#like the freedom of truly not knowing what you'll draw
nim-lock · 2 years
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late night doodling bodies from imagination to see if I’ve retained the info :>
[black and white sketches of fat bodies dancing around; some are interacting. Some look like they’re from a different perspective entirely and are just standing there.]
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meanbossart · 2 months
Okay, one more question on the Bhaalist Drow au, if you'll indulge. What happens in Astarion's mindthe immediate aftermath of the ascension failing (as in, right then but also up until the game's end). Do they bother showing up to Withers' party? How does Astarion go slip sliding down into a cowed version of himself over time? And, what I am most fascinated by in something like this, how do the other cultists, especially direct reporters to DU Drow, or like deputies, treat him? Does Astarion find he's confined certain places?
Sorry, thank you!
No apologies needed! This is a very fun scenario to play around in.
So, I'm not sure if Astarion would immediately realize that DU drow purposefully ruined the ritual, but regardless he would have realized that this is the outcome he truly wanted.
I imagine that after Du drow embraced Bhaal, Astarion would have gotten it into his head that he now must ascend so they will be on leveled ground, and fully capable of pursuing their plans of taking control over the sword coast together as equally powerful individuals. DU drow would have sold himself as completely behind this plan and supportive of the idea, eager for them to exert total control as the most dashingly evil couple in all of Faerun. And perhaps this was genuine for a day, before the fear of losing his grasp over Astarion began to settle in. He didn't voice this as all, of course, but as an avid manipulator himself Astarion would be able to tell post-failure that his support wasn't earnest.
And I think Astarion just panicked; going back and forth between convincing himself that he should be thankful to have someone powerful by his side, and just feeling like has no other option but to go along with it. Whether or not he thinks he can abandon DU drow successfully, the world has just become a much scarier place than before, and at least here he knows he has someone to take care of him - someone he should be fond of, even if time eventually proves him wrong.
For a while (weeks, if not months) Astarion would have appeared nothing if not pleased with his predicament. He has a man who is head-over-heels for him who also happens to be the head-honcho of a powerful cult, he has access to as much blood and violence as he pleases and the ability to entertain his fantasies of power and cruelty to their fullest. If there is anyone left who cares for him, he paints elaborate pictures of their routine together - of their outings, of their riches, of his exquisite quarters and their intense sex. He tells them that DU drow might be Bhaal's chosen, but he has him wrapped tight around his finger day and night and pretty much runs the show behind the scenes.
These are fantasies that he wants to others to believe in as much as he wants to convince himself of them, and a narrative that DU drow might even humor - he likes the illusion of Astarion being in control, but it can't ever be like that in practice - but reality is a lot more hollow. They have gold, and they have the expensive garments, and the sex is intense, but life has become a performance from morning until night and Astarion has completely lost the element of tenderness that he had grown to enjoy. DU drow loves him like a prized possession, like a novelty - a fragile ornament that only he knows how to handle, and no one else is allowed near.
Whenever there is push back, whenever Astarion wants to branch out, he is reminded of how vulnerable and small he is. How every day occurrences and objects can harm him, and that while DU drow may appreciate him for the man he is, others will take him for a simple monster. That It is much easier to stick by his side, sacrifice some of his freedom but be cared for than to risk exposing himself to harm. DU drow also constantly reminds him of the pain he would be in if anything were to ever draw them apart, and guilts him about what may happen if he was to die.
And as rebellious towards Cazador as he might have been, total servitude is a default he learned to fall back into in search of safety. It is easier to turn to old habits and simply accept his circumstances, surrender to them. At least here, he is never tortured, he is never physically hurt, and he is only sometimes verbally berated. He can deal with it as long as it is an improvement upon his previous situation. Slowly, he'd just become DU drow's yes-man, he'd concern himself constantly with pleasing him, looking desirable, acting desirable, fulfilling his fantasies and acting the part that's expected of him. From the outside it may even seen like he enjoys the life.
He is basically seen but not heard by DU drow's consorts. It's less about the respect that they may or may not have for him and more about the respect (or should I say fear) that they have for their leader. DU Drow would make it clear again and again that no one is allowed to touch him, he would be weary of anybody trying get too close, of being too friendly, even of staring a little too hard - he would kill and torture men over the most mundane of comments whether they be positive or negative until everyone is just too fearful of interacting with Astarion at all. As for people outside of the temple, he basically never has a chance to mingle without DU drow's watchful gaze over him (all for the sake of protecting him, of course).
I think Sceleritas would be the only person who can consistently interact with alone, since DU drow trusts him completely. The little goblin himself no longer sees Astarion as so much of a person, more so a possession; one that keeps his master happy and productive. So he extends the same amount of respect to him as he does to DU drow himself, and functions as a butler to both.
He also reports back to DU drow about Astarion's every request, every diversion from habit, every misplaced sigh and fluctuation in mood, every eye-roll. He knows the questions to ask to get the answers he wants, to interrogate him with poise on behalf of his master so he can make sure that his beau is always happy and content. Astarion realizes this learns to watch himself around Sceleritas over time too.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Aftermath (NSFW) FT Sejeong
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Authors note: had to do a bit of world building as I try to figure out what the world looks like now that I don't want to use Karina or Jiyho anymore due to the dating thing…it would be weird ya know.
"Hey, Danger can I ask you something," Seji asks me with a clear and concerned tone,
"Yeah, sure," I answer hesitantly. Sejeong smiles brightly.
"Why did you run away from me," She asks. I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider my response.
"I figured it would be better than dealing with any of the repercussions of my feelings. I have a limited time left to live and I didn't want to put anyone through the sorry of losing someone they care about. So I figured dipping before that would be a cleaner cut-off than this going too deep instead," I reply
"You coward," Sejeong teases.
"I...yeah you're right. I should have let you choose," I reply
"At least you're a reasonable coward," Seji teases further
I squint at her causing her to smile wide, "I am not a coward, nor am I reasonable," I reply. Seji beams
"Oh really and why don't you think so," Sejeon asks sternly.
"You'll see soon enough," I replied.
Three weeks later Sejeong bought my little photo studio and shop. she was okay with not paying rent as long as I became her "personal photographer", and so I went with her all on these trips and events to snap pictures of the beautiful girl, but honestly she used it as an excuse to relentlessly fuck. I would spend hours cutting angles and working on shop composition to make sure the photos were perfect, and looking at her face always led to a visceral response. I'd be hard for hours, and like clockwork, she'd come into my office give me a warm-up blowjob then have it lead right into mindblowing sex.
As I worked on photos there was a knock on the door. I assume it's Sejeong as she's the only one who comes in here typically. The door opens to a tall dark-skinned man he smiles at me with malicious intent.
“Well, I didn't think I'd ever see you again,” he says as aggression rises in his tone.
“What do you want Alistair,” I ask
“Oh remember call me AL or Tahm,” Alistair replies
“Oh well you know I'm just checking in on my favorite curse bearer. I truly thought you'd come hunting for me, but you never did. I wanted to know why, but you were hard to find. When you said I want to disappear I guess you meant it,” Alistair adds.
“Are you here to kill me, because if so I'm not going down without a fight,” I reply
“What heavens no! I'm here to give you something you want more. Freedom,” Alistair replies.
“What is the catch,” I ask.
“No catch at least this time. I can't beat the curse bearer chasing me as he is using holy relics, but you have a myriad of experience so I figured I'd make a deal,” Alistair answered.
I look at the photo on my desk of Sejeong and I, “Fine I’ll draw up the contract.” I reply
30 minutes later I procured a draft of the deal between Alistair and me. He's excited as deals are like his favorite thing to make something about the ability to bind and
Making rules that can't be broken makes him feel safe. After we sign he smiles and hands me my Maxos Cards. I look at him surprised
“Why,” I asked
“I am asking you to hunt someone using holy weapons and not give you your best tools against holy weapons. I'd be a fool, besides I have to give them back to you anyway.” Alistair replies nonchalantly. I nod and grab them.
“So where was the last reported location of this curse bearer,” I ask
"So there I was, in Minnesota of all places, following leads to my ex, Janie. The trail led me to a scene that raised my concerns: golden ichor staining the ground. I knew this was about to get more complicated. As I concealed myself, the door creaked open, accompanied by ominous sounds of groans and a knife piercing the wall.
"Step out from your hiding spot," a familiar voice demanded. I cautiously emerged, armed with my card and sword, only to face Janie.
"Dangerfield? Of course, he'd send you," Janie muttered with evident annoyance.
"What brings you here?" she interrogated, her accusatory tone emphasizing the revelation that my ex was now a full-blown witch, a fact I was still processing.
"I'm here for the holy weapon, nothing more," I asserted, my mind grappling with the revelation of Janie's newfound identity.
"And what were you promised in return?" Janie probed further.
"Freedom," I replied succinctly.
"Freedom? From whom?" Janie's disbelief was palpable.
"Alastair," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.
"Alastair? Did you strike a deal with him? You're unbelievable," Janie's frustration simmered.
"He promised Morrigan would leave me alone," I explained, hoping to justify my actions.
"You never think, do you? Your recklessness causes chaos for everyone," Janie scolded, her frustration evident.
"I'm only here for the weapon. Give it to me, and I'll leave," I urged, attempting to end the confrontation.
Janie's gaze hardened as she considered my request. "What if I refuse?" she challenged, prompting me to reveal my trump card - my maxos card.
Her eyes widened at the sight. "You wouldn't dare," she uttered, realizing the seriousness of my intent.
Taking a defensive stance I watched as Janie's eyes widened
With a mixture of resignation and menace, Janie relented, handing over the holy weapon. "You'll regret this, selling out a friend for your gain," she admonished.
"If I were truly betraying you, I'd have handed you over to Alastair," I retorted, stowing away the cards.
"This is why I despise dealing with your kind," Janie spat bitterly.
"Careful now, insults might provoke me to take action," I teased, though the underlying tension remained palpable.
"Pathetic," Janie scoffed, as I left her house, her warning lingering in the air.
Returning to Alastair, I handed him the weapon, cautioning him against its use.
"Why not?" he inquired, intrigued by my warning.
"It's not just holy; it's a fusion of divine and demonic energies, a result of a battle between a demon and an angel," I explained,
"so why is the blade okay with you," Alastair asked
"Because I am Fomori," I answered.
"Oh...Interesting," Alastair said. Alastair's grin widened at the revelation. "Morrigan's favored, no wonder you sought to disappear quietly," he mused, anticipating the chaos to come as he reveled in it.
"I look forward to seeing the next part of your tale," Alastair replies. "Our deal is done," He says calmly as he conjures two contracts that burn themselves up before me. I feel the burden of my curse lift and Alastair smiles.
"I look forward to the damage you will cause. That will be more interesting than anything I could ever do with such a weapon. I see it has bound itself to your soul so using it would only garner your strength." Alastair adds. I shrug at his point to which he smiles.
The next day I arrived at my office to see a pouting Sejeong
"Hey, Seji. are you ok..." Before I could finish she had me cornered in a kiss.
"I got your not but I was worried sick for you," She replied. As she she ran her arms through my body she gasped,
"You're curse-free," she exclaimed with surprise.
"Yeah," I nodded.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
Your Late Night Ramen was so cute! I was wondering if you do angst? Like either Leon’s Girlfriend or Leon himself is extremely injured or on deaths door type of angst??
And if you do something with this is it alright if I draw a scene??
Please and thank you💖💖💖
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Authors Note: I have never written angst before so hopefully you enjoy it. Please Please Please draw anything from my fics, you have full creative freedom! If you do draw a scene from this one please tag me in it. Enjoy <3 P.S This fic is very inspired by the song I Really Want to Stay at Your House by Rosa Walton.
Warnings: Mentions of Leon dying, arguments, crying, mentions of surgery
Pacing your living room was not how you planned to spend your Saturday night. Your partner of 3 years was finally coming home from his 4-day mission in Spain. You and Leon had been through many tribulations together, thick and thin, but this last argument felt like it would be your last. And of course, it had happened the night he left for his mission.
"So I'm just supposed to spend another two weeks reading in between your lines? Leon, I miss you all the time!"
"You're not listening to me Y/N! I can't disclose that type of information to you!" All you could see was red, as your ears burned and your hands shook.
Pointing at Leon you rose your voice, "No NO, I don't think you're listening to ME, Leon! All I want to know is if you'll be safe and make it home in one piece," You and Leon had met during the nightmare of Raccoon City. You had been holding off your own in the police station trying to help the injured officers when Leon came barreling in.
After it, Leon offered to take you out to dinner, which is where things really hit off for your guys. Sitting in his car the clock just hit 11:30 and you were figuring out what to do next.
"So, what do you wanna do?" Leon lolled his head to the side to look at you.
"Hm, There's a party soon, do you wanna go?"
"Sounds good to me," Leon had put the car in gear and followed your shitty directions to the house party your friend was throwing.
A few drinks later you guys had ended up on an isolated back road in the back of Leon's car with you on top of him. A few lazy kisses had led to frantic thrusts.
"Ngh fuck," His hips slammed into yours one last time as he planted his hot seed in the condom he had on. The car windows were fogged up and heavy panting could be heard throughout the car.
A heartbeat later you placed your hand on Leon's jaw, "I don't want to go, Leon," a light blush dusted your cheeks as he slowly pulled out, groaning at the sensation.
"Fuck, then what do you want to do?"
"I really want to stay at your house."
That blissful night was on repeat during your latest argument, "Do you know how much you broke me apart? I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you. I don't want to know," You slapped your hands to the side of your thighs. You were quick to turn around and walk out of the apartment. The walls shook as you slammed the door.
This is how your fights tended to go, one of you says something that hurts the other and they walk out for the night. In the morning breakfast would be made and you guys would talk rationally and fix the problem.
The morning after the argument you had come home to an empty house with no signs of your lover. The events of last night replayed in your head, and you realized how much you truly fucked up.
The days leading up to you pacing your living home had been miserable. You had spent them in your shared bed replaying every memory you and Leon had made. Sure, your arguments really dragged you guys down but you had tried to focus on bettering yourselves.
The clock above the pantry had struck 1:00 am and your phone that was laying on the coffee table began to vibrate. Who would be calling you at this hour? Picking up your phone the caller ID was private but a verified number. Answering the phone you lifted it to your ear to hear a women's voice.
Tiredness laced her voice as she spoke to you, "Hello, I'm Dr.Smith calling from the DSO medical department, I apologize for such a late call but your name and number were listed on Leon S. Kennedy's emergency contact list, am I currently speaking to Y/N Y/L?" Your mind began to race 100 miles per hour at all the possibilities as to why Leon would be seeing a doctor so late.
You cleared the knot from your throat as you answered, "This is she. May I ask what happened,"
"Ah yes, unfortunately, while Leon was on his mission he encountered something that pushed him way past his limits. He had called for help, but by the time they got there, he was in critical condition. We had to put him in a medically induced coma. I was calling to speak about care options for him,"
No, no no no no. All of your nightmares were coming true and you didn't know how to process it. Of course, you guys had to separate on a bad note, you hadn't even told him you loved him. Gods, what if you never tell him again. What if you can never feel the bed dip when he silently joins you. What if you guys can never go on your Friday dinners at the diner downtown. What if you can never take goofy pictures with him to frame them around your shared home. What if you guys don't get married, or have kids, or- "Y/N? Are you still there?"
Anxiety barreled through your veins as your tried to steady your breaths. "Uh. yes yes, would it be possible for me to come there now to discuss this?"
"Yes, of course, I will warn the guards about your arrival and we can meet in the lobby,"
"Thank you so much, Dr. Smith, I'll see you soon." You have never raced to get your shoes on faster, let alone drive upward to 90 mph in a 45.
Your normal 25-minute commute was shortened to 10. You had basically parked your car in-between two lines. You couldn't care any less, so what you get a ticket, your boyfriend was knocking on deaths door.
You ran across the parking lot tripping up the sidewalk when you finally made it to the door. The guard on the night shift was scarily alert at the late hour.
"Ma'am you can't be here at this hour please leave," his voice was stern and fit his massive build very well. He was at least a foot taller than you with super broad shoulders and arms that could crush a watermelon with one hand.
You were still out of breath as you panted out a response, "W-what? Dr.Smith said she would w-warn you about me coming. Sir, it's very important,"
"Ma'am I'm only going to ask one more tim-"
Dr.Smith cracked the front door open and stuck half of her body out. "That's enough, she's with me,"
"Come on Y/N," She was stunning, and her blue eyes had bags under them that made it very obvious on her pale skin. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun that more or less looked like a huge knot on her head. That made you cringe when thinking about trying to undo it.
Walking through the lobby all you could do was drop your jaw, this building was huge, but so so pretty. When you made it to the middle of the lobby you could look up and see all of the floors make a huge spiral.
"This way Ms.L/N," Dr.Smith led you down a hall on the left, you guys took a few turns before you made it to the hospital wing. 4 turns later you guys had made it to the ICU unit. Leon's room was the first on the left side.
"He has been under for 2 days now so hopefully he will be up soon,"
"You mean to tell me that he has been here for 2 days are you guys just now informing of me of his condition?" All you could see was red, you could have been here sooner to get him back home sooner.
"It's...difficult to explain," All you could do was scoff as she opened to door to his room.
The world had gone still, all you could hear was the steady beat of the heart monitor. Many wires and IVs were connected to his body, all of them having a different purpose you had no idea what they did. His face was very pale. Rushing to his bed you had moved his ash blonde hair out of his face and cupped his cheek. His skin was clammy, or maybe it was your own hands, you didn't know. All you knew was that Leon was barely holding on.
"There's a lot of internal damage that we could undergo surgery for him, but his chance of survival is slim to none, or we can let it be, and he can peacefully pa-"
"NO! No, no... H-How? how much will it be?"
"Due to Leon's line of work it would be paid in full," The words floated to your ears but they didn't compute in your head. All you could think about it how you might never be able to tell him how sorry you are, how much you love him, how much you need him.
"I'll give you some time." Once you heard the door click shut your bottom lip began to quiver and your body shook. You pressed your forehead into Leon's arm and you let it all out.
"I-I'm so-so-sorry, Leon," You heaved in a breath of air but ended up choking on it.
"Ple-please don't leave me," A few minutes later you finally took a deep breath as your lifted your head up from his arm. You laughed a little as you wiped your tears away from Leon's arm.
"So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? Do you think you can handle the surgery?" Silence filled the room, it was like you were talking to yourself. You wish he would just wake up so he can help you make a decision.
"I'm sorry Leon, I wanted to get away. Just another way to feel what I didn't want myself to know and let myself go. I know, you didn't lose your self-control like I did. Let's start at the rainbow," You really hoped that he could hear what you had to say, hear that you wanted to start new with him, and fix the problems that we have yet to address.
Your hand slid into his cold, clammy hand and squeezed it. A light knock was heard on the thick door before it clicked open.
"So, have you made a decision? I'm not trying to rush you but the faster we get him into the operating room the better chance he has at surviving,"
Taking a deep breath in you squeezed his hand one more time before you turned to her. "We're going to try the surgery." Dr.Smith said a few things before she left the room.
The moment the door clicked shut you could feel slight pressure in the hand that was holding Leon's hand. You whipped your head towards it before you could feel the squeeze again.
Authors note: Part two maybe?!?!?! Sorry for taking so long to post this, the internal warn with this writing was so real but it's out and I hope you love it.
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dearestxiao · 4 months
hiii, i’m new to your blog and wanted to interact a li’l ^^
do you prefer canon venti or modern au venti? also, who do you think is worse?
ahhh such great questions, thank you for interacting!! so sorry for the lateness! for some reason, my brain took this as an opportunity to explain how their yandere tendencies manifest themselves respectively. hope this helps with drawing an answer!
for the question of who is 'worse,' it really comes down to your prefence of how upfront you want their true selves to be. I think one of the core differences between the two venti's is their predictability. with regular au venti, you know what's his limit, what he will and won't do, and how far you can push him. you know what will set him off, and more importantly, what won't. there's at least some sense of predictability with him. he's less scary like that. you know just how much you can push him away and deny his affection before he snaps, or you have to deal with any real consequences of doing so.
he's like this on purpose, too. venti is undoubtedly emotionally intelligent, and he has the advantage of having lived centuries of life around humans (something that's also made him unbelievably patient). he knows that if he's stable, you'll feel more at ease with him, more willing to push him (and see just how kind he is even after you deny him), more willing to succumb to him, too. you'll see that he's a forgiving god, a god deserving to be a god of freedom. you know that, unless you push his buttons a little too hard, there's nothing to be afraid of with him. 
and, he knows that when he finally breaks you down (which he will, eventually), he can easily play it as you acting upon your own free will.
he also tries not to breach your own boundaries too much (well, as little as a yandere can), so he's not actively forcing you to do much, if anything at all. he believes that gaining your love organically is the best, and he has all the time (and power) in the world to do that. 
that's not to say he won't do anything rash ever. if you were to relentlessly deny his affections no matter what he does or tries, or if you were to fall in love with someone else, anything that shows your denial of him… his hand might just be forced to stretch the limitations of his definition of freedom.
modern-au venti does not have the privilege to share much of those same values. in theory, of course he wants you to love him naturally. he fantasizes about it a lot, constantly daydreaming about the way you’d smile so brightly as you confessed to him, or how you’d ask him on a date, or how you’d beg to be held by him at night without him having to initiate it… but does that all really matter in the grand scheme of things? he doesn't have time to waste or a power he could rely on. it doesn’t, not when he knows he can get all of that out of you anyways. 
this gives modern venti way more of an unstable personality compared to his counterpart. he still cares about how you see him, and attempts to act accordingly, but he's not as careful as to be so predictable for you. he's self-aware, and knows just how wrong his feelings are and that he should keep himself at bay, but he lets his real emotions manifest themselves sometimes. mostly on purpose, too— it's his own personal way of manipulating you.
however, he typically does it as a means to work towards his goal. he can't rely on literal power like regular venti does, so he has to work for it, work to get you. he doesn't have as much of the patience to be denied, either, although that's not to say he doesn't try to. and sometimes he just takes what he wants, but he never goes too far as to make you truly hate him. he always pushes it to the edge, knowing just right where to stop before he goes too far.
in simple terms, regular venti is more patient and less upfront, but he has a lot of power that he could hold against you. on the other hand, modern venti is a lot more direct and upfront about his tendencies and has to work with his lack of options. both will get what they want in a matter of time. as for me personally, it depends on my mood! I love how actually frightening regular venti could be, but I also love how direct and unhinged modern au venti is. I can't choose!
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sinfulequity · 11 months
Thinking about how what the implications are if "(Not) A Devil" is Mikoto's third trial song.
Specifically, about these two lines and how they contextualized the song as a whole.
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It's preceded by these lines
My radiant halo is closing in around my neck It loosens when I lie, the “Mayday” I can’t call out Let’s cover-up in white paint, get lost in the part and play It gets easier when you lie go on, try it
And as we can see here, their lines are dyed in the others' colours, while brown/gold is them in unison.
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(Incidentally, I decided to look up what patrician means, and uh.
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That is certainly A Definition, when tied to Mikoto)
This implies that the angel's claim that they're dead and gone is part of the lies interwoven in the song. Isn't this a claim that sounds familiar~?
Mikoto: Please, forgive Boku. If you don’t… I’m sure he won’t be able to deal with this any longer. Es: “A sin committed by another personality isn’t a sin”... you’re telling me that’s how I should judge? Mikoto: Yeah. If you forgive Boku… I’ll disappear. Es: … Mikoto: That’s right. I’ll have to disappear eventually, anyway… Disappear, and take all of it with me. I… was born to protect Boku, after all. Es: You were… born for it… Mikoto: Yeah. If it’s for Boku, I’ll… do anything.
You see, I don't think that he will disappear?? We know that there's still a third trial. I doubt that Mikoto wouldn't be stressed by the prospect of being voted guilty for a second/third time. It would be one thing if it was a longer period of voting, or one vote equating to instant freedom. But the prisoners are fully aware of the fact that it's not one and done (and if they didn't before, I'm sure that Haruka's interrogation would give them that insight). As it stands, there's a very real possibility that the more guilty you get, the less likely you'll be allowed freedom. Furthermore, it's also a possibility that it's a two out of three system. Or, to draw on his relation to baseball, three strikes and you're out.
Mikoto would probably be able to piece that together, and even if he isn't outwardly stressed next trial, I'm sure the idea of that would linger subconsciously. You know, the thing that brought out "John" to begin with. This is regardless of the outcome of this trial.
A tangent, but the lines
this is just a silly joke song
(just kidding~)
(who cares~)
would also feed into the continued insistence that this is all just a dream/bad joke that needs to end. That, and this aspect of Mikoto's character that has been showcased repeatedly
Mikoto: It’s pretty tough, isn’t it? (laughs) Ever since I came here, so much has been happening that I don’t understand… Es: … You really… do laugh when you’re suffering, huh? Mikoto: Huh? Es: You don’t get angry. You don’t scream. You laugh, like it’s a minor inconvenience. Mikoto: Ah… I guess so. I might have that kind of trait. Es: … Mikoto: Usually, if you just laugh and pretend, things work out in the end, right? I’m pretty good at that. Making things work out to the best of my abilities. Es: Is that so… Mikoto: (laughs) …But… it’s not coming to an end. All of this. With things I’ve never even heard before, the whole ti—
His reaction to stress is to diminish it, or treat it as something ephemeral. Something that doesn't truly exist, just ignore it and keep going. Except as we've seen, it's not working in Milgram, and I'm pretty sure it didn't work in the circumstances before his murder too. And I don't think it will work as he wants, even if he's voted innocent this round.
I need to specify that this isn't a thing to sway the vote in any direction, just something I thought was interesting. And honestly, I may be interpreting it all wrong too! I'm not always great at looking at the evidence and drawing the right conclusions- sometimes I can convolute something that's really simple. Or to put it another way, miss the forest for the trees.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Could I request a yandere concept for Arthur Hastings from we happy few?
I live for that excitement towards my writing :) Sure, here's my take on Arthur Hastings. I hope he's mostly in character.
Yandere! Arthur Hastings Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Fear of loss, Trauma, Violence, Murder mention, Breaking and entering briefly mentioned, Dubious companionship.
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Arthur would fall into the category of both being subtle and also a threat.
His obsession is subtle but he'll do some intense things to pursue his obsession.
His base personality is awkward, compliant, calm, patient, and collected.
Being around him doesn't set off many red flags if any, especially as you're a Downer in this concept like him.
He's simply a non-confrontational man trying to live life in a dystopian nightmare such as this.
What would make him come off as bad is the skills he can learn throughout the game.
He acts on his behavior behind your back, primarily with the stealth skill tree that allows him to get away with things.
He plays everyone around him, managing to be a charming smooth talker despite his awkward disposition.
To you Arthur may come off as a pushover.
He's stressed and nervous in intense situations and doesn't come off as much of a threat.
Which would make him a yandere able to draw his obsession in closer.
How could you be scared of him?
He's a simple man who means well... if anything you should be able to trust other Downers, right?
Arthur tries his hardest to preserve this trust between you.
Such trust allows him to keep you close while also doing is more unsavory duties.
Such things include stalking, theft for momentos, watching you sleep, bashing in the heads of those who are suspicious of you...
He's able to do this all while you're unaware!
To be honest, he thinks he's doing you a favor!
He's protecting you from a world that thrives off of destruction and drug addicts.
Plus, Arthur would feel attached to you due to the trauma he's endured with losing his brother.
He probably has attachment issues.
Arthur will play the role of a good wellie as he plans how to take you out of this situation.
Arthur's main goal of the game is to leave everything and search for his brother/freedom.
Arthur would no doubt take you with him, willingly or not.
You don't deserve to be in a situation such as this!
Arthur only wants to offer you a chance at something different.
If you come with him, you can both be happy!
No Joy needed!
Plus, then he has to resort to much less unsavory means of keeping you as his.
You may both fight at first... but Arthur thinks you'll come around.
Arthur loves to help people.
In his eyes, taking you away with him is helping you.
He wants you to run away with him, to start something new.
He wants it to the point he won't let you go when you try to refuse.
He fears losing you, he's already done so much to satiate his growing obsession over you and to protect you!
He wants you to know this.
Everything he does is now for you.
He'll do anything to start something with you.
He even plans to find a home for you to stay in, where it's safe and hidden from this dystopia.
When it comes to Arthur, you may actually agree to his offer.
He's nice to be around and truly means well... doesn't he?
After all, who else do you have to trust?
He offers you freedom... something you'll take with open arms... even if it simply cages you with him instead.
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brandnewhuman · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could do a slasher match up, it’s cool if not!
I’m a ✨fluffy✨ 5’5 gender-fluid person. I usually wear baby comfy clothes and usually have my hair down. I love to draw both traditional and digital. I love horror even though with my active imagination end up terrifying myself. I am an introvert but I have my extrovert moments. I usually keep to myself, but with people I trust I will spend hours talking or just vibing. I hate when people touch me unless either 1. I initiate touch. Or 2. I tell them that they are allowed to touch me. If anyone touches me that I don’t know or like, I have accidentally broken a few bones. I like to stay in my room most days and spend hours either reading, drawing, watching movies, or resting with mountain of plushies. I like to talk a lot but I have a social battery that when empty I will become aggressive. I am fairly strong due to having to help out on my families farm. I like fall more than the other season and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I also tend to have a people pleaser complex and tend to worry about others, but also somehow speak brutally honest.
I paired you up with...
♡ Rz Michael Myers ♡
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♪IT'S CUFFING SEASOOON♪ big boy here is your perfect match, bro is quite literally all you need ARGUE WITH THE WALL
For starters, i think we can all agree on the massive size kink we all collectively have in the slasher community and this man? BIG, HUGE EVEN. BRO IS BUILT LIKE A MF TREE.
Like you, he opens up only to people he truly loves and trusts so I think he would appreciate this personality trait of yours cause it makes him feel special to know you feel this nice around him, that you open up and start being more yourself when he's with you. Loves the stay at home activities and you can bet he's gonna do DIY projects and artsy stuff with you CAUSE OUR MAN HERE IS WHAT? TALENTED AND CREATIVE, EXACTLY.
Ngl, if he finds out you get a bit scared of horror movies because you overthink about them, he would fuck around and spook you from time to time but just for shits and giggles, never too seriously. Bro doesn't have a single ounce of respect inside his body.
Physical touch is difficult for him too, and because of how you are about it I think he would be perfect for you. He needs someone who won't make him feel guilty if he doesn't feel like being physically affectionate and stuff but at the same time he needs to be able to feel comfortable enough to know he can ask for it and try to be more affectionate without the person taking advantage of him. Weirdly enough, boundaries help him regulate himself on how to express his love for people cause he has never had anyone teaching him these things so he needs to be guided a little bit.
Speaking of social battery thing, his has never been charged lmao THIS MAN IS SO DONE WITH HUMANITY FR. But for you? He's sitting there and listening to every single word you might say. And you may think he's not gonna pay attention and end up forgetting everything BUT YOU'RE WRONG. He proves he listens with small gestures; if you talk about certain food things you like, you'll find them in the house the next day. If you tell him about a movie, he puts it on the TV when you're watching stuff with him the night after. If you talk about someone bothering you, they're gone. Which is a problem cause half of the fucking town will start to disappear since he takes even the smallest thing that might've annoyed you very seriously, BRO IS NOT PLAYING GAMES.. HE WILL KILL BITCHES FOR YOU. and in general too, but that's not the point. Also he loves to just hang out in silence around you if you don't wanna talk, and if you want alone time he's gonna take the opportunity and go do his own thing. This type of freedom and having the choice to finally do whatever he wants without being forced to do anything else is really refreshing for him.
As soon as you say Halloween is your fav Holliday he's gonna be like "you can't handle the uber instincts of my uber autism" AND GOES CRAZY FR FR. He makes you a Halloween mask, he sits with you to watch old horror movies, makes you buy candy or steals it for the both of you. Obviously he's gonna go and do some killz and all that jazz, BUT MOSTLY HE'S GONNA SPEND THE WHOLE DAY WITH YOU.
Overall he matches really well with your creative and chill personality, he feels safer with someone who's not overwhelmingly clingy and loving but still shows affection and stuff.
Song that matches the vibe:
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archangelween · 8 months
Theory on the demonic misspellings
I've earlier said that I think the misspellings are a code, a way to pass messages. Have a look at the demon's guide to angels book that Furfur has in the flashback:
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Every misspelling alludes to something that isn't what it seems to be. On the page where the actual angel drawing is, "angel" is spelled correctly. Every word is spelled correctly, because it's referring to nothing but what it truly means.
But look at the text opposite the drawing. We already know Aziraphale's entry was written mostly if not entirely by Crowley, and it's hiding their lust for each other. The fragment of the entry above, I think, is the same: quantitiees is spelled incorrectly, but every other word is correct, including "angel". Why? Because whoever wrote that entry is referring to the BDSM meaning of "punish" and the innuendo of "excessive" and "quantity", adding the extra e in there for a wink wink just how large do you mean: double double, toil and trouble.
Suspishus ears? They know they're being watched and overheard. But also, I would wager, Crowley nibbles those ears.
"Genrully be found wearing": Do I need to spell it out. SPELL IT OUT. Given the food is sex metaphor, he isn't wearing those clothes all that often.
Stationed: Land of the "Angles": This one I think, pulls in the references to the freemasons, and Aziraphale not being a "proper" angel. Freemasons place a huge emphasis on morality; one of their main symbols is the compass, which denotes the 90degree geometric angle that "solid" building foundations are laid with. It is idiomatically tied to "treating people right" and "dealing squarely" philosophy, ie their basis of morality. The "land of the angles", thus, is people, humans, morality: what heaven, hell, and god lack. This can also be a sex reference as in "the angle of bodies" but I think that is a bonus oblique reference.
"Residunce": Both Crowley and Aziraphale get plenty use out of the shop, don't they? They don't just live in there, either.
Music "Tyooter", Garden "Deziner", "magishun": to make someone sing your praises, various bush and snake in the grass references; the magic is both "magic hands" and thwarting heaven and hell right under their noses, in more ways than one.
Flaming "sord": do I need to say it.
"Avvoid": come closer, you'll be rewarded.
In Baraqiel's entry: I don't know if we've seen this angel so these are guesses. "Jinnjer", perhaps it wasn't originally? Or maybe it's a reference to the carpet matching the drapes, which means whoever wrote it would know that. "Occashunly" damp, I would think is absolutely a similar reference like Aziraphale's clothes and this entity is turned on.
Baraqiel's entry plus the fragment at the top raises the count to two other angels who believe it's part of the great plan to thwart every wile they encounter. Crowley and Aziraphale aren't the only ones with an arrangement, and it's significant that every angelic entry in the demonic guidebook is similarly compromised: every demon/angel pair is too. All the way up the chain.
So why are some words misspelled? Every one that would be a lie or misleading when spelled correctly, is spelled wrong. Every statement that's truthful, is spelled correctly. The final question is whether the misspelling is always deliberate or if it's wrong even when they don't know what they're saying is a lie.
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Jim isn't Gabriel. They can't surrender the angel because Jim isn't Gabriel, he isn't heaven's angel. He is literally not the angel they're looking for. I think Shax is also asking for something else here, though, what she asked for at the beginning of the show: surrender your morality and stop interfering, return to hell, give up Aziraphale who also isn't a proper angel, show Shax all the tricks and info she wants to know so she can get the same freedom Crowley has--which would endanger him and free Shax.
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ignitingthesky · 1 year
for the fic ask game. I’m A Flower You’re My Bee (i want real love baby)
from the Father John Misty song Real Love Baby !!!!!!
as far as I know we don't share fandoms and idk how you feel about Homestuck but, this is giving me arasol jsjsjskkss. also sorry in advance despite the really cute title it's gonna get a lil sad:
so I thought of an Aradia-centric no-sgrub AU with role reversal regarding the haunting, where Sollux is the one who dies and haunts Aradia (not sure about the setting yet but Aradia needs to have necromantic powers here)
Sollux isn't really made for haunting, just as a person, he's not scary + it's Aradia that's keeping him around.
perhaps he dies really young protecting her in an incident that endangered them both, and afterwards she sustains his ghost with her powers. things seem to stay the same, but as time passes and she grows up he remains the same
Here's where the "(I want real love baby)" comes in: I don't think she'll question whether he's real, but I think she'll end up questioning whether what she did truly preserved him as who he is or did she merely trap him in the instance he died protecting her, in a selfless moment of childhood love that is now static and unchanging. The gap between how they think and feel can only expand as she grows up and he remains the same.
So 'is it real love' applies both ways. is it real love to bind him to this earth? is his love real for being bound? Is he Sollux or a memory, frozen and unable to grow or change? Haunting isn't something the ghost does to the mortal, haunting is something the person conjures of the ghost.
Also the image of the romance between a flower and a bee draws out the themes of freedom and staticity too, alongside ideas of inevitable life cycles and the fleeting nature of contact between a flower and a bee. Going against nature and life to extend a fleeting moment into eternity
Don't know how to end this I don't want them to part and personally I support defying nature :'(
I think Aradia isn't the kind to cling on if it's obviously better to let go BUT I also think she wouldn't mind being haunted at all as long as it's not like. actually bad for Sollux to keep him around. it really comes down to whether the question is answered satisfactorily doesn't it? Can this be real?
We're doing Aradia's pov only and never portraying Sollux's interiority. For the sake of being frustrating.
Why not be haunted anyway? if the haunting persists until you die then you'll both be ghosts why not why not...
Send a fic title and I'll discuss how I'd write it
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r0-boat · 2 years
Writing Practice 2
Pack hunt
Slasher! Wolf brothers Cole and Holt x reader
Cw: mentions of harming reader, yandere, biting, drawing blood, kidnapping, no sex but heavily implied, non con.
Wanted to practice yanderes once again! Maybe in the future I'll have headcanons for the both of them.
Your captor's lips mashed against yours with every hungry kiss. Addicted to your scent he inhales deeply with every part of his lips, groaning as each touch of your soft pillowy lips gives him pleasure. 
More. Was the only thought on his mind
 you flinch when his sharp teeth graze against your bloody lip. Your sharp movements do not go unnoticed by him. You gently try to push him away when he rests his forehead on yours. His eyes are like a brown pool of insanity burning into yours as he forces you to look at him. He's a rough hand littered with scars digging into your chin holding you still.
"Still ain't used to me?"
You rip your eyes away from him.
Holt lets out a growl.
" Is it him?"
He gets up from the hardwood floor staring down at you, his eyes wide and full of fury.
" Are you still thinking about him?"
His hands balding up into fists. Hair undid falling into his face. You don't answer which only makes him angrier. Because to him as long as you're thinking about another man you'll never truly be his.
Holt yells slamming his fist into the wall above you his nails dig into the wooden walls, scratching down as he practically traps you between himself and the wall.
"I'll kill him… if he ever comes for you I'll skin that fucker and use him as my rug."
He smiles slowly falling onto his knees, his hand sliding down the wall until they reach the floor, trapping you underneath him.
"I won't let him touch ya, I won't let him lay a finger on my prized possession."
He purrs his voice making shivers run up your spine. His fingers grazing over your collar and then around your collarbone. He pulls open the collar of your shirt gazing inside. Holt clicks his tongue noticing all the marks he has made on your body slowly fading, even the deeper bite marks where he has drawn blood are beginning to finally fade 
"Shoot, my marks are all Fading… I'll have to make sure I kiss you lots sweetness."
He chuckles, pressing his lips against your forehead before finally getting back up and turning. 
" For now, I feel restless, I'll  be sure to visit you later after my nightly hunt."
One day he'll have you thoroughly trained to stay in his house and warm his bed without him worrying about you escaping. Train to not squirm when you sit in his lap or reject his tongue when he kisses you.
You hate him but he doesn't care, it doesn't matter what you think of him he'll teach you to love him…
Holt was worse than your previous captor, his younger brother. His eyes filled with love as he touched you so gently, he didn't speak much, only to murmur I love you into your ear while his hands explored your body, burning every touch of your soft skin in his mind.
You didn't want any of this, you never wanted any of this.
You pulled up your mattress, lifting it and taking the rock underneath.
Slowly but surely every night you've been chipping away at the chain around your leg.
Waiting for your captor to leave for the night before continuing.
The chain had begun to weaken over time so you hoped tonight was the night you would taste freedom once again.
When the chain finally snaps, you wasted no time running to where you saw light ever since the first time Holt held you down here 
A small window just enough for you to fit through. It was far out of your reach so he probably didn't think about covering it up,
Knowing him he'd probably thought he would have you in his arms instantly.
You try to find boxes, chairs, or any old farming equipment that's high enough to reach the window.
You smile seeing the window had a latch As soon as you unlatched it the cold fresh air greeted you once again. Your fingernails dig into the dirt as you try your hardest to squeeze yourself out of the window…
As soon as you got on your feet you took off. Darting into the fields and into the forest behind his old farmhouse, that same Farmhouse where he held his victims as he brutally tortures and slaughters them. That same farmhouse where he took you with full intent on killing you before deciding to keep you.
You ran as far as you could squeezing through the thicket as your old worn out clothes get scratched against the branches and leaves
You only stop for a moment to catch your breath, ignoring the burning pain of your feet. You wanted to sit down and rest, you may find a log or something to curl up in and sleep. The sound of a twig snapping somewhere makes your heart stop, reminding you that if you stop for a moment, he would be right behind.
You didn't notice something coming up behind you grabbing you by the neck and slamming you on the ground.
You felt him get on top of you all has to wait pressing down trapping you underneath him. 
You felt his breath against the back of your neck.
" I missed you"
His voice was rough, yet soft, as he only spoke to you in a whisper.
" Don't you know it's cruel to abandon your husband?" 
You saw the mask fall into the floor as you felt his lips on the back of your neck. Digging his teeth into your shoulder as he continues. Pressing his palm over your hand to muffle your screaming.
"mmph' Missed you! Missed you so much!"
He let's go your blood staining his teeth as he yells louder 
"Haha! Where have you been?! Where did you go?!" He turned you around, forcing you to face him. His red hair has grown out a little since the last time you saw him.  He notices a mark on your collarbone, his breathing rapids as he pulls down your collar you hear somewhere in your shirt tear from the force. Only to see more little blemishes underneath your shirt
He yells his eyes burning red with Fury. Waiting for an answer that will never come from you. Frightened, you couldn't say anything. Your silence makes him lose it.
He tears into your shirt.
He eyes another bruise on your chest. Planning on covering every bruise he saw with his teeth marks. Making sure he washes away trace of whatever man had you before.
He needed to know who did this to you. He needed to find them and blast their brains out with a shotgun like a good husband should. No one dares touch his spouse.
Cole immediately stopped in his tracks, his teeth barely grazing over the mark when you heard a gunshot, the ground exploding beside you, you whimpered in terror, shaking while Cole remained calm. Slowly turning to see and all too familiar silhouette
" Get your dirty paws off my property."
Cole got up off of you, grabbing your arm making sure you don't escape. His expression dies giving Holt a blank stare, hiding the fact that his blood was boiling immediately realizing that his older brother was the one marking you all those nights after you escaped from him
Holt refills his gun.
" they don't love you, you know"
He smiles when Cole started to snarl.
"... Because they were screaming my name last n-"
A red blur lunges at the gun flying out of his hand Holt's transformed trying to overpower his brother.
Cole's Paws around his brother's throat as Holt tries desperately to push his brother off him swinging with his claws.
You try to get back up on your feet hoping they'd be too distracted with each other to notice.
Only for Holt to Lunge in your way.
Cole blocking you're behind.
" you're not going anywhere sweetness." Holt growls
" be good and stay put don't think we won't find you if you run" Cole snarls.
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Little update ^^
Well, well, who'd've known, yours truly is reckless and got Covid "-.-
I blame Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard and my constant love for going to concerts after such a long time in this godforsaken lockdown :)
(my Dante side is showing)
Anyways, I'm isolated in my room now. I'm making this lil' update so I can tell you people: do take care of yourselves - but if you are in a risk group, take care of yourselves in double, please.
A year ago, my sister and my dad got Covid - they felt almost nothing. They just got really grumpy and locked in their rooms, waiting for the day of their sweet, sweet freedom. Apart from that, they felt only like a mild flu, nothing much.
As some of you know, I've an autoimmune liver disease - which puts me in risk group. I could barely get up yesterday - I slept the whole day, got up at 7 p.m, had fever the whole day and through the night, couldn't eat without feeling miserable and slept until 2 p.m today. My whole body hurts, my head also hurts really bad, I couldn't properly work on my artist tasks for the week, and I am so so so tired I think I'm gonna faint sometimes.
But worry not, I'm already feeling a little better today. I think the worst day was yesterday. Hopefully by next week I'll already be ok regarding this.
I'm just writing all this because seriously, we all react differently. I was so scared to get Covid and everyone kept telling me like "oh, it's ok, don't worry, if you get it you'll feel like a flu and in 2 days you're good" - I've been feeling like this for 4 days now. I'm really sick and miserable.
Point being: my reactions to this are VERY different than everyone else's and I'm not being too over the top when I'm still wearing masks and taking care of myself when going out.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking care of your health too. It's better to look like a weirdo than being sick like this, trust me ;)
My mom, in the other hand, is taking relentless care of me and is the one single being in this household to seem not to get sick. I say she's like Highlander, nothing can touch her.
Seriously. The woman ate a dead oyster in her youth and only felt a little sick in a flight home. She is the toughest being I've ever seen in my whole life. She got an Extreme Unction from a priest who thought she was going to die when she was like 12 years old and, lo and behold, the woman persevered.
Greek half-immortal heroes know nothing compared to my mom.
I do think Eva is pretty much like her in that department, no demonic or human disease could touch her
All in all, everything is fine. I'll take this isolation time to draw like a mad-woman, be more serious when studying languages, learning to play the guitar properly and writing more stuff to you guys.
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mariusdemh · 2 years
27/10: how strange is it to think about
as humans we are taught to grow up, fall in love, make a living and then die.
but no one is ever clear about how or with what premise we have. there are so many types of love that is nearly impossible to think of much less right about them all.
there's romantic love.
the kind of love that sweeps you off your feet and takes your breath away when you find it. the type of love that makes you want to share everything with that person. the type of love that makes you incomplete without them around. the type of love that has you smiling to think about fighting to obtain and begging to hold. it's like heroin addicting and hallucinative. it can make you see things that aren't there bit it can also help you breathe. it's freedom and security all at once. it's jumping into nothingness knowing that someone will be there to catch you as you land. it's fragile and precious from China plates. once you find it you'll know. so often do we mistake it for the love of a friend or a soulmate.
for soulmate love it's entirely it's own.
the love of a soulmate is burning. it's like a candle that flickers. it grows and waves about like wheat stocks in the wind. it starts strong and bold longing for destruction and companionship, but the thing about soulmate love is that it is not endless. the love of a soulmate is earned and it can fade. like the candle it dwindles with time. the light fades and eventually you are left gasping for air as you are drowned inthe burning wax of time. it's something that if you get the chance you're lucky to experience. it may end but most good things do and it changes you the better. it teaches you how to love, how to feel and how to accept. it changes, it grows and it dwindles, but soulmate love is worth all the pain.
platonic love.
how can i even begin to describe it. it's the emotional form of cool spring water over rough stones, the way the leaves float and glide., the air on the first day after a rainstorm. it's the smallest moments. the most imperceptible cracking of dry earth in autumn. it's infuriating. it absorbs you, draws you in like the feeling of hot tea in the pit of your stomach. platonic love is the person you can sit with in silence for hours on end without the slightest of unease. it's the person you will hold until your tears run dry without judgement. platonic love stops when trust is broken but once you felt it you longed for it forever. it's soothing, exciting, refreshing, thrilling, beautiful and broken.
if there was any type of love near unstoppable, it would be the love of a twin flame. it's passion, trust, heartache and endless. this is the love that rises above all else. this is a love that is so strong, a bond death is the only misfortune to truly break it. this is the love to withstand arguments, heartbreak, sorrow, pain, exhaustion. it's the love of an ancient willow tree. it bends and twists in the wind growing and adapting to its conditions. it's love like volcanic rock. it withstands flames and heat anger and rage. it melts into other forms gliding over everything in its path. it is distractive and harmful but it is so so beautiful. the love of twin flame is travellers, dancing under the stars singing to the wind. the gods of life and death wrapped together in an ethereal embrace. it's unbreakable.
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fierce is the love of a family.
not always the way you'd imagine. family comes in nearly as many forms as love and as with all love, all families are different, but one thing remains the same. whether it's who you were born to, the family you were brought into or the family you made for yourself love is the reason.
the love of a sibling is the feeling of riding on horseback through a field of flowers. it's the wind in your ears and the lurch in your stomach. it's rocky and unpredictable but it's solid and it is strong.
the love of a parent is protective. it's the warmth of the coffee down your throat embracing you in the cold. it's burning rich in flavour. there are families with neither some families or the friends we choose to be our home and with them it's scorching. the hot sand beneath your feet shifting and rocking but limitless and close.
sexual love is passion, overwhelming.
it engulfs you with lust and ideals. it's often unrealistic, mask like. it burns and twists like snakes in a pit writhing for room to break free, to escape, to lose control. it feels you with the sense of fulfillment so inadequate. it, in itself can be harmful with lustful love there comes sacrifice and compromise. but even through all that is irreplaceable with any other form of love. it's unique and binding. it takes hold of you, mind and body. it's terrible yet wonderful. incredibly difficult to understand so much so that many never do. it's confusion and uncertainty but the mystery makes it thrilling…
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self-improvementnow · 14 days
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alarrytale · 3 months
"I’m really happy for you, that you are satisfied with the minimum" > That is not the minimum, it is the HEALTHIEST relationship between an artist and people who like their art (usually that's what fans are, if you don't like his art what do you like him for? Being a puppet who does everything you want him to do EXCEPT being the artist he wants to be?) but are absolute strangers to them.
Artists don’t owe you a lot more than their music. When social media exploded, parasocial relationships became essentially a part of the artist’s marketing and a way to create a dedicated fanbase that will buy anything you put out. But now that there’s more awareness on the subject some people are starting to reel back on how much of themselves they want to truly share with the public and imo it’s for the better for both the artist and the audience’s mental health.
Hi, anon(s)!
I've talked about this before, but it bears repeating. It's not about anyone "owing" anything to anyone. Nobody ows anyone anything. It's about the relationship between artist and fan being a symbiotic relationship. Fans want artists to entertain them and artists needs fans to entertain to have a career. In order to have a career, artist needs to balance between having artistic integrity and freedom and catering to their fanbase. If you as an artist do what the fuck you want to your own taste, and not with fans and their wants in mind, you'll loose fans. If you only do what the fans want you will have no artistic freedom and you'll probably be very unhappy. So you need to find a middle ground.
There are hundreds of artists fighting for the same target groups and pool of fans. The artists who manage to build a fanbase, a fandom and a bond between the artist and fans will prevail. There are several ways to build a bond and between artist and fans. In order to stand out and to be able to draw attention and engage fans you need a unique selling point and you need to connect with fans. Releasing an album, going on stage and then going home won't make people want to be a fan, spend time on you, promote you, engage in your other ventures or stan you. You need to sell yourself, offer something of yourself and do fan service. There are too many artists who do fan service and do it well, who fans would love to ditch you for if you didn’t give them the time of day.
The only one's who can afford to release an album, go on tour and go home is established superstar artists, icons and legends who use years to craft a hit album. Even they would benefit from doing fan service. Beyoncé did a signing event for her fans in Japan.
I do see your point about creating a healthy relationship between fans and an artist, but that's only how it works in theory and not how it really is. As the second anon points out, the artist don't just want your money as an artist, they want the sponsor money from a company who's brand they plug to their fanbase, they want your loyalty and dedication as a fan, and our attention on them, the whole year around, not only when they've got an album out. Because they know as soon as they disappear from the tabloid headlines or from social media, fans attention will be elsewhere on someone else. They loose streams and money, and when they're ready to return to public view, their fanbase might have already moved on.
An artist may choose to do the bare minimum, but hardly anyone can afford it these days. Loyalty is hard to buy and people's attention span is short. If fans feel like their artist isn't appreciating their time, effort or attention properly, and they feel like the artist is trying to milk their last cent out of them without anything in return (an album every two or three years and a tour, but merch and products drop every few months), then fans will leave and stan someone more engaging and appriciative. If fans get discontent with the treatment they're recieving from the artist, or an artists dismissive behaviour (saying no to photos or not greeting fans), the voices of discontent will grow and you'll be on the outs. The artist can't afford that. So it's all in the balance.
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incarnateirony · 4 months
One of my clients was in a real bad way a few days back, and that one got me. I had technically safety planned him to include art in the technical sense to make sure it was done, but doubled back to ask what kind of art he did, and he got really shy. In that, you can tell he feels it's silly somehow. But he draws original characters ranging from dragons mostly, to A Character Named [His Trans Name] as he called it.
And that was the moment the conversation truly slammed me. With everything wrong my cocaine bear has done, and the writings she took, and the journal work I give others. Some days he struggles to have his energy to do his art, so I suggested he keep some pictures with his safety plan of his favorite comfort characters so even on days he is too burnt out to draw, he can know they're there for them and he can be there for himself, whether he needs to be The Dragon or A Guy Named [Name].
And he was like, wow, I really like how you put that. Yeah I guess it does come from inside me but it's easy to think about it as some other strong brave thing when you put it on the page, but I can be both.
And i was like, you should try drawing a blue one for me sometimes. It means freedom, less from any one force and more from our own fear of what others think about us.
And he was like... how did you know blue dragons are my favorite? My first ones were blue. I think I can do that, sure.
And that way, when this conversation ends, you'll know even if the other two are from you, you are not alone.
Yeah. He liked that.
So today during the day at work I got slapped with a few angles of mental image of a blueishwhitesilverish dragon, very blue eyes white dragon in style but not exactly that.
I mention it to Noiz and he's like "is that why i realy had the mood to draw that dragon today" [sends a rough sketch of a dragon, sorta flattened 2d basic sketch of similar pose.
You're kidding me right, are you vibing with my my fucking patients now.
I hope he's okay. I hope that means he found strength in it today, and not that he's struggling too hard.
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