#like the imaginary disaster ones drive me kind of batty
msviolacea · 9 months
Addition to the last reblog: one of my least favorite genres of message I get at work is "hey Jaime I just talked about this with [boss] but can you meet with me about it?" Like, about 25% of the time that's a legit "[boss] didn't quite understand the nuances because she doesn't do the day to day work so much anymore" request, but the other 75% is either "[boss] told me to read the work instruction but I don't wanna" or "I have made up sixteen imaginary disaster scenarios in my head and need you to talk me down from all of them before I can do the work."
I apparently need to destroy my reputation as the person who will just answer the goddamned question because she's tired of hearing people talk about it. Only then will I be free.
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