#like the pun in the title? :D
utilitycaster · 2 months
a brief guide to types of fantasy names
I put some syllables together and they sounded nice
I put some syllables together and I can't say they sounded nice per se but they do sound vaguely like they come from Arthuriana so close enough
reasonably common real-world name but a letter or two is changed or added
extremely apt real-world character descriptor but a letter is changed (you know who you are)
two reasonably common real-world names smashed together in some kind of fantasy name particle accelerator
this means something meaningful in a foreign language (real-world)
this means something meaningful in a foreign language (elaborate conlang, self-created)
this means something meaningful in a foreign language (hey Siri, how do you say Fateful in Quenya? Set alarm for D&D Session Zero for 45 minutes from now.)
real-world names, but exclusively ones that are no longer in common usage, frequently either from the ancient Mediterranean region or else medieval European names
"this is Linda and she fights dragons. fuck you."
referred to only by a series of complex and mysterious titles
rigid naming convention across the board, but within that any one of the above is possible
some kind of pun or overly long memeified joke
I don't know what data set the fantasy name generator runs off of and I'm too afraid to ask but not too afraid to reap the benefits
acronym that I never replaced
Literally just a noun
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insert-content · 1 year
a summar(ule)y of 196 culture
since the tumblr veterans have been kind enough to introduce us newbies to their site and culture, i think it is only fair that we explain the culture of our glorious former home to any tumblr users who might be interested in the #196 tag. keep in mind, all these things are based on my perspective of the situation.
first of all, some general information (that you might’ve already heard):
196 (r/196 on reddit) was a subreddit with only one (official) rule; "post before you leave." it was mainly a meme/shitposting sub, but it cultivated a large queer and left-leaning community. in protest of the recent api chances in reddit, 196 has shut down indefinitely until reddit reverts these changes.
now for some culture/references that you might come across
spronkus kronkus:
spronkus is this yellow, rabbit-like creature.
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they were the mascot of our subreddit. their appearance can vary from images to image, but as far as i’m aware, their full outfit consists of a bandanna in the colours of the trans flag around their neck, a gun labelled as such (other wise you obviously wouldn’t know what you’re looking at), and an axe also coloured like the trans flag.
this is a rare event on reddit where the entire website gets a huge white canvas and can start creating pixel art on it. 196 participated by collaboratively creating our mascot, spronkus with "196!" written next to them.
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this version of the pixel art was recreated by me as i couldn't find a nice image of it. there were some changes between the first version and the end result, so this might not be exactly how it looked in the end
post titles/"rule":
reddit forces it's users to title every post they make. as most of the posts on 196 spoke for themselves, many user instead titled their posts "rule", to indicate that they followed the subreddit's only rule. some people also tried to make puns with the word or tried to include it in words that shared some letters (example: wor(ule)d).
as the amount of cropped porn jokingly posted to the subreddit increased, the moderators decided that porn would be banned from the sub, with one exception: anarcho-stripperism. she made food fucking videos, in which she jokingly tested the fuckability of different food items (fruits, pasta, etc.)
bigotry showcase:
bigotry showcase was a post flair (basically the reddit equivalent of tags) on the subreddit and was later restricted to only be used on saturdays. under this flair people posted instances of different forms of bigotry to make fun it.
eating babies/hungryposting:
at some point, the subreddit started to pretend to like eating babies, which started a variety of memes regarding the subject. even a post flair called "hungrypost" was added because of this
goblinhog is the most prominent and well-known member of the 196 moderation team. besides this, on 196 he was mostly known for changing people’s flair if you enjoyed him enough about it.
flairs are little tags that are displayed under your name in posts or comments, they are also subreddit specific. most subreddits give their users a palette of preset flairs and the option to make your own custom flair. however, in 196 you only had the option to customize your flair during special events. if you wanted to customize your flair outside of those events (which was basically the entire time), you had to ask a mod to do it for you.
punching nazis:
from time to time, the same gif of a person with a nazi armband getting punched in the face, and promptly falling to the ground, was reposted to the subreddit. this became a sort of tradition.
wasp discourse:
the wasp discourse was a one to two weeks long heated discussion that generally divided the subreddit into two factions. one side said that they were justified in killing wasps if they were attacked by them, while the other claimed that since wasps are just animals, they aren't aware of what they're doing in the same way humans are, and therefore should be spared.
drama about the british:
there was a time when jokes along the lines of "ew, british" became pretty frequent on the subreddit. as a response, some user claimed that this was akin to racism and tried to get others to stop with the jokes. a debate over whether or not it was important or necessary to stop followed afterwards.
pillar discourse:
this was a debate over which type of pillar should be considered the best (ionic; doric; corinthian). i have seen the question "which pillar is the best?" being used as a sort of greeting between 196 refugees on here.
related subreddits
195 was the predecessor to 196, and also was a social experiment with the same premise as 196 (one rule, post before you leave). as the creators of 195 ended the experiment, the community wanted something with the same vibe to continue posting, and thus 196 was born.
197 is another part of the 196 ecosystem and is commonly understood to be the more politically right-leaning and bigoted as 196, as some people who were banned from 196 continued posting there. besides that, the subreddits were essentially the same in terms of how they functioned.
this subreddit adds a second rule which banned all mentions of sex (that’s why it’s name is a pun on 1984). some people took this as banning all discussion of sexuality, which resulted in a community that was slightly less accepting of queer people. it is currently still up and running as the 196 moderation team wants a way to stay in contact with the community.
amendments to the posts:
another well-known 196 user. as the name suggests they're an expert on the subject of femboys, with their flair on 196 reading "phd in feminine boys". as the subreddit was somewhat obsessed with femboys, it's no wonder that they became popular.
this was the main account of a pretty popular shitposter on the subreddit. although i didn't see them as much in the last few months, i remember them sometimes having a unique speaking pattern, in which they referred to themself in the third person.
this user commented "Every day I thank god for not making me a r/196 celebrity," which led to many users of the subreddit treating them like a micro celebrity. there are even a few subreddits solely dedicated to u/monko74.
a sister subreddit that inverts the rule of 196, here you would be (temporarily) banned for posting. some time ago the members of this sub initiated a rebellion/revolution against the bot who performed all the bans (roomba).
this wasn’t necessarily part of the subreddit, but it was a pretty popular meme. and since it’s getting posted on here again, and i know enough about it, i’ll add it to the post. this user made a post to r/AskReddit titled "How would you get a small cylinder (5.1in length, ~4.5in girth) unstuck from a mini M&Ms tube filled with butter and microwaved mashed banana? [sic]" it was pretty clear that they were referring to their penis, yet they continued to claim "it’s a cylinder," in the comment section. this lead to comments like "it is imperative that the cylinder […] remains unharmed," in response to people’s advice of cutting the m&m tube.
it's going to be very interesting to see which aspects of 196 culture are going to survive the tumblr migration, and which aspects won't be applicable on this site.
i'm obviously not the ultimate scholar on 196 lore. if i’ve missed or left out anything, or said something wrong, please comment it.
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candywafercutie · 2 months
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Drew a lot of genderbends and actually named them. I'm naming them for my own convenience, and bc it's fun to look at baby name sites :'D
Elizabeth "Birdie" Wayne was a hard pick bc Brucine or Bryce are right there, but the nickname "Birdie" to correspond to "Brucie" is SO cute I couldn't pass it up.
For my Fem!Jason, she's p masc-leaning, so I wanted a fancy sounding name that she just refuses to use.
"Dixie" was always going to happen. Idk how she ended up with that nickname in-universe, but it's SO damn cute I couldn't not use it.
"Tracy" Drake is a subtle reference to Dick Tracy :D
Fem!Damian went through quite a few diff names before I settled on Damiah. It's literally just "Damian" with a tall "N" ya'know? Also it's really pretty
Duke -> Duchess is pretty self explanatory.
"Ra's al Ghul" is a title that means Head of the Demon, so there's no need to rename her.
Jeanne-Marie was hard to pick, because Jean-Paul is a very french/christian name, and I wanted to keep the hyphenated name AND those themes, and ultimately I couldn't come up with anything else that fit that still sounded nice. Low key a reference to Joan of Arc/Jeanne D'arc.
Odile Cobblepost because Odile is the name of a famous swan-girl. Bird pun.
Rowan is just Roman with an upside down M :'D
The rest p much have no specific thought process beyond "yay that's close enough!" or "I like how that sounds!"
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tealviscaria · 3 months
There's this pretty famous Czech parody of The Lord of the Rings: FOTR called Pár Pařmenů (It's a play on words, since the original Czech title is Pán prstenů. My very lame translation of the parody title would be something like "A Couple of Party-goers".)
It was made by a group of students in 2004 who went and dubbed the WHOLE movie (not the other two, sadly). It's exactly the kind of humour you'd expect from a bunch of teenagers (drugs, swearing) but still it's iconic ™ and the puns make me laugh so much (also I'm biased because my siblings showed it to me when I was little.) It's possibly not as popular now but I think most of the people born in the 90s knew about it.
Now, the reason why I'm writing this. I looked it up and found out it has its own Wikipedia page. Kinda surprised me, but yeah, makes sense, it was quite popular after all. But then I saw that you can read the Wiki page in one more language. What would it be, I thought to myself. Slovak? Polish? English?
It's in Welsh.
And it's just nonsense. Okay, not complete nonsense, the first sentence does very plainly describe what the movie is. (Though I don't speak Welsh, so I can't check if it's grammatically correct.)
But then it continues like this (with the help of google translate):
"As noted, the film was published in 2004. The most popular film of that year was Million Dollar Baby which is a drama film by Clint Eastwood. Until 2022 at least 1,350 Czech films had seen the light of day."
And that's just so funny :D To me, there are two possible explanations. Either it was written by a) a learner of Welsh who decided they would use Wikipedia articles instead of a journal to practice the language or b) the funniest motherfucker who tries to smuggle in "Million Dollar Baby" reference to every Wiki article they can.
I am very open to discussion if you have any other interpretations! :D
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vacayisland · 10 months
Alright I’m giving ya three request- you can do one, all, none- doesn’t matter lol. I’m just obsessed with trolls
Clay x Nerdy! Troll! Reader
Aight, now this reader met Clay while he arrived in Putt Putt village. (Your choice for gender) They are a complete dork, clumsy, always excited to do serious stuff. But also a little insecure knowing they can get a little out of hand with overthinking/overexcitement
@!; You're my "hole-in-one" Clay / Nerdy! Troll! Reader
"Summary"! Clay meets someone who can finally keep up with him and his... outlandish ways in helping Viva run Putt Putt village. Some could say it's a match made in heaven. He says it was simply his "lucky stroke". "Tags"! literally one too many golf puns (only in the title and summary), Clay and Reader being dorky together, literally just fluff, maybe a little hurt but then fluffed out!
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@!; You had been one of the trolls that came to the Putt Putt village with Viva; having gotten trapped in the tunnels as they collapsed, there was no where else to go other than with the Princess. It was a small populace when you all found the abandoned gulf course and decided to call it home. And though your numbers slowly grew, it would be years before an outside Troll would come across the Village. "Did you hear?" You woke up one morning to the sounds of murmuring in the street, trolls glancing around at each other in a skeptical manner. Whispering like a Bergen was on the brink of finding the village. "I didn't think any Pop troll would come out this far!" Whispered another Troll nearby as you tried to catch what everyone was saying. It was harder to do so here, as everyone was slightly more weary and reserved than normal Pop Trolls. "And nevertheless ask to stay in our village..." There was a beat, "What if he's spying for the Bergens? What if the Bergens found everyone again and there was some sort of agreement made?" "Do you really think the King would do something like that?" All the rumors were a little insane, you had to admit. Most were logical, sensible and reasonable. Others just made you scrunch your nose and turn away; questioning if people could really think that way. Either way, all you knew is that you had to meet this new Troll! You doubted they could be a spy, as the Pop Trolls didn't exactly know where the others in the tunnels went... or even knew if we had survived. So the most logical answer is that they just happened to stumble onto this village without realizing who inhabited it. So, they shouldn't mean any harm.
@!; In the long run, you had been right! Clay didn't mean any sort of harm. In fact, Viva seemed rather excited to welcome him into the village with open arms and a big smile. It put most of the other Trolls in the village at ease seeing Viva deeming the newcomer as friendly, and saw no reason to draw any sort of suspicion onto him. You met Clay later than you wanted, a few weeks into his stay at the village. In fact, you had to be introduced to Clay for the two of you to even meet. "Oooh, (Y/N)!" Viva's voice carried through the small 'serious' office you had made yourself. Viva had always been the outgoing one, the social one; the one who everyone would turn to because she knew what to say or do and how to make everyone feel better! You were the brains behind it all, at least before Clay got introduced. You ran the logics of every outing and reconstruction of buildings. You made sure the food supply would last and that any part or sing-out wouldn't be heard by anyone nearby. You ran everything in the background that allowed everyone to be safe and you did so not because you were told... but because you genuinely enjoyed it. Filling papers, sorting folders, punching in numbers, thinking over statistics and finding out that hidden number! Oh it could make you happier than singing any sort of song; Pop, Country, Funk or any other genre. Many Trolls didn't get it, your love for crunching numbers. They would rather sing and socialize, but you didn't need their approval. You had your happy place within numbers and the smell of vanilla folders and they had there's outside handing and whatnot. Which is why when Viva said the new Troll, Clay, wanted to come help work in the office, you were shocked! "You want to help me?" Dumbfounded, even, as you started at the door while helplessly pointing at yourself. Viva couldn't help but giggle as your look, your jaw at the ground, as Clay shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Yeah." He seemed a little nervous, "Of course, if that's okay with you. I wouldn't want to encroach-" "Encroach?" You voice suddenly boomed, now to Clay's shock. "Encroach?! I've always been looking for someone to help me here! It gets a little lonely sometimes-.. My friend, as long as you can crunch numbers and be okay with sorting vanilla folders by month and year and preforming probability equations with me you can saw we're already more than partners!" Clay let out a surprised yell as you rushed over and hugging him. Viva let out another bit of laughter, always getting a kick of seeing you so excited. "We're practically friends! Maybe best friends- wait. Wait! Too soon, ah I'm so sorry." Clay's feet hit the floor again with a small thump as you backed away from Viva and him. "Where are my manners, I'm sorry, I-" "Don't get turned off by them Clay. They're just very excited about their job." Viva tried to explain, watching as you had stumbled over your feet while backing away from the two; bumping into your desk and knocking over papers and pencils and pens. Clay couldn't help but feel all his nerves leave him at once. He had a feeling you both would get along just great.
@!; From that day on, you worked along side Clay behind the scene for Viva and the village. Not many Trolls understood what drew you two to the more slow paced life, but you found comfort in each other's understanding. Now, after some time, Clay knew about your habits to get over excited about your job; he found it both endearing and a little cute. Such as he came back from checking the economic logistics about rebuilding a building to find you hard at work at your desk. You were scribbling down letters in a hurry, scratching out numbers that didn't work and rewriting numbers in an effort to get the correct answer. There was already a pile of paper in the trash beside you. Clay wasn't sure if it was the oh-so determined look on your face that caused him to stop and watch, his clipboard still in hand, or the way your effortlessly calculated numbering in your head. The way your eyebrows furrowed every time you got the incorrect answer. The way you crumpled up a paper with rage and tossed it off to the side before returning to work with it all gone. It just drew Clay in for some reason and he couldn't understand it. You just had such and odd effect to him he hasn't felt before. "Ah! FINALLY!" Your shout snapped him out of his thoughts as you shot up from your chair like a rocket; causing the chair to lose balance and tumble down, crashing onto the floor and scaring you. Flustered, you rushed to pick up the chair. You didn't notice Clay until he started chuckling besides you, "Finally got the right number there?" It was a tease, a light jab from Clay. Though he didn't expect your sudden acknowledgement of his presence would cause the chair to go tumbling again. "Are you..?" As amusing your overexcitement could be, paired with how flustered you got afterwards, Clay was kind of concerned about the chair. And you. He was also concerned about you. "Yes! I'm good. I'm good.." You fiddled with your fingers, a dorky yet embarrassed smile spread cross your face as your eyes darted from Clay to the paper on your desk. "I just-..." You stopped yourself, chewing at the corner of your lip. "Go on, what happened?" Though Clay encouraged you, not bothered by your excited nature and your clumsy tendencies. "Ah! Okay!" There was that brighter smile Clay always adored on you, "So while you were gone I opened a request from Viva, and at first I thought it was going to be something like checking the speakers or the mechanics on the clown to see how long they'll take before rusting. But actually it was one of my favorite jobs! "Viva asked me, ME! To calculate how long we could all survive on the supplies we have here before there needed to be some sort of expedition for supplies." Clay didn't mind the way your voice bounced with such a lively tone, or the way you dancing on the tips of your toes with excitement, or how you jumped up and down while shaking your hands as you couldn't contain all the emotions bursting inside you. To Clay, that's what made you, well you! And he wouldn't change anything about you.
@!; Clay never thought he would find a day, though, where you would be doubting yourself this bad. He had gone out to take a five minute break from the office, leaving you to work in relative peace and silence. He only needed a stretch, some fresh air, and then he would be right back. It had only been five minutes, at least Clay thought it had. He guessed he did stop and talk to Viva about some projects, along with light chatter and making lunch plans with the three of them. It surely hadn't been that long!... or maybe it had. Clay found you holding the edge of your desk and gripping your pencil as though your life depended on it. Sure he knew you overthought a lot, as it was usually a reason why you got so overexcited when you get something right and prove yourself wrong. Yet he's never seen you like.. this. On the brink of tears, sitting on the edge of your seat, breath slightly ragged as you tried to calm it, looking down at the paper like you had lost all sort of hope and had failed everyone and they were long gone and eaten. it scared him. It really did. He didn't know what to do for a moment, and he later kicked himself in the ass for standing there and watching you struggle for so long, only rushing to your side when you fell off your chair. "(Y/N)! Hey! Hey, what's wrong?!" Clay rushed to your side, sliding to his knees to be right next to you and your shaking figure. He was terrified, but he needed to be strong for you in this moment. You weren't responding and Clay tried his best to remain as calm as he could. Slowly he reached his hands out, cupping over your hand that held a death grip on a pen. He tried slowly loosening your hold, carefully getting you to drop the pen you were holding onto the floor. He spoke softly to you while he did this, trying to get your mind to ground itself back to Earth, working on getting you to let go of the desk next. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I promise it's okay." Clay wasn't sure if you even heard him at this moment, yet he was going to do all it took to calm you down; you didn't deserve to hurt yourself like this. "I promise everything is okay. Whatever happened, whatever you're thinking, it's all okay. You're okay, the village is okay, there's nothing you cannot do..." Clay managed to break your hold from the desk and moved to hug you, tightly and securely. He continued to try and comfort you, bring you any sort of relief from whatever pain you were causing yourself. It was a while before he felt you wrap your arms around him, slowly hiding your head into his shoulder as you began to sob. It broke Clay's heart to hear you sob. It broke Clay more when your body began to tremble as you couldn't even begin to explain what you were feeling. You held so many big emotions for a Troll, Clay knew that all too well, and sometimes those big emotions were horrible and nasty and infesting. Clay wished he could protect you from those emotions, but logistically knew he couldn't. So he sat with you, on the floor of the small office, providing all the comfort you needed until you were okay again. And he'll be here forever; ready to stick with you through the thick and thin, the harsh and the best. All to be able to see your bright smiles and your excited little gimmicks and even your worse days. Clay loved you, and that's something no logic could deny.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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deityoftherain · 2 days
tips on how to title your ao3 fic
my tips for trying to figure out a title using some titles I've used before as examples
a short phrase that someone says that is repeated, verbally or in their head (ex. only friends)
something like a phrase or word(s) that encompasses the vibe (ex. phases of the moon, chord crush, or even my favorite color is triangle)
something said or used that is heavy hitting or notable in the story (ex. save a spot for me, let me take care of you, or honeybees, i'm home)
a metaphor (ex. moth to a flame)
the struggle and/or an object close to the plot (ex. (not) just a costume, fireworks, needles)
blank & blank (alt. blank and blank) (ex. helixes & abalone shells, festivals and ferris wheels, or fidgets & flower shops)
puns, silly things and/or references (ex. zombabe or canary wings and pronouns)
lines from lyrics or poems you like (ex. know that all my love will be your breath or all is fair in love and war)
A title can be any combination of these or more! If you have more ideas on how to name something, feel free to reblog this and add to it :D
If you want to learn tips on how to tag, click on this!
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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1000sunnygo · 9 months
Trafalgar D. Water Law: Whats the significance of Water?
Gonna be a long one, you can scroll down to TLDR below.
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Many of us know that the spelling of Water in Law's name isn't the actual katakana spelling of the liquid water, ウォーター (Wo-ta-), which follows the classic British pronunciation. Instead, it's a new word ワーテル (Wa-teru), which combining with "Law" (written as "Ro, ロー" in Japanese) makes the correct Japanese spelling for "Waterloo (ワーテルロー)".
Big Mom's hat is named "Napoleon", the irony.
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For the sake of separation from water, let's call it "Watel" for now.
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It may not be that deep. "Waterloo" could be a simple pun Oda came up with on a whim, but the scene leaves a bit of mystery. Law was abruptly cut off while talking with Baby 5 and Buffalo. And the pun only works in Law's name; it wouldn't work on, say, his sister Lami's name.
Also, for Law to uncover the mystery of his checkered fate, it'd make sense that his character arc is leading to finding the history of his own bloodline.
Trafalgar family happens to be the only family of Ds with an extra hidden name so there's something going on. Unfortunately, Law is the only surviving member of Trafalgar family and he knows nothing about it. Now it's up to him to restore his family's lost knowledge.
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Law says "Watel" is 忌み名, a "secret name."
The word 忌み名 (imina) is an uncommon word, Japanese readers needed to do some dictionary digging too. "Imi" (忌み) means abstinence, taboo, religious purification; "na" 名 means name. Imina can be defined as a pure name, or a taboo name.
There's an old Japanese article speculating about Law's name, here's a passage from it:
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The term "忌み名" encompasses meanings such as "given name for a person of high status," "title bestowed based on achievements during one's lifetime," and "name used for the deceased person." If Watel is a "忌み名" meaning a "given name for a person of high status," it might trace back to Law's ancestors, possibly connecting to nobility. Therefore, online discussions include speculations like "Were Law's ancestors individuals of considerable status?" or "Could they have been part of the royalty?"
To clarify what it meant with "the name given to a deceased person", I've read some articles about "imina", so let me share what I understood. It's an additional knowledge unrelated to Law's name, I'll explain why afterwards.
Names are often believed to be linked to spirituality, like how you can't exorcise a devil without its name, or use voodoo dolls on a person without knowing their name. In old Japan and China, sometimes two names were given to a person. One is the name that is shared with everyone, other is their taboo name 忌み名 'imina' - that is kept hidden within the family. This name relates to the person's spirituality.
忌み also means pure. As spirit world is linked to deities and gods, and dead body is considered impure. A person would be called in their imina or pure name when the person dies and become a spirit. It was forbidden to call a person using their imina during their lifetime, and to refer to them in their human world name after their death.
The parents gave their children a good 'imina' for their better future. A child with 'imina' has a connection with their spirituality, and by knowing that name, they were believed to have some control over their future.
According to this classic definition, a living person is never called in their imina which is their spirit's name, and it wouldn't be tucked into their real name. For Law to have an 'imina', rather than as his spiritual name, it is implied that his family carried Watel as a secret title that become part of a name over the generations.
From the theories I've read about Law's name, here's a common ground most of them agreed on:
D is a name shared among many people from The Ancient Kingdom, whereas the name Watel specifies a title given to a specific bloodline, for a yet unknown reason.
The theory that D's aren't a single bloodline became more apparent over time, it's now believed to be a codename that was passed down regardless of their ethnicity and family history (ie. Queen Lily who didn't belong to ancient kingdom) - only thing common among them is that they're the enemies of "gods", aka Celestial Dragons.
So who were the Watel? Throwing in my personal theory....
I think Trafalgar family didn't belong to the Ancient Kingdom. Rather, they were affiliates of the Neferteri Family that took the name "D".
There are some similarities between Trafalgar and Neferteri families.
Both of these families are the only D's that kept their names hidden, implying that their ancestors could retain some knowledge of the void century (unlike other Ds who seem to know nothing of D's significance, which means the truth of their bloodline was completely suppressed from being passed down). How could these two families survive the complete purge of knowledge? By never belonging to the ancient kingdom.
Both Neferteri and Trafalgar families are loosely attached to the classic "D" characteristics, to the point you can't immediately associate them to being D's. Rather than bringing a wave of change themselves, they're particularly interested about learning the history. Notably Cobra and Law.
Here's the headcanon territory.
The two families probably had connections in the past through two people: Queen Neferteri Lily and a Trafalgar who we don't know yet.
How were they connected? Couldn't be marriage, as the family names weren't exchanged.
Doctor and Patient, perhaps?
Watel was a title given to the Trafalgar by Queen Lily. That's where the 'title connected to royalty' of imina comes from.
The word Watel (ワーテル) doesn't have a meaning per se, but I can push it a little in meta direction.
The more convincing theory is that it's a wordplay, Watel = War Tale (in japanese it only needs a space in the middle of the word) similar to Raftel = Laugh tale. Probably a title given for the heroic activities of Trafalgars during the war between the Celestials and the Ancient Kingdom.
A less convincing theory is that Watel's close alternative "Water" goes in combination with "Lily" to form Water Lily. We know that Arabasta is based on Egypt, and Water Lily in Egyptian culture has a great significance and connection to sun. Maybe the Queen's gesture of respect was to give a title that would combine with her name.
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Reminder that Law's name also has a 'combination pun', Waterloo.
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This is the only ancient doctor that has been mentioned in One Piece. Possibly the same doctor - that'd tie up most loose thread together. Too convenient? hasn't stopped Oda until now, has it?
Doctor Trafalgar possessed the power of ope ope no mi and performed many miracle operations, Queen Lily hired them for their skill and talent, giving them a royal title. Both Lily and the doctor took the codename "D" to support the people from Ancient Kingdom who were rebelling against Imu and the Celestials.
Doctor Trafalgar discovered the fruit's potential of performing a perennial youth surgery, an information that was intercepted by Nerona Imu. The doctor was kidnapped and forced to perform the surgery on him, the process taking thier life.
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Alternative could be that Watel was the given name of the doctor and Trafalgar family simply carry it as a tribute to them, remembering their connection to a royal family and an inevitable sacrifice.
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The fruit returning to the same family, to another Trafalgar who has yet to confront Imu as a D to find the history of their family - would truly affirm that Law's life is "checkered." It'd be poetic for Law to play a key role in Imu's downfall. lHopefully without putting his own life at risk.
Rosinante believed Law is kept alive as if by a divine force. He must have a role to play.
- Law's secret family name Watel is an 'imina', in his own words, which signifies that it's a secret title passed down by his ancestors.
- Similar to Neferteri Family, Trafalgar Family are D's who didn't belong to the ancient kingdom and thus survived the purge of knowledge, able to withhold some knowledge and keep the D in their names hidden over generations.
-The ancestors of both of these families took the codename 'D' like people from ancient kingdom to support their action against Imu, even though they didn't belong to the ancient kingdom themselves.
-Watel was either the royal title or the given name of a Trafalgar who worked under/with Neferteri Lili, and was likely a doctor who possessed and discovered the immortality operation of Ope Ope no mi.
-The said doctor was forced to grant perpetual youth to Imu, dying in the process. Trafalgar family carry 'Watel' in their names as a tribute to the fallen ancestor.
-Law having the same fruit as his fallen ancestor is the truth of his checkered fate. It's possible that he will be involved in taking down Imu.
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maruflix · 3 months
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 98: When the wind blows, the funeral parlor makes a profit
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  [Click here to go to my translations masterlist]
I saw that there are a few missing chapters of Haikyuu-bu!! on Tumblr so I decided to translate it myself. This chapter has a lot of pop culture and Japanese culture references, but I think I did a pretty okay job. It’s really funny, you should give it a read. See the end of this post for translation notes and more explanation about the meaning of the title :)
Full 15 pages under the cut!
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Translation Notes (aka me ranting, feel free to skip):
So the title is actually taken from a Japanese proverb: “When the wind blows, the barrel makers profit.” The story goes like this:
When the wind blows, it stirs up clouds of dust from the ground, getting into people’s eyes and causing blindness.
The blind take up playing the shamisen to make their living. (The blind famously made their living as musicians as far back as the 13th century in Japan.)
The greater demand for shamisens results in a greater demand for the cat skins that are used for covering their sound-box.
Due to their skins being used to provide the newly blind with shamisens, fewer cats result in an increase in the mouse population.
In their frenzy for food, the unchecked mice nibble at barrels, destroying them.
The barrel-makers find their barrels in greater demand, thereby earning them unexpected profits.
It’s a lengthy way of explaining the butterfly effect.
The chapter does a clever word play on this. Basically Kunimi is surprisingly good at beach volleyball, hence he’s said to be able to ‘read the wind’, which is like being able to play well even though the wind makes playing volleyball difficult. It all comes full circle when, during the battle between the thunder god and wind god, his friends are worried about being collateral damage, and Matsukawa who works at a funeral parlor remarks that he will benefit from his friends d*ing 😭.
= Thus, when the wind blows, the funeral parlor makes a profit.
All of Haikyuu-bu!! is filled with puns, I love them so much!
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Thank you for everything you're doing for this fandom <3
I wanted to ask if you might have any recommendations in which either Crowley or Aziraphale are hurt/injured and trying to hide it from the other (with the other finding out eventually and taking care of them)?
Thank you, again, for all the work you guys are putting into this
Have a lovely day/night!
Hi! Here are some fics where one of them hides an injury from the other...
My Feelings Beneath by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
After a run-in with an angry human, Crowley tries to hide his injuries from Aziraphale. It doesn’t take Aziraphale long to notice that something is wrong.
I may bear my evils alone by Cuppa_Rosie_Lee (M)
Crowley returns from a particularly violent review in Hell. Broken and battered, he just about manages to get himself back to his flat alone, but when Aziraphale calls Crowley can't hide how bad it is any more. Aziraphale immediately worries and insists on coming over to take care of him. Hurt/comfort with a calm and fluffy ending. CW: implied violence, and graphic descriptions of internal injury. Title taken from Twelfth Night II i
The Day that Icarus didn't Burn by theRavenMuse (T)
Crowley gets himself into a spot of trouble. It's a good thing that he has a patient angel determined to help him. AKA Crowley has grown accustomed to hiding his pain for six millennia and Aziraphale finally convinces him that it's safe to share.
There's no healing the wound by meridian_rose (T)
Crowley gets hurt but when he can't heal the wound he doesn't do the sensible thing and tell Aziraphale. Instead he hides the truth, tries to fix it himself, and when it looks like the wound might be fatal drags Anathema into the situation. When Aziraphale does find out he's furious as only a angel at risk of losing his beloved demon can be.
I'll Think About Tomorrow If I Can Get Through Tonight by asparkofgoodness (T)
"Rain pounded like fists on the shop’s windows. The shelves and stacks of books sat in silent darkness, the sign on the door turned to 'Closed.' Suddenly, with a small popping noise, Aziraphale appeared, breathing heavily. After glancing around, lights clicking on all at once in every room, he let his eyes fall closed with a tremulous exhale. He was safe. The steady patter of the rain masked the sound of thick golden droplets falling from his left sleeve onto the threadbare carpet. His hands shook." Trouble finds Aziraphale while he's outside of the protective circle of London and Crowley's company. Fearing Crowley would put himself in harm's way if he knew what happened, Aziraphale tries to recover on his own.
the cutting edge of eternity by gazing (T)
When Aziraphale begins to fall from heaven, he tries to hide it for as long as possible. But Crowley has been through this before. He knows the signs. And he's sure as hell (pun intended) not going to let Aziraphale go through it alone.
- Mod D
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absolutebl · 10 months
10 Best BL Shows with the Hottest Sexitimes
Because this is English and word order matters, this title means the show itself has to be good AS WELL AS the scenes high heat, as opposed to the best sex scenes in BL. The two are not necessarily the same list. Anyway I tried to pick both high heat and a fun show. This was hard (pun intended).
FYI expect triggers with your high heat.
(Oh right. For me to get a 3/3 heat rating the BL has simulated sex in it or very close to it. And usually one or more other sexual acts like bjs, a-ply, etc...)
So, I went to the spreadsheet, and sorted it by high heat and then ranking, and here is what I got. I think #1 will surprise you. What will not surprise you is it's mostly Thai and Taiwanese.
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10. TharnType (and follow ups)
Thai 2019 Viki
Should it still rank, all these years later? I am sorry to say, yes it should. University setting, great acting and complex characters, interesting friendship groups, enemies to lovers, seriously angsty coming out, high production values, AMAZING chemistry, multiple BL side couples with all the issues, damaging queer rep, strong seme/uke and husband/wife language, classic tropes and lots of them bad. But it's famous for a reason.
This was KinnPorsche before KinnPorsche.
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9. Addicted: Heroin
China 2016 Viki
When Chinese BL was good it was very dirty good and when it was bad it was censored. This is the model for that statement: rich kid falls madly for the genius poor kid in his class, starts an aggressive pursuit, includes kidnapping for love, obsession, stepbrother trope, plus some cheating. I love this BL because of what I could have been. Just stop watching it after The Sex Scene. Okay?
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8. Love Stage!!
Thai 2022 YouTube
This BL surprised me with its charm. The acting was good, the leads were appealing, support cast on point, and the production values high. It followed the original manga story arc relatively closely: boy falls in love with girl as a child, grows up to discover girl is actually a very pretty boy. Although there are some quintessentially Thai changes that mellowed, softened, and extended the romance arc and heat levels.
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7. HIStory 4: Close to You
Taiwan 2021 Viki
Nancy Chen directs, the side dish plot is basically a pastiche of problematic BL tropes inherited from the above. Great chemistry, high heat, stepbrothers, dubcon, obsession, stalker etc… They sexy tho.
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6. My Day
Pinoy 2020 YouTube
The set up on this one is enemies (also boss/employee) and they don’t like each other to start. But that gets resolved pretty quickly. And then they are some of the cutest, hottest, and best boyfriends ever. This is an under-appreciated BL, IMHO.
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5. Cutie Pie
Thai 2022 YouTube
Very high production (and heat) and a lot of visual references to live action yaoi gave this show a whiff of Japan but ultimately it stayed firmly in Thailand’s BL camp veering from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again. If you can roll with the arranged marriage conceit and very lifestyle D/s relationships, the chemistry is spot on even if the plot is naff and driven by miscommunication. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth. (It has depth, it just depth of tongue kisses.)
Also the follow up: Naughty Babe
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4. Bed Friend
Thai 2023 YouTube but for high heat you'll net to watch on iQIYI
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down.
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3. HIStory 3: Trapped
Taiwan 2019 Viki
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers from Lin Pei Yu. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but… amorphous ending.
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2. Why R U?
Thai 2020 Viki
No one knows what’s going on, not even the characters, but absolutely no one cares 'cause it's so thirsty. The plot seems to be "great chemistry and make sure Zee's shirts are NEVER BUTTONED PROPERLY." We, the collective, have a pro Hawaiian shirt anti-button stance, so rah rah rah! Still the most confusing thing about this show is: why they didn't just title it YRU? The FighterTuror sex scenes still stand as some of the best every fielded in a Thai BL.
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1. Be Loved In House: I Do
Taiwan 2021 Viki
A cute classy office set BL with a few plot raised eyebrows, but no other concerns. ALL THE TROPES plus a general sweet softness that’s pretty rare from Taiwan, who usually prefer to go hard, but all their signature domesticity. There is one high heat sex scene and it's great. But it's the whole package of classic sappy Taiwanese BL that puts this at the very top for me.
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Generally just v high heat?
Hottest sex scenes in BL is frankly gonna be largely a matter of your personal taste.
But if the ones mentioned above don't work try:
Love in the Air
Big Dragon
HIStory 3; MODC (the BL that shall not be named)
Be Mine Super Star
Manner of Death (and anything else with MaxTul)
Oh My Sunshine Night (sides)
Secret Crush on You
Wedding Plan
Most dark JBL has very good high heat, but... ya know.
For @samara44 by request.
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destroy-me-baby · 1 year
Leon Kennedy headcanons? (Please, Bitte, include Ashley somehow thank you)
Leon Kennedy NSFW hcs + Ashley
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Requests are open, see pinned post.
Content Warnings: mentions of sub/dom dynamics, begging, orgasm delay/denial, edging, punishments, “mommy/daddy” and “sir/ma’am” used as a title, overstimulation.
This is nsfw, if you are underage or uncomfortable with the previously mentioned content, please continue scrolling.
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Sub!Leon hcs:
- Oh you have no fucking idea.
- This man is desperate for affection and praise, I can practically smell it on him.
- Mostly an obedient sub, especially RE2 era Leon, but anything after that he will get a bit brattier.
- Mommy/daddy kink for sure. He loves it when his mommy or daddy is kind and gentle with him, and will pull him into their chest for aftercare as they rub his back.
- He’s a softie at his core, he wants to be taken care of and to care for others. Definitely giving me some service sub vibes, he will practically beg to eat you out or suck your dick.
- “Please, can I make you feel good? Please untie me, or sit on my face, or whatever you want as long as I can make you cum? Please??”
- Speaking of begging, when you overstim him he tends to go nonverbal, mainly just whines, whimpers, and the occasional “please-“ mixed in here and there.
- But when you edge him? Or G-d forbid straight up deny him? It’s a whole different story.
- “Please- please can I cum? I’ll do whatever you want, I promise! Please??“
- To the point that any soft dom would probably cave and give him what he wants.
- Hard doms though? I think Leon would prefer soft, but if he got around a dominant who’s a stickler for the rules, all that training will come in handy right away.
- “Yes sir/ma’am, right away sir/ma’am.”
- Like I said, RE4 and up Leon is more of a brat. His main recurring offense is back talking. Nothing crazy like outright insulting his dominant (unless it’s someone like Luis, let’s be honest with ourselves), but he’ll definitely argue.
- “Why do I have to be tied up so tight? I thought you just said I’ve been good?” “What do you mean I’m not allowed to cum? Why the hell not?”
- Takes his punishments like a champ. RE2 Leon not so much. Expect some crying and lots of aftercare, and he will be apologizing throughout.
- “M’sorry, I won’t do it again- I’ll be good from now on! Please stop!”
- “”hates”” being spanked. Heavy emphasis on those quotation marks.
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Dom!Leon hcs:
- This man is a fucking TEASE.
- He’s not a hard dom by any extent of the word (once again, unless it’s someone like Luis who gets him all riled up), but he loves verbal teasing.
- “What’s the matter, princess? You want something?” “You wanna cum? Too bad, so sad. You’ll just have to wait.”
- You know all those dumbass one-liners? Yeah. He’s not above doing that to someone during sex. He will make puns, and he’ll do it shamelessly just to watch someone’s face contort in a mixture of laughter, disappointment, and pleasure.
- Will have his partner do little challenges every once in awhile. For example, keeping them stuck to a vibrator for a certain amount of time, and asking them to hold back their orgasm until he says so.
- Which brings me to toys. Leon is more than happy to do everything himself, but he will never be opposed to using vibrators, flogs, gags, whatever you want in addition to himself. He may be desperate for praise, but he’s not so insecure as to get jealous over a piece of plastic or silicone.
- As previously mentioned, he wants to take care of people so bad. Either sub or dom, he wants to feel like he’s doing a good job, and like he’s worth something to someone.
- No matter what type of scene it was, expect very soft aftercare. He’ll leave kisses on each sore wrist and ankle, and walk his partner through every step of the way as he gets them a water, cleans them up, etc.
- “You did so well, I’m so proud of you.” “Here, honey, let me hold you until you catch your breath.” “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”
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Bonus hcs - Ashley
- To be entirely honest, I’m not a fan of Ashley in a sexual context, nor is it something I think of.
- But she’s definitely not an innocent little woman like Capcom may have portrayed her as in the original.
- She may have a reputation to uphold as the president’s daughter, but let’s be real, this is a grown ass adult, and despite her situation in the fourth installment she had her eyes on Leon from minute one.
- Of course, when they first met she was more concerned with getting out of that church alive (as was her savior), but once they got a minute and she saw those muscles?
- Holy hell. That’s about all you can say.
- I don’t ship Leon and Ashley whatsoever personally, but if they were to be intimate I feel like it would be to blow off steam. Maybe calm their nerves for a bit while they’ve got a moment alone and momentarily safe.
- No BDSM dynamic, but Leon would definitely take the lead.
- “Let me take care of you, Ashley.” Whispered in her ear and she’s GONE.
- He would definitely eat her out, and they’d better hope there are absolutely no enemies nearby otherwise the whole village will be on their backs. She is loud.
- Leon likes his partner to be loud. It makes him feel accomplished. Win-win.
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therealvinelle · 3 months
Is it true that Tom Riddle has a different name in a lot of translations because publishers thought making the anagram in book 2 would be super important so they changed the name rather than just letting that one thing not work in the translation? What's Tom's name in your Norwegian copy?
I'll have you know almost everybody have different names in the Norwegian translation. I'm sure Harry would too, if the translator could get away with it, sadly his name was on the title card.
Some of this is for pronunciation, Hermione Granger is made Hermine Grang so we're not all sounding like Victor Krumm trying to make sense of her name, others are given more of an overhaul to convey the pun or vibe from the original name. Alastor "Madeye" Moody is Alastor "Galøye" Bister ("Galøye" is literally "Madeye", while "bister" means "terse").
Other examples of translations include the Black family being Svart (Norwegian word for Black) but by and large keeping their constellation names and spelling (with such exceptions as Alfar ("ph" isn't how we spell the f-sound, and the d would doesn't really work either - it's a phonetic translation of Alphard) and Narsissa (the c would be a problem)), and foreign characters like Victor Krumm and Gellert Grindelwald stay (almost: Victor is now Viktor.) the same, presumably because they're foreign in-universe.
For punny translations we have not just the names, but places and things being made punny to best reflect the original. Diagon Alley is made Diagonalgangen, "The diagonal hallway" that with the -en ending becomes "walking diagonally". Heh. Quidditch is rumpeldunk, the snitch is "snoppen" (a euphemism for penis. I commend the translator for making the game somehow that little bit gayer than it already was), Rita Skeeter is Rita Slita (conveying that she's an exhausting, tireless person), Cornelius Fudge is Kornelius Bleouf (a made-up surname that coincidentally is pronounced the same as "bluff"). It keeps going.
Some people didn't get punny names, simply names that captured the vibe. The Crouch family is now Kroek, Percy is Perry, and Tom Riddle (whom I'll get further into below) is Tom Venster.
(Though, since you've got me talking about one of my favorite niche subjects: the translator did make a pun out of Tom's name that isn't in the original series.
Tom is a common name in Norwegian, but it also is the word for "empty". We have an unrelated idiom, "full av faen" - literally "full of the devil", figuratively a malicious or cruel person. For use in conversation, I could use it about a person but also about a particularly grouchy cat. My friend had a horrible day so now they're full av faen, I tried petting that cat but it's full av faen.
The chapter where we meet eleven-year-old Tom Riddle is titled "Tom, eller full av faen".
I can only imagine the translator had been waiting four books to make that pun.)
In other words, yes Tom's name was trnaslated. In Norwegian the full name is Tom Dredolo Venster, with the anagram being "Voldemort den store" (Voldemort the great). That's right, we suffered even worse secondhand embarrassment in Norway.
I am quite fond of the translated name, as it in my opinion captures the vibe of Tom Riddle very well. An ordinary name with a very nice ring to it, and you don't actually know anybody else with that exact name. Dredolo, the oddball middle name, is as foreign yet fitting with the rest as Marvolo is in English. It's a name that rolls off the tongue.
The Danes, by comparison, have Romeo Gåde Detlev. Which is a very... eyecatching name, I've seen it go viral several times (along with the French Tom Elvis Jedusor), but the problem is that Tom was named for his father, an English gentleman in the 1920's, and this name sounds like a cultural melting pot. Gåde, originally the middle name that stood out and had Mrs. Cole assuming Merope came from an exotic background, is now the most normal name in there.
I want to be lenient, I do, the translator hadn't read Half-Blood Prince at the time and didn't know how much emphasis would be placed on Tom's name being ordinary. But, well, he made the name a different ethnicity, and I can only imagine he must have wanted the first name "Romeo" quite badly. We're left with a name that signals completely different things, which I do think is relevant when Tom's name being painfully Muggle and ordinary, growing up in 1930's London, had such an impact. Being perceived as foreign, which he would be with that name, would change things. His shedding the name to become Voldemort also takes on a very different meaning when he's an Englishmen who spent the first few decades of his life being asked if his parents fled the Soviet Union.
So, not a fan of Romeo Detlev.
As for Tom Elvis Jedusor, that one I have no problem with. Elvis wouldn't become a star until several decades after Tom's birth, and the middle name is supposed to be unusual anyway. The rest of the name sounds appropriately French, no notes. (Though the Danish translator should have taken some for how to give readers a funny, but plausible name).
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impactedfates · 1 year
Cyno, Tighnari + masc or gn reader possibly? (≧◡≦) ♡
just the hurt/comfort with a sick or injured, maybe cyno’s telling jokes and Tighnari tells him to stop but reader joins in on the puns ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ thank you so much!!! \(^ヮ^)/
A/N: First Genshin request :D I hope this was to your liking :)) Also credits to my friend @call-me-chaotic for providing my with Cyno puns. Check them out >:)
Warnings: Mentions of passing out, Cynos Puns
Extra: Male!Reader // Reader is not Traveler // Poly relationship :)) (Cynari x Reader) // Reader is a Cartographer and has no vision (the elemental vision) // Reader is the same height as Cyno
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The leaves underneath yours continued to make a loud satisfying crunch noise as you walked across it. You were writing, ticking and reviewing things for your boyfriend Tighnari.
You weren’t paying too much attention to where you were going, you were only using the map you had made. Though it wasn’t finished yet, when Tighnari asked for your help to review some new plants he discovered, you agreed. I mean you could kill two birds with one stone. You can help him AND finish your map.
Though perhaps you shouldn’t have walked too far as eventually you found yourself in a rather…dead looking place. You were quick to note this place down, even sketching the general area but, as you were doing this, your legs felt like they were weighing you down, they felt as if someone was forcing your legs to fall to to ground. You stumbled to your knees and held your head, your breath a bit rigged, looking around you finally remembered what Collei said. You were in a Withering Zone.
You tried to stand up but your head and everything on your body hurt. You tried your best to stay conscious, so you could go back and tell Tighnari and Collei about the location of the Withering Zone. You stumbled a bit to get out, but your vision started to get blurry, and it got blurrier and blurrier before everything went black.
Cynos walked past a few forest rangers as he made his way home. He couldn’t wait to have dinner with his boyfriends after such a long day…that is until someone seemed to be calling for him.
“General Mahamantra!! General Mahamantra!!!”
Came the voice, constantly repeating his title. He let out a light sigh and turned around.
“Yes? What’s the pro-”
His eyes widened as he saw the Forest Ranger carrying an unconscious you towards him, he was quick to drop his weapon and rush over, taking you into his own arms. He looked at the Forest Ranger with concern in his eyes.
“I-I don’t know, I was doing a patrol and saw him unconscious in the Withering Zone…”
He looked at the Forest Ranger for a bit before nodding, carrying [Name] in his arms as he quietly thanked them, grabbing a hold of his weapon as well, as he made his way back to his house.
“Oh Cyno you’re ba- WHA- WHAT HAPPENED TO [NAME]”
Collie asked, quickly rushing over, her voice reaching Tighnari as he quickly entered the room as well, quick to take [Name] and set them on his bed.
“A Forest Ranger found them like this…they’ll be okay, correct?”
“I have some medical herbs for them, they’ll be fine as long as I take care of them”
Tighnari speaks, yet the more Tighnari worked on them the more he seemed uncertain about that. Cyno paced back and forth as Collei attempted to calm him down. Trying to reassure him.
“Nari…it’s been 3 days…t-they’re going to wake up right?”
“They’re breathing…”
Tighnari speaks, taking a sip of water that Cyno gave him. As he breathed out, his ears drooped as he looked back at you still on the bed.
“I gave him all the medicine I knew that could help…”
“...I’m…sure it’ll be okay…”
They both stared in silence, nothing can be heard other than the breaths of the people in the room and the sounds of the glass landing on the table softly.
The sounds of the birds chirping unaware of the situation and the sounds of Collei taking over for Tighnari as the main Forest Ranger. And the sounds of someone groaning in pain and the bed sheets ruffling…wait.
Both Cyno and Tighnaris eyes dart towards you as you slowly attempted to get up, Tighnari was quick to gently yet sternly place your head back on the bed.
“Stay. It’s not a good idea to get up so quickly after being passed out for so long”
Tighnari instructs, you were going to protest but the stern look you got from BOTH your boyfriends made you shut up with a small sigh then a chuckle followed.
“...How long was I out for?”
“3 days”
Cyno answered as Tighnari went to get some more medicine for you to aid with any pain you felt when you woke up. You looked at Cyno a bit, before asking him to help you up with your eyes, no words exchanged. Just silence.
Cyno sighed a bit but went over and helped you sit up with a soft smile. He was happy you were okay. By this point Tighnari came back and slowly fed you some medicine.
“This is newly made from the latest shipment I got. It contains some medical flowers and plants”
“I herb it helps people feel better”
Tighnari blinks back at Cyno, narrowing his eyes.
“Hm? Don’t get it, well plants and flowers have leaves, leaves can also be called herbs. Herb sounds like heard”
“I got it Cyno but…this was not the time”
Tighnari states, rubbing his temples. He looked back at you about to ask how you were feeling now and if you’d like water…until he saw you about to laugh as well.
“...[Name]...no, don’t you-”
“Where does a boat go when it’s sick? The dock”
You grinned, ignoring the forest rangers plea, the General Mahamatra however was more than happy to continue on.
“Why don’t ants get sick? Because they have little anty bodies”
“Where do horses go when they’re sick? The horspital”
“What did the sapling say when they heard their friend was all better now? Tree-rific”
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Thanks again to my friend for the help for some puns, If you find them funny, I'm disappointed in you/j
The next requests may take a bit longer to post, I got hit with a bit of writers block a bit after finishing this one. Please be patient with me while I try to fix it, I promise to get your requests done as soon as I can :)
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quinloki · 1 month
would you?!
Fic authors self rec! When you receive this, reply with favorite five fics you've written (include links, and if you want- a few thoughts about each one), then pass on to at least five other writers if you're up for it. Spread the self-love ✨
If you don't, I'll just... I'll just... well I won't do a thing but please?!
many fist pumps,
▲ I'm a symbol now
\o/ Tri, my sweet friend, you are - if anything - a symbol of good cheer =D ♥
Let's see, five favorite fics I've written. That's much easier than trying to pick just one ^_^
Birds of a Feather Marco/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - This is my most recently completed fic, at least at the time of this post, but I love it so much. My passion for Marco feels like it came out of nowhere and has made itself reigning champion in my thoughts. But a story I expected to be relatively short, ended up almost twice as long as I expected, and it was so easy. It was fun to write, and I think it goes down smooth, despite being nearly 90k words people consistently devour it in a single sitting.
Quicksand Sir Crocodile/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - Not sure if you're a fan of the sandy crocodile-themed warlord? Tread carefully, reading this title is statistically likely to convert you. Quicksand has an alternative ending because the story was originally intended to be a very dark Yandere - to the point that Doflamingo would've been the "good" guy. That's not how things went, and I'm quite glad for it. Quicksand going its own direction is what helped seal the deal in creating the Tales of the Grandline Metropolis, which is currently 3.8 completed stories. (it'll be at least 8 before it's done).
A Light Touch Eustass Kid/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - My first Eustass Kid/Reader story. Set in the same AU as Quicksand, it was started from a pun, of all things. I figured Kid would be fancy tech stuff like neural-linked prosthetics, and the idea that would make a prosthetic for the reader after they lost a hand was something I wanted to write. Creating something like that would take a light touch, and if it glowed, that would be a different kind of light touch and getting close to Kid requires a light-- you get the point. Like I said, it's all based off a pun, but I'm really proud of the story, it's one of my favorite re-reads.
Some Direction Zoro/Reader (tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - A Modern AU where the government mandates who you marry. I have to give thanks to @lyndsyh24 for not only inspiring me to write this one (start to finish in a single month, I was obsessed!) but also for allowing my to play in the AU she'd built up. From Matchbook to the laws themselves, it's all thanks to Lyn. Zoro started out as one of my favorite characters in the series - I still have love for him, and I'm always happy to write him, but he's taken a bit of a back seat to my top three. Still Some Direction is a story I'm really proud of - even if I worry there'll be a mob after me for who the antagonist is 😅
Family Ties Doflamingo/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - I was torn on this last choice - even with five slots it's hard to decide between stories I suppose ^^; Also, oops, apparently I only put the first ten chapters on tumblr... I need to fix that >.> Ahem, anyway, Family Ties is the first fic I wrote after over ten years of not writing at all. It's my first reader insert, my first true multi-chapter too. When I wrote it, it was the longest fic I'd written by nearly 50k words. I wrote it because I wanted a more morally ambiguous reader compared to what I'd been reading. It's not a dark fic though, it's pretty tooth-achingly sweet, honestly, but it's currently the only fic I have where the reader is a murderer in a very undisputed and direct manner.
Honorable mention I almost posted as piece 5 - The Dragon's Clause - my Sabo/Reader Noble/Fantasy/Magic AU, and also the only title I mention that's incomplete. But it's a an ode to my favorite genre, and a great many of my favorite tropes.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
Can you share your name examples? Please!
under a cut in case people feel like guessing or something
putting syllables together and they sound nice: literally almost any fantasy book that doesn't use modern names but like, off the top of my head: Essun from The Broken Earth Trilogy. Sabriel and Lirael from The Old Kingdom Trilogy. Shallan from the Stormlight Archives. The vast majority of women's names in ASOIAF that aren't too close to irl names. No shortage of names in Wheel of Time.
putting syllables together and they sound like arthuriana: Egwene (Wheel of Time) is the big one for me.
Slightly altered irl name: Bunch of names in ASOIAF notably Eddard and Alicent. Really common in actual play (Revvetha is sort of a joke but sort of not; Belizabeth).
Extremely apt character descriptor you know who you are: Kaladin of the Stormlight Archives. As a paladin stan I must stan and the character genuinely is great but like. c'mon man.
Mashup of irl names: Brennan Lee Mulligan does this EXTREMELY often most notably with Raphaniel.
Something meaningful in an irl language: SILAHA is a great example. Idk Dune probably did this.
Something meaningful in an elaborate self-created conlang: welcome to Lord of the Rings, an opportunity for Tolkien to take his conlangs for a test drive.
Something meaningful in a foreign language siri set alarm etc: self-explanatory. look to your left look to your right if no one at the D&D table used an Elvish Translator then it's bc they used the fantasy name generator for a different fantasy race.
IRL names not in common usage: I suppose it's not exclusively but The Locked Tomb does have Palamedes and this is also a Classic D&D Naming Strat.
This is Linda and she fights dragons: Robert Baratheon, whatever the fuck is going on in Dune, when D&D characters are named things like Kristen or Beauregard or Imogen or Ashton. Also obviously true in almost any Earth-set fantasy; I have a taste for like, regency/Napoleonic Wars-set fantasy novels and so people are just named things like Thomas and Catherine and they are worried about Their Place In Society but also they are wizards.
Series of complex and mysterious titles: The Man with the Thistledown Hair from Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (speaking of normal-ass names in fantasy); The Emissary; The Man in Black. Often some kind of eldritch/otherworldly being but like, you could just decide that's your name in a D&D game. no one is stopping you.
Rigid Naming Conventions: offhand my problematic fave The Belgariad has some weird naming conventions (dryads all have names starting with X or, when softened into Tolnedran, Ce' as a prefix; acolytes of Aldur all have Bel- or Pol- prefixes to their names based on gender but the names themselves vary); the weird palindrome names in Stormlight Archives; The Vorkosigan Saga is sci fi and set in a future of our universe so many names are existing ones but the naming convention is often passing down the two grandfather's first names to the eldest son and other such things.
Pun or meme: again, D&D classic; Percival Friedrickstein Von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III, every Crown of Candy PC.
Fantasy name generator already covered. who knows how many people are using it. who knows what data set it uses.
Acronym: I believe this is what Tav is in BG3; This is also I believe where Thedas comes from.
Literally just a noun: Fjord, Keg; The Belgariad has characters who technically are going by codenames bc they are from The Spy Country but practically speaking I cannot actually recall what Silk's actual name is off the top of my head and I've read those books like 5 times and he's a major character. Shadowheart is i guess two nouns but it's the same principle.
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