#like they are deeply special to me but i am so fucking tired of being forced to see C3 through a forced perspective
shadesslut · 1 year
loving her was red, pt 2
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Pairing: Dark!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Content Includes: Slight smut
Summary: Ethan is finally fed up with sitting around and doing nothing. He needs to do something about it or someone else will.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
The first important rule of their “special” relationship was to never get attached romantically.
Ethan was fuming to say the least. His grip on his phone tightened as he aggressively typed. He had been texting her ever since he and Chad parted ways with the girls. Chad kept pulling Ethan away from people he almost walked into, looking at him with concern.
im just gonna go to bed im tired
10:30 pm
Can I just sleep over ?
10:31 pm
“Dude, who are you texting? And what did they do to you?” Chad asked him as he unlocked the door to their dorm. Ethan ignored him as he stepped inside, which caused Chad to snatch his phone from him.
Ethan jerked his head up and hastily reached out to grab it back. “Dude, give me my fucking phone.”
“Why are you texting Y/N?” Chad asked softly as his arms relaxed. Ethan grabbed his phone back as Chad stared off into space solemnly.
Ethan huffed as he resumed texting her, spamming her messages. “We’re just talking,” Ethan said as Chad continued to stare. What’s his problem? Can she not have friends? Ethan thought angrily. He knew Chad was possessive over his girlfriends, but he didn’t even think about how he would be with his friends. He sighed as he finally put his phone away, giving up. “Am I like, not allowed to text her?”
Chad shook his head slowly, and finally looked up at Ethan. “No, no of course you can. I just-“ he sighs, pausing. “I didn’t know you two were close enough to have sleepovers, that’s all.”
He rubbed the back of his neck and moped off to his room, shutting the door. Ethan knew something was definitely going on between her and Chad, and he wanted to know what. He couldn’t be mad at Chad, he needed to be on good terms with him. He needed Chad to like him so Y/N would like him. He sighed in frustration as he walked over to Chad’s door, hesitating before knocking.
“Chad, I’m sorry for being a dick. I just hate it when people look at my phone; can we talk?”
There were a few beats of silence before Ethan heard the old wooden floors creak as Chad walked over and opened the door. Chad looked at Ethan sadly and glanced at the floor.
“I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not, I’m being a possessive little bitch.” Chad sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Ethan was starting to become slightly worried for what Chad was about to say. “Look, I-uhm, I have a small crush on Y/N-“
Chad stammered as he saw Ethan’s changed expression. His eyes darkened and his shoulders tensed.
“It’s nothing big. I just get so jealous over her, and I hate it. I think about her all the time, and it just sucks. I-I’ll get over it, over her.”
He looked so defeated, like a kicked puppy, Ethan had never seen this side of Chad before; it honestly concerned him. Was he in love with her? Would he try to get in between them two? Did he know about their special nights together? Was he obsessed with her like Ethan was?
Ethan softly patted Chad on the shoulder. “I would never do that to you. We’re just really close friends, but I think she likes someone else. I’m sorry, man.” Chad exhaled deeply as Ethan spoke. His eyes began to water as he felt jealousy and sadness.
“Nah man, it’s okay. She knows I like her, so I probably should’ve known she didn’t like me back.”
Chad quickly wiped his eyes as he looked at his roommate. “I’m…going to bed, night man.”
Ethan smiled to himself after Chad closed the door. He felt some form of relief from Chad stating he would move on. He should’ve told Chad that he was dating her, that he had been inside her, but he didn’t want to make her mad.
But, mad, she was.
The second important rule was to not tell anyone in their friend group.
Ethan woke up to three texts from Y/N.
can you stop treating me like we’re dating
12:45 am
you and me are just fwb
12:50 am
can you meet me
9:35 am
Ethan felt a bit worried about her last message. Did she want to end things? He wanted to see her, but not if it would be the last time. He yawned sleepily, he didn’t sleep at all last night, and typed out a response.
10:06 am
He stood up and slid his legs on with a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed an old t-shirt and put it on. He heard his phone ping as he was putting on deodorant.
sure. ten minutes
10:06 am
He nodded as if she could see him, and he began to get his things ready quickly.
Ethan sat patiently on a torn-up couch in the library lobby, looking at the doors to see her. He decided to take his mind off things; he cracked open a book he had been failing to finish and began tracing over the words with his eyes. After a few minutes, his eyes started to become heavy with tiredness. I really need to fix my sleep schedule. He thought to himself as he dozed off.
Before his head fell back on the couch head, he felt someone plop down next to them. He flinched and looked at the person, softly smiling as he realized it was Y/N.
“H-Hey! You scared me,” he laughed nervously. She looked so pretty in the morning sunlight. She didn’t have any makeup on, but secretly Ethan liked her best like that. It was just, her, in her natural and beautiful form.
She weakly smiled at him as she set her purse down. “I’ve been meaning to apologize for last night. I was a bitch.”
Ethan shook his head at her. “You weren’t, I’m sorry that I tried to kiss you. I know we’re not supposed to do that casually.” His apology was sincere, he really did feel bad.
“It’s okay, this whole deal we got going on is confusing sometimes.”
He nodded in agreement with her. God, he wanted to kiss her and tell her he loved her.
“Do you…wanna come back to mine?” She asked quietly. Her hand creeped over to hover over his. He took her hand and squeezed slightly as he nodded.
The two walked together hand in hand across the campus. Ethan wished he could do this all the time, touch her like this in public. He was tired of waiting to be behind closed doors, he wanted to touch her whenever he wanted.
Y/N suddenly stopped in her tracks as she cursed. “Fuck, I, I forgot that my roommate has people over. Can we go to yours?” She begged as she looked up at him.
Now how could he say no to those pretty little eyes?
“Unless Chad is there,” she stated.
Oh, now that would be bad. Ethan thought, but he knew he didn’t have to worry about anything; Chad had morning classes. “Yeah let’s go,”
Ethan gasped as she roughly kissed his lips. He was desperately trying to find the right key to his dorm, but he had a certain distraction. “Shit, baby, you gotta let me open the door first.” He said panting, but she didn’t listen. She continued to grab at his collar and quite literally suck the air out of him.
He whined as he finally opened the door, causing them to stumble in recklessly. Ethan slammed the door with his foot, and grabbed at her waist.
He pushed her against the wall and forced her legs to widen with his hands. She opened her mouth as she gasped which allowed Ethan to slip his tongue in. She moaned loudly as he began grinding his hips on her clit. Everything he was doing, she absolutely loved. The way he grabbed her hip, the way he caressed her tit, everything he did made her feel oh, so good. They both groaned loudly and moved against each other’s bodies, gaining some friction.
He stuck his index and ring finger in his mouth, lathering it with spit. He huffed as he unzipped her pants and sloppily tugged them down. She moaned softly at the boy as he reached into her underwear. “‘M gonna make you cum.” He whispered to her.
He slowly started rubbing her clit, making her gasp. He open-mouth kissed her as he stuck his two fingers in and out of her. He pumped and curled his fingers and began to suck on her neck.
“Oh, fuck, Ethan!” She moaned in his ear.
He was in pure heaven right now, nothing could make him feel better than what he was feeling right now.
He heard a door slam shut, causing him to jerk his head up away from her. His heart dropped as he saw Chad standing by the bathroom door looking at the two of them. Ethan quickly got away from Y/N, creating a distance in between the two of them. Y/N pulled up her pants nervously and quickly.
“C-Chad, it’s not what it-“
“Fuck you, you piece of shit. You’re such a goddamn liar. ‘I wouldn’t do that to you’ Fuck. You.” Chad spat at Ethan, cutting him off.
Ethan flinched at his words as he yelled at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you mad.” Ethan apologized, this time, not being sincere. He was happy Chad knew about them.
“Fuck you, Ethan. You’re fucking dead to me. I should’ve just gone to class,” he muttered before walking into his room, slamming the door shut. Ethan stood there in silence before turning to her. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment. He walked up to her and caressed her cheek.
“What was that about?” She asked, eyeing him.
Ethan dropped his head down and sighed. “I told him we were just friends, and I sort of told him I wouldn’t do anything with you.”
She nodded and looked away. Ethan looked at her longingly, sure what just happened sucked, but he still wanted to feel her body against his.
“Maybe we should, not do this anymore,” she spoke quietly.
Ethan’s eyes widened at her suggestion. That is the opposite of what he wanted. Was she really going to end things over Chad? “What? Why? He’s fine, he's going to get over this.”
She shrugged and stepped away from him. Ethan looked at her with hurt flashed on his face. “No, I think, we should stop. I don't want to cause any more drama with the group. I’m sorry Ethan, but, let’s just stay friends for now.”
She walked out before he could even muster up a response. Is that it? He thought. He thought he was little more than that to her, more than someone to hook up with. He didn’t know what to feel or what he was supposed to feel. He hated her roommate for having people over. He hated Chad for skipping his class. He hated himself for not stopping her from leaving. To say that Ethan was pissed, was an understatement. He was going to get her back to him, he knew he would. He was going to stop Chad from ruining his fucking life, and he was going to do something about it. He was going to show her that she doesn’t need anyone else besides him; he is the only thing she needs. He was going to start creating his plan, his plan to keep what was his.
Fuck. Chad.
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hero-israel · 2 months
Can i just say I am so sick and tired of people claiming genocide. I mean with saying Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians right now. Every time I see it I want to scream. This is one of the numerous reasons why the pro palestine movement sucks. They can't just say something is bad, focus on real grievances. Instead they have to exaggerate and claim everything is the worst possible version. They can't just say "palestinian civilians are suffering," or even "excessive civilian deaths." No. they have to claim genocide.
it’s disgusting. they are appropriating terms and watering them down in the process. genocide is a very real horrific problem that is ACTUALLY happening to people right now... and they have to claim that term for their situation because why? to paint israel/israelis as the ultimate evil? to claim this issue is the worst ever and insist everyone else drop everything and only care about this? to add more emphasis on their lies and propaganda of israel being a colonial empire practicing apartheid? intentional flipping because they know Jews have been victim to genocide (we see this more explicitly when they compare Israel in this war to nazis)?
Maybe part of it is that if israel is responsible for genocide, then there’s no need to acknowledge how HAMAS and their actions play a significant role in palestinian suffering? (It can't be that hamas steals aid for civilians, no it must be 100% israel’s fault and only theirs! Also joe Biden I guess! /sarcasm)
No matter what, it’s a cynical ploy and absolutely disgusting.
In some ways it reminds me of how people online have taken terms like “trigger,” “gaslight,” and more, and completely twisted and watered down their meaning, turned it all into a joke ... except obviously much worse, here.
what really grinds me up is seeing how many people are buying into this. especially gen z. I am so done with my generation honestly. im ashamed to be associated with these people. part of me doesn't get it. im not jewish. and i try my best not to be antisemitic, educate myself. it does take work, but also it’s NOT THAT HARD to just NOT post completely unverified stuff, NOT absorb your news from social media, NOT give accusations of genocide without doing any research, bothering to learn about historical context, actually understanding what experts say and explanations why it is not genocide? And most of all actually LISTEN to jewish people when they talk about their own history and heritage?
Im not saying this to say im so great, in fact it's the opposite: what im doing is nothing special and amazing. it's really BASIC. yet SO MANY PEOPLE fail this??? what the fuck????
I understand people cannot educate themselves on literally very single topic. But then if they are ignorant, then they should just SHUT UP and not weigh on something they didn't take the work to understand. That is not hard!!!! NOT casually throwing around accusations of genocide should be the bare minimum and yet here we are.
All of the above. I am sorry you are dealing with this from so many among your cohort, and deeply appreciate your commitment as a non-Jew to resisting the new Christ-killer / stab-in-the-back mythology. It will continue to be difficult. For decades - for CENTURIES - all the wealthiest and most educated people in societies worldwide "knew" the Jews were guilty of these terrible things.
Derek Chauvin was convicted of the second- and third-degree murder of George Floyd. There were people at that time who were upset he hadn't been nailed for first-degree murder - he was obviously guilty! Look what a horrible thing he did! Get him for everything! But there actually really are different standards of evidence for different crimes and if prosecutors had tried to go for that one they would have lost.
I don't doubt for an instant that the IDF has committed multiple war crimes during this entirely preventable, entirely pointless cataclysm. But people are racing past the crimes that are clearly visible and could be supported by evidence because they want - need - HOPE for the very worst one to be true. It is a moral obscenity. And you can tell how much they are enjoying themselves, how fine it feels to be able to invoke genocide against Jews and Uno-reverse that nagging Holocaust card, by how quickly they revert to petty Internet slang to silence counter-arguments: "lol WELL ACTUALLLYYY, so you're JUST ASKING QUESTIONS rite, nice SEALIONING." It is meant to be an inherently, automatically truthful claim, one that the Jew has no right to deny.
The Disputations of our time.
And as we did in the past... we must answer, because not-answering will not help.
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Still into you
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Warnings: smut
Code name: Angel
Why is he here? Why the fuck am I here? Everyone else I’m okay with, but why is Adam Barrett here? Was this Lambert’s elaborate plan to make me finally confess to the past detective? Good luck Lambert! Because it’s not happening. Although being next to him in the van is quite comforting
Brushing against him because of the movement of the van. I hadn’t lost contact with him after he left his life behind. It actually felt like I was the only one that supported his plans. He didn’t know then that I had crush on him, so nothing about tonight should change that
When we got settled into the mansion that Lambert sent us to keep the kid in, I found myself comfortably sitting at one of the chairs near the bar. My eyes were definitely tired of being open. Fuck. Why’d I get too cozy? Fuck. Adam was approaching me with a smirk playing on his face
I sat up, and watched intently. The bar had gotten darker, but my focus was him and him alone. Once he was close enough, he scoops me up. We’re in a room soon, and he’s placed me onto the bed. He’s taking his clothes off, which makes me do the same thing. Once I had my clothes off, he gets on top of me
He takes his glasses off, and places them onto a nightstand. “I want you to make as much noise as you possibly can, understand?” He asked as one of his hands grasped onto my throat. A moan escapes my mouth, which makes him smirk. Before anything continues, I was awake because of someone shaking me awake
Fuck. Just another dream. “I need you awake for this job Angel” the voice of Adam says, which makes my eyes make contact with his. His beautiful blue orbs looking deeply into my eyes. “Yes sir. Sorry sir” I say calmly, which makes him smirk. Why is he smirking? “I have a very special job for you Angel” wait… why is he covered in blood?
I noticed that I was also covered in blood as well. What the fuck did I miss? How long was I asleep for? “What is it sir?” I asked, before I knew it, he has fangs digging into my skin. When he pulls off, I felt woozy. Was he really gonna kill me? After all I’ve done for him? “Open up Angel” he orders, which makes me realize he bit his wrist
I listen, and tastes his blood. I’m so confused. What is h- “now you’re just like me! We’re gonna have so much fun together Angel!” He says cheerfully as I stood up now. All my senses were heightened, and I craved blood. I was a vampire. This was all real life since I knew Lazar was real
“What is going on Frank?” I asked as I hear footsteps. “You’re gonna kill your first victim Is what’s going on Angel” I looked at who enters the bar, and saw Joey. “No…” she says weakly. She was covered in blood too. I don’t resist. My hunger was too strong. I attacked Joey, and started to drain her blood
I was acting like a starving animal when I was feasting on her. “Good job Angel” he says as he’s leaving hickeys on my neck now. I pulled away from Joey to swallow. I let out moans now as he marks me. He stops now, and makes my body face his. His fangs were hidden, but the way he looked at me was him keeping strain on wanting to just fuck me right here on the floor
“I knew what you were dreaming about Angel. I bet you always have such erotic dreams about me pleasuring you” he says in a low tone, which makes me horny. “You do. Some Angel you are: Especially being down bad for a vampire. You even like being a vampire” he says as I ached for him even more. “Sir please” I begged, which I knew how pathetic it sounded
He grins, and asked me what it was that I begged for. “You gotta use your words Angel” he says as he tilts my head up with his finger. “Fuck me sir, please” he smirks now, and then kisses me on the lips now. It was filled with passion and hunger. My favorite combination. He pushes me down onto the ground roughly
He definitely couldn’t have waited. He tore off my clothes, which I definitely didn’t mind as our mouths fought. He pulls apart, and starts to take his clothes off now. Once he was naked, he got off of me and told me to get on all fours. I listened, and soon he’s in my ass. My head arches back as my hands intertwined with his
He’s thrusting at an abnormal speed, which makes me moan. “Angel” he moans in my ear, which makes my insides go wild. He starts licking blood off of my neck, which makes me shudder. “Oh fuck” he moans out afterwards. “You know, your code name should’ve been devil instead, don’t you think?”
“Yes sir” I agreed as the thrusts were getting more painful, but it felt so fucking good. He smirks as he bites my cheek as gently as he could. Blood was drawing from it, which makes him lick it off. “Fuck sir” I moaned out, which I knew made him amused
He chuckles, which makes me feel the need to cum. “Go on Angel, cum for your master” that makes me go over the edge, which makes him stop and pull out now. I didn’t feel tired, but I should’ve expected that since I’m a vampire now. I’m on top of him now, which makes him looked impressed
Now we were on a bed in one of the rooms. He smirks; “You wanna recreate that dream of yours, don’t you Angel?” I nodded my head, which makes him switch sides with me. “Well, I’m gonna fuck you so much harder and better than I do in your dreams” he definitely was, because he wasn’t a vampire in any of those dreams
This was exciting, and I couldn’t wait any longer for him to just pound into me. “You know, you’re not the only one who had feelings” he says as he slams into me. My head wanted to arch back, but he forces me to keep eye contact with him. He’s pulling me by my hair as he’s aggressively thrusting into me. “I want you to know how you’ve made me feel all these years” he growls
All I could do was moan. He’s moaning now as he places a firm hand onto my throat. Fuck. He feels fucking amazing. “I want you to know how much I fucking craved you Angel” he continues as he’s hitting my g spot. “I want you to know that I’m gonna fucking rip anyone who looks at your direction” he said in his low tone, which sent shivers down my spine
“Do you understand?” I moaned out a yes sir as I needed to cum again. “Good. Because that’ll be your fucking dinner” I came and even squirted. He looks down and then looks back at me. He smirks for a second with his fangs out. “Definitely better at fucking you in real life, right Angel?” He moans my code name in my ear in a low whisper
“Yes sir” he came now, and then stopped and pulls out of me. I didn’t realize how much the bed was on the brick of breaking because of how rough he was being. He lays down next to me; body facing me. God he’s never looked so goddamn hot. My eyes scanned the room, and I noticed robes. “Hm. Good idea.” He gets up, which makes me follow along
Once we had gotten the robes on, we walked out of the place with our hands intertwined. What a night
Note: I got lost in trance ngl😵‍��
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
Hiii!! I love love Looovveee your recent obey me post. Its so?? How do I say this, unique in a way. I lovee the way you wrote it and the concept you used! Could u pls make a part 2? I am wayy too invested
Even if you don't make one, thank u for making such a great story😊😊😊
Hii! I'm so sorry for the late reply! I wanted to answer you with the part 2 hahaha. Thank you for your words (they are very much appreciated ♡), I'm glad you like it (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ) 💕
I already wrote the entire thing, sadly I'm really slow when it comes to edit it.
Part 1. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Last time I forgot to clarify something, I decided that the new exchange student will be "Sc" since one time in some Fanfic the exchange student had my name (She stole the brothers and also my name, the audacity JAJAJA). If your name is Sc I'm deeply sorry, I know that identity theft Is not a joke
Get out of my way 🌈
You woke up drowsy and tired but your finger was perfect. “Looks like I'm fucking amazing.” even though your mouth was dry and you could feel a growing headache, the satisfaction of healing such a horrible wound was all you needed to regain your good humor. At least that's what you’d like to say, but it wasn't entirely true, you lacked something essential: revenge.
“Oooh, mini Little D! Yoo-hoo!” you looked at every corner of your room but there was no hint of said demon. “Did I imagine it?” no, that would mean not only that you are delusional, but your well-deserved achievement would disappear too.
You headed to the dining room, wary of your surroundings, trying to spot a black shadow. You were so distracted by the mission at hand that you missed how the room suddenly went quiet, how everyone tensed.
“Good morning, Mc.” Lucifer was the first to speak, in response, you simply nodded. It seemed to everyone that you were mad and distant, but in reality you were too absorbed in your own thoughts. “There must be a way to prove what happened yesterday.” you started to chewing the food on your plate, not even caring for what it was.
“M-Mc! Today we're planning to do a movie night again.” Being in your own world, the brothers’ chatter became background noise and thus you missed the fact that Levi's voice sounded nervous and somehow guilty. In the two years you had been in the Devildom, never before you had seen or heard about those mini Little D.'s
“We should see that movie you wanted to see.” Satan said, feigning indifference, trying hard to hide the fact that he was dying to know what had happened yesterday. Were you okay? Are you mad at him? He can feel the wrath inside you. You haven’t read with him in a while and now you don’t even meet his eyes, he was not angry but anxious.
What if you’ve gone crazy? Oh god, this is the last thing you need. No, no, it's obvious that it happened. There must be information in somewhere, you can always ask Solomon too. “Lucifer promised that he will come too!” Sc added.
“Mc? You'll come, right? I'll lend you my pillow, this special time.” Until that moment you hadn't notice they were talking, what is worse, they had been talking to you. Why would you want Belphie's pillow? “Uhh... No, I don't need your pillow Belphie, thanks?” “But you will come to the movie night?” Another movie night? They must have really enjoyed last night if they want to repeat it, however, you have other concerns. “Hmm, no thank you Levi-”
Suddenly, it had been for a brief moment, but you had seen a black shadow moving behind Levi. With your mouth still open and narrowing your eyes, you kept looking for the shadow. “-ahhh...” you noticed the gazes of each person at the table and quickly regain your composure. “aahh-than, Leviathan. Hahaha…haha… ha.” You smiled, a curious contrast to Levi, whose face visibly dropped.
The dining room grew tremendously silent, you knew it was your fault but you'll apologize later. For now, you wanted to talk with Solomon as fast as you could and so you started eating faster.
Moments later, Mammon began talking, he blushed and a frown appeared too (his useless attempt to hide his embarrassment). Sc just laughed and rolled her eyes, not without shooting quick glances at you. Everything was normal, but then you saw a black shadow behind Mammon. You tried to move so you could have a better look, but Mammon moved too. You moved again and so did Mammon. You frowned and moved once more, but the Avatar of Greed stood in your way again. “Mc, are ya even listening?!” “Fuck, Mammon! Could you please move?!” you pushed him aside but the Little D. was gone.
Everyone seemed surprised, you’d never use that tone with Mammon before, the white-haired demon saddened almost immediately, averted your eyes and muttered a weak “sorry”. You cleared your throat, suddenly very aware that everyone was looking at you. “Mc, are you okay?” Lucifer asked you.
“No! A Little D. Wants to eat my soul!” But you can’t tell him that. The worry on his features was growing, why cannot you tell him? It's actually what you should do, right? “Mc?”
“I...” The moment you spoke, a perfect copy of Lucifer appeared behind the demon, it was Lucifer but completely black, his clothes, his eyes, his teeth, everything. Of course, it was a Little D. But not so little.
“I can't lie, I'm surprised by the new exchange student’s grades.” The copy of Lucifer imitated him, his voice was identical. You knew what he was going to say next, after all, you had this same conversation with Lucifer some weeks ago.
“Yes! She's pretty clever. She even helped me with some council work.” you thought it wouldn't be a big deal but Lucifer proved you wrong. “That's supposed to be your responsibility, Mc.” “Maybe she should be the council officer, right?” You said, trying to downplay the matter in hopes of avoiding the lecture. “She’d do a better job.” ouch.
“Hey! Don’t be mean!” you elbowed him in a friendly way, it was a feeble attempt to hiding your hurt while asking for an apology. “I should ask for her help instead of yours, looking how you enjoy slacking off.” You rolled your eyes. “Sure.” “Don’t come to my office tonight, then.” You stopped, his face was emotionless, as if he were talking about the weather.
Since when Lucifer treat you like this?
No, you don't need a pompous peacock. You could do this alone. You saw the brothers, they looked worried, but where have they been these last few weeks? The growing frustration inside you led you to believe that maybe you needed some time to cool off.
The copy of Lucifer smirked, satisfied. Did he think you fell into his trap? That only made you angrier, you'll erase that smile.
“Mc?” Lucifer asked again, frowning. The look in your eyes was cold, he tried to reach you but you looked at his hand in disgust. Were you repulsed by his touch? That cannot be true, right? But you backed away. He saw wrath in your eyes, were you mad at him? Understandable, he knew that his attitude had been inexcusable but- “I'm fine.” you whispered but you weren't hungry anymore. You got up and handed your half full plate to Beelzebub. Excusing yourself, you headed to RAD.
“They didn't even notice that I made their favorite food.” Mammon looked so miserable that his brothers decided not to tease at all. “They called me by my full name.” Levi mumbled, surely overthinking that small detail. Lucifer’s gaze was on his hands, he didn’t know what to do with them.
You, on the other hand, were practically running towards RAD, only a thought in your mind. You were definitely going to kick that Little D. ass.
Part 3. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Thanks for reading! (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
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thewolvesof1998 · 9 months
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Created by @mostlyinthemorning
Day 12 pt. 1
Okay, so I thought I would do something special for the last day, here is a list of all of my favourite fics from all of my mutuals (I've read like 95% of these and others are highly anticipated!) I'm going to have to do this in two parts!
Lets Go to Bed by Wildgirl93 @wildlife4life  
Eddie just wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend and take a nap. Chimney just wanted a quiet place to sleep and steal Buck's bed just for a short time to do so. And Buck was just finishing his shower.
to you i'm just a man (to me you're all i am) by Underhung_Aura @eddiebabygirldiaz
Buck is fucking tired of living with his parents. He’s nearly thirty years old for Christ’s sake, and he is sick to death of being at their beck and call, of having to bend to their every whim, of being constantly scrutinized while also being constantly ignored. For his entire life he has been buried beneath their thumbs, his weak, aching, fragile body pushed further and further into the ground until dry soil and broken twigs flood his mouth, left to rot with the mark of their fingerprints burned so deeply into him that there’s no way of removing them. OR Buck is the son of the president of the United States and is finally moving out of the White House. His new home comes with new neighbors, Eddie and Christopher Diaz, who quickly become the center of Buck's world. But despite being out from under his parent's thumb, Buck's life is messy and complicated and ruled by the fact that he is the First Son which means he is always under the watchful eyes of his bodyguards. None of that stops him from pursuing a life with the Diaz boys, but there are many complications, some of which he isn't even aware of. Yet.
Your heart or mine? Yours every time by Spotsandsocks @spotsandsocks
Buck and Eddie get trapped in an elevator, which would be fine except Buck’s skipped a few meals recently and he’s a little hungry. He’s also not exactly told his best friend everything about himself so the secret he’s been keeping is about to be revealed at the worst possible time in the worst possible way. Buck can handle it though and if it comes to it he knows what he has to do to keep Eddie safe. Eddie however has his own thoughts on the subject and sometimes secrets aren’t as secret as you think. A soft concerned voice and a hand on his arm jerks him back to here and now, “Hey you ok? You’re breathing funny.” It’s the touch that does it, it’s both too much and nowhere near enough. Eddie looking at him like that, touching him gently, it’s too close to what he wants, and he wants a lot. He wants far too much from this man and he can’t have any of it. Unable to stop himself Buck jerks away, the movement far too fast and abrupt not to cause more concern in his friend. “Buck” Eddie’s hands are held up in a gesture designed to soothe and comfort, all it does is show Buck his pulse point.
we are a fresh page on the desk (filling in the blanks as we go) by heartbeatdiaz @loserdiaz
"Interesting read?" Buck asks and when Eddie shoots him a confused look, he nods towards the book in his lap. "Leave The Light On?" "Oh! Yeah, it's one of my favorite books." Eddie smiles, shy and charming. "I've read the series like, a thousand times." "Really? Huh?" Buck feels his heart thump erratically inside of him. Holy shit, holy shit. Eddie Diaz read his books.  Honestly, how is Buck supposed to act normal after such revelation? "I'm actually flying to an audition right now. Hopefully to be part of the movie for the book." Eddie says and then frowns. "Oh shit, I don't know if I should've told you that." "It's okay." He leans forward and grins, squinting one of his eyes and shrugging. "Your secret's safe with me.' or; Buck's a best seller author under a pen name, Eddie is an actor auditioning for the movie adaptation of his books, and somewhere along the way, they fall in love.
Castles Crumbling Downby jesuisici33 @jesuisici33
Eddie sits down on the bench, laying his head back against the cold stone wall. With his eyes closed and arms crossed, he hopes it fools the guards into thinking Eddie is more calm than he really is. That they can’t tell how much his heart is pounding or how his skin itches to start punching things. Again. Just like how they found him when his hood fell off and people let out cries that the Princess Assassin is here amongst them. OR: i had a tumblr prompt in my ask box and when i watched nimona things finally clicked.
you been looking for love (let me show you how it's done) by wikiangela @wikiangela 
“Are you-” he frowns, the confusion somehow winning with the urge to just lean in and kiss him so thoroughly he’ll forget about any other kiss he might’ve shared with any dates. “Are you doing all this on purpose?” “Doing what?” Eddie tilts his head, licks his lips, and – Buck’s almost a hundred percent sure – drops his gaze to Buck’s lips for a second. “Eddie.” Buck takes a deep breath, and wants so badly to kiss the smirk off of Eddie’s face. “Please.” “What for?” “You’re driving me insane.” he whispers, nails digging into his palms to prevent himself from reaching out. But Eddie’s thigh is pressed against his, and somehow his hand is on Buck’s knee now, and Eddie’s looking at him in such a way, that it makes Buck hot all over – or, hotter, his palms are sweating, actually. “And I feel like you are doing it on purpose.” or, Eddie is a tease, Buck is horny and jealous of Eddie dating, and a regular evening takes an unexpected turn.
so you've got the looks but have you got the touch? by BekkaChaos @bekkachaos
The 118 team spend a night out to celebrate Maddie and Chim’s engagement and wind up at Karaoke. They take turns singing and Buck thinks Eddie is so predictable and tells him so, only for him to throw a complete Louisville curveball and surprise him. But that doesn’t impress Buck. Not much.
Don’t spoil him because you feeling guilty (just love him how you really mean it) by disasterbuckdiaz @disasterbuckdiaz
“First of all, if I remember right, two months ago you were too old to have plushies,” Eddie points, looking at his son. He even portrays how Chris said it to him, which causes Chris to roll his eyes in response. “Don't roll your eyes, Christopher Diaz. Secondly, we agreed that since I'm buying you the fancy console you dreamed of, you don't ask for anything else for a whole month, do you?” Christopher sighs but nods in agreement. Eddie can't help but smile at how cute his son looks and raises his head to share this moment with Buck, who is not standing next to them. Eddie almost starts to panic when he sees Buck at the checkout. He returns a minute later and hands the penguin to Chris, who lights up brighter than the sun. or, 5 times Eddie tries to understand why Buck spoils Chris more than ever after his coma, and 1 time Buck tells him why
come close, let me be home by Daffi_990_ao3 @daffi-990
“Looking good out there, Buckley” Eddie says as he hands him a beer. Buck accepts the bottle and takes a seat beside him, popping the cap off to take a drink. “Any chance we’ll see you bust some moves on the dance floor, Diaz?” “Maybe, if I have the right partner”. Eddie’s looking right and him and Buck can feel a blush creeping its way across his cheeks. It’s shit like this that has him thinking maybe this thing between them isn’t just one sided. Buck takes another pull of beer, keeping eye contact with Eddie and watching how the other man tracks the bob of his adams apple as he swallows. “The night is still young and full of possibilities.” Buck replies, and he swears he sees Eddie’s eyes sparkle OR Buck and Eddie slow dance at Maddie and Chim’s wedding
merle said mama tried, but the prison still won by oklahoma @malewifediaz
“You’ve made bail, Diaz.” Eddie stands, wipes his sweaty hands off on his jeans, and clears his throat. “This isn’t even a real jail, Dwight,” he says, stepping through the makeshift cell door held open for him, and looks over at his rescuer. “Hi, Buck.” - Eddie goes to (mall) jail.
The Bridge by escapethroughreading @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese
"Dad? I think Buck isn't okay." "Why would you say that, mijo?" "I use 'find my friends' to keep an eye on him sometimes. Since he doesn't come over anymore. You know the bridge we drive over to get to school? Buck's been there for two hours. The weather's really bad. He shouldn't be out there."
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make) by fleetinghearts @shitouttabuck 
Death comes for Eddie in the form of a small fluffy bunny. Several small fluffy bunnies, actually. He’s not being hyperbolic, okay? This is how he goes. Hen and Chim can take their Drama Queen Diaz eye rolls and shove it. He’s having a perfectly reasonable reaction to the sight before him. And if the classic bright white light everyone talks about is more accurately a kind of warm glow dotted with sparkles and floating cartoon hearts in his current experience? Well, that’s between him and his God. or, it's truly tragic that eddie diaz isn't kissing buck buckley, especially when everything he does makes him so damn kissable The one with all the nicknames by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew) @911onabc Eddie has never been overly fond of pet names. He uses them on Buck a lot, though. OR: 5 times Eddie calls Buck a platonic nickname + 1 time he doesn’t.
Feels Like Magic by 42hrb @exhuastedpigeon
“You used too much magic again,” Buck’s voice was quiet as he spoke, but he knew Eddie heard him. “You’re alive,” Eddie’s eyes were closed, but Buck knew the look Eddie would be giving him if they had been open. It was the same look Eddie had given him when he had said ‘because, Evan, you think you’re expendable but you’re not’. It was a look that made Buck feel truly and completely seen in a way he never had before. “There’s no such thing as too much if it saves you.” “Go to sleep,” Buck said, because if he left himself say anything else he’d be telling Eddie he loved him and he didn’t think in the bunk room at two in the morning after an exhausting call was the right moment, but then again, Buck was pretty sure he’d be taking that secret to his grave. -- An urban fantasy AU where most things are the same, except there's magic and supernatural creatures!
now go stand in the corner and think about what you did by eddiediaztho @spagheddiediaz
Buck was the most forgiving person Eddie knew. In fact, Eddie was pretty sure that Buck was the most forgiving person that anyone knew. He had forgiven Maddie for leaving him when he needed her the most. He had forgiven his parents for their years and years of emotional neglect (amongst other things.) Hell, he had even forgiven that psychopath that blew up the fire truck that almost cost him his career and his life. Which is why Eddie was beside himself that he was going on hour twelve of the cold shoulder from his best friend.
you can see it with the lights out by yourcatfishfriend @your-catfish-friend 
Eddie has Halloween plans: stay home and mope because Chris is trick-or-treating with his friends instead of his dad. Buck interrupts to introduce Eddie to the joys of Adult Halloween, and Eddie realizes a few things.
i could get used to having you around by HungryHungryHippo @hippolotamus
Even so, there’s a certain intimacy in knowing Buck is comfortable there, cooking a meal with Eddie’s kid and saying - in different words - come home to us. The thought tugs at his heart, and within seconds, Eddie tosses his phone aside before throwing his truck in reverse. He thinks he might hear music when he approaches the front door. Inside, it’s difficult to decide what he notices first. Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now playing through the Bluetooth speaker, the aromatic blend of spices emanating from the kitchen, or the way his heart skips a beat when he sees Buck standing next to Christopher, laughing and stirring something on the stovetop. “What a homecoming,” Eddie praises. He’s 87% certain there’s a dopey, lovesick grin on his face. Chris and Buck both stop what they’re doing to turn and look. Buck smiles warmly, like someone much more important than Eddie’s just arrived.
Too busy being yours to fall for someone new by LadyDorian05 @ladydorian05 
Natalia helps Buck pick a couch for his apartment, but when the wrong one gets delivered he starts to think maybe it's some kind of cosmic sign from the universe. Determined to not let his best friend mope to death, Eddie decides it's time that he helps Buck find a couch so that he can stop associating a piece of furniture with the success or failure of his romantic relationships. And he does, Buck finds the one.
Flickers of Fate by steadfastsaturnsrings @steadfastsaturnsrings
"Did-Did the man who helped me pull out the dead solider survive?" Eddie mumbled, "He-He....said he was right behind me but then disappeared...Is he okay?" "There was no other man, Diaz, You were the last one out of the helicopter. You pulled out that solider all by yourself" The official standing over him responded, looking at Eddie curiously. Eddie opened his eyes again, trying to sit up. "Easy, Easy Diaz" The official soothed, putting his hand on Eddie's chest so he would lay back down
Paradise Blue by king_buckley @king-buckley
When Evan Buckley ran away from his problems to a resort in Italy, he never thought that the enigmatic bartender would have quite the impact on his life that he did. alt title - i went to italy and fell in love with the bartender and had to make a bartender!eddie au
tagging: @hippolotamus @exhuastedpigeon @steadfastsaturnsrings @monsterrae1 @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @buddierights @jamespearce9-1-1
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erxxi3 · 1 year
clothes shopping with jill as she teases reader the whole time before they have sex inside a changing room?? idk its just a prompt thats been on my mind~
Prompt that has been in your mind you say….. 😳
YESSSS OMG????!!?!!?
Jill would def shopping at those expensive ass stores like Victoria’s Secret and Pink choosing lingerie and the most revealing outfits for the reader to wear at home.
Btw thanks for requesting bc my inbox has been empty for a while and I was loosing hope to continue writing 😭
Bear with me bc I am so fucking tired rn and I think I left out the teasing part, so I am apologizing for my actions.
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It was a sunny afternoon, as you arrived to the mall with Jill to hit up some clothing stores after a long day of work. Stopping outside Victoria’s secret you looked at all of the mannequins displayed in the windows and tried your best to find one that matched your exact figure, while trying to not look like an idiot by ogling every available piece of clothing.
You knew you would have to do this for a few hours until Jill decided what she wanted to buy, then you asked a worker if she could recommend anything to her that she could surprise her girlfriend with when they get back home. She recommended this one short little light blue dress with white laced trim, you couldn't help but think it would fit you perfectly, even though you don't wear things like these and about wearing it tonight but didn't know how Jill will react to it, so you decided to go try it on not noticing Jill was following you.
As you walked into the changing room undressing and putting the lingerie on, a voice rang out behind you. It was Jill. “My, my. is this all for me?” You froze on the spot as your mind tried to place where this was going to go. When your eyes caught sight of her leaning against the door you couldn’t do much, as she went closer to you going behind you and wrapping herself around your waist pulling you into a kiss. The only thing you were thinking was that she was way too close for comfort. Needing to tell her that she shouldn’t do this here not in public at least, but before you could pull away from her you felt two hands slip under the material of the dress and touch your ass.
Pulling you tighter into her body which sent shivers down your spine as you moaned quietly, “Mmmh.. ohhhh” Your head falling back as you kissed her deeply and pulled away gasping for air. Her hands still caressing you through your clothes. “I can’t wait to rip these off of you. I’ve been thinking of this all day, so I brought something special.” Jill whispered into your ear while her hand was covering your mouth, her hands unzipped her pants dropping them onto the floor to reveal her strap-on spring up against your plush ass. Before your brain could catch up, you felt yourself being carried to face her leveling you wtih her strap, before slowly inserting inside you.
As she began thrusting into you faster and harder, you wrapped your arms tightly around her neck kissing her desperately, “mmh— Jill— haah—“ moaning out her name between each thrust, which was kind of loud to where she has to put her shirt in your mouth. “Keep quiet for me would ya`, baby?” Jill was quick to pick up on your signals of pleasure though she never thought that the shirt couldn’t keep your voice down.
“They could still hear us you know and they can hear how much a dirty slut you are too, so quiet down.” She sounded so demanding as her grip became harsher on your hips. “And please don’t make any sound or I won’t be able to let you finish.” Jill said looking deep into your eyes as she spoke. You nodded frantically as you felt yourself tighten around her strap, the sensation making you cry out for more. “Ohhh! god yes!!” You cried out, as she kept hitting just the right spot and the pleasure you were feeling was almost impossible to contain yourself. Your nails digging into her back and you started arching with your legs shaking uncontrollably.
“Please don’t stop... Oh, please!!!” Your cries echoed loudly, the whole store could probably hesr you. pounding her way into you until you started pornographicly moaning her name “You like that? don’t you, dirty slut?” Jill teased as you grabbed her hair and yanked it back, as her thrusting became rougher. “God— Y-yes! ohhhhhhhhh~” A wave of ecstasy overtook you as you reached your climax, and Jill let your legs drop limply from her grip as hers stopped pumping. Both of you breathing heavily. You were still hard and sore, you could feel her wet heat surrounding you and you both looked at each other.
“Well, that was definitely worth the price tag, sweetheart.” Jill winked at you as she zipped her jeans and put her shirt on. You nodded slightly as you took your time straightening your own clothes trying to hide the blush on your face, “Yeah, yeah, let's go find something else that fits me and we can leave this place.” And together you left the dressing room hand in hand. As you continued looking through the clothing store you finally found yourself settled on a pair of black laced panties and mstching thigh high socks. They suited you perfectly and the lace had small buttons on the side to button them up and open, so when you put them on you stood there admiring your body in the mirror.
After you paid for the items the employee said, “Thank you so much ma’am! We hope that it brings you joy, and we wish you a good day.” You smiled as you exited the store and headed back to the car. You hopped in as Jill locked the doors before climbing in the passenger seat and starting the ignition as she backed out of the lot.
Jill placed one of her hands on your inner thigh, caressing it softly as she turned up the radio, as you leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek as she drove home. After parking the car in the garage you both stepped out and made your way to the front door, unlocking it and walking in side by side. “So….” You said with a suggestive smile as you turned towards her with a glint in your eye.
“What do you want to do now, babe?” Jill chuckled and grabbed your butt squeezing a bit and rubbing, causing you to moan and lean in towards her as she rubbed you through your pantyhose teasing you further. She stopped and took both of your cheeks with her hands before saying, “Well I think it would be more appropriate for us to continue what we started earlier. So why don’t you take these off for me?”
She said as her hands ripped your pantyhose off…….
****************** ****************** ****************** *****
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Uncomfortable - Tim Drake (2/3)
Summary: [...] "Are you saying you are afraid of me?" "I wouldn't say afraid" Dick said, trying to sound casual "It's just the way you've been talking about everything these days. It makes everyone feel..." "Uncomfortable?" Tim asked, with a bitter grin, finally turning towards Dick "The probable consequences of what you all say and do to me make you uncomfortable, Dick?" [...] Extremely hurt Tim Drake living out of coffee and spite.
Wordcount: 930
Content Warnings: Angst; Deeply depressed Tim having deeply depressed people thoughts.
Notes: Sorry for the delay in posting, i feel like I'm almost selling my soul to finally get into college... Anyways, hope you're enjoying for now. Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated ❣️
Be careful and stay hydrated!
P.S.: Don't judge Timmy for being an asshole, specially about his "I'll simply close my eyes and ignore Cass" because, guess what, deeply tdepressed people ignore their loved ones quite oftenly.
Part 1 - Part 3
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Tim hated when Steph wasn’t around. 
She and Cass were the only ones he wouldn’t ever deny to be in the presence. Steph knew her limits and always made sure to be whatever Tim needed her to be, and for that, he was very grateful. Cass too. Maybe it was part of her naturally silent nature. Tim could simply enjoy being silent alongside her, and, even if she tried to communicate with him through sign language, he could simply be an asshole and close his eyes, turn away or pretend he didn’t see. 
He found himself being quite an asshole to them recently, and for that, he felt bad. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything about it. Tim simply hadn’t had the energy to try. 
So he decided to spend more time alone. Good thing the Manor had more than enough rooms for him to hide. Obviously, he had to avoid the closets and the kitchen. Alfred somehow had a spider sense about them and appeared immediately after he felt in his bones that someone dared to get inside his beloved kitchen. So now he was seated in the sofá of one of the living rooms with his laptop, working on a case.
Everything was fine, until Bruce stealthy got inside the room and sat beside Tim, who pretended not to care. 
Some years ago, he would be thrilled by his appearance - Bruce's emotional intelligence range was equal to a teaspoon, so when Tim was still little, every opportunity he had to try to win a piece of Bruce’s attention was unique. Tim could remember every frustrated bonding attempt he made towards Bruce. 
He remembered how much he tried to break Bruce’s walls down and how everytime he got some success, Bruce was quick in building up some more. It took him some years to realise that no matter how much he tried, he would never be like Dick or Jason to Bruce. He wasn’t chosen by him, he didn’t try to be his father figure, Tim already had a father. His relationship with Bruce was purely professional. 
Batman needs a Robin, and Tim was willingly going to do the job. 
Just so all that he ever worked for was taken away from him by Mr. “I don't want to be THE Batman anymore” and given to an entitled brat who tried to kill him.
Tim could hear his teeth grinding against each other in anger. He hated this fucking family.
— Are you going to tell me what's going on, Tim? — Bruce asked, hearing his son’s jaw clench and his eyes stare at the screen in a cold peace.
— No, I am not — The young man said, slowly, feeling his guts filling with rage.
It was simply too convenient for Bruce to choose when he was able to care about the children he brought into his life and decided to call his children. Simply too convenient to choose when he was going to be an available father figure and when he was going to be distant, when he was going to suffocate you with his uneasy stare because of his inability of simply taking conclusions about what was in front of him. Best detective in the world my ass. 
Bruce let out a deep sigh. He was tired.
— Tim, when you have a problem, you need to talk about it. We are your family, we want to help. — He said after some time.
— Well, it seems like my family gets “uncomfortable” when I talk about the problems, so I decided I simply won't talk about them at all — Tim answered, not caring about how bitter he sounded. He didn’t care that Bruce was tired. He didn’t care about any of that shit anymore — If I need help, I'll hire a therapist. I'm pretty sure I can afford It.
Bruce sighed again.
— I love you, Tim. Don't forget that.
Tim laughed bitterly, what scared Bruce. Once again, Tim found himself being an asshole. He had this particular laugh that freaked the whole family: a laugh mastered during the time when he was Joker Jr. He could see Bruce flinch in discomfort and his pupils filled with fear. They were afraid he was going to snap at any time. Good. They had reason enough to be afraid.
— You don't love me, Bruce — He simply said,closing the laptop angrily and getting up — Jason was dead, Dick was pissed and nobody else was stupid enough to try to get through your emotional walls. You had nobody else. You chose to keep me because you had nobody else. Batman needs a Robin and I were there to do the work, I got it. You don’t have to be a genius to know that.
— Tim, that's absolutely not true...
— I'm going to my chambers — Tim simply said.
— I am not done, Timothy!
— If you try to stop me, this will be the last time you'll ever see me around apart from patrol.I’m already emancipated, I’ll move out and Timothy Drake will never willingly cross paths with Bruce Wayne or any of his children again — The words came out of Tim's mouth like water from a tap. Absolutely fluid and cold. He had nothing else to lose, anyway, and he had already lived  away from the Manor for many months before. He surely could do this again. Bruce couldn't say a thing. He was too shocked by his son's attitude — Do both of us a favour and stop pretending to care. We both know you don't.
Bruce was too shocked to even let out a sigh.
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something that's been bothering me a little (🤏🏻) about the whole specials discourse is that all the things that were said about pran (AND PAT!!!!) and him (them) being insecure, as if these two years of relationship haven't meant anything to him (them) and haven't meant any growth, are just based on the wrong assumptios. would you like to consider instead... that growth isn't a straight line and that insecurities can coexist with the knowledge that someone loves you and cherishes you?
i know i am a deeply annoying person because i constantly worry that the people who are super close to me may get tired of me, or may think badly of me, or that i may become a bother to them. every single day. my best friend has been by my side since we were eleven—we're almost twenty-two now. i still ask her sometimes. i still wonder. why the fuck are they with me. why do they love me. aren't i too much of a nuisance? aren't i complaining too much? aren't i relying on them too much?
and the thing is, when you're a person like this it's extremely rare to actually do trust someone and to rely on them fully. so when you do, if they give you even the smallest hint that your insecurities may be right, it's chaos in your head. and pain, and sadness.
in pran's case it's also pride, sure. because of the specifics of his relationship with pat and the way they work together. but like, mine is a pretty general point.
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Actually yknow what I will elaborate. I am so fucking tired of all the hate surrounding BL3 (and New Tales but mostly BL3)'s story. While obviously it's not flawless, the way the discussion has evolved to "all of it should be non canon" bugs me.
First there's the issue of the criticism itself. I believe being able to accurately point out flaws in something is a part of being a huge fan of it, and 99% of the BL3 critiques I see online miss the point by a long shot.
All of these people crying over Maya's death being pointless and an assassination of her character when mentor death is a deeply established trope and said death is a catalyst for the rest of the story - when the big problem with it is lack of immediate impact and deeply lackluster eulogy.
Meanwhile, I barely ever see anyone talk about Aurelia's entire personality being sacrificed to fullfill a theme that barely even lands, or about Typhon's shitty parenting being portrayed in a positive fucking light for some stupid reason, or the foreshadowing that never landed...
Second, it just makes me distressed. I am autistic. Borderlands is my current special interest, and, for me, special interests are so important they are basically parts of me. I even measure my life in special interest eras rather than years.
That, combined with the fact a lot of the people in this fandom love jumping onto any BL3 related thing to give unsolicited criticism, just... hurts.
I made a post on r/borderlands3 recently that boiled down to "hey, I know a ton abt this game's lore, ask me questions about it and i will answer!", and one commenter wrote 4 entire line breaks on how the story sucks (not explicitly directed at me, but still) until actually getting to the question. Imagine if you made a post about a part of something that you really like and then someone basically said "well that part you love the most sucks".
Third, there absolutely were parts of this story that were good, but nobody talks about them. Or if they do, then they also get why they are good... wrong. (cough cough "Hammerlock & Wainwright are good because they're not camp gay in your face!!!!1!1!!")
TLDR holy shit man there's already 10000000 people screaming about how Ava is bad or whatever can we please stop this pointless circlejerk
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landgraabbed · 1 year
thank you for tagging me @irrewilderer! it’s a sims q&a thingamajig, under the cut! i will be very longwinded bc that’s how i roll
01: what’s your favorite sims death? the one you had when you got cursed by a mummy in ts3 world adventures. there is a lot of skeeviness around that whole pack, but i remember stumbling onto it in gameplay and it being deeply fucked up in a way recent installments refuse to match
02: alpha cc or maxis match? i lean maxis mix-ish but i don’t care about which way people lean ngl
03: do you cheat when your sims gain weight? this is a weird question and as someone who is experiencing a resurgence in [redacted] i think that whoever made this originally should be ashamed of themself.
04: do you use move objects? yes, no default sims grid placement may satisfy my hoarding tendencies.
05: favorite mod? ts2 needs a suite of mods to encourage it to not self-explode, but i am an acr enjoyer. with the right tuning it makes sims not breed like rabbits but have their own autonomy and people of interest that i find very enjoyable
06: first expansion/game/stuff pack you got? i believe that i got ts1 bundled with some expansion pack? so whichever one came after that until dad got tired and learned how to pirate so i could enjoy games hehe
07: do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? alive, i don’t care if it’s the wrong way
08: who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? it has to be jess. it’s silly but writing her at times allows me to work through some shit of my own.
09: have you made a simself? i never cared to until i got me a wife who lives very far away from me hehe
10: what sim traits did you give yourself? no idea tbh, i forgot (i reek of ts3 absent minded trait)
11: what is your favorite EA hair color? the witching hour defaults and addon palette by pyxis my beloved
12: favorite EA hair? no friggin’ idea my dude
13: favorite life stage? this question would only make sense if eaxis put any thought into life stages other than young/adult since the release of the generations ep. but i’ve recently been reminded of how fun the ts2 teens are.
14: are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? is build/buy not a gameplay function? i can’t build to save my life but i enjoy decorating and live mode (in ts2 mostly)
15: are you a CC creator? as need and want hit me
16: do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? LMFAO what kinda question is this!! no i don’t have a simblr avengers squad or anything and i’m over caring about it. there’s people in the community i’m fond of but i’m not trying to join or create a clique
17: what’s your favorite game? listen. i am going to obtusely pretend that this isn’t a sims interrogatory and talk about the games that have my heart right now bc i can’t choose a single game. you have been warned.
now and forever, the games that miyazaki has directed at fromsoftware, particularly the souls series and bloodborne (i haven’t played elden ring yet but i KNOW i will adore it) are very special to me. bloodborne is a masterpiece. and i am sad that discourse has morphed these games into everything that’s wrong with Gamers and Gatekeeping. the games and the 99% of the community aren’t about that. i walked into them as someone who’d mostly played games casually but loved the games that approach storytelling indirectly. i fell in love with the marriage of gameplay and theming. i love how miyazaki approaches storytelling as an act of archaeology. the world was there long before you. you’re a nobody. things are bleak and you can’t get a straight answer out of anything, but you have other people going through it with you. you can imbue meaning and history into things, and that is beautiful. and i am bitter that one can’t say that the games don’t need an easy mode without being deemed a gatekeeper. (the games were designed with multiplayer that allows other players to cooperate with you and help you. there are gameplay styles that make things easier. all out of the box)
i am a known tes lover but morrowind is the apple of my eye. it’s weird listening to essays about modern day open world design and its pitfalls and to see how morrowind largely circumvents these issues, all the way back in 2002. the lore is amazing and once more it places a large chunk of the meaning making on the player’s hands. vvardenfell is a wonderful region of morrowind and i enjoy the diverse landscapes from the humid and mysterious bitter coast, the harsh ashlands, and the welcoming breadbasket which are the ascadian isles (lovely until you stumble upon the plantations). the exploration and navigation are unmatched and nothing will ever match the skill that is navigating the world through in game directions and learning the silt strider, boat, and stronghold routes. not to get into mark/recall/almsivi and divine intervention. you arrive at vvardenfell as a stranger and the world is hostile, but as the character becomes more familiar with the land you the player master the transversal and that’s honestly some sexy marriage of theming and gameplay. some aspects have aged horribly which is why these days i play with the amazing sexual harassment remover mod.
i think everyone owes it to themself to play outer wilds (NOT worlds). it plays into the strengths i mentioned above. i can’t say much because it ruins the purpose of the game. it’s a tender bastard of a game that makes me so happy that i am alive at a time i can play it and makes me cry every time i listen to tracks from its ost. the writing is maybe the best i have ever witnessed in any art form (“the pain of your absence is sharp and haunting, and i would give anything to not know it; anything but never knowing you at all (which would be worse)”). just play it. i wish i could hire someone to bonk me on the head and give me selective amnesia so i could play it for the first time again. just. play. it.
there’s more, like octopath traveler which is quickly climbing through the ranks, darkest dungeon, pillars of eternity, project zomboid, dragon’s dogma, journey, and more
also, it’s ts2.
18: do you have any sims merch? ew, no
19: do you have a youtube for sims? ew, no
20: how has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? it has, but i’m not quite sure i can describe it? it’s been decades of sims so of course it’s changed.
21: what’s your origin id? come back with a warrant
22: who’s your favorite cc creator? i am a known sforzcc simp
23: how long have you had a simblr? wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy (too long)
24: how do you edit your pictures? i use Very Legitimate photoshop. these days i just run a photopeia action that gives it some color aberration and slap some noise on it.
25: what expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? i love sims 2 freetime? hobbies are such a great addition to the game that just fits in seamlessly with the rest of the game
26: what expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? the eaxis stop shoving shit into ts4 and fix issues and let the modders have it pack
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
No listen, hornet was designed to mirror my trauma perfectly.
She's from two different places, both of which she doesn't feel like she belongs to, now suddenly stuck in a foreign land so so far away from anything resembling "home" that is exploiting the people of one side of her heritage, that of deepnest.
And the only reason she's they haven't caught her is due to the other side of her heritage, that of hallownest, that of the pale king, a side of her heritage that completly rejected the other, feeling like the other was beneath them. And that is the side allowing her special treatment, just enough to allow her to escape pharloom's grasp.
Do you think hornet feels guilt that the wyrm blood she carries, knowing that it is the only reason she isn't farm stock. Knowing that she owes the Deepnest side of her heritage.
Do you think she's tired? She thought she repented for the wyrm blood she carries by protecting the seals, for overlooking the land (her land?) In her father's stead. But now the one side of her heritage that she thought safe, the people she thought escaped are trapped and she must take the vigil again.
But she's so tired.
She thought she was done seeing people like her being mistreated, growing up alongside the pure vessel knowing that neither of them would have existed if not for this Plauge, feeling like their father sees the pair of them as nothing but a bitter debt. But now seeing the way pharloom treats the Deepnest immigrants she's reminded yet again that the world around her sees her as lesser.
Yet like with the pure vessel that she is still in a position of privilege, that she has it so much better.
This lack of singular heritage protects her.
Had she's been purely the pale king's child she'd have been tossed in the abyss like all the others
Had she been purely Herrah's child she'd have been farmed for silk by pharloom or consumed by the Plauge.
She's like a pet bird, yes caged, but not slaughtered like a chicken would, that must fuck with her.
God she must be so tired. But she won't say so, because she doesn't believe herself deserving of exhaustion.
I can't actually delve much into pharloom and Deepnest yet since we don't know much about them, which is why I cut the "essay" in the OG post short.
But if I were to say anything I'd say that Pharloom feels very Christian to me, while Deepnest is very much not, though I can't say which culture they're coded as. Which is fascinating because pharloom clearly accepts immigrants, or pilgrims as we saw in the trailer. It suggests to me that Pharloom is only accepting immigration from nations they deem "civilised", aka bug Christian, or at least willing to assimilate.
However the weavers are not willing to assimilate, and even if they were they look so different to the average bug, which means they cannot. I may be projecting but it's like how if you're a brown middle Eastern guy you can't exactly assimilate into western culture even if you wanted to cause you're not white.
Because of this pharloom keeps the weavers only for their labour and away from the eyes of tourists and pilgrims, to continue this facade of a "civilized" nation, afraid that the "barbaric" (aka not bug Christian) reputation of the Deepnest immigrants would taint that.
It's similar to how if you were to be hired into a factory job here in Europe or any major labor intensive job that is away from the eyes of the public it's filled with immigrants, as if the company knows that they'll accept harsher conditions. No I'm not speaking from personal experience whatever gave you that idea, heh, but seriously it's fucked I hope hornet tears pharloom into shreds.
OP I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH THANK YOU FOR THIS MEAL. I think the only thing I disagree on is Hornet's reaction to the burden of her heritage- I think she would be deeply, bitterly angry about it, a sort of ice-cold anger that mingles with the exhaustion yet overwhelms all else- but mmmmm YES this is so good. Hornet being a person stuck between worlds is something that is both her greatest strength, and yet also incredibly isolating for her. She was Deepnest's strongest heir because she was born of Wyrm and Beast, and yet she is still half-mortal compared to her siblings, formed of God and Void. She is the heir to Deepnest, but she is known as the Daughter of Hallownest, and ends up being its protector in the entirety when the Radiance massacred all who were not strong enough to resist her. She's got so much strength, but that strength led to more burdens placed on her shoulders, and now she's trapped in a foreign land far from home, captured like the rest of her tribe, yet tasked with freeing them because her divine blood gives her that edge over the people of Pharloom that her Weavers do not. It must be exhausting, being Hornet, but I'm hoping that some of that lonlieness will be dispelled by meeting fellow outcasts. I sure as fuck can relate to her, as the son of an immigrant and someone disconnected from their family/culture- it's part of why she's one of my favorite characters. Even if she's beloved by one or the other, she'll never fully fit in to either
I also agree on Pharloom having very Christian vibes, what with the rosaries and rigid religious structure and all. It's an interesting contrast from the Radiance, actually, who also gives me strong Christian vibes, but more in the sense of the old testament, wrathful sort of divinity. Pharloom, on the other hand, reminds me more of the corruption wrought by the church; the bounds placed upon others seem to be institutional, and the system of exploitation also seems to be baked into the social power dynamic rather than what we saw in Hollow Knight, where two divine beings that could not comprehend the lives of mortals ended up killing everyone in the nuclear blast radius of squabbling over their worship. It was not institutional; it was animalistic. The fact that Pharloom has a gilded citadel with which immigrants or pilgrims must struggle from the bottom up feels like a metaphor for climing the social ladder, where each rung you jump to demands more of your previous life lost. Those who conform easily and/or are native to Pharloom get to navigate comfortably up the ladder, while those who stick to their own cultural traditions (like the Weavers) are enslaved and exploited. We've yet to see the God of Pharloom, if there even is one, but so far Pharloom really does give me 'extremely strong and corrupt religious political power' vibes from the brief glimpses we see of it. Maybe that's just bc its actually alive instead of the gods being the only ones kind of clinging on, but still. Pretty sure rosaries are a Catholic thing?? Which pairs pretty nicely lots of gilded extravagance and exploitation, lmfao
Either way though, its vibes are absolutely rancid. I sure as fuck hope we see Hornet tearing out its bloated underbelly in Silksong, or at least personally beating back whatever caused the problem. After who knows how many centuries guarding the corpse of a kingdom felled by the folly of gods, she deserves a little regicide. As a treat
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marnz · 1 year
some thoughts about life right now;
i've been on a really intense project since late July and let me tell you, i am tired! i'm one of the few people at my job that specialize in this type of work--we are excited to train more--but for now i am just hanging out here preparing to trade one high pressure project for another for the foreseeable future. which ultimately is fine! even though it can be stressful, I would rather be doing this type of work, which is interesting and super fulfilling and matters a lot to me, than other types of work, which do not feel fulfilling and are actually pretty boring.
it's a little confusing to find myself here because last year i went on medical leave for mental health reasons and prior to that i was doing a very different kind of work, and when i came back in january they started me off with this new kind of work (which i do prefer) with basically no training from my supervisor. which is fine, i am comfortable learning on the fly and/or teaching myself, and i have both a lot of experience doing this and a lot of experience in Complex Projects, albeit in a different practice area. then i moved onto this project in late july. so like again very little training in this specific type of work but i assure you, nothing is as stressful as my last job was. and i do love this project! even though it's stressful! i've since learned that this is just going to be my specialty! which like...i am happy with the outcome but i feel like i sort of tripped and fell into it in the least expected way possible.
while thinking about it, i think i thought i'd only make it to this kind of work, this kind of project, by working hard--and i had a specific idea of what working hard looked like, what striving looked like. but i have been working hard for the last year or so, healing, learning, growing, recovering, all of it. and that is hard work. and by taking time to tend to myself, and grow and change and learn and heal, i became ready for this kind of stressful work. and that's not the narrative we have around this. culturally we have a narrative of self sacrifice and unpaid overtime and being really fucking type A and having unhealthy work/life balance, but as soon as I stepped away and said actually, i've had enough, i will not burn my life out for you, i started down a road that led me to doing the type of work i want to do in a healthier and more prepared way. and that's fucking awesome!
for now i am just trying to make it to the end of this project in mid october. which means coping skills, baby! wish i could write but i don't have capacity for it rn, and that's fine. so my priorities are: maintenance days (cleaning/chores). reading. knitting. baking. yoga. hiking. i want to make life as easy and cozy for myself as possible right now.
i haven't knit for several months and I'm thinking of trying my first sweater--this gorgeous sweater called Mountain Mist. however i've never done colorwork before so the pattern suggests doing the same colorwork in a swatch hat (here) to practice. i am SO HYPE!!! this pattern is also admittedly deeply my aesthetic. i showed it to my partner and he laughed bc it's so typically me lol. i also checked out the first book in Tana French's Dublin Murders series on audiobook to listen too while knitting. spooky season means murder mysteries. 🥰
also my work office is being remodeled so i will be working from home for the next 6ish months, and we're preparing to overhaul my little work corner in our house so it is better/more ergonomic/has more storage/is cuter. also i am going to get a standing desk for my poor knees 😵‍💫 recently worked from 8:30 to 9:30 and my knees hurt sooooo bad 😩
it's nice to know that a year ago i wouldn't have been able to handle this project or really know how to slow down and prioritize self care and after a ton of hard work on my mental health i'm now i'm like, well, it is a bit stressful but we got this. progress 😌💖
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baggebythesea · 2 years
Queens of the Horde - Tumblr exclusive curtain call
"Aaaaaaaand scene," Double Trouble said and bowed deeply. The audience applauded politely. Double Trouble did a little wave, and the curtain opened behind them, showing the rest of the cast smiling and waving at the audience.
"That concludes the final act of our show 'Queens of the Horde'," Double Trouble said to the audience. "Please, give a hand for our lead actresses, Glimmer and Catra!"
Beaming, the two queens stepped forward with Adora in tow and bowed deeply.
"Tell me," Double Trouble said. "What was it like carrying the narrative."
"Too much like work," Catra said. "But at least Sparkles was cute when she was mopey."
"I got to play the bad girl AND the hero," Glimmer said with a smug smirk. "It was great."
"And how about you, Adora," Double Trouble leered. "What do you think of the ending?"
"Can't hear you over the sound of me hugging Catra and Glimmer for a MONTH!" Adora said, burying her face in Catra's fur.
"And let's here it for our breakout characters," Double Trouble went on. "Jack and Frosta, also known as 'Jack Frost' or 'Snowbunny'. Thank you!"
An enthusiastic Frosta dragged a blushing Jack with her to the middle of the stage. Jack attempted a bow, but before they knew it Frosta had scooped them up in a big kiss, to the 'Oooh's and 'Aaaw's of the rest of the cast.
"How does it feel, knowing that the readers think you're the cutest thing of the entire fic?" Double Trouble asked.
"Darn tooting we are," Frosta grinned while Jack looked at the floor without being able to answer.
"What will you do now?" Double Trouble pressed on.
"We're off to a well earned vacation," Frosta said. "Did you know that Jack has never seen a hot spring? I'm taking them to Mystacor."
"You don't have to tell them that..." Jack mumbled, not looking at the audience.
"Sorry, you're just so adorable when you're flustered," Frosta teased as they stepped to the side of the stage.
"And a big hand for our lovely support characters," Double Trouble cried. "Bow, Scorpia, Entrapta, Lonnie, Netossa, Spinnerella, Perfuma, Mermista, Sea Hawk, all the rest of you, let's give them a big hand... don't set fire to the set, Hot Stuff."
The stage filled up with people as everyone tired to fit in - or in the case of Kyle, tried to hide behind the rest.
"I for one am very proud of everyone," Bow said. "This has been a great show."
"Go us," Mermista said with dry voice and snuffed out a torch Sea Hawk was secretly trying to light.
"DID SOMEONE SAY SWIFT WIND?" the flying horse said has he landed with a crash on the stage, forcing people to flee.
"And let's not forget our Villains," Double Trouble went on as Swift Wind was ushered off the stage. "Can't have proper drama without a good antagonist." Stiffly and without acknowledging each other's presence, Hordak and Shadow Weaver walked up on stage. They glared at the audience for a moment without bowing.
"Now when the fic is over, what's your thoughts?" Double Trouble asked.
"My part was mercifully short," Hordak grumbled.
"Exactly the flat melodrama one could expect from a story staring Catra," Shadow Weaver sniffed. "I am however deeply disappointed in Micah's daughter who wastes her potential on this kind of drivel."
"It's called romance," Glimmer leered, holding Catra and Adora tighter.
"I know what I said," Shadow Weaver said and left the stage with a harrumph.
"The author wishes to thank all of us for doing a great job," Bow said, entering the stage and reading from a letter. "With a special shot-out to Jack for being a really considerate Original Character (the author has been kinda shy about writing those before so thanks for easing them into it) and a special fuck-you to Catra for being emotionally complex and making the fic ten chapters longer than it would otherwise have been."
"Can't let that fucker have it too easy," Catra smirked, while Frosta and Glimmer high fived the flustered Jack.
"The author also wishes to thank the audience," Bow went on. "Every like, reblog, kudos, read, comment, piece of art, spotify-list, tv-trope entry, theory, 'damn you'... It has been an incredible journey, and your engagement has made it all worth it. Thank you so much."
"They are just fishing for more comments, aren't they?" Lonnie sighed.
"Never deny an artist their curtain call," Double Trouble smirked.
"There sadly won't be a sequel," Bow went on, reading from the letter, "but if it were, it would have been about taking down Horde Prime with cunning and teamwork, and the author doesn't feel up to another multiple chapter story of that magnitude."
"Go read 'Queen Glimmer - Supreme ruler of the universe' for that kind of story," Glimmer quickly piped in.
"Then what will be the author's next project?" Double Trouble asked.
"Well, obviously they need another big Glitra project," Catra immediately said. "I know they had an s1 story planned awhile back..."
"...or maybe some Glimmadora?" Adora blushed. "A sequel to Glimmer's hero?"
"Or perhaps another entry in the 'Baker and the Biker' series?" Bow hopefully said.
"All excellent options," Glimmer grinned. "And of course 'Glimmer dates everyone' is still woefully incomplete."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Catra said with an eyeroll. "The author has a type."
"So do you," Glimmer said with a sweet smile, causing Catra to turn away her face to hide a blush.
"And 'You even taste like Glitter' will keep update monthly," Bow explained. "Apparently something big is planned for two or three chapters from now."
"Will Catra finally pop the question?" Glimmer teased.
"Shut up, Sparkles," Catra muttered.
"I heard they are taking a stab at original fiction," Double Trouble helpfully said. "A short story about creepy princesses, and then something with mermaids?"
"What?" Glimmer said in indignation. "Why would they want to write about a dumb mermaid instead of me?"
"Because mermaids are, like, awesome," Mermista said with a little smug smile.
"Right you are, my oceanic blossom!" Sea Hawk rumbled and put his arms around her shoulders. She rolled her eyes and moved a bit closer to him.
"Yeah, whatever," Catra said with an eyeroll of her own. "We all know they'll write about a pink princess named 'Flimmer' in half a year or so anyway."
"That's trademark violation!" Glimmer gasped.
"Hate to break it to you, Glimmer," Bow said with a gentle smile, "but you are not the first pink princess in history."
"No, but I'm the best," Glimmer countered.
"You'll find the author's original fiction at Writer's Café and Royal Road, pen name Bagge," Double Trouble quickly interjected. "However, they promise that they won't give up on fanfic either. There will be more Glimmer stories to come."
"There'd better be," Glimmer sniffed.
"Anyway," Double Trouble said, while the cast took another deep bow. "Thank you everyone - cast and readers alike - for sharing this journey. Tons of fun were had, and there will be more where that came from. Keep making fandom great and have a grand ol' time."
They looked straight at the audience.
"And scene."
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hyperfixationspam · 2 years
the thing that really gets me about the way izzy acts in episode 10 is that he could have used the situation to his advantage. he could have been the same shitty person he always has been while still under the guise that he's doing whats best for ed. before this, he has idolized blackbeard but acknowledged that ed is not completely that idol, he just wants him to act like he is. (to protect him of course!) when ed is upset about killing stede, izzy acknowledges these feelings and doesnt even belittle them but tries to convince him that theyre better off ignoring
if izzys goal was to get ed away from stede so he could go back to "normal" he has won! it wouldve been so easy for izzy to see ed miserable and heartbroken and say "see? i told you so. he was a phase. i am still here. i know what is best for you. listen to me and you will be safe." ed wouldve been VERY susceptible to that
but izzy just completely abandons all pretense of caring about ed. he sees ed being his true self and being honest and realizes that he couldnt care less about this person. he cant stand to look at him being even slightly effeminate without becoming violent and abusive. "edward" is not a special secret name only he can use anymore, it's a fucking stupid name for a useless man because ed actually wants to be referred to that way. "blackbeard" is no longer an idealized image for an intelligent but deeply erratic man to hide behind to stay safe, it's a violent irrational creature that is the only thing that is worthwhile about the man who embodies it. izzy completely abandons his misguided but at least sensible views of ed and what is best for him, because he realizes that he is NOT what is best for ed and that he doesnt actually give a shit
now ed is being violent like izzy wants but now what? hes a miserable shell of himself. stede is going to come back and ed is going to collapse in on himself because he cant do this anymore. imagine if izzy had leaned into ed's emotional intelligence that he was strengthening while coping with stede's betrayal. ed couldve fully accepted what lucius told him and LET GO OF STEDE. stede could come back and ed would be like "man i dont need you. you hurt my feelings but thats ok bc i am enough without you." sure they wouldve probably made up eventually, but izzy wouldve gotten a much more stable version of what he wants from ed. but this version of ed is sensitive and tired and feels worthless and will probably be MORE receptive to stedes apologies because he just wants to lay down and feel loved for a minute, heartbreak be damned. and izzy is going to realize that pushing ed to the brink has once again completely backfired on him because he was too angry and impulsive to actually sit down and think about the consequences of his treatment of ed for two fucking seconds
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trckstaer · 1 year
Tumblr media
— genuinely one of the longest posts I have ever posted.
A brief note that every single one of my muses has a half-blood verse and a daemon verse that I am always excited to use !
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Marvel
May Parker's home for injured vigilantes. Head emergency room nurse May who, after realising her nephew is a vigilante adopts a ' as long as you do it under my roof so I can make sure you're safe ' policy, starts having other heroes dropped on her fire escape to patch up. Also, her cancer storyline would be epic to write.
Uncle Ben who lives and loses his arm in the shooting but is around enough to help Peter when he needs it, keep him good and moral without having to die to make sure it happens, makes space so Peter can fix up his suit whilst he works late in the garage.
Peter realises he is very genuinely the lamest Spider-Man in every universe. He has no special talents, cannot do ballet, annoys the fuck out of Miguel and burned all bridges with the billionaire he knew post accords.
Make Matt use his senses, and explore the world around him with them. Very rarely does he get the chance to just sit with them ; during the day he has to act like a regular blind person, and as Daredevil it's all about adrenaline and moving fast. Also, I am a sucker for one-night stand threads with him, because he is a player until he gets his person.
Frank being forced to be soft and gentle with your muse and taking care of them when they're hurt is super important to me however, I also adore the threads where the Punisher just gets to be insane and talented with his weapons in a fight.
Dadpool taking care of his daughter and being responsible and careful and still insane. Wade breaking into the spiderverse and being the fucking worst. Deadpool meets deities when he's waiting for Lady Death to send him back post-mortem.
Someone being kind to Vanessa, treating her gently and asking to see her skin, not the disguise that Copycat and Xavier thought up together for her to wear.
Slice of life in the Hellhouse stuff ! People are confronted with the reality of what Weasel goes through in a day of getting mercenaries weapons and jobs. Weasel vs Spider-Man stuff where he finally gets to confront Peter Parker.
I'd be really into a thread where Hawkeye is forced to drop his dumb guy act and people are reminded that he is a highly competent spy and archer with abilities beyond what is publicly known.
College years Rhodey being the exhausted roommate of one Anthony Stark. Rhodey mourning his sister. Rhodey learning to be a good uncle and primary carer to his niece Lila.
Let Happy Hogan date one of his bosses, boy has never met an authority figure he didn't fall immediately and deeply in love with.
Despite raising his two sons, Vision finally finds people that help him understand and find respite from how alone he so often feels.
After the death of his momma, Harley Keener who is raising his baby sister and selling his inventions on the black market, all while running his family farm alone is suddenly confronted with being moved out to New York for college and someone stepping up to help him finally.
Johnny Storm makes a good, reliable friend who finally helps him shake that horrific loneliness he is constantly plagued with, helps him deal with the trauma and addiction and also is just good at making sure the trouble he gets into is lighthearted.
After being stranded on a planet ( very possibly earth ) Nebula very quickly grows a beautiful and extravagant nursery of plants and tries to ignore how she doesn't really fit in anywhere.
Very tired, very grumpy, teacher Wolverine who honestly doesn’t want to be there but also doesn’t want the grief he’d get from his coworkers if he tried to quit the academy.
Bubbly, over-excited teacher, Kid Omega, who’s on strict probation because of the whole trying to start riots thing, but still won't stop talking to the kids about why policing minorities is a problem. 
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Mythology
Biblical Mythology
Famously irresponsible Gabriel being the last eligible angel left to take on the role of leader of Heaven, them being forced to go back despite the last time they were there being the day they fled after losing their wife and children in the war. Them having to take care of something even when it's hard.
Imprisoned Uriel having visitors in any form, maybe souls who escaped their Heavens or other angels sneaking in or ! Her escaping and being taken in by the people who find her on earth, being confused and gullible.
Tired of endlessly partying and fighting, Balthazaar finds offers up his services as an archivist for the hunters instead, documenting everything he can remember about Heaven no matter how painful.
Greek Mythology
Ares takes care of something on earth and falls completely in love with a mortal, finding them so beautiful and hiding them away so Aphrodite has no chance of finding them and becoming jealous, living as much of their life with them as he possibly could — going so far as to abandon all of his duties to stay by their side.
Any and all interactions with the other Gods. Persephone who is seen as a child far too often for her liking, instead of the incredibly powerful and dramatic Goddess that she is, proving everyone wrong and being part of the solution.
The other strategic and intelligent Gods taught Phobos about wisdom and war when he was young and him looking up to them and crushing on them for the whole of his life.
After being cursed by the fates for spreading dread to the entire human population instead of just soldiers as he was meant to, I think it would be really cool to do a thread where Deimos first starts losing his mind and gaining his incredibly difficult-to-deal-with amounts of empathy and is found doing not-so-great by another muse.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Literature
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
No longer a vampire and only newly a shadowhunter, Simon struggles to find places where he fits in because neither group is warm to him ; the downworlders not trusting him anymore, and the shadowhunters not trusting him yet.
University professor Ragnor Fell being manic and obsessed with how intelligent his students are and unable to stop talking about it to his friends, whether he's working at a mundane school or at the shadowhunter academy.
Your muse opens the door to Catarina who is exhausted, with her little girl ( Madzie ) in tow, who starts her introduction with the sentence ' it has been a week and a half since I have had a conversation with someone who was not a patient in the emergency room or four, please can I come have a coffee ? '
The Riordanverse
A verse to explore what would have happened if Thalia had claimed the prophecy to spare both Percy and Nico a miserable fate once she saw how much it meant to the camp.
Dark Percy. I am desperate to explore a verse in which maybe Percy can’t save his mom and so turns his back on the gods in order to join Luke, especially once he's told about the prophecy and realises Chiron's plan had been to raise him like a lamb to slaughter.
Resurrected as a God in order to be punished for eternity, Luke is sent to Camp Half-Blood to serve his time there as a carer of the half-bloods he would have fought in the war had they been older at the time he brought Kronos back.
The Hunger Games
In a lot of the discussions I have about Cato post the end of the rebellion, I talk about the boy who is barely an adult who sits on his porch and watches the woods all day almost paralysed in fear but I want a thread where someone gets through to him and proves to him that it is worth making amends where he needs to and healing and learning to be a person with the aid of your muse.
More than anything, I want threads where someone is kind to Katniss, and in return, Katniss is kind back. After losing everything, and trying to heal over all of her grief, there is a forceful part of Katniss that wants to learn to be nice and gentle because she doesn't have to be a defence between herself and her people anymore.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Television
Stranger Things
Someone notices how Heather is living, how her parents don't talk about her or how she does everything for herself, way sooner. I want a thread where Heather offers support to someone and in return there is another voice ( an actual friend unlike all the people that call her a friend but really just use her for status, sex, or parties ) to fill up the silence she's usually surrounded by.
It would be super exciting to write literally any thread with Jason post-season 4 : his recovery where someone finally forces him to get out of bed and start doing his physical therapy, something during his manic period when he finally tasted freedom in college and goes a little mad with it and then comes back to Hawkins in the holidays covered in tattoos and piercings with hickeys on his neck, kind Jason who is good and worked to make amends in the town before going off to medical school and then starts working at a hospital's pediatric unit where he bumps into a familiar face from his past and their kid.
Vampire Eddie coming back to Hawkins to check on his Uncle after his reputation was saved and he was proven innocent. The government provides him money and coolers of something to make up for the abandonment he faced by them in the Upside Down. Him making it big time with Corroded Coffin. Eddie goes to the gay bar an hour and a half out of town with the handkerchief in his back pocket and runs into a familiar face.
Raised in Hawkins but having fled as soon as she could, Susan moved back with just her daughter Max as soon as she realised the type of man Neil was. She finally claims her dad’s house with the promise to herself that she would get rid of any trace of him in there. It gives her the ability to pay attention to Max the way a mom should.
The way that Benny keeps his diner open late for the truckers that bring him a lot of business, but also because Benji's diner was the only place that was open late enough for Benny to get some rest when his abusive piece of shit dad kicked him out at night, and he wants to be able to offer that respite wherever he can to whoever needs it.
Similarly, the open door policy that Wayne Munson enforces consistently for the sake of other kids like his boy Eddie and his old partner Robbie. Steve needs to escape from that big empty house ? Maxine finding it hard to sleep with her mom on the night shift ? Literally any kid who needs a safe space ? He just wants them to know they can knock on his door and sleep on the pullout sofa bed if they need a place.
Any and all Benny Lafitte being the lord of purgatory threads.
Bobby’s junkyard being operational and a known hunter-safe camp where he ends up being a surrogate dad for most of the time, but also finally having help with the stuff that’s a little more difficult from his chair.
The Last of Us
Maybe a verse where Joel managed to save Sarah but the two grew apart because in a world where she lives, Joel never has to angelify her. They talk and Joel helps with his grandbaby whenever he can but at the end of the day, they are both traumatised and Joel made mistakes as a dad. I want a thread where Joel still goes out to deliver Ellie, but has a reason to go home again after.
Very slowly, Bill relaxes around your muse and starts trusting that things are going to be okay at least for a while and as long as he keeps up his defences around the village. He even goes as far as to let the occasional desperate survivor stay as long as they didn't touch his supplies or arsenal and didn't pose a risk.
The Walking Dead
It would be cool to do a thread where Negan is locked under house arrest and raising Dylan as best he can, taking care of her and only occasionally seeing any other living people. Your muse drops off one of his deliveries of formula or whatever for his baby girl and Negan convinces them to stay for a while.
Any and all threads where Lori proves she is worthwhile : threads where something the kids have learned from her saves the day, threads where she is willing to risk herself to help the babies, threads where her experience as a mother helps the new mothers. Threads where she paints and helps people relax just a little by teaching them to as well.
Doctor Who
The Doctor saving everyone for once and is furious after and having to explain that the reason why is because he couldn't even do that for his own people, not even for his own husband, his own children.
Really really into the idea of Hannibal teaching someone to cook. No matter at what part of the verse — pre-fall, post-fall, in a beach house in another country and your muse knows him by another name — I think the idea is super fun. Whether or not your muse knows he's a cannibal, I think there's room for Hannibal to be charming and seductive and snarky.
FBI agent Jack Crawford getting to show off that he is damned good at his job, no matter what's happening with Riley or Bella, him proving that he was given his role for a reason. Also I have been obsessed with the idea since I read about it but Jack figuring out Will's confliction before it becomes obvious because he was a profiler once and a good enough one to be head of his department.
Any and all explorations of John's past and how it affects his present. His time as a Captain in the army makes up so much of who he is now and how he is even with his daughter Rosie, that it seems strange how little it came up in canon.
Being captured and returned to Camelot whilst pregnant with her son, Morgana being held captive because at this point in the story, she is still seen as an easily manipulated girl who fell down the wrong path. Merlin tells her about his magic and the two of them commiserating with each other. Morgana trying to make amends.
Good dad verse where Uther loves his son more than he hates magic, he realises this when he catches Merlin saving Arthur for the first time and captures Merlin secretly. Alongside his paycheck, he gives the sorcerer books on magic that had been long since banned and in return, Merlin is to continue keeping his boy alive — as long as the magic stays a secret.
Just the general adventures of first knight Leon, him trying to decide whether magic is good or evil based on his own experiences with it rather than the fact that Uther helped raise him after his sister died.
Lord Gwaine who has to go home and claim his land and titles once his sister becomes gravely ill or else risks losing his knighthood. I so desperately want to write Gwaine as his intended, bratty self.
˖ ࣪⭑ . . . Original Characters
I think it would be cool to have Elaerea meet someone who, in a better reality, would have been a bigger part of her life such as Sansa when she spent time at the vale or Jon or Ned. Also, maybe threads between her and other Targaryens or even Bran since they both have the power of sight ( even if Elaerea's is so much less broad ).
Any threads where MJ gets to spend time with the rest of the Watson family. Any threads where he gets to interact with the spider-verse. Any future threads where we see MJ in soft domestic situations with their Spider-Man ( maybe even with their own Mayday ).
I want Edie to have friends who can help her be a normal woman who gets to do ordinary young adult things like going to bars and painting her room. Edie needs to be able to make her own choices and prove to herself that she is worth more than who her father or brother was.
Workaholic Melanoë being very gently coaxed into having fun and being reckless. Cautious Noë letting loose and fighting a jerk who tries to push her around. Counselor Noë helping your muse cope a little better after a battle.
I would be really invested in threads where people witness Mercury reading aloud and manifesting things into reality, and them surprising him by not asking anything of him once they know.
Any and all interactions where Mapone gets to talk to other legacy kids, because whilst I love and obsess over the idea of her being a brat to the older trying to help train her, I also like the idea of her making friends and getting into trouble with the others.
Candace Nelson being a general nuisance to herself and others: ditching school and ending up in trouble and needing rescuing, teaching your middle aged blorbo slang, and generally being a teenager.
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um-prompts · 2 years
62 writing prompts based on my songfic playlist!
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Featured: kill the lights set it off • choke i don't know how but they found me • cannibal tally hall • feel better penelope scott • ramblings of a lunatic bears in trees • idk if i'm a boy blue foster • asthma attack noahfinnce
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"I'm afraid the spotlight dried you up."
"You make me sick with all the lies that you spill."
"Not even death could stand in the way."
"You never even tried in the first place."
"kill the lights, kill the actor, kill the actress."
"I'll break your pretty face."
"Oh, you clever little things."
"What a precious basket case."
"If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate."
"Bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep."
"You get everything you want."
"Money always talks to the idiot savants."
"I am the willing victim of a cannibal."
"She rips out my bones just like I'm an animal."
"When I'm feeling like my blood is drained, she calls it a game."
"The wound she leaves is unmistakable."
"I'm not the only one she has come to see."
"They could be the ones to make her believe."
"She's a phantom."
"Please, won't you tear me open wide?"
"I don't wanna feel better."
"No one's ever gonna love me like that again."
"I don't wanna get over you."
"I'd give anything to miss you again."
"I know I'll never know just what to say."
"I'm a sad girl in a dorm room."
"Someone loved me, someone fucking loved me."
"I'd give my life to have a room that feels that small."
"I had a right to die, a right to live, a right to choose, too."
"Can you fucking imagine?"
"I wanna rip the stars to shreds."
"I'm a healthy baby girl who traded sunshine for disease."
"I loved someone I barely knew."
"Lost my sense of home from the words that I've said."
"Maybe I'll just descend to dirt."
"Would anyone listen to this, the ramblings of a lunatic?"
"My mind does play an awful trick."
"I'm running from my emptiness."
"My brain is tired, my stomach's sick."
"Why has constructing sentences become like pulling teeth?"
"Is this carcass even me?"
"Is this catharsis, therapeutic plunge to darkness or elaborating upon my mediocrity?"
"Maybe this is a result of me finally accepting that I'll be alone forever."
"I've never felt more comfortable in the concept of things ending."
"Maybe this writer's block that I've been perceiving is to stop me diving deeply into my internal being."
"All my friends are dying, some faster than the others."
"I'm trying to distract myself from the fears that I've discovered."
"I don't know if I'm a boy."
"I know I wanna be called pretty."
"I am something in the middle."
"I don't know if I'm a reject."
"I know that I've been breathing different when I'm wearing makeup."
"Those stupid words served to protect me."
"I cannot figure out these stupid words."
"Now I know that I'm a reject, my own special kind of loser."
"I am the physical embodiment of everything I never wanted to be."
"I am the prime example of indecision."
"What am I supposed to do when I'm so see-through?"
"I had never thought that life would be like this."
"If living was the equivalent of breathing then maybe I should prepare myself for another asthma attack."
"You think I know myself, well you'd be mostly wrong."
"If lying was a crime then I'd be doing time."
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