#like the guy was spreading rumors about him nonstop
piescornerstore · 1 year
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Assorted angry pinks + a blue and a spam
If YOU were the city's top salesman and your position was suddenly usurped by the runt... you'd be mad, wouldn't you?
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lyrical-fics · 1 year
I Wanna Be The One You Think About At Night, And I Wanna Be The One That You Would Put Up A Fight For.
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Song: Flaming Hot Cheetos - Clairo
Synopsis: Who would fight for you, who would think about you non-stop, and who would do both?
Characters: Ei, Jean, Ningguang
A/N: Do not attack me, these opinions are personal 🥲 btw I may have gotten a bit carried away at Ningguang’s, sorry that my favoritism is showing 😭😭
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Who would fight for you?
As the electro archon, Ei will not be afraid to throw hands if people were to ever talk shit about you. She’s not that good with her words since she has kept herself locked inside her Plane of Euthymia for 500 years, so the least she could do is protect— in her words— your precious soul away from people that are not even worth 1 mora.
“N—no! Please, I’ll do anything! I’ll apologize! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me!”
Her determination to absolutely destroy this man is unwavering, eyes full of disgust and the air that surrounds is electrifying. Her intimidating demeanor contrasts her gentle and calm voice.
“Oh? So you think a little ‘sorry’ is enough to fix what you’ve done? You deserve a lifetime—”
“Ei? What’s going on?” you ask while walking into the room, your voice immediately catching the attention of your beloved and the other.. thing. Scanning your eyes around the place, you see the guy kneeling down and immediately rush to him to check for any injuries. The guy was absolutely distraught. His face resembled a chalk due to how pale he became with his interaction with Ei. He even looked like he was about to pass out.
Your beloved watched as you checked up on the guy, shocked that you still had guilt and remorse left for him. Especially the fact that you forgave him for doing such an unforgivable thing. Spreading rumors about you using her for power? There was no way she nor the shogun would allow that.
As you finally finished making sure the guy was okay, you told him to leave. You knew this act greatly shocked your lover, so you walked up to her and gently cupped her face with both hands.
“Ei, it’s okay. What he did was harmless, and I honestly don’t mind it. There’s more things your pretty face can worry about, hm? And you wouldn’t want your reputation to be damaged just because they said meaningless things now, would you?”
Truthfully, she would rather have a destroyed reputation than having nobodies speak about you in such an unpleasant way. But seeing you speak so softly really calmed her down. And maybe— just maybe— she’d be willing to let him go, but not without asking Miko to damage his reputation a bit. Just “a bit.”
“Alright, if that’s what you want,” she mutters while closing her eyes and melting into your touch even more.
You leaned in and gently kissed her, giggling as you sense her chasing after your lips while you pull away.
“Thank you, Ei.”
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Who would think about you nonstop?
Jean has always been putty to the thought of love. But being in love with you? You just turned her into a mess! When you two weren’t dating yet, she would giggle like a high school girl to the thought of you. Always thinking about what you’re doing, how you are, and getting worried sick when she hears that you get in trouble. Now that you two are dating, it gets even worse! Often asking if you’re okay and sometimes when she’s still drowned in paperwork (which is most of the time), in need of your presence, she’ll ask knight or one of her trusted friends to call you and then next thing you know, you’re sat on her comfortable lap.
Slumping in her chair, the dandelion knight groans at the sight in front of her, a whole stack of paperwork. Great, just as she planned to finally come home to you early. She then proceeds to massage her temples before continuing her ongoing work.
“If only Y/N was here..” she thought and chuckles to herself, “I wonder, what could she be doing right now? Sleeping, most probably”
“Actually, that guess is incorrect. As far as I know, I’m inside the office of my favorite acting grandmaster,” you say, grinning at the way her head instantly tilts up to your voice.
She looks so stressed, new eye bags appearing and you could tell she was having a headache right now. But it all seemed to disappear as soon as she saw your face, her body finally feeling at peace.
“My love? What are you doing here? It’s late, and you should be asleep at this time.. and you do know that I’m the only acting grandmaster here, right?”
“Oh come on Jean, loosen up a bit, hm?” you reply, walking over to her and sitting at her lap while embracing her.
“Lisa called me, she told me that you looked like you needed a Vitamin Me.” you said, laughing softly and burying your face into her neck to breathe in her scent. “And she was right.”
Her face immediately burns at the fact that Lisa was indeed correct. Maybe all she needed was you, after all. As she wraps her left arm gently around your waist, she props her head on your shoulder, finally allowing her body to fully relax.
“See? I told you, you needed rest.”
“You are my rest.”
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Who would do both?
Oh Ningguang. Being with her is just like a dream, you know? She’s gorgeous, dominating, rich, caring, but most of all— loving. Oh? These people are bothering you? Well, considering that she’s the Tianquan of Liyue, she doesn’t mind pulling a string or two just to get rid of groups that are causing you any type of trouble. Not like the citizens would ever suspect her of doing anything like that. In addition, since she’s busy most of the time and doesn’t get to spend time with you a lot, she thinks about you so much. So the least she could do is ask one of her many servants to take care of you. But don’t fret, she’ll make sure to come home to you every night to make up for lost time.
“Y/N, dear, I’m back,” she says softly, careful not to wake you up if you were ever asleep.
“Mm.. Ning.. Ningguang?” you groggily respond, your eyes barely open. If only you could see the wide grin plastered on her face. You just looked so adorable!
She carefully places her hand on your cheek and lightly kisses your forehead. It’s moments like these where you truly feel at peace. Moments like these are where she makes you feel like you deserve the love you receive even if you consistently protest against that fact.
Ningguang closes the lights before laying down in your shared bed, wrapping her hands around your waist and letting her senses be completely enveloped by you. You, the one who makes her forget all her worries and the stress she’s received all throughout the day, replacing it with gratitude towards the archons for gracing her a person like you.
You turned around to face her and relish more in her embrace. Saying your ‘i love you’s and ‘goodnight’s before you allowed yourself to start drifting off to sleep.
She remained awake looking at you, simply admiring your whole being. She stayed like that for a while before closing her eyes and muttering a few words.
“I love you— so much more than you think I do. And while we’re still alive, I will not hesitate to prove just how much I love you and everything you do.”
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bozepomagaj · 1 year
College AU!Trigun (part 1)
I can't believe I'm actually posting something I made on a long ass car ride LMAO. I haven't written fanfics in a long time, and this is my first time with 'x reader' fanfics so you'll have to bear with me on this one, I'm treating this as an experiment to see if I can even make these types of fanfics (also I'm a lesbian. But I'm not immune to babygirls.). Criticism is always appreciated on this blog🤝. Also wanted to mention that english is not my first language so I apologize for my poor/repetitive vocabulary. This was proof read but I also apologize in case I missed a mistake or two.
Summary: you end up at a party and save a mysterious but pretty blondie that your dear friend won't shut up about
Tw: drugging
Cw: swearing, 'questionable noises' get brought up once
Word count: 2.2k
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
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There was an infamous guy on campus that seemingly, everyone knew. Rumors about him spread quickly every couple of weeks but what we do know is this:
He came here through a recommendation. Didn't have to work hard like the rest because his relative, supposedly late mother, was an up-and-coming biologist who apparently stuck her nose where she shouldn't have and got killed in an 'accident'. No records of said crash could be found, presumably because the government did their best to cover it up. He barely studies and instead spends time at parties getting drunk out of his mind but luckily he's incredibly smart which means all he really has to do is anxiously study the night before the test and he'll get incredible results everytime. He's kind, caring, cheerful, and many other positive adjectives, or so you've been told by your dear friend Meryl who's been trying to get you to meet him for the past few weeks. She always complained about how you need to 'live a little' because you never went out, always nose deep in some book studying or on your phone, never the outgoing type. She never forced you to go out but this time, she had to because you needed to meet Vash Saverem, the guy she would talk about nonstop.
You stood in front of the door, loud music blaring, people screaming in excitement as their favorite song came on, lights flashing in your eyes until all you could see is white. You could even make out some... questionable sounds but this was normal. This was college. You were going to grab your phone to call Meryl when she bursts out of the front door carrying quite a large, half-unconscious man.
"Oh my god you came afterall, I thought you were gonna ditch me!"
You rolled your eyes at the comment, she promised you 20 bucks if you finally came out of your hidey-hole and who are you to say no to that type of money?
"Yeah, I need to get out from time to time too."
"Good! Now come in!"
She grabs your hand and pulls you inside, giggling while doing so. Clearly she was a little tipsy already. She dragged you to the only clean table in the house, most likely defended it with her life to make sure it stays like that.
"So it's just the two of us?"
"Nope. Others are scattered around, I'll go and find them okay? You just stay here."
It was only then that the realization of what you're doing hit you. You're about to meet her friends. 3 other complete strangers that you only knew some bits and pieces about (except Vash) and you had no idea if they were even gonna like you. You looked around nervously, contemplating if this really was a good idea. The place was already cramped but somehow it felt even more cramped and stuffy in this moment.
"Are you like... sure about this?"
"What do you mean?"
It was honestly surprising how you didn't meet her friends yet, considering how much time she spent around them and how many random stories she told you about them. You made an image in your head of every single one of the individuals she spoke of. The heavily religious Nicholas D. (she said it stands for dickhead) Wolfwood who, despite studying theology and being the first person in the church on a Sunday morning, drank like a 40 year old man with marriage problems. Milly Thompson, a total sweetheart but also not the brightest bulb who went to the gym at least 4 days every week and was fucking shredded and him. Vash. The one and only. She was convinced you two would be great friends when you meet eachother but you doubted that, considering how many stories she told you about him going out to random parties. She left as quickly as she came, looking for her dear friends. You were never much of a drinker so you just sat there, looking at your phone, rejecting random advances from drunk guys&girls alike. 20 minutes pass by and Meryl is still nowhere to be seen. You get a little concerned, these types of parties could get... out of hand at times so you get up, looking for her. You walk around, trying your best not to bump into too many people but you're still met with an occasional 'hey' and 'watch it'. It's then that you witness a different scene. Two guys holding a blondie who was clearly drunk out of his mind, babbling something while the two tried to drag him upstairs. Weird... you thought. But it was then you saw them force his mouth open and quickly throw in a small, pink pill. You might not have been to many parties, but you've seen your fair share of movies and shows to know exactly where this was going. Other people saw the scene, too, but just ignored it.
Fucking Bystander effect.
You kept looking at the scene unfolding infront of you, your mind racing at a 100 miles per hour. You wanted to help obviously but could you really go up against two guys at the same time? Or would you just end up making the situation worse? It's then that you saw both of them hesitating as the blondies legs gave out on him. It was now or never. Quickly, you approached them, putting on the bravest face one could muster up in a situation like this.
"Hey, what are you two doing?"
Their heads snap back, fear in their eyes. Clearly they didn't expect someone to approach them while doing this. They looked at eachother stammering some excuses but you cut them off.
"If you don't mind, I'll be taking my friend back so he'll sober up."
You were quick, hoisted him on your back and dragged him to the nearest bathroom, locking the two of you in a stall. He was completely out of it and you could only hope it was because of the alcohol and not the pill. You forced his mouth open, he didn't swallow the pill. But even then, it must've melted at least a little. You grab the pill and flush it down the toilet, then proceed to slap him a few times so he could maybe, just maybe get a hold of himself.
"Hey, buddy wake up. What's your name?"
You kept trying but it wasn't working. He tried to say something but the words were slurred and nonsensical. You ran to the bar to get a cup of water then returned, making him drink it in hopes it would somehow help. You got your phone and tried to call Meryl to find out this mysterious mans identity at the very least but she wasn't picking up. Texting also didn't work. Frustration and anxiety kept building up, you never expected to be in this situation when suddenly, the guy handed you his apartment keys which you recognized immediately. Meryl had s similar pair which meant they lived in the same apartment complex. After some weird glances and bumping into people, you two managed to drag yourself out of the house, it felt like hours had passed by the time you were in front of his apartment, the poor guy still completely out of it. You unlocked the door hastily and dragged him inside. The apartment was... large. And fancy. Not really what you expected from someone like him. You look around, trying to find a bedroom and on your 4th try, you do. You drag him inside and lay him on the bed, taking off his long coat and his shirt so he doesn't overheat. You give him some more water to drink when finally, Meryl calls you back. Her voice is muffled, loud music still blaring and people talking in the background.
"Where'd you go? I can't find you anywhere."
"No shit, I'm freaking out cuz I'm at some guys's apartment."
You hear Meryls voice shift to being slightly panicked.
"What? Did they take you there? Are you okay?"
"I am fine but the guy certainly isn't! Someone gave him a fucking pill and I dragged him back to his apartment, he didn't swallow the pill so like... maybe he'll be fine."
"Holy fuck, uh, do you want me to come over or something?"
"I'll be fine but I'm going straight home after this. Maybe I can meet your friends another time."
"Yeah, yeah no problem. Sorry about all this I uh... didn't expect this."
You hang up and sigh heavily, putting your head in your hands assessing your situation. You're in a random, half-unconscious guys apartment, sitting down on the floor close to tears because this was NOT how this night was supposed to go. You were supposed to be drinking while meeting new friends and overall having a hell of a time. You decide there's no time to wallow in your misery and you get up, checking back on the guy. He's sleeping soundly, his beautiful facial features still visible by the moonlight seeping through the window. In a way he looked angelic... otherworldy. You grabbed a pen and some paper and wrote a small note.
"Dear stranger,
We don't know eachother but I dragged you home cuz you almost got roofied. If you still feel sick in the morning, please call an ambulance. I hope your hangover isn't too bad.
Ps. Here's my phone number in case you need help with anything."
You left it on the nightstand and quietly exited the apartment. You stumbled back home, absolutely wasted from... well, everything. You got changed, did your nightly routine and the moment your head hit the pillow you fell asleep, exhausted from everything that happened.
You woke up to the sound of your phone blaring and vibrating. You grabbed it with an annoyed groan slipping past your lips. You tried to turn off your alarm... but realize it was actually a call. Who the, and excuse my language, FUCK would be calling you at 6:07am? You answer with a raspy voice, not even bothering to clear your throat.
"Oh my God you actually picked up, hi! I'm the guy you helped yesterday."
And just like that you were wide awake. Memories of last night flooded your brain as panic set in again.
"Hey, hi, are you okay? Did you call an ambulance?"
"No I didn't, I'm doing fine now thanks to you. I wanted to thank you for helping me out. If I'm being honest I don't remember a thing so... I'm just glad I'm home safe. Thank you."
His voice was like honey, you couldn't tell if he actually sounded that nice or because you still weren't fully awake and being complemented this early in the morning gave you a kind of an adrenaline rush.
"It's no big deal really, it's the least I could've done."
You replied with a small giggle. Not sure what was so funny but just the fact that someone came to thank you for your good deed felt nice.
"It is a big deal though! I'm treating you to coffee or some cakes, I know a really good place. But it would be nice if I knew your name."
Overly-sweet, he was just like the cakes he mentioned. You couldn't help yourself but to smile, it's rare to find people like these today.
"Yeah, sure. The name is (Y/N) (L/N). And you, my mysterious drunken man?"
He giggled at the nickname. For someone to sound so angelic and energetic at 6:10am, he left you in an awe.
"Vash Saverem."
And with that your jaw just dropped. He was the guy you were supposed to get drunk with yesterday, chat about something random and not drag him half-dead body home, wondering if he'll be okay or not. You stayed silent for a couple seconds before nervously talking.
"Oh my God I know you. Kind of, you don't know me but- it's hard to explain okay? We'll talk more when we meet up, bye."
You could hear him protest on the other side of the phone but you quickly hung up out of shock and disbelief. It's like this couldn't get any weirder. You quickly call Meryl, she was gonna murder you for calling her this early but it would only be right to tell her about her friend, right? The phone rang once... twice... three times... four times... and then you heard a loud, pissy groan.
"Seriously. 6am? What is wrong with you."
"Remember the guy I had to drag home yesterday? Turns out it was Vash."
Thank the lord you moved your phone away from your ear because the screech she let out was ungodly.
"You're kidding right!? How do you know!? And is he even okay now?"
Her voice was panicked, you could tell she was concerned about her friend.
"Yes, yes he's fine now. He called me this morning cuz I left him my phone number in case he needed me for something. I still think you should go check on him, just in case."
Meryl hangs up hastily, most likely to run over to Vash's apartment to see how her friend is doing. You just stay there staring at the wall.
You wonder if you'll ever get those 20 bucks she mentioned.
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
OUT LOUD | Eddie Munson
Summary: When you and Robin pass notes in class about Eddie Munson, the teacher calls you both out for it, confiscating the notes. To make matters worse, she reads the notes out loud catching the attention of the very special freak.
Part 2
Author’s Note: Not proofread, sorry lmao 😭
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You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to be met by a very annoyed classmate with a neatly folded up note gripped in between their two fingers. They looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to grab it.
You take it, looking around to see who could have given it to you. You locked eyes with Robin, her nodding to you to open the note.
“When are you going to tell him?” The note read in sloppy hand-writing. Robin’s hand writing wasn’t the very best, you were surprised that you were even able to read it.
“Who?” You wrote underneath her sentence. You knew who she was talking about, you just decided to play dumb. What if— whoever the person’s name behind you— read it and told Eddie that the two of you were passing notes about the dungeon master? Ever since Robin found out about your crush on Eddie, she has been nonstop trying to convince you to tell him.
You turned around in your seat, a tight-lipped smile on your lips as you gave it to the person behind you. They frown, snatching the note before giving it to Robin.
You watch as she opens it, her eyes scanning the paper before looking up at you with a quirked eyebrow. She scribbled something on the paper before giving it back to the annoyed person who was now a note messenger for the two of you.
You take the note, opening it up. “Eddie? Who else would I be talking about. You really need to tell him, I’m telling you, he likes you back! I swear I saw him staring at you earlier in the hallway, his eyes were like heart-shaped!”
A faint blush painted your cheeks. Was he actually staring at you earlier? The two of you only talked a few times, only knowing each other because of Robin and Steve. You guys have probably talked three times the whole school year. The first time was when Steve introduced you two, the second was when you accidentally bumped into him during lunch and the third time… was when you bumped into him, again.
“Chrissy was near me. He was probably staring at her.” You quickly scribbled onto the paper.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” Your teacher started, her witch hand snatching the piece of paper out your hands. You gasped.
“Are your notes more important than this class?” She asked, squinting her eyes to read the words written on the paper.
“N-no, ma’am.” You mumbled. You prayed that she would just throw it away, confiscate it and tell you, you can get it after class. But, no. With your luck, she decided to humiliate you, her screechy voice reading everything out-loud enough for the whole school to hear.
She mimicked the words, trying her best to read Robin’s sloppy handwriting. “When are you going to tell him? Who? Ed…” You slouched into your seat, covering your face with your hands to hide your red, embarrassed face. You prayed that the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
You didn’t dare look up, even when she lectured you about how you should be worrying more about school than boys. How boys were going to get you nowhere in life. She then threw the note in the trash, her face grimacing.
You could hear a few snickers from students in the classroom, some whispering and judging you for having a crush on the infamous freak. You could already imagine the rumors that would be spreading around by the end of the day.
What did Eddie think of you now? Was he snickering along with the rest or the class? Was he going to take apart of those rumors? Was he disgusted? Embarrassed for you?
You hesitantly removed your face from your hands, looking back at Robin to send her a glare. She just gave you a apologetic look before mouthing the word “sorry”.
In your peripheral vision you could see someone staring at you. You already knew who it was. You remembered where he sat, it was the one area of the room you tried your best to avoid— to avoid any obvious signs of your crush on him.
You turned back in your seat, crossing your arms as you went back to slouching. You prayed and begged that you would be able to escape the classroom before Eddie could have the chance to confront you. You could just avoid him for the rest of your life.
A few minutes went by of you trying to find a way to disappear when you felt a all-too-familiar tap on your shoulder. Was Robin trying to embarrass you, again?
You turned around, the note messenger holding up another note for you to take. You look back quickly at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t looking before snatching it, turning back around to open it up under your desk.
“I was actually staring at you, not Chrissy. Cheerleaders aren’t my type. - Eddie”
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Sequel to SIT ON ME
a/n: as per requested, here is a part two to my recent sebastian fic! hope you guys will like it as much as you did the previous part! also, there’s not gonna be any more parts!
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Assistant!Reader
word count: 3k
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You were expecting it. You knew how the internet and most importantly, Sebastian’s fans work. Just hours after the event, dozens of videos got out of Sebastian saying that he wanted you to sit on him if he was a chair, an answer to a highly inappropriate question that shouldn’t have been asked in the first place, but your crazy ass boss thought otherwise.
It washed over the whole fandom and soon enough everyone was talking about the two of you. And because part of your job is to be up to date about Sebastian’s media presence, you had to face not just him but yourself all over the internet. Fans started to dig up every tiny interaction between the two of you caught on camera, they posted photo montages of you and him just out and about or going from one meeting to the other. They started to look for signs that you’re dating and half of the fandom became convinced that you’re in a secret relationship. Speculations and rumors spread faster than wildfire and there was no way to stop it, you just had to live with it.
In the meanwhile, Sebastian didn’t seem to be bothered by it at all. It’s like he didn’t even acknowledge the fuss about the two of you, like it was all so natural and normal to be seen as a couple by the whole world when you were just his employee.
“What? It’s not like I ever addressed anything about my dating life,” he shrugged one day when you asked him why he is not caring about the situation at all. And that was pretty much it.
The fans wouldn’t have been that big of a deal to you either. They are strangers, they always get fixated on something and soon enough you knew something new would come up and make them forget about your existence. The people close to you on the other hand are a whole different side of the story.
Following the event, Mackie wouldn’t shut up about Sebastian being hopelessly in love with you and he would nag you to go on a date already, getting on your nerves even more than he usually does with his nosiness. You love the man, you really do, but he needs to learn how to stay in his own lane.
And then, slowly but surely every friend you and Sebastian shared caught up on the story and they started asking you about it again and again and you had to tell them the same thing every damn time: you and Sebastian were working together, no romance was involved between the two of you.
No one believed you.
Now it’s been weeks and people still go crazy whenever you and Seb step out together, which happens quite often since he’s been having a busy month work-wise. Paparazzi are always following you around, catching every moment you spend out in the public, putting you on the tabloids nonstop. It’s become your usual.
Another day, another event. The day starts early for you before you pick Sebastian up and heading out to have breakfast before you are supposed to show up at the concert hall that’s going to be the venue of today’s interview and Q&A.
“Mackie has been blowing my phone up all morning,” you grumble upon seeing another text from said man before you just turn your phone screen facing down so you can finish your toast in peace.
“What does he want?” Sebastian hums.
“He is asking if I’m coming today, as if I missed any events these past weeks,” you huff shaking your head.
“He has been acting weird,” Sebastian grimaces, reaching for his coffee. “Weirder than his usual,” he adds.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, he just asks weird stuff,” he shrugs, not paying much attention to it and you decide to do the same.
Not much later, you’re finished with your food, only sipping on your coffee when you spot a group of girls near your table, their phones pointing in your direction and you have to stop yourself from growling, turning a little so you’re not facing the phones entirely. Sebastian notices your discomfort and looking around he spots the girls as well before turning back to face you. He doesn’t say a word, just gets up from his seat and strides over to the group as you watch him with wide eyes.
“Hi girls, can I ask you to delete the pictures you took, please? I’m happy to take selfies with you, just please don’t post the ones of us eating, okay?” you hear him ask them, leaving you completely speechless. Luckily, the girls are happy to obligate and he quickly poses for pictures with all of them before joining you back at the table.
“Why did you do that?” you ask him, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“You clearly didn’t like that they took pictures of us and I know you don’t like how we are being talked about recently, so I thought I would… try to help about that a little,” he shrugs, finishing the rest of his coffee.
“I just don’t like that everyone is in our business,” you sigh, folding your arms on your chest as you lean back in your seat.
“So we have business? Together?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at you over the table.
“That’s not how I… We talked about this, Seb,” you breathe out, your shoulders falling forward.
“Ages ago. Things might have changed since then,” he suggests shrugging his shoulder.
“I still work for you,” you point it out. “Things are better this way.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” he mumbles, clearly hurt by your words, but there’s not much you can do against it. “Let’s go, I don’t want Mackie to be up in my ass for being late,” he sighs, leaving the money on the table that most likely covers both your meals and a fat tip as well.
The car ride to the venue is silent, but not in the comfortable way it sometimes is. It’s awkward and you keep glancing at him, trying to find the right words but you’re not even sure what you want to tell him.
I’m sorry we work together so we can’t date? I’m sorry I keep rejecting you? I’m sorry I’m afraid if we go any further than this it will ruin our friendship?
You have absolutely no idea how to deal with it, so you just stay silent, right until you arrive to the venue. Before Seb could get out of the car you speak up.
“Are you mad at me now?” you ask, biting into your bottom lip.
“I’m not mad, Y/N. I don’t think I could ever be mad at you,” he truthfully answers, his eyes only falling on you after he has spoken.
“But there’s something, I can tell.”
“I’m just a little frustrated, is all.”
“Because of what people say about us?” you make a guess.
“Because there’s this unsaid situation between us and you just don’t let me address it. You don’t want to talk about it and whenever it’s brought up, you just shut the door right at my face,” he explains and with each spoken word, you feel worse and worse.
“It’s a complicated situation,” you breathe out.
“It’s not,” he retorts. “Do you not like me?”
“Of course I like you!”
“Okay, I like you too so why can’t we be more than just friends?”
“Because we are not just friends. I’m working for you, it’s a different situation!”
“Y/N, this is not an office job, there’s no HR, no policies, we can do whatever we want!” he chuckles bitterly as you keep your eyes down. You don’t have the heart to tell him that it’s not just because of work, but because you’re terribly afraid of being a disappointment to him if you eventually give it a try.
Your silence doesn’t amuses Sebastian and you don’t have time to rave any longer about the situation.
“Forget it, sorry I brought it up again. Let’s just… get over with this thing,” he mumbles before getting out of the car.
You move around each other like strangers, he is clearly avoiding to even look at you and you’re feeling guilty even though you don’t think you have a reason to. Still, you hate seeing him this upset, especially when it’s because of you.
The change in your act is not that evident, but Mackie immediately notices it. When you walk past him he grabs your wrist and pulls you aside.
“What the hell is going on?” he asks with wide, curious eyes.
“What are you talking about?” you retort, acting innocent, but there’s a reason why you didn’t become an actress, you suck at even lying.
“You and Seb are acting like a divorcing couple!” he whisper-yells. Pursing your lip you start chewing on the inside of your cheek as you nervously tap your foot on the ground.
“We just… had a little disagreement.”
“About what?”
“Us,” you breathe out, your head hanging low.
“Wait, so there is an ‘us’?” he asks, air-quoting the last word and you roll your eyes at him.
“No, that’s what the disagreement was about. He wants and I…”
“Don’t tell me you don’t, because I know that’s bullshit. Y/N, I see the way you look at that man, why are you making it so hard for the both of you?”
“It’s just—It might ruin everything and I can’t afford that right now.”
“Ruin everything?!” he grimaces. “What would it ruin?”
“I said fucking everything!” you snap at him, losing your patience that you’re the only one who has issues with the situation. “Our friendship, my job, everything! And I don’t want that. I can’t have that.”
“Dating someone wouldn’t ruin the friendship, Y/N. This is not middle school. Friendship is part of being with someone and you two have that. Just let it take a step further.”
“Thanks for the advice, but I’m good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have stuff to do,” you mumble under your breath before walking away from him before he could get another word out.
It’s not that you don’t want it, because you do, you really do. You’ve been in love with the man for a long time and knowing that he has feelings for you too makes you have a heart attack every time you think about it. But you are so afraid it might go south and then you’ll end up losing your job and one of your closest friends as well. Because above everything Sebastian grew to be your biggest confidant, the person you turn to whenever you are feeling down, when you need a shoulder to cry on, you can’t imagine your life without him anymore and it’s not just about the times when you’re working. Traveling around the world with him is a blessing, you love the little moments you share, the late night movie nights in hotel rooms or when you’re exploring a new city together. You love messing around in his trailer when he is filming, making silly videos on sets or playing around with props you shouldn’t even touch. You can share anything with him and vice versa. If you lose him for whatever reason, you would be left with a hole in your life that would just simply never disappear, because no one will ever be like him and that’s a fact. You’re terribly afraid to risk everything for something that might not even work. You might be a horrible item, romance can bring out things of people that haven’t shown before.
The guys finally get on stage and you watch them from the side as always. It goes as usual, they are joking around, making a show, entertaining the audience as they go over the interview before the question round starts. You don’t realize it at first, but you’re holding your breath as one question follows the other, you’re scared someone might ask Sebastian about you and the shit show would blow up again. You can only hope his answer wouldn’t be as stupid as it was before. But luckily, the audience keeps you out of their business, only focusing on what’s important, so you start to feel relieved. Right until the whole event is nearing its end and Mackie decides to take matters into his own hands.
“I think we have time for one more question,” the interviewer announces and dozens of hands shoot up into the air, desperate to get the chance to ask the men on stage, but before anyone could get the mic, Mackie speaks up.
“Actually, can I have that last question?” he chimes in holding up a finger.
“Uh, sure, go ahead!” the interviewer responds, clearly a little puzzled about his request. Mackie then turns to face Sebastian who is sitting on his right and just by the look on his face you already know what it’s gonna be about.
“Sebastian, my question is: What do you love most about Y/N?”
He can barely finish the question, the crowd erupts in cheers and whistles that he had the guts to ask him about you, but you’re feeling different about his ballsy move.
“Mackie! No!” you shout from the side, both men looking your way. Mackie tries to look innocent while Sebastian’s face is unreadable, his piercing blue eyes are just staring right back at you and you wish you could read his mind.
“Alright, I take back the ques—“ Mackie starts in a mumble, but Sebastian is quick to cut him off.
“Nah, I’ll answer,” he simply says, another round of cheering filling the place and you accept defeat.
Squatting down you hug your knees to your chest as you listen to the inevitable answer Sebastian is about to give.
“What I love the most about Y/N is that she is genuinely the best person anyone could ever have in their life. She is so selfless and caring towards others, always got her friends’ back no matter what. I love that we aren’t just simply working together but we are friends too, really good ones and that I know nothing can change that.”
Listening to his soothing voice through the speakers, you feel your throat closing up, especially at the last part he just said. Chewing on your bottom lip you tilt your head to the side as he continues.
“Literally anything can happen, we could have the worst fight ever and I still know that we would make up no matter what. She is… just an amazing and exceptional person.”
There’s a heavy moment of silence and you’re staring at him from afar with teary eyes as his eyes are glued to his hands in his lap.
“Damn,” Mackie breathes out, making everyone laugh and Sebastian’s gaze rises to him with a small smile on his lips.
There’s no time to dwell on his answer, the event needs to end. The interviewer thanks for their time and as the crowd cheers to them they head off the stage, waving at them until they disappear.
You’ve moved to the corner of the room, not wanting to be in the way, but you’re still not over the speech Sebastian just gave about you. As he appears from the stage his eyes are clearly scanning the room, searching for someone and when he finally spots you, his face hardens as he heads in your way. You’re standing with your hand covering your lips, eyes still slightly watered and seeing you like this he knots his eyebrows together in worry.
“Hey, what’s—“
“Did you mean that?” you breathe out, your voice trembling. “Did you mean it that nothing can change that?”
“Of course,” he nods, finally seeing what this is all about. “We’ve always found our way back to each other, haven’t we?”
“But dating is so much different than what we do now!” you breathe out, still not entirely sure it’s what you should do.
“Why would it be?” he chuckles softly. “We are already spending the majority of our time together, we know each other better than some couples, it wouldn’t be that big of a change, Y/N. And just like how it could ruin things between us, not taking the step could do the same, because sooner or later it’s gonna be unbearable, one of us might end up dating someone else and that wouldn’t do good to us for sure. I would rather accept the end of it knowing that we gave us a try than not even trying.”
“What if I turn out to be a completely shitty girlfriend?” you ask in a whisper as he steps closer, his hands finding your wrists as he pulls them away from your face, holding them gently. “W-What if I—“
“Shut up,” he cuts you off chuckling. “There’s no chance you are shitty at anything,” he replies teasingly, making you smile the slightest. “But even if you do end up being one, we’ll work on it together.”
His hands guide your hands around his waist, you hold onto his shirt as he cups your face in his hands, his face inching closer until his nose is brushing against yours.
“I really hope you’re right,” you breathe out, giving up to resist it any longer. There’s no use.
“Was I ever not right?” he asks smugly.
“Oh remember when—“
You don’t get to finish, because he silences you the best way possible, his lips smashing onto yours. It’s been long due and it doesn’t disappoint, his lips feel soft and perfect against yours, you can’t help but let out a pleased hum as your hands slide up his toned chest and your arms curl around his neck while his hands find your waist strong arms circling your waist as he pulls you tight against him.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Mackie’s voice breaks the moment and as you both pull back and turn in his direction, you see him pump his fist into the air with a victorious smirk on his face.
“Mind your own business, Mackie!” Seb calls out to him as you bury your face in the crook of his neck giggling like a little school girl.
“It’s my business! I made it happen!” Mackie retorts and a laugh rumbles through Seb’s chest.
“I’ll send you a thank you gift card later!” he shouts back before turning to you again, kissing the side of your head.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
aparecium — takata mashiho
warnings: grammartical errors
words: 1.8k words
pairing: hufflepuff headboy mashiho! + fem reader
notes: this is my first hogwarts imagine of treasure.... i hope you guys enjoy this!!!
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You quickly close your thick black book as Professor Flitwick walks towards your table, hiding the book under the table, and practices the charms he has been taught for that day.
"Give it a flick, Y/N" Professor Flitwick said
"Ascendio" you point to the feather in front of you, lifting it.
Professor Flitwick nods, murmuring a good job to you before passing through you.
You sigh in relief the professor is cool unlike Professor Snape, he surely will take the books and read what you've been writing on in front of the class.
"Mashi! Help me" you look up to the person who calls Mashi or Mashiho. You smile as the boy in the yellow tie helps the boy with their spell. You head over heels towards the head boy of the Hufflepuff, in your eyes, he is like Ron Weasley to your Hermione Granger.
Mashiho is boyfriend material, he is head boy, teacher's pet, he is the seeker in Quidditch, and one of the students who take NEWT. Everyone knows it is hard to study for NEWT, and yet this boy takes the NEWT like it's nothing to him, nobody has ever seen him struggle studying NEWT. He is indeed Hermione number 2.
"Okay, class dismissed, for those who take NEWT, there's only a month left since your examination, I hope you are all prepared and of course you welcome to my office if you need any help" Professor Flitwick announce class about NEWT making you sigh. Yes, you are one of the students who take NEWT, at first you want to take O.W.L instead of NEWT but your mom said it will be great if you try to take the exam, and here you are struggling to get a good grade for your final year in Hogwarts.
You left the class and walk towards the library, it is your free time, you are willing to study for the upcoming exam than joining your friend watching Quidditch training.
You enter the library, feeling calm by the silence, you making your way to the potion section to study more about potions that you need to do on your examination soon.
You frown as you see the book you've been searching for is on the top of the shelf, you tiptoe to reach the shelf, but who are we kidding here? The top shelf is too high for you like in a usual k-drama scene, someone grabs the book you make you turn around, eyes getting bigger when you realized the person that helps you.
"You know, it's your last year in Hogwarts, why don’t you just cast Wingardium Leviosa?" he asks, handing you the book while showing you his sly smile
"Uh, we can't depend on everything on magic you know?" you answer
"I see, you're an independent girl," he said making you blush, you also didn't know why you're blushing at his word? Perhaps he talking to you while being this close making you shy?
"Uh, thanks? I guess?"
Mashiho laughs at your awkwardness
"You take NEWT too right? Why don't we study together?" he offers.
Now your brain is malfunctioning. Mashiho offers you to study together?? Is this not a dream? You mentally slap yourself and look at him again
"Sure, what do you want to study?" you ask
"Potion. I need to pass if I don't want to see Professor Snape's face again" he said making you chuckle, a teacher's pet tattle behind them? Impressive.
"Yeah me too," you said and he leads you to his usual spot.
“So Y/N tell me why you take NEWT?” he asks. You raised your brow to him, did he just... Underestimate you?
“Uh, don’t misconstrue my words. I'm just curious since almost all students at Hogwarts refuse to take NEWT and you take– you know what? Just ignore my question” he said, his face turns slightly red making you smile, you can’t be mad at him for too long, he is so cute! You just wanna pinch his cheek.
“Well my mom made me, and I thought it’s not hurt to give it a try” you answers
“Well, your parents must be proud of you for study hard, I admit this exam is so hard I felt like crying when I study the same chapter again and again,” he said
You are surprised to see he is openly sharing his thought with you, well you’re not that close with him and even his friends doesn’t know he is struggling to get a good grade.
“I heard a rumor that you never struggle at study but I guess it’s all wrong then”
“Well, I don’t think showing my struggle changes anything? I don’t even know who’s spread all the news, why don’t they just minding their own business?” he whines
“Yeah, true” you replied, and focusing on your book, but in your head, you already screaming at the top of your lungs because Mashiho is so cute when focusing on something. You were surprised you didn’t explode at this point.
A week passes since you and Mashiho’s studying together in the library, it was a good day because after that he offers you to eat dinner together with him. You couldn’t stop thinking about that day if only there's a spell to freeze time.
Secretly bringing out your thick black book, you open to the blank space and writes something on the page using invisible ink. There’s one thing you like about magic, you can do whatever you want without others knowing.
“Oi” your friend whispers to you, scrunching her face seeing you doing something else instead of brewing a potion
“What?” you whisper back, your hands still jotting something on the book
“Snape will kill you if he saw you do something else, you fool!” she slaps your hand, you roll your eyes, you didn’t prefer to study now because since morning you have class nonstop. You can't take it anymore all you need now is rest or a hot bath.
“Ugh fine,” you said and put your book above some random book.
A sigh comes out from your mouth and continues to brew your veritaserum�� the truth serum for your NEWT, you lazily stir the potion that looks like water, you wonder if someone drinks a drop of this potion how much truth will they spill out? Since Professor Snape said that 3 drops of this serum are enough to make a person reveals their deepest secret, this potion is scary no wonder the process is difficult.
You heard a laugh from across your table making you look up, your exhausted body feels recharged by his laugh. Mashiho’s laugh, you smile seeing him joking around with his friends which later being scolded by Professor Snape, he noticed you look at him and wink at you.
You feel like time stop for a moment, did he just wink at you? Gosh, he really driving you crazy.
You break the gaze and focusing on your potion, frustrated by his wink.
Minutes later, Snape dismissed the class and Mashiho walks towards you
Why? Why is he coming here? You thought
“Y/N, you free this evening?” he asks
You slowly nod your head, although you don’t want to go anywhere and rather spent your day in your dorm, you still nod to his question like hypnotized by his gaze.
“Cool, so do you want to study together again? You great at potions, really” Mashiho said
You blushing. Again. You thought he must think you a fool, blushing for no reason.
“Ah yes I would love to!” you said
“So, I meet you at 5, in the library?”
“5 it is” you answers and take your books while smiling at him.
Your chest becomes tight as it becomes hard to breathe, you wander around your dorm, as you realized you take the wrong book! This black book on your bed is not yours. It fills with some charms and potions notes. Your book is empty— well not empty, it’s just written in invisible ink. But still, you feel nervous if someone cast an aparecium spell on it, which is a spell to reveal secret messages that are written with invisible ink.
You take the book and run towards the potion class, hoping the book will be at the last place you put it.
“Professor Snape” you pants, holding on your chest catching on your breathing.
“What did you want L/N?” he asks in a monotonous tone
“Did you see my black book here?” you ask
“Is your responsibility to take care of your things L/N. There’s nothing here” he said sternly
You mentally roll your eyes at him, he could say no and you don’t waste your time here and search for your book.
“Alright, thank you, professor,” you said and your looks at your watch it was already 5 pm.
“Oh shoot, Mashi must be waiting for me,” you said and running again to the library.
You assume you will die anytime soon if you keep running like this, you enter the library and catching your breath before approaching Mashiho at his usual place.
“Hey” he frowns when he sees your forehead cover with sweat.
“Did you run?” he asks
“Uh yes, I’m afraid if I'm late,” you said and wipe your sweat using your sleeve
Mashiho let out a chuckle
“I don’t mind waiting, you shouldn't run you could fall,” he said
You smile at him, you could feel butterflies in your stomach. How is he even real?
“Oh, before we start– um I think we exchanged books at potion earlier” he hands you the black book that you have been searching this entire evening
“Oh my, you’re life savior— wait how did you know this is my book?” you raise one brow to him, you didn’t write your name in this book unless...
“I’m sorry I didn't mean to cast that spell but I need to know who's this book belongs to! And when I saw my name on the first page I couldn't help myself but read...” he said, you could see guilty in his eyes
“I- I'm sorry, you just think that I'm creepy right?” now you realized how creepy if someone writes an entire book about you without your consent.
“No, I appreciate you noticed my details when I play Quidditch. No one ever notices my strategy for Quidditch, you’re the first one” he cracks up.
“Oh..” that’s the only words you could say, well the atmosphere is awkward right now!?!?
“Did you like me that much, Y/N?” he tease you
“Based on the book, it will be a lie if I said no,” you said
“Well, don’t worry because I like you too. I didn’t know how to approach you at first but luckily you can’t reach the top shelf” he said
You finally can look at him in his eyes. Well, this is one of the benefits to not use magic all the time, right?
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Cheater by The Vamps
Summary: Kuroo's skills in reading a game has been expanded when he meets your boyfriend.
Pairings: Tetsuro Kuroo x fem! reader
Word count: 3.3k
Content, tags: mentions of cheating, a few cuss words, childhood friends to lovers!
A/N: this was such an impulsive moment🧍 Kuroo has been consuming my brain so here ya go fellow simps
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“Am I obligated to?”
“It was his request, Tetsu.”
Kuroo groans while you stare at him wondering what’s so wrong about meeting with your boyfriend. He sees your clueless reaction but he sets it aside knowing you wanted this to happen in the first place. Although you didn’t push him, your boyfriend insisted. It was a sweet gesture because he took the time to understand that Tetsuro to you is just a friend and nothing else. Disregarding his jealousy of the intimidating volleyball player, he initiated the hang out.
Meanwhile, the proud captain was loathing the hours before he could even step into your boyfriend's house.
If you could pick one of the words to describe Kuroo, obviously one of them is self-aware.
Which is the antonym of what you have under your own dictionary.
Kuroo always puts his best during a match and he wasn’t looked upon for no reason. Of course, he’s observant out of the court too. So, when that boyfriend of yours came in to the picture—he wasn’t exactly keen on befriending him. All he can do is accept whatever that decision was because he did catch multiple glances where you were smiling and maybe seeing that put him at ease making him less worried with your relationship.
But his intuition is stronger than the actual belief that your boyfriend is all too good.
Besides, as a best friend, it was technically his job to be suspicious of the boy.
“I’ll go over there after practice.” You smile at his words before linking your arm with his as you both walk to your class.
“Hey, by Saturday can we play again?” You asked him while he looks down on you with a chuckle, loving that you had to ask even when you didn’t need to do.
“Why’d you ask anyway? Of course.”
It was admirable that your path of being with each other actually started with volleyball. At the age of 9 after a ball fled into your yard from the Kozume residence, Kuroo had knocked politely on the wall asking if he could get the ball back. Seeing that the wall felt like a building to you, you took the ball out of curiosity before going over to the place next door and handing him the ball.
Wherein Kuroo had to pause when he saw you.
Ever since then, you played volleyball with the two. You three joined Nekoma’s volleyball teams, even practicing together. You were thankful to have them not only they were tremendous at play but also, they were your most trusted friends and their judgement is always important. So, when you got into a relationship—it was a mix of everything.
Kenma was subtly supportive. He knew you were capable of picking what you deserve and if that boy doesn’t cause any trouble, then the setter is all for it. Kuroo, on the other hand, was hesitant.
If only he wasn’t in love with you—then maybe he could’ve given the poor boy some sign of approval.
After years of falling, his chances were already taken the moment you said your feelings were growing for a certain boy from your class. Though you were classmates with Kuroo, he eyed every boy that could be the suspect. At first, he was just curious because he hasn’t seen you interact with them before but then the second time was more on the worried side when he wondered what could’ve been missing from him that he had to find in another guy for answers.
Kenma had to assure him at some point. The blonde noticed Kuroo’s feelings ever since he saw the older boy teach you volleyball without him. He could evidently see the blush on his friends face whenever you’d land a compliment to Tetsuro. It even surprised Kenma when he knew Kuroo was still attached to his feelings after years of knowing you. He at least needed to say something before it takes a toll on him.
“You’re actually going, it’s funny.” The setter mocks though the blocker knew what he meant. How can he agree this easily anyway? He knew it’d make you happy but making room for someone after a practice instead of resting isn’t really a good circumstance.
“I know, I know. I’d be home in the next five minutes.” Kuroo jokes but when the practice finally ends, he kept his attention to his phone when he received the message for his location. He sighs tiredly while Kenma stifles a laugh.
“Don’t go then.”
“As if that wasn’t my plan beforehand.” Kenma rolls his eyes but bids goodbye to Kuroo knowing they’re not able to walk home together.
God, he was irritated.
It was rather a small thing to be pissed off about. Who knows? It could end well with the two of them but that stupid intuition is what’s dragging his feet. How could he ignore it anyway? Murmurs were like rumors that spread like wildfire when gossip has never been this good so when he heard a tiny conversation of a certain girl meeting with your boyfriend—he doesn’t know what held him back from throwing a punch to him right then and there but perhaps it was because you can’t judge too quickly. Rumors were rumors. If he believed it right away then it meant he was feeding off of the possibility that you’d be single again but he doesn’t think like that. His main reason was that he couldn’t bear to see you cry over a guy who simply didn’t deserve an ounce of sympathy—especially from you.
And right at the front of his door, a pair of a cheerleader's shoes were there.
You being a volleyball player and the shoes didn’t exactly connect.
“I’ll see you next time then?”
“I can’t. My— Y/N is making me play with her and that captain Kuroo.”
“You said you broke up with her!”
“Look- I will just wait will ya?”
And he’s heard enough.
Go inside, Tetsuro.
Defend Y/N.
Beat him.
But I can’t act on my own.
Gritting his teeth with a tight grip on the sling of his bag, he makes a forced decision.
Kuroo doesn’t even hesitate to walk away now. His pace is way heavier and faster compared to his slow ones before. He wished he carried a volleyball so he could directly throw it to his conniving face. He would’ve hit it like Oikawa during a power serve and scream incoherent profanities as he lands a punch or two. Without Kenma, the possibilities were endless when he couldn’t be held back.
The moment he enters his room, he immediately reaches for his phone and calls for Kenma since the rage was getting out of hand and he can’t focus on anything else apart from beating the heck out of your cheater of a boyfriend- well soon to be ex considering that he could never let you stay with him for another second. He walks around his room wondering which one was the best options to let you know as the setter has yet to answer his call.
“Fuck.” He mutters at the exact same time that Kenma finally picks up.
“He’s cheating on Y/N.”
“Well shit.”
Kenma pauses his game once the words ring in his ears. He too feels the anger bubble inside him but soon it was replaced by worry when he realizes how unfortunate it was for Kuroo to be the one to witness it and actually be the person to face you with such a heavy topic.
“How are you gonna tell her?” He asks but Kuroo bites his lip at the question he’s been wanting to avoid. It was inescapable though. You were closer to him—too close that you two relied on each other to no end and would be each other's comfort at needed times. It was difficult for the both of you.
“He’s planning to break up with her on Saturday and she- fuck I don’t know what to do.” The troubled boy admits while Kenma sighs not finding a win in both situations or any of the options he and Kuroo thought of.
“Y/N will believe you. You just have to give her time when she denies it at first, I guess.” Kenma suggests while Kuroo runs a hand to his hair.
“God, I fucking hate him.”
“Who is it?”
“A fucking cheerleader— how low.” Tetsuro couldn’t sit straight. Every inch of his body was telling him to find your boyfriend and show him what a waste of energy he was. It had been three months since you introduced him and how does he gain that much of a confidence to cheat at such an early stage of your relationship? Was three months a normal pace to be bored? Too bored that he chose a cheerleader to make up for that ‘blandness'. God, if Kuroo was in that relationship—cheating could never be an option. How could he? He loved you too much that having a chance wasted like that is too big to risk or experience.
“Talk to him tomorrow.” Kenma says while Kuroo held his breath when he realizes how the tension would reek between him and your boyfriend.
“Yeah but-“
The notification sound on his phone echoed through the room and when he slides up to see whose it from, he sighs when it was from you.
Least annoying: how’d it go???
“Y/N messaged me.” He updates the blonde as his fingers hovered the keyboard wondering what lie was the most believable even if he felt guilty to do so but after deleting multiple answers, he just couldn’t t do it.
“We just have to talk to her tomorrow. I feel like she needs us more now—fucking prick of a boyfriend.” Kenma comments with spite in his voice. It wasn’t the first time where he cared too much that he too wanted to join Kuroo in a fit of rage to beat your boyfriend but Kenma is cautious of your emotions and thinks that when he does join in on the fight, it’d only bring you more stress.
But he can’t lie and say throwing a punch to the lying boy wasn’t going to bring him satisfaction.
“Okay. I have to go and think this through.” He bids goodbye to Kenma before hanging up and lying down on his bed with his mind racing nonstop—forgetting to text you in the midst of panic and rage. You didn’t mind the lack of reply, you knew he wasn’t really interested in going in the first place and he must’ve been exhausted from practice as well so you took a nap early.
Meanwhile, your best friend faced a sleepless night.
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Kuroo and Kenma were caught off guard when first period ended and you were yet to arrive.
Does she know?
The break came in and there still wasn’t a sign from you but as they ate, a certain hand falls on Kuroo’s shoulder making the anger between him and Kenma ignite once they see your boyfriend.
“Hey, you didn’t stop by yesterday.” Your boyfriend informs him while Yaku and the rest of the team wonder what’s got their captain looking like he radiated flames around him. Kuroo then removes the hand from his shoulder while Kenma nudges the tense boy from losing control out in the cafeteria.
“I was tired,” he pauses to find words that wouldn’t just expose him right then and there, “I couldn’t make it.”
Your boyfriend nods, a sign that he was thankful that Kuroo didn’t come to destroy the time he shared with the cheerleader.
“Well, we got Saturday to catch up. I’ll see you then!” He leaves with a sigh of relief while Kuroo stands up from his table, unable to contain it anymore but two hands held him back. He turns to see Yaku and Kenma holding his arm as he hesitates to follow what they want him to do. He then takes a deep breath and sits down while the two sighed that Kuroo managed to stop.
“I don’t know what’s happening but you can’t just do it here.” Yaku says making Kuroo remain silent. Kenma agrees but he too felt the urge to follow his furious friend.
“Sorry.” Kuroo whispers and Yaku nods not pushing the topic any further but he’s got a clue on what could’ve happened. Seeing their captain in this state certainly was more than a duel between him and your boyfriend. Of course, they knew about his feelings for you so connecting a few dots, Yaku realizes how bad it was.
Classes went on and still no sign of you making the worry rise more between the two. By the time practice came on, the two expresses their frustration through volleyball and the rest of their teammates wonder why their play that night felt like they were in a serious match.
But they were playing a difficult role of being honest with you.
When Saturday rolled in, Kuroo was already at the place you told him to meet. Beforehand, he warns Kenma not to come knowing it’s more on his responsibility and the blonde obeyed him because he too wasn’t ready to face a confrontation like that but Kenma is more than ready to comfort you once the terrible news was given to you.
“Hey!” You greeted him with a smile while he stands up from his sit and hugs you immediately catching you by surprise. With a laugh, you hugged him back wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer hesitant to let your smile fall.
Then he notices how you were unaccompanied making him pull away seeing the opportunity to tell you while he wasn’t there but he still wasn’t ready.
“Hey babe, didn’t know you were already here but let’s play some volleyball!” He shouts with a façade of excitement. You smile at Kuroo before staying by his side instead of teaming up with your own boyfriend.
“One versus two huh?” Your boyfriend taunts while you serve the ball as he receives, initiating the start of the game. Every spike or receive had Kuroo send knives to his way with his sharp and accusing eyes. The lonesome of a player envied the way Kuroo caught the ball effortlessly and because you chose to be with the opposing team making the rally last longer due to Kuroo’s rage and your boyfriends' jealousy.
Once you managed to spike a ball strong enough to make your boyfriend fall from the failed attempt of receiving it, you cheered.
But with the course of happiness, you pulled Kuroo in from the collar of his shirt before taking your lips in his while your boyfriend remains frozen as the boy who was stupidly in love only made the rightful choice which was to kiss back and cherish the way he’s waited for this to happen. Getting a little too lost in the kiss, he cups your cheek bringing you closer and tucking your hair behind your ear with his free hand snaking around your waist, gripping it lightly to make sure it was actually happening.
You pull away softly, flushed cheeks and a smile on your face.
“What the hell Y/N!” Your boyfriend shouts but then he couldn’t exactly move because of how Tetsuro would react once he actually takes a step forward. Kuroo had his arms crossed in front of his chest staring at the boy up and down while desperately trying to act like his knees weren’t just about to give out after what happened.
“What’s wrong? If you need some kisses babe, why don’t you call that cheerleader of yours?”
Kuroo’s jaw drops to the floor—almost in sync with your boyfriend's similar reaction. The sweat rolls down his forehead, obviously intimidated by the two of you catching him in the act while Tetsuro protectively wraps his arm around you once again and as he watches for your features to fall, he was stunned.
You were smiling.
You leaned on Kuroo’s side while he registers how you knew with questions multiplying with every second.
“I want you to leave me the fuck alone and if you even try to deny it—I'll let Tetsu do the talking for me.” He smirks while your boy- ex boyfriend- scoffs making the two of you raise an eyebrow at his reaction.
You removed your position from Kuroo, taking a few steps to be in front of the cheater with a smile as you land a deserving and powerful punch to his cheek, making him stumble at the impact while the other boy was left speechless but nonetheless his heart races with the scene replaying in his mind. You shake your hand as Kuroo crouches down to meet your boyfriend with a smirk mocking the pain he was in.
“Have fun with her— she's a bore anyway.” You look at Tetsuro who let out a laugh as he pats the head of the fallen loser.
“No problem then. I’ll enjoy her as much as I can.” He then walks away, which turned down your expectations of Kuroo landing a punch as well. As the frustrated boy slowly stands up, Tetsuro pulls you against him with a finger to your chin raising it to meet your lip with his as your eyes remained on him while the boy had his eyes do the taunting who were fixated on your ex.
“After all, she’s always been mine.”
With the end of his sentence, he shifts his attention back to you before taking your lips again as the two of you smile. Your ex then walks away with a scowl as he throws his phone in frustration that he lost to Kuroo.
“Mind telling me how you knew, kitten?” He asks when he pulled away with his voice low, taking your heart by a storm.
“I got sick yesterday and when I came to school to get all the work I missed— I overheard you and Kenma talking about it.” He frowns when he realizes how bitter that must’ve been but he continues to ask, though you really couldn’t concentrate when his hand was caressing your waist.
“So, you knew all along?”
“I knew about it a few weeks ago when I read the messages on his phone. When he asked you to hang out, I figured you’d find out about it too.” Kuroo sighs of disappointment before speaking.
“I’m sorry you had to meet an asshole like that,” He says while you shook your head before he continues, “Why him though?” which made you blush.
“I couldn’t get over a certain boy and simply thought it would work but you obviously saw the outcome.” With your previous statement, he lets a smirk fall on his lips now that you couldn’t even look at him straight.
“And that certain boy is?” He edged on, his heart pushing him to confirm if it was actually him— that all the years he spent loving you might actually have you reciprocating those feelings.
“It’s you.” You confessed while your heart sets on fire that you finally admitted it. It was an awful attempt to cover your feelings in the first place. In all honesty, it was your fault. If you could’ve just admitted it right away then you’d end up with him instead of the asshole of a man you wasted time on but then again—the kiss was worth it to ever change your decisions.
“No no I wanna hear the full name.” He teases more making you roll your eyes. He then plants a kiss on the crown of your head with a satisfied smile as he internally cheers to not embarrass himself with the overwhelming glee. You also mirror the same state that he was in. Hearing Kuroo at the gym say how much he loves you was enough of an evidence that you should’ve picked him in the first place.
“Well then, should I make my previous statement official now?” You blushed but muttered a yes making Kuroo smile and take your hand, landing a peck on it as he intertwines them with his.
“All yours, Tetsu.”
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Lost & Found - 3
Pairing: Park Jimin x soulmate (oc)
Warnings: Insecurity, anxiety, abandonment
Word Count: 3.4K
**read this first!**a/n: be sure to read the newspaper article at the end of Jimin’s POV, it’s important to the story! if you’re unable to see the words b/c they’re too small, please comment/let me know and I’ll fix it! If you’re on mobile, you should be able to click on it and flip it to horizontal. That should make it easier to read.
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Chapter 3. Fake Smile
series masterlist
Jimin fiddles with a loose thread hanging off the end of his sleeve, minding his business as hushed staff members bustle around the room. He’s wearing a pristine white jacket over his button down shirt. It feels like it’s been years since he’s last dressed up for anything.
“Ok, we’re ready to go,” someone in the distance says. Jimin sits up a little straighter, trying his best to look overjoyed to be here. A familiar makeup artist rushes forward, dabbing at his face and giving him a warm look.
“Oh, let me get this for you,” she mumbles, noticing the loose thread that Jimin keeps twisting and pulling. Taking a pair of small scissors from the bag around her waist, she goes to cut the string.
Jimin tenses up, a strangled noise coming from his throat. “No, leave it,” he mumbles. The makeup artist doesn’t hear him, thinking he’s just being polite.
Suddenly Jimin jumps up, backing away as fast as he can. “Leave it be!” He sobs, bringing his hand close to his chest.
Everyone freezes, looking to the idol with a mixture of worry and confusion. The makeup artist from before is the first one to put two and two together, bowing low and profusely apologizing.
It takes a few minutes for Jimin to come back to his senses, finally going through some breathing exercises and assuring the worried staff that he’s fine. When he finally settles back on the stool, the same makeup artist hurries over, keeping her eyes averted as she hurriedly touches up his makeup.
The guilt hits Jimin like a brick wall. “I’m sorry,” he says, his eyes perfectly reflecting how horrible he feels for his outburst. “You just took me by surprise. Please, I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s my fault,” the young woman mumbles. “I should have known better.”
Before Jimin can respond, the woman scurries away and it’s time for Jimin to film his short message to be shown at the concert.
Jimin has worn a few fake smiles in his lifetime, however as he lies straight to the camera, claiming that his muscle spasms have returned and that he’s working toward a speedy recovery, he can’t recall the lies ever hurting this much.
“Please wait for me,” Jimin says, his close-lipped smile hopefully countering the look in his eyes. “Enjoy the concert! Fighting!” He goes to raise his hand in a fist, but stops as he catches sight of his red thread in his peripheral.
Once the video is cut and Jimin is given the OK to head out, he slips out of the room immediately. A part of him would love to just go ahead and disappear into one of the empty rooms within the Bighit building, but he knows that he has to attend the meeting that Bang Sihyuk called for him and all the members.
By the time he makes it into the conference room everyone else is already there. He feels a bit more relieved when he enters the room and they don’t immediately halt in their conversation. Instead, Taehyung pulls Jimin to sit down beside him, giving him a boxy smile.
“Alright,” Bang Sihyuk sits at the head of the table with a soft look in his eye. “Are we ready?”
A round of agreement goes around the table, Jimin folding his hands on the table and doing his best to keep his eyes on the wall behind Hobi’s head. He definitely was aware of the line of red threads that trailed into the conference room, fighting the pang of hurt that was bound to arise.
The meeting starts off normally enough, going over a quick review of their upcoming schedule and making sure everything is prepared for their next concerts in Japan. The boys occasionally make comments or express concerns with the schedule, and everyone works together to resolve any issues that may arise.
For the first time all week, Jimin feels...normal.
That feeling comes crashing down when Bang Sihyuk’s voice rings out, calling Jimin’s name.
“We have a few options for how we can move forward,” he begins. “But I just want you to keep in mind that we’re in this together. No matter what.”
“Thank you,” Jimin mumbles.
Sitting back, Bang Sihyuk claps his hands. “That being said, we have a few options. I’m not sure what you would feel best about, so please weigh in with your opinion.”
With that being said the entire room begins to delve into the separate ideas. Of course the company sending out a statement is one of the first ideas to be discussed, however Jimin can’t shake the uneasy feeling that accompanies it.
“I know that we can’t just pretend that nothing happened,” Jimin states, sitting forward in his seat. “But isn’t there a way that we could just...I don’t know…” He trails off, unsure of what he was even trying to say in the first place.
Namjoon, who Jimin notices hasn’t even looked at him in the eye during this entire meeting, clears his throat. “We can always just take the ‘no comment’ route. I mean, there’s sure to be a lot of rumors that accompany that, but there’s going to be rumors no matter what.”
“No comment?”
Bang Sihyuk nods. “That’s basically just us refusing to ever shed light on the situation. Honestly...we might have to take that route anyway, because we really don’t know what happened. Instead of scrambling for some sort of explanation, we could just allow people to wonder. I’m not sure if Jimin would feel comfortable with-”
“Sounds great.”
All eyes turn to Jimin, who is sitting on the edge of his seat, fiddling with the severed thread.
Jimin shrugs. “Like Namjoon said; there’s going to be rumors no matter what. Let them wonder. Frankly the idea of offering up some sort of patched together explanation every time people ask me about this,” he holds up his hand for emphasis, “sounds exhausting and never ending. Which, all of this will be, but I’d like to just keep this for myself.”
It’s quiet for a moment while everyone takes in this information, and Jimin waits with bated breath for the verdict. In the end, it’s Jungkook who ventures to speak first.
“I think you have a point,” he says, shooting his friend an understanding look. “People are going to be asking about it nonstop and spreading rumors, so I’d feel better if what we answer is on our terms. People can so easily twist our responses.”
After a couple more minutes of discussion and debate, they settle it. Deciding to take the ‘no comment’ route for now, Jimin feels a wave of relief come over him. Namjoon, too, appears to be relieved with this decision.
Once the meeting is over, Jimin doesn’t miss the way Namjoon practically hurtles out of the room.
“Where’s he headed to?” He asks the others. Jin shrugs.
“I think he said he had to meet with Chung-hei.”
There’s a pang of pain at the mention of Namjoon’s soulmate, but it doesn’t hurt as bad as it might have the day before. “Oh.” Before the others can dive in to make him feel better, Jimin changes the subject. “Have you guys already eaten?”
Taehyung’s eyes light up at the possibility of his best friend joining in on a meal with them. “Nope. Let’s go!”
The boys surround Jimin as they head down into the small cafeteria area, a few staff wandering around. The makeup artist from this morning keeps her head down, shooting Jimin a sheepish smile before scampering off. Jimin winces, recalling the events of the morning. How he’d lost complete control-
“Who even reads the paper anymore?” Jungkook asks aloud, grabbing an abandoned article from off a table. “I didn’t realize that they still delivered hard copies.”
Jimin wanders over, forcing a half-smile to his face. “Is it a real newspaper?” Before he can grab it, Jungkook drops the paper almost as though it burned his skin.
“Er, no,” he stutters out, earning a confused look from everyone around the table. “I think it’s a fake, I’ll just throw it away-”
Jimin reaches out and grabs the newspaper before Jungkook can do anything, eyes widening as they glance over the front page. Everyone else gathers around, falling eerily quiet. In the end, it’s Taehyung who breaks the silence. 
“I’m sure it’s just some dumb misunderstanding,” he mumbles. “You know how reporters get.”
Jimin can hardly find it in himself to nod, rereading the article again and again. 
For the first time in his life, Jimin wishes that the gossip column were true.
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Typically, the second I’m done with work, I do my best to not think of bread for the rest of the day. Today, however, is different.
My tiny apartment has been transformed, the kitchen dusted over with a thin layer of flour. On the counter sits an old wooden slab, a chunk of dough sitting atop it. And then there’s me.
Hands cracked to oblivion, hair pulled back in what can only be identified as a bird’s nest, panting as I flatten the dough again and again. It’s the same process that I’ve been doing for years, my shoulders hardly aching anymore with the constant practice.
The sound of me beating the dough to a pulp is ringing in my ears, and when I finally step back with a huff, it takes me a moment to hear something scratching at the door. Shaking my head to rid myself of the ringing noise, I listen closer.
“Who’s there?”
A quick glance out the window shows my empty porch, however the scratching continues. Now that it’s steadily growing darker, I can’t tell if there’s anything out there.
Am I being haunted? Is this my punishment for cutting the thread?
Slowly, I open the door, wincing at the white mark I leave behind from my flour-heavy hands. “Hello?”
I get a meow in response.
Looking down, I meet eyes with a pristine white cat that sits on its back legs and looks up at me with unwavering annoyance.
“What?” I ask the cat, that simply blinks up at me. “What are you so annoyed about? You’re the one that knocked, not me.”
Nearly rolling its light colored eyes at me, the cat stretches before looking back up expectantly. From the white fur that doesn’t have a single spec of dirt, to the look it’s giving me, I feel like I just stumbled upon the queen’s cat.
“By all means, come in,” I croon, stepping aside and watching with no small amount of amusement as the cat leaps inside. It immediately heads toward the couch, jumping atop it. “Make yourself comfortable,” I mumble.
Ignoring my visitor for now, I go back to the counter and stare down at the dough. I’ve been kneading this for a while now, it’s flat enough that it might never rise. That’s not what I got it for, though. There’s already some bread baking in the oven.
Half-heartedly throwing one fist at it, I find that I’ve completely lost any energy. Instead I just stare down at the wooden slab, and wonder.
It’s the same thing that I’ve been wondering about all day. My thoughts go in endless circles, always coming back around to the same thing.
Park Jimin.
After Chung-hei appeared at the shop a couple of days ago, I’ve been unable to stop thinking about what I’ve done. When I told her my reasoning, recalling the awful experience she had and admitting that I was a coward and didn’t want to go through the same thing, Chung-hei looked at me with something akin to realization.
“Jolie,” she had muttered, stopping me from hitting the dough again. “You know that he would love you, right? You’re enough. More than enough.”
Which led me to this moment, pulling out the wooden slab and spending my entire evening beating some dough and trying to beat out my emotions as well. It still hasn’t worked.
“What’s your name?”
The cat’s ears twitch a little at my sudden question, however it just continues to stare at me like I might be insane. Judging from my recent actions, I’d say it isn’t wrong.
“Are you planning on staying the night, or…?”
A swish of its tail and the cat is sinking lower into the couch.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Finally abandoning the dough and washing my hands off, I meander over to my new roommate. “What should I call you? I have a feeling you won’t take kindly to just being called ‘cat’, right?”
The cat gives me a death glare, confirming my suspicions.
“That’s what I thought,” I say, raising my hands in innocence. Settling down beside the white cat, I admire its fur. “But I wonder why you’re here? You look like you’re well taken care of. And no collar?” Hesitantly reaching out, I double check that there is no collar hidden in its long fur. “Don’t think so. I’ll let you stay the night,” I concede. “But tomorrow you’ve got to find your way back home, ok?”
The cat swivels its head to look at me, looking offended that I would even say such a thing. It lets out a woeful mewl.
“You’re lost, aren’t you?” Another mewl. “Huh.”
Running my hands through its long fur, I lean my head against the wall, watching the evening turn darker and darker. The cat also joins me in my silent watch, never moving an inch as it emits a soft pur.
“I’m lost, too.” The words tumble from my mouth, a little broken. I keep my eyes ahead, watching the outside as though it will disappear at any given moment.
From the corner of my eye I see a bundle of white fur scooting toward me until the cat lumbers up into my lap. Chuckling through the unshed tears, I sniffle and adjust so we’re both comfortable.
“Should I call you ‘L’ for lost?” I ask abestmindely. I nearly jolt out of my skin when the cat hisses up at me. “Ok, ok. You’re a lady, I get it. What about ‘Elle’? You know, e-l-l-e. That’s like a princess name. Very pretty. We’ll be the only ones that know what it really means. ‘Elle’ for lost.”
I receive no further objections.
Snuggling down into the sofa, I keep my eyes open for as long as I can until they drift shut against my will.
When I awake, the world is still dark. Not unusual, considering that I tend to wake up around this time everyday, but something is off-
The cat in question jumps off my lap, bolting toward the door. Groaning, I rub at the back of my neck.
“Good morning. What time is it?” A quick peek at my phone that’s nearly dead has me groaning a second time. It’s already time to get up. Waddling toward the bathroom, a loud meow makes me pause.
“What?” Elle scratches a little at the door, giving me a withering gaze. “Oh. Right.” I hurry over to open the door. “Well, thanks for visiting, feel free- aaand she’s gone.”
Laughing quietly to myself, I head into the bathroom to get ready. Making sure to not even look at the mirror until I’ve scrubbed my face, I get straight to it.
I’m nearly running late when I finally leave my apartment, but thankfully the shop isn’t far from here. It allows me to walk there most mornings.
The world is still asleep as I walk down the street, admiring the dull grays and blues of the early morning. There’s a hint of a chill in the air, but it’s nothing that a brisk walk won’t take care of.
It’s in these moments of quiet that I feel like the world is pressing down on me so heavily. Unafraid of people gawking and seeing my cut thread, I let my hands hang out of my pockets.
There’s nothing to be afraid of this early in the morning. It’s only when the sun begins to rise is when trouble begins to stir up. So I take advantage of the peace that settles over me as I make my way to work. No doubt my shoulders will resent me a bit today as I spent all of my free time yesterday beating dough.
As the sleepy world continues in its quiet vigil, my thoughts return to the exchange I had with Chung-hei a couple of days ago.
“You told me you wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.”
Chung-hei sighs, suddenly looking utterly exhausted. “I was foolish. It sucked, of course it did. Suddenly I had a target on my back. But that’s not the point.”
“Then what-”
“The only way I was able to get through that and am still able to, is because of the people I have surrounding me. I have you! I have Namjoon! As far as I’m concerned, that’s all I really need. It was difficult, but I learned to quit worrying so much about what other people expected or wanted from me. I know who I love, and that’s all that matters.”
“Good morning sleepy-head.”
Nearly jumping into the street, I can’t help but yell a little as Chung-hei appears before me. She’s standing in front of the shop, a sly smile on her face.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, clutching my chest. “Why are you trying to scare me so much?”
My friend laughs. “It’s too fun, honestly. What? I can’t come to visit you at work anymore?”
“Weren’t you just here a couple of days ago?”
Chung-hei clears her throat. “Ah. Right.” She rubs at her arms. “Should we go inside, then? Fire up the oven? It’s chilly.”
Giving her a long look, I glance down at my thread. Despite being fully aware of my decision, it still shocks me a bit whenever I see the frayed end. Still a dull red, the thread looks so out of place now.
“Sure, I guess.” I grab my key out of my pocket, heading toward the front door. “Actually, I could use some help. I think I nearly beat the life out of some dough yesterday, I can hardly move my arms now.”
“Yeah. Namjoon can help.”
I stop with the door halfways open. “What do you-” Glancing over my shoulder, I nearly lose all ability to speak as I watch my friend rounding the corner of the building with none other than Kim Namjoon in tow.
He’s taller than I imagined.
And somehow able to make me what to run for the hills.
I stare at the man, forgetting all sort of courtesy or manners as he looks down at the ground sheepishly. Slowly, I turn to my friend.
Chung-hei has the good sense to look a little apologetic. “I...you never got to meet him.”
I stare at her a moment longer, struggling to read whatever emotions are in her eyes. My heart catches in my throat. “He knows, doesn’t he.”
At this, Namjoon looks up with wide eyes. He opens his mouth, but I beat him to it.
“Don’t even try to lie,” I hiss out. “I’ve known your soulmate for much longer than you have, and I can tell when she’s trying to fix all my problems. Looks like she brought some help from the outside this time.”
Namjoon’s mouth snaps shut, but he doesn’t lower his gaze. I turn back to Chung-hei, who looks like she’s fighting against chewing me out for insulting her soulmate. Despite feeling a little bad for being so rude, I can’t help the anger that boils inside me.
My best friend, I realize, is no longer my confidant. It’s something I thought of before. Once we found our soulmates, it was only a matter of time before those roles shifted. However it doesn’t stop the pain that comes with seeing it firsthand.
The urge to turn and lock them out of the shop is overwhelming, but I stand still for a moment longer. The blue of the early morning is turning gray, almost matching the dark circles under Namjoon’s eyes. I see now just how much he must have gone through to get here.
Regardless of the circumstances, I still cherish my friendship with Chung-hei. Years of experiences and heartbreak can’t get washed away so easily.
“Can you work the dough?” I ask a little roughly, fighting against the lump in my throat. Namjoon blinks, looking shocked.
“Ah, see. I told you she’d come around.” Chung-hei drawls, grinning at me. I can’t quite find it in me to return her smile just yet. “I’ll help him,” she promises.
Sighing, I nod. “Come in, then. I hope you can talk and work at the same time. I have a feeling you prepared a speech.”
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
Hi! ☺️ Can I request a one shot where the reader is dating Oikawa and he introduces her to the team but she looks like one of those types of mean girls so the team thinks she’s gonna be one of his old gfs that are really clingy or rude to the team but she actually ends up being the most wholesome/sweetest person ever? Thank you 🥺
ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴄᴏʀᴇ
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: when Oikawa brings his girlfriend to practice one day, the team sees all of his exes in her; but, Seijoh is definitely in for a nice surprise
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: fluff, mild angst if you really squint and think deeper than the story itself ��� totally unnecessary if you ask me 
ᴀ/ɴ: making Oikawa’s life sad and difficult is my spiritual calling, thank you anon <3 it’s no 5k smut or 10k slow-burner, but I hope my 2k fluff will be able to make up for the fact that I literally had nothing prepared for him this morning T^T
Oikawa talking nonsense during practice wasn’t anything unusual; especially during the evening practice after a school day, and while everyone needed some well-deserved rest, Oikawa seemed to fuel himself with his nonstop talking.
“Is there an off button on him or something?” Makki groaned as he listened to Oikawa talk about how he made a new Pinterest board the previous night with new milk bread recipes he found and wanted to try; and when he said he, he meant Iwaizumi because out of the two, he’s the only decent cook.
“I’m not spending my money and time on making you milk bread, Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi made himself clear as he was folding the net. He rolled his eyes when Oikawa started whining, telling them how he really needed a good and decent milk bread made for next week. It was then that Mattsun came along and joined the trio bickering, Oikawa’s comment stuck with him as he smirked at the whining boy.
“Since when do you need a milk bread made for a specific day? You eat them whenever no matter the time and day.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on one of the net’s poles, smirk widening as he saw the blush on Oikawa’s face growing in intensity. Makki looked between the two, not missing Mattsun’s wink, and seemed to catch on. Iwaizumi looked among the three, interested, but still too tired to actually keep up with the conversation itself.  
However, the way his best friend was glowing red, hands manically waving in front of him made Iwaizumi all the more curious. He looked between the smirking pair and his frantic friend, all the puzzle pieces seemingly falling into place. But, that meant...
“You have a girlfriend, Shittykawa?” Oikawa pouted and averted his eyes from Iwaizumi’s stare. Bingo.
“I can’t believe you’re dating someone and didn’t bother telling us,” Makki jokingly sobbed and wiped a fake tear from his eye, watching as Oikawa buried his face in his hands. “How long have you two been together?”
They could hear Oikawa murmur something, but it was inaudible, his words muffled by his hands. “Come again?” Mattsun teased, approaching the shorter male and removing his hands from his red face. Iwaizumi stood by the side, smirking at the thought of his best friend having a girlfriend. It was most likely one of his one-week relationships, he thought as he waited for Oikawa to answer.
“Three months...”
Huh? They looked at each other and back to Oikawa, the male pouting, the gym floor grabbing his attention. His eyes were fixed downwards, not daring to look any of his closest friends in the eye. He knew what they would say, but he didn’t have the will to listen to that same conversation for the millionth time.
“You’re telling me,” Iwaizumi started, slowly approaching the trio and leaving the net behind, “you’ve been dating someone for three months and didn’t tell us?” Oikawa visibly flinched at the way he emphasized the duration of his relationship. If he were in Iwaizumi’s shoes, he would’ve felt bad and left out as well.
“I knew what you were going to say, so I stayed quiet,” Oikawa said to the trio, shrugging his shoulders.
“Wow, what a valid reason.” Makki joked and slightly glared at the brunette, “we have to repeat it all the time because you never learn.”
Oikawa’s eyes widen at his comment, but immediately narrowed. “I never learn? What is that supposed to mean, Makki?” He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze hard as he looked at him. Both Mattsun and Iwaizumi could see where this was heading, so they decided to intervene.
“What he meant, Oikawa,” Iwaizumi stood a few meters in front of him, “is that...you never know how to pick out a proper partner for yourself.”
Oikawa looked taken aback, again, as the other two nodded and confirmed Iwaizumi’s comment. “That’s true. All your previous relationships included bitchy chicks, how do you even find them?”
“I, how, what...that’s so not true!?” He stumbled on his words, curls bouncing on the top of his head as he rapidly shook his head in denial. “I always choose them right.”
Mattsun quirked an eyebrow at that comment. “So, when your second ex-girlfriend came to practice and poured soda on you because you spent ‘too much time at practice’ and cheated on you the next day, is your vision of choosing the right girl?”
“Or when your third ex-girlfriend started spreading rumors at school that we’re all gay and fuck each other daily in the locker room? And, she also cheated on you that same week.”
Oikawa kept quiet while they started listing all of his failures of relationships. “Okay, fine!” He stopped them, too embarrassed to have them continue rambling on, “I know I’ve made a few mistakes in the past-“
“A few?”
“Oh, shut it Makki,” he glared at him before continuing, “I am aware of my mistakes, but she’s different. This relationship is different.” He looked at them, his eyes pleading them to accept his decision, but they were all too familiar with Oikawa’s state post-breakup to let him go through it again.
“I’m not sure, Oikaw-“
“I’ll bring her to our next practice!” He cut Iwaizumi off, his sudden yell surprising all of them. Oikawa seemed to realize what he blurted out and ran a hand through his hair, cursing at himself for rushing into things. “I didn’t want you guys to meet her, yet,” he started, sighing as he looked back to his friends, “but, I promise you. She’s different from the others.”
The trio exchanged glances, Oikawa’s pleading eyes dancing across every one of his friends.
Iwaizumi sighed. “Fine. We can’t wait to meet her then.”
Oikawa scoffed, looking at his friends one more time before exiting the gym. “I’ll prove you guys wrong.”
Oikawa wanted to barf. He had the urge to turn around and run away from the gym doors and you, he had the need to be alone; even though standing beside him was someone he could finally call his true partner. A girlfriend who didn’t want to spread false rumors, who didn’t want to pour soda on him, who didn’t want to cut his volleyball shoes...
Oikawa finally felt like he hit the jackpot with you, but, what if he stumbles upon a dead-end once again, when the team finally sees you and tell him you’re not right for him?
“Tooru,” your gentle voice pulled him away from his thoughts, “why are you so nervous?” You tightly held one of his hands in yours while the other carried a bag filled with sweets. You looked at your boyfriend’s worried face, providing him with a reassuring smile to calm down his nerves.
“I’m just...I don’t even know.” He let out a groan, throwing his head back. Few weren’t aware of Oikawa’s past relationships, they were that known and the way they were broken off was also something to remember. You were one of the many that knew exactly how Oikawa Tooru got screwed over, time and time again.
“We can do this.” You give his hand a tight squeeze and placed your hand on the gym door, ready to push it open. “Ready?” He looked at you again, a nervous smile on his face as he weakly nodded; he was nowhere near ready, but he had to do this for you and the relationship.
Pushing the door open, the sound made the team stop their practice to look at the people entering. The rest of the team was aware that they’d have a visitor, but none of them were particularly excited when they found out it was Oikawa’s girlfriend.
“Do I have to bring a new set of shoes for Oikawa or hope that she won’t spread any more false rumors?” It was Kunimi who talked first after finding out about the visitor, making everyone chuckle and laugh at the memory.
“Maybe she’ll do something completely different,” Makki added in on the fun, the laughter ongoing as the team waited for their captain to come with his new girlfriend.
Iwaizumi cracked a smile as well, but he couldn’t overlook the nervous feeling in his stomach. His best friend may be an idiot, but he wasn’t a bad person. It was like everything was against Oikawa finding a decent partner, let alone someone he can consider for the long-run.  
He only watched as they joked around, his eyes constantly looking at the gym door, waiting for them to open. He prayed that whoever comes into the gym and beside Oikawa, was someone he could actually call Oikawa’s girlfriend.
And there, at the entrance was someone who had a striking resemblance to Oikawa’s previous girlfriends.
“Doesn’t she remind you of ex-girlfriend number four?” Yahaba whispered to the team, eyeing you curiously. “What did she do again?” Kindaichi whispered back, the number of relationships his senpai has had overflowing his memory. “She’s the one who cut his jersey because he had practice and couldn’t fit in a date,” Makki added, not whispering at all and earning himself a hard slap across the back. He winced and glared at Iwaizumi, rubbing the sore spot as he straightened his back.
“Guys,” by the time the commotion settled, Oikawa and his girlfriend were already in front of them. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N. And Y/N, this is my team.” He introduced you to the team, you smiling at them before formally introducing yourself.
“It’s nice to finally, meet all of you! Oikawa talks highly about his team and I couldn’t wait to meet you,” you smiled at the team, but they only looked at you shocked in return. Makki leaned in to whisper in Watari’s ear. “She smiled...but there was no hint of evil in it?” He yelped at the force of Iwaizumi’s hand slapping the back of his neck.
He was also the first one to approach you. “Nice to meet you Y/N.” He shook your hand and give you a small smile, “I’m Iwaizumi Hajime, your boyfriend’s best friend.”
And, with that, every team member introduced themselves to you.
“Why is she acting so nice?” The team gathered around the bench, looking at you as you laugh and talk to Oikawa; his face burning red as the tips of his ears become hot. Iwaizumi kept looking closely at you, not knowing what to make of this situation. Since when could Oikawa find someone like you on his own?
“What is wrong with all of you!?” Oikawa whispered, appearing out of nowhere and making Makki drop his water bottle. They all look at their captain, his face red, but they couldn’t guarantee that it was the same blush he had from earlier, while he was talking to you.
“You’re acting like she’s the spawn of Satan! Can’t you see she’s normal?” He sighed exasperatedly and ran a hand through his hair. “Well, considering that all your previous girlfriends were the devil itself, you gotta give us a break,” Mattsun added and looked at you talking to Kyoutani and Yahaba.
Both of them looked rather calm and willing to talk to you, to the surprise of many. Kyoutani isn’t someone who you’d describe as people-friendly, but he didn’t look intimidating as usual while talking to you, and he seemed interested in whatever you were talking about.
Oikawa glared at him and turned his direction to Iwaizumi, looking directly at his best friend and making Iwaizumi’s eyes widen in surprise with the intensity of his stare. “Don’t you trust me?”
Iwaizumi was ready to answer, he truly was, but he couldn’t help but thank you for arriving at the given moment – his words wouldn’t be so encouraging and positive.
“Hey, guys!” They turn to look at you rummaging through the bag you brought with you. “I know how hard practice is for all of you, so I bought some protein bars for you guys!” Out of the bag, you took out a dozen and more protein bars, handing them out to each of them. “I didn’t know what kind you guys liked, but Oikawa did tell me the brand you all preferred, so I just bought two of each kind!”
Adding all the sweet and caring acts together, the team stopped to think. Maybe Oikawa really found someone nice and caring. At least, that’s what the team could describe you. There wasn’t anything that made them etiquette you as a rude and clingy person, like all his previous girlfriends, so they relaxed. Maybe this was the time Oikawa actually made the right choice.
“Is there poison in this or?”
“Makki!” It was Oikawa this time that slapped him at the back of his neck at his joke, making you laugh and, soon enough, the rest of the team join in. It was unbelievable, but Oikawa actually hit the jackpot this time with you, and Iwaizumi could finally, sigh in relief.
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tsuki-chibi · 4 years
Blackberries (Adrinette April) Day 26: Sick day
Or see it on AO3: Blackberries 
When Marinette walked into school on Monday morning, she kind of wished she had taken a sick day, because the hottest topic of conversation was Coccinelle and Lynx and the new Bee and Fox miraculous holders. As she walked to Madame Bustier’s classroom, she couldn’t help looking around and wondering if one of the students around her was Coccinelle or Lynx. It could’ve been anyone.
‘This sucks,’ she thought to Adrien, who had already arrived at the classroom. Rather than wait outside for Marinette like he usually did, he’d been dragged into the school by an overly excited Alya.
‘It’s frustrating,’ Adrien thought in agreement. ‘But maybe, with time, it’ll get a little easier and we won’t wonder as much.’
Marinette had her doubts about that. Any attempts at getting Tikki to give so much as a hint about Coccinelle’s identity had been met with either silence or polite refusals or, last night when she had pushed Tikki too far, a gentle scolding about respecting privacy. Adrien had also asked Plagg about Lynx a few times, but Plagg usually just laughed at him and refused to say anything.
“Marinette, there you are!” Alya cried as Marinette slid the door to their classroom open.
“Uh – what?” Marinette said, freezing and wondering if her phone had lied and she was late.
‘You’re not late. Alya is just going crazy,’ Adrien thought, waving to her from where he was still sitting beside Chloé in the front row. Chloé wasn’t there yet.
“Did you read my newest article on the Ladyblog?” Alya demanded, practically jumping down the stairs to shove her phone in Marinette’s face. “Look! It has over two hundred thousand views already! That’s over twice as many views as I got from Lila’s interview!”
“Wow,” Marinette said, gently easing Alya’s phone away from her nose. “That’s really cool! And of course I read it, but my mom made me help in the bakery all day yesterday. We were slammed. I didn’t get a chance to text you.”
“Sure, yeah,” Alya said absently, all of her attention on her blog as she hit the refresh button again. Marinette slipped by and made her way up to her desk, thankful that Lila wasn’t there yet either. Maybe she would be lucky and Lila would be the one who was out sick.
“Good morning, Marinette,” Nino said.
“Hi Nino,” Marinette said with a smile, taking her seat. “Long weekend?”
Nino just sighed. “Let’s just say I’m kinda glad that Alya and I have shields up,” he whispered, leaning towards Marinette. “All she’s been talking about nonstop is that article she wrote.”
“Ouch,” Marinette said, who was well acquainted with exactly how obsessed Alya could get. She suddenly found herself grateful that she had been preoccupied all weekend. Listening to Alya drone on about Ladybug was awkward enough. She really didn’t want to have to listen to endless theories about the new Bee and Fox too!
“So do you think there’ll be an akuma attack today?” Alya demanded, throwing herself down in her seat. She looked from Marinette to Nino to Adrien, clearly expecting an answer. Marinette looked at Nino and shrugged, so Nino turned hopefully to Adrien. Adrien sighed.
“Uh – we don’t know,” he said at last. “I don’t think anyone but Hawkmoth knows that.”
“But I need someone to get akumatized!” Alya cried.
“Alya!” Nino said. “That’s awful.”
Alya scrunched her face up. “I know, but how else am I going to find out more about Coccinelle and Lynx?” she asked, dramatically flopping over the desk. “If they’re anything like Ladybug and Chat Noir, they’ll only come out when there’s an akuma or when they’re on patrol. And who even knows if they’re going to be doing patrols? I just have so many questions I want to ask!”
“It’s very unlikely that they’re going to tell you what you want to know even if you do get to see them,” Marinette pointed out.
“You don’t know that. I can be very persuasive,” Alya said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“What do you even want to know?” Adrien asked.
“Everything! I want to know why Ladybug and Chat Noir stopped being heroes, I want to know who Coccinelle and Lynx are, I still want to know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are – I want to know it all!” Alya proclaimed.
“Why don’t you just ask Lila?” Marinette said before she could stop herself.
“Why would Lila know?” Alya asked, puzzled.
“Well, you said Lila and Ladybug are best friends. If Ladybug doesn’t have the Ladybug miraculous anymore, then surely she would’ve told Lila who she was so they could keep hanging out,” Marinette said in the most innocent voice she could muster. “Lila probably knows all the details now.”
Adrien was hard-pressed to restrain a smirk as Alya’s eyes lit up. ‘You’re evil,’ he thought.
‘You know it,’ Marinette thought smugly. She was extremely curious to find out what Lila would say in response to that. Though knowing Lila and the wild stories she could pull out of mid-air, she’d probably make something up about Ladybug having to flee Paris unexpectedly. After all, it wasn’t like Lika could give the name of someone. Not unless she had someone willing to lie for her…
“That’s a great idea!” Alya burst out. “Maybe she’d be willing to do another interview!”
Nino was smiling at Alya’s enthusiasm. “You won’t know until you ask. And there’s your chance.” He nodded to the door and Marinette turned to look as Lila walked into the room. Chloé, Sabrina, and Ivan were right behind her.
“Hi Lila!” Alya said.
“Hi,” Lila said, making her way up to her desk.
“Did you see the Ladyblog this weekend?” Alya asked.
“Yeah,” Lila said slowly. “Why?” She looked from Alya to Nino to Adrien before settling on Marinette, her eyes narrowed. It was obvious that she knew something was up, but she wasn’t sure what. Marinette couldn’t help a small smirk.
“I wanted to know if you’d do another interview!” Alya said, and it was wonderful to see the way that Lila froze.
“Another interview? Why?” Lila asked.
“Because you’re Ladybug’s best friend, of course! You’ve got the inside scoop on why she’s no longer a superhero,” Alya said. “And maybe even on her identity?” She looked hopefully at Lila.
‘This is great,’ Adrien thought gleefully.
‘She looks totally panicked,’ Marinette thought, biting her lip to hold a smile in.
“U-um… I’ll have to see…” Lila said, clearly trying to think fast. “Ladybug, she – she doesn’t really want me spreading her secrets…”
“But she’s not Ladybug anymore,” Nino said. “Hey, maybe you could even introduce us!”
“That would be amazing!” Marinette chimed in, unable to resist.
“I’d like to meet her too,” Adrien added.
“So would I,” Chloé said, setting her backpack down behind Asrien. “You did say on the blog that you’d do more interviews. You wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans, right?”
“Of – of course not,” Lila said weakly.
“Speaking of blogs, did you guys see the picture of Marinette and Adrien?” Chloé went on, turning to Alya and Nino.
“No,” Alya said, looking baffled by the fact that Chloé was speaking to her.
“You need to see it. They look like the perfect couple,” Chloé gushed, pulling her phone out and turning it on. She aimed it at Alya and Nino – and, Marinette realized, at Lila, who took one look at the photo and went white. Then she flushed red with anger.
‘Remind me to bake Chloé a dozen cookies,’ Marinette thought.
‘She deserves way more than just a dozen,’ Adrien thought. ‘I almost feel bad for enjoying this.’
“Wow, that is a great picture,” Alya said, impressed.
“Excuse me,” Lila mumbled, grabbing her backpack. She rushed down the steps and out the door.
“Oh, poor Lila,” Alya said, her smile immediately falling. “Seeing you guys together is so hard for her.”
Chloé put her hands on her hips. “And why would that be?” she asked tightly.
Alya awkwardly glanced over her shoulder at Marinette. “Ah, well…”
“If the next words out of your mouth have anything to do with soulmates, then save it,” Chloé sneered. “You call yourself a journalist, but you’re really failing to check your sources. I’ve never heard of an ethical and genuine journalist that ignores an established source of information for pure clickbait bullshit.”
“Watch it, Chloé,” Nino said warningly.
“Shut it, Lahiffe. This doesn’t concern you,” Chloé said haughtily. “Everyone, listen up!” She yelled that last part, and everyone in the class turned to look at them.
“What is it?” Alix said.
“At first I thought it was funny, but now I’m sick of it and so I’m putting this dumb rumor to rest. Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi are not soulmates. Whatever Rossi thinks she feels towards him is all in her head,” Chloé said. Adrien’s mouth dropped open in surprise.
“How do you know?” Alya demanded.
Chloé glared at her. “Because Adrien and I have been friends since we were children. I know what his words are, and I guarantee you that Rossi did not, and never will, say them.”
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edwinas · 4 years
I really wanna see more of Paxton in season 2, about his self-image. He says mutliple times he's seen as the "cool guy", and somehiw I feel like he is restraining himself, like his apathy towards school, to stay in this neat little box of the "cool guy". That's why he is so protective of his sister, and also Devi (he literraly RUNS to her rescue, even at the pool, doesn't even think) because if doesn't put himself out there, he will protect those he cares for and are putting themselves out there
I'm not sure Paxton is limiting himself consciously, but he sure is scared about challenging his status-quo, that clearly shows in his converstaion with his sister at the end. He probably has a hard time trusting people, and above all trusting feelings, when the people he thought were his friends let him down so many times (his friends bullying his sister, he really snapped fast at Devi that day; Devi spreading the rumor, he's not just disappointed, he's angry, smashing that door)
Mmmmmmmh, I think it is more Paxton having self-esteem issues than being afraid of challenging the status quo. 
He is known as the dense hot boy but tries. He came up with a terrible slogan and Devi who did not have the heart to correct him. I assume he would have been called “stupid”, “dumb”, “a fool” etc many times and he came to believe it. I mean look at he facts, he failed an entire grade. 
We know he is sensitive from his story about keeping vigil over his sister, being hurt by his supposed friends who called her names, loosing his temper with Eleanor, the way he has acted with Devi throughout the season. So you can imagine what happens if you couple that with being nonstop jabs. 
So he ends up having low self-esteem. He crushes after this smart girl and excitedly goes to see her (ah young love...). Only to have her mother play on his deepest insecurities: his lacking intelligence in academia and the probable fear of being stuck in school indefinitely. 
He is devastated, angry, frustrated so tries to rationalise not liking Devi anymore (but that is not how feelings work) and comes up with this lame excuse of he is too cool for her. But he was fine freely interacting with her throughout the season and being seen with her in public (at school and outside). So his sudden change of attitude is obviously a result of what Nalini said. 
So yeah, I want him to start trusting again, opening up, being vulnerable because he realises grades are not everything, though it does feel like that in high school. He is one of the characters with the highest emotional intelligence which is crucial in life. So yeah, I want more Paxton screen time exploring his personality and life.
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golden-deer-dear · 5 years
The Weight of a Name, Claude x Byleth AU Fic
Summary: One decision can change the course of nations. When King Mahtab brought home a baby from Fódlan, he gave his own son someone to stand at his side. Byleth grows up side by side with Claude, surviving the hardship of Almyra together. For each, they are the other's only friend.
Notes: Because again, I have no self control, have the first part of my NaNo story I'm working on. This is technically the second part of the series. I will be doing a prologue for it as well dealing more in depth with Claude's parents.  I don't know guys. I know this is a weird story. Let me know what you think, and if it's worth continuing.
Read on AO3.
The Weight of a Name 1162
Byleth stared out at the glittering capital city of Almyra, looking much too stern for a child of two years old. There was a flurry of activity when normally the city’s inhabitants would just be waking. And the bells, they were ringing nonstop, from the royal tower in the palace to the people marching in the street. Bells of music and peels of laughter filled the air.
It  all made no sense. She had never seen people act like this even on festival days.
The small girl jumped down from the window and calmly walked toward her caretaker. She knew the servants found her strange, even at two that was something she understood. There was something about the way she carried herself, something that made her seem mature beyond her years, that unnerved other people. It was why Byleth preferred only to interact with Nader and Naima. 
“Naima,” Byleth spoke in her high pitched voice, her fingers moving to form the signs Naima needed to communicate. “What is going on?”
The prince was born this morning, Naima signed back to her. She was the only person who seemed to understand and accept Byleth’s strangeness. Byleth was well aware that Naima was not her mother, but she was the closest thing the little girl had to one. The bells are a celebration of his birth. 
Byleth thought that over for a moment, her face blank as she processed what Naima had told her. “That does not make sense,” Byleth finally responded. “Babies are born every day, and no one ever makes this much fuss.”
Naima smiled at her, amused by her comment. But not royal babies, Byleth. The prince is important. It means the king has an heir. 
“But why is an heir important?”
Because it means a chance at stability. Seeing Byleth’s confusion at the new word, Naima broke off to explain, When the current king either dies or gives up his throne, the prince will have the opportunity to prove himself worthy to take his place. If he is successful, the throne will go to him. If he is not, there will be fighting between the nobles as they each try to take the throne for themselves.
“All the nobles do is fight between themselves,” Byleth pointed out.
True. Naima stood, setting aside the embroidery she was focused on before Byleth had distracted her. Come, I think Nader will be fine with us taking a break on such a momentous day. Let us go see what celebrations are going on in the city.
Byleth slid her small hand into Naima’s larger one, allowing her caretaker to lead her from the estate and into the bustling crowds. 
Byleth supposed the new prince was good for something after all. At least she would not be forced to read any political theories today. 
The king returned to the capitol a week later to the joyful cheers of his populace. Some were calling it a prosperous sign that the prince was born on the morning of the king’s latest victory. But others, many of them discontented nobles who hated that King Mahtab had essentially married an enemy, were already fast at work spreading rumors of illegitimacy and weakness. 
Not that Byleth was aware of any of that. Such things were not the concern of a child of only two years old. 
No, what concerned her about the king’s return was the subsequent return of her other caretaker. Nader rushed into Naima’s rooms and swept up the young girl just as he did every time he returned home. 
“Look at how big you’ve gotten!” Nader laughed, sitting Byleth on one of his shoulders.
“I have not gotten bigger. It’s only been a month,” Byleth pointed out.
Nader paused and shook his head. “But I see you’re just as serious. Have you kept up with your training?”
“Yes.” For an instant there seemed to be a hint of joy in Byleth’s usually monotone voice. 
She gave Kasra’s boy a black eye, Naima signed.
Nader’s face lit up all over again as he watched his sister’s fingers form words, bursting out in another belly laugh as she finished. “Did you now? He’s what, six years old and twice your size? How’d you manage that?”
“I hit him,” Byleth answered succinctly.  
Nader shook his head again. “That is usually how one wins a fight.”
Byleth knew she confused the big man, but besides Naima, he was the only one who made an effort to understand her. And he was the one teaching her to fight, so Byleth rather enjoyed when the loud man was around. 
Are we expected at the palace? Naima asked, changing the subject.
“Tomorrow, not tonight. The king wants tonight to spend with his queen and newborn son. There will be a feast tomorrow we’ll be expected to make an appearance at.”
And Byleth?
Nader thought for a moment, tilting his head to look at the child on his shoulder. “I don’t see why she can’t come. I think it’ll do her good to meet the new prince.”
Byleth’s eyes narrowed, the closest she ever came to expressing her displeasure. They narrowed further when she caught Naima’s next comment.
Good, that gives me time to get her something to wear.
Byleth clung tightly to Nader even as he pulled her off his shoulder. “Come now, Byleth, it won’t be so bad.”
Byleth gave him a deadpanned look, silently telling him she did not believe a word of that. 
Byleth was not impressed with the new prince. He was a baby, just like every other baby. She did not see what was so special about the wrinkled little thing. The queen beamed down at her child, her attention only leaving him whenever her husband came back to her side. 
Queen Odette had greeted her warmly enough when Nader led her forward, and even seemed amused as Byleth studied the baby. “Is the prince not to your liking, Byleth?” the queen asked in a teasing tone.
Byleth looked up to her, and then back down to the baby. “He’s so squishy,” was the answer she decided on.
King Mahtab and Nader both threw their heads back and laughed. Other courtiers joined in, but these were not false laughter. The people surrounding them were the king’s closest friends and advisors, those Mahtab trusted above all others. They were those who laughed with the king, and not to win his favor. 
Of course, Byleth only barely grasped that concept. She realized that the royal couple seemed more relaxed than any other time she had seen them, and Byleth found the entire experience strange. Besides, she was distracted when the baby opened his eyes. They were a brilliant shade of green, one Byleth had never seen before. 
She leaned over the baby, trying to get a better look. The prince blinked up at her for a moment before cooing happily, and he began to squirm in his mother’s arms.
Odette smiled down at her son, and traced a finger over the bridge of his nose. “It seems like Claude likes you.”
“You’re really calling him Claude?” she heard Nader whisper to the king.
“I can’t convince her otherwise,” Mahtab answered, fondness in his voice as if he was sharing a joke with his friend.
After that, the queen allowed Byleth to sit next to her, but was pretty much forgotten about after that. The adults talked over her, trading jokes and jabs about topics Byleth had no idea how to place. She absentmindedly swung her legs back and forth, ignoring the occasional whisper about what a strange child she was. 
After a few hours, Odette handed over the prince to one of her handmaidens. There was a flash of hatred in the woman’s eyes that seemed to go unnoticed by the adults in the room. But Byleth knew that look. It was the one the noble children gave her because she was an orphan from Fódlan.
Byleth slid off the chair and followed the woman. No one noticed her, not even the woman as she placed Claude in his crib. She unfolded a fresh blanket, and looked over her shoulder. But Byleth, hiding behind the crib, was the only one paying her any mind. The handmaid pulled a vial from her skirts, her actions hidden from the royal couple by her own body. Byleth watched as she popped off the cork on the vial and spread the powdered contents on the blanket. 
The woman picked up the blanket by sliding her hands under it, careful not to touch the top. Warning bells went off in Byleth’s head as the woman turned to the prince. That look in her eyes, it wasn’t one someone who was supposed to care for another should have. She looked so angry.
Byleth did not really think about what she was doing. Before the woman could drop the blanket onto the newborn baby, Byleth pulled her leg back and kicked the woman’s shin as hard as she could. 
The woman cursed loudly, the rest of the room fell silent, and dropped the blanket. She cursed again and clasped her hands together, eyes blazing as she turned to Byleth. 
“Byleth,” Nader’s voice cut through the silence, “why would you do that?”
She felt his presence behind her, acting as a bulwark between her and the hostility many of the courtiers were directing her way. “She put something on the blanket,” Byleth said. It was as if she sucked all the air out of the room. Every adult went rigidly still. 
“It was simply powder to help his skin from drying out,” the woman protested. She moved her hands behind her back, obviously wringing them together. Her face was twisting as she tried to hide her pain, but she was failing miserably. 
Nader stepped around Byleth and grabbed the woman, ignoring her cry of pain as he dragged her hand forward. Already the flesh was turning red and starting to crack. It looked incredibly painful.
Mahtab stepped around his wife, carefully picking up the blanket with gloved hands. His face was blank as he turned toward her, but he radiated hatred hot enough that Byleth shrank behind Nader to hide herself. 
“Why?” was the one word question Mahtab asked, the weight of the woman’s life hanging by that word. 
The woman’s face twisted as she gave in to her hatred and pain, and she spat at the king’s feet. “You should be ashamed,” she hissed. “You dare taint the throne with a Fódlan whore, and now you give us a filthy half breed for an heir! We will never accept such a creature as that-” she jerked her head toward the crib where the baby was still sleeping, “-on the throne.”
Mahtab took a deep breath, studying the blanket he held. The entire room held its breath when he finally opened his mouth. “My son will be the greatest king to ever sit upon Almyra’s throne. But of course, you won’t be around to see that.” He moved forward, the woman’s eyes widening in fear as he raised the blanket, and wrapped the poisoned fabric around her face.
Byleth clung to Nader’s leg as the woman screamed. It did not last long. The contact poison tore through her skin, causing her to convulse in the king’s grasp. The sounds she made as her throat and face were destroyed were terrifying. Mahtab did not flinch. He held her there until the woman stopped moving, until those distorted screams died away. Only then did he let the body fall to the floor.
His eyes were softer when he turned to Byleth. Mahtab leaned down, a tight smile on his lips as he addressed her. “You saved my son, Byleth. I owe you a debt, little one. Thank you.”
Byleth shook her head, leaning into Nader’s comforting touch as she continued to try and hide herself behind him. She did not like being the center of attention. Mahtab nodded once more before he straightened, barking orders at guards and servants. Byleth was quickly forgotten by everyone besides her caretakers.
Nader picked her up, holding her close as the room erupted into a flurry of activity. “You did good, Byleth,” he whispered to her. “I’m proud of you.”
Naima was quick to reach her brother’s side, taking the small girl from him. “I’ll need to help Mahtab with his investigation. Can you take Byleth home?”
Naima nodded, holding onto Byleth tighter than she usually did. Naima was scared, and Byleth was not sure why. Surely the danger was passed now that the woman was dead. 
Byleth gave one last look over Naima’s shoulder to the tiny prince, meeting his bright green eyes before he began to bawl. 
He was certainly noisy for such a small thing. How did those tiny lungs make cries that loud?
“Naima?” Byleth said and signed as her caretaker began to tuck her in for the night.
Yes, Byleth? Naima signed back when Byleth offered no other words. 
“How did the king know my name?” Byleth asked. It had bothered her ever since Mahtab addressed her. “He was not beside the queen when I introduced myself to her.”
Naima hesitated, something flashing across her face that Byleth was too young to understand. Nader is the king’s best friend, Naima signed, her fingers fumbling over the words as she attempted to sign too fast. As his ward, it is only natural that you would come up in conversation from time to time. Now, it is time for bed.
Byleth let Naima tuck the blankets in around her, and closed her eyes. Seemingly satisfied, Naima blew out the candles, her skirts swishing around her as she walked out of the room. Byleth waited until the sound of Naima’s footsteps faded away before throwing the covers off and slipping out of bed. She pulled a chair to her window, climbing on it to stare out at the palace.
It was a logical explanation, but for the first time in her short life, Byleth felt like she had been lied to. It did not sit easy with her. There was something about the king that made Byleth feel connected to him. When he had talked to her it was too familiar. It was almost the same way Nader talked to her.
Byleth did not like it, but she had no idea what to do about it. So instead she settled for staring up at the stars, watching the constellations wheel overhead until she drifted off to sleep. She was vaguely aware of Nader picking her up and tucking her back into bed, whispering goodnight before she drifted out of consciousness. 
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Attempt #7: Write them a love letter
<< the sixth attempt
wc: 1.6k
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Jaehyun is annoyed with you; you just know it. He’s a lot more curt with his responses; he’s always lost in thought or uninterested. He’s probably taken the hint that you don’t want to him to tell you about him and Jangmi. It hurt that you two were drifting apart, but he would understand if you could be selfish just this once because you cared more about your own feelings than his.
He’d been trying so hard, though, you have to give him props. The flower — the gardenia — he gave you symbolized secret love; he and Jangmi were dating in secret. The love songs on the playlist he said he made for you sounded more like something for her because why else would he pester you about checking the songs out. You’d never thought you’d see the day that Jaehyun would be in love, but you didn’t think it would cause you pain because it wasn’t you he was in love with.
“Taeyong, you’re friends with Jangmi, right?” You spent the rest of your lunch period with the aloof boy, sitting outside on a school bench while he crammed his math homework.
He stops writing to peer up at you through his lashes, “We’re neighbors.”
“That’s not my question.” You whined, “I’m asking if you two are friends; meaning you guys hang out and all that.”
“Not really… not anymore, at least.” He shrugs, continuing to answer the problem he’d been trying to figure out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Taeyong doesn’t respond immediately, “I guess you can say we sort of had a past?”
“You guys dated?”
He shakes his head, “No.” He pauses, “Back in middle school, there was a guy who liked Jangmi and he was very vocal about it. I don’t know if they ever dated, but he hated me.”
“Because Jangmi liked me.” He shrugs, “Allegedly.”
You coo at him, “Oooooh, and?”
Taeyong puts his pencil down and frowns at the unanswered equation in front of him, “I rejected her.”
This makes you gasp a little too loudly, making it sound like you were scandalized by the information. “Taeyong!”
“I got threatened and bullied every day because of it. When she confessed to me one day, I thought she was lying. Why would she like the loner otaku kid and not the aspiring pro basketball player? I thought it was a scam; that she was playing me. We’ll go on a date and then she’ll dump me in front of everyone.”
You chew on your bottom lip, “T-that doesn’t sound like Jangmi at all.”
Taeyong sighs, bringing his hands to his face and hiding in them. “I know. She’s a fucking angel. She’s friends with everyone, she’s funny and smart, she’s beautiful—”
“It sounds like you liked her, too.”
He makes an indignant noise, looking away from you to hide the blush on his cheeks, “Well, it doesn’t matter because I hurt her and now every time I look into her eyes, all I see is sadness because I assumed the worst from her. Don’t you ever notice how she just stops smiling or laughing when I’m around? She won’t even look me in the eyes if we ever talked.”
You cross your arms over the table and rest your head down, “Have you tried apologizing to her?”
“I’m too ashamed to even be in the same room as her.”
“But you still like her?”
Taeyong snaps his head back towards you, “I don’t want to. I don’t deserve a second chance from her.”
“What if she still likes you?”
“And what if I want to like you instead?”
You sit up straight and stare at him, “What?”
He groans, “I don’t want to like her anymore, but then I’d feel bad for using you as a rebound…”
You don’t know what to say to him. He seemed like he was pretty much in the same position as you. In love with someone you don’t deserve. “I guess, but… she’s with Jaehyun.”
“You think they’re together? Has he told you?” Taeyong looked unimpressed when you shake your head, “You can’t assume things like that — you’ll end up like me; regretful of not doing things because I jumped to conclusions.”
“But it’s obvious!” You defended yourself, “They’ve been hanging out more and talking a lot.”
“I just told you that Jangmi is friends with everyone. Listen, until they confirm it themselves, you can’t beat yourself up and say Jaehyun’s in love with her or that they’re dating — although I don’t blame him.” You pout at his last words and he laughs, “I’m sorry. But okay, how about this… they’re not dating, I’ll apologize to Jangmi and tell her how I really feel about her. Deal?”
“I really regret telling you about Jaehyun, you know.” You glare at him. When you started hanging out with him and he asked the reason behind it, you just word vomited all over him like what you do with you journals. Nonetheless, you’re grateful that he was patient with you, listening to you rant nonstop. Sighing in defeat, you shrug your shoulders. “Deal.”
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You had class with Jaehyun after lunch. He already saved you a seat at the back, waving at you and removing his bag from the table. You still sat beside him and as you fixed your things for that class, you see him lean over in your peripheral vision.
“Where were you?”
You glance at him, “Uhm, Taeyong. Why?”
He blinks at you for a few seconds, “I, uh, wanted to see your notes. I think I missed some last time. Can I copy yours?”
You take the composition notebook that matched his own and handed it to him, “How could you miss taking notes? You’re always focused in class.”
“Uh— daydreaming…?”
“About what?”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened ever so slightly and there was the unmistakable rosy hue blossoming on both his cheeks and ears, “N-nothing.”
You were ready to call out his bluff, but then the teacher comes in and asks for help to bring today’s learning materials into the room.
“[Y/N] would love to help you.” Jaehyun announces and you gawk at him in disbelief for volunteering you.
“Thank you, [Y/N]. Come on now.” Your teacher beckons to you with a small gesture with her hand and you had no choice but to stand and follow her out of the room, but not before scowling at Jaehyun, who cheekily smiles at you.
Once you were gone, he opens up your notebook and starts writing out his confession on the first blank page he could find.
“[Y/N]. Before you get mad at me for writing on your notes, I want to tell you that there is someone I like. It’s you. - J”
He had written the last few words in a hurry because suddenly you were back, setting the stack of reading materials on the teacher’s desk. His penmanship looked like chicken scratch; he hopes you could still decipher it, but if you can’t, then he’ll just have to read it out to you.
He closes the notebook and hands it back to you before you sat down, “Thanks.”
“No prob.” You were about to open your notebook and Jaehyun held his breath, until the girl that sat beside you asked to see your notes, too. You don’t even open the notebook and handed it to her, sitting down and grabbing your tumbler to drink out of it.
Jaehyun watches in horror as your classmate, Yoojung, opens the notebook up exactly where he wrote his confession and starts blushing when she lets out an exaggerated gasp.
“Wa! [Y/N]-ah!! There’s a confession in here!”
Of course, everyone hears this and starts teasing you.
You were confused, trying to get your notebook back to see.
“Who’s T, huh, [Y/N]?” Yoojung asks in a singsong voice.
“T?!” You look back at Jaehyun after he exclaims alongside you. He looks just as perplexed as you.
“[Y/N]. Before you get mad at me for writing on your notes,” Yoojung stands up and everyone is turned to her, listening intently, “I want to tell you that there is someone I like. It’s you.”
The entire class playfully goads you, laughing at how red you were.
“It’s signed ‘T’! Who is it?” Yoojung nudges your shoulder, before letting another gasp, “Is it Taeyong?!”
“We’re just friends!”
“Everyone starts out as friends!” A guy from the back shouts and everyone chimes in with their agreement.
The teacher returns, settling the class down. You snatch your notebook back from Yoojung and read the little note left on the page and you frown, it must be a joke. He just told you he liked Jangmi and even if he did start liking you, he said he would feel bad about it for using you as a rebound.
You tear the page out and fold it a couple of times before sliding it into your pocket. You’ll have to ask him later about it.
Before you tore the page out, Jaehyun sees that he did, in fact, sign it as ‘T’ instead of ‘J’ — the bent tail of his initial was barely there. As their teacher starts off the class, he couldn’t help but lightly smack his forehead with a closed fist at his blunder.
What’s even worse, he inadvertently started a rumor that would spread like wildfire once class is done and probably heightened Taeyong’s chances with you.
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the eighth attempt >>
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drarry-on-drarry-on · 6 years
So @litlleprincessma asked me to write a fic of my headcanon from the other day, and @ununquadius gave me permission to add on, so here goes my first Drarry fic. (Sorry about the formatting and stuff; Tumblr’s formatting sucks)
Harry strolled into the small cafe, whistling merrily as the bell jingled overhead. It was a gorgeous day, even by September standards, and he couldn’t help the extra bounce in his step as he wove his way between the tables. When he reached the usual booth, he found Dudley already seated, perusing the menu as though he wouldn’t get the exact same sandwich as always.
“Anything look good today?” Harry asked as he slid into the booth across from his cousin.
Dudley hummed pensively from behind his menu. “I’m not sure yet... the stir fry maybe.”
Harry rolled his eyes but didn’t comment. Sometimes it was better to just let things be with Dudley. He’d learned that the hard way growing up, but in recent months—as in, since they’d started meeting up to eat lunch and actually talk things out—Harry had relearned several things about his cousin in a whole new light.
He didn’t bother looking at his own menu, instead signaling for the waitress for his cup of coffee. As he waited, his mind slipped away, drifted back to his apartment, to his warm bed with its rumpled sheets and that sweet, lithe body curled up so nicely—
“I met this guy last night that seemed to hate you a lot,” Dudley suddenly announced, effectively halting Harry’s wistful thoughts.
“It could be anyone,” Harry admitted with another eye roll. He thought of the backlash in the past year...or rather in the wake of the Prophet’s surprise announcement. Imagine, people throwing themselves into fits just because of who he was dating.
Harry didn’t care, he really didn’t. And yet he found himself asking, “How did he look like?”
“Um,” Dudley finally set down his menu, his eyes flitting upward as he tried to recall. “He was tall, blond, pale, grey eyes, pointy face...” he used his hands to illustrate said pointyness.
Harry’s face split into a bashful grin. “Ah,” Harry looked down, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck, “that’d be Draco,” he glanced nervously up at Dudley as he continued, “my boyfriend.”
Dudley looked shocked, and Harry braced himself for the worst. And it had all been going so nicely too... But then Dudley surprised him once again by asking, “Why date someone who hates you?”
“Er...” Harry was legitimately at a loss for words. “What?”
“I mean, I get that he’s a good looking bloke and all, but you really have to think about your own emotional well-being too!”
Harry burst out laughing. “Oh my god, Dudley. No, he just...he doesn’t hate me,” he assured his cousin. At Dudley’s concerned look, Harry continued. “Trust me. That’s just kind of his... I don’t know, standard way of talking?”
“So he’s got that bitch face thing? But in the way he talks?”
“Yes!” Harry crowed. “That’s exactly it!”
At Dudley’s perplexed sigh, Harry chuckled and shook his head. “Trust me. Plus I think he’s still a little confused about it all sometimes.”
“Confused about it all?” Dudley arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Harry looked down at the table and smiled. “It didn’t happen the normal way that you’d expect things like that to happen.”
“And how did it happen?”
“Well, it started when we all went back for our eighth year, after the war...”
Draco pretended not to hear the whispers. They’d followed him all year, just like the sneers, the glares...the hatred. He held his chin high, his mask firmly in place. That’s what he’d always done, didn’t really make sense to drop his sole remaining defense mechanism now.
But really, had he expected any less? When his mother had asked him to return to Hogwarts and finish his schooling, regain some dignity for the family name, he’d known what lay in store.
What he hadn’t expected was Potter.
Potter, who’d walked right up to him on the first day back and extended a warm, firm hand. Potter, who’d taken to sitting with Draco during Potions. Potter, who’d sought him out for everything from study sessions to seeker games. Potter, who continued to surprise Draco so much that he really shouldn’t be surprised anymore.
Mind, none of this had really helped with his New Term Resolution to finally get over his hopeless crush on one Harry Potter, Golden Boy extraordinaire and savior of the entire bloody wizarding world. But that was fine. He’d just...have to do that some other time. Like maybe after the year ended and they all went their separate ways for good.
At least the gossip had lessened since Potter started talking to him. Word of their...friendship? Acquaintanceship? Colleagueship? Whatever it was, word of it must’ve slipped out. Everyone was much less hostile now.
But that didn’t mean that the hostility ended completely. There were still some who loathed his very existence. Like the third year Ravenclaw who always glared at him and spit words like Traitor and Death Eater. But now, when he passed her in the courtyard, she looked at him and...and...smiled... Like a genuine smile.
Draco wasn’t sure what expression his face was making, but he knew his usual mask of indifference was long gone. Even as he tried to ignore the whispers, he couldn’t help but notice that they were different. There were giggles, blushes, shy glances away. What the hell?
He quickened his steps, eager to escape to the silence and solitude of his dorm. He’d just rounded the corner that would lead him down to the cellars when a bright-eyed first year slipped into his path, forcing him to draw up short.
Glaring down at the young Slytherin should have forced her back, but she didn’t budge. Huh, that usually worked...
Draco tried to step around her, but she just stepped with him. He stepped back the other way, yet she mirrored him still. A small cluster of other first-year Slytherins giggled from nearby.
Draco heaved a put-upon sigh and rolled his eyes. “May I help you?”
Her smile inched wider at her victory. “My friends and I were wonderiiiiing...” she drew out the word to unbearable lengths.
“What?” Draco snapped, cutting her off.
She glared but continued on. “Is it true?”
Draco frowned. What the hell had these idiots come up with now?
“Is what true?”
And then came the question that changed everything: “Is it true you’re dating Harry Potter?”
Draco burst through the doors to the library, ignoring the shushes and glares from other students already there. He’d wasted three hours of nonstop searching—first the great hall, then the quidditch pitch, then the bloody Gryffindor common room.
And no one had even bothered to ask why he was there! They’d just smiled stupidly like everyone else as Seamus called “Oi, Malfoy! You looking for Harry?”
So Draco had finally managed to track Potter and the rest of his Golden Trio here, to the library.
He stalked through the aisles, glaring down anyone who dared make eye contact and flat out growling at one poor girl who tried to speak. So help him, if he had to hear about his boyfriend Potter one more damn time!
Yes, Draco was well aware that his crush was pathetic, and yes, he’d probably given too much away when chatting with Potter during potions last week. But that didn’t call for Potter mocking him or spreading rumors about him. Potter could’ve just spoken to Draco himself, let him down kindly.
Draco blushed to think that he’d actually believed...hoped...well, it didn’t matter what he’d believed or hoped; it obviously wasn’t true. Potter didn’t want to befriend Draco, not really.
He finally spotted them, sitting at a table near the back. He drew in a deep fortifying breath and marched resolutely forward.
He was mere steps away from the table when Potter glanced up, at first wearily, as though he were expecting some overeager fan, but then did a double take when he realized it was Draco. His mouth turned up into a shy smile, which drew Draco up short.
“Hey, Draco,” he murmured. Ron and Hermione glanced up, but barely showed any interest or concern beyond a head nod and quick smile respectively.
After a moment of confusion, Draco shook his head and refocused on Potter and his messy hair and bright eyes and shy smile.
“Potter,” he ground out. “If I could have a word.”
Potter’s eyes widened in surprise but he nodded eagerly and jumped up to follow Draco. So trusting, despite the anger and embarrassment Draco could feel emanating off himself. It was disconcerting, to have someone so willing to follow him now. Well, that and the stares. Draco could feel the other students watching as he hurried toward the exit with Potter close behind.
When they’d escaped the stifling silence and nosy stares, Draco immediately latched onto Potter’s arm and yanked him to a nearby alcove, ignoring Potter’s squawk of confusion.
“What the hell, Potter?” Draco spit as he shoved the other boy into the secluded space.
“What?” Potter cried incredulously.
“You know perfectly well what!” Draco snarled. “Telling people I’m your...your...”
He broke off with a sharp inhale and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was not about to cry in front of the git. Don’t give him the satisfaction.
“Hey,” Potter murmured, reaching up to tug on Draco’s tie. “What’s wrong? What have I done?”
Draco froze. It sounded so...so genuine. It would be like Potter to take the blame on himself. And yet, the tug on his tie was so playful, so familiar. Draco cautiously opened his eyes to find Potter studying him, his eyes warm and concerned.
“You’ve been telling everyone that we’re...you know, together. Boyfriends.”
Potter opened his mouth, probably to protest, but Draco pushed on. “I know that you must’ve been uncomfortable when you found out about my feelings for you, but did you really—“ Draco broke off again. He looked away, shaking his head. Damn the tears that kept building, threatening to spill. “I thought we were finally getting along.”
Potter shuffled forward, giving another tug to the green tie. “Draco...I told people that we’re boyfriends because...we are.”
Wait, what?
“What?” Draco practically shouted as his head snapped back around to stare at the delusional man.
“What do you mean, what?” Potter glared. “We’ve been dating for weeks now!”
“No! No, we haven’t,” Draco argued, somewhat sillily. “I feel like I would know if we were dating, especially for weeks.”
“Sorry?” Potter said, sarcastic as ever. “Was there supposed to be an advert in the Prophet? Do you need a certificate signed by McGonagall?”
“A bloody conversation would have been nice!” Draco yelled. “You can’t just claim someone as your boyfriend like an actual Neanderthal, Potter. There needs to be wooing.”
“Yes, wooing. Long conversations about feelings, gifts, dates!”
“But there was all that!” Potter threw his hands up.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Draco cried in frustration. When he saw how angry Potter was getting, he forced himself to shut up and calm down before asking, “Might I ask when these supposed dates occurred?”
Potter gaped at him before answering archly, “We just took a walk around the lake last Thursday!”
“That wasn’t—“ Draco started, but cut off suddenly. Oh. Ohh. Ohhhhhh. “And I take it the studying out by the pitch was also... And the thing by the...”
“Yes,” Potter bit out.
Draco couldn’t believe he’d been such an idiot. He wasn’t about to admit that, of course. Instead, he crossed his arms and struck a haughty pose.
“Well, what about the gifts?”
Potter rolled his eyes. “I let you keep my favorite snitch after our game on Saturday.”
Right. Draco stared at him, dumbfounded. He tried one final defense. “But there hasn’t been any... any handholding or, uh,” he could feel his blush rising. “kissing, or anything.”
Potter shrugged bashfully, looking down at the ground. “I thought that maybe you just didn’t want to rush into things or didn’t like touching or something.”
Draco’s heart almost split in two at the uncertainty in Harry’s voice. He stepped forward, brushing the back of his hand against Harry’s. “God, I’m such an idiot.”
Harry snorted. “No, I am. I honestly thought...” His fingers slowly linked through Draco’s as he glanced up at the taller boy through his lashes. “Can I take you to Hogsmeade tonight? I don’t want there to be any more confusion, not with you.”
If Harry kept using that expression, Draco was in danger of never being able to say no again. He’d complain about it later, but for now, with his heart nearly bursting out of his chest, he simply smiled and nodded.
Dudley was obviously trying not to laugh.
“Bloody hell, you were dating for weeks?” He finally let out a snort. “How bollocks do you have to be at dating for your boyfriend to not even realize?” Another chortle escaped.
Harry glared, but Dudley wasn’t deterred.
“And then he just waltzed into a bloody library,” he threw his hands up, his face now an impressive red as more laughter escaped, “and started yelling!”
“We were technically outside the library,” a posh voice broke in, and both cousins turned to find a tall blond with grey eyes and a pointy face glaring from beside the table. “And to be fair—“
But when Dudley caught sight of Draco, he burst out in a new fit of laughter, wheezing and gasping his merry way along. Draco merely rolled his eyes and plopped down into the booth beside Harry.
“Hey?” Harry murmured, his eyebrows furrowing with the unspoken question. Why had Draco tracked him down?
Draco blushed and couldn’t quite meet those green eyes as he stole Harry’s mug for a sip of coffee. He shrugged. “I just...I woke up and you were gone.” He finally glanced up to smile shyly at Harry. “I missed you.”
Warmth bloomed in Harry’s chest. “I was going to come right back, I promise.” He leaned in for a quick peck on the lips and trailed his nose up Draco’s jaw to whisper in his ear. “You looked so fucking gorgeous when I left. I don’t know how much longer I would’ve been able to stay away.” He nipped at Draco’s earlobe. “I want a repeat of what we did last night.”
Draco grinned wickedly and slid his hand onto Harry’s thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m holding you to that, you Neanderthal.”
They looked up to find Dudley wiping away the last of his tears. “Bloody hell, Harry. Only you.”
“I know, ha bloody ha. Now, if you’re quite done braying like a mule,” his arm slid around Draco’s shoulders, pulling him in close. “I’d like to formally introduce you to Draco, my boyfriend.”
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solarsolei · 4 years
Haikyu! Prompts
Sorted by ships
An punk x soft boi au where Hinata is the punk boi and Kageyama is the soft boi but secretly like the other's aesthetic so they try to copy each other subtly (like Kageyama wears dark earrings while Hinata wears soft colored bracelets).
A YouTube au where they are a online couple but only do it for clout only for them to actually end up slowly falling in love with each other the more time they spend with each other (and a little meddling from AsaNoya and Daisuga).
A university au where Hinata is dancing major and Kageyama is his pianist who he falls in love with and is constantly hitting on him but is always getting rejected until Kageyama agrees to a date with him (good for 5 times + 1 type fics).
A Hogwarts au where Hinata is in Slytherin and Kageyama is in Gryffindor. Nobody really thinks that they should be in those respective houses until they really see the true side of themselves that show why they are in the houses they were put in (like Kageyama being brave and confident and Hinata being cunning and ambitious).
An angsty prompt following the cannon story of Haikyu where Hinata is a depressed and alone bean and finds happiness in being with Kageyama until Kageyama pushes him away or avoids him for reasons unknown.
A fic following the cannon story of Haikyu but is about a date night between Kageyama and Hinata. They talk about their feelings and have dinner and movie. Classic cheesy lovers deal.
An arranged marriage au following the cannon story of Haikyu where the two of them have known each other for a long time and are actually betrothed to each other since childhood.
Secret lovers au where the two are dating but can't really show it in public because Daichi' parent(s) are against them dating and forbade it.
Future family au! Where they have kids and is a happy wholesome family fic. (Please make more of these.. I need more wholesome fics after all the TsukiYama angst nowadays).
A royalty au where Daichi and Suga are yet again betrothed since a young age but is called off once their two kingdoms go to war (I see this one being more angst and having Daichi become Deadchi).
A humorous chatfic where they try to juggle being team parents and lovers but their crow children make it too hard for them to be the latter.
A Gotham type fic where I envision Daichi being a Detective and Suga being a Harley Quinn type villain. They are old time rivals as Daichi strives to catch Suga and Suga is always running away. Their bond starts off as mainly rivals but after a heist gone wrong and a betrayal by Suga's lover that leaves him captured by Daichi, it evolves. Because not only does Daichi tries to help Suga get better mentally, he allows the villain to stay with him and gives him a stable way of living.
A YouTube au where Yamaguchi does makeup vids and vlogs while Tsukishima is his manager/ boyfriend. The audience has always thought of Yamaguchi as single until he refers to someone off the screen as "babe" and a bunch of speculation and rumors start spreading about who he is dating. Worried, Yamaguchi tries to figure out a way to dismiss them only for Tsukishima to suggest that they should do a boyfriend tag to announce that their dating to Yamaguchi's audience (Rosana Pansino is my inspiration behind this).
A star tears au where Yamaguchi develops the disease early when he was a kid and has developed blindness due to it. He has always stuck to Tsukis side because he was in love with him but also because he couldn't see without him.
A fic where Yamaguchi is getting married but not to Tsukki. After years of chasing him, he have up and found someone else to give his love to. On his wedding day, while he was getting ready, his childhood friend comes to see him and talks to him. Their conversation leads to Yamaguchi running away with Tsukki leaving his s/o at the alter.
A fanfic about a shared playlist that they use to communicate and share they're feeling throughout the years. Until one day, Yamaguchi finds "Latch by Sam Smith" saved to their playlist.
A fic where a guy from another team takes interest in Yamaguchi and starts flirting with him nonstop. Yamaguchi being oblivious doesn't notice since he thinks the guy only wants to be friends but Tsukishima can tell that he definitely doesn't wanna be just friends with his best friend.
A hospital fic where Kenma has a weak immune system and is always getting sick. He has no one to take care of him and works himself till he drops which leads him in the hospital more times than enough and nurse Kuroo is tired of patient Kenma coming back to hospital.
A drunk Kenma fic where Kenma comes home from a company party drunk and has Kuroo help him nurse a hangover.
A royalty au where Kenma is a prince of the kingdom of Nekoma but no one hardly knows that he exists because no one has seen or heard of him outside the castle. One day he tries to leave the castle to explore and see what the kingdom he is going to lead looks like only to be kidnapped and held hostage by Kuroo and his gang of theives.
An au revolving around another series called Toliet Bound Hanako Kun. Kenma is student that goes to an academy that is swarmed in rumors about ghost and mysterious things that happen after the final bell rings. After hearing that one of the school mysteries can revive the dead, he seeks it out in order to bring back his dead friend, Kuroo.
An angsty fic where Kenma is the best man at Kuroo's wedding and is forced to watch his best friend be happy with someone else that isn't himself.
A God au where Kuroo, the moon god, is vying for the affection of the sun god, Kenma. The only problem is they only have a short time to meet, at sunset and sunrise, and Kuroo is going to use all that time to win the affection of his beloved Kenma.
These are the only prompts I have right now. I will probably write some of them out because I am inspired at the moment to write that TsukiYama YouTube au. If I have more ideas, I will probably post them as well and if you want to use my ideas fo right ahead but make sure to credit me!
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missjosie27 · 5 years
Year 1 Part 6- Halloween
Hey guys, 
Been awhile since an update so I hope you like this chapter which is actually one of the longest I’ve ever written. I hope it sheds some more depth on David’s character as well as Chiara :) Enjoy!
David Grant had never been one to care much about personal popularity, but he supposed that an improved standing among the populace wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
News of his winning duel against Merula spread like wildfire around the school. And though he had lost a chunk of house points and ended with a weeks’ worth of detention, the benefits far outweighed the negatives. For one, he had earned the older Gryffindors respect as he received several ‘nice jobs’ or ‘way to go, mate’ from them over the course of the next couple of weeks. Bill Weasley was especially proud when he was told of the outcome.
“Always knew you could do it, Dave,” he said with a wink. “Keep it up and you’ll be the best duelist in the whole school before long.”
It wasn’t just Bill and the older students that sang his praises, however. As David soon found out, it paid to have someone Penny Haywood become your friend. She was in the know not just with her own house, but pretty much everyone. What was even more incredible was that her gossip was never mean spirited or used to talk badly about someone. It was akin to a nonstop news cycle, a column of a school newspaper that reported a feed of stories every day for the public to consume. People naturally gravitated towards her for almost anything and it was refreshing to see someone so kindhearted use their talents for higher purposes.
David enjoyed getting to know Penny immensely, and she seemed to reciprocate that feeling. But an added benefit was also getting to know some of the others within her inner circle, particularly the Hufflepuff. The young Gryffindor had heard others speak dismissively about the House of the Badger, but he personally thought they were the most admirable of any among Hogwarts. For one, there was Nymphadora Tonks, a talented, good natured witch who was always good for a laugh despite having a bit of a clumsy streak. By far her most intriguing aspect was her bubble gum pink hair and her status as a Metamorphagus, someone who could change their appearance at will and a rarity even in the wizarding world. Needless to say, she was constantly earning herself lectures and detentions from her professors.
There was also Diego Caplan, a promising duelist and self proclaimed best dancer at Hogwarts, though no one had actually seen him actually do so. His confidence could be mistaken for arrogance, but one never had a conversation with Diego without the subject of honor, which was extremely important. A Spaniard by birth (his family had moved to England after the British Civil War) and naturally friendly, though some would say flirtatious, he was essentially the opposite of Merula when it came to fighting- principled and fair, values he held dear.
Last but not least, was Chiara Lobosca, one of the most laid back people David had ever met in his life. A kind hearted soul, as well as soft spoken, Chiara had a way with people that surpassed even the most perceptive of their age. Often able to see through a person’s emotions, she offered sensible counsel and was good for a quip when you least expected it. Though slightly paler (Diego had the best tan among the fair skinned Anglo-Saxons) than most, she sported silvery-platinum blonde hair along with deep, brown eyes that were filled with radiance and light every time you looked at them. So it came as a puzzle one day in Herbology when she not only seemed afraid, but slightly irritable.
It was the eve of Halloween, and Hogwarts was abuzz with chatter and excitement, especially among the first years, who had yet to experience a Halloween Feast. As a result, none of the Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs were very focused on their wormwood plants.
“This year’s feast is going to be amazing,” Penny told him enthusiastically as they applied the proper amount of fertilizer to their plant. “You should see the pumpkins Hagrid grew this year.”
“From what I hear, you could fit inside of one!” Rowan added. “They’re huge!”
“What are you looking forward to the most, David?” Penny asked.
The young Gryffindor couldn’t help but smile as he watered his plant. It had been a long time since his family had done anything for the holiday and he was very much looking forward to seeing what Hogwarts had to offer.
“Well, nothing beats an evening with your friends, right?” he said answered. “At the same time, I can’t say I’m not looking forward to eating all the sweets I can get my hands on. Mum’s pretty strict at home about what we eat.”
“Nothing like a sugar induced coma to bring out the holiday spirit,” Tonks laughed. “Also seeing as I’m half blood, I thought I might introduce a little ‘muggle’ tradition into this year’s festivities.”
Rowan and David looked at each other in confusion. Being largely of pure blood, they didn’t have a large of a grasp on anything muggle related.
“What do you mean?”
“Muggles have a tradition on Halloween of dressing up in costume and going from house to house where people give you free candy,” Ben Copper explained, passing along the water bucket. “I used to do that all the time as a kid with my family. Of course, I wasn’t the best person to take trick or treating, I always got too scared.”
“Right you are, Ben,” Tonks snickered. “Only I’m focusing more on the ‘trick’ aspect of things if you know what I mean.”
She immediately transformed into Snape and began doing a crude yet hilarious imitation.
“Mr. Grant what are you doing? Ten points from Gryffindor. Mr. Khanna, you incompetent nincompoop, I need ten jars of picked rats brains now on the double. Is that dust on your robes Miss Haywood. How can you properly brew a potion with dust on your robes? This is unacceptable.”
Laughter rang out among the group before Professor Sprout put an end to it.
“Miss Tonks, as amusing as your impersonations are, I will be forced to give you detention on the Halloween Feast should you continue them in my class, is that clear?”
Tonks immediately shifted back into her regular form, a sheepish grin plastered on her face.
“Sorry, Professor. Won’t happen again.”
“Yes, and I’m sure I’ll believe it the next fifteen times you say it. Anyway, focus class. Your wormwood leaves need to be cut and preserved before end of the period. No dilly dallying, please.”
Still chuckling from the impersonation, David couldn’t help but tease his friend.
“Nice one, Nymphadora.”
Tonks’s hair briefly flashed orange before settling back to bubble gum pink.
“Do not ever say that horrid name again or I will end you, David Grant.”
���You realize I just say it to get a reaction out of you, right? And that no matter how horrid it’s still your first name?” he laughed, ducking Tonks’s swipe at his head.
“What about you, Chiara?” Penny turned towards the silver haired girl. “What are you looking forward to most?”
But there was no response, as Chiara continued to stare at her plant as though it were something from outer space.
“Hello, Chiara?”
Still no response, with only the sound of trimming leaves filling the silence of Greenhouse one.
The irritation behind the answer only served to puzzle the rest of the group even more as the Hufflepuff took on a look of shame at her outburst.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you guys.
The period ended with the sound of the courtyard bell before she could expound further, and she immediately ran off to the confusion of everyone.
“What’s with her?” David asked aloud.
“No idea,” Penny said, concern in her voice. “I’ve never seen her snap like that before.”
“Probably just daydreaming about the feast,” Tonks shrugged. “That’s what everyone’s thinking about anyway.”
“I’ll hand in her wormwood leaves,” Rowan offered scooping up the leaves in his hands. “She’ll miss her marks otherwise.”
David had a hunch that whatever was bothering Chiara went beyond a simple feast.
Herbology that day was followed by lunch and that meant two things: giant sandwiches and leftover newspapers that others had left behind, that usually being the Daily Prophet.
For most teen and preteen students, the main political news of the day held little interest. However, in the past week a series of headlines had grabbed the attention of kid and adult alike: that of Fenrir Greyback.
Known throughout the country as the most savage and feared werewolf in Great Britain, Greyback had been heavily rumored to be aligned with Voldemort during the war and responsible for a number of attacks on both adults and children alike. However, he was never caught and had continued to elude capture since the downfall of the Dark Lord, thereby continuing to threaten the populace with his presence.
But that wasn’t the scariest part. In the past couple months, his attacks had grown closer and closer to Hogwarts, leaving many to wonder if the school was next on his list.
“How on earth have they not caught him by now?” Tonks asked, as the hodgepodge of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs began chowing down. “You’d think someone who attracts that much negative attention would be simple for the Aurors to track down.”
“It’s not that simple, Tonks,” Bill Weasley interjected, sitting down next to David, grabbing the newspaper and reading it. “Rogue werewolves are notoriously difficult to capture. My dad says they often go into hiding and form their own groups to avoid persecution. Perfect recruiting opportunity for someone like Greyback. He’s got so many hiding places that by the time he attacks it’s often too late.”
“There are rumors he’s going to attack Hogwarts, is that true?” Ben asked worriedly.
“I don’t think so,” Bill reassured, realizing he had put some of the group on edge. “He’d never attack Hogwarts with Dumbledore around.”
“They say he targets children,” David said quietly. “More so than anyone else. Mum and Dad wouldn’t let Jacob and I out of the house during one of his sprees in 1979. What better place than the school that holds almost all of the country’s young wizards?”
It was then that he noticed two things: that Penny had a strangely dark look on her face and that Chiara looked highly uncomfortable.
“Penny, are you okay?”
“I hate werewolves,” she said with a bitterness David had never heard her use before.
“They’re not all like Greyback,” Chiara spoke up now, injecting herself into the conversation. “Many manage their condition just fine without hurting anyone.”
This raised some eyebrows.
“And how would you know?” Rowan asked.
Chiara gazed down again at her plate, which she hadn’t touched, suddenly appearing very pale.
“Never mind, forget I said anything.”
Before anyone could press the topic further, Hagrid arrived and interrupted, which in David’s opinion was most welcome.
“Afternoon, everyone! I hope yer all excited fer the feast tomorrow!”
“We certainly are, Hagrid,” David smiled. “Your pumpkins are brilliant, by the way.”
But the false cheer couldn’t hide the slight pall that cast over the group.
“Thank ya, Dave. But I can’t but notice yer lot seem a bit down. What’s the trouble?”
“Fenrir Greyback,” David answered. “People are worried he might attack Hogwarts.”
Realization lit up in Hagrid’s beetle eyes as he immediately tried to reassure the young students.
“Ahhh, Greyback. Don’t you go worrin ‘bout him, alrigh’? He’s a savage tha’ one, but he wouldn’t dare attack Hogwarts with Dumbledore around.”
“That’s what I tried to say,” Bill shrugged half apologetically. “I probably shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“I understand you’re concerned, but nothin’s going ter happen. You should be focusin’ on the feast. It’ll take yer minds off things.”
He placed a hand on David’s shoulder, nearly causing him to collapse from the weight.
“Believe it er not, werewolves aren’t all tha’ bad. I’ve known a few in my day tha’ were good hones’ folk.”
“They’re all just a bunch of disgusting, mindless, killers!” Penny burst out, slamming her fork into a tray of shepherd’s pie.
That brought another uncomfortable silence before surprisingly Albus Dumbledore came up to the podium with a surprise announcement.
“Wait, since when does Dumbledore address during lunch?” David asked aloud.
“He doesn’t,” Bill affirmed. “At least I’ve never seen him do that. Must be important.”
Though not every student was present, the Great Hall was full enough that the message would be spread soon afterwards by those not in attendance.
“May I have your attention, please?” his deep, booming voice echoed throughout room, instantly silencing any idle chatter. “I apologize for interrupting your lunch and for not being able to gather the entire student body for this announcement. Nevertheless, it was quite last minute, and I must inform you of what has just been decided.
“As some of you may be aware, Fenrir Greyback has recently been active in this area and has been rumored to be planning an attack on Hogwarts. I can assure you that will not happen. However, the Ministry has been insistent that they station a member of the Werewolf Capture Unit from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at least until the full moon.”
It was subtle, but Dumbledore’s lips tightened slightly, indicating whomever they sent was not particularly adequate or welcome.
“May I please introduce, Mr. Cecil Lee,” The Headmaster said, side stepping to allow a tall man with a handlebar mustache and an awkward demeanor step to the podium.
One glance was all anyone needed to know why Dumbledore did not seem pleased with the decision. Cecil Lee was goofy in appearance- purple robes, white gloves, with matching trousers and a top hat with a chin strap. Adding insult to injury was his bumptious way of speaking that indicated he was not the brightest candle in the room.
“Good day to you students of Hogwarts. I am Cecil Lee of the Werewolf Capture Unit. I understand many of you may be feeling afraid or ‘struck with the fear’ to use the euphonium. But I can assure you, I am here to protect you from and destroy the bloodthirsty beasts that threaten this fine institution. If you have any information regarding werewolves or anything similar, please inform me immediately.”
There was a smattering of uninspired applause as Lee puffed himself up proudly, unaware of just how little the students respected him.
“Well, we’re doomed,” David joked. “Was nice knowing all of you.”
“He’s not related to Barnaby Lee, is he?” Tonks asked. “That big Slytherin bloke who can barely remember to talk and breathe at the same time?”
“His uncle,” Bill affirmed. “And if he’s anything like Barnaby, I may have to join David and draw up a will.”
“Come on, it can’t be that bad, right?” Rowan tried to offer with some sense of optimism. “I’ve read about Hogwarts extensively. It’s protected by a whole series of powerful spells and ancient magic. How would a werewolf get in here anyway?”
No one said anything as it was not a prospect anyone wanted to think about. Werewolves were the scourge of wizarding society. To be bitten and become one was a fate worse than death to many. Add in the most savage werewolf to exist in centuries, no one wad feeling very safe at the moment.
It was then that Chiara pushed her plate forward, declaring, “I’m not hungry” and hurrying away from the table.
No one seemed to notice that much, as the anxiety among the group was too high to think of much else besides the possibility of Greyback storming through the doors and turning every single one of them. But David kept his gaze fixed on Chiara even as she walked out of sight. She was definitely acting funny. And though it may have been a trick of the light, did she seem paler than usual?
All in all, it was shaping up to be one frightful Halloween.
But the true drama surrounding the holiday was not revealed until the next day and even then, quite by accident. It began with a mix up in Potions. Classes had been moved forward by a few hours that day in order to give the students some preparation before the feast and therefore, they had Potions in the morning instead of the afternoon. What started out as a simple day of brewing a simple Wiggenweld Potion turned into a minor disaster when Barnaby drank some of it before it had finished settling.
“Professor Snape, I think I’m going to-”
He finished his sentence by hurling all over the floor to the disgust of everyone present. Needless to say, the Potions Master was not pleased.
“Mr. Lee, this is the third time this year you have botched a brew by illicitly swallowing a substance toxic to the human body. Should I extend the list of ingredients you aren’t to touch? Or perhaps merely all cauldrons and sharp objects will do.”
Barnaby didn’t answer, the pain in his stomach too acute to reply. Snape waved his wand, vanishing the vomit and pointed towards the Slytherin half of the room.
“Miss Murk, escort him to the hospital wing. The rest of you, finish your potions and leave a sample on my desk. I have no more patience for this foolishness.”
David and Rowan did as ordered, quickly bottling their Wiggenweld Potion in an effort to leave as soon as possible. You did not want to be around Snape for long when he was in a foul mood.
Before he could leave, however, he was called back.
“Grant. Come here.”
Cursing his bad luck, David reluctantly approached the Potion Master’s desk.
I probably brewed it wrong and is going to dock more points, he thought resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
“Yes, sir?” he said, gazing into the cold black eyes of his Professor. “Was there something wrong with the potion?”
“Your Wiggenweld was adequate, Grant, that is not the issue here. Now cease talking and listen carefully.”
Pulling out a brown goblet of what looked like recently brewed potion, Snape placed it on the desk carefully and edged it towards the young Gryffindor.
“I am required to ensure Mr. Lee’s unfortunate mishap has not melted his intestines. While I go to the Hospital Wing, you are to bring this to Miss Lobosca. I believe you are familiar with her.”
“Yes, but-”
“Do not ask questions,” he snapped. “The less your feeble mind knows, the better Grant. You are merely to give this to her and go about your day. Am I quite clear?”
Half tempted to say something cheeky, David nevertheless resisted and took the goblet.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. I consider this a task easy enough even for you not to botch. I expect to hear Miss Lobosca has received this potion without spilling a single drop. Now, be gone.”
Without another word, David carefully grabbed the goblet and headed towards the Hufflepuff common room. He didn’t know precisely where it was, but he was aware that it was somewhere near the kitchens in the basement. That’s where he would go first.
Maybe I’ll also find out what’s bothering her
David had been traversing the basement for a good fifteen minutes. He wasn’t precisely sure where the entrance was, information like that was pretty tight lipped but he didn’t need to know. The Hufflepuffs would be returning from Transfiguration in just a few minutes in order to get ready for their last class of the day before the start of the feast. He just hoped Chiara was among them. He didn’t want to be carrying around a goblet of potion all day long.
Thankfully, his patience was rewarded when he saw a crowd of a half dozen first years approach from the left and Chiara was among them. But before he could even so much as take a step he was confronted by a rather cross looking fifth year prefect.
“What are you doing down here, Gryffindor?” the prefect asked with a degree of hostility. David couldn’t help but notice how dark and penetrating her eyes were, as if they were gazing into your very soul which was highly disconcerting.
“Aren’t Hufflepuffs supposed to be more polite?” he joked in an attempt at humor. It sailed right over her head, unfortunately.
“I’ll ask again, Gryffindor. What are you doing here?”
“Well I was going to try and put bulbadox powder inside of your bed, but I guess you caught me so that plan’s out the window.”
She didn’t like that at all.
“I have half a mind to put you in detention for the rest of the year.”
“Well, shit. There go my plans to become a professional dancer.”
David supposed he shouldn’t push it too far, but in his mind there was a difference between an authority figure like Dumbledore or McGonagall and a prefect with a stick up their arse. In the case of the latter, he saw no reason to treat them any more seriously than any other student, especially a person like this.
Before the prefect could actually give him year long detention, however, Chiara intervened in the nick of time.
“Jane, it’s okay. He’s my friend.”
Thankfully, it was enough to fend off any more questions.
“Ask him what he wants and make sure he leaves as soon as possible,” she said sternly, the soulless eyes gazing into him once more as if to say, ‘or else’. And she stormed off down the hall.
“Nice to meet you too,” David muttered as she left while Chiara laughed.
“You’re lucky, Dave. I haven’t seen many people go toe to toe with Jane like that and live to tell the tale.”
“I can’t believe that monster is your prefect,” he said shaking his head.
“She’s the scariest thing in this school sometimes,” Chiara admitted. “Every one of the younger students are afraid of her. It’s the eyes, really.”
“I know what I’ll be having nightmares of tonight.”
After sharing another laugh, it was time to get down to business.
“But really though, Dave, why are you all the way down here near the kitchens?”
He picked up the goblet of potion that he had set on the ground and showed it to her.
“Snape told me to bring you this. I have no idea what it is, he wouldn’t tell me. I assume he wouldn’t intentionally try to poison you.”
It was a joke of course, but something within Chiara’s blue eyes seemed to shatter.
“W-wait, he wasn’t supposed to give me that until later tonight. W-why did he give it to you?”
That definitely piqued his interest several notches. So, Snape was making a potion for Chiara that she didn’t want anyone else to know about? Why?
“That Barnaby bloke accidentally swallowed unfinished Wiggenweld potion and he had to take him to the hospital wing. He basically ordered me to take this to you.”
Chiara looked fearful and also incredibly hesitant. It seemed as though part of her wanted to take the potion but another part was telling her to knock it out of his hand.
“What’s going, Chiara?” he asked seriously. “The past couple days you’ve been pretty on edge. That’s not like you.”
Tears began to well up in her eyes and David wasn’t sure if he had unintendedly offended her and was prepared to apologize. But before he could, she spoke as though something was about to burst out of her.
“I have to tell you something,” she said in barely more than a whisper. “But you have to promise me you’ll keep it a secret.”
“Promise me!” she urged, a flash of great fear crossing her normally calm, porcelain features. “No one else can know.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” David assured her and he sat the goblet down once more and brought her into a hug. “Now what’s on your mind.”
Sighing softly, Chiara looked directly into his eyes.
“I’m not what you think I am, Dave. I’m….a werewolf.”
David blinked a few times before doing a double take.
“Please don’t make any jokes,” she pleaded with him. “Nothing about this is funny. I wouldn’t pull your leg on something like that.”
“No, no I swear I’m not making light of this,” he said putting his hands up in the air. “I just…don’t know what to do really. It’s the last thing I was expecting you to say.”
Chiara put her back to the wall and slowly began to slide down.
“It’s the last thing anyone expects me to say. Only a handful of people know and you’re the first person I’ve ever told at Hogwarts. I can’t tell Penny and the others though. You saw how much she hated werewolves. If she or anyone else found out, she’d tell everyone and I’d be expelled for sure. You know how popular she is.”
David rested himself by the wall next to her. This was all a bit overwhelming but despite the revelation no part of him saw a bloodthirsty killer in front of him, just Chiara looking incredibly upset and in need of a friend. Werewolf or not, he wasn’t about to abandon her in the cold.
“Why don’t we start from the beginning,” he said with what he hoped was a comforting tone. “Does Dumbledore know about this?”
“He’s the one that made it possible for me to even come here,” Chiara affirmed. “He said he’s had werewolf students in the past and could take necessary precautions so I could have a necessary education. But my story goes farther back than that.”
“Tell me everything. I want to know.”
Chiara gave him a smile.
“You really are an amazing friend, David. It’s actually more complicated than you know.”
She cleared her throat and began to explain.
“My family isn’t English by birth as you can probably tell by my last name. Mum and Dad were born in Italy to wealthy families but they fled during the second World War because the muggle government was trying to round up those with magic and turn them into weapons. My grandmother spits whenever the name ‘Mussolini’ is mentioned in the house,” she added with a chuckle.
“Anyway, they settled here as refugees and managed to make a life for themselves. They became British citizens under the Ministry, got married and ended up having me. One of those happily ever after stories.”
David didn’t need too much context to know there was a ‘but’. Happily ever after stories didn’t tend to last long. He knew from experience.
“The Civil War in this country began under You Know Who and people were being tortured and blackmailed left and right by Death Eaters. My family is extremely wealthy and they came knocking on the door one day for money to help finance their cause. They thought us being Italian might make us more susceptible to their tricks and lies. Well needless to say, Mum and Dad weren’t having any of it and slammed the door in their faces. But I don’t think they truly grasped the danger of having defied You Know Who. They had seen and lived through Grindlewald and thought he was nothing more than a fraudulent copycat.”
“But he wasn’t,” David spoke factually. Anyone who had lived through that time knew just how terrible the Dark Lord had been at the height of his power.
“No, he was much more,” Chiara said sadly. “When my parents refused to help him, he sent Greyback after me knowing full well my parents were naïve enough to believe he wouldn’t retaliate.”
“How old were you?”
“Seven. I was old enough to remember too. Some get bitten when they’re toddlers. They don’t remember what it’s like to be fully human. I do. He broke into the house one night when everyone least expected it. The rest is history.”
Listening to the story tugged on David’s heartstrings and he suddenly grabbed Chiara’s hand in his.
“I don’t know what to say except that I’m sorry,” he said, giving it a light squeeze. “I can’t imagine what it must be like to go through something like that.”
“I’m actually lucky,” she admitted to his surprise. “Most werewolves live in poverty and can’t afford any kind of treatment. My family has money and therefore we’ve found ways to lessen the effects of my condition.”
She pointed towards the goblet of potion he had been carrying.
“That, is what is known as the wolfsbane potion. It was invented only three years ago and it isn’t widely known. Partially because the ingredients are expensive and the potion is quite difficult to make, but essentially it allows me to keep my mind when I transform so I don’t hurt anyone. Most werewolves are highly dangerous around humans, but the wolfsbane potion alleviates the worst of the symptoms.”
“I see,” David said picking up the goblet and handing it to her. “And I take it your family pays for the ingredients while Snape brews it for you every month.”
“Exactly. I have to take it once a week before the full moon for it to work properly. Tonight is the last night.”
She took a massive swig from the goblet and instantly made a face.
“Blecch! It also tastes terrible just so you know. Don’t ever become a werewolf, Dave.”
“Right, because that’s the worst part, right? Not the body hair or the paws, but the horrible tasting potion that keeps you from losing your mind. Though I suppose I could live with the fleas.”
Chiara began laughing again, the sparkle returning to her eyes.
“You’re always good with a joke, Dave. Thank you. But this goes beyond my personal problems as a werewolf. Fenrir Greyback is coming tonight. I know it.”
“How do you know? Just because the papers and the Ministry-”
“For once they’re right, but not for the reasons you think,” Chiara interrupted. “Greyback is coming for me. He’s been after me since the day I was bitten. Not only that but it gives him an opportunity to bite and infect more people. Bill Weasley was right at lunch today, he tries to infect as many children as possible so he can alienate them from the mainstream wizarding world and turn them against it. That’s why he’s been attacking so close to here lately.”
The whole conversation just took on a brand new meaning with that information and David’s heart skipped a beat.
“You mean, you know for sure he’s coming here tonight. Not just because of you but so he can attack the entire student body?”
“He will if given the opportunity. I can’t let that happen.”
“Well then we need to tell Dumbledore or one of the Professors,” David declared before Chiara pulled on his arm shaking her head.
“They already know, and they can’t do anything more than they already have,” she told him.
“There’s always the magnificent brilliance of Cecil Lee.”
“Cut it out, Dave. You don’t even want to know how savage Fenrir Greyback is in real life. As far as I’m concerned, I’m responsible for putting the whole school in danger. It’s my job to make it right.”
“You’re only a first year, how are you supposed to fend him off?”
“Werewolves are a lot stronger than humans,” she explained. “The evening before every full moon, Madam Pomfrey takes me down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest so I can transform away from the student body. When Greyback comes, I’ll be ready to drive him off.”
“You sound more like a Gryffindor than a Hufflepuff right now,” David tried to point out to her. “Seriously, you can’t think you can do this by yourself. Even when you’re in wolf form. At least get some help.”
“You’re the only person that knows my secret,” Chiara said. “I can’t ask any of the older students because they’d just try to get me thrown out. I have to do this by myself.”
“Chiara, you’re not thinking properly,” David said to her, adopting his most serious tone he saved for situations like these. “If you won’t tell anyone else, at least let me help you.”
She appraised him before saying.
“David, I would never forgive myself if you were bitten or worse…”
“And I would never forgive myself I let you try and fend off a bunch of werewolves by yourself.”
A small smile adorned her soft features.
“Alright. If you insist.”
“On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You allow me to bring backup.”
That immediately brought the fear back into Chiara’s face.
“No! Dave, you can’t…”
“I’m not telling anyone except Tonks and Rowan. Penny and everyone else won’t find out, I promise. But if we’re taking on Fenrir Greyback, it’ll take a solid team to bring him down. And I know I can trust those guys. I promise, we won’t let you down.”
Chiara considered this for a couple of seconds before letting out a relenting sigh.
“Okay, David. I trust you on this,” she picked up the goblet again and polished off the rest of the potion before continuing. “Here’s what we’re going to do…”
When David told his two friends the news, they reacted better than he originally anticipated.
“So that’s why she was acting so weird all week,” Tonks said, rubbing her chin.
“It definitely makes sense,” agreed Rowan. “Though I admit I had about twenty seven other theories before believing she was a werewolf.”
David had managed to find them both at a late lunch hour after their later classes were finished and had gathered them into a huddle in one of the more private corridors so they could chat. He was pleased neither one had any inclination to rat her out, with Tonks exclaiming she thought it was neat and Rowan commenting on it in his usual bookworm manner. The real trick was convincing them to go along with Chiara’s plan.
“You can’t tell anyone though,” David continued to remind them. “Only Dumbledore and the Professors were supposed to know. If word gets out around the student body, she might get kicked out.”
“Consider our lips sealed, Dave,” Tonks said, making a zipper motion across her mouth.
“So what do we do?” Rowan asked. “I don’t know the exact odds of three first years defeating a fully-grown werewolf, but they probably aren’t good.”
“You’re right,” David said. “But it won’t just be us. Chiara told me Madam Pomfrey takes her down to the Forbidden Forest each month to transform. When she does, she’ll be a werewolf, but her mind will be intact. We’ll meet her there a half hour before sunset. If we can hold Greyback off long enough, he might give up the fight.”
“No offense, David,” Tonks said to him skeptically. “But I don’t think Greyback is the type to just give up so easily.”
“Probably not,” he admitted. “But maybe we can buy time. At the very least, he won’t get any closer to Hogwarts.”
He leaned them in closer, making one last appeal.
“Look, this isn’t about going into some half-mad situation just to get our jollies. I don’t care about that. I care about Chiara and making sure she’s safe. I know you two do as well.”
Tonks and Rowan looked each other for brief moment.
“We aren’t just half mad for doing this, we’re completely bonkers,” Tonks said. “Even so, I’ll go. For Chiara.”
“Me too,” Rowan agreed. “I’m not going to leave my best friend, or any of you out in the cold.”
David nodded, knowing he could entrust the two of them to show up when it counted. It wasn’t going to be easy, but if what Chiara said was true, they couldn’t stand idlely by and do nothing.
“You sure we shouldn’t get more people, Dave?” his best friend asked. “Why not ask Penny?”
“Rowan, for someone so book smart you really are thick sometimes,” Tonks told him, eyebrow raised. “You saw the way she reacted towards werewolves. She would go ballistic if she found out Chiara was one.”
The sound of glass breaking echoed behind them. David had tried to warn his metamorphagus friend but alas, it was too late. Penny had heard everything from Tonks’ last sentence.
“What were you saying about being thick?” Rowan shot back at her.
“I-I…tell me I didn’t just hear that,” Penny stammered, the contents of the potion she was carrying long forgotten on the floor.
“Penny, just let us explain…” David tried to reason with her.
“Explain?! What else is there to explain?! Here I am trying to find you before the feast only to find out you’re planning some conspiracy with a bloody werewolf?!”
“You better take off,” he muttered to Rowan and Tonks. “Meet me at six by the courtyard.”
They obliged, leaving David to clean up the damage, which was mainly preventing Penny from doing anything rash. When the blonde girl tried to brush past him, he stopped her.
“Penny, stop.”
“Let go of me, Dave!”
“Not until you promise to keep Chiara’s secret.”
Deep pain flushed into her bright blue eyes as she wrenched herself from David’s grip.
“You would allow a werewolf to walk around at Hogwarts, ready to kill someone at a moment’s notice?!”
David knew he didn’t much a leg to stand on at the moment, but he had never known Penny to be this irrational about anything.
“That’s not right and you know it,” he said to her as she continued to try and go around him. “Chiara isn’t a killer. She’s nothing like Greyback or any of the other werewolves that try to hurt people.”
“I’m not taking any chances! You weren’t there the day it happened!”
Now he was utterly confused.
“When what happened?”
“When I was eight, I stayed out past sunset playing with a friend when a werewolf attacked us. It missed me but it got her instead. I ran to get my mom, but by the time she got there it was too late…and she was dead.”
It was then Penny stopped struggling and broke down crying into David’s arms.
“I’ve never forgotten that day,” she sobbed into his shoulder. “And I’ll never forget that a werewolf took her away from me.”
For the second time that day, David found himself playing the role of counselor to a friend in need. Hardly an area he was familiar with, but adopted nonetheless.
“Penny,” he said, holding her tight in his arms. “There’s nothing I could say or do to alleviate that pain you feel. I’m sorry. Truly I am. But Chiara wasn’t the one who killed your friend. In fact, Greyback was the one who made her this way. This is a chance to help her and make things right. Please, the best thing you can do to honor your friend’s memory, is by helping us take down the savage bastard who’s threatening Hogwarts as we speak.”
Penny sniffed, drying out her eyes, unsure of what to say. David, perhaps foolishly, decided to leave the decision in her hands.
“I’m not going to stop you, anymore, okay?” he said to her, letting go of her body. “You do what you feel is best. But I think you know deep down what the right thing to do is. At the very least, don’t tell the rest of the students about Chiara’s condition.”
Unable to remain in the corridor any longer, the blonde Hufflepuff made her exit.
“I’m sorry, Dave,” she whispered, bolting down the hallway and towards the kitchens where the Hufflepuff common room lay.
David sighed, supposing that if Penny was going to rat them out, he had no control over it now. The best thing to do was to prepare as best he could before six and hope for the best.
Feeling a fair amount of guilt, he made his way back to his own common room.
The hours came and went and before long, six o’clock had arrived. At this point in the year, the days were quite a bit shorter, so they were rather short on time before the sun went down and the inevitable occurred.
Thankfully and to his slight surprise, David and Rowan received no visits from any professor to stop them from what they were about to attempt, which meant at the very least, Penny hadn’t told anyone yet. That theory was confirmed when Tonks arrived at the courtyard only minutes after them.
“Glad you made it, Tonks,” David told her. “Have you seen Penny?”
She shook her pink haired head.
“Nope. In fact, no one’s seen her for a couple of hours. She must be hiding somewhere.”
“Well let’s just get to the edge of the forest quick as we can. Madam Pomfrey should have finished escorting her by now. Everyone’s too distracted by the feast to notice us.”
“Let’s go then.”
Silently as they could and without wizarding robes to slow them down, the trio quietly descended the steps down onto the grass of the training grounds. They continued onward, down past Hagrid’s Hut, past the center for Care of Magical Creatures class, right down to the border of the Forbidden Forest. By the time they got there, the light had faded considerably from the sky, the canopy of towering trees becoming a shadow looming over them.
“Where is she?” Tonks asked, scanning around. “It’s getting harder to see.”
“Right here,” came a reply.
Out stepped Chiara from behind one of the trees. Contrary to everything else around here, she seemed to glow as though her body was anticipating the coming of the full moon.
“You kept your word,” she said to David, giving him a hug.
“Well you know me, words are pretty much all I got.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Tonks asked her. “David told us, well everything really. I promise, we won’t tell anyone.”
Except of course for Penny, David thought irritably, but now was certainly not the time to bring that up.
“To be honest I’m quite scared,” Chiara admitted. “But I do appreciate you all coming down here to help and for keeping my secret.”
“Do we even have a plan?” Rowan interjected. “Or are we just waiting for Greyback to just…show up?”
“Hit him with everything you got,” the Hufflepuff told everyone. “Especially after he transforms. I’ll be there to help but I can only do so much. This will have to be a combined effort.”
“And you know he’ll be coming through the Forbidden Forest?” David asked. They never really went over that part of the scenario that thoroughly.
“It’s the only place near Hogwarts grounds he can hide undetected. I’m quite sure he’ll be coming through those trees.”
That brought a tense silence between the four. A calm before the storm that was coming.
“I may be in Gryffindor,” Rowan said, swallowing. “But I’ve never felt less brave in my life.”
“Bravery isn’t about not being scared, Rowan,” Tonks told him. “It’s about doing what needs to be done in spite of being scared.”
“Maybe you should have been sorted into Gryffindor,” David teased her.
“My mum left a fanatical pure blood house to marry a muggle born during the height of the war,” she explained her face hardening. “If that isn’t bravery, I don’t know what is.”
“You’re all brave,” Chiara said quietly. “That being said, you’re going to want to stay away from me during my transformation. I’ll still have my mind, but they’re not exactly…pleasant to witness. Nor is it pleasant to experience.”
“I’m sure,” David nodded. “We’ll keep a safe distance.”
“I can’t emphasize it enough,” Chiara said to them, urgency in her voice. “Even with the wolfsbane potion I could still potentially infect you by accident. I would never forgive myself if that happened.”
Nodding the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff trio took out their wands and took stances. By estimation, they only had fifteen minutes until the rising of the moon.
A hushed, deep quiet seemed to spread from the essence of the forest itself, as though containing some hidden, unspeakable evil yet to be unleashed. The dread was so rampant throughout David’s body, he found had barely any saliva in his mouth.
“Maybe it was a false alarm,” Rowan said hopefully. “Maybe we can go back to the feast.”
“We can’t go anywhere until the moon rises,” David said, not lowering his wand. “If no one shows up by then, we’ll go back and tell Dumbledore.”
A few more minutes passed and still nothing. Personally, the young Gryffindor was more than hoping nothing came of this little excursion himself. He preferred the safety of the castle to being in this extremely vulnerable position. But he would not run, not until he knew Chiara was safe.
Just as he thought Rowan may be right, footsteps could be heard from the forest. Heavy ones, lumbering heavily through the autumn underbrush. Though the darkness was nearly complete now, what emerged from the forest was none other than the most hated werewolf and man alike in Britain. Grayish, brown hair slicked back across his head, matted, untamed whiskers roamed across his face. The fingernails were filthy and caked with a combination of dirt and blood, sharpened into deadly points. He wore a large overcoat, trousers and black boots. But by far the most terrifying aspect of this man, was the savage look upon his face; the face of an unremorseful killer.
Fenrir Greyback.
“My, my,” came the growl of his deep tenor. “Don’t we all look delicious tonight.”
David, though quite frightened at this point, held his wand steady, as did Rowan and Tonks. Chiara stood on a hill five feet behind them, looking defiant as possible.
“Take one step closer and I blast you to pieces,” David warned him, though he did not have the capability and Greyback knew it.
“A little morsel like you?” he laughed horribly. “Hardly.”
He turned his attention towards his true target.
“Miss Lobosca, how nice to see you again. Still denying your inner wolf I see.”
“I don’t deny it,” she said defiantly. “I just don’t let it turn me into a cannibalistic monster like you.”
(Rowan whimpered. “Did she just say cannibal?”)
“Same old Chiara,” he said shaking his mane of a head. “Constantly runnin away from what you truly are. If you had joined my pack all those years ago when I bit ya, you woulda known that by now.”
“Save the speech,” Chiara cut across him. “I’m not joining you. Not now, not ever.”
“Oh but perhaps your three friends here, will,” Greyback leered, licking his lips. “I could use my pound of flesh as always, but why kill when I could simply add to my pack?”
“Not happening, ugly,” David said, shifting his stance to block Chiara from view.
“You children are so naïve,” Greyback purred in a disturbing sort of way. “You take comfort in your homes, the walls that surround you, totally unaware of the monsters that await just outside the door. Chiara learned that well enough and so will you. As I discovered long ago, the essence of power isn’t the man, it’s the beast that resides in all of us. All it takes is one bite to bring it out.”
Licking his teeth, which were much sharper than the average human’s, he gave a toothy smile.
“Hogwarts is ripe for the picking,” he continued. “Mark my words, this is just the beginnin’ of the reckoning that’s to come.”
“Yes that’s all well and good,” David shot back, having little patience for Greyback’s sinister speeches. “But the fact remains that there are four of us and only one of you.”
But that only brought another horrid laugh from the werewolf.
“Dave, maybe you should stop antagonizing him,” Tonks suggested, no irony lost in her voice.
“You didn’t think it was just me tonight, did ya?” he taunted. “No doubt Lobosca told you I was coming. But I also brought a couple friends. After all, what kind of leader would I be if I didn’t let my pack sample the feast as well?”
Out of the shadows, two more men came into view, and these were far scragglier and unhealthier looking than Greyback. Thin, with raggedy clothes and unkempt hair, they held the same ravenous look their leader did, the mark of those who had gave up their humanity a long time ago and would take comfort in whatever solace they could find.
“Now that we’re all here, I’d say it’s time to get acquainted with the full moon, shall we?”
Indeed, the moment of reckoning had arrived. As the thin, wispy clouds parted, the light of the full moon shone down upon both parties. Only then, did David realize just how much trouble they were in.
“Oh, shit.”
Greyback and his followers began to grunt as they sank to their knees, joints and muscles popping, twisting, and extending, each one growing steadily larger as their anatomy altered to suit their soon to be wolfish forms.
But David, while keeping an eye on the enemy in front couldn’t resist sneaking a glance to the girl he was protecting in the back. And what he saw indeed horrified him.
Greyback and company were merely breathing and grunting but Chiara was screaming as the transformation began to affect her too.
“D-David,” she said through clenched teeth that were quickly becoming fangs. “D-don’t forget who I-I am.”
That was the last human sentence she uttered before the transformation began to spread more rapidly. As with Greyback, her joints popped and creaked uncomfortably as her limbs lengthened and her feet and hands curled into paws. Her clothes ripped as a powerful, yet slightly hunched spine emerged from her backside. Her silvery hair retreated, while thick brown fur started to cover her body. Finally, her face began to morph and push forward as it completed its trajectory into a snout.
Staring back at them all was no longer Chiara Lobosca, but a full-fledged werewolf with luminous yellow eyes. It was one of the most terrifying sights he had ever seen.
“Okay, I think it’s safe to say I’ll be having nightmares from now on,” Rowan announced shakily.
“Yeah, if you live to actually have nightmares!” Tonks shouted. “Dave! Pay attention.”
The young Gryffindor was so preoccupied as to whether or not the mind of Chiara was still inside the beast, he had temporarily forgotten Greyback and his men, who were now fully realized werewolves themselves.
David had to roll over as one of the beasts leapt towards them, jaws primed for biting any organ or limb it found.
Drawing himself into a stance, he soon realized that taking the traditional route would not work against the unpredictable savagery of a werewolf. No, this would require a different kind of fighting.
“We have to be quicker than them!” he said to Tonks and Rowan who were casting whatever spells they knew to keep their adversaries away. “Anticipate the attack and move accordingly.”
“And how do we do that?!” Rowan cried, sending a trip jinx towards his werewolf.
“Don’t think. Just do,” David said to him. “Tonks, use your powers if you have to.”
They obliged and went to work. Though still chaotic, their strategy began to pay off. Despite only knowing a handful of spells, some of the more powerful ones were enough to slow down and drive back the werewolves, especially in a tandem. They would often switch targets to ensure no one was caught off guard, standing in a semi circle to watch the other’s backs.
“Keep at it!” David shouted over the growls and whimpers and sending a leg locker curse towards one of them. “If we can hold them off-”
But werewolves appeared to be smarter than at first glance, as the largest one (Greyback) launched himself from one angle towards Tonks while another ignored Rowan and went towards her from the other side. The Hufflepuff aimed a curse at one and caught in the shoulder but didn’t have time to face the other one. In other words, she was toast.
That is until a jet of purple light streamed out of nowhere, hitting the werewolf in the shoulder, sending a cascade of blood pouring from the wound as it hit the ground with a yelp.
“Who in the name of Agrippa was that?” Rowan asked aloud.
David, still facing his own werewolf, couldn’t be sure, but the moon was bright enough to illuminate a figure with two platted braids.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said running over. “Come on, everyone cast the cutting charm.”
“Where on earth did you learn that?!” Tonks asked, barely able to catch her breath after the near miss on her life.
“It’s dead useful when you’re sewing,” Penny answered, a battle ready smile on her face. “Also brilliant at taking down werewolves apparently.”
“Incantation?” Rowan inquired.
“Diffindo,” came the reply. “Let’s get this next one.”
They concentrated all their energies on the second werewolf, sending carefully aimed cutting charms at the creature’s fur, legs, and arms. Though not everything was a precise hit, the blood loss was great enough to weaken it significantly. Finally, it fell to the ground in a whimper, licking its wounds, snarling but taken out of action.
However, in their combined efforts to take it down. They had been blinded to the fact that the biggest of them all had circled around to the left and was prepared to launch itself straight at them.
With an almighty roar, it reared back and took a massive swipe at the four first years, causing David to fall over and land awkwardly on his knee, his wand rolling over somewhere in the grass.
Though the beast had missed, he was primed and ready for another attack and David had no means to protect himself. The rest of his friends were still reeling and had no time to react or defend their fallen comrade. He simply put up his hands and waited for the inevitable bloody pain to come.
Except it never did.
Opening his eyes, he saw something miraculous. The wolf that was Chiara was battling Greyback one on one, viciously biting, scratching and clawing the bigger male with everything it had. That’s when David realized that the wolfsbane potion had worked and that Chiara, despite being in her wolf form was defending him from harm.
“I don’t believe it,” Penny said in awe. “Is that-”
“It is,” David answered for her as she handed him back his wand. “Chiara’s protecting us.”
So awed the four first years were, they followed the fight with mesmerized gazes. She was easy to spot due to her lighter coloration and her smaller size. Only then did they see why Greyback was so feared, he was huge and twice as big as the average man in his wolf form. The fact that Chiara was keeping up gave them elation.
“We’ve done our jobs,” Rowan told them. “This is where we need to get a Professor.”
“But we can’t just leave her there with Greyback!” Tonks pointed out. “What if she gets hurt?”
That fear was realized as the male werewolf grabbed the smaller one and threw her head hard into a tree at the edge of the forest, causing her to fall unconscious.
“Can we get a professor, now?” Rowan asked again, panic in his voice as the creature noticed them and began another charge. Even with four of them, they were woefully unprepared for another attack with David’s injured knee and their wits out of focus. For a third time, he thought they might actually be done for.
‘Incarcerous’ yelled out a strong, masculine voice.
Ropes conjured out of nowhere wrapping themselves around Greyback causing him to fall flat on his face while he continued to roar and snarl incoherently.
Looking around wildly, David’s eyes finally settled on a tall, white bearded figure wearing purple robes.
“Dumbledore,” he breathed.
They were saved. Three, beaten down, exhausted werewolves were no match for the most powerful wizard in existence, even for one as aggressive as Fenrir Greyback. When one of the other wounded wolves attempted another charge, Dumbledore’s eyes flashed, flicking his wand like a whip and sending the beast flying backwards and onto the hard ground. This time, he would not be getting up.
‘Stupefy’ came the squeaky command of Professor Flitwick, knocking out the third. Ropes were secured around all three within seconds. The battle was finally over.
“Good work, Professor,” came the bumbling voice of Cecil Lee. “But I believed you missed one.”
He pointed his wand at the prone form of Chiara before Penny stood up and blocked his path.
“Don’t touch her! She saved us!”
Cecil looked completely bewildered, even in the dark.
“What? Saved you?”
“I’m afraid I must concur with Miss Haywood,” came Dumbledore’s light, but firm voice. “That particular werewolf is under my care here at Hogwarts. I will not allow you to capture her Mr. Lee.”
“Answers will come,” he assured the utterly perplexed man. “But for now, I think we need to ensure none of our students have been seriously injured. Madam Pomfrey will want to give them a lookover. Minerva, please alert the Ministry to the capture of Fenrir Greyback and two of his followers. Severus, will you escort them to the holding cells until Aurors arrive?”
He and the remaining professors moved quickly. Thankfully, none of them were too banged up other than David’s knee, which felt more like a minor sprain than broken.
Rowan helped him up.
“Can you walk?”
“I think so,” David said, putting enough weight on his knee so that he could at least stand. “Nothing Madam Pomfrey can’t fix.”
Rowan supported him just in case he needed it. There was pain there, but it was not unbearable. All in all, they were extraordinarily fortunate to be alive. Tonks echoed that sentiment as they were escorted back up to the castle.
“Is it just me, or are we bloody lucky as hell?”
“Language Miss Tonks,” Professor Sprout admonished. “Although I daresay you’re right. What you all did was the height of foolishness.”
She paused, giving the group of four a look of admiration.
“It was also one of the bravest, most noble acts I’ve seen in my years at Hogwarts.”
“Indeed, you are right Pomona,” Dumbledore acknowledged. “I would like to get the full story myself.”
David initially thought the Headmaster might be angry with him, especially so soon after his duel with Merula, but even within the darkness there was a definite twinkling in his eyes as he spoke.
Well at the very least, I won’t be expelled
Madam Pomfrey, always cautious and protective of students in her care, thankfully didn’t need much to fix David’s knee or the minor cut on Tonks’s shoulder. As such, she would not require them to spend the night. Since their injuries were minor, Dumbledore was allowed to ask questions at will and by the time he finished hearing the story, the normally calm, stoic Headmaster looked sufficiently impressed.
“The four of you have done something incredibly important tonight. You not only miraculously fended of Fenrir Greyback and his pack for over half an hour, but more importantly, defended a friend in need, a girl who is quite vulnerable due to her condition.”
His face did turn serious, however.
“That being said, I would ask that if something of this nature comes to your attention once more, please defer the matter to myself or one of the Professors. If any one you were to have been killed or infected with lycanthropy, the consequences would have been quite dire.”
“We understand, Professor,” David nodded. “I guess we felt like there was no other choice. Chiara felt she had no choice as well.”
“Understandable,” the old man mused. “But as young Gryffindors are apt to learn, bravery does not entail looking for trouble.”
It was meant to be an admonishment, but the twinkling was back in his blue eyes.
“And for you Hufflepuffs: loyalty and honor do not have to be your burden to bear alone. Telling a Professor would have been acting in Chiara’s best interests even if she did not believe it at the time.”
Tonks and Penny indicated they understood as well.
“That being said, you have both been exemplary examples for your houses and for the school. I will ensure the Minister knows of your contributions tonight. And fifty points to each of you for outstanding heroism.”
The foursome couldn’t resist giving each other excited looks, but there was still one more question burning in David’s mind.
“Sir, where is Chiara? Will she be alright?”
“Miss Lobosca is in an undisclosed but secure location where she is being tended to,” Dumbledore assured them. “As you know by now, the wolfsbane potion has kept her harmless. By the sun’s rise she will be human once more.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
“You are welcome. The feast is still ongoing and underway. When Madam Pomfrey gives you permission, you may rejoin it.”
The old man gave one more smile before exiting the Hospital Wing and leaving them to talk amongst themselves.
“Barely a scratch on us and a hundred points for each of our houses? I’d call this a successful night,” Tonks said, leaning back in her chair.
“A successful night does not include nearly losing your lives to Fenrir Greyback and a pack of werewolves, Miss Tonks,” Madam Pomfrey admonished, coming over to give them one last checkup. “Any further recklessness will result in having to stay overnight as punishment.”
“Sooo…you’re saying we can go?” she asked with a toothy grin.
Madam Pomfrey sighed heavily.
“Yes, all of you may go. And I do pray that your visits to my ward are infrequent.”
“You’ll probably be seeing me within a week, I’m dead clumsy.”
“Miss Tonks…”
“Right, going.”
Chuckling to himself David rose from his bed and followed the rest of his friends out of the door to join the rest of the school at the feast. But there was one last loose end he needed to tie up.
“Penny, wait.”
She needed to know the full weight of what she had done tonight, or even perhaps what she had not done.
“What is it, Dave?”
“We’re all alive because of you. You came to help us despite what happened all those years ago. I can’t thank you enough.”
Penny suddenly hung her head in shame.
“It wasn’t a hard decision to make once I managed to look past my own feelings. I’m just sorry I didn’t come to your aid sooner.”
���No one could blame you for feeling the way you did,” he comforted her.
“I’m still terrified of werewolves you know,” she admitted. “That hasn’t changed. But you’re right about Chiara. I’ve lived with her all this time without knowing what she was until now. It doesn’t change who she is as a person. I should have realized that.”
“It’s over now,” David smiled at her. “She’s safe as is her secret.” He paused before adding. “You’re not going to tell right?”
“Really, Dave?”
“Hehe, sorry.”
“That’s one piece of gossip I know I have no desire to share,” she laughed. “Come on, let’s go to the feast together.”
“Right behind you.”
But there was one more secret to be revealed. For the second time that month, David could hear the echoes of a conversation outside the hall. And the voices were awfully familiar.
“Can you hear that?”
Penny nodded, indicating that she could. Both of them strained against the crack in the door to hear more accurately.
“…cannot understand why you let the boy get away with these things,” came the annoyed tone of Severus Snape. “Exploding cauldrons, dueling on school grounds, taking on the most dangerous werewolf in Britain. What’s next? Is he going to seek out a mountain troll in his first year as well?”
“Severus,” came the soft reply of Professor Dumbledore. “Much of what you rail against was circumstance. I do not believe David Grant looks for trouble. On the contrary, trouble tends to find him. You have not prevented the Snyde girl from continually antagonizing him.”
David could not see what was going on, but he was positive Snape was bristling at the minor rebuke.
“It is more than an issue with Miss Snyde. What if he discovers the cursed vaults? What then? Will we have to endure another Grant sibling manhunt to find them and thereby endangering the school itself?”
“As far as I know, he still does not know of their true existence or nature. He is a very talented wizard, Severus especially for an eleven year old. Indeed, we are fortunate we have prevented the student body from finding out little more than rumor.”
“He would not be the first talented first year to go astray,” Snape reminded him slowly. “You know that Albus. Should the vaults be discovered, it could be a catastrophe.”
“There is no use worrying in what has not yet happened or perhaps never will,” Dumbledore responded a little more firmly. “In any case, continue to ward away any student from going near the vaults. Indeed, I have begun to conduct an investigation of my own on that front.”
“Very well.”
“Come now, Severus. The feast awaits. And I hear the entertainment is particularly amusing this year.”
The conversation had ended, but the once more, the gears of David Grant’s mind began to turn as Penny looked at him with a silent request for answers.
She could not have known that he was just as lost as she was.
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