”
“Nothing to do with the sudden ability to create portals?”
“I’m just saying, I don’t usually sit people out. But you should think about sitting this one out.”
“It’s too late. I’m already in this.”
“Alright, just… stay safe.”
Steve and Y/N were dropped off a few roofs down from Cho’s lab, for safety measures. They headed towards the edge of the roof and looked towards the lab.
“Two minutes,” Steve told Nat and Clint, who were on comms. “Stay close.” He glanced at Y/N before looking back at the lab. “You know, I really wish that you could just open a portal into the building.”
“You and me both,” she replied.
Steve jumped from roof to roff as Y/N used her portals to get to each roof. When they reached the lab building and entered, it was clear that Ultron and been there but also wasn’t there anymore. They found Helen on the floor, wounded.
“Dr. Cho!” Steve exclaimed as they ran to her. They knelt beside her.
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“He’s uploading himself into the body,” she stated, clearly in pain.
“Where?” Y/N asked.
“The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable…. You can't just blow it up… You have to get the Cradle to Stark.”
“First we have to find it,” Steve said.
They ran out of the lab and towards the highway. They began to climb up the ladder to get to higher ground.
“Did you guys copy that?” Steve asked through the comms.
“We did,” Clint responded.
“I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest,” Natasha informed them. “That could be him.”
“There. It’s the truck from the lab. Right above you guys. On the loop by the bridge. It’s them. I got three with the cradle, one int he cab. I could take out the driver.”
“Negative!” Y/N quickly said. “If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city.”
“We need to draw out, Ultron,” Steve stated.
Steve jumped down onto the truck, getting Ultron’s attention. Y/N rolled her eyes and formed a portal above the truck, accessing it that way. Trying to get through the doors of the truck, Steve and the doors are blasted back by Ultron.
“Well, he’s definitely unhappy!” Steve commented, hanging onto the door as it got dragged. “I’m gonna try and keep him that way.”
“You’re not a match for him, Cap,” Clint said.
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“Thanks, Barton.”
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Ultron blasted at Steve as he tried to enter the truck. Steve hit the windshield of the car behind them. Y/N ran and flipped into the truck, dodging a blast from Ultron by creating portals. The blast came through a portal behind Ultron, hitting him in the back.
Steve found a way back onto the roof of the truck, Y/N appearing at the same time to avoid a blast. Ultron hovered at the end of the truck’s roof.
“You know what's in that Cradle?” Ultron asked. “The power to make real change, and that terrifies you.”
“I wouldn’t call it a comfort,” Steve commented. 
He tossed his shield at Ultron. It hit Ultron and he started firing back. Y/N used the portals to use the blasts against Ultron, once again.
“Get in and protect the gem!” Steve ordered.
Y/N nodded. She appeared in the truck, where two Ultron bots were guarding the cradle. They began shooting at her. She used the portals again to her advantage, but she could feel her energy being drained. Natasha was now on a motorcycle, chasing after the truck. She noticed Y/N fighting off the two bots by herself while Steve was fighting off the main Ultron bot on the roof.
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“Clint, can you draw out the guards?” Natasha ordered through the comms.
“Let’s find out,” Clint responded.
He flew the quinjet lower and fired at the main Ultron bot. That put the other two into protective mode, going after the quinjet.
“Thanks, Barton,” Y/N panted.
She went over to the cradle’s control panel, to see what she could do, as commotion continued through the comms.
“Heading back towards you,” Clint warned. “So whatever you’re going to do, do it now.”
“I’m going in,” Nat said. “Cap, can you keep him occupied?”
“What do you think I’ve been doing?” Steve responded.
Nat jumped into the truck as the Ultron bots lifted it off the ground.
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“I can’t access the panel,” Y/N stated. “I can’t stop whatever’s happening. Unless…” Y/N looked at the Stone. “I could—“
“No,” Nat stated. “Not here. Don’t you dare and try to do something that could kill you in this truck.”
“But, Nat, I could protect the—“
“I said no, Rogers!”
“Okay, package is airborne,” Clint stated over the comms. “I have a clean shot.”
“Negative,” Nat responded. “Y/N and I are still in the truck.”
“What the hell are you—“
“Just be ready, we’re sending the package to you.”
“How do you want me to take it?”
Nat cut through the straps holding the cradle in place. “Uhh, you might wish you hadn’t asked that.”
“I lost him!” Steve suddenly yelled over the comms. “He’s headed your way.”
“Guys, we gotta go,” Clint said, lining up the back of the quinjet with the back of the truck.
“Nat, get on the cradle!” Y/N ordered. She slipped a small bomb she had from her belt and placed it on the wall.
“What?” She responded. 
“Do it!”
Natasha did as she was told and laid on top of the cradle. Y/N pushed it towards the opening. It slid out of the truck and into the quinjet. Y/N portaled herself out of the truck and into the quinjet just as the truck exploded. Suddenly, Nat was grabbed by the Ultron bot.
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“Nat!” Both Clint and Y/N screamed.
“Cap, you see Nat?” Clint asked, panicked.
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“If you have the package, get it to Stark!” Steve ordered. “Go!”
“Steve, do you have eyes on Nat?” Y/N asked.
“Damn it,” Clint muttered as he reluctantly took off in the quinjet. 
“I should have portaled both of us in here,” Y/N shook her head. “I should have done something to save her.”
Clint was silent, but his thoughts were loud and clear, “Yeah. You should have.”
Y/N portaled the cradle and Clint into the lab, but not herself. She wanted time to feel the guilt, and she didn’t need the looks of blame from Bruce and Tony just yet. She was also tired. She had been practicing forming portals but she hadn’t used them in combat like she had today. Leaning her head back against the seat, Y/N closed her eyes and tried to calm the noise in her mind. It failed as the loudest mind of all drew near.
“She can’t be blaming herself over this,” Tony thought. “He would have grabbed one of them to prove a point anyway. And, sorry Nat, better you then Y/N.” 
Tony came up and set a caring hand on Y/N’s shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Heard what happened over the comms,” he said, spinning the captain’s chair around. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Clint blames me,” she replied.
“You don’t kno—“
“But I do! I know it because I heard it. Yes, he didn’t say it out loud, but in his thoughts he was blaming me. I—“ Y/N gripped her hair. “I can’t do this! This burden is too much! I don’t want it anymore!”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Tony’s hands flew to Y/N’s wrists. “Honey…”
“I can’t do it!” She cried. “I can’t do what they’re expecting of me. They should have let me die!”
“What are you talking about?” Tony tried to pull Y/N closer to him. “No, they shouldn’t have.”
“Stop! Don’t touch me!”
Tony’s hands suddenly flew off of Y/N. His eyes widened at the action that he had no control over.
“Sweetheart….” He gently called. “What did the Maximoff witch show you?”
A loud, painful sob ripped through Y/N throat as the vision she was shown flashed through her mind. So much death and destruction. Crumbling in on herself, she slipped onto the floor. Tony’s heart broke as he watched the strongest woman he knew fall apart. He slowly knelt down beside her, carefully reaching out to touch her. When Y/N didn’t flinch away from his touch, Tony gently guided her hands out of her hair.
“Y/N… please tell me what you saw.”
“Dust,” she replied, barely a whisper. “Screams… so many screams…”
“It wasn’t real, Y/N, remember?”
“It felt real…. So real…”
“I know the feeling…” Tony slowly pulled Y/N up and into him, cradling her softly. 
“I shouldn’t have been saved….”
“Whatever those alien objects are making you feel, I’m grateful that they’ve been saving you… or else I wouldn’t have ever met you… and I can’t imagine my life without you.” He held a kiss to her head. “We’ll figure this out. We’ll get through it… we always do…”
Y/N gripped Tony’s hand tightly as he led her back to the lab. Bruce was entering as well as Clint tried to open the cradle.
“Anything on Nat?” Bruce asked.
“Haven’t heard,” Tony answered, giving Y/N’s hand a light squeeze. “But she’s alive, or Ultron’d be rubbing our faces in it.”
“This is sealed tight,” Clint stated.
“We’re going to need to access the program, break it down from within,” Bruce explained. 
“Hm,” Tony hummed. "Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff?”
“There’s some nets I can cast,” Clint responded. “Yeah, alright. I'll find her.” And he headed off.
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“How about you sit here?” Tony guided Y/N down into a seat, kissing her forehead. “Does that work?” She nodded.
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Bruce eyes were laced with concern, but moved on, not wanting to say anything that would set anything off. “I can work on tissue degeneration, if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted.”
“Yeah, about that…”
“You have to trust me.” Y/N furrowed her brows.
“Kinda don’t.”
“Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him.” Tony pulled up a consciousness.
“Hello, Dr. Banner, Agent Rogers,” JARVIS greeted.
“J?” Y/N gasped. She didn’t realize how much she could miss an AI.
“Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do,” Tony explained. “So JARVIS went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there, until I pieced him together.”
“So, you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?” Bruce asked, pointing to the body inside the cradle.
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“No, of course not! I want to help you put JARVIS in this thing.” Bruce shook his head. “We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone.”
“And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron’s?”
“JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to.”
“I believe it’s worth a go,” JARVIS added.
“No, I’m in a loop!” Bruce exclaimed. “I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong.”
“I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it,” Tony said, moving to standing next to Bruce. “We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand.” Bruce shook his head again. “It's not a loop. It's the end of the line.”
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Feeling the sudden need to try something, Y/N stood up, the men eyeing her. She pressed her hand against the glass above the Stone and closed her eyes. She began searching it, as it searched her.
“You’re the only one,” it told her. “There’s no other option.”
“But what if I don’t want to?” She responded.
“Then half of the universe will die… I will be safe in this body, as long as JARVIS is in control and not Ultron. And I will help guide and protect you.”
“Y/N?” Tony called, growing concerned as the Stone had began glowing. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Just tell me one thing, when?” Y/N asked. “When does this all happen?”
“Soon,” the Stone replied. “But there are several things that must happen before then… You will be prepared though. We would not have chosen you if you weren’t going to be.”
“Y/N,” Tony called louder, coming up beside her.
With a light gasp, Y/N removed her hand and looked at Tony. “Do it,” she said. “Do it.”
“This framework is not compatible,” Tony stated. The men were experimenting with the cradle, trying to upload JARVIS.
“The genetic coding tower’s at ninety seven percent,” Bruce informed. “You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes.”
Suddenly, Steve and the Maximoff twins appeared in the lab.
“I’m gonna say this once,” Steve warned.
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“How about ‘nonce’?” Tony retorted.
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“Shut it down!”
“Nope, not gonna happen.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“And you do?” Bruce asked, clearly angry. “She's not in your head?”
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“I know you’re angry—“ Wanda said, stepping up.
“Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.”
“Banner,” Steve called, “after everything that’s happened—“
“That’s nothing compared to what’s coming!” Y/N shouted, surprising Steve.
“You don’t know what’s in there!” Wanda responded.
“This isn’t a game, Y/N,” Steve scolded. “How are you taking his side?”
“His side?” Y/N repeated. “This isn’t about sides, Steve! This has more to do than just us!”
“The creature—“ Wanda started but was cut off by Pietro using his speed to destroy the lab equipment.
“No, no. Go on,” Pietro taunted. “You were saying?”
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Suddenly, the glass floor Pietro was standing on shattered, sending him to the floor below. Barton was there, being the one who had shot the floor.
“Pietro!” Wanda yelled.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” Clint taunted.
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The computers in the lab and the cradle began beeping. The sudden power loss was going to destroy everything they had done.
“I’m rerouting the upload!” Tony said.
Then a bang. Steve had thrown his shield at the equipment, trying to stop Tony. Tony called the suit to him, it quickly forming around him. He shot at Steve, throwing him down. Bruce went around to Wanda, holding her in a choke hold as her eyes began to glow red.
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“Go ahead,” Bruce whispered to her. “Piss me off.”
Clint came rushing up the stairs, cocking his gun. Steve quickly jumped up and started heading for Tony. Tony heading for him as well. Y/N jumped in between the two men, getting frustrated at what was happening.
“STOP!” She shouted. Suddenly, everyone froze. Y/N could feel it was her doing, her energy draining. 
“Y/N, how are—“ Steve began.
“NO! You don’t understand, this is needed.”
Thor suddenly slid into the lab, making his grand entrance after 24 hours. Him and Y/N made eye contact.
“I know the truth,” he thought, directly speaking to her. “I can help.”
She nodded and he jumped onto the cradle. Thor lifted up his hammer and began to summon lightning.
“Wait!” Bruce yelled.
But it was too late. Thor hit down on the cradle with his hammer. He lifted the hammer once the cradle started beeping.
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“Y/N, let us go,” Tony said.
“No,” she replied. 
Everyone eyed her worriedly, while still trying to watch the cradle. They grew more concerned when they noticed that she was breaking a sweat and trembling.
But Steve was cut off when the cradle burst opened, throwing Thor off from on top of it. The red body appeared on top of the cradle, housing the Mind Stone on its forehead. Y/N panted as she released everyone from her hold. They all stared at the body.
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Suddenly, the body flew at Thor. Thor tossed him through the glass wall and into the room below. Thor and Steve jumped out behind him, on the defensive, as Tony quickly came up to Y/N.
“Honey,” he called, grabbing her to steady her.
“If you and Steve… ever try to attack each other like that again…” Y/N panted. “I’ll kill you both myself…”
She shrugged off Tony and headed down the stairs, Tony slowly following behind her. The red body was hovering at the main wall of windows, staring at its reflection. Thor had his hand out, telling Steve not to attack. Thor set his hammer down and made his way toward the body. It flew down, changing its appearance to seem like it was wearing clothes, stopping when it was next to Thor.
“I am sorry,” his voice sounded like JARVIS, “That was… odd.” He looked at Thor. “Thank you.” 
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“Thor,” Steve’s authoritative voice rang through the room. “You helped create this?”
“I had a vision,” Thor started, glancing at Y/N. “A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that.” He pointed to the Mind Stone.
“What?” Bruce questioned. “The gem?”
“It’s the Mind Stone,” Thor continued, glancing at Y/N once again as she tensed. Steve noticed as well. “It’s one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.”
“Then why would you bring—“ Steve started.
“Because Stark is right.”
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“Oh, it’s definitely the end times,” Bruce commented.
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“I’m not the only one who knows this.” Thor made eye contact with Y/N, causing everyone to look at her. “The Avengers can not defeat Ultron.”
“Not alone,” the body added, walking closer to everyone.
“Why does your vision sound like JARVIS?” Steve asked.
“We… we reconfigured JARVIS’ matrix to create something new,” Tony replied. He walked around the man, studying him carefully.
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“I think I’ve had my fill of new,” Steve commented, shooting a glance Y/N’s way.
“You think I’m a child of Ultron?” The body asked.
“You’re not?” Steve questioned.
“I’m not Ultron. I’m not JARVIS. I am… I am…”
“I looked in your head and saw annihilation,” Wanda stated.
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“Look again.”
“Yeah,” Clint spoke up. “Her seal of approval means jack to me.”
“Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Y/N—“ Thor stopped himself as Y/N frantically shook her head. Thor quickly continued, “Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side—“
“Is it?” Steve asked. “Are you? On our side?”
“I don’t think it’s that simple,” it responded.
“Well it better get really simple real soon,” Clint growled.
“I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all.”
“What’s he waiting for?” Tony asked.
“Where?” Bruce wondered.
“Sokovia,” Clint answered. “He’s got Nat there too.”
“If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be—“
“What will you do?” It questioned, silencing everyone.
“It’s not a monster,” Y/N responded, stepping forward. She kept her eyes on the Stone. “Trust me.”
“I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go.” 
Suddenly, the body lifted Thor’s hammer, handed it to the god. Thor took and at the body walked off as everyone stared in shock.
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“Right,” Thor nodded. He walked over to Tony, patting him on the shoulder. “Well done.”
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“Three minutes,” Steve ordered. “Get what you need.”
Thor walked over to Y/N, grabbing her arm as he led her away.
“Hey!” Tony called out, causing everyone to notice. “What are you doing?”
“We need to talk,” Thor responded, getting leading her away.
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Y/N looked back at the rest of the team, who were hurt and confused. “We’ll be right back,” she said. Opening a portal, the two appeared on the roof of the Tower. “So… you know?”
“About what though, exactly?”
“The Infinity Stones are what give you your gifts. They are what is protecting you.” Y/N sighed with a nod. “I’m getting that you haven’t told anyone the full extent of everything.”
“How could I? Tony had a vision of us all dead in front of him and that’s why we’re now going to fight a murder bot! If I told any of them that the Stones were saving me for a bigger threat….” She scoffed. “They would lock me up and throw away the key.”
“They wouldn’t do that to you. Stark and Rogers care a great deal about you.”
“They wouldn’t if they’ve seen what I’ve seen.”
“Are you sufficiently practicing your abilities?”
“I only learn about them as the Stones see fit.”
“Good, good.” He nodded. “Do you feel up to fighting Ultron, Y/N?”
“Please don’t doubt me too, Thor.”
“I’m not. I just saw how much of a strain that was, stopping everyone. I want to make sure you have your full strength before heading in.”
“I’ll be fine, Thor. We should get back to the team… They aren’t going to be happy about this.”
“I will help you, Y/N. They won’t be able to hurt you.”
Y/N gave a small nod as she created a portal and her and Thor entered the Tower again. Y/N drew back as she saw the anger in Steve’s eyes and the hurt in Tony’s. Noticing it as well, Thor protectively stepped in front of her.
“This needs to stop,” Thor ordered. “We have bigger problems than what’s going on with Y/N at the moment.”
“You don’t know what you’re—“
“I do know what’s going on here, Stark. And I know it can wait until after Ultron.”
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“We’re just asking her to be honest with us,” Steve stated.
“And I’m just asking for some time,” Y/N responded, meekly. 
“I think you’ve had enough. How long have you known about the Infinity Stones?”
“Steve, please und—“
“How long, Y/N?! How long have you decided to keep things from this team? From your family? You are my twin, the only one I have ever really trusted! But now—“
“That’s enough!” Thor roared, lightning cracking. Thor’s Vision appeared behind Y/N before moving in front of her to protect her as well. “Like I said before, this isn’t something we should worry about now. Ultron first, this later.”
“Come on,” the Vision said, urging Y/N to move. She did, slowly following him to the quinjet.
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask. 
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noladyme · 4 years
Chess. Chapter 14 (final chapter)
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Y/N never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. She only took what she needed, or what she felt others needed. She’d stayed out of sight for a long time, avoiding anything that could get her in to too much trouble. But for some reason Rick Flag shows up in her life, and in an instant, everything changes.  
TW: Language, sexual themes, injuries. Rated M 
(This story is obviously non-canon, i.e. Diablo and GQ, but I hope you’ll enjoy it either way.)
I ran to a wall, searching for an exit. Hearing gunshots from outside, I became confused. The Bat works alone, I thought. The lights turned back on.
In the middle of the room stood a tall, caped figure.
This is ridiculous!, I thought. “You picked a hell of a time to show up, guano jerk!”, I yelled at him; readying myself for a fight – one that I was sure to lose, but I wasn’t going out lying down.
The door we had entered through sprang open, and in ran my friends; Rick leading the charge.
My heart nearly jumped through my chest. “Rick!”, I screamed, all dignity gone.
When he saw me, his eyes instantly lit up. “Y/N”, he yelled. “Get into cover!”.
“Stupid bat! You’re ruining another date night!”, Harley yelled, and shot in the direction of the caped crusader, missing by several feet. I looked in her direction. She was standing in cover behind a pillar. Behind her laid the bag.
I sprang towards her, and threw myself at the floor, sliding across it on my stomach. Grabbing the strap of the bag; I made myself disappear. I ran towards Rick; but my ankle gave in to pain, and I fell, reappearing a couple of feet from another pillar, dragging myself to sit behind it.
The Bat ran towards me, but the Joker shot at him from the cover of the now turned over table, Harley and he had been sitting on earlier. Forcing the Bat to jump for cover; gave Joker the time to run towards my pillar, avoiding balls of fire and gunshots, coming from Rick and Diablo. Before he could reach me, Floyd shot at the ceiling above him; making it rain dust and debris around him. He went to join Harley at her hiding place.
The Bat once again ran towards me. He was hit in the back by a wooden crate, thrown by Croc; and fell to the floor; struggling to get back up. Katana came at him then, sword raised; but he tripped her with a shot from his rope-gun, making her fall over – legs bound.
Who the hell is fighting who?, I thought. I climbed to my feet, and began limping towards Rick again. He was covering behind the table the clown had occupied.
A bullet whistled past my head. I was suddenly covered by thick black fabric; and swung around to lay on my back – the bat over me; staring at me with angry eyes.
“I told you to keep your head down!”, he rumbled. “The hell I will!”, I hissed; and swung for him with my claws.
He rolled to the side, allowing me to get up on all fours.
“Y/N!”, Rick shouted again; running towards me while aiming at the masked asshole I’d just gotten out from under.
A gunshot landed at my feet, making me stumble and fall again; the bag being pulled out of my grasp as I did.
“Thank you, Chess!”, the Joker smiled down at me, and moved backwards towards the door, aiming at me.
“Hand over the bomb, Joker”, the Bat growled.
The clown held on to the bag firmly, aiming his gun at the caped man. “No. I’m sorry, but this is my new toy. And I don’t like sharing!”, he yelled, and pulled his trigger.
The Bat leapt out of the way; and the bullet hit the wall behind him.
Rick aimed his gun at the Joker. “Give us the bag, asshole!”, he shouted.
“Language!”, Joker roared, aiming his gun at him.
Harley kept her aim firmly on the Bat. “Let’s go, puddin’”, she said, and they both began to back towards the door.
“Quinn!”, Floyd called. “Come on, doll. We went into this together, let’s get out of this together!”.
“I’m sorry guys, but I can’t leave my J again”, she said sadly.
Joker pulled at her arm to come with him. “Come on, tootsie pop”, he beckoned, swinging the bag over his shoulder.
“Harley, the phone is in there”, I cried out desperately.
Harley froze. “Puddin’, they need that bag”, she said pleadingly. “Yeah, and I need my boom”, Joker answered. “Let’s go”.
“Harley!”, I tried again.
She looked from us to her lover. “I’m sorry, puddin’”, she said, moved her aim; and shot.
The Joker fell to the ground growling, holding on to his leg. She grabbed the bag, and slid it across the floor, in the direction of where the rest of us where standing.
The Bat dove for the bag, grabbing it, just as it landed in front of Digger; who’d spent the most of the fight in hiding – his loyalties in an uproar. He didn’t seem to know whether to fight him for the bag, or just step back, and let events unfold.
Frost reappeared through the door behind Joker and Harley; followed by a dozen masked minions, all aiming at us.
Harley went to her knees next to Joker. “I am so sorry, puddin’. But I had to do that”. He snarled and threw his head in frustration. “Fine!”, he yelled. “Babe, this is the lambo all over again!”, he said to Harley.
“I know”, she pouted. Frost dragged the clown to his feet, letting him lean against him for support. Harley fluttered her lashes. “See you in a couple of months?”, she asked.
The Joker smirked. “You know it, cupcake”, he said, and grabbed her face to kiss her.
“That’s all there is to that”, she smiled.
The group backed out of the door, aiming at us all the way. “Chess; you’re fired”, Joker called in my direction, as he disappeared.
Harley slowly walked towards us, sniffling. Diablo grabbed her in a warm embrace, and Croc patted her head.
Katana said something. “No thanks”, Harley answered. “He’s still my puddin’”.
Digger found a can of beer in one of his pockets, and offered it to her. She accepted it with a sad smile.
Rick took me into his arms, kissing the top of my head. “Let’s get out of here”, he said, and we moved for the door at the opposite end of the room.
“Chess!”. We stopped in our tracks. The Bat walked up to us.
“Careful”, I frowned. “You don’t want to damage government property”. Rick straightened his back, ready to act if needed.
The Bat chuckled hoarsely. “No”, he said. “I want to apologize”.
“For what?”, I asked. “For using my friend to get to me? For selling me out to Waller, and letting her torture me?”.
“I was going to say; for putting that GPS-tracker in your new leggings”, he smiled.
I shook my head. “Of course”, I said.
“Look”, he continued. “You seem like a righteous person. You don’t belong with these people”. He gestured at the squad, who were now flanked by the guards from our flight.
“I am gathering a group of friends, who all have special abilities”, he said. “We’ll be working towards a better future for not only America, but the world. I want you to join us”.
I looked at him, disbelieving. “Taking down criminals?”, I asked. “Yes”, he answered. “And who are those criminals? My friends here?”. “Well…”, he said; but didn’t continue.
I sighed. “You believe to be on the side of the good; but at the same time you’re breaking the law – deciding who gets punished, and who doesn’t. I’d say that’s pretty criminal in itself”, I said. “I don’t make it my business to decide who is bad and who is good. I just want to help people”.
“Look, man”, Rick said, grabbing my hand to hold. “Whatever you might think of these people, whatever they’ve done in the past… The work they’re doing now is important. And it’s work no one else will do”.
“You force them to do it”, the Bat answered.
“He’s got a point, mate”, Digger called at him.
“Yeah, he does”, Rick admitted. “But at least you can go back to your cell, knowing you made a difference, without being sanctimonious about it”.
I looked the Bat in his eyes.
“My side of the fence does seem a lot less self-righteous”, I said.
The Bat nodded. “We’ll probably meet again”, he said. “For your own sake, make sure it’s not as opponents”.
“Right back at ya’”, I said. “By the way; 1-2-3-4-5 is a shitty combination for a safe holding such important papers, Bruce”.
My fingers laced with Ricks, we followed our group out of the building. I could feel the Bats eyes on my back as we walked away. “Are you ok?”, Rick asked. “I am now”, I answered. “Shit, the bag!”, I remembered.
I spun around towards where the Bat had been standing. He was gone.
“Fuck!”, I screamed frustratedly; and limped back towards the middle of the room, desperately trying to see where he might have gone.
Rick grabbed me from behind, embracing me as tears began to stain my eyes. I wept into his shoulder, and he stroked my back; kissing my hair. “It was all for nothing”, I sobbed. “I didn’t make a difference at all”.
“Hey”, Rick said, looking down at me. “You made sure the Joker didn’t get to keep the bomb. You probably saved lives”.
I kept crying into his jacket, staining it with my tears. He picked me up, and carried me out of the room.
“Hey!”, Kelper called from behind us. “Can someone uncuff me from this chair? And maybe find me a new pair of pants?”.
We were back at Belle Reve in the conference room. Waller was debriefing.
“Well, that was a massive fail to what should have been a very simple mission”, she said.
“Waller; you sent us in blind!”, Rick growled. “You almost killed Chess!”.
“If you’d done your job like I told you to; your girlfriend here would have been in and out in no time”, she answered. “Allowing the Ph.D. sociopath to follow was not part of the plan!”.
“Psychopath!”, Harley sneered at her. She was sitting in her chair, dark shadows under her red eyes. She’d been crying the whole flight back, and the whole night through in her cell. “And I’m not. Not really. I can feel plenty”, she sniffled; and dug into a tub of ice cream someone had provided for her. I felt terrible for her.
“Shut up Quinn”, Waller growled. “You’re lucky your head is still attached to your neck”. She leveled her voice. “10 years off your sentences will still be granted to all of you – except miss Quinn”. Waller sat down in her chair at the head of the table; and looked at me coldly. “And you, Y/N”.
I gasped, and a murmur sounded among the squad. Croc was growling, and Diablo set fire to a pen.
“You absolute cunt!”, Digger said. “I second that”, said Floyd. Katana simply nodded from her corner.
“Y/N risked her life for your stupid ass plan with the bomb!”, Rick roared. “She gets her sentence reduced, just like everyone else”.
“No”, Waller said. She slid a file folder across the table at me. I opened it. “That”, she said, “is the official report – signed by commissioner Gordon – that you, Chess, stopped a terrorist attack on Gotham U; by sneaking in to the Jokers hideout, and stealing the bomb he had meant to use”.
I looked at the file in disbelief. Standing up, I limped towards Rick.
“You then gave the bomb to the vigilante known as the Batman, who turned it over to the authorities on your behalf”. She sighed. “You’re a free woman, Y/N”.
My arms fell, and I dropped the file on the floor; where Rick picked it up, and read it.
“But Kelper…”, I began. “The former judge Kelper has been taken into custody under the suspicion of corruption and the severe physical assault and rape of a young woman, 18 months ago”. She stood up, and began packing her briefcase. “Apparently Kelper admitted to the whole thing, while having one too many drinks at the country club with Bruce Wayne”.
I couldn’t move.
Waller looked at me pointedly. Pure hate flew between us. I got you, bitch, I thought. “Your nano-bomb will be removed once this meeting is over; and your gear and personal items have been packed up for you. They will be delivered to your place of choice”. She looked like she’d eaten something very bitter. “Unfortunately, I’ve been told that your apartment has been rented out to someone else; but I’m sure you’ll figure out some other living arrangements. You’re crafty like that”. She moved towards the door. “We’re done here”.
I looked at Rick. He seemed stunned – at once happy, but also heartbroken. I looked around at my friends. This is my family, I thought. This is home.
“Waller!”, I called. “I want to stay”. She stopped, and looked at me.
“Like I said, you’re free. The X Force consists of criminals; which you aren’t. Anymore…”, she added.
“I’m not a criminal”, Katana said, looking up at us. I smiled knowingly at her.
I found Ricks eyes. He looked at me meaningfully; and nodded. I turned to Waller again.
“You went through a hell of a lot to get to me. It seems a waste to deny my offer of staying on board”.
She seemed to consider my words carefully. “What do you want?”, she finally said.
I sat down in her chair at the head of the table. “I want the bomb out”. “That’s already a done deal”, she answered. “On all of us”, I added. The squads eyes all fell on me.
“That’s not happening”, she answered. “Your offer isn’t that good”. She went to leave again.
“Ok!”, I called. “I want the bomb out for myself. I’ll be a free woman, and I can decline any mission I want to”. She nodded. “I want a fair paycheck for each mission I join. They all get 10 years, I get 10 grand per day the mission takes; from briefing to completion”. Another nod. “Health care, dentist, retirement fund… all that shit”, I said. “And I get new equipment when needed; without GPS tracking!”. Batdick, I thought.
She sighed. “I have a feeling there’s more”, she said coldly.
I smirked. “Flag and Katana get the same pay and bonuses as me”, I said. “Floyd gets a weekend with his kid; along with a viewing of her upcoming dance recital”. Deadshot looked up at me, disbelieving. “Croc gets access to nicotine pads and gum. However much is needed for him to quit smoking. And a larger flat screen”. Croc grumbled, but smiled at me. “Chato has a nieces quinceañera coming up. She get’s tickets to Fall Out Boy; front row – center. With a card from her uncle stating that he loves her”. Diablo nodded at me in thanks; his eyes welling up. “My Little Pony – Twilight Sparkle merch for Digger”. His eyes lit up, and smiled – happy as a joey in its mothers pouch.
“And Harley gets a puppy – that Croc can’t eat”, I added, looking pointedly at the big guy, who smirked and nodded.
Harley burst into tears. “You’re a doll, Chessie”, she cried. I smiled.
“These are my demands”, I said, and looked back at Waller. “Take it or leave it”.
Wallers lips tightened. “You’ve got a deal, Chess”, she said, and reached out to shake my hand.
I took her hand, and squeezed it. She went to let go; but I held on to her. “Oh! And I want a vacation”.
She sighed. “Fine. Where? Hawaii? Dubai? I’m guessing you want first class, am I right?”.
“Nah”, I answered, and walked over to Rick. I put my arms around his waist, and looked into his smiling warm eyes.
“I have something better in mind”.
I woke up in a daze. The ceiling above me was wooden instead of concrete, and for a moment I couldn’t remember where I was. Smelling burning firewood and coffee, I turned my head, and saw a figure huddled under a blanket, crouching in in front of an old fire stove. Oh yeah, I remembered, and smiled to myself.
“Hi”, I said, and Rick turned to look at me. “Mornin’, kitten”, he smiled at me. “Coffee will be ready in a second”. I made to get out of bed. “Don’t…”, Rick managed to say, before I let my toes hit the floor, and stepped out of the bed; woolen blankets falling from my naked body.
“Oh my god!”, I gasped; my entire body tensing up from the cold of the room. I could see my breath in front of me. Rick ran to grab a blanket from the bed, and wrapped it around me; beginning to rub my shoulders.
“Told you”, he chuckled. “It’s colder than a penguins ballsack in here!”, I gasped. Rick wrapped me in his arms, his body rumbling from stifled laughter. “It’ll be warm soon enough”, he said. “Says the guy in long johns”, I scowled.
“Let’s get you back to bed”, Rick said, lifted me from the floor, and placed me back on the old pullout we’d spent the night on. He tucked me in under the blankets there, and kissed my forehead.
“I could get used to this”, I sighed contentedly. “Good”, he said, “because I’m not planning on letting you leave any time soon”.
He laid down next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders. “Are you sure no one knows where we are?”, I asked. “No one that matters”, he answered, and put his hand on my cheek, pulling me in for a kiss.
He placed a leg over mine, locking me down; and then moved to lay himself on top of me. Our kiss deepened, tongues intertwining; and his hands began to roam the blankets for an entrance to my naked skin. Finding it, he ran his fingers down my side, over my stomach; and up to my breasts – moaning in pleasure when he found my nipples erect in response to his touch.
I pulled my arms out from under the blankets, and began playing with the hair on the back of his head; continuously savoring the taste of his tongue; when I felt a different sort of rumbling in my stomach, mixing with the aroused feeling spreading from my core.
“Rick”, I breathed, as his lips moved to kiss the spot bellow my ear; avoiding the band aid covering the incision that had been made to remove the nano-bomb from my neck. “Mhmm”, he responded, not unlatching from his targeted spot. “I need…”, I gasped as he pulled at my left nipple. “Yeah, I know”, he breathed into my ear, continuing his relentless attack on my breasts; and moving his other hand down my stomach.
I grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “No”, I said, and pulled my head to the side, to look at him. “No?”, he asked, confused.
“I need food”, I giggled at him. “And coffee. And probably to brush my teeth, after that thing you called hunters casserole last night”. “That was a family recipe”, he feigned being hurt. “And it was… very special”, I smiled, and stroked his cheek.
He sat up. “Well”, he said, “coffee I can do. Breakfast will take a few”. I sat up, and kissed him gently.
“I love you”, I smiled. ”I love you too”, he beamed at me, and kissed my forehead again, before standing up, and moving towards the door.
“Oh”, he stopped, and glanced at me. “But after breakfast; sex. Right?”.
“Oh absolutely!”, I answered. He nodded, satisfied.
Opening the door, the room instantly went cold again; and Rick hurried to go grab the crate of perishables we’d left outside, in the tiny shed by the cabin. Entering the cabin again, he put down the crate on the table; and went to hand me a small envelope.
“This was on the door”, he said, brows furrowed. “I didn’t think anyone knew where we were”, I said, a little worried. “I didn’t tell anyone”, he assured me.
He went to pour me a mug of coffee, and I looked at the envelope in my hand. Chess, it said on the front of it.
“If this blows up when I open it, I’m gonna be super pissed”, I mumbled, and heard Rick chuckle as he offered me the mug. I gently opened the envelope, and sipped at the coffee; warmth spreading through my body.
Inside was a picece of bespoke stationary; and a polaroid picture of my cats; lounging on an expensive looking couch. The letterhead on the pice of paper read Wayne Ent. On the middle of it, one sentence was written in intricate letters.
No hard feelings, right? S.
I laughed out loud, catching Rick by surprise; and handed him the letter to read. He chuckled along with me, gave back the letter; and went to fry up some eggs for breakfast.
No, Selina, I thought. No hard feelings at all.
I stood up and walked naked through the now much warmer room. Sliding my arms around Ricks waist from behind; I kissed his shoulder.
“What’s up, kitten?”, he turned and smiled at me.
“You know”, I answered, “maybe breakfast can wait a bit”. I kissed him. “Let’s see if we can repeat that finger-trick you’re so curious about”.
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callme-sarge · 6 years
Drawn to you
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SMUT 18+ only
A/n: First Loki fic I’m super proud of it and I really hope you guys enjoy it!
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word count: 4404 it is way longer than I meant for it to be I’m sorry
Feedback and reblogs are loved and welcomed
You were sat at your desk when your best friend Jane called you, desperate for a break from the typing up reports you quickly answered. “Hey what’s up, I haven’t heard from you in a while?” You leaned into your chair stretching your back.
“Not much I’m actually stuck on this new theory.” She went on to explain how she was trying to understand how Asgardian “technology” worked in correlation to human technology but it was slow going because things were a bit weird between her and Thor.
“So, you wanna use me to get information from your ex is that what I’m hearing?” You joked.
“Ugh no that’s not-.”
“Oh no that’s exactly it.” You laughed spinning in your chair. “Of course, I’ll talk to him just send me what you’ve got and any major questions you need answered and I’ll take care of it. You owe me food for this y’know?”
“Oh my god thank you, you’re a lifesaver and next time I’m in New York anywhere you wanna go.” You talked for a few more minutes before she had to go and then you called Thor who had thankfully finally gotten a phone and learned how to use it, wanting to get out of your office he agreed to meet you on the third-floor balcony of the compound that looked over the manicured lawn. You printed off all the work Jane had sent you and laid it along with a notebook into your bag before heading out. You stopped at a vending machine before you walked out the doors to the balcony when you remembered you had forgotten your lunch that day also grabbing a pack of pop tarts as a small thank you to Thor.
Once you got settled in you began reading over Janes work while nibbling on the snacks you bought, you were almost halfway through the small stack when a strong hand came down on your shoulder.
“Y/n! It’s been to long.” You whirled around grinning up at him his hair was much shorter than the last time you saw him, and he had an eyepatch covering his right eye. You jumped up from your chair and he swooped you off the ground in a crushing hug, this was one of the things you loved about Thor he gave the best hugs. Thankfully you were in jeans this time the last time you saw him you had been in a short flowy dress and when he lifted you off the ground there might have been an accidental mooning.
“I love your hair short it’s a good look, but what happened to your eye?” You questioned when he finally settled you on the ground. He took the seat in front of you and you slid him the pop tarts as he launched into his story of the last few years with Sakkar, his crazy sister nearly destroying Asgard.
“That’s insane I’m so sorry Thor.” He wiped crumbs from his beard.
“Why? I only lost one eye I do have a spare,” He grinned. “My people are safe and happy and those rebuilding what was destroyed are all trying to outdo each other, it’s become quite the competition. There is nothing to be sorry about.” You couldn’t believe even after everything that happened he was still this upbeat.
“Now about Janes work, I’m afraid I won’t be as helpful as you were expecting I never spent as much time studying the magic of my world as I should have but I have someone who is willing to help.”
“Oh, okay who-” Thor stood looking at someone behind you.
“Ah Loki I was beginning to wonder if you were lost brother.” You froze in your chair. You had never actually met the god of mischief, but you had heard plenty of stories and none of them were particularly good. You took a deep breath, you did trust Thor so unless his brother proved otherwise you would trust Loki as well. You stood up smoothing out the thin green blouse you wore before turning, your hand outstretched in greeting and nearly froze again.
Thor’s brother was hot. Not that Thor wasn’t also attractive but where he was solid muscle Loki was lean and tall with long black hair and when he took your hand in his with a small mischief filled smile you knew you were done for.
“Pleasure to meet you my name is Loki.”
“I know- I mean uh hi my names Y/n.” Typical not even two seconds in and you were already embarrassing yourself. Thor took one look at your flushed cheeks and after giving a rather obvious side eye announced he had some things to discuss with Bruce.
“Liar.” You mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?” He leaned closer, causing his hair fall over his shoulder and you longed to push it back.
You shook your head. “Nothing, sorry. Uhm.” You gestured to the chair across from yours before sitting. ‘You will not fall all over yourself just because he is pretty, get it together Y/n!’ You grabbed the papers you had already read and began putting them in order.
“I was almost finished with Janes paper.” You handed him the papers as he settled into the chair. “I figured you could read this before I start with all the questions, so you’ll have an understanding of what she’s doing.”
“Alright.” He brushed his hair away leaning back, placing his ankle over his knee and laying the papers there to read. He rested his chin on his hand and with his finger running over his bottom lip you couldn’t help but stare. Suddenly his eyes were on you a startling and unwavering blue.
Your eyes widened, and you could feel your face getting warmer. You hurriedly buried your nose back in the paper you had left off on, missing the growing smile on Loki’s face as he turned away.
You both sat in a comfortable silence as you read, when you had finished a page you would slide it across the table and his fingers would brush along your hand each time as he picked it up and you would have to restart whatever sentence you had been on. Loki was a much faster reader than you so when you finished your last page he was ready for it. You leaned down to your bag pulling out your notebook and rummaged around for a pen. You huffed flipping your hair back as you pulled your bag into your lap praying you had a pen somewhere, not wanting to go back to your office.
“Looking for something darling.” He straightened the papers all back in order as he watched you finding the huffy expression on your face adorable.
“I can’t find a pen. I coulda swore I had one in here.” You dropped your bag looking up at him.
“Here.” Gold light shimmered around his hand as a black pen appeared between his fingers. Your mouth dropped open slightly.
“How did you do that?” You took the pen looking it over in awe.
“Well that’s what you’re trying to find out now isn’t it?” He smiled.
That’s how you two spent the rest of the afternoon, for every question Loki answered you had two more. He was also more than happy to show off his magic for you he loved the look on your face when he did, the way your eyes went wide with amazement and your face lit up. He never wanted that look to leave your face. Well. His eyes drifted to chest were your breasts were slightly on display in the lower cut top you wore, and he couldn’t help but think of other expressions he wouldn’t mind seeing on your face.
“Oh shit, I hadn’t realized how late it was getting.” You glanced at your phone, it was nearly six thirty. “I need to be getting back home.” You started grabbing all the loose papers stuffing everything in your bag. “I’m so sorry I kept you here all day.”
“Don’t be I quite enjoy talking with you.”  He handed you your notebook when you looked back up at him. The soft evening breeze had wisps of your hair fluttering about your face and his fingers itched to brush them away. He couldn’t believe he had become so enraptured by you so quickly, but here he was unable to look away from your beautiful y/e/c eyes. He didn’t want you to leave not yet.
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” You moved the loose hair tickling your cheeks behind your ear.
“What, like tonight?”
“Unless you are otherwise engaged yes, I don’t believe you’ve eaten anything other than.” He looked at the table you had sat at, at the wrappers slowly being pushed around by the wind. “A snickers bar and a bag of Doritos.” He turned his amused expression back to you as you played with your bags strap thinking about the two-day old Chinese food taking a rather lonely residence in your fridge. Your stomach grumbled low and you pulled your bag up higher on your shoulder.
“What did you have in mind.” You smiled. 
You had only been in the avenger’s area once before when you had been deep in conversation with Bruce and had just followed him up to their kitchen area for some lunch. The kitchen looked straight out of a magazine everything was practically gleaming, you sat at the island hooking your bag over the back of the stool before admiring the beautiful marble top that could pay your rent for three months. Tony certainly could afford a nice set-up, you looked to your right at the large glass dining table and the living room behind that, the whole place felt so open and welcoming you couldn’t help but think that everyone up here really was a family.
You turned back at the clinking of pans. “So, god of mischief what is that you’re making me exactly?” He looked over his shoulder at you, his smirk making your grin widen.
“Steak and potatoes the way we had them on Asgard.” His voice muffled by the freezer door. Your stomach growled again at the thought of a real meal, you were so busy most days you just snacked or got something quick, but now your mouth was watering in anticipation. You slid of the stool walking up behind him as he reached up into a cabinet for spices, the black button down he wore stretching over his toned back making your eyes wander slowly downwards.
‘His ass does look rather spectacular in those dress pants...’ You thought. Your whole body started feeling much warmer as your thoughts began to stray, the spice bottles made a clicking sound when they met the counter quickly bringing you back to reality. ‘Oh my god get it together, you are just working with him on a paper he’s just being polite.’ You mentally scolded yourself before tapping his shoulder. He turned smiling down at you not at all helping that to warm feeling in your body.
“Mind if I help?” His smile widened, and he moved over making room for you.
“Of course not little one.” Your footsteps faltered slightly his words going straight to your core, his voice sounded much deeper. You brushed it off as he gave you instructions and the two of you began working around each other.
You talked as you cooked slowly getting to know each other, you weren’t sure if it was because he was just easy to talk to or if was because he was the silver-tongued god but he practically had you telling your life story by the time you had set the finished food on plates.
“Sorry I rambled the whole time.” You laughed sliding into the seat he pulled out for you.
“Don’t apologize anyone with internet can know enough about me. I wanted to know you.” He whispered the last part in your ear sending a wave of chills down your neck. He sat in the chair to your right before pouring two glasses of wine elegant fingers settling a glass next your plate.
“Thank you, Loki you really didn’t have to do all this, for me.” You took a sip of the wine humming at the sweet taste.
“No but I wanted to. I like you and good company is hard to find here since...” He trailed off looking down at his plate. You knew he meant the New York thing, but you had read the reports you had been around for it working as an intern at Tony’s labs and after talking to Loki all day you knew there was something off about it.
“Well I think everyone deserves a second chance, things aren’t always what they seem the first time around.” You had started cutting into your steak and missed the look Loki gave you.
The longer he was around you the more he realized he genuinely liked you he wasn’t fond of anyone really but the way you just accepted him, it made his breath catch in his throat. He could tell you had put thought into whether you should trust him or not and he wouldn’t ruin that for anything.
You let out a near pornographic moan at the first bite that made him shift in his seat. “Lohi vis is amading.” You mumbled around another mouthful causing him to laugh.
“Careful love you’ll choke.” You took a few moments longer than usual trying not to laugh as well.
“Don’t laugh it’s your fault you make amazing food. Can you cook for me all the time?” You joked.
“Anytime just ask.”
“Don’t I’ll just abuse the power.” You smirked before digging back in.
You both ate in silence after that and once you had cleaned all the dishes it was rather apparent that neither of you wanted to go so Loki grabbed another bottle of wine and you settled onto the plush couch next to him sliding your black flats off to tuck your legs under you.
“What’s that?” You looked to see what he was talking about, he was staring curiously at your ankle. You tugged the cuff of your pant leg up revealing the bottom half of your tattoo the black geometric design at the bottom was what he saw you couldn’t pull your pant up any higher, so he could only see half of the sunflower that covered most of your calf.
“It’s probably my favorite it was the third one I got.” He reached over, his cold fingers tracing the design.
“How many do you have?” You tipped your head up in thought.
“Uhm eight I think it’s hard to remember some connect to others so.” You took another sip of wine. “Eight tattoos and ten piercings in my regular street clothes I look like a regular punk New Yorker but in my work clothes everyone thinks I’m the sweet girl next door.” You chuckled flipping your hair back as you pulled your pant leg down, when you looked back up Loki was staring at your ears.
“What is it?”
“You said ten piercings, but you’ve only got seven.”
“That you can see.” His eyes shot to yours and your pulse quickened.
“So where are the other three?” His voice was once again much deeper than before, and the blue of his eyes was slowly disappearing. You hadn’t had enough to drink to blame what you said on the wine you just went for it.
“Well, why don’t you find out for yourself.” You bit your lip not taking your eyes off his and suddenly he was on you. His lips against yours his body pushing yours back onto the armrest behind you when his hand came up to cup your cheek you shivered at the contact his hands were much colder than a normal person, but it felt delicious on your heated skin.
He pulled back enough to nip at your bottom lip and when you let out a small gasp he used the opportunity to slip his tongue in pressing against yours and the kissing became more heated. He had pushed you back far enough you could move your legs from where they had been trapped beneath you and wrap them around his waist pulling him tight against you, whimpering at the feel of his hard cock pressing against your aching center.
He pulled away suddenly with a growl, you sat up when he stood next to the couch both of you breathing hard. He held his hand out to you. “Come.” You practically jumped off the couch grabbing your shoes before taking his hand as he led you out of the living room down a hall.
“Where are we going?” You sounded out of breath.
“My room. You work here if anyone were to walk in I don’t want you getting in trouble.” That was actually really smart, but you had been so caught up in him Captain America could have walked right in and you’re not sure if you would have cared enough to stop. You stopped at the end of the hall as Loki pushed his door open letting you in first. It was a large room but didn’t have much in it just a large bed next to the window that took up most of the wall, two bookshelves took up the opposite wall with a comfortable looking chair next to them.
“I’m never here often enough to need more than this.” He explained you turned back to him. He had undone the first few buttons of his shirt and you bit your lip at the sight. He moved closer his hand reaching up cupping your chin as his thumb tugged your lip free. “That’s for me to do.” He whispered using his hold on your chin to guide your head up, so he could once again capture your lips. It started slow just lazy kisses but when he tugged your bottom lip harshly you moaned pressing tighter against him and things heated up again rather quickly.
He started walking you backwards until you butt hit the edge of his bed and you pushed him away. He looked at you quizzically but when you slowly pulled your blouse up over your head he understood and hurriedly undid the rest of the buttons before throwing his shirt behind him. You dropped your shirt and laid back on the soft mattress letting your legs hang over the side. Loki ran his cool hands down your thighs before hooking them behind your knees pulling them open farther so he could stand in between. His hand slowly traveled up your thigh, stomach but stopped just below your bra upon seeing the small red dermal between your breasts.
“That’s one.” Your breathy voice full of need. His eyes flicked to yours as his hand continued its path up to wrap around your neck and your eyes slid shut as you giggled at the pressure. His cock twitched in his pants at the sight.
“You like this little one, you like being taken control of?” You nodded, he tightened his grip.
“I didn’t hear you.” You moaned out a yes when his grip on our throat lessened and his lips came crashing down to yours, all tongue and teeth. His hands slid down quickly undoing your jeans, shoving them down along with your now ruined panties. You gasped at the sudden cold on your wet heat as Loki pulls back breathing hard as he takes you in.
“Take it off.” He nods at your covered chest as he slowly undoes his belt. You scramble up the bed hurriedly undoing the lacy bra and tossing it away. His belt lands with a clink on the floor and you look up to see him palming his generous length through his pants, you can’t help but wonder how it would feel to have that inside you fucking you senseless.
“I see I’ve found the other two.” He growls out crawling up the bed. You cover your breasts hiding the new piercings from his view.
“You know I’m feeling a little left out, here I am naked in your bed and you’ve still got clothes on.” You arched a brow at his narrowed eyes, he paused not taking his eyes off yours, then there was the golden shimmer of his magic around his legs.
You didn’t have the chance to see much as he grabbed your ankle and quickly pulled you under him, your hands flew to his firm chest at the unexpected move. He pressed his hips firmly into yours and you whined when you felt his thick length pressing against your drenched cunt, you tried to rock your hips desperate for more friction, but you couldn’t move. You looked down to see a thin rope of green mist over your waist.
“Loki stop teasing.” You dragged your nails down his chest and he groaned at the feeling before grabbing both your hands in one of his, pining them above your head.
“You’re not the one giving orders tonight little one.” He punctuated his words by roughly grinding against your cunt. “Understood.” You nodded still desperately trying to move your hips against his. “I said do you understand.” He leaned down capturing your pierced nipple in his mouth sucking harshly you shook beneath him the piercing making you overly sensitive.
“Fuck, yes, yes sir please just fuck me!” He pulled off you with a pop, his eyes impossibly darker.
“Keep your hands up I’d hate to have to restrain them.” He released your wrists trailing his hands down to toy with your nipples.
“Liar.” You felt him smirk against your skin as he moved down your body leaving a trail of cold kisses that left your skin hotter than before. When he reached your spread legs, he wasted no time in lifting your legs over his shoulders and licking a stripe from your opening to your aching clit. “Shiiit.” You fisted the sheets above you trying to hold yourself back from dropping your hands to pull at his hair.
He ate you out like it was his job, his tongue switching from running tight circles over your clit to spearing your entrance reaching deeper than you had thought possible, his hands held tight to your bucking hips and you were turned into a blubbering mess beneath him. You looked down to see him gazing hungrily up at you his hair falling out of place, the coil in your stomach grew tighter and you were suddenly pushed over the edge when a green mist swirled around your breasts pulling at your taught nipples. You came screaming his name as he lapped at your juices drinking in everything you had to offer. You whimpered as you became too sensitive and he finally pulled away lowering your quivering legs to the mattress. He lay down next to you running his hands soothingly up your back.
“Are you alright darling?”  He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and you turned your head to look at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before.” He ran that sinful tongue across his lip, reaching to cup your face in his hand.
“Don’t speak to soon I’m not quite done with you yet.” He pulled you closer pressing a sweet kiss to your lips that you melted into, tasting yourself on him. You shifted and felt his leaking cock press against your ass, his hand left your face trailing down your leg to pull it high over his holding it in place. He pushed slowly into you with a groan, you pulled away from his lips your mouth dropping open at the feeling of his cock fully seated in you. He stilled giving you time to adjust, sucking marks onto your neck and shoulder when you finally pushed against him.
“Move, please Loki I want you.” His hand tightened around your thigh as his other hand reached up to hold your throat as he set a brutal pace. You opened your mouth in a silent scream, his thrusts had him hitting that sweet spot deep inside you over and over you held tight to his arm as he put pressure around your neck slowly cutting off oxygen.
“You feel so good y/n, you’re doing so good for me little one.” You tried your best to move your hips with his, but you couldn’t keep up the only thing keeping you in place was his grip on your thigh. The only sounds were the obscene slapping of skin on skin and your begging.
“Loki please I’m so close, please, please.” You probably sounded pathetic, but you didn’t care all you could think about was the delicious burn of his cock stretching you open. His hand slipped down between your legs to furiously rub at your clit the cold feeling jolted you. He released his grip on your throat and you your vision went white as you fell over the edge reaching behind you tangling your hand in Loki’s long hair, a few more strokes had him releasing into you with a roar.
You went limp in his arms breathing hard your heart threatening to beat out of your chest, he slowly pulled out of you hissing at the feeling. You rolled over pressing your face to his chest.
“Silver tongued god has taken on a whole new meaning to me now.” He chuckled wrapping his arms tightly around you as you felt something soft settling over you, you turned your head to see the dark bed sheet covering you. “I am seriously loving magic.” He smiled pressing quick kisses to your lips, you melted into him. “What was that for?”
He shook his head, “I like kissing you.” You smiled tracing your fingers over his chest.
“Well I like you.” You pressed your lips to his sweeping your tongue out seeking entrance which he quickly granted, pulling you to lay half on top of him before pulling away.
“Go to sleep little one I’ve got plans for you in the morning.” You gave a sleepy smile as you settled against him, you hadn’t realized how tired you actually were. Your breaths evened out as Loki stared down at you, he wasn’t sure why he felt so drawn to you he just knew he didn’t want to let you go.
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lokis-scepter-101 · 6 years
Loki’s darling chapter 10
"J, There's no way in there. Unless you're going to break in which I won't be a pa-" Bruce stopped talking when I opened the door pressing the  play button. I stepped into his workspace.
"Where did you get that? I've been trying to get that for awhile now." Bruce didn't waste time running to his computers.
"I have my ways." I smirked.
"Okay, What do you want to do?" I sat on Tony's chair laying my feet on his desk.
"Maybe we should get the team new suits?" Bruce suggested.
"Hmmm, That's a good idea." I said thinking.
"But?" Bruce asked weirdly.
"I was thinking of something else, Something that will impress Tony that way I or we can get access here." I turned around in the chair.
"Oh my god." Bruce started tearing up.
"What?" I asked concerned looking around.
"It's just been awhile for me being surrounded by smart people. I was worried the people here would lower my iq." Bruce started laughing which I joined in too.
"Okay that's enough, You start with the suits and I'll see what I can do for Tony." I walked around to his sketches.
After looking for things he was working on for awhile, I decided to give up. Nothing here was impressive enough.
"Uh, Friday."  
Yes, J?
"What's the last thing Tony worked on but failed?"
I'm afraid you don't have access to that.
"Is that how you're going to treat me, Jazahra Stark. Tony dearest sister?"
I'll put it on full screen then.
"You're cruel." Bruce stated.
"Excuse you, I am not cruel." I snapped back. I found his recent project, It was an improvement for his suit. He wants to change the speed and ai. Weird.
"Hey, Fri."
Yes, Z.
"Aren't you in Tony's suit."
Not really. I can't fully be in it. His suit shuts down  when I'm fully transferred.
"Were you with him during the Thanos fight?"
Yes, But I got messed up. Errors started showing. Nobody know how to fix it so we went with a half operation which hasn't Mr. Stark yet.
"Okay; Don't you worry fri, I'll fix you." I opened Tony's laptop.
"Even I wasn't able to do it and I have 7 phds." Bruce said while sketching.
"I guess it's going to hurt when I fix it, Huh?" I started looking at the coding. Bruce just rolled his eyes.
"What'cha working on?" I asked still searching for mistakes.
"So I've noticed that Clint and Tasha don't really have any armor, So I'm working on that." Bruce crumbled up a piece of paper.
"But Clint loves sleeveless, Right?" I turned around.
"That's the problem, And Tasha doesn't like to wear heavy armor. Something about weighting to much." Bruce got up and walked towards one of Tony's machine and started pressing buttons.
"What's that?" I got up.
"A bigger 3d printer." Bruce walked to the door.
"I'll leave that to finish up, I'll be upstairs. Tell me when you've given up." Bruce left.
"So when will Loki and the others return?" I asked Friday. "85 hours 15 minutes and 4 seconds."
Okay so we'll skip through this, You're here for Loki and not J's brain. How ever you must know that J managed to find the problem and fixed it now waiting for it to be tested. It's currently Friday evening. J is taking a nap, Prob tired from training with Nat and Wanda.
I felt the weight on the bed getting heavier.
"WAKE UP!" Both Wanda and Nat yelled. I jumped up.
"What the hell?!" I pushed them off my bed.
"It was Nat's idea." Wanda pointed to Nat. I turned to Nat and glared at her.
"Come on, Join us to train." Nat pulled me up.
"It's legs and booty day." Wanda crossed her arms.
"Oh yeah, Come along you'll get to see in Wanda in crisis." Nat started laughing losing grip on my hand.
"Fine, I'll join you since you're so desperate." I got up and walked to my dresser.
"It's official, She hangs out with Loki too much." Nat said to Wanda who just nodded.
"Get out, I have to change." I shooed them away.
"Do I have to drink this?" I whined.
"Yes, Now stop acting like a baby." Nat swallowed hers in one hit.
"I'm guessing I need you by my side while playing flip cup." I slowly drank my drink.
"Yes, You should." Wanda stated.  
Currently  (Later)
I heard my alarm. Shit what time is it. I took my phone and turned off the alarm. I checked the text messages.
"You better be ready, Darling."
Aren't I always.
"See you in a hour then ;)"
Shit, I only have a hour left?! I rushed to the the bathroom. After I was done taking shower and brushing my teeth. I put on some underwear. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I was blow drying my hair. You could see the my curls, I decided to moisturize it a little and clipped a small amount of my hair in the back. I put on a peach off the shoulder romper that hat straps around the neck. I decided to only wear my hand chain, You wouldn't see my earrings and I don't feel like wearing a necklace plus I want to keep it casual. I put on some lipgloss. I never really used make up, Only because I can't put anything besides mascara and lipstick and there are so many things I didn't even know existed. People who can put on make up nicely have my respect. I put on some brown leather sandals that matched my purse. I walked out and made me way downstairs. He should be here any minute.
"You look ravishing, Are you ready to leave?" Loki wasted no time asking, The minute I stepped foot in the room.
"Yes." I walked towards him.
"Uh excuse me, Where do you think you're going young lady." Tony crossed his arms. They just came from their mission. Peter was knocked out on the couch and Thor was already looking for food.
"We are going out." I crossed my arms as well.
"Uh why?" Tony asked confused.
"Because we want to. Stop acting like her dad." Loki said serious. Tony just rolled his eyes.
"As friends right?" Tony asked.
"Loki only loves his bed and his daggers, Tony." Steve shouted from the kitchen. I just gave him a duh expression.
"Have her home by 10." Tony said waving.
"There's a present for you in your workspace." I walked away but could hear Tony shouting
"You better have not been there."
We stepped in the car. Loki changed his outfit with his magic. He was wearing a black jean washed jacket with a casual white top underneath, He rolled the cuff the matching jeans trouser. He was wearing white hi tops. This man is taking risks.
"A picture lasts longer." Loki looked at me for a moment before looking forward again.
"You look handsome." I give him a peck on his cheek. I noticed that Loki's driving was good.
"How come you're good at driving, Isn't horses the best transportation there?" I turned around to face him.
"First of all we have flying carriages that requires no work only steering it where you want it to go."Loki said sassing me.
"Thor use to bring me to the compound but he was a bad driver so I took upon me to drive us without getting us killed." Loki replied.
"So, Where are we going?" I went closer to him.
"A fun park thing, I saw an ad somewhere and knew you'd like it." He said smiling.
"Aren't I lucky." I wiggled my eyebrow a little to much.
"Stop doing that." Loki laughed.
"If it's making you laugh then I won't." I said shrugging.
"Shit, I left you with Steve too long." Loki stated dramatic leaning over the wheel.
He took me to a carnival. We had fun on the Ferris wheel. I even managed to get a picture of Loki smiling and one with the both of us (Pic of Loki alone top). We played a few games but we were a little too good at them for example the one where you have a target to shoot and you have four tries. We got it all four times. But I guess it's good, I got a big fluffy duck teddy. We really had fun and too much sugar.Loki handed me my ice cream.
"What about you?" I gladly took the ice cream.
"We shouldn't have to much sugar, I still want to take you out for dinner." Loki and I started to walk away from the crowd.
"Who said I'll share?" I pouted. While walking side by side I could feel Loki's fingers slowly reaching to mine pulling back. He's probably scared. I intertwined our fingers. Loki was slightly shocked.
"Don't act surprised, You know you want it." I teased him.
"I'm not." He kissed my hand while it was still intertwined with his causing me to blush. We stopped at a quiet place.  Loki came in front of me, He rested his hands on my waist. He just stared at me slightly smiling. We were so close to each other, He made me nervous. I almost forgot how to eat ice cream, Yes that nervous. His eyes we fixed on me. I licked the ice cream slowly, He smirked a little.
"Taste?" I held the cone to him.
"Sure." Loki licked his lips. His face came closer to my face, He placed his lips on mine kissing me gently. I melted into the kiss. I moved my free hand to his chest up to his neck, while he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist to secure the kiss.His lips were soft and warm against my cold one. He was kissing me slowly which drove me crazy. I kissed back following the rhythm of his sweet lips. His cologne gave off a woody, Forrest smell. He laid a last peck on me lips before pulling away, His hands still wrapped around my waist.
"You might want to finish your ice cream quickly before it melts." Loki said smirking knowing the effect he had on me.
We went to a comfy burger shop. The booth we were seated at had a big window showing us the amazing view.
"The view here is amazing." I said in awe while looking outside at the incredible view.
"It sure is." Loki said mischievous. I looked down to see if my romper was hanging low, It wasn't.
"I'm not talking about your amazing breast, I'm talking about your beautiful face." Loki put his hand over mine. I could feel my face getting hot. I already knew so much about him, It didn't feel right not telling him this.
"Loki, I lied about something." I bit my lips, His expression changed immediately .
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soepicsokim · 7 years
Chapter 12
The Early Hours of the next morning:
  I open my eyes to find a dimly light Batcave. I try to raise my hands to my face only to find that something tight is wrapped around my wrist. I give a slight tug again and my arms is forced to stay by my side. Yes, because I have super strength I could break the restraints and be free but at the moment I just let the restraints stay.
This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up tied to a gurney and it sure as heck won’t be my last. I give off a sigh as I try to look around for signs of anyone. Nothing. No one was in the cave other than me and the bats. I give off a contempt sigh. I’m finally alone but it also makes me wonder where everybody is.
 I listen closely for signs of anyone up in the manor. That’s when I hear everybody’s voices were coming from upstairs. I hear my dad and Bruce along with Tim, Alfred, and Damian. But where was Dick’s voice? I listen more closely to the heartbeats of everyone and I find Dick’s steady but fast beating heart. Listening to his heart beat made me realize, that my heart beat matches his.
 I use my x-ray vision. I scan the Manor until I find them sitting in the kitchen. Bruce was reading a newspaper dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. My dad is pacing around the kitchen still dressed as Superman. On the other side of the room is Tim, Damian and Alfred. They were sitting against the bar eating food Alfred had just set in front of them.
I look to the door of the kitchen to find Dick leaning against the door frame ready to run down to the cave if he hears anything. He still has the pants to his uniform on but other than that he is shirtless. In his hand was a bowl full of cereal. I give off a happy sigh and I smile.
“Dick come sit down. Lydia is going to be asleep for a while.” Bruce says over to Dick. Dick just shakes his head and takes another bite of cereal.
 “Grayson, she will be fine come sit with Drake and I. Alfred just made cookies.” Damian was trying to be nice but Dick still didn’t move.
 “He made them for me Demon spawn.”
 “Do not call me that.”
 “Call you what? Oh, Demon Spawn.” Tim sticks his tongue out at Damian.
 I try to giggle softly. When I do my dad stops pacing the kitchen and starts to look at me. I quickly close my eyes. I didn’t want them to know I had woken up yet. I wait for a while to hear him start pacing again before I open my eyes again.
 I see Alfred and Bruce pulling Tim and Damian away from each other. They won’t stop fighting. And with that is when I heard a bowl hit the floor and break into pieces. Along with the bowl breaking I hear someone running. Then the thoughts invade.
Are you ok? How long have you been awake? I was so worried about you. I heard and lived through everything with you. Please say something.
Dick’s thoughts were a constant stream overlapping each other. He didn’t stop until he had gotten to my side and released the restraints to pull me into a hug. I hold him tight and give off a small giggle. “I’m fine. I’ve been awake for awhile. I thought I lost you.” Then the tears slide down my face as everyone else is just now getting into the room. “I saw you die Richard. I saw them, kill you. How are you alive?”
 “It was a dream induced by fear toxin. I didn’t die. I’m right here. I promise I’m right here.” He pulls me closer and starts to stroke my hair to help calm me down. He also does this that way I don’t see him crying. I give off a shaky sigh and open my eyes to see my dad. I stiffen in Dick’s arms at the sight of him.
    “We need to talk.” Is all Clark says. The two of us are the only two in the cave now. Every one left to give me two some alone time, mostly because I needed to talk to my dad but at the same time I didn’t want this conversation.
 “Fine. What do you want to talk about?” I give a sigh and cross my arms.
 “I want to try. I want to be back in your life. I know I don’t qualify as Dad of the year, but I want. No, Lydia I need to be in your life.”
    “Fine. We can try. But only when I say so. And if it’s going to be like the last time it might be best not to have me around people.” I pause for a moment contemplating his words. He needs to be in my life. I think he needs me to be in his life. I slowly speak again, “Ok, but I don’t want to do the whole daddy daughter thing. That’s long past. You can claim me as your daughter but don’t expect me to be happy. And another thing, you sure as hell don’t qualify as Dad of the year and you never will.”
 With that I fly off the gurney and upstairs to the kitchen with everyone else. “Uncle Alfred, may I have a cookie please?” I ask as I pick one up and take a bite. I turn to look at Damian, Dick and Bruce. “Here’s the deal. I’ll stay here for a while so you can monitor me. I’ll go out on patrols with you. But, I still work in Metropolis. I get the weekends to myself at my house in Metropolis.”
The three of them look at me and Bruce is the only one to speak. “Understood. But your room will now be next to mine just incase something happens or your symptoms come back.”
With that I nod and walk upstairs. House arrest.Great, what’s next is someone going to force me to marry Damian again?
 I’ve been at the Manor for a week now. Last night was a low point for me. Bruce had to wake me up from a nightmare that was causing me to unleash hell on the Manor. It took him two hours of just standing there telling me everything is fine before I finally started float down from the ceiling.
    “You want to talk about last night?”
    “Not really Uncle Bruce. But thank you for helping me.”
    “You caused the Manor to shake. You broke Tim’s computer and fried the tv downstairs. I think we need to talk about what you can and can’t do.” Bruce says handing me a cup of tea. I take it and offer Bruce the ‘I’m sorry don’t kill me’ face.
    “I don’t even know what I can and can’t do.” My voice comes out a little harsh and louder than normal. “Bruce, I can hear thoughts. I have x-ray and heat vision. I have super hearing and super strength. I can fly and run fast. I was able to change Dick’s eye color for when he was in the League of Assassins.” I take a deep breath, “Luthor did a lot to me.”
    With that I fall into the chair next to Bruce. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t need to I know he cares. I know it’s hard for Bruce to put his emotions into words, that’s why he puts his emotions into actions. Bruce gives a deep sigh and watches me as I slowly take sips of my tea. After a while he stands up and calls Alfred.
 “Yes Master Bruce.” Alfred says walking into the room and standing beside me.
 “I believe I’ll stay here today. Lydia and I have some movies to watch. It’s Uncle and niece day.” Bruce looks over at me and smiles.
I smile back. A day with Bruce, won’t be bad to relax and enjoy some time off. The rest of the day Bruce and I stayed at the Manor and watched movies. I opened up to Bruce. It was nice just to do nothing all day.
    It was that night, Batman, Robin, and myself were on patrol in Gotham city. Over the comms Alfred has just told the three of us about Joker and Harley causing problems around Amusement Mile. So that’s where the three of us head.
I get there first, mostly because I can fly faster than the Batmobile. “Harley!! Harley where are you?” I start walking around the broken down amusement park yelling for Harley. That’s when I hear a laugh over by the fun house.
    “Look it’s the little Kitty Cat. Hiya Cat.” She waves at me and starts somersaulting
my way. “Whatcha doing here Black Cat? Mistah J isn’t in the mood to hear from Ra’s right now. Actually He ain’t in the mood for anythin right now.” I give her a toothy smile at the name she calls mw. Being called Black Cat reminds me of when I started out with Lex and Ra’s.
 I shake the memories away, “Harley, Batman and the boy wonder are on their way here. And I’m here with them. I didn’t come from Ra’s. I don’t want this life anymore.” As I tell her that I wave my hand around. This life being villainy, I don’t want it any more. “Where is J, anyway Harl?”
    With that question I hear Bruce and Damian grapple to the top of the Ferris wheel. I know Harley and I are in full view of them. But I don’t do anything. Harley responds, “He’s settin up your 21st birthday present. We heard you were in town. So we decided to throw a party for ya.” She smiles and bounces. All I do is laugh a little and shake my head.
    “I hate the fact that the only people who I can call best friends are villains.” I mutter this under my breath. “Can I see J?” I ask as Harley grabs my arm and walks me to the fun house where the Joker was waiting inside.
I walk into the poorly light fun house. I hear Joker yelling out orders to his henchmen. “Puddin, Look who I found walking around outside. I found the Black Cat.” I now cringe at the name, but it was my name. I see the Joker stop moving around, he turns to face me and his smile is ungodly.
    I let out a gasp and a sigh at the same time from the sight of Joker. “Hello little kitty.” Joker says as he slowly walks toward me. He has a knife in his hand, like always.
Does he ever not play with knives?
“What brings you here?” He stops in front of me and runs the knife over my jawline. “I wasn’t expecting you till your birthday. But This will do. Come have a seat love.”
 I hesitate to follow Joker but I walk over to the seat that he pointed to. “J, what are you up to? It has to be bad if they send me in to stop you.” I sit in the seat. I didn’t pay attention until it was too late. The minute I sat down metal bands quickly locked me into place in the chair. “What the Heck J? I wasn’t going to let Batman and Robin take you in. Why Am I strapped to a chair?”
    Joker just laughed maniacally, “Sit still and hope no one goes through the door.” Joker starts dancing and jumping around the room. “OOOO, this will be fun. The Dark Knight and the Boy blunder coming to rescue the reformed villain. Only to find that every step they took into the maze exposes her to her death.” He shows me a metal box.
 “He’s savin ya.” Harley says as she walks up to me. “Us bad guys need someone like you on our side.” I start to say something but Harley gags me. “He said that it’s fake Kryptonite in the box. And the electricity wouldn’t hurt ya. I made him promise.”
 I glare at Harley only to feel electricity shoot through my body and a small amount of Kryptonite is now exposed from under the box. I widen my eyes. Fake Kryptonite my butt Harley. I hear Bruce and Damian as they make their way into the Fun house.
 “Father, I believe we walked into a trap.”
 “I agree, but a trap set for who?”
 The Joker has me in the center of a fun house. I’m strapped to a chair with a box of Kryptonite in front of me. Every time Bruce and Damian make it farther into the house I get a jolt of electricity and the Kryptonite is more exposed. So, Joker was pissed that I had decided not to be a villain .
    Meanwhile I tried to use my telepathy to contact Bruce and Damian but it wasn’t working because of the amount of Kryptonite I’m exposed to already. They have to have been a good ways into the fun house by now, because of how intense the electricity has become insane.
    Harley walked into the room to check on me. My uniform was soaked with sweat. My eyes are red and puffy and tears are sliding down my face.
“Cat, are you ok?”
I glare at Harley but realize that Harley isn’t being her crazy self. At the question I begin shaking my head no. And Harley’s eyes widen.
    “That’s real Kryptonite ain’t it?” I nod in agreement. “Mistah J, is tryin ta kill ya. He promised he wouldn’t.” She walks up to me and releases the cloth that she has tied around my mouth to gag me. I eye her suspiciously. “Just don’t yell ok sweetie. I don’t want J in here yet.” I lean my head back only to feel a jolt of electricity.
    “Father something does not feel right.” Damian says as he and Bruce make their way farther into the fun house. “She would have tried to contact us already. Through the coms or through her telepathy.” Bruce nods his head to show Damian he agrees.
    “Joker must have done something to her.” Is all Bruce says as they make their way through the next room.
 “Harl,” I take a deep breath, “please, Harley help me.” I drop my head forward. Then I remember the com in my ear. “Bats, stop moving. Joker set a trap. The farther you make your way into the fun house the more I get exposed and electrocuted.” I lift my head back up and look at Harley.
 “He’ll be mad at me if I did. But you’re in pain.” She looks me in the eye as I stare at her. “Fine, I’ll help ya. But now that you’re one of them it ain’t happenin again.
    I give her a weak smile. “Harley, you are better than this. Thank you.” She closes the box of Kryptonite and helps me out of the straps that are keeping me in the chair. She throws my arm over her shoulder and walks me towards where Batman and Robin are.
    “I’m leaving you here. I-I don’t want to go back to Arkham right now. I’ll see ya around Cat.” She turns to leave but turns back around and gives me a hug, “Happy 21st birthday Kitty Cat.” With that she leaves me, to make my way out of the room.
 I enter the next room to see Bruce and Damian. Damian runs up to me and helps support me. I look over at Bruce, “Let’s go back to the cave, Bats. Electroshock and Kryptonite don’t mix.” Bruce nods and the three of us walk back out of the fun house to where the Batmobile was waiting.
 I get back to the cave just to see Dick pacing and Alfred standing there waiting for the three of us to get back. Bruce parks the Batmobile and Damian jumps out while Bruce helps me out. I’m no longer sweating but I haven’t completely healed yet from being electrocuted. Dick’s eyes widen as he sees me hobble over to a chair. He turns to Bruce, “What happened?” Bruce removes his cowl and looks at Dick.
 “Joker and Harley.” Bruce says as he looks at me. “How’s Barbara? Didn’t the two of you have something planned tonight?” Bruce raises an eyebrow, but he keeps his focus on me.
 “We did but I heard Lyds thoughts about Harley and Kryptonite so I came and asked Alfred what was going on. I can always reschedule a date with Babs.” Dick says not realizing I was listening to their conversation from across the room.
    I heard him say the word ‘date’ and my heart dropped. I sigh deeply, and let it out only to mumble, “Should have known better.” I stand up and walk over to the stairs. Taking the railing in my hand I start the climb up into the Manor.
A/N: Lyds is best friends with Joker and Harley? Like they hang out? Will we see them again? Will Dick stop messing around with Babs? Will Lydia ever get with Dick? STAY TUNED
Tags: @kathlyan, @pinkwitch21, @solis200213, @speedypan, @memento-amare, @bat-lakota, @queen-of-all-the-fandoms, @femdamian, @just-a-girl-maybe, @teachingpanda, @keepjasontoddsafefromeveryone, @wynterrobin, @gobydana, @chi-townbatgirl, @nightwingdiva, @ellana-ravenwood
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batfam-imagines · 8 years
Find You
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything! I’m really sorry for that! I have been working on this for a few days, I coudn’t really find the words that I needed to write, so it has been sitting on my computer waiting ot be finished.
i hope you enjoy!
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you are, once again, tied to a chair, and in the middle of an abandoned warehouse.
“It’s about time you woke up!”
“Hello, Harley”
“Mr. J went out for a bit, lookin’ for that man of yours. I wanted to stay, I like talkin’ to you!”
“I like talking to you too, Harley, it’s just the Joker I don’t really like.”
“Puddin’, wouldn’t hurt ya! I wouldn’t let him!” Harley jumped of the shipping container she had been on.
You had known Harley before she had met the Joker, before she had even taken the job at Arkham. The two of you had remained friends, much to Jason’s displeasure, even after she had gone crazy, even going as far as protecting each other from the Joker. After you had a “talk” with the Joker he had started being nicer to Harley. Of course your friendship with his girl didn’t stop him from kidnapping you and completely trashing your apartment.
“So he went to find Hood?”
“Yup! Said that he trashed your apartment jus’ to scare him!”
“And he had to knock me out?”
Harley just hummed conformation as she worked on releasing you. At this point you knew that it would be a mistake to run, the Joker had probably set traps all around the building, so it was just safer to stay and talk with Harley.
“Well, it looks like I’ll be here for a while, so we can catch up. How’ve you been? How’s Pam?”
The apartment is completely trashed, broken glass litters the floor, the couch is overturned, and there is blood on the floor. Grocery bags hit the floor when Jason notices the Joker card in the middle of the flood. As soon as he sees the card he immediately whips out his communicator and starts calling in backup.
“B, Y/N’s been taken by the Joker! The apartment’s trashed and there’s blood in the floor. I need you and Robin to get here as soon as possible!”
“We’re on our way. Robin and I will be there in 10 minutes. Suit up”
“I’m calling in Nightwing and Red Robin. I want everyone here. We need to find her!”
Throwing down the communicator Jason rakes his hands through his hair, trying to calm his breathing. Of course he knew that Y/N had remained friends with Harley, but if the Joker told her to do something, she would do it. Jason quickly called up his other two brothers, letting them know what happened, and they both agreed to meet at his apartment.
“There was a Joker sighting in Crime Alley an hour ago. My sources say that he was leaving a warehouse”
“Hood, just got another sighting. It seems like he’s looking for you. He probably wants to brag about stealing your girlfriend.”
Jason nodded quietly and headed toward the window, “If he wants me then he can have me.”
“You need to think this through, what do you think will happen if you go to him? Do you think he’ll just tell you where she is?”
“No” Jason growled, his gloves creaking as he clenches his fists, “But I can make him talk”
“Jason …”
“I won’t kill him, Dick, don’t worry. He’ll just gladly give up Y/N’s location when I’m done with him.”
Finding the Joker’s location was the easy part, but actually catching him, that was a different story.
“Get back here you fucking clown!”
The Joker just cackled when Jason barely avoided another trap. “Come and get me, Hoodie!!”
A rubber bullet hit the Joker in the side, causing him to stumble and allowing Jason to finally catch up. Jason hauls the Joker up by the lapels of his jacket, “Where is she?”
“She who? She, she, she, there are so many she’s!! Gotta be more specific, Hoodie!”
Jason just snarled and threw him down, “You know who!! Y/N!! Where is Y/N!!”
“You didn’t need to yell” The Joker pouted up at Jason, “She’s in the old textile warehouse with Harley. She can’t get out, and you have to play some of my games to get in!!”
There was a soft thud from behind the two, “Let him go, Hood. He just told you where she is. Nightwing will take him back to Arkham. Red Robin, Robin, you, and I will go to the warehouse anf start disabling the traps. She is safe with Harley, you know that.”
“Harley is just as crazy as he is!! Harley could go postal on her! We don’t know!” Jason shouted
“You need to calm down. We know where she is. The longer you stand here arguing with Joker the longer she is trapped with Harley”
Throwing the still laughing Joker at Nightwing, Jason turned and started to walk toward the edge of the roof, “Let’s go get Y/N, I need to make sure that she is safe”
Laughter echoes in the warehouse, “Harley, you nut!!”
“I know! I know! I’m sorry!”
“I can’t believe you set off one of the Jokers traps! You know where that all are!”
Harley huffed, still hanging upside down, “I forgot about this one. Are you gonna help me down?”
“I suppose I can. I’m gonna climb on the box right here, hopefully I won’t fall”
“I’m gonna laugh if you fall!”
“You laugh at everything, so that wouldn’t surprise me”
Harley giggled, “Hurry up and cut me down! Your boyfriend will be here soon!”
“And how do you know that?” You start cutting the rope with the knife that was strapped to Harleys thigh.
“Because he’s right behind you!!”
You whirl around, letting out a yelp when you lose yoru footing and atart to tip over the side of the box. Strong arms stop your fall, “Hey, sweetheart”
“God damnit, Hood! You scared the shit out of me! I could have fallen!”
Jason chuckled and pulled you closer to him, “I wouldn’t have let you fall, you know that”
Tension that had been there since your kidnapping began to drain out of you both. “I’m glad you finally found me, I was starting to get a little worried”
“Nothing could keep you away from me, you know that.”
“Awwwww!! You two are so cute!”
“Shut it, Harley, let me reunite with my boyfriend”
Jason chuckled and pulled back a little bit, “You look like you go into some trouble, Harley” She just crossed her arms over her chest, “Well, I don’t want to leave you hangin’, but the police are on their way. Batman disabled all of the traps, and I’m taking Y/N back to the Cave to get her checked out”
“Is Puddin’ on his way back to Arkham?”
“Yes, you’ll be joining him shortly”
“Alright, you’ll come visit me, right Y/N?”
You reach out, giving your friends a side hug, “I visit you every time you go back, what makes you think I wouldn’t this time?”
“Someday you’ll get tired of me” Harley whispered
The bright grin that one word left on your friends face made it a lot easier to leave her hanging there for the police.
Once back at the apartment, which had been cleaned, Jason wrapped you in another tight hug, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again”
“I’m sorry, I’ll try harder not to get kidnapped”
Pulling back he held you at arm length, “Not by the Joker. I don’t mind Harley as much because she seem to be relatively sane around you, but not him. He’ll kill you without a second though”
“I know. I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, everything’s okay, not that I got you back”
You lean up and kiss the underside of his jaw, “Can we order take-out and watch a movie? It’s been a stressful day for us both”
“Yeah, we can do that. And you’re sure you aren’t hurt?”
“The blood was the Jokers, I already told you that”
“I know, but I thought that you were hurt, that he had hurt you”
“I could tell you were scared, you managed to talk to Bruce without starting a fight!”
Jason chuckled and tucked you into his side, “I was too busy trying to find you to really pay attention to the others. Batman and Robin disabled the traps, Nightwing took the Joker to Arkham, and I went in to get you. We actually seemed to work together really well.” He placed a gently kiss on your forehead, “I love you”
“I love you too, Jay. I’m really glad you found me”
“I’ll always find you”
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Bruce Wayne X Reader Part 3
I clicked Joker’s paperwork off of the top of my desk arranging them so they would neat and orderly, tucking the Letter Maddox had written for his father in my back pocket. It was a small envelope decorated with hearts and gun, a family holding hands on the front of it. This would be my first time in months meeting with the clown so it would be interesting if he made any progress or had progressively gotten worst. Then again nothing ever really changed with him. He was a difficult case but easy to predict except when it came to the girl, Carmen. He seemed to care for her becoming protective of her at times, tending to her emotional needs and making her feel wanted. I bit the inside of my cheek before beeping my way out of my office and walking down the long stretch of the asylums grey hallway that would lead me to the farthest door on the right. The therapy room. 
With fall in full bloom the weather had become a little chillier than usual So I was wearing a black pair of tight fitting pants as well as a petite black turtle neck. My hair was loosely curled and trickled down my shoulders. I arrived at the door peeking in the lowly lit room two body guards were standing behind the clown he was strapped tightly into a straight jacket, green hair, face tattoos all of it was the same the only difference being he wasn’t wearing his regular Cheshire grin. 
Furrowing my eyebrows together I beeped the scanner and pushed open the door, smiling brightly at him as I walked to my end of the table. “Well good morning Mr. Joker how has your stay been?” His chilling blue eyes glared up at me. “Just magnificent Dr.” He replied in a weak tone. “Well that’s good to hear” As I took out my notes and guidelines J eyeballed the guards softly snarling t them whenever they met him gaze. I ushered them out to ease the environment, complaint they nodded their heads and left standing outside of the door. J’s shoulders seemed to relax a bit with the two men gone. “So to start out our session we will start with community then-” He grew irritated cracking his neck to the right and then to the left. “Cut the crap Dr.” he snarled moving agitated in his chair. “How’s my boy?” His eyes squinted and he began to breathe heavier. 
A pang of sympathy bounced around my heart when I thought of Maddox’s tattooed little face asking sadly to write him a letter. “Dr?!” Joker yelled at me seeming to hyperventilate for a moment. “He is doing well. He stays with my husband and I” The room around us seemed to close in making way for a feeling of claustrophobia. J’s eyes softened but they still peered deeply into me pleading for.. comfort? “He lives in your house with Bruce?” I shivered slightly hearing him say Bruce’s name. “Yes he does. It’s a safe place for him. Our butler has been home schooling him and he’s doing quite well. He’s very intelligent.” J leaned back in his chair sighing with relief. “Good orphans take care of other orphans you know Dr” He began to smiling. 
As chilling as his smile may be it lighted up the room seeing him act as his normal self. I nodded smiling softly. “Let’s touch on that subject shall we?” His smiled widened. “Sure thing Mrs.Wayne Play with my broken mind” I opened up my notebook reading through the questions I wanted to ask him. “What happened the night you were caught by the police.” He growled at my questioned. “You mean the Bat?” I nodded annoyed with his tone. “Yes The Batman” Satisfied he continued on leaning casually forward so his chest was resting on the metal table. “You see, Dr. it was bring your child to work day and I didn’t want the little brat to be disappointed you see so I gave one of my apes bad directions knowing the bat would catch wind of it. I just wanted my little boy to witness what I do Dr.” he slapped his hands smiling tightly, letting out a loud laugh. “The poor kid was wrapped up in a shoot out and taken before I could get my hands on him!! How that sound huh? Pretty doll?” He leaned back in his chair displaying more movement then he ever had in our past meetings.
 I looked down my list of questions setting my eyes on one that may be treading a little to close to a possible trigger. My eyes met his he was still smiling waiting for the next question. “What about Carmen?” I said trying to keep a pleasant tone. His smile faded away slowly and his eyes narrowed in on mine. “How do you?” He growled bouncing his head off of the table screaming “Don’t say her name!” The guards opened the door I smiled at them to show that everything was okay. He had random outbursts like this before normally ending in fits of laughter not rage. “The batman found Carmen and your son, Maddox-” he raised his head painfully up looking at me with a tired and terrorized face. You could tell in his demeanor he wanted me to stop. 
Slowly he repeated Maddox and Carmen’s names to himself. “in a closet after you had been taken away from the warehouse at 12:30 Pm. Maddox was clinging onto Carmen who-” I thought for a minute part of me wanting to say she was alive but knew it was best not to say. “Was pronounced dead two hours later from self asphyxiation”  He head fell onto the table, lethargically he rolled his head back and forth groaning uncomfortably. “Take me back to my cell Dr.” I head back a smile surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth. “Okay I can do that. Get some rest.” I lightly stroke his head whistling for the guards. Knowing the drill they took The Joker out of the room. He sat limply in his chair staring into nothing as they wheeled him away. 
Bruce and I went out to one of the many restaurants he own that night. It was a one based on French cuisine, I wasn’t a huge fan but his eye always lit up when the many kinds of bread was brought. He would look t me and say. “Look at that Y/N, it’s the finest bread in Gotham” I would raise my eyebrows and smile agreeing sarcastically. Bruce tonight was quieter than usual. “What’s wrong dear?’ I said slurping up some of my baked Camembert noisily. He smiled chuckling lightly. “I’ll be going out of town for a few days and I need you to stay with Maddox and Alfred.” I put my spoon down exhaling loudly annoyed. “What for?” He took a drink and looked handsomely into the crowd of people. It was poorly lit so he had to squint to clearly see anything. “Wayne enterprises is hosting a fund raiser in Paris and I am expected to make an appearance.” I nodded avoiding eye contact my feelings hurt and suspicious that he wouldn’t invite me. I let the feelings remain docile it was no use fighting. It was never a good idea to fight with him before he left town. The remainder of the night we ate quietly both avoiding any contact. When we got home Bruce played a board game happily with Maddox. I sat on the coach drinking tea watching them. 
The tattoo on Maddox’s face was beginning to scab over causing him to scratch frantically. “Honey” I said grabbing his hand softly. “You shouldn’t scratch it” He put his hand down stubbornly “But it itches, bad!” I nodded understanding where he was coming from even though I didn’t have any tattoos of my own. “I understand the but you don’t want it to get infected” He just shrugged being distracted when he realized Bruce was winning the game. “You sneaky man!” He explained outraged. I laughed talking my place back on the coach falling asleep soon after. 
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Thank you for reading all :) 
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